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Sufficient Provision
for Seekers
of the Path of Truth
. - - Tariq
[Al-Ghunya li-Talibi . - al-Haqq]


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Sufficient Provision
for Seekers
of The Path of Truth
. - - Tariq
[Al Ghunya li-Talibi . - al-Haqq]


- - - -


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“He [Allåh] is the Truth.” Qur›ån (22:6)

Cover Design: Rohana Filippi

Using watercolor and wax to combine the beauty of Arabic
script with the Qur’ånic message on paper, Italian artist Rohana
Filippi has developed her own artistic style through personal
research and inner inspiration. Her art is entirely devoted to
“expressing Allåh’s presence everywhere.”
Ms. Filippi, who currently resides in Colombia, has lived and
worked in Italy, England, Mexico, and the United States.
Cover Design: Dryden Design, Houston, Texas
Cover Preparation: Susan Lee Graphic Design, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
Body text set in Jilani and Ghazali fonts by Al-Baz Publishing, Inc.
Printed on acid-free paper.

© 1997 by Al-Baz Publishing, Inc. Hollywood, Florida

Second Edition: January 2008

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any
form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying or
recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without permission
in writing by the publisher.

Library of Congress
Catalog Card Number: 95–75589

ISBN: 1–882216–09–1
Sufficient Provision for Seekers of the path of Truth, Vol. 3
ISBN: 1–882216–12–1
Sufficient Provision for Seekers of the path of Truth, set of 5 volumes

Published by Al-Baz Publishing, Inc.

8807 148th Ave. NE, Building E, Redmond, WA 98052
Phone: (425) 869-3923 E-mail: [email protected]


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On the excellent qualities of the month of Rajab. 5
On the special merit of the month of Sha‹bån. 54
On the excellent qualities of the month of Ramaæån. 70
On the special qualities of the Ten Days [Ayyåm al-‹Ashr]. 166
On the special qualities of the Day of ‹Arafa. 204
On the special qualities of the Day of Sacrifice [Yawm al-Aæ¥å]
and the Day of Immolation [Yawm al-Na¥r]. 228
On the special qualities of the day of ‹Ásh«rå›. 278
On the special qualities of the Day of Congregation
[Yawm al-Jum‹a]. 295
On the vital importance of (1) repentance, (2) sincere devotion,
and (3) the abandonment of hypocritical display. 326
On the special qualities of (1) the days of the week and
(2) the “white days” [al-ayyåm al-bºæ]. 351





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Fifth Discourse 1

Sufficient Provision
for Seekers
of the Path of Truth
[Al-Ghunya li-Talibi - al-Haqq]
. - - Tariq .


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2 Volume Three

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Fifth Discourse 3

So remember Me,
and I will remember you…
(Qur݌n 2:152)

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4 Volume Three

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Fifth Discourse 5

The Fifth Discourse

On the excellent qualities of the month of Rajab.

A llåh (Almighty and Glorious is He) has told us:

The number of the months inna ‹iddata ’sh-shuh«ri
in the sight of Allåh is ‹inda ’llåhi ’thnå
twelve months. [They were ‹ashara shahran
already inscribed] in the Book fº kitåbi ’llåhi
of Allåh on the day when yawma
He created the heavens khalaqa ’s-samåwåti
and the earth; wa ’l-aræa
four of them are sacred. min-hå arba‹atun ¥urum:
That is the right religion. dhålika ’d-dºnu ’l-qayyim:
So do not wrong yourselves fa-lå taœlim« fº-hinna
in them. And wage all-out war anfusa-kum:
on those who attribute partners wa qåtilu ’l-mushrikºna kåffatan
[to Allåh], just as they are waging ka-må yuqåtil«na-kum kåffa:
all-out war on you; and know that wa ’ ‹lam« anna ’llåha
Allåh is with those who are ma‹a ’l-muttaqºn.
truly devoted [to His service]. (9:36)
The occasion [sabab] of the revelation of this verse [åya] was as
follows: The believers [mu›min«n] had traveled from Medina to meet
the people of Mecca, before that city was conquered by Allåh’s
Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him peace), and they said: “We
are afraid that the unbelievers [kuffår] of Mecca may engage us in
combat during a sacred month [shahr ¥aråm].” Allåh (Exalted is He)
therefore sent down the revelation: “The number of the months in the
sight of Allåh is twelve months. [They were already inscribed] in the
Book of Allåh”—i.e., on the Well-Kept Tablet [al-Law¥ al-Ma¥f«œ]—
“on the day when He created the heavens and the earth; four of
them are sacred….”
The names of the four months referred to as sacred are: Rajab, Dhu’l-
Qa‹da, Dhu ’l-ªijja, and Mu¥arram. One of these stands in isolation,

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6 Volume Three

namely, Rajab, while the other three occur in consecutive sequence [in
the Islåmic calendar].1
In this context, the expression: “That is the right dºn” means: “…the
right and proper computation [¥isåb].”
As for the sentence: “So do not wrong yourselves in them,” the
meaning is: “…in the sacred months.” Allåh (Exalted is He) has
applied this prohibition to these four months specifically, in order to
make us clearly understand that they deserve particular respect because
of the magnitude of their holiness. In other words, it is in order to
emphasize their special importance that He mentions them explicitly,
rather than any of the other months, in connection with the prohibition
of wrongdoing, although wrongdoing is actually forbidden during all
the months of the year.
To clarify this point still further, let us consider a similar instance.
Allåh (Exalted is He) has said:
Be careful to observe your prayers, ¥åfiœ« ‹ala ’ƒ-ƒalawåti
and [especially] the middle prayer. wa ’ƒ-ƒalåti ’l-wus£å.
In this particular verse [åya] of the Qur›ån, the emphasis is placed on
the duty to observe the “middle” prayer, meaning the mid-afternoon
prayer [‹aƒr]. Although the commandment actually applies compre-
hensively to all observance of the ritual prayer [ƒalåt], the “middle”
prayer has been singled out for special mention, in order to stress the
importance of treating it with particular respect.2
The prohibition of wrongdoing [œulm] in the sacred months can be
interpreted to mean: “During those months, you must not kill any of
the Arabs who are guilty of polytheism [mushrikº ’l-‹Arab], unless they
take the initiative where killing is concerned.”
Ab« Yazºd [al-Bis£åmº]3 (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him)
once said: “Wrongdoing [œulm] means the renunciation of obedience
1 Rajab is the seventh month of the Islåmic calendar, while Dhu ’l-Qa‹da, Dhu ’l-ªijja and
Mu¥arram are the eleventh, twelfth and first months, respectively.
2 As ‹Abdullåh Y«suf ‹Alº remarks, in a footnote to his translation of this Qur›ånic verse [åya]:
“This [mid-afternoon prayer] is apt to be most neglected, and yet this is the most necessary to
remind us of God in the midst of our worldly affairs.”
3 Ab« Yazºd ¡aif«r ibn ‹Ïså ibn Sorushån al-Bis£åmº (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him),
whose grandfather Sorushån was a Zoroastrian, was born in the district of Bis£åm in northeastern
Persia, and it was there that he died in A.H. 261 or 264/874 or 877 C.E. His mausoleum still stands
as a place of pious visitation. He is famous for the boldness of his utterances, and is regarded as
the founder of the ecstatic or “drunken” school of Islåmic mysticism (as opposed to the “sober”
6school founded by al-Junaid).

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Fifth Discourse 7

to Allåh (Exalted is He) and the perpetration of acts of sinful disobe-

dience against Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He).” Wrongdoing was
also what someone else had in mind, when he said: “It means putting
something in a place where it does not belong.”
Allåh (Exalted is He) goes on to say: “And wage all-out war on those
who attribute partners [to Allåh],” referring to the unbelievers [kuffår]
of Mecca, “just as they are waging all-out war on you.” In other words:
“If they wage war on you during the sacred month, wage all-out war on
them!” Then, when He says: “And know that Allåh is with those who
are truly devoted [to His service],” He means that He is ready to support
them in their efforts.
As for the correct interpretation of the phrase ad-dºn al-qayyim
[usually translated as “the right religion”], there is some difference of
opinion among the experts in the science of Qur݌nic exegesis [ahl
at-tafsºr]. According to Muqåtil (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon
him), ad-dºn al-qayyim is synonymous with ad-dºn al-¥aqq [the true
religion]. There are those who maintain that it is synonymous with
ad-dºn aƒ-ƒådiq [the authentic religion], meaning the religion of Islåm.
Some say that it is a synonym for dºn al-ªanºfiyya [the religion of the
ªanºfs],4 while yet others interpret ad-dºn al-qayyim as meaning: “that
which Allåh has commanded the Muslims to practice.”

4 The term al-ªanºfiyya could be translated “ªanºf-ism” According to the Arabic lexicographers,
the term ¥anºf (the plural of which is ¥unafå›) means:
• Inclining to a right state or tendency.
• Inclining from one religion to another.
• Inclining from any false religion to the true religion.
• Inclining in a perfect manner to Islåm, and continuing firm therein.
• One who is of the religion of Abraham (peace be upon him).
The singular form ¥anºf occurs ten times in the Qur›ån (2:135; 3:67; 3:95; 4:125; 6:80; 6:161;
10:105; 16:120; 16:123; 30:31.) There are also two occurrences of the plural form ¥unafå› (22:31;
98:5.) In six of these Qur›ånic verses [åyåt] the reference is to Abraham (peace be upon him) and
his religion [milla]. In the other verses, the term ¥anºf (or ¥unafå›) is used—without specific
reference to Abraham (peace be upon him)—of a person (or people) ‘turning only toward
Allåh,’ or ‘turning only toward the true religion [dºn]’. In the traditional accounts of the early
stages of Islåm, the term is also applied to those who—as Hughes puts it in his Dictionary of Islam—
“had endeavored to search for the truth among the mass of conflicting dogmas and superstitions
of the religions that existed in Arabia.”

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8 Volume Three

Concerning the etymological derivation

of the word Rajab.

I n the technical terminology of Arabic linguistics, Rajab is classed as

a derivative noun [ism mushtaqq]. Its meaning can be deduced from
the fact that r-j-b, the triconsonantal root from which it is derived,
conveys the basic idea of “honor; veneration.” In the speech of the
desert Arabs, the verbal noun tarjºb is a synonym for ta‹œºm [to magnify,
glorify, honor, venerate], so the corresponding verb is used in the
expression: “I have venerated [rajjabtu] this month.”
The passive participle murajjab occurs in the famous saying of
al-ªubåb ibn al-Mundhir ibn al-Jam«¥, which he uttered on the day of
the argument in the roofed passage known as the Portico of the Banº
Så‹ida, on the day when Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give
him peace) was taken from this world [tuwuffiya]. The Emigrants
[Muhåjir«n] and the Helpers [Anƒår]5 were in dispute over the question
of whom to appoint as a leader, so the Helpers said: “Let one of us be
a leader, and let one of you be a leader as well!” The story is widely
known, so let me get straight to the point where al-ªubåb became so
angry that he drew his sword and cried: “I am their much-rubbed little
rubbing post, and their respectfully propped-up [murajjab] little palm-
tree loaded with fruit.” This was his way of saying: “I am the mighty one
among my people, the one who commands their obedience.”
The fruitful little palm tree called ‹udhaiq, which is the diminutive
form of ‹adhq, is a date palm held in great respect by its owners, who
would take great care to prop it up whenever it bent too far over to one
side, in case it should topple right over. The term rujba is applied to the
structure erected around the date palm to keep it propped up. As for the
much-rubbed little rubbing post (judhail, the diminutive form of jidhl),
5Of the Companions of the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace), those who had
migrated, i.e., had made the Hijra from Mecca to Medina, were known as the Emigrants
[Muhåjir«n], while those who had embraced Islåm in Medina were known as the Helpers [Anƒår].

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Fifth Discourse 9

this was a reference to the trunk of the date palm, against which mangy
camels like to rub themselves in order to relieve their itch.6
According to Ab« Zaid, who cites Ya¥yå ibn Ziyåd al-Farrå› as his
authority: “Rajab acquired its name precisely because it was in this
month that the Arabs were in the habit of propping up [yurajjib«na] the
fruit-laden branches of their date palms, as well as plaiting their leaves
together to prevent them being shaken by the wind. If you treat the date
palm with this kind of reverential care, you may therefore say: ‘I have
honored the date palm by propping it up [rajjabtu ’n-nakhlata tarjºbå].’”
There are some who maintain that tarjºb means: “putting a net of
thorns over the fruit-laden branches, to keep them beyond the reach of
greedy hands, and to prevent the fruit from falling and being scattered
about on the ground.”
According to others, tarjºb means: “using some form of support to
shore up the date palm when it leans over, in case it should topple right
over and fall to the ground.”
Yet others maintain that it is taken from the idiomatic expression, “I
rajjabtu something,” by which an Arab of the desert would mean: “I was
scared of it.”
Then again, there are some who say that tarjºb means “to get oneself
ready and make preparations,” because of the saying of the Prophet
(Allåh bless him and give him peace):
In it [the month of Rajab] one has an excellent opportunity to prepare [yurajjib]
for [the coming month of] Sha‹bån.
Still others insist that tarjºb means “constant repetition of the remem-
brance and glorification of Allåh (Exalted is He),” because the angels
raise [yurajjib«na] their voices in it [the month of Rajab] as they extol
the Majesty of Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He), praising Him and
proclaiming His Holiness with all their might.
It should also be noted that this same month is sometimes called the
month of Rajam, spelled with the Arabic letter mºm, in which case it
signifies: “[the month] in which the devils [shay壺n] are pelted with
shooting stars [turjamu], so that they cannot cause any harm to the
believers [mu›minºn] during that period of time.”
[In the unvoweled Arabic script] the word Rajab is spelled with three
letters, namely, rå›, jºm, and bå›. The initial letter rå› stands for the
6 Author’s
note: According to some authorities, a jidhl is a wooden post that is set up in places
where camels drink and rest, because baby camels like to rub themselves against it.

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10 Volume Three

Ra¥ma [Mercy] of Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He), while the

middle letter jºm stands for the J«d [Noble Generosity] of Allåh (Exalted
is He), and the final letter bå› stands for the Birr [Beneficent Kindness]
of Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He). This indicates that three gifts
from Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He) are available to His servants
from the very beginning of this month right through to its very end,
namely, the Mercy of Allåh without any hint of punishment, Noble
Generosity without any hint of stinginess, and Beneficent Kindness
without any hint of harsh treatment.


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Fifth Discourse 11

Concerning some other names given

to the month of Rajab.

T he month of Rajab has several other names, including: Rajab

Muæar [The Rajab of the tribe of Muæar]; Munƒil/Manƒal al-Asinna
[The Remover of Arrowheads, Spearheads, etc.]; Shahru’llåh al-Aƒamm
[The Quiet Month of Allåh];7 Shahru’llåh al-Aƒabb [The Bountiful
Month of Allåh];8 ash-Shahru ’l-Mu£ahhir [The Purifying Month];
ash-Shahru ’s-Såbiq [The Preeminent or Antecedent Month]; ash-Shahru ’l-
Fard [The Solitary Month].
1. As for the name Rajab Muæar [The Rajab of the tribe of Muæar]
and how it came to be given to this month, we know from traditional
reports that the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) said in
one of his sermons [khu£ab]:9
Time has swung around full circle, so that it is now divided according to the
same calendrical pattern as on the day when Allåh created the heavens and the
earth. The year has twelve months, four of which are sacred. Three of these are
consecutive, namely, Dhu’l-Qa‹da, Dhu’l-ªijja and Mu¥arram, while one is
separate, namely, Rajab of [the tribe of] Muæar, which comes between Jumådå
and Sha‹bån.
The position of Rajab in the calendar was definitively established by
his statement that it comes “between Jumådå10 and Sha‹bån,” thereby
abolishing the postponement [nasº›] that had been practiced by the
Arabs in the Time of Ignorance [Jåhiliyya]. Allåh (Almighty and
Glorious is He) was referring to this practice when He said:
The postponement [of a sacred innama ’n-nasº›u
month] is nothing but an increase ziyådatun fi ’l-kufri
7 Or, “The Month of Allåh in which no jarring sounds are to be heard.” (The literal meaning of
the word aƒamm is “deaf.”)
8 This translation is based on the explanations given further on in this Discourse. According to
the Arabic lexicographers, aƒabb is merely a dialectic variant of aƒamm. (See: E. W. Lane, Arabic-
English Lexicon, art. »–B–B and art. ª–R–M [Mu¥arram].)
9 See p. 23 below.
10 The full name of the sixth month is Jumådå ’l-Ákhira [The Latter Jumådå], while the fifth month
is called Jumådå ’l-Úlå [The First Jumådå]. 11

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12 Volume Three

in unbelief, by which the unbelievers yuæallu bi-hi ’lladhºna

are led astray. (9:37) kafar«.
The historical background to this is as follows: When the Arabs of
the Time of Ignorance [Jåhiliyya] were about to make the return journey
from Minå [at the conclusion of the Pilgrimage], it was customary for a
man called Nu‹aim ibn Tha‹laba, the tribal chief of the Banº Kinåna,
to stand up and say: “I am surely not one to be accused of a sin or
reproached with a fault [lå u¥åbu wa lå u‹åbu], nor is a judgment of mine
to be rejected.” They would then say to him: “You have spoken the
truth. Now postpone a month for us!” What they meant by this was:
“For our convenience, defer the sacredness of the month of Mu¥arram
and shift it to the month of »afar,11 so that we can treat Mu¥arram as
profane.” Their motive was simply to avoid having three months in a
row during which they could not engage in predatory expeditions, since
raiding for plunder and pillage had come to be their regular means of
livelihood. The postponement [inså›]12 would be effective for one
year,13 and then they would revert to the situation where Mu¥arram was
regarded as sacred and »afar as free from taboo.
This should help to explain why the Prophet (Allåh bless him and
give him peace) added a qualifying word to the name Rajab, and why
he defined it by placing it between two points of reference. In the first
place, he called it Rajab Muæar [The Rajab of the tribe of Muæar],
because the tribe of Muæar had always gone to great lengths in extolling
its dignity, exalting its importance, and respecting its sacredness. In the
second place, he fixed its position in the calendar by stating categori-
cally that it comes between Jumådå and Sha‹bån, as a precaution
against the kind of juggling to and fro that happened when the
sacredness of Mu¥arram was transferred to »afar. By drawing attention
to the special quality of the month, and by fixing its position in the
calendar, he emphasized its importance and made sure that it would be
treated as sacred for all time to come.
11 »afar is the second month in the Islåmic calendar.
12 Author’s note: This concept of postponement [inså›, from the triliteral root n-s-›] has given
rise to the expressions: nasa›a ’llåhu fº ajalihi and ansa›a ’llåhu ajalahu [both meaning: “Allåh has
postponed his appointed term, i.e., prolonged his life.”]
13 As E. W. Lane points out (in his Arabic-English Lexicon, art. N–S–› ): “This [postponement],
as appears from what is said in the Qur›ån 9:37, was not done every year.” He is referring to the
second sentence in that verse [åya] of the Qur›ån, immediately following the sentence quoted in
the text above, where Allåh (Exalted is He) says:
One year they treat it as profane, and another year they treat it as sacred [yu¥ill«nahu ‹åman wa
yu¥arrim«nahu ‹åman].

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Fifth Discourse 13

Some say that it came to be called Rajab Muæar because it was during
this month that a certain unbeliever once invoked a curse on the
members of one of the clans, whereupon Allåh (Almighty and Glorious
is He) destroyed them all.14 It has also been said that the invocation
[du‹å›] of a curse against cruel oppressors, or against any tyrant, is sure
to be accepted in this month, and that people in the Time of Ignorance
[Jåhiliyya] would therefore wait until the month of Rajab before making
their prayers for the damnation of those who had cruelly oppressed
them, for they could then feel confident that they would not suffer the
disappointment of having those prayers rejected.
2. As for the name Munƒil/Manƒal al-Asinna [The Remover of
Arrowheads, Spearheads, etc.], the month was so called because the
Arabs used to get ready for it by removing the sharp heads from their
spears, and by sheathing their swords and arrows, as a mark of respect
for its sacred character.15
3. As for the name Shahru’llåh al-Aƒamm [The “Deaf” Month of
Allåh], this is variously explained in a number of traditional reports and
sayings. For instance:
When the appearance of the new moon had heralded the advent of
Rajab, ‹Uthmån ibn ‹Affån (may Allåh be well pleased with him) went
up into the pulpit [minbar] on Friday, the Day of Congregation. After
he had delivered the formal sermon [khu£ba], he went on to say: “Well
now, this is the ‘Deaf’ Month of Allåh. It is in this month that your
alms-due [zakåt] must be paid, so those who have debts outstanding
must settle their debts, then pay the alms-due out of what they have
left over.”16
According to Ibn al-Anbårº: “It was called al-Aƒamm for the following
reason: As soon as the new moon appeared at the beginning of Rajab,
the Arabs of the desert, who were otherwise perpetually engaged in
feuding with one another, would lay down their weapons and remove
14 The verb maææara, apparently derived from Muæar, occurs in the saying: “May Allåh collect
them together in the Fire of Hell [maææaraha ’llåhu fi ’n-når].” (See: E. W. Lane, Arabic-English
Lexicon, art. M–Œ–R.)
15 Author’s note: If an Arabic-speaking person uses the expression naƒƒaltu ’s-sahm, he will be
understood to mean: “I have fitted an iron head [naƒl] to the arrow.” If, on the other hand, he
wishes to make the statement: “I have detached its iron head from it,” he will use the expression
16 In this case, the implication would seem to be that the month of Rajab is called Shahru’llåh
al-Aƒamm because it is deaf to excuses from anyone who is reluctant to pay the alms-due [zakåt].


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14 Volume Three

the heads from their spears and arrows. As a result, the clash of arms and
the swishing noise of spears would not be heard for the duration of the
month. A man might have gone out riding in search of his father’s
killer, but if he spotted him during Rajab he would not confront him.
He would act as if he could neither see him nor hear him. This explains
why it was called the ‘Deaf’ month.”
Some say that it came to be called ‘Deaf’ because it was never possible
to hear the wrath of Allåh (Exalted is He) being vented against any
group of people during this month. This was because Allåh (Exalted is
He) had chastised the nations of yore during the other months, but He
had never punished any community [umma] during this month. It was
in this month, they say, that Allåh put Noah [N«¥] aboard the ark
[safºna], in which he and those who accompanied him were to spend the
next six months.
According to one report, it was Ibråhºm an-Nakha‹º who said: “Rajab
is the month of Allåh (Exalted is He). It was in this month that Allåh
put Noah aboard the ark. Noah (peace be upon him) then spent the
month fasting aboard the ark, and he ordered those who accompanied
him to keep the same fast, so Allåh (Exalted is He) kept him and those
who were with him safe from the flood [£«fån], while He purified the
earth by ridding it of idolatrous polytheism [shirk] and aggressive
behavior [‹udwån].”
According to some other traditional authorities, a version of this
saying can be traced all the way back to the Prophet himself (Allåh bless
him and give him peace). One such report is that of Hibatu’llåh, who
informs us, on the strength of a chain of transmission [isnåd] via Ab«
ªåzim from Sahl ibn Sa‹d (may Allåh be well pleased with him), that
the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) once said:
There can be no doubt that Rajab is one of the sacred months. It was in this
month that Allåh put Noah aboard the ark. Noah (peace be upon him) then
spent the month fasting aboard the ark, and he ordered those who accompanied
him to keep the same fast, so Allåh (Exalted is He) delivered them and kept
them safe from drowning, while Allåh used the flood [£«fån] to purify the earth
by ridding it of unbelief [kufr] and tyranny [£ughyån].
Someone said: “It is called ‘Deaf’ because it is deaf to your crude and
erroneous behavior, although it is a receptive listener to your meritorious
and honorable conduct, O believer [yå mu›min]! Allåh (Exalted is He)


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Fifth Discourse 15

has made it deaf to your crude and erroneous behavior, so that, instead
of testifying against you on that score on the Day of Resurrection [Yawm
al Qiyåma], it will be a witness in your favor, testifying to what it heard
of your meritorious conduct and excellent behavior in the course of the
4. As for the name Shahru’llåh al-Aƒabb [The Bountiful Month of
Allåh], the meaning it conveys is that Divine Mercy [Ra¥ma] comes
pouring down [taƒibbu ƒabban] upon His servants during this month, and
that Allåh (Exalted is He) grants them generous favors and rewards the
like of which no eye has ever seen, no ear has ever heard, and no human
heart has ever conceived.
Relevant in this context is the traditional report related to us by Imåm
Hibatu’llåh ibn al-Mubårak as-Saqa£i (may Allåh bestow His mercy
upon him). According to this report, transmitted on good authority,17
the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) once said:
The number of the months in the sight of Allåh (Exalted is He) is twelve
months. [They were already inscribed] in the Book of Allåh on the day when
He created the heavens and the earth. Four of them are sacred: Rajab, which
is called Shahru’llåh al-Aƒamm [The ‘Deaf’ Month of Allåh], and three others
that occur in sequence, namely, Dhu ’l-Qa‹da, Dhu ’l-ªijja and Mu¥arram. It
should also be noted that Rajab is Allåh’s month, while Sha‹bån is my month,
and Ramaæån is the month of my Community [Ummatº].
If someone has fasted for one day in the month of Rajab, in a spirit of faith
[ºmånan] and reckoning on a reward in the hereafter [i¥tisåban], he will deserve
the greatest favor [riæwån] of Allåh, and he will be lodged in the highest Paradise
If someone has fasted for two days in that month, he will merit a twofold reward,
and the weight of each of the two parts will be like that of the mountains of this
If someone has fasted for three days in Rajab, Allåh will cause a trench to be dug
between him and the Fire of Hell, a trench so wide that it would take a whole
year to travel from one side of it to the other.
If someone has fasted for four days in Rajab, he will be immunized against such
afflictions as insanity [jun«n],18 elephantiasis [judhåm] and leprosy [baraƒ],19 and
also against the mischief of the False Messiah [al-Masº¥ ad-Dajjål].
17 Author’s note: The chain of transmission [isnåd] cited by Imåm Hibatu’llåh ibn al-Mubårak
as-Saqa£i (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him) is as follows: al-A‹mash—Ibråhºm
[an-Nakha‹º]—‹Alqama—Ab« Sa‹ºd al-Khudrº (may Allåh be well pleased with him)—the
Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace).
18 The term jun«n is derived from the same triconsonantal root—j-n-n—as the words jinn and jinnº.
It originally signified “a state of possession by a jinnº or by several jinn.”
19 The term baraƒ is applied particularly to the malignant species of leprosy termed “leuce.” (See:
E.W. Lane, Arabic-English Lexicon, art. B–R–».) 15

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16 Volume Three

If someone has fasted for five days in Rajab, he will be sheltered from the
torment of the tomb [‹adhåb al-qabr].
If someone has fasted for six days in Rajab, he will emerge from his grave [at the
Resurrection] with his face shining brighter than the moon on the night when
it is full [lailat al-badr].
If someone has fasted for seven days in Rajab, Allåh will lock each of the seven
gates of Hell [Jahannam] to make sure that he stays out of it, one gate for each
of his seven days of fasting.
If someone has fasted for eight days in Rajab, Allåh will open each of the eight
gates of the Garden of Paradise for his benefit, one gate for each of his eight days
of fasting.
If someone has fasted for nine days in Rajab, he will cry out as he emerges from
his grave [at the Resurrection]: “I testify that there is none worthy of worship
except Allåh [ashhadu allå ilåha illa ’llåh],” and his gaze will not be deflected
toward anything short of the Garden of Paradise.
If someone has fasted for ten days in Rajab, Allåh (Exalted is He) will provide
him with a mattress on which to rest in comfort at every milestone on the
Narrow Bridge [»irå£].
If someone has fasted for eleven days in Rajab, it will be obvious at the
Resurrection that no one is more deserving than he, except those who have
fasted as much or even more.
If someone has fasted for twelve days in Rajab, Allåh (Exalted is He) will clothe
him in two garments, and one of these garments alone will be better than this
world and all that it contains.
If someone has fasted for thirteen days in Rajab, a table will be spread for him
on the Day of Resurrection in the shade of the Heavenly Throne [‹Arsh], so that
he can eat from it while most of the people are in dire distress.
If someone has fasted for fourteen days in Rajab, Allåh (Almighty and Glorious
is He) will grant him gifts the like of which no eye has ever seen, no ear has ever
heard, and no human heart has ever conceived.
If someone has fasted for fifteen days in Rajab, Allåh (Exalted is He) will install
him on the Day of Resurrection in the station of those who are safe and secure
[åminºn], and no favored angel [malak muqarrab] or Prophet-Messenger [Nabº
Mursal] will pass him by without saying to him: “Congratulations to you, for you
are one of those who are safe and secure!”
In a different version of this report, the list is carried on beyond fifteen:
If someone has fasted for sixteen days in Rajab, he will be among the first to visit
the All-Merciful [ar-Ra¥mån], to behold Him, and to hear His speech.
If someone has fasted for seventeen days in Rajab, Allåh will set up a
comfortable rest stop for him at every milestone on the Narrow Bridge [»irå£].
If someone has fasted for eighteen days in Rajab, he will rub shoulders with
Abraham (peace be upon him) in his domed pavilion [qubba].


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Fifth Discourse 17

If someone has fasted for nineteen days in Rajab, Allåh will build him a palace
in the Garden of Paradise, facing the palace of Abraham and Adam (peace be
upon them both), where he will salute them with the greeting of peace [yusallimu
‹alaihimå] and they will salute him with the greeting of peace [yusallimåni ‹alaih].
If someone has fasted for twenty days in Rajab, a crier will call out from heaven
above: “O servant of Allåh, whatever may have happened in the past, Allåh has
already forgiven you, so make a fresh start on the good work you can do in the
time you have left!”
5. As for the name ash-Shahru ’l-Mu£ahhir [The Purifying Month],
it is so called because it purifies [yu£ahhiru] the person who fasts in the
course of it, ridding him of his sins and offenses.
Relevant in this context is another traditional report related to us by
Shaikh Imåm Hibatu’llåh ibn al-Mubårak as-Saqa£i (may Allåh bestow
His mercy upon him). According to this report,20 Allåh’s Messenger
(Allåh bless him and give him peace) once said:
The month of Rajab is a glorious month indeed. If someone has fasted for one
day in Rajab, Allåh (Exalted is He) will record it in his credit column as the fast
of a thousand years.
If someone has fasted for two days in Rajab, Allåh (Exalted is He) will record
it in his credit column as the fast of two thousand years.
If someone has fasted for three days in Rajab, Allåh (Exalted is He) will record
it in his credit column as the fast of three thousand years.
If someone has fasted for seven days in Rajab, all the seven gates of Hell
[Jahannam] will be locked to make sure that he stays out of it.
If someone has fasted for eight days in Rajab, all the eight gates of the Garden
of Paradise will be held open for him, so that he may enter by whichever gate
he chooses.
If someone has fasted for fifteen days in Rajab, all his bad deeds will be replaced
by good deeds, and a crier will call out from heaven above: “Allåh has now
forgiven you, so use the opportunity to set about good work anew!”
If someone has fasted for more than fifteen days, Allåh (Exalted is He) will
increase His gifts to him accordingly.
Shaikh Imåm Hibatu’llåh ibn al-Mubårak as-Saqa£º (may Allåh
bestow His mercy upon him) has informed us,21 that Allåh’s Messenger
(Allåh bless him and give him peace) once said:
If someone has fasted for one day in the month of Rajab, it will be counted in
his favor as the equivalent of a thirty-year fast.
20 Author’s note:In this case, the chain of transmission [isnåd] cited by Shaikh Imåm Hibatu’llåh
ibn al-Mubårak as-Saqa£i (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him) is as follows: al-ªasan ibn
A¥mad ibn ‹Abdu’llåh al-Muqrº—Hår«n ibn ‹Antara—his [Hår«n’s] father—‹Alº ibn Abº
¡ålib (may Allåh be well pleased with him)—the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace).
21 Author’s note: The chain of transmission [isnåd] cited by Shaikh Imåm Hibatu’llåh ibn
al-Mubårak as-Saqa£i (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him) is as follows: Y«nus—al-ªasan
(may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him)—the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace). 17

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18 Volume Three

Shaikh Imåm Hibatu’llåh also cites traditional authority22 for the

following report: “A man once asked Ab« ’d-Dardå›23 (may Allåh be
well pleased with him) about fasting during the month of Rajab, so he
said to him: ‘You have asked me about a month that was venerated even
by the people of the Time of Ignorance [Jåhiliyya], in spite of their state
of ignorance, and Islåm has simply added to the respect and veneration
with which it is regarded. If someone has fasted for one day during this
month, and if he has done so voluntarily, reckoning on the reward of
Allåh (Exalted is He) and motivated by the sincere desire to win His
favor, that one-day fast of his will extinguish the wrath of Allåh
(Exalted is He) and He will lock one of the gates by which he might
otherwise enter the Fire of Hell. Even if he were given enough gold to
fill the earth, it would not be an adequate recompense for him. Nothing
belonging to this world could possibly represent full compensation,
which he can only receive on the Day of Reckoning [Yawm al-ªisåb].
“‘When evening comes [at the end of his day of fasting], he is entitled
to receive a positive response to each of ten prayers of supplication
[da‹awåt]. He may take this as an opportunity to pray for some
immediate worldly benefit, in which case Allåh (Exalted is He) will
grant him his request. Otherwise, good things will be held in store for
him, and these will be things of the most excellent quality, such as
might be prayed for by a supplicant who is numbered among the saints
[awliyå›] of Allåh (Exalted is He) and among those chosen friends of His
who always affirm the truth [aƒfiyå›ihi ’ƒ-ƒådiqºn].
“‘If someone has fasted for two days, he will be entitled to receive
those very same benefits, but he will also be granted an extra reward.
This will be equivalent to the reward earned by ten of the champions
of truth [ƒiddºqºn] in the course of their entire lives, however long their
lives may have lasted. He will also be entitled to intercede [on behalf
of his fellow creatures] in cases similar to those in which they are
entitled to intercede. He will be counted as a member of their group,
22 Author’s note: In this case, the chain of transmission [isnåd] cited by Shaikh Imåm Hibatu’llåh
ibn al-Mubårak as-Saqa£i (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him) is as follows: al-ªasan ibn
A¥mad ibn ‹Abdu’llåh al-Muqrº—al-‹Alå› ibn Kathºr—Mak¥«l (may Allåh bestow His mercy
upon him)—the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace).
23 Ab« ’d-Dardå› al-Khazrajº al-Anƒårº (may Allåh be well pleased with him) was a Companion
of the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace). Renowned for his piety and devotion, as well
as for his profound knowledge of the Qur›ån, he shared with Ab« Dharr Jundab ibn Junådat
al-Ghifårº and Ab« ‹Abdi’llåh ªudhaifa ibn al-Yamån al-‹Abasº (may Allåh be well pleased with
them) the special distinction of being called ƒå¥ib sirr an-Nabº, because of the secret knowledge
imparted to them by the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace). He died in A.H. 32.

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Fifth Discourse 19

so that he will enter the Garden of Paradise together with them, and he
will be regarded as one of their close companions.
“‘If someone has fasted for three days, he will be entitled to receive
those very same benefits. As an extra reward, Allåh (Exalted is He) will
say to him, at the moment when he breaks his fast [if£år]: “This servant
of Mine must now receive his proper due. He is now entitled to My love
[ma¥abba] and My custodial friendship [walåya]. I hereby call upon you
to bear witness, O My angels, to the fact that I have forgiven him all his sins,
those he committed long ago as well as those he has committed recently.”
“‘If someone has fasted for four days, he will be entitled to receive
those very same benefits. In addition, he will be granted the reward that
is assigned to people of mature understanding who are truly repentant
[uli ’l-albåb at-tawwåbºn]. When his record sheet is handed to him [at
the Resurrection], he will be among the foremost of the triumphantly
successful [awå›il al-få›izºn].
“‘If someone has fasted for five days, he will be entitled to receive
those very same benefits, but they will not be his only rewards. He will
be brought forth from his grave on the Day of Resurrection [Yawm
al-Qiyåma] with his face as brightly radiant as the moon on the night
when it is full [lailat al-badr]. He will be credited with good deeds equal
in number to the grains in a heaped-up pile of sand. He will be admitted
into the Garden of Paradise, and he will be told: “You may ask Allåh
for anything you wish [and He will grant your wish].”
“‘If someone has fasted for six days, he will be entitled to receive those
very same benefits. He will also be given a light that will illuminate the
scene for the throng of people gathered at the Resurrection. He will be
brought forth among those who are safe and secure [åminºn], so that he
can pass across the Narrow Bridge [»irå£] without being subjected to any
reckoning. He will be pardoned even if he has been guilty of such
serious offenses as the undutiful treatment of parents [‹uq«q al-wålidain]24
and the rupture of family ties [qa£º‹at ar-ra¥im].25 Allåh will smile upon
him when he meets Him at the Resurrection.
24 See Vol. 2, p. 110.
25 The bond of kinship is called ƒilat ar-ra¥im (literally, the womb-connection).The word ra¥im
is derived from the same triconsonantal root as ra¥ma [mercy]. As Imåm al-Ghazålº points out at
the very beginning of the Book of Marriage (Book 12 of I¥yå’ ‹Ul«m ad-Dºn):
Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He) has attached great weight to ties of kinship and values
them highly; for their sake He has declared fornication unlawful, going to great lengths to make
it repugnant by sanction and deterrent, and has made the committing thereof a heinous sin and
an odious offense. He invites and urges us to marry, by commendation and by command. 19

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20 Volume Three

“‘If someone has fasted for seven days, he will be entitled to receive
all the benefits mentioned up to this point, except that not just one but
all seven of the gates of Hell will be locked to make sure that he cannot
enter the Fire. Allåh will actually declare the Fire of Hell to be strictly
off-limits as far as he is concerned, and He will make it obligatory for
him to dwell in the Garden of Paradise, in any part of which he may
choose to settle down.
“‘If someone has fasted for eight days, he will be entitled to receive
those very same benefits. The eight gates of the Garden of Paradise will
also be held open for him, so that he may enter therein by whichever
gate he happens to prefer.
“‘If someone has fasted for nine days, he will be entitled to receive
those very same benefits. In addition, his record will be raised aloft in
the uppermost heaven [‹Illiyy«n].26 When he is restored to life on the
Day of Resurrection, he will be among those who are safe and secure
[åminºn]. When he is brought forth from his grave, his face will be a
brilliantly shining light. His radiance will illuminate the scene so
brightly for the people in the assembled throng that they will say: “This
must be a chosen Prophet [nabº muƒ£afå]!” He will be admitted to the
Garden of Paradise without being subjected to any reckoning, but this
will be the least significant of all the gifts granted to him!
“‘If someone has fasted for ten days, he deserves the heartiest
congratulations. Bravo, bravo [fa-bakh fa-bakh] to him! He will be
entitled to all the benefits mentioned up to this point, but they will be
multiplied tenfold. He will one of those whose bad deeds Allåh replaces
with good deeds. He will be numbered among those who are drawn near
to His presence, as staunch upholders of justice for the sake of Allåh
[qawwåmºna li’llåhi bi’l-qis£],27 and he will be like someone who has
worshipped Allåh faithfully for a thousand years, fasting, standing [to
perform the ƒalåt-prayer], enduring with patience and reckoning only
on His reward in the hereafter.
26 Q. 83:18-21.
27 An allusion to the verse [åya] of the Qur›ån in which Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He)
tells the believers:
Be staunch upholders of justice, k«n« qawwåmºna bi’l-qis£i
witnesses for Allåh. (4:135) shuhadå›a li’llåhi.


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Fifth Discourse 21

“‘If someone has fasted for twenty days, he will be entitled to all the
benefits mentioned up to this point, but they will be multiplied twenty
times over. He will one of those who rub shoulders with Abraham, the
Special Friend of Allåh [Ibråhºm Khalºlu’llah] (peace be upon him), in his
domed pavilion [qubba]. He will be entitled to intercede on behalf of
the likes of [the tribes of] Rabº‹a and Muæar, all of them guilty of many
errors and sins.
“‘If someone has fasted for thirty days, he will be entitled to all the
benefits mentioned thus far, but they will be multiplied thirty times
over. A crier will call out from heaven: “O saintly friend [walº] of Allåh,
hear the good tidings and rejoice in the honor supreme [al-karåmat
al-‹uœmå]!” He will ask: “And what is the honor supreme?” So the
heavenly crier will tell him: “It is the right to behold the Beautiful Face
of Allåh (Exalted is He) and to enjoy the companionship of the
Prophets [anbiyå›], the champions of truth [ƒiddºqºn], the martyrs
[shuhadå›] and the righteous [ƒåli¥ºn]. And what excellent companions
they will prove to be! Congratulations to you on the blessings you will
receive tomorrow [at the Resurrection], when the veil is removed and you
attain to the prodigious reward of your Lord the All-Generous [Karºm]!”
“‘Then, when the Angel of Death [Malak al-Mawt] descends upon
him, at the very moment when his soul is leaving his body, Allåh
(Exalted is He) will quench his thirst with a drink from the pools of
Paradise [¥iyåæ al-Firdaws]. He will make the agonies of death [sakaråt
al-mawt] so easy for him that he will not experience the usual pain of
death. As long as he remains in his grave, he will always have plenty
of liquid refreshment, and he will not even have to suffer thirst at the
Place of Standing [al-Mawqif] [at the Resurrection],28 however long he
is forced wait there until he can reach the Basin [ªawæ] of the Prophet
(Allåh bless him and give him peace).29
“‘When he emerges from his grave [on the Day of Resurrection], he
will be escorted by seventy thousand angels. These angels will carry
28 The earthly mawqif, i.e., the site at ‹Arafåt where the rite of ‘standing’ [wuq«f] is performed
during the pilgrimage [¥ajj], provides a foretaste of the experience that awaits us all on the Day of
Resurrection [Yawm al-Qiyåma], when we shall be gathered at the Place of Standing [al-Mawqif]
on the field of AraČt.
29 See Vol. 1, pp. 237–38.


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22 Volume Three

with them a rich assortment of the finest pearls and sapphires [yåq«t],
as well as a splendid array of exquisite ornaments and garments. They
will say to him by way of greeting: “O saintly friend [walº] of Allåh,
deliverance at last! Deliverance unto your Lord (Almighty and
Glorious is He), for Whose sake you went thirsty during your days [of
fasting in the month of Rajab], and for Whose sake you let your body
become emaciated!”
“‘He will thus be one of the people who enjoy priority when it comes
to entering the Gardens of Eden30 [Jannåt ‹Adn], for he will be in the
company of those who are triumphantly successful [få›izºn] (may Allåh
be well pleased with them, and may they be well pleased with Him).
That is what is meant by the “Mighty Triumph [al-Fawz al-‹Aœºm].”’31
“After hearing all this, the man who had asked him about fasting in
the month of Rajab came up with a theoretical question: ‘Supposing
that, on each of the days when a person is keeping the fast, the amount
available to him for almsgiving [ƒadaqa] is barely sufficient to provide
him with his basic sustenance, should he still give it away in the form
of a charitable donation?’ Ab« ’d-Dardå› (may Allåh be well pleased
with him) found the premise of this question so utterly absurd that he
responded with the threefold retort: ‘Preposterous, preposterous,
preposterous [haihåt haihåt haihåt]!’ Then he went on to say: ‘Even if all
the creatures in the universe were to pool their resources in an effort to
match the reward received by that servant [of Allåh], they could not
produce as much as one tenth of the reward that Allåh has bestowed
upon that servant of His!’”
‹Abdu’llåh ibn az-Zubair32 (may Allåh be well pleased with him and
with his father) is reported as having said: “If someone relieves a
believer [mu›min] of an anxiety during the month of Rajab, which is also
30 That is to say, according to the Arabic lexicographers, “the Gardens of Perpetual Abode.”
E.W. Lane, Arabic-English Lexicon, art.. ‹–D–N.)
31 This expression occurs in numerous verses [åyåt] of the Qur›ån. Paricularly relevant in the
present context are the words of Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He):
He will forgive you your sins yaghfir la-kum dhun«ba-kum
and cause you to enter Gardens wa yudkhil-kum jannåtin tajrº
beneath which rivers flow, min ta¥ti-ha ’l-anhåru wa masåkina
and pleasant dwellings in Gardens £ayyibåtan fº Jannåti ‹Adn:
of Eden. That is the Mighty Triumph. dhålika ’l-Fawzu ’l-‹Aœºm.
32 Az-Zubair ibn al-‹Awwåm (may Allåh be well pleased with him) was a cousin of the Prophet
(Allåh bless him and give him peace) and one of the earliest believers. He died in A.H. 36.

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Fifth Discourse 23

known as the ‘Deaf’ Month of Allåh [Shahru’llåh al-Aƒamm], Allåh

(Exalted is He) will grant him a palace in Paradise [Firdaws], extending
as far as his eye can see. Yes indeed, you must honor Rajab, for then
Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He) will honor you with a thousand
generous favors!”
According to ‹Uqba ibn Salåma ibn Qais, the following saying can be
attributed to the Prophet himself (Allåh bless him and give him peace):
If someone makes a charitable donation during the month of Rajab, the
distance at which Allåh (Exalted is He) will keep him from the Fire of Hell will
be as great as the distance a raven would cover, if it flapped its wings the moment
it was strong enough to leave the nest, and then stayed airborne until it died of
old age.
It is said that the raven [ghuråb] may live as long as fifty years!
6. As for the name ash-Shahru ’s-Såbiq [The Preeminent or Antecedent
Month], it is simply an acknowledgment of the fact that Rajab is the first
of the sacred months.
7. As for the name ash-Shahru ’l-Fard [The Solitary or Separate
Month], Rajab is so called because it is separated from its ‘brothers’
[ikhwån]. According to a report transmitted by Thawr ibn Yazºd, it was
in the course of the sermon [khu£ba] he delivered during the Farewell
Pilgrimage [ªajjat al-Wadå‹] that the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give
him peace) uttered the words:
Time has swung around full circle, so that it is now divided according to the
same calendrical pattern as on the day when Allåh created the heavens and the
earth. The year has twelve months, four of which are sacred. Three of these are
consecutive, namely, Dhu’l-Qa‹da, Dhu’l-ªijja and Mu¥arram, while one is
separate, namely, Rajab of [the tribe of] Muæar, which comes between Jumådå
and Sha‹bån.
More traditional reports concerning the sacred month of Rajab:
According to a report transmitted by ‹Ikrima,33 on the authority of
Ibn ‹Abbås (may Allåh be well pleased with him and with his father),
the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) once said:
Rajab is Allåh’s month, Sha‹bån is my month, and Ramaæån is the month of
my Community.
33 Ab« ‹Abdi’llåh ‹Ikrima ibn ‹Abdi’llåh is a respected authority on Qur›ånic interpretation [tafsºr]
and the traditions [¥adºth] of the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace). He died in
A.H. 107/725 C.E., at the age of 84.


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24 Volume Three

Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him peace) is also
reported as having said:34
In the Garden of Paradise there is a river called Rajab, whiter than milk and
sweeter than honey. If someone has fasted for one day during the month of
Rajab, Allåh will let him quench his thirst by drinking from that river.
Anas ibn Målik 35 (may Allåh be well pleased with him) is reported
as having said: “In the Garden of Paradise there is a palace that no one
may enter, with the exception of someone who makes a frequent
practice of fasting during the month of Rajab.”
Ab« Huraira36 (may Allåh be well pleased with him) is reported as
having said: “Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him peace)
never fasted throughout the whole of any month outside of Ramaæån,
apart from Rajab and Sha‹bån.”
According to another traditional report, also transmitted on the
authority of Anas [ibn Målik] (may Allåh be well pleased with him),
Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him peace) once said:
If someone has fasted for three days during the sacred months, on a Thursday,
a Friday and a Saturday, Allåh will credit him with the worshipful service
[‹ibåda] of nine hundred years!
The following are some of the many traditional sayings in which
Rajab is mentioned along with Sha‹bån and Ramaæån:
“Rajab is for giving up crude behavior [jafå›], Sha‹bån is for good work
and redemption [wafå›], and Ramaæån is for honesty and candor [ƒafå›].”
“Rajab is the month of repentance [tawba], Sha‹bån is the month of
loving affection [ma¥abba], and Ramaæån is the month of nearness
34 Author’s note: For this traditional report, he chain of transmission [isnåd] is as follows: M«så
ibn ‹Imrån—Anas ibn Målik (may Allåh be well pleased with him)—the Prophet (Allåh bless
him and give him peace).
35 Ab« ªamza Anas ibn Målik (may Allåh be well pleased with him) is one of the most prolific
narrators of Prophetic tradition. His mother presented him as a servant to the Prophet (Allåh bless
him and give him peace), in whose service he remained until his master died. Anas himself lived
on to a very advanced age (according to various accounts, he was somewhere between 97 and 107
years old when he died, around A.H. 91–93).
36 Ab« Huraira [“Father of a Kitten”] is a nickname he acquired on account of his fondness for a
little cat. His real name is uncertain, although some call him Ab« Huraira ad-Dawsº al-Yamånº.
He is famous for having related more traditions than any other Companion of the Prophet (Allåh
bless him and give him peace). Having embraced Islåm A.H. 7, the year of the expedition to
Khaibar, he joined the special group of materially impoverished Muslims known as the Compan-
ions of the Bench [Aƒ¥åb aƒ-»uffa]. He died in Medina in A.H. 57 or 59, at the age of 78.


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Fifth Discourse 25

“Rajab is the month of sanctity [¥urma], Sha‹bån is the month of

service [khidma], and Ramaæån is the month of blessed grace [ni‹ma].”
“Rajab is the month of worship [‹ibåda], Sha‹bån is the month of
abstinence [zahåda], and Ramaæån is the month of enhancement [ziyåda].”
“Rajab is the month in which Allåh multiplies good deeds [¥asanåt],
Sha‹bån is the month in which atonement is made for bad deeds
[sayyi›åt], and Ramaæån is the month in which gifts of grace [karåmåt]
can be expected.”
“Rajab is the month of those who race ahead [såbiqºn], Sha‹bån is the
month of those who practice moderation [muqtaƒidºn], and Ramaæån is
the month of disobedient sinners [‹åƒºn].”
It was Dhu ’n-N«n al-Miƒrº [the Egyptian]37 (may Allåh bestow His
mercy upon him) who said: “Rajab is for giving up things that cause
harm [åfåt], Sha‹bån is for the active practice of worshipful obedience
[£å‹åt], and Ramaæån is for the expectation of gifts of grace [karåmåt].
So, if a person fails to abstain from things that are harmful, if he does
not engage in the active practice of worshipful obedience, and if he does
not wait expectantly for the gifts of grace, he must be one of those folk
who are only interested in trivial pursuits [ahl at-turrahåt].”
He also said (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him): “Rajab is the
month of sowing, Sha‹bån is the month of watering, and Ramaæån is
the month of the harvest. Everyone reaps what he sows, and everyone
is recompensed for what he does.” If a person wastes the time he
should devote to cultivation, he will regret it on his day of harvesting.
He will realize in retrospect that he was sowing nothing but a bleak
future for himself.”
One of the righteous [ƒåli¥ºn] offered us this analogy: “The year is a
tree. In the days of Rajab that tree puts forth its leaves, in the days of
Sha‹bån it produces its fruit, and in the month of Ramaæån its fruit is
ripe for the picking.”
Someone else had this to say concerning certain special months and
days: “The distinctive feature of Rajab is forgiveness from Allåh
(Exalted is He); of Sha‹bån, the granting of intercession [shafå‹a];
37 Dhu ’n-N«n Abu ’l-Faiæ (or Fayyåæ) Thawbån ibn Ibråhºm al-Miƒrº (may Allåh bestow His
mercy upon him) was born at Ikhmºm in Upper Egypt, ca. A.H. 180/796 C.E. He was arrested—
like Imåm A¥mad ibn ªanbal (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him)—for upholding the
traditional Islåmic doctrine that the Qur›ån is uncreated, in opposition to the Mu‹tazilite thesis
that was espoused by some of the ‹Abbåsid Caliphs. He was transported to Baghdåd, released after
a term of imprisonment, and returned to die at Gºza near Cairo in A.H. 245/859 C.E.


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26 Volume Three

of Ramaæån, the multiplication of good deeds; of the Night of Power

[Lailat al-Qadr], the sending down of Mercy [Ra¥ma]; of the Day of
‹Arafa,38 the perfecting of the religion [ikmål ad-dºn], in accordance
with the words of Allåh (Exalted is He):
Today I have perfected al-yawma akmaltu
your religion for you. (5:3) la-kum dºna-kum.
The distinctive feature of Friday, the Day of the Congregation [Yawm
al-Jum‹a], is acceptance of the prayers of the supplicants [ad‹iyat
ad-d勺n], and of the Day of the Festival [Yawm al-‹Ïd] it is emancipa-
tion from the Fire of Hell, as well as the manumission of slaves
belonging to the believers.”
According to al-Måzinº, al-ªusain ibn ‹Alº (may Allåh be well
pleased with him and with his father) is reported as having said: “Fast
during the month of Rajab, for fasting in Rajab is accepted by Allåh
(Almighty and Glorious is He) as a form of repentance [tawba].”
Salmån al-Fårisº 39 (may Allåh be well pleased with him) is reported
as having said: “I heard these words from the lips of Allåh’s Messenger
(Allåh bless him and give him peace):
If someone has fasted for one day in Rajab, his reward will be just as great as if
he had fasted for a thousand years, and just as great as if he had emancipated a
thousand slaves. And if someone has given a charitable gift [ƒadaqa] during that
same month, his reward will be just as great as if he had donated a thousand
dºnårs [gold coins] to charitable causes. For every hair on his body, Allåh will
record a good deed in his credit column. He will raise him up by a thousand
degrees, and He will erase a thousand bad deeds from his debit column. For
every day he keeps the fast, and for every gift he gives to charity, Allåh will credit
him with a thousand Pilgrimages [ªijja] 40 and a thousand Visitations [‹Umra].41
He will build a thousand houses for him in the Garden of Paradise, as well as a
thousand palaces and a thousand apartments. Each of these apartments will
contain a thousand chambers, and inside each chamber there will be a thousand
houries [¥awrå’],42 a thousand times more beautiful than the sun.”
38 The Day of ‹Arafa [Yawm ‹Arafa] marks the culmination of the Pilgrimage [ªajj].
39 Salmån al-Fårisº [the Persian], a notable Companion of the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give
him peace), is one of the most popular figures in Islåmic legends. He died ca. A.H. 35.
40 The form ªijja is synonymous with ªajj.
41 The ‹Umra [Visitation, or Lesser Pilgrimage] encompasses many of the ceremonies of the ªajj.
It can be performed at any time except the eighth, ninth and tenth days of the month of Dhu ’l-
ªijja, these being the days of the ªajj itself.
42 The ‘houries’ [¥awrå’ or ¥«r] of Paradise are mentioned several times in the Qur›ån. Literally,
according to the Arabic lexicographers, the term means ‘women whose eyes are characterized by
intense whiteness of the part that is white, and intense blackness of the part that is black,’ or, more
poetically, ‘women with eyes resembling those of the gazelle.’ (See: E. W. Lane, Arabic-English
Lexicon, art. ª–W–R.)

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Fifth Discourse 27

Concerning the special merit of fasting on

the first day of Rajab, and of keeping vigil
throughout the first night of that month.

W henever the month of Rajab came around, as Shaikh Imåm

Hibatu’llåh ibn al-Mubårak as-Saqa£º (may Allåh bestow His
mercy upon him) has informed us on good traditional authority,43
Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him peace) used to say:
O Allåh, bestow Your blessed grace upon us in Rajab and Sha‹bån, and allow
us to live on into Ramaæån!
As Shaikh Imåm Hibatu’llåh (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon
him) has also informed us,44 the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him
peace) is reported as having said:
If someone has fasted on the first day of Rajab, his fast will be counted as the
equivalent of a month-long fast.
If someone has fasted for seven days in Rajab, the seven gates of Hell [Jahannam]
will all be locked to keep him shut out.
If someone has fasted for eight days in Rajab, the eight gates of the Garden of
Paradise will all be held open for him.
If someone has fasted for ten days in Rajab, Allåh will replace his bad deeds with
good deeds.
If someone has fasted for eighteen days in Rajab, a crier will call out from heaven
above: “Allåh has already forgiven you, so make a fresh start and do good work!”
Shaikh Imåm Hibatu’llåh (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him)
43 Author’s note: The chain of transmission [isnåd] cited by Shaikh Imåm Hibatu’llåh ibn
al-Mubårak as-Saqa£i (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him) goes back to Anas ibn Målik (may
Allåh be well pleased with him), who first reported this saying of the Prophet (Allåh bless him and
give him peace).
44 Author’s note: In this case, the chain of transmission [isnåd] cited by Shaikh Imåm Hibatu’llåh
ibn al-Mubårak as-Saqa£i (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him) is as follows: Maim«n ibn
Mihrån—Ab« Dharr (may Allåh be well pleased with him)—the Prophet (Allåh bless him and
give him peace).


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28 Volume Three

informs us that the following saying has been attributed45 to the Prophet
himself (Allåh bless him and give him peace):
If someone has fasted for one day in Rajab, Allåh will pardon him for the sins
of sixty years.
If someone has fasted for five days in Rajab, Allåh will put him through an easy
reckoning when He calls him to account [at the Resurrection].
If someone has fasted for thirty days in Rajab, Allåh (Exalted is He) will register
His approval [riæwån] of him, and He will not punish him.
According to a traditional report, [the pious Umayyad Caliph] ‹Umar
ibn ‹Abd al-‹Azºz46 (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him) wrote to
al-ªajjåj ibn Ar£åh,47 who was then in charge of the city of Baƒra: “You
must pay special attention to four nights in the year, for on those nights
Allåh (Exalted is He) pours forth Mercy [Ra¥ma] in great abundance.
They are: The first night of Rajab; the night of the middle of Sha‘bån;
the night of the twenty-seventh of Ramaæån; and the night of the
Fastbreaking [lailat al-Fi£r]48
Khålid ibn Ma‹dån49 (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him) is
reported as having said:
There are five nights in the year during which it is most important to
maintain an extraordinary degree of vigilant awareness, for if someone
observes them properly, hoping to receive their spiritual reward and
believing in their promise, Allåh (Exalted is He) will admit him to the
Garden of Paradise. These nights, and the rules for their observance,
45 Author’s note: In support of this attribution, Shaikh Imåm Hibatu’llåh ibn al-Mubårak
as-Saqa£i (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him) cites a chain of transmission [isnåd] in which
a prominent name is that of Salåma ibn Qais.
46 The Umayyad dynasty became notorious for running the Empire for its own benefit as though
it were its personal fief, and it was the worldly and tyrannical nature of the Umayyads, more
characteristic of the pagan Age of Ignorance [Jåhiliyya] than of Islåm, which led to their ultimate
downfall. The solitary and remarkable exception was the saintly and abstemious Caliph ‹Umar
ibn ‹Abd al-‹Azºz (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him), who reigned from A.H. 99-101/715-
717 C.E. It was noted that the Caliphs Ab« Bakr, ‹Umar ibn al-Kha££åb and ‹Alº (may Allåh be
well pleased with them) had all been bald, and so was ‹Umar ibn ‹Abd al-‹Azºz; but after him there
were no more bald Caliphs.
47 Author’s note: According to some accounts, this letter was addresed to ‹Adº [not al-ªajjåj]
ibn Ar£åh.
48 The night of the Fastbreaking [lailat al-Fi£r] begins at sunset on the last day of Ramaæån.
49 Khålid ibn Ma‹dån al-Kil勺 (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him), who died in A.H. 145, was
an eminent Tåbi‹º [Successor, i.e., member of the generation following that of the Companions]
and faqºh [expert in Islåmic jurisprudence]. He is said to have recited Sub¥åna ’llåh [Glory be to
Allåh] four thousand times a day.


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Fifth Discourse 29

are as follows: (1) The first night of Rajab; one must keep vigil
throughout that night, and then fast during the following daytime.50
(2 and 3) The two nights of the two Festivals [lailatai ’l-‹Ïdain];51 one
must keep vigil throughout each of those two nights, and break fast
during the following daylight hours. (4) The night of the middle of
Sha‹bån; one must keep vigil throughout that night, and then fast
during the following daytime. (5) The night of ‹Ásh«rå›;52 one must
keep vigil throughout that night, and then fast during the following

50 It should be remembered that the Islåmic day (in the sense of a 24-hour period) begins at sunset.
51 That is to say, the night of the Festival of Fastbreaking [‹Ïdu ’l-Fi£r] at the end of Ramaæån, and
the night of the Festival of Sacrifices [‹Ïdu ’l-Aæ¥å] in Dhu’ l-ªijja, the month of Pilgrimage.
52 See pp. 278–94 below.


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30 Volume Three

Concerning the fourteen nights of the year when

keeping vigil is particularly commendable, and
the seventeen days on which it is particularly
commendable to devote oneself assiduously
to worshipful service [‹ibåda].

O ne of the learned scholars [‹ulamå›] (may Allåh bestow His mercy

upon him) has compiled a list of the nights on which it is
particularly commendable [yusta¥abb] to keep vigil.53 These nights are
fourteen in number, namely:
1. The first night of the month of Mu¥arram.
2. The night of ‹Ásh«rå› [the tenth of Mu¥arram].
3. The first night of the month of Rajab.
4. The night that comes in the middle of Rajab.
5. The night of the twenty-seventh of Rajab.
6. The night that comes in the middle of Sha‹bån.
7. The night of ‹Arafa [the ninth of Dhu ’l-ªijja, the month of
8-9. The nights of the two Festivals.54
10-14. The five nights that occur on the odd-numbered dates during
the last ten days of Ramaæån.55
There are likewise certain days during which it is particularly commend-
able to practice the recitation of litanies [awråd]56 and to concentrate
53 In non-religious contexts, the Arabic expression i¥yå› al-lail (literally, enlivening the night, or
bringing the night to life) means simply “to stay awake throughout the night.” In a religious
context, it refers to the practice of keeping vigil in order to enliven the night with religious service,
worship, adoration and devotion.
54 See note 51 on p. 29 above.
55 In other words, the nights of the 21st, 23rd, 25th, 27th and 29th of Ramaæån.
56 Etymologically, the term wird [plural: awråd] means “to go down to a watering-place.” In the
context of Islåmic worship, it refers to a definite time of day or night devoted to private prayer (over
and above the five daily prayers at their prescribed times), as well as to the ‘litany’ recited on this
occasion. In its simplest form, the wird consists of four cycles [raka‹åt] of prayer, with the recitation
of one seventh of the Qur݌n.

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Fifth Discourse 31

on worshipful service [‹ibåda] with assiduous devotion. There are

seventeen such days, namely:
• The day of ‹Arafa [the ninth of Dhu ’l-ªijja].
• The day of ‹Ásh«rå› [the tenth of Mu¥arram].
• The day that comes in the middle of Sha‹bån.
• Friday, the Day of Congregation [Yawm al-Jum‹a].
• The days of the two Festivals.
• The ‘Days Appointed’,57 meaning the [first] ten days of Dhu ’l-
• The ‘Numbered Days’,59 meaning the Days of Tashrºq.60
This recommendation applies most emphatically of all to the Day of
Congregation [Friday] and the month of Ramaæån, because, as we know
from the report of Anas [ibn Målik] (may Allåh be well pleased with
him), Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him peace) once said:
If the Day of Congregation [Yawm al-Jum‹a] is safe and sound, all the other days
will also be safe and sound, and if the month of Ramaæån is safe and sound, the
entire year will be safe and sound.
Next in importance and merit are Monday and Thursday, they being
two days on which good works are raised up into the presence of Allåh
(Almighty and Glorious is He).

57 Alluding to the verse [åya] of the Qur›ån in which Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He) has
said, in reference to the Pilgrimage:
That they may witness things that are li-yashhad« manåfi‹a la-hum
of benefit to them, and mention wa yadhkuru ’sma ’llåhi
the Name of Allåh on days appointed fº ayyåmin ma‹l«måtin
over such beasts of the flocks ‹alå må razaqa-hum min
as He has provided for them. (22:28) bahºmati ’l-an‹åm.
58 Of the first ten days of Dhu ’l-ªijja, the ninth is the Day of ‹Arafa, which is mentioned separately
at the head of the above list of seventeen days. The tenth is the Day of Sacrifice, which is also listed
separately since it is one of the two Festival days (‹Ïdu ’l-Aæ¥å, the other being ‹Ïdu ’l-Fi£r).
59 Alluding to the verse [åya] of the Qur›ån in which Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He) has
said, again in reference to the Pilgrimage:
And remember Allåh wa ’dhkuru ’llåha
during certain numbered days. (2:203) fº ayyåmin ma‹d«dåt.
60 The Days of Tashrºq are the three days immediately following the Day of Sacrifice [Yawm
an-Na¥r]. The term tashrºq means the drying up of the blood from the animals sacrificed on that


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32 Volume Three

Traditional prayers of supplication [ad‹iya

ma›th«ra] that are particularly appropriate
on the first night of Rajab.

W hen the worshipper has duly performed his ritual prayer [ƒalåt] on
the first night of Rajab, he is recommended to offer the following
prayer of supplication [du‹å›]:
“O Allåh, to You the applicants apply this night, to You the aspirants
aspire, and for Your gracious bounty and beneficence the seekers look
in hope. You have special favors [nafa¥åt] to bestow this night, and
prizes and gifts and presents. You will bestow them upon whomever You
choose from among Your servants, and You will withhold them from
those who are not ready to receive Your providential care [‹inåya].
Well, here am I, Your servant who is sorely in need of You, hoping for
Your gracious bounty and beneficence! If it pleases You, O my Master
[yå Mawlåya], to bestow Your grace this night upon one of Your
creatures, and if You will be so generous as to grant him a favor out of
Your kindness, then bless Mu¥ammad and his family, and let me enjoy
Your superabundance and beneficence, O Lord of All the Worlds
[yå Rabba’l-‹Álamºn]!”
‹Alº ibn Abº ¡ålib (may Allåh be well pleased with him) would
devote himself entirely to worship during four nights of the year,
namely: The first night of Rajab; the night of the [Festival of]
Fastbreaking [lailat al-Fi£r]; the night of the [Festival of] Sacrifices [lailat
al-Aæ¥å]; and the night of the middle of Sha‹bån. Here is the prayer of
supplication [du‹å›] he used to offer on those nights:
“O Allåh, bless Mu¥ammad and his family, those lanterns of wisdom
[masåbº¥ al-¥ikma], masters of grace [mawålº ’n-ni‹ma] and mines of
virtue [ma‹ådin al-‹iƒma]! Let them be my protection against all evil. Do
not take me by surprise or unawares. Do not cause the outcome of my


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Fifth Discourse 33

life’s work to be nothing but disappointment and regret. May it please

You to view me with favor, for Your forgiveness is granted to the
wrongdoers and I am one of the wrongdoers. O Allåh, forgive me that
which cannot do You any harm, and grant me that which cannot bring
You any benefit.61
“You are the One whose Mercy [Ra¥ma] is all-embracing, the One
whose Wisdom [ªikma] is incomparable, so grant me the blessings of
comfort and composure, security and good health, thankfulness, well-
being, and devotion to duty [taqwå]. Instill patience and honesty in me
and in your saintly friends [awliyå›]. Let ease [yusr] be Your gift to me,
and do not let it come with difficulty [‹usr] attached. Extend these same
blessings to my wife and children, to my brothers in You, and to all those
Muslim men [Muslimºn] and Muslim women [Muslimåt], those believing
men [mu›minºn] and believing women [mu›minåt], who have helped me
to become the man I am today.”

61 That is to say: “because You are Immune to all injury, and because You are the Self-Sufficient


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34 Volume Three

Some traditional reports concerning the

special blessings bestowed by Allåh
(Almighty and Glorious is He)
upon those who perform the
ritual prayer [ƒalåt] during
the month of Rajab.

I t was just after the new moon had appeared to mark the beginning of
Rajab, as Shaikh Imåm Hibatu’llåh ibn al-Mubårak as-Saqa£º (may
Allåh bestow His mercy upon him) has informed us on good traditional
authority,62 that the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace)
turned to Salmån al-Fårisº (may Allåh be well pleased with him) and said:
O Salmån, Allåh will surely erase all the sins from the record of any believing
man [mu›min], and of any believing woman [mu›mina], who performs thirty
cycles of ritual prayer [yuƒallº thalåthºna rak‹a] in the course of this month,
reciting in each cycle the Opening S«ra of the Book [Fåti¥at al-Kitåb] and the
S«ra that begins with “Say: ‘He is Allåh, One…’”63 three times, and the S«ra
that begins with “Say: ‘O unbelievers…’”64 three times. That man or woman
will be granted the same reward as a person who has fasted throughout the entire
month. He or she will be treated as one of those who continue to perform the
ritual prayer [al-muƒallºn] right through to the following year, and will be
credited every day with a deed as noble as that of one of the martyrs of the battle
of Badr [shahºd min shuhadå›i Badr].
For every day of fasting [in Rajab], the worship of an entire year will be recorded
in favor of the believer concerned, whose credit will be enhanced by a thousand
degrees. If the believer keeps the fast throughout the whole of this month, as
well as performing this particular ƒalåt-prayer [i.e., the aforementioned thirty
cycles of ritual prayer], Allåh will deliver that man or woman from the Fire of
62 Author’s note: Shaikh Imåm Hibatu’llåh ibn al-Mubårak as-Saqa£º (may Allåh bestow His
mercy upon him) cites the following chain of transmission [isnåd] for this report: Mu¥ammad ibn
A¥mad al-Mu¥åmilº—‹Alº ibn Mu¥ammad ibn Ism勺l ibn Mu¥ammad al-»affår [the Brass
Founder]—Sa‹ºd ibn Naæir ibn al-Manƒ«r al-Bazzår [the Seedsman]—Sufyån ibn ‹Uyaina—
al-A‹mash—¡åriq ibn Shihåb—Salmån al-Fårisº (may Allåh be well pleased with him)—the
Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace).
63 S«ra 112.
64 S«ra 109.


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Fifth Discourse 35

Hell and declare that he or she is entitled to enter the Garden of Paradise,
therein to dwell in the vicinity of Allåh (Glory be to Him).
Gabriel (peace be upon him) informed me of this, and then he went on to say:
“O Mu¥ammad, this a clear sign to mark the distinction between you true
believers, on the one hand, and the polytheists [mushrikºn] and hypocrites
[munåfiqºn] on the other, because the hypocrites do not perform that ritual
prayer [lå yuƒall«na dhålik].”
Having heard these words addressed to him by the Prophet (Allåh
bless him and give him peace), Salmån (may Allåh be well pleased with
him) responded by saying: “O Messenger, tell me exactly how I must
perform that particular ƒalåt-prayer, and exactly when I must perform it.”
“O Salmån,” said Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him peace): “on
the first day of the month you must perform ten cycles of the ƒalåt-prayer. In
each cycle [rak‹a] you must recite the Opening S«ra of the Book [Fåti¥at
al-Kitåb] one time only, then the S«ra that begins with ‘Say: “He is Allåh,
One…”’ three times, and then the S«ra that begins with ‘Say: “O unbelievers
…”’ three times. When you have pronounced the final salutation [sallamta],65
you must raise your hands and say:
There is no god except Allåh, Alone. Lå ilåha illa ’llåhu Wa¥dah
No partner has He. lå sharºka lah
To Him belongs the kingdom lahu ’l-mulku
and to Him belongs the praise. wa lahu ’l-¥amd
He brings to life and causes death, yu¥yº wa yumºtu
while He is Ever-Living and never dies. wa Huwa ªayyun lå yam«t.
All goodness is in His Hand, bi-yadihi ’l-khairu
and He is Powerful over all things. wa Huwa ‹alå kulli shai›in Qadºr.
O Allåh, no one can withhold Allåhumma lå måni‹a
what You have given, and no one li-må a‹£aita
can give what You have withheld, wa lå mu‹£iya
nor will the worldly fortune of the li-må mana‹ta
possessor of such fortune profit him, wa lå yanfa‹u
if he does not obtain the fortune dha ’l-jaddi
that comes from You [in the hereafter]. minka ’l-jadd.
“Then you must rub your face with your hands, for at this point you will have
completed the first set of ten cycles.
“In the middle of the month you must perform another ten cycles of the ƒalåt-
prayer. In each cycle [rak‹a] you must again recite the Opening S«ra of the Book
[Fåti¥at al-Kitåb] one time only, then the S«ra that begins with ‘Say: “He is
Allåh, One…”’ three times, and then the S«ra that begins with ‘Say: “O
unbelievers…”’ three times. When you have pronounced the final salutation
[sallamta],66 you must raise your hands as you did before, but this time you must say:
65 That is to say: “When you have turned your head to the right, saying: ‘Peace be upon you…
[as-salåmu ‹alaikum]…’, and then likewise to the left….”
66 See note 65 above.


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36 Volume Three

There is no god except Allåh, Alone. Lå ilåha illa ’llåhu Wa¥dah

No partner has He. lå sharºka lah
To Him belongs the kingdom lahu ’l-mulku
and to Him belongs the praise. wa lahu ’l-¥amd
He brings to life and causes death, yu¥yº wa yumºtu
while He is Ever-Living and never dies. wa Huwa ªayyun lå yam«t.
All goodness is in His Hand, bi-yadihi ’l-khairu
and He is Powerful over all things. wa Huwa ‹alå kulli shai›in Qadºr.
(I worship Him) as God, Single, One, Ilåhan Wå¥idan A¥adan
Everlasting, Alone, Unique. »amadan Fardan Witrå
He takes unto Himself lå yattakhidhu ƒå¥ibatan
neither female consort nor son. wa lå waladå.
“Then you must rub your face with your hands, for at this point you will have
completed the second set of ten cycles.
“At the end of the month you must perform the third and final set of ten cycles
of ƒalåt-prayer, and in each cycle [rak‹a] you must again recite the Opening S«ra
of the Book [Fåti¥at al-Kitåb] one time only, then the S«ra that begins with ‘Say:
“He is Allåh, One…”’ three times, and then the S«ra that begins with ‘Say: “O
unbelievers…”’ three times. When you have pronounced the final salutation
[sallamta], you must raise your hands as before, but this time you must say:
There is no god except Allåh, Alone. Lå ilåha illa ’llåhu Wa¥dah
No partner has He. lå sharºka lah
To Him belongs the kingdom lahu ’l-mulku
and to Him belongs the praise. wa lahu ’l-¥amd
He brings to life and causes death, yu¥yº wa yumºtu
while He is Ever-Living and never dies. wa Huwa ªayyun lå yam«t.
All goodness is in His Hand, bi-yadihi ’l-khairu
and He is Powerful over all things. wa Huwa ‹alå kulli shai›in Qadºr.
May Allåh bless our Master Mu¥ammad ƒalla ’llåhu ‹alå Sayyidinå
and the pure members of his family. Mu¥ammadin wa ‹alå ålihi ’£-£åhirºn
There is neither any power lå ¥awla
nor any strength except with Allåh, wa lå quwwata
the Most High, the Almighty. illå bi’llåhi ’l-‹Aliyyi ’l-‹Aœºm.
“You should then ask for whatever you need, whereupon He will surely give a
positive response to your prayer of supplication [du‹å›]. Allåh will interpose
seventy ditches between you and Hell [Jahannam], and each of those ditches will
be as wide as the distance that separates this earth from heaven above. For every
cycle of ƒalåt-prayer you have performed, He will credit you with a million cycles
[alf alf rak‹a]. He will also inscribe on your record an exemption from the Fire
of Hell and a permit to cross the Narrow Bridge [»irå£].”
Salmån (may Allåh be well pleased with him) is reported as having
said: “As soon as the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) had
finished speaking, I sank to the ground in humble prostration, weeping
as I sought to express my gratitude to Allåh (Exalted is He) for what I
had just been privileged to hear.”67
67 Author’s note: More on this subject may be found in the Book of Traditional Practice [Kitåb
al-‹Amal bi’s-Sunna]. Allåh knows best [wa ’llåhu A‹lam]!

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Fifth Discourse 37

Traditional reports in which great emphasis is

placed on the special merit of fasting on the first
Thursday in Rajab, and of performing the ritual
prayer [ƒalåt] during the first Friday
night of that month.

T he following report has been conveyed to us by Shaikh Imåm

Abu’l-Barakåt [‘Father of Blessings’] Hibatu’llåh ibn al-Mubårak
as-Saqa£º (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him), who cites good
traditional authority in support of its authenticity:68
Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him peace) once said:
Rajab is Allåh’s month, Sha‹bån is my month, and Ramaæån is the month of
my Community [Ummatº].
Someone then asked him: “O Messenger of Allåh, what do you mean
exactly, when you say that Rajab is Allåh’s month?” So he explained
(Allåh bless him and give him peace):
[I call it Allåh’s month] because it is specifically associated with forgiveness,
because in it the shedding of blood is brought to a halt, because in it Allåh
(Exalted is He) relents toward His Prophets [anbiyå›], because in it He rescues
His saints [awliyå›] from the hands of their enemies, and because anyone who
fasts during this month becomes entitled to receive three things from Allåh
(Exalted is He). The first and second of these are forgiveness for all the sins he
has previously committed, and impregnable virtue [‹iƒma] for the remainder of
his life. As for the third, he will be safe from thirst on the Day of the Greatest
Review [Yawm al-‹Aræ al-Akbar].
At this point a feeble old man stood up and said: “O Messenger of
Allåh, I am physically incapable of fasting through the whole of the
68 Author’s note: Shaikh Imåm Abu ’l-Barakåt Hibatu’llåh ibn al-Mubårak as-Saqa£º (may Allåh
bestow His mercy upon him) cites the following chain of transmission [isnåd] for this report:
al-Qåæº [the Judge] Abu ’l-Faæl Ja‹far ibn Ya¥yå ibn al-Kamål al-Makkº (who stated that he was
in the Sacred Mosque in Mecca when the report was communicated to him)—Ab« ‹Abdi’llåh ibn
al-ªusain ibn ‹Abd al-Karºm ibn Mu¥ammad ibn Mu¥ammad al-Jazarº —Abu ’l-ªasan ‹Alº
ibn ‹Abdi’llåh ibn Jahæam al-Hamadånº—Abu ’l-ªasan ‹Alº ibn Mu¥ammad ibn Sa‹ºd as-Sa‹dº
al-Baƒrº—his father—Khalaf ibn ‹Abdi’llåh aƒ-»aghånº—ªamºd a£-¡awºl [the Tall]—Anas
ibn Målik (may Allåh be well pleased with him)—the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him
peace). 37

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38 Volume Three

month,” so Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him peace)
went on to say:
Fast during the first day of the month and during the day that comes in the
middle of it, and also during the very last day of the month, for then you will be
given the same reward as someone who has fasted through the whole of the
month, since one good deed is equal in value to ten of the same kind.
It is most important, however, that none of you should neglect the first Friday
night in Rajab,69 for it is the night that the angels call the Night of [the Granting
of] Wishes [Lailat ar-Raghå›ib]. This is because, by the time the first third of the
night has elapsed, there will not be a single angel still at large in the heavens,
nor in any region of the earth bar one. They will all be gathered together in the
Ka‹ba and the area immediately surrounding it. Allåh (Exalted is He) will
condescend to notice that they have assembled there, and He will say: “My
angels, ask Me for whatever you wish!” Their response to this will be: “Our
Lord, the request we wish to make is that You grant forgiveness to those who
faithfully keep the fast in Rajab,” whereupon Allåh (Exalted is He) will tell
them: “That I have already done!”
Then Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him peace) said:
No one will go unrewarded if he fasts during the daytime on Thursday, the first
Thursday in Rajab, and if he then performs twelve extra cycles of ƒalåt-prayer
during the period between sunset [maghrib] and late evening [‹ishå›], i.e., during
the first segment [‹atama] of the night of Friday. In each cycle [rak‹a] he must
recite the Opening S«ra of the Book [Fåti¥at al-Kitåb] one time only, then the
S«ra that begins with “Behold, We sent it down on the Night of Power…”70
three times, and the S«ra that begins with “Say: ‘He is Allåh, One…’”71 twelve
times. The twelve cycles must be divided into sets of two, with a salutation
[taslºma]72 to mark the conclusion of each pair.
When he has completed his ƒalåt-prayer, he must invoke blessings upon me, by
repeating seventy times:
O Allåh, bestow blessings and Allåhumma ƒalli ‹alå
peace upon Mu¥ammad, Mu¥ammadini
the Gentile Prophet, ’n-Nabiyyi ’l-Ummiyyi
and upon his family. wa ‹alå ålihi wa sallim.
He must then bow down low in an act of prostration [sajda], repeating seventy
times while he is in the posture of prostration [suj«d]:
All-Glorious, All-Holy, Subb«¥un Qudd«sun
Lord of the Angels and of the Spirit! Rabbu ’l-Malå›ikati wa ’r-R«¥.
69 Please remember that Friday night in the Islåmic calendar is the night that begins at sunset on
70 S«ra 97.
71 S«ra 112.
72 See note 65 on p. 35 above.


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Fifth Discourse 39

Then he must raise his head and repeat seventy times:

My Lord, forgive and have mercy Rabbi ’ghfir wa ’r¥am
pardon that which You well know, wa tajåwaz må ta‹lam
for You are the Mighty, the Supreme. fa-innaka Anta ’l-‹Azºzu ’l-A‹œam.
Then he must bow down low for the second time and repeat the words he uttered
during the first prostration [sajda]. Finally, while he is still in the posture of
prostration [suj«d], he should ask Allåh to grant his personal request, for that
request will surely be fulfilled.
Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him peace) also said:
By Him in whose Hand is my soul [wa ’lladhº nafsº bi-yadih], I assure you that no
servant [of His], whether manservant [‹abd] or maidservant [ama], will ever
perform this particular ƒalåt-prayer without Allåh forgiving all the sins of which
that individual has ever been guilty, even if they are like the flecks of foam upon
the ocean, as numerous as all the grains of sand, as heavy as the mountains, and
as many as the drops of rain and the leaves on all the trees. On the Day of
Resurrection [Yawm al-Qiyåma], he will be allowed to intercede on behalf of
seven hundred members of his family.
On the first night that worshipful servant spends in his grave, the reward for this
ƒalåt-prayer will come to visit him [in the shape of a human being], with a
cheerful face and an eloquent tongue. “O my dear friend,” it will say to him,
“rejoice in the good tidings, for I am here to tell you that you have been delivered
from every severe affliction!” This will prompt the servant to exclaim: “Who
are you? By Allåh, I swear that I have never seen a man with a better-looking
face than yours. Never have I heard a form of speech more charming than your
way of speaking, and never have I smelled a fragrance more delightful than that
of your perfume.” So then it will tell him: “O my dear friend, I am the reward
for that ƒalåt-prayer, the one you performed on whichever night it was, in
whichever month it was, in whichever year it was. I have come here tonight in
order to fulfill your request, to entertain you in your solitary state, and to banish
your loneliness from you. Later on, when the trumpet is sounded, I shall provide
you with shade to protect your head from the scorching heat on the Fields of the
Resurrection [‹Araƒåt al-Qiyåma]. So rejoice in the good tidings, for you will
never be deprived of the blessing that comes from your Master [Mawlå].”


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40 Volume Three

Concerning the special merit of fasting

during the twenty-seventh day of Rajab.

A ccording to yet another report conveyed to us by Shaikh Imåm

Abu’l-Barakåt [‘Father of Blessings’] Hibatu’llåh ibn al-Mubårak
as-Saqa£º (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him), who cites good
traditional authority in support of its authenticity,73 the Prophet (Allåh
bless him and give him peace) once said:
If someone keeps the fast on the twenty-seventh day of Rajab, he will be credited
with the same reward as that which is earned by fasting for sixty months.
It was on the twenty-seventh day of Rajab, we are told, that Gabriel
first came down to invest the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him
peace) with his Messengership [Risåla].
Shaikh Hibatu’llåh has also provided us with the following report,
together with its chain of transmission [isnåd] from al-ªasan al-Baƒrº 74
(may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him), who said:
“Whenever the twenty-seventh of Rajab came around, ‹Abdu’llåh
ibn ‹Abbas (may Allåh be well pleased with him and with his father)
would start the day as a mu‹takif [i.e., as someone who follows the
practice called i‹tikåf, meaning withdrawal into a state of seclusion in
order to concentrate on religious devotions, especially while fasting].
He would devote the whole morning to prayer, up to and including
the obligatory ritual prayer at noon [œuhr]. After performing the noon
73 Author’s note: Shaikh Imåm Hibatu’llåh ibn al-Mubårak as-Saqa£º (may Allåh bestow His
mercy upon him) cites the following chain of transmission [isnåd] for this report: ash-Shaikh
al-ªåfiœ Ab« Bakr A¥mad ibn ‹Alº Thåbit ibn al-Kha£ºb—‹Abdu’llåh ibn‹Alº ibn Mu¥ammad
Bashºr—‹Alº ibn ‹Umar al-ªåfiœ [who knew the Qur›ån by heart]—Ab« Bakr Naƒr ibn Jaish«n
ibn M«så ’l-Khallål [the Vinegar Merchant]—‹Alº ibn Sa‹ºd ad-Dailamº—Œamrat ibn Rabº‹at
al Qurashº—Ibn Shawdhab—Ma£ir al-Warråq [the Papermaker, or the Copier of Manu-
scripts]—Shahr ibn ªawshab—Ab« Huraira (may Allåh be well pleased with him)—the
Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace).
74 Al-ªasan ibn Abi’l-ªasan al-Baƒrº (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him) is revered as one
of the greatest saints of early Islåm. Born in Medina in A.H. 21/642 C.E., he was brought up in Baƒra,
where he met many Companions of the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace.) He died
in A.H. 110/728 C.E.

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Fifth Discourse 41

prayer, he would stroll about for a little while to stretch his legs, then
he would perform an extra ƒalåt-prayer consisting of four cycles. In each
cycle [rak‹a] he would recite ‘Praise be to Allåh …’75 one time only, then
the Two Pleas for Divine Refuge [al-Mu‹awwidhatån],76 also one time
only, then the S«ra that begins with ‘Behold, We sent it down on the
Night of Power…’77 three times, and the S«ra that begins with ‘Say:
“He is Allåh, One…”’78 fifty times. He would then devote himself to
continuous supplication [du‹å›], until it was time to perform the
obligatory late-afternoon ritual prayer [ƒalåt al-‹aƒr]. ‘This,’ he used to
say, ‘is exactly what Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him
peace) always did on this particular day.’”
According to this next report, likewise conveyed to us by Shaikh
Hibatu’llåh,79 Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him peace)
once said:
Rajab contains a very special day and a very special night. If someone fasts
during that day, and keeps vigil throughout that night, he will be entitled to a
reward like the one that would be earned by a person who fasted for a hundred
years, and who kept vigil throughout all the nights in that period.
The reference must be to the twenty-seventh of Rajab, that being the
day on which our Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) was first
dispatched [bu‹itha] to embark upon his mission.
75 In other words, the Opening S«ra of the Qur›ån [Fåti¥at al-Kitåb], which begins with “al-¥amdu
li’llåhi… [Praise be to Allåh…]” (after the Basmala, the invocation of Allåh’s Name).
76 S«ra 113 (‘The Daybreak’ [al-Falaq]) and S«ra 114 (‘Mankind’ [an-Nås]), the last two S«ras in
the Qur›ån, are known as al-Mu‹awwidhatån [the Two Pleas for Divine Refuge]. They read:
Say: “I take refuge qul a‹«dhu
with the Lord of the Daybreak bi-Rabbi ’l-falaq:
from the evil of what He has created min sharri ma khalaq:
from the evil of the darkness wa min sharri ghåsiqin
when it is intense idhå waqab:
from the evil of the witches wa min sharri ’n-naffåthåti
who blow on knots fi ’l-‹uqad:
and from the evil of the envier wa min sharri ¥åsidin
when he envies.” (113:1–5) idhå ¥asad.
Say: “I take refuge with the Lord of mankind qul a‹«dhu bi-Rabbi ’n-nås:
the King of mankind Maliki ’n-nås:
the God of mankind Ilåhi ’n-nås:
from the evil of the slinking whisperer min sharri ’l-waswåsi ’l-khannås:
who whispers in the breasts of mankind alladhº yuwaswisu fº ƒud«ri ’n-nåsi
of the jinn and of mankind.” (114:1–6) mina ’l-jinnati wa ’n-nås.
77 S«ra 97.
78 S«ra 112.
79 Author’s note: Shaikh Imåm Abu ’l-Barakåt Hibatu’llåh ibn al-Mubårak as-Saqa£º (may Allåh
bestow His mercy upon him) cites the following chain of transmission [isnåd] for this report: Ab«
Salama—Ab« Huraira and Salmån al-Fårisº (may Allåh be well pleased with them both)—the
Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace). 41

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42 Volume Three

Concerning the refinements of behavior that are

appropriate while one is keeping the fast
[ådåb aƒ-ƒiyåm] and the forms of misconduct
[åthåm] that are forbidden.

I t is most important for the person who is fasting to keep his fast from
being tainted by sinful misdeeds, and to make it complete through
obedient devotion [taqwå] to Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He),
because, as Shaikh Hibatu’llah (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon
him) has informed us on good traditional authority,80 Allåh’s Messenger
(Allåh bless him and give him peace) once said:
Rajab is one of the sacred months and its days are inscribed on the sixth gate of
Heaven. So, if a man has fasted during one day of this month, and if he has
kept his fast completely clean through obedient devotion [taqwå] to Allåh
(Almighty and Glorious is He), the heavenly gate will acquire the faculty of
speech, and the day itself will also acquire the faculty of speech, and the two of
them will say: “O Lord, forgive him!” But if he has failed to make his fast
complete through obedient devotion to Allåh (Exalted is He), they will make
no such plea for him to be forgiven. They will say, or he will be told by some
other voice: “Your own lower self [nafs] has betrayed you!”
According to another traditional report,81 Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh
bless him and give him peace) has given us this advice:
Fasting is a protective coat of armor [junna], so, if one of you is keeping the fast,
he should not drop his guard and behave in a rash and foolish manner. If a man
provokes him with insulting remarks, or challenges him to a fight, he should
respond by saying: “Sorry, I am fasting!”
80 Author’s note: Shaikh Imåm Abu ’l-Barakåt Hibatu’llåh ibn al-Mubårak as-Saqa£º (may
Allåh bestow His mercy upon him) cites the following chain of transmission [isnåd] for this
report: al-ªasan ibn A¥mad ibn ‹Abdi’llåh al-Faqºh al-ªanbalº [the expert in Islåmic
jurisprudence according to the ªanbalº school]—Mu¥ammad ibn A¥mad al-ªåfiœ [who knew
the Qur›ån by heart]—al-ªusain ibn Ja‹far al-Wå‹iœ [the Preacher]—A¥mad ibn Ïså ibn as-
Sakan—Ibn Is¥åq, nicknamed al-ªusåm [“the Sharp Sword”]—Is¥åq ibn Razºn ar-Råsinº—
Ism勺l ibn Ya¥yå—Mis‹ar ibn Kaddåm—‹A£iyya—Ab« Sa‹ºd al-Khudrº (may Allåh be well
pleased with him)—the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace).
81 Author’s note: This report has been transmitted by al-A‹raj on the authority of Ab« Huraira
(may Allåh be well pleased with him).

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Fifth Discourse 43

The Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) is also reported as
having said:
If a person does not abstain from falsehood both in word and in deed, the fact
that he is abstaining from his food and his drink is a matter of no importance
to Allåh.
According to another traditional report,82 Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh
bless him and give him peace) once said:
Fasting is protective coat of armor [junna] against the Fire of Hell, as long as the
person who is fasting does not puncture it.
When someone asked: “How could it be punctured?” he said:
By telling a lie or indulging in backbiting [ghºba].
According to a report transmitted on the authority of Ab« Huraira
(may Allåh be well pleased with him), Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless
him and give him peace) once said:
Fasting is not abstaining from eating and drinking; fasting is abstaining from
foolish talk [laghw] and sexual harassment [rafath].83
As we are reliably informed by Shaikh Ab« Naƒr Mu¥ammad ibn
al-Bannå›,84 Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him peace)
also said:
Five things cause someone who is fasting to break his fast, as well as invalidating
the minor ritual ablution [wuæ«›], namely: Telling a lie; slanderous defamation
[namºma]; backbiting [ghºba]; gazing with lust; and swearing a false oath.
The same Ab« Naƒr has informed us85 that Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh
bless him and give him peace) once said:
82 Author’s note: This report has been transmitted by al-ªasan on the authority of Ab« Huraira
(may Allåh be well pleased with him).
83 According to the classical Arabic lexicographers, the primary signification of the word rafath
is “foul, unseemly, immodest, lewd or obscene speech addressed to women.” Some definitions
include more than verbal harassment, e.g., “using the eyes to signal a desire for sexual contact;
kissing; intimate behavior of the kind that is expected to result in coition.” (See: E.W. Lane,
Arabic-English Dictionary, art. R–F–TH.)
84 Author’s note: Shaikh Ab« Naƒr Mu¥ammad ibn al-Bannå› cites the following chain of
transmission [isnåd] for this report: His own father, Shaikh Ab« ‹Alº ibn A¥mad ibn ‹Abdi’llåh
ibn al-Bannå›—Mu¥ammad [ibn A¥mad] al-ªåfiœ—‹Abdu’llåh—Ja‹far ibn Mu¥ammad
al-ªammål [the Porter]—Sa‹ºd ibn ‹Utba—Baqiyya ibn Khalaf—Mu¥ammad ibn al-ªajjåj—
Khåqån—Anas ibn Målik (may Allåh be well pleased with him)—the Prophet (Allåh bless him
and give him peace).
85 Author’s note: Shaikh Ab« Naƒr Mu¥ammad ibn al-Bannå› narrates this report on the
authority of his father, citing a chain of transmission [isnåd] from Anas ibn Målik (may Allåh be
well pleased with him).

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44 Volume Three

A person is not keeping the fast as long as he continues to devour the flesh of
human beings!86
ªudhaifa ibn Yamån87 (may Allåh be well pleased with him and with
his father) is reported as having said:88 “If a man peers down at a
woman’s back from the top of her dress, his fast is thereby rendered
Jåbir ibn ‹Abdi’llåh89 (may Allåh be well pleased with him and with
his father) is reported as having said:90 “Whenever you fast, make sure
that your ears, your eyes and your tongue participate in the fasting—by
abstaining from telling lies and from looking at or listening to unlawful
things. You must also refrain from giving trouble to your neighbor.
Comport yourself with dignity and calm composure, and do not treat
your day of fasting as if it were no different from your day of breaking
The Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) has told us:
Many a person who keeps the fast gains nothing from his fasting but hunger and
thirst, and many a person who stays awake at night gains nothing from his vigil
except insomnia.
He also said (Allåh bless him and give him peace):
The Heavenly Throne trembles for someone like that, and the Lord is angry
with him.
He was referring (Allåh bless him and give him peace) to the case of
someone whose purpose in doing good work is not to earn the favor of
86 This is one of several sayings in which the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace)
condemns backbiting [ghºba] as tantamout to devouring human flesh.
87 Ab« ‹Abdi’llåh ªudhaifa ibn al-Yamån al-‹Abasº (may Allåh be well pleased with him and with
his father) was among the earliest to embrace Islåm, and he came to be one of the most
distinguished of all the Companions of the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace). He was
famous for his dedication to an abstinent way of life. Together with Ab« ’d-Dardå› and Ab« Dharr
(may Allåh be well pleased with them both), he was one of those Companions who were called
ƒå¥ib sirr an-Nabº, because of the secret knowledge imparted to them by the Prophet (Allåh bless
him and give him peace). He died in A.H. 36.
88 Author’s note: This report was also conveyed to us by Shaikh Ab« Naƒr Mu¥ammad ibn
al-Bannå›, on the authority of his father, who cited a chain of transmission [isnåd] in support of
its attribution to ªudhaifa ibn Yamån (may Allåh be well pleased with him and with his father).
89 Ab« ‹Abdi’llåh Jåbir ibn ‹Abdu’llåh al-Anƒårº (may Allåh be well pleased with him and with
his father) was a Companion of the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace). Noted as a
prolific narrator of traditions, he died at Medina in A.H. 68 or 73 or 78.
90 Author’s note: This report was also conveyed to us by Shaikh Ab« Naƒr Mu¥ammad ibn
al-Bannå›, on the authority of his father, who cited a chain of transmission [isnåd] from Sulaimån
ibn M«så—Jåbir ibn ‹Abdu’llåh (may Allåh be well pleased with him and with his father).


