Guide Iso50001 Checklist PDF

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German Environment Agency

Energy management systems in practice

The energy management checklist
The energy management checklist helps you to assess whether your EnMS conforms with the
requirements of ISO 50001:2018. The checklist contains a series of reference items, formulated
as questions and numbered consecutively. For easier reference, these are allocated to
superordinate topics marked with letters. If the EnMS has been implemented properly, you will
be able to answer the reference questions with "YES". On the right-hand side of the table you will
find a column for comments on each item. At the end of the checklist, you will find a concluding
evaluation of the sub-questions. Enter the number of questions answered with “Yes” and ”No” in
each sub-area. This allows you to identify, at a glance, the respective areas in which the EnMS
has been implemented in conformity with the standard as well as those areas that may still need

Use the comments column during the review process

Your comments can serve as a good reference point for improvement and optimization actions
once auditing and certification have been completed. Comments may be specific improvement
actions or references to certain areas that need further attention, for example.

Company data
This checklist has been created for the following
Zip code and city (i.e. registration):
Telephone number:
Contact: Telephone number:
Date of review:
No. Required elements Implementation; Comments

A Context of the organization

A1 Understanding the organization and its context

Have the external and internal issues that are relevant
in achieving the outcomes of the EnMS and improving
energy performance been identified?

A2 Understanding the needs and expectations of

interested parties

Have the relevant interested parties been identified?

Have the needs of interested parties been identified as
well as how they should be addressed in the EnMS?

A3 Determining the scope of the energy management


Have the sope and boundaries of the EnMS been
determined and documented?

B Leadership

B1 Leadership and commitment

Has the strategic direction of the organization been
taken into account when defining the energy policy,
objectives and energy targets?

Are the requirements of the EnMS integrated into the
business processes of the company?

No. Required elements Implementation; Comments

Does top management ensure that action plans are
approved and implemented?

Does top management ensure that the resources
required for the implementation and maintenance of
the EnMS are provided?

Are the importance of effective energy management as
well as the EnMS requirements communicated within
the organization?

Does top management promote continual improvement
of energy performance and the EnMS?

Are the relevant persons being directed and supported
so that they can contribute to the effectiveness of the
EnMS and to the improvement of energy performance?

Are other relevant management roles being supported
in order to demonstrate their leadership role in their
areas of responsibility?

Has an energy management team been put together?

Is ensured that the energy performance is adequately
represented by suitable EnPi(s)?

No. Required elements Implementation; Comments

B2 Energy policy

15. Is the energy policy appropriate to the purpose of the


16. Does the energy policy provide a framework for setting

and reviewing objectives and energy targets?

17. Does the energy policy include a committment to

ensure the availability of information and resources
required to achieve objectives and energy targets?

18. Does the energy policy include a committment to

comply with applicable legal and other requirements?

19. Does the energy policy include a committment to

continually improve the energy performance and the

20. Does the energy policy support the procurement of

energy-efficient products and services as well as design-
related activities that consider the improvement of
energy performance?

21. Has the energy policy been communicated within the

organization and has it been made available to
employees and interested parties in the form of
documented information?

22. Is the energy policy regularly reviewed and updated?

No. Required elements Implementation; Comments

B3 Organization roles, responsibilities and authorities

23. Has top management established relevant

responsibilities and authorities and communicated
these within the organization?

24. Has top management assigned the responsibilities and

authorities to the energy management team to ensure
that the EnMS meets the requirements of ISO 50001,
and is being developed, implemented, maintained and
continually improved?

25. Is the energy management team entitled to implement

action plans for the continual improvement of energy

26. Does the energy management team issue reports on the

performance of the EnMS and the improvement of
energy performance to management at determined

27. Is the energy management team responsible for and

entitled to establish criteria, methods and processes for
the effective operation and control of the EnMS?

No. Required elements Implementation; Comments

C Planning

C1 Actions to address risks and opportunities

28. Were activities and processes that impact energy

performance reviewed? Have internal and external
issues as well as the needs and expectations of
interested parties been taken into account?

