Paper 1 Nelson Notes

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 You will always (almost) get a question each on Deductive Reasoning, Analogical

Argument, 4 types of definitions (Lexical, Stipulative, Precising, Persuasive).

 One question is appearing consistently from Government of India target of 175
GW renewable power (for which you have to remember just 3-4 lines).
 One Question from 10-12 types of research (every time).
 Very easy 4-5 questions on teaching and classroom concepts.
 One easy question on conversion from decimal to binary or otherwise.

Teaching Aptitude

1. Theory of Multiple Intelligence (Frequently asked Questions)

2. Classical Conditioning (Frequently asked Questions) - Evan

3. Bloom’s Taxonomy

4. E-Learning Facilities (Lot of Questions Asked).

Wonderful Short Notes:

I.    Concept of Teaching
Education is important for:
         Preservation and transmission of culture
         Preparation for a vocation

A proper definition of teaching should:

         Identify whether teaching is a process or product
         Indicate Constitutional factors
         Reveal Objectives
         Reveal Organizational & Structural Aspect

                  Definitions of Teaching

                  1.      Morrison
         A disciplined social process
         Where the teacher influences the behaviour of less experienced pupil
         Helps them develop according to the need & ideas of the society

2.      Smith
         An organized system of specific activities aimed to help the learner learn something
         Considered a tripolar process involving an agent, goal & intervening variables

3.      Brubacher
         Where the pupils play a central role

4.      Gage
         Personal relationship between teacher & taught resulting in behaviour modification

5.      Amidon
         A process of  cooperative social interaction between teacher and taught

6.      Clarke
         All organized activities resulting in behaviour modification

7.      Green
         What a teacher does for the development of a child

II. Nature and Characteristics of Teaching

Nature of Teaching:

a. Dynamic, Social & Humane: Influenced by human & social factors

b. An Art & Science: Exercise of being systematic & including talent & creativity
c. Diverse in Application: There are various forms of teaching

Characteristics of Teaching

a. A system of actions

b. A professional activity
c. Subjected to analysis & assessment
d. An interactive process
e. A specialized task
f.  A collection of various modes

III.    Aims & Modes of Teaching

Aims of Teaching

a. Change the behaviour of students – Teaching

b. Improve learning skills of students – Conditioning
c. Shaping behaviour & conduct – Training
d. Acquisition of knowledge – Instruction
e. Formation of beliefs  - Indoctrination

Modes of Teaching

1. Training helps to shape conduct and various skills

2. Instruction & Indoctrination work on a higher footing than conditioning & training
3. Instruction is concerned with the development of knowledge & understanding in an individual
4. Teaching is aimed towards the shaping of a total individual
5. Indoctrination is a high level of teaching shaping beliefs & ideals

IV.    Objectives of Teaching
         Desired changes in pupils
         Shape behaviour & conduct
         Acquisition of knowledge
         Improve learning skills
         Formation of a belief system
         Provide a social & efficient member to the society

V.   Modern Concepts of Teaching

a.       Questioning

         By the teacher to the student and student to the teacher

b.      Discussion

         Clears doubts of students

         Expression of thought
         Teacher directs discussion

c.       Investigation

         Either individual or group after the teacher presents the information

         Can be followed by expression of thoughts of the students

d.      Expression

         Can be in the form of practical activities

VI.   Basic Requirements in Teaching

a.       Three variables in teaching – Includes the Teacher, Student & Environmental factors
b.      Professionalism
c.       Suitable Environment
d.      Teacher Student Relationship
e.       Students Discipline
f.       Teacher & Students devotion to teaching & learning

Learner Characteristics

i. Readiness – Motivation, interest & curiosity to learn

ii. Exercise – Practice what is learnt
iii. Effect – Activities associated with pleasure are preferred over those that lead to pain or punishment
iv. Attitudes & Habits – Must be positive & encouraging
v.  Absence of anger & jealousy- They weaken learning abilities
vi.  Slow beginning followed by gradual development of interests

VII.   Factors Effecting Teaching

         The three variables of the teacher, student & environment
         Teacher student relationship
         Methods of teaching used
         Teacher- Administration relationship
         The social environment

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