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Fifth Discourse 45

Allåh (Exalted is He), but rather to make a favorable impression upon

his fellow creatures.
To quote another of his sayings (Allåh bless him and give him peace),
which is actually a Divine Saying [ªadºth Qudsº]:
Allåh (Exalted is He) says: “I am the best Partner [Sharºk] you could possibly
have to help you run your business. If someone associates a partner with Me in
the work he is doing, the work may involve the partner ascribed to Me [sharºkº],
but it has nothing whatever to do with Me. I accept only that which is offered
purely and sincerely to Me. O son of Adam, I am the best Manager [Qayyim]
you could possibly have to supervise your affairs. You would therefore be well
advised to reconsider the work you have assigned to anyone other than Me,
since your proceeds will depend on the one you have put in charge of the work.”91
In his prayer of supplication [du‹å›], the Prophet (Allåh bless him and
give him peace) used to say:
O Allåh, cleanse my tongue of falsehood, my heart of hypocrisy [nifåq], my work
of ostentation [riyå›], and my eyesight of treachery, for You recognize that
treacherously surreptitious look [khå›inat al-a‹yun] and You know what our
breasts conceal.
It is therefore most important for the person who is fasting to cultivate
good manners, to be on his guard against ostentatious behavior, and to
avoid attracting the attention of his fellow creatures. In his fasting, as
in all his acts of worshipful obedience [‹ibådåt], he should conduct
himself in such a manner that other people do not realize what he is
actually engaged in, so that he will not lose what he stands to gain in
this world and the hereafter.
According to a traditional report,92 Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless
him and give him peace) was heard to say:
Noah fasted every day of the year [ƒåma ’d-dahr] with only two exceptions,
namely, the Day of Fastbreaking [at the end of Ramaæån] and the Day of
Sacrifices [at the end of the Pilgrimage]. David fasted on alternate days
throughout the entire year [niƒf ad-dahr]. Abraham fasted on three days out of
every month; [it was therefore as if] he fasted all the time and broke his fast all
the time.93
91 Variants of this Divine Saying [ªadºth Qudsº] have been recorded by several authorities,
including Imåm Muslim and Ibn Måja. (See: William A. Graham, Divine Word and Prophetic
Word in Early Islam; Mouton, The Hague and Paris, 1977; pp. 125–26.)
92 Author’s note: This was conveyed to us by Shaikh Ab« Naƒr Mu¥ammad ibn al-Bannå›, on
the authority of his father, citing a chain of transmission [isnåd] from Ab« Farråsh, who heard the
report directly from ‹Abdu’llåh ibn ‹Umar (may Allåh be well pleased with him and with his
father), who stated that he had heard the words as they were being spoken by Allåh’s Messenger
(Allåh bless him and give him peace).
93 For an explanation of this rather puzzling statement, please read the rest of this subsection!

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46 Volume Three

The following story has been narrated to us by Shaikh Ab« Naƒr:94

A man belonging to one of the desert tribes once came to the Prophet
(Allåh bless him and give him peace) and said: “O Messenger of Allåh,
tell me all about this fasting of yours!” The Prophet (Allåh bless him
and give him peace) was so enraged by this that his cheeks became
brightly flushed. When ‹Umar ibn al-Kha££åb (may Allåh be well
pleased with him) observed what was happening, he approached the
man and scolded and upbraided him until he had made him hold his
tongue. As soon as the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace)
had regained his composure and was obviously in a more cheerful mood,
‹Umar (may Allåh be well pleased with him) ventured to say: “May
Allåh let me serve as your ransom! Tell me about the condition of a man
who is always fasting, someone who fasts during every day of every year
[ad-dahr kullahu].” To this he received the reply: “May that person
neither fast nor break fast [lå ƒåma wa lå af£ara]!”95 So ‹Umar (may Allåh
be well pleased with him) went on to say: “O Prophet of Allåh, tell me
how it is for a man who fasts during three days out of every month.” The
Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) told him: “That is [really]
fasting ‘all the time’!” ‹Umar (may Allåh be well pleased with him)
then said: “O Prophet of Allåh, tell me how it is for a man who fasts on
Monday and Thursday.” To this the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give
him peace) replied: “As for Thursday, that is the day on which deeds
are recorded in Heaven above. As for Monday, that is the day on which
I was born, and on which the Divine inspiration [wa¥y] was first
communicated to me.”

94 Author’s note: Shaikh Ab« Naƒr has related this story on the authority of his father, citing a
chain of transmission [isnåd] from Mu¥ammad ibn al-Munkadir—Jåbir ibn ‹Abdu’llåh (may
Allåh be well pleased with him and with his father).
95 In one version of this traditional report, the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) is
said to have exclaimed: “He who fasts all the time, may he neither fast nor return to what is good
in normal everyday life [man ƒåma ’d-dahra fa-lå ƒåma wa lå åla]! In either case, according to
traditional authorities, this is an imprecation uttered by the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him
peace), “lest a man should come to believe that this kind of fasting has been ordained by Allåh
(Exalted is He); or, through physical incapacity, should become insincere; or because, by fasting
all the days of the year, he would do so even on the days when fasting is strictly forbidden.” (See:
E. W. Lane, Arabic-English Lexicon, art. ›-W-L.)


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Fifth Discourse 47

What to say at the time of breaking one’s fast.

W hen the time for breaking fast [if£år] has arrived, it is appropriate
to say, at the moment of taking the food or drink with which the
fast is broken:96
In the Name of Allåh. O Allåh, Bismi’llåh
for Your sake I have fasted, and on Allåhumma laka ƒumtu
Your sustenance I have broken fast. wa ‹alå rizqika af£art.
Glory be to You and with Your praise! Sub¥ånaka wa bi-¥amdik.
O Allåh, accept from us, for You Allåhumma taqabbal minnå
are the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing. innaka Anta ’s-Samº‹u ’l-‹Alºm.
‹Abdu’llåh ibn ‹Amr ibn al-‹Áƒ (may Allåh be well pleased with him
and with his father) used to say, at the moment of breaking his fast:
O Allåh, I beg You, Allåhumma innº as›aluka
through Your mercy that embraces bi-ra¥matika ’llatº wasi‹at
all things, to forgive me. kulla shai›in an taghfira lº.
Ab« ’l-‹Áliya (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him) is reported as
having said that anyone who utters the following words, at the moment
of breaking his fast, will be as clear of his sins as he was on the day when
his mother gave him birth:
Praise be to Allåh, who transcends al-¥amdu li’llåhi ’lladhº ‹alå
and so prevails. fa-qahar.
Praise be to Allåh, who sees wa ’l-¥amdu li’llåhi ’lladhº naœara
and therefore knows. fa-khabar.
Praise be to Allåh, who reigns wa ’l-¥amdu li’llåhi ’lladhº malaka
and so controls. fa-qadar.
Praise be to Allåh, wa ’l-¥amdu li’llåhi ’lladhº
who restores the dead to life. yu¥yi ’l-mawtå.
According to a traditional report,97 when the Prophet (Allåh bless
him and give him peace) broke his fast in someone’s home, he would say:
May all who fast enjoy breaking fast in your home! May all good folk enjoy the
taste of your food! And may the angels bless you in their prayers!
96 It is recommended to break the fast promptly [ta‘jºl al-if£år], except on a cloudy day, when it is
better to delay doing so [in order to be quite sure that the sun has indeed set]. The preferred custom
is to break one’s fast on dates or with water. (See Vol. 1, p. 23.)
97 Author’s note: For this report, the earliest authorities in the chain of transmission are Mus‹ab
ibn Sa‹ºd—‹Abdu’llåh ibn az-Zubair—Sa‹ºd ibn Målik (may Allåh be well pleased with them). 47

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48 Volume Three

The month of Rajab is a time when prayers

of supplication are sure to be answered.

A s you ought to be aware, the month of Rajab is a time when prayers

of supplication are sure to be answered, and a time when unfortu-
nate mistakes are written off. You should also be aware, however, that
the punishment is multiplied for anyone who commits a serious offense
in the course of this month. This point is clearly illustrated by the
experience of a man who lived during the Caliphate of ‹Alº ibn Abº
¡ålib (may Allåh be well pleased with him), according to the following
account, which has been narrated to us by [Shaikh Imåm] Hibatu’llåh
[ibn al-Mubårak as-Saqa£º]:98
Al-ªusain ibn ‹Alº ibn Abº ¡ålib (may Allåh be well pleased with
him and with his father) is reported as having said: “While we were
performing the £awåf [circumambulation of the Ka‹ba], we heard a
voice crying out [in rhymed and metrical Arabic]:
‘O You who answer the plea of the victim of tyranny [œulm]!
O Banisher of sorrow and distress, together with disease [suqm]!
Your pilgrims spent the night around the House and Sanctuary [¥aram],
and while we prayed the Eye of Allåh did not sleep [lam tanam].
Forgive me, through Your grace, my sins and my transgression [jurm],
O You to whom all creatures look for generous favor [karam]!
Unless Your pardon is bestowed upon a villain [mujtarim],
whom else do sinners have to shower them with blessings [ni‹am]?’”
Al-ªusain ibn ‹Alº ibn Abº ¡ålib (may Allåh be well pleased with
him and with his father) went on to say: “My father, ‹Alº ibn Abº ¡ålib
(may Allåh be well pleased with him), then turned to me and said: ‘Do
98 Author’s note: Shaikh Imåm Hibatu’llåh learned of this report through the following chain of
transmission: al-Qåæº [the Judge] Hunåd ibn Ibråhºm an-Nasafº—‹Abd al-Qåhir ibn ‹Umar
al-Jazarº—Mu¥ammad ibn al-Farkhån—A¥mad ibn al-ªusain ibn Sa‹ºd al-Anbårº—Mu¥ammad
ibn Ibråhºm ibn Ya‹q«b—Ibråhºm ibn Farråsh—‹Amr ibn Sumra—M«så ibn al-‹Abbås—
al-Aƒbagh—his daughters—al-ªusain ibn ‹Alº ibn Abº ¡ålib (may Allåh be well pleased with
him and with his father).


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Fifth Discourse 49

you not hear that person lamenting his sin and remonstrating with his
Lord? Go after him at once, while you may still be in time to catch him,
and summon him here to me!’”
Al-ªusain (may Allåh be well pleased with him) continued: “So I
ran at top speed until I caught up with him, and then, to my surprise,
I found myself in the presence of a man with a strikingly handsome face,
smartly dressed, pleasantly perfumed, and in excellent physical shape—
except that his right side had been smitten with paralysis! ‘You must
come with me,’ I told him, ‘in response to a summons from the
Commander of the Believers [Amºr al-Mu›minºn], ‹Alº ibn Abº ¡ålib
(may Allåh ennoble his countenance).’ The man complied, and the
following conversation ensued:
“‘Who are you, and what is the matter with you?’
“‘O Commander of the Believers, what is the matter with someone
who has been made to suffer chastisement and has been deprived of all
normal rights?’
“‘What is your name?’
“‘Munåzil ibn Lå¥iq.’
“‘And what is your story?’
“‘I was notorious among the Arabs [of the desert] on account of my
addiction to frivolous amusement [lahw] and thrilling entertainment
[£arab]. I ran wild in my youth and I never really came to my senses. If
I tried to repent, my repentance would not be accepted. If I tried to
apologize, my apology would not be accepted. I persisted in sinful
disobedience, even during Rajab and Sha‹bån. I did have a kindhearted
and attentive father, who was always warning me to beware of the perils
of ignorant folly, and of the misery that would result from sinful
disobedience. “O my dear son,” he would say, “Allåh has many harsh
countermeasures and reprisals to inflict on those who disobey Him, so
do not act in defiance of One who can punish you with the Fire of
Hell! Your antics have already provoked too many complaints from
the tyrants [aœ-œullåm], as well as from the noble angels [al-malå›ikat
al-kiråm], the sacred month [ash-shahr al-¥aråm], and all the nights and
days [al-layålº wa ’l-ayyåm].” The more he persisted in scolding me,
however, the more I persisted in hitting him with my fists, until I
approached him one day and he said: “By Allåh, I swear that I shall fast
without taking a break, and that I shall pray through the night without

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50 Volume Three

sleeping!” He kept his vow by fasting every day for a week, then he
mounted an ash-colored camel and rode to Mecca, where he arrived
on the day of the Major Pilgrimage [al-ªajj al-Akbar].99 He had said:
“I firmly intend to go [as a pilgrim] to the House of Allåh, and to ask
Allåh for His help in dealing with you!” And so it came to pass. Having
arrived in Mecca on the day of the Major Pilgrimage, he invoked a curse
upon me. While clinging to the curtains draped over the Ka‹ba, he said
[in rhymed and metrical Arabic]:
“‘“O You to whom the pilgrims have come from afar,
hoping for the gracious favor of One who is Mighty, Single, Everlasting!
This Munåzil will not refrain from treating me abusively,
so exact what is due to me, O Merciful One, from my own son!
Paralyze one side of him, as a generous gift from You,
O You who are Most Holy, the One who was not begotten and does not beget!”’
“Munåzil went on to say: ‘By the One who holds the heaven aloft and
causes the water to flow, no sooner had my father uttered these words
than my right side was stricken with paralysis! I was left lying around
like a piece of discarded timber in the vicinity of the Sanctuary, and
people kept coming to see me out of curiosity. They would tell one
another: “This man’s condition is due to his father’s appeal, which
Allåh accepted and put into effect.”’
“The Commander of the Believers (may Allåh be well pleased with
him) asked him: ‘What did your father do next?’
“Munåzil replied: ‘O Commander of the Believers, I begged him to
invoke Allåh’s blessing upon me, in the very same places where he had
invoked the curse upon me. This was after he had come to regard me
with approval, so he responded positively to my request. He installed
me beside him on the back of a she-camel, and the beast kept going at
a steady pace until we reached a dry river bed called Thornbush Valley
[Wådi ’l-Aråk]. It was then that a startled bird flew out of a tree. The
she-camel bolted and my father fell from her back. He died right there
on the road.’
“‹Alº then said (may Allåh be well pleased with him): ‘Would you
like me to teach you some prayers of supplication? I learned them from
Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him peace), who told me:
“Whenever these prayers are offered by someone who is sorely distressed,
99 The Major Pilgrimage [al-ªajj al-Akbar] is a more solemn occasion than the Lesser Pilgrimage
or Visitation [‹Umra] (see note 41 on p. 26 above).

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Fifth Discourse 51

it invariably happens that Allåh (Exalted is He) relieves him of his

distress, and whenever they are offered by someone who is suffering
from agonizing pain, it invariably happens that Allåh (Exalted is He)
relieves him of his agony.”’
“‘Yes!’ said Munåzil.”
Al-ªusain ibn ‹Alº ibn Abº ¡ålib (may Allåh be well pleased with
him and with his father) went on to tell the rest of the story:
“The Commander of the Believers (may Allåh be well pleased with
him) thereupon proceeded to teach him those supplications. He
learned them well, repeated them as his personal prayers, and recovered
completely from his illness. When he next came to visit us, the man was
perfectly fit and healthy, so I asked him: ‘How did you go about it?’
“Munåzil said: ‘In the still of the night I offered my prayer of
supplication—once, and twice, and then for a third time, at which
point I heard a voice calling out to me: “Allåh is enough for you
[¥asbuka ’llåh]! You have invoked Allåh by His Mightiest Name, to
which He always responds when He is invoked by it, and in answer to
which He always grants the supplicant’s request.” My eyes then carried
me off to sleep and I began to dream. I saw Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh
bless him and give him peace) in my dream, so I told him about my
supplication. He said (Allåh bless him and give him peace): “My
uncle’s son ‹Alº has told the truth. It does contain the Mightiest Name
of Allåh, to which He always responds when He is invoked by it, and
in answer to which He always grants the supplicant’s request.” My eyes
then carried me off to sleep a second time, and again I saw the Prophet
(Allåh bless him and give him peace) in my dream, so I said: “O
Messenger of Allåh, I wish that I could hear the supplication [du‹å›]
from you!” He then said (Allåh bless him and give him peace): “Say:
‘O Allåh, I beg You to grant my request, Allåhumma innº as›aluka
O Knower of that which is concealed! yå ‹Álima ’l-khafiyya
O He by Whose Power yå Mani ’s-samå›u
the sky has been raised aloft! bi-Qudratihi mabniyya
O He by Whose Might the earth yå Mani ’l-aræu
has been spread out here below! bi-‹Izzatihi mad¥iyya
O He by Whose Majesty yå Mani ’sh-shamsu
the sun and the moon wa ’l-qamaru bi-n«ri Jalålihi
beam forth and shed their light! mushriqatun wa muæiyya
O He who shows favor yå Muqbilan ‹alå kulli nafsin


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52 Volume Three

to every pure believing soul! mu›minatin zakiyya

O He who allays the terrors yå Musakkina ru‹bi ’l-khå›ifºna
of the fearful and the devout! wa ahli ’t-taqiyya
O He in Whose Presence yå Man ¥awå›iju ’l-khalqi
the needs of all creatures are fulfilled! ‹indahu maqæiyya
O He Who delivered Joseph yå Man najå Y«sufa
the bondage of slavery! min riqqi ’l-‹ub«diyya.
O He Who has no gatekeeper yå Man laisa lahu
to be called upon, bawwåbun yunådå
and no companion to be won over, wa lå ƒå¥ibun yughshå
and no minister to be bribed, wa lå wazºrun yu‹£å
and no one else wa lå ghairuhu
to be addressed as a lord, rabbun yud‹å
and Who does not add wa lå yazdådu ‹alå
to the number of requirements, kathrati ’l-¥awå›iji
except out of kindness illå karaman
and generosity! wa j«då.
And may Allåh bless Mu¥ammad wa ƒalla ’llåhu ‹alå
and his family. Mu¥ammadin wa ålihi
And grant me my request, wa a‹£inº su›ålº
for You are Capable of all things!‘“ innaka ‹alå kulli shai›in Qadºr.
“‘It was then that I awoke, to find that I had been cured of my
“‹Alº (may Allåh be well pleased with him) said: ‘I urge you all to
memorize this supplication thoroughly, for it is one of the treasures of
the Heavenly Throne [kanz min kun«z al-‹Arsh].”
Stories similar to this have been related from the time of ‹Umar ibn
al-Kha££åb (may Allåh be well pleased with him) and other periods. It
would take a very long time to discuss them all in detail, but the moral,
which is always essentially the same, may be summed up as follows:
No person of mature understanding [dh« lubb] should ever minimize
the seriousness of sinful acts of disobedience [ma܌ļ] and acts of
injustice and wrongdoing [maόlim], nor should he underestimate the
effectiveness of the victim’s prayer of supplication [du‹å› al-maœl«m],
for, as the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) has told us:
[The consequence of] wrongdoing [œulm] will be murky shades of darkness
[œulumåt] on the Day of Resurrection.
He also said (Allåh bless him and give him peace):
If the servant holds out his open palms toward Him with a prayer of supplication
[du‹å›], Allåh will surely consider it unworthy of Him to turn those palms away


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Fifth Discourse 53

and leave the supplicant empty-handed [ƒifr],100 so He will either grant him a gift
immediately, here in this world, or present it to him later, on the Day of
This warning [not to underestimate the effectiveness of the victim’s
prayer of supplication] has also been expressed in these lines of poetry:
Do you hear the supplication only to make light of it?
If so, your fate will prove the effectiveness of supplication [du‹å›].
The arrows of the night are not about to miss their target;
they fly along a path, and that path has a point of termination [inqiæå›].


This brings us to the end of the Fifth Discourse.

Praise be to Allåh, the Lord of All the Worlds!

[al-¥amdu li’llåhi Rabbi ’l-‹ålamºn].

100 After undergoing various transformations through Medieval Latin [cifra/zephirum], Italian
[zero] and French [cifre/zéro], the Arabic word ƒifr [empty, void; naught, nothing] has given us the
two English words “cipher” and “zero”.


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54 Volume Three

The Sixth Discourse

On the special merit of the month of Sha‹bån,
and the divine forgiveness [maghfira]
and good pleasure [riæwån]
sent down on the middle
night of that month.

‹Á ›isha, the wife of the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him
peace, and may He be well pleased with her), is reported as having
Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him peace) used to fast until we
would say he was never going to stop fasting, and he would go so long without
fasting that we would say he was never going to fast, but I never saw Allåh’s
Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him peace) continue a fast from the
beginning to the end of any month except the month of Ramaæån, [apart from
which] I never saw him do more fasting in any month than he did in Sha‹bån.102
‹Á›isha (may Allåh be well pleased with her) is also reported as
having said:103
Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him peace) used to fast until we
would say he was never going to stop fasting, and go so long without fasting that
we would say he was never going to fast. The fasting he liked best was that he
did in Sha‹bån, so I said to him: “O Messenger of Allåh, how is it I always see
101 Author’s note: We are informed of this report by Shaikh Ab« Naƒr Mu¥ammad [ibn
al-Bannå›], who cites the following chain of transmission [isnåd]: His own father, Ab« ‹Alº ibn
A¥mad—Abu’l-ªusain ‹Alº ibn Mu¥ammad ibn ‹Umar ibn ªafƒ Ja‹far al-Muqrº—Abu’l-Fat¥
al-ªåfiœ—Ab« Bakr Mu¥ammad ibn ‹Abdi’llåh ash-Shåfi‹º—Is¥åq ibn al-ªasan—‹Abdu’llåh
ibn Salama—Målik ibn Anas— Abu’n-Naær, the client of ‹Umar ibn ‹Abdi’llåh— Ab« Salama
ibn ‹Abd ar-Ra¥mån—‹Á›isha (may Allåh be well pleased with her).
102 Author’s note: This is an authentic tradition [¥adºth ƒa¥º¥], cited by al-Bukhårº on the authority
of ‹Abdu’llåh ibn Y«suf, who transmitted it from Målik [ibn Anas] (may Allåh bestow His mercy
upon him.)
103 Author’s note: We learned of this report from Shaikh Ab« Naƒr Mu¥ammad, on the authority
of his father, with a chain of transmission [isnåd] from Hishåm ibn ‹Urwa—‹Á›isha (may Allåh
be well pleased with her)


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Fifth Discourse
Sixth 55

you fasting in Sha‹bån?” and he said (Allåh bless him and give him peace):
“O ‹Á›isha, it is the month in which the Angel of Death has to note down the
name of anyone whose soul he must take before the year is out, so I would rather
he did not record my name except while I am fasting.”
Umm Salama104 (may Allåh be well pleased with her) is reported as
having said:105
In no other month, apart from Ramaæån, did Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless
him and give him peace) fast more often than in Sha‹bån. And that was
because, each Sha‹bån, all who must die in the course of that year have their
names transcribed from the list of the living onto that of the dead, and a man
may embark on a journey even while his name is listed among those about to die.
Anas [ibn Målik] (may Allåh be well pleased with him) once said:106
When asked about the most meritorious fasting, the Prophet (Allåh bless him
and give him peace) said: “Fasting in Sha‹bån in honor of Ramaæån.”
‹Ubaidu’llåh ibn Qais once heard ‹Á›isha (may Allåh be well pleased
with her) say:107
The dearest of months to Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him
peace) was Sha‹bån, which he would link to Ramaæån.
According to ‹Abdu’llåh (may Allåh be well pleased with him),
Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him peace) once said:
Anyone who fasts on the last Monday of Sha‹bån will be granted forgiveness.
—meaning the last Monday that falls within it, not as the very last day
of the month, for it is forbidden to anticipate the month [of Ramaæån]
by one or two days.
Anas ibn Målik (may Allåh be well pleased with him) is the authority
for the report that Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him
peace) once said:
It is called Sha‹bån simply because it is juxtaposed [yansha‹ibu] to Ramaæån,
containing many blessings, while Ramaæån is so called because it scorches
[yurmiæu] sins.
104 Like ‹Á›isha, Umm Salama is revered as one of the “Mothers of the Believers [Ummahåt
al-Mu›minºn],” the wives of the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace, and may He be well
pleased with them all).
105 Author’s note: We learned of this report from Shaikh Ab« Naƒr Mu¥ammad, on the authority
of his father, with a chain of transmission [isnåd] from ‹A£å› ibn Yasår—Umm Salama (may Allåh
be well pleased with her).
106 Author’s note: As reported by Shaikh Ab« Naƒr, on the authority of his father, with a chain
of transmission [isnåd] from Thåbit—Anas [ibn Målik] (may Allåh be well pleased with him).
107 Author’s note: As reported by Shaikh Ab« Naƒr, on the authority of his father, with a chain
of transmission [isnåd] from Mu‹åwiya ibn aƒ-»åli¥—‹Ubaidu’llåh ibn Qays—‹Á›isha (may
Allåh be well pleased with her).

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56 Volume Three

Allåh (Exalted is He) has said:

Your Lord creates and chooses what He wills. (28:68)
wa Rabbuka yakhluqu må yashå›u wa yakhtår.

T hus Allåh (Exalted is He) has selected four out of each kind of
thing, then He has chosen one of the four:
From among the Angels, He selected Gabriel [Jibrºl], Michael [Mºk固l],
Isråfºl and ‹Azr固l, then He chose Gabriel from these four.
From all the Prophets (peace be upon them), the four He selected
were Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Mu¥ammad (Allåh bless them all, and
give them peace), then of these He chose Mu¥ammad (Allåh bless him
and give him peace).
The four He selected from among the Companions (may Allåh be
well pleased with them) were Ab« Bakr, ‹Umar, ‹Uthmån and ‹Alº, and
His preferred choice was Ab« Bakr (may Allåh be well pleased with him).
The four mosques: The Sanctuary Mosque [by the Ka‹ba in Mecca],
al-AqČ Mosque [in Jerusalem], the Mosque of Medina the Ennobled
City, and the Mosque of Mount Sinai. Of these He chose the Sanctuary
Mosque [al-Masjid al-ªaråm].
The four days: The Day of Breaking Fast [Yawm al-Fi£r], the Day of
Sacrifice [Yawm al-Aæ¥å],108 the Day of ‹Arafa,109 and the Day of
‹Ásh«rå›.110 Of these He then chose the Day of ‹Arafa.
The four nights: The Night of Absolution [Lailat al-Barå›a],111 the
Night of Power [Lailat al-Qadr], the Night of Friday Congregation
[Lailat al-Jum‹a],112 and the Night of the Festival [Lailat al-‹Ïd]. Of these
He chose the Night of Power.
108 The Day of Sacrifice [Yawm al-Aæ¥å] is the tenth day of Dhu’l-ªijja, the month of Pilgrimage.
109 The Day of ‹Arafa [Yawm ‹Arafa] is the ninth day of Dhu’l-ªijja, the month of Pilgrimage.
110 The Day of ‹Ásh«rå› [Yawm ‹Ásh«rå›] is the tenth day of Mu¥arram, which is the first month
of the year in the Islamic calendar. See pp. 278–94 below.
111 The Night of Absolution [Lailat al-Barå›a] is discussed on pp. 60–68 below.
112 The Day of Congregational Prayer [al-Jum‹a] is Friday—but please remember that Friday night
in the Islåmic calendar is the night that begins at sunset on Thursday!

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The four sites: Mecca, Medina, Jerusalem, and the Mosques of the
Tribes [Masåjid al-‹Ashå›ir]. Of these He chose Mecca.
The four mountains: U¥ud, Sinai, Likåm, and Lebanon [Lubnån]. Of
these He chose Mount Sinai.
The four rivers: Jai¥«n, Sai¥«n, the Euphrates [al-Furåt] and the Nile
[an-Nºl]. Of these He chose the Euphrates.
The four months: Rajab, Sha‹bån, Ramaæån, and al-Mu¥arram. Of
these He chose the month of Sha‹bån, and made it the Prophet’s own
month (Allåh bless him and give him peace). So, just as the Prophet
(Allåh bless him and give him peace) is the most excellent of Prophets,
his month is the most excellent of months.
According to Ab« Huraira (may Allåh be well pleased with him), the
Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) once said:
Sha‹bån is my month, Rajab is Allåh’s month, and Ramaæån is the month of
my Community. Sha‹bån is the expiator, while Ramaæån is the purifier.
He also said (Allåh bless him and give him peace):
Sha‹bån is a month between Rajab and Ramaæån. People tend to neglect it, but
that is when the deeds of His servants ascend to the Lord of All the Worlds, so
I would rather mine rose up while I was fasting.
According to Anas ibn Målik (may Allåh be well pleased with him),
the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) once said:
The excellence of Rajab over other months is like the excellence of the Qur݌n
over all other speech, while the excellence of Sha‹bån over other months is like
my excellence over the rest of the Prophets, and the excellence of Ramaæån
over other months is like the excellence of Allåh (Exalted is He) over all His
Anas ibn Målik (may Allåh be well pleased with him) is also reported
as having said:
“When the Companions of the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give
him peace) beheld the new moon of Sha‹bån, they would immerse
themselves in reading their copies of the Qur݌n. The Muslims would
pay the alms-due [zakåt] assessed on their wealth, thereby providing the
means for the weak and the poor to fortify themselves in preparation for
the fasting of the month of Ramaæån. The governors would summon
the prison inmates, to carry out the sentence on those convicted of
major offences under Islamic law, and to set the rest free. Businessmen
would set about paying their debts and collecting their dues. Then,
when they beheld the new moon of Ramaæån, they would bathe
themselves and devote themselves to worship.”

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58 Volume Three

On the meanings of the five Arabic letters

of the word Sha‹bån.

T he word Sha‹bån [in the Arabic script] is spelled with five letters:
shºn, ‹ain, bå›, alif and n«n. The shºn stands for sharaf [nobility], the
‹ain for ‹uluww [sublimity], the bå› for birr [piety], the alif for ulfa
[harmonious intimacy],113 and the n«n for n«r [radiant light].
These are the gifts from Allåh (Exalted is He) to His servant in this
month. It is a month in which treasures are laid open, in which blessings
are sent down, in which faults are forsworn, in which sins are expiated,
and in which benedictions are multiplied upon Mu¥ammad (Allåh
bless him and give him peace), the best of human creatures.
This is the month of blessings upon the Chosen Prophet. Allåh
(Exalted is He) has said:
Allåh and His angels shower blessings inna ’llåha wa malå›ikata-hu
on the Prophet. O you who believe, yuƒall«na ‹ala ’n-Nabiyy:
invoke blessings upon him and salute yå ayyuha ’lladhºna åman« ƒall«
him with a worthy salutation. (33:56) ‹alai-hi wa sallim« taslºmå.
The blessing from Allåh is mercy; from the angels, intercession and
petition for forgiveness; and from the believers, supplication and
According to Mujåhid (may Allåh be well pleased with him): “The
blessing from Allåh is prosperity and virtue; from the angels, help and
support; and from the believers, compliance and respect.”
It was Ibn ‹A£å› who said: “The blessing on the Prophet (Allåh bless
him and give him peace) from Allåh (Exalted is He) is conjunction,
from the angels it is tender care, and from the believers it is following
with affection.”
113In the Arabic script, an initial letter alif merely serves to indicate that the word concerned
begins with a vowel. An extra sign is sometimes added to indicate whether that vowel is a, i, or u.
When alif occurs between two consonants, however, (e.g., between the letters bå› and n«n in the
word Sha‹bån) it indicates the long vowel å.


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As someone else put it: “The blessing of the Lord (Blessed and
Exalted is He) upon His Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace)
is the enhancement of respect. The blessing of the angels upon him
(Allåh bless him and give him peace) is the display of gracious favor.
The blessing of his Community upon him (Allåh bless him and give
him peace) is the request for intercession.”
As he himself (Allåh bless him and give him peace) has told us:
When someone pronounces a single blessing on me, Allåh blesses him ten times.
Far from being negligent during this month, therefore, every consci-
entious believer is obliged to exert himself in preparation for the
coming month of Ramaæån, using the days that remain to get clear
of sins and repent those committed in the past. One should beseech
Allåh (Exalted is He) in the month of Sha‹bån. One should appeal
to Allåh (Exalted is He) through the owner of the month, Mu¥ammad
(Allåh bless him and give him peace), until the corruption of one’s
heart is corrected, and the sickness of one’s inner being is cured.
This must be done without delay and not put off until tomorrow, for
the days are three: yesterday, which is a date in history [ajal]; today,
which is a time for action [‹amal]; and tomorrow, which is a hopeful
expectation [amal], for whether you will get there or not is beyond your
ken. Thus yesterday is a caution, today is an opportunity, and tomorrow
is a risk.
The months are likewise three: Rajab, now past and gone beyond
return; Ramaæån, awaiting in a future you may not live to see; and in
between we have Sha‹bån, so let us seize this opportunity for worshipful
The Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) once said to a man
(some say it was ‹Abdu’llåh ibn ‹Umar ibn al-Kha££åb, may Allåh be
well pleased with him) by way of stern advice:
Make the most of five before five: youth before old age; health before sickness;
wealth before poverty; ease before business, and life before death.


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60 Volume Three

Concerning the Night of Absolution

[Lailat al-Barå›a], its special
mercy, grace and merits.

A llåh (Almighty and Glorious is He) has said:

ªå–Mºm. By the Book that ªå–Mºm: wa ’l-Kitåbi ’l-

makes plain; We sent it down mubºni innå anzalnå-hu
on a blessed night…. (44:1–3) fº lailatin mubårakatin.
According to Ibn ‹Abbås (may Allåh be well pleased with him and
with his father), “‘ªå-Mºm’ means that Allåh has predetermined
everything in existence till the Day of Resurrection. ‘The Book that
makes plain’ is the Qur›ån, which is also the object referred to in ‘We
sent it down.’ The ‘blessed night’ is the night of mid-Sha‹bån, which
is the Night of Absolution.”114
In the Qur›ån, Allåh (Exalted is He) calls many things ‘blessed,’
including the Qur݌n itself, of which He has said:
This is a blessed Reminder wa hådhå dhikrun
that We have revealed. (21:50) mubårakun anzalnå-h.
Part of its blessedness is that one who reads it and believes in it enjoys
right guidance and salvation from the Fire, and these benefits are also
passed by extension to his ascendants and descendants. As the Prophet
(Allåh bless him and give him peace) has said:
When someone reads the Qur›ån from the written text, Allåh (Almighty
and Glorious is He) alleviates the torment of his parents, even if they were
One of the things Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He) calls ‘blessed’
is water, for He has said:
And down from the sky We have wa nazzalnå mina ’s-samå›i
sent blessed water. (50:9) må›an mubårakan.
114 Author’s note: This interpretation is shared by most of the exegetes, with the exception of
‹Ikrima, who says it is the Night of Power.

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Part of its blessedness lies in the fact that all life depends on it. In the
words of Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He):
And We made every living thing wa ja‹alnå mina ’l-må›i kulla
from water. shai›in ¥ayy:
Will they not then believe? (21:30) a-fa-lå yu›min«n.
Water is said to contain ten subtle properties: delicateness, suppleness,
energy, fluency, limpidity, mobility, moistness, coolness, humility and
vitality. Allåh (Exalted is He) has imbued the conscientious believer
[mu›min labºb] with these same properties, namely, refinement of the
heart, flexibility of temperament, energy in obedient service, politeness
of the personality, purity of behavior, movement in good works,
moistness in the eye, coolness toward sinful transgressions, humility
toward fellow creatures, and vitality in heeding the truth.
The olive tree is another thing called ‘blessed’ by Allåh (Exalted and
Glorious is He):
From a blessed tree, min shajaratin mubårakatin
an olive…. (24:35) zait«natin….
This was the first tree from which Adam (peace be upon him) ate
when he was cast down to earth. It contains nourishment and
enlightenment. In the words of Allåh (Exalted is He):
…and relish for the eaters. (23:20) wa ƒibghin li’l-åkilºn.
Some say the ‘blessed tree’ is Abraham (peace be upon him), some say
it is the Qur݌n, and others say it is true faith. Still others say it is the
tranquil soul of the believer, insistent on good conduct, obedient to
commandment, restrained by prohibition, submitted to destiny,
conforming to the Lord in what He has decreed and ruled.
Jesus (peace be upon him) is also among those Allåh (Almighty and
Glorious is He) calls ‘blessed’:
[Jesus said]: “And He has made wa ja‹ala-nº mubårakan
me blessed wherever I may be.” aina-må kuntu.
His blessedness (peace be upon him) includes the sprouting of the
fruit from the date palm for his faithful mother, Mary (peace be upon
both mother and son), and the gushing forth of water beneath him.


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62 Volume Three

In the words of the Almighty and Glorious One:

Then [a voice] cried to her from below fa-nådå-hå min ta¥ti-hå
her, saying: “Grieve not, for your Lord allå ta¥zanº qad ja‹ala Rabbu-ki
has placed a rivulet beneath you. ta¥ta-ki sariyyå: wa huzzº ilai-ki
And shake the trunk of the palm-tree bi-jidh‹i ’n-nakhlati tusåqi£
toward you: It will cause ripe dates ‹alai-ki ru£aban janiyyå:
to fall upon you. So eat and drink fa-kulº wa ’shrabº
and be consoled.” (19:24-26) wa qarrº ‹ainå.
Among other good deeds and miracles, he healed the blind and cured
the leper, and brought the dead to life by his supplication.
The Ka‹ba is one of the things called ‘blessed’ by Allåh (Almighty and
Glorious is He):
The first House appointed for inna awwala Baitin wuæi‹a
mankind was that at Bakka, li’n-nåsi la-’lladhº bi-Bakkata
a blessed place. (3:96) mubårakan.
Part of its blessedness is that one who enters it, bearing a heavy load
of sins, will come out having been forgiven. Allåh (Exalted is He) has said:
And anyone who enters it is safe. wa man dakhala-hu kåna åminå.
So if someone enters the House as a believer, aware of his sins and
repentant, Allåh waives his punishment, accepts his repentance and
forgives him. It is also said that anyone who enters it is immune to
wrongdoing, as long as he remains within the Sacred Precinct. It is
therefore unlawful to kill the game there, or to fell the trees.
The sanctity of the Ka‹ba is due to the sanctity of Allåh, the sanctity
of the Mosque to the sanctity of the Ka‹ba, the sanctity of the Mecca
to the sanctity of the Mosque, and the sanctity of the Sacred Precinct
to the sanctity of Mecca. As it is said: “The Ka‹ba is a Qibla [direction
of prayer] for the people of the Mosque, the Mosque is a Qibla for the
people of Mecca, Mecca115 is a Qibla for the people of the Sacred
Precinct, and the Sacred Precinct is a Qibla for the people of the earth.
The Night of Absolution has also been called ‘blessed’, because it
is a vessel for the mercy, blessing, benefit, pardon and forgiveness
descending for the people on earth.
115 Author’s note: It is called ‘Bakka’ [in the Qur›ån] to suggest the ‘pitter-patter’ of the [pilgrims’]
feet. Bakka and Makka/Mecca are one and interchangeable, just like [the Arabic words] kamd with
kabd and låzim with låzib.


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According to Ab« Naƒr, the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him
peace) is reported as having said:116
On the night of the middle of Sha‹bån, Allåh (Exalted is He) descends to the
heaven of this lower world and forgives every Muslim, excepting only the
idolater, the bearer of malice, the breaker of family ties, or the woman who is
sexually promiscuous.
Again from Ab« Naƒr, we learn that ‹Á›isha (may Allåh be well
pleased with her) once said:117
“When it was the night of mid-Sha‹bån, the Prophet (Allåh bless him
and give him peace) had removed a garment of mine.” Then she added,
“By Allåh! That garment of mine was not of silk, nor of raw silk, nor
of linen, nor of silk and wool, nor of wool.” [The reporter said:] “‘Glory
be to Allåh!’ I said to her, ‘So what was it made of?’” She replied: “Its
warp was of hair and its weft was of silk. I reckoned that he (Allåh bless
him and give him peace) might have gone to one of his [other] wives,
so I got up and searched for him in the [darkness of the] apartment. My
hand made contact with his feet, as he was prostrate in worship. Of his
prayer (Allåh bless him and give him peace), I remember these words:
Prostrate before You are my form and my spirit, and my heart is in Your
safekeeping. I acknowledge Your favors, and to You I confess my sin. I have
wronged myself, so forgive me; surely none forgives sins but You. I seek refuge
with Your pardon from Your punishment, with Your mercy from Your ven-
geance, with Your approval from Your displeasure. I seek refuge with You from
You. I do not tell Your praises, for You are as You have extolled Yourself.
She continued: “So he did not cease from worship, now standing and
now sitting [on his heels], until morning came. Then his feet were put
up, and as I massaged them I said: ‘My father be your ransom and my
mother too! Surely Allåh has forgiven your former and your latter sins?
Surely Allåh has dealt with you? Is it not so? Is it not so?’
“He replied (Allåh bless him and give him peace): ‘O ‹Á›isha, shall
I not therefore be a grateful servant? Do you know what happens during
this night?’ ‘What happens?’ I asked, and he said: ‘This is when all
births are recorded for this year, and every death is registered. This is
116 Author’s note: Ab« Naƒr heard this report from his father, who cited the following chain of
transmission [isnåd]: ‹Abdu’llåh ibn Mu¥ammad—Ism勺l ibn ‹Umar al-Bajlº—‹Umar ibn M«så
al-Wajhº— Zaid ibn ‹Alº (via his forefathers)—‹Alº ibn Abº ¡ålib (may Allåh be well pleased
with him).
117 Author’s note: Ab« Naƒr heard this report from his father, who cited the following chain of
transmission [isnåd]: Ya¥yå ibn Sa‹ºd—‹Urwa—‹Á›isha (may Allåh be well pleased with her).


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64 Volume Three

when provisions are allotted to mankind, and their deeds and actions
are gathered up.’
“‘O Messenger of Allåh,’ said I, ‘Will no one enter Paradise except by
Allåh’s mercy?’ ’No one will enter Paradise except by Allåh’s mercy,’
he told me (Allåh bless him and give him peace). ‘Not even you?’ I
asked. ‘Not even I,’ said he (Allåh bless him and give him peace),
‘unless Allåh envelops me with His mercy.’ Then he rubbed his hand
over his head and his face.”
The following account, which I also received from Ab« Naƒr,118 tells
how ‹Á›isha (may Allåh be well pleased with her) related that Allåh’s
Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him peace) once said to her:
“O ‹Á›isha, what night is this?” She replied, “Allåh and His
Messenger know best.” Then he said: “The night of the middle of
Sha‹bån, during which worldly actions and the deeds of mankind are
carried aloft. As numerous as the wool on the flocks of the tribe of Kalb,
are Allåh’s slaves emancipated this night from the Fire of Hell. So will
you excuse me tonight?”
She said: “I said yes, so he performed his prayer like this: He held the
upright position only briefly, and recited al-ªamd 119 and a short S«ra;
then he stayed in prostration till the middle of the night; then he stood
up to begin the second cycle with a recitation similar to the first, and
then his prostration lasted until dawn.”
‹Á›isha (may Allåh be well pleased with her) went on to say: “I
watched him till I thought that Allåh (Exalted is He) had taken His
Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him peace), then, after a long time
had elapsed, I got close enough to touch the soles of his feet. He stirred,
and I heard him say in his prostration: ‘I take refuge with Your pardon
from Your punishment. I take refuge with Your approval from Your
displeasure. I take refuge with You from You. Glorious be Your praise!
I do not spell out praises upon You, for You are as You have extolled
“I said: ‘O Messenger of Allåh, tonight I have heard you utter
something, during your prostration, that I never heard you mention
118 Author’s note: Ab« Naƒr heard this report from his father, who cited the following chain of
transmission [isnåd]: Mu¥ammad ibn A¥mad al-ªåfiœ—‹Abdu’llåh ibn Mu¥ammad—Abu’l-
‹Abbås al-Harawº and Ibråhºm ibn Mu¥ammad ibn al-ªasan—Ab« ‹Ámir ad-Dimashqi—
al-Walºd ibn Muslim—Hishåm ibn al-Ghår, Sulaimån ibn Muslim et al.—Mak¥«l—‹Á›isha
(may Allåh be well pleased with her).
119 Another name for al-Fåti¥a.

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before?’ ’And have you learned it?’ he asked (Allåh bless him and give
him peace). When I said yes, he (Allåh bless him and give him peace)
told me: ‘Study those words and teach them, for Gabriel (peace be upon
him) instructed me to repeat them during the prostration.’”
According to another report, of which Ab« Naƒr informed me,
‹Á›isha (may Allåh be well pleased with her) once said:120
“I could not find Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him
peace) one night, so I went outside and there he was in the grove, his
head turned up toward the sky. Then he said to me: ‘Were you afraid
that Allåh and His Messenger would treat you unfairly?’ I replied:
‘O Messenger of Allåh, I thought you had gone to one of your [other]
wives.’ He said (Allåh bless him and give him peace): ‘On the night
of mid-Sha‹bån, Allåh (Exalted is He) descends to the lowest heaven
and forgives more than the number of woolly hairs on the flocks and
herds of [the tribe of] Kalb.’”
‹Ikrima (may Allåh bestow his mercy upon him), the client of Ibn
‹Abbås (may Allåh be well pleased with him and with his father), is
reported as having said, about the words of Allåh (Exalted is He):
[A night] in which every firm fº-hå yufraqu
decree is made distinct. (44:4) kullu amrin ¥akºm.
“That is the night of mid-Sha‹bån, when Allåh (Exalted is He)
arranges the affairs of the year. He transfers [some of] the living to the
list of the dead, and records those who will make pilgrimage to the
House of Allåh, neither adding one too many nor leaving a single one
of them out.”
ªakºm ibn Kaysån said: “Allåh (Exalted is He) surveys His creatures
on the night of mid-Sha‹bån, and when He purifies someone then, He
keeps that person clean until the next such night comes around.”
According to ‹A£å› ibn Yasår: “The activity of the year is mapped out
on the night of mid-Sha‹bån, so a man may embark on a journey, or get
married, when he has already been transferred from the list of the living
to that of the dead.”
120 Author’s note: Ab« Naƒr heard this report from his father, who cited the following chain of
transmission [isnåd]: ‹Abdu’llåh ibn Mu¥ammad—Is¥åq ibn A¥mad al-Fårisi—A¥mad ibn
aƒ-»abbå¥ ibn Abº Shuray¥—Yazºd ibn Hår«n—al-ªajjåj ibn Ar£åh—Ya¥yå ibn Abº Kathºr—
‹Urwa—‹Á›isha (may Allåh be well pleased with her).


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66 Volume Three

Ab« Naƒr informed me that ‹Á›isha (may Allåh be well pleased with
her) once said:121 “I heard the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him
peace) say:
Allåh showers down benefits on four nights: the Night of Sacrifice; the Night
of Breakfast; the Night of mid-Sha‹bån, when Allåh records times of death and
allots provisions, and lists the pilgrims; and the Night of ‹Arafa till the call to
According to Sa‹ºd, it was Ibråhºm ibn Abº Najº¥ who said:
“[The number of those nights is] five, including the Night of Friday
Ab« Huraira (may Allåh be well pleased with him) reported the
Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) as saying:
Gabriel (peace be upon him) came to me on the night of mid-Sha‹bån and said
to me: “O Mu¥ammad, raise your head heavenwards!” I asked him: “What
night is this?” and he replied: “This is the night when Allåh (Glorified is He)
opens three hundred of the gates of mercy, forgiving all who do not make
anything His partner. The only exceptions are those who practice sorcery or
divination, are addicted to wine, or persist in usury and illicit sex; these He does
not forgive until they repent.”
At a quarter of the night, Gabriel (peace be upon him) came down and said: “O
Mu¥ammad, raise your head!” So I looked up, to behold the gates of Paradise
wide open. At the first gate an angel was calling: “Good news for those who
bow in worship this night!” At the second gate an angel was calling: “Good
news for those who prostrate themselves in worship this night!” At the third
gate an angel was calling: “Good news for those who offer supplication this
night!” At the fourth gate an angel was calling: “Good news for those who make
remembrance this night!” At the fifth gate an angel was calling: “Good news
for those who weep this night from fear of Allåh!” At the sixth gate an angel
was calling: “Good news for those who submit this night!” At the seventh gate
an angel was calling: “Will anyone ask, that his request may be granted?” At
the eighth gate an angel was calling: “Will anyone seek forgiveness, that he may
be forgiven?”
I said: “O Gabriel, how long will these gates remain open?” He replied: “From
the beginning of the night until the break of dawn.” Then he said: “O
Mu¥ammad, tonight Allåh has as many slaves emancipated from the Fire as the
number of woolly hairs on the flocks and herds of Kalb.”

121 Author’s note: Ab« Naƒr heard this report from his father, who cited the following chain of
transmission [isnåd]: Målik ibn Anas—Hishåm ibn ‹Urwa—‹Á›isha (may Allåh be well pleased
with her).


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Fifth Discourse 67

On why the Night of Absolution [Lailat al-Barå›a]

is so called.

S ome say it is called the Night of Absolution [Lailat al-Barå›a]

because it contains two absolutions: an absolution for wretched
sinners from the All-Merciful, and an absolution from disappointment
for the Friends [of Allåh].
Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him peace) is reported
as having said:
When the night of mid-Sha‹bån arrives, Allåh makes careful scrutiny of His
creatures, then He forgives the true believers, gives respite to the unbelievers,
and leaves the resentful to their resentment until they call for Him.
It is said that the angels have two Nights of Festival in heaven, just
as the Muslims have two Days of Festival on earth. The angels celebrate
the Night of Absolution and the Night of Power, while the Muslims
celebrate the Day of Breakfast and the Day of Sacrifice. The angels have
their festivals at night, because they never sleep, while the believers
have theirs by day because they do sleep.
Concerning the wisdom in the decision of Allåh (Exalted is He) to
make known [the date of] the Night of Absolution, while concealing
[that of] the Night of Power, it has been said to lie in the fact that the
Night of Power is the night of mercy and forgiveness and emancipation
from the fires of Hell, which Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He) has
kept hidden so that there can be no discussion about it. He has made
known the Night of Absolution, however, because it is the night of
regulation and decree, the night of displeasure and approval, the night
of acceptance and rejection, of attainment and obstruction, the night
of bliss and woe, of grace and cleansing.
Thus one is favored while another is put off; one is requited while
another is abased; one is treated generously while another is deprived;
one is rewarded while another is shunned. Many a shroud is washed,


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68 Volume Three

while its owner is still busy in the bazaar. Many a grave is dug, while its
owner is deluded with pleasure. Many a mouth is laughing, though it
will soon be perishing. Many a house is under construction for an owner
close to destruction. Many a servant expects a reward, while punish-
ment awaits him. Many a servant hopes for good news, while disap-
pointment lies in store. Many a servant looks forward to Paradise, while
the fires of Hell are ready for him. Many a servant hopes for union,
while separation lies ahead. Many a servant hopes for a gift, while agony
awaits him. Many a servant is expecting wealth, while death is
expecting him.
It is said of al-ªasan al-Baƒrº (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him)
that he came out of his house on the day of mid-Sha‹bån, looking as if
he had been buried in the grave and then disinterred. When asked
about this, he said: “By Allåh, what is the plight of a shipwrecked sailor,
when compared to my own?” “Why is that?” “Because I am certain of
my sins, but I tremble over my good deeds, for I know not whether they
will be accepted of me or rejected.”


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Fifth Discourse 69

Concerning the Prayer of Benefits [»alåt al-Khair],

traditionally performed on the night of

A s for the ritual prayer traditional for the night of mid-Sha‹bån, it

consists of one hundred cycles, including one thousand repeti-
tions of “Qul Huwa’llåhu A¥ad [Say: ‘He is Allåh, One!’]”122 (that is to
say, ten recitations in each cycle [rak‹a] ). This prayer is called »alåt
al-Khair [the Prayer of Benefits], and its blessings are many and varied.
Our righteous predecessors used to gather to perform it in congregation.
It contains much merit and rich reward.
It is reported of al-ªasan [al-Baƒrº] (may Allåh bestow His mercy
upon him) that he once said:
“Thirty of the Companions of Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him
and give him peace) related to me that Allåh will look seventy times
upon one who performs this prayer on this night, and with each glance
He will fulfill seventy of that person’s needs, the least of them being
It is also commendable to perform this prayer on the fourteen nights
on which vigil is recommended, as we mentioned in [the chapter
concerning] the merits of Rajab, so that the worshipper may thereby
obtain this grace, this merit and reward.

This brings us to the end of the Sixth Discourse.

Praise be to Allåh, the Lord of All the Worlds!

[al-¥amdu li’llåhi Rabbi ’l-‹ålamºn].

122 S«ra 112.


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70 Volume Three

The Seventh Discourse

On the excellent qualities of the month
of Ramaæån.

A llåh (Almighty and Glorious is He) has told us:

O you who truly believe! yå ayyu-ha ’lladhºna åman«

Fasting is prescribed for you, kutiba ‹alai-kumu ’ƒ-ƒiyåmu
even as it was prescribed ka-må kutiba
for those before you, in order that ‹ala ’lladhºna min qabli-kum
you may practice true devotion. la‹alla-kum tattaq«n.
Al-ªasan al-Baƒrº 123 (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him) once
said: “Whenever you hear Allåh (Exalted is He) saying: ‘O you who
truly believe! [yå ayyu-ha ’lladhºna åman«],’ you must listen carefully and
pay the closest attention, for those words are intended to alert you,
either to a commandment you have to obey, or to a prohibition you
must not infringe.”
It was Ja‹far aƒ-»ådiq 124 (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him) who
said: “The summons has the delightful effect of dispelling the drudgery
of obedient service and weary toil.”
Let us now embark upon a detailed study of the Qur›ånic verse [åya]
itself, beginning with the words of Allåh (Exalted is He):
O you who truly believe! yå ayyu-ha ’lladhºna åman«.
1. yå:
The vocative particle yå [O…!] is an exclamatory interjection,
123 See note 74 on p. 40 above.
124 Ja‹far ibn Mu¥ammad ibn ‹Alº ibn al-ªusain ibn ‹Alº ibn Abº ¡ålib, known as “the Veracious”
[aƒ-»ådiq], was the sixth of the twelve descendants of the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him
peace) who, according to the majority of the Shº‹a, are considered the rightful Imåms. He was
celebrated for his expert knowledge of Tradition, and came to be regarded as a master of the
esoteric sciences.

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Fifth Discourse
Seventh 71

uttered by someone who is well acquainted [‹ålim] with the person, or

persons, whose attention he is seeking to attract. In this case, it is being
uttered by the One who is All-Knowing [‹Álim].
2. ayyu:
The connective element ayyu [(O) you…] is a pronoun [ism],125
referring to the recognized person, or persons, to whom the call or
summons is being addressed [al-ma‹l«m al-munådå].
3. -hå:
As for the suffix -hå, this adds an intimate touch to the impact of the
summoner’s call, since it conveys the hint of prior acquaintance and
long-standing friendship.
4. alladhºna:
[The next word, alladhºna, which is pronounced ’lladhºna in this
context, is simply the plural form of the relative pronoun alladhº,
meaning “who.”]
5. åman«:
The special significance of the verb åman« [truly believe]126 is that it
points to the secret knowledge that is shared by the One who is
summoning and the one who is being summoned [as-sirr al-ma‹l«m
bi-yad al-Munådº wa ’l-munådå]. It is as if He is saying: “O he who
belongs to Me [yå man huwa lº],127 on account of that secret of his, to
which he is sincerely devoted with his conscience [æamºr], and with the
very kernel of his being [lubb]…!”
This brings us to His words (Almighty and Glorious is He):
Fasting is prescribed for you… kutiba ‹alai-kumu ’ƒ-ƒiyåmu…
6. kutiba:
To say that fasting is prescribed [kutiba], is the same as saying that it
has been imposed and made incumbent as a strictly obligatory religious
duty [furiæa wa «jiba].
125 The Arab grammarians apply the term ism [name] to noun and pronoun alike.
126 The verb åman« [truly believe] is derived from the same triliteral root as the corresponding
verbal noun ºmån [true belief; true faith]. According to the classical lexicographers, the primary
meaning of ºmån is: “becoming true to the trust with respect to which Allåh has confided in one,
by a firm believing with the heart; not by profession of belief with the tongue only, without the
assent of the heart; for he who does not firmly believe with his heart is either a hypocrite or an
ignorant person.” (See E.W. Lane, Arabic-English Lexicon, art. ›–M–N.)
127 The expression yå man huwa contains a sequence of sounds—å man h«—in which one can hear
a virtual echo of the word åman«.


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72 Volume Three

7. ‹alai-kumu:
[This means “upon (all of) you” or “for (all of) you.”128 The Arabic
suffix -kum is a plural pronoun, indicating that more than two people
are being addressed.129 It is pronounced -kumu when followed by the
definite article (al-, aƒ-, etc.), the initial vowel of which then becomes
silent, as in the phrase ‹alai-kumu ’ƒ-ƒiyåmu.]
8. ›ƒ-ƒiyåmu:
In terms of Arabic grammar, the word ƒiyåm [fasting] is a verbal noun
[maƒdar], which may be used as the object of the corresponding verb.
Thus [if you wish to say, in Arabic, that you have kept fast throughout
the daylight hours, and then spent the night awake, observing a
prayerful vigil,] you may use the expression: “»umtu ƒiyåman wa qumtu
qiyåman [lit., I have fasted a fasting, and I have stayed awake a
staying awake].”130
In the ordinary usage of the Arabic language, the basic meaning of
ƒiyåm [fasting] is summed up in the word imsåk [to cease and desist; to
refrain; to abstain]. Consider the following idiomatic expressions:131
a) The expression ƒåmat ar-rº¥ [lit., the wind has fasted] may be used
when the wind has calmed down and cease to blow.
b) The expression Čmat al-khail [lit., the horses have fasted] may be
used when these animals have come to a halt, and have stopped to take
a break from their journey.
c) The expression ƒåma ’n-nahår [lit., the daytime has kept fast] may
be used at the point of midday in summer, when the sun is at its height,
and the shade has almost disappeared. This is a reference to the fact that
the sun comes to a halt, when it reaches the center of the sky, and
128 The appropriate translation of the preposition ‹alå (which is pronounced ‹alai- when a pronoun
is attached to it) will depend on the idiomatic usage of the English language. For instance, we may
say that something is “incumbent upon you, because it is prescribed for you.”
129 In addition to the second person singular pronouns, masculine -ka and feminine -ki, both
corresponding to the archaic English “thee,” Arabic also has the dual form -kumå [(both of) you].
130 The structure of the Arabic language makes it convenient for traditional grammarians and
lexicographers to use a verb in the third person masculine singular, followed by the corresponding
verbal noun [maƒdar] as its object, as their basic unit of reference. An interesting example occurs
in Vol. 2, p. 87, where the author (may Allåh be well pleased with him) discusses possible derivations
of the Name “Allåh”:
According to an-Naæir ibn Shumail, the Name “Allåh” may be derived…from the expression alaha
ilåhatan, which has the same meaning as ‹abada ‹ibådatan [to serve, worship, adore].
131 In each of the idiomatic expressions listed by the author (may Allåh be well pleased with him),
the reader will notice the use of the Arabic verb Čmat or Čma, both forms of which are derived,
like the verbal noun ƒiyåm, from the root ƒ–w–m.

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Fifth Discourse
Seventh 73

interrupts its progress for a brief moment. In the words of the anony-
mous poet:
Until, when the day keeps fast [ƒåma ’n-nahår], having reached the point of noon,
and gossamer threads [lu‹åb] appear to fall, in the light of the summer sun….
d) When referring to a man who has remained silent and refrained
from speaking, one may say that he has “fasted” [ƒåma].
Allåh (Exalted is He) has also used the word ƒawm [fast]132 in the sense
of abstinence from speech [ƒamt],133 for He has said:
Say, [O Mary]: “I have vowed fa-q«lº innº nadhartu
a fast unto the All-Merciful, li’r-Ra¥måni ƒawman
so I shall not speak this day fa-lan ukallima ’l-yawma
to any human being.” (19:26) insiyyå.
As for its observance during the month of Ramaæån, the Fast
[aƒ-»awm] is kept by abstaining [imsåk] from certain regular activities,
namely, the consumption of food and drink, and engaging in sexual
intercourse—even in the forms that are at other times permissible
according to the Sacred Law [ash-Shar‹]—as well as by desisting and
refraining from the commission of sins.
Fasting is prescribed, as Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He) has said:
even as it was prescribed ka-må kutiba
for those before you… (2:183) ‹ala ’lladhºna min qabli-kum…
That is to say, for the Prophets [Anbiyå›] and their communities
[umam], the very first of them being Adam (peace be upon him).
This interpretation is supported by the following traditional report,
transmitted by ‹Abd al-Malik ibn Hår«n ibn ‹Antara on the authority
132 At least in the case of the term ƒawm [fast], the three root-letters <ƒ–w–m> are all clearly
apparent. Since the Arabic letter wåw is a so-called ‘weak’ letter, it disappears from certain derived
forms of any root of which it is one of the three elements. Thus in some of the words derived from
the root ƒ–w–m, the central element may be ‘hidden’ in a long –å– (represented by an alif in the
Arabic script), a long –«– (in which case the wåw is disguised in the transliteration, although it
does appear in the original Arabic script), or it may have acquired the sound –y– or that of the long
vowel –º– (both represented by the Arabic letter yåy).
This should be borne in mind while reading this Discourse, so that the reader will understand
the linguistic and semantic connections between linking various terms discussed by the author,
such as ƒiyåm. ƒåma, ƒåmat, ƒumtu and ƒawm—all of which are derivatives of the root ƒ–w–m. (For
a detailed listing of these and other words, phrases and sayings derived from this root, see
E.W. Lane, Arabic-English Lexicon, art. »–W–M.)
133 In light of the explanations in note 132 above, the reader could easily assume that the word
ƒamt [silence; abstinence from speech] must also be derived from the triliteral root ƒ–w–m. In fact,
however, it is derived from the root ƒ–m–t, which coneys the basic idea of “silence; speechlessness.”


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74 Volume Three

of his father, Hår«n, who told ‹Abd al-Malik that his grandfather,
‹Antara, had said:
“I once heard ‹Alº ibn Abº ¡ålib (may Allåh be well pleased with
him) say: ‘I came to Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him
peace) one day, around the time of noon, while he was indoors in his
room. I saluted him with the greeting of peace, and he returned my
salutation, then he said: “O ‹Alº, here is Gabriel, offering you the
greeting of peace!” So I said: “Peace be unto you, and also unto him,
O Messenger of Allåh!” He then said (Allåh bless him and give him
peace): “Come over here beside me,” so I moved till I was close beside
him, whereupon he said:
“‘“O ‹Alº, Gabriel is talking to you. He is saying: “You must fast
during three days out of every month. For the first day, the reward of
ten thousand years will be recorded in your favor; for the second day, the
reward of thirty thousand years; and for the third day, the reward of
three hundred thousand years.”
“‘“O Messenger of Allåh,” said I, “is this reward for me in particular,
for is it for all mankind in general?”
“‘“O ‹Alº,” he replied (Allåh bless him and give him peace): “Allåh
will bestow this reward not only upon you, but also upon those who
come after you, provided they perform the same good works as you do.”
“‘“O Messenger of Allåh,” said I, “which days of the month are the
three in question?”
In answer to my question, he told me (Allåh bless him and give
him peace): “They are the three known as the “white” days [al-ayyåm
al-bºæ]; that is to say, the the thirteenth, the fourteenth and the fifteenth
of the month.”’”
‹Antara then went on to say:
“So I said to ‹Alº (may Allåh be well pleased with him): ‘Why do you
call these days the “white” days? ‹Alº (may Allåh be well pleased with
him) then told me the following story:
“‘When Allåh (Exalted is He) evicted Adam (peace be upon him)
from the Garden of Paradise, and sent him down to the earth, he was
so scorched by the sun that his body turned as black as pitch. Gabriel
(peace be upon him) then came to him and said: ‘O Adam, would you
like to have your skin turn white?’ Adam said yes, he would like that
very much, so Gabriel said to him: ‘In that case, you must fast on the

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Fifth Discourse
Seventh 75

thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth of the month.’ Adam (peace be

upon him) accepted the challenge, and began by fasting on the first of
these days. As soon as he had done so, one third of his body turned
white. Then he fasted on the second day, and found that two thirds of
his body had now turned white. Then he fasted on the third day, after
which the whole of his body had turned white. This explains why they
are called the “white” days [al-ayyåm al-bºæ].’”134
On the basis of this traditional account, assuming that we can
accept it as genuinely authentic, it is clearly established that Adam
(peace be upon him) was one of those for whom fasting was prescribed
[kutiba ’ƒ-ƒiyåm] before the time of Mu¥ammad (Allåh bless him and
give him peace). As we must not fail to mention, however, a different
interpretation has been maintained by al-ªasan, whose view of this
subject is shared by a significant group of learned experts in the field of
Qur›ånic exegesis [tafsºr]:
“When Allåh (Exalted is He) speaks of ‘those before you [alladhºna
min qabli-kum],’ He is referring specifically to the Christians [an-Naƒårå].
He has likened our form of fasting to their form of fasting, on account
of the close correspondence between the two, in terms of the time
involved and the rigorous extent of the practice.”
The fact of the matter is that Allåh (Exalted is He) did impose fasting
during the month of Ramaæån upon the Christians, as an obligatory
religious duty. This proved to be extremely rigorous for them, however,
since it [i.e., the lunar month of Ramaæån] would sometimes come
around during the season of intense heat, or in that of intense cold. It
would also inconvenience them severely by interfering with their travel
plans, and by disrupting the regular patterns of their daily lives. An
agreement was therefore reached, by the common consent of their
religious scholars [‹ulåmå›] and their political leaders [ru›aså›], on a
proposal whereby they would fix their period of fasting in the season of
the year between winter and summer. Having thus assigned it to the
spring, they also extended it by ten extra days, as a penance [kaffåra] to
atone for what they had done, and so it became a period of forty days.
Some time after this, a certain king of theirs complained of an painful
ache in his mouth, so he made a proposal to Allåh, promising to add
another week to their fast [ƒawm], if he could be relieved of that painful
134 See pp. 357–60 below.


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76 Volume Three

ache. This resulted in their making a further extension to the period of

fasting. Then that king died, and another king succeeded him as their
ruler, at which point they finally rounded it out at fifty days.
It was Mujåhid 135 (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him) who said:
“They were afflicted by a deadly plague, so their king said to them: ‘You
must add more days to your period of fasting!’ So they added ten days
to begin with, and another ten later on.”
It was ash-Sha‹bº (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him) who said:
“Even if I were to fast during each and every day throughout the entire
year, I would break my fast on the day concerning which there is some
element of doubt, inasmuch as some may say it is [the last day] of
Sha‹bån, while others are calling it [the first] of Ramaæån.136 My reason
for being so scrupulous is that fasting during the month of Ramaæån was
once prescribed as a religious duty for the Christians, just as it is
prescribed for us, but they transferred it to the season of Lent.137 As their
pretext for making this change, they complained that they sometimes
had to fast during the intense heat of midsummer. They began by
counting it as thirty days, but then along came another generation to
take their place, and these newcomers acquired a great deal of confi-
dence in themselves, so they fasted for an extra day before the thirty,
and for another extra day thereafter. Then each subsequent generation
would invariably follow the example set by the generation before them,
until they had extended the period of fasting to a total of fifty days.”
Well then, fasting is indeed prescribed, as Allåh (Almighty and
Glorious is He) has said, even as it was prescribed for those before you:
in order that you may practice la‹alla-kum
true devotion. (2:183) tattaq«n.
That is to say, in order that you may practice detachment from eating,
drinking, and engaging in sexual intercourse.
The experts in Qur›ånic exegesis [ahl at-tafsºr] have also provided us
with the following historical background information:
135 Abu ’l-ªajjåj Mujåhid ibn Jabr al-Makkº (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him) was a Tåbi‹º
[member of the generation following that of the Companions] and a disciple of Ibn ‹Abbås (may
Allåh be well pleased with him and with his father). By the time of his death, in A.H. 104, he had
come to be regarded as one of the most outstanding scholars in the fields of Islåmic jurisprudence
[fiqh] and Qur›ånic exegesis [tafsºr].
136 See p. 55 above.
137 The term Lent has come down from Middle English (12th to 15th centuries), in which “lente”
was the word meaning “springtime.”

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Fifth Discourse
Seventh 77

“Allåh (Exalted is He) made it incumbent upon His Messenger,

Mu¥ammad (Allåh bless him and give him peace), and upon all the true
believers [mu›minºn], to fast on the Day of ‹Ásh«rå›138 and on three days
out of every month. This injunction was delivered to the Prophet
(Allåh bless him and give him peace) when he arrived at Medina [at the
time of the Hijra, the Migration from Mecca]. So they made it their
regular practice to observe these fasts, until [the Qur’ånic injunction
concerning] the duty to fast in the month of Ramaæån was revealed, one
month and several days before the battle of Badr took place.”139
Allåh (Exalted is He) has said:
[Fast] a certain number of days. ayyåman ma‹d«dat.
What this signifies is that the month of Ramaæån may last for thirty
days, or for only twenty-nine days.
According to traditional report, Sa‹ºd ibn ‹Amr ibn Sa‹ºd ibn al-‹Áƒ
once heard Ibn ‹Umar (may Allåh be well pleased with him, and with
his father) relating that the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him
peace) had said:
I and my Community [Ummatº] are simple folk without much formal
education [ummiyya]. We do not make elaborate calculations, nor do
we make a written record of the month, like so, and like so, and like so,
in order to arrive at the total of thirty.140
In Arabic, the lunar month is called shahr, because of its conspicuous
nature [shuhra]. The words shahr and shuhra are both derived from the
root sh-h-r, which conveys the basic idea of “clear visibility.” Verbs
from the same root are used in several idiomatic expressions, such as
shahartu ’s-saif [I have unsheathed the sword], and shahara ’l-hilål [the
new moon has come into view].

138 See pp. 278–94 below.

139 The battle of Badr, in which the Muslims won an important victory over the unbelievers of
Quraish, was fought during the month of Ramaæån in the second year of the Hijra.
140 There is no need for such calculations and written records, of course, when the beginning and
end of the period of fasting is determined by the appearance of the new moon, rather than by
human arithmetic.


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78 Volume Three

On the diverse opinions held by various experts

concerning the significance of the term “Ramaæån,”
as it is used by Allåh (Exalted is He) in the Qur›ån.

T he experts have failed to agree on the significance of the term

“Ramaæån,”141 as it is used by Allåh (Exalted is He) in the Qur›ånic
verse [åya]:142
[The time of fasting is] the shahru
month of Ramaæån, Ramaæåna ’lladhº
in which the Qur›ån was sent down. unzila fº-hi ’l-Qur›ånu.
Some of those experts have declared: “‘Ramaæån’ is one of the Names
of Allåh (Exalted is He). This is why it is called ‘the month of
Ramaæån,’ just as Rajab is referred to as ‘the quiet month of Allåh
[shahru’llåh al-aƒamm],’143 and ‘the worshipful servant of Allåh [‹abdu’llåh].’”
From one traditional report, transmitted by Ja‹far aƒ-»ådiq144 (may
Allåh bestow His mercy upon him) on the authority of his father and
his grandfathers (may Allåh be well pleased with them all), we learn
that the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) once said:
The month of Ramaæån is Allåh’s month.
It was Anas ibn Målik 145 (may Allåh be well pleased with him) who
141 In the Arabic script, there is no distinction corresponding to that which exists between ‘upper
case’ and ‘lower case’ in scripts derived from the Roman alphabet. This fact deserves emphatic
repetition here, as a reminder that the Arabic spelling alone provides no clue as to whether a given
word is a ‘proper’ noun or name, or merely a ‘common’ noun.’ (In certain scholarly journals, for
this very reason, no capitalized letters whatsoever are used in the transliteration of Arabic texts,
not even for the names of people and places.)
142 The month of Ramaæån is the only month of the year to be mentioned by name in the entire
Qur›ån, and this is the only Qur›ånic verse [åya] in which Allåh (Exalted is He) uses the term
143 See p. 11 above.
144 See note 125 on p. 70 above.
145 See note 35 on p. 24 above.


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Fifth Discourse
Seventh 79

stated that Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him peace)
once said:
Do not say “Ramaæån” [as an independent unit within a sentence]. You must
always use it as part of a particular grammatically construct phrase, just as Allåh
(Exalted is He) has used it in the Qur’ån, for He has said:
the month of Ramaæån. (2:185) shahru Ramaæåna.
According to another traditional report, this one transmitted by
al-Aƒma‹º, Ab« ‹Amr once said: “It came to be called ‘Ramaæån’
for the simple reason that young camels, newly weaned from their
mothers, were so badly scorched [rumiæat al-fiƒål] 146 by the heat in the
course of this month.”147
Other authorities have maintained: “[It came to be called ‘Ramaæån’]
because, in the course of this month, the rocks and stones of the desert
terrain would be scorched [turmaæu] by the blistering heat. The [closely
related] term ramæå› is used as a collective noun, meaning “rocks and
stones that have been rendered intensely hot.”
Yet others have said: “It was given the name ‘Ramaæån’ because it has
a scorching effect upon sins [yurmiæu ’dh-dhun«b].” That is to say, it
burns sins away. This explanation has also been attributed to the
Prophet himself (Allåh bless him and give him peace).
146 Like the noun Ramaæån, the passive verb rumiæat is derived from the triconsonantal root
r–m–æ, which conveys the basic idea of “being scorched; intensely heated by the sun.” According
the the classical Arabic lexicographers, the expression rumiæat al-fiƒål means that the young
camels, newly weaned from their mothers, “were affected by the heat of the sun from the ground,
or stones, intensely heated thereby,” or that they “were forced to lie down, in consequence of the
intense heat of the sand, and the burning of their feet.” (See E.W. Lane, Arabic-English Lexicon,
art. R–M–Œ.)
147 This explanation assumes that the month of Ramaæån acquired its name during the historical
period in which the calendar used by the people of Arabia was based on the solar year, so that
Ramaæån always coincided with the height of the summer season, when the desert heat was
extremely intense.
As noted by Thomas Patrick Hughes (Dictionary of Islam, art. YEAR): “The ancient Arabian
year is supposed to have consisted of twelve lunar months…; but about the year 412 C.E., the
Arabians introduced a system of intercalation, whereby one month was intercalated into every
three years.” This system of intercalation was eventually abolished, and the lunar year reinstated,
near the end of the Prophet’s life on earth (Allåh bless him and give him peace). According to
a report transmitted by Thawr ibn Yazºd, it was in the course of the sermon [khu£ba] he delivered
during the Farewell Pilgrimage [ªajjat al-Wadå‹] that the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him
peace) uttered the words:
Time has swung around full circle, so that it is now divided according to the same calendrical
pattern as on the day when Allåh created the heavens and the earth. The year has twelve


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80 Volume Three

It has also been said: “Our hearts absorb a spiritual lesson from the
heat [experienced while fasting], along with a reason to reflect on the
state of the Hereafter, just as the sand and the stones absorb the effects
of their exposure to the heat of the sun.”
To quote the words of [the early philologist and lexicographer]
al-Khalºl [ibn A¥mad]:148 “The etymological source from which
‘Ramaæån’ is derived is ar-ramaæ, the Arabic term for a rain that arrives
in the autumn. This month is therefore called ‘Ramaæån’ because it
washes the sins away from our physical bodies, and also causes our hearts
to experience a process of purification.”

148 According to Sir Hamilton Gibb: “The first systematic expositions [of Arabic philology] were
made by al-Khalºl (d. 791),* an Arab from Oman. On the basis of ancient poetry, he worked out
a complex metrical theory which has never been superseded, and he made the first attempt to
compile a dictionary, arranged not in any of the various alphabetic orders adopted in later Arabic
lexicons, but according to a phonetic scheme in which Indian influences have been suspected.”
(H.A.R. Gibb. Arabic Literature. Oxford University Press, 1970, p. 53.) The title of al-Khalºl’s
lexicon is Kitåb al-‹Ain (because the first words listed in it were those beginning with the letter
‹ain). *In Arabic sources, his death is variously reported as A.H. 160 or 170 or 175.


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Fifth Discourse 81

Concerning various interpretations of

the words of Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He):
The month of Ramaæån, in which the Qur›ån was sent down. (2:185)
shahru Ramaæåna ’lladhº unzila fº-hi ’l-Qur›ånu.

A ccording to a traditional report, ‹A£iyya ibn al-Aswad once had

a question [concerning this revelation] to put to Ibn ‹Abbås (may
Allåh be well pleased with him and with his father), so he said:
“It seems that some uncertainty has arisen concerning His words
(Exalted is He):
We have sent it down innå anzalnå-hu
on a blessed night. (44:3) fº lailatin mubårakatin.
“This uncertainty is due to the fact that [portions of] the Qur›ån are
known to have been sent down during other months, [and not only on
one blessed night in the month of Ramaæån].149 Indeed, Allåh Himself
(Exalted is He) has said:
And [it is] a Qur›ån that We wa Qur›ånan faraqnå-hu
have divided, so that you may li-taqra›a-hu
recite it to the people at intervals. ‹ala ’n-nåsi ‹alå mukthin.
Ibn ‹Abbås (may Allåh be well pleased with him and with his father)
responded to this by telling him:
“The Qur›ån was sent down as a single whole, from the Well-Kept
Tablet [al-Law¥ al-Ma¥f«œ], on the Night of Power [Lailat al-Qadr] in
the month of Ramaæån. It was thereupon installed in the House of
Glory [Bait al-‹Izza] in the heaven of this lower world. Then Gabriel
(peace be upon him) brought it down and revealed it to the Prophet
149 On p. 60 above, we are informed that:
According to Ibn ‹Abbås (may Allåh be well pleased with him and his father)…, the “blessed night”
(44:3) is the night of mid-Sha‹bån, which is the Night of Absolution.


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82 Volume Three

(Allåh bless him and give him peace) in a series of installments

[nuj«man nuj«må],150 over the course of twenty-three years. Such, in
fact, is the meaning conveyed by the words of Allåh (Almighty and
Glorious is He), in the first of the following verses [åyåt] of the Qur›ån:
Oh no! I swear fa-lå uqsimu
by the setting-places of the stars—151 bi-mawåqi‹i ’n-nuj«m:
and that is a tremendous oath, wa inna-hu la-qasamun
if you did but know— law ta‹lam«na ‹aœºm:
that it is indeed a noble Qur›ån, inna-hu la-Qur›ånun karºm:
in a Book kept hidden, fº Kitåbin makn«n:
which none shall touch lå yamassu-hu
except the purified, illa ’l-mu£ahhar«n:
a revelation from tanzºlun min
the Lord of the Worlds. (56:75–80)” Rabbi ’l-‹Álamºn.
Dåw«d ibn Abº Hind told someone he knew: “I once asked
ash-Sha‹bº: ‘Was it only in the month of Ramaæån that the Qur›ån was
sent down? Was it not also sent down to the Prophet (Allåh bless him
and give him peace) at various times during the rest of the year?’ He
answered my question by saying: ‘Oh yes, but the way it happened was
this: Gabriel (peace be upon him) used to convey to Mu¥ammad
(Allåh bless him and give him peace), in Ramaæån, the revelation sent
down by Allåh. Then Allåh would then emphasize whatever He
wished, fix whatever He wished in his memory, and cause him to forget
whatever He wished.’”
According to a traditional report, transmitted by Shihåb on the
authority of Ab« Dharr al-Ghifårº152 (may Allåh be well pleased with
him), the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) once said:
150 While the primary signification of the Arabic word najm (of which nuj«m is the plural form)
is “star; celestial body; constellation,” it can also mean “installment.”
151 This may fairly be described as a cautiously conservative translation of bi-mawåqi‹i ’n-nuj«m,
in that it adheres to the interpretation reflected in the renderings adopted by M.M. Pickthall (“the
places of the stars”), A. Yusuf Ali (“the setting of the stars”), and A.J. Arberry (“the fallings of the
stars”). Maulana Muhammad Ali represents a sharp contrast, since he embraces with positive
enthusiasm the interpretation attributed above to Ibn ‹Abbås (may Allåh be well pleased with him
and with his father), and sees no reason to hesitate in offering the translation:
But nay, I swear by revelation of portions (of the Qur݌n)!
In a footnote, Maulana Muhammad Ali justifies this rendering with the statement: “The
meaning adopted is in consonance with the context…. Mawåqi‹ is the plural of mawqi‹, i.e., the
time or place of the coming down of a thing, which is the revelation of the Qur›ån in this case.”
152 See note 23 on p. 18 above.


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Fifth Discourse
Seventh 83

The Scrolls of Abraham [»u¥uf Ibråhºm] (peace be upon him) were sent down
on the third day of the month of Ramaæån. The Torah of Moses [Tawråt M«så]
(peace be upon him) was sent down on the sixth day of the month of Ramaæån.
The Psalms of David [Zab«r Dåw«d] (peace be upon him) were sent down on the
eighteenth day of the month of Ramaæån. The Gospel of Jesus [Injºl ¤Ïså] (peace
be upon him) was sent down on the thirteenth day of the month of Ramaæån.
As for the Criterion [al-Furqån], [i.e., the Qur’ån,] it was sent down to
Mu¥ammad (Allåh bless him and give him peace) on the twenty-fourth of the
month of Ramaæån.
Next, Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He) has provided a description
of the Qur݌n, for He has told us that it is:
A guidance for mankind, hudan li’n-nåsi
and clear proofs of the guidance, wa bayyinåtin mina ’l-hudå
and the Criterion. (2:185) wa ’l-Furqån.
As a guidance for mankind, it shows the way out of error. The clear
proofs of the guidance are indisputable evidence of that which is lawful
[¥alål] and that which is unlawful, of the restrictive statutes [¥ud«d]153
and the rules of law [a¥kåm]. The Criterion [Furqån] draws the
distinction between the true [¥aqq] and the false [bå£il].

153 In the terminology of Islamic law, ¥ud«d can also mean “the penalties prescribed for those who
trespass beyond the legal limits.” The specific punishments prescribed by Islåmic law [¥ud«d,
plural of ¥add], and the offences for which they are prescribed, are as follows: (1) For zinå in the
sense of adultery: stoning [rajm]. (2) For zinå in the sense of fornication: one hundred lashes. (3)
For qadhf [falsely accusing a married person of adultery]: eighty lashes. (4) For apostasy [irtidåd]:
death. (5) For drinking intoxicating beverages [shurb]: eighty lashes. (6) For theft [sariqa]:
amputation of the right hand. (7) For highway robbery [qa£‹ a£-£arºq]: (a) amputation of hands and
feet (for robbery only) or (b) death by the sword or crucifixion (for robbery with murder).


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84 Volume Three

Concerning the excellent qualities

that are peculiar to the month of Ramaæån.

S haikh Ab« Naƒr [Mu¥ammad ibn al-Bannå›] has informed us, on

good traditional authority,154 that Salmån [al-Fårisº]155 (may Allåh
be well pleased with him) once said:
“Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him peace) delivered
a sermon for our benefit on the last day of Sha‹bån,156 and this is what
he told us:
O people, a mighty month has cast its protective shade to screen you. A blessed
month, a month in which there is a night that is better than a thousand months!
Allåh has made keeping the fast therein [ƒiyåma-hu] an obligatory religious duty
[farºæa], and the observance of night vigil therein [qiyåm laili-hi] a voluntary
practice [ta£awwu‹]. If someone seeks to draw near [to the Lord] therein by
setting just one example of good conduct, or performs just one religious
obligation, that person will be exactly the same as someone who discharges
seventy religious obligations during all the other months of the year.
It is the month of patient endurance [ƒabr], and the reward for patient
endurance is the Garden of Paradise. It is the month of charitable sharing
[musåwå›], and it is the month in which the sustenance of the true believer
[mu›min] is increased. So, if someone provides a breakfast meal for a person who
is keeping the fast, this will result in forgiveness for his sins, and in his
emancipation from the Fire of Hell. The benefactor will also be granted a
reward equivalent to that earned by the recipient of his generosity, but without
anything at all being deducted from the reward due to the latter.
“‘Not all of us can find what it takes to provide a breakfast meal for
someone who is keeping the fast,’ said those who were listening to his
154 Author’s note: Shaikh Ab« Naƒr Mu¥ammad ibn al-Bannå› cites the following chain of
transmission [isnåd] for this report: His own father [Shaikh Ab« ‹Alº ibn A¥mad ibn ‹Abdi’llåh
ibn al-Bannå›]—Ibn al-Fåris—Ab« ªåmid A¥mad ibn Mu¥ammad ibn al-Jal«dº an-Nºsåb«rº—
Mu¥ammad ibn Is¥åq ibn Khuzaima—‹Alº ibn ªajar as-Sa‹dº—Y«suf ibn Ziyåd—Hammåm
ibn Ya¥yå—‹Alº ibn Zaid ibn Ja‹dån—Sa‹ºd ibn al-Musayyib—Salmån [al-Fårisº] (may Allåh
be well pleased with him)—the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace).
155 See note 39 on p. 26 above.
156 The last day of the month of Sha‹bån is immediately followed by the first day of the month of


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Fifth Discourse
Seventh 85

sermon, but the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) went on
to say:
Allåh will grant this reward to anyone who gives some kind of breakfast
nourishment to a person who is keeping the fast, even if it is merely a dried date,
a drink of water, or a cup of diluted milk.
It is a month the beginning of which is a mercy, the middle of which is a
forgiveness, and the last part of which is a deliverance from the Fire of Hell. So,
if a slaveholder lightens the burden borne by his slave in this month, Allåh will
forgive him and grant him freedom from the Fire of Hell.
During the course of this month, you must therefore cultivate four practices, and
repeat them frequently. Two of these are practices by which you will earn your
Lord’s good pleasure, while the other two are practices that you simply cannot
afford to do without. As for the two practices by which you will earn your Lord’s
good pleasure, they are testifying that there is no god except Allåh [shahåda an
lå ilåha illa ’llåh] and begging Him for forgiveness. As for the two that you simply
cannot afford to do without, they are imploring Allåh to grant you the Garden
of Paradise, and taking refuge with Him from the Fire of Hell.157
Furthermore, if someone provides a satisfying breakfast meal, in the course of
this month, for a person who is keeping the fast, Allåh (Exalted is He) will give
the benefactor a drink from my Basin [ªawæ], after which he will never feel
thirsty again.”158
According to a traditional report transmitted by al-Kalbº, on the
authority of Ab« Naæra, it was Ab« Sa‹ºd al-Khudrº159 (may Allåh be
well pleased with him) who stated that Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless
him and give him peace) once said:
The gates of the Garden of Paradise and the gates of heaven will surely be flung
open on the first night of the month of Ramaæån, and they will not be closed
again until the very last night thereof. Each time, without fail, that a male or
female servant [of the Lord] performs the ritual prayer [yuƒallº] during
any night of this month, Allåh will credit him or her with seventeen hundred
good deeds for every act of prostration [sajda]. For that servant, He will build
in the Garden of Paradise a house, made from a single red ruby, that has seventy
doors. Each of those doors will have two leaves of gold, beautifully adorned with
knobs fashioned from red ruby.
If someone keeps the fast on the first day of the month of Ramaæån, Allåh will
forgive him every sin until the last day of Ramaæån, and his fasting will be an

157 For traditional invocations of Divine refuge and protection, see Vol. , pp. 15, 85, 88, 106 and
338, and Vol. 2, pp. 42–43.
158 In Vol. 1, pp. 237–38, Shaikh ‹Abd al-Qådir al-Jºlånº (may Allåh be well pleased with him)
has devoted a lengthy subsection to the subject of the Basin of the Prophet (Allåh bless him and
give him peace).
159 Ab« Sa‹ºd Sa‹d ibn Målik ibn Sinån al-Khudrº al-Anƒårº (may Allåh be well pleased with him)
was a Companion of the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) and a famous narrator of
Tradition. He died in A.H. 74 or, according to some reports, in A.H. 63–64.

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86 Volume Three

expiation until that same point in time. For every day on which he keeps the
fast, he will be granted a palatial mansion in the Garden of Paradise, equipped
with a thousand doors made of gold. From early in the morning, seventy
thousand angels will beg forgiveness on his behalf, although they will stay out
of sight behind the curtain. For every act of prostration he performs, by night
or by day, he will be granted a tree in Garden of Paradise, a tree in the shade of
which a rider can travel for one hundred years without ever passing beyond it.
Shaikh Ab« Naƒr [Mu¥ammad ibn al-Bannå›] has informed me, on
good traditional authority,160 that it was Ab« Huraira161 (may Allåh be
well pleased with him) who first reported this next saying of the Prophet
(Allåh bless him and give him peace):
When the first night of the month of Ramaæån has arrived, Allåh surveys His
entire creation. If He takes notice of a particular servant of His, it means that
He will never cause him to suffer torment, and a million have reason, every day,
to thank Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He) for their deliverance from the
Fire of Hell.
Shaikh Ab« Naƒr [Mu¥ammad ibn al-Bannå›] has also informed me,
on good traditional authority,162 that it was Ab« Huraira (may Allåh be
well pleased with him) who first reported that the Prophet (Allåh bless
him and give him peace) once said:
As soon as Ramaæån comes around, the gates of the Garden of Paradise are flung
open, the gates of the Fire of Hell are shut and locked, and the devils [shay壺n]
are shackled and tied up tight.
According to another traditional report, this one transmitted on the
authority of Nåfi‹ ibn Burda, Ab« Mas‘«d al-Ghifårº (may Allåh be well
pleased with him) once heard these words being uttered by the Prophet
(Allåh bless him and give him peace):
No servant [of the Lord], who keeps the fast for at least one day of Ramaæån, can
possibly fail to be married to a wife from among the brides of Paradise, those
maidens with such lovely eyes [al-¥«r al-‹ºn].163 The wedding will take place
160 Author’s note: Shaikh Ab« Naƒr Mu¥ammad ibn al-Bannå› cites the following chain of
transmission [isnåd] for this report: His own father [Shaikh Ab« ‹Alº ibn A¥mad ibn ‹Abdi’llåh
ibn al-Bannå›]—al-A‹raj—Abu Huraira (may Allåh be well pleased with him)—the Prophet
(Allåh bless him and give him peace).
161 See note 36 on p. 24 above.
162 Author’s note: Shaikh Ab« Naƒr Mu¥ammad ibn al-Bannå› cites the following chain of
transmission [isnåd] for this report: His own father [Shaikh Ab« ‹Alº ibn A¥mad ibn ‹Abdi’llåh
ibn al-Bannå›]—Sahl—the father of Sahl—Abu Huraira (may Allåh be well pleased with
him)—the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace).
163 See note 42 on p. 26 above.


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Fifth Discourse
Seventh 87

inside a pavilion made from a single hollowed pearl. This fits the description
given by Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He):
Fair maids, close-guarded ¥«run maqƒ«råtun
in pavilions. (55:72) fi ’l-khiyåm.
Every woman amongst them will be dressed in seventy fine articles of clothing,
no item being the same as any other. She will be given seventy kinds of perfume,
none with the same fragrance as any other. She will also be given seventy
thronelike raised couches, made from a red ruby studded with pearls. Upon each
of these couches there will be seventy cushions, and over every cushion there
will be a canopy. Every woman will have seventy thousand pageboys to attend
to her own needs, as well as seventy thousand maidservants to attend to the
needs of her husband. Each of these maidservants will carry a dish made of gold,
containing some kind of cooked food, the last morsel of which will be found to
have a delicious flavor that went unnoticed in the first bite. Her husband will
be given special treats like this, as he reclines upon a couch made from red ruby.
Such will be his reward for every day on which he has kept the fast of Ramaæån,
quite apart from what he may have earned by performing charitable deeds!


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88 Volume Three

Several traditional reports, including descriptions

of how the month of Ramaæån will be experienced
by the inhabitants of the Garden of Paradise.
Shaikh Ab« Naƒr [Mu¥ammad ibn al-Bannå›] has also informed me,
on good traditional authority,164 that Ibn ‹Abbås (may Allåh be well
pleased with him and with his father) once heard these words being
uttered by the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace):
The Garden of Paradise will surely be refurnished and redecorated from year to
year, with the advent of the month of Ramaæån. As soon as the first night of
the month of Ramaæån has arrived, a wind called the Whirlwind [al-Muthºra]
will blow from beneath the Heavenly Throne [al-‹Arsh]. The leaves [awråq] of
the trees of the Garden of Paradise will be set in a state of commotion, and the
rings on the leaves [maƒårº‹] of the doors will be shaken and rattled. This will
give rise to a rustling and tinkling sound, far more beautiful than anything the
listeners ever heard ringing in their ears before.
The brides of Paradise, those maidens with such lovely eyes [al-¥«r al-‹ºn],165 will
be splendidly adorned, until they are ready to stand in the midst of the most
nobly distinguished company in the Garden of Paradise. They will then call out
the invitation: “Is any suitor ready to present his suit to Allåh (Almighty and
Glorious is He), so that He may marry him [to one of us]?” Then they will turn
to Riæwån [the angelic custodian of the Garden of Paradise]166 and ask him:
“What night is this?” Displaying an eager willingness to be of service [talbiyya],167
164 Author’s note: Shaikh Ab« Naƒr Mu¥ammad ibn al-Bannå› cites the following chain of
transmission [isnåd] for this report: His own father [Shaikh Ab« ‹Alº ibn A¥mad ibn
‹Abdi’llåh ibn al-Bannå›]—Mu¥ammad ibn A¥mad [al-ªåfiœ]—‹Abdu’llåh ibn
Mu¥ammad—Abu ’l-Qåsim ibn ‹Abdi’llåh ibn Mu¥ammad—al-ªasan ibn Ibråhºm ibn Yasår
and Ibråhºm ibn Mu¥ammad ibn ªårith—Salama ibn Shubaib—al-Qåsim ibn Mu¥ammad—
Hishåm ibn al-Walºd—ªammåd ibn Sulaimån ad-Dawsº—al-ªasan—aæ-Œa¥¥åk ibn
al-Muzå¥im—Ibn ‹Abbås (may Allåh be well pleased with him and with his father)—the
Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace).
165 See note 42 on p. 26 above.
166 As an ordinary noun, the Arabic word riæwån means “approval; consent; good pleasure.” In
the standard works of reference, the angel called Riæwån is variously described as the porter, the
gardener, the doorkeeper, the keeper, the guardian, the treasurer, or the custodian of Paradise.
167 The term talbiyya [(the expression of) willing compliance] is the verbal noun corresponding
to the declaration “Labbaik!” which signifies: “Here I am, doubly at your service!” or, “I wait intent
upon your service, time and time again.” The Arabic use of the dual form (indicated by the word
“doubly” in English translation) may also imply the meaning “inwardly and outwardly.”

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Fifth Discourse
Seventh 89

he will respond to their question by saying: “O lovely good ladies, this is the first
night of the month of Ramaæån, the night when the gates of the Garden of
Paradise are opened for the sake of those members of the Community [Umma]
of Mu¥ammad (Allåh bless him and give him peace) who are keeping the fast.”
In confirmation of these words, Allåh (Exalted is He) will promptly say: “O
Riæwån, open the gates of all the Gardens of Paradise! O Målik,168 shut the
doors of the blazing Fire of Hell [Ja¥ºm], to keep out those members of the
Community [Umma] of Mu¥ammad (Allåh bless him and give him peace) who
are keeping the fast. O Gabriel, go down to the earth below, shackle the defiant
and rebellious devils [maradat ash-shay壺n], and tie them up securely with fetters
and chains. Then cast them into the deepest depths of the oceans, so that they
cannot meddle with the Community of My beloved friend [¥abºbº], Mu¥ammad,
and spoil their experience of fasting.”
According to this same report, the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give
him peace) then went on to say:
On each and every night of the month of Ramaæån, Allåh (Almighty and
Glorious is He) will say three times: “Does anyone have a request to make, so
that I may grant his request? Is there anyone who wishes to repent, so that I may
relent toward him and accept his repentance? Is there anyone wishing to seek
forgiveness, so that I may forgive him? Who would make a loan to a rich man,
as opposed to one who is impoverished, and to a person who is fully in control
of his affairs, as opposed to one who is the victim of injustice?”
The Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) continued further:
On each and every day of the month of Ramaæån, by the time when the fast is
duly broken [if£år], Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He) will have delivered a
million of His servants from the Fire of Hell, even though all of them had
incurred the penalty of damnation. Moreover, when the night of the Day of
Congregation [Jum‹a] comes around, and on the Day of Congregation itself, it
will be during every single hour that Allåh (Exalted is He) delivers a million of
His servants from the Fire of Hell, even though all of them had incurred the
penalty of damnation. As for what will happen on the last day of the month of
Ramaæån, on that day Allåh will deliver a number equal to the total of all those
He has delivered between the first of the month and the last.
As soon as the Night of Power [Lailat al-Qadr] has arrived, Allåh (Exalted is He)
will give the order to Gabriel (peace be upon him), who will promptly descend
to the earth below, traveling in a throng of angels and bearing a green banner,
which he will set up on top of the Ka‹ba. Gabriel (peace be upon him) has no
fewer than six hundred wings, which he only unfolds on the Night of Power
168 As an ordinary adjectival noun, the Arabic word målik means “one who exercises control.” The
angel Målik is charged with the custody of Hell and the supervision of its inmates, as they suffer
the torments of damnation. Unlike Riæwån, his counterpart in Paradise, Målik is mentioned by
name in the Qur›ån, where Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He) has said:
And they shall cry out: “O Målik, let your wa nådaw yå Måliku
Lord make an end of us!” But he will say: li-yaqæi ‹alai-nå Rabbu-k.
“Here you must surely remain.” (43:77) qåla inna-kum måkith«n.