29. Are risks and opportunities that need to be addressed in

order to achieve the intended outcomes, to prevent or
reduce undesirable effects and to achieve the continual
improvement of the EnMS and energy performance

30. Has the company planned actions to address these risks

and opportunities? Does the planning include how the
actions can be integrated into company processes and
how their effectiveness can be evaluated?

C2 Objectives, energy targets, and planning to achieve


31. Have objectives and energy targets been formulated

and documented that are consistent with the energy
policy, measurable, consider SEUs and take other
requirements into account?

32. Are objectives and energy targets monitored,

communicated and, if necessary, updated?

33. Have action plans been introduced and documented?

No. Required elements Implementation; Comments

34. Has been considered how the actions to achieve the

objectives and energy targets can be integrated into the
organization’s business processes?

C3 Energy review

35. Has an energy review been developed and conducted?

Have the associated results as well as the method and
criteria been documented?

36. Have time periods been established for updating the

energy review? Are actions in place to ensure that the
energy review is updated when major changes are made
to installations, sites, facilities, systems or processes?

37. Have the following aspects been considered in the

development of the energy review?

38. ► Analysis of energy use and consumption

39. ► Identification of SEUs as well as the relevant

variables for each SEU, the current energy
performance and relevant persons who influence
the SEU

40. ► Identification and prioritization of opportunities to

improve energy performance

41. ► Assessment of future energy use and energy


No. Required elements Implementation; Comments

C4 Energy performance indicators

42. Have suitable energy performance indicators been

defined for the measurement and monitoring of energy
performance, and are these indicators capable of
demonstrating improvement in energy performance?

43. Has the procedure for determining and updating EnPIs

been selected so that all relevant variables and static
factors are taken into account?

C5 Energy baseline

44. Has an energy baseline been developed on the basis of

the initial energy review and will it be refined as

C6 Planning for collection of energy data

45. Has a plan for the collection of energy-related data that

is appropriate in terms of size and complexity of the
organization been defined and implemented?

46. Does the energy-related data collection plan include the

main features relevant to the assessment of energy
performance (this may also be data not related to
energy, such as production volumes)?

47. Have you ensured that the measuring instruments used

allow for accurate and repeatable measurements?

No. Required elements Implementation; Comments

D Support

D1 Resources

48. Have the resources required to build, implement,

maintain and ensure the continual improvement of the
EnMS and energy performance been identified and

D2 Competence

49. Has the required competence of internal and external

persons whose activities could influence the energy
performance and the EnMS of the organization been
defined and determined?

50. Can the company provide verification of people's

competences, such as proof of vocational training,
trainings, skills and experience?

D3 Awareness

51. Are all employees and other relevant persons aware of

the following issues?

52. ► Energy policy

53. ► Their contribution to the effectiveness of the EnMS,

including the achievement of objectives and energy
targets and the benefits of improved energy

54. ► The impact of their activities and behavior on

energy performance

55. ► The implications of not conforming with the EnMS


No. Required elements Implementation; Comments

D4 Communication

56. Has the company defined who will communicate what,

when, with whom and how with regard to internal and
external communication of the EnMS?

57. Can anyone working under the supervision of the

organization submit suggestions on how to improve the
EnMS and energy performance?

D5 Documented information

D 5.1 General

58. Has all the documented information required in ISO

50001 been provided (a separate checklist for this can
be found in the main document in chapter 3.6
"Documentation and communication")?

59. Has the company determined what other documented

information is necessary to ensure the effectiveness of
the EnMS and verify the improvement of energy
performance and can this information be presented?

D 5.2 Creating and updating

60. When creating and updating documented information,

has the company ensured that labeling, descriptions and
formats are adequate and have a review and approval
been performed?

D 5.3 Control of documented information

61. Is the documented information available when needed,

suitable for use and adequately protected?

E Operation

No. Required elements Implementation; Comments

E1 Operational planning and control

62. Were the following aspects fulfilled when planning,

implementing and controlling the processes related to
the SEUs?