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90 Volume Three

[Lailat al-Qadr]. He will therefore spread them on that night, and, by so doing,
he will span the entire distance between the East and the West. Gabriel (peace
be upon him) will command the angels to infiltrate into this Community
[Umma], so they will insert themselves unobtrusively among its members. They
will then give the greeting of peace to every believer who is found to be
observing the night vigil [qå›im], performing the ritual prayer [muƒallº], and
practicing the remembrance of Allåh [dhåkir]. They will exchange greetings
with them, and say “åmºn” to their prayers of supplication [yu›ammin«na ‹alå
du‹å›i-him], until the break of dawn.
At this point, Gabriel (peace be upon him) will cry out: “O company of angelic
friends [yå ma‹shar al-awliyå›], now is the moment for us to be homeward
bound!” But they will ask: “O Gabriel, what has Allåh done to meet the needs
of the believers [mu›minºn] belonging to the Community of Mu¥ammad (Allåh
bless him and give him peace)?” So he will respond to this by saying: “Allåh
(Exalted is He) has scrutinized them carefully, and He has pardoned and
forgiven them all, with only four exceptions.”
Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him peace) was quick to
These are the four exceptions: Anyone who is addicted to intoxicating liquor
[mudmin khamr]; anyone who is disobedient and disrespectful toward his
parents [‹åqq wålidai-hi]; anyone who is guilty of disrupting a bond of kinship
[qå£i‹ ri¥m]; and anyone who is virulently rancorous [mushå¥in].
When people asked: “O Messenger of Allåh, what kind of a person
is the mushå¥in [virulently rancorous individual]?” he replied: “Some-
one who is muČrim [spitefully reluctant to abandon a grudge, and
stubbornly unwilling to accept the restoration of good relations with
anyone who has offended him].”169 He then went on to say (Allåh bless
him and give him peace):
When the month of Ramaæån is over, and the night of the [Festival of] Fast
Breaking [al-Fi£r] has arrived, that night is called the Night of the Prize [Lailat
al-Jå›iza]. Then, in the early morning of the [Festival of] Fast Breaking, Allåh
(Exalted is He) will send His angels forth to visit all the towns and cities on the
earth below. Once they have made their descent, they will position themselves
at the entrances to all the streets and alleys. There, in a voice that is audible
to every being created by Allåh (Exalted is He), apart from the jinn and
humankind, they will issue a proclamation, saying: “O Community of
Mu¥ammad (Allåh bless him and give him peace), come forth into the presence
of a Noble and Generous Lord [Rabb Karºm], who will grant you gifts in
abundance, and forgive your terrible sin!”
169 In later centuries, when the proliferation of sectarian movements increasingly threatened to
dismember the Community, defenders of the orthodox tradition of Islåm would seize upon this
saying of the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace), interpreting the word mushå¥in to
mean “virulently and aggressively schismatic.”


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Fifth Discourse
Seventh 91

Then, when the believers have emerged and presented themselves at their place
of prayer [muƒallå], Allåh (Exalted is He) will say to His angels: “O My angels,
what is the recompense of the hired laborer, once he has done his job?”
The Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) continued:
The angels will reply: “Our God [Ilåh] and our Master [Sayyid], You will pay him
his wages in full!” So He will say: “I now call upon you to bear witness, O My
angels, that I have conferred My acceptance and My forgiveness, as the reward
for their fasting [ƒiyåm] and night vigil [qiyåm] during the month of Ramaæån.”
Then He will say: “O My human servants, put your requests to Me now, for this
I swear, by My Might and My Majesty: You will not ask Me this day, in this
gathering of yours, for anything connected with your life hereafter, without My
granting it to you; nor for anything connected with your life in this lower world,
without My attending to your need. By My Might and My Majesty, I will surely
condone the false steps you make, as long as you are consciously alert in the
effort to avoid incurring My displeasure. By My Might and My Majesty, I will
not put you to shame, nor will I expose you to disgrace amongst those who are
faithfully committed to observing the statutes [¥ud«d].170 Now you may depart,
knowing that you have been forgiven. You have won My approval, and I am
well pleased with you.”
This traditional report171 concludes with the following words of the
Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace):
The angels will then be very happy, as they welcome the good news of all that
Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He) will bestow upon this Community, when
its members break the fast they have kept through the month of Ramåæån.
Shaikh Ab« Naƒr [Mu¥ammad ibn al-Bannå›] has also informed me,
on good traditional authority,172 that Ab« Mas‹«d al-Ghifårº (may
Allåh be well pleased with him) stated that he had heard the Prophet
(Allåh bless him and give him peace) say, on the day when the
appearance of the new moon marked the beginning of the month
of Ramaæån:173
170 See note 153 on p. 83 above.
171 Author’s note: A similar traditional report, with a close correspondence in the actual wording,
has come down to us through a different chain of transmission, although the earliest links are the
same, namely: aæ-Œa¥¥åk ibn al-Muzå¥im—Ibn ‹Abbås (may Allåh be well pleased with him
and with his father)—the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace).
172 Author’s note: Shaikh Ab« Naƒr Mu¥ammad ibn al-Bannå› cites the following chain of
transmission [isnåd] for this report: His own father [Shaikh Ab« ‹Alº ibn A¥mad ibn ‹Abdi’llåh
ibn al-Bannå›]—Nåfi‹—Ab« Mas‹«d al-Ghifårº (may Allåh be well pleased with him)—the
Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace).
173 With certain differences in the wording, as well as some omissions and several additions, most

elements of this traditional report are included in two such reports already cited in this Discourse
(see pp. 86–88 above). The mention of the Khuzå‹a tribesman is the one ingredient that does not
occur in either of the other two reports.


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92 Volume Three

If the servants [of the Lord] only knew what the month of Ramaæån contains,
those servants of His would dearly wish that the month of Ramaæån could be
a whole year!
On hearing this, a man from [the tribal group of] Khuzå‹a
exclaimed: “O Messenger of Allåh, do tell us all about it!” So Allåh’s
Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him peace) responded by saying:
The Garden of Paradise will surely be adorned for the sake of the month of
Ramaæån, from the beginning of the year and on through the whole of the
intervening period. Then, as soon as the first night of the month of Ramaæån
has arrived, a wind will blow from beneath the Heavenly Throne [al-‹Arsh],
causing the leaves of the trees of the Garden of Paradise to be set in a state of
The brides of Paradise, those maidens with such lovely eyes [al-¥«r al-‹ºn], will
regard this as a good omen, so they will say: “O Lord, pray grant us from among
Your male servants, in this month, such husbands that our eyes will be soothed
by them, and their eyes will be soothed by us!” No servant [of the Lord], who
keeps the fast through the month of Ramaæån, can possibly fail to be married
to a wife from among the brides of Paradise, those maidens with such lovely eyes
[al-¥«r al-‹ºn]. The wedding will take place inside a pavilion made from a single
hollowed pearl. This fits the description given by Allåh (Almighty and
Glorious is He):
Fair maids, close-guarded ¥«run maqƒ«råtun
in pavilions. (55:72) fi ’l-khiyåm.
Every woman amongst them will be dressed in seventy fine articles of clothing,
no item being the same as any other. She will be given seventy kinds of perfume,
none with the same fragrance as any other. She will also be given seventy
thronelike raised couches, made from red rubies and studded with pearls. Upon
each of these couches there will be seventy cushions, the lining of which will
consist of thick silk brocade interwoven with gold [istabraq],174 and over every
cushion there will be seventy canopies.
Every woman amongst them will have seventy thousand pageboys to attend to
her own needs, as well as seventy thousand maidservants to attend to the needs
of her husband. Each of these maidservants will carry a dish made of gold,
containing some kind of cooked food, the last morsel of which will be found to
have a delicious flavor that went unnoticed in the first bite. Her husband will
be given special treats like this, as he reclines upon a couch made from a single
red ruby, wearing two bracelets of gold inlaid with sapphires. Such will be the
reward of one who has kept the fast through the month of Ramaæån, quite apart
from what he may have earned by performing charitable deeds!
According to another traditional report, transmitted by Qatåda175 on
174 According to the classical Arabic lexicographers, the term istabraq is properly applied to thick
dºbåj [silk brocade], or, more precisely, to “closely woven, thick, beautiful dºbåj [silk brocade]
interwoven with gold.” (See E.W. Lane, Arabic-English Lexicon, art. B–R–Q and art. D–B–J.)
175 Abu ’l-Kha££åb Qatåda ibn Di‹åma ibn Qatåda as-Sad«sº (d. A.H. 118). Learned in Qur›ånic
exegesis [tafsºr] and Islamic jurisprudence [fiqh], he was also an authority on Arabic poetry.

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Fifth Discourse
Seventh 93

the authority of Anas ibn Målik 176 (may Allåh be well pleased with
him), the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) once said:
As soon as the first night of the month of Ramaæån has arrived, the
All-Majestic One [al-Jalºl] (Magnificent is His Glory) will summon Riæwån, the
keeper [khåzin]177 of the Garden of Paradise. The ever-obedient Riæwån will
present himself at once, saying: “I wait intent upon Your service, time and time
again, and upon aiding Your cause, time and time again [labbaika wa sa‹daik]!”178
The Lord will then tell him: “You must refurnish and redecorate My Garden
of Paradise, for the sake of those members of the Community [Umma] of A¥mad
who are keeping the fast.
Next, He will summon Målik,179 the keeper [khåzin] of the Fire of Hell, with the
call: “O Målik!” The ever-obedient Målik will present himself at once, saying:
“I wait intent upon Your service, time and time again, and upon aiding Your
cause, time and time again [labbaika wa sa‹daik]!” The Lord will then tell him:
“Shut the doors of the blazing Fire of Hell [Ja¥ºm], so as to lock out those
members of the Community [Umma] of A¥mad (Allåh bless him and give him
peace) who are keeping the fast. Then do not reopen those doors to them until
they have completed their month of fasting.”
At this point, He will summon Gabriel (peace be upon him), who will present
himself at once, saying: “I wait intent upon Your service, time and time again,
and upon aiding Your cause, time and time again [labbaika wa sa‹daik]!” The
Lord will then tell him: “You must go down to the earth below, in order to
shackle the defiant and rebellious devils [maradat ash-shay壺n], so that they
cannot meddle with the Community of A¥mad, and spoil their experience of
fasting and breaking fast.”
On each and every day of the month of Ramaæån, at the rising of the sun and
also at the time of breaking fast [if£år], Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He) will
have countless servants, male and female, delivered from damnation to the Fire
of Hell.
In each of the seven heavens, He has an angelic herald ever at the ready. One
of these is an angel whose crest [‹urf] is just beneath the Throne of the Lord of
All the Worlds [‹Arsh Rabbi ’l-‹Álamºn], while the padded soles of his feet
[faråsin] are planted on the farthest edges of the seventh and lowest earth. He
has one wing in the East, and one wing in the West. Adorned with a diadem
of corals, pearls and gems, he will proclaim [on behalf of his Lord]: “Is there
anyone ready to repent, so that his repentance may be accepted? Is there anyone
ready to make a plea, so that his request may be answered? Is there anyone
suffering injustice, so that Allåh may come to his aid? Is there anyone seeking
forgiveness, so that Allåh may forgive him? Is there anyone with a petition to
make, so that his petition may be granted?”
176 See note 35 on p. 24 above.
177 See note 166 on p. 88 above.
178 See note 167 on p. 88 above.
179 See note 168 on p. 89 above.


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94 Volume Three

According to the same traditional report, the Prophet (Allåh bless

him and give him peace) then went on to say:
Throughout the entire month [of Ramaæån], the Lord (Exalted is the Mention
of His Name) will go on issuing this call: “My servants, men and women alike!
Be of good cheer, be patient, and steadily persevere! I am about to grant you
relief from trouble and pain, and you will shortly attain to My mercy and My
generous favor.”
As soon as the Night of Power [Lailat al-Qadr] has arrived, Gabriel (peace be
upon him) will descend in the midst of a throng of angels. As they alight, they
will pronounce benedictions upon every servant [of the Lord], who, whether
standing erect or sitting down, is diligently engaged in the remembrance of
Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He).
According to another traditional report, also transmitted on the
authority of Anas ibn Målik (may Allåh be well pleased with him),
Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him peace) once said:
If Allåh were ever to allow the heavens and the earth to speak, they would surely
greet those who keep the fast of Ramaæån, hailing them with glad tidings of the
Garden of Paradise.
According to yet another traditional report, this one transmitted
from ‹Abdu’llåh ibn Abº Awfå (may Allåh be well pleased with him),
Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him peace) once said:
The sleep of one who keeps the fast is an act of worshipful service [‹ibåda], his
silence is a declaration of the glory of the Lord [tasbº¥],180 his prayer of
supplication [du‹å›] is sure to be accepted, and the merit of every good deed he
performs is sure to be multiplied.
According to al-A‹mash,181 Ab« Khaithama (may Allåh be well
pleased with him) is reported as having said: “They used to say:
‘Ramaæån in the case of Ramaæån, the Pilgrimage [ªajj] in the case of
the Pilgrimage, the Day of Congregation [Jum‹a] in the case of the Day
of Congregation, and the ritual prayer [ƒalåt] in the case of the ritual
prayer. These are sufficient in themselves as expiations [kaffåråt] for
sins committed during their observance,182 so long as the major sins
[kabå’ir] are avoided.’”
As we learn from traditional reports, the Commander of the Believers
[Amºr al-Mu’minºn], ‹Umar ibn al-Kha££åb (may Allåh be well pleased
180 In other words, his silence is actually proclaiming: “sub¥åna’llåh [Glory be to Allåh]!” (The
term tasbº¥ is a verbal noun, derived from the same root—s–b–¥—as the word sub¥ån.)
181 Ab« Mu¥ammad al-A‹mash Sulaimån ibn Mihrån al-K«fº (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon
him) was a famous Qur݌n-reader and narrator of Prophetic tradition. He died. ca. A.H. 148.
182 In the words of the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace), cited on pp. 85–86 above:

If someone keeps the fast on the first day of the month of Ramaæån, Allåh will forgive him every
94 sin until the last day of Ramaæån, and his fasting will be an expiation until that same point in time.

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Fifth Discourse
Seventh 95

with him) used to say, at the advent of the month of Ramaæån:

“Welcome to a month that is good in its entirety! Its days are devoted
to keeping the fast [ƒiyåm], and its nights to the practice of vigil [qiyåm],
while the outlay of funds [nafaqa] for its sake is like the disbursement of
funds for the sake of the cause of Allåh [fº sabºli ’llåh].”
According to another traditional report, transmitted on the author-
ity of Ab« Huraira183 (may Allåh be well pleased with him), the Prophet
(Allåh bless him and give him peace) once said:
If someone keeps the fast and observes the night vigil during Ramaæån, as a
matter of faith [ºmån] and in anticipation of Allåh’s favor in the Hereafter, but
with no expectation of worldy reward [i¥tisåban], he will be forgiven his earlier
sins, as well as those committed recently.
From another traditional report, also transmitted on the authority of
Ab« Huraira (may Allåh be well pleased with him), we learn that the
Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) once said:
For every good deed or practice performed by a human being [ibn Ádam]
belonging to my Community [Ummatº], the merit will be multiplied at least ten
times, and up to to seven hundred times in some cases. The sole exception is
the fast [ƒawm], for Allåh (Exalted is He) has told us:184
The fast belongs to Me, and I provide its recompense. [When someone keeps
the fast] he is abstaining from his carnal desire, his eating and his drinking, for
My sake.
The fast is a suit of armor [junna]. Moreover, two occasions of joy are in store
for the person who is keeping the fast: joy at the moment of breaking his fast
[if£år], and joy at the moment of meeting his Lord.
We have been informed by Shaikh Imåm Abu ’l-Barakåt [‘Father of
Blessings’] Hibatu’llåh ibn al-Mubårak as-Saqa£º (may Allåh bestow
His mercy upon him), on the authority of Yazºd ibn Hår«n, that
al-Mas‹«dº once said:
“It has come to my attention that if someone, while performing
voluntary worship [ta£awwu’] at night in the month of Ramaæån, recites
[the words addressed by Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He) to His
Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him peace)]:
We have surely given you innå fata¥nå la-ka
a signal victory. (48:1) fat¥an mubºnå.
—that person will receive a guarantee of safekeeping for the whole of
that year.”
183See note 36 on p. 24 above.
184 Variants of this Divine Saying [ªadºth Qudsº] have been recorded by several notable
authorities, including Imåm al-Bukhårº and Imåm Muslim. See: William A. Graham, Divine Word
and Prophetic Word in Early Islam; Mouton, The Hague and Paris, 1977; pp. 186–189. 95

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96 Volume Three

On the significance of each of the five

letters in the word “Ramaæån”
[as that word is spelled in the Arabic script].

T he word “Ramaæån” [as written in the Arabic script] is made up of

five letters, namely, rå›, mºm, æåd, alif and n«n.185 The initial letter
rå› stands for riæwånu’llåh [Allåh’s good pleasure]. The letter mºm stands
for mu¥åbåtu’llåh [the considerate and favorable disposition of Allåh].
The letter æåd stands for æamånu’llåh [Allåh’s guarantee, meaning His
assurance of spiritual reward]. The letter alif stands for ulfatu’llåh [the
intimate affection and nearness of Allåh].186 The final letter n«n stands
for n«ru’llåh [the radiant light of Allåh].187
This means that the month of Ramaæån is the month of considerate
behavior, the giving of assurance, the sharing of intimate affection, the
shedding of light, the bestowal of benefits, and generous respect for the
saints [awliyå›] and the righteous [abrår].
As someone once said: “In comparison with the other months, the
status of Ramaæån is like that of the heart within the breast, like that
of the Prophets [Anbiyå›] within the human race, and like that of the
Sacred Territory of Mecca [al-ªaram] among the cities of the world.
“To clarify these points of comparison (in reverse order): The
accursed False Messiah [ad-Dajjål] will be denied access to the Sacred
Territory of Mecca [al-ªaram], just as the defiant and rebellious agents
of Satan [maradat ash-Shai£ån] are kept shackled and chained in the
185 See note 141 on p. 78 above.
186 In the Arabic script, an initial letter alif merely serves to indicate that the word concerned
begins with a vowel. An extra sign is sometimes added to indicate whether that vowel is a, i, or u.
When alif occurs between two consonants, however, (e.g., between the letters æåd and n«n in the
word Ramaæån) it indicates the long vowel å.
187 In the Thirtieth Discourse of The Removal of Cares [Jalå› al-Khawå£ir], the author (may Allåh
be well pleased with him) has suggested the following explanations:
The initial rå› stands for ra¥ma [mercy] and ra›fa [compassionate kindness]. The mºm stands for
mujåzåt [recompense], ma¥abba [loving affection] and minna [gracious favor]. The æåd stands for æamån
[guarantee], meaning the assurance of spiritual reward. The alif is the first letter of the Arabic word ulfa,
meaning intimate affection and nearness. The final n«n stands for n«r [light] and nawål [receiving benefit].

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Fifth Discourse
Seventh 97

month of Ramaæån.188 [On the Day of Resurrection] the Prophets

[Anbiyå›] will be intercessors [shufa‹å›] on behalf of those who are guilty
of sinful offenses, just as the month of Ramaæån will be an intercessor
[shafº‹] on behalf of those who have kept the fast. The heart is beautified
and adorned by spiritual experience [ma‹rifa] and faith [ºmån], just as the
month of Ramaæån is beautified and adorned by the light of the
recitation of the Qur݌n.
“If a person does not receive forgiveness in the month of Ramaæån,
in which month can he hope to have his sins forgiven? The servant [of
the Lord] must therefore turn in repentance to Allåh (Almighty and
Glorious is He), before the doors of repentance [tawba] are locked and
bolted. He must turn to Him (Almighty and Glorious is He) in
repentance [tawba], before the time for returning to obedience [inåba]
has slipped away beyond recall.189 Let him also weep, before the time
for weeping and compassion [ra¥ma] has expired.
“As the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) once said:
“‘The members of my Community [Ummatº] will not be put to shame, so long
as they observe the night vigil during the month of Ramaæån.’
“On hearing this, a man asked: ‘O Prophet of Allåh, what does result
in their being put to shame?’ So he replied:
“‘If someone is guilty, during month of Ramaæån, of violating a sacred ordinance
[ma¥ram], of committing an evil deed, of drinking intoxicating liquor, or of
committing adultery or fornication, [his fasting in] Ramaæån will not be
accepted of him. Allåh and His angels and all those who dwell in the heavens
will curse him, and the curse will remain in effect until the same point of time
in the year ahead. If he happens to die in the interval before the next Ramaæån
comes around, he will die without having even one good deed to his credit in
the sight of Allåh.’”
188 See the traditional reports cited on p. 89 and p. 93 above. (In those reports, the expression
maradat ash-shay壺n [defiant and rebellious devils] is used, rather than maradat ash-Shai£ån [defiant
and rebellious agents of Satan].
189 In certain contexts, the terms tawba and inåba are virtually synonymous, so “repentance” is
often a satisfactory equivalent for either. Significant distinctions are sometimes drawn, however,
as the author (may Allåh be well pleased with him) has explained in Vol. 2, p. 204, where he tells
us that, according to Ab« ‹Alº ad-Daqqåq (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him):
“Repentance has three parts or stages: (1) tawba, which is an initial stage; (2) inåba, which is an
intermediate stage; and (3) awba, which is an ultimate stage. The term tawba applies to the repentance
of one who repents because of the fear of punishment. The term inåba applies to the repentance of one
who is motivated by the desire for reward or the dreadful prospect of chastisement. The term awba applies
to the repentance of one who repents in deference to the Divine commandment, not because of the desire
for reward or the fear of chastisement.”


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98 Volume Three

An anonymous saying,
in which every sentence begins:
“The chieftain [sayyid] of…is….”

A s someone once said:

“The chieftain of the human race [sayyid al-bashar] is Adam (peace be

upon him).
“The chieftain of the Arabs [sayyid al-‹Arab] is Mu¥ammad (Allåh
bless him and give him peace).
“The chieftain of the Persians [sayyid al-Furs] is Salmån [al-Fårisº]
(may Allåh be well pleased with him).190
“The chieftain of the Greeks [sayyid ar-R«m] is »uhaib [ar-R«mº]
(may Allåh be well pleased with him).191
“The chieftain of the Abyssinians [sayyid al-ªabash] is Bilål (may
Allåh be well pleased with him).192
“The chieftain of the towns [sayyid al-qurå] is Mecca.
“The chieftain of the valleys [sayyid al-awdiya] is the valley of the
Temple of Jerusalem [wådº Bait al-Maqdis].193
190 See note 39 on p. 26 above .
191 »uhaib (may Allåh be well pleased with him) was one of the very first to acknowledge the
Mission of the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace), and so to accept Islåm. Although
he was the son of Arab parents, he acquired the nickname “ar-R«mº [the Greek]” because, while
only a boy, he had been captured and enslaved by the Byzantine Greeks [ar-R«m].
192 Bilål (may Allåh be well pleased with him) was the first muezzin [mu›adhdhin] appointed by the
Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) to summon the Muslim community to the five daily
prayers. He was an Abyssinian slave who had been ransomed by Ab« Bakr (may Allåh be well
pleased with him).
193 In Arabic, the Temple of Jerusalem is called either Bait al-Maqdis or Bait al-Muqaddas. In either
case, the literal meaning is “the House of the Holy Land.” (Faced with an Arabic text in which
the spelling is simply m–q–d–s, with no marks to indicate vowels or doubled consonants, the
translator can only guess at the reading originally preferred!)


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Seventh 99

“The chieftain of the days of the week [sayyid al-ayyåm] is Friday, the
Day of Congregation [Yawm al-Jum‹a].
“The chieftain of the nights [sayyid al-layålº] is the Night of Power
[Lailat al-Qadr].
“The chieftain of the Books of Scripture [sayyid al-Kutub] is the
“The chieftain of the Qur›ån [sayyid al-Qur›ån] is the Chapter
entitled ‘The Cow’ [S«rat al-Baqara].194
“The chieftain of the Chapter entitled ‘The Cow’ [sayyid S«rat
al-Baqara] is the Verse of the Throne [Áyat al-Kursº].195
“The chieftain of the stones [sayyid al-a¥jår] is the Black Stone
[al-ªajar al-Aswad].196
“The chieftain of the wells [sayyid al-ab›år] is Zamzam.197
“The chieftain of the staffs [sayyid al-‹uƒº] is the Staff of Moses [‹Aƒå
M«så] (peace be upon him).
“The chieftain of the fishes [sayyid al-¥ºtån] is the whale [¥«t] that once
carried Jonah [Y«nus] (peace be upon him) inside its belly.
“The chieftain of the she-camels [sayyid an-n«q] is the she-camel
[nåqa] of »åli¥ (peace be upon him).198
“The chieftain of the horses [sayyid al-afrås] is al-Buråq.199
“The chieftain of the signet rings [sayyid al-khawåtim] is the seal of
Solomon [khåtam Sulaimån] (peace be upon him).
“The chieftain of the months [sayyid ash-shuh«r] is the month of
194 S«rat al-Baqara is the second—and longest—Chapter in the Qur›ån.
195 Q. 2:255.
196 The Black Stone [al-ªajar al-Aswad] is embedded in the sharp angle of the Ka‹ba in the
Sanctuary of Mecca.
197 The well called Zamzam is situated within the precincts of the Sacred Mosque in Mecca.
198 »åli¥, of the tribe of Tham«d, was one of the Prophets of Arabia (peace be upon them) who
are not mentioned in the Hebrew scriptures. The story of his she-camel is told in Qur݌n:
So they hamstrung the she-camel, and they flouted the commandment of their Lord, and they
said: “O »åli¥! Bring your threats to bear upon us, if you are indeed one of those sent [by Allåh].”
So the eathquake caught them unawares, and morning found them lying prostrate in their place
of abode. (7:77,78)
199According to traditional reports, al-Buråq is the name of the fabulous animal which the
Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) mounted on the night of his Heavenly Ascension

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100 Volume Three

Concerning the excellent properties

of the Night of Power [Lailat al-Qadr].

L et us now consider the significance of the words of Allåh (Exalted

is He):
Behold, We sent it down innå anzalnå-hu
on the Night of Power. fº Lailati ’l-Qadr.
And what has made you know wa må adrå-ka
what is the Night of Power? må Lailatu ’l-Qadr.
The Night of Power is better Lailatu ’l-Qadri khairun
than a thousand months. min alfi shahr.
In it the angels tanazzalu ’l-malå›ikatu
and the Spirit come down wa ’r-R«¥u fº-hå
by their Lord’s permission, bi-idhni Rabbi-him
on every errand. min kulli amr.
Peace it is, until salåmun hiya
the rising of the of dawn. (97:1–5) ¥attå ma£la‹i ’l-fajr.
First of all, we should note that the object pronoun -hu [it] in anzalnå-hu
[We sent it down] is an allusion to the Qur›ån. Allåh (Exalted is He)
sent it down from the Well-Kept Tablet [al-Law¥ al-Ma¥f«œ] to the
heaven of this lower world—to the Scribes [as-Safara], they being the
clerks or secretaries among the angels. It would thus come down on that
particular night, from the Tablet, to the extent that Gabriel (peace be
upon him) was to reveal it—with the permission of Allåh (Exalted is
He)—to the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) in the
course of the whole year. The same procedure would then be applied
in each subsequent year, until the entire Qur݌n had come down, on the
Night of Power [Lailat al-Qadr] in the month of Ramaæån, to the heaven
of this lower world.
Ibn ‹Abbås (may Allåh be well pleased with him and with his father)
was offering an interpretation also proposed by other authorities, when


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Fifth Discourse
Seventh 101

he gave the following commentary on:

Behold, We sent it down innå anzalnå-hu
on the Night of Power. (97:1) fº Lailati ’l-Qadr.
“This means: ‘We sent Gabriel down with this S«ra, and with the
whole of the Qur›ån—on the Night of Power [Lailat al-Qadr]—to the
recording angels. Then it came down after that, by installments
[najman najmå], to Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him
peace)—during a period of twenty-three years, and in all the months,
days, nights, and moments of time.’”
As for His statement (Exalted is He):
on the Night of Power. fº Lailati ’l-Qadr.
—this means: “on a tremendous or stupendous night [laila ‹aœºma],”
or, as some have maintained: “on the Night of the Divine Decree [Lailat
al-ªukm].” It is called the Night of Power [Lailat al-Qadr] in order to
proclaim the immensity of the night itself, and to emphasize its potency
[qadr], because it is then that Allåh (Exalted is He) predetermines
[yuqaddiru] how things are to be throughout the year, until the same
night of the year that lies ahead.
Then He has said (Exalted is He):
And what has made you know wa må adrå-ka
what is the Night of Power? (97:2) må Lailatu ’l-Qadr.
In other words: “O Mu¥ammad, if it were not for the fact that Allåh
has made you realize its tremendous importance, [how could you have
known]?” For the fact is that, in every instance where the question
posed in the Qur›ån is in the past tense—“and what has made you know
[wa må adrå-ka]?”—Allåh had already imparted the relevant knowledge
to him. On the other hand, whenever the question posed therein is in
the future tense—“and what will make you know [wa må yudrº-ka]?”—
the implication is that He had not let him know, and had not imparted
the relevant knowledge to him. For example, consider His words
(Almighty and Glorious is He):
And what will make you know? wa må yudrº-ka
It may be that the Hour is near. la‹alla ’s-Så‹ata tak«nu qarºbå.
The timing of the Hour [of the Resurrection] had not become clear


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102 Volume Three

to the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace), so he was asked:
“and what will make you know [wa må yudrº-ka] ?” rather than: “and
what has made you know [wa må adrå-ka]?”
The following point should also be noted, concerning the night
which He has described (Exalted is He) as “the Night of Power [Lailat
al-Qadr],” that is to say, the Night of Sublime Majesty and Wisdom
[Lailat al-‹Aœama wa ’l-ªikma]: According to some authorities, this is
the blessed night referred to in the words of Allåh (Almighty and
Glorious is He):
We sent it down on a blessed night… innå anzalnå-hu fº lailatin
in which every firm decree mubårakatin… fº-hå yufraqu
is made distinct. (44:3,4) kullu amrin ¥akºm.
Next, He has said (Almighty and Glorious is He):
The Night of Power is better Lailatu ’l-Qadri khairun
than a thousand months. (97:3) min alfi shahr.
In other words, good deeds therein are better than [those performed
in] a thousand months that are without a Night of Power.
It is said of the Companions [»a¥åba] (may Allåh be well pleased with
them) that they never felt so happy about anything, as they felt about
His words (Exalted is He): “better than a thousand months [khairun min
alfi shahr].” The story behind this goes as follows:
One day, Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him peace)
was telling his Companions about four of the Children of Israel [Banº
Isr固l], and how they worshipfully served Allåh for eighty years,
without disobeying Him for one single twinkling of an eye in all of
that time. The four he spoke about were Job [Ayy«b],200 Zacharias
[Zakariyyå],201 Ezekiel [ªizqºl],202 and Joshua the son of N«n203 [Y«sha‹ibn
N«n] (peace be upon them all).
200 Job [Ayy«b] (peace be upon him) is mentioned several times in the Qur›ån, as a Prophet and
an example of patience.
201 Zacharias [Zakariyyå] is mentioned several times in the Qur›ån, where he is hailed as the father
of John the Baptist [Ya¥yå] (peace be upon them both).
202 Ezekiel [ªizqºl] (peace be upon him) is not mentioned by name in the Qur›ån, but the Qur›ånic
commentators have identified an allusion to him therein, and he is frequently referred to in
traditional reports. (See: Thomas Patrick Hughes, op. cit., art. EZEKIEL, and Shorter Encyclopedia
of Islam, art. ªI¢QÏL.)
203 Although not mentioned by name in the Qur›ån, Joshua the son of N«n [Y«sha‹ ibn N«n]
(peace be upon him) is identified by some Islamic authorities as the servant of Moses (peace be
upon him), who is mentioned in Q. 18:60.


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Fifth Discourse
Seventh 103

The Companions of Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him
peace) were greatly amazed at all of this, so Gabriel (peace be upon him)
came to him and said: “O Mu¥ammad, it seems to have come as a
great surprise to you and your Companions, to learn that these
individuals were devoted to worshipful service for eighty years,
without disobeying Allåh (Exalted is He) for one single twinkling
of an eye in all of that time. So now Allåh has sent down to you
something even better than that!” Then he recited to the Prophet
(Allåh bless him and give him peace):
Behold, We sent it down innå anzalnå-hu
on the Night of Power. fº Lailati ’l-Qadr.
And what has made you know wa må adrå-ka
what is the Night of Power? må Lailatu ’l-Qadr.
The Night of Power is better Lailatu ’l-Qadri khairun
than a thousand months. min alfi shahr.
In it the angels tanazzalu ’l-malå›ikatu
and the Spirit come down wa ’r-R«¥u fº-hå
by their Lord’s permission, bi-idhni Rabbi-him
on every errand. min kulli amr.
Peace it is, until salåmun hiya
the rising of the of dawn. (97:1–5) ¥attå ma£la‹i ’l-fajr.
Gabriel (peace be upon him) then said to him: “This is even more
excellent than that which you and your Companions found so
amazing.” Needless to say, the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him
peace) was highly delighted.
It was Ya¥yå ibn Najº¥ who said: “Once upon a time, among the
Children of Israel [Banº Isr固l], there was a man who carried a weapon
for a thousand months in the service of Allåh’s cause [fº sabºli ’llåh], and
not once in all of that time did he set his weapon aside. Allåh’s
Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him peace) mentioned this to his
Companions, and they found the story quite amazing. So it was then
that Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He) sent down the revelation:
The Night of Power is better Lailatu ’l-Qadri khairun
than a thousand months. (97:3) min alfi shahr.
—meaning: ‘better than those thousand months, during which that
man bore a weapon in the service of Allåh’s cause [fº sabºli ’llåh], and
never once set his weapon aside.’


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104 Volume Three

“As for the name by which the man was known among the Children
of Israel [Banº Isr固l], some say it was Simon the Worshipful Servant
[Sham‹«n al-‹Ábid], while others say it was Samson [Shams«n].”
Let us now consider the significance of each element in His saying
(Exalted is He):
In it the angels tanazzalu ’l-malå›ikatu
and the Spirit come down wa ’r-R«¥u fº-hå
by their Lord’s permission, bi-idhni Rabbi-him
on every errand. min kulli amr.
Peace it is, until salåmun hiya
the rising of the of dawn. (97:4,5) ¥attå ma£la‹i ’l-fajr.
1. What is meant by “the angels come down [tanazzalu ’l-malå›ikatu]”
is that they come down in succession, from the setting of the sun until
the the rising of the of dawn.
2. “The Spirit [ar-R«¥]” means Gabriel (peace be upon him).
According to aæ-Œa¥¥åk, it was Ibn ‹Abbås (may Allåh be well
pleased with him and with his father) who said: “The Spirit [ar-R«¥] is
in the shape of a human being with a gigantic physical build, and he is
the one to whom Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He) was referring
when He said:
And they will ask you wa yas›al«na-ka
about the Spirit. (17:85) ‹ani ’r-R«¥.
“He is the angel who will stand in the company of the angels, when
they line up in rows on the Day of Resurrection [Yawm al-Qiyåma], but
in a rank by himself.”
According to al-Muqåtil: “He is the most noble of all the angels in
the sight of Allåh (Exalted is He).”
Someone else has said: “He is an angel whose face is shaped like that
of a human being, while his body is the body of the angels. He is the
most enormous creature in the presence of the Heavenly Throne
[‹Arsh], so he will stand in a row all by himself, when the angels stand
arrayed.” The last part of this statement is, of course, a reference to the
words of Allåh (Exalted is He):
On the day when the Spirit yawma yaq«mu ’r-R«¥u
and the angels stand arrayed. (78:38) wa ’l-malå›ikatu ƒaffå.


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Fifth Discourse
Seventh 105

3. “In it [fº-hå]” simply means: “in the Night of Power [fº Lailat al-Qadr].”
4. “By their Lord’s permission [bi-idhni Rabbi-him]” means, in effect:
“by their Lord’s command [bi-amri Rabbi-him].”
5. “On every errand [min kulli amr]” is a way of saying: “for every good
6. “Peace it is [salåmun hiya]” has exactly the same meaning as: “It
is peace [hiya salåmun],” which signifies that it is perfectly safe and
salubrious [salºma]. No sickness or disease can break out in the course
of it, nor can it be disturbed by any kind of hocus-pocus [kahåna].
It has also been maintained that “salåmun [peace]” means the greeting
of peace, with which the angels salute the true believers [salåmu ’l-
mala›ikati ‹ala ’l-mu›minºn] among the people of the earth, for they say
to them: “Peace, peace, until the rising of the dawn [salåmun salåmun
¥attå ma£la‹i ’l-fajr]!”
7. As for the phrase “until the rising of the dawn [¥attå ma£la‹i ’l-fajr],”
we should note the existence of an alternative reading for the Arabic
word ma£la‹. By substituting the vowel –i– for the vowel –a– after the
consonant –l–,204 we arrive at the form ma£li‹.205 The ma£li‹ of the dawn
means the rising [al-£ul«‹] thereof, while ma£la‹ denotes the place or
point at which it rises [ya£lu‹u].206

204 In the original text, the author (may Allåh be well pleased with him) is able to express this
much more neatly, by using the technical term of Arabic grammar: bi-kasri ’l-låm.
205 The reading ¥attå ma£li‹i ’l-fajr is a traditionally accepted alternative to ¥attå ma£la‹i ’l-fajr. See,
for instance, the celebrated Qur›ånic commentary called Tafsºr al-Jalålain, the first half of which
was compiled by Shaikh Jalålu’d-dºn al-Ma¥allº (d. A.H. 864), and the rest by Jalålu’d-dºn as-Suy«£º
(d. A.H. 911).
206 In either case, according to the Qur݌nic commentary mentioned in note 205 above, the
meaning is understood to be: “till the time of its rising [ilå waqti £ul«‹i-hi].” (Jalålu’d-dºn al-Ma¥allº
and Jalålu’d-dºn as-Suy«£º. Tafsºr al-Jalålain. Istanbul: Salâh Bilici Kitabevi Yayınları, n.d.;
pt. 2, p. 267.)


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106 Volume Three

On the fact that the Night of Power

[Lailat al-Qadr] should be looked for during the
last ten days of the month of Ramaæån.

T he Night of Power [Lailat al-Qadr] should be looked for during the

last ten days of the month of Ramaæån, and it is most likely to be
the night of the twenty-seventh.
According to the doctrine of Imåm Målik207 (may Allåh bestow His
mercy upon him), however, all the nights of the last ten days are equal
candidates, and none of them is more probable than any other.
According to the doctrine of Imåm ash-Shåfi‹º208 (may Allåh bestow
His mercy upon him), on the other hand, the most likely candidate is
the twenty-first.
Some have maintained that it is the night of the nineteenth, this
being the doctrine of ‹Á›isha (may Allåh be well pleased with her).
Ab« Burda al-Aslamº (may Allåh be well pleased with him), is known
to have said: “It is the night of the twenty-third.”
Ab« Dharr209 and al-ªasan (may Allåh be well pleased with them)
are both known to have said: “It is the night of the twenty-fifth.”
According to a traditional report attributed to Bilål (may Allåh be
well pleased with him),210 the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him
peace) once said: “It is the night of the twenty-fourth.”
Ibn ‹Abbås and Ubayy ibn Ka‹b211 (may Allåh be well pleased with
207 Imåm Målik ibn Anas (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him) was the founder of one of the
four schools [madhåhib] of Islamic jurisprudence. He died in the year A.H. 179/795 C.E.
208 Imåm Ab« ‹Abdi’llåh Mu¥ammad ibn Idrºs ash-Shåfi‹º (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon
him) was the founder of one of the four schools [madhåhib] of Islamic jurisprudence. He died in
the year A.H. 204/820 C.E. Imåm al-Ghazålº (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him) was one of
the most notable professors of the Shåfi‹º school.
209 See note 23 on p. 18 above.
210 See note 192 on p. 98 above.
211 Ubayy ibn Ka‹b (may Allåh be well pleased with him) was one of the Companions of the
Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) to whom particular editions of the text of the
Qur›ån, prior to the authorization of ‹Uthmån’s version, have been ascribed. (See: Shorter
Encyclopaedia of Islam, art. AL-KUR›ÁN.)

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Fifth Discourse
Seventh 107

them) are both known to have said: “It is the night of the twenty-
The strongest evidence in favor of the conclusion that the most likely
candidate is the night of the twenty-seventh—although Allåh knows
best [wa’llåhu A‹lam]—has been presented by Imåm A¥mad ibn ªanbal212
(may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him). Citing an authoritative
chain of transmission [isnåd], the Imåm reports that Ibn ‹Abbås (may
Allåh be well pleased with him and with his father) once said:
“It seemed that people would never stop telling the Prophet (Allåh
bless him and give him peace) about how, in their dreams, they had seen
which of the last ten nights was the Night. So the Prophet (Allåh bless
him and give him peace) eventually declared: “As I cannot help but notice,
your dreams repeatedly suggest that it is one of the odd-numbered
nights among the final ten. If anyone is really keen to investigate, let
him focus his research on the seventh night of the final ten.”
Ibn ‹Abbås is reported as having said to ‹Umar ibn al-Kha££åb (may
Allåh be well pleased with them):
“I made a careful study of all the uneven numbers [afråd], and I had
to conclude that none was more worthy of note than the number
seven [as-sab‹a].”
To demonstrate the special significance of the number seven, we shall
now repeat what a certain learned scholar had to say on the subject:
“There are seven heavens, and there are seven earths.
“There are seven nights [in a week].
“There are seven celestial spheres [aflåk], and there are seven constel-
lations [nuj«m].
“There are seven laps to be covered at a brisk pace [sa‹y] between [the
small hills] of aƒ-»afå and al-Marwa.213
“There are seven circuits to be performed in the circumambulation
[£awåf] of the House [of Allåh].214
212 Imåm A¥mad ibn ªanbal (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him) was the founder of one of
the four schools [madhåhib] of Islamic jurisprudence. He died in the year A.H. 241/855 C.E. The
legal doctrines of the ªanbalº school were those studied most intensively by the author, Shaikh
‹Abd al-Qådir al-Jºlånº (may Allåh be well pleased with him) as a young man.
213 This sentence refers to one of the rites of the Pilrimage [ªajj]. (For a detailed account, see:
Vol. 1, pp. 26–52.)
214 The circumambulation [£awåf] of the House of Allåh [Baitu’llåh], i.e., the Ka‹ba, is another rite
of the Pilrimage [ªajj].


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108 Volume Three

“There are seven ingredients in the physical constitution of a human

being, seven ingredients in his basic diet, and seven slits or cavities in
the surface of his face.
“There are seven seals [khawåtºm].215
“There are seven verses [åyåt] in the S«ra of Praise [S«rat al-ªamd].216
“There are seven modes [a¥ruf] of reciting the Qur›ån.217
“There are seven oft-repeated verses [as-sab‹u ’l-mathånº].218
“In the act of prostration [suj«d] during the ritual prayer [ƒalåt], seven
parts of the body are brought into contact with the ground.
“There are seven gates of Hell [Jahannam], and Hell has seven names,
corresponding to its seven descending steps or levels [darakåt].219
“There were seven Companions of the Cave [Aƒ¥åb al-Kahf].220
“In the course of seven nights, the tribe of ‹Ád was annihilated by the
“For seven years, Joseph [Y«suf] (peace be upon him) remained in prison.
“There were [two sets of] seven cows [baqaråt] in the dream of the king
215 The seven seals [khawåtºm] mark the division of the Qur›ån into seven sections or stages
[manåzil], an arrangement designed to facilitate the recitation of the entire Book in the course of
a week.
216 This is one of the many alternative titles sometimes given to what is most commonly known
as the Opening S«ra [S«rat al-Fåti¥a] of the Noble Qur›ån. It alludes to the first verse [åya] thereof,
which reads: “Praise be to Allåh, Lord of All the Worlds [al-¥amdu li’llåhi Rabbi ’l-‹ålamºn].”
217 The Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) is reported as having said:

The Qur›ån has been revealed according to seven dialects [nazala ’l-Qur›ånu ‹alå sab‹ati a¥ruf].
This has been interpreted to mean: “according to seven modes of reading or recitation.” (See:
E.W. Lane, Arabic-English Lexicon, art. ª–R–F; also: Shorter Encyclopaedia of Islam, art.
AL-KUR›ÁN; and: Thomas Patrick Hughes, op. cit., art. SEVEN DIALECTS.)
218 Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He) has said in the Qur›ån (15:87):

We have given you seven wa la-qad åtainå-ka sab‹an

of the oft-repeated [verses] mina’ l-mathånº
and the mighty Qur›ån. wa ’l-Qur›åna ’l-‹aœºm.
According to some authorities, the seven mathånº are the oft-repeated verses [åyåt] of the
Opening S«ra [S«rat al-Fåti¥a] of the Qur›ån. Others maintain that the seven mathånº are the
seven long S«ras from S«rat al-Baqara to S«rat al-A‹råf. (For yet other interpretations, see: E.W.
Lane, Arabic-English Lexicon, art. TH–N–Y and art. S–B–‹.)
219 The names of the descending levels of Hell are as follows: (1) Jahannam, (2) Laό (3)
al-ªu£ama (4) Sa‹ºr (5) Saqar (6) al-Ja¥ºm (7) Håwiya. All of these are mentioned in the Qur›ån,
but the traditional commentators differ as to their order of descent.
220 Their story is told in the S«ra of the Cave [S«rat al-Kahf], the 18th S«ra of the Qur›ån. In the
Christian tradition, they are known as the Seven Sleepers of Ephesus.
221 The Prophet H«d (peace be upon him) and a few righteous men were the only survivors.


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Fifth Discourse
Seventh 109

of Egypt, as mentioned by Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He) in the

S«ra of Joseph [S«rat Y«suf]:
And the king said: “I saw in a dream wa qåla ’l-maliku innº arå
seven fat cows, and seven sab‹a baqaråtin simånin
lean ones devouring them.” (12:43) ya›kulu-hunna sab‹un ‹ijåfun.
“There would be seven years of drought, and then seven years of
plenty, according to the prediction made by Joseph [Y«suf] (peace be
upon him).
“There are seventeen cycles [rak‹a], all told, in the five daily prayers
“The number seven is mentioned in the words of Allåh (Almighty
and Glorious is He):
Then a fast of three days fa-ƒiyåmu thalåthati ayyåmin
while on the Pilgrimage, fi ’l-ªajji
and of seven when wa sab‹atin
you have returned. (2:196) idhå raja‹tum.
“There are seven degrees of relationship by blood [nasab] within
which it is unlawful to marry.223
“There are seven degrees of relationship by fosterage [riæå‹] and
marriage [ƒihr], within which it is likewise unlawful to marry.224
“Before they can be considered pure and fit for human use, food
containers in which dogs have lapped must be washed and scrubbed
seven times, including one scrubbing with dry earth. Such is the rule
laid down by Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him peace).
“There are twenty-seven Arabic ‘words’ [¥ur«f]225 in the S«ra of Power
222 The total of seventeen is arrived at by adding together: (a) the two cycles of the dawn prayer
[ƒalåt al-fajr], (b) the four cycles of the midday prayer [ƒalåt aœ-œuhr], (c) the four cycles of the
afternoon prayer [ƒalåt al-‹aƒr], (d) the three cycles of the sunset prayer [ƒalåt al-maghrib], and (e)
the four cycles of the late evening prayer [ƒalåt al-‹ishå›].
223 As Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He) has told us in the Qur›ån (4:23):

Forbidden to you are ¥urrimat ‹alai-kum

your mothers, ummahåtu-kum
and your daughters, wa banåtu-kum
and your sisters, wa akhawåtu-kum
and your paternal aunts, wa ‹ammåtu-kum
and your maternal aunts, wa khålåtu-kum
and your brother’s daughters, wa banåtu ’l-akhi
and your sister’s daughters. wa banåtu ’l-ukhti.
224 In this category, it is forbidden for a man to marry:(1) his foster-mother, (2) his foster-sister,
(3) his mother-in-law, (4) his daughter-in-law, (5) his stepdaughter, (6) the sister of a wife to
whom he is still married, and (7) the widow or divorced wife of his father.
225 The basic meaning of the term ¥arf (of which ¥ur«f and a¥ruf are plural forms) is “a letter of
the Arabic alphabet.” As in this context, however, it may also signify “a connected group of Arabic
letters, representing either a separate word, or, in some cases, a grammatical combination of two
or more elements, only one of which can normally be written separately.”

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110 Volume Three

[S«rat al-Qadr], up to but not including the verse [åya]: ‘Peace it is

[salåmun hiya]….’226
“Job [Ayy«b] (peace be upon him) endured trial and tribulation for
seven years.
“‹Á›isha (may Allåh be well pleased with her) once said: ‘Allåh’s
Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him peace) married me when I was
seven years of age.’
“There are seven ‘days of the old hag’ [ayyåm al-‹aj«z], i.e., of the
destructive wind [¥us«m]: three in February [Shubå£] and four in March
“Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him peace) once said:
The martyrs [shuhadå›] of my Community [Ummatº] are seven, namely: (1) one
who is killed in battle, while fighting for the cause of Allåh [al-qatºl fº sabºli’llåh];
(2) the victim of the plague [al-ma£‹«n]; (3) the victim of pulmonary tubercu-
losis [al-masl«l]; (4) one whose death is caused by drowning [al-gharºq]; (5) one
who is trapped in a fire and burned to death [al-¥arºq]; (6) one whose death
results from a gastric or intestinal ailment [al-mab£«n]; (7) the woman who dies
in the process of childbirth [an-nafså›].
“Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He) swore [aqsama] by seven
things, when He said, in the first seven verses of the S«ra of the Sun
[S«rat ash-Shams] (91:1–7):
1. By the sun and its brightness, wa ’sh-shamsi wa æu¥å-hå
2. and the moon when she follows him, wa ’l-qamari idhå talå-hå
3. and the day when it reveals him, wa ’n-nahåri idhå jallå-hå
4. and the night when it enshrouds him, wa ’l-laili idhå yaghshå-hå
5. and the heaven and Him who built it, wa ’s-samå›i wa må banå-hå
6. and the earth and Him who spread it, wa ’l-aræi wa må £a¥å-hå
7. and a soul and Him who perfected it. wa nafsin wa må sawwåhå.
“Moses [M«så] (peace be upon him) stood seven cubits tall, and the
length of the staff of Moses was also seven cubits.
226 The twenty-seven elements counted as ¥ur«f [‘words’] are therefore the following:
(1) innå (2) anzalnå-hu (3) fº (4) Lailati (5) ’l-Qadr (6) wa (7) må (8) adrå-ka (9) må (10) Lailatu
(11) ’l-Qadr (12) Lailatu (13) ’l-Qadr (14) khairun (15) min (16) alfi (17) shahr (18) tanazzalu (19)
’l-malå›ikatu (20) wa (21) ’r-R«¥u (22) fº-hå (23) bi-idhni (24) Rabbi-him (25) min (26) kulli
(27) amr.
227 Their names are said to be: (1) ƒinn, (2) ƒinnabr, (3) wabr, (4) al-åmir, (5) al-mu›tamir, (6)
al-mu‹allil, and (7) al-jamr al-mu£fi› or mu£fi› aœ-œa‹n. (See: E.W. Lane, Arabic-English Lexicon, art.
‹–J–Z and art. ª–S–M.) These are the seven days during which the tribe of ‹Ád was destroyed by
the wind. (See p. 108 above.)


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Fifth Discourse
Seventh 111

“It is thus established that most things [of great religious importance]
are associated with the number seven. This means that Allåh (Exalted
is He) has implicitly indicated to His servants that the Night of Power
[Lailat al-Qadr] is the twenty-seventh, by virtue of His statement:
Peace it is, until salåmun hiya
the rising of the of dawn. (97:5) ¥attå ma£la‹i ’l-fajr.
“He has thereby given us to understand that the Night of Power [Lailat
al-Qadr] is the night of the twenty-seventh [of the month of Ramaæån].”228

228 Since this conclusion hinges on the expression: “Peace it is… [salåmun hiya …],” we are no
doubt expected to be aware that the word salåm [peace] occurs seven times in the Qur›ån. These
are the relevant verses [åyåt]:
1. “Peace!”—[that is] a word [of greeting] salåm: qawlan
from a Lord All-Compassionate. (36:58) min Rabbin Ra¥ºm.
2. Peace be upon Noah salåmun ‹alå N«¥in
among all beings! (37:79) fi ’l-‹ålamºn.
3. Peace be upon Abraham! (37:109) salåmun ‹alå Ibråhºm.
4. Peace be upon Moses and Aaron! (37:120) salåmun ‹alå M«så wa Hår«n.
5. Peace be upon Elias! (37:130) salåmun ‹alå Ilyåsºn.
6. And peace be upon those wa salåmun
sent as Messengers! (37:181) ‹ala ’l-Mursalºn.
7. Peace it is, until salåmun hiya
the rising of the of dawn. (97:5) ¥attå ma£la‹i ’l-fajr.


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112 Volume Three

On the conflicting opinions of various experts

concerning the correct answer to the question:
“Which is more excellent, the night of the Day
of Congregational Prayer [Lailat al-Jum‹a],
or the Night of Power [Lailat al-Qadr]?”

W hich is more excellent, the night of the Day of Congregational

Prayer [Lailat al-Jum‹a],229 or the Night of Power [Lailat al-Qadr]?
This is a question over which our fellow scholars230 have been in some
On the one hand, Shaikh Ab« ‹Abdi’llåh ibn Ba££a, Shaikh Abu ’l-
ªasan al-Jazarº and Ab« ªafƒ ‹Umar al-Barmakº (may Allåh bestow His
mercy upon them) have all opted for the answer that the night of the
Day of Congregational Prayer [Lailat al-Jum‹a] is the more excellent of
the two.
On the other hand, the answer preferred by Abu ’l-ªasan at-Tamºmº
(may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him) is that, of all the Nights of
Power [Layåli ’l-Qadr], only one is more excellent than the night of the
Day of Congregational Prayer [Lailat al-Jum‹a], namely, the actual
Night during which the Qur݌n was sent down. As for all the otherwise
similar Nights of Power [Layåli ’l-Qadr], the night of the Day of
Congregational Prayer [Lailat al-Jum‹a] ranks higher than any of them
on the scale of excellence.
[Aside from these representatives of the ªanbalº school] most of the
learned scholars [‹ulamå’] have maintained that the Night of Power
[Lailat al-Qadr] is more excellent, not only than the night of the Day
of Congregational Prayer [Lailat al-Jum‹a], but than all other nights
in the calendar.
229 The Day of Congregational Prayer [al-Jum‹a] is Friday—but please remember that Friday night
in the Islåmic calendar is the night that begins at sunset on Thursday!
230 The author (may Allåh be well pleased with him) is referring to his fellow scholars in the
ªanbalº school of Islåmic theology and jurisprudence. (See note 212 on p. 107 above.)


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Fifth Discourse
Seventh 113

There is plenty of traditional evidence, however, to justify the point

of view adopted by our ªanbalº colleagues, as we shall demonstrate:
According to one traditional account, related by al-Qåæº [the Judge]
al-Imåm Ab« Ya‹la (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him), it was Ibn
‹Abbås (may Allåh be well pleased with him and with his father) who
reported that Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him peace)
once said:231
Allåh grants forgiveness, on the night of the Day of Congregational Prayer
[Lailat al-Jum‹a], to all the people of Islåm.
No comparable excellence is known to have been attributed by the
Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) to any of the other nights.
Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him peace) is also
reported as having said:
Invoke Allåh’s blessing upon me,232 many times over, in the course of the
illustrious night [al-lailat al-gharrå›], and during the brightly shining day
[al-yawm al-azhar]—on the night of the Day of Congregational Prayer [Lailat
al-Jum‹a], and then on the Day itself.
The adjective gharrå› [illustrious] is related to the noun ghurra, which
means the highlight, the prime, the finest feature of something.233
Another point in favor of the superior excellence of the night of the
Day of Congregational Prayer [Lailat al-Jum‹a] is the very fact that it
immediately precedes the Day itself. This is indeed a telling point,
because we have been taught so much about the excellence of that
Day, and so little about the excellence of the day of the Night of
Power [Lailat al-Qadr].
The following traditional reports are highly significant in this
According to Anas [ibn Målik]234 (may Allåh be well pleased with
him), the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) once said:
The sun never rises to usher in a day that is more splendid, in the sight of Allåh,
than the Day of Congregational Prayer [Yawm al-Jum‹a], and none is
dearer to Him.
231 Author’s note: Imåm Ab« Ya‹la (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him) has provided a
complete chain of transmitting authorities [isnåd] to verify the authenticity of this report.
232 That is to say, by repeating the invocation: “Allåh bless him and give him peace [ƒalla’llåhu
‹alaihi wa sallam].”
233 The ghurra of a horse, for instance, is the blaze on its forehead.
234 See note 35 on p. 24 above.


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114 Volume Three

According to Ab« Huraira235 (may Allåh be well pleased with him),

the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) once said:
The sun never rises, nor does it ever set, upon a day that is more excellent than
the Day of Congregational Prayer [Yawm al-Jum‹a]. There is no creature that
walks or crawls upon the earth, that is not terrified of the Day of Congregational
Prayer [Yawm al-Jum‹a], apart from these two species [thaqalain]: the jinn and
human beings.
According to another report from Ab« Huraira (may Allåh be well
pleased with him), the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace)
also said:
On the Day of Resurrection [Yawm al-Qiyåma], Allåh (Almighty and Glorious
is He) will resurrect the days in a manner that displays their condition. When
He brings forth the Day of Congregational Prayer [al-Jum‹a], it will be shining
with a radiant beauty, and its own people will greet it with affectionate respect,
as if it were a bride being led in procession to her noble bridegroom, beaming
upon them as they walk in her radiance. Their complexions will be like snow,
and their fragrant aroma will be like musk. They will plunge into mountains of
camphor, and the people assembled at the Place of Standing [al-Mawqif],
humans and jinn alike, will stare at them in wonder, too fascinated to blink an
eye, until they enter the Garden of Paradise.
Suppose someone were to say: “That all sounds very convincing, no
doubt, but what is your response to His saying (Almighty and Glorious
is He):
The Night of Power is better Lailatu ’l-Qadri khairun
than a thousand months. (97:3)?” min alfi shahr.
To this our reply would be as follows: “What is meant to be
understood by it is: “better than a thousand months—in the reckoning
of which the night of the Day of Congregational Prayer [Lailat al-Jum‹a]
is not included.” This interpretation should be perfectly comprehen-
sible even to those who prefer the other point of view, since their
understanding of the phrase is: “better than a thousand months—in the
reckoning of which the Night of Power [Lailat al-Qadr] is not included.”236
In defense of our point of view, we should also point out that the night
of the Day of Congregational Prayer [Lailat al-Jum‹a] is everlasting in
the Garden of Paradise—because visiting with Allåh (Glorified and
Exalted is He) takes place during the Day thereof.237 Furthermore, its
235 See note 36 on p. 24 above.
236 Logically, if this were not so, the Night of Power [Lailat al-Qadr] would be better than itself.
237 In Vol. 2, pp. 269–86, the author (may Allåh be well pleased with him) has quoted lengthy
traditional reports concerning the Garden of Paradise.

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Fifth Discourse
Seventh 115

position in the calendar is known for certain here in this lower world,238
whereas the exact date of the Night of Power [Lailat al-Qadr] can only
be surmised.
It must be admitted, notwithstanding, that a case can be made in
favor of the view preferred by at-Tamºmº and some other learned
scholars.239 When they maintain that the Night of Power [Lailat
al-Qadr] is more excellent than any other night, they begin by citing the
words of Allåh (Exalted is He):
The Night of Power is better Lailatu ’l-Qadri khairun
than a thousand months. (97:3) min alfi shahr.
Then, having noted the fact that a thousand months are the equiva-
lent of eighty-three years and four months,240 they cite the following
traditional reports:241
It said that the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) was
shown the life spans of the members of his Community [Umma], and he
considered them too short, so he was granted the Night of Power [Lailat
Imåm Målik ibn Anas242 (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him) is
reported as having said: “I have heard, from someone whose word I
trust, that Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him peace)
once saw the life spans of all the people before his own time, or as much
of that as Allåh (Exalted is He) wished him to see. In this vision, it
seemed to him that the life spans of those belonging to his own
Community [Umma] had become shorter by comparison, with the
result that they could not accomplish as much good work, in the course
of a lifetime, as others who had preceded them. It was then that Allåh
granted him the Night of Power [Lailat al-Qadr], which is better than
a thousand months.”
238 “In this world,” to put it in simple English, “Friday comes but once a week, and always between
Thursday and Saturday.”
239 Near the beginning of this subsection (p. 112 above), the author (may Allåh be well pleased
with him) has ascribed to Abu ’l-ªasan at-Tamºmº (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him) a
viewpoint that sets him somewhat apart from the other learned scholars.
240 Even at the end of the 20th century, and even among the most technologically developed
societies, eighty-three years and four months would represent an above-average span of life
241 As the reader can hardly fail to notice, few transmitting authorities—if any—are named in
connection with these particular reports.
242 See note 207 on p. 106 above.


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116 Volume Three

Imåm Målik ibn Anas (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him) also
said: “It has come to my attention that Sa‹ºd ibn al-Musayyib243 once
said: ‘If someone is present at the late evening prayer [ƒalåt al-‹ishå›] on
the Night of Power [Lailat al-Qadr], he will derive good fortune
The Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) is reported as
having said:
If someone performs both the late evening [‹ishå›] and sunset [maghrib] prayers
in congregation, he will obtain his share of good fortune from the Night of
Power [Lailat al-Qadr]. Moreover, if he recites it—meaning the S«ra of Power
[S«rat al-Qadr]—it will be as if he had recited one fourth of the entire Qur›ån.244

243 Sa‹ºd ibn al-Musayyib [or, al-Musayyab] (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him) was an early
scholar of Prophetic tradition. He died in A.H. 93. (There is some uncertainty as to the correct
spelling of his last name. The forms ibn al-Musayyib and ibn al-Musayyab both occur, often in the
same text.)
244 Author’s note: It is a recommended practice for the worshipper to recite the S«ra of Power
[S«rat al-Qadr] in the final late evening prayer [‹ishå›] of the month of Ramaæån.


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Fifth Discourse 117

On the answer to the question: “Why has Allåh

not informed His servants of an exact date, on
which the Night of Power [Lailat al-Qadr] is
certain to occur?”

S uppose someone raises the question: “Why has Allåh not informed
His servants of an exact date, on which the Night of Power [Lailat
al-Qadr] is certain to occur, just as He has provided them with precise
and unambiguous information concerning the night of the Day of
Congregational Prayer [Lailat al-Jum‹a]?”
The appropriate response will be to tell the questioner: “His purpose
(Exalted is He) is to make sure that His servants do not take it for
granted that they have performed good deeds on that particular night.
Were it not for this element of uncertainty, they could make the claim:
‘We have performed good deeds on a night that is better than a
thousand months, so Allåh has granted us forgiveness, and in His sight
we are now entitled to spiritual degrees and Gardens of Paradise.’ They
might therefore abandon all further effort to do good works, and simply
rest on their laurels. Having thus fallen prey to unduly optimistic
expectation, they would then be doomed to perdition.”
It should also be noted that, as a similar measure of precaution, Allåh
(Almighty and Glorious is He) has refrained from informing His
servants as to when their individual lifetimes are due to expire. Were
it not so, a person with a long life still ahead of him could say: “I intend
to give free rein to my carnal desires, indulging in all the pleasures this
world has to offer, and enjoying its comforts to the full. Eventually, of
course, when the expiration of my term draws near, I shall repent and
devote myself to the worshipful service of my Lord. I shall then die as
a penitent and reformed character.”
In actual fact, Allåh (Exalted is He) has kept their appointed terms
concealed from them, so they must always be cautious and wary of


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118 Volume Three

death. Under these circumstances, they have a permanent incentive to

practice good conduct, to pursue repentance with dilgent perseverance,
and to make constant efforts to improve their behavior. Death, whenever
it comes to claim them, will therefore find them in a very good spiritual
state. As well as receiving their allotted shares [aqsåm] of pleasure and
sensual enjoyment in this world, they will be safely delivered from
Allåh’s torment in the hereafter, by the mercy [ra¥ma] of Allåh
(Exalted is He).
The following anonymous saying is also worth quoting:
“Allåh (Exalted is He) has concealed five things inside five: (1) He
has concealed Allåh’s good pleasure inside worshipful acts of obedience
[£å‹åt]; (2) He has concealed His wrath inside sinful acts of disobedience
[ma‹åƒº]; (3) He has concealed the middle prayer [aƒ-ƒalåt al-wus£å] 245
among the other ritual prayers [ƒalawåt]; (4) He has concealed His
saintly friend [walº] among the rest of His creatures; (5) He has
concealed the Night of Power [Lailat al-Qadr] within the month of

245 Allåh (Exalted is He) has told us in the Qur›ån:

Be careful to observe your prayers, ¥åfiœ« ‹ala ’ƒ-ƒalawåti
and [especially] the middle prayer, wa ’ƒ-ƒalåti ’l-wus£å:
and stand obedient to Allåh. (2:238) wa q«m« li’llåhi qånitºn.


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Fifth Discourse 119

Concerning the five

nights granted by Allåh
(Almighty and Glorious is He)
to the Chosen One [al-Muƒ£afå]
(Allåh bless him and give him peace).

A llåh (Almighty and Glorious is He) has conferred five special

nights upon the Chosen One [al-Muƒ£afå] (Allåh bless him and
give him peace), namely:
1. The Night of the Miracle and the Supernatural Skill [Lailat
al-Mu‹jiza wa ’l-Qudra].246
This is the night referred to in the words of Allåh (Exalted is He):
The Hour has drawn near and iqtarabati ’s-så‹atu
the moon has been split in two. (54:1) wa ’nshaqqa ’l-qamar.
In the case of Moses [M«så] (peace be upon him), the miraculous
splitting of the sea was brought about by the stroke of his staff. In the
case of Mu¥ammad (Allåh bless him and give him peace), on the other
hand, the miraculous splitting of the moon was brought about by the
mere pointing of the finger of the Chosen One [al-Muƒ£afå] (Allåh bless
him and give him peace).247 It is therefore preeminent in the whole
domain of the Prophetic miracles [mu‹jizåt], the working of wonders
[i‹jåz], and the exercise of supernatural skill [qudra].248
246 The term mu‹jiza (plural: mu‹jizåt) is applied to a miracle performed by a Prophet [nabº], and
is distinguished from the karåma performed by a saint [walº] or righteous person [ƒåli¥]. As defined
by the Islåmic theologians, a mu‹jiza is “an event at variance with the usual course of nature,
produced by one who lays claim to the office of a Prophet, in contending with those who refuse
to acknowledge his claim, in such a manner as renders them unable to produce the like thereof.”
(See: E.W. Lane, Arabic-English Lexicon, art. ‹–J–Z.)
247 In his famous commentary [tafsºr] on the Qur›ån, al-Baiæåwº says: “Some say that the
unbelievers demanded this sign of the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace), and so the
moon was split in two; but others say it refers to a sign of the coming Resurrection.”
248 In Vol. 1, pp. 250–53, the author (may Allåh be well pleased with him) has told us:

It is also universally believed by the people of Islåm that the Prophet Mu¥ammad (Allåh bless him
and give him peace) was granted as many miracles [mu‹jizåt] as those bestowed upon the rest of the
Prophets, and more besides. Some of the experts in religious knowledge [ahl al-‹ilm] have counted no
fewer than a thousand such miracles. Included among them is the Qur›ån…. 119

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120 Volume Three

2. The Night of the Response and the Summons [Lailat al-Ijåba

wa ’d-Da‹wa].
This is the night on which a company of the jinn urged their people
to respond to the summons of Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and
give him peace). In the words of Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He):
And when We turned toward you wa idh ƒarafnå ilai-ka
a company of the jinn, nafaran mina ’l-jinni
who wished to hear the Qur›ån,… yastami‹«na ’l-Qur›ån…
they said:… qål«…
“O people of ours! Respond to Allåh›s yå qawma-nå ajºb« då‹iya ’llåhi
summoner and believe in him.” wa åmin« bi-hi.
3. The Night of the Decree and the Adjudication [Lailat al-ªukm
wa ’l-Qaæiyya].
This is the night referred to in the words of Allåh (Exalted is He):
We have sent it down innå anzalnå-hu
on a blessed night— fº lailatin mubårakatin:
surely We are ever warning— innå kunnå mundhirºn:
in which every firm decree fº-hå yufraqu
is made distinct. (44:3,4) kullu amrin ¥akºm.
4. The Night of Nearness and Closeness [Lailat ad-Dunuww wa ’l-
This is the Night of the Heavenly Ascension [Lailat al-Mi‹råj]249 of the
Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace), the Night of which
Allåh (Exalted is He) was speaking when He said:
Glory be to the One who carried sub¥åna ’lladhº asrå
His servant by night bi-‹abdi-hi lailan
from the Sacred Place of Worship mina ’l-Masjidi ’l-ªaråmi
to the Far Distant Place of Worship, ila ’l-Masjidi ’l-Aqƒa ’lladhº
the precincts of which We båraknå ¥awla-hu
have blessed, that We might show li-nuriya-hu min åyåti-nå:
him some of Our signs! inna-hu
Surely He, only He is the Huwa ’s-Samº‹u ’l-Baƒºr.
All-Hearing, the All-Seeing. (17:1)
5. The Night of Peace and Salutation [Lailat as-Salåm wa ’t-Ta¥iyya].
This is none other than the Night of Power [Lailat al-Qadr], of which
Allåh (Exalted is He) has said:
Behold, We sent it down innå anzalnå-hu
on the Night of Power. fº Lailati ’l-Qadr.
249 The Night of the Heavenly Ascension [Lailat al-Mi‹råj] is also known as the Night of the
Heavenly Journey [Lailat al-Isrå›].

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Fifth Discourse
Seventh 121

And what has made you know wa må adrå-ka

what is the Night of Power? må Lailatu ’l-Qadr.
The Night of Power is better Lailatu ’l-Qadri khairun
than a thousand months. min alfi shahr.
In it the angels tanazzalu ’l-malå›ikatu
and the Spirit come down wa ’r-R«¥u fº-hå
by their Lord’s permission, bi-idhni Rabbi-him
on every errand. min kulli amr.
Peace it is, until salåmun hiya
the rising of the of dawn. (97:1–5) ¥attå ma£la‹i ’l-fajr.
Ibn ‹Abbas (may Allåh be well pleased with him and with his father)
is reported as having said:
“As soon as the Night of Power [Lailat al-Qadr] has arrived, Allåh
(Glorified and Exalted is He) will command Gabriel (peace be upon
him) to go down to the earth, accompanied by a host of angels, seventy
thousand strong, from among the inhabitants of the Lote-Tree of the
Farthest Boundary [Sidrat al-Muntahå].250 They will carry with them
banners of light, and once they have alighted upon the surface of the
earth, Gabriel (peace be upon him) will set up his banner [liwå›] and the
angels will set up their banners in four localities, namely: (1) next to
the Ka‹ba in Mecca, (2) next to the tomb of the Prophet (Allåh bless
him and give him peace) in Medina, (3) next to the Mosque of
Jerusalem [Bait al-Maqdis],251 and (4) next to the Mosque of Mount
Sinai [¡«r Sºnå›].
“Then Gabriel (peace be upon him) will tell the angels to fan out and
go their separate ways, so they will disperse and go off separately in all
directions. Not a single house, or chamber, or tent, and not a single boat
or ship, in which there is a believing man [mu›min] or a believing
woman [mu›min] to be found, will fail to receive a visit from the
angels—apart from any such place that contains a dog, or a pig, or
intoxicating liquor, or a person who is ritually unclean from some
unlawful contact or behavior [junub mina ’l-¥aråm], or an icon [ƒ«ra].
250 With reference to the experience of the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) during
his Heavenly Ascension [Mi‹råj], Allåh (Exalted is He) has told us in the Qur›ån (53:13,14):
And indeed, he saw Him yet another time— wa la-qad ra›å-hu nazlatan ukhrå
by the Lote-Tree of the Farthest Boundary. ‹inda Sidrati ’l-Muntahå.
251 See note 193 on p. 98 above.


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122 Volume Three

“As they make their rounds, the angels will be glorifying the Lord
[yusabbi¥«na],252 extolling His Sanctity [yuqaddis«na],253 and declaring
that worship is due to Him Alone [yuhallil«na],254 as well as begging
forgiveness on behalf of the Community of Mu¥ammad (Allåh bless
him and give him peace). They will continue in this fashion until,
when the moment of dawn arrives, they rise up aloft into the sky. The
inhabitants of the lowest heaven will then receive them as their guests,
and they will ask them: ‘Where are you coming from?’ So the traveling
angels will say: ‘We spent the night in the world below, because it was
the Night of Power [Lailat al-Qadr] for the Community of Mu¥ammad
(Allåh bless him and give him peace).’
“The inhabitants of the lowest heaven will then go on to ask: “How
has Allåh treated them, and what has He done to meet their needs?’
Gabriel (peace be upon him) will respond to this by saying: “Allåh has
forgiven the righteous ones among them [ƒåli¥º-him], and He has
accepted their intercession on behalf of the unrighteous ones in their
midst [£åli¥º-him].’ On hearing this, the angels of the lowest heaven will
raise their voices in glorification [tasbº¥], sanctification [taqdºs], and
praise of the Lord of All the Worlds [Rabb al-‹Álamºn], as an expression
of gratitude for the forgiveness and acceptance that Allåh has bestowed
upon this Community. Then the angels of the lowest heaven will
escort their guests up to the second heaven.
“This procedure will then be repeated from each heaven to the next,
all the way up to the seventh heaven, at which point Gabriel (peace be
upon him) will say: ‘O inhabitants of the various heavens, you must
now return home!’ Obedient to this command, the angels from the
various heavens will promptly return to their respective places, and
those who are inhabitants of the Lote-Tree of the Farthest Boundary
[Sidrat al-Muntahå] will return to the Lote-Tree.
252 That is to say, they will be proclaiming: “sub¥åna’llåh [Glory be to Allåh]!” Like the verbal
noun tasbº¥ (see note 180 on p. 94 above), the verb yusabbi¥«na is derived from the same three-
consonant root—s–b–¥—as the word sub¥ån.
253 That is to say, they will be proclaiming: “taqaddasa’llåh [Sanctified is Allåh]!” (See note 256
on p. 123 below.)
254 That is to say, they will be proclaiming: “lå ilåha illa’llåh [There is no god but Allåh]!” The form
yuhallil«na is a grammatical derivative of the basic verb hallala, of which the corresponding verbal
noun is tahlºl.


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Fifth Discourse
Seventh 123

“As soon as their fellow angels have come home from their mission,
the inhabitants of the Lote-Tree will ask them: ‘Where have you been?’
So the travelers will give them the same answer as the one they gave to
the inhabitants of the lowest heaven. On hearing this, the inhabitants
of the Lote-Tree will raise their voices in glorification [tasbº¥]255 and
sanctification [taqdºs].256 The sound of their voices will be heard by
the Garden of Refuge [Jannat al-Ma›wå], then by the Garden of
Blissful Happiness [Jannat an-Naܼm], then by the Garden of Eden
[Jannat ‹Adn], and then by [the highest Garden of] Paradise [(Jannat)
al-Firdaws],257 and so it will come to be heard by the Throne of the
All-Merciful One [‹Arsh ar-Ra¥mån].
The Heavenly Throne [‹Arsh] will thereupon raise its voice in
glorification [tasbº¥], sanctification [taqdºs], and praise of the Lord of All
the Worlds [Rabb al-‹Álamºn], as an expression of gratitude for all that
He has bestowed upon this Community. Although He is All-Knowing
[A‹lam], Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He) will ask: “O My Throne,
why have you raised your voice?” So it will say: “My God [Ilåhº], I have
just received the good news that You granted forgiveness, last night, to
the righteous members of the Community of Mu¥ammad (Allåh bless
him and give him peace), and that You offered to accept the intercession
of the righteous ones among them [ƒåli¥º-him] on behalf of the unrigh-
teous ones in their midst [£åli¥º-him].”
“On receiving this answer, Allåh (Exalted is He) will say: “You have
spoken the truth, O My Throne, but there is even more to it than that.
The Community of Mu¥ammad is entitled, in My sight, to generous
favor the likes of which no eye has ever seen, no ear has ever heard, and
no human heart has ever conceived.’”
It has also been said that, when Gabriel (peace be upon him) comes
down from heaven on the Night of Power [Lailat al-Qadr], he will not
leave any human being without giving him the greeting of peace and
shaking him by the hand. For the recipient, the sign of this will be the
sudden appearance of goose bumps all over his skin [iqshi‹rår jildi-hi],
coinciding with a surge of tender feelings in his heart, and a tearful
moistening of his eyes.
255 See note 252 on p. 122 above.
256 Like the verbs yuqaddis«na and taqaddasa (see note 253 on p. 122 above), the verbal noun taqdºs
is derived from the three-consonant root q–d–s, which conveys the basic idea of “holiness,
sanctity.” This same root occurs in the words Maqdis and Muqaddas, which are applied to the
Temple of Jerusalem (see note 193 on p. 98 above).
257 These four Gardens are all mentioned by name in the Qur݌n.

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124 Volume Three

This explains why, as we have learned from a traditional report:

“The Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) was seriously
concerned about the prospects for his Community, so Allåh (Exalted
is He) said to him: ‘O Mu¥ammad, do not worry, for I shall not remove
members of your Community from the lower world, unless I have
conferred upon them the spiritual degrees of the Prophets [darajåt
al-Anbiyå›]. In the case of the Prophets (blessings and peace be upon
them all), the angels came down to each of them in turn, bringing them
the Spirit [R«¥], the message [risåla], the inspiration [wa¥y], and the
charismatic gift of grace [karåma]. I shall likewise send the angels down
to your Community, on the Night of Power [Lailat al-Qadr], with the
salutation of peace [taslºm] and mercy [ra¥ma] from Me.’”


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Fifth Discourse 125

On the characteristic features

that indicate the arrival of the Night of Power
[Lailat al-Qadr].

A s for the characteristic features that indicate the arrival of the

Night of Power [Lailat al-Qadr], they are present in a night when
the atmosphere is comfortable, the sky is jet-black, and the temperature
is neither hot nor cold. We may also quote this anonymous saying on
the subject:
“It is a night in which no barking of dogs can be heard. When the sun
rises on the following morning, it appears as a disk without rays, rather
like a copper bowl [£ast].”
As for the marvels and wonders of the Night of Power [Lailat al-Qadr],
they are revealed to those who possess the qualities of spiritual devel-
opment and sainthood [arbåb al-qul«b wa ’l-wilåya], to those who are
committed to worshipful obedience [ahl a£-£å‹a], and to whomever
Allåh wishes among those of His servants who are true believers
[mu›minºn]—in accordance with their spiritual states [a¥wål], their
allotted portions [aqsåm], and their degrees of nearness to Allåh
(Almighty and Glorious is He).


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126 Volume Three

Concerning the ritual prayer called ƒålåt at-taråwº¥:

how it was practiced in the time of the Prophet
(Allåh bless him and give him peace),
and how it came to be more strictly
observed during the Caliphate
of ‹Umar ibn al-Kha££åb
(may Allåh be well pleased with him).

T he ritual prayer called ƒalåt at-taråwº¥ 258 was originally instituted

as an occasional and voluntary practice, to be observed in accor-
dance with the exemplary custom [sunna] of the Prophet (Allåh bless
him and give him peace). After he had performed it in congregation on
one night [in the month of Ramaæån]—(some say two nights, while
others say three)—the believers expected him to join them again, but
he did not emerge from his apartment when the next night came
around. In order to explain his behavior, he told them later: “If I had
come out to join you, it would surely have been imposed upon you as an
obligatory religious duty [la-furiæat ‹alai-kum].”
It was eventually established as a regular congregational practice
[throughout the month of Ramaæån], but not until the days of the
Caliphate of ‹Umar [ibn al-Kha££åb] (may Allåh be well pleased with
him). This accounts for the fact that it is often attributed to the Caliph
‹Umar, on the grounds that he was the first to organize its performance
along these lines.
The following tradition [¥adºth] is particularly relevant to this topic,
since it has been transmitted from ‹Á’isha, the Mother of the Believers
258 The Arabic word tarwº¥a (of which taråwº¥ is the plural form) means “a pause for rest.” The
ƒalåt at-taråwº¥ is a special form of the Islåmic ritual prayer, performed at some period of the night
in the month of Ramaæån, after the obligatory late-night prayer [ƒalåt al-‹ishå›]. It consists of
twenty cycles [raka‹åt] (or thirty-six, according to the Målikº school of Islåmic law), and takes its
name from the pauses for rest that occur after every fourth cycle. (The salutation [taslºma] is
pronounced at the end of each set of two cycles.)


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Fifth Discourse
Seventh 127

[Umm al-Mu›minºn] (may Allåh be well pleased with her), who is

reported as having said:
“The Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) once left the
house in the middle of the night, in the month of Ramaæån. He went
out to pray in the mosque [masjid], where he led the people in the
performance of a ritual prayer [ƒalåt]. When the next night came
around, however, there were so many people present that the mosque
could hardly accommodate the entire congregation, so he did not leave
home to join them, although he did go out later, in time for the dawn
prayer [ƒalåt al-fajr]. Then, once he had performed the dawn prayer, he
turned toward the people and said to them:
“‘I was well aware of your situation this past night, but I was afraid that
the nighttime ritual prayer [ƒalåt al-lail] might be made incumbent upon
you as an obligatory religious duty, and that you would prove to be
incapable of fulfilling such an obligation.’”
‹Á’isha, the Mother of the Believers [Umm al-Mu›minºn] (may Allåh
be well pleased with her), then went on to say:
“The Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) would always
encourage the believers to observe the practices of wakefulness and
worship that enliven the nights of Ramaæån [fº i¥yå› Ramaæån], but
without commanding them to regard such observance as a matter of
strict injunction [‹azºma]. The moment came when Allåh’s Messenger
(Allåh bless him and give him peace) was destined to conclude his
earthly life [tuwuffiya], and the same approach was then adopted
throughout the Caliphate of Ab« Bakr, the Champion of Truth
[aƒ-»iddºq] (may Allåh be well pleased with him), and on into the early
period of the Caliphate of ‹Umar [ibn al-Kha££åb] (may Allåh be well
pleased with him).”
‹Alº [ibn Abº ¡ålib] (may Allåh be well pleased with him) is reported
as having said:
“‹Umar [ibn al-Kha££åb] (may Allåh be well pleased with him) would
never have taken such a serious interest in these taråwº¥ prayers, if it had
not been for a certain saying [¥adºth] of the Prophet (Allåh bless him and
give him peace), which he happened to hear from me.”
By making this statement, ‹Alº [ibn Abº ¡ålib] (may Allåh be well
pleased with him) prompted his listeners to ask: “What is that saying


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128 Volume Three

[¥adºth], O Commander of the Believers [Amºr al-Mu›minºn]?” So he

responded by telling them: “Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and
give him peace) once said, in my hearing:
“‘Around the Heavenly Throne [‹Arsh], Allåh (Exalted is He) maintains an
area called the Enclosure of Sanctity [ªaœºrat al-Quds],259 which consists of
radiant light. So many are the angels within its confines, that none but Allåh
(Almighty and Glorious is He) could ever add up their total number. These
angels are utterly devoted to the worshipful service [‹ibåda] of Allåh (Exalted is
He), and they never take a single moment to relax. When the nights of the
month of Ramaæån come around, they ask their Lord for permission to descend
by turns to the earth below, where they perform the ritual prayers [yuƒåll«na]
together with the children of Adam. Whenever any member of the Community
of Mu¥ammad is touched by them, or touches them, that person will experience
such blissful happiness and good fortune that he will never again feel miserable
or suffer distress.’
“As soon as ‹Umar ibn al-Kha££åb (may Allåh be well pleased with
him) heard me repeat these words, he exclaimed: ‘Since we are specially
entitled to receive this blessing, we must be better prepared!’ He then
proceeded to organize the congregational observance of the taråwº¥
prayers,260 and it was he who established the practice of performing them
[throughout the month of Ramaæån] as a regular traditional custom.’”
As we know from another traditional report, ‹Alº ibn Abº ¡ålib (may
Allåh be well pleased with him) went out in the first part of a certain
night in the month of Ramaæån. Then, when he heard the Qur›ån
being recited in the mosques [masåjid], he exclaimed: “May Allåh fill
the tomb of ‹Umar with light, as Allåh’s mosques are illuminated by the
recitation of the Qur›ån!”261
According to a somewhat differently worded version of this tradi-
tional report, ‹Alº ibn Abº ¡ålib (may Allåh be well pleased with him)
passed by the mosques, and he noticed that they were bright with lamps,
while people were performing the taråwº¥ prayers, so he exclaimed:
259 In most English-Arabic dictionaries, the meaning given for ªaœºrat al-Quds is simply
“Paradise.” For other terms derived, like quds [sanctity, holiness], from the three-consonant root
q–d–s, see note 256 on p. 123 above.
260 According to A.J. Wensinck, who cites the authority of al-Bukhårº:

“‹Umar is said to have been the first to assemble behind one qåri› [reciter of the Qur›ån] those who
performed their prayers in the mosque of al-Madºna singly or in groups; he is also said to have preferred
the first part of the night for these pious exercises.” (See: Shorter Encyclopaedia of Islåm, art.
261 Author’s note: The Caliph ‹Uthmån ibn ‹Affån (may Allåh be well pleased with him) is also
reported as having uttered the same invocation, under similar circumstances.


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Fifth Discourse
Seventh 129

“May Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He) shine light upon the tomb
of ‹Umar, as He has filled our mosques with light!”
The Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) is reported as
having said:
If someone hangs a lamp in one of the houses of Allåh, the angels—no fewer
than seventy thousand of them—will not stop seeking forgiveness on his behalf,
and invoking blessing upon him, until that lamp is extinguished.
Ab« Dharr al-Ghifårº262 (may Allåh be well pleased with him) is
reported as having said:
“We performed some of our ritual prayers together with Allåh’s
Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him peace). When the twenty-
third night [of Ramaæån] came around, he kept vigil with us, and led us
in the prayers, until the first third of the night had passed. Then, when
the twenty-fourth night came around, he did not leave home to join us.
On the twenty-fifth night, he came out and led us in prayer until the
first half of the night had elapsed, at which point we said to him: ‘If only
you would grant us your presence for the rest of this night of ours,
that would be really good!’ To this he replied (Allåh bless him and
give him peace):
“‘If someone keeps vigil and prays in the company of the Imåm, until the Imåm
takes his leave, that person will be credited with having kept vigil for one whole
night [kutiba la-hu qiyåm laila].’
“He did not lead us in prayer on the night of the twenty-sixth. Then,
when the night of the twenty-seventh came around, he kept vigil with
us once again, only this time he brought his family along to join the
congregation, and he led us in prayer until we were afraid that we might
miss the moment of salvation [falå¥].”
When someone asked what he meant by “the moment of salvation
[falå¥],” Ab« Dharr al-Ghifårº (may Allåh be well pleased with him)
said: “The last opportunity to partake of the sa¥«r [the final meal before
the commencement of daytime fasting during the month of Ramaæån]!”

262 See note 23 on p. 18 above.


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130 Volume Three

On why it is considered preferable to perform

the taråwº¥ prayers in congregation, and to recite
the Qur݌n in a clearly audible voice in the course
of their performance. On when and why the
recitation of the S«ra of the Clot of Blood
[S«rat al-‹Alaq] is recommended.

I t is considered preferable to perform the taråwº¥ prayers in

congregation [jamå‹a], and to recite the Qur›ån in a clearly audible
voice [jahr] in the course of their performance, because this is how the
Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) performed them during
those nights of the month of Ramaæån.
As for the initial performance of the taråwº¥ prayer, this should take
place on the night preceding the glow of the first morning to dawn in
Ramaæån, because that night is actually one of the nights of the month
of Ramaæån, and because the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him
peace) acted accordingly.
The nightly performance of the taråwº¥ should begin after the
obligatory prayer [ƒalåt al-faræ]263 has been followed by [a customary
prayer of] two cycles [rak‹atain] with a ritual salutation [taslºma]264 at the
end of the second cycle, because this is how the Prophet (Allåh bless
him and give him peace) went about it.
The taråwº¥ prayer consists of twenty cycles [rak‹a]. At the conclu-
sion of each set of two cycles, the worshipper sits and performs the
ritual salutation [taslºma]. There are five pauses for rest [tarwº¥åt] in
the whole performance, since there is one pause [tarwº¥a] after each
set of four cycles.
Whether he is praying alone, or as leader [imåm] of the congregation,
263 The obligatory prayer referred to here is the late evening prayer [ƒalåt al-‹ishå›], the last of the
five daily prayers, which is customarily followed by a voluntary prayer of two cycles [rak‹atain].
264 See note 65 on p. 35 above.


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Fifth Discourse
Seventh 131

or as one who is following such a leader,265 the worshipper must

formulate his intention [niyya] at the beginning of each set of two cycles
[rak‹atain]. In other words, he must say to himself: “I am about to
perform two cycles of the customary taråwº¥ prayer.”266
At the appropriate point in the first cycle, when the taråwº¥ prayer is
performed on the first night of the month of Ramaæån, the recom-
mended Qur›ånic recitation consists of the Opening S«ra [al-Fåti¥a]
and the S«ra of the Clot of Blood [S«rat al-‹Alaq], which reads:
Recite: iqra›
In the Name of your Lord who created, bismi Rabbi-ka ’lladhº khalaq:
created man from a clot of blood. khalaqa ’l-insåna min ‹alaq.
Recite: And your Lord is the Most iqra› wa Rabbu-ka ’l-Akram:
Generous, who has taught by the Pen, alladhº ‹allama bi’l-Qalam:
taught Man that which he did not know. ‹allama ’l-insåna må lam ya‹lam.
No indeed; Man does exceed kallå inna ’l-insåna
the proper bounds, la-ya£ghå
in that he regards himself an ra݌-hu
as self-sufficient. ’staghnå.
Surely unto your Lord is the return. inna ilå Rabbi-ka ’r-ruj‹å.
Have you seen him who forbids a-ra›aita ’lladhº yanhå
a servant when he prays? ‹abdan idhå ƒallå.
Have you seen if he is a-ra›aita in kåna
on the [path of] guidance, ‹ala ’l-hudå
or if he is enjoining dutiful devotion? aw amara bi’t-taqwå.
Have you seen if he denies a-ra›aita in kadhdhaba
[the truth] and turns away? wa tawallå.
Is he then unaware that Allåh sees? a-lam ya‹lam bi-anna ’llåha yarå.
No indeed; if he does not desist, kallå la-in lam yantahi
We shall seize him by the forelock, la-nasfa‹an bi’n-nåƒiya:
a lying, sinful forelock. nåƒiyatin kådhibatin khå£i›a.
Then let him call upon his henchmen! fa’l-yad‹u nådiya:
We shall call on the guards of Hell. sa-nad‹u ’z-zabåniya.
No indeed; do not obey him, but bow kallå lå tu£i‹-hu wa ’sjud
down low, and draw near [to Allåh]. wa ’qtarib.
The reason for this recommendation is that the S«ra of the Clot of
Blood [S«rat al-‹Alaq] was the very first S«ra of the Qur’ån to be revealed
265 In Arabic, the term ma›m«m is used to denote someone who performs the ritual prayer behind
an imåm. (Both words are derived from the same triconsonantal root <›–m–m> as the preposition
amåma, which means “in front of.”)
266 In Arabic, this formula reads: uƒallº rak‹atayi ’t-taråwº¥i ’l-masn«na.


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132 Volume Three

to the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace)—according to our
own Imåm, A¥mad ibn Mu¥ammad ibn ªanbal267 (may Allåh bestow
His mercy upon him), and likewise in the opinion of all the other Imåms
(may Allåh’s good pleasure [riæwån] be upon them all).
On reaching the end of this S«ra, the Qur›ån-reciter must perform an
act of prostration [sajda]. Then he must resume an upright posture, and
start reciting the S«ra of the Cow [S«rat al-Baqara].
The recitation of the complete text [khatma] of the Book is recom-
mended, in order that—[in the course of the month of Ramaæån]—the
people may hear the whole of the Qur݌n, and so become acquainted
with all the commandments, prohibitions, exhortations and warnings
contained therein. The recitation of more than one khatma is not
recommended, however, since that might place too great a strain upon
the believers [mu›minºn]. Their feelings of irritation and discomfort
would lead to boredom, and they might even shun the congregation
altogether, having found their attendance to be a thoroughly unpleasant
and burdensome experience. If this were to happen, they would miss
the opportunity to gain a mighty recompense and obtain an abundant
reward. The imåm would be to blame for this, so his sin [ithm] would be
tremendous, and he would be counted among the sinners [åthimºn].
The Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) was addressing
this very problem, when he said to Mu‹ådh [ibn Jabal]268 (may Allåh be
well pleased with him): “Are you a fiendish tempter [fattån], O Mu‹ådh?”
The incident arose because Mu܌dh had so prolonged the Qur݌nic
recitation, while leading a group of people in prayer, that one of them
stopped praying and walked away, then lodged a complaint about the
situation with the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace).
It is considered appropriate to postpone the nighttime prayer called
witr 269 until after the taråwº¥ prayer has been completed. In the first
267 See note 212 on p. 107 above.
268 Ab« ‹Abd ar-Ra¥mån Mu‹ådh ibn Jabal ibn ‹Amr ibn Aws al-Khazrajº (d. A.H. 17 or 18).
One of the earliest believers, he became a learned and active Companion.
269 The term witr [lit., odd number] is used to denote the ritual prayer, consisting of an odd number
of cycles, that is performed after the late evening prayer [ƒalåt al-‹ishå›] and before the dawn of day
[ƒub¥]. The number of cycles is usually three, five, or seven, but may be as many as thirteen.
Performance of the witr prayer is considered customary [sunna] by most traditional authorities,
with the exception of Imåm Ab« ªanºfa (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him), who took a
stricter view. According to the ªanafº school [madhhab] of Islåmic jurisprudence [fiqh], the
observance of the witr prayer is classed as necessary [wåjib]. (See: A.J. Wensinck, art. WITR in
Shorter Encyclopaedia of Islam; and: Thomas Patrick Hughes, Dictionary of Islam, art. WITR.)

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Fifth Discourse
Seventh 133

cycle [rak‹a] of the witr prayer, the recommended Qur›ånic recitation

is the S«ra of the Most High [S«rat al-A‹lå], which reads:
Glorify the Name of your Lord sabbi¥i ’sma Rabbi-ka ’l-A‹lå:
the Most High who created, alladhº khalaqa fa-sawwå:
and then shaped, and who wa ’lladhº
determined, then guided; qaddara fa-hadå:
and who brought forth wa ’lladhº akhraja ’l-mar‹å:
the pasturage, then turned it fa-ja‹ala-hu
into rust-colored stubble. ghuthå›an a¥wå.
We shall make you recite sa-nuqri›u-ka
[O Mu¥ammad]
so that you shall not forget fa-lå tanså
save that which Allåh wills. illå må shå›a ’llåh:
He surely knows what is spoken aloud inna-hu ya‹lamu ’l-jahra
and that which is kept hidden; wa må yakhfå.
and We shall ease your way wa nuyassiru-ka
unto the state of ease. li’l-yusrå.
Therefore remind, fa-dhakkir
in case the reminder brings in nafa‹ati
some benefit. ’dh-dhikrå
He who fears will remember, sa-yadhdhakkaru man yakhshå
but the most wretched will flout it, wa yatajannabu-ha ’l-ashqå
he who will roast in the Great Fire, alladhº yaƒla ’n-nåra ’l-kubrå
in which he then will neither die thumma lå yam«tu
nor live. fº-hå wa lå ya¥yå.
Successful is he who purifies himself, qad afla¥a man tazakkå
and remembers the Name of his Lord, wa dhakara ’sma Rabbi-hi
and then performs the prayer. fa-ƒallå.
But you prefer the life of this bal tu›thir«na ’l-¥ayåta
lower world, ’d-dunyå
although the Hereafter is better wa ’l-åkhiratu khairun
and more lasting. wa abqå.
Surely this is in the ancient scrolls: inna hådhå la-fi ’ƒ-»u¥ufi ’l-«lå
the scrolls of Abraham and Moses. »u¥ufi Ibråhima wa M«så.
In the second cycle [rak‹a] of the witr prayer, the recommended
Qur›ånic recitation is the S«ra called “the Unbelievers” [S«rat al-Kåfir«n],
which reads:
Say: “O unbelievers, qul yå ayyuha ’l-kåfir«n:
I do not worship what you worship, lå a‹budu må ta‹bud«n:
and you are not worshipping wa lå antum ‹åbid«na
that which I worship; må a‹bud:


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134 Volume Three

nor shall I worship wa lå ana ‹åbidun

what you have worshipped, må ‹abadtum:
neither will you worship wa lå antum ‹åbid«na
that which I worship. må a‹bud.
To you your religion, la-kum dºnu-kum
and to me my religion!” (109:1–6) wa liya dºn.
In the third cycle [rak‹a] of the witr prayer, the recommended
Qur›ånic recitation is the S«ra of Sincere Devotion [S«rat al-Ikhlåƒ],
which reads:
Say: “He is Allåh, One! qul Huwa ’llåhu A¥ad:
Allåh, the Everlasting Refuge! Allåhu ’ƒ-»amad:
He does not beget, lam yalid:
nor was He begotten; wa lam y«lad:
and there is none wa lam yakun la-hu
comparable unto Him.” kufuwan a¥ad.
The postponement of the witr is recommended on the grounds that
the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) established this
sequence for the performance of the prayers [during the nights of the
month of Ramaæån].
Subject to disapproval is the practice of inserting supererogatory
devotions [tanafful] between each set of four cycles in the taråwº¥ prayer.
It is also considered reprehensible to perform the taråwº¥ prayer in two
different mosques.270
According to one of the two accounts [of the ªanbalº doctrine on the
subject], the same stricture applies to the performance of supererogatory
prayers [nawåfil] in congregation, immediately after the taråwº¥ prayer
has been concluded, because this amounts to relentless tagging
[ta‹aqqub],271 which is a reprehensible practice [makr«h] in the view of
Imåm A¥mad [ibn ªanbal]272 (may Allåh the Exalted bestow His mercy
upon him). This practice was certainly frowned upon by Anas ibn
Målik273 (may Allåh be well pleased with him), for, as we know from
traditional reports, he would take a slight nap, then wake up and
270 What this means, presumably, is that it is considered reprehensible to perform the taråwº¥
prayer in one mosque, then go to another mosque on the same night, and there repeat the
271 In the age of the automobile, the term “tailgating” springs to mind as a possible rendering of
272 See note 212 on p. 107 above.
273 See note 35 on p. 24 above.


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Fifth Discourse
Seventh 135

perform as many voluntary devotions [nawåfil wa tahajjud] as he saw fit,

and then resume his dozing for a while. Besides, it is vigil in the first part
of the night [nåshi›at al-lail] 274 that Allåh has commended most highly,
and that He has mentioned specifically, for He has told us:275
[Keeping vigil in] the first part inna nåshi›ata ’l-
of the night laili
is more potent in impact hiya ashaddu wa£›an
and more certain where speech wa aqwamu qºlå.
is concerned. (73:6)
According to the second of the two accounts [of the ªanbalº
doctrine], the practice described above is classed as permissible [jå›iz],
rather than reprehensible [makr«h]. It is nevertheless preferable
to allow an interval to elapse, in view of the fact that ‹Umar [ibn
al-Kha££åb] (may Allåh be well pleased with him) is reported as having
said: “You claim that the best of the night is the last part of it. Well,
let me tell you, the time when you get some sleep is more agreeable, as
far as I am concerned, than the time when you are all up and awake!”

274 The Qur›ånic expression nåshi›at al-lail has been variously interpreted by the traditional
authorities. According to some, it has the same meaning as qiyåm al-lail [keeping vigil by night],
while others say that it signifies “the first part, or the first hours, of the night”: or, “every hour of
the night in which one rises”: or, “rising after sleeping, in the first part of the night.” (See: E.W.
Lane, English-Arabic Lexicon, art. N–SH–›.)
These different interpretations are reflected in the renderings adopted in several English
translations of the Qur›ån. Thus we find: “The vigil of the night” (M.M. Pickthall, op. cit., p. 772);
“The rising by night” (A. Yusuf Ali, op. cit., p. 1633, and Maulana Muhammad Ali, op. cit.,
p. 1112); “The first part of the night” (A.J. Arberry, op. cit., p. 614).
275 In one of his recorded talks, Shaikh ‹Abd al-Qådir al-Jºlånº (may Allåh be well pleased with
him) has provided the following commentary on the vigil referred to in this verse [åya] of the
This refers not only to giving up sleep in the ordinary sense, but also to giving up the sleep of
involvement with creatures, the lower self [nafs], natural inclination [£ab‹], passion [hawå] and willfulness
[iråda]. For its food and drink the heart is left with speaking confidentially [munåjåt] to Allåh (Almighty
and Glorious is He), standing [qiyåm] and bowing [ruk«‹] and making prostration [suj«d] in His presence.
(See: Shaikh ‹Abd al-Qådir al-Jºlånº. Utterances [Malf«œåt]. Translated by Muhtar Holland.
Houston, Texas: Al-Baz Publishing, Inc., 1992; p. 31.)


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136 Volume Three

Some concluding remarks concerning

the Night of Power [Lailat al-Qadr],
and concerning the month of
Ramaæån as a whole.

O n the Night of Power [Lailat al-Qadr], as Allåh (Almighty and

Glorious is He) has told us:
The angels and the Spirit tanazzalu ’l-malå›ikatu
come down. (97:4) wa ’r-R«¥.
In other words, Gabriel (peace be upon him), who is the Spirit [R«¥],
comes down with an escort of seventy thousand angels, whom he leads
as their commanding officer [amºr].
Once they have descended from heaven to the earth below, Gabriel
(peace be upon him) will give the greeting of peace to anyone who
happens to be in a sitting posture, while the angels will give the greeting
of peace to anyone who happens to be sleeping. At the same time, the
Maker [al-Båri›] (Glorified and Exalted is He) will bestow the salutation
of peace upon those of His servants who are standing upright.
It is certainly possible to conceive that Allåh (Almighty and Glorious
is He) will bestow the salutation of peace upon those believing servants
of His [‹ibådi-hi ’l-mu›minºn] who are worthy to inhabit the Garden of
Paradise, for He has indicated that He will say to them, within the
confines of the Garden:
“Peace!”—such is the greeting salåm: qawlan min
from a Lord All-Compassionate. Rabbin Ra¥ºm.
By the same token, it is also conceivable that He will bestow the
salutation of peace, here in this lower world, upon those righteous
servants of His [‹ibådi-hi ’l-abrår]:
unto whom the reward most fair alladhºna sabaqat la-hum
has already gone forth from Us. min-na ’l-¥usnå.


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Fifth Discourse
Seventh 137

In other words, it is conceivable because the blessings of providence

[‹inåya] and felicity [sa‹åda] have already been conferred by Him, in the
eternity without beginning [fi ’l-azal], upon those who are extinct to the
creation [fånºn ‹ani ’l-khalq], existing in perpetuity with the Lord [båqºn
bi’r-Rabb], and steadfastly reliant on the Truth [mu£ma›inºn ila ’l-ªaqq].
When the Night of Power [Lailat al-Qadr] comes around, there will
not be a single spot on earth that does not have an angel upon it, either
bowing down in prostration, or standing erect, as he offers prayers of
supplication on behalf of the believing men [mu›minºn] and the believing
women [mu›minåt]. There will be no exceptions, apart from any church
[kanºsa], or any synagogue [bº‹a],276 or any temple dedicated to the
worship of fire, or any temple dedicated to the worship of idols, or
certain places where people dispose of their filthy trash.
Those angels will dedicate every moment of their night on earth to
offering prayers of supplication on behalf of the believing men [mu›minºn]
and the believing women [mu›minåt]. As for Gabriel (peace be upon
him), he will not leave any believer, male or female, without giving him
[or her] the greeting of peace and shaking him [or her] by the hand. To
each and every one of them, he will say: “If you are in a state of
worshipful obedience, peace be upon you, in the form of the approval
and favor you deserve! If you are in a state of sinful disobedience, peace
be upon you, in the form of forgiveness! If you are in a state of sleep,
peace be upon you, in the form of contentment! If you are in the grave
or tomb, peace be upon you, in the form of refreshment [rau¥] and sweet
perfume [rai¥ån]!”
This, according to one interpretation, is the import of the words of
Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He):
On every errand: Peace…. min kulli amr—salåmun….
Another interpretation has been expressed as follows:
“The angels will surely convey the greeting of peace to all worthy
practitioners of worshipful obedience, but they will not offer that same
276 In an earlier chapter of the present work, there is some evidence to suggest that Shaikh ‹Abd
al-Qådir al-Jºlånº (may Allåh be well pleased with him) used kanºsa to denote a church, and bº‹a
to denote a synagogue. (See Vol. 1, p. 108.) According to some Arabic lexicographers, however,
the term bº‹a applies to a Christian church, and kanºsa to a Jewish synagogue. Yet others say that
kanºsa may be applied to either of these, or that it means a place of worship used by the followers
of any religion other than Islåm.


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138 Volume Three

salutation to all who are guilty of sinful disobedience, for some of them
are perpetrators of heinous wrongdoing and injustice [œalama], who
deserve no share in the peace conveyed by the angels. Grievous indeed
is the offense committed by the consumer of unlawful sustenance [åkil
al-¥aråm], the breaker of family ties [qå£i‹ ar-ri¥m], the spreader of
malicious gossip and slander [nammåm], and the consumer of goods that
rightfully belong to orphans [åkil amwål al-yatåmå]. The likes of these
are therefore not entitled to any share in the peace conveyed by the
angels, and none shall they receive.”
What calamity could be worse than this terrible disaster? What a
dreadful affliction it must be, to live through a month—‘the beginning
of which is a mercy, the middle of which is a forgiveness, and the last
part of which is a deliverance from the Fire of Hell’277—and yet find
yourself excluded from sharing in the peace conveyed therein by the angels
of the Lord of the sinners and the righteous [Rabb al- ‹uƒåt wa ’l-abrår]!
What could have brought this affliction upon you? Was it due to your
remoteness from the All-Merciful One [ar-Ra¥mån], to your being an
agent of tyranny [a£-£ughyån] and a willing accomplice of the Devil
[ash-Shai£ån], and to your having adopted the flamboyant style of those
who tread the path that leads to the Fires of Hell [an-nºrån]? Was it due
to your remoteness and aloofness from those who tread the path that
leads to the Gardens of Paradise [al-jinån], and your extreme reluctance
to obey the One who controls both the infliction of harm and the
bestowal of benefit [al-i¥sån]?
The month of Ramaæån is the month of serenity and purity
[shahr aƒ-ƒafå’], the month of fulfillment and fidelity [shahr al-wafå’]. It
is the month of those who practice the remembrance of their Lord [shahr
adh-dhåkirºn], the month of those who endure with patience [shahr
aƒ-ƒåbirºn], and the month of those who are honest and truthful
[shahr aƒ-ƒådiqºn]. So, if it does not have the effect of improving your
heart—if it does not induce you to desist from rebellious acts against
your Lord, and does not make you avoid the company of troublemakers
and criminals—what else can exert a positive influence on your heart?
What goodness can be hoped for in a case like yours? What redeeming
quality can survive in someone like you? What successful outcome can
be expected from an individual like you?
277See p. 85 above, where the month of Ramaæån is so described in a saying attributed to the
Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace).

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Fifth Discourse
Seventh 139

You had better pay attention, O miserable wretch, and try to learn
from what has happened to you. Come to your senses, wake up from
your slumber, shake off your heedless indifference, and take a good hard
look at what has befallen you. However little of the month you still
have left, you must seize every opportunity for repentance [tawba] and
contrition [inåba].278 Take full advantage of the time that is still
available for seeking forgiveness [istighfår] and practicing worshipful
obedience [£å‹a]. If you follow this advice, you may yet be one of those
who receive the blessings of mercy [ra¥ma] and compassionate grace [ra›fa].
Then, when the month of Ramaæån comes to its close, you should bid
it farewell with the shedding of copious tears. You should weep over
your unfortunate self, while moaning and wailing and uttering plaintive
cries of lamentation. For, as you must be well aware, many a keeper of
the fast [ƒå›im] will never keep another fast, and many a keeper of the
vigil [qå›im] will never keep vigil again.
The worker will be paid his wages, once he has finished his work, and
we have now finished the work [required of us in the month of
Ramaæån]. But if only I knew for certain whether our fasting [ƒiyåm] and
our vigil [qiyåm] have been accepted, or whether they will be used to slap
us in our faces! If only I knew for certain which of us has been accepted,
so that we may congratulate him, and which of us has been rejected, so
that we may offer him our condolences!
The Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) once said:
There is many a one who keeps the fast by day, yet who gets nothing out of his
fasting but hunger and thirst. And there is many a one who spends the night
in vigil and prayer, yet who gets nothing from his vigil other than insomnia.

278 See note 189 on p. 97 above.


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Peace be upon you, O month of daytime fasting!

as-salåmu ‹alaik—yå shahra ‘ƒ-ƒiyåm
Peace be upon you, O month of nighttime vigil!
as-salåmu ‹alaik—yå shahra ‘l-qiyåm
Peace be upon you, O month of true faith!
as-salåmu ‹alaik—yå shahra ’l-ºmån
Peace be upon you, O month of the Qur݌n!
as-salåmu ‹alaik—yå shahra ‘l-Qur›ån
Peace be upon you, O month of the radiant lights!
as-salåmu ‹alaik—yå shahra ‘l-anwår
Peace be upon you, O month of forgiveness and pardon!
as-salåmu ‹alaik—yå shahra ‘l-maghfirati wa ’l-ghufrån
Peace be upon you, O month of the ascending steps
of Paradise and of salvation from the descending steps of Hell!
as-salåmu ‹alaik—yå shahra ’d-darajåt wa ‘n-najåti mina ’d-darakåt
Peace be upon you, O month of the worshipful penitents!
as-salåmu ‹alaik—yå shahra ‘t-tå›ibºna ’l-‹åbidºn
Peace be upon you, O month of those who know
from spiritual experience!
as-salåmu ‹alaik—yå shahra ‘l-‹årifºn
Peace be upon you, O month of those who exercise
discriminating judgment!
as-salåmu ‹alaik—yå shahra ‘l-mujtahidºn
Peace be upon you, O month of safety and security!
as-salåmu ‹alaik—yå shahra ‘l-amån.
You are a prison for disobedient sinners, and for the truly
devout you are a place of comfort.

Peace be upon the lamps and lanterns that shine so bright! Peace be
upon the sleepless eyes, and upon the streaming tears! Peace be upon
the illuminated niches [ma¥årºb] in the mosques, and upon the tears
that are spilled and shed! Peace be upon the sighs that arise from hearts
that are aflame!


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Fifth Discourse
Seventh 141

O Allåh, include us among those whose fasting and prayers have been
accepted, among those whose evil deeds You have transformed into
good deeds, among those whom You have allowed by Your mercy to
enter Your Gardens of Paradise, and among those whose degrees You
have exalted, O Most Merciful of the merciful [yå Ar¥am ar-rå¥imºn]!


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142 Volume Three

Concerning zakåt al-fi£r279

[the special alms-due that becomes payable
immediately after the end of the month
of Ramaæån].280

A llåh (Exalted is He) has told us [in a passage of the Qur›ån that is
generally believed to concern the immediate aftermath of the
month of Ramaæån]:
Successful is he who purifies himself, qad afla¥a man tazakkå
and remembers the Name of his Lord, wa dhakara ’sma Rabbi-hi
and then performs the prayer. fa-ƒallå.
Let us therefore consider how these words of His may be interpreted:
1. “Successful is he” [qad afla¥a]:
In this context, success [falå¥] can be understood to mean either the
attainment [fawz] of the Garden of Paradise, along with salvation [najåt]
from the Fires of Hell in the Hereafter, and from disasters and afflictions
in this world; or prosperity [yumn] and good fortune [sa‹åda] in this
world—as the happy outcome of worshipful obedience—and permanent
survival [khul«d] in the Gardens of Paradise in the Other World.
Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He) has also said:
Successful are the true believers. qad afla¥a ’l-mu›min«n.
In other words, they are fortunate [su‹id«].
2. “Successful is he who purifies himself” [qad afla¥a man tazakkå]:
279 For a satisfactory understanding of the points discussed in this subsection, it is important to be
aware that the Arabic noun zakåt, the verb tazakkå, and the participle zåkº, are all derived from
the same three-consonant root—z–k–w—which conveys the basic notion of “healthy growth” or
“purification and development.”
280 In an earlier chapter of the present work, Shaikh ‹Abd al-Qådir al-Jºlånº (may Allåh be well
pleased with him) has provided a detailed account of the rules governing the payment of zakåt
al-fi£r. (See Vol. 1, p. 20.)

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Fifth Discourse
Seventh 143

That is to say, successful is he who is enabled to achieve the state of

purity [wuffiqa li’z-zakåt], and to cleanse his faith [ºmån] and his
devotion [taqwå] of all sinful stains. There can be no success [falå¥] for
anyone who fails to become purified. Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is
He) has told us:
Surely the guilty are never successful. inna-hu lå yufli¥u ’l-mujrim«n.
As for the proper interpretation of His words “man tazakkå,” this has
been the subject of some disagreement among the traditional authorities:
According to Ibn ‹Abbås (may Allåh be well pleased with him and
with his father), the expression signifies: “he who cleanses himself [man
ta£ahhara] of polytheistic association [shirk], by means of true faith [ºmån].”
It was al-ªasan [al-Baƒrº]281 (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him)
who said: “The expression ‘man tazakkå’ means: ‘he who is righteous
[ƒåli¥], and whose good work is thriving [zåkº] and growing.’”
Abu ’l-A¥waƒ said: “I take it to mean: ‘[he who pays] the general
alms-due [zakåt] on all goods and property.’”282
Qatåda283 and ‹A£å›284 (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon them)
both said: “Allåh intended it to convey the very specific meaning: ‘[he
who pays] the zakåt al-fi£r [the special alms-due that becomes payable
immediately after the end of Ramaæån, i.e., at the time of fast-breaking],
as distinct from any other.’”
3. “and remembers the Name of his Lord, and then performs the
prayer.” [wa dhakara ’sma Rabbi-hi fa-ƒallå].
Here again, the proper interpretation has been the subject of some
disagreement among the traditional authorities:
According to Ibn ‹Abbås (may Allåh be well pleased with him and
with his father), the meaning is: “[and] affirms the Oneness [wa¥¥ada]
of Allåh (Exalted is He), and performs the five daily prayers [ƒalla ’ƒ-
ƒalawåti ’l-khams].”
281 See note 74 on p. 40 above.
282 According to this interpretation, the verb tazakkå relates to the Alms-due [Zakåt] that
constitutes one of the Five Pillars of Islåm. (See Vol. 1, pp. 17–19.)
283 See note 175 on p. 92 above.
284 This is presumably Qatåda’s contemporary, ‹A£å› as-Sulamº/as-Sulaimº (may Allåh bestow His
mercy upon them both), a man renowned for his extreme piety. According to some accounts, his
sense of shame before Allåh (Exalted is He) was so intense that he felt unable to raise his head
toward heaven. He died in A.H. 121.


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144 Volume Three

According to Ab« Sa‹ºd al-Khudrº285 (may Allåh be well pleased with

him): “The expression: ‘and remembers the Name of his Lord [wa
dhakara ’sma Rabbi-hi]’ refers to the affirmation of Allåh’s Supreme
Greatness [takbºr].286 As for: ‘and then performs the prayer [fa-ƒallå],’
this means: ‘and then goes out to celebrate the Festival [al-‹Ïd], and
performs the ritual prayer [with the congregation in the mosque].’”
Wakº‹ ibn al-Jarrå¥ (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him) offered
this instructive comparison:
“The alms-due called zakåt al-fi£r, as it relates to Ramaæån, is like the
prostration to compensate for forgetfulness [sajdat as-sahw], as the latter
relates to the ritual prayer [ƒalåt].”
The point he was making may be explained as follows:
When Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him peace)
prescribed payment of the alms-due called zakåt al-fi£r as an obligatory
religious duty, he intended it to provide the keeper of the fast [ƒå›im]
with a cleansing instrument, by which to rid himself of moral defects.
In other words, it gives the keeper of the fast an opportunity to redress
the imbalance in his account, by compensating for the deficiency that
has entered into him through indulgence in various forms of misbehavior,
such as idle gossip [laghw], lewdness and sexual harassment [rafath],287
telling lies [kidhb], backbiting [ghºba], slanderous defamation [namºma],
consuming substances of dubious legality [shubuhåt], and eyeing attrac-
tive temptations [musta¥sanåt].
The post-Ramaæån alms-due [fi£ra] 288 has thus been established as a
means of making atonement for bad habits such as these, and of
completing and repairing one’s observance of the fast. It may fittingly
be compared, therefore, to repenting one’s sins and seeking forgiveness
for them, and also to bowing down in prostration [suj«d] as an atone-
ment for lapsing into forgetfulness [sahw] during the ritual prayer. It
seems highly likely that this act of prostration has been prescribed in
order to spite the Devil [Shai£ån], since he is the cause of the lapse into
forgetfulness. We may safely assume that repentance of sinful offenses,
285 See note 159 on p. 85 above.
286 The affirmation of Allåh’s Supreme Greatness [takbºr] is expressed by declaring:
“Allåhu Akbar
[Allåh is Supremely Great!]” These words are pronounced at the beginning of every ritual prayer
287 See note 83 on p. 43 above.
288 In this context, the term fi£ra is simply a shorter synonym of zakåt al-fi£r.


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Fifth Discourse
Seventh 145

and payment of the post-Ramaæån alms-due [fi£ra], have likewise been

prescribed with a view to spiting him, because the Devil [Shai£ån] is the
cause of those acts of sinful disobedience, and of all those moral defects
that tarnish the observance of the fast.
May Allåh grant refuge, to us and to all the true believers [mu›minºn],
from Satan’s tricks and snares and pitfalls! May He keep us safe from
the perils and afflictions of this world, and deliver us therefrom, by His
mercy and His gracious favor! Ámºn.


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146 Volume Three

Concerning ‹Id al-Fi£r

[the Festival of Breaking Fast after the month of
Ramaæån] and why the Arabic term ‹Id
is so appropriately applied to it.289

T he Festival [of Breaking Fast after Ramaæån] came to be called ‹Ïd

for the simple reason that Allåh restores [yu‹ºdu: yu–‹ºd–u] joy and
happiness to His servants on their day of festive celebration [fº yawmi
Many other explanations have been suggested, including those
expressed in the following anonymous sayings:
“It came to be called ‹Ïd for the simple reason that it contains the
benefits [‹awå›id] 290 of goodness bestowed by Allåh, and the favors of
generous grace conferred by Him upon His servant.”
“The explanation is that the servant returns [ya‹«du] at that time to
humble entreaty and weeping, and the Lord (Almighty and Glorious is
He) returns [ya‹«du] at that time to the giving of presents and the
granting of gifts.”
“[When people celebrate the ‹Ïd, it means that] they have returned
[‹åd«] to their previous condition from the state of purity [experienced
while keeping the fast].”
“It signifies that they have returned [‹åd«] from obeying Allåh
directly [£å‹at Allåh] to obeying the Messenger [£å‹at ar-Ras«l] (Allåh
bless him and give him peace), from the religious practice that is strictly
obligatory [farºæa] to that which is customary but not compulsory
289 For a satisfactory understanding of the points discussed in this subsection, it is important to be
aware that the Arabic nouns ‹ºd and ‹awå›id, and the verbs ya‹«du, ‹åd« and ‹«d«, are all derived
from the same three-consonant root—‹–w–d—which conveys the basic notion of “returning.”
This common derivation is somewhat disguised—to some extent in the Arabic script, and even
more so in transliteration—due to the fact that the middle consonant –w– is a “weak letter” (see
note 132 on p. 73 above).
290 In the case of the term ‹awå›id [benefits, favors, advantages; profits, returns on investment],
the three root consonants—‹–w–d—are all apparent, even in transliteration.


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Fifth Discourse
Seventh 147

[sunna], and from the Fast of Ramaæån to the fast of six days in the
month of Shawwål.”
“It came to be called ‹Ïd for the simple reason that the believers are
told at that time: ‘Return [‹«d«] to your dwelling places, knowing that
you have been granted forgiveness!’”
“It came to be called ‹Ïd because it is an occasion for remembering the
promise and the threat291 [al-wa‹d wa ’l-wa‹ºd],292 the Day of requital and
superabundance [al-jazå› wa ’l-mazºd], the Day of emancipation for the
bondmaids and the male slaves [al-imå› wa ’l-‹abºd],293 the approach of
the Lord of Truth to His creatures near and far [al-qarºb wa ’l-ba‹ºd], and
the reality of contrition and repentance [al-inåba wa ’l-awba]294 from the
feeble servant to the One who is All-Forgiving and Ever-Loving
[al-Ghaf«r al-Wad«d].”
It was Wahb ibn Munabbih (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him)
who said:
“Allåh created the Garden of Paradise on the Day of Breaking the Fast
[Yawm al-Fi£r]; He planted the Tree of Bliss [¡«bå]295 on the Day of
Breaking the Fast; He chose Gabriel (peace be upon him) as the
conveyer of inspiration [wa¥y] on the Day of Breaking the Fast; and the
sorcerers [sa¥ara] found forgiveness on the Day of Breaking the Fast.”
The Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) is reported as
having said:
When the Day of Breaking the Fast [Yawm al-Fi£r] comes around, and the people
emerge from their homes to pray in the open space near the burial ground
[jabbåna], Allåh (Exalted is He) will take notice of them, and He will say: “My
servants, for My sake you have kept the fast, and for My sake you have performed
the prayers. Now take your leave, knowing that you have been granted
According to a traditional report, transmitted on the authority of
291 That is to say, the promise of blissful reward in the Garden of Paradise, and the threat of terrible
torment in the Fire of Hell.
292 Although the second syllable of waܼd does happen to be ܼd, the word as a whole is derived from
the root w–‹–d, which conveys the basic idea of “promising.”
293 That is to say, the Day of Resurrection [Yawm al-Qiyåma].
294 See note 189 on p. 97 above.
295 The ¡«bå tree is traditionally depicted as having its roots in Paradise, while its leaves and
branches extend downwards toward the earth. According to some accounts, one of its branches
will enter the mansion of each inhabitant of the Garden of Paradise, bearing flowers and ripe fruit
of every imaginable kind.


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148 Volume Three

Anas ibn Målik296 (may Allåh be well pleased with him), the Prophet
(Allåh bless him and give him peace) once said:
On the Night of Breaking the Fast [Lailat al-Fi£r], Allåh (Exalted is He) will
grant the recompense due to anyone who has kept the fast throughout the
month of Ramaæån, and He will grant that recompense in full measure Then,
in the early morning of the Day of Breaking the Fast, Allåh (Exalted is He) will
give His angels their instructions. In obedience to His command, they will
promptly fly down to the earth, where they will position themselves at the street
corners and at the crossroads, proclaiming in a voice that is audible to all created
beings, apart from the jinn and humankind: “O Community of Mu¥ammad,
come forth into the presence of your Lord (Almighty and Glorious is He), who
accepts the smallest offering, bestows the greatest abundance, and forgives the
most terrible sin!”
Then, once the believers have emerged and presented themselves at their place
of prayer [muƒallå], performed their prayers, and offered their supplications, the
Lord (Blessed and Exalted is He) will make sure that they are left with no need
that He has not satisfied, no request that He has not answered, and no sin that
He has not forgiven. They will then return to their homes, knowing that they
have been granted forgiveness.
The following saying [¥adºth] of the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give
him peace) is one of those reported on the authority of Ibn ‹Abbås (may
Allåh be well pleased with him and with his father):
When the month of Ramaæån is over, and the Night of Breaking the Fast [Lailat
al-Fi£r] has arrived, that night is called the Night of the Prize [Lailat
al-Jå›iza]. Then, in the early morning of the Day of Breaking the Fast, Allåh
(Exalted is He) will send His angels forth to visit all the towns and cities on the
earth below. Once they have made their descent, they will position themselves
at the entrances to all the streets and alleys. There, in a voice that is audible
to every being created by Allåh (Exalted is He), apart from the jinn and
humankind, they will issue a proclamation, saying: “O Community of Mu¥ammad
(Allåh bless him and give him peace), come forth into the presence of a Noble
and Generous Lord [Rabb Karºm], who will grant you gifts in abundance, and
forgive your terrible sin!”
Then, when the believers have emerged and presented themselves at their place
of prayer [muƒallå], Allåh (Exalted is He) will say to His angels: “O My angels!”
They will respond to His call by saying: “We wait intent upon Your service, time
and time again, and upon aiding Your cause, time and time again [labbaika wa
sa‹daik]!”297 Then He will say to them: “What is the recompense of the hired
laborer, once he has done his job?”
The Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) continued:
The angels will reply: “Our God [Ilåh] and our Master [Sayyid] and our Lord
[Mawlå], You will pay him his wages in full!” So the All-Majestic One [al-Jalºl]
296 See note 35 on p. 24 above.
297 See note 167 on p. 88 above.

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Fifth Discourse
Seventh 149

(Magnificent is His Majesty) will say: “I now call upon you to bear witness,
O My angels, that I have conferred My acceptance and My forgiveness, as
the reward for their fasting [ƒiyåm] and night vigil [qiyåm] during the month
of Ramaæån.”
Then He will say: “O My human servants, put your requests to Me now, for this
I swear, by My Might and My Majesty: You will not ask Me this day, in this
gathering of yours, for anything connected with your life hereafter, without My
granting it to you; nor for anything connected with your life in this lower world,
without My attending to your need. By My Might and My Majesty, I will surely
condone the false steps you make, as long as you are consciously alert in the
effort to avoid incurring My displeasure. By My Might and My Majesty, I will
not put you to shame, nor will I expose you to disgrace amongst those who are
faithfully committed to observing the statutes [¥ud«d].298 Now you may depart,
knowing that you have been forgiven. You have won My approval, and I am
well pleased with you.”
This traditional report concludes with the following words of the
Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace):
The angels will then be very happy, as they welcome the good news of all that
Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He) will bestow upon this Community, when
its members break the fast they have kept through the month of Ramåæån.

298 See note 153 on p. 83 above.


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150 Volume Three

Concerning four Festivals [A‹yåd] celebrated

by four peoples [aqwåm] in the course of history.

T here have been four Festivals [A‹yåd],299 celebrated by four peoples

[aqwåm], namely:
1. The Festival [‹Ïd] celebrated by the people of Abraham [Ibråhºm]
(peace be upon him).
A crucial moment in the life of Abraham (peace be upon him) is thus
described in the words of Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He):
So he glanced a glance at the stars. fa-naœara naœratan fi ’n-nuj«m
Then he said: “Oh, I feel sick!” fa-qåla innº saqºm.
At the point when this occurred, his fellow tribesmen were going out
of town for the purpose of celebrating a certain religious festival [ܼd] of
theirs, but Abraham (peace be upon him) preferred to stay behind.
Since he did not identify with their religion [dºn], he pleaded sickness
as a pretext for not joining them on their excursion. As soon as they had
all departed, he armed himself with an ax and used it to smash their idols
[aƒnåm]. Then, when he had finished wielding the ax, he attached it
to the neck of the biggest idol and left it hanging there. As for what was
to happen next, from the moment when his fellow tribesmen returned,
the story is told in these verses [åyåt] of the Qur›ån:
They said: “Who has done this qål« man fa‹ala hådhå bi-ålihati-nå
to our gods? Surely it must be inna-hu
one of the evildoers.”’ la-mina ’œ-œålimºn.
They said: “We heard a young man qål« sami‹nå fatan
making mention of them, yadhkuru-hum
and he is called Abraham.” yuqålu la-hu Ibråhºm.
They said: “Then bring him here qål« fa-›t« bi-hi
before the people’s eyes, ‹alå a‹yuni ’n-nåsi
so that they may bear witness.” la‹alla-hum yashhad«n.
299 Strange as it may seem, the Arabic word A‹yåd [Festivals] is simply the plural form of ‹Ïd
[Festival]. (For the derivation of these and other words from the root ‹–w–d, see note 289 on
p. 146 above.)

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Fifth Discourse
Seventh 151

They said: “Are you the one who qål« a-anta fa‹alta hådhå
did this to our gods, O Abraham?” bi-ålihati-nå yå Ibråhºm.
He said: “No; it was this big one qåla bal fa‹ala-hu kabºru-hum
of them that did it. So question them, hådhå fa-’s›al«-hum
if they are able to speak.” in kån« yan£iq«n.
So they turned on one another, fa-raja‹« ilå anfusi-him
and said: “Surely you are the ones fa-qål« inna-kum
in the wrong!” antumu ’œ-œålim«n.
Then they were utterly confounded, thumma nukis« ‹alå ru›«si-him:
[and they said]: “You know full well la-qad ‹alimta
that these [idols] do not speak.” må hå›ulå›i yan£iq«n.
He said: “Do you then worship, qåla a-fa-ta‹bud«na min
instead of Allåh, that which can d«ni ’llåhi må lå yanfa‹u-kum
neither profit you at all, shai›an
nor do you any harm? wa lå yaæurru-kum.
“Fie on you, and on all that uffin la-kum wa li-må ta‹bud«na
you worship instead of Allåh! min d«ni ’llåh:
Have you no sense at all?” a-fa-lå ta‹qil«n.
They cried: “Burn him, qål« ¥arriq«-hu wa ’nƒur«
and help your gods, if you are ålihata-kum in
going to take some action.” kuntum få‹ilºn.
We said: “O fire, be coolness qulnå yå nåru k«nº bardan
and peace for Abraham!” wa salåman ‹alå Ibråhºm.
The Bosom Friend of the All-Merciful [Khalºl ar-Ra¥mån] (peace be
upon him) was filled with zeal for the sake of his Lord, so he paralyzed
his hand in the process of shattering the idols [aƒnåm], and risked his life
for the friendship of the Lord of all mankind [wilåya Rabb al-anåm]. His
Lord therefore bestowed upon him the honor of bosom friendship
[khulla],300 caused his hand to become an instrument for restoring dead
birds to life,301 brought forth from his loins the bearers of Messengership
and Prophethood [ahl ar-Risåla wa ’n-Nubuwwa], and made him the
direct ancestor of [Mu¥ammad] the Chosen One [al-Muƒ£afå], the Best
300 The abstract noun khulla [bosom friendship] s formed from the same Arabic root—kh–l–l—as
Khalºl [Bosom Friend]. Shaikh ‹Abd al-Qådir al-Jºlånº (may Allåh be well pleased with him) was
once asked to explain the meaning of the word khulla, so he responded by saying:
What is ‘bosom friendship’ [khulla]? It is companionship [ƒu¥ba], loving affection [ma¥abba] and
togetherness [wuƒla].
(See: Shaikh ‹Abd al-Qådir al-Jºlånº. Utterances [Malf«œåt]. Translated by Muhtar Holland.
Houston, Texas: Al-Baz Publishing, Inc., 1992; p. 51.)
301 The story of this miracle is told in Q. 2:260.


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152 Volume Three

of Humankind [Khair al-Bariyya] (Allåh bless him and give him peace).302
2. The Festival [‹Ïd] celebrated by the people of Moses [M«så], the
Interlocutor of the All-Merciful [Kalºm ar-Ra¥mån] (peace be upon him).
This is referred to as the Day of Grace [Yawmu ’z-Zºna], in the words
of Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He):
[Moses] said: “Your tryst shall be qåla maw‹idu-kum
the Day of Grace.” (20:59) Yawmu ’z-Zºnati.
The following explanation has been offered:
“It came to be called the Day of Grace [Yawmu ’z-Zºna] because Allåh
(Almighty and Glorious is He) graced [zayyana] Moses and his
people, by causing the destruction of their enemy Pharaoh [Fir‹awn]
and his people.
“Seventy-two magicians (some say seventy-three) came out into the
desert, together with Pharaoh and his people, [to challenge Moses
(peace be upon him) and his people]. They brought with them seven
hundred staffs and ropes, and they put quicksilver [zi’baq] in the middle
of the staffs, which were intertwined with the ropes. The creatures were
standing out there on the sun-baked ground [ramæå›],303 and the heat of
the sun was extremely intense, so the quicksilver melted and the staffs
caused the ropes to slither about. To the people looking on, they
appeared to be slithering serpents, although they were not really
moving of their own accord.
So Moses conceived a fear fa-awjasa fº nafsi-hi
within him. (20:67) khºfatan M«så.
“The fear he had conceived was for his people, and he expressed his
deep concern by saying: ‘Perhaps they will deluded into believing that
what those magicians have done is really what it seems to be. If so, their
faith [ºmån] will be diminished, or they may even apostasize [yartadd«na].’
302 We find some important details concerning this subject in Vol. 2, pp. 118, where Shaikh ‹Abd
al-Qådir al-Jºlånº (may Allåh be well pleased with him) informs us that:
[In] the case of Abraham, the Special Friend of Allåh [Ibråhºm al-Khalºl] (peace be upon him)…, the
fact [is] that Allåh…caused him to become the father and direct ancestor of so many of the Prophets
[Anbiyå›] and Messengers [Mursalºn]. As we know from traditional reports, his own children and the
offspring of his children account for no fewer than four thousand Prophets (peace be upon them all).
Allåh (Exalted is He) has told us:
And We made his offspring wa ja‹alnå dhurriyyata-hu
the survivors. (37:77) humu ’l-båqºn.
Even our own Prophet Mu¥ammad (Allåh bless him and give him peace) is one of his direct
descendants, as are Moses and Jesus and David and Solomon (peace be upon them all), to mention only
a few by name.
303 The term is ramæå› is derived from the same three-consonant root—r–m–æ—as Ramaæån. (See

152 146 on p. 79 above.)


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Fifth Discourse
Seventh 153

“It was then that Allåh (Exalted is He) said to Moses (peace be
upon him):
And throw down your staff! (27:10) wa alqi ‹aƒå-k.
“So he threw it down, and lo and behold, it turned into an enormous
serpent, as huge as the biggest camel that ever was! It had two eyes that
were ablaze with fire, and the snarling sound it made was truly terrifying.
It bore down upon the products of their sorcery, their ropes and their
staffs, and gobbled them up—that is to say, it devoured them all
completely—yet without being altered in the process. There was no
swelling of the belly, no lessening of mobility, and no increase in either
its length or its breadth.
Then the wizards were flung down wa ulqiya ’s-sa¥aratu
prostrate. (7:120) såjidºn.
They all bowed down low in prostration before Him (Almighty and
Glorious is He), including the most important of them, whose name was
Simon [Sham‹«n], and they cried:
“We believe in the Lord åmannå
of Aaron and Moses.” (20:70)304 bi-Rabbi Hår«na wa M«så.
“In other words: ‘We give credence [ƒaddaqnå] to Him.’
“Then the serpent bore down upon the armed forces of Pharaoh and
his people, and they were routed and took to flight. By some accounts,
as many as fifty thousand of them died.”
The story goes on for some considerable length, but we shall leave it
at this point.
3. The Festival [‹Ïd] of Jesus [‹Ïså] (peace be upon him) and his people.
Let us begin by quoting these words of Allåh (Exalted is He):
When the Disciples said: idh qåla ’l-ªawåriyyuna
“O Jesus, son of Mary! yå ‹Ïsa ’bna Maryama
Is your Lord able to send down hal yasta£º‹u Rabbu-ka an
for us a table spread with food yunazzila ‹alai-nå må›idatan
from heaven?” he said: mina ’s-såmå›:
“Observe your duty to Allåh, qåla ’ttaqu ’llåha
if you are true believers.” (5:112) in kuntum mu›minºn.
If this were a continuation of the immediately preceding Qur݌nic quotation (7:120), it
would read in full:
“We believe in the Lord of All the Worlds, åmannå bi-Rabbi ’l-‹Álamºn:
the Lord of Moses and Aaron.” (7:121,122) Rabbi M«så wa Hår«n.


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154 Volume Three

They said: “We wish to eat from it, qål« nurºdu an na›kula min-hå
so that our hearts may be at rest, wa ta£ma›inna qul«bu-nå
and that we may know that you wa na‹lama an qad
have told us the truth, and that ƒadaqta-nå
we may be among those who wa nak«na ‹alai-hå
are witnesses to it.” (5:113) mina ’sh-shåhidºn.
Jesus, son of Mary, said: “O Allåh, qåla ‹Ïsa ’bnu Maryama ’llåhumma
our Lord, send down for us a table Rabba-nå anzil ‹alai-nå
spread with food from heaven, må›idatan mina ’s-samå›i
so that it may be a festival for us— tak«nu la-nå ‹ºdan
for the first of us and for the last of us— li-awwali-nå wa åkhiri-nå
and a sign from You. wa åyatan min-ka
And provide us with sustenance, wa ’rzuq-nå
for You are the Best of providers.” wa Anta Khairu ’r-råziqºn.
Allåh said: “I shall indeed send qåla ’llåhu innº munazzilu-hå
it down for you. ‹alai-kum:
But if anyone amongst you fa-man yakfur ba‹du
disbelieves thereafter, min-kum fa-innº
I will surely punish him u‹adhdhibu-hu
with a penalty such ‹adhåban lå
as I have never inflicted u‹adhdhibu-hu
on any of the peoples of the world.” a¥adan mina ’l-‹ålamºn.
But when Jesus became conscious fa-lammå a¥assa ‹Ïså
of their disbelief, he cried: min-humu ’l-kufra qåla
“Who will be my helpers man anƒårº
in the cause of Allåh?” ila ’llåh:
So the Disciples said: qåla ’l-ªawåriyy«na
“We shall be Allåh’s helpers. na¥nu anƒåru ’llåh:
We believe in Allåh, åmannå bi-’llåhi
and you must bear witness wa ’shhad
that we have surrendered bi-annå muslim«n.
[unto Him].” (3:52)
We shall now provide an explanatory version of the story, drawing
upon traditional commentaries and reports:305
The Disciples [ªawåriyy«n]306 said: “O Jesus [yå ‹Ïså], is your
Lord able to grant your request, if you ask Him to send down for us a
305 In the passages that follow, the Qur݌nic phrases and sentences are printed in a bold font, to
distinguish them from the explanatory material in which they are embedded.
306 The Arabic lexicographers offer several ingenious interpretations of al-ªawåriyy«n/-ºn, the
collective name for the Disciples of Jesus (peace be upon him), which they derive—like the
Qur›ånic term for the brides of Paradise (¥«r ‹ºn: see note — on p. — above)—from the Arabic
root ¥–w–r. (See E.W. Lane, Arabic-English Lexicon, art. ª–W–R.)


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Fifth Discourse
Seventh 155

table spread with food [må›ida]307 from heaven?” He said: “Observe

your duty to Allåh, and do not ask Him for trouble, if you are true
believers [mu›minºn]! If such a table is in fact sent down, but then, at
some later stage, you deny the truth concerning it, you will be severely
They said: “We wish to eat from it, for we are hungry, so that our
hearts may be at rest—that is to say, so that our hearts may feel
comfortable with the faith [ºmån] and belief [taƒdºq] to which you are
summoning us—and so that we may know that you have told us the
truth with regard to your being a Prophet [Nabº] and a Messenger
[Ras«l]—and that we may be witnesses to it, i.e., to the table, in the
presence of the Children of Israel [Banº Isr固l] when we return to them.”
The Disciples [ªawåriyy«n] were those who responded to Jesus
(peace be upon him) when he passed by them in Jerusalem [Bait
al-Maqdis],308 where they were practicing their trade of bleaching
clothes.309 They were twelve men. When Jesus (peace be upon him)
said to them: “Who will be my helpers in the cause of Allåh?”—in
other words, “Who will assist me, together with Allåh, against those
who are guilty of unbelief and tyranny [ahl al-kufr wa ’£-£ughyån], so that
I may summon them to the worshipful obedience of Allåh, and to the
affirmation of His Oneness [taw¥ºd] ?”—the Disciples said: “We shall
be Allåh’s helpers.”
Having made this commitment, they left their familiar way of life and
followed Jesus (peace be upon him), traveling far and wide with him to
whichever part of the earth he directed his steps. Thus they witnessed
all the marvels and miracles [mu‹jizåt]310 that he was instrumental in
performing (peace be upon him). Whenever they felt hungry and in
need of food to eat, Jesus would simply stretch out his hand, and extract
from the earth a couple of loaves of bread for each one of them, and
likewise for himself. Gabriel (peace be upon him) would walk along
beside him, showing him all manner of wonders and marvels, supporting
him and helping him to deal with things as they arose.
307 According to most of the classical Arabic lexicographers, the term må›ida is only applied to a
table that has food on it. A table without food is called a khiwån or khuwån, not a må›ida. (See:
E.W. Lane, Arabic-English Lexicon, art. M–Y–D.)
308 See note 193 on p. 98 above.
309 Author’s note: In the Nabataean language, the term ¥awåriyy«n is applied to those who earn
their living by whitening articles of clothing.
310 See note 246 on p. 119 above.

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156 Volume Three

Jesus (peace be upon him) was constantly demonstrating wonders

and marvels to the Children of Israel [Banº Isr固l], but this merely
increased their remoteness from believing him and following him, until
one day five thousand of the Children of Israel [Banº Isr固l] came out
to meet him on a road, and joined the Disciples in asking him for the
table spread with food. It was then that Jesus, the son of Mary, (peace
be upon him) said:
“O Allåh, our Lord, send down for us a table spread with food from
heaven, so that it may be a festival [‹ºd] for us—for the first of us and
for the last of us.” He was saying, in effect: “…so that it may be a feast
for those in our own day and age, who have been present to witness the
coming down of the table spread with food, and so that it may also be
a recurring festival [ܼd] for those who come after us. The table will be
a sign from You. And provide us with sustenance—that is to say,
grant us the table spread with food—for You are the Best of providers,
the Best of all those who provide sustenance.”
Allåh said: “I shall indeed send it (i.e., the table) down for you. But
if anyone amongst you disbelieves thereafter—that is to say, after
it has come down for your benefit—I will surely punish him with
a penalty such as I have never inflicted on any of the peoples of
the world.”
Then, on a Sunday, Allåh sent down for them from heaven fresh fish,
flat bread, and dried dates.
According to some traditional accounts, the table was a portable
leather food-wallet [sufra]311 containing a broiled fish, which had salt at
its head and vinegar by its tail. It also contained five loaves of bread,
with an olive on each loaf, as well as five pomegranates and some dried
dates. Various vegetables, not including leeks, were arranged around
the edges.
According to one account, Jesus (peace be upon him) said to his
companions, while they were sitting in a garden: “Does anyone
amongst you happen to have something with him [for us to eat]?”
Simon [Sham‹«n]312 came up with two small fishes and five loaves of
bread, and someone else came forward with some kind of barley broth
311 According to the Arabic lexicographers, the term sufra denotes a sheet of leather, which is used
as a receptable for the food that is taken along on a journey. As E.W. Lane explains: “This is
commonly of a round form, with a running string; so that it is converted into a bag to contain the
food, at one time, and at another time is spread flat upon the ground, when persons want to eat
upon it.” (See: E.W. Lane, Arabic English-Lexicon, art. S–F–R.)
312 In Christian writings, this Disciple is often called Simon Peter.

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Fifth Discourse
Seventh 157

[sawºq].313 Jesus (peace be upon him) then proceeded to cut the two
fishes into little pieces. He broke the bread into halves, and set the
barley broth [sawºq] down on the dining mat. Then he made an ablution
[tawaææa›a], performed two cycles of ritual prayer [ƒallå rak‹atain], and
offered a supplication to his Lord [da‹å Rabba-hu].
It was at this point that Allåh (Glorified and Exalted is He) cast
something resembling fits of drowsiness upon his companions. When
the people reopened their eyes, lo and behold, the food on the dining
mat had increased in quantity, so much so that it now reached up to the
height of their knees. Then Jesus (peace be upon him) told the people
present: “Eat, and invoke the Name of Allåh, but do not take any
leftover food away with you.” He instructed them to sit in circles, so
they sat and ate, and invoked the Name of Allåh, until they had fully
satisfied their hunger. Some say there were five thousand of them, all
men—others say one thousand, all men, and yet others say eight
hundred, including both men and women—ranging from those who
were desperately poor and starving, to those whose need was merely for
a single loaf of bread, or perhaps a few loaves. Be that as it may, they
all came away completely satisfied, gratefully praising their Lord.
Then, all of a sudden, everything upon it was restored to its
original shape, and the dining mat [sufra] was raised up to heaven,
before their very eyes.
In the words of the narrator: “Every poor beggar who ate from it was
enriched on that day, and did not cease to be a wealthy man until he
died. Every chronic invalid was permanently cured, and every sick
person was made healthy again.”
It was Muqåtil who said: “Jesus (peace be upon him) asked the people:
‘Have you eaten?’ ‘Yes,’ they said, so he told them: ‘Well then, do not
take any leftover food away with you!’ Although they replied: ‘We shall
not take any leftovers away with us,’ they did in fact take quite a lot
away. In all, the extra food they took away with them—over and above
what they had eaten on the spot—was enough to fill twenty-four two-
bushel baskets [miktal].
313 According to the Arabic lexicographers, the term sawºq denotes “a meal of parched barley and/
or wheat, that is generally made into a kind of gruel, being moistened with water, or clarified butter,
or the fat of a sheep’s tail, etc.” Sugar and dates may also be added. (See: E.W. Lane, Arabic English-
Lexicon, art. S–W–Q.)


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158 Volume Three

“As a result of this experience, they had come to have faith in Jesus
(peace be upon him), and to believe that he spoke the truth. So they
now returned to their own people, the Jews [Yah«d]—the Children of
Israel [Banº Isrå’ºl], in other words—and with them they took the
leftover food from the table [må›ida]. Their own people did not give
them a moment of peace, however, until they had persuaded them to
renounce Islåm [submission to the Will of the One Almighty God], to
forsake their belief in Allåh, and to deny the coming down of the table
[må›ida] from heaven. So, while they were sleeping, Allåh transmogrified
them into swine [khanåzºr]. (All of them were adult males; there was not
a boy nor a woman among them.)”
A wise man once remarked: “This story is about a table [må›ida] on
which a limited amount of food was placed. A large throng and a
numerous gathering of people came away from it [fully satisfied], and yet
it was still in the same condition. So how about the table of grace
[må›idat ar-riæå], and the dining sheet whereon is spread the mercy [biså£
ar-ra¥ma] that has neither limit nor end?”
As we are informed in the words of one traditional report [khabar]:
“Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He) has no fewer than a hundred
mercies at His disposal. One of these mercies He has already sent down
to the earth, where He has distributed it among His creatures, and this
is what enables them to feel sympathy for one another [yatarå¥am«n],
and to treat one another with considerate kindness [yata‹å£af«n]. The
other ninety-nine He has kept back for His own eventual use, His
purpose being to use them for the merciful treatment of His servants on
the Day of Resurrection [Yawm al-Qiyåma].”
Another traditional report [khabar] reads as follows:
“On the Day of Resurrection [Yawm al-Qiyåma], the All-Majestic
One [al-Jalºl] (Magnificent is His Majesty) will spread the dining sheet
of glory and honor [biså£ al-majd]. The sins of the ancients and the
moderns will gather around the edges, while the sheet itself remains
empty, in the hope of catching Iblºs314 when he arrogantly trespasses
upon it.”
314 Iblºs is the personal name of the Devil. Some Western scholars consider it to be an arabicized
version of the Greek diabolos, but the Arab philologists derive it from the root b–l–s, on the grounds
that Iblºs “has nothing to expect [ublisa] from the mercy of Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He).”
He is also called ash-Shai£ån [Satan, the Devil], ‹aduww Allåh [the enemy of God] or simply
al-‹aduww [the Enemy]. Unlike the English word Satan, however, ash-Shai£ån is not strictly
speaking a proper name, as A.J. Wensinck points out in his article IBLÏS in the Shorter
Encyclopaedia of Islam. (See also: T.P. Hughes, Dictionary of Islam, art. DEVIL).

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Fifth Discourse
Seventh 159

It would be entirely inappropriate, however, for any intelligent and

rational person to take all of this for granted, and to be deluded by it into
taking unnecessary risks. He must not let himself be carried away by
unduly optimistic expectation, for such folly would doom him to
perdition. Instead of embarking on that perilous course, he must
expend all his effort, and exhaust all his energy, in the earnest endeavor
to fulfill the commandments and observe the prohibitions [decreed by
the Lord], and to surrender all concerns to Allåh (Almighty and
Glorious is He). He must make a frequent practice of seeking forgive-
ness [istighfår] and turning in repentance [tawba], and he must always be
warily on his guard.
No amount of fear and dread should ever cause a believer to despair
of the mercy of Allåh, and no degree of optimism should ever induce
him to fall into the commission of unlawful acts, and into negligent
disregard of the commandments. Instead of going to such extremes, he
must find a middle way. As someone wisely put it: “If the believer’s fear
and hope were of equally balanced weight, his fear and his hope would
be like the two wings of a bird—and a bird cannot fly with one wing only!”
4. The Festival [‹Ïd] of the Community of Mu¥ammad (Allåh bless
him and give him peace).
At this point, the fourth Festival [‹Ïd] is mentioned only in order to
complete the list, since we have already dealt with the relevant details
of the subject, at the beginning of [this section of] the present Discourse.315

315 See pp. 146–49 above.


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160 Volume Three

On the fact that the believer [mu›min] and the

unbeliever [kåfir] both take part in the Festival
[‹Ïd], albeit for very different reasons.

T he believer [mu’min] and the unbeliever [kåfir] both take part in

the Festival [‹Ïd], since each of them has cause to celebrate the
occasion. The believer celebrates it for the sake of pleasing the
All-Merciful [ar-Ra¥mån], whereas the unbeliever celebrates it for the
sake of pleasing the Devil [ash-Shai£ån].
When the believer [mu’min] sets out to celebrate his Festival [‹Ïd], he
wears on his head the crown of right guidance [tåj al-hidåya]; on his eyes,
the emblem of respect for wise advice [fikrat al-‹ibra]; on his ears, the
mark of attentive listening to the Truth [istimå‹ al-ªaqq]; on his tongue,
the profession of faith in the Divine Oneness [ash-shahåda bi’t-taw¥ºd];
on his heart, intuitive knowledge and certitude [al-ma‹rifa wa ’l-yaqºn];
over his neck, the garment of submission to the Will of Allåh [ridå›
al-Islåm]; around his waist, the belt of servitude [min£aqat al-‹ub«diyya].
The environment in which the believer celebrates his Festival [‹Ïd]
consists of prayer-niches [ma¥årºb], large congregational mosques
[jawåmi‹], and smaller places of worship [masåjid]. His adored Master
[Ma‹b«d] is the Lord of all servants and creatures, so to Him he addresses
his humble entreaty and request, and the Lord grants him acceptance
and bountiful favor [in the present life], then allows him to dwell [in
the life hereafter] in the Abode of Honor [Dår al-Karåma] and the
Gardens of Paradise.
As for the unbeliever [kåfir], on the other hand, when he sets out to
celebrate his Festival [‹Ïd], he wears on his head the crown of abject loss
and error [tåj al-khusrån wa ’æ-æalål]; on his ears, the seal of heedlessness
and blockage [khatm al-ghafla wa ’l-¥ijåb]; on his eyes, the tell-tale signs
of negligence and indulgence in the carnal passions [‹alåmat as-sahw
wa ’sh-shahawåt]; on his tongue, the stamp of mischief and alienation


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Fifth Discourse
Seventh 161

[khatm ash-shaqåwa wa ’l-ib‹åd]; in his heart, the dismal darkness

of denial and negation [œulmat an-nakara wa ’l-ju¥«d]; around his
waist, the girdle of disunity, mischief and discord [zunnår316 al-furqa
wa ’sh-shaqåwa wa ’sh-shiqåq].
The setting in which the unbeliever celebrates his Festival [‹Ïd] is the
synagogue [bº‹a], or one of the churches [kanå›is], or the temple devoted
to fire-worship [bait an-når]. The objects of his worship are graven
images and idols [al-wuthun wa ’l-aƒnåm], and he is bound for his
ultimate destination in Hell [Jahannam] and the fires thereof.

316The zunnår, a kind of girdle or waistband traditionally worn by non-Muslims (especially

Christians) was often used by Islamic authors as a symbol of imperfect faith. In the Forty-third
Discourse of The Sublime Revelation [al-Fat¥ ar-Rabbånº],* Shaikh ‹Abd al-Qådir al-Jºlånº (may
Allåh be well pleased with him) says:
There is nothing to be said until you cut the waistband [zunnår], renew your Islåm, truly repent with
your heart, and leave the house of your natural urges [£ab‹], your passions [hawå], your existence [wuj«d],
and your efforts to attract benefit to you and repel harm from you.
(*See p. 278 of the edition published by Al-Baz.)


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162 Volume Three

On the true significance and character

of the Festival [‹Id].

T he Festival [‹Ïd] is not really about dressing up in fine new clothes,

eating delicious treats, embracing attractive ladies, and pursuing
carnal pleasures and delights.
In its outward celebration, the Festival [‹Ïd] is actually meant to
symbolize the acceptance of acts of worshipful obedience; the remission
of sins and mistakes; the conversion of bad deeds into good deeds; the
glad tidings of promotion to higher spiritual degrees; the conferring of
robes of honor, exquisite gifts, presents, and gracious favors; the
expansion of the feelings through the light of faith [ºmån]; the calming
of the heart through the strength of certainty [yaqºn], and through the
signs it has come to recognize; and the pouring forth of the oceans of
knowledge and all kinds of wisdom, from the heart onto the tongue, to
be expressed with fluency and eloquence.
It was on a Festival day [yawm ‹Ïd], as the story is told, that a man once
entered the presence of ‹Alº [ibn Abº ¡ålib] (may Allåh be well pleased
with him, and may Allåh ennoble his countenance) and found him
eating coarse brown bread [khubz khushkår]. “Today is the day of the
Festival [‹Ïd],” the man exclaimed, “yet here you are, eating coarse
brown bread!” So he said to his puzzled visitor:
“Today is the day of the Festival [‹Ïd] for someone whose fast [ƒawm]
has been accepted, whose effort has been deemed worthy, and whose
sin has been forgiven. Today is a Festival [‹Ïd] for us, and tomorrow is
a Festival [‹Ïd] for us. Every day in which we do not disobey Allåh is a
Festival [‹Ïd] for us.”
It is therefore important for every intelligent person to stop focusing
on the external aspect [όhir], and not to let it capture his attention. His
perspective on the day of the Festival [‹Ïd] should be from the stand-
point of contemplation and reflection. He should regard the Festival


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Fifth Discourse
Seventh 163

[‹Ïd] as comparable to the Day of Resurrection [Yawm al-Qiyåma].

When he hears the sound of the Sultan’s bugle [b«q] announcing the
advent of the Night of the Festival [Lailat al-‹Ïd], he should be reminded
of the blast of the trumpet [ƒ«r] on the Day of Resurrection [Yawm
al-Qiyåma]. While most of the people are spending the Night of the
Festival [Lailat al-‹Ïd] asleep, resting themselves in preparation for
the day of celebration that lies ahead of them, he should remember the
interval of slumber between the two blasts [that will be sounded on
the Day of Resurrection].
On the morning of the Day of the Festival [Yawm al-‹Ïd], he will see
how the people look, as they come into town from their mansions and
their houses. He will notice the differences in their states of being, and
the variety of style and color in the clothes they wear, for each person
will be dressed in a special outfit and a special set of ornaments. One
person will look happy, while another looks depressed. One will be
riding, while another walks on foot. One will be rich, while another
is poor. One will be in a cheerful mood, while another is in some
kind of distress.
As he surveys this scene, the intelligent observer should be reminded
of the variety there will be among the people present at the Resurrection
[ahl al-Qiyåma]. Those who have practiced worshipful obedience [ahl
a£-£å‹a] will be joyfully happy, while those who are guilty of sinful
disobedience [ahl al-ma‹ƒiya] will be miserably despondent. The truly
devout [muttaqº] will be riding in comfort, while the offender who is a
mushrik [one who associates partners with Allåh] will be stumbling,
getting tripped and dragged along with his face to the ground, or
walking at best.
As Allåh has said (More Glorious is He than any other sayer):
On the day when We shall muster yawma na¥shuru ’l-muttaqºna
the truly devout unto the ila ’r-Ra¥måni
All-Merciful, in fine style… wafdå…
That is to say, “riding on thoroughbred she-camels.”
and We shall drive the guilty wa nas«qu ’l-mujrimºna
culprits into Hell, like a herd of beasts. ilå jahannama wirdå.
That is to say, “ like a thirsty herd.”


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164 Volume Three

As for the pious abstainer [zåhid], the person endowed with direct
intuition [‹årif], and the spiritual deputy [badal],317 each and every one
will be in a state of comfort and affluent well-being, in the presence of
their King [Malºk] and their Beloved [Ma¥b«b], beneath the shadow of
the Heavenly Throne [‹Arsh]. They will be invested with ornaments
and fine attire, and the radiant lights of worshipful acts and spiritual
experiences [anwår a£-£å‹åt wa ’l-ma‹årif] will be visible upon their faces,
for they will be glowing and resplendent. Tables will be set in front of
them, spread with all kinds of cooked food, drinks and fruits, until the
Reckoning [ªisåb] is over, and the accounts of all creatures have been
settled. Then they will move on to the Garden of Paradise, to occupy
the dwellings that Allåh (Exalted is He) has made ready for them.
There they will find pleasures and delights the likes of which no eye has
ever seen, no ear has ever heard, and no human heart has ever conceived.
Allåh (Exalted is He) has said:
So no soul knows what comfort fa-lå ta‹lamu nafsun
is laid up for them secretly, må ukhfiya la-hum
as a reward min qurrati a‹yun:
for what they used to do. (32:17) jazå›an bi-må kån« ya‹mal«n.
As for the condition of someone who is strongly addicted to this lower
world, that person will be in a state of wailing and weeping and terrible
distress. He will be prevented from sharing in the blessings enjoyed by
the people [of Paradise], because of his worldly attachment, his acqui-
sition of unlawful and dubious assets, and his mixed performance where
obedience to his Lord is concerned. He will see his place in the Garden
of Paradise, but he will not be able to reach it, until he has acquitted
himself of the debts and liabilities he has incurred.
As for the unbeliever [kåfir], he will burst into loud laments, wailing
and moaning in reaction to what his eyes behold, as he is given a
preview of the kinds of torment that await him, for he will find himself
facing the prospect of chastisement, degradation, perdition, and ever-
lasting existence in the Fires of Hell.
When the intelligent Muslim sees the flags unfurled, and the banners
hoisted to mark the celebration of the Festival [‹Ïd], he should be
reminded of the angelic flagbearers [aƒ¥åb al-a‹låm] who will appear
when the herald of the All-Merciful [munådi ’r-Ra¥mån] announces
317 See Vol. 2, note 254, p. 175.


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Fifth Discourse
Seventh 165

[to the inhabitants of the Garden of Paradise] that the moment has
come for them to visit the Lord of Mankind [Rabb al-Anåm] in the
Abode of Peace [Dår as-Salåm], at the command of the Source of Peace
[bi-amri ’s-Salåm].
When he sees that the rows [of worshippers] have been properly
formed, and that his fellow creatures have assembled for the congrega-
tional prayer, he should be reminded of how all creatures will stand
in the presence of the All-Compelling One [al-Jabbår], and of the
rows formed by the profligate and the righteous [al-fujjår wa ’l-abrår] on
the Day of Resurrection [Yawm an-Nashr], when all secrets [asrår] will
be revealed.
When he sees the people disperse from the site used for congrega-
tional worship in the open air [jabbåna]—as each individual returns to
his allotted house, or mosque [masjid], or hostel [khån]—the intelligent
observer should be reminded of the moment when all creatures will
disperse from the presence of the King [al-Malik] the All-Bounteous
One [al-Mannån], the Requiter [ad-Dayyån], bound for the Garden of
Paradise, or for the Fire of Hell.
As the Lord of Exalted Majesty and Gracious Favor [Dhu ’l-‹Aœama
wa ’l-Imtinån] has told us:
And on the day when the Hour comes, wa yawma taq«mu ’s-så‹atu
on that day they will be divided. yawma›idhin yatafarraq«n.
A host of them will be farºqun
in the Garden [of Paradise], fi ’l-jannati
and a hostof them in the Blaze wa farºqun fi ’s-sa‹ºr.
[of Hell]. (42:7)

* * * * * * *

This brings us to the end of the Seventh Discourse.

Praise be to Allåh, the Lord of All the Worlds!

[al-¥amdu li’llåhi Rabbi ’l-‹ålamºn].


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166 Volume Three

The Eighth Discourse

Concerning the special qualities of the Ten Days
[Ayyåm al-‹Ashr].318

L et us first of all consider the words of Allåh (Almighty and Glorious

is He):
By the dawn, wa ’l-fajri
and ten nights, wa layålin ‹ashr:
and the even and the Odd, wa ’sh-shaf ‹i wa ’l-Watr:
and the night when it travels! wa ’l-laili idhå yasr:
Is there, in that, an oath hal fº dhålika qasamun
for thinking man? (89:1–5)319 li-dhº ¥ijr.
As for His saying:
By the dawn… wa ’l-fajri …
—that is something about which people have held various opinions.
According to Ibn ‹Abbås (may Allåh be well pleased with him and
with his father):
• What is meant here by “the dawn [al-fajr]” is the ritual prayer of
daybreak [ƒalåt aƒ-ƒub¥].
• The expression “and ten nights [wa layålin ‹ashr]” refers to the ten
[special nights at the beginning] of [the month of] Dhu ’l-ªijja, while
“the even [ash-shaf ‹]” is the creation [khalq] and “the Odd [al-Watr]”
is Allåh.
318 A more strictly literal translation of Ayyåm al-‹Ashr would be “The Days of the Ten [Nights],”
meaning the days corresponding to those nights. As Shaikh ‹Abd al-Qådir al-Jºlånº (may Allåh
be well pleased with him) explains in this Discourse, there is some disagreement among the
traditional authorities, as to which days of which month are properly referred to as Ayyåm al-‹Ashr.
The prevailing opinion, however, is that the expression applies to the [first] ten days of Dhu ’l-
Hijja, the month of the Pilgrimage.
319 In this Discourse, and particularly in this first subsection, the translation of Qur݌nic verses
[åyåt] has been adapted to suit the context in which they are quoted, in relation to various
commentaries and interpretations. Without such adaptation, many passages would hardly be
intelligible. The task can be extremely difficult, however, since the discussion often hinges on fine
points of Arabic word formation, or on subtleties of Arabic grammar and syntax.

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Fifth Discourse
Eighth 167

• In the phrase “and the night when it travels [wa ’l-laili idhå yasr],”
the less common Arabic word yasr is synonymous with the common
verb dhahaba [goes away; departs].
• As for “Is there, in that, an oath for thinking man? [hal fº dhålika
qasamun li-dhº ¥ijr],” the unfamiliar Arabic expression dhº ¥ijr is synony-
mous with the more usual dhº lubbin wa ‹aql [someone who has what it
takes to think and understand].
• The apodosis or culmination of the oath [jawåb al-qasam] is held in
suspense, until we reach the sentence:
Surely your Lord is ever on the watch. inna Rabba-ka la-bi’l-mirƒåd.
According to Muqåtil (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him), the
interpretation should rather be as follows:
• “By the dawn [wa ’l-fajr]” means “[by] the daybreak [ghadåh] of the
assembly of the Day of Immolation [jam‹ Yawm an-Na¥r].”320
• “and ten nights [wa layålin ‹ashr]”: These are the ten nights before
the [Day of] Sacrifice [al-Aæ¥å]. When Allåh (Almighty and Glorious
is He) called them “ten nights,” He did so for the simple reason that
there are nine days and ten nights [between the beginning of the month
of Dhu’l-ªijja and the Day of Sacrifice].
• “and the even and the Odd [wa ’sh-shaf ‹i wa ’l-Watr]”: As for “the
even [ash-shaf ‹],” it refers to Adam and Eve [ªawwå›] (peace be upon
them both) [they being an even-numbered couple or pair], while “the
Odd [al-Watr]” is Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He) [He being
Single and Unique].
• “and the night when it travels [wa ’l-laili idhå yasr]”: That is to say,
“when it approaches.” The night concerned is the Night of the
Sacrifice [Lailat al-Aæ¥å].
Up to this point, therefore, Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He) has
sworn by the Day of Immolation [Yawm an-Na¥r], by the Ten [al-‹Ashr],
and by Adam and Eve. He has also sworn by His Own Self [bi-Nafsi-h]
(Blessed and Exalted is He), and by the Night of the Sacrifice [Lailat
al-Aæ¥å]. As soon as He has finished swearing these oaths, He goes
on to say:
• “Is there, in that, an oath for thinking man [hal fº dhålika qasamun
li-dhº ¥ijr]?”: In other words: “Is the content of that oath sufficiently
320 For a full account of the Day of Immolation [Yawm an-Na¥r], see pp. 228–77 below.

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168 Volume Three

meaningful to one who possesses a faculty of understanding [dhº lubb],

or one who possesses a rational mind [dhº ‹aql].” If so, he can compre-
hend the momentous import of this next asseveration: “Surely your
Lord is ever on the watch [inna Rabba-ka la-bi’l-mirƒåd].”
According to some, what is meant by “the dawn [al-fajr]” is “the
dawning of the day [fajr an-nahår],” while others maintain that it simply
means “the day[time],” which may be represented allegorically by the
dawn, since the latter is the first part thereof.
• Mujåhid (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him) said: “It refers
specifically to the dawn of the Day of Immolation [Yawm an-Na¥r].”
• ‹Ikrima (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him) said: “Allåh
(Exalted is He) has sworn by the sudden gushing [infijår] of water from
the fingers of the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace).”
Other interpretations include the following:
• Allåh (Exalted is He) has sworn by the sudden bolting [infijår] of the
she-camel, out of the desert to join »åli¥ (peace be upon him).321
• Allåh (Exalted is He) has sworn by the sudden gushing [infijår] of
water from the rock, brought about by the staff of Moses [‹aƒå M«så]
(peace be upon him)
• Allåh (Exalted is He) has sworn by the sudden gushing [infijår] of
water from the eyes of the disobedient sinners.
• Allåh (Exalted is He) has sworn by the sudden eruption [infijår] of
intuitive knowledge [ma‹rifa] from the heart, as when Allåh (Exalted is
He) said:
Is he who was dead and We have a-wa man kåna maitan
brought him back to life…. fa-a¥yainå-hu….
—meaning: “through faith [ºmån] and intuitive knowledge [ma‹rifa].”
There are likewise several other interpretations of His expression
(Almighty and Glorious is He): “and ten nights [wa layålin ‹ashr].” For
• As reported by Jåbir ibn ‹Abdi’llåh (may Allåh be well pleased with
him and with his father), the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him
peace) once said:
[The ten nights mentioned in:] “By the dawn, and ten nights [wa ’l-fajri wa
layålin ‹ashr]” are the Ten of the Sacrifice [‹Ashr al-Aæ¥å].
321 See Qur݌n 7:77,78.

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Fifth Discourse
Eighth 169

• Ibn az-Zubair and Ibn ‹Abbås (may Allåh be well pleased with
them) both said: “They are the Ten of Dhu ’l-ªijja.”
• According to another traditional report, however, Ibn ‹Abbås (may
Allåh be well pleased with him and with his father) once said: “The
‘ten’ are the last ten [nights] of the month of Ramaæån.”
• It was Mujåhid (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him) who said:
“They are the [set of] ten peculiar to Moses [M«så] (peace be upon
• Mu¥ammad ibn Jarºr a£-¡abarº (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon
him) said: “They are the ten [nights] of the first part of [the month of]
We also find numerous interpretations of the words of Allåh (Exalted
is He): “and the even and the odd [wa ’sh-shaf ‹i wa ’l-watr],” for
• Qatåda and as-Suddº (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon them)
Allåh (Exalted is He) said: “‘The even [ash-shaf ‹]’ means ‘every [set of]
two,’ while ‘the Odd [al-Watr]’ is Allåh (Exalted is He).”
• Some say that both terms apply to Adam and Eve. Muqåtil is one
of those who maintain this view, on the grounds that Adam was “odd”
[as a single, unmarried man], but then he became “even,” when paired
with his wife Eve.
• Others say that both terms apply to the ritual prayer [ƒalåt], the
cycles of which are sometimes even-numbered, and sometimes odd-
• According to ar-Rabº‹ ibn Anas and Abu’l-‹Áliya (may Allåh
bestow His mercy upon them), both terms apply specifically to the
[three-cycle] ritual prayer of sunset [ƒalåt al-maghrib], of which the first
two cycles form an “even” pair, while the third is single or “odd.”
• Some maintain that “the even” is the Day of Immolation [Yawm
an-Na¥r], because it is the tenth [of Dhu ’l-ªijja], while “the odd” is the
Day of ‹Arafa, because it is the ninth [of that month]. Yet others
maintain that “the even” refers to the two days after the Immolation
[Na¥r], and “the odd” to the third [day thereafter].
As for the words of Allåh (Exalted is He): “and the night when it
322 See pp. 181–82 below.


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170 Volume Three

travels [wa ’l-laili idhå yasr],” the meaning may be: “when it departs [idhå
dhahaba].”323 Other interpretations include the following:
• It means: “when it grows dark [idhå aœlama].”
• It refers specifically to the night of al-Muzdalifa.324
• It means: “when its inhabitants travel [sarå] in it,” because the basic
idea conveyed by the Arabic root s–r–y, from which yasr is derived, is
“travel-by-night.” 325
Interpretations of the words of Allåh (Exalted is He): “Is there, in
that, an oath for thinking man? [hal fº dhålika qasamun li-dhº ¥ijr]” include
the following:
• The meaning is: “for one who possesses a rational mind [li-dhº ‹aql].”
This is the stated opinion of Ibn ‹Abbås (may Allåh be well pleased with
him and with his father).
• According to al-ªasan [al-Baƒrº] and Ab« Rajå› (may Allåh bestow
His mercy upon them), the meaning is: “for one who has knowledge
[li-dhº ‹ilm].”
• According to Mu¥ammad ibn Ka‹b (may Allåh bestow His mercy
upon him), the meaning is: “for one who has religion [li-dhº dºn].”
[Though cast in the form of a question] the sentence should be
understood as an affirmative statement, meaning: “In that, there surely
is an oath for thinking man [inna fº dhålika qasamun li-dhº ¥ijr].” In other
words, [the interrogative particle] hal is used here [in the Qur݌nic text]
instead of [the affirmative particle] inna.
Returning to the words of Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He):
By the dawn, and ten nights… wa ’l-fajri wa layålin ‹ashr…
—they should be understood to mean: “By the Truth of the Lord of
the dawn [wa ªaqqi Rabbi ’l-fajri], by the Truth of the Lord of ten nights
323 As the author (may Allåh be well pleased with him) has mentioned near the beginning of this
subsection (p. 167 above), this is the interpretation favored by Ibn ‹Abbås (may Allåh be well
pleased with him and with his father).
324 After the rite of Standing at ‹Arafåt, the Pilgrim moves on to al-Muzdalifa, where he performs
the sunset [maghrib] and late evening [‹ishå›] prayers, preferably in congregation [jamå‹a]. Then
he makes camp and spends the night there. From al-Muzdalifa, or from wherever in the vicinity
he can easily gather them, the Pilgrim collects the pebbles to be thrown at the satanic pillars. (See
Vol. 1, pp. 37–38.)
325 From the word “because…,” this is an explanatory paraphrase, rather than a translation. Since
the original assumes a complete knowledge of Arabic lexicology and linguistic structure, it is
effectively untranslatable, at least without an extensive commentary of its own!


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Fifth Discourse
Eighth 171

[wa ªaqqi Rabbi layålin ‹ashr],” and so on, to the final element of the
oath. The same applies to similar instances [elsewhere in the Qur݌n],
such as the words of Allåh (Exalted is He):
By the sun and its brightness, wa ’sh-shamsi wa æu¥å-hå
and the moon when she follows him, wa ’l-qamari idhå talå-hå
and the day when it reveals him, wa ’n-nahåri idhå jallå-hå
and the night when it enshrouds him, wa ’l-laili idhå yaghshå-hå
and the heaven and Him who built it, wa ’s-samå›i wa må banå-hå
and the earth and Him who spread it, wa ’l-aræi wa må £a¥å-hå
and a soul and Him who perfected it. wa nafsin wa må sawwåhå.
By the heaven and the morning star. wa ’s-samå›i wa ’£-£åriq.
By the heaven, wa ’s-samå›i
holding mansions of the stars. dhåti ’l-bur«j.
—to mention only a few examples.


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172 Volume Three

Concerning what has come down to us about

the charismatic exploits of the Prophets [karåmåt
al-Anbiyå›] during the Ten Days of Dhu ’l-ªijja,
and the special merits of the good deeds
then performed.

S haikh Imåm Abu’l-Barakåt [‘Father of Blessings’] Hibatu’llåh ibn

al-Mubårak as-Saqa£º (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him) has
informed us, after listing the authorities by whom the report was
transmitted,326 that Ibn ‹Abbås (may Allåh be well pleased with him
and with his father) once said:
“It was during the Ten Days of Dhu ’l-ªijja that Allåh accepted the
repentance of Adam, when He relented toward him and restored him
to His grace at ‹Arafa, because he acknowledged [i‹tarafa] his sin.
“It was during those Ten Days that Abraham the Bosom Friend
[Ibråhºm al-Khalºl] (peace be upon him) obtained the bosom friendship
[khulla] [bestowed upon him by Allåh], having sacrificed his wealth for
the sake of the guests [æºfån], himself for the sake of the fires [nºrån], his
son for the sake of the Criterion [Furqån], and his heart for the sake of
the All-Merciful [Ra¥mån]. No one has ever had an impeccable claim
to absolute trust [tawakkul], with the exception of Abraham, the Bosom
Friend of the All-Merciful [Ibråhºm Khalºl ar-Ra¥mån].
“It was during those Ten Days that Abraham [Ibråhºm] (peace be upon
him) constructed the noble Ka‹ba. Allåh (Exalted is He) has said:
And when Abraham and Ishmael wa idh yarfa‹u
were raising Ibråhºmu ’l-qawå›ida
326 Author’s note:
Shaikh Imåm Abu ’l-Barakåt Hibatu’llåh ibn al-Mubårak as-Saqa£º (may Allåh
bestow His mercy upon him) cites the following chain of transmission [isnåd] for this report:
Shaikh al-ªåfiœ Ab« Bakr A¥mad ibn ‹Alº ath-Thåbit al-Kha£ºb [the Preacher]—A¥mad ibn
A¥mad ibn Zarq«na—Mu¥ammad ibn ‹Abdi’llåh ash-Shåfi‹º (may Allåh bestow His mercy
upon him)—Mu¥ammad ibn ‹Abdi’llåh ibn ‹Abd ar-Ra¥mån in Aleppo [ªalab]—‹Amr ibn
‹Uthmån—al-Walºd—Ibn al-Mubårak—Khålid al-ªadhdhå› [the Cobbler]—‹Ikrima—Ibn
‹Abbås (may Allåh be well pleased with him and with his father).


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Fifth Discourse
Eighth 173

the foundations of the House, mina ’l-Baiti wa Ism勺l:

[Abraham prayed]: “Our Lord, Rabba-nå
accept from us [this duty]. taqabbal min-nå:
You are indeed the All-Hearing, inna-ka
the All-Knowing.” (2:127) Anta ’s-Samº‹u ’l-‹Alºm.
“It was during those Ten Days that Allåh honored Moses [M«så]
(peace be upon him) with intimate conversation [munåjåt].
“It was during those Ten Days that forgiveness descended upon David
[Dåw«d] (peace be upon him).
“It was also during those Ten Days that the Night of Angelic Competi-
tion [Lailat al-Mubåhåt] occurred.”
According to one account, it was during those Ten Days that the
beginning [iftitå¥] of the revelation of the Qur›ån occurred, in the early
morning of the Day of Sacrifice [Yawm al-Aæ¥å], while the Prophet
(Allåh bless him and give him peace) was wending his way toward the
place of prayer [muƒallå].
It was also during those Ten Days that the pledge of allegiance [bai‹at
ar-riæwån] was made [to the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him
peace)], whereupon Allåh (Exalted is He) sent down the revelation:
Allåh was well pleased la-qad raæiya ’llåhu
with the believers ‹ani ’l-mu›minºna
when they swore allegiance to you idh yubåyi‹«na-ka
beneath the tree. (48:18) ta¥ta ’sh-shajarati.
The tree was of the kind called samura [gum-acacia; mimosa gummifera],
and the occasion is known as the Day of al-ªudaibiyya. As for the
Companions of Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him
peace) who took part, they numbered one thousand four hundred men,
or, as some say, one thousand five hundred men. The very first to
extend his hand, in a gesture of unconditional allegiance, was Ab«
Sinån al-Asadº (may Allåh the Exalted bestow His mercy, His blessings
and His salutations upon him, and indeed upon all the Companions
[»a¥åba], as well as those who follow them in active goodness [i¥sån].)
Included among the Ten Days are the Day of Tarwiyya, the Day of
‹Arafa and the Day of Immolation [Yawm an-Na¥r], the latter being the
greatest day of the Pilgrimage [ªajj].
Shaikh Abu’l-Barakåt has informed us, on good traditional authority,327
327 Author’s note:
Shaikh Imåm Abu ’l-Barakåt Hibatu’llåh ibn al-Mubårak as-Saqa£º (may Allåh
bestow His mercy upon him) cites the following chain of transmission [isnåd] for this report:
al-Faæl ibn Mu¥ammad—A¥mad ibn ‹Alº al-ªåfiœ—Ab« Sa‹ºd al-Khudrº (may Allåh be well
pleased with him)—the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace). 173

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174 Volume Three

that the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) once said:
The chieftain [sayyid] of the months is the month of Ramaæån, and the
mightiest of them in sanctity [¥urma] is Dhu ’l-ªijja.
Shaikh Abu’l-Barakåt has further informed us, likewise on good
traditional authority,328 that the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him
peace) once said:
Of all the days of this world, the most excellent are the Ten Days of Dhu ’l-ªijja.
When someone asked: “Is there nothing to match them, [not even]
in fighting for the cause of Allåh [fº sabºli ’llåh]?” he replied:
There is nothing to match them, [not even] in fighting for the cause of Allåh
[fº sabºli ’llåh], unless it be a man who rubs his face in the dust.
According to another traditional report, also conveyed to us by
Shaikh Abu’l-Barakåt,329 ‹Á›isha (may Allåh be well pleased with her)
was once heard to say:
“During the lifetime of Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give
him peace), there was a man who was extremely fond of vocal music
[samå‹]—of singing [ghinå›], in other words. As soon as the new moon
of Dhu ’l-ªijja appeared, however, he would start the day in a state of
fasting [ƒå›iman]. The story came to the notice of Allåh’s Messenger
(Allåh bless him and give him peace), so they brought the man into his
presence, and he asked him: ‘What has prompted you to devote these
days to fasting?’ ‘O Messenger of Allåh,” the man replied, “they are days
of religious ceremonies [ayyåm mashå‹ir] and the days of the Pilgrimage
[ªajj], so I dearly wished that Allåh (Exalted is He) might allow me to
participate in the pilgrims’ prayer of supplication [du‹å›].’ On hearing
this, the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) told the man:
“‘For each and every day you devote to fasting, you will be credited with the
emancipation of a hundred slaves [‹itq mi›a raqaba], with a hundred she-camels
for you to guide in caravan, and with a hundred mares for you to ride in [fighting
for] the cause of Allåh [fº sabºli ’llåh].
328 Author’s note: Shaikh Imåm Abu ’l-Barakåt Hibatu’llåh ibn al-Mubårak as-Saqa£º (may Allåh
bestow His mercy upon him) cites the following chain of transmission [isnåd] for this report:
al-Faæl ibn Mu¥ammad al-Qaƒƒår [the Bleacher] al-Iƒfahånº—Ab« Sa‹ºd al-ªasan ibn ‹Alº ibn
Sahdån—‹Abdu’llåh ibn Mu¥ammad al-Warråq [the Papermaker]—Ab« Bakr al-Bazzår [the
Seedsman]—Ab« Kåmil al-Faæl ibn al-ªusain al-Ja¥darº—Ab« ‹Áƒim ibn Hilål—Ayy«b—ibn
az-Zubair—Jåbir (may Allåh be well pleased with him)—the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give
him peace).
329 Author’s note: Shaikh Imåm Abu ’l-Barakåt Hibatu’llåh ibn al-Mubårak as-Saqa£º (may Allåh
bestow His mercy upon him) cites the following chain of transmission [isnåd] for this report:
al-Qåæº [the Judge] Abu ’l-Muæaffir Hanåd ibn Ibråhºm al-Bukhårº an-Nasafº—‹A£å› ibn Abº
Rubb套‹Á›isha (may Allåh be well pleased with her).

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Fifth Discourse
Eighth 175

“‘Then, when it comes to the Day of Tarwiyya, you will be credited with the
emancipation of a thousand slaves, with a thousand she-camels for you to guide
in caravan, and with a thousand mares for you to ride in [fighting for] the cause
of Allåh [fº sabºli ’llåh].
“‘Then, when it comes to the Day of ‹Arafa, you will be credited with the
emancipation of two thousand slaves, with two thousand she-camels for you to
guide in caravan, and with two thousand mares for you to ride in [fighting for]
the cause of Allåh [fº sabºli ’llåh]. You will also be credited with keeping the fast
in the year before this one, and in the year to come after it.’”
Ibn ‹Abbås (may Allåh be well pleased with him and with his father)
is reported330 as having said:
“Of all the days on which righteous work is performed, nothing is
dearer to Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He) than a man [who does
righteous work] during these days. (That is to say, during the Ten Days.)
[When the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) said as much]
they asked him: ‘O Messenger of Allåh, not even the sacred struggle
[jihåd] for the cause of Allåh?’ To this he replied:
“‘Not even the sacred struggle [jihåd] for the cause of Allåh. The only exception
is a man who leaves home with his self-centered personality [nafs] and his
material wealth, and then brings nothing of that back on his return.’”
Shaikh Abu’l-Barakåt has also informed us, on good traditional
authority,331 that [the Prophet’s wife] ªafƒa (may Allåh be well pleased
with her) once said:
“There were four practices that the Prophet (Allåh bless him and
give him peace) never failed to observe, namely: (1) fasting during
the Ten [Days] of Dhu ’l-ªijja; (2) [fasting on the Day of] ‹Ásh«rå›;332
(3) [fasting on at least] three days in every month; (4) two cycles of
[voluntary] ritual prayer [rak‹atån] before the [prescribed prayer of] early
morning [ghadåh].”
According to another traditional report, also conveyed to us by
330 This report has also been conveyed to us by Shaikh Imåm Abu ’l-Barakåt Hibatu’llåh ibn
al-Mubårak as-Saqa£º (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him), who cites a chain of transmission
[isnåd] going back to: Sa‹ºd ibn Jubair—Ibn ‹Abbås (may Allåh be well pleased with him and with
his father).
331 Author’s note: Shaikh Imåm Abu ’l-Barakåt Hibatu’llåh ibn al-Mubårak as-Saqa£º (may Allåh
bestow His mercy upon him) cites the following chain of transmission [isnåd] for this report: Ab«
Bakr ibn A¥mad ibn ‹Alº ibn Thåbit al-ªåfiœ—Jubaira bint Khålid al-Khuz勺—ªafƒa (may
Allåh be well pleased with her).
332 For a detailed account of the special qualities of the Day of ‹Ásh«rå›, see pp. 278–94 below.


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176 Volume Three

Shaikh Abu’l-Barakåt,333 the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him
peace) once said:
Of all the days, there are none in which Allåh (Exalted is He) more dearly loves
to have worshipful service performed for His sake, other than the Ten Days of
Dhu ’l-ªijja. To devote just one of them to fasting is equivalent to fasting for
one whole year, and keeping vigil [qiyåm] on one of those nights is like keeping
vigil for one whole year.
Shaikh Abu’l-Barakåt has further informed us, likewise on good
traditional authority,334 that the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him
peace) once said:
If someone devotes the Ten Days to fasting, Allåh will record a whole year of
fasting in his credit column, for each and every one of those days.
Of Sa‹ºd ibn Jubair (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him), it is
reported that he used to tell people: “Do not extinguish your lamps
during the Ten Nights!” He would give instructions for the servants to
be kept awake, and he took great delight in devoting that time to
worship [‹ibåda].

333 Author’s note: Shaikh Imåm Abu ’l-Barakåt Hibatu’llåh ibn al-Mubårak as-Saqa£º (may Allåh
bestow His mercy upon him) cites the following chain of transmission [isnåd] for this report:
ªamza ibn ‹Ïså ibn al-ªasan al-Warråq [the Papermaker]—Sa‹ºd ibn al-Musayyib—Ab«
Huraira (may Allåh be well pleased with him)—the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him
334 Author’s note: Shaikh Imåm Abu ’l-Barakåt Hibatu’llåh ibn al-Mubårak as-Saqa£º (may Allåh
bestow His mercy upon him) cites the following chain of transmission [isnåd] for this report:
al-ªasan ibn A¥mad al-Muqrº [the Qur›ån-teacher]—Mu¥ammad ibn al-Munkadir—Jåbir
(may Allåh be well pleased with him)—the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace).


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Fifth Discourse 177

Concerning the ritual prayer [ƒalåt] that

is traditionally recommended during the Ten Days
[Ayyåm al-‹Ashr].

T he following report has been conveyed to us by Shaikh Imåm

Abu’l-Barakåt [‘Father of Blessings’] Hibatu’llåh ibn al-Mubårak
as-Saqa£º (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him), who cites good
traditional authority in support of its authenticity:335
According to ‹Á›isha (may Allåh be well pleased with her), the
Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) once said:
If someone enlivens any night of the Ten Nights of Dhu ’l-ªijja [by keeping
vigil], it will be as if he had performed the same worshipful service [‹ibåda], for
the sake of Allåh, as someone who not only performs the Pilgrimage [ªajj], but
also performs the Visitation [‹Umra] throughout the entire year. If someone
devotes one day to fasting, during that period, it will be as if he had devoted the
whole of the year to the worshipful service of Allåh (Exalted is He).
Shaikh Abu’l-Barakåt has also informed us, again citing strong
traditional authority,336 that the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him
peace) once said:
When the Ten [Days and Nights] of Dhu ’l-ªijja come around, you must devote
yourselves strenuously to worshipful obedience [£å‹a], for they are days upon
which Allåh (Exalted is He) has bestowed His special favor, and He has made
the sanctity of their nighttime equivalent to the sanctity of their daytime. So,
if a worshipper prays [ƒallå] during any night of the Ten Nights, performing four
cycles of ritual prayer [raka‹åt] in the last third [of the night], and including the
following recitations:
335 Author’s note: Shaikh Imåm Abu ’l-Barakåt Hibatu’llåh ibn al-Mubårak as-Saqa£º (may Allåh
bestow His mercy upon him) cites the following chain of transmission [isnåd] for this report:
ash-Sharºf Ab« ‹Abdi’llåh Mu¥ammad ibn ‹Alº ibn Mu¥ammad ibn Ya¥ya ’l-Mahdº—Hishåm
ibn ‹Urwa—his father [‹Urwa]—‹Á›isha (may Allåh be well pleased with her)—the Prophet
(Allåh bless him and give him peace).
336 Author’s note: Shaikh Imåm Abu ’l-Barakåt Hibatu’llåh ibn al-Mubårak as-Saqa£º (may Allåh
bestow His mercy upon him) cites the following chain of transmission [isnåd] for this report:
Mu¥ammad ibn Mu¥ammad ibn ‹Abd al-‹Azºz—Ja‹far ibn Mu¥ammad ibn ‹Alº ibn al-ªusain—
his father Mu¥ammad ibn ‹Alº—his father ‹Alº ibn al-ªusain Zain al-‹Ábidºn—his father,
al-ªusain ibn ‹Alº—his father ‹Alº (may Allåh be well pleased with him)—the Prophet (Allåh
bless him and give him peace).

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178 Volume Three

—the Opening S«ra of the Book [Fåti¥at al-Kitåb]—one time only;

—the Two Pleas for Refuge [al-Mu‹awwidhatain];337
—the S«ra of Sincere Devotion [S«rat al-Ikhlåƒ]338—repeating it three times—
—the Verse of the Throne [Áyat al-Kursº]339—repeating that three times in
each cycle [rak‹a];
—and if he raises his hands, as soon as he has completed his ritual prayer [ƒalåt],
and says:
Glory be to the Owner sub¥åna Dhi ’l-‹Izzati
of the Might and the Dominion! wa ’l-Jabar«t.
Glory be to the Owner sub¥åna Dhi ’l-Qudrati
of the Power and the Kingdom! wa ’l-Malak«t.
Glory be to the Ever-Living, sub¥åna ’l-ªayyi ’lladhº
who never dies! lå yam«t:
There is no god but He; the One who lå ilåha illa Huwa
brings to life and causes death, yu¥yº wa yumºtu
while He is Ever-Living and never dies. wa Huwa ªayyun lå yam«t.
Glory be to Allåh, sub¥åna ’llåhi
the Lord of men and all the lands. Rabbi ’l-‹ibådi wa ’l-bilåd.
Praise be to Allåh—abundant, fine, al-¥amdu li’llåhi kathºran wa £ayyiban
and blessed praise, wa mubårakan
under every circumstance! ‹ala kulli ¥ål.
Allåh is Supremely Great, Allåhu Akbaru
immensely so! kabºrå
Our Lord, Splendid is His Majesty, Rabba-nå jalla Jalålu-hu
and His Power is in every place!340 wa Qudratu-hu bi-kulli makån.
—and if he then pleads for whatever he wishes, he will be entitled to the same
reward as someone who performs the Pilgrimage to the Sacred House of Allåh,
visits the tomb of the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace), and strives
in the cause of Allåh [fº sabºli ’llåh]. Whatever he asks of Allåh, He will surely
grant him his request.
If he performs that same ritual prayer [ƒallå-hå] during every night of the Ten
Nights, Allåh (Exalted is He) will grant him lawful access to the Highest
Paradise [al-Firdaws al-A‹lå], and He will erase every bad deed from his record.
“Now set about your work from a new beginning,” he will be told.
If it happens to be the Day of ‹Arafa, and he devotes the daytime thereof to
fasting [ƒåma nahåra-hu] and the night thereof to ritual prayer [ƒallå laila-hu], and
he pronounces this invocation, and he offers many a humble entreaty in the
presence of Allåh (Exalted is He), Allåh will say: “O My angels, bear witness
that I have granted him forgiveness, and that I have equated him with the
Pilgrim to the House of Allåh [al-ªåjj ilå Baiti’llåh].” The angels will be
delighted to learn what Allåh (Exalted is He) has bestowed upon that believing
servant [al-‹abd al-mu›min], as a reward for his ritual prayer [ƒalåt] and his
invocation [du‹å›].
337 S«ras 113 and 114.
338 S«ra 112.
339 Q. 2:255.
340 Author’s note: [At this point in his report] the Shaikh [Abu ’l-Barakåt] remarked: “This
means: ‘His Knowledge [‹Ilm] is in every place.’”

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Fifth Discourse 179

Concerning the sets of ten [al-‹ashr] peculiar

to each of five Prophets [Anbiyå›]
(peace be upon them all).
The set of ten peculiar to Adam [‹ashr Ádam] (peace be upon him).

I t was while Adam was sleeping that Allåh created Eve [ªawwå›]
from the short rib in his left side, so he woke up from his slumber and
saw Eve sitting there beside him. “To whom do you belong?” he said to
her. “To you,” she replied. Then he wanted to touch her, but he was
told: “You must not touch her until she has been given your dower
[mahr].” “My God [Ilåhº],” said he, “what is my dower [for her]?” Allåh
(Exalted is He) explained: “It is that you invoke My blessing upon the
Prophet of the end of the age [Nabº åkhir az-zamån], ten times over.
That is her dower [from you].”
2. The set of ten peculiar to Abraham, the Bosom Friend of the
All-Merciful [‹ashr Ibråhºm Khalºl ar-Ra¥mån] (peace be upon him).
Allåh (Exalted is He) referred implicitly to the set of ten peculiar to
Abraham (peace be upon him), when He said:
And [remember] wa
when his Lord put Abraham idhi ’btalå Ibråhºma
to the test with certain words, Rabbu-hu bi-kalimåtin
and he fulfilled them. (2:124) fa-atamma-hunn.
Those words referred implicitly to ten good habits [‹ashr khiƒål],341
five of them connected with the head, namely:
• The parting [of the hair] [farq].342
341 Compare Vol. 1, p. 298.
342 It is reported that the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) parted his own hair and
instructed his Companions (may Allåh be well pleased with them) to part theirs. (See Vol. 1, p. 311).


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180 Volume Three

• The trimming of the mustache [qaƒƒ ash-shårib].

• The [use of] the toothbrush [siwåk].343
• The thorough rinsing of the mouth [maæmaæa].
• The snuffing of water to clear the nostrils [istinshåq].
—and five connected with the rest of the body, namely:
• The clipping of the nails [taqlºm al-aœfår].
• The plucking of [the hairs from] the armpits [natf al-ib£ain].
• Circumcision [khitån].
• The shaving of the pubic region [¥alq al-‹åna].
• The use of flowing water as a means of cleaning the spaces between
the fingers and the toes [takhlºl al-aƒåbi‹].
When Abraham [Ibråhºm] (peace be upon him) fully accomplished
these ten practices, Allåh (Exalted is He) honored him with bosom
friendship [khulla]. In His own words (Exalted is He):
And Allåh chose Abraham wa ’ttakhadha ’llåhu
for a bosom friend. (4:125) Ibråhºma khalºlå.
3. The set of ten peculiar to the Prophet Shu‹aib [‹ashr Shu‹aib
an-Nabº] (peace be upon him).
Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He) referred explicitly to the set of
ten peculiar to the Prophet Shu‹aib (peace be upon him), when He said:
[Shu‹aib] said [to Moses]: qåla
“I wish to marry you innº urºdu an unki¥a-ka
to one of these two daughters i¥da ’bnatayya håtaini
of mine, on condition ‹alå an
that you hire yourself to me for ta›jura-nº
[the term of] eight pilgrimages. thamåniya ¥ijaj:
If you complete ten, fa-in atmamta ‹ashran
that will be of your own accord, fa-min ‹indi-k:
for I do not wish to press hard wa må urºdu an ashuqqa
on you. If Allåh wills, you ‹alai-k: sa-tajidun-nº
will surely find me in shå›a ’llåhu
one of the righteous.” (28:27) mina ’ƒ-ƒåli¥ºn.
Moses (peace be upon him) did in fact hire himself for ten years, and
his wages formed the dower [mahr] of the daughter of the Prophet
Shu‹aib (peace be upon him).
It has also been said that Shu‹aib (peace be upon him) wept for ten
years, so that he lost his faculty of vision, but Allåh restored his eyesight
343 The siwåk is a small stick, softened at the tip to form a kind of toothbrush.

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Fifth Discourse
Eighth 181

to him. Allåh (Exalted is He) conveyed to him by way of inspiration

[aw¥å ilaih]: “O Shu›aib, in case you were afraid of the Fires [of Hell],
I have made you safe from them. In case you were wishing for the
Gardens [of Paradise], they have been granted to you. In case you were
seeking approval [riæwån], I have already bestowed it upon you.”
To this he responded by saying: “O Gabriel, my weeping was not not
prompted by any love of the Gardens [of Paradise], nor by any dread of
the Fires [of Hell], but rather by an ardent yearning for the meeting with
the All-Merciful [ar-Ra¥mån].” Allåh therefore said (Almighty and
Glorious is He): “Now weeping is appropriate for you, so weep, and weep
again!” Then, in compensation for his weeping, Allåh appointed His
Prophet Moses (peace be upon him) to be a servant to him for ten years.
This was a recompense for the tears he had shed in weeping over his
love [for Allåh], in addition to everything that had been laid in store for
him in His presence, including charismatic talents [karåmåt], lofty
spiritual stations, nearness to Him (Blessed and Exalted is He), and the
sight of His Noble Countenance, as well as that which no eye has ever
seen, of which no ear has ever heard, and the very notion of which has
never occurred to the human heart.
4. The set of ten peculiar to Moses [‹ashr M«så] (peace be upon him).
Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He) referred explicitly to the set of
ten peculiar to Moses (peace be upon him), when He said:
And We appointed for Moses wa wå‹adnå M«så
thirty nights [of vigil], thalåthºna lailatin
and We completed them with ten, wa atmamnå-hå bi-‹ashrin
so the appointed time of his Lord fa-tamma mºqåtu Rabbi-hi
was forty nights all told; arbaܼna laila:
and Moses said to his brother Aaron: wa qåla M«så li-akhº-hi
“Be my successor among my people, Hår«na ’khluf-nº fº qawmº
and put things right, wa aƒli¥
and do not follow the way of those wa lå tattabi‹
who practice corruption.” (7:142) sabºla ’l-mufsidºn.
Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He) had promised to grant Moses
(peace be upon him) the honor of intimate conversation [munåjåt], and
He gave him the Torah [Tawråh], so Moses (peace be upon him) fasted
for thirty days. That was actually in the month of Dhu ’l-ªijja, though
some say it was in the month of Dhu ’l-Qa‹da.


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182 Volume Three

When Moses (peace be upon him) was about to engage in the

intimate conversation, he placed a piece of olive in his mouth, because
he had noticed some alteration in the odor of his mouth, but Allåh
(Almighty and Glorious is He) then said: “O Moses, are you not aware
that the change, [in the odor] of the mouth of one who is fasting, is more
fragrant to me than the perfume of musk?” It was then that He
commanded him to fast for ten days in [the following month of]
Mu¥arram, the last of the ten being the Day of ‹Ásh«rå›.344 Then He
drew him close, and honored him with intimate conversation [munåjåt]
and nearness. The rest of the story is best told by quoting His own words
(Almighty and Glorious is He):
And when Moses came wa lammå jå›a M«så
to Our appointed rendezvous li-mºqåti-nå
and his Lord had spoken to him, wa kallama-hu Rabbu-hu
he said: “My Lord, show me, qåla Rabbi ari-nº
so that I may look at You!” Said He: anœur ilai-k: qåla
“You will not see Me, but look lan tarå-nº wa låkini ’nœur
at the mountain—if it stays still ila ’l-jabali fa-’ini ’staqarra
in its place, then you will see Me.” makåna-hu fa-sawfa tarånº:
Then, when his Lord revealed fa-lammå tajallå Rabbu-hu
Himself to the mountain, li’l-jabali
He caused it to crumble to dust, ja‹ala-hu dakkan
and Moses fell down swooning. wa kharra M«så ƒa‹iqå:
So when he recovered his senses, fa-lammå afåqa qåla
he said: “Glory be to You! sub¥åna-ka
I turn unto you repentant, tubtu ilai-ka
and I am the first wa ana awwalu ’l-
of the [true] believers.” (7:143) mu›minºn.
5. The set of ten peculiar to [Mu¥ammad] our own Chosen Prophet
[‹ashr Nabiyyi-na ’l-Muƒ£afå] (Allåh bless him and give him peace).
These are the ten that are mentioned in the words of Allåh (Exalted
is He):
By the dawn, and ten nights. wa ’l-fajri wa layålin ‹ashr.
—meaning the Ten [Nights] of Dhu ’l-ªijja, which we have already
344 Author’s note: This is contrary to the view of those who maintain that the month [of his thirty-
day fast] was Dhu’l-Qa‹da, and that it would therefore have been in the Ten Days of Dhu ’l-ªijja
[that Moses (peace be upon him) kept his ten-day fast].


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Fifth Discourse 183

Concerning the ten gifts of grace bestowed by

Allåh (Exalted is He) upon those who honor these
Ten Days [al-Ayyåm al-‹Ashara].

I t has been said that Allåh (Exalted is He) will bestow ten charismatic
gifts [karåmåt] upon anyone who treats these Ten Days [al-Ayyåm
al-‹Ashara] with all due honor and respect, namely:
• Blessed grace [baraka] in his earthly life.
• Increase in his property and wealth.
• Safekeeping for his dependents.
• The remission [takfºr] of his misdeeds.
• The multiplication of his good deeds.
• The easing of his agonies [sakaråt] [in the throes of death].
• The illumination of his darkness and gloom [in the grave].
• The favorable weighting of his balance [at the Resurrection].
• Salvation from the descending layers [darakåt] [of Hell].
• Promotion to the ascending levels [darajåt] [of Paradise].
If someone makes a charitable donation [ƒadaqa] to a needy person
[miskºn], during these Ten Days, it will be as if he had presented
charitable donations to all His Prophets [Anbiyå›] and His Messengers
[Rusul] (peace be upon them). If someone visits a sick person, it will be
as if he had paid such visits to all the saints [awliyå›] of Allåh, and to all
His spiritual deputies [budalå›].345 If someone attends a funeral service
[jinåza], it will be as if he had attended the funeral services of all His
martyrs [shuhadå›]. If someone clothes a true believer [mu›min], Allåh
will clothe him from His store of fine garments. If someone treats an
orphan kindly, Allåh (Exalted is He) will treat him kindly on the Day
of Resurrection [Yawm al-Qiyåma], beneath the shadow of His Heavenly
Throne [‹Arsh]. If someone attends one of the sessions of religious
learning [majålis al-‹ilm], it will be as if he had attended the sessions held
345 See Vol. 2, note 254, p. 175..

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184 Volume Three

by all of Allåh’s Prophets [Anbiyå›] and Messengers [Rusul] (peace be

upon them).
It was Wahb ibn Munabbih (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him)
who said:
“When Adam (peace be upon him) was sent down to the earth, he
wept over his sin for six whole days. Then, on the seventh day, while
he was stricken with sorrow and bitterness, and stood with his head
bowed low, Allåh (Exalted is He) conveyed to him by way of inspiration
[aw¥å ilai-hi]: ‘O Adam, what is this trouble you are suffering?’ ‘My God,
[Ilåhº],’ he replied, ‘Great indeed is my affliction, and my sinful error has
encompassed me. I have come to be in the abode of degradation, after
that of honor, in the abode of misery, after that of happiness, and in
the abode of death and annihilation [fanå›], after that of eternal life
[khuld] and survival in perpetuity [baqå›]. So how can I not weep over
my sinful error?’
“Allåh (Exalted is He) thereupon conveyed to him by way of
inspiration: ‘O Adam, did I not fashion you for Myself, then choose you
over all the rest of My creation, bestow My honor upon you in
preference to any other, and confer my love upon you? Did I not create
you with My hand, and order My angels to prostrate themselves before
you? Were you not at the very center of My noble generosity, and
the ultimate degree of My merciful compassion? Yet you disobeyed
My commandment, and forgot My covenant. How could you forget My
merciful compassion and My gracious favor? By My Might and
My Majesty, if I were to fill the earth with men, all of them like you, who
would worship Me and glorify Me by night and by day, and would not
slacken from My worshipful service [‹ibåda] for the twinkling of an eye,
but who then disobeyed Me, I would send them down to the stations
reserved for disobedient sinners.’
“Adam (peace be upon him) was so profoundly moved by this, that
he wept for three hundred years on top of Mount Everest [Jabal al-Hind].
His tears flowed down through all of India’s mountain valleys, and from
those tears sprouted fruitful trees. Then Gabriel [Jibrºl] (peace be upon
him) said to him: ‘Now you must go to the Sacred House of Allåh [in
Mecca], and wait there patiently until the Ten Days [Ayyåm al-‹Ashr]
come around. You must then repent to Allåh, so that He may have
mercy on your weakness.’ He promptly set out on his journey, and with

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Fifth Discourse
Eighth 185

every step he took, the spot where his foot trod became a fertile
oasis, while the areas between his steps were left as desert wastes,346 until
he came at last to the House [Bait]. He then performed the
circumambulation of the House for one whole week, and he wept
until he was wading in his tears, which had flooded the ground up
to his knees.
”He said: ‘There is no god but You. Glory be to You, O Allåh, and
with Your praise! I have done something bad, and I have wronged
my own self, so forgive me, for You are the Best of those who forgive
[Khairu ’l-ghåfirºn], and You are the Best of those who show mercy
[Khairu ’r-Rå¥imºn].’ Allåh then conveyed to him by way of inspiration:
‘O Adam, I have indeed bestowed My mercy upon you. I have forgiven
you your sin, and I have accepted your repentance.’”
This is mentioned in the words of Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He):
Then Adam received certain words fa-talaqqå Ádamu
[of revelation] from his Lord, min Rabbi-hi kalimåtin
and He relented toward him. fa-tåba ‹alai-h:
He is indeed the Relenting One, inna-hu
the All-Compassionate. (2:37) Huwa ’t-Tawwåbu ’r-Ra¥ºm.
Thus did Adam (peace be upon him) discover that one of the
blessings of the Ten Days [Ayyåm al-‹Ashr] is [the acceptance of]
repentance [tawba]. The same experience is available to the true
believer [mu›min] who has disobeyed his Lord [Rabb], and followed his
passionate desire in rebellion against his Master [Mawlå]. If, during
these days, he is contrite and repentant [tåba wa anåba], and is guided
back to the obedient service [£å‹a] of Allåh, He will graciously favor him
with mercy and forgiveness, and with the transformation [ibdål] of his
bad deeds into good deeds, as an act of compassion from Him.

346 Author’s note: According to some accounts, the distance between his feet was three leagues


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186 Volume Three

Concerning the words of Allåh (Exalted is He)

in the S«ra of the Dawn [S«rat al-Fajr]
Your Lord is surely ever on the watch. (89:14)
inna Rabba-ka la-bi’l-mirƒåd.

W e have already discussed the words in which Allåh (Exalted is

He) has sworn:
By the dawn, wa ’l-fajri
and ten nights, wa layålin ‹ashr:
and the even and the Odd, wa ’sh-shaf ‹i wa ’l-Watr:
and the night when it departs, wa ’l-laili idhå yasr:
there surely is an oath hal fº dhålika qasamun
for thinking man. (89:1–5) li-dhº ¥ijr.
Let us now read on, until we come to:
Your Lord is surely ever on the watch. inna Rabba-ka la-bi’l-mirƒåd.
The “watch [mirƒåd]” refers to [the observation post or checkpoint on
each of] the eight arches [qanå£irJ on the bridge over Hell [jisr
Jahannam].347 At the first of these, the servant [of the Lord] will be asked
about belief in Allåh [al-ºmån bi’llåh], and if he is a true believer
[mu›min] he will be saved. If not, he will be hurled down into the Fire
of Hell.
Then he will move on to the second, and there he will be asked about
the ritual ablution [wuæ«›] and the ritual prayer [ƒalåt]. If he is lacking
with respect to either of these, he will be hurled down into the Fire of
Hell. If he correctly performs the acts of bowing [ruk«‹] and prostration
[suj«d], he will be saved.
Then he will move on to the third, and there he will be asked about
the alms-due [zakåt]. If he has duly paid it, he will be saved.
347 The arches [qan壺r] on the bridge of Hell are variously numbered in the traditional reports. See
Vol. 2, p. 269.


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Fifth Discourse
Eighth 187

Then he will move on to the fourth, and there he will be asked about
the fast [ƒiyåm]. If he has kept it properly, he will be saved.
Then he will move on to the fifth, and there he will be asked
about the Pilgrimage [ªajj] and the Visitation [‹Umra]. If he has duly
performed them, he will be saved.
Then he will move on to the sixth, and there he will be asked about
loyal trust [amåna]. If he has never betrayed it, he will be saved.
Then he will move on to the seventh, and there he will be asked
about backbiting [ghºba], slander [namºma], and false accusation [buhtån].
If he has not committed any of these offenses, he will be saved.
Then he will move on to the eighth, and there he will be asked
about the consumption of unlawful food [akl al-¥aråm]. If he has not
consumed it, he will be saved; otherwise he will be hurled down into the
Fire of Hell.


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188 Volume Three

Concerning the commemoration

of the Day of Tarwiyya.348

A llåh (Glory be to Him and Exalted is He) has said:

And proclaim among men wa adhdhin fi ’n-nåsi

the Pilgrimage. bi’l-¥ajji
They will come to you on foot ya›t«-ka rijålan
and on every lean camel, wa ‹alå kulli æåmirin
coming from every deep ravine. ya›tºna min kulli fajjin ‹amºq.
This verse [åya] occurs in the S«ra of the Pilgrimage [S«rat alªajj],
which is one of the most extraordinary S«ras in the Splendid Qur›ån,
since some of the revelations it contains are Meccan [Makkº] and others
Medinan [Madanº], some were received during a stay in a settlement
[¥aæarº] and others under traveling conditions [safarº], while some are
nocturnal [lailº] and others diurnal [nahårº]. It also contains a revelation
that abrogrates and supersedes another [nåsikh], as well as some that
have been abrogated and superseded [mans«kh].
As for the Meccan revelations, they run from the beginning of the
thirtieth verse [åya] to the very end of the S«ra, while the Medinan
verses run from the start of the fifteenth through to the point where the
thirtieth begins. As for the nocturnal section [al-lailº], it runs from the
first verse through to the point where the fifth begins. As for the diurnal
section [an-nahårº], it starts at the top of the fifth and continues through
to the point where the ninth begins. As for the section revealed during
a stay in a settlement [al-¥aæarº], it runs to the point where the twentieth
verse begins. This latter section has been ascribed to Medina, on
account of its proximity [the proximity of the settlement concerned] to
that city.
348 For the origin and meaning of the term Tarwiyya, see p. 198 below.


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Fifth Discourse
Eighth 189

As for the abrogating revelation [nåsikh], it is the one expressed in

His words (Exalted is He):
Permission is given to those udhina li’lladhºna
who fight because yuqåtal«na
they have been wronged; bi-anna-hum œulim«:
and Allåh is surely Capable wa inna ’llåha ‹alå
of helping them to win. (22:39) naƒri-him la-Qadºr.
As for the abrogated revelation [mans«kh], this is to be found in three
verses [åyåt], the first being:
We have not sent a Messenger wa må arsalnå min qabli-ka
or a Prophet before you min ras«lin wa lå nabiyyin
without it happening that, illå idhå tamannå
when he experienced a longing, alqa ’sh-shai£ånu
Satan cast suggestions into his longing. fº umniyyati-h:
But Allåh will annul fa-yansakhu ’llåhu
what Satan has suggested. må yulqi ’sh-shai£ånu
Then Allåh will establish thumma yu¥kimu ’llåhu
His revelations— åyåti-h:
surely Allåh is All-Knowing, wa ’llåhu ‹Alºmun
All-Wise. (22:52) ªakºm.
This verse was subsequently abrogated [nusikhat] by His saying
(Exalted is He):
We shall make you recite sa-nuqri›u-ka
[O Mu¥ammad]
so that you shall not forget fa-lå tanså
save that which Allåh wills. illå må shå›a ’llåh:
He surely knows what is spoken aloud inna-hu ya‹lamu ’l-jahra
and that which is kept hidden; wa må yakhfå.
and We shall ease your way wa nuyassiru-ka
unto the state of ease. li’l-yusrå.
Therefore remind, fa-dhakkir
in case the reminder in nafa‹ati ’dh-
brings some benefit. dhikrå.
He who fears will remember, sa-yadhdhakkaru man yakhshå
but the most wretched will flout it, wa yatajannabu ’l-ashqå:
he who will roast in the Great Fire, alladhº yaƒla ’n-nåra ’l-kubrå
in which he then thumma lå
will neither die nor live. yam«tu fº-hå wa lå ya¥yå.
Successful is he who purifies himself, qad afla¥a man tazakkå
and remembers the Name of his Lord, wa dhakara ’sma Rabbi-hi
and then performs the prayer. fa-ƒallå.
But you prefer the life bal tu›thir«na ’l-
of this lower world, ¥ayåta ’d-dunyå


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190 Volume Three

although the Hereafter is better wa ’l-åkhiratu khairun

and more lasting. wa abqå.
Surely this is in the ancient scrolls: inna hådhå la-fi ’ƒ-»u¥ufi ’l-«lå:
the scrolls of Abraham and Moses. »u¥ufi Ibråhima wa M«så.
The second instance is His statement (Exalted is He):
Allåh will judge between you Allåhu ya¥kumu baina-kum
on the Day of Resurrection yawma ’l-qiyåmati
concerning that over which fº-må kuntum
you used to be at odds. (22:69) fº-hi takhtalif«n.
This verse was subsequently abrogated [nusikhat] by the Verse of the
Sword [Áyat as-Saif].349
The third instance is [the commandment]:
And strive for Allåh’s sake wa jåhid« fi ’llåhi
with all the effort He deserves. ¥aqqa jihådi-h.
—since this was subsequently abrogated [nusikhat] by His words
(Exalted is He):
So observe your duty to Allåh fa-’ttaqu ’llåha
as far as you are able, and listen, ma ’sta£a‹tum
and obey, and spend on what wa ’sma‹« wa a£º‹«
is best for yourselves. wa anfiq« khairan li-anfusi-kum:
And whoever is guarded wa man y«qa shu¥¥a
against his own selfish greed, nafsi-hi
such are those who will prosper. fa-ulå›ika humu ’l-mufli¥«n.
As for the words of Allåh (Exalted is He):
And proclaim among men wa adhdhin fi ’n-nåsi
the Pilgrimage. bi’l-¥ajji.
—they are His way of saying: “O Abraham [yå Ibråhºm], summon your
offspring, and other true believers [mu›minºn] among the children of
Adam, to perform the Pilgrimage [ªajj].”
They will come to you on foot ya›t«-ka rijålan
—that is to say, they will come to you walking, using their own legs
for transport,
and on every lean camel wa ‹alå kulli æåmirin
349 The 9th S«ra, usually entitled at-Tawba [Repentance] or al-Barå›a [Absolution], is also called
S«rat as-Saif [S«ra of the Sword]. The word saif [sword] does not occur in the actual text of the Qur›an.


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Fifth Discourse
Eighth 191

—that is to say, riding on camels [ibil],

coming from every deep ravine. ya›tºna min kulli fajjin ‹amºq.
—that is to say, from every distant land and by every distant route.
Allåh (Exalted is He) said these words to Abraham [Ibråhºm] (peace
be upon him) as soon as he had completed the construction of the
Sacred House [al-Bait al-ªaråm]. “My God [Ilåhº],” he asked, “who will
make this House his destination?” So He commanded him to “proclaim
among men the Pilgrimage.” In response to this command, he climbed
the slope of Ab« Qubais, the mountain of which aƒ-»afå is a foothill,
and proclaimed at the top of his voice: “O you people, answer the call
of your Lord! Allåh is commanding you to perform the Pilgrimage to
His House.” Abraham’s proclamation was heard by every believing
man [mu›min] and every believing woman [mu›mina] on the face of the
earth, as well as by those still in the loins of men and the wombs of
On this day, therefore, the declaration of readiness to serve [talbiyya]350
is a response to the summons of Abraham [Ibråhºm] (peace be upon
him), issued at the command of his Lord, for they all replied: “At Your
service, time and time again [labbaik]!” If anyone gives that same
response, on this Day [of Tarwiyya], he will not leave this world until
he has visited this House [of Allåh].

350 See n. 167 on p. 88 above.


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192 Volume Three

Concerning the excellent merits of one who enters

the state of consecration for the Pilgrimage
[a¥rama bi’l-ªajj], who declares his readiness to
serve [labbå], and who sets out for the House
[of Allåh] and makes his approach thereto.

A s reported by Mujåhid (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him),

Ibn ‹Abbås (may Allåh be well pleased with him and with his
father) once said:
“We were in the company of Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and
give him peace), when a group of people arrived from Yemen. They
said: ‘May our mothers and fathers be your ransom! Will you tell us
about the special merits of the Pilgrimage [ªajj]?’ He said:
“‘Yes! If any man sets out from his home, as a Pilgrim [ªåjj] or a Visitant
[Mu‹tamir], whenever he lifts a foot, or sets a foot down on the ground, sins are
scattered from his feet, just as leaves are scattered from the trees. Then, when
he reaches the city of Medina, shakes my hand, and salutes me with the greeting
of peace [salåm], the angels will likewise salute him with the greeting of peace.
Then, when he reaches Dhu’l-ªalºfa,351 and performs the major ritual ablution
[ightasal], Allåh will purify him of his sins. When he puts on two new pieces of
clothing, Allåh will renew his good deeds for him. When he says:
I wait intent upon Your service, labbaika
O Allåh, Allåhumma
time and time again.
Doubly at Your service! labbaik.
—Allåh (Exalted is He) will respond to him with:
I wait intent upon your service, labbaika
time and time again,
and upon aiding your cause, wa sa‹daik.
time and time again.
I hear your speech, asma‹u kalåma-ka
and I am watching you! wa anœuru ilai-k.
351 Dhu’l-ªalºfa is the assembly point [mºqåt] for Pilgrims approaching Mecca from the direction
of Medina. For a full account of this, and other details connected with the rites of the Pilgrimage
[ªajj], see Vol. 1, pp. 26–52.


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Fifth Discourse
Eighth 193

“‘When he enters Mecca, performs the circumambulation [of the Ka‹ba], and
walks at a brisk pace [sa‹å] between aƒ-»afå and al-Marwa, Allåh will bestow
good things upon him.
“‘When he performs the rite of standing at ‹Arafåt,352 and voices clamor at him
with all kinds of needs, Allåh (Exalted is He) will hail them [him and all those
like him] as shining examples, saying to the angels of the seven heavens: “My
angels, and inhabitants of My heavens, you must surely notice My servants! See
how they come to Me from every deep ravine [min kulli fajjin ‹amºq],353
disheveled and thick with dust. They have spent their wealth and wearied their
bodies, so, by My Might and My Majesty and My Honor [wa ‹Izzatº wa Jalålº wa
Karamº], I shall give the evildoer among them [as ransom] for the one who does
good, and I shall set them apart from sins, as on the day when their mothers gave
them birth.”
“‘When they throw pebbles at the pillars [jimår] [representing the devil], and
shave their heads, and visit the House [of Allåh], an angelic herald will cry out,
from the inner recess of the Heavenly Throne [‹Arsh]: “Now go back home,
having been forgiven, and set about your work from a new beginning!”’”
As we are told in one traditional report, an Arab of the desert [A‹råbº]
once came to Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him peace)
and said to him: “O Messenger of Allåh, I set out with the intention of
performing the Pilgrimage [ªajj], but I have missed it. I am a man
wearing a loincloth [muttazir]—meaning one who is in a state of
consecration [mu¥rim]—so tell me what I must do, in order to obtain the
reward of the Pilgrimage, or something like the reward of the Pilgrimage.”
On hearing this, Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him
peace) turned to the man and said to him: “Look over there, at [Mount]
Ab« Qais. Even if you possessed a stack of fine gold, the size of Ab« Qais,
and you applied it all to the cause of Allåh, you would not obtain what
the Pilgrim [ªåjj] obtains.”
He then went on to say (Allåh bless him and give him peace):
“Whenever the Pilgrim [ªåjj] picks something up, or puts something down,
while making preparations for his journey, Allåh will record ten good deeds in
his favor, erase ten bad deeds from his debit column, and advance his spiritual
progress by ten degrees. Once he has mounted his camel, Allåh will likewise
improve his record for him, each time the camel lifts a hoof or sets it down on
the ground. When he circumambulates the House [£åfa bi’l-Bait], he will leave
his sins behind. When he walks at a brisk pace [sa‹å] between aƒ-»afå and
al-Marwa, he will leave his sins behind. When he performs the rite of standing
at ‹Arafåt, he will leave his sins behind. When he stands at the Sacred
Monument [al-Ma‹shar al-ªaråm], he will leave his sins behind. When he
352 See pp. 211–15 below.
353 This expression occurs in the verse [åya] of the Qur›ån (22:27) quoted on p. 188 above.


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throws pebbles at the pillars [jimår] [representing the devil], he will leave his
sins behind.”
Then he said to the Arab tribesman [A‹råbº]:
“How can you hope to obtain what the Pilgrim [ªåjj] has obtained?”
‹Alº ibn Abº ¡ålib (may Allåh ennoble his countenance) is reported
as having said: “I was circumambulating the Sacred House [al-Bait
al-ªaråm], together with the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him
peace), so I said to him: ‘O Messenger of Allåh, let my father and my
mother be your ransom! What is this House?’ ‘O ‹Alº,’ he replied,
“‘Allåh (Exalted is He) established this House in the abode of this world, as an
expiation [kaffåra] for the sins of my Community [Ummatº].’
“Then I said: “Let my father and my mother be your ransom,
O Messenger of Allåh! What is this Black Stone [al-ªajar al-Aswad]?’
To this he replied (Allåh bless him and give him peace):
‘That is actually a jewel [jawhara], which used to be in the Garden of Paradise,
until Allåh sent it down into the abode of this world. It once emitted rays of
light, like the rays of the sun, but its color has changed, and its has blackness
become intense, since it was touched by the hands those who attribute partners
to Allåh [mushrikºn].’”
As reported by Ibn Abº Malºka, ‹Abdu’llåh ibn ‹Abbås (may Allåh be
well pleased with him and with his father) once heard Allåh’s Messenger
(Allåh bless him and give him peace) say:
Every night and every day, one hundred and twenty merciful blessings descend
upon this House. Sixty of them are for the benefit of those who circumambulate
the Sacred House [al-Bait al-ªaråm]. Forty of them are for the benefit of those
who practice worshipful seclusion [‹åkifºn] around the Sacred House. Twenty
of them are for the benefit of those who simply turn their eyes toward it.
The Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) is also reported as
having said:
Allåh (Exalted is He) says: “If there be any servant [of Mine]—to whom I have
granted good health in his physical body, and to whom I have granted ample
opportunities in his life—who lets three years go by, without coming to visit this
House, he is surely deprived; he is surely deprived!”
Ab« Sa‹ºd al-Khudrº 354 (may Allåh be well pleased with him) is
reported as having said: “We performed the Pilgrimage [¥ajajnå] in the
company of ‹Umar ibn al-Kha££åb (may Allåh be well pleased with
354 See n. 59 on p. 85 above.


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Fifth Discourse
Eighth 195

him), at the beginning of his Caliphate [Khilåfa]. Having entered the

Mosque [Masjid], he eventually came to stand by the [Black] Stone
[ªajar]. ‘You are just a stone,’ said he, ‘and you cause neither harm nor
benefit. If I had not seen Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give
him peace) kissing you, I would not have kissed you.’”
“When ‹Alº [ibn Abº ¡ålib] (may Allåh be well pleased with him)
heard this, he said to him: ‘You must not say such a thing,
O Commander of the Believers [Amºr al-Mu›minºn], for it can indeed
cause both harm and benefit, with Allåh’s permission. If only you
had read the Qur݌n, and understood what it contains, you would
not contradict me!’ ‹Umar (may Allåh be well pleased with him)
responded by asking him: ‘O father of al-ªasan, and what is its
explanatory reference [ta›wºl] in the Book of Allåh (Almighty and
Glorious is He)?’ So he told him: ‘[It is referred to implicitly in] the
words of Allåh (Exalted is He):
And [remember] when your Lord wa idh akhadha Rabbu-ka
took from the Children of Adam, min banº Ádama
from their loins, their offspring, min œuh«ri-him dhurriyyata-hum
and made them testify wa ashhada-hum
concerning themselves: ‹alå anfusi-him
“Am I not your Lord?” a-lastu bi Rabbi-kum
They said: “Yes indeed, we testify.” qål« balå shahidnå.
“‘For, when they confessed their servitude [‹ub«diyya], He recorded
their confession on a sheet of paper. Then He summoned the Stone
[ªajar], and caused it to digest that sheet of paper. It is therefore present
at this spot, as the trusted agent [amºn] of Allåh, so that it can bear
witness, on the Day of Resurrection, in favor of those who appear
before it here.’ “‹Umar (may Allåh be well pleased with him) then said:
‘O father of al-ªasan, Allåh has installed more than a little knowledge
inside of you!’”
As we learn from another traditional report,355 the Prophet (Allåh
bless him and give him peace) once said:
The Pilgrims [ªujjåj] and the Visitants [‹Ummår] are the delegation [wafd] of
Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He). If they appeal to Him, He will answer
them, and if they seek His forgiveness, He will forgive them.
355 Author’s note: For this report, the chain of transmission is as follows: Az-Zuhrº—Sa‹ºd ibn
al-Musayyib—‹Umar ibn Salama (may Allåh be well pleased with him)—the Prophet (Allåh
bless him and give him peace).

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According to a report from Mujåhid (may Allåh bestow His mercy

upon him), the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) once
offered the supplication:
O Allåh, grant forgiveness to the Pilgrim [ªåjj], and to anyone who seeks
forgiveness on the Pilgrim’s behalf.
Al-ªasan [al-Baƒrº] (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him) is
reported as having said: “According to the traditional account [khabar],
the angels will come to meet the Pilgrim [ªåjj] [when he sets out in his
caravan]. They will greet the owner of the camels with the salutation
of peace. They will shake hands with the owners of the mules and
donkeys, and they will hug the pedestrians who have no animals to ride.”
As reported on the authority of aæ-Œa¥¥åk (may Allåh bestow His
mercy upon him),356 the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace)
once said:
If any Muslim sets out from his home, for the purpose of fighting for Allåh’s cause
[fº sabºli ’llåh], and his riding animal throws him and breaks his neck, before the
battle is joined, or a poisonous reptile bites him, or he dies from any other cause,
he will be a martyr [shahºd]. If any Muslim sets out from his own house, bound
for the House of Allåh (Exalted is He), but death then descends upon him,
before his arrival, Allåh will surely award him the Garden of Paradise.
According to one traditional report,357 the Prophet (Allåh bless him
and give him peace) once said:
If someone comes as a Pilgrim to this House [¥ajja hådha ’l-Bait], then goes back
home, without having acted obscenely, without having acted immorally, and
without having acted foolishly, he will return as he was on the day when his
mother gave him birth.
He also said (Allåh bless him and give him peace):
On account of one single Pilgrimage [ªijja], three separate individuals must be
admitted to the Garden of Paradise, namely, the person who advised it, the one
who sponsored it, and the one who performed it on the latter’s behalf. The same
principle applies to the Visitation [‹Umra] and the Sacred Struggle [Jihåd].
‹Alº ibn ‹Abd al-‹Azºz (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him) is
reported as having said: “[On the Pilgrimage] one year, I went as a close
companion [‹adºl] to Ab« ‹Ubaid al-Qåsim ibn Salåm. When I reached
356 Author’s note: For this report, the chain of transmission is incomplete [mursil].
357 Author’s note: For this report, the chain of transmission is as follows: Sufyån ibn ‹Uyaina
(may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him)—Abu’z-Zannåd—al-A‹raj—Ab« Huraira (may Allåh
be well pleased with him)—the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace)


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Fifth Discourse
Eighth 197

the Place of Standing [Mawqif] [at ‹Arafåt], I climbed the slope of the
Mount of Mercy [Jabal ar-Ra¥ma]. There I performed my ablutions—
and forgot to pick up my money-bag afterwards. When I reached
al-Ma›zimån [the two defiles to the east of Mecca], Ab« ‹Ubaid said to
me: ‘If only you would go and buy us some butter and dates!’ So off
I went to purchase those items, but then I remembered where I had left
my money-bag. I retraced my earlier steps, until I found myself back at
the very spot, and lo and behold, there was my money-bag, exactly as
I had left it. I picked it up, and headed back the way I had come.
“To my surprise, however, I discovered that the valley was teeming
with monkeys, pigs, and other nasty creatures, so I recoiled from them
in alarm. Then I tried again, only to find them still there. By the time
I finally got back to Ab« ‹Ubaid, it was very close to daybreak. He asked
what had happened to me, so I told him all about the monkeys and the
pigs. As soon as I had finished telling him my tale, he said: ‘Those are
sins of the Children of Adam, who have gone away and left them all


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198 Volume Three

Differences of opinion concerning how and why

the Day of Tarwiyya came to be so called.

T he religious scholars have held various opinions concerning how

at why this day came to be called the Day of Tarwiyya. [What is
beyond dispute is that] Tarwiyya is the name of the eighth day of the
month of Dhu ’l-ªijja, and it is the day on which the people [who are
performing the Pilgrimage] depart from Mecca in the direction of [the
nearby valley of] Minå.
Some say it was called Tarwiyya because it is the day when people
supply themselves with water from the well of Zamzam [in preparation
for the journey to Minå]. From the standpoint of Arabic linguistics,
tarwiyya is a verbal noun, formed on the pattern called taf ‹ila, and
derived from the same root, r–w–y, as the verb irtawå. The expression
“irtawå” is a concise way of saying that the subject of the verb “drew
water from a source, scooped it up, drank some of it, and used some of
it to bathe himself.” On that day, people do indeed scoop water from
the well of Zamzam, frequently and in considerable quantities.
Others have said: “It came to be called [the Day of] Tarwiyya because
of the dream that Abraham [Ibrahºm] (peace be upon him) experienced
during the night thereof, in which he saw that he was going to sacrifice
his son. When the morning came, he pondered [tarawwå] and
reflected, asking himself whether it had come from the Enemy, Satan
[ash-Shai£ån], or from the Friend, the All-Merciful [ar-Ra¥mån]. He
spent the rest of that day thinking about what he had seen, and then,
when the Day of ‹Arafa came around, he was told: ‘You must do what
you are commanded to do.’ He recognized and understood [‹arafa] that
it came from the Friend [ªabºb], and this is how the Day of ‹Arafa
acquired its name.”


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Fifth Discourse 199

Concerning the four summoning calls [da‹awåt].

W hen Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He) gave the order:

And proclaim among men wa adhdhin fi ’n-nåsi

the Pilgrimage. bi’l-¥ajji
They will come to you on foot ya›t«-ka rijålan
and on every lean camel, wa ‹alå kulli æåmirin
coming from every deep ravine. ya›tºna min kulli fajjin ‹amºq.
—He was commanding [Abraham] His Bosom Friend [Khalºl] to
summon His servants to His House.
There are four summoning calls [da‹awåt], namely:
1. The summons [da‹wa] issued by Allåh to His servants. When
Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He) said:
And Allåh summons wa ’llåhu yad‹«
to the Abode of Peace. (10:25) ilå dåri ’s-salåm.
—He summoned them from one abode to another abode [dår]. He
summoned them from the abode of the imposition of burdensome
duties [dår at-taklºf] to the abode of the bestowal of honors [dår at-tashrºf],
from the abode of absence and lack of vision [dår al-ghaiba] to the abode
of presence and direct perception [dår al-mushåhada], from the abode of
transitory existence [dår az-zawål] to the abode of survival in perpetuity
[dår al-baqå›], and from the abode of disaster [dår al-balwå] to the Abode
of the Master [Dår al-Mawlå]. He summoned them from one abode—
the first part of which is weeping, the middle of which is anxiety, and
the last part of which is annihilation [fanå›]—to another Abode, the
first part of which is giving, the middle of which is contentment, and
the last part of which is reunion [liqå›].
2. The summons [da‹wa] issued by the Prophet (Allåh bless him and
give him peace). He summoned his Community [Umma] to the religion


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200 Volume Three

of Islåm. From the words of Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He):

Summon to the way of your Lord ud‹u ilå sabºli Rabbi-ka
with wisdom bi’l-¥ikmati
and good admonition, wa ’l-maw‹iœati ’l-¥asanati
and dispute with them wa jådil-hum
in the better way. bi’llati hiya a¥san:
Surely your Lord is very well Aware inna Rabba-ka Huwa A‹lamu
of those who have gone astray bi-man æalla
from His way, ‹an sabºli-hi
and He is very well Aware wa Huwa A‹lamu
of those who are guided aright. bi’l-muhtadºn.
—it is clear that the summons is for him to issue (Allåh bless him and
give him peace), but that guidance [hidåya] is not his reponsibility. As
he himself said (Allåh bless him and give him peace):
I have been sent as a guide [hådº], although I am not responsible for anything,
where guidance [hidåya] is concerned. By the same token, Iblºs358 has been sent
as a misleader [ghåwº], although he is not responsible for anything, as far as error
[æalåla] is concerned.
Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He) has said:
You do not guide whomever you like, inna-ka lå tahdº man a¥babta
but Allåh guides whomever He wills. wa låkinna ’llåha yahdº man yashå›.
The Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) begged that his
paternal uncle, Ab« ¡ålib, might receive guidance, but he declined to
be guided [to Islåm], yet Allåh guided Wa¥shº, the savage killer of
ªamza (may Allåh be well pleased with them both), [so that he came
to accept Islåm]. It seems that Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He)
was saying to His Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace):
“O Mu¥ammad, it is incumbent upon you to issue the summons
[da‹wa]”—as when He said (Almighty and Glorious is He):
O Messenger, yå ayyuha ’r-Ras«lu
deliver that which has been balligh må unzila
sent down to you from your Lord. ilai-ka min Rabbi-k.
O Prophet, yå ayyuha ’n-Nabiyyu
We have sent you as a witness innå arsalnå-ka shåhidan
and a bringer of good tidings wa mubashshiran
and a warner, wa nadhºrå:
358 See note 314 on p. 158 above.


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Fifth Discourse
Eighth 201

and as one who summons unto Allåh wa då‹iyan ila ’llåhi

by His leave, and as a lamp bi-idhni-hi wa siråjan
that sheds light. (33:45,46) munºrå.
—“and intercession [shafå‹a] is conferred upon you. As for the
granting of requests [ijåba] and the provision of right guidance [hidåya],
that is solely My responsibility.” Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He)
has said:
Light upon light. Allåh guides n«run ‹alå n«r: yahdi ’llåhu
to His light whom He will. li-n«ri-hi man yashå›:
And Allåh speaks to mankind wa yaæribu ’llåhu ’l-
in allegories, amthåla li’n-nås:
for Allåh is Knower of all things. wa ’llåhu bi-kulli shai›in ‹Alºm.
—and He has said (Exalted is He):
And if We had so willed, wa law shi›nå
We could have given every soul la-åtainå kulla nafsin
its guidance, hudå-hå wa låkin
but now My word is realized: ¥aqqa ’l-qawlu
I shall indeed fill Hell with jinn min-nº la-amla›anna jahannama
and human beings all together. mina ’l-jinnati wa ’n-nåsi ajma‹ºn.
3. The muezzin [mu›adhdhin] summons to the ritual prayer [ƒalåt], and
to the abode of the commandment of Allåh (Exalted is He). Allåh
(Exalted is He) has said:
Who speaks better than one wa man a¥sanu qawlan
who summons to Allåh mim-man da‹å ila ’llåhi
and acts righteously? (41:33) wa ‹amila ƒåli¥å.
As reported on the authority of Jåbir ibn ‹Abdi’llåh (may Allåh be
well pleased with him and with his father), Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh
bless him and give him peace) once said:
When the muezzins [mu›adhdhinºn] and those who declare their readiness to
serve [mulabbºn] emerge from their graves, on the Day of Resurrection [Yawm
al-Qiyåma], the muezzin will give the call to prayer, and the mulabbº will declare
his readiness to serve. Everything within range of the muezzin’s voice will seek
forgiveness on his behalf. Everything that hears the sound of his voice,
everything moist and dry, such as trees and clay, will testify on his behalf. For
the good deeds of every human being who prays [ƒallå] in that place of worship
[masjid], an equivalent amount will be recorded in the muezzin’s credit column.
In the space between the call to prayer [adhån] and the final announcement
[iqåma] [immediately before the prayer], Allåh (Exalted is He) will grant him
everything he asks for, whether it be the immediate enjoyment of some worldly
benefit, or relief from something bad, or something to be kept in store for him
in the hereafter.

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202 Volume Three

It is related that a man once came to the Prophet (Allåh bless him and
give him peace) and said: “O Messenger of Allåh, tell me about one
single good deed, by means of which I shall enter the Garden of
Paradise.” To this he replied: “You must become the muezzin
[mu›adhdhin] of your people, so that they congregate, because of you, to
perform their ritual prayer [ƒalåt].” The man said: “O Messenger of
Allåh, what if I cannot do it?” He said: “In that case, you must become
the prayer leader [imåm] of your people, so that they follow your lead in
their performance of the ritual prayer [ƒalåt].” When man said: “What
if I am unable to act in that capacity?” he told him: “Then you must join
the first row [of worshippers].”
‹Á›isha, the Mother of the Believers [Umm al-Mu›minºn] (may Allåh
be well pleased with her) is reported as having said: “This Qur›ånic
verse [åya] was revealed in connection with the muezzins [mu›adhdhinºn]:
Who speaks better than one wa man a¥sanu qawlan
who summons to Allåh mim-man da‹å ila ’llåhi
and acts righteously? (41:33) wa ‹amila ƒåli¥å.
—meaning: ‘one who summons his fellow creatures to the [prescribed]
ritual prayer [ƒalåt], and who performs a [voluntary] ritual prayer
between the call [adhån] and the final announcement [iqåma] [immediately
before the prescribed prayer].’”
As reported on the authority of Ab« Umåma al-Båhilº (may Allåh be
well pleased with him), the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him
peace) once said:
The muezzin [mu›adhdhin] will be granted forgiveness on a scale corresponding
to the range of his voice. He will also receive a reward equivalent to that of the
worshippers who pray [man ƒallå] together with him, without anything being
deducted from their rewards.
According to another traditional report, transmitted on the authority of
Sa‹d ibn Abº Waqqåƒ (may Allåh be well pleased with him), the
Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) once said:
The invalid is the guest of Allåh. As long as he is suffering from his illness, each
and every day, the good work of seventy martyrs [shahºd] is raised aloft [to be
recorded in his favor]. Then, if Allåh cures him of his sickness, he will be as free
from his sins as on the day when his mother gave him birth. If He decrees death
for him, He will cause him to enter the Garden of Paradise without any


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Fifth Discourse
Eighth 203

One of the righteous has said: “The muezzin [mu›adhdhin] is the

chamberlain [¥åjib] of Allåh (Exalted is He). For every call to prayer
[adhån], he is granted the spiritual reward of a thousand Prophets [alf
Nabº]. The prayer leader [imåm] is Allåh’s chief minister [wazºr]. For
every ritual prayer [ƒalåt] he leads, he is granted the spiritual reward of
a thousand champions of truth [alf ƒiddºq]. The religious scholar [‹ålim]
is the trusted agent [wakºl] of Allåh (Exalted is He). For every tradition
[¥adºth] he studies, he will be granted a light on the Day of Resurrection
[Yawm al-Qiyåma], and the worshipful service [‹ibåda] of a thousand
years will be recorded in his credit column. As for the students of
religion [muta‹allim«n], men and women alike, they are the attentive
servants of Allåh, so their recompense can be none other than the
Garden of Paradise.”
The Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) once said:
On the Day of Resurrection [Yawm al-Qiyåma], the people with the tallest necks
[i.e., those who hold their heads highest] will be the muezzins [mu›adhdhin«n].
The Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) also said:
If someone gives the call to prayer [adhdhana] for seven years, Allåh will
emancipate him from the Fire of Hell, provided that his intention [niyya] is
To quote yet another saying of the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give
him peace):
Allåh (Exalted is He) will grant forgiveness to the muezzin [mu›adhdhin] on a
scale corresponding to the range of his voice. Everything that hears him, be it
moist or dry, will vouch for his deserving character.
4. As for the fourth summons [da‹wa], it is the summons issued by
Abraham, the Bosom Friend [Ibråhºm al-Khalºl] (peace be upon him), in
response to the words of Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He):
And proclaim among men wa adhdhin fi ’n-nåsi
the Pilgrimage. bi’l-¥ajji
They will come to you on foot ya›t«-ka rijålan
and on every lean camel, wa ‹alå kulli æåmirin
coming from every deep ravine. ya›tºna min kulli fajjin ‹amºq.
This we have already discussed, in the first part of [this subsection of]
the present discourse [majlis].


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204 Volume Three

The Ninth Discourse

Concerning the special qualities
of the Day of ‹Arafa.

A llåh (Almighty and Glorious is He) has said:

Today I have perfected al-yawma akmaltu

your religion for you, la-kum dºna-kum
and I have completed wa atmamtu
My blessing upon you, ‹alai-kum ni‹matº
and I have approved Islåm wa raæºtu
for you as religion. (5:3) la-kumu ’l-islåma dºnå.
This verse [åya] was sent down at ‹Arafåt, and it is thereby distin-
guished from the rest of the verses in this S«ra (viz., S«rat al-Må›ida
[S«ra of the Table]), because they were all revealed at Medina. His
statement (Exalted is He):
Today I have perfected al-yawma akmaltu
your religion for you. la-kum dºna-kum.
—means: “[I have perfected] the laws of your religion [sharå›i‹ dºni-kum]
pertaining to that which is lawful [¥alål] and that which is unlawful
and I have completed wa atmamtu
My blessing upon you, ‹alai-kum ni‹matº
—that is to say: “[I have completed] the bestowal of My grace
[minnatº] upon you, inasmuch as no unbeliever [kåfir], nor anyone who
attributes partners to Me [mushrik], will participate in your gathering at
and I have approved Islåm wa raæºtu
for you as religion. (5:3) la-kumu ’l-islåma dºnå.
—in other words: “I have chosen for you the religion of Islåm.”


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Fifth Discourse
Ninth 205

This Qur›ånic verse [åya] was revealed at ‹Arafåt, on the Day of

‹Arafa, during the Farewell Pilgrimage [ªajjat al-Wadå‹]. After its
revelation, Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him peace)
remained in this world for eighty-one days, then Allåh (Exalted is He)
took him to His mercy [ra¥ma] and His good pleasure [riæwån]. That is
traditionally reported on the authority of ‹Abdu’llåh ibn ‹Abbås (may
Allåh be well pleased with him and with his father), among other
experts in Qur›ånic commentary and interpretation [mufassirºn].
It was Mu¥ammad ibn Ka‹b al-Quraœº (may Allåh bestow His mercy
upon him) who said: “This Qur›ånic verse [åya] was revealed on the day
of the conquest [fat¥] of Mecca.”
According to Ja‹far aƒ-»ådiq (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon
him), “Today [al-yawma]…” is a reference to the sending forth of the
Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace), and the day of his
appointment to Messengership [Risåla].”
Other interpretations include the following:
• “Today [al-yawma]” is a reference to the day of the eternity that has
no beginning [yawm al-azal], while “completion [itmåm]” is a reference
to time [al-waqt], and “approval [riæå]” is a reference to the eternity that
has no end [al-abad].
• The perfection of the religion [kamål ad-dºn] resides in two things,
namely: (1) the direct knowledge [ma‹rifa] of Allåh (Exalted is He),
and (2) following the exemplary practice [Sunna] of Allåh’s Messenger
(Allåh bless him and give him peace).
• The perfection of the religion [kamål ad-dºn] resides in the sense of
security [amn] and freedom from distraction [farågh], because when you
feel secure with what Allåh has guaranteed to you, you become free to
devote yourself to His worshipful service [‹ibåda].
• The perfection of the religion [kamål ad-dºn] resides in renouncing
all claim to personal power and strength, and returning from everything
to the One to whom everything belongs.
• The perfection of religion [kamål ad-dºn] was accomplished when
the Pilgrimage [ªajj] was restored to the Day of ‹Arafa, because they
used to perform the Pilgrimage in every month of every year. When
Allåh restored the Pilgrimage to the appointed time [mºqåt], and


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206 Volume Three

made it a compulsory religious duty [farºæa], He sent down the Qur›ånic

verse [åya]:
Today I have perfected al-yawma akmaltu
your religion for you. la-kum dºna-kum.
[Although it is usually translated by the English word “religion”] the
term dºn has several applications, which Allåh has enumerated in the
Qur݌n. In some instances, the meaning pertains to this world, as when
He uses the expression “in the worldly domain [dºn] of the king,” in His
words (Almighty and Glorious is He):
So he started the search fa-bada›a bi-aw‹iyati-him
with their sacks, qabla wi‹å›i
before his brother’s sack, akhº-hi thumma
then he pulled it out of his ’stakhraja-hå
brother’s sack. min wi‹å›i akhº-h:
Thus did We contrive for ka-dhålika kidnå
Joseph’s sake. li-Y«suf:
He could not have taken his brother, må kåna li-ya›khudha akhå-hu
in the worldly domain of the king, fº dºni ’l-maliki
except that Allåh so willed. illå an yashå’a ’llåh.
In a context like this, the term dºn applies to a person’s status in this
world [dunyå], his habitual behavior [‹åda] and his pattern of conduct
[sºra]. Other meanings of the term dºn include the following:
• Reckoning, or calling to account [¥isåb], as in His statement
(Almighty and Glorious is He):
That is the right dºn. (9:36) dhålika ’d-dºnu ’l-qayyim:
—which means: “[That is] the correct, honorable and straightforward
reckoning [al-¥isåb al-mustaqºm].”
• Recompense [jazå›], as in His statement (Almighty and Glorious is
On that day Allåh will pay them yawma›idhin yuwaffº-himu ’llåhu
their true dºn in full, dºna-humu ’l-¥aqqa
and they will know wa ya‹lam«na
that Allåh is the Manifest Truth. anna ’llåha Huwa ’l-¥aqqu ’l-mubºn.
—where “their true dºn” means “the recompense that is most just
[al-jazå› al-a‹dal].”


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Fifth Discourse
Ninth 207

• Legally binding judgment [¥ukm], as in the words of Allåh

(Almighty and Glorious is He):
The fornicatress and the fornicator, az-zåniyatu wa ’z-zånº
scourge each one of them fa-’jlid« kulla wå¥idin
with a hundred stripes. min-humå mi›ata jalda:
And do not let pity wa lå ta’khudh-kum
for the two of them deter you, bi-himå ra›fatun
when it is a matter of Allåh’s dºn, fº dºni ’llåhi
if you truly believe in Allåh in kuntum tu’min«na bi’llåhi
and the Last Day. wa ’l-yawmi ’l-åkhir:
And let a party of the believers wa ’l-yashhad ‹adhåba-humå
witness their chastisement. (24:2) £å›ifatun mina ’l-mu›minºn.
—where “Allåh’s dºn” means “the legally binding judgment [¥ukm] of
• The Festival [‹Ïd], as in the words of Allåh (Exalted is He):
And leave alone those wa dhari ’llådhºna ’ttakhadh«
who treat their dºn dºna-hum
as a sport and a diversion. (6:70) la‹iban wa lahwan
—where “their dºn” means “their Festival [‹Id].”
• Performance of the ritual prayer [ƒalåt], and payment of the alms-due
[zakåt], as in His words (Exalted is He):
They were commanded wa må umir« illå
only to serve Allåh, li-ya‹budu ’llåha
devoting the religion mukhliļna
to Him sincerely, la-hu ’d-dºn:
as men of pure faith, ¥unafå›a
and to perform the ritual prayer, wa yuqºmu ’ƒ-ƒalåta
and pay the alms-due. wa yu›tu ’z-zakåta
That is the dºn of true worth. wa dhålika dºnu ’l-qayyima.
• The Resurrection [Qiyåma], as in the words of Allåh (Exalted is He):
Master of the Day of Dºn. (1:3) Måliki yawmi ’d-dºn.
• The Sacred Law [Sharº‹a], as in the words of Allåh (Almighty and
Glorious is He):
Today I have perfected al-yawma akmaltu
your dºn for you. la-kum dºna-kum.
—meaning: “the legal prescriptions of your religion [sharå›i‹ dºni-kum].”


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208 Volume Three

Concerning the significance of the words

of Allåh (Exalted is He):
Today I have perfected your religion for you. (5:3)
al-yawma akmaltu la-kum dºna-kum.

I mplicit in the words of Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He):

Today I have perfected al-yawma akmaltu

your religion for you. (5:3) la-kum dºna-kum.
—is a reference to the fact that, whereas Allåh (Exalted is He) sent
down the Bible [Kitåb] as a single whole, He sent down the Criterion
[Furqån]359 in separate installments. If someone should ask: “Which is
the better of the two, as a method of revelation [nuz«l]?” the answer to
his question would be: “The Qur’ån is better, in view of what happened
when Allåh (Exalted is He) sent down the Torah [Tawråh] as a single
whole. The Children of Israel [Ban« Isr固l] accepted it, but they put
very little of it into practice. All those commandments and prohibitions,
contained in the Torah [Tawråh], were a very heavy burden for them
to bear, so they said:
“We hear and we disobey.” (2:93) sami‹nå wa ‹aƒainå.
As for the Qur›ån, Allåh sent it down piece by piece, gradually and
in separate installments. The first commandment Allåh enjoined upon
the true believers [mu›minºn] was the affirmation:
There is no god but Allåh; lå ilåha illa ’llåh:
Mu¥ammad is the Messenger of Allåh. Mu¥ammadun Ras«lu ’llåh.
—and He guaranteed them the Garden of Paradise, as soon as they
pronounced it, so they heard and they obeyed [sami‹« wa a£å›«].
359 “The Criterion [Furqån]” is often used as another name for the Qur›ån, on the basis of several
verses [åyåt] in which it is mentioned, notably: 2:185 and 25:1.


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Fifth Discourse
Ninth 209

Next, He commanded them to perform two ritual prayers [ƒalåtain]:

two cycles of prayer [rak‹atain] before the rising of the sun, and two
cycles after its setting.
Next, He commanded them to perform the five [daily] ritual prayers
[amara-hum bi-ƒalåti ’l-khams].
Next, after the Migration to Medina [Hijra], He commanded them to
perform the Friday prayer [Jum‹a] in congregation [jamå‹a].
Next, He commanded them to pay the alms-due [zakåt].
Next, He commanded them to keep the fast [ƒawm] of ‹Ásh«rå›.360
Next, He commanded them to devote three days to fasting [ƒawm] out
of every month.
Next, He commanded them to devote the month of Ramaæån to
fasting [ƒawm].
Next, He commanded them to engage in the Sacred Struggle [Jihåd].
Next, He commanded them to perform the Pilgrimage [ªajj].
Then, when the [revelation of all the] commandments and prohibitions
had been completed, Allåh sent down to His Messenger (Allåh bless
him and give him peace), during the Farewell Pilgrimage [ªajjat
Today I have perfected al-yawma akmaltu
your religion for you, la-kum dºna-kum
and I have completed wa atmamtu
My blessing upon you, ‹alai-kum ni‹matº
and I have approved Islåm wa raæºtu
for you as religion. (5:3) la-kumu ’l-islåma dºnå.
This revelation came on Friday, the Day of Congregation [Yawm
al-Jum‹a], coinciding with the Day of ‹Arafa, as we learn from the
traditional report of ‹Umar ibn al-Kha££åb (may Allåh be well pleased
with him). It was ¡åriq ibn Shihåb (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon
him) who said:
“A man of the Jews [Yah«d] came to ‹Umar (may Allåh be well pleased
with him) and told him: ‘If a certain verse of revelation [åya], which
you recite, had been sent down to us, and we had recognized that day
[to which it refers], we would surely have adopted it as a holy day [ܼd].
‹Umar (may Allåh be well pleased with him) responded by asking him:
‘Which verse [åya] do you mean?’ The man said:
Today I have perfected al-yawma akmaltu
360 See pp. 278–94 below.

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210 Volume Three

your religion for you, la-kum dºna-kum

and I have completed wa atmamtu
My blessing upon you, ‹alai-kum ni‹matº
and I have approved Islåm wa raæºtu
for you as religion. (5:3) la-kumu ’l-islåma dºnå.
“‹Umar (may Allåh be well pleased with him) then told him: ‘I know
on which day it came down, and at which place it came down. It came
down on the Day of ‹Arafa, which coincided with Friday, the Day of
Congregation [Yawm al-Jum‹a], while we were together with Allåh’s
Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him peace), performing the rite of
Standing at ‹Arafåt. Each of those two days—praise be to Allåh!—is
a holy day [ܼd] for us. This day will never cease to be a holy day [ܼd] for
the Muslims, as long as one of them survives.’
“Another man of the Jews [Yah«d] once said to Ibn ‹Abbås (may Allåh
be well pleased with him and with his father): ‘If this day had been in
our calendar, we would have adopted it as a holy day [‹ºd].’ Ibn ‹Abbås
(may Allåh be well pleased with him and with his father) replied: ‘And
what holy day is more perfect than the Day of ‹Arafa?’”


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Fifth Discourse 211

Concerning the differences of opinion among the

religious scholars as to why the Place of Standing
[al-Mawqif] came to be called ‹Arafåt, while the
day spent standing there became known
as [the Day of] ‹Arafa.

I n attempting to account for the significance of the fact that the Place
of Standing [al-Mawqif] is called ‹Arafåt, while the day spent standing
there is known as [the Day of] ‹Arafa, the religious scholars [‹ulamå›]
have offered several different explanations. For instance, aæ-Œa¥¥åk
has said:
“When Adam (peace be upon him) was cast down to the earth, he
landed in India [al-Hind], while Eve [ªawwå›] alighted at Jidda [on the
western coast of Arabia]. Adam therefore set out in search of her, and
she went searching for him. They eventually became reunited at
‹Arafåt, on the Day of ‹Arafa, and there they recognized each other
[ta‹årafå]. That explains why this day was called the Day of ‹Arafa, and
the place was named ‹Arafåt.”
To quote the explanation offered by as-Suddº: “The site was named
‹Arafåt for no other reason than the following: Hagar [Håjar] became
pregnant with Ishmael [Ism勺l], so [when the child was born] she took
him out of town, to get away from the presence of Sarah [Såra].
Abraham [Ibråhºm] (peace be upon him) was absent at the time, so it was
only when he came home, and saw no sign of Ishmael (peace be upon
him), that Sarah told him what Hagar had done. He promptly set out
in search of Ishmael, and eventually found him with Hagar at ‹Arafåt.
Since that was where he recognized him [‹arafa-hu], the place came to
be known as ‹Arafåt.”
The Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) is reported as
having said:
Abraham [Ibråhºm] (peace be upon him) set out on a journey that would take
him beyond Palestine [Filas£ºn], so Sarah made him swear that he would not


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212 Volume Three

dismount from the back of his riding beast, until he returned to her, on account
of her jealousy. So he came to Ishmael [Ism勺l], then went back home, where
Sarah detained him for one whole year. Then he asked her permission to leave,
and she granted him permission, so he set out and traveled until he reached
Mecca and its mountains. He had spent every night on the road, pressing on
with his journey, until at last, in the third part of the final night, Allåh
(Almighty and Glorious is He) allowed him to rest on the slope of Mount
Then, when the daybreak arrived, he recognized [‹arafa] the country and the
road [as these became visible to him from that vantage point]. So Allåh
(Almighty and Glorious is He) established [the Day of] ‹Arafa, since that was
when he [Abraham (peace be upon him)] experienced realization [‹arafa], for
he said:
“O Allåh [Allåhumma], Your House [Bait] [must be built] in the country of Yours
that is dearest to You, for then the hearts of the Muslims will yearn to reach it
from every deep ravine [min kulli fajjin ‹amºq].”361
It was ‹A£å› (may Allåh be well pleased with him) who said: “The
site was named ‹Arafåt for the following simple reason: When Gabriel
[Jibrºl] (peace be upon him) was showing him one of the rites [manåsik]
[of Pilgrimage], Abraham [Ibråhºm] (peace be upon him) would say: ‘I
have understood [‹araftu].’ Then he would show him another, and he
would say again: ‘I have understood [‹araftu].’ The site was therefore
named ‹Arafåt.”
From the traditional report of Saܼd ibn al-Musayyib, we learn that
‹Alº ibn Abº ¡ålib (may Allåh be well pleased with him) once said:
“Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He) sent Gabriel [Jibrºl] to Abraham
[Ibråhºm] (peace be upon them both), so the Angel conducted him on
the Pilgrimage [¥ajja bi-hi], until, when he came to ‹Arafåt, he said [to
Gabriel]: ‘Now I have understood [‹araftu].’”
From another traditional report, transmitted by Ab« ¡ufail (may
Allåh bestow His mercy upon him), we learn that Ibn ‹Abbås (may
Allåh be well pleased with him and with his father) once said: “It came
to be called ‹Arafåt because Gabriel [Jibrºl] (peace be upon him) came
to Abraham [Ibråhºm] (peace be upon him), and showed him the
districts of Mecca and its sacred sites. The one kept saying: ‘This
place is such-and-such, and this place is such-and-such,” so the
other kept saying: ‘Yes, I have understood; yes, I have understood [qad
‹araftu qad ‹araftu].’”
361 This is a clear allusion to Q. 22:27.


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Fifth Discourse
Ninth 213

It was as-Suddº who said, according to a report from Asbå£ (may Allåh
bestow His mercy upon them both): “When Abraham [Ibråhºm] (peace
be upon him) summoned the people to perform the Pilgrimage [ªajj],
they responded to his call with the declaration of readiness to
serve [talbiyya]:
I wait intent upon Your service, labbaika
O Allåh, Allåhumma
time and time again.
Doubly at Your service! labbaik.
—and whoever came to him, came to him. Then Allåh (Almighty
and Glorious is He) commanded him to go out to ‹Arafåt, and He
described it to him. He promptly set out toward it, and when he reached
the tree, Satan [ash-Shai£ån] confronted him at the third pillar [jamra],
which is the Pillar of ‹Aqaba, so he stoned him with seven pebbles,
crying ‘Allåhu Akbar [Allåh is Supremely Great]’ with every pebble he
threw. Satan thereupon flew up into the air, and alighted on the second
pillar [jamra]. Abraham pelted him again, proclaiming the Supreme
Greatness of Allåh as he did so. Satan again flew up into the air, and
alighted this time on the first pillar [jamra]. Abraham pelted him once
again, proclaiming the Supreme Greatness of Allåh as he did so. When
Satan realized that he could not prevail against him, he went away.
“Abraham also left the spot, and moved on till he came to the keeper
of the pass [dhu ’l-majåz], who looked at him but did not recognize him,
so he passed through. (That is why that place is now called Dhu’l-
Majåz.) Then he moved on, until he stood at ‹Arafåt. When he looked
at it, he understood that it matched the description he had been given,
so he said: ‘I have understood [‹araftu].’ That is why it came to be called
‹Arafåt, and that day was named the Day of ‹Arafa.
“When evening came, he pressed on [izdalafa] to [what was then
called] Jam‹, and so it acquired the name Muzdalifa. It had been called
Jam‹ because the prescribed ritual prayers of sunset and late evening
[ƒalåtain al-maghrib wa ’l-‘ishå›] are combined [yujma‹],362 when performed
at that spot [during the Pilgrimage]. As for the Sacred Monument
[al-Ma‹shar al-ªaråm],363 it came to be so called because Allåh informed
362 For a detailed account of the practice of combining two prescribed ritual prayers [al-jam‹ baina
ƒalåtain], see Vol. 4, pp. 208–71.
363 The Sacred Monument [al-Ma‹shar al-ªaråm] marks the spot in Muzdalifa (about midway
between ‹Arafåt and Minå) where the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) offered up
a long prayer of supplication. For the rites of Pilgrimage performed there, see Vol. 1, pp. 37–38.

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214 Volume Three

[ash‹ara] the people, and let them know that it was sacred [¥aram], like
all the other sacred localities, in case they should commit something
unlawful there.”
Others have said: “It came to be called [the Day of] Tarwiyya because
of the dream that Abraham [Ibrahºm] (peace be upon him) experienced
during the night thereof, in which he saw that he was going to sacrifice
his son. When the morning came, he pondered [tarawwå] and reflected,
asking himself whether it had come from the Enemy, Satan [ash-Shai£ån],
or from the Friend, the All-Merciful [ar-Ra¥mån]. He spent the rest of
that day thinking about what he had seen, and then, when the Day
of ‹Arafa came around, he was told: ‘You must do what you are
commanded to do.’ He recognized and understood [‹arafa] that it came
from the Friend [ªabºb], and this is how the Day of ‹Arafa acquired
its name.”
As we learn from the report of Ab« »åli¥, it was Ibn ‹Abbås (may
Allåh be well pleased with him and with his father) who said: “The
[Days of] Tarwiyya and ‹Arafa came to be so called for the following
reasons: It was on the night of [what is now called] Tarwiyya that
Abraham [Ibråhºm] (peace be upon him) saw in his dream that he was
being commanded to sacrifice his son. From waking up in the morning,
he pondered [rawwå] the whole day long—that is to say, he reflected
[tafakkara]—asking himself whether the dream had come from Allåh,
or from Satan [ash-Shai£ån]. Because of his pondering or reflection, the
day was named Tarwiyya. Then, on the night of [what is now called]
‹Arafa, he saw that dream a second time. When the morning arrived,
he understood [‹arafa] that what he had seen was from Allåh (Glory be
to Him and Exalted is He). That is why that day came to be called the
Day of ‹Arafa.”
According to one of the scholars: “It was given that name because
people acknowledge [ya‹tarif«na] their sins on that day, at the Place of
Standing [Mawqif]. The origin of this practice can be traced to the
experience of Adam (peace be upon him), when he was commanded to
perform the Pilgrimage [ªajj], for he stood at ‹Arafåt on the Day of
‹Arafa, and said [speaking for Eve and himself]:
‘Our Lord, we have wronged Rabba-nå œalamnå anfusa-nå:
ourselves, and if You do not forgive us, wa in lam taghfir la-nå
and have mercy upon us, wa tar¥am-nå
we shall surely be among the losers.’ la-nak«nanna mina ’l-khåsirºn.
(7:23) ”


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Fifth Discourse
Ninth 215

The following explanations have also been put forward:

• [‹Arafa] is derived from ‹arf, meaning that which is pleasantly
fragrant [£ayyib]. Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He) has said:
And He will admit them wa yudkhilu-humu ’l-
to the Garden, jannata
which He has made for them. ‹arrafa-hå la-hum.
—that is to say, He has made it pleasantly fragrant [£ayyaba-hå] for them.
• [‹Arafåt] is the opposite of Minå, because Minå is a place in which
blood is shed [yumnå], and that is why it is called Minå. Since it
contains the droppings and clots of blood [from the sacrificial animals],
it is not a pleasant place. ‹Arafåt, on the other hand, is not contaminated
by such dirt and squalor, and is therefore a pleasant place. That is
precisely why it came to be called ‹Arafåt, and why the day spent
standing there is known as the Day of ‹Arafa.
• [‹Arafåt is so called] because people become acquainted with one
another [yatåraf«na] [during the rite of standing] there.
• These two names [‹Arafa and ‹Arafåt] have their root in the
concept of patience [ƒabr]. When a man is said to be ‹årif, it means that
he is patient [Čbir], self-effacing and humble. In the words of the
proverbial saying [mathal]: “The soul is very patient [an-nafs ‹ar«f], and
it will bear whatever it has to bear.” [The famous poet] Dhu’r-Rumma
described someone as being:
Long-suffering indeed, when destiny’s decrees befell him
[‹ar«fun lammå ¥a££at ‹alai-hi ’l-maqådºru].

That is to say, he was extremely patient [ƒab«r] in enduring the verdict

of Allåh.
According to this last explanation, therefore, the name [‹Arafa/‹Arafåt]
has come to be used in recognition of the modest humility of the
Pilgrims [ªujjåj], their self-effacement, their patience in supplication
[du‹å›] and in the face of all kinds of tribulation [balå›], and their
endurance of extreme hardships and difficulties, in order to perform this
worshipful service [‹ibåda].


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216 Volume Three

Concerning the noble dignity of the Day

of ‹Arafa, and of its Night.

S haikh Imåm Abu’l-Barakåt [‘Father of Blessings’] Hibatu’llåh ibn

al-Mubårak as-Saqa£º (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him) has
informed us, after listing the authorities by whom the report was
transmitted,364 that Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him
peace) once said:
There is no day more excellent than the Day of ‹Arafa, on which Allåh (Exalted
is He) invites the inhabitants of heaven to vie in glory with the people of the
earth, saying: “Look at My servants! See how they come to Me, disheveled and
thick with dust, from every deep ravine [min kulli fajjin ‹amºq].365 They are
hoping for My mercy, and afraid of incurring My chastisement, for no day ever
witnessed more emancipation from the Fire of Hell than the Day of ‹Arafa.
As we are informed by Shaikh Abu’l-Barakåt Hibatu’llåh ibn
al-Mubårak, on good traditional authority,366 the Prophet (Allåh bless
him and give him peace) delivered a sermon to the people on the Day
of ‹Arafa, in which he said:
O people, true piety [birr] does not reside in urging your camels to run fast, nor
in spurring your horses to the gallop. It is rather a matter of traveling gracefully,
so you must relate kindly to anyone who is weak, and you must not give offense
to any fellow Muslim.
As reported by Nåfi‹, Ibn ‹Umar (may Allåh be well pleased with him
364 Author’s note: Shaikh Imåm Abu ’l-Barakåt Hibatu’llåh ibn al-Mubårak as-Saqa£º (may Allåh
bestow His mercy upon him) cites the following chain of transmission [isnåd] for this report: Ab«
‹Alº al-ªasan ibn A¥mad—‹Alº ibn Mu¥ammad ibn ‹Abdi’llåh al-Mu‹addil—Ab« ‹Alº ibn
aƒ-Sawwåf [the Wool Merchant]—‹Abdu’llåh ibn Mu¥ammad ibn Nåjiya—‹Umar ibn ªafƒ
Ab« ‹Amr—Mu¥ammad ibn Marwån—Hishåm ad-Dastaw固—Abu’z-Zubair—Jåbir ibn
‹Abdi’llåh (may Allåh be well pleased with him and with his father)—the Prophet (Allåh bless
him and give him peace).
365 This expression occurs in the verse [åya] of the Qur›ån (22:27) quoted on p. 199 above.
366 Author’s note: Shaikh Imåm Abu ’l-Barakåt Hibatu’llåh ibn al-Mubårak as-Saqa£º (may Allåh
bestow His mercy upon him) cites the following chain of transmission [isnåd] for this report:
Ab« Mu¥ammad al-ªasan ibn Mu¥ammad ibn A¥mad al-Fårisº [the Persian]—al-ªasan
al-‹Arabº—Ibn ‹Abbås (may Allåh be well pleased with him and with his father)—the Prophet
(Allåh bless him and give him peace).


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Fifth Discourse
Ninth 217

and with his father) told him that he once heard Allåh’s Messenger
(Allåh bless him and give him peace) say:
Allåh (Exalted is He) inspects His servants on the Day of ‹Arafa, and if there
is an atom’s weight of faith [ºmån] in the heart of any one of them, He grants him
forgiveness, without fail.
Nåfi‹ said: “So I asked Ibn ‹Umar: ‘Does that apply to the people in
general, or only to those who are present [as Pilgrims] on the Day of
‹Arafa?’ He replied: ‘Not only to the latter, but to the people in general.’”
As we are also informed by Shaikh Abu’l-Barakåt Hibatu’llåh ibn
al-Mubårak, likewise on good traditional authority,367 the Prophet
(Allåh bless him and give him peace) is reported as having said:
When the Day of ‹Arafa comes around, Allåh (Exalted is He) will descend to
the heaven of this world. Inviting the angels to regard the Pilgrim [ªåjj] as a
shining example, He will say to them (Almighty and Glorious is He): “O My
angels, look at My servants! See how they come to Me from every deep ravine
[min kulli fajjin ‹amºq], disheveled and thick with dust. They are hoping for My
mercy, and afraid of incurring My chastisement, for it is incumbent on one who
is visited to honor his visitor, and it is incumbent on the host to honor his guest.
Bear witness that I have granted them forgiveness, and that I have appointed
admission to the Garden of Paradise as their hospitable reception.”
The angels will say: “O Lord, included amongst them is that man, So-and-so
[Fulån], who gives himself airs, as well as that woman, So-and-so [Fulåna], who
gives herself airs!” But Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He) will respond to this
by saying: “I have nevertheless forgiven them, for no day is more abundantly
blessed, with emancipation from the Fire of Hell, than the Day of ‹Arafa.”
According to another traditional report, also conveyed to us by
Shaikh Abu’l-Barakåt Hibatu’llåh ibn al-Mubårak,368 Allåh’s Messenger
(Allåh bless him and give him peace) once said:
With only one exception, Iblºs has never seen a day on which he was smaller,
more despicable, more insignificant, and more exasperated, than on the Day of
‹Arafa. That is because he witnesses the sending down of so much merciful
compassion, and so much pardoning of sins. The only exception was what he
saw on the Day [of the Battle] of Badr.
367 Author’s note: Shaikh Imåm Abu ’l-Barakåt Hibatu’llåh ibn al-Mubårak as-Saqa£º (may Allåh
bestow His mercy upon him) cites the following chain of transmission [isnåd] for this report:
Mukåbir ibn al-Ja¥sh al-Måzinº (in al-Baƒra)—Abu’z-Zubair—Jåbir (may Allåh be well pleased
with him)—the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace).
368 Author’s note: This report has also been conveyed to us by Shaikh Imåm Abu ’l-Barakåt
Hibatu’llåh ibn al-Mubårak as-Saqa£º (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him), who cites a chain
of transmission [isnåd] going back to: ¡al¥a ibn ‹Abdi’llåh (may Allåh be well pleased with
him)—the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace).


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218 Volume Three

“O Messenger of Allåh,” his listeners asked, “what did he see on the

Day of Badr?” He replied:
Why, he saw Gabriel summoning the angels!
As reported by ‹Ikrima, Ibn ‹Abbås (may Allåh be well pleased with
him and with his father) used to say: “The greatest day of the Pilgrimage
[ªajj] is the Day of ‹Arafa, which is also the Day of Competition in
Glory [Yawm al-Mubåhåt]. Allåh (Exalted is He) descends to the
heaven of this world, and He says to the angels: ‘Look at My servants
there on My earth! See how they have believed [ƒaddaq«] in Me!’ No
day is more abundantly blessed, with emancipation from the Fire of
Hell, than the Day of ‹Arafa.”
According to Ab« Huraira (may Allåh be well pleased with him),
Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him peace) once said:
The promised day [al-yawm al-maw‹«d] is the Day of Resurrection [Yawm
al-Qiyåma]. The day that bears witness [shåhid] is Friday, the Day of Congregation
[Yawm al-Jum‹a], and that which is witnessed [mashh«d] [by the angels] is the
Day of ‹Arafa.
According to ‹A£å›, it was Ibn ‹Abbås (may Allåh be well pleased
with him and with his father) who reported that the Prophet (Allåh
bless him and give him peace) once said:
On the Day of ‹Arafa, Allåh (Exalted is He) has invited angelic emulation of
the human race [båhå bi’n-nås] in general, and He has invited angelic emulation
of ‹Umar ibn al-Kha££åb in particular.
According to Ibn ‹Umar (may Allåh be well pleased with him and
with his father), Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him
peace) once said:
Surely no person can be guilty of a more heinous offense, than one who comes
to realize, on leaving ‹Arafåt, that Allåh has not granted him forgiveness.
Ab« Huraira (may Allåh be well pleased with him) is reported as
having said: “Allåh (Exalted is He) grants forgiveness, on the evening
of the Day of ‹Arafa, to all the people present at the assembly, except
those who are guilty of major sins [kabå›ir]. Then, when the morning
of al-Muzdalifa369 comes around, He also forgives those who are bearing
the burden of major sins and unsettled liabilities [tabi‹åt].”
Shaikh Abu’l-Barakåt Hibatu’llåh ibn al-Mubårak has also informed
369 See note 363 on p. 213 above.


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Ninth 219

us, after listing the authorities by whom the report was transmitted,370
that Ibn ‹Umar (may Allåh be well pleased with him and with his
father) once said:
“Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him peace) stood
waiting with us, on the evening of the Day of ‹Arafa. Then, when he
was ready to move, at the moment of the rush forward [daf ‹a], he called
on the people to lend him their ears, so they listened while he said:
“‘O people, your Lord (Almighty and Glorious is He) has bestowed many favors
upon you, during this day of yours. He has put the malefactor among you at the
disposal of the benefactor among you. He has granted the benefactor among you
whatever he requested. He has forgiven your sins. He has also forgiven your
outstanding liabilities, and guaranteed the reward of those to whom they were
due. Now rush forward [to al-Muzdalifa], in the Name of Allåh.’”
“An Arab tribesman [A‹råbº] immediately sprang up, grabbed the
bridle of his she-camel, and said: ‘O Messenger of Allåh, by the One
who sent you with the Truth, there is no [bad] deed left to do, that I have
not already done. I am even guilty of swearing the oath of perjury, so
am I really included among those you have just described?’ To this he
replied (Allåh bless him and give him peace):
“‘O Arab of the desert [yå A‹råbº], if you make a fresh start, and do good work
from now on, you will be forgiven for what is in the past. Slacken that she-
camel’s bridle!’”
According to another traditional report, also conveyed to us by
Shaikh Abu’l-Barakåt Hibatu’llåh ibn al-Mubårak,371 it was Ibn ‹Abbås
ibn Mirdås (may Allåh be well pleased with him) who said:
“On the evening of ‹Arafa, Allåh’s Messenger(Allåh bless him and
give him peace) offered a prayer of supplication, requesting forgiveness
and mercy on behalf of his Community [Umma]. Allåh (Exalted is He)
gave him this response: ‘I have already done [what you ask of Me],
except insofar as they have wronged one another. As for those sins of
370 Author’s note: Shaikh Imåm Abu ’l-Barakåt Hibatu’llåh ibn al-Mubårak as-Saqa£º (may Allåh
bestow His mercy upon him) cites the following chain of transmission [isnåd] for this report: Abu’l-
Fat¥ Mu¥ammad ibn A¥mad al-Ma£arº (more commonly known as al-Båhir)—‹Alº ibn A¥mad
ibn ar-Raffå› as-Såmirº—Ibråhºm ibn ‹Abd aƒ-»amad al-Håshimº—Ab« Maƒabb—Målik ibn
Anas—Nåfi‹—Ibn ‹Umar (may Allåh be well pleased with him and with his father)—the
Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace).
371 Author’s note: Shaikh Imåm Abu ’l-Barakåt Hibatu’llåh ibn al-Mubårak as-Saqa£º (may Allåh
bestow His mercy upon him) cites the following chain of transmission [isnåd] for this report: Ab«
‹Alº al-ªasan ibn al-ªabbåb al-Muqrº [the Qur›ån-teacher]—Ibn ‹Abbås ibn Mirdås (may
Allåh be well pleased with him)—the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace).


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220 Volume Three

theirs that are strictly between Me and them, those I have forgiven.’ He
then said: ‘O my Lord, You are Capable of rewarding this victim with
something good, to compensate him for the wrong he has suffered, and
of forgiving this wrongdoer.’
“The Lord did not respond to him again that evening, so when the
morning of Muzdalifa came around, he repeated his proposition. This
time, Allåh (Exalted is He) did respond to him, saying: ‘I have forgiven
them.’ Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him peace) smiled
at this, so one of his Companions [Aƒ¥åb] said to him: ‘O Messenger of
Allåh, you have smiled during an hour when you do not usually smile!’
So he explained: ‘I was smiling at the expense of Allåh’s enemy, Iblºs,
because when he realized that Allåh had granted me what I wished, for
the sake of my Community [Ummatº], he started wailing and lamenting
loudly, as he scattered dust upon his head.’”
Sa‹ºd ibn Jubair (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him) is reported
as having said: “On the Day of ‹Arafa, Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless
him and give him peace) was at ‹Arafåt, at the spot where the servants
[of the Lord] raise their hands toward Allåh (Exalted is He), as they cry
out in supplication [du‹a›]. Suddenly, Gabriel [Jibrºl] (peace be upon
him) alighted upon him and said: ‘O Mu¥ammad, the All-High, the
Most Exalted One [al-‹Alº al-A‹lå] extends to you the greeting of peace
[salåm], and He says to you: “These are the Pilgrims of My House [ªujjåj
Baitº], and My visitors, and it is incumbent on the one who is visited to
honor the visitor. I call you to bear witness, and I call My angels to bear
witness, that I have granted forgiveness to them all, and that I shall do
the same for My visitors on Friday, the Day of Congregation [Yawm
According to the report of ‹Alº [ibn Abº ¡ålib] (may Allåh be well
pleased with him): “When it came to the evening of the Day of ‹Arafa,
while Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him peace) was
performing the rite of Standing [wåqif], he turned his face toward
the people, and said: ‘Welcome to the deputation [wafd] of Allåh!’
(He said this three times.) ‘[Welcome to] those who, when they ask,
receive. They will be compensated for their expenses in this world, and
in place of every dirham [silver coin], a thousand will be deposited for
them in the hereafter, in the presence of Allåh. Am I not giving you
glad tidings?’

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Fifth Discourse
Ninth 221

“They said: ‘Yes indeed [balå], O Messenger of Allåh!’ He then went

on to say: ‘When this evening comes around, Allåh descends to the
heaven of this world, then He gives the order to His angels, and they
promptly alight upon the earth. If a needle were to be dropped, it would
have nowhere else to fall, except on the head of an angel. Allåh
(Almighty and Glorious is He) will say: ‘O My angels, look at My
servants! See how they have come to Me, disheveled and thick
with dust, from all quarters of the land. Do you hear what they are
asking?’ They angels will say: ‘O our Lord, they are asking for
forgiveness.’ He will then say (Glory be to Him and Exalted is He):
‘I call you to bear witness that I have forgiven them, three times. So let
them pour forth from their Place of Standing [Mawqif], in a state of
having been forgiven.’”


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222 Volume Three

Concerning the preference accorded to keeping fast

on the Day of ‹Arafa, traditional reports regarding
the ritual prayers [ƒalawåt] to be performed
thereon, and the kinds of invocations
[da‹awåt] prescribed for it.

A s we are informed by Shaikh Abu’l-Barakåt Hibatu’llåh ibn

al-Mubårak, on good traditional authority,372 Allåh’s Messenger
(Allåh bless him and give him peace) is reported as having said:
If someone fasts on the Day of ‹Arafa, Allåh will forgive him his previous sins,
as well as any that come later, for one whole year.
According to another traditional report, also conveyed to us by
Shaikh Abu’l-Barakåt Hibatu’llåh ibn al-Mubårak,373 the Prophet
(Allåh bless him and give him peace) once said:
Fasting on the Day of ‹Arafa counts as the atonement [kaffåra] of two years: the
year that has passed, and the year that lies ahead.
As for the ritual prayer [ƒalåt], we may cite the following traditional
report, also conveyed to us by Shaikh Abu’l-Barakåt Hibatu’llåh ibn
al-Mubårak,374 from which we learn that Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh
bless him and give him peace) once said:
372 Author’s note: Shaikh Imåm Abu ’l-Barakåt Hibatu’llåh ibn al-Mubårak as-Saqa£º (may Allåh
bestow His mercy upon him) cites the following chain of transmission [isnåd] for this report:
A¥mad ibn Mu¥ammad—‹Abd ar-Ra¥mån ibn Zaid ibn Aslam—his [Aslam’s] father—the
Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace).
373 Author’s note: For this report, Shaikh Imåm Abu ’l-Barakåt Hibatu’llåh ibn al-Mubårak
as-Saqa£º (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him) cites a chain of transmission [isnåd] from:
Qatåda (may Allåh be well pleased with him)—the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace).
374 Author’s note: Shaikh Imåm Abu ’l-Barakåt Hibatu’llåh ibn al-Mubårak as-Saqa£º (may Allåh
bestow His mercy upon him) cites the following chain of transmission [isnåd] for this report:
Shaikh Ab« ‹Alº al-ªasan ibn A¥mad ‹Abdi’llåh al-Muqrº [the Qur›ån-teacher]—Abu’l-Fat¥
Hilål ibn Mu¥ammad ibn Ja‹far al-ªaffår—Abu’l-ªasan ‹Alº ibn A¥mad al-ªalwånº—M«så
ibn ‹Imrån al-Balkhº—Ab« Y«suf ibn M«så al-Qa££ån—‹Umar ibn Nåfi‹—Mas‹«d ibn
Wåƒil—an-Nahhås ibn Fahm—Qatåda—Sa‹ºd ibn al-Musayyib—Ab« Huraira (may Allåh be
well pleased with him)—the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace).


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Fifth Discourse
Ninth 223

If someone performs four [voluntary cycles of ritual prayer [raka‹åt], on the Day
of ‹Arafa, between the [prescribed prayers of] noon [œuhr] and afternoon [‹aƒr],
reciting in each cycle [rak‹å] the Opening S«ra of the Book [Fåti¥at al-Kitåb],
one time, and [the S«ra that begins with:]
Say: “He is Allåh, One!” (112:1) qul Huwa ’llåhu A¥ad.
—fifty times, one million good deeds will be recorded in his credit column. For
every letter in the Qur݌n, he will be promoted by one level in the Garden of
Paradise, the distance between each level and the next being a journey of fifty
years. Allåh will also marry him, for every letter in the Qur›ån, to seventy
houries [¥awrå›]. Each hourie will be accompanied by seventy thousand dining
tables, made of pearls and sapphires. On each table there will be seventy
thousand kinds of food, including the meat of green birds, which will be as cool
as snow, as sweet as honey, as fragrant as musk, and untouched by fire or iron.
He will find the last bite of it just as tasty as the first.
Then a bird will come flying to him, with its wings of red rubies and its beak of
gold. It will have seventy thousand wings, and it will make an announcement
in a lovely voice, the like of which no hearer has ever heard, saying: “Welcome
to the people of ‹Arafa!” That bird will fall into the bowl of each man amongst
them, and he will extract, from beneath each one of its wings, seventy thousand
different kinds of food, from which he will eat his fill. Then the bird will rise
up and fly away.
When he is laid in his grave, he [the person who performs this ritual prayer] will
have a light shining for him, for every letter of the Qur݌n, so that he can see
the Pilgrims circumambulating [£å›ifºn] around the House, and one of the gates
of the Garden of Paradise will be opened up for him. At that point he will say:
“My Lord, let the Final Hour begin! My Lord, let the Final Hour begin!”—
because of all the reward and honor he can see.
According to another traditional report, also conveyed to us by
Shaikh Abu’l-Barakåt Hibatu’llåh ibn al-Mubårak,375 Allåh’s Messenger
(Allåh bless him and give him peace) once said:
If someone performs two [voluntary] cycles of ritual prayer [rak‹atain], on the
Day of ‹Arafa, reciting in each cycle [rak›a]:
• the Opening S«ra of the Book [Fåti¥at al-Kitåb] —three times, beginning each
time with:
In the Name of Allåh, Bismi’llåhi ’r-
the All-Merciful, Ra¥måni ’r-
the All-Compassionate. Ra¥ºm.
—and concluding with “Ámºn,” then going on to recite [the S«ra that begins
375 Author’s note:
Shaikh Imåm Abu ’l-Barakåt Hibatu’llåh ibn al-Mubårak as-Saqa£º (may Allåh
bestow His mercy upon him) cites the following chain of transmission [isnåd] for this report:
al-ªasan—‹Alº ibn Ab« ¡ålib (may Allåh be well pleased with him) and ‹Abdu’llåh ibn Mas‹«d
(may Allåh be well pleased with him)—the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace).


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224 Volume Three

• Say: “O unbelievers…. (109:1) qul yå ayyuha ’l-kåfir«n.

—three times, and [the S«ra that begins with]:
• Say: “He is Allåh, One!” (112:1) qul Huwa ’llåhu A¥ad.
—one time only, beginning each time with:
In the Name of Allåh, Bismi’llåhi ’r-
the All-Merciful, Ra¥måni ’r-
the All-Compassionate. Ra¥ºm.
—Allåh (Exalted is He) will surely say [to the angels]: “Bear witness that I have
granted him forgiveness for his sins.”
As for the invocations [da‹awåt], Shaikh Abu’l-Barakåt Hibatu’llåh
ibn al-Mubårak has informed us of this report,376 narrated by ‹Abdu’llåh
ibn ‹Umar al-Laithº, who heard it from his father (may Allåh be well
pleased with him):
“We have been told that Allåh (Exalted is He) presented Jesus [‹Ïså]
(peace be upon him) with five invocations [da‹awåt]. Gabriel [Jibrºl]
(peace be upon him) brought them to Jesus [‹Ïså] (peace be upon him),
and said: ‘Invoke [the blessing of the Lord] by means of these invoca-
tions [da‹awåt], for no form of worshipful service [‹ibåda] is dearer to
Allåh (Exalted is He) than the worship performed on the Day of ‹Arafa:
• The first of them is:
There is no god but Allåh, lå ilåha illa ’llåhu
Alone, without partner. Wa¥da-hu lå sharºka la-h:
To Him belongs the sovereignty la-hu ’l-mulku
and to Him belongs the praise. wa la-hu ’l-¥amd:
He brings to life and causes death. yu¥yº wa yumºt:
All goodness is in His Hand, bi-yadIhi ’l-khairu
and He is Capable of all things. wa Huwa ‹alå kulli shai›in Qadºr.
• The second is:
I bear witness that ashhadu an lå ilåha
there is no god but Allåh, illa ’llåhu
Alone, without partner, Wa¥da-h: lå sharºka la-h:
[and that He is] One God, Ilåhan Wå¥idan
Everlasting, who has taken »amadå:
unto Himself neither lam yattakhidh
female companion nor son. ƒå¥ibatan wa lå waladå.
376 Author’s note:Shaikh Imåm Abu ’l-Barakåt Hibatu’llåh ibn al-Mubårak as-Saqa£º (may Allåh
bestow His mercy upon him) cites the following chain of transmission [isnåd] for this report:
al-Qåæº [the Judge] ash-Sharºf Abu’l-ªasan Mu¥ammad ibn ‹Alº al-Muhtadº bi’llåh—Abu’l-
Fat¥ Y«suf ibn ‹Umar ibn Masr«r al-Qawwås—‹Abdu’llåh ibn A¥mad ibn Thåbit al-Bazzåz—
Ayy«b (Ibn Walºd aæ-Œarºr)—Abu’n-Naƒr (al-Håshim ibn al-Qåsim)—Mu¥ammad ibn
al-Faæl ibn ‹A£iyya—his father—‹Abdu’llåh ibn ‹Umar al-Laithº—his father (may Allåh be
well pleased with him).

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Fifth Discourse
Ninth 225

• The third is:

There is no god but Allåh, lå ilåha illa ’llåhu
Alone, without partner. Wa¥da-hu lå sharºka la-h:
To Him belongs the sovereignty la-hu ’l-mulku
and to Him belongs the praise. wa la-hu ’l-¥amd:
He brings to life and causes death, yu¥yº wa yumºtu
while He is Ever-Living and never dies. wa Huwa ªayyun lå yam«t:
All goodness is in His Hand, bi-yadIhi ’l-khairu
and He is Capable of all things. wa Huwa ‹alå kulli shai›in Qadºr.
• The fourth is:
Allåh is enough for me, and He suffices. ¥asbiya ’llåhu wa kafå.
Allåh hears those sami‹a ’llåh
who call in supplication. li-man da‹å.
There is no final goal beyond Allåh. laisa warå›a ’llåhi muntahå.
• The fifth is:
O Allåh, to You belongs the praise, Allåhumma la-la ’l-¥amdu
as You say, ka-må taq«l:
and even better than You say. wa khairan mimmå taq«l:
O Allåh, Allåhumma
to You belong my ritual prayer la-la ƒalåtº
and my rites [of Pilgrimage], wa nusukº
and my living and my dying, wa ma¥yåya wa mamåtº
and to You, O my Lord, wa la-ka yå Rabbi
belongs my legacy. turåthº
O Allåh, I take refuge with You Allåhumma a‹«du bi-ka
from the torment of the grave, min ‹adhåbi ’l-qabri
and from disorder in the state of affairs. wa min shatåti ’l-amr.
O Allåh, I ask You for the best Allåhumma as›alu-ka
that is blown along by the wind. khaira må tajrº bi-hi ’r-rº¥.
“The Disciples [ªawåriyy«n]377 asked Mary’s son Jesus [‹Ïså ’bnu
Maryam] (peace be upon him): ‘To what spiritual reward is a person
entitled, if he invokes [the blessing of the Lord] by means of these
invocations [da‹awåt]?’ This is the answer he gave them:“‘As for the
person who pronounces the first, a hundred times, not one of people of
the earth will be credited with the equivalent of that deed, on that Day
[of ‹Arafa], and on the Day of Resurrection [Yawm al-Qiyåma]. Of all
the servants [of the Lord], he will be the one with the most good deeds.
“As for the person who pronounces the second, a hundred times,
Allåh will record a million good deeds in his favor, and He will erase an
equal number of bad deeds from his debit column. He will also promote
him by ten thousand degrees in the Garden of Paradise.
377 See note 306 on p. 154 above.

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226 Volume Three

“As for the person who pronounces the third, a hundred times,
seventy thousand angels will descend from the heaven of this world,
raising their hands as they invoke blessings upon him who pronounced it.
“As for the person who pronounces the fourth, a hundred times, an
angel will receive it, and deposit it in the presence the All-Merciful
[ar-Ra¥mån] (Almighty and Glorious is He), who will look upon him
who pronounced it—and when Allåh (Exalted is He) looks upon
someone, he will not suffer misfortune.’
“They said: ‘O Jesus, so what is the spiritual reward of someone who
pronounces the fifth invocation?’ To this he replied: ‘That is my own
invocation, and I am not permitted to comment on it.’”
According to another traditional report, also conveyed to us by
Shaikh Abu’l-Barakåt Hibatu’llåh ibn al-Mubårak,378 it was ‹Alº ibn
Abº ¡ålib (may Allåh be well pleased with him) who said: “As for the
invocation most frequently offered by the Prophet (Allåh bless him and
give him peace), on the evening of [the Day of] ‹Arafa, he used to say:
O Allåh, to You belongs the praise, Allåhumma la-la ’l-¥amdu
as You say, ka-må taq«l:
and even better than You say. wa khairan mimmå taq«l:
O Allåh, Allåhumma
to You belong my ritual prayer la-la ƒalåtº
and my rites [of Pilgrimage], wa nusukº
and my living and my dying, wa ma¥yåya wa mamåtº
and to You, O my Lord, wa la-ka yå Rabbi
belongs my legacy. turåthº
O Allåh, I take refuge with You Allåhumma a‹«du bi-ka
from the torment of the grave, min ‹adhåbi ’l-qabri
and the temptation of the breast, wa fitnati ’ƒ-ƒadri
and disorder in the state of affairs. wa shatåti ’l-amr.
O Allåh, I ask You for some of the best Allåhumma as›alu-ka min
that is blown along by the wind. khairi må tajrº bi-hi ’r-rº¥.
As we are informed by Shaikh Abu’l-Barakåt Hibatu’llåh ibn
al-Mubårak, on good traditional authority,379 Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh
bless him and give him peace) is reported as having said:
378 Author’s note: Shaikh Imåm Abu ’l-Barakåt Hibatu’llåh ibn al-Mubårak as-Saqa£º (may Allåh
bestow His mercy upon him) cites the following chain of transmission [isnåd] for this report:
al-ªasan ibn A¥mad ibn ‹Abdi’llåh al-Muqrº [the Qur›ån-teacher]—Khalºfa ibn al-ªusain—
‹Alº ibn Abº ¡ålib (may Allåh be well pleased with him).
379 Author’s note: Shaikh Imåm Abu ’l-Barakåt Hibatu’llåh ibn al-Mubårak as-Saqa£º (may Allåh
bestow His mercy upon him) cites the following chain of transmission [isnåd] for this report: M«så
ibn ‹Ubaida ibn ‹Abdi’llåh al-Muqrº [the Qur›ån-teacher]—‹Alº ibn Abº ¡ålib (may Allåh be
well pleased with him)—the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace).

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Fifth Discourse
Ninth 227

This is the invocation [du‹å›] most often uttered by me, and by the Prophets
[Anbiyå›] before me, at ‹Arafa:
There is no god but Allåh, lå ilåha illa ’llåhu
Alone, without partner. Wa¥da-hu lå sharºka la-h:
To Him belongs the sovereignty la-hu ’l-mulku
and to Him belongs the praise. wa la-hu ’l-¥amd:
All goodness is in His Hand, bi-yadIhi ’l-khairu
and He is Capable of all things. wa Huwa ‹alå kulli shai›in Qadºr.
O Allåh, set a light in my heart, Allåhumma ’j‹al fº qalbº n«ran
and a light in my hearing, wa fº sam‹º n«ran
and a light in my eyes. wa fº baƒarº n«rå.
O Allåh, expand for me my breast, Allåhumma ’shra¥ lº ƒadrº
and make my business easy for me. wa yassir lº amrº.
O Allåh, I take refuge with You Allåhumma a‹«du bi-ka
from the torment of the grave, min ‹adhåbi ’l-qabri
and the temptation of the breast, wa fitnati ’ƒ-ƒadri
and disorder in the state of affairs. wa shatåti ’l-amr.
O Allåh, I take refuge with You Allåhumma a‹«du bi-ka
from the evil of that min sharri må
which slips in by night, yaliju fi’l-laili
from the evil of that wa min sharri må
which slips in by day, yaliju fi’n-nahåri
from the evil of that wa min sharri må
which is blown by the winds, tahubbu bi-hi ’r-riyå¥u
and from the evil wa min sharri
of the calamities of time. bawå›iqi ’d-dahr.
As reported by aæ-Œa¥¥åk (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him),
the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) said, during the
Farewell Pilgrimage [ªajjat al-Wadå‹], when they were all assembled
at ‹Arafa:
This is the greatest day of the Pilgrimage [ªajj]. There is no Pilgrimage for
anyone who is not present at ‹Arafa, to observe both the Day and the Night
thereof. This day is for invoking the Lord (Almighty and Glorious is He), and
putting requests to Him. It is the day of tahlºl [proclaiming His Uniqueness], of
takbºr [declaring His Supreme Greatness, and of talbiyya [affirming one’s
readiness to be of service to Him]. If someone is present to observe this Day, in
this place, yet refrains from putting any request to his Lord (Almighty and
Glorious is He), that person is the one deprived. You offer your supplications
to One who is All-Generous [Jawåd], who does not give grudgingly, to One
who is Ever-Gentle [ªalºm], who does not act stupidly, and to One who is
All-Knowing [‹Álim], who does not forget. If someone fasts on the Day of
‹Arafa, while at home with his family, he has effectively fasted for one year in
front of him, and one year behind him.


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228 Volume Three

The Tenth Discourse

Concerning the special qualities
of the Day of Sacrifice [Yawm al-Aæ¥å]
and the Day of Immolation [Yawm al-Na¥r].

T o explain the meaning of the words of Allåh (Almighty and

Glorious is He):
Surely We have given you Abundance; innå a‹£ainå-ka ’l-Kawthar:
so pray to your Lord and sacrifice. fa ƒalli li-Rabbi-ka wa ’n¥ar:
The one who hates you, inna shåni›a-ka
he is the one cut off. (108:1–3) huwa ’l-abtar.
—‹Abdu’llåh ibn ‹Abbås (may Allåh be well pleased with him and
with his father) provided the following interpretation:
“‘Abundance [al-Kawthar]’ means ‘much goodness [al-khair al-kathºr].’
It refers to the Qur݌n and Prophethood [Nubuwwa], as well as to the
river of that name, which exists in the Garden of Paradise. As a river
that flows from the center of the Garden, its inner channel consists of
hollowed pearls, while on its two banks there are domes of green
corundum [yåq«t akhæar]. Its water is sweeter than honey, and smoother
than butter. Its mud is highly scented musk, while its soil is white
camphor, and its pebbles are pearls and sapphires. It flows at a rapid
pace, like that of arrows in flight. Allåh (Exalted is He) has given it to
His Prophet Mu¥ammad (Allåh bless him and give him peace).”
It was Muqåtil (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him) who said:
“The expression:
Surely We have given you Abundance. innå a‹£ainå-ka ’l-Kawthar.
—refers to a river that flows in the center of the Garden of Paradise.
It is called al-Kawthar for the simple reason that, of all the rivers of the
Garden of Paradise, it is the most abundant in goodness [akthar khairan].


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Fifth Discourse
Tenth 229

That river is a swirling stream, which flows at a rapid pace, like an arrow
in flight. Its clay consists of highly scented musk, while its gravel
consists of sapphires, chrysolite, and pearls that are whiter than snow,
smoother than butter, and sweeter than honey. Its banks are domes of
hollowed pearls. Every dome is a league in breadth by a league in height,
and on it there are four thousand panels of gold. Inside every dome there
is a bride, one of the houries with those lovely eyes [al-¥«r al-‹ºn],
attended by seventy servants. For, as the Prophet (Allåh bless him and
give him peace) has told us:
“‘On the night of my Heavenly Journey [Isrå›], I said to Gabriel [Jibrºl]: “What
are these pavilions?” Gabriel (peace be upon him) replied: “These are the
dwellings of your wives in the Garden of Paradise.”’
“Four streams branch off from al-Kawthar, to supply the inhabitants
of the Gardens of Paradise, as Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He) has
mentioned in the S«ra of Mu¥ammad (Allåh bless him and give him
peace).380 One of them consists of water, the second of milk, the third
of wine, and the fourth of honey.”
Concerning the words of Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He):
So pray to your Lord and sacrifice. fa ƒalli li-Rabbi-ka wa ’n¥ar.
—Muqåtil (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him) said: “This
means: ‘Perform the five [daily] ritual prayers [aƒ-ƒalawåt al-khams] for
the sake of your Lord, and sacrifice the animal body on the Day of
Immolation [Yawm an-Na¥r].’
Other interpretations include the following:
• “So pray to your Lord [fa ƒalli li-Rabbi-ka]” means: “Perform the
ritual prayer of the Festival [ƒalåt al-‹Ïd],” while “and sacrifice [wa ’n¥ar]”
means: “Sacrifice the body [of the animal] at Minå.”
• [The whole sentence means:] “Raise your hand toward the throat
of your sacrificial offering, while uttering the affirmation of Allåh’s
Supreme Greatness [takbºr].”
• “And sacrifice [wa ’n¥ar]” means: “Turn toward the Qibla [direction
of the Ka‹ba] with your sacrificial offering.”
As for the statement of Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He):
The one who hates you, inna shåni›a-ka
he is the one cut off. (108:3) huwa ’l-abtar.
380 The S«ra of Mu¥ammad (Allåh bless him and give him peace) is the 47th S«ra of the Qur›ån.


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230 Volume Three

—this refers to the following incident: The Prophet (Allåh bless him
and give him peace) once entered the Sacred Mosque [al-Masjid
al-ªaråm] by the Gate of Banº Sahm ibn ‹Amr ibn ªaƒºƒ. The people
of Quraish were sitting in the Mosque, so the Prophet (Allåh bless him
and give him peace) passed straight through, without sitting down, and
made his exit by the Gate of aƒ-»afå. They looked at him as he went out,
though they had not noticed him when he entered, so they did not
recognize him. At the Gate of of aƒ-»afå, he was met by al-‹Áƒ ibn Wå›il
ibn Hishåm ibn Sa‹ºd ibn Sa‹d ibn Sahm, who was on his way in as the
Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) was coming out.
The Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) had recently
suffered the loss of his son, ‹Abdu’llåh ibn Mu¥ammad. In those days,
when a man died without leaving a son to inherit from him, people
would refer to him as “the one cut off [al-abtar].” So, when al-‹Áƒ ibn
Wå›il finally joined the people inside, they asked him: “Who was it that
you met on your way in?” and he told them: “The one cut off [al-abtar].”
In the words of Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He):
The one who hates you, inna shåni›a-ka
he is the one cut off. (108:3) huwa ’l-abtar.
—which were thereupon sent down, “the one who hates you
[shåni›a-ka]” means: “your enemy, and your detester,” while “he is the
one cut off [huwa ’l-abtar]” means: “Cut off from all that is good is
al-‹Áƒ ibn Wå›il. As for you, O Mu¥ammad, you will be remembered
in My presence, whenever you remember Me.” Allåh (Almighty and
Glorious is He) then exalted his renown [dhikr] among the people at
large. Allåh (Exalted is He) said to him:
Did We not cause a-lam nashra¥
your breast to expand for you, la-ka ƒadra-k:
and relieve you of your burden, wa waæa‹nå ‹an-ka wizra-k:
that weighed down your back? alladhº anqaæa œahra-k:
Did We not exalt your fame? wa rafa‹nå la-ka dhikra-k.
Yes indeed, for he is remembered and mentioned by name (Allåh
bless him and give him peace) on every Day of Festival [‹Ïd] and
Congregation [Jum‹a], in the pulpits [manåbir] and the mosques [masåjid],
in the call to prayer [adhån], the announcement that prayer is about to
begin [iqåma], and the ritual prayer [ƒalåt] itself, and on all important


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Fifth Discourse
Tenth 231

occasions, including the marriage sermon [khu£bat an-nikå¥] and other

public speeches, as well as in special times of need. Allåh bless him and
give him peace! Allåh appointed the highest Paradise [Firdaws] to be
his resting place, and the words of his hater and his enemy did him no
harm. As for al-‹Áƒ ibn Wå›il, Allåh appointed the Fire of Hell to be
his resting place, along with all kinds of torment and agony, for saying
what he said to the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace), and
for his disbelief [kufr] in Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He).
By the same token, Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He) will
recompense all those who love the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give
him peace), among the believing members [mu›minºn] of his Community
[Umma], by granting them the Garden of Paradise, and He will
recompense all those who hate him, among the hypocrites [munåfiqºn]
and unbelievers [kuffår], by condemning them to the Fire of Hell.


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232 Volume Three

Concerning the words of Allåh (Almighty

and Glorious is He):
So pray to your Lord and sacrifice.
fa ƒalli li-Rabbi-ka wa ’n¥ar. (108:2)

Y ou must know that Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He) commanded

his Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) and his Community
[Umma] to perform the ritual prayer [ƒalåt]. Then He commanded them
to practice certain things in second place, after the ritual prayer [ƒalåt].
Remembrance [dhikr] is one of these, supplication [du‹å›] is another, and
immolation [na¥r] [the slaughtering of sacrificial animals] is yet another.


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Fifth Discourse 233

Concerning the remembrance [dhikr] of Allåh

(Almighty and Glorious is He).

A s for the practice of remembrance [dhikr], this is mentioned in the

words of Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He):
O you who believe, yå ayyuha ’lladhºna
remember Allåh with åmanu ’dhkuru ’llåha
frequent remembrance, dhikran kathºrå:
and glorify Him at the dawn wa sabbi¥«-hu bukratan
and in the evening. (33:41,42) wa aƒºlå.
—and in His words (Almighty and Glorious is He):
So remember Me, fa-’dhkur«-nº
and I will remember you. adhkur-kum
Be thankful to Me, wa ’shkur« lº
and be not ungrateful toward Me. wa lå takfur«n.
The religious scholars [‹ulamå›] have offered various interpretations
of the expression: “So remember Me, and I will remember you
[fa-’dhkur«-nº adhkur-kum].” For instance, Ibn ‹Abbås (may Allåh be
well pleased with him and with his father) once said: “It must mean:
‘Remember Me through obedience to Me [£å‹atº], and I will remember
you through My supportive assistance [ma‹«natº],’ for, as Allåh (Exalted
is He) has said:
As for those who strive in Our cause, wa ’llådhºna jåhad« fº-nå
We surely guide them in Our ways. la-nahdiyanna-hum subula-nå.
(29:69) ”
It was Sa‹ºd ibn Jubair (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him) who
said: “It must mean: ‘Remember Me through obedience to Me [£å‹atº],
and I will remember you through My forgiveness [maghfiratº],’ for, as
Allåh (Exalted is He) has said:
And obey Allåh and the Messenger, wa a£º‹u ’llåha wa ’r-ras«la
for then you may be treated mercifully. la‹alla-kum tur¥am«n.
(3:132) ”

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234 Volume Three

According to Fuæail ibn ‹Iyåæ (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon
him): “It must mean: ‘So remember Me through obedience to Me
[£å‹atº], and I will remember you through My spiritual reward [thawåbº],’
for, as Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He) has said:
As for those who believe inna ’lladhºna åman«
and do good works, wa ‹amilu ’ƒ-ƒåli¥åti innå
We do not leave to waste the reward lå nu溋u ajra
of one who does good works. man a¥sana ‹amalå.
As for them, theirs will be Gardens ulå›ika la-hum jannåtu
of Eden, beneath which rivers flow; ‹Adnin tajrº min ta¥ti-himu ’l-
they will be adorned therein anhåru yu¥allawna fº-hå
with bracelets of gold, and min asåwira min dhahabin
they will be robed in green garments wa yalbas«na thiyåban khuæran
of silk and brocade, min sundusin wa istabraqim
reclining on couches therein. muttaki›ºna fº-hå ‹ala ’l-arå›ik:
How splendid the reward, ni‹ma ’th-thawåb:
and how fine a resting-place! wa ¥asunat murtafaqå.
(18:30,31) ”
The Prophet himself (Allåh bless him and give him peace) once said:
If someone obeys Allåh, he has thereby remembered Allåh, even if he does
relatively little in the way of ritual prayer [ƒalåt], fasting, and recitation of the
Qur›ån. If someone disobeys Allåh, on the other hand, he has thereby forgotten
Allåh, however much he may do in the way of ritual prayer [ƒalåt], fasting, and
recitation of the Qur݌n.
It was Ab« Bakr aƒ-»iddºq [the Champion of Truth] (may Allåh be
well pleased with him) who said that it means: “The affirmation of My
Oneness [taw¥ºd] is sufficient as an act of worshipful service [‹ibåda], and
the Garden of Paradise is sufficient as a spiritual reward [thawåb].”
According to Ibn Kaisån (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him):
“It must mean: ‘So remember Me through thankfulness [shukr], and I
will remember you through extra generosity [ziyåda],’ for, in the words
of Allåh (Exalted is He):
If you are thankful, la-in shakartum
I will surely give you more; la-azºdanna-kum
but if you are ungrateful, wa la-in kafartum
My punishment is terrible indeed. inna ‹adhåbº la-shadºd.
(14:7) ”
The following interpretations have also been put forward:
• “It must mean: ‘So remember Me through the affirmation of My
Oneness [taw¥ºd], and through true belief [ºmån], and I will remember

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Tenth 235

you through promotion to the ascending degrees [darajåt] and the

Gardens of Paradise,’ on account of His words (Exalted is He):
And give glad tidings wa bashshiri ’lladhºna
[O Mu¥ammad]
to those who believe åman«
and do good works, wa ‹amilu ’ƒ-ƒåli¥åti
that for them there are Gardens anna la-hum jannåtin tajrº
underneath which rivers flow. min ta¥ti-ha ’l-anhår.
Whenever they are provided with food kulla-må ruziq« min-hå
of the fruit thereof, they will say: min thamaratin rizqan
“This is the sustenance with which qål« hådha ’lladhº
we were formerly provided,” and they ruziqnå min-qablu
will be given it in perfect semblance. wa ut« bi-hi mutashåbihå:
And there for them wa la-hum fº-hå
will be spouses purified, azqåjun mu£ahhara:
and they will abide therein forever. wa hum fº-hå khålid«n.
(2:25) ”
• “It must mean: ‘So remember Me on the surface of the earth, and
I will remember you inside it [in the grave], when your own relatives
have forgotten you,’ for, as al-Aƒma‹º has told us: ‘I once saw an Arab
tribesman [A‹råbº] performing the rite of Standing at ‹Arafåt, on the
Day of ‹Arafa, and he was saying: “My God [Ilåhº], so many voices are
crying out to You in various dialects, begging You to satisfy their needs.
As for the need I have to set before You, it is that You will remember
me in times of trial and tribulation, when my own relatives forget me.”’”
• “It must mean: ‘So remember Me here in this world, and I will
remember you in the hereafter.’”
• “It must mean: ‘So remember Me through acts of worshipful
obedience [£å‹åt], and I will remember you through dispensations
[mu‹åfåt].’ The evidence for this interpretation is the statement of
Allåh (Exalted is He):
Whoever does a righteous deed, man ‹amila ƒåli¥an
whether it be a male or a female, min dhakarin aw unthå
and is a believer, wa huwa mu›minun
We shall surely cause him [or her] fa-la-nu¥yiyanna-hu ¥ayåtan
to live a good life, £ayyiba:
and We shall pay them their wa la-najziyanna-hum
recompense according to the best ajra-hum bi-a¥sani
of what they used to do. (16:97) ” må kån« ya‹mal«n.
• “It must mean: ‘So remember Me in private and in public, and I will


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remember you in private and in public,’ for, as we learn from traditional

reports, Allåh (Exalted is He) has said in one of His Books:
“‘I am there when My servant thinks of Me, so let him think of Me whatever he
wishes. I am with him when he remembers Me, so if someone remembers Me
inside himself, I will remember him inside Myself, and if he remembers Me in
a public setting, I will remember him in the company of the best of them. If
someone draws near to Me by the width of a hand [shibr], I will draw near to him
by the length of a forearm [dhirå‹]. If someone draws near to Me by the length
of a forearm, I will draw near to him by the breadth of two arms outstretched
[bå‹]. If someone comes toward Me at a walking pace, I will come toward him
at full speed [harwalatan]. If someone brings Me a basket the size of the earth,
filled with sinful error, I will bring him an equally large container, filled with
forgiveness, provided that he is not guilty of associating anything with Me.’”
• “It must mean: ‘So remember Me in times of good fortune and
prosperity, and I will remember you in times of hardship and misfortune,’
for, as Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He) has said [speaking of Jonah
(peace be upon him)]:
And had he not been one of those fa-law lå anna-hu kåna
who glorify [the Lord], he would mina ’l-musabbi¥ºna:
have tarried in its belly until the day la-labitha fº ba£ni-hi
when they are resurrected. ilå yawmi yub‹ath«n.
(37:143,144 )
It was Salmån al-Fårisº (may Allåh be well pleased with him) who
said: “If the servant [of the Lord] addressed a supplication [to Him],
while enjoying prosperity, and misfortune thereupon befell him, the
angels would say: ‘O our Lord, Your servant has been afflicted with
misfortune!’ They would promptly intercede on his behalf, and Allåh
(Exalted is He) would grant them a positive response. If, on the other
hand, he had offered no supplication to Him, they would say: ‘What?
Now?’ and they would not intercede on his behalf. The proof of this is
the story of Pharaoh [Fir‹åwn], [who was told, when he professed belief
in God on the point of drowning]:
What? Now? When hitherto ål-åna wa qad
you have rebelled, and have been ‹aƒaita qablu
one of those who act corruptly? wa kunta mina ’l-mufsidºn.
(10:91) ”
• “It must mean: ‘Remember Me through the surrender [taslºm] and
delegation [tafwºæ] [of your affairs to Me], and I will remember you by


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Tenth 237

choosing the most suitable options [on your behalf].’ The proof of this
is the assurance given by Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He):
And when someone puts all his trust wa man yatawakkal
in Allåh, He will be enough for him. ‹ala ’llåhi fa-Huwa ¥asbu-h.
(65:3) ”
• “It must mean: ‘Remember Me through intense yearning [shawq]
and loving affection [ma¥abba], and I will remember you through
contact [waƒl] and nearness [qurba].’
[In each of the following interpretations, there is some kind of rhyme
in the Arabic:]
• “Remember Me through glorification [majd] and praise [thanå›],
and I will remember you through the bestowal of gifts [‹a£å›] and
recompense [jazå›].”
• “Remember Me through repentance [tawba], and I will remember
you through the forgiveness of sin [ghufrån al-¥awba].”
• “Remember Me through supplication [du‹å›], and I will remember
you through the bestowal of gifts [‹a£å›].”
• “Remember Me through asking [su›ål], and I will remember you
through giving [nawål].”
• “Remember Me without neglect [ghafla], and I will remember you
without delay [muhla].”
• “Remember Me through feeling remorse [nadam], and I will
remember you by conferring honor [karam].”
• “Remember Me through apology [ma‹dhira], and I will remember
you through forgiveness [maghfira].”
• “Remember Me through good intention [iråda], and I will remember
you through ensuring good results [ifåda].”
• “Remember Me through the renunciation of bad habits [tanaƒƒul],
and I will remember you through the granting of gracious favors
• “Remember Me through sincere devotion [ikhlåƒ], and I will
remember you through salvation [khalåƒ].”
• “Remember Me with your hearts [qul«b], and I will remember you
through the removal of anxieties [kur«b].”
• “Remember Me without forgetfulness [nisyån], and I will remember
you with faithfulness [ºmån].”


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• “Remember Me through impoverishment [iftiqår], and I will remember

you through empowerment [iqtidår].”
• “Remember Me through seeking pardon and forgiveness [al-i‹tidhår
wa ’l-istighfår], and I will remember you through compassion and
forgiveness [ar-ra¥ma wa ’l-ightifår].”
• “Remember Me through true faith [ºmån], and I will remember you
by granting access to the Gardens of Paradise [Jinån].”
• “Remember Me through submission [islåm], and I will remember
you through honorable treatment [ikråm].”
• “Remember Me with the heart [qalb], and I will remember you
through the removal of the veils [¥ujub].”
• “Remember Me with a remembrance that is fleeting [dhikran
fåniyan], and I will remember you with a remembrance that is everlasting
[dhikran båqiyan].”
• “Remember Me through humble supplication [ibtihål], and I will
remember you through the bestowal of gracious favor [ifæål].”
• “Remember Me through self-abasement [tadhallul], and I will
remember you through the forgiveness of sinful mistakes [zalal].”
• “Remember Me through the confession of sins [i‹tiråf], and I will
remember you through the eradication of guilt [iqtiråf].”
• “Remember Me through purity of the innermost being [sirr], and I
will remember you through pure kindness [birr].”
• “Remember Me with truthfulness [ƒidq], and I will remember you
with tenderness [rifq].”
• “Remember Me through serenity [ƒafw], and I will remember you
through pardon [‹afw].”
• “Remember Me through exaltation [ta‹œºm], and I will remember
you through ennoblement [takrºm].”
• “Remember Me through the affirmation of My Supreme Greatness
[takbºr], and I will remember you through salvation from the blazing
inferno [sa‹ºr].”
• “Remember Me through the abandonment of crude behavior
[jafå›], and I will remember you through the fulfillment of the promise
• “Remember Me through the abandonment of error [kha£å›], and I
will remember you through all kinds of giving [‹a£å›].”


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• “Remember Me through strenuous exertion in service [khidma], and

I will remember you through the completion of benefit [ni‹ma].”
• “Remember Me wherever you are [¥aithu antum], and I will
remember you wherever I am [¥aithu Ana].”
It was ar-Rabº‹ (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him) who said,
concerning this Qur›ånic verse [åya]: “To those who remember Him,
Allåh (Exalted is He) is One who is Ever-Remembering [Dhåkir], to
those who give him thanks, He is a Giver of Surplus [Zå›id], and to those
disbelieve in Him, he is a Castigator [Mu‹adhdhib].”
Likewise referring to this Qur›ånic verse [åya], as-Suddº (may Allåh
bestow His mercy upon him) remarked: “No servant [of the Lord]
remembers Allåh (Exalted is He), without His remembering him in
turn. No true believer [mu›min] remembers Him, without His remem-
bering him in turn, through merciful compassion. No unbeliever [kåfir]
remembers Him, without His remembering him in turn, through
It was Sufyån ibn ‹Uyaina (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him)
who said: “We have been told that Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is
He) has said:
“‘I have given My servants such a gift that, if I had given it to Gabriel [Jibrºl] and
Michael [Mºk固l], I would have treated them most generously. For I have said
to them [My servants]: “Remember Me, and I will remember you [udhkur«-nº
adhkur-kum].” I also said to Moses [M«så]: “Tell the wrongdoers not to
remember Me, for I remember those who remember Me, and My way of
remembering them will be to damn them.”’”
Ab« ‹Uthmån an-Nahdº (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him)
once said: “I know when my Lord is remembering me.” When someone
asked him: “How can that be?” he replied: “Allåh (Almighty and
Glorious is He) has said:
So remember Me, fa-’dhkur«-nº
and I will remember you. (2:152) adhkur-kum.
—so when I remember Allåh, [I know that] He remembers me.”
It has also been said Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He) conveyed
[aw¥å] to David [Dåw«d] (peace be upon him) by way of inspiration: “O
David, you must all rejoice because of Me, and take delight in My
remembrance [dhikrº].”


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It was ath-Thawrº (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him) who said:
“For everything there is a penalty. In the case of one who knows by
direct experience [‹årif], the penalty is his separation from the remem-
brance of Allåh.”
In the words of one anonymous report: “Once remembrance has
taken possession of the heart, if Satan [ash-Shai£ån] approaches it, he
will suffer an epileptic fit [ƒuri‹a], just as an ordinary human being will
be stricken with epilepsy, if Satan approaches him. When they ask:
‘What is the matter with him [with Satan]?” they will be told: ‘Humanity
[al-ins] has touched him.’”
Sahl ibn ‹Abdi’llåh (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him) once
said: “I know of no act of sinful disobedience [ma‹ƒiya] worse than
forgetting this Noble and Generous Lord [nisyån hådha ’r-Rabbi ’l-Karºm].”
It has also been said that inwardly hidden remembrance [dhikr khafº]
is not raised aloft by the angel, because he has no awareness of it, since
it is a secret between the servant and Allåh (Exalted is He).
One of the wise has said: “I was given a good description of someone
practicing remembrance [dhåkir] in the forest, so I paid him a visit.
While we were sitting there together, an enormous savage beast
appeared on the scene. It struck him a blow, and bit off a piece of his
skin, so he fainted, and I fainted too. When I recovered consciousness,
I asked him: ‘What was all that about?’ He replied: ‘Allåh has charged
this savage beast with the task of overseeing me. Whenever I experience
a lapse from my remembrance, it comes along and bites me, as you have
just seen for yourself.’”


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Concerning the practice of supplication [du‹å›].

T he practice of supplication [du‹å›] is referred to in the words of

Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He):
And your Lord has said: wa qåla Rabbu-kumu ’d‹«-nº
“Call upon Me and I will answer you.” ud‹«-nº astajib la-kum.
—and in His words (Exalted is He):
So, as soon as you have finished, fa-idhå faraghta
set to work, and present your request fa-’nƒab wa ilå Rabbi-ka
to your Lord. (94:7,8) fa-’rghab.
That is to say: “As soon as you have finished performing your ritual
prayer [ƒalåt], you must set about the task of presenting your supplication
[du‹å›] to Him. ”
It is also referred to in the words of Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He):
And when My servants question you wa idhå sa›ala-ka ‹ibådº ‹annº
concerning Me, I am Near. fa-innº Qarºb:
I answer the call of the caller, ujºbu da‹wata ’d-d勺
when he calls out to Me. idhå da‹å-ni.
So let them respond to Me, fa-l-yastajºb« lº
and let them believe in Me, wa l-yu›min« bº
in order that they may be led aright. la‹alla-hum yarshud«n.
The traditional commentators [mufassir«n] have held differing views
concerning the revelation of this Qur›ånic verse [åya]. For instance,
Ibn ‹Abbås (may Allåh be well pleased with him and with his father)
is reported381 as having said:
“The Jews [Yah«d] among the people of Medina once asked the
Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace): ‘How can our Lord hear
our prayer of supplication [du‹å›], when you maintain that, between us
381 Author’s note: For this report, the chain of transmission [isnåd] goes back through the
following links: al-Kalbº —Ab« »åli¥ — Ibn ‹Abbås (may Allåh be well pleased with him and
with his father).


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242 Volume Three

and the heaven above, there is a distance of five hundred years, and that
the thickness of each heaven is equal to that?’ It was then that this
Qur›ånic verse [åya] was sent down:
And when My servants question you wa idhå sa›ala-ka ‹ibådº ‹annº
concerning Me, I am Near. fa-innº Qarºb.
(2:186) ”
It was al-ªasan [al-Baƒrº] (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him)
who said: “The Companions [»a¥åba] of Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless
him and give him peace) asked: ‘Where is our Lord?’ So Allåh (Exalted
is He) sent down this Qur›ånic verse [åya].”
‹A£å› and Qatåda (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon them) both
said: “When this Qur›ånic verse [åya] was sent down:
And your Lord has said: wa qåla Rabbu-kumu ’d‹«-nº
“Call upon Me and I will answer you.” ud‹«-nº astajib la-kum.
—a man said: ‘O Messenger of Allåh, how should we appeal to our
Lord, and when should we offer our supplication to Him?’ So Allåh
(Exalted is He) sent down this Qur›ånic verse [åya]:
And when My servants question you wa idhå sa›ala-ka ‹ibådº ‹annº
concerning Me, I am Near. fa-innº Qarºb.
(2:186) ”
It was aæ-Œa¥¥åk (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him) who said:
“Some of the Companions [»a¥åba] of Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless
him and give him peace) asked him: ‘Is our Lord near, so that we may
whisper to Him, or is He distant, so that we need to call out loud to
Him?’ So Allåh (Exalted is He) sent down this Qur›ånic verse [åya]:
And when My servants question you wa idhå sa›ala-ka ‹ibådº ‹annº
concerning Me, I am Near. fa-innº Qarºb.
(2:186) ”
According to those who seek to decipher the inner meanings [ahl
al-ma‹ånº], there is a hidden significance [iæmår] to these words, as if He
had said: “Say to them, or let them know, that I am Near to them
through knowledge [‹ilm].” According to those who concentrate on
symbolism [ahl al-ishåra], the message is: “Dispensing with indirect
mediation [wiså£a] amounts to revealing the source of Power [Qudra].”


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As for the words of Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He):

I answer the call of the caller, ujºbu da‹wata ’d-d勺
when he calls out to Me. idhå da‹å-ni.
So let them respond to Me. (2:186) fa-l-yastajºb« lº.
—the meaning is: “So let them respond to Me through obedience
[£å‹a].” Some say that the Arabic verbs ajåba and istajåba are synony-
mous,382 but Ab« Rajå› al-Khuråsånº (may Allåh bestow His mercy
upon him) maintained that the Arabic expression fa-l-yastajºb« lº
means: “So let them appeal to Me [fa-l-yad‹«nº].”
In classical Arabic usage, the verbal noun ijåba means “[responding
with] obedience [£å‹a], and giving [i‹£å›] what has been requested.” For
instance, to make the statement: “The sky responded [ajåbat] with rain,
and the earth responded [ajåbat] with vegetation,” is a way of saying:
“The sky was asked for rain, so it gave, and the earth was asked for
vegetation, so it gave.” When the ijåba [answering; responding] comes
from Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He), it takes the form of giving
[i‹£å›], and when it comes from His servant, it takes the form of
obedience [£å›a].
The Qur›ånic verse [åya] continues, with His words:
And let them believe in Me, wa l-yu›min« bº
in order that they may be led aright. la‹alla-hum yarshud«n.
—that is to say: “so that they may be rightly guided [li-kai yahtad«].”
Let us now consider a question that might be raised concerning His
I answer the call of the caller, ujºbu da‹wata ’d-d勺
when he calls out to Me. (2:186) idhå da‹å-ni.
Call upon Me and I will answer you. ud‹«-nº astajib la-kum.
Suppose someone should say: “That sounds fine, but we notice that
many of Allåh’s creatures appeal to Him (Exalted is He), yet receive no
response. What is the explanation?” Well, as the questioner would
have to be told, there is more than one possible explanation. Concerning
the purport and interpretation [ta›wºl] of these two Qur›ånic verses
[åyatain], the religious scholars [ahl al-‹ilm] have held several different
opinions. For instance:
382 The words ujºbu (translated above as “I answer”) and yastajºb« (translated as “[so let them]
respond”) are grammatically modified derivatives of the basic verbs ajåba and istajåba, respectively.

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244 Volume Three

• In this context, the meaning of du‹å› [calling; appealing; supplication]

is worshipful obedience [£å‹a], and the meaning of ijåba [answering;
responding] is the granting of spiritual reward [thawåb]. It is as if He had
said (Almighty and Glorious is He): “I answer the call of the caller—
by granting spiritual reward, when he obeys Me.”
• The meaning of the two Qur›ånic verses [åyatain] is quite specific,
despite the fact that their wording is comprehensive. Their implied
significance [taqdºr] becomes explicit in expanded statements like:
• “I answer the call of the caller—if I so wish.”
• “I answer the call of the caller—so long as he is ready to accept the verdict
• “I answer the call of the caller—provided he does not ask for something totally
absurd [mu¥ål].”
• “I answer the call of the caller—whenever it is good for him to receive a
There is traditional evidence in favor of this interpretation, since
Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him peace) is reported383
as having said:
If any Muslim appeals to Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He), with a
supplication [da‹wa] that entails no estrangement of relatives [qa£º‹a ra¥im] and
no sin, Allåh (Exalted is He) is bound to grant the supplicant one of three
special favors: He may grant his request here and now, in this world, or He may
keep it in store for him in the hereafter, or He may grant him a gift of equal value,
in the form of protection from something bad.
When his listeners said: “In that case, O Messenger of Allåh, we
should make a frequent practice of supplication [du‹å›],” he replied:
“Allåh is Supremely Bountiful [Allåhu Akthar]!”
• This Qur›ånic verse [åya] makes a general and explicit statement,
about nothing more than the answering of the call. As for the granting
of the request, and the satisfaction of the need, these are not mentioned
in the verse [åya]. A master may respond to his servant, and a father to
his son, without necessarily granting his request. The response [of
Allåh] will undoubtedly be there, when the call is received, because His
saying, “I will answer [ujºbu and astjib],” is a positive statement of fact
[khabar]. A positive statement cannot be canceled by the negative,
because such contradiction would mean that the person who made the
383 Author’s note: For this report, the chain of transmission [isnåd] goes back through the
following links: ‹Alº ibn Abi’l-Mutawakkil—Ab« Sa‹ºd (may Allåh be well pleased with him)—
the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace).


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statement was telling a lie. Highly Exalted is Allåh, far above and
beyond anything of that kind!
This interpretation [ta›wºl] is reinforced by a traditional report,384
from which we learn that the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him
peace) once said:
If a doorway to supplication [du‹å›] is opened up for someone, the doors of
response [ijåba] will also be opened up for him.
Allåh (Exalted is He) conveyed to David [Dåw«d] (peace be upon
him), by way of inspiration: “Tell the wrongdoers not to appeal to Me,
for I have made it incumbent upon Myself to answer [anyone who
appeals to Me], and if I respond to the wrongdoers, I shall do so by
cursing them.”
• Allåh (Exalted is He) may answer the call of the believer [mu›min]
immediately, or He may postpone the granting of his wish, so that he
will go on appealing to Him, and so that He will keep hearing the sound
of his voice.
There is traditional evidence in favor of this interpretation, also,
since Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him peace) is
reported385 as having said:
The servant may appeal to Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He), and He may
love the sound. In that case, Allåh (Exalted is He) will say: “O Gabriel, fulfill
the need of this servant of Mine, but postpone its fulfillment, for I would love
to keep hearing his voice!” Then again, the servant may appeal to Allåh
(Almighty and Glorious is He), and He may dislike the sound. In that case,
Allåh (Exalted is He) will say: “O Gabriel, fulfill the need of this servant of
Mine, on account of his sincere devotion [ikhlåƒ], and do so at once, for I would
hate to keep hearing his voice!”
We are told that Ya¥yå ibn Sa‹ºd (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon
him) once said: “I saw the Lord of Might and Glory [Rabb al-‹Izza] in
one of my dreams, so I said to Him: ‘O my Lord, I appeal to You so often,
yet You do not answer me!’ To this He replied: ‘O Ya¥yå, I love the
sound of your voice!’”
384 Author’s note: For this report, the chain of transmission [isnåd] goes back through the
following links: Nåfi‹—Ibn ‹Umar (may Allåh be well pleased with him and with his father)—
the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace).
385 Author’s note: For this report, the chain of transmission [isnåd] goes back through the
following links: Mu¥ammad ibn al-Munkadir—Jåbir ibn ‹Abdi’llåh (may Allåh be well pleased
with him and with his father)—the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace).


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246 Volume Three

• The practice of supplication [du‹å›] requires the cultivation of

certain habits, and the fulfillment of certain preconditions, which are
the means to the response and the attainment of the wish. If someone
cultivates these habits, and fulfills these preconditions, he will be
qualified to receive the response. On the other hand, if someone
neglects the former, or violates the latter, he will be one of those who
are poorly equipped for the practice of supplication [du‹å›].
Someone asked Ibråhºm ibn Ad’ham (may Allåh bestow His mercy
upon him): “What can be the matter with us? We appeal to Allåh, but
He gives us no response!” To this he replied: “That is because you know
about the Messenger, but you do not follow his exemplary custom
[Sunna]. You are familiar with the Qur݌n, but you do not put it into
practice. You consume the bounty of Allåh, but you do not offer thanks
for it. You know about the Garden of Paradise, but you do not seek it,
You know about the Fire of Hell, but you are not afraid of it. You know
about Satan [ash-Shai£ån], but you do not wage war against him; you
actually collaborate with him. You are aware of death, but you do not
prepare for it. You bury the dead, but you do not learn a lesson from
them. You ignore your own faults, but you pay constant attention to the
faults of other people.”


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Fifth Discourse 247

Concerning the Rite of Immolation [an-Na¥r].

I mmolation [na¥r], meaning animal sacrifice, is referred to in the

words of Allåh (Exalted is He):
[So pray to your Lord] and sacrifice. [fa ƒalli li-Rabbi-ka] wa ’n¥ar.
The origin of the Rite of Immolation [an-Na¥r] is the commandment
given by Allåh (Exalted is He) to His Bosom Friend, Abrahåm [Khalºli-hi
Ibråhºm] (peace be upon him), when Allåh (Exalted is He) delivered
him from the fiery furnace of Nimrod, the cruel tyrant, and made him
safe from his cunning devices and his torment. He said (peace be upon
“I am going to my Lord.” (37:99) innº dhåhibun ilå Rabbº.
—meaning: “[I am] emigrating [muhåjiran] to my Lord.” That is to
say: “to my Lord’s good pleasure in the Holy Land.” [He also said:]
“He will guide me.” (37:99) sa-yahdºn.
—meaning: “to His religion [dºn].”
Of all the creatures of Allåh, Abrahåm [Ibråhºm] (peace be upon him)
was the first to emigrate for the sake of the religion [dºn] of Allåh
(Almighty and Glorious is He). When he emigrated [håjara], he was
joined by Lot [L«£] and Sarah [Såra], the sister of Lot, who was the son
of the maternal uncle of Abraham [Ibråhºm] (peace be upon him). As
soon as he reached the Holy Land, he asked his Lord to grant him
offspring, saying:
“My Lord, Rabbi
give me one of the righteous.” hab lº mina ’ƒ-ƒåli¥ºn.
—in other words: “Give me a righteous son.” Allåh granted his
request, for He said (Exalted is He):
So We gave him the good tidings fa-bashsharnå-hu
of a gentle boy. (37:101) bi-ghulåmin ¥alºm.

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248 Volume Three

—[probably] meaning: “one who is endowed with knowledge [‹alºm],”

though He is the All-Knowing One [Huwa ’l-‹Álim]. That son was
Isaac [Is¥åq], the son of Sarah.
Then, when he had reached the age fa-lammå balagha ma‹a-hu ’s-sa‹ya
of walking briskly with him… ma‹a-hu ’s-sa‹ya.
—that is to say: “of walking to the mountain.”
He said: “O my dear son, qåla yå bunayya innº arå
I have seen in a dream fi ’l-manåmi
that I must sacrifice you.” annº adhba¥u-ka.
—meaning: “I have been commanded, in my dream, to sacrifice you.”
That was because of a vow he had sworn (peace be upon him) in his
dream. When he said to his son:
“So look, what do you think?” fa-’nœur må dhå tarå.
—he replied (peace be upon him):
“O my father, you must do yå abati ’f ‹al
what you are commanded. (37:102) må tu›mar.
—and obey your Lord.” (It should be noted that Isaac [Is¥åq] did not
say to Abraham [Ibråhºm]: “You must do what you saw in your dream,”
although Abraham [Ibråhºm] (peace be upon him) saw that [same
dream] on each of three consecutive nights.)
Abraham [Ibråhºm] (peace be upon him) fasted and prayed [ƒåma wa
ƒallå] before the sacrifice, and he said:
“You will find me, if Allåh so wills, sa-tajidu-nº in shå›a ’llåhu
to be one of those who are patient.” mina ’ƒ-ƒåbirºn.
—meaning: “[patient] in enduring the sacrifice.”
Then, when they had both surrendered… fa-lammå aslamå
—that is to say: “when they had both surrendered to the commandment
of Allåh (Exalted is He), and in obedience to Him.’’
and he had flung him wa talla-hu
down upon his brow… (37:103) li’l-jabºni…
—that is to say: “when he had laid him prostrate on his forehead,” and
when he seized him by his forelock, in order to sacrifice him for the sake
of Allåh, Allåh acknowledged their truthfulness [ƒidq], and He called
out (Almighty and Glorious is He):


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Fifth Discourse
Tenth 249

“O Abraham, you have yå Ibråhºm:

now confirmed the vision qad ƒaddaqta ’r-ru›yå
—concerning the sacrifice of your son, so now take the ram, and
sacrifice it as your son’s ransom.” Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He)
then said:
And We ransomed him wa fadainå-hu
with a mighty sacrifice. (37:107) bi-dhib¥in ‹aœºm.
The name of the ram was Zarºr. It was one of the mountain sheep that
graze in the Garden of Paradise for forty years, before they are slaughtered.
According to one account, it was the ram that was sacrificed by Abel
[Håbºl], the son of Adam, who was slain as a martyr [shahºd] (peace be
upon him), and it used to graze in the Garden of Paradise. In any case,
it became the means by which the Prophet Isaac [Is¥åq an-Nabº] (peace
be upon him) was ransomed from slaughter.
Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He) then said:
That is how We recompense ka-dhålika
the doers of good. (37:110) najzi ’l-mu¥sinºn.
—meaning: “That is how We recompense every true lover [mu¥ibb].”
Thus did Allåh recompense him with goodness, for his excellent
obedience to the commandment of Allåh (Exalted is He), concerning
the sacrifice of his son Isaac [Is¥åq]. (According to some, Ishmael
[Ism勺l] [peace be upon him] was the son he was commanded to sacrifice.)
Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He) then said:
This is indeed the manifest trial. (37:106) inna hådå la-huwa ’l-balå›u ’l-mubºn.
—meaning: “the manifest blessing [na‹ºm]”—when He redeemed
him and ransomed him with the ram.
One of the commentators has said: “When the Bosom Friend [al-Khalºl]
(peace be upon him) placed the knife on the throat of his son, the call
was given:
‘O Abraham, (37:104) yå Ibråhºm
—release your son, for Our intended purpose is not the physical
sacrifice of the son. Our intended purpose is only the heart’s detachment
from love of the son.’”
This is in keeping with the following account: “In some of the
Scriptures [Kutub], it is mentioned that Abraham [Ibråhºm] (peace be

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250 Volume Three

upon him) said in his innermost being [sirr], when he was about to
sacrifice his son: ‘O my Lord, if only this sacrifice could be at the hand
of someone other than me, that would be so much better!’ But Allåh
(Exalted is He) replied: ‘It can only be at your hand.’ The angels then
asked: ‘O our Lord, why have You acted like this?’ He said: ‘In order
to add trial upon trial.’ The angels said: ‘Why is that?’ He said: ‘To
ensure that he loves no one other than Me, for I will accept no partner
in love [sharºk fi’l-¥ubb].’”
Abraham [Ibråhºm] (peace be upon him) loved his son, so he was put
to the test of sacrificing him. Jacob [Ya‹q«b] loved Joseph [Y«suf], so he
was absent from him for forty years, and put to the test by his separation.
Our own Prophet Mu¥ammad (Allåh bless him and give him peace)
loved [his grandsons] al-ªasan and al-ªusain (may Allåh be well
pleased with them both), and they were attached to his heart, so Gabriel
[Jibrºl] (peace be upon him) came and told him that one of them would
be poisoned, and the other would be slain, so that he would not share
his love of the Beloved [ªabºb] with anyone apart from Him.


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Fifth Discourse 251

Concerning the roads to be taken by the believer

[mu›min] on his way to and from the
Festival prayer [ƒalåt al-‹Ïd].

W hen the believer sets out to attend the Festival prayer [ƒalåt
al-‹Ïd], following a particular route, he is recommended to
return home by a different route. This advice is based on the report of
Ibn ‹Abbås (may Allåh be well pleased with him and with his father),
who said that the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) took
one road [to the congregational prayer] on the Day of the Festival
[Yawm al-‹Ïd], and used a different road on his way back home. In
another traditional report [¥adºth], we find the terse statement: “He
used to go out by a road, and return by a road.”
The experts have maintained a variety of opinions on this matter.
According to the majority, the Prophet’s purpose (Allåh bless him and
give him peace) was simply to divide the forces of the polytheists
[mushrikºn], since they would have to guard both roads, if they sought
to ambush his troops. Several other explanations have been suggested,
however, including the following:
• His purpose was simply to shorten the return trip. It would seem
that he took the longer route in the outgoing direction, because of the
many good deeds [he used to perform along the way], and then returned
by the shorter route.
• When he passed along one road, that stretch of the earth bore
witness in his favor. Then he came home by a different road, so that
another stretch of the earth could also bear witness in his favor.
• The Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) passed through
one of the tribal communities, then returned through the territory of
others, in order to honor them equally, because the sight of him (Allåh


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252 Volume Three

bless him and give him peace) was a mercy [ra¥ma]. Allåh (Exalted is
He) told him:
And We have not sent you except wa må arsalnå-ka
as a mercy for all beings. (21:107) illå ra¥matan li’l-‹ålamºn.
• The earth takes pride in the tread of the Prophet (Allåh bless him
and give him peace), and in being walked upon by other Prophets
[Anbiyå›] and saints [awliyå›]. His purpose (Allåh bless him and give
him peace) was therefore to give equal treatment to the two tracts of
land, so that neither could boast at the other’s expense.
• When the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) set out for
the place of worship [muƒallå], his direction was the true path [¥aqºqa]
to Allåh (Exalted is He). Then [when the prayer had been performed],
his purpose was to return to his family and his home turf, to the well-
known clay and familiar water. He loathed the idea of following one
road toward Allåh (Exalted is He), and then following it toward
something other than Him, so he returned by a different route.
• If the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) had not
returned home by a different route, it would have been incumbent upon
the people to follow his example [al-istinån bi-hi] (Allåh bless him and
give him peace). That would have made it impossible for them to
disperse, after the Festival prayer [ƒalåt al-‹Ïd], and return to their homes
by many different routes. He therefore sought to make it clear, by
setting a precedent, that they were at liberty to return by whichever
route they wished to take.
• The Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) used to make
charitable gifts to those who accompanied him, so he used to return by
a different route, to ensure that the charity [ƒadaqa] would be distributed
among the poor.
• He made it his practice [to come and go by different routes] because
the people used to crowd around him (Allåh bless him and give him


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Fifth Discourse 253

Concerning the special quality of the

Day of Immolation [Yawm an-Na¥r] and the
sacrificial animal [uæ¥iyya].

A s reported by ‹Abdu’llåh ibn Qara£ (may Allåh be well pleased

with him), Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him
peace) once said:
The most splendid of all the days, in the sight of Allåh, is the Day of Immolation
[Yawm an-Na¥r].
According to traditional report, the Prophet (Allåh bless him and
give him peace) once said to [his daughter] Få£ima (may Allåh be well
pleased with her):
You must stand in the presence of your animal sacrifice [uæ¥iyya], and bear
witness to it, for then you will be granted forgiveness, with the first drop of blood
that drips from it, for every sin you ever committed. [As you stand there] you
must say:
My ritual prayer inna ƒalåtº
and my rites [of sacrifice], wa nusukº
and my living and my dying are wa ma¥yåya wa mamåtº
for Allåh, the Lord of All the Worlds. li’llåhi Rabbi ’l-‹ålamºn.
The Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) is also reported as
having said:
David [Dåw«d] (peace be upon him) said: “My God [Ilåhº], what will be the
spiritual reward of a member of the Community [Umma] of Mu¥ammad (Allåh
bless him and give him peace), who offers an animal sacrifice?” Allåh
(Almighty and Glorious is He) replied: “As his spiritual reward, he will be
granted ten good deeds for every hair [on the animal’s body], and ten bad deeds
will be erased from his record. He will also be promoted by ten degrees.”
David then asked: ““My God [Ilåhº], what will be his spiritual reward when he
carves its stomach open?” To this He replied: “When the grave is split open to
release him, Allåh (Exalted is He) will bring him forth secure from hunger and
thirst, and safe from the terrors of the Resurrection [Qiyåma]. O David, for every


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254 Volume Three

piece of its meat, he will be awarded poultry in the Garden of Paradise, and those
birds will be the size of Bactrian camels. For every one of its forelegs, he will be
awarded one of the steeds of the Garden of Paradise. For every hair on its body,
he will be awarded a palatial mansion in the Garden of Paradise. For every hair
on its head, he will be awarded a maiden from among the houries [al-¥«r al-‹ºn].386
“Surely you must know, O David, that the animal sacrifices [æa¥åyå] represent
the riding animals [ma£åyå] [of Paradise], and that those sacrifices [æa¥åyå] wipe
out sinful errors [kha£åyå] and drive away misfortunes [balåyå]. You must
command the offering of animal sacrifices [æa¥åyå], for they are the ransom of
the believer [mu›min], like the ransom of Isaac [Is¥åq] from slaughter.”
The Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) also said:
You must treat your sacrificial animals [æa¥åyå] properly, for they will be your
riding animals [ma£åyå] on the Day of Resurrection [Yawm al-Qiyåma].
It is reported that ‹Alº [ibn Abº ¡ålib] (may Allåh be well pleased
with him) first recited:
On the day when We shall muster yawma na¥shuru ’l-muttaqºna
the truly devout unto the All-Merciful, ila ’r-Ra¥måni
as a delegation… (19:85) wafdå…
—then went on to say: “And what will the delegation [wafd] consist
of, other than riders mounted on their thoroughbred camels? Those
thoroughbred camels of theirs are now their sacrificial animals [æa¥åyå].
[At the Resurrection] they will be provided with she-camels, the likes
of which no creatures have ever seen, and these will be equipped with
saddles of gold and bridles of chrysolite. Then they will transport them
to the Garden of Paradise, so that they may enter through its gate.”
The Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) is reported as
having said:
Offer your sacrifices, and feel happy about letting them go, for if someone takes
his sacrificial animal [uæ¥iyya], and turns it to face the Qibla [direction of the
Ka‹ba], its blood and its hair will be preserved for him until the Day of
Resurrection [Yawm al-Qiyåma]. When the blood falls into the dust, it is falling
into Allåh’s safekeeping. Spend freely, that you may be recompensed abundantly!
It is traditionally reported that the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give
him peace) sent for two enormous rams, black-and-white beasts with
horns. Having laid one of them on its side, he said:
In the Name of Allåh, Bismi’llåhi ’r-
the All-Merciful, Ra¥måni ’r-
the All-Compassionate. Ra¥ºm.

386 See note 42 on p. 26 above.


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Fifth Discourse
Tenth 255

Allåh is Supremely Great! Allåhu Akbar.

O Allåh, Allåhumma
this is on behalf of Mu¥ammad, hådhå ‹an Mu¥ammadin
and on behalf of Mu¥ammad’s family. wa ‹an åli Mu¥ammad.
He then did the same with the other ram, and said:
In the Name of Allåh, Bismi’llåhi ’r-
the All-Merciful, Ra¥måni ’r-
the All-Compassionate. Ra¥ºm.
O Allåh, [accept] this on behalf Allåhumma hådhå
of Mu¥ammad, and on behalf ‹an Mu¥ammadin wa ‹an
of the members of his Community. ahli Ummati-h.
As reported on the authority of Jåbir ibn ‹Abdi’llåh (may Allåh be
well pleased with him and with his father), the Prophet (Allåh bless
him and give him peace) sacrificed two rams on the Day of Immolation
[Yawm an-Na¥r].
Shaikh Imåm Abu’l-Barakåt [‘Father of Blessings’] Hibatu’llåh ibn
al-Mubårak as-Saqa£º (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him) has
informed us, after listing the authorities by whom the report was
transmitted,387 that the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace)
once said:
If someone brings his sacrificial animal [uæ¥iyya] to its place of slaughter, on the
Day of Immolation [Yawm an-Na¥r], Allåh (Exalted is He) will bring him close
to the Garden of Paradise. Then, when he slaughters it, Allåh will grant him
forgiveness, with the first drop of blood that drips from its veins. Allåh (Exalted
is He) will provide him with a means of transport to the gathering place, on the
Day of Resurrection [Yawm al-Qiyåma]. He will also credit him with ten good
deeds, for every strand of its hair or wool.
As reported on the authority of Anas ibn Målik (may Allåh be well
pleased with him): “The Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace)
sacrificed two rams, black-and-white beasts with horns [aqranain
amla¥ain]. While performing the slaughter, he would invoke the Name
of Allåh, and set his foot on the side [of the animal]. ”
Ab« ‹Ubaida explained: “The term amla¥ is applied to an animal that
is partly white and partly black, with the blackness predominating.
It ‘sees in blackness and kneels in blackness.’”
387 Author’s note:
Shaikh Imåm Abu ’l-Barakåt Hibatu’llåh ibn al-Mubårak as-Saqa£º (may Allåh
bestow His mercy upon him) cites the following chain of transmission [isnåd] for this report:
Mu¥ammad ibn A¥mad ibn al-ªarth al-Mu‹addil al-K«fº—al-Qåæº [the Judge] Mu¥ammad ibn
Mu¥ammad ibn ‹Abdi»llåh al-Ja‹fº—Mu¥ammad ibn Ja‹far al-Ashja‹º ‹Alº ibn al-Mundhir
a£-¡arafº—Ibn Fuæail—Hishåm—‹Urwa—his father—‹Á›isha (may Allåh be well pleased
with her)—the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace).

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256 Volume Three

As reported by ‹Á›isha (may Allåh be well pleased with her): “The

Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) sent for a horned ram,
asking for one that ‘treads in blackness, sees in blackness, and kneels in
blackness.’ Then he brought it out and sacrificed it. He laid it on its
side and slaughtered it, saying:
‘In the Name of Allåh, Bismi’llåhi ’r-
the All-Merciful, Ra¥måni ’r-
the All-Compassionate. Ra¥ºm.
O Allåh, accept this Allåhumma taqabbal
from Mu¥ammad min Mu¥ammadin
and Mu¥ammad’s family, wa åli Mu¥ammadin
and from the Community wa min Ummati
of Mu¥ammad.’” Mu¥ammad.
According to the experts in the tradition [of the Prophet (Allåh bless
him and give him peace)] [ahl al-¥adºth], when he sent for a ram that
‘treads in blackness and sees in blackness,’ he was describing a creature
with so much fat and flesh, that it needed no shade apart from its own
shadow, in which to see and in which to kneel. According to the
linguistic experts [ahl al-lugha], the meaning of blackness, in this
context, is that the ram had two black feet, two black eyes, and two
black knees.


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Fifth Discourse 257

Concerning the ritual prayer [ƒalåt]

of the Night of Sacrifice [Lailat al-Aæ¥å].

I n the ritual prayer of the Night of Sacrifice [ƒalåt Lailat al-Aæ¥å], the
worshipper must perform two cycles of prayer [rak‹atain], reciting in
each cycle:
• the Opening S«ra of the Book [Fåti¥at al-Kitåb]—fifteen times, and
the S«ras that begin with:
• Say: “He is Allåh, One!” (112:1) qul Huwa ’llåhu A¥ad.
• Say: “I take refuge with the qul a‹«dhu
Lord of the Daybreak.” (113:1) bi-Rabbi ’l-falaq.
• Say: “I take refuge qul a‹«dhu
with the Lord of mankind.” (114:1) bi-Rabbi ’n-nås.
—likewise fifteen times each.
When he has pronounced the salutation [sallama] [at the conclusion
of the prayer], he should:
• recite the Verse of the Throne [Áyat al-Kursº]388—three times;
• seek forgiveness of Allåh—fifteen times, and then:
• appeal for whatever he wishes from the good of this world and the

388 Q. 2:255.


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258 Volume Three

Concerning the fact that the animal sacrifice

[uæ¥iyya] is a recommended customary
practice [sunna].

T he animal sacrifice [uæ¥iyya] is a customary practice [sunna], the

omission of which is not recommended for anyone who is capable
of performing it. Such is the doctrine of Imåm A¥mad ibn ªanbal,
Imåm Målik and Imåm ash-Shåfi‹º (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon
them all). According to other authorities, however, it is strictly
necessary [wåjiba]. The basic support for its recommended status
[isti¥båb], as opposed to its strict necessity [wuj«b], is the traditional
report of Ibn ‹Abbås (may Allåh be well pleased with him and with his
father), who stated that the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him
peace) once said:
I have been commanded to perform the rite of immolation [na¥r], whereas for
you it is simply a customary practice [sunna].
According to another traditional report [khabar], [the Prophet (Allåh
bless him and give him peace) once said]:
Three things are obligatory [faræ] as far as I am concerned, while for you they are
voluntary practices [ta£awwu‹]: namely, the rite of immolation [na¥r], the odd-
numbered ritual prayer [witr],389 and the two [extra] cycles of prayer at the time
of dawn [rak‹atayi ’l-fajr].
According to the traditional report [¥adºth] of Umm Salama (may
Allåh be well pleased with her), Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him
and give him peace) once said:
When the Ten [Days of Dhu’l-ªijja] come around, and one of you wishes to offer
a sacrifice, he should not do anything to alter its hair or its skin.
The Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) thus made the
animal sacrifice [uæ¥iyya] contingent upon the wish [iråda] [of the
individual concerned], whereas that which is strictly necessary [wåjib],
according to the sacred law [shar‹], cannot be contingent on the wish
[of an individual to perform it].
389 See note 269 on p. 132 above.

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Fifth Discourse 259

Concerning the animals

that are most suitable for sacrifice.

T he animals most suitable for sacrifice are camels, then bovines, and
then sheep or goats. In the case of sheep, only the jadha‹ is
acceptable, while the thanº is acceptable in other cases. As for the
jadha‹, it is an animal that is fully six months old, while the term thanº
is applied to a goat that is one year old, to a bovine that is two years old,
and to a camel that is five years old.
A sheep is acceptable as a sacrificial offering from a single individual,
and a fat camel or bovine as a collective offering from a group of seven.
[As far as color is concerned] the best sacrificial animals [æa¥åyå] are
the gray, then the yellow, then the black.
The most meritorious procedure is to perform the act of sacrifice
oneself. If an individual lacks the necessary skill for this, he should at
least witness the slaughter of his sacrificial animal. He should then eat
one third of it himself, present one third of it to someone as a personal
gift, and donate one third of it to charity.
Care must be taken to ensure that the sacrificial animal is not
defective. The most serious defects are represented by these five
1. An animal that has a broken horn or a slit ear [‹aæbå›], meaning
one that has lost the greater part of one of its ears or horns. (According
to some, the animal is unsuitable if it has lost one third of one of its ears
or horns.) The completely hornless ewe [jammå›] is likewise unsuitable
for sacrifice, because it is equivalent to the aforementioned ‹aæbå›,
according to the sounder of the two expert opinions on this subject.
2. A one-eyed creature [‹awrå›] whose one-eyed condition [‹awar]
is clearly apparent, meaning that one of its eyes has sunk deep into the
socket and disappeared.


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260 Volume Three

3. An emaciated animal [‹ajfå›] with no fat on its bones, meaning

a skinny creature that has no marrow [mukhkh] inside it.
4. A lame animal [‹arjå›] whose lameness [‹araj] is clearly apparent,
since it cannot move about freely, and is too weak to gather its share of
5. An animal so sick [marºæa] that its sickness [maraæ] is clearly
apparent, or one that is mangy [jarbå›], because its mangy condition
[jarab] will spoil its meat.
The Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) also forbade the
sacrifice of the muqåbala, meaning an animal with a slit in the front part
of its ear, so that it hangs over its forehead; the mudåbara, meaning an
animal with a slit in the back part of its ear; the kharqå›, meaning one
that has had its ear perforated by branding; and the sharfå›, meaning
one that has had its ear split by branding. This should be construed as
encouragement to avoid all imperfection [tanzºh], and not as absolute
prohibition [ta¥rºm]. In other words, while the best course is to avoid
that kind of animal, the sacrifice thereof is nevertheless permissible.
The Days of Immolation [Ayyåm an-Na¥r] are three: the Day of the
Festival [Yawm al-‹Ïd], after the [congregational] ritual prayer [ƒalåt] or
the corresponding time [for those unable to attend], and two days
immediately thereafter. Such is the doctrine [madhhab] held by the
majority of the Islåmic jurists [fuqahå›], although ash-Shåfi‹º (may
Allåh bestow His mercy upon him) spoke of “the Day of the Festival
[Yawm al-‹Ïd] and the three Days of Tashrºq.” As for our statement that
there are three days altogether, this is based on traditional reports from
‹Umar, ‹Alº, Ibn ‹Abbås and Ab« Huraira (may Allåh be well pleased
with them all).
If someone slaughters his sacrificial animal before the ritual prayer
conducted by the leader [ƒalåt al-imåm], it is merely “a lump of sheep’s
meat.” For that he will not receive the spiritual reward of the rite of
sacrifice, since al-Barå› ibn ‹Ázib (may Allåh be well pleased with him
and with his father) is reported390 as having said: “Allåh’s Messenger
(Allåh bless him and give him peace) addressed us with a sermon, after
390 Author’s note: For this report, the chain of transmission [isnåd] goes back through the
following links: Manƒ«r—ash-Sha‹bº—‹Abd al-Barrå› ibn ‹Ázib (may Allåh be well pleased
with him and with his father).


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Fifth Discourse
Tenth 261

the ritual prayer [ƒalåt] on the Day of Immolation [Yawm an-Na¥r], in

which he said:
“‘If someone performs our ritual prayer [ƒalåt], and then performs the rites [of
sacrifice], those rites [nusuk] will achieve their purpose. But if someone performs
the rites before the ritual prayer, that [sacrificial animal] will be nothing but a
lump of sheep’s meat [shåt la¥m].’
“Ab« Burda ibn Nayyår (may Allåh be well pleased with him)
thereupon stood up and said: ‘O Messenger of Allåh, I performed my
rites of sacrifice before I left home to attend the ritual prayer [ƒalåt].
I understood that today is a day of eating and drinking, so I made haste
to provide a meal for my family and my neighbors. Allåh’s Messenger
(Allåh bless him and give him peace) responded to this by saying: ‘That
is nothing but a lump of sheep’s meat [shåt la¥m].’ Ab« Burda then went
on to say: ‘I also have a young she-goat [‹anåq jadha‹a], which is even
better than my “lump of sheep’s meat.” Will that be acceptable as an
offering from me?’ To this he replied (Allåh bless him and give him
peace): ‘Yes, but it will not be accepted from anyone after you!’”
Al-Aswad ibn Qais (may Allåh be well pleased with him) is reported
as having said: “On the Day of Immolation [Yawm an-Na¥r], I saw the
Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) pass by some people who
had slaughtered [their sacrificial animals] before the ritual prayer [ƒalåt].
He said (Allåh bless him and give him peace):
If someone slaughters [his sacrificial animal] before the ritual prayer [ƒalåt], let
him repeat [his sacrifice].
According to one of the traditional reports [akhbår] [the Prophet
(Allåh bless him and give him peace) said]:
If anyone slaughtered [his sacrificial animal] before he performed the ritual
prayer [ƒalåt], let him repeat [his sacrifice] by replacing it with another, and if
anyone has not yet slaughtered, let him go ahead and slaughter [now that the
prayer has been performed].


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262 Volume Three

Concerning the remembrance [dhikr] of Allåh

during the Days of Tashrºq.

R eferring to the practice of remembrance [dhikr] during the Days of

Tashrºq, Allåh (Exalted is He) has said:
And remember Allåh wa ’dhkuru ’llåha
during certain numbered days. fº ayyåmin ma‹d«dåt.
This remembrance is expressed through the declaration of His
Supreme Greatness [takbºr], in the wake of the ritual prayers [ƒalawåt],
with every pebble that is thrown at the Pillars [Jamaråt] [representing
the Devil], and at other times. Its practice is recommended from the
first of the Ten [Days of Dhu’l-ªijja] until the last of the Days of Tashrºq.
The words of Allåh (Exalted is He):
during certain numbered days. fº ayyåmin ma‹d«dåt.
—refer to the Days of Tashrºq, the three days spent at Minå,391 while
the days called “appointed [ma‹l«mat],” in His words (Exalted is He):
That they may witness things that are li-yashhad« manåfi‹a la-hum
of benefit to them, and mention wa yadhkuru ’sma ’llåhi
the Name of Allåh on days appointed fº ayyåmin ma‹l«måtin
over such beasts of the flocks ‹alå må razaqa-hum min
as He has provided for them. bahºmati ’l-an‹åm.
—are the Ten Days [of Dhu’l-ªijja], according to the majority of the
religious scholars. This view is supported by the words of Allåh (Exalted
is He):
Then if someone hastens fa-man
[his departure] by two days, ta›ajjala fº yawmaini
no sin is counted against him, fa-lå ithma ‹alai-h:
and if someone delays, wa man ta›akhkhara
no sin is counted against him. fa-lå ithma.
391 See pp. 198–215 above.

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Fifth Discourse
Tenth 263

This applies to one ‹alai-hi

who is devoted to his duty. li-mani ’ttaqå:
Be careful of your duty to Allåh, wa ’ttaqu ’llåha
and know that unto Him wa ’‹lam« anna-kum ilai-hi
you will be mustered. (2:203) tu¥shar«n.
This means that the [Pilgrim’s] departure may take place during the
Days of Tashrºq—either two of those days, or possibly all three of them.
According to Ibn ‹Abbås (may Allåh be well pleased with him and
with his father): “Allåh (Exalted is He) has ordained His remembrance
during the ‘numbered days [al-ayyåm al-ma‹d«dåt],’ they being the Days
of Tashrºq, which are three days following the [Day of] Immolation
[an-Na¥r]. He described them as ‘numbered’ because of their being but
a few, out of all the days of your life, just as He said (Exalted is He),
concerning the month of Ramaæån:
[Fast during] certain numbered days. ayyåman ma‹d«dåt.
—because they are so few, out of [all the days of all] the months. He
has likewise used the expression “numbered” in His words (Exalted is He):
And they sold him for a paltry price, wa sharaw-hu bi-thamanin bakhsin
a handful of numbered silver coins, daråhima ma‹d«da:
for they set small store by him. wa kån« fº-hi mina ’z-zåhidºn.
(12:20) ”
One of the commentators has offered the following interpretation:
“They are described as ‘numbered’ for the simple reason that they are
numbered, or counted, as he [the Pilgrim] goes through the days of the
Pilgrimage [ªajj], performing the rites appropriate to each day, such as
the overnight stay [bait«ta] at Muzdalifa and the stoning of the Pillars
[Jimår] at Minå.”
It was az-Zajjåj who said: “In classical Arabic usage, the term
ma‹d«dåt [numbered; counted] is applied to something that is qalºl [small
in quantity; few in in number]. In this particular instance, it was applied
because they are only three days, since the ‘numbered days’ are the three
Days of Tashrºq. As for the remembrance [dhikr] ordained for them, it
is expressed through the declaration of Allåh’s Supreme Greatness [takbºr].”
As reported on the authority of Nåfi‹, Ibn ‹Umar (may Allåh be well
pleased with him and with his father) once said: “The ‘numbered days
[al-ayyåm al-ma‹d«dåt]’ are three days all told: namely, the Day of
Immolation [Yawm an-Na¥r] and two days after it.”

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264 Volume Three

According to Ibråhºm an-Nakha‹º (may Allåh bestow His mercy

upon him): “The ‘numbered days [al-ayyåm al-ma‹d«dåt]’ are the Ten
Days [of Dhu’l-ªijja], while the ‘days appointed [al-ayyåm al-ma‹l«måt]’
are the Days of Immolation [Ayyåm an-Na¥r].”
As for the context in which Allåh (Exalted is He) commanded the
Muslims to practice remembrance [dhikr], in this Qur›ånic verse [åya]
(2:203) and the one preceding it, in which He said (Almighty and
Glorious is He):
And when you have performed fa-idhå qaæaitum manåsika-kum
your holy rites, remember Allåh, fa-’dhkuru ’llåha
as you remember your fathers ka-dhikri-kum
or with a more intense remembrance. åbå›a-kum aw ashadda dhikrå.
—the traditional commentators [mufassir«n] have provided the
following background information: When the [pre-Islåmic] Arabs had
completed their Pilgrimage [ªajj], they used to stand by the House
[Bait] and remember the exploits of their fathers and their glorious
deeds. A man might say: “My father would always receive his guest with
warm hospitality. He would always provide good food. He would
sacrifice a camel fit for slaughter, and shear the forelocks [of other
animals]. He would do such-and-such, and such-and-such.” They used
to compete with one another in making such boastful claims, so Allåh
(Exalted is He) commanded His remembrance. Allåh (Almighty and
Glorious is He) sent down the revelation:
And when you have performed fa-idhå qaæaitum manåsika-kum
your holy rites, remember Allåh, fa-’dhkuru ’llåha
as you remember your fathers ka-dhikri-kum
or with a more intense remembrance. åbå›a-kum aw ashadda dhikrå.
—and so on, through to His words (Exalted is He):
And remember Allåh wa ’dhkuru ’llåha
during certain numbered days. fº ayyåmin ma‹d«dåt.
He also said (Glorious and Exalted is He):
“So remember Me (2:152) fa-’dhkur«-nº
—for I am the One who made that possible for your fathers, and for
you. I am the One who treated them and you so well.”


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Fifth Discourse
Tenth 265

It was as-Suddº (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him) who said:
“When the [pre-Islåmic] Arabs had performed their holy rites [of
Pilgrimage], and stationed themselves at Minå, a man would stand up
and petition Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He), saying: ‘O Allåh,
my father was remarkable for his generosity, his hospitality, and his
considerable wealth, so grant me the equivalent thereof!’ He would not
remember Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He), but only his father,
and his request would only extend to his interest in this world. That is
why Allåh (Exalted is He) sent down this Qur›ånic verse [åya].”
According to Ibn ‹Abbås, ‹A£å›, ar-Rabº‹ and aæ-Œa¥¥åk: “Its
meaning is: ‘Remember Allåh (Exalted is He) in the way that little
children remember their parents.’ That is to say, ‘in the way that a
young child learns to speak.’ A young child starts by repeating, and
coming to understand, the speech of his father and mother. That is how
he becomes devoted to his father and his mother.”
As reported by ‹Umar ibn Målik, it was Abu’l-Jawzå› who told him:
“I said to Ibn ‹Abbås (may Allåh be well pleased with him and with his
father): ‘Tell me about the words of Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He):
Remember Allåh, fa-’dhkuru ’llåha
as you remember your fathers ka-dhikri-kum
or with a more intense remembrance. åbå›a-kum aw ashadda dhikrå.
—and explain why a more intense remembrance may be required. Is
that because a man may experience a day in which he does not
remember his father?’ Ibn ‹Abbås (may Allåh be well pleased with him
and with his father) replied: ‘That is not the point. The point is that
the anger you feel for the sake of Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He),
when he is disobeyed, should be even more intense than the anger you
feel for the sake of your parents, when they are insulted.’”
In commenting on the words of Allåh (Exalted is He):
Remember Allåh, fa-’dhkuru ’llåha
as you remember your fathers ka-dhikri-kum
or with a more intense remembrance. åbå›a-kum aw ashadda dhikrå.
—Mu¥ammad ibn Ka‹b al-Quraœº (may Allåh bestow His mercy
upon him) said: “The expression: ‘or with a more intense… [aw
ashadda…]’ carries the full force of: ‘nay, with an even more intense…
[bal ashadda…],’ just as, in His words:


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266 Volume Three

And We sent him to wa arsalnå-hu

a hundred thousand [folk], ilå mi›ati alfin
or a greater number. (37:147) aw yazºd«n.
—the expression: ‘or a greater number [aw yazºd«n]’ carries the full
force of: ‘nay, an even greater number [bal yazºd«n].’” According to
Muqåtil (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him), the expression:
ashadda dhikrå [lit., ‘more intense in respect of remembrance’] signifies:
‘with more frequent remembrance [akthara dhikrå].’ Comparable
expressions occur in His words (Exalted is He):
Then your hearts were hardened, thumma qasat qul«bu-kum
even after that, and became min ba‹di dhålika fa-hiya
like rocks or even harder still. ka-’l-¥ijårati aw ashaddu qaswa.
—[where ashaddu qaswa (lit., ‘more in intense in respect of hardness’)
means: ‘harder’ or ‘even harder still’] and:
A party of them fear the people farºqun min-hum yakhshawna ’n-
as they fear Allåh, nåsaka-khashyati ’llåhi
or with an even greater fear. aw ashadda khashya.
—[where ashadda khashya (lit., ‘more in intense in respect of fear’)
means: ‘with more fear,’ or ‘with an even greater fear.’]


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Fifth Discourse 267

Concerning those things which Allåh

(Almighty and Glorious is He) has called
“a remembrance [dhikr]” in the Qur›ån.

I n the Qur›ån, Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He) has called several
things “a remembrance or reminder [dhikr].” For instance, He has
applied this name to the Torah [Tawråh], for He has said (Almighty and
Glorious is He):
And We sent none [as Messengers] wa må arsalnå
before you, except men to whom min qabli-ka
We conveyed by inspiration: illå rijålan n«¥º ilai-him
“Question the people fa-’s›al« ahla ’dh-
of the Remembrance, dhikri
if it should be that you do not know.” in kuntum lå ta‹mål«n.
He has called the Qur݌n a dhikr, in His words (Almighty and
Glorious is He):
This is a blessed Reminder wa hådhå dhikrun
that We have revealed. mubårakun anzalnå-h.
Will you then reject it? (21:50) a-fa antum la-hu munkir«n.
He has called the Well-Kept Tablet [al-Law¥ al-Ma¥f«œ] a dhikr, in
His words (Almighty and Glorious is He):
And We have written in the Psalms, wa la-qad katabnå fi ’z-Zab«ri
after the Remembrance: min ba‹di ’dh-Dhikri
“The earth shall be the inheritance anna ’l-aræa yarithu-hå
of My righteous servants.” (21:105) ‹ibådiya ’ƒ-ƒåli¥«n.
He has called the admonition [maw‹iœa] a dhikr, in His words (Almighty
and Glorious is He):
So, when they forgot that fa-lammå nas«
of which they had been reminded, må dhukkir« bi-hi
We opened unto them fata¥nå ‹alai-him abwåba
the gates of everything until, kulli shai›:
even as they were rejoicing ¥attå idhå fari¥«


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268 Volume Three

in what they had been given, bi-må «t«

We seized them unawares, akhadhnå-hum baghtatan
and lo and behold, fa-idhå-hum
they were sore confounded. (6:44) mublis«n.
He has called the Messenger [Ras«l] a dhikr, in His words (Almighty
and Glorious is He):
Allåh has sent down to you, qad anzala ’llåhu
as a remembrance, ilai-kum dhikrå—
a Messenger who recites to you ras«lan yatl« ‹alai-kum
the signs of Allåh, clear signs, åyåti ’llåhi
so that He may bring forth those mubayyinåtin li-yukhrija ’lladhºna
who believe and do good works åman« wa ‹amilu ’ƒ-ƒåli¥åti
from the dark shadows into the light. mina ’œ-œulumåti ila ’n-n«r.
He has called goodness [khair] a dhikr, in His words (Almighty and
Glorious is He):
Or have they chosen other gods ami ’ttakhadh«
apart from Him? min d«ni-hi åliha:
Say: “Bring your proof! qul håt« burhåna-kum:
This is the Remembrance hådhå dhikru
of those with me, man ma‹iya
and the Remembrance wa dhikru
of those before me, man qablº: bal
but most of them aktharu-hum
do not know the truth, lå ya‹lam«na ’l-¥aqqa
and so they are turning away.” fa-hum mu‹riæ«n.
He has called noble dignity [sharaf] a dhikr, in His words (Almighty
and Glorious is He):
It is indeed a Reminder to you wa inna-hu la-dhikrun la-ka
and to your people; wa li-qawmi-k:
and you will surely be questioned. wa sawfa tus›al«n.
He has called the Torah [Tawråh] a dhikr, in His words (Almighty and
Glorious is He):
This is a Reminder for the mindful. dhålika dhikrå li’dh-dhåkirºn.
He has called the afternoon ritual prayer [ƒalåt al-‹aƒr] a dhikr. In His
words (Almighty and Glorious is He):
[And he said:] “I have loved [fa-qåla] innº a¥babtu


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Fifth Discourse
Tenth 269

the love of good things better than ¥ubba ’l-khairi

the remembrance of my Lord.” ‹an dhikri Rabbº.
—“better than the remembrance of my Lord” means: “better than the
afternoon ritual prayer [ƒalåt al-‹aƒr].”
He has also called the Friday Congregational Prayer [al-Jum‹a] a dhikr,
in His words (Almighty and Glorious is He):
O you who believe! When the call yå ayyuha ’lladhºna åman«
is proclaimed for the prayer idhå n«diya li’ƒ-ƒalåti
on the Day of Congregation, min yawmi ’l-jumu‹ati
hasten to the remembrance of Allåh fa-’s‹aw ilå dhikri ’llåhi
and leave trading aside. wa dharu ’l-bai‹:
That is better for you, dhålikum khairun la-kum
if you did but know. (62:9) in kuntum ta‹lam«n.
He has called intercession [shafå‹a] a dhikr, in His words (Almighty
and Glorious is He):
And [Joseph] said to the one wa qåla li’lladº
he thought would be released, œanna anna-hu
of the two: “Mention me nåjin min-huma ’dhkur-nº
in the presence of your lord.” ‹inda rabbi-k.
He has called both worshipful obedience [£å‹a] and forgiveness
[maghfira] a dhikr, in His words (Almighty and Glorious is He):
So remember Me, fa-’dhkur«-nº
and I will remember you. (2:152) adhkur-kum.
—meaning: “Remember Me through worshipful obedience [£å‹a],
and I will remember you through forgiveness [maghfira].”
He has called the feeling of remorse [nadåma] a dhikr, in His words
(Almighty and Glorious is He):
And those who, when they commit wa ’lladhºna idhå fa‹al« få¥ishatan
an indecent act or wrong themselves, awœalam« anfusa-hum
remember Allåh. (3:135) dhakaru ’llåha.
He has also called the affirmation of His Supreme Greatness [takbºr]
a dhikr, in His words (Almighty and Glorious is He):
And remember Allåh wa ’dhkuru ’llåha
during certain numbered days. fº ayyåmin ma‹d«dåt.
That is to say: “during the Days of Tashrºq.”

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270 Volume Three

Concerning differences of opinion as to why

these days are called the Days of Tashrºq.

T here are differences of opinion [among the scholars] as to how

these days came to be called the Days of Tashrºq. According to one
group of experts, the idolatrous polytheists [mushrikºn] used say: “Enter
upon the time of sunrise, Thabºr, so that we may press forward [ashriq
Thabºr kai-må nughºr].” Thabºr is the name of a mountain [in the vicinity
of Mecca], so they appealed to it for a sign of the sunrise [shur«q],392
because they would neither press forward, nor hastily disperse [yufºæ«na]
from al-Muzdalifa, until after the sun had risen. With the advent of
Islåm, of course, that [idolatrous practice] was abolished.
According to some, they were called the Days of Tashrºq for the simple
reason that, on those days, they used to cut the meat of their sacrificial
animals into strips, and dry them in the sun [yusharriq«na lu¥«ma ’l-
aæ奺].393 Pieces of jerked meat [qadºd] are also called [sharå›iq].
According to others, the ritual prayer of the Festival [ƒalåt al-‹Ïd] was
called Tashrºq to distinguish it from the ritual prayer of the Day of
Immolation [ƒalåt Yawm an-Na¥r]. The term Tashrºq was adopted with
reference to the rising [shur«q] of the sun, that being the time prescribed
for the Festival prayer. The worshipper [muƒallº] was called al-musharriq
[he who turns toward the east], because the people [at prayer] expose
themselves to the sun at that time. It was in this sense, therefore, that
the Day of the Festival [Yawm al-‹Ïd] came to be called the Day of
Tashrºq. The term was then applied to the Days of Tashrºq, pursuant to
the Festival [‹Ïd].
Someone asked [Abu’l-Faiæ] Dhu’n-N«n al-Miƒrº394 (may Allåh bestow
His mercy upon him): “Why is the Place of Standing [Mawqif] called
392 This explanation of the term Tashrºq is therefore based on the fact that it is derived from the
same three-consonant root, sh–r–q, as the imperative verb ashriq [enter upon the time of sunrise]
and the noun shur«q [sunrise].
393 The word tashrºq is the verbal noun corresponding to the verb yusharriq«na.
394 See note 37 on p. 25 above.

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Fifth Discourse
Tenth 271

the Monument [Ma‹shar],395 instead of being called the Sanctuary

[ªaram]?” So he explained: “Because the Ka‹ba is His House, and the
Sanctuary [ªaram] is its checkpoint, while the Monument [Ma‹shar] is
its gateway. When the emissaries [wåfid«n] approach, He stops them at
the first gateway, where they humble themselves before Him. Then He
stops them at the second checkpoint, which is al-Muzdalifa, and when
He observes their submissiveness [taæarru‹], He commands them to
make their sacrificial offering [qurbån]. Once they have duly performed
it, and purified themselves of sins, He commands them to visit [His
House] in a state of ritual purity.”
His questioner also asked him: “Why is it considered reprehensible
to fast on the Days of Tashrºq?” To this he replied: “Because the people
are the guests of Allåh (Exalted is He). They are being treated to His
hospitality, and it is quite inappropriate for a guest to fast in the
presence of his host.”
Then he was asked: “O Abu’l-Faiæ, what does it signify, when a man
clings to the drapes of the Ka‹ba?” He said: “His likeness is that of a man
who is separated from his friend, because of an offense he has committed,
so he clings to other men’s coat-tails, begging them to intercede on his
behalf, and persuade his friend to pardon his misconduct.”

395 See note 363 on p. 213 above.


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272 Volume Three

Concerning differences of opinion regarding the

appropriate frequency of takbºr [proclaiming the
Supreme Greatness of Allåh] during these days.

T he religious scholars have held differing opinions concerning the

appropriate frequency of takbºr [proclaiming the Supreme Greatness
of Allåh] during these days.
It was Nåfi‹ (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him) who said:
“‹Umar and his son ‹Abdu’llåh (may Allåh be well pleased with them
both) used to proclaim the Supreme Greatness of Allåh [yukabbirån] at
Minå, during these days, after the ritual prayer [ƒalåt], wherever they
were sitting, on carpets and in tents, and also when they were on the
road. The people would join them in their proclamation of the Allåh’s
Supreme Greatness [takbºr]. The two of them would also recite this
Qur›ånic verse [åya].”396
It is therefore safe to assert, without fear of hypocrisy [nifåq], that the
proclamation of Allåh’s Supreme Greatness [takbºr] is an established
customary practice [sunna]. The difference of opinion relates only to its
appropriate frequency.
‹Alº [ibn Abº ¡ålib] (may Allåh be well pleased with him) used to
proclaim the Supreme Greatness of Allåh [yukabbiru] from the dawn
prayer [ƒalåt al-ghadåh] on the Day of ‹Arafa until the afternoon prayer
[ƒalåt al-‹aƒr] on the last of the Days of Tashrºq. Such is the doctrine
[madhhab] of our own Imåm A¥mad ibn ªanbal (may Allåh the Exalted
bestow His mercy upon him). It is one of the opinions attributed to
396 The Qur›ånic verse [åya] is not specified, but it may well have been:
And when you have performed fa-idhå qaæaitum
your holy rites, remember Allåh, manåsika-kum fa-’dhkuru ’llåha
as you remember your fathers ka-dhikri-kum
or with an even more intense remembrance. åbå›a-kum aw ashadda dhikrå:
There are certain human beings who say: fa-mina ’n-nåsi man yaq«lu
“Our Lord, give unto us in this world,” Rabba-nå åtin-nå fi ’d-dunyå
but for such in the hereafter wa må la-hu fi ’l-åkhirati
there is no portion. (2:200) min khalåq.


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Fifth Discourse
Tenth 273

ash-Shåfi‹º, and it is the doctrine of Ab« Y«suf and Mu¥ammad ibn

al-ªasan. It is the best and most comprehensive of all the various opinions.
‹Abdu’llåh ibn Mas‹«d (may Allåh be well pleased with him) used to
proclaim the Supreme Greatness of Allåh [yukabbiru] from the dawn
prayer [ƒalåt al-ghadåh] on the Day of ‹Arafa until the afternoon prayer
[ƒalåt al-‹aƒr] on the Day of Immolation [Yawm an-Na¥r]. Such is the
doctrine of the Most Splendid Imåm, Ab« ªanºfa an-Nu‹mån (may
Allåh the Exalted bestow His mercy upon him).
Ibn ‹Abbås and Zaid ibn Thåbit (may Allåh be well pleased with
them) used to proclaim the Supreme Greatness of Allåh [yukabbirån]
from the noon prayer [ƒalåt aœ-œuhr] on the Day of Immolation [Yawm
an-Na¥r] until the afternoon prayer [ƒalåt al-‹aƒr] on the last of the Days
of Tashrºq. Such is the practice recommended by ‹A£å› (may Allåh
bestow His mercy upon him).
Among the various accounts of the doctrine of ash-Shåfi‹º (may
Allåh bestow His mercy upon him), the most plausible version states
that one should practice the declaration of Allåh’s Supreme Greatness
[takbºr] from the the noon prayer [ƒalåt aœ-œuhr] on the Day of Immolation
[Yawm an-Na¥r] until the dawn prayer [ƒalåt al-fajr] on the last Day of
Tashrºq, following the example of the Pilgrim [ªåjj]. This is also the
doctrine of Imåm Målik. A third opinion is attributed to ash-Shåfi‹º,
to the effect that it should be practiced from the sunset prayer [ƒalåt
al-maghrib] on the Day of Immolation [Yawm an-Na¥r] until the
daybreak prayer [ƒalåt aƒ-ƒub¥] on the last of the Days of Tashrºq.
As for the wording [lafœ] of the declaration of Allåh’s Supreme
Greatness [takbºr], Ibn Mas‹«d (may Allåh be well pleased with him)
used to pronounce it twice, in this formulation:
Allåh is Supremely Great! Allåhu Akbar.
Allåh is Supremely Great! Allåhu Akbar.
There is no god but Allåh, lå ilåha illa ’llåhu
and Allåh is Supremely Great! wa ’llåhu Akbar.
Allåh is Supremely Great, Allåhu Akbaru
and to Allåh be the praise! wa li’llåhi ’l-¥amd.
This in keeping with the doctrine of our own Imåm, A¥mad ibn
ªanbal, and that of Ab« ªanºfa (may Allåh the Exalted bestow His
mercy upon them both), as well as that of the people of ‹Iråq. As for


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274 Volume Three

Imåm Målik (may Allåh the Exalted bestow His mercy upon him), it is
reported that he used to say:
Allåh is Supremely Great! Allåhu Akbar.
Allåh is Supremely Great! Allåhu Akbar.
—then he would pause, before going on to say:
Allåh is Supremely Great! Allåhu Akbar.
There is no god but Allåh! lå ilåha illa ’llåh.
Sa‹ºd ibn Jubair and al-ªasan [al-Baƒrº] (may Allåh the Exalted
bestow His mercy upon them both) used to say:
Allåh is Supremely Great! Allåhu Akbar.
Allåh is Supremely Great! Allåhu Akbar.
Allåh is Supremely Great! Allåhu Akbar.
—three times in a row, then they would continue the takbºr to its
conclusion, as in the first version mentioned above. This represents the
doctrine of ash-Shåfi‹º (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him) and the
people of Medina.
As for Qatåda (may Allåh the Exalted bestow His mercy upon him),
it is reported that he used to say:
Allåh is Supremely Great, Allåhu Akbaru
immensely so! kabºrå:
Allåh is Supremely Great, Allåhu Akbaru
for having guided us! ‹alå må hadå-nå.
Allåh is Supremely Great, Allåhu Akbaru
and to Allåh be the praise! wa li’llåhi ’l-¥amd.
As reported on the authority of Ab« Huraira (may Allåh be well
pleased with him), Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him
peace) once said:
The days of Minå are days of eating and drinking—and the remembrance of
Allåh (Exalted is He).
Ja‹far ibn Mu¥ammad (may Allåh be well pleased with him) is
reported as having said: “On the Days of Tashrºq, Allåh’s Messenger
(Allåh bless him and give him peace) sent forth a herald to announce:
‘These are the days of eating and drinking, and [the union] of spouses


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Fifth Discourse 275

Concerning the case of a Pilgrim who is still

in the state of consecration [mu¥rim].

I f the Pilgrim is still in the state of consecration [mu¥rim], he should

practice the declaration of Allåh’s Supreme Greatness [takbºr] from
the the noon prayer [ƒalåt aœ-œuhr] on the Day of Immolation [Yawm
an-Na¥r] until the end of the Days of Tashrºq. Such is the doctrine of
our own Imåm, A¥mad ibn ªanbal (may Allåh the Exalted bestow His
mercy upon him). Furthermore, according to the correct version of that
same doctrine, he should not practice the declaration of Allåh’s
Supreme Greatness [takbºr] unless he has performed the obligatory
ritual prayer [ƒalåt al-faræ] in a congregation [jamå‹a]. He should not
practice it if he is by himself [when he performs the obligatory prayer],
nor after the supererogatory prayers [nawåfil].


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276 Volume Three

Concerning the practice of takbºr [proclaiming the

Supreme Greatness of Allåh] on the Festival of
Breaking Fast [‹Ïd al-Fi£r].

T his practice of takbºr [proclaiming the Supreme Greatness of

Allåh], which we have just described in connection with the
Festival of the Sacrifice [‹Ïd al-Aæ¥å], is likewise appropriate to the
Festival of Breaking Fast [‹Ïd al-Fi£r]. As a matter of fact, it is even more
firmly established in relation to the breaking of the fast [al-fi£r] on the
night preceding the Day of Breaking Fast [lailat al-Fi£r], on account of
the words of Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He):
Allåh desires ease for you, yurºdu ’llåhu
He does not desire hardship for you; bi-kumu ’l-yusra
and [He desires] that wa lå yurºdu bi-kumu ’l-‹usr:
you should fulfill the number wa l-tukmilu ’l-‹iddata
[of fasting days]
and magnify Allåh wa li-tukabbiru
for having guided you; ’llåha ‹alå må hadå-kum
and perhaps you will be thankful. wa la‹alla-kum tashkur«n.
In this case, the timing is obviously different. It begins after sunset
on the night preceding the Day of Breaking Fast [lailat al-Fi£r], and
continues until the moment when the prayer leader [imåm] concludes
his Festival sermon [khu£ba], on the Day of the Festival [Yawm al-‹Ïd].
It ends at that point.
According to Imåm Ab« ªanºfa (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon
him), there is no customary practice of declaring Allåh’s Supreme
Greatness [takbºr masn«n] at the Breaking of the Fast [al-Fi£r].
According to Imåm Målik (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him),
takbºr may be practiced on the Day of Breaking Fast [Yawm al-Fi£r], but
not on the preceding night. He maintained that the time for it lasts
until the worshipper reaches the place of prayer [muƒallå], the prayer


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Fifth Discourse
Tenth 277

leader [imåm] appears on the scene, and the people are ready to perform
the ritual prayer [ƒalåt].
According to ash-Shåfi‹º (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him),
the time for takbºr extends from sunset, on the night preceding the
Day of Breaking Fast [lailat al-Fi£r], until the moment when the prayer
leader [imåm] concludes his Festival sermon [khu£ba], on the Day of the
Festival [Yawm al-‹Ïd]. The following statements have also been
attributed to him:
• “The time for takbºr extends from sunset, on the night preceding the
Day of Breaking Fast [lailat al-Fi£r], until the moment when the prayer
leader [imåm] makes his appearance in the place of worship [muƒallå].”
• “…until the worshipper enters the state of consecration for the
ritual prayer [yu¥rima bi’ƒ-ƒalåt].”
• “…until he has duly concluded his performance of the ritual prayer


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278 Volume Three

The Eleventh Discourse

Concerning the special qualities of the
Day of ‹Ásh«rå›.

A llåh (Exalted is He) has told us:

The number of the months inna ‹iddata ’sh-shuh«ri

in the sight of Allåh is twelve months. ‹inda ’llåhi ’thnå ‹ashara shuh«ran
[They were already inscribed]
in the Book of Allåh fº kitåbi ’llåhi
on the day when He created yawma khalaqa ’s-
the heavens and the earth; samåwåti wa ’l-aræa
four of them are sacred. (9:36) min-hå arba‹atun ¥urum:
We have discussed this earlier in the present work, and we have also
mentioned that [the month of] Mu¥arram is one of the four.397 [As its
name implies] this month is one of the months that have been declared
sacred [al-ashhur al-mu¥arrama] in the sight of Allåh (Exalted is He). It
includes the day of ‹Ash«rå›, and Allåh (Exalted is He) enormously
enhances the recompense of those who worshipfully obey Him on that day.
As we are reliably informed by Shaikh Ab« Naƒr [Mu¥ammad ibn
al-Bannå›],398 Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him peace)
once said:
If someone observes a day of fasting during Mu¥arram, for every such day he will
be credited with thirty days.
According to another traditional report, transmitted by Maim«n ibn
Mihrån on the authority of Ibn ‹Abbås (may Allåh be well pleased with
397 Seep. 5 above.
398 Author’s note: Shaikh Ab« Naƒr Mu¥ammad ibn al-Bannå› cites the following chain of
transmission [isnåd] for this report: His own father, Shaikh Ab« ‹Alº ibn A¥mad ibn ‹Abdi’llåh
ibn al-Bannå›—Mujåhid—Ibn ‹Abbås (may Allåh be well pleased with him and with his
father)—the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace).


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Fifth Discourse
Eleventh 279

him and with his father), Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give
him peace) also said:
If someone fasts on the day of ‹Ásh«rå› in Mu¥arram, he will be granted the
spiritual reward of ten thousand angels [malak]. If someone fasts on the day of
‹Ásh«rå› in Mu¥arram, he will be granted the spiritual reward of ten thousand
martyrs [shahºd], as well as the spiritual reward of ten thousand pilgrims [¥åjj] and
visitants [mu‹tamir].399
If someone strokes the head of an orphan with his hand on the day of ‹Ásh«rå›,
for every hair on the orphan’s head, Allåh (Exalted is He) will promote him by
one degree in the Garden of Paradise.
If someone provides a believer [mu›min] with a meal to break his fast on the
night of ‹Ásh«rå›, it will be just as if the entire Community [Umma] of
Mu¥ammad (Allåh bless him and give him peace) had broken fast as his guests,
and had filled their stomachs to capacity.
“O Messenger of Allåh,” his listeners exclaimed, “it would seem that
Allåh (Exalted is He) has given preference to the day of ‹Ásh«rå› over
all the other days!” “Yes,” said he (Allåh bless him and give him peace),
as he went on the explain:
Allåh (Exalted is He) created the heavens on the day of ‹Ásh«rå›. He created
the mountains on the day of ‹Ásh«rå›. He created the oceans on the day of
‹Ásh«rå›. He created the Pen [Qalam] on the day of ‹Ásh«rå›. He created the
Tablet [Law¥] on the day of ‹Ásh«rå›. He created Adam (peace be upon him)
on the day of ‹Ásh«rå›, and He caused him to enter the Garden of Paradise on
the day of ‹Ásh«rå›.
Abraham [Ibråhºm] (peace be upon him) was born on the day of ‹Ásh«rå›, and
Allåh delivered him from the fiery furnace on the day of ‹Ásh«rå›, then He
redeemed his son from being sacrificed on the day of ‹Ásh«rå›. He caused
Pharaoh to drown on the day of ‹Ásh«rå›. Allåh (Exalted is He) relieved Job
[Ayy«b] (peace be upon him) of his trial and tribulation on the day of ‹Ásh«rå›.
Allåh (Exalted is He) relented toward Adam (peace be upon him) on the day
of ‹Ásh«rå›. Allåh (Exalted is He) forgave the sin of David [Dåw«d] (peace be
upon him) on the day of ‹Ásh«rå›. Jesus [‹Ïså] (peace be upon him) was born
on the day of ‹Ásh«rå›. The Day of Resurrection [Yawm al-Qiyåma] will occur
on the day of ‹Ásh«rå›.
According to another version of this report, likewise transmitted on
the authority of Ibn ‹Abbås (may Allåh be well pleased with him and
397 Seep. 192 above.
398 Author’s note: Shaikh Ab« Naƒr Mu¥ammad ibn al-Bannå› cites the following chain of
transmission [isnåd] for this report: His own father, Shaikh Ab« ‹Alº ibn A¥mad ibn ‹Abdi’llåh
ibn al-Bannå›—Mujåhid—Ibn ‹Abbås (may Allåh be well pleased with him and with his
father)—the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace).


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280 Volume Three

with his father), Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him
peace) said:
If someone fasts on the day of ‹Ásh«rå›, Allåh will record in his favor the
worshipful service [‹ibåda] of sixty years devoted to fasting by day and keeping
vigil by night. If someone fasts on the day of ‹Ásh«rå›, he will be granted the
spiritual reward of a thousand martyrs [shahºd]. If someone fasts on the day of
‹Ásh«rå›, Allåh will record in his credit column the recompense of the
inhabitants of the seven heavens.
If someone provides a believer [mu›min] with a meal to break his fast on the
night of ‹Ásh«rå›, it will be just as if the entire Community [Umma] of
Mu¥ammad (Allåh bless him and give him peace) had broken fast as his guests,
and had filled their stomachs to capacity.
If someone strokes the head of an orphan with his hand on the day of ‹Ásh«rå›,
for every hair on the orphan’s head, Allåh (Exalted is He) will promote him by
one degree in the Garden of Paradise.
“O Messenger of Allåh,” exclaimed ‹Umar ibn al-Kha££åb (may
Allåh be well pleased with him), “Allåh (Exalted is He) has treated us
with special favor, by granting us the day of ‹Ásh«rå›!” The Prophet
(Allåh bless him and give him peace) then went on to say:
Allåh (Exalted is He) created the heavens on the day of ‹Ásh«rå›, and the earth
likewise. He created the mountains on the day of ‹Ásh«rå›, and the stars
likewise. He created the Heavenly Throne [‹Arsh] on the day of ‹Ásh«rå›, and
the Pedestal [Kursº] likewise. He created the Tablet [Law¥] on the day of
‹Ásh«rå›, and the Pen [Qalam] likewise.
He created Gabriel on the day of ‹Ásh«rå›, and the angels likewise. He created
Adam on the day of ‹Ásh«rå›. Abraham [Ibråhºm] was born on the day of
‹Ásh«rå›, and Allåh (Exalted is He) delivered him from the fiery furnace on the
day of ‹Ásh«rå›, then Allåh redeemed his son from being sacrificed on the day
of ‹Ásh«rå›. He caused Pharaoh to drown on the day of ‹Ásh«rå›.
He raised Idrºs up to heaven on the day of ‹Ásh«rå›. He relieved Job [Ayy«b]
of his agony on the day of ‹Ásh«rå›. He raised Jesus [‹Ïså] up to heaven on the
day of ‹Ásh«rå›, and Jesus was born on the day of ‹Ásh«rå›. Allåh relented
toward Adam on the day of ‹Ásh«rå›, and He forgave the sin of David [Dåw«d]
on the day of ‹Ásh«rå›. Allåh granted kingship to Solomon [Sulaimån] on the
day of ‹Ásh«rå›.
The Lord (Blessed and Exalted is He) established Himself upon the Heavenly
Throne [‹Arsh]400 on the day of ‹Ásh«rå›. The Day of Resurrection [Yawm
al-Qiyåma] will occur on the day of ‹Ásh«rå›. The first rain fell from the
sky on the day of ‹Ásh«rå›. The first gift of mercy [ra¥ma] came down
from above on the day of ‹Ásh«rå›.
If someone performs the major ritual ablution [ightasal] on the day of ‹Ásh«rå›,
he will never experience any illness, apart from the sickness of death. If
400 An allusion to Q. 20:5.

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Fifth Discourse
Eleventh 281

someone anoints his eyelids with antimony [ithmid] on the day of ‹Ásh«rå›, he
will not suffer inflammation of the eyes throughout the entire course of that year.
If someone pays a visit to a sick person on the day of ‹Ásh«rå›, it is just as if he
had visited all the children of Adam. If someone gives [a thirsty person] a drink
of water on the day of ‹Ásh«rå›, it is just as if he had never disobeyed Allåh for
a single instant.
If someone performs four cycles of ritual prayer [ƒallå arba‹a raka‹åt] on the day
of ‹Ásh«rå›—reciting in each cycle the Opening S«ra of the Book [Fåti¥at
al-Kitåb], one time, and the S«ra that begins with “Qul Huwa’llåhu A¥ad [Say:
‘He is Allåh, One!’],”401 fifty times—Allåh (Exalted is He) will forgive him the
sins of fifty bygone years, and of fifty years that are still in the future. Allåh
(Exalted is He) will also build for him, in the midst of the heavenly host [al-mala›
al-a‹lå], a thousand palaces of light.
According to another traditional report [¥adºth], the prescription is as
[The worshipper should perform] four cycles of ritual prayer [raka‹åt], with two
salutations [taslºmatain],402 reciting in each cycle:
• the Opening S«ra of the Book [Fåti¥at al-Kitåb], one time.
• the S«ra that begins with “Idhå zulzilati ’l-aræu zilzåla-hå [When the earth is
shaken with her quaking],”403 one time.
• the S«ra that begins with “Qul yå ayyuha ’l-kåfir«n… [Say: ‘O unbelievers…’],”404
one time.
• the S«ra that begins with “Qul Huwa’llåhu A¥ad [Say: ‘He is Allåh, One!’],”405
one time.
Then, when he has concluded his performance of the ritual prayer, he should
invoke blessings upon the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace),
seventy times.
This has come down to us as part of the body of tradition [¥adºth]
reported by Ab« Huraira (may Allåh be well pleased with him).
Ab« Huraira (may Allåh be well pleased with him) is also reported as
having stated that Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him
peace) once said:
It was made incumbent upon the Children of Israel [Banº Isr固l] to fast on one
day in the year, namely, the day of ‹Ásh«rå›, the tenth of Mu¥arram, so
401 S«ra 112.
402 That is to say, with one salutation [taslºma] after the second cycle [rak‹a], and another after the
fourth and last. The term taslºma [salutation] is applied to the act of turning the head to the right
and saying: “as-salåmu ‹alaikum wa ra¥matu’llåh [Peace be upon you, and the mercy of Allåh],” then
turning the head to the left and repeating these same words.
403 That is to say, the S«ra of the Earthquake [S«rat az-Zilzål] (Q 99:1-8).
404 S«ra 109.
405 S«ra 112.


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282 Volume Three

they devoted it to fasting, and on it they treated their dependents with

special generosity. If someone uses his wealth to treat his dependents
with special generosity on the day of ‹Ásh«rå›, Allåh will treat that person with
special generosity throughout the rest of the year. If someone devotes that day
to fasting, it will count in his favor as the atonement [kaffåra] of forty years. If
someone spends the night of ‹Ásh«rå› in vigilant worship,406 and enters upon
the morning in a state of fasting, he will die without knowing [the agony of] death.
According to a tradition [¥adºth] reported by ‹Alº [ibn Abº ¡ålib] (may
Allåh ennoble his countenance), Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him
and give him peace) once said:
If someone spends the night of ‹Ásh«rå› in vigilant worship, Allåh (Exalted is
He) will let him live as long as he wishes.
According to a report transmitted by Sufyån ibn ‹Uyaina,407 on
the authority of Ja‹far al-K«fº, it was Ibråhºm ibn Mu¥ammad ibn
al-Muntashir—reputedly one of the finest characters in the K«fa of his
time—who told him that [the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him
peace) had said]:
If someone treats his dependents [‹iyåli-hi] with special generosity on the day of
‹Ásh«rå›, Allåh (Exalted is He) will treat that person with special generosity
throughout the rest of the year.
“He gave us that information fifty years ago,” said Sufyån (may Allåh
bestow His mercy upon him). “and since then we have experienced
nothing but prosperity.”
As reported by ‹Abdu’llåh [ibn Mas‹«d al-Hudhalº] 408 (may Allåh be
well pleased with him), Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give
him peace) once said:
If someone treats his family [ahli-hi] with special generosity on the day of
‹Ásh«rå›, Allåh (Exalted is He) will treat that person with special generosity
throughout the rest of the year.
One of our worthy forefathers [salaf] is said to have declared: “If
someone fasts on the day of adornment [yawm az-zºna], meaning the
day of ‹Ásh«rå›, he will thereby make up for all the fasting that he
406 It should be remembered that the Islåmic day (in the sense of a 24-hour period) begins at sunset.
407 Ab« Mu¥ammad Sufyån ibn ‹Uyaina ibn Maim«n al-Hilålº (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon
him) was a prominent scholar of Qur݌n and Tradition. He died in A.H. 196 or 198.
408 Ab« ‹Abd ar-Ra¥mån ‹Abdu’llåh ibn Mas‹«d al-Hudhalº (may Allåh be well pleased with him)
was one of the earliest and closest Companions of the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him
peace). A man of lowly antecedents, he became an authority on the recitation and interpretation
of the Qur݌n,and an expert on Islamic law and the Prophetic tradition. He died in A.H. 32 or 33.


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Fifth Discourse
Eleventh 283

has failed to keep in the course of the whole year. And if someone
gives a charitable donation on that day, he will thereby make up for any
charitable donation [ƒadaqa] that he has failed to give in the course of
the whole year.”
It was Ya¥yå ibn Kathºr409 (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him)
who said:
“If someone anoints his eyelids on the day of ‹Ásh«rå›, using a
mixture of kohl [ku¥l]410 and musk [misk], he will have no reason to
complain of any problem with his eyes until that same day in the
year ahead.”
As we are reliably informed by Shaikh Ab« Naƒr [Mu¥ammad ibn
al-Bannå›],411 it was Ab« Ghalºœ ibn Umayya ibn Khalaf al-Jam¥º who said:
“The Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) once spotted a
sparrow hawk [ƒurad]412 on the roof of my house, so he said:
“‘This is the first bird to keep the fast on the day of ‹Ásh«rå›.’”
It was Qais ibn ‹Ubåda who said: “Even the wild beasts used to fast
on the day of ‹Ásh«rå›.”
Ab« Huraira (may Allåh be well pleased with him) is reported as
having stated that Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him
peace) once said:
The most meritorious fasting, after the month of Ramaæån, is [fasting in] the
month of Allåh which they call the Sacred Month [al-Mu¥arram]. And the
most meritorious ritual prayer [ƒalåt]—after that which is prescribed as an
obligatory duty [mafr«æa], and that which is performed in the middle of the
night—is the ritual prayer [ƒalåt] of the day of ‹Ásh«rå›.
‹Alº [ibn Abº ¡ålib] (may Allåh ennoble his countenance) is reported
409 Ab« Zakariyå› Ya¥yå ibn Håshim ibn Kathºr ibn Qais al-Ghassånº (may Allåh bestow His
mercy upon him) was an expert in the tradition of the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him
peace), although some authorities have questioned his reliability. The date of his death has not
been recorded, but he is known to have been a student of al-A‹mash (d. ca. A.H. 148) and other
traditionists of the same period.
410 Kohl (from the Arabic word ku¥l) is a powder, usually a preparation of pulverized antimony,
used for darkening the edges of the eyelids.
411Author’s note: Shaikh Ab« Naƒr Mu¥ammad ibn al-Bannå› cites the following chain of
transmission [isnåd] for this report: His own father, Shaikh Ab« ‹Alº ibn A¥mad ibn ‹Abdi’llåh
ibn al-Bannå›—Ab« Ghalºœ ibn Umayya ibn Khalaf al-Jam¥º.
412 According to the classical Arabic lexicographers, the ƒurad is “a certain bird, above the size of
the sparrow, having a large head, which preys upon sparrows.” (See: E.W. Lane, Arabic-English
Lexicon, art. »–R–D.)


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284 Volume Three

as having stated that the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace)
once said:
In Allåh›s Sacred Month [al-Mu¥arram], Allåh has relented toward certain
people, and He will also relent toward others.
Ibn ‹Abbås (may Allåh be well pleased with him and with his father)
is reported as having stated that Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and
give him peace) once said:
If someone fasts on the last day of Dhu ’l-ªijja and on the first day of Mu¥arram,
he will have sealed the old year with fasting, and ushered in the new year with
fasting, and Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He) will grant him the atonement
[kaffåra] of fifty years.
According to a report from ‹Urwa, [the Prophet’s wife] ‹Á›isha (may
Allåh be well pleased with her) once said:
“‹Ásh«rå› was observed as a day of fasting by Quraish413 in the [pre-
Islamic] time of ignorance [al-Jåhiliyya]. Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless
him and give him peace) devoted it to fasting, while he was in Mecca,
but when he moved to Medina, he made the Fast of Ramaæån an
obligatory religious duty. So, if anyone wishes to do so, he may keep the
fast on the day of ‹Ásh«rå›, and if anyone so wishes, he may abstain from
observing it.”
Ibn ‹Abbås (may Allåh be well pleased with him and with his father)
is reported as having said:
“When Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him peace)
moved to Medina, he discovered that the Jews [al-Yah«d] were observing
the day of ‹Ásh«rå› as a day of fasting, so he inquired about that practice
of theirs, and they told him: ‘This is the day on which Allåh (Almighty
and Glorious is He) rendered Moses [M«så] and the Children of Israel
[Banº Isr固l] victorious over the people of Pharaoh, so we devote it to
fasting in his honor.’ The Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace)
responded to this by saying: ‘We are more worthy of Moses [M«så] than
you are!’ Then he commanded [the Muslims] to observe it as a day of

413 Quraish is the name of the Arab tribe into which the Prophet Mu¥ammad (Allåh bless him
and give him peace) was born.


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Fifth Discourse 285

Concerning the origin and significance

of the term “‹Ásh«rå›”.

T here is a lack of unanimity among the religious scholars [‹ulamå›]

(may Allåh bestow His mercy upon them), as to why the day of
‹Ásh«rå› came to be so called. Most of them have maintained that it
was named the day of ‹Ásh«rå› for the simple reason that it is the tenth
day [yawm ‹åshir] of Mu¥arram. According to some of them, however,
it came to be called ‹Ásh«rå› because it is the tenth [‹åshir] of the tokens
of special favor [karåmåt] bestowed by Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is
He) upon this Community [Umma] of ours, namely:
1. The month of Rajab, which is also known as The “Deaf” Month
of Allåh [Shahru’llåh al-Aƒamm].414 Allåh (Exalted is He) made Rajab
a token of special favor [karåma] for this Community [Umma] because
of its excellence over all the other months, which is like the excellence
of this Community over all the other Communities [Umam].
2. The month of Sha‹bån,415 the excellence of which, over all the
other months, is like the excellence of the Prophet [Mu¥ammad]
(Allåh bless him and give him peace) over all the other Prophets
3. The month of Ramaæån,416 the excellence of which, over all
the other months, is like the excellence of Allåh (Exalted is He) over
His creation.
4. The Night of Power [Lailat al-Qadr], which is “better than a
thousand months.”417
5. The Day of Breaking the Fast [Yawm al-Fi£r],418 which is the day
of recompense [yawm al-jazå›].
414 Or, “The Month of Allåh in which no jarring sounds are to be heard.” (See pp. 13–15 above.)
415 See pp. 54–69 above.
416 See pp. 70–165 above.
417 See pp. 100–18 above.
418 See pp. 146–49 above.

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286 Volume Three

6. The Ten Days [Ayyåm al-‹Ashr],419 which are the days devoted
to the remembrance of Allåh (Exalted is He).
7. The Day of ‹Arafa,420 on which fasting counts as the atonement
[kaffåra] of two whole years.
8. The Day of Immolation [Yawm an-Na¥r],421 which is the day of the
sacrificial offering [yawm al-qurbån].
9. Friday, the Day of the Congregation [Yawm al-Jum‹a],422 which
is the chieftain of the days of the week [sayyid al-ayyåm].
10. The day of ‹Ásh«rå›, on which fasting counts as the atonement
[kaffåra] of one whole year.
Every single moment of these days is a token of special favor [karåma],
which Allåh has conferred upon this Community [Umma] as an
opportunity to atone for their sins, and as a means of purifying their
According to some of the scholars, it came to be called ‹Ásh«rå›
because it is the day on which Allåh (Exalted is He) bestowed ten
tokens of special favor [‹ashr karåmat] upon ten of the Prophets [‹ashara
mina ’l-Anbiyå›] (peace be upon them all), namely:
1. It was on this day that Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He)
relented toward Adam (peace be upon him).
2. It was on this day that Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He) raised
Idrºs (peace be upon him) to a place on high.
3. It was on this day that the ark of Noah [safºna N«¥] (peace be upon
him) came safely to rest on [the mountain called] al-J«dº.423
4. This was the day on which Abraham [Ibråhim] (peace be upon him)
was born, on which Allåh (Exalted is He) chose him to be His Bosom
419 See pp. 166–203 above.
420 See pp. 204–27 above.
421 See pp. 228–77 above.
422 See pp. 295–325 below.
423 Allåh (Exalted is He) has told us, in the Qur›ånic story of Noah (peace be upon him) and his ark:

And it was said: wa qºla

“O earth, swallow your water, yå aræu ’bla‹º må›a-ki
and O sky, abate your downpour!” wa yå samå›u aqli‹º
And the water was made to subside. wa ghºæa ’l-må›u
the affair was accomplished, and it [the ark] wa quæiya ’l-amru
came to rest upon [Mount] al-J«dº. (11:44) wa ’stawat ‹ala ’l-J«diyyi.
According to the traditional Qur›ånic commentators, al-J«dº is the name of a mountain in the
Jazºra region of Mesopotamia, near the town of Mosul on the Tigris.


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Fifth Discourse
Eleventh 287

Friend [Khalºl], and on which He rescued him from Nimrod’s fiery

5. It was on this day that Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He)
relented toward David [Dåw«d] (peace be upon him), and that He
restored the kingship to Solomon [Sulaimån] (peace be upon him).
6. It was on this day that Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He)
relieved Job [Ayy«b] (peace be upon him) of his agony.
7. It was on this day that Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He)
rescued Moses [M«så] (peace be upon him) from the sea, and that He
caused Pharaoh to drown in the sea.
8. It was on this day that Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He)
rescued Jonah [Y«nus] (peace be upon him) from the belly of the whale.
9. It was on this day that Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He) raised
Jesus [‹Ïså] (peace be upon him) up to heaven.
10. It was on this day that our Prophet Mu¥ammad (Allåh bless him
and give him peace) was born.


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288 Volume Three

Concerning various opinions as to which day in

Mu¥arram is the day of ‹Ásh«rå›.

T here is also a lack of unanimity among the experts as to which

day in Mu¥arram is the day of ‹Ásh«rå›. Most of them have
maintained that it is the tenth day of Mu¥arram, and this must be the
correct opinion, on the basis of all that has been mentioned above.
According to some of them, however, it is the eleventh of Mu¥arram.
Others, citing a report from ‹Á›isha (may Allåh be well pleased with
her), maintain that it is the ninth of that month.
According to one report, al-ªakºm ibn al-A‹raj once asked Ibn
‹Abbås (may Allåh be well pleased with him and with his father) which
day should be observed as the fast of ‹Ásh«rå›, and he replied: “Once
you have sighted the new moon [hilål] of Mu¥arram, keep count of the
days, then start fasting on the morning of the ninth.” “I went on to ask
him,” said al-ªakºm, “if that was how Mu¥ammad (Allåh bless him and
give him peace) used to observe it as a day of fasting, and he said: ‘Yes.’”
According to another traditional report [¥adºth], Ibn ‹Abbås (may
Allåh be well pleased with him and with his father) also used to say:
“Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him peace) kept the fast
on the day of ‹Ásh«rå›, and he instructed [all the members of his
Community] to observe it as a day of fasting. ‘O Messenger of Allåh,’
they exclaimed, ‘it is venerated by the Jews [Yah«d] and the Christians
[Naƒårå]!’ Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him peace)
therefore went on to say:
“‘When the next year comes around, if Allåh (Exalted is He) so wills, we shall
fast on the ninth day [of Mu¥arram].’
“Before the next year came around, however, Allåh’s Messenger
(Allåh bless him and give him peace) had completed his earthly life


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Fifth Discourse
Eleventh 289

In a differently worded version of this report, Ibn ‹Abbås (may Allåh

be well pleased with him and with his father) said: “Allåh’s Messenger
(Allåh bless him and give him peace) said:
“‘If I survive until next year, if Allåh (Exalted is He) so wills, I shall fast on the
ninth day.’
“[He said this] for fear of missing the day of ‹Ásh«rå›.”


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290 Volume Three

Concerning the martyrdom of al-ªusain ibn ‹Ali

(may Allåh the Exalted be well pleased with him
and with his father), who was slain
on the day of ‹Ásh«rå›.

I n discussing the special qualities of the day of ‹Ásh«rå›, we cannot

fail to mention that al-ªusain ibn ‹Alº (may Allåh the Exalted be
well pleased with him and with his father) was slain on that day.424
Umm Salama425 (may Allåh be well pleased with her) is reported as
having said:
“Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him peace) was once
in my apartment, when [his young grandson] al-ªusain (may Allåh be
well pleased with him) went in to see him. I watched the pair of them
from the doorway, and there was al-ªusain (may Allåh be well pleased
with him), perched on the chest of the Prophet (Allåh bless him and
give him peace), as he played a game. The Prophet (Allåh bless him and
give him peace) was holding a piece of clay in his hand, and tears were
streaming from his eyes.
“As soon as al-ªusain (may Allåh be well pleased with him) had left,
I went inside and said: ‘Let my father and my mother be your ransom,
O Messenger of Allåh! As I was watching you, I noticed that you were
holding a piece of clay in your hand, and that you were shedding tears.’
He responded (Allåh bless him and give him peace) by telling me:
“‘While I was taking great delight in having him perched on my chest, playing
his game, Gabriel (peace be upon him) came to me and handed me the piece
of clay upon which he will be slain. That is why I was shedding tears.’”
Al-ªasan al-Baƒrº426 (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him) is
reported as having said: “Sulaimån ibn ‹Abd al-Malik once saw the
424 The year was A.H. 61/680 C.E.
425 See note 104 on p. 55 above.
426 See note 74 on p. 40 above.


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Fifth Discourse
Eleventh 291

Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) in a dream, giving him
good tidings and treating him with kindness.
“When morning came, he asked al-ªasan (may Allåh be well pleased
with him) what this could mean, so al-ªasan (may Allåh be well
pleased with him) said to him: ‘Perhaps you have done a kind favor
[ma‹r«f] to the people of the household of Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh
bless him and give him peace)?’
“‘Yes,’ he replied, ‘I discovered the head of al-ªusain ibn ‹Alº (may
Allåh be well pleased with him) in the treasure house of Yazºd ibn
Mu‹åwiya, so I draped it with five pieces of silk brocade [dºbåj].
Together with a congregation of my companions, I performed the
[funeral] prayer over it [ƒallaitu ‹alai-hi], and then gave it a proper burial.’
“On hearing this, al-ªasan (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him)
said to Sulaimån: ‘The Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace)
must surely have been well pleased with you because of that!’
“Sulaimån then treated al-ªasan (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon
him) with special favor, and gave orders for him to be provided with rich
ªamza ibn az-Zayyåt is reported as having said: “Once, in a dream,
I saw the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) and Abraham,
the Bosom Friend of Allåh [Ibråhºm al-Khalºl] (peace be upon him),
performing the ritual prayer together [yuƒalliyåni] at the grave of
al-ªusain ibn ‹Alº (may Allåh be well pleased with him and with his
As we are reliably informed by Shaikh Ab« Naƒr [Mu¥ammad ibn
al-Bannå›],427 it was Ja‹far ibn Mu¥ammad (may Allåh bestow His
mercy upon him) who said:
“Seventy thousand angels alighted on the grave of al-ªusain ibn ‹Alº
(may Allåh be well pleased with him and with his father), on the day
when he was mortally wounded, and they will continue to weep over
him until the Day of Resurrection [Yawm al-Qiyåma].”

427 Author’s note: Shaikh Ab« Naƒr Mu¥ammad ibn al-Bannå› cites the following chain of
transmission [isnåd] for this report: His own father, Shaikh Ab« ‹Alº ibn A¥mad ibn ‹Abdi’llåh
ibn al-Bannå›—Ab« Usåma—Ja‹far ibn Mu¥ammad (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him).


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292 Volume Three

Concerning the mistaken doctrine

of those who maintain that the day of ‹Ásh«rå›
should be regarded as a day of tragic misfortune.

C ertain people have been harshly critical of those who fast on

this glorious day, and of the exaltation traditionally held to be its
due. They maintain that it is not permissible to observe it as a day of
fasting, on the grounds that it is the day on which al-ªusain ibn ‹Alº
(may Allåh be well pleased with him and with his father) was slain.
They state their case in the following terms:
“What is right and proper, on that day, is that the sense of calamitous
loss should be experienced by the general mass of the people, since it is
the day on which his tragic death occurred. But you prefer to celebrate
it as the day of happiness and joy. You declare it to be the day for treating
one’s dependents with special generosity, for much liberal expenditure,
and for making charitable donations [ƒadaqa] to the poor, the weak and
the needy. Yet this is not the kind of respect that is rightfully due to
al-ªusain (may Allåh be well pleased with him) from the community
of the Muslims.”
Whoever makes this statement is in error, and his doctrine [madhhab]
is repugnant and unsound. We can dismiss it as such, because Allåh
(Exalted is He) chose martyrdom [shahåda] for the grandson of our
Prophet Mu¥ammad (Allåh bless him and give him peace) on the most
noble of all the days, the most glorious of them, the most majestic of
them, and the most exalted of them in His sight. In so doing, His
purpose was to grant him increased elevation in His degrees and His
tokens of special favor [karåmåt], over and above the special favor he
already enjoyed. By way of martyrdom [shahåda], He caused him to
reach the stations of the rightly guided Caliphs who died as martyrs
[al-Khulafå› ar-råshidºn ash-shuhadå›].


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Fifth Discourse
Eleventh 293

If it were permissible to observe the day of his death as the day of tragic
loss [muļba], it would actually make more sense to choose Monday for
such observance, since it was on a Monday that Allåh (Exalted is He)
took away our Prophet Mu¥ammad (Allåh bless him and give him
peace). It was likewise on a Monday that Ab« Bakr, the Champion of
Truth [aƒ-»iddºq] (may Allåh be well pleased with him), was taken away
[by the Lord].
As reported by Hishåm ibn ‹Urwa, [the Prophet’s wife] ‹Á›isha (may
Allåh be well pleased with her) once said:
“[My father] Ab« Bakr (may Allåh be well pleased with him) once
asked me: ‘On which day of the week did the Prophet (Allåh bless him
and give him peace) complete his earthly life [tuwuffiya]?’ ‘It was on a
Monday,’ I replied. He then said (may Allåh be well pleased with him):
‘I hope to die on that same day of the week.’ And it was in fact on a
Monday that he died (may Allåh be well pleased with him).”
The loss of Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him peace)
and the loss of Ab« Bakr (may Allåh be well pleased with him) are more
prodigious than the loss of anyone else, yet people have agreed on the
honorable status of Monday, on the excellent merit of observing it as
a day of fasting, and that good deeds performed thereon are presented
for review on high. On Thursday, also, the good deeds of the servants
[of the Lord] are raised up on high. By the same token, the day of
‹Ásh«rå› should not be observed as the day of tragic misfortune.
Besides, there are no better grounds for observing the day of ‹Ásh«rå›
as the day of tragic misfortune, than for choosing to observe it as the day
of happiness and joy, for all the reasons we have mentioned and
discussed above, including:
The fact that Allåh (Exalted is He) delivered his Prophets (peace be
upon them) from their enemies on that day.
The fact that, on that day, He destroyed their unbelieving foes, such
as Pharaoh and his people, as well as others.
The fact that, on that day, Allåh (Exalted is He) created the heavens
and the earth, and all things noble, as well as Adam (peace be upon
him) and more besides.
The fact that (Exalted is He) has prepared, for those who devote that
day to fasting, a plentiful reward and and an abundant bestowal, the
expiation of sins and the purification of bad deeds.

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294 Volume Three

‹Ásh«rå› has thus come to be on a par with the rest of the noble days,
such as the Two Festivals [al-‹Ïdain], [Friday] the Day of the Congregation
[al-Jum‹a], the Day of ‹Arafa, and so on.
Moreover, if it had ever been permissible to observe this day as the day
of tragic misfortune, the Companions [»a¥åba] and the Successors
[Tåbi‹«n]428 (may Allåh be well pleased with them all) would have
observed it as such, because they were more closely in touch with it than
we are, and better qualified to understand its true significance. In actual
fact, as we know from traditional reports about them, they used to urge
people to treat their dependents with special generosity on that day,
and to observe it as a day of fasting. To cite one example, al-ªasan
[al-Baƒrº]429 (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him) is reported as
having said:
“Fasting on the day of ‹Ásh«rå› is an obligatory religious duty [farºæa].”
[The Caliph] ‹Alº (may Allåh be well pleased with him) used to
command its observance as a day of fasting. ‹Á›isha (may Allåh be well
pleased with her) once asked some people: “Who commanded you to
fast on the day of ‹Ásh«rå›?” When they replied: “‹Alº (may Allåh be
well pleased with him),” she said: “Of all those [Companions] who are
still alive, he has the best knowledge of the Sunna [the exemplary
practice of the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace)].”
‹Alº (may Allåh be well pleased with him) is also reported as having
said: “Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him peace) once said:
“‘If someone spends the night of ‹Ásh«rå› in vigilant worship, Allåh (Exalted
is He) will let him live as long as he wishes.’”
This surely goes to prove the falsehood of the doctrine propounded by
the speaker quoted above. Of course, only Allåh (Exalted is He) is
All-Knowing [wa’llåhu—ta‹ålå—A‹lam].

428 In his Malf«œåt [Utterances], Shaikh ‹Abd al-Qådir al-Jºlånº (may Allåh be well pleased with
him) says: “Of them [the people of the Lord] He has made firm anchors for the religion [dºn]. The
senior rank among them is that of the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace); junior to this
is the rank of the Companions [»a¥åba], and below this again is the rank of the Successors
[Tåbi‹«n]. They always put what they say into practice, carrying it out in word and deed, in private
and in public.” (See page 26 of the Al-Baz edition of this work in English translation.)
429 See note 74 on p. 40 above.


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Fifth Discourse 295

The Twelfth Discourse

Concerning the special qualities of Friday,
the Day of Congregation [Yawm al-Jum‹a].

A llåh (Exalted is He) has said:

O you who believe! When the call yå ayyuha ’lladhºna åman«

is proclaimed for the prayer idhå n«diya li’ƒ-ƒalåti
on the Day of Congregation, min yawmi ’l-jumu‹ati
hasten to the remembrance of Allåh fa-’s‹aw ilå dhikri ’llåhi
and leave buying and selling aside. wa dharu ’l-bai‹:
That is better for you, dhålikum khairun la-kum
if you did but know. (62:9) in kuntum ta‹lam«n.
According to ‹Abdu’llåh ibn ‹Abbås (may Allåh be well pleased with
him and with his father), these words should be interpreted as follows:
• O you who believe! yå ayyuha ’lladhºna åman«
—means: “[O you who] have acknowledged and confirmed the truth
of the Uniqueness [Wa¥dåniyya] of Allåh (Exalted is He).”
• When the call is proclaimed idhå n«diya
for the prayer li’ƒ-ƒalåti
—means: “When you are summoned by the call to prayer [adhån] on
Friday, the Day of Congregation [Yawm al-Jum‹a].”
• hasten to the remembrance of Allåh fa-’s‹aw ilå dhikri ’llåhi
—means: “Walk [briskly] to the congregational prayer [ƒalåt al-jum‹a].”
• and leave buying and selling aside. wa dharu ’l-bai‹:
—means: “Refrain from buying and selling after [you hear] the call
• That is better for you, dhålikum khairun la-kum


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296 Volume Three

—means: “The ritual prayer [ƒalåt] is better for you than earning and
• if you did but know. in kuntum ta‹lam«n.
—means: “[if you did but] acknowledge the truth.”
As for the occasion [sabab] of the revelation of this Qur݌nic verse
[åya], it was sent down in response to the following situation: The Jews
[Yah«d] were boasting of three things that made them superior to the
Muslims, namely:
1. They said: “We, not you, are the friends [awliyå›] and loved ones
[a¥ibbå›] of Allåh.”
2. They said: “We have a Book of Scripture [Kitåb], while you have
no such Book.
3. They said: “We have a Sabbath [Sabt], while you have no Sabbath
of your own.”
Allåh therefore refuted them and proved them false, in this Qur›ånic
verse [åya], for He said to His Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him
Say: “O you who follow Judaism, qul yå ayyuha ’lladhºna håd«
if you claim in za‹amtum
that you are the friends of Allåh, anna-kum awliyå›u li’llåhi
apart from the rest of humankind, min d«ni ’n-nåsi
then long for death, fa-tamannawu ’l-mawta
if you are telling the truth.” (62:6) in kuntum ƒådiqºn.
—meaning: “[if you are telling the truth] when you say: ‘We, not you,
are the friends [awliyå›] and loved ones [a¥ibbå›] of Allåh.’”
In order to refute their statement: “You are illiterates [ummiyy«n];
you have no Book of Scripture [Kitåb],” Allåh (Glorious and Exalted is
He) sent down His words:
It is He who has sent Huwa ’llådhº ba‹atha
among the unlettered folk fi ’l-ummiyyºna
a Messenger from among themselves, Ras«lan min-hum
to recite to them His signs yatl« ‹alai-him åyåti-hi
and to purify them, wa yuzakkº-him
and to teach them the Book wa yu‹allimu-humu ’l-Kitåba
and Wisdom, although formerly wa ’l-ªikma: wa in kån« min qablu
they were in patent error. (62:2) la-fº æalålin mubºn:
He also laid blame on them, for He said (Exalted is He):


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Fifth Discourse
Twelfth 297

The likeness of those who have been mathalu ’llådhºna

loaded with the Torah, ¥ummilu ’t-Tawråta
but then have not carried it thumma lam ya¥mil«-hå
[into practice], is as the likeness ka-mathali ’l-¥imåri
of a donkey carrying tomes. ya¥milu asfårå:
Wretched is the likeness bi›sa mathalu ’l-
of the people who have qawmi ’lladhºna
cried lies to Allåh’s signs. kadhdhab« bi-åyåti ’llåh:
And Allåh does not guide wa ’llåhu lå yahdi ’l-
the evildoing folk. (62:5) qawmi ’œ-œålimºn:
In order to refute their statement: “We have a Sabbath [Sabt], while
you have no Sabbath of your own,” He also sent down (Blessed and
Exalted is He):
O you who believe! When the call yå ayyuha ’lladhºna åman«
is proclaimed for the prayer idhå n«diya li’ƒ-ƒalåti
on the Day of Congregation, min yawmi ’l-jumu‹ati
hasten to the remembrance of Allåh fa-’s‹aw ilå dhikri ’llåhi
and leave buying and selling aside. wa dharu ’l-bai‹:
That is better for you, dhålikum khairun la-kum
if you did but know. (62:9) in kuntum ta‹lam«n.
Then He said (Almighty and Glorious is He):
But when they spy some merchandise wa idhå ra›aw tijåratan
or sport, they break away to it aw lahwani ’nfaææ« ilai-hå
and leave you standing. wa tarak«-ka qå’imå:
Say: “What is with Allåh is better qul må ‹inda ’llåhi khairun
than sport and merchandise.” mina ’l-lahwi wa mina ’t-tijåra:
And Allåh is the Best of providers. wa ’llåhu Khairu ’r-råziqºn.
This revelation came in response to what used to happen when the
caravan [ܼr] approached the city of Medina, and the townsfolk greeted
its arrival with the beating of drums and the clapping of hands, so the
people would come out of the mosque [masjid]. On one particular day,
the caravan arrived and the people came out of the mosque, apart from
twelve men and one woman. Then a second caravan arrived, and out
they came once again, apart from twelve men and one woman. It was
then that Di¥ya ibn Khalºfa al-Kalbº, of the tribe of ‹Ámir ibn ‹Awf,
arrived with merchandise from Syria. (This was before he had accepted
Islåm.) He used to carry with him all sorts of merchandise, and the
people of Medina would greet him with the beating of drums and the
clapping of hands. On this occasion, his arrival coincided with Friday,
the Day of Congregation [Yawm al-Jum‹a], when the Prophet (Allåh

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298 Volume Three

bless him and give him peace) was standing in the pulpit [minbar],
delivering a sermon. Most of the people went out to meet him, so the
Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) said: “Look and see how
many are left in the mosque [masjid].” They told him: “Twelve men and
one woman,” so the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) said:
“Were it not for these few, the stones would have been assigned to
them,” meaning: “the stones would have been marked for them.”
Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He) therefore sent down the
But when they spy some merchandise wa idhå ra›aw tijåratan
or sport, they break away to it aw lahwani ’nfaææ« ilai-hå
and leave you standing. wa tarak«-ka qå’imå:
—that is to say, [standing] on the pulpit [minbar].
Say: “What is with Allåh qul må ‹inda ’llåhi
is better than sport khairun mina ’l-lahwi
—meaning: the beating of drums and the clapping of hands.
and merchandise.” wa mina ’t-tijåra:
—brought by Di¥ya.
And Allåh is the Best of providers. wa ’llåhu Khairu ’r-råziqºn.
—Better than any apart from Him.
Included among those who stayed in the mosque, it has been said,
were Ab« Bakr and ‹Umar (may Allåh the Exalted be well pleased with
them both).


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Fifth Discourse 299

Concerning what is known about the special

qualities of Friday, the Day of Congregation [Yawm
al-Jum‹a], by way of traditional reports [åthår].

T here are many traditional reports [åthår] concerning the special

qualities of Friday, the Day of Congregation [Yawm al-Jum‹a].
According to one of these reports,430 the Prophet (Allåh bless him and
give him peace) once said:
The sun has never risen, nor has it ever set, on a day more excellent than Friday,
the Day of Congregation [Yawm al-Jum‹a]. There is no earthly creature that is
not terrified of the Day of Congregation, apart from ‘the two heavyweights
[ath-thaqalån],’ meaning the jinn and humankind. [On that day] two angels are
stationed at every gate of the mosque [masjid]. Recording the people one by one,
in order of arrival, they make notes that read:
• [The first arrival is] like a man who has sacrificed a she-camel.
• [The second arrival is] like a man who has sacrificed a cow.
• [The third arrival is] like a man who has sacrificed a sheep.
• [The fourth arrival is] like a man who has sacrificed a hen.
• [The fifth arrival is] like a man who has sacrificed an egg.
—then, when the prayer leader [imåm] stands ready, the record sheets are
folded up.
As reported by Ab« Salama, on the authority of Ab« Huraira (may
Allåh be well pleased with him), the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give
him peace) once said:
The best day on which the sun has ever risen is Friday, the Day of Congregation
[Yawm al-Jum‹a]. It is the day on which Adam (peace be upon him) was created,
on which he was lodged in the Garden of Paradise, and on which he was
expelled therefrom. It is also the day on which the Final Hour [as-Så‹a] will
occur. What is more, it contains an hour so special that, if any true believer
[mu›min] happens upon it, and asks Allåh (Exalted is He) for something good,
at that particular time, He is sure to grant him his request.
430 Author’s note: For this report, the chain of transmission [isnåd] goes back through the
following links: al-‹Alå› ibn ‹Abd ar-Ra¥mån—his father—Ab« Huraira (may Allåh be well
pleased with him)—the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace).


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300 Volume Three

Ab« Salama also stated that ‹Abdu’llåh ibn Salåm (may Allåh be well
pleased with him) once said: “I have identified that hour. It is the last
hour of the daytime, and it is the hour in which Adam (on him be peace)
was created. Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He) has said:
The human being is created of haste. khuliqa ’l-insånu min ‹ajal.
As reported by ‹Abdu’llåh ibn Mundhir, Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh
bless him and give him peace) once said:
Friday, the Day of Congregation [Yawm al-Jum‹a] is the Chieftain of the
Days,431 and the most important of them in the sight of Allåh. It is even more
important, in the sight of Allåh (Exalted is He), than the Day of Breaking Fast
[Yawm al-Fi£r]. It has five distinctive features, namely: (1-3) It is the day on
which Allåh (Exalted is He) created Adam (peace be upon him), on which he
was sent down to the earth, and on which his mortal life was completed. (4) It
contains an hour in which, if the servant asks something of his Lord, He is sure
to grant him his request, provided that he does not ask for anything unlawful
[¥aråm]. (5) It is the day on which the Final Hour [as-Så‹a] will occur.
There is not one angel drawn near to the presence of his Lord (Almighty
and Glorious is He), who is not terrified of the Day of Congregation [Yawm
al-Jum‹a]. There is not one heaven, nor any earth, that does not view the Day
of Congregation [Yawm al-Jum‹a] with fearful apprehension.
According to one traditional report, transmitted on the authority of
Ab« Huraira (may Allåh be well pleased with him), the Prophet (Allåh
bless him and give him peace) once said:
The best day on which the sun has ever risen is Friday, the Day of Congregation
[Yawm al-Jum‹a]. It is the day on which Adam (peace be upon him) was created,
on which he was admitted into the Garden of Paradise, and on which he was
evicted therefrom. It is also the day on which the Final Hour [as-Så‹a] will occur.
According to another traditional report, also transmitted on the
authority of Ab« Huraira (may Allåh be well pleased with him), the
Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) once said:
The day that bears witness [al-yawm ash-shåhid] is Friday, the Day of Congregation
[Yawm al-Jum‹a], the one that is witnessed [mashh«d] is the Day of ‹Arafa, and
the one that is promised [maw‹«d] is the Day of Resurrection [Yawm
al-Qiyåma]. The sun has never risen, nor has it ever set, on a day more excellent
than Friday, the Day of Congregation [Yawm al-Jum‹a]. It contains an hour so
special that, if any believing servant [‹abd mu›min] connects with it, and asks
Allåh (Exalted is He) for something good, at that particular time, He is sure to
grant him his request. If he seeks refuge with Him from something bad, He is
likewise sure to grant him refuge.
431For a lengthy anonymous saying, in which every sentence begins: “The Chieftain [Sayyid]
of…is…,” see pp. 98–99 above.

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Fifth Discourse
Twelfth 301

Shaikh Ab« Naƒr Mu¥ammad ibn al-Bannå› has informed us432 that
‹Alº ibn Abº ¡ålib (may Allåh be well pleased with him) once said:
“When Friday, the Day of Congregation [Yawm al-Jum‹a] comes
around, the devils [shay壺n] emerge, carrying their banners with them,
as they escort the people to their marketplaces. The angels also emerge,
to station themselves at the gates of the mosques [masåjid], where they
record the people in order of priority: the one who is first to arrive, the
one who performs a ritual prayer, the one who follows him, and so on,
until the prayer leader [imåm] appears on the scene.
“Then, if someone stays close to the prayer leader [imåm], pays
attention, listens carefully, and does not talk, he is credited with two
certificates of recompense. If someone stays at a distance from him, but
pays attention, listens carefully, and does not talk, he is credited with
one certificate of recompense. If someone stays close to the prayer
leader [imåm], but talks, does not pay attention, and does not listen
carefully, he is debited with two certificates of sin. If someone stays at
a distance from him, talks, does not pay attention, and does not listen
carefully, he is debited with one certificate of sin. If someone just says,
“Hush! [ƒah],” he has spoken, and no congregational attendance [jum‹a]
is recorded in favor of anyone who speaks.”
‹Alº (may Allåh be well pleased with him) then said: “I heard
something to this effect from our Prophet Mu¥ammad (Allåh bless him
and give him peace).”
It is reported that Ab« Huraira (may Allåh be well pleased with him)
once heard Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him peace)
If, on the Day of Congregation [Yawm al-Jum‹a], while the prayer leader [imåm]
is delivering the sermon, you say to your companion: “Listen!”—you have talked.
According to this next report,433 Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him
and give him peace) once said:
On Friday, the Day of Congregation [Yawm al-Jum‹a], the angels stand at the
gates of the mosques [masåjid], recording the people as they arrive, until the
prayer leader [imåm] emerges. As soon as the prayer leader [imåm] appears on
the scene, the record sheets are folded up, and the pens are put away.
432 Author’s note: Shaikh Ab« Naƒr Mu¥ammad ibn al-Bannå› narrates this report on the
authority of his father, citing a chain of transmission [isnåd] from ‹Alº ibn Abº ¡ålib (may Allåh
be well pleased with him).
433 Author’s note: For this report, the chain of transmission [isnåd] goes back through the
following links: ‹Amr ibn Shu‹aib—his father—his grandfather (may Allåh be well pleased with
him)—the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace). 301

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302 Volume Three

The angels will say to one another: “What has prevented So-and-so, and what
has prevented So-and-so [from attending today]?” Then they will say: “O
Allåh, if he is sick, heal him. If he has gone astray, guide him. If he is away from
home, assist him.”
Ja‹far said: “We heard the following report from Thåbit, who said:
‘We have been told that Allåh (Exalted is He) has certain angels, who
carry with them tablets made of silver and pens made of gold. They use
these to record the names of those who perform the ritual prayer [man
ƒallå] on the night preceding Friday, and on Friday itself, as members of
the congregation [jamå‹a].’”
As we are reliably informed by Shaikh Ab« Naƒr Mu¥ammad ibn
al-Bannå›,434 Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him peace)
once said:
If someone is a believer [mu›min] in Allåh (Exalted is He) and the Last Day, he
is obliged to attend the congregational prayer [‹alai-hi ’l-jum‹a] on Friday, the
Day of Congregation [Yawm al-Jum‹a]. The only exceptions are a person who
is sick, a traveler, a woman, a youngster, or a slave [maml«k]. If someone feels
he can do without it, because of involvement in sport or trade, Allåh (Exalted
is He) can do without him, for Allåh is Rich and Praiseworthy [Ghaniyyun ªamºd].
As reported on the authority of Abu’l-Ja‹d aœ-¢uhairº, the Prophet
(Allåh bless him and give him peace) once said:
If someone fails to attend the congregational prayer, three times, due to a lack
of respect for its importance, Allåh (Exalted is He) will set a seal upon his heart.
Shaikh Ab« Naƒr has also informed us435 that Jåbir ibn ‹Abdi’llåh
(may Allåh be well pleased with him and with his father) once heard
Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him peace) say, while on
his pulpit:
O people, you must repent to Allåh (Exalted is He) before you die. You must
perform righteous works without delay, before you are too distracted. You must
establish the connection between you and your Lord, through frequent remem-
brance of Him, so that you may prosper. You must make a frequent practice of
charitable donation [ƒadaqa], both in private and in public, for then you will be
recompensed, praised, and provided with sustenance. You must know that
434 Author’s note: Shaikh Ab« Naƒr Mu¥ammad ibn al-Bannå› cites the following chain of
transmission [isnåd] for this report: His own father, Shaikh Ab« ‹Alº ibn A¥mad ibn ‹Abdi’llåh
ibn al-Bannå›—Abu’z-Zubair—Jåbir ibn ‹Abdi’llåh (may Allåh be well pleased with him and
with his father)—the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace).
435 Author’s note: Shaikh Ab« Naƒr Mu¥ammad ibn al-Bannå› cites the following chain of
transmission [isnåd] for this report: His own father, Shaikh Ab« ‹Alº ibn A¥mad ibn ‹Abdi’llåh
ibn al-Bannå›—Sa‹ºd ibn al-Musayyib—Jåbir ibn ‹Abdi’llåh (may Allåh be well pleased with
him and with his father)—the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace).

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Fifth Discourse
Twelfth 303

Allåh (Exalted is He) has made the Friday congregational prayer [al-jum‹a]
incumbent upon you, as an obligatory religious duty that is strictly prescribed
[farºæa makt«ba], in this place of mine, in this month of mine, in this year of
mine, until the Day of Resurrection [Yawm al-Qiyåma].
If someone is capable of finding a way to attend it, yet neglects to do so—during
my lifetime or after I am gone, because of rejecting it altogether or regarding it
as unimportant, when he has a leader [imåm], whether unjust or just, [who is
qualified to conduct the congregational prayer]—may Allåh not set his muddled
affairs in order, and may He not bless him in his business! May that person have
no ritual prayer [ƒalåt] to his credit! May he have no ritual ablution [wuæ«›] to
his credit! May he have no payment of the alms-due [zakåt] to his credit! May
he have no Pilgrimage [ªajj] to his credit! May he receive no blessing [baraka],
unless and until he repents, for if he repents, Allåh will relent toward him.
Ah well, it seems that a woman will not be loyal to a man, an Arab tribesman
[A‹råbº] will not be loyal to an emigrant [muhåjir], and an immoral type [fåjir] will
not be loyal to a true believer [mu›min], unless he [or she] is coerced by a ruler
[sul£ån] whose sword and whose whip inspire fear.
As we are informed by Shaikh Ab« Naƒr Mu¥ammad ibn al-Bannå›,
on good traditional authority,436 Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him
and give him peace) once said:
On the Day of Resurrection [Yawm al-Qiyåma], Allåh will resurrect the days [of
the week] with their peculiar features. When he brings forth Friday, the Day of
Congregation [al-Jum‹a], it will be bright and shining. Its people will array
themselves around it, as if they were escorting a bride in procession to her noble
groom. Thus will it shine upon them, as they bask in its radiance. Their
complexions will be like snow, and their perfume like musk. They will plunge
into mountains of camphor, while jinn and humankind [ath-thaqalån] look on.
Before their spectators have time to blink in amazement, they will enter the
Garden of Paradise. No one will mingle with them, except the [angelic]
announcers [mu›adhddhin«n] who are there on duty.
As we are reliably informed by Shaikh Ab« Naƒr Mu¥ammad ibn
al-Bannå›,437 Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him peace)
also said:
Allåh (Exalted is He) has six hundred thousand souls emancipated from the Fire
of Hell, [each hour] throughout the day and the night of every Friday, the Day
of Congregation [Yawm al-Jum‹a], which consists of twenty-four hours. During
436 Author’s note: Shaikh Ab« Naƒr Mu¥ammad ibn al-Bannå› cites the following chain of
transmission [isnåd] for this report: His own father, Shaikh Ab« ‹Alº ibn A¥mad ibn ‹Abdi’llåh
ibn al-Bannå›— Thåbit al-Bannånº—¡åw«s—Ab« M«så al-Ash‹arº (may Allåh be well pleased
with him)—the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace).
437 Author’s note: Shaikh Ab« Naƒr Mu¥ammad ibn al-Bannå› cites the following chain of
transmission [isnåd] for this report: His own father, Shaikh Ab« ‹Alº ibn A¥mad ibn ‹Abdi’llåh
ibn al-Bannå›—Thåbit al-Bannånº—Anas ibn Målik (may Allåh be well pleased with him)—
the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace).

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304 Volume Three

each hour, six hundred thousand souls are emancipated from the Fire of Hell,
even though all of them have deserved condemnation to the Fire.
In another version of this report, transmitted by Thåbit on the
authority of Anas ibn Målik (may Allåh be well pleased with him), we
are told that the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace)
expressed himself as follows:
In each and every hour, of all the hours of this world, Allåh (Almighty and
Glorious is He) has six hundred thousand souls emancipated from the Fire of
Hell. He emancipates them all, even though they have deserved to be
condemned to the Fire of Hell on the Day of Resurrection [Yawm al-Qiyåma].
In the course of Friday, the Day of Congregation [Yawm al-Jum‹a], and the night
thereof, there are twenty-four hours all told. Not one of those hours goes by,
without Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He) having six hundred thousand
souls emancipated from the Fire of Hell. He emancipates them from the Fire
of Hell, even though they have all deserved condemnation to the Fire.
As reported by ‹Abd ar-Ra¥mån ibn Abº Lailº, on the authority of
Abu’d-Dardå› (may Allåh be well pleased with him), Allåh’s Messenger
(Allåh bless him and give him peace) once said:
If someone performs the ritual prayer of Friday, as a member of the congregation
[jamå‹a], an accepted Pilgrimage [ªijja] will be recorded in his favor. If he also
performs the afternoon prayer [al-‹aƒr], a Visitation [‹Umra] will be recorded in
his favor. If he stays in his place until evening, whatever request he makes,
Allåh (Exalted is He) will surely grant it.
As reported on the authority of Ab« Umåma al-Båhilº (may Allåh be
well pleased with him), Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give
him peace) once said:
If someone fasts on Friday, the Day of Congregation [Yawm al-Jum‹a], performs
the ritual prayer together with the prayer leader [imåm], attends a funeral service
[jinåza], makes a charitable donation [ƒadaqa], visits a sick person, and attends
a wedding, the Garden of Paradise will be his by right.
As we are informed by Shaikh Ab« Naƒr Mu¥ammad ibn al-Bannå›,
on good traditional authority,438 the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give
him peace) also said:
Three individuals attend the Friday congregational prayer [al-jum‹a]: (1) a man
who is present for some trivial reason, so that will be all he gets from it; (2) a man
who is present in order to make a prayer of supplication [du‹å’], so he is a man
438 Author’s note: Shaikh Ab« Naƒr Mu¥ammad ibn al-Bannå› cites the following chain of
transmission [isnåd] for this report: His own father, Shaikh Ab« ‹Alº ibn A¥mad ibn ‹Abdi’llåh
ibn al-Bannå›—‹Amr ibn Shu‹aib—his father—his grandfather (may Allåh be well pleased with
him)—the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace).

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Fifth Discourse
Twelfth 305

who appeals to Allåh (Exalted is He), and if He wishes, He will grant his request,
and if He wishes, He will withhold it; and (3) a man who is present in a state
of silence and attentive listening, a man who would not step over the neck of
a Muslim [in the ranks of the congregation], and who would not make himself
a nuisance to anyone, so his attendance will count as an expiation [kaffåra],
valid until the following Friday, plus three extra days, for Allåh (Almighty and
Glorious is He) says:
If someone produces a good deed, man jå›a bi’l-¥asanati
he shall have ten just like it fa-la-hu ‹ashru
[to his credit]. (6:161) amthåli-hå.
According to one traditional report [¥adºth], the Prophet (Allåh bless
him and give him peace) once said:
There is not one creature that does not spring to attention on Friday, the Day
of Congregation [Yawm al-Jum‹a], dreading the advent of the Final Hour
[as-Så‹a]— apart from the devils [shay壺n] and the wretched member of the
human race [shaqº Banº Ádam].
It is said that the birds and the insects meet with one another on
Friday, the Day of Congregation [Yawm al-Jum‹a], and say: “Peace be
upon you! May it be a good day!”
In the words of another traditional report [khabar]: “Hell [Jahannam]
flares up in a blaze, as a daily occurrence, at the moment when the sun
remains poised in the center of the sky, just before its decline from the
meridian. So you must not perform the ritual prayer at this hour, except
on Friday, the Day of Congregation [Yawm al-Jum‹a], for the whole of
it is a ritual prayer [ƒalåt], and that is the one day when Hell [Jahannam]
does not flare up in a blaze.”


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306 Volume Three

More traditional reports on the subject of Friday,

the Day of Congregation [Yawm al-Jum‹a].

A s reported by Ab« »åli¥, on the authority of Ab« Huraira (may

Allåh be well pleased with him), the Prophet (Allåh bless him
and give him peace) once said:
If someone performs the major ritual ablution [ightasala] on Friday, the Day of
Congregation [Yawm al-Jum‹a], then sets out [for the mosque] in the first hour,
it will be as if he has sacrificed a she-camel. If someone sets out in the second
hour, it will be as if he has sacrificed a cow. If someone sets out in the third hour,
it will be as if he has sacrificed a horned ram. If someone sets out in the fourth
hour, it will be as if he has sacrificed a hen. If someone sets out in the fifth hour,
it will be as if he has sacrificed an egg. When the prayer leader [imåm] arrives
on the scene, the angels will be present, to listen to the remembrance [of Allåh].
The first hour comes after the ritual prayer of dawn [ƒalåt aƒ-ƒub¥].
The second hour comes after the rising of the sun, while the third
coincides with its full expansion, at the high point of the forenoon
[æu¥å], when feet are scorched by the blistering heat of the sun. The
fourth hour comes before the sun’s decline from the meridian, and the
fifth when the sun has declined, or at the moment when it stays briefly
poised [in the center of the sky].
As reported by Nåfi‹, on the authority of Ibn ‹Umar (may Allåh be
well pleased with him and with his father), Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh
bless him and give him peace) once said:
If someone performs the major ritual ablution [ightasala] on every Friday, the
Day of Congregation [Yawm al-Jum‹a], Allåh (Exalted is He) will rid him of his
sins. Then he will be told: “Set to work from a fresh start.”
Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him peace) is also
reported as having said:
If someone does what it takes to make major ablution obligatory [ghassala], and
performs the major ritual ablution [ightasala], then makes an early morning start
[for the mosque, where he] stays close to the prayer leader [imåm], and does not
talk—for every step he takes, he will be credited with having devoted one whole
year to fasting [ƒiyåm] and night vigil [qiyåm].

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Twelfth 307

In the saying just quoted, Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and
give him peace) used the verb ghassala, with doubling [tashdºd] [of the
letter “s”], in order to convey the implicit meaning: “If someone does what
it takes to make major ablution necessary for his wife [ghassala ahla-hu].”
In other words, this is an allusion to sexual intercourse [jimå‹]. This
explains why, according to the experts in religious knowledge [‹ilm], it
is a recommended practice to have sexual intercourse with one’s wife on
Friday, the Day of Congregation [Yawm al-Jum‹a]. On the strength of
this saying [¥adºth], some of our righteous predecessors [salaf] did make
it their regular practice.
In one traditionally reported version, however, the verb occurs as
ghasala, with non-doubling [takhfºf] [of the letter “s”], in which case the
implicit meaning must be: “If someone washes [ghasala] his head,” or
“washes [ghasala] his body.”
As reported by al-ªasan [al-Baƒrº], on the authority of Ab« Huraira
(may Allåh be well pleased with him), Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless
him and give him peace) once said:
O Ab« Huraira, you must perform the major ritual ablution every Friday, the
Day of Congregation [Yawm al-Jum‹a]. You would still be obliged to do so, even
if, in order to buy the water, you needed to spend the whole of your daily
By most of the experts in Islåmic jurisprudence [fuqahå›], the major
ritual ablution [ghusl] is classed as a recommended practice [musta¥abb].
In the opinion of Dåw«d, however, it is strictly necessary [wåjib], so it
must not be omitted by anyone who attends the Friday congregational
prayer [al-jum‹a]. “As for its proper time,” he said, “that is after the
appearance of the second dawn [al-fajr ath-thånº].”439
As soon as a person has completed his major ablution, the best course
for him is to set out at once for the mosque [masjid], to escape any
argument [that might arise in his household], and to guard against any
violation of his state of ritual purity, until he performs the Friday
congregational prayer [¥attå yuƒalliya ’l-jum‹a].
He should perform the major ablution [ghusl] with the conscious
intention of serving his Master [Mawlå]. If the morning finds him in a
state of major ritual impurity [junub], and he performs both the minor
and the major ablutions [tawaææa›a wa ’ghtasala], with the conscious
439 The second dawn [al-fajr ath-thånº] is also known as the true dawn [al-fajr aƒ-ƒådiq].


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308 Volume Three

intention of removing the major impurity [janåba] and preparing for the
Friday congregational prayer [al-jum‹a], this is permissible. To make
himself neat and tidy, he should trim his hair and his nails, and apply
a deodorant. He should dress in his best and whitest clothes, put a
turban on his head, and wear a loose outer garment [ridå›], for,
according to traditional report [¥adºth]:
The angels invoke blessings upon those who wear turbans on Friday, the Day
of Congregation [Yawm al-Jum‹a].
He should perfume himself with the most fragrant scent in his
possession, choosing one that has a noticeable aroma, but leaves no
color stain. When he leaves his house and makes his way to the
congregational mosque [jåmi‹], he should be in a state of calm and quiet
dignity, modest, submissive and humble, aware of his spiritual poverty,
offering frequent supplications and pleas for forgiveness, and invoking
blessings upon Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him
peace). He should set out with the conscious intention of paying a visit
to his Master [Mawlå] in His house, of drawing near to Allåh (Exalted
is He) through the fulfillment of his obligatory religious duties [farå›iæ],
and of remaining in seclusion [‹uk«f] in the mosque [masjid], until the
moment when it is appropriate for him to return to his own home. He
should make it his conscious intention to keep his limbs and organs
from involvement in idle sport and foolish talk, both on the road and
in the congregational mosque [jåmi‹].
On Friday, the Day of Congregation [Yawm al-Jum‹a], he should
forsake his rest and relaxation, and refrain from pursuing his worldly
interests, in order to devote the day to litanies [awråd] 440 and worship
[‹ibåda]. He should therefore treat the first part of his daytime, until the
conclusion of the Friday congregational prayer [al-jum‹a], as a time for
service. Then he should treat the middle of the day, until the afternoon
ritual prayer [ƒalåt al-‹aƒr], as a time for the acquisition of religious
knowledge [‹ilm], and participation in the sessions of remembrance
[majålis adh-dhikr]. He should devote the next period, between the
afternoon ritual prayer [ƒalåt al-‹aƒr] and the setting of the sun, to the
glorification of Allåh [tasbº¥] 441 and seeking forgiveness [istighfår]. At
440 Foran extensive treatment of the subject of litanies [awråd] see Vol. 4, pp. 83–109.
441 The verbal noun tasbº¥ is derived from the three-consonant root s–b–¥, which occurs in the
expression “sub¥åna ’llåh [Glory be to Allåh]!”

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this time, and during every day and night, these are the most excellent
expressions of remembrance [adhkår] he can utter:
There is no god but Allåh, lå ilåha illa ’llåhu
Alone, without partner. Wa¥da-hu lå sharºka la-h:
To Him belongs the sovereignty la-hu ’l-mulku
and to Him belongs the praise. wa la-hu ’l-¥amd:
He brings to life and causes death, yu¥yº wa yumºtu
while He is Ever-Living and never dies. wa Huwa ªayyun lå yam«t:
All goodness is in His Hand, bi-yadIhi ’l-khairu
and He is Capable of all things. wa Huwa ‹alå kulli shai›in Qadºr.
—two hundred times.
Glory be to Allåh, the Almighty, sub¥åna ’llåhi ’l-‹Aœºmi
and with His praise! wa bi-¥amdi-hi.
—one hundred times.
There is no god but Allåh, lå ilåha illa ’llåhu ’l-
the King, the Evident Truth! Maliku ’l-ªaqqu ’l-Mubºn.
—one hundred times.
O Allåh, bless Mu¥ammad, Allåhumma ƒalli ‹alå
Your servant and Your Messenger, Mu¥ammadin ‹abdi-ka
the unlettered Prophet! wa Ras«li-ka ’n-Nabiyyi ’l-ummº.
—one hundred times.
I seek forgiveness of Allåh astaghfiru ’llåhi ’l-
the Ever-Living, ªayyi ’l-
the Eternally Self-Sustaining, Qayy«m.
and I beg him to accept wa as›alu-hu ’t-
my repentance. tawba.
—one hundred times.
What wonders Allåh has willed! må shå›a ’llåh.
There is no strength but with Allåh. lå quwwata illå bi’llåh.
—one hundred times. That adds up to a total of seven hundred times,
including all the various expressions of remembrance [adhkår].
It has been reported, concerning one of the Companions [»a¥åba]
(may Allåh be well pleased with them all), that he used to pronounce
twelve thousand expressions of glorification [tasbº¥] every single day. It
has also been reported, concerning one of the Successors [Tåbi‹«n],442
that he used to pronounce thirty thousand expressions of glorification
[tasbº¥] every single day. Everyone knew about his performance of the
ritual prayer [ƒalåt] and his practice of glorification [tasbº¥].
442 See note 428 on p. 294 above.

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Beware of being one of the deprived, of not remembering and not

being remembered. The true believer [mu›min] is first of all one who
remembers [dhåkir] Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He), then one who
is remembered [madhk«r] by Him. Allåh (Exalted is He) has said:
So remember Me, fa-’dhkur«-nº
and I will remember you. adhkur-kum
Be thankful to Me, wa ’shkur« lº
and be not ungrateful toward Me. wa lå takfur«n.
As for the time before the ritual prayer [ƒålåt], one practice that is not
recommended is that of listening to the public storyteller [q僃], because
the public telling of tales [qiƒaƒ] is an innovation [bid‹a]. Ibn ‹Umar was
one of those among the Companions [»a¥åba] (may Allåh be well
pleased with them all) who used to evict the public storytellers from the
congregational mosque [jåmi‹].
O Allåh! This does not apply to one who is truly acquainted [‹ålim]
with Allåh (Exalted is He), being one of the people of intimate
knowledge and certainty [ahl al-ma‹rifa wa ’l-yaqºn]. Attendance at his
session [majlis] is more meritorious than performing the ritual prayer
[ƒalåt], in light of the saying [¥adºth] of Ab« Dharr (may Allåh be well
pleased with him): “Attendance at the session of real knowledge [majlis
al-‹ilm] is more meritorious than performing a thousand cycles of ritual
prayer [ƒålåt alf rak‹a].”
When the late arrival enters the congregational mosque [jåmi‹], he
must not step over the necks of the people [already assembled in rows],
unless he is a prayer leader [imåm] or a muezzin [mu›adhdhin], because
it is reported that the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace)
once said to a man, whom he had seen stepping over the necks of the
assembled people: “O So-and-so, what kept you from performing the
Friday congregational prayer [al-jum‹a] together with the rest of us?”
The man said: “Did you not see me, O Messenger of Allåh?” So he said
(Allåh bless him and give him peace): “I saw you loitering about, and
making a nuisance of yourself!” In other words, the man was being told:
“You came as a very late arrival, and then made your presence felt in a
most annoying manner.”
According to another version of this traditional report [¥adºth], the
Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) said: “What kept you
today from joining the congregation?” The man replied: “O Prophet


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of Allåh, I did join the congregation!” So then he said (Allåh bless him
and give him peace): “Did I not see you stepping over the necks of
the people?”
If someone behaves like that, it has been said, he will be placed as a
bridge on the surface of Hell [Jahannam], on the Day of Resurrection
[Yawm al-Qiyåma], and the people will use him to step across.
You must also refrain from passing directly in front of a worshipper
engaged in the ritual prayer [muƒallº], because we are told in a traditional
report [khabar]: “If one of you has to stand waiting for a year, that is
better for him than passing directly in front of a worshipper engaged in
the ritual prayer [muƒallº].” In another version, the wording is: “That
a man should turn to ashes, scattered by the winds, that would be better
for him than passing directly in front of a worshipper engaged in the
ritual prayer [muƒallº].”
You must not get someone to move from his spot, and then sit in his
place, because the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) is
reported as having said:
Let it not happen that one of you gets his brother to move from the place where
he is sitting, and then sits in it himself!
If a man got up to offer his seat to Ibn ‹Umar (may Allåh be well
pleased with him and with his father), he would not sit down until the
man had returned to his place.
What if someone notices a gap in the ranks, several rows in front of
him? Is it permissible from him to step over the necks of the people, in
order to sit in that space? On this point, according to our own Imåm
A¥mad ibn ªanbal (may Allåh the Exalted bestow His mercy upon
him), there are two conflicting traditional reports.
If someone arrives before a friend of his, and sits in a place to keep it
for him, it is permissible for him to sit there. But what if he spreads
something belonging to him on the floor? May someone else pick it up
and sit in its place? There are two views on this point, according to our
[ªanbalº] colleagues.
A member of the congregation should make the effort to find a spot
close to the prayer leader [imåm], then listen attentively to the sermon
[khu£ba], without speaking to anyone. If he does speak, he is guilty of
a sin, according to one of two conflicting reports. He is not forbidden
to speak before the commencement of the sermon, nor after its

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312 Volume Three

Still more traditional reports on the subject of

Friday, the Day of Congregation [Yawm al-Jum‹a].

A s we are reliably informed by Shaikh Ab« Naƒr Mu¥ammad ibn

al-Bannå›,443 the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace)
once said:
Gabriel [Jibrºl] (peace be upon him) came to me, holding in his hand some white
mushrooms [kam›a], on which there was a black spot. I said: “What is this, O
Gabriel?” He told me: “This is [the Day of] Congregation [al-Jum‹a]. It contains
much that is good for you.” I said: “And what is this black spot?” He said: “This
is the Final Hour [as-Så‹a]. It will come about on the Day of Congregation
[Yawm al-Jum‹a], which happens to be the Chieftain of the Days [Sayyid
al-Ayyåm].444 Among ourselves, we [angels] call it the Day of Extra Benefit
[Yawm al-Mazºd].” I said: “And why do you call it the Day of Extra Benefit [Yawm
al-Mazºd], O Gabriel?”
He explained: “That is because your Lord (Almighty and Glorious is He) has
chosen for Himself a valley in the Garden of Paradise, where the scent is more
fragrant than that of white musk. On the Day of Congregation [Yawm al-Jum‹a],
rather than any of the other days, the All-Compelling One [al-Jabbår] (Blessed
and Exalted is He) will descend from His Heavenly Throne [‹Arsh] to His
Pedestal [Kursº], into this valley. The Pedestal is rimmed with pulpits of light,
on which the Prophets [Nabiyy«n] are seated. Those pulpits are rimmed with
pedestals of gold, crowned with jewels, upon which are seated the champions
of truth [ƒiddºq«n] and the martyrs [shuhadå›].
Then the inhabitants of the upper chambers [of Paradise] will come forth, until
they are surrounded by the sand dunes [of the valley], and Allåh (Almighty and
Glorious is He) will say: “I am the One who fulfilled My promise to you, and
completed My bestowal of grace upon you, and conferred My honor upon you.”
Then He will go on to say: “So put your requests to Me,” and they will all say,
in chorus: “We ask You to grant us Your approval.”
443 Author’s note: Shaikh Ab« Naƒr Mu¥ammad ibn al-Bannå› cites the following chain of
transmission [isnåd] for this report: His own father, Shaikh Ab« ‹Alº ibn A¥mad ibn ‹Abdi’llåh
ibn al-Bannå›—Abu’l-Qåsim ‹Abdu’llåh ibn ‹Umar al-Faqºh ash-Shåfi‹º (may Allåh the
Exalted bestow His mercy upon him)—ªabºb ibn al-ªasan al-Qazzåz—Ja‹far ibn Mu¥ammad
al-Khuråsånº—Ab« Ayy«b Sulaimån ibn ‹Abd ar-Ra¥mån ad-Dimashqº—Mu¥ammad ibn
Shu‹aib—‹Umar ibn ‹Abdi’llåh (the freedman [mawlå] of ‹Afra)—Anas ibn Målik (may Allåh
be well pleased with him)—the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace).
444 See n. 431 on p. 300 above.


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To this He will reply: “You have My approval. I shall admit you to My abode,
and I shall treat you to My noble generosity.” Then He will say again: “Put your
requests to Me,” and again they will say: “Our Lord, we ask You for approval.”
He will then keep saying: “Put your requests to Me,” and they will keep asking
him, until the wish of every servant amongst them has been fulfilled. At that
point they will say: “That is all we need, our Lord!” He will then reveal to them,
at the appointed time of their departure from the Day of Congregation [Yawm
al-Jum‹a], that which no eye has ever seen, of which no ear has ever heard, and
the very notion of which has never occurred to any human heart.
The inhabitants of the upper chambers [ahl al-ghuraf] will thus return to their
chambers. Each chamber is made of a white pearl, a red ruby, and a green
chrysolite, in which there is neither crack nor blemish. Streams flow through
them without interruption. Their fruits hang down within easy reach, and
inside those chambers are their wives, their servants, and their living quarters.
Nothing is more necessary to them, therefore, than the Day of Congregation
[Yawm al-Jum‹a], in order to increase their enjoyment of gracious favor from
their Lord, and His good pleasure [riæwån].
As we are reliably informed by Shaikh Ab« Naƒr Mu¥ammad ibn
al-Bannå›,445 Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him peace)
also said:
When the Day of Congregation [Yawm al-Jum‹a] comes around, Allåh’s trusted
agent, Gabriel [Amºnu’llåh Jibrºl] (peace be upon him), goes early in the morning
to the Sacred Mosque [al-Masjid al-ªaråm], where he sets up his standard. The
other angels go early in the morning to all the mosques [masåjid] in which the
local congregations gather. They erect their flagpoles and their banners at the
gates of the mosques, then they spread out sheets of silver and pens of gold, and
set about recording the names of those who come early to attend the congrega-
tional prayer [jum‹a], noting the first arrival, then the next…. As soon as
seventy early arrivals have entered every mosque, the record sheets are folded
up. Those seventy, who came early to attend the congregational prayer [jum‹a],
will be honored like those whom Moses chose:
And Moses chose of his people wa ’khtåra M«så qawma-hu
seventy men. (7:155) sabܼna rajulan.
(Those of his people whom Moses [M«så] chose were all Prophets [Anbiyå›].)
Then the angels insert themselves into the rows [formed by the worshippers],
where they scrutinize the men [to see who is present and who is missing]. One
of them will say the others: “What has happened to So-and-so?” When they
tell him: “He has died,” they will all say: “May Allåh the Exalted bestow His
mercy upon him, for he was a regular member of the congregation [ƒå¥ib jum‹a].”

445 Author’s note: Shaikh Ab« Naƒr Mu¥ammad ibn al-Bannå› cites the following chain of
transmission [isnåd] for this report: His own father, Shaikh Ab« ‹Alº ibn A¥mad ibn ‹Abdi’llåh
ibn al-Bannå›—Mu¥ammad ibn A¥mad al-ªåfiœ—Ab« ‹Alº Mu¥ammad ibn A¥mad
aƒ-»awwåf—Abu’l-‹Abbås Abdu’llåh ibn Aƒghar—Is¥åq ibn Ibråhºm Ab« »åli¥ al-Jazzår—
‹Amr ibn Shams—Sa‹d ibn ¡arºf al-Iskåf—al-Aƒbagh ibn Nabbåta—‹Alº [ibn Abº ¡ålib] (may
Allåh be well pleased with him)—the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace).


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Then some of them will ask: “What has happened to So-and-so?” If the answer
is: “He is away from home,” they will all say: “May Allåh keep him safe, for he
was a regular member of the congregation.” Then some of them will ask: “What
has happened to So-and-so?” If the answer is: “He has fallen sick,” they will all
say: “May Allåh soon restore him to good health, for he was a regular member
of the congregation.”


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Fifth Discourse 315

Concerning one very special hour that occurs

on every Friday, the Day of Congregation
[Yawm al-Jum‹a].

O n Friday, the Day of Congregation [Yawm al-Jum‹a], there is an

hour so special that, if any servant [of the Lord] connects with it,
and appeals to Allåh (Exalted is He) at that particular time, his
supplication [da‹wa] is bound to receive a positive response.
As we are reliably informed by Shaikh Ab« Naƒr Mu¥ammad ibn
al-Bannå›,446 it was Ab« Huraira (may Allåh be well pleased with him)
who related the following experience:
“I once traveled to Mount Sinai [a£-¡«r], and there I came across [the
Jewish scholar] Ka‹b [al-A¥bår]. I told him about the Prophet (Allåh
bless him and give him peace), and he told me about the Torah
[Tawråh]. We found nothing over which to disagree, until we reached
the point where I mentioned a particular saying [¥adºth], and quoted the
words of Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him peace):
On Friday, the Day of Congregation [al-Jum‹a], there is an hour so special that,
if any true believer [mu›min] connects with it, performs a ritual prayer [yuƒallº],
and asks Allåh (Exalted is He) for something good, at that particular time, He
is sure to grant him his request.
“On hearing this, Ka‹b said: ‘In every year [there is one such hour].’
So I insisted: ‘No, on every Day of Congregation [Yawm al-Jum‹a].
That is what the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) has told
us.’ Ka‹b went off somewhere for a little while, then he came back and
said: ‘You have told the truth, by Allåh! It is indeed on every Day of
Congregation [Yawm al-Jum‹a], just as Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless
him and give him peace) has said. As a matter of fact, that day is the
446 Author’s note: Shaikh Ab« Naƒr Mu¥ammad ibn al-Bannå› cites the following chain of
transmission [isnåd] for this report: His own father, Shaikh Ab« ‹Alº ibn A¥mad ibn ‹Abdi’llåh
ibn al-Bannå›—Mu¥ammad ibn Ibråhºm—Ab« Salama—Ab« Huraira (may Allåh be well
pleased with him).


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316 Volume Three

Chieftain of the Days [Sayyid al-Ayyåm],447 and the dearest of them all
to Allåh (Exalted is He). It is the day on which Adam (peace be upon
him) was created, on which he was lodged in the Garden of Paradise,
and on which he was expelled therefrom. It is also the day on which the
Final Hour [as-Så‹a] will occur. There is not one earthly creature that
does not make sounds of alarm, as it waits to see what will happen on
Friday, the Day of Congregation [Yawm al-Jum‹a], apart from ‘the two
heavyweights [ath-thaqalain]’ [human beings and the jinn].’
“I then returned home, where I met up with ‹Abdu’llåh ibn Salåm
(may Allåh be well pleased with him), so I told him my story. I had just
begun to relate my conversation with Ka‹b, when ‹Abdu’llåh (may
Allåh be well pleased with him) remarked: ‘Ka‹b did not tell the truth.
It is just as Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him peace) has
said, and it is also in the Torah [Tawråh].’ ‘Well,’ said I, ‘he did come
back [and admit that he had been wrong].’
“‹Abdu’llåh ibn Salåm (may Allåh be well pleased with him) then
told me: ‘I happen to know that very hour,’ so I asked: ‘Which hour is
it, exactly?’ When he replied: ‘The last hour of daytime on the Day of
Congregation [Yawm al-Jum‹a],’ I said: ‘How can that be? I distinctly
heard the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) say: ‘If any true
believer [mu›min] performs a ritual prayer [yuƒallº]…,’ and that [last
hour of daytime] is not a time of ritual prayer [ƒalåt].’ He countered my
objection by saying: ‘Surely you must have heard Allåh’s Messenger
(Allåh bless him and give him peace) say:
If someone waits expectantly for [the proper time to perform] an obligatory
ritual prayer [ƒalåt faræ], he is actually in a state of prayer [fº ƒalåt].
“‘Yes, of course,’ said I. ‘Well then,’ said he, ‘that is how it is [in the
case of the special hour].’”
In one version [lafœ] of this report, transmitted on the authority of
Mu¥ammad ibn Sºrºn, the wording attributed to Ab« Huraira (may
Allåh be well pleased with him) is as follows: “Allåh’s Messenger
(Allåh bless him and give him peace) once said:
On Friday, the Day of Congregation [al-Jum‹a], there is an hour so special
that, if any believing servant [‹abd mu›min] connects with it, and asks Allåh
(Exalted is He) for something good, at that particular time, He is sure to grant
him his request.
447 See n. 431 on p. 300 above.


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Twelfth 317

—and [when he said ‘connects with it’] he made a gesture with his hand,
as if picking up something he had suddenly noticed on the ground.”
One of our righteous predecessors [salaf] is reported as having said:
“Allåh has a superabundant supply of sustenance, over and above
the provisions allotted to His servants, and He gives from that super-
abundance, but only to those who beseech Him on the evening of
Thursday [‹ashiyyat al-Khamºs], and on Friday, the Day of Congregation
[Yawm al-Jum‹a].”
As we are informed by Shaikh Ab« Naƒr Mu¥ammad ibn al-Bannå›,
on good traditional authority,448 when Få£ima (may Allåh be well
pleased with her) heard her father, the Prophet (Allåh bless him and
give him peace), say:
On Friday, the Day of Congregation [al-Jum‹a], there is an hour so special that,
if any Muslim servant [of the Lord] connects with it, and asks Allåh (Exalted is
He) for something good, at that particular time, He is sure to grant him his
—she said: “O my father, which hour is it?” He said (Allåh bless him
and give him peace): “When half of the sun has sunk below the
horizon.” So, whenever the Day of Congregation [Yawm al-Jum‹a]
came around, Få£ima (may Allåh be well pleased with her) would
summon a servant of hers, a man called Zaid, and tell him: “Climb up
onto the rocky knolls, and call out to let me know when half of the sun
has sunk below the horizon.” Up he would climb, and when that
moment arrived, he would call out to let her know. She would then get
up and enter the mosque [masjid], where she would stay until the sun set,
and perform the ritual prayer [tuƒallº].
According to one traditional report [¥adºth],449 when Allåh’s Messenger
(Allåh bless him and give him peace) said:
On Friday, the Day of Congregation [al-Jum‹a], there is an hour of the daytime
when, if any servant [of the Lord] asks something of Allåh, He is sure to grant
him his request.
448 Author’s note: Shaikh Ab« Naƒr Mu¥ammad ibn al-Bannå› cites the following chain of
transmission [isnåd] for this report: His own father, Shaikh Ab« ‹Alº ibn A¥mad ibn ‹Abdi’llåh
ibn al-Bannå›—Sa‹ºd ibn Råshid—Zaid ibn ‹Alº—Marjåna—Få£ima (may Allåh be well pleased
with her) the daughter of the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace)—her father (Allåh
bless him and give him peace).
449 Author’s note: For this report, the chain of transmission [isnåd] goes back through the
following links: Kathºr ibn ‹Abdi’llåh al-Mazanº—his father—his grandfather (may Allåh be
well pleased with him)—the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace).


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318 Volume Three

—he was asked (Allåh bless him and give him peace): “And which
hour is it, O Messenger of Allåh?” To this he replied (Allåh bless him
and give him peace):
From the moment when the ritual prayer is about to be performed [tuqåmu ’ƒ-
ƒalåt], until the point of departure from it [after its completion].
Kathºr ibn ‹Abdi’llåh al-Mazanº remarked: “Allåh’s Messenger
(Allåh bless him and give him peace) was referring specifically to
Friday, the Day of Congregation [Yawm al-Jum‹a].”450
As we are reliably informed by Shaikh Ab« Naƒr Mu¥ammad ibn
al-Bannå›,451 Jåbir ibn ‹Abdi’llåh (may Allåh be well pleased with him
and with his father) was heard to say: “When this invocation [du‹å›] was
presented to Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him peace)
for his consideration, he said:
If someone pronounced this invocation, during the [special] hour of the Day of
Congregation [Yawm al-Jum‹a], when appealing for anything between the East
and the West, that person would surely receive a positive response:
Glory be to You! sub¥åna-ka
There is no god but You, lå ilåha illå Anta
O Tenderly Loving One, yå ªannånu
O Generous Benefactor, yå Mannån:
O Originator of the heavens yå Badº‹a ’s-samåwåti
and the earth, wa ’aræ:
O Possessor of Majesty and Honor! yå Dha ’l-Jalåli wa ’l-Ikråm.
»afwån ibn Salºm once said: “I have been told that, if someone says:
There is no god but Allåh, lå ilåha illa ’llåhu
Alone, without partner. Wa¥da-hu lå sharºka la-h:
To Him belongs the sovereignty la-hu ’l-mulku
and to Him belongs the praise. wa la-hu ’l-¥amd:
He brings to life and causes death, yu¥yº wa yumºt:
and He is Capable of all things. wa Huwa ‹alå kulli shai›in Qadºr.
—at the moment when the prayer leader [imåm] sits down in the
pulpit [minbar] on the Day of Congregation [Yawm al-Jum‹a], he will be
granted forgiveness.”
450 This comment may seem redundant, but in Arabic, as Kathºr was undoubtedly well aware,
al-jum‹a can sometimes mean “the week,” whereas Yawm al-Jum‹a can only mean “Friday, the Day
of Congregation.”
451 Author’s note: Shaikh Ab« Naƒr Mu¥ammad ibn al-Bannå› narrates this report on the
authority of his own father, Shaikh Ab« ‹Alº ibn A¥mad ibn ‹Abdi’llåh ibn al-Bannå›, citing a
chain of transmission [isnåd] from Mu¥ammad ibn al-Munkadir—Jåbir ibn ‹Abdi’llåh (may
Allåh be well pleased with him and with his father).


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Fifth Discourse
Twelfth 319

It was al-Barå› ibn ‹Ázib (may Allåh be well pleased with him and
with his father) who said: “I once heard Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless
him and give him peace) say:
“‘The superior excellence of the Day of Congregation [Yawm al-Jum‹a] during
Ramaæån, over all the other days, is like the superior excellence of Ramaæån
over all the other months.’”


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320 Volume Three

Concerning the invocation of blessing on the

Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) on
Friday, the Day of Congregation [al-Jum‹a].

A s we are reliably informed by Shaikh Ab« Naƒr Mu¥ammad ibn

al-Bannå›,452 Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him
peace) once said:
Invoke blessings upon me, many times over, on the Day of Congregation [Yawm
al-Jum‹a], for it is the day on which good deeds are multiplied, and ask Allåh to
grant me the degree of intimate access [ad-darajat al-wasºla].
“O Messenger of Allåh,” his listeners asked him, “which level of the
Garden of Paradise is the degree of intimate access?” He replied: “It is
the highest level in the Garden of Paradise. None but a Prophet [Nabº]
can attain to it, and I hope to be the one who does!”
According to another traditional report,453 Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh
bless him and give him peace) once said:
If someone says, on hearing the call [nidå›] [to the congregational prayer]:
O Allåh, Allåhumma
Lord of this perfect invitation Rabba hådhihi ’d-da‹wati ’t-tåmma:
and of the prayer wa ’ƒ-ƒalåti ’l-
that is about to begin, qå’ima:
grant Mu¥ammad åti Mu¥ammadani ’l-
the means of access, wasºlata
and excellent merit, wa ’l-faæºlata
and the lofty degree, wa ’d-darajata ’r-rafº‹a:
and confer on him wa ’b‹ath-hu
a praiseworthy station, maqåman
which You have promised him. ma¥m«dani ’lladhº wa‹adta-h.
452 Author’s note: Shaikh Ab« Naƒr Mu¥ammad ibn al-Bannå› narrates this report on the
authority of his own father, Shaikh Ab« ‹Alº ibn A¥mad ibn ‹Abdi’llåh ibn al-Bannå›, citing a
chain of transmission [isnåd] from ‹Alº ibn Abº ¡ålib (may Allåh be well pleased with him)—the
Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace).
453 Author’s note: For this report, the chain of transmission [isnåd] goes back through the
following links: Mu¥ammad ibn al-Munkadir—Jåbir (may Allåh be well pleased with him)—
the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace).


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Fifth Discourse
Twelfth 321

—intercession [shafå‹a] will be permissible for him on the Day of Resurrection

[Yawm al-Qiyåma].
As traditionally reported, ‹Abdu’llåh ibn ‹Abbås (may Allåh be well
pleased with him and with his father) once heard Allåh’s Messenger
(Allåh bless him and give him peace) say:
Invoke frequent blessings upon your Prophet, during the illustrious night
[al-lailat al-gharrå›] and the shining day [al-yawm al-azhar], [meaning] the night
preceding the Congregation, and the Day of Congregation [Yawm al-Jum‹a].
As reported on the authority of ‹Abd al-‹Azºz ibn »uhaib, it was Anas
ibn Målik (may Allåh be well pleased with him) who said: “I was
standing before Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him
peace), when he said:
“‘If someone invokes blessing upon me, eighty times on each Day of Congregation
[Yawm al-Jum‹a], Allåh (Exalted is He) will grant him forgiveness for the sins
of eighty years.’
“‘O Messenger of Allåh,’ said I: ‘How should blessing be invoked
upon you [kaifa ’ƒ-ƒalåtu ‹alai-k]?’ He thereupon explained (Allåh bless
him and give him peace):
‘You must say:
O Allåh, bless Mu¥ammad, Allåhumma ƒalli ‹alå Mu¥ammadin
Your servant and Your Messenger, ‹abdi-ka wa Ras«li-ka ’n-
the unlettered Prophet. Nabiyyi ’l-ummº.
—and bend one [finger].’” 454
Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him peace) is also
reported455 as having said:
Invoke frequent blessings upon me, on the Day of Congregation [Yawm
al-Jum‹a]. The blessings invoked by the members of my Community [Ummatº]
will be presented to me for review, on every Day of Congregation, and whoever
invokes them most frequently will hold the position closest to me on the Day
of Resurrection [Yawm al-Qiyåma].

454 That is to say:

“Bend one finger each time you pronounce the invocation of blessing, as a way
of keeping count.”
455 Author’s note: For this report, the chain of transmission [isnåd] goes back through the
following links: Mak¥«l ash-Shåmº—Ab« Umåma (may Allåh be well pleased with him)—the
Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace).


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322 Volume Three

Concerning the Qur݌nic recitation that is

recommended in the dawn prayer [ƒalåt aƒ-ƒub¥]
on Friday, the Day of Congregation [al-Jum‹a].

A s we are reliably informed by Shaikh Ab« Naƒr Mu¥ammad ibn

al-Bannå›,456 on the Day of Congregation [Yawm al-Jum‹a] the
Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) used to recite the S«ra
that begins with:
Alif, Låm, Mºm. Alif–Låm–Mºm.
The revelation of the Book, tanzºlu ’l-Kitåbi
of which there is no doubt, lå raiba fº-hi
is from the Lord of All the Worlds. min Rabbi ’l-‹ålamºn.
—that is to say, the S«ra of Prostration [S«rat as-Sajda],457 and [the
S«ra that begins with]:
Has there ever come upon hal atå ‹ala ’l-
the human being insåni ¥ºnun
a while of time when he mina ’d-dahri
was a thing unremembered? (76:1) lam yakun shai›un madhk«rå.
According to another traditional report, the Prophet (Allåh bless
him and give him peace) used to recite, in the ritual prayer of sunset
[maghrib], [the S«ras that begin with]:
Say: “O unbelievers….” (109:1) qul yå ayyuha ’l-kåfir«n….
Say: “He is Allåh, One!” (112:1) qul Huwa ’llåhu A¥ad.
—and, in the ritual prayer of late evening [‹ishå›], the S«ra of the
Congregation [al-Jumu‹a] and the S«ra entitled “The Hypocrites
[al-Munåfiq«n].”458 Some say, however, that he (Allåh bless him and
456 Author’s note: Shaikh Ab« Naƒr Mu¥ammad ibn al-Bannå› narrates this report on the
authority of his own father, Shaikh Ab« ‹Alº ibn A¥mad ibn ‹Abdi’llåh ibn al-Bannå›, citing a
chain of transmission [isnåd] from Abu’l-A¥waƒ—‹Abdu’llåh (may Allåh be well pleased with
him)—the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace).
457 The S«ra of Prostration [S«rat as-Sajda] is the 32nd S«ra of the Qur›ån.
458 The S«ra of the Congregation [al-Jumu‹a] is the 62nd S«ra of the Qur›ån, and the S«ra entitled
“The Hypocrites [al-Munåfiq«n]” is the 63rd.


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Fifth Discourse
Twelfth 323

give him peace) used to perform this particular Qur݌nic recitation

during the Friday congregational prayer [ƒalåt al-jum‹a].
Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him peace) is reported459
as having said:
If someone recites, on the night preceding the [Day of] Congregation [al-Jum‹a],
the S«ra entitled Yå–Sºn460 and [the S«ra that begins with]:
ªå–Mºm. ªå–Mºm:
By the Book that makes plain; wa ’l-Kitåbi ’l-mubºni
We sent it down innå anzalnå-hu
on a blessed night…. (44:1-3) fº lailatin mubårakatin.
—that is to say, the S«ra of Smoke [S«rat ad-Dukhån],461 he will enter
the morning in the state of one who has been forgiven.
To quote an anonymous saying on the subject: “If someone recites
the S«ra of the Cave [S«rat al-Kahf]462 on the Day of Congregation
[Yawm al-Jum‹a], he will be just like one who makes a charitable
donation of ten thousand dºnårs [gold coins].”
On the night preceding the Congregation, and on the Day of
Congregation [Yawm al-Jum‹a], the worshipper is recommended to
perform [several voluntary] cycles of ritual prayer [raka‹åt], with
[the recitation of] four S«ras, namely: (1) the S«ra of Cattle [S«rat
al-An‹åm],463 (2) the S«ra of the Cave [S«rat al-Kahf], (3) the S«ra
entitled ¡å–Hå,464 and (4) the S«ra of Sovereignty [S«rat al-Mulk].465
If he does not know the Qur݌n very well, he should recite as much of
it as he does know well enough. That will be counted in his favor as a
complete recital of the Book [khatma], for, as it has been said: “To
perform a complete Qur݌nic recital [khatma] means reciting to the
extent of one’s knowledge.”
If he has already mastered the recitation of the entire Qur݌n, he is
recommended to perform a complete recital on the Day of Congregation
459 Author’s note: For this report, the chain of transmission [isnåd] goes back through the
following links: al-ªasan [al-Baƒrº]— Ab« Huraira (may Allåh be well pleased with him)—the
Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace).
460 The S«ra entitled Yå–Sºn is the 26th S«ra of the Qur›ån.
461 The S«ra of Smoke [S«rat ad-Dukhån] is the 44th S«ra of the Qur›ån.
462 The S«ra of the Cave [S«rat al-Kahf] is the 18th S«ra of the Qur›ån.
463 The S«ra of Cattle [S«rat al-An‹åm] is the 6th S«ra of the Qur›ån.
464 The S«ra entitled ¡å–Hå is the 20th S«ra of the Qur›ån.
465 The S«ra of Sovereignty [S«rat al-Mulk] is the 67th S«ra of the Qur›ån.


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324 Volume Three

[Yawm al-Jum‹a]. If this is too much for him, he may perform part of
it during the preceding night. As for the concluding segment of his
complete recital [khatma], his best course is to recite it during the [first]
two [of the three] cycles of the sunset prayer [rak‹atayi ’l-maghrib], or the
two cycles of the daybreak prayer [rak‹atayi ’l-fajr]. There is likewise
great merit in concluding the complete recital [khatma] between the
call to prayer [adhån] and the iqåma [announcement that prayer is about
to begin], on the Day of Congregation [Yawm al-Jum‹a]. If one recites
[the S«ra that begins with]:
Say: “He is Allåh, One!” (112:1) qul Huwa ’llåhu A¥ad.
—a thousand times, that is even more meritorious than a complete
recital [khatma] of the Qur݌n.
The worshipper is also recommended to invoke blessings upon the
Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace), one thousand times, on
the Day of Congregation [Yawm al-Jum‹a]. The glorification of Allåh
[tasbº¥], one thousand times, is likewise recommended. This should
include the four declarations previously mentioned, namely:
• Glory be to Allåh! sub¥åna ’llåh.
• Praise be to Allåh! al-¥amdu li’llåh.
• There is no god but Allåh! lå ilåha illa ’llåh.
• Allåh is Supremely Great! Allåhu Akbar.


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Fifth Discourse 325

Concerning the reason why Friday came to be

called the Day of Congregation [Yawm al-Jum‹a].

A s we are reliably informed by Shaikh Ab« Naƒr Mu¥ammad ibn

al-Bannå›,466 it was Salmån [al-Fårisº] (may Allåh be well pleased
with him) who said: “Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him
peace) once asked me: ‘Do you know why it [Friday] came to be called
the Day of Congregation [Yawm al-Jum‹a]?’ I said, ‘No,’ so he told me:
‘Because your father Adam was put together [jumi‹a] on that day.’ Then
he went on to say:
“‘If a man purifies himself on the Day of Congregation [Yawm al-Jum‹a], by
performing the minor ritual ablution [wuæ«›], and performing it really well, and
if he then attends the congregational prayer, he will certainly be granted
remission [kuffira la-hu] of any sins he may commit between that Friday and the
next, so long as he steers clear of major sins [kabå›ir].’”
Some of the experts have said: “The name is derived from ijtimå‹
[conjunction; joining together], with specific reference to the joining
together of Adam’s bodily form [qålab] and his spirit [r«¥], after he had
been discarded for forty years.”
Others have said: “[It acquired its name] on account of the reunion
[ijtimå‹] of Adam and Eve [ªawwå›], after their long separation.”
The following explanations have also been put forward:
• “It came to be so called because of the gathering together [ijtimå‹],
on that day, of the townsfolk and the rustics from the surrounding
countryside [rasåtºq].”
• “[It acquired its name] because it is the day on which the Resurrection
[Qiyåma] will occur, and that will be the Day of the Assembly [Yawm
al-Jam‹]. Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He) has told us:
On the day when He shall gather yawma yajma‹u-kum
you for the Day of the Assembly. li-Yawmi ’l-Jam‹i.
(64:9) ”
466 Author’s note: Shaikh Ab« Naƒr Mu¥ammad ibn al-Bannå› narrates this report on the
authority of his own father, Shaikh Ab« ‹Alº ibn A¥mad ibn ‹Abdi’llåh ibn al-Bannå›, citing a
chain of transmission [isnåd] from Salmån [al-Fårisº] (may Allåh be well pleased with him)—the
Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace). 325

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326 Volume Three

Indispensable Virtues
Concerning the vital importance of
(1) repentance [tawba], (2) sincere devotion
[ikhlåƒ], and (3) the abandonment of
hypocritical display [riyå›].

O f all the religious observances and acts of worship that we have

already discussed, such as fasting [ƒiyåm] in certain months, the
offering of animal sacrifice [uæ¥iyya], the performance of ritual prayer
[ƒalåt], practices of divine remembrance [adhkår], and so on—as well as
those we shall be discussing later, if Allåh (Exalted is He) so wills—
none will be accepted except after repentance [tawba], purity of heart,
sincere devotion [ikhlåƒ] to working for the sake of Allåh (Exalted is
He), and the abandonment of hypocritical display [riyå›] and the effort
to gain a reputation [sum‹a].


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Fifth Discourse 327

1. Concerning the necessity of repentance


A s far as repentance is concerned, we have already provided a full

account of the subject.467 At this point, in order to emphasize its
importance, we shall simply add the following remarks:
Allåh loves those who repent [at-tawwåbºn], and He loves every heart
that is pure and free from sins, for He has told us (Almighty and
Glorious is He):
Truly Allåh loves those who turn inna ’llåha
[to Him] in repentance, yu¥ibbu ’t-tawwåbºna
and He loves those wa yu¥ibbu ’l-
who keep themselves in purity. muta£ahhirºn.
‹A£å›, Muqåtil and al-Kalbº (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon
them) have all told us:
“Allåh loves those who turn in repentance from sins, and those who
use water to purify themselves of traces of excrement [a¥dåth], menstrual
discharge [ma¥ºæ], seminal fluids [janåbåt], and other causes of defile-
ment [najåsåt]. This is explained in the story of the people of Qubå›, of
whom Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He) has made mention in His
words (Exalted is He):
In it [in Qubå›] there are men who love fº-hi rijålun yu¥ibb«na
to purify themselves, and Allåh loves an yata£ahhar«
those who purfy themselves. (9:108) wa ’llåhu yu¥ibbu ’l-mu££ahirºn.
“The Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) asked them about
what they did [to make themselves clean], so they told him: ‘We apply
467 Shaikh ‹Abd al-Qådir al-Jºlånº (may Allåh be well pleased with him) has devoted the Third
Discourse of the present work (Vol. 2, pp. 47–103) to a profound commentary on the words of
Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He):
And repent unto Allåh all together, wa t«b« ila ’llåhi jamº‹an
O believers, for then ayyuha ’l-mu›min«na
you may be able to succeed. (24:31) la‹alla-kum tufli¥«n.


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328 Volume Three

water after the [rubbing with] stones in the process of istinjå› [removal
of impurities following acts of excretion].’”
It was Mujåhid468 (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him) who said:
“Allåh (Exalted is He) loves those who repent their sins, and those
who keep themselves pure by abstaining from anal intercourse with
women. If a man penetrates the anus of a women, he cannot be one of
those who keep themselves pure, because the anus of a woman is similar
to that of a man.”
It has also been said:
“[Allåh (Exalted is He) loves] those who repent their sins, and those
who keep themselves pure of shirk [associating partners with Him].”
Abu ’l-Minhål (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him) is reported
as having said:
“On one occasion, while I was in the presence of Abu ’l-‹Áliya, he
performed a ritual ablution [tawaææa‹a wuæ«›an] in splendid fashion, so
I said to him: ‘Allåh loves those who turn in repentance from sins, and
those who purify themselves!’ To this he replied: ‘Physical cleanliness
is very important. Physical cleanliness is beautiful indeed, but they [the
ones whom Allåh loves] are those who purify themselves of sins.’”
Sa‹ºd ibn Jubair [ibn Hishåm al-Asadº]469 (may Allåh bestow His
mercy upon him) is reported as having said:
“Allåh (Exalted is He) loves those who turn in repentance from shirk
[associating partners with Him], and those who purify themselves of sins.”
There are many other sayings on this subject, including the following:
“Allåh (Exalted is He) loves those who turn in repentance from
unbelief [kufr], and those who purify themselves through faith [ºmån].”
“Those who turn from sins in repentance do not repeat them, and
those who have kept themselves pure of them have not committed
“Allåh (Exalted is He) loves those who turn in repentance from major
sins [kabå›ir], and those who keep themselves pure of minor sins
468 See note 135 on p. 76 above.
469 Ab« ‹Abdi’llåh [or Ab« Mu¥ammad] Sa‹ºd ibn Jubair ibn Hishåm al-Asadº (may Allåh bestow
His mercy upon him), a pious Tabi’º [member of the generation following that of the Companions],
renowned for his learning in Qur›ånic exegesis [tafsºr], Prophetic tradition [¥adºth] and Islåmic
jurisprudence [fiqh]. He was killed by ªajjåj ibn Y«suf in A.H. 95.
470 See Vol. 2, pp. 108–28.


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Fifth Discourse
Indispensable Virtues 329

“Allåh (Exalted is He) loves those who turn in repentance from

[sinful] actions [af ‹ål], and those who keep themselves pure of [sinful]
statements [aqwål].”
“Allåh (Exalted is He) loves those who turn in repentance from
[sinful] actions [af ‹ål] and statements [aqwål], and those who keep
themselves pure of [unlawful] contracts [‹uq«d] and furtive concealment
“Allåh (Exalted is He) loves those who turn in repentance from
misdeeds [åthåm], and those who keep themselves pure of criminal
offenses [ajråm].”
“Allåh (Exalted is He) loves those who turn in repentance from sinful
deeds [jarå›ir], and those who keep themselves pure of wickedness in
their secret thoughts [sarå›ir].”
“Allåh (Exalted is He) loves those who turn in repentance from sins
[dhun«b], and those who keep themselves pure of faults [‹uy«b].”
“The penitent [tawwåb] is someone who repents [tåba] whenever he
commits a sin.”
Speaking of Himself, Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He) has told us:
He is always Forgiving fa-inna-hu kåna
to those who turn back [to Him]. li-’l-awwåbina Ghaf«rå.
According to a traditional report, transmitted by Mu¥ammad ibn
al-Munkadir on the authority of Jåbir ibn ‹Abdi’llåh471 (may Allåh be
well pleased with him and with his father), Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh
bless him and give him peace) once said:
A man, one of those who lived before your time, once came upon a skull as he
was passing by, so he looked and it and said: “Yes indeed, my Lord, You are You
and I am I. You are the One who is Ever Repeating Forgiveness [Anta ’l-‹Awwåd
bi’l-maghfira], while I am the one who is ever repeating sins [ana ’l-‹awwåd bi’dh-
dhun«b].” Then he fell down in humble prostration, but he was told: ‘Lift up
your head, for I am the One who is Ever Repeating Forgiveness [Ana ’l-‹Awwåd
bi’l-maghfira], while you are the one who is ever repeating sins [anta ’l-‹awwåd
bi’dh-dhun«b].’ So the man raised his head, and he was granted forgiveness.

471 See note 89 on p. 44 above.


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330 Volume Three

Concerning the significance of sincere devotion

A s for the significance of sincere devotion [ikhlåƒ], Allåh (Almighty

and Glorious is He) has said:
And they have been commanded wa må umir« illå li-ya‹budu ’llåha
only to serve Allåh, mukhliƒºna
making the religion His sincerely, la-hu ’d-dºn:
as men of pure faith. (98:5) ¥unafå›a.
He has told us (Glorious and Exalted is He):
Surely pure religion is only for Allåh. a-lå li’llahi ’d-dºnu ’l-khåliƒ.
He has said (Exalted is He):
Their flesh and blood lan yanåla ’llåha lu¥«mu-hå
do not reach Allåh, yet your wa lå dimå›u-hå wa låkin
devotion reaches Him. (22:37) yanålu-hu ’t-taqwå min-kum.
He has also told us (Magnificent is His Majesty):
Say [to the people of the Scripture]: qul a-tu¥åjj«na-na
“Do you dispute with us fi ’llåhi
concerning Allåh, wa Huwa Rabbu-nå
when He is our Lord and your Lord?” wa Rabbu-kum:
Ours are our works wa la-nå a‹målu-nå
and yours are your works, wa la-kum a‹målu-kum:
and we are sincerely devoted to Him. wa na¥nu la-hu mukhliƒ«n.
People have held differing opinions with regard to the meaning of
sincere devotion [ikhlåƒ]. For instance, it was al-ªasan
[al-Baƒrº]473 (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him) who said:
472 This verse [åya] of the Qur›ån continues:
And those who choose protecting friends wa ’lladhºna ’ttakhadh« min d«ni-hi
apart from Him, (say): “We only serve them awliyå›: må na‹budu-hum
so that they may bring us illå li-yuqarrib«-nå
close in nearness to Allåh” (39:3) ila ’llåhi zulfå.
473 See note 74 on p. 40 above.

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Fifth Discourse
Indispensable Virtues 331

“I asked ªudhaifa474 (may Allåh be well pleased with him): ‘What

is meant by sincere devotion [ikhlåƒ]?’ He replied: ‘I once asked the
Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace): “What is meant by sincere
devotion [ikhlåƒ]?” He replied (Allåh bless him and give him peace):
“‘I once asked Gabriel (peace be upon him): “What is meant by sincere devotion
[ikhlåƒ]?” He replied: “I once asked the Lord of Might and Glory [Rabb al-‹Izza]
(Majestic and Exalted is He): ‘What is meant by sincere devotion [ikhlåƒ]?’ So
He told me (Glory be to Him and Exalted is He): ‘It is a secret, a part of My secret
knowledge [sirr min Sirrº], which I entrust to the heart of anyone I love among
My servants.’”’”’”
According to a report from Idrºs al-Khawlånº (may Allåh bestow His
mercy upon him), Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him
peace) once said:
For every truth [¥aqq] there is a real meaning [¥aqºqa] to be experienced, and a
servant [of the Lord] will not experience the real meaning of sincere devotion
[ikhlåƒ], until he no longer likes to be praised for any work he performs for the
sake of Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He).
It was Sa‹ºd ibn Jubair [ibn Hishåm al-Asadº]475 (may Allåh bestow
His mercy upon him) who said: “The meaning of sincere devotion
[ikhlåƒ] is that the servant [of the Lord] devotes his religion sincerely to
Allåh, that he puts it into practice for the sake of Allåh (Exalted is He),
that he attributes no partner to Him in his religion, and that he does not
seek to impress anyone with his religious practice.”
It was al-Fuæail [ibn ‹Iyåæ at-Tålaqånº]476 (may Allåh the Exalted
bestow His mercy upon him) who said: “To neglect one’s religious
practice for the sake of other people is a form of hypocrisy [riyå›]. To
perform one’s religious practice for the sake of other people is a form of
polytheistic idolatry [shirk]. As for sincere devotion [ikhlåƒ], it is being
afraid that Allåh (Exalted is He) might chastise you for either of these
two offenses.”
474 See note 87 on p. 44 above.
475 See note 409 on p. 328 above.
476 Ab« ‹Alº al-Fuæail ibn ‹Iyåæ at-Tålaqånº (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him) died in
Mecca in A.H. 187/803 C.E. Born in Khuråsån, he is said to have been a highwayman at the
beginning of his career. After his conversion he went to K«fa, where he studied under Sufyån
ath-Thawrº (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him) and achieved considerable repute as an
authority on the Traditions of the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace). He is famous
for his bold preaching before the Caliph Hår«n ar-Rashºd, who called him “the Prince of the


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332 Volume Three

It was Ya¥yå ibn Mu‹ådh [ar-Råzº]477 (may Allåh bestow His mercy
upon him) who said: “Sincere devotion [ikhlåƒ] means keeping one’s
religious practice uncontaminated by imperfections, as in the process of
milking a ruminant, when the milk must be preserved from contamination
by the animal’s droppings and blood.”
It was Abu ’l-ªusain al-B«shanjº (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon
him) who said: “Sincere devotion [ikhlåƒ] is so subtle that the two
[recording] angels do not take note of it, the devil [shai£ån] cannot
corrupt it, and one’s fellow human being is quite unaware of it.”
Ruwaim (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him) once said: “Sincere
devotion [ikhlåƒ] means removing one’s admiring gaze from the action
Other noteworthy sayings include the following:
“Sincere devotion [ikhlåƒ] is that which is intended to serve the truth
[¥aqq], and which is pursued for the sake of honesty [ƒidq].”
“Sincere devotion [ikhlåƒ] is that which is neither mixed with corrupting
influences, nor dependent on the concessions offered by convenient
interpretations [rukhaƒ at-ta›wºlåt].”
“Sincere devotion [ikhlåƒ] is that which is concealed from creatures
[khalå›iq] and kept free from attachments [‹alå›iq].”
It was ªudhaifa al-Mar‹ashº who said: “Sincere devotion [ikhlåƒ]
means that the actions of the servant [of the Lord] are of the same
quality on the outside [œåhir] and the inside [bå£in].”
It was Ab« Ya‹q«b al-Makf«f who said: “Sincere devotion [ikhlåƒ]
means that a person keeps his good deeds hidden, just as he conceals his
bad deeds.”
Sahl ibn Abdi’llåh [at-Tustarº]478 once said: “Sincere devotion
[ikhlåƒ] is bankruptcy [iflåƒ].”
According to a traditional report, transmitted on the authority of
Anas ibn Målik, Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him
peace) once said:
There are three habits, by conforming to which the heart of a Muslim will not
be invaded by rancor, malevolence, malice or spite. They are: (1) working for
477 Ab« Zakariyå› Ya¥yå ibn Mu‹ådh ar-Råzº (may Allåh bestow his mercy upon him) was a
disciple of Ibn Karråm. After leaving his native town of Rayy, he lived for a time in Balkh, then
moved to Nºshåp«r where he died in A.H. 258/871 C.E. He is credited with the authorship of a
certain number of poems.
478 Ab« Mu¥ammad Sahl ibn ‹Abdi’llåh ibn Y«nus at-Tustarº was a Sunnº theologian and mystic,
born at Tustar (al-A¥wåz) in A.H. 203/818 C.E. and died in exile at Baƒra in A.H. 283/896 C.E.

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Fifth Discourse
Indispensable Virtues 333

the sake of Allåh with sincere devotion [ikhlåƒ], (2) giving honest counsel
[munåƒa¥a] to those in positions of authority, and (3) keeping closely in touch
with the community [jamå‹a] of the Muslims.
The following anonymous sayings also deserve to be quoted:
“Sincere devotion [ikhlåƒ] is single-minded dedication to the Truth
[ªaqq] in the practice of worshipful obedience [£å‹a]. It means that the
servant practices his worshipful obedience for the purpose of drawing
near to his Master [Mawlå], to the exclusion of any of His creatures. It
means that he does not behave in an artificial manner, designed to
impress his fellow creatures, to win their praise, to attract their love, and
to shield himself against their blame and criticism.”
“Sincere devotion [ikhlåƒ] means keeping one’s conduct free from the
meddling influence of other creatures.”
It was Dhu ’n-N«n al-Miƒrº479 (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon
him) who said: “Sincere devotion [ikhlåƒ] does not become complete,
unless it is tested by truthfulness [ƒidq] and practiced with patience
[ƒabr]. Nor does truthfulness [ƒidq] become complete, unless it is
pursued with sincere devotion [ikhlåƒ] and practiced with constant
perseverance [mudåwama].”
Ab« Ya‹q«b as-S«sº had this to say on the subject: “Whenever people
are sure that they can see a sincere devotion in their sincere devotion
[fº ikhlåƒi-him ikhlåƒan], their ‘sincere devotion’ is badly in need of a dose
of sincere devotion!”
Dhu ’n-N«n al-Miƒrº (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him) once
said: “There are three reliable symptoms of sincere devotion [ikhlåƒ],
namely: (1) equal indifference to praise and blame from the common
folk, (2) a lack of interest in the impression made by good deeds, and
(3) regarding the reward for religious practice as a matter to be decided
in the hereafter, [not in this world].”
He also said (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him): “Sincere
devotion [ikhlåƒ] is that which is safe from being corrupted by the Enemy
It was Ab« ‹Uthmån al-Maghribº (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon
him) who said: “Sincere devotion [ikhlåƒ] is that in which the lower self
[nafs] has no share whatsoever. That is the sincere devotion of the
ordinary folk [ikhlåƒ al-‹awåmm]. As for the sincere devotion of the élite
479 See note 37 on p. 25 above.


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334 Volume Three

[ikhlåƒ al-khaw僃], that is something that happens to them, not because

of them.”
It was Ab« Bakr ad-Daqqåq480 (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon
him) who said: “The shortcoming of everyone who tries to be sincere
[mukhliƒ] in his sincere devotion, is the tendency to admire his sincere
devotion [ikhlåƒ]. If Allåh (Exalted is He) wishes to purify his sincere
devotion [an yukhalliƒa ikhlåƒa-hu], He will therefore rid his sincerity of
that tendency to admire his sincere devotion, so he will then be a
mukhallaƒ [one who has been made sincere through purification], rather
than a mukhliƒ [one who tries to be sincere].”
Sahl [ibn Abdi’llåh at-Tustarº] (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon
him) once said: “No one can see through hypocritical display [riyå‹],
apart from one who is sincere [mukhliƒ].”
It was Ab« Sa‹ºd al-Kharråz481 (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon
him) who said: “The pretentiousness of those who know by direct
experience [riyå› al-‹årifºn] is worth more than the sincere devotion of
the novices [ikhlåƒ al-murºdºn].”
Ab« ‹Uthmån [al-Maghribº] (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon
him) also said: “Sincere devotion [ikhlåƒ] means forgetting to notice
one’s fellow creatures [khalq], through paying constant attention to the
Creator [Khåliq].”
One of the wise once said:
“Sincere devotion [ikhlåƒ] is that by which the truth [¥aqq] is sought,
and which is pursued for the sake of honesty [ƒidq].”
It was Sarº as-Saqa£º 482 (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him) who
said: “If someone tries to impress other people, by flaunting something
480 Ab« ‹Alº ad-Daqqåq (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him) was the founder of a spiritual
center in Nishapur, called Khånaqåh-i Saråwº. He died in A.H 405/1014 C.E. One of his pupils, Abu
Sa‹ºd ibn Abi ’l-Khair of Maihana in Khuråsån, was a man of great saintliness who met and
corresponded with the master-philosopher Avicenna [Ibn Sºnå]. Another was Abu ’l-Qåsim
al-Qushairº, the author of an important and frequently quoted treatise entitled ar-Risålat al-
481 Ab« Sa‹ºd A¥mad ibn ‹Ïså al-Kharråz al-Baghdådº (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him)
was a cobbler by trade. He met Dhu ’n N«n al-Miƒrº, and became a companion of Bishr al-ªåfº
and Sarº as-Saqa£º (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon them). The author of several books, some
of which have survived to this day, he is credited with having formulated the mystical doctrine
of fanå› [becoming extinct to the realm of creation] and baqå› [existing in perpetuity in the
presence of Allåh]. While the date of his death is uncertain, it probably occurred between A.H. 279/
892 C.E. and A.H. 286/899 C.E.
482 Abu’l-ªasan Sarº ibn al-Mughallis as-Saqa£º was the uncle and teacher of al-Junaid. Having
begun his career in Baghdåd as a dealer in secondhand goods, he became a pupil of Ma‹r«f
al-Karkhº. He died in A.H. 253/867 C.E., at the age of 98.

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Indispensable Virtues
Fifth Discourse 335

he does not have within him, he will fall from grace in the sight of Allåh
(Exalted is He).”
It was al-Junaid483 (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him) who said:
“Sincere devotion [ikhlåƒ] is a secret between Allåh (Exalted is He) and
the servant [of the Lord]. No angel is privy to it, to be able to record it,
nor any devil [shai£ån], to be able to corrupt it, and no passionate desire,
to be able to distort it. ”
Ruwaim (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him) once said: “Sincere
devotion [ikhlåƒ], in religious work, is that for which its practitioner
seeks no recompense in either of the two Abodes [ad-Dårain], nor any
share in the two Domains [al-Mulkain].”
When someone asked [Sahl] ibn ‹Abdi’llåh [at-Tustarº] (may Allåh
bestow His mercy upon him): “What is the hardest thing for the lower
self [nafs] to bear?” he replied: “Sincere devotion [ikhlåƒ], because it has
no share therein.”
To quote another anonymous saying: “Sincere devotion [ikhlåƒ]
means that you invite no one, apart from Allåh (Almighty and Glorious
is He) to notice your religious practice.”
The following incidents were reported by one of the righteous, who said:
“I paid a visit to Sahl ibn ‹Abdi’llåh [at-Tustarº] (may Allåh bestow
His mercy upon him), one Friday before the congregational prayer
[ƒalåt]. I spotted a snake in the house, so I started taking one step
forward and another step back, but he said: ‘Come on in! No one
attains to the reality of faith [¥aqºqat al-ºmån], as long as there is
anything, on the face of the earth, of which he is still afraid.’ Then he
went on to say: ‘Are you thinking of attending the congregational
prayer [ƒalåt al-jum‹a]?’ ‘Hardly,’ said I, ‘since it would take a day and
a night to travel the distance between here and the mosque [masjid].’ So
he took me by the hand, and it seemed like no time at all before I could
see the mosque. We went inside and performed the congregational
prayer [ƒallaina ’l-jum‹a], then we came outside again. Sahl stood and
watched the people as they emerged, then he said: ‘Many are those who
483 Abu ’l-Qåsim al-Junaid ibn Mu¥ammad al-Khazzåz al-Qawårºrº an-Nihåwandº (may Allåh
bestow His mercy upon him) was the son of a glass-merchant. He was a nephew of Sarº as-Saqa£º,
and became a close associate of al-Mu¥åsibº (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon them). Renowned
for the clarity of his perception and the firmness of his self-control, he earned a reputation as the
principal exponent of the “sober” school of Islåmic mysticism. His Raså›il [Epistles] consist of
letters to private individuals, and short tractates on mystical themes, some cast in the form of
commentaries on Qur݌nic texts. He died in A.H. 298/910 C.E.


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336 Volume Three

repeat the words: “There is no god but Allåh [lå ilåha illa ’llåh],” but few
of them are sincere [mukhliƒºn].’
“On another occasion, when I was with Ibråhºm al-Khawwåƒ484 (may
Allåh bestow His mercy upon him) on a journey, we came to a place in
which there were many snakes. He laid his water-flask [rakwa] on the
ground, and sat down, so I sat down too. Then, when the night turned
cool, and the air grew cold, out came the snakes. I yelled at the Shaikh
in alarm, but he said: ‘Just remember Allåh (Exalted is He),’ so I
remembered Him, and the snakes recoiled. But then they came back
again, so I yelled at the Shaikh, and he gave me the same advice as
before. I found myself in that same situation, right through to the break
of day. Then, when the dawn had arrived, he stood up and started
walking, so I walked along with him. Suddenly, out of the seat of his
pants, there fell a huge serpent, which had gathered itself into a coil.
‘Did you not feel it?’ I asked, but he said: ‘No, it has been a long time
since I spent a night as pleasant as this last one.’”
It was Ab« ‹Uthmån [al-Maghribº] (may Allåh the Exalted bestow
His mercy upon him) who said: “If a person has never tasted the lonely
isolation of heedlessness [wa¥sat al-ghafla], he will never discover the
sweet taste of the intimate friendship of remembrance [uns adh-dhikr].”

484 Ab« Is¥åq Ibråhºm ibn A¥mad al-Khawwåƒ of Samarra (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon
him), a contemporary of al-Junaid and an-N«rº (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon them), was
known as the Chief of the Trustful [Sayyid al-Mutawakkilºn]. He died at Rayy in A.H. 291/904 C.E.


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Fifth Discourse 337

Concerning the necessity to be constantly on guard
against hypocritical display [riyå›], the desire to
impress one’s fellow creatures [ru›yat al-khalq],
and vain conceit [‹ujb].

I t is most important for every devout worshipper [muta‹abbid] and

truly experienced believer [‹årif] to be constantly on guard, in all his
conditions and circumstances, against hypocritical display [riyå›], the
desire to impress his fellow creatures [ru›yat al-khalq], and vain conceit
[‹ujb]. This is because the lower self [nafs] is malign. It is the source of
misleading desires, pernicious appetites, and lustful passions that form
a barrier between the servant and the Lord of Truth (Almighty and
Glorious is He). There is no road to safety from its wicked and
mischievous ways, as long as the spirit [r«¥] resides within the body of
a human being [ibn Ádam].
This is still the case, even if the servant [of the Lord] attains to the
state of Spiritual Deputyship [Badaliyya]485 and Championship of the
Truth [»iddºqiyya], although this state is safer than the initial stage of
spiritual development, and more secure from the wickedness and the
cunning wiles of the lower self [nafs]. In this state, the good is more
predominant, the light is more prevalent, the guidance is positively in
the direction of Allåh’s path [fº sabºli ’llåh], the enabling grace [tawfºq]
is comprehensive, and the needed protection is always available.
Impeccable virtue [‹iƒma] is not for us, however. That is a quality
peculiar to the Prophets [Anbiyå›] (peace be upon them all),486 conferred
485 See Vol. 2, note 254, p. 175.
486 According to the classical Arabic lexicographers, ‹iƒmatu ’l-anbiyå› signifies Allåh’s preserva-
tion of the Prophets; first by the peculiar endowment of them with essential purity of constitution;
then, by the conferring of large and highly-esteemed excellences; then, by aid against opponents,
and rendering their feet firm; then, by sending down upon them tranquillity [as-sakºna: see Q. 9:26]
and the preservation of their hearts, and adaptation to that which is right. (See: E.W. Lane,
Arabic-English Lexicon, art. ‹–»–M.)


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338 Volume Three

on them in order to draw the distinction between Prophetship [Nubuwwa]

and saintship [wilåya].
Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He) has issued a warning threat to
those who practice hypocritical display [riyå›] and seek to promote an
undeserved reputation [sum‹a]. He has cautioned us against the wicked
inclination of the lower self [nafs] and its mischievous tricks. He has
forbidden us to follow its dictates, and He has instructed us to oppose
and contradict it, sometimes in the Qur›an, and at other times in the
utterances of Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him peace),
which are recorded in the traditional reports [akhbår] and enshrined in
the Sunna.487 Let us first consider some examples from the Qur݌n [and
other Scriptures]:
Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He) has said:
So woe to those who pray, fa-wailun li’l-muƒallºn:
but are heedless of their prayers, alladhºna hum ‹an ƒalåti-him såh«n:
and to those who make a show, alladhºna hum yur囫na
yet withhold the smallest charity. wa yamna‹«na ’l-må‹«n.
He has said (Glorious and Exalted is He):
They utter with their mouths yaq«l«na bi-afwåhi-him
what is not in their hearts må laisa fº qul«bi-him:
Allåh is best aware of what they hide. wa ’llåhu a‹lamu bi-må yaktum«n.
He has said (Exalted is He):
The hypocrites seek inna ’l-munåfiqºna
to beguile Allåh yukhådi‹«na ’llåha
but it is He who beguiles them. wa Huwa khådi‹u-hum:
When they stand up wa idhå qåm« ila ’ƒ-
to perform the prayer, ƒalåti qåm«
they perform it languidly kasålå yur囫na ’n-
and to impress people, and nåsa
they are mindful of Allåh but little. wa lå yadhkur«na ’llåha illå qalºlå.
[They are] swaying mudhabdhabºna
between this [and that], baina dhålik:
belonging neither lå ilå hå›ulå›i
487 The Sunna is the customary practice established by the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him
peace). The term sunna (of which sunan is the plural form) may be applied to a particular practice
recommended by Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him peace), as well as to his
exemplary conduct in general. Although there are no capital letters in the Arabic script, it is
convenient to mark the distinction, in transliteration, between the specific sunna/sunan and the
general Sunna.


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Fifth Discourse
Indispensable Virtues 339

to these nor to those. wa lå ilå hå›ulå›:

If Allåh causes someone to go astray, wa man yuælili ’llåhu
you will not find a way for him. fa-lan tajida la-hu sabºlå.
He has said (Exalted is He):
O you who believe, yå ayyuha ’lladhºna
many of the [Jewish] rabbis åman« inna kathºran
and the [Christian] monks mina ’l-a¥båri wa ’r-ruhbåni
devour the wealth la-ya›kul«na
of mankind wantonly, amwåla ’n-nåsi
and debar [men] bi-’l-bå£ili
from the way of Allåh. (9:34) wa yaƒudd«na ‹an sabºli ’llåh.
He has said (Almighty and Glorious is He):
O you who believe, why do you say yå ayyuha ’lladhºna åman«
that which you do not do? li-ma taq«l«na må lå taf‹al«n:
It is most hateful in the sight of Allåh kabura maqtan ‹inda ’llåhi
that you say what you do not do. an taq«l« må lå taf‹al«n.
He has said (Exalted is He):
Keep your words private wa aƒirr« qawla-kum
or speak openly; awi ’jhar« bi-h:
He knows what the breasts contain. inna-hu ‹Alºmun bi-dhåti ’ƒ-ƒud«r.
He has said (Glorious and Exalted is He):
So whoever hopes fa-man kåna
for the meeting with his Lord, yarj« liqå›a Rabbi-hi
let him do righteous work, fa-’l-ya‹mal ‹amalan ƒåli¥an
and let him give no one wa lå
any share at all yushrik
in the worship due unto his Lord. bi-‹ibådati Rabbi-hi a¥adå.
He has said (Exalted is He):
Surely the self is always inciting to evil, inna ’n-nafsa la-ammåratun
except inasmuch as my Lord has mercy. bi’s-s«›i illå må ra¥ima Rabbº.
He has said (Exalted is He):
But greed has been made present wa u¥æirati ’l-anfusu ’sh-
in the souls [of men]. (4:128) shu¥¥.
He said (Almighty and Glorious is He) to David [Dåw«d] (peace be
upon him) [in a non-Qur݌nic utterance]:


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O David, you must flee from your passionate desire [hawå], for no contender
challenges Me for My dominion, apart from passionate desire.
He has also said (Exalted is He):
Do not follow passionate desire, lest it wa lå tattabi‹i ’l-hawå
lead you astray from Allåh’s path. fa-yuæilla-ka ‹an sabºli ’llåh.
As for the Sunna,488 Shaddåd ibn Aws (may Allåh be well pleased
with him) is reported as having said: “I once entered the presence of the
Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace), and I noticed a look in
his face that made me shudder, so I said: ‘What is the matter with you,
O Messenger of Allåh?’ He replied (Allåh bless him and give him
“‘I am afraid that my Community [Ummatº] may be guilty of shirk [attributing
partners to Allåh], after I am gone.’
“On hearing this, I exclaimed: ‘Do you really mean to say, O
Messenger of Allåh, that they will attribute partners to Him [yushrik«na]
after you are gone?’ So he went on to explain (Allåh bless him and give
him peace):
“‘They may not worship a sun, or a moon, or a graven image [wathan], or a stone
idol, but they will resort to hypocritical display in their religious practices
[a‹mål], and hypocritical display [riyå›] is tantamount to shirk [attributing
partners to Allåh].’
“Then he recited the words of Allåh (Exalted is He):
So whoever hopes fa-man kåna
for the meeting with his Lord, yarj« liqå›a Rabbi-hi
let him do righteous work, and let him fa-’l-ya‹mal ‹amalan ƒåli¥an
give no one any share at all wa lå yushrik
in the worship due unto his Lord. bi-‹ibådati Rabbi-hi a¥adå.
The Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) once said:
The Day of Resurrection [Yawm al-Qiyåma] will come with sealed scrolls [ƒu¥uf
makht«ma] [in which the deeds of mankind have been recorded], so Allåh
(Almighty and Glorious is He) will say to the angels: “Throw this one away, and
accept this one.” They will respond by saying: “By Your Might and Your
Majesty, we know nothing but good.” So He will say (Exalted is He): ”Yes, but
this is [the record of] a deed performed for someone other than Me, and I only
accept what was done for the sake of My countenance.”
The Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) used to say, in his
prayer of supplication [du‹å›]:
488 See n. 487 on p. 338 above.

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O Allåh, make my tongue pure and free from lying, my heart from hypocrisy
[nifåq], my religious practice from hypocritical display [riyå›], and my eyesight
from treachery, for You know the treachery of the eyes, and what the breasts
He once said (Allåh bless him and give him peace):
You must not sit at the feet of a religious scholar [‹ålim], unless he summons you
away from five toward five, namely: (1) away from indulgence [raghba], in the
direction of abstinence [zuhd]; (2) away from hypocritical display [riyå›], in
the direction of sincere devotion [ikhlåƒ]; (3) away from arrogant pride [kibr],
in the direction of modest humility [tawåæu‹]; (4) away from fawning flattery
[mudåhana], in the direction of honest advice [munåƒa¥a]; and (5) away from
ignorance [jahl], in the direction of knowledge [‹ilm].
He once said (Allåh bless him and give him peace):
Allåh (Exalted is He) says:490 “I am the Best Partner [Ana Khairu Sharºk]. If
someone associates a partner with Me, in his undertaking, it involves the
partner ascribed to Me [sharºkº] and has nothing to do with Me. I accept only
that which is devoted solely to Me. O Children of Adam, I am the Best
Participant [Ana Khairu Qasºm], so reconsider that work of yours, which you
have performed for someone other than Me, because your wage is incumbent
only on the one for whom you did the work.”
He also said (Allåh bless him and give him peace):
You may congratulate this Community [Umma] on their brilliance and high
standing in the sphere of religion, and on their empowerment in the countries
of the earth, so long as they do not perform the work of the hereafter for the sake
of this world. If anyone does the work of the hereafter for the sake of this world,
it will not be accepted of him, and in the hereafter he will have no share.
He also said (Allåh bless him and give him peace):
Allåh will surely grant the benefits of this world [for work performed] with
the intention of gaining the benefits of the hereafter, but He will not grant
the benefits of the hereafter [for work performed] with the intention of
gaining the benefits of this world.
As reported on the authority of Anas ibn Målik (may Allåh be well
pleased with him), Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him
peace) once said:
On the night when I was taken on my Heavenly Journey [usriya bº], I passed by
a group of people whose lips had been snipped by scissors of fire. “Who are
these?” I said to Gabriel (peace be upon him), so he told me: “They are the
preachers [khu£abå›] of your Community. They say something, but they do not
489 This is an allusion to the Qur›ånic verse [åya}:
He knows the treachery of the eyes, ya‹lamu khå›inata ’l-a‹yuni
and what the breasts conceal. (40:19) wa må tukhfi ’ƒ-ƒud«r.
490 This is a non-Qur›ånic Divine Saying [ªadºth Qudsº}.

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put it into practice. They say what they acknowledge as being correct, but they
do what they denounce as being wrong. They instruct the people to act
righteously, but they forget to include themselves.
He also said (Allåh bless him and give him peace):
The worst of my fears for my Community [Ummatº] is every hypocrite [munåfiq]
with a clever tongue. By the One who holds my soul in His hand, the Final Hour
will not come about until they find themselves subject to dishonest rulers,
immoral ministers, treacherous assistants, iniquitous professors [‹urafå›], disso-
lute Qur›ån-reciters [qurrå›], and ignorant servants. Allåh (Exalted is He) will
expose them to dark and murky intrigue, so they will experience a bewildering
perplexity [tahawwuk], like that which afflicted the wrongdoing Jews [Yah«d].
From that point on, Islåm will unravel, knot by knot, until no one says: “Allåh,
As reported on the authority of ‹Adº ibn ªåtim (may Allåh be well
pleased with him), Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him
peace) once said:
On the Day of Resurrection [Yawm al-Qiyåma], certain people will be subjected
to exemplary punishment of the most extreme kind. Allåh (Exalted is He) will
say to them: “When you were in private situations, you would brazenly affront
Me with heinous sins [‹aœå›im], but when you met with other people, you would
approach them modestly and humbly. You were in awe of other people, but you
did not regard Me with awe. You honored other people, but you did not honor
Me. By My Might, I shall make you taste the most painful chastisement.”
According to a traditional report, Usåma ibn Zaid (may Allåh be well
pleased with him and with his father) once heard Allåh’s Messenger
(Allåh bless him and give him peace) say:
A man will be cast into the Fire of Hell, so his guts will soon be dangling out of
his belly. He will be rotated as a mill is rotated by its owner, and he will be asked:
“Were you not in the habit of enjoining that which is right and fair [ma‹r«f], and
forbidding that which is wrong and unfair [munkar]?” To this he will reply: “I
used to enjoin what is right and fair [ma‹r«f], though I did not practice it myself,
and I used to forbid is wrong and unfair [munkar], though I did not abstain from
it myself.”
The Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) once said:
Many a keeper of the fast [ƒå›im] receives nothing from his fasting [ƒiyåm] but
hunger and thirst, and many a keeper of night vigil [qå›im] receives nothing from
his vigil [qiyåm] but insomnia.
To this the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) added:
The Heavenly Throne [‹Arsh] trembles because of that, and the Lord (Blessed
and Exalted is He) is angry with him.


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The Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) once said:
What a bad servant [of the Lord] is a servant who erects a barrier between
himself and the spiritual reward of Allåh (Exalted is He)! I am speaking of a
servant, one of the creatures of Allåh (Exalted is He), who devotes himself to
His service, in the hope of receiving what He has at His disposal, and who
exhausts his physical body in the effort to obtain His approval, but who makes
a public show of his religious devotion [dºn], which is thereby rendered invalid.
His manly virtue [mur«›a] degenerates into vice, and so he erects a barrier
between himself and his Lord. He pins his hopes on Allåh (Exalted is He), as
far as the big picture is concerned, but he pins them on his fellow servant, when
it comes to the small details. He gives some of his service to his fellow servant,
at the expense of his worshipful obedience [£å‹a] to Allåh (Exalted is He).
Mujåhid (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him) is reported as
having said: “A man once came to Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him
and give him peace) and said: ‘O Messenger of Allåh, I make it my
practice to give charitable donations [ataƒaddaqu bi-ƒadaqa], so that I
may obtain the gracious favor of Allåh (Exalted is He). I also like to
hear people speaking well of me.’ At that very moment, His words
(Blessed and Exalted is He):
So whoever hopes fa-man kåna
for the meeting with his Lord, yarj« liqå›a Rabbi-hi
let him do righteous work, fa-’l-ya‹mal ‹amalan ƒåli¥an
and let him give no one wa lå yushrik
any share at all in the worship bi-‹ibådati
due unto his Lord. (18:110) Rabbi-hi a¥adå.
—were sent down [to the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him
The Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) once said:
The end of the age will see the emergence of groups of people who exploit
religion [dºn] for worldly purposes. To impress other people, they will dress in
sheep’s clothing, and their tongues will be sweeter than sugar, though their
hearts are the hearts of wolves. Allåh (Exalted is He) will say: “Are you
deluding yourselves about Me, or are you so bold as to challenge Me deliber-
ately?” I swear by Me, I shall surely inflict such confusion upon those people,
that you would call the mildest case a case of utter bewilderment.”
As we learn from a traditional report,491 Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh
bless him and give him peace) once said:
The angels will carry aloft the work of a certain servant from among the servants
491 Author’s note: For this traditional report, the chain of transmission goes back through the
following links: Œamra—Ab« ªabºb (may Allåh be well pleased with him)—the Prophet (Allåh
bless him and give him peace).

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of Allåh. They will multiply it and purify it, until they finally bring it to
wherever Allåh (Exalted is He) wishes it to be delivered, in all of His Dominion
[Sul£ån]. Allåh will thereupon convey to them, by way of inspiration: “You are
custodians of My servant’s work, while I am Ever-Watchful [Raqºb] over what
is in his soul [nafs]. This servant of Mine has not devoted his work sincerely to
Me, so register him in the Deepest Pit [Sijjºn].”492
They will also rise aloft with the work of another servant from among His
servants. They will diminish it and belittle it, until they finally bring it to
wherever Allåh (Exalted is He) wishes it to be delivered, in all of His Dominion
[Sul£ån]. Allåh will thereupon convey to them, by way of inspiration: “You are
custodians of My servant’s work, while I am Ever-Watchful [Raqºb] over what
is in his soul [nafs]. This servant of Mine has devoted his work sincerely to Me
[akhlaƒa lº ‹amala-hu], so register him in the Highest Heaven [‹Iliyyºn].”493
As reported on the authority of Ab« Huraira (may Allåh be well
pleased with him), Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him
peace) once said:
On the Day of Resurrection [Yawm al-Qiyåma], Allåh (Blessed and Exalted is
He) will judge between His creatures, while the members of every religious
community [umma] fall on their knees. The first to be summoned will be a man
who compiled a copy of the Qur݌n, a man who was slain while fighting for
Allåh’s cause [fº sabºli ’llåh], and a man who possessed considerable wealth.
To the expert on the Qur›ån [qåri›], Allåh (Exalted is He) will then say: “To
what extent did you put what you learned into practice?” The man will reply:
“I used to act upon it through the watches of the night, and at all times during
the day.” But Allåh (Blessed and Exalted is He) will say: “You have told a lie!”
The angels will also say: “You have told a lie! What you wanted, in fact, was
to have people call you ‘Qur›ån-expert So-and so,’ and you did indeed acquire
that title.”
The owner of wealth will be asked: “What did you do, to make good use of all
that I made available to you?” The man will reply: “I was the source of
compassion, and I applied it to charitable purposes.” But Allåh (Blessed and
Exalted is He) will say: “You have told a lie!” The angels will also say: “You
have told a lie! What you wanted, in fact, was to have people call you ‘Generous
Mister So-and-so,’ and that was indeed how you came to be called.”
The man who was slain while fighting for the cause of Allåh (Exalted is He) will
also be brought forward. To him Allåh (Exalted is He) will say: “For what did
you do battle?” The man will reply: “I fought for Your cause, until I was slain
in Your cause.” But Allåh (Blessed and Exalted is He) will say: “You have told
a lie!” The angels will also say: “You have told a lie! What you wanted, in fact,
was to have people call you ‘Brave Hero So-and-so,’ and that was indeed how
you came to be called.”
492 As we are told in the Qur݌n:
No; the record of the dissolute is in Sijjºn. kallå inna kitåbu ’l-fujjåri la-fº Sijjºn:
How are you to know what Sijjºn is? wa må adråka må Sijjºn:
A written record. (83:7–9) kitåbun marq«m.
493 An allusion to Q. 83:18–21.

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At this point, Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him
peace) thumped his hands on his knees, and said:
“O Ab« Huraira, on the Day of Resurrection [Yawm al-Qiyåma], those three will
be the first of the creatures of Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He) to be
scorched by the Fire of Hell!”
Ab« Huraira (may Allåh be well pleased with him) also said: “This
report came to the attention of Mu‹åwiya (may Allåh be well pleased
with him). On hearing it, he experienced an intense bout of weeping,
then he said: ‘Allåh (Exalted is He) has spoken the truth, and His
Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him peace) has spoken the truth.’
Then he recited these Qur›ånic verses [åyåt]:
As for those who desire the life man kåna yurºdu ’l-¥ayåta ’d-dunyå
of this world and its pomp, wa zºnata-hå nuwaffi ilai-him
We shall repay them a‹måla-hum
for their deeds therein, fº-hå
and therein they will not be wronged. wa hum fº-hå lå yubkhas«n.
Such are those for whom ulå›ika ’llådhºna laisa la-hum
there is nothing in the Hereafter fi ’l-åkhirati
but the Fire. illa ’n-når:
All that they contrive here is vain, wa ¥abi£a må ƒana‹« fº-hå
and all that they wa bå£ilun
are used to doing is fruitless. må kån« ya‹mal«n.
Such are those for whom ulå›ika ’llådhºna la-hum
is the worst of torment, s«›u ’l-‹adhåbi wa hum
and in the Hereafter they will be fi ’l-åkhirati
among the greatest losers. (27:5) ” humu ’l-akhsar«n.
According to another traditional report, transmitted on the authority of
‹Adº ibn ªåtim a£-¡å›º (may Allåh be well pleased with him), Allåh’s
Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him peace) once said:
On the Day of Resurrection [Yawm al-Qiyåma], the order will be given for some
of those destined for the Fire of Hell to be herded toward the Garden of Paradise.
They will be allowed to get close enough to smell its fragrant perfume, to view
its palatial mansions, and to see what Allåh (Exalted is He) has prepared for its
inhabitants. Then they will hear the call: “Take them away! In this they have
no share.” So they will return whence they came, with a sense of distress and
remorse, the like of which was never experienced by anyone making a return
journey, in ancient or later times. They will say: “O our Lord, if only You had
caused us to enter the Fire of Hell directly, before showing us what You have just
shown us, meaning the reward You have prepared for those others!”


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Allåh (Exalted is He) will then say: “That is how I saw fit to treat you. When
you were in private situations, you would brazenly affront Me with heinous sins
[‹aœå›im], but when you met with other people, you would approach them
modestly and humbly. By making a show of your deeds, you would give people
an impression contrary to what was hidden away in your hearts. You were in awe
of other people, but you did not regard Me with awe. You honored other people,
but you did not honor Me. You abstained, to please other people, from things
you did not abandon for My sake. Today, therefore, I am giving you a taste of
My painful chastisement, combined with a glimpse of My abundant reward, of
which you have been deprived.”
As reported on the authority of Ibn ‹Abbås (may Allåh be well
pleased with him and with his father), Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless
him and give him peace) once said:
When Allåh (Exalted is He) created the Garden of Eden [Jannat ‹Adn], He
created within it that which no eye has ever seen, of which no ear has ever heard,
and the very notion of which has never occurred to the human heart. Then He
said to it: “Speak to Me,” and it responded by saying three times:
Successful indeed qad afla¥a ’l-
are the true believers. (23:1) mu›min«n.
Then the Garden went on to say: “I am forbidden [¥aråm] to every miser [bakhºl]
and ostentatious hypocrite [mur固].”
A man once asked Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him
peace): “In what does salvation reside, tomorrow [at the Resurrection]?”
He replied:
You must not try to deceive Allåh (Exalted is He).
The man then asked: “How could I be guilty of trying to deceive
Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He)?” The Prophet (Allåh bless him
and give him peace) explained:
By doing what He has commanded you to do, but doing it for some purpose other
than to obtain the gracious favor of Allåh (Exalted is He).
All of you must therefore beware of hypocritical display [riyå›], for it
is tantamount to associating partners [shirk] with Allåh (Exalted is He).
Indeed, on the Day of Resurrection [Yawm al-Qiyåma], the ostentatious
hyprocrite [mur固] will be summoned by four names, over the heads of
all the assembled creatures: “O unbeliever [yå kåfir]! O shameless liar
[yå fåjir]! O traitor [yå ghådir]! O loser [yå khåsir]! Your work has gone
astray, and your recompense has been canceled, so there is no share for
you here today. Apply for your wages to those for whom you used to


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Indispensable Virtues 347

work, O deceiver!” Let us therefore take refuge with Allåh (Almighty

and Glorious is He) from hypocritical display [riyå›], from promoting an
undeserved reputation [sum‹a], and from hypocrisy itself [nifåq], for that
is the work of those who are doomed to the Fire of Hell.
Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He) has said:
Surely the hypocrites inna ’l-munåfiqºna
will be in the lowest fi ’d-darki ’l-asfali
depth of the Fire [of Hell]. (4:145) mina ’n-når.
In other words, they will be in the Pit [al-Håwiya],494 in the company
of Pharaoh [Fir‹awn] and Håmån and their people.
As someone might well see fit to interject at this point, it seems be
suggested, in at least one of the traditional reports [akhbår], that there
is actually no harm in having our religious practice noticed by our fellow
creatures. According to the report in question,495 it was Ab« Huraira
(may Allåh be well pleased with him) who said:
“A man came to Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him
peace) and said: ‘O Messenger of Allåh, I perform my religious practice,
intending to keep it private, but I find that people are watching, and
that pleases me. If such be the case, am I entitled to any reward?’ To
this he replied (Allåh bless him and give him peace):
“‘You are entitled to two rewards: the reward for the secrecy, and the reward for
the publicity.’”
To resolve what may appear to be a contradiction, this should be
construed as follows: What made that man feel pleased, was the fact
that people followed the example he was setting, in the performance of
his religious practice. Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him
peace) was aware of this, so he told the man, in effect: “You are entitled
to two rewards: one reward for your righteous work, and one reward for
having people follow your good example.” As he once said (Allåh bless
him and give him peace):
If someone establishes a good custom [sanna sunnatan ¥asana], he is entitled to
the reward for it, and also to the reward of all those who practice it, until the Day
of Resurrection [Yawm al-Qiyåma]….496
494 Thisis an allusion to Q. 101:6–11.
495 Author’s note: For this traditional report, the chain of transmission goes back through the
following links: Wakº‹—Sufyån—ªabºb—Ab« »åli¥—Ab« Huraira (may Allåh be well
pleased with him).
496 Author’s note: This is a partial quotation of the saying [¥adºth], which continues in the same
vein. 347

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348 Volume Three

On the other hand, if someone enjoys the pleasing sensation in and

of itself, and not on account of the good example he is setting for others,
he is not entitled to any reward, because vain conceit [‹ujb] can only
cause the servant to fall from grace in the sight of Allåh.
It was al-ªasan al-Baƒrº (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him) who
said: “If you wish, you may choose a companion with a fair complexion,
but with crude manners, one who has a smooth tongue and a sharp eye,
but who is dead at heart. You see physical bodies, not hearts. You listen
to the sound of music, but not to a close friend. Tongues have grown
fertile, while hearts have turned barren.
“As a matter of fact, several Companions [Aƒ¥åb] of Allåh’s Messenger
(Allåh bless him and give him peace) have told me that this Community
[Umma] will remain beneath the hand of Allåh, in His protective
custody, but only as long as its Qur’ån-reciters [qurrå›] and its commanders
[umarå›] do not lose interest in their work, as long as its honest members
[ƒula¥å›] do not join the ranks of the lying scoundrels [fujjår], and as long
as its best representatives keep the worst at bay. As soon as they reverse
their positions, Allåh (Exalted is He) will remove His protecting hand
from them. He will smite them with poverty and want. He will fill their
hearts with terror, and He will subject them to the rule of tyrants
[jabåbira], who will make them suffer dreadful torment.”
He [al-ªasan al-Baƒrº (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him)] also
said: “What a bad servant [of the Lord] is he! I am speaking of a servant
who fits the following description:
• He asks for forgiveness [maghfira], while he is actively engaged in
sinful disobedience [ma‹ƒiya].
• He behaves in a humbly submissive manner, so that he may be
credited with loyalty [amåna], but he is only pretending, to hide his
disloyalty [khiyåna].
• He forbids what is wrong, but does not refrain from it himself [yanhå
wa lå yantahº].
• He enjoins what is right, but does not act upon his own instructions.
• If he gives, he does so very stingily, and if he withholds, he offers no
• If he is in the best of health, he feels secure, but if he falls sick, he
becomes remorseful.


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Indispensable Virtues 349

• If he is impoverished, he feels sad, and if he gets rich, he is subject

to temptation.
• He hopes for salvation, but does not act accordingly.
• He is afraid of punishment, but takes no precautions against it.
• He wishes to receive more benefit, but he does not give thanks [for
what he has received].
• He likes the idea of spiritual reward, but he does not practice
• He expedites sleep [nawm], and postpones fasting [ƒawm].”
He [al-ªasan al-Baƒrº (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him)]
spoke one day to Farqad as-Sabakhº, who was sitting in attendance at
his meeting [majlis]. In sharp contrast to al-ªasan, who was dressed in
very smart attire, Farqad was wearing a jubba made of wool [ƒ«f].497 “My
clothing,” said al-ªasan, “is the clothing of the people of the Garden
of Paradise, while your clothing is the clothing of the people of the Fire
of Hell. They lodge their pious abstinence [zuhd] in their clothing, and
their arrogant pride in their breasts. By Allåh, any one of them is far
more conceited about his wool [ƒ«f] than a fashionable shawl-designer
is about his fancy shawl. What is wrong with competing together in
excellence? Why not dress outwardly in the style of kings, and kill your
hearts with fear [of displeasing the Lord]?”
‹Umar [ibn al-Kha££åb] (may Allåh be well pleased with him) once
said: “You should dress in a style that will neither cause the Qur›ån-
reciters [qurrå›] to treat you as a laughingstock, nor make silly idots
deride you.”
As they used to say: “Be woollen [ƒ«fº] at heart, and cotton-made
[qu£nº] in clothing.”
To put the subject in a nutshell, the people [who matter to us] fall into
three categories, where clothing is concerned: (1) the devout [atqiyå›],
(2) the saints [awliyå›], and (3) the spiritual deputies [abdål].
• The clothing of the devout [atqiyå›] is that which is lawful [¥alål],
in the sense that none of the wearer’s fellow creatures have any claim
on it, and that it does not violate the sacred law [shar‹] in any respect.
As for whether their clothes are of cotton [qu£n] or wool [ƒ«f], and
whether they are white or blue, that is neither here not there.
• The clothing of the saints [awliyå›] is determined by the [divine]
497 The jubba is a long outer garment, open in front, with wide sleeves.


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350 Volume Three

commandment. At the very least, it must be sufficient to cover the

genital area [‹awra], and any other part of the body for which it is
essential. Some form of clothing is called for, of necessity, to ensure the
discouragement of their passionate desires, so that they may attain to
the degree of the spiritual deputies [abdål].
• The clothing of the spiritual deputies [budalå›]498 is whatever
destiny [qadar] brings to the individual concerned, always with due
respect to the limits set by the sacred law [¥ud«d]. It may be a plain shirt
worth a mere qºrå£ [one twentieth of a dºnår], or a fine suit worth a
hundred dºnårs [gold coins], for there is no self-will involved. They
have ascended to the highest height, and there is no passionate desire
to be discouraged at the lowest level. For them, it is simply a matter of
accepting whatever the Master [Mawlå] graciously confers, whatever
He allows and bestows, without trouble or concern, and without respect
for the lower self [nafs] and personal preferences.
Aside from these perspectives, any other approach to the subject can
be traced to the ancient Time of Ignorance [Jåhiliyya], to the frivolous
inclination of the lower self [nafs], and to the influence of passionate
desire [hawå].

498 See Vol. 2, note 254, p. 175.


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Fifth Discourse 351

Concerning the special qualities
of (1) the days of the week [ayyåm al-usb«‹]
and (2) the “white days” [al-ayyåm al-bºæ].499
Traditional reports concerning the encouragement
of fasting on certain days, and referring to the
litanies [awråd]500 to be performed therein,
at night and in the daytime.
Concerning the special qualities of the days of the week
[ayyåm al-usb«‹].

S haikh Ab« Naƒr [Mu¥ammad ibn al-Bannå›] has informed us, on

good traditional authority,501 that Ab« Huraira502 (may Allåh be
well pleased with him) once said: “Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him
and give him peace) took me by the hand, and told me:
“‘Allåh (Exalted is He) created the dust and soil of the earth [turba] on the [first]
Saturday [yawm as-sabt]. He created the mountains upon it on the [first] Sunday
499 According to the classical Arabic lexicographers, al-ayyåm al-bºæ [the white days]—like the
even shorter expression al-bºæ [the white ones]—is simply an abbreviated way of referring to ayyåm
al-layåli ’l-bºæ [the days of the white nights], which occur on the thirteenth, the fourteenth, and
the fifteenth of the month. They are so called because they are brightly illuminated throughout
by the moon, which is then at or near the full. (See: E.W. Lane, Arabic-English Lexicon,
art. B–Y–Œ.)
500 See Vol. 4, pp. 82–109.
501 Author’s note: Shaikh Ab« Naƒr Mu¥ammad ibn al-Bannå› cites the following chain of
transmission [isnåd] for this report: His own father [Shaikh Ab« ‹Alº ibn A¥mad ibn ‹Abdi’llåh
ibn al-Bannå›]—al-ªasan ibn A¥mad ibn ‹Abdu’llåh al-Muqrº—al-ªusain A¥mad ibn
‹Uthmån ibn Ya¥yå al-Adamº—‹Abbås ibn Mu¥ammad ibn ªåtim ad-Dawrº—ªajjåj ibn
Mu¥ammad al-A‹war—Ibn Juraij—Ism勺l ibn Umayya—Ayy«b ibn Khålid—‹Ubaidu’llåh
ibn Råfi‹, the client [mawlå] of Ab« Salama—Ab« Huraira (may Allåh be well pleased with
him)—the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace).
502 See note 36 on p. 24 above.


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352 Volume Three

[yawm al-a¥ad]. He created the trees on the [first] Monday [yawm al-ithnain].
He created that which is unpleasant on the [first] Tuesday [yawm ath-thalåthå›].
He created that which is good on the [first] Wednesday [yawm al-arba‹å›]. He
sent the animals forth to roam upon it on the [first] Thursday [yawm al-khamºs].
He created Adam (peace be upon him) after the time of the afternoon prayer
[‹aƒr] on the [first] Friday [yawm al-jum‹a], and the rest of His creatures He
created during one of the hours of Friday, somewhere between the time of the
afternoon prayer [‹aƒr] and the night.’”
Anas ibn Målik503 (may Allåh be well pleased with him) is reported
as having said:
“The Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) was asked about
the days [of the week]. When he was asked about Saturday [yawm
as-sabt], he said:
“‘Saturday is the day of double-dealing [makr] and treachery [khadº‹a].’
“They said: ‘Why is that, O Messenger of Allåh?’ and he replied
(Allåh bless him and give him peace):
“‘Because it was on a Saturday that the elders of the tribe of Quraish
hatched their plot against me, at their meeting in the Council Chamber [Dår
“When the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) was asked
about Sunday [yawm al-a¥ad], he said:
“‘Sunday is the day of planting seeds and cultivating crops.’
503 See note 35 on p. 24 above.
504 The story is told as follows in Ibn Is¥åq’s Biography of Allåh’s Messenger [Sºrat Ras«li’llåh]:
When the tribesmen of Quraish saw that the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) had a party
of supporters and companions not of their tribe, and outside their own territory, and that his Companions
(may Allåh be well pleased with them) had migrated to join them, and had settled in a new home and
gained protectors, they feared that the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) might join them,
since they knew that he had decided to fight them. So they assembled in their council chamber, the house
of Quƒayy ibn Kilåb, where all their important business was conducted, to consider what they should do
in regard to the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace).
[Various plans and schemes were proposed and discussed, only to be rejected as impractical or
inadequate.] Thereupon Ab« Jahl said that he had a plan which had not been suggested hitherto,
namely, that each clan should provide a young, powerful, well-born, aristocratic warrior; that each of
these should be provided with a sharp sword; then that each of them should strike a blow at him and kill
him. Thus they would be relieved of him, and responsibility for his blood would lie upon all the clans.
The Ban« ‹Abd Manåf [the clan to which the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) belonged]
could not fight them all, and would have to accept the blood-money to which they would all contribute.
The senior elder of Quraish exclaimed: “The man is right. In my opinion it is the only thing to do.”
Having come to a decision, the people dispersed.
Then Gabriel (peace be upon him) came to the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) and
said: “Do not sleep tonight on the bed on which you usually sleep.” [The Prophet (Allåh bless him and
give him peace) followed this advice, and the assassination plot failed.]
(See: A. Guillaume. The Life of Muhammad. A translation of Is¥åq’s Sºrat Ras«l Allåh. Karachi,
Pakistan: Oxford University Press, 1967; pp. 221–3.)

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FifthChapter Six
Discourse 353

“They said: ‘Why is that, O Messenger of Allåh?’ and he replied

(Allåh bless him and give him peace):
“‘Because it was on a Sunday that this world and its cultivation began.’
“When the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) was asked
about Monday [yawm al-ithnain], he said:
“‘Monday is the day of traveling and trade.’
“They said: ‘Why is that, O Messenger of Allåh?’ and he replied
(Allåh bless him and give him peace):
“‘Because it was on a Monday that the Prophet Shu‹aib505 (peace be upon him)
went traveling and engaged in trade.’
“When the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) was asked
about Tuesday [yawm ath-thalåthå›], he said:
“‘Tuesday is the day of blood.’
“They said: ‘Why is that, O Messenger of Allåh?’ and he replied
(Allåh bless him and give him peace):
“‘Because it was on a Tuesday that Eve [ªawwå›] started menstruating, and it
was on a Tuesday that the son of Adam killed his brother.’
“When the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) was asked
about Wednesday [yawm al-arba‹å›], he said:
“‘Wednesday is the day of catastrophe and disaster.’
“They said: ‘Why is that, O Messenger of Allåh?’ and he replied
(Allåh bless him and give him peace):
“‘Because it was on a Wednesday that Allåh (Exalted is He) caused Pharaoh
[Fir‹awn] and his people to drown, and it was on a Wednesday that He caused
‹Ád and Tham«d to perish.’506
505 The Qur›ånic account of the mission of Shu‹aib (peace be upon him) begins with the words
of Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He):
And to Midian [We sent] their brother, Shu‹åib. wa ilå Madyana akhå-hum Shu‹aibå:
He said: “O my people, worship Allåh! qåla yå qawmi ’ ‹budu ’llåha
You have no god other than He. må la-kum min ilåhin ghairuh:
A clear sign has now come to you qad jå›at-kum bayyinatun
from your Lord….” (7:83) min Rabbi-kum….
The traditional Qur›ånic commentators generally identify Shu‹aib as the father-in-law of
Moses (peace be upon them both). The story is beautifully related by Shaikh ‹Abd al-Qådir
al-Jºlånº (may Allåh be well pleased with him) in the Fourth Discourse of Jalå› al-Khawå£ir
[The Removal of Cares] (pp. 35–36 of the Al-Baz edition).
506 An allusion to Q. 69:5,6.


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354 Volume Three

“When the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) was asked
about Thursday [yawm al-khamºs], he said:
“‘Thursday is the day on which needs are met, and it is the day for entering the
presence of worldly rulers [sal壺n].’
“They said: ‘Why is that, O Messenger of Allåh?’ and he replied
(Allåh bless him and give him peace):
“‘Because it was on a Thursday that Abraham, the Bosom Friend of the
All-Merciful [Ibråhºm Khalºl ar-Ra¥mån] (peace be upon him) entered the
presence of Nimrod [Namr«d], and took Hagar [Håjar] away from him.’
“When the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) was asked
about Friday, the Day of the Congregation [Yawm al-Jum‹a], he said:
“‘Friday is the day of oration [khu£ba]507 and marriage [nikå¥].’
“They said: ‘Why is that, O Messenger of Allåh?’ and he replied
(Allåh bless him and give him peace):
“‘Because it was always on a Friday that the Prophets [Anbiyå›] used to get
According to a traditional report transmitted on the authority of
az-Zuhrº,508 ‹Abd ar-Ra¥mån ibn Ka‹b heard from his father that his
grandfather (may Allåh be well pleased with him) once said:
“Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him peace) would
never set out on a journey on any day of the week except a Thursday
[yawm al-khamºs].”
According to a traditional report transmitted on the authority of
Mu‹åwiya ibn Qurra, Anas [ibn Målik] (may Allåh be well pleased with
him) attributed the following saying to the Prophet (Allåh bless him
and give him peace):
507 Since the Arabic text is unvowelled, the reading khi£ba [betrothal; proposal of marriage] is also
possible. An oration or sermon [khu£ba] is delivered immediately before the congregational prayer
[ƒalåt al-jum‹a] on Friday, the Day of the Congregation [Yawm al-Jum‹a], by the Imåm of the
congregational mosque [jåmi‹]. An oration called khu£bat an-nikå¥ [the wedding sermon] is
delivered during a marriage ceremony. (For more on the proposal of marriage [khi£ba], and for
the words of a wedding sermon [khu£bat an-nikå¥], see Vol. 1, pp. 126–31.)
508 Ab« Zar«‹a Muƒ‹ab ibn Sa‹d ibn Abº Waqqåƒ az-Zuhrº (may Allåh bestow His mercy upon him)
was a Tåbi‹º [Successor, i.e., member of the generation following that of the Companions]. He
died in A.H. 102 or 103. His father, Ab« Muƒ‹ab Sa‹d ibn Abº Waqqåƒ (may Allåh be well pleased
with him), was a famous Arab general, and one of the earliest Companions of the Prophet (Allåh
bless him and give him peace). He was one of the six members of the consultative council [sh«rå]
appointed by ‹Umar (may Allåh be well pleased with him) to choose the Caliph who would
succeed him as Commander of the Believers [Amºr al-Mu›minºn]. He died in A.H. 50 or 55.


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FifthChapter Six
Discourse 355

If someone undergoes a blood-cupping operation [i¥tajama]509 on a Tuesday

[yawm ath-thalåthå›], when that day coincides with the seventeenth of the
month, Allåh (Exalted is He) will draw from him enough blood [to keep him
healthy] for a whole year.
According to one traditional account:
“Allåh (Exalted is He) granted Saturday [yawm as-sabt] to Moses
[M«så] (peace be upon him), and to fifty Prophets sent as Messengers
[Nabº Mursal].
“He granted Sunday [yawm al-a¥ad] to twenty Prophets [Anbiyå›],
and to Jesus [‹Ïså] (peace be upon him).
“He granted Monday [yawm al-ithnain] to Mu¥ammad (Allåh bless
him and give him peace), and to sixty-three Prophets sent as Messengers
[Nabº Mursal].
“He granted Tuesday [yawm ath-thalåthå›], to Solomon [Sulaimån] (peace
be upon him), and to fifty Prophets sent as Messengers [Nabº Mursal].
“He granted Wednesday [yawm al-arba‹å›] to Jacob [Ya‹q«b] (peace be
upon him), and to fifty Prophets sent as Messengers [Nabº Mursal].
“He granted Thursday [yawm al-khamºs] to Adam (peace be upon
him), and to fifty Prophets sent as Messengers [Nabº Mursal].
“Friday, the Day of the Congregation [Yawm al-Jum‹a], belongs to
Allåh (Almighty and Glorious and Sanctified is He).”510
The Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) once said:
My God [Ilåhº], what is the share of good fortune [¥aœœ] allotted to my
Community [Ummatº]?
Allåh (Blessed and Exalted is He) replied:
O Mu¥ammad, Friday, the Day of the Congregation [Yawm al-Jum‹a] belongs
to Me, and the Garden of Paradise also belongs to Me. So I have granted Friday
to your Community, and the Garden of Paradise along with it. And I, as well
as the Garden of Paradise, belong to your Community.511
According to a traditional report transmitted on the authority of
509 The verb i¥tajama [to undergo the operation of blood-cupping] is derived from the same three-
consonant root, ¥–j–m, as the noun ¥ijåma [the operation of cupping, and the art of performing it].
This procedure, widely used in former times as a treatment for a variety of illnesses, consists in the
application to the patient’s skin of a glass cup or vessel [mi¥jama] in which a vacuum has been
created, in order to draw the blood to the surface. (For more on the subject of blood-cupping, see
Vol. 1, pp. 22 and 365.)
510 For a lengthy discussion of the special merits of Friday, the Day of the Congregation [Yawm
al-Jum‹a], see pp. 295–325 above.)
511 This is a non-Qur›ånic Divine Saying [ªadºth Qudsº].


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356 Volume Three

Anas ibn Målik (may Allåh be well pleased with him), Allåh’s Messenger
(Allåh bless him and give him peace) once said:
If someone fasts on Wednesday [yawm al-arba‹å›], Thursday [al-khamºs] and
Friday [al-jum‹a], Allåh (Exalted is He) will have a palatial mansion built for
him in the Garden of Paradise, a palace made of pearls and sapphires and
emeralds. Allåh (Exalted is He) will also have him recorded as one who enjoys
immunity from the Fire of Hell.
In another pronouncement, also transmitted on the authority of
Anas ibn Målik (may Allåh be well pleased with him), Allåh’s Messenger
(Allåh bless him and give him peace) once said:
If someone fasts during three days in every month, namely, Thursday [al-khamºs],
Friday [al-jum‹a], and Saturday [as-sabt], Allåh (Exalted is He) will credit him
with the worshipful service [‹ibåda] of nine hundred years.
He also said (Allåh bless him and give him peace):
Fast on Saturday [yawm as-sabt] and Sunday [al-a¥ad], and observe those days
differently from the Jews [al-Yah«d] and the Christians [an-Naƒårå]!
According to a traditional report transmitted on the authority of Ab«
Huraira (may Allåh be well pleased with him), Allåh’s Messenger
(Allåh bless him and give him peace) once said:
The gates of heaven are opened every Monday [ithnain] and Thursday [khamºs].
Allåh (Exalted is He) grants forgiveness, on each of those days, to every one of
His servants who has not associated anything with Allåh (Exalted is He). The
only exception is made in the case where bitter animosity [sha¥nå›] exists
between a man and his brother. Allåh (Exalted is He) says: “You must all pay
attention to this pair, until they become reconciled with each other.”
According to another traditional report, the Prophet (Allåh bless
him and give him peace) never failed to fast on those two days [Monday
and Thursday], regardless of whether he was at home or on a journey.
He used to say:
Monday and Thursday are two days on which the deeds of His servants are
presented to Allåh (Exalted is He) for review.


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Fifth Discourse 357

Traditional reports concerning the special value of
fasting during the “white” days
[al-ayyåm al-bºæ].512

S haikh Ab« Naƒr [Mu¥ammad ibn al-Bannå›] has informed us, on

good traditional authority,513 that the following saying can be
traced back to ‹Alº ibn al-ªusain ibn ‹Alº ibn Abº ¡ålib (may Allåh be
well pleased with him):
“To fast on the thirteenth day of the month is equivalent in value to
fasting for three thousand years.
“To fast on the fourteenth day of the month is equivalent in value to
fasting for ten thousand years.
“To fast on the fifteenth day of the month is equivalent in value to
fasting for one hundred and thirteen thousand years.”
According to a traditional report transmitted by Ab« Is¥åq, on the
authority of Jarºr (may Allåh be well pleased with him), Allåh’s
Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him peace) once said:
To fast on three days out of every month, namely, the thirteenth and the
fourteenth and the fifteenth, is equivalent to fasting all year long [ƒiyåm
According to a traditional report transmitted on the authority of
512 See note 499 on p. 351 above.
513 Author’s note: Shaikh Ab« Naƒr Mu¥ammad ibn al-Bannå› cites the following chain of
transmission [isnåd] for this report: His own father [Shaikh Ab« ‹Alº ibn A¥mad ibn ‹Abdi’llåh
ibn al-Bannå›]—Hilål ibn Mu¥ammad—an-Naqqåsh—al-ªusain ibn Sufyån—Sulaimån ibn
Yazºd, the client [mawlå] of the tribe of Banº Håshim—‹Alº ibn Yazºd—‹Abd al-Malik ibn
Hår«n [ibn ‹Antara]—Sa‹ºd ibn ‹Uthmån—‹Alº ibn al-ªusain ibn ‹Alº ibn Abº ¡ålib (may
Allåh be well pleased with him).
514 According to several traditional reports, the actual practice of fasting all year long [ƒiyåm
ad-dahr] was not encouraged by the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace), “lest a man
should come to believe that this kind of fasting has been ordained by Allåh (Exalted is He); or,
through physical incapacity, should become insincere; or because, by fasting all the days of the
year, he would do so even on the days when fasting is strictly forbidden.” (See: E. W. Lane, Arabic-
English Lexicon, art. ›–W–L.)


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358 Volume Three

ªudhaifa515 (may Allåh be well pleased with him), Allåh’s Messenger

(Allåh bless him and give him peace) once said:
If a person has fasted on three days out of the month, he has been fasting all year
long [ƒåma ’d-dahr].
The truth of this statement is confirmed by Allåh in His glorious
Book, where He says (Almighty and Glorious is He):
If someone produces a good deed, man jå›a bi’l-¥asanati
he shall have ten just like it fa-la-hu ‹ashru amthåli-hå.
[to his credit]. (6:161)
Ibn ‹Abbås (may Allåh be well pleased with him and with his father)
is reported as having said:
“Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him peace) never failed
to fast during the “white” days [al-ayyåm al-bºæ], regardless of whether
he was on a journey or at home.”
According to another traditional report, ash-Sha‹bº (may Allåh
bestow His mercy upon him) once said: “I heard Ibn ‹Umar (may Allåh
be well pleased with him and with his father) say: ‘I heard the Prophet
(Allåh bless him and give him peace) say:
“‘“If someone fasts on three days out of every month, performs the two
cycles of the dawn prayer [rak‹atayi ’l-fajr], and does not omit the
nighttime prayer called witr,516 regardless of whether he is on a journey
or at home, Allåh will credit him with the reward of a martyr [shahºd].”’”517
According to a traditional report transmitted on the authority of
Sa‹ºd ibn Hind, Ab« Huraira (may Allåh be well pleased with him)
once said:
“My dearly beloved friend, the Messenger of Allåh (Allåh bless him
and give him peace), bequeathed me three practices that I shall not fail
to perform, until I meet him again [at the Resurrection], namely:
(1) fasting on three days out of every month, (2) performing the
515 Seenote 87 on p. 44 above.
516 Seenote 269 on p. 132 above.
517 The Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace) is reported as having said:

The martyrs [shuhadå›] of my Community [Ummatº] are seven, namely: (1) one who is killed in battle,
while fighting for the cause of Allåh [al-qatºl fº sabºli’llåh]; (2) the victim of the plague [al-ma£‹«n]; (3) the
victim of pulmonary tuberculosis [al-masl«l]; (4) one whose death is caused by drowning [al-gharºq]; (5)
one who is trapped in a fire and burned to death [al-¥arºq]; (6) one whose death results from a gastric or
intestinal ailment [al-mab£«n]; (7) the woman who dies in the process of childbirth [al-nafså›].


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Six 359

nighttime prayer called witr, before going to sleep, and (3) the forenoon
prayer [ƒalåt aæ-æu¥å].”518
The following traditional report519 has been transmitted by ‹Abd
al-Malik ibn Hår«n ibn ‹Antara, on the authority of his father, Hår«n,
who told ‹Abd al-Malik that his grandfather, ‹Antara, had said:
“I once heard ‹Alº ibn Abº ¡ålib (may Allåh be well pleased with
him) say: ‘I came to Allåh’s Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him
peace) one day, around the time of noon, while he was indoors in his
room. I saluted him with the greeting of peace, and he returned my
salutation, then he said: “O ‹Alº, here is Gabriel, offering you the
greeting of peace!” So I said: “Peace be unto you, and also unto him,
O Messenger of Allåh!” He then said (Allåh bless him and give him
peace): “Come over here beside me,” so I moved till I was close beside
him, whereupon he said:
“‘“O ‹Alº, Gabriel is talking to you. He is saying: “You must fast
during three days out of every month. For the first day, the reward of
ten thousand years will be recorded in your favor; for the second day, the
reward of thirty thousand years; and for the third day, the reward of
three hundred thousand years.”
“‘“O Messenger of Allåh,” said I, “is this reward for me in particular,
for is it for all mankind in general?”
“‘“O ‹Alº,” he replied (Allåh bless him and give him peace): “Allåh
will bestow this reward not only upon you, but also upon those who
come after you, provided they perform the same good works as you do.”
“‘“O Messenger of Allåh,” said I, “which days of the month are the
three concerned?”
In answer to my question, he told me (Allåh bless him and give him
peace): “They are the three known as the “white” days [al-ayyåm al-bºæ];
that is to say, the the thirteenth, the fourteenth and the fifteenth of the
518 The forenoon prayer [ƒalåt aæ-æu¥å] is not one of the five obligatory daily prayers. The Prophet
(Allåh bless him and give him peace) once described it as “the prayer of those who frequently
repent [ƒalåt al-awwåbºn].” According to one authority cited by E.W. Lane in his Arabic-English
Lexicon, art. ›-W-B, the time for its [optional] performance is “when the young camels feel the heat
of the sun from the parched ground.” According to Thomas Patrick Hughes (Dictionary of Islam,
art. »ALÁT), the forenoon prayer [ƒalåt aæ-æu¥å] consists of eight cycles [raka‹åt], and the time for
its optional performance is around 11 a.m.
519 See pp. 73–75 above.


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360 Volume Three

‹Antara then went on to say:

“So I said to ‹Alº (may Allåh be well pleased with him): ‘Why do you
call these days the “white” days? ‹Alº (may Allåh be well pleased with
him) then told me the following story:
“‘When Allåh (Exalted is He) evicted Adam (peace be upon him)
from the Garden of Paradise, and sent him down to the earth, he was
so scorched by the sun that his body turned as black as pitch. Gabriel
(peace be upon him) then came to him and said: ‘O Adam, would you
like to have your skin turn white?’ Adam said yes, he would like that
very much, so Gabriel said to him: ‘In that case, you must fast on the
thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth of the month.’ Adam (peace be
upon him) accepted the challenge, and began by fasting on the first of
these days. As soon as he had done so, one third of his body turned
white. Then he fasted on the second day, and found that two thirds of
his body had now turned white. Then he fasted on the third day, after
which the whole of his body had turned white. This explains why they
are called the “white” days [al-ayyåm al-bºæ].’”
In his work entitled Adab al-Kåtib [The Secretary’s Manual of Style],
al-Qutabº520 says: “The Arabs call them the “white” days [al-ayyåm al-bºæ]
because their nights are brightly illuminated by the moon, which is
visible [in the clear desert sky] from the beginning to the end of each night.”

Praise be to Allåh, the Lord of All the Worlds!

[al-¥amdu li’llåhi Rabbi ’l-‹ålamºn].

520 Also known as Ibn Qutaiba, he was born in A.H. 213 and died ca. A.H. 270. He is one of the
lexicologists and grammarians cited by E.W. Lane in his Arabic-English Lexicon. According to
Sir Hamilton Gibb:
“In a long series of works [Ibn Qutaiba] aimed to furnish the secretaries and the reading public with
compendia and extracts from all branches of Arabic learning, but incorporated in them also those
elements of the Persian historical and court-literature which could be harmonized with the Arabic and
Islamic humanities.” (H.A.R. Gibb. Arabic Literature. Oxford University Press, 1970, p. 77.)


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Concerning the Author 361

Concerning the Author,

Shaikh ‹Abd al-Qådir al-Jºlånº
A Brief Introduction by the Translator1

The Author’s Names and Titles

A rich store of information about the author of Sufficient Provision for

Seekers of the Path of Truth is conveniently available, to those familiar
with the religious and spiritual tradition of Islåm, in his names, his
surnames, and the many titles conferred upon him by his devoted
followers. It is not unusual for these to take up several lines in an Arabic
manuscript, but let us start with the short form of the author’s name as
it appears on the cover and title page of this book: Shaikh ‹Abd al-Qådir

Shaikh: A term applied throughout the Islamic world to respected

persons of recognized seniority in learning, experience and wisdom. Its
basic meaning in Arabic is “an elder; a man over fifty years of age.” (The
spellings Sheikh and Shaykh may also be encountered in English-
language publications.)
‹Abd al-Qådir: This is the author’s personal name, meaning “Servant
[or Slave] of the All-Powerful.” (The form ‹Abdul Qådir, which the
reader may come across elsewhere, is simply an alternative translitera-
tion of the Arabic spelling.) It has always been a common practice, in
the Muslim community, to give a male child a name in which ‹Abd is
prefixed to one of the Names of Allåh.
1 Reproduced for the convenience of the reader, with slight modifications from the
version printed on pp. xiii-xix of: Shaikh ‹Abd al-Qådir. Revelations of the Unseen
(Fut«¥ al-Ghaib). Translated from the Arabic by Muhtar Holland. Houston, Texas:
Al-Baz Publishing, Inc., 1992.


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362 Concerning the Author

al-Jºlånº: A surname ending in -º will often indicate the bearer’s place

of birth. Shaikh ‹Abd al-Qådir was born in the Iranian district of Gºlån,
south of the Caspian Sea, in A.H. 470/1077-8 C.E. (In some texts, the
Persian spelling Gºlånº is used instead of the arabicized form al-Jºlånº.
The abbreviated form al-Jºlº, which may also be encountered, should
not be confused with the surname of the venerable ‹Abd al-Kar‚m
al-Jºlº, author of the celebrated work al-Insån al-Kåmil, who came from
Jºl in the district of Baghdåd.)

Let us now consider a slightly longer version of the Shaikh’s name, as

it occurs near the beginning of Al-Fat¥ ar-Rabbånº [The Sublime Revela-
tion]: Sayyidunå ’sh-Shaikh Mu¥yi’d-Dºn Ab« Mu¥ammad ‹Abd al-Qådir
(Raæiya’llåhu ‹anh).
Sayyidunå ’sh-Shaikh: “Our Master, the Shaikh.” A writer who
regards himself as a Qådirº, a devoted follower of Shaikh ‹Abd al-Qådir,
will generally refer to the latter as Sayyidunå [our Master], or Sayyidº
[my Master].
Mu¥yi’d-Dºn: “Reviver of the Religion.” It is widely acknowledged by
historians, non-Muslim as well as Muslim, that Shaikh ‹Abd al-Qådir
displayed great courage in reaffirming the traditional teachings of
Islåm, in an era when sectarianism was rife, and when materialistic and
rationalistic tendencies were predominant in all sections of society.
In matters of Islamic jurisprudence [fiqh] and theology [kalåm], he
adhered quite strictly to the highly “orthodox” school of Imåm A¥mad
ibn ªanbal.
Ab« Mu¥ammad: “Father of Mu¥ammad.” In the Arabic system of
nomenclature, a man’s surnames usually include the name of his first-
born son, with the prefix Ab« [Father of—].
Raæiya’llåhu ‹anh: “May Allåh be well pleased with him!” This
benediction is the one customarily pronounced—and spelled out in
writing—after mentioning the name of a Companion of the Prophet
(Allåh bless him and give him peace). The preference for this particular
invocation is yet another mark of the extraordinary status held by
Shaikh ‹Abd al-Qådir in the eyes of his devoted followers.


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Concerning the Author 363

Finally, we must note some important elements contained within this

even longer version: al-Ghawth al-A‹œam Sul£ån al-Awliyå› Sayyidunå
’sh-Shaikh Mu¥yi’d-Dºn ‹Abd al-Qådir al-Jºlånº al-ªasanº al-ªusainº
(Raæiya’llåhu ‹anh).
al-Ghawth al-A‹œam: “The Supreme Helper” (or, “The Mightiest
Succor”). Ghawth is an Arabic word meaning: (1) A cry for aid or
succor. (2) Aid, help, succor; deliverance from adversity. (3) The chief
of the Saints, who is empowered by Allåh to bring succor to suffering
humanity, in response to His creatures’ cry for help in times of extreme
Sul£ån al-Awliyå›: “The Sultan of the Saints.” This reinforces the
preceding title, emphasizing the supremacy of the Ghawth above all
other orders of sanctity.
al-ªasanº al-ªusainº: “The descendant of both al-ªasan and al-ªusain,
the grandsons of the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace).” To
quote the Turkish author, Shaikh Muzaffer Ozak Efendi (may Allåh
bestow His mercy upon him): “The lineage of Shaikh ‹Abd al-Qådir is
known as the Chain of Gold, since both his parents were descendants
of the Messenger (Allåh bless him and give him peace). His noble
father, ‹Abdullåh, traced his descent by way of Imåm ªasan, while his
revered mother, Umm al-Khair, traced hers through Imåm ªusain.”

As for the many other surnames, titles and honorific appellations that
have been conferred upon Shaikh ‹Abd al-Qådir al-Jºlånº, it may suffice
at this point to mention al-Båz al-Ashhab [The Gray Falcon].

The Author’s Life in Baghdåd

Through the mists of legend surrounding the life of Shaikh ‹Abd

al-Qådir al-Jºlånº, it is possible to discern the outlines of the following
biographical sketch:

In A.H. 488, at the age of eighteen, he left his native province to become
a student in the great capital city of Baghdåd, the hub of political,
commercial and cultural activity, and the center of religious learning in


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364 Concerning the Author

the world of Islåm. After studying traditional sciences under

such teachers as the prominent ªanbalº jurist [faqºh], Ab« Sa‹d ‹Alº
al-Mukharrimº, he encountered a more spiritually oriented instructor
in the saintly person of Abu’l-Khair ªammåd ad-Dabbås. Then,
instead of embarking on his own professorial career, he abandoned
the city and spent twenty-five years as a wanderer in the desert regions
of ‹Iråq.
He was over fifty years old by the time he returned to Baghdåd, in A.H.
521/1127 C.E., and began to preach in public. His hearers were
profoundly affected by the style and content of his lectures, and his
reputation grew and spread through all sections of society. He moved
into the school [madrasa] belonging to his old teacher al-Mukharrimº,
but the premises eventually proved inadequate. In A.H. 528, pious
donations were applied to the construction of a residence and guesthouse
[ribå£], capable of housing the Shaikh and his large family, as well as
providing accommodation for his pupils and space for those who came
from far and wide to attend his regular sessions [majålis].
He lived to a ripe old age, and continued his work until his very last
breath, as we know from the accounts of his final moments recorded in
the Addendum to Revelations of the Unseen.
In the words of Shaikh Muzaffer Ozak Efendi: “The venerable ‹Abd al-
Qådir al-Jºlånº passed on to the Realm of Divine Beauty in A.H. 561/
1166 C.E., and his blessed mausoleum in Baghdåd is still a place of pious
visitation. He is noted for his extraordinary spiritual experiences and
exploits, as well as his memorable sayings and wise teachings. It is
rightly said of him that ‘he was born in love, grew in perfection, and met
his Lord in the perfection of love.’ May the All-Glorious Lord bring us
in contact with his lofty spiritual influence!”

The Author’s Literary Works

Al-Fat¥ ar-Rabbånº [The Sublime Revelation]. A collection of sixty-

two discourses delivered by Shaikh ‹Abd al-Qådir in the years A.H. 545-
546/1150-1152 C.E. Arabic text published by Dår al-Albåb, Damascus,


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Concerning the Author 365

n.d. Arabic text with Urdu translation: Madºna Publishing Co.,

Karachi, 1989. Translated from the Arabic by Muhtar Holland.
Houston, Texas: Al-Baz Publishing, Inc., 1992.
Even a non-Muslim scholar like D.S. Margoliouth was so favorably
impressed by the content and style of Al-Fat¥ ar-Rabbånº that he wrote:2
“The sermons included in [this work] are some of the very best in
Muslim literature: the spirit which they breathe is one of charity and
philanthropy: the preacher would like to ‘close the gates of Hell and
open those of Paradise to all mankind.’ He employs »«fº technicalities
very rarely, and none that would occasion the ordinary reader much
Malf«œåt [Utterances]. A loosely organized compilation of talks and
sayings by Shaikh ‹Abd al-Qådir, almost equal in total length to
Revelations of the Unseen. Frequently treated as a kind of appendix or
supplement to manuscript and printed versions of Al-Fat¥ ar-Rabbånº.
Translated from the Arabic by Muhtar Holland. Houston, Texas:
Al-Baz Publishing, Inc., 1992.
Fut«¥ al-Ghaib [Revelations of the Unseen]. A collection of
seventy-eight discourses. The Arabic text, edited by Mu¥ammad
Sålim al-Bawwåb, has been published by Dår al-Albåb, Damascus,
1986. German translation: W. Braune. Die Fut«¥ al-Gaib des ‹Abd
al-Qådir. Berlin and Leipzig: Walter de Gruyter & Co., 1933. English
translations: (1) M. Aftab-ud-Din Ahmad. Futuh Al-Ghaib [The Revela-
tions of the Unseen]. Lahore, Pakistan: Sh. Muhammad Ashraf. Repr.
1986. (2) Shaikh ‹Abd al-Qådir al-Jºlånº. Revelations of the Unseen
(Fut«¥ al-Ghaib). Translated from the Arabic by Muhtar Holland.
Houston, Texas: Al-Baz Publishing, Inc., 1992.
Jalå› al-Khawå£ir [The Removal of Cares]. A collection of forty-five
discourses by Shaikh ‹Abd al-Qådir. Arabic text with Urdu translation
published by Maktaba Nabawiyya, Lahore, n.d. Translated from the
Arabic by Muhtar Holland. Ft. Lauderdale, Florida: Al-Baz Publishing,
. Inc., 1997.
2 In his article “‹Abd al-Kådir” in Encyclopaedia of Islam (also printed in Shorter
Encyclopaedia of Islam. Leiden, Netherlands: E.J. Brill, 1961).


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366 Concerning the Author

Sirr al-Asrår [The Secret of Secrets]. A short work, divided into

twenty-four chapters, in which “the realities within our faith and our
path are divulged.” English translation: The Secret of Secrets by ªaærat
‹Abd al-Qådir al-Jºlånº, interpreted by Shaykh Tosun Bayrak al-Jerrahi
al-Halveti. Cambridge, England: The Islamic Texts Society, 1992.
Al-Ghunya li-£ålibº £arºq al-¥aqq [Sufficient Provision for Seekers
of the Path of Truth]. Arabic text published in two parts by Dår
al-Albåb, Damascus, n.d., 192 pp. + 200 pp. Translated from the
Arabic (in 5 vols.) by Muhtar Holland. Hollywood, Florida:
Al-Baz Publishing, Inc., 1997.
Other works attributed to Shaikh ‹Abd al-Qådir include short treatises
on some of the Divine Names; litanies [awråd/a¥zåb]; prayers and
supplications [da‹awåt/munåjåt]; mystical poems [qaƒå›id].

May Allåh forgive our mistakes and failings, and may He bestow His
blessings upon all connected with our project—especially our gracious
readers! Ámºn.

Muhtar Holland


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About the Translator 367

About the Translator

Muhtar Holland was born in 1935, in the ancient city of Durham
in the North East of England. This statement may be considered
anachronistic, however, since he did not bear the name Muhtar
until 1969, when he was moved—by powerful experiences in the
latihan kejiwaan of Subud—to embrace the religion of Islåm.*
At the age of four, according to an entry in his father’s diary, he said
to a man who asked his name: “I’m a stranger to myself.” During
his years at school, he was drawn most strongly to the study of
languages, which seemed to offer signposts to guide the stranger on
his “Journey Home,” apart from their practical usefulness to one who
loved to spend his vacations traveling—at first on a bicycle—
through foreign lands. Serious courses in Latin, Greek, French,
Spanish and Danish, with additional smatterings of Anglo-Saxon,
Italian, German and Dutch. Travels in France, Germany, Belgium,
Holland and Denmark. Then a State Scholarship and up to Balliol
College, Oxford, for a degree course centered on the study of Arabic
and Turkish. Travels in Turkey and Syria. Then National Service
in the Royal Navy, with most of the two years spent on an intensive
course in the Russian language.
In the years since graduation from Oxford and Her Majesty’s
Senior Service, Mr. Holland has held academic posts at the Univer-
sity of Toronto, Canada; at the School of Oriental and African
Studies in the University of London, England (with a five-month
leave to study Islamic Law in Cairo, Egypt); and at the Universiti
Kebangsaan in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (followed by a six-month
sojourn in Indonesia). He also worked as Senior Research Fellow at
the Islamic Foundation in Leicester, England, and as Director of the
N«r al-Islåm Translation Center in Valley Cottage, New York.
* The name Muhtar was received at that time from Bapak Muhammad Subuh
Sumohadiwidjojo, of Wisma Subud, Jakarta, in response to a request for a suitable
Muslim name. In strict academic transliteration from the Arabic, the spelling would
be Mukhtår. The form Muchtar is probably more common in Indonesia than Muhtar,
which happens to coincide with the modern Turkish spelling of the name. 367

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368 About the Translator

His freelance activities have mostly been devoted to writing and

translating in various parts of the world, including Scotland and
California. He made his Pilgrimage [ªajj] to Mecca in 1980.
Published works include the following:
Al-Ghazålº. On the Duties of Brotherhood. Translated from the Classical Arabic
by Muhtar Holland. London: Latimer New Dimensions, 1975. New York:
Overlook Press, 1977. Repr. 1980 and 1993.
Sheikh Muzaffer Ozak al-Jerrahi. The Unveiling of Love. Translated from the
Turkish by Muhtar Holland. New York: Inner Traditions, 1981. Westport,
Ct.: Pir Publications, 1990.
Ibn Taymºya. Public Duties in Islåm. Translated from the Arabic by Muhtar
Holland. Leicester, England: Islamic Foundation, 1982.
Hasan Shushud. Masters of Wisdom of Central Asia. Translated from the
Turkish by Muhtar Holland. Ellingstring, England: Coombe Springs Press,
Al-Ghazålº. Inner Dimensions of Islamic Worship. Translated from the Arabic
by Muhtar Holland. Leicester, England: Islamic Foundation, 1983.
Sheikh Muzaffer Ozak al-Jerrahi. Irshåd. Translated [from the Turkish] with an
Introduction by Muhtar Holland. Warwick, New York: Amity House, 1988.
Westport, Ct.: Pir Publications, 1990.
Sheikh Muzaffer Ozak al-Jerrahi. Blessed Virgin Mary. Translation from the
Original Turkish by Muhtar Holland. Westport, Ct.: Pir Publications, 1991.
Sheikh Muzaffer Ozak al-Jerrahi. The Garden of Dervishes. Translation from
the Original Turkish by Muhtar Holland. Westport, Ct.: Pir Publications,
Sheikh Muzaffer Ozak al-Jerrahi. Adornment of Hearts. Translation from the
Original Turkish by Muhtar Holland and Sixtina Friedrich. Westport, Ct.: Pir
Publications, 1991.
Sheikh Muzaffer Ozak al-Jerrahi. Ashki’s Divan. Translation from the Original
Turkish by Muhtar Holland and Sixtina Friedrich. Westport, Ct.: Pir
Publications, 1991.
Shaikh ‹Abd al-Qådir al-Jºlånº. Revelations of the Unseen (Fut«¥ al-Ghaib).
Translated from the Arabic by Muhtar Holland. Houston, Texas: Al-Baz
Publishing, Inc., 1992
Shaikh ‹Abd al-Qådir al-Jºlånº. The Sublime Revelation (al-Fat¥ ar-Rabbånº).
Translated from the Arabic by Muhtar Holland. Houston, Texas: Al-Baz
Publishing, Inc., 1992
Shaikh ‹Abd al-Qådir al-Jºlånº. Utterances (Malf«œåt). Translated from the
Arabic by Muhtar Holland. Houston, Texas: Al-Baz Publishing, Inc., 1992
Shaikh ‹Abd al-Qådir al-Jºlånº. The Removal of Cares (Jalå› al-Khawå£ir).
Translated from the Arabic by Muhtar Holland. Ft. Lauderdale, Florida:
Al-Baz Publishing, Inc., 1997


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Subject Index 369

Subject Index, Volume Three

Abraham. Set of ten peculiar to—, the Bosom Friend of the All-Merciful [‹ashr Ibråhºm
Khalºl ar-Ra¥mån] (peace be upon him), 179–80
Absolution. See Night of—
Adam. Set of ten peculiar to—[‹ashr Ádam] (peace be upon him), 179
Aæ¥å. See Sacrifice
Alms-due. Concerning zakåt al-fi£r [special—payable immediately after month of
Ramaæån], 142–45
Animal. —sacrifice [uæ¥iyya] a recommended customary practice [sunna], 258. Animals
most suitable for sacrifice, 259–61. See Immolation.
‹Arafa/‹Arafåt. Special qualities of the day of ‹Arafa, 204–27. Why the Place of
Standing [al-Mawqif] came to be called ‹Arafåt, while the day spent standing there
became known as [the Day of] ‹Arafa, 211–15. Noble dignity of the Day of ‹Arafa, and
of its Night, 216–21. Keeping fast on the Day of ‹Arafa, ritual prayers [ƒalawåt]
performed thereon, and invocations [da‹awåt] prescribed for it, 222–27
‹Ásh«rå›. Special qualities of the Day of—, 278–94. Origin and significance of the
term “—”, 285–87. Which day in Mu¥arram is the Day of—, 288–89. Martyrdom of
al-ªusain ibn ‹Ali (may Allåh be well pleased with him and with his father) on the Day
of—, 290–91. Mistaken doctrine that the Day of—should be regarded as a day of tragic
misfortune, 292–93
Breaking fast. What to say at the time of breaking one’s fast, 47. Concerning ‹Id
al-Fi£r [Festival of—after month of Ramaæån], 146–49. See Supreme Greatness
Charismatic exploits. —of the Prophets [karåmåt al-anbiyå›] during the Ten Days of
Dhu ’l-ªijja, 172–76
Chieftain. An anonymous saying, in which every sentence begins: “The—[sayyid]
of…is…,” 98–99
Chosen One. Five nights granted by Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He) to the—
[al-Muƒ£afå] (Allåh bless him and give him peace), 119–24
Congregation. “Which is more excellent, the night of the Day of Congregational
Prayer [Lailat al-Jum‹a], or the Night of Power [Lailat al-Qadr]?” 112–16. Why it is
preferable to perform the taråwº¥ prayers in—, 130–35. See Friday
Consecration. Merits of one who enters the state of—for the Pilgrimage [a¥rama bi’l-
ªajj], who declares his readiness to serve [labbå], and sets out for the House [of Allåh]
and makes his approach thereto, 192–97. Pilgrim who is still in state of—[mu¥rim], 275
Day of Tarwiyya. Commemoration of the—, 188–91. How and why the—came to
be so called, 198
Days of the week. Special qualities of the—[ayyåm al-usb«‹], 351–56. See Fasting


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370 Volume Three

Dhikr. See Remembrance

Dºn. See Religion
Du‹å›. See Supplication
Fasting. Merit of—on the first day of Rajab, 27–29. Merit of—on first Thursday in
Rajab, 37–39. Merit of—during twenty-seventh day of Rajab, 40–41. Refinements of
behavior that are appropriate while keeping the fast [ådab aƒ-ƒiyåm] and forms of
misconduct [åthåm] that are forbidden, 42–46. Traditional reports concerning the
encouragement of—on certain days of the week, 351–56. Merit of—on the “white
days” [ƒiyåm al-ayyåm al-bºæ], 357–60. See ‹Arafa.
Festival. Concerning ‹Id al-Fi£r [—of Breaking Fast after month of Ramaæån] and why
the Arabic term ‹Id is so appropriately applied to it, 146–49. Four Festivals [A‹yåd]
celebrated by four peoples [aqwåm] in the course of history, 150–59. The believer
[mu›min] and the unbeliever [kåfir] both take part in the—[‹Ïd], albeit for very different
reasons. 160–61. True significance and character of the—[‹Ïd], 162–65. Roads taken
by the believer [mu›min] on his way to and from the—prayer [ƒalåt al-‹Ïd], 251–52.
See Supreme Greatness
Forgiveness. —sent down on the middle night of Sha‹bån, 54–69
Four. Sets of—, 56–57. —Festivals [A‹yåd] celebrated by—peoples [aqwåm] in the
course of history, 150–59. —summoning calls [da‹awåt], 199–203
Friday. Special qualities of—, the Day of Congregation [al-Jum‹a], 295–325. One very
special hour that occurs on every—, 315–19. Invocation of blessing on the Prophet
(Allåh bless him and give him peace) on—, the Day of Congregation, 320–21.
Qur›ånic recitation recommended in the dawn prayer [ƒalåt aƒ-ƒub¥] on—, 322–24.
Why—came to be called the Day of Congregation [Yawm al-Jum‹a], 325. See Rajab
Garden of Paradise. How the month of Ramaæån will be experienced by the
inhabitants of the—, 88–95
Good pleasure. Divine—[riæwån] sent down on the middle night of Sha‹bån, 54–69
ªusain ibn ‹Ali. See ‹Ásh«rå›
Hypocritical display. Necessity for every devout worshipper and truly experienced
believer to be constantly on guard against—[riyå›], the desire to impress fellow
creatures, and vain conceit, 337–50
‹Ïd. See Festival
Immolation. Special qualities of the Day of—[Yawm al-Na¥r], 228–31. Concerning
the Rite of Immolation [an-Na¥r], 247–50. Special quality of the Day of—and the
sacrificial animal [faæºla Yawm an-Na¥r wa ’l-uæ¥iyya], 253–56
Ikhlåƒ. See Sincere devotion
Invocation. See ‹Arafa; Friday
Jum‹a. See Congregation; Friday
Mawqif. See Place of standing
Moses. Set of ten peculiar to—[‹ashr M«så] (peace be upon him), 181–82
Mu¥ammad. Set of ten peculiar to—, our own Chosen Prophet [‹ashr Nabiyyi-na’l-
Muƒ£afå] (Allåh bless him and give him peace), 182
Mu¥arram. See ‹Ásh«rå›
Muezzin. The—[mu›adhdhin] summons to the ritual prayer [ƒalåt], and to the abode of
the commandment of Allåh (Exalted is He), 201–3.
Na¥r. See Immolation
Night of Absolution. The—[Lailat al-Barå›a]: its special mercy, grace and merits, 60–66.
Why the—is so called, 67–68


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Subject Index 371

Night of Power. Excellent properties of the—[Lailat al-Qadr],100–5. The—should be

looked for during the last ten days of the month of Ramaæån, 106–11. “Why has Allåh
not informed His servants of an exact date, on which the—is certain to occur?” 117–18.
Features that indicate arrival of the—, 125. Concluding remarks on the—, 136–40. See
Pilgrim. See Consecration.
Power. See Night of —.
Prayer. See Ritual prayer [ƒalåt]; Supplication [du‹å›].
Qur›ån. Interpretations of the words of Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He): “The