63. ► Definition of criteria that can lead to a significant

deviation from the anticipated energy performance
if they are not conformed with

64. ► Communication of criteria to all relevant persons

65. ► Control of processes in accordance with the

established criteria

66. ► Assurance of the correct execution of processes by

providing documented information

E2 Design

67. Have options for the improvement of energy

performance been considered and documented when
designing new or changing the design of existing
installations and processes?

E3 Procurement

68. Have criteria been defined for the evaluation of energy

performance in procurement?

69. Will suppliers who have an impact on the SEUs be

informed that energy performance is one of the
procurement criteria?

No. Required elements Implementation; Comments

F Performance evaluation

F1 Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation of

energy performance and the EnMS

70. Are the main characteristics of those company activities

that determine energy performance measured,
monitored and analyzed at scheduled intervals?

71. Have the following aspects been determined for the

assessment of energy performance and the EnMS?

72. ► What needs to be monitored and measured

73. ► The methods for monitoring, measurement,

analysis and evaluation

74. ► When monitoring and measurement is to be


75. ► When to analyze and evaluate the results of

monitoring and measurement

76. Have the improvements in energy performance been

assessed by comparing the corresponding EnPI values
with the corresponding EnBs?

F 1.1 Evaluation of compliance with legal requirements and

other requirements

77. Is compliance with legal regulations and other relevant

obligations regularly reviewed and documented?

F2 Internal audit

78. Have internal EnMS audits been performed at

scheduled intervals?

No. Required elements Implementation; Comments

79. Is a documented audit plan in place?

80. Have audit criteria and scope been defined for each

81. When selecting personnel for the audits, does the

company make sure that audit objectivity can be

82. Are results of the audit documented and reported to

the responsible members of management?

83. Are suitable actions carried out?

F3 Management review

84. Is the EnMS regularly audited by management?

85. Are the following general aspects of management

evaluation taken into account?

86. ► The status of the actions from previous

management reviews

87. ► Changes to external and internal issues that affect

the EnMS and associated risks and opportunities

88. ► Information about the performance of the EnMS as

well as possibilities for continual improvement

89. ► The energy policy

90. Have the following aspects been included in the input to

the management review?

No. Required elements Implementation; Comments

91. ► The extent to which energy targets have been


92. ► Energy performance and its improvement based on

monitoring and measurement results (including

93. ► Status of action plans

94. Do the results of the management review include all

decisions on opportunities for continual improvement
as well as any need for changes to the EnMS?

G Improvement

G1 Nonconformity and corrective actions

95. Have nonconformities been identified and corrective

actions been taken and their results documented?

G2 Continual improvement

96. Will the energy performance of the company and the

suitability, appropriateness and effectiveness of the
EnMS be continually improved?

No. Required elements Number of Number of
questions questions
answered with answered with
yes no
A Context of the organization
A1 Understanding the organization and its context
A2 Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties
A3 Determining the scope of the EnMS
B Leadership
B1 Leadership and commitment
B2 Energy policy
B3 Organization roles, responsibilities and authorities
C Planning
C1 Actions to address risks and opportunities
C2 Objectives, energy targets, and plans to achieve them
C3 Energy review
C4 Energy performance indicators
C5 Energy baseline
C6 Planning for collection of energy data
D Support
D1 Resources
D2 Competence
D3 Awareness
D4 Communication
D5 Documented information
D5.1 General
D5.2 Creating and updating
D5.3 Control of documented information
E Operation
E1 Operational planning and control
E2 Design
E3 Procurement
F Performance evaluation
F1 Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation of energy
performance and the EnMS
F1.1 Evaluation of compliance with legal requirement and other
F2 Internal audit
F3 Management review
G Improvement
G1 Nonconformity and corrective actions
G2 Continual improvement

Publisher Authors, Institutions
Umweltbundesamt Anton Barckhausen, adelphi
Wörlitzer Platz 1 Juliane Becker, adelphi
06844 Dessau-Roßlau Peter Malodobry, adelphi
Telephone: +49 340-2103-0 Nathanael Harfst, Niederrhein University
Fax: +49 340-2103-2285 of Applied Sciences
[email protected] Ulrich Nissen, Niederrhein University of
Applied Sciences

Completion: March 2020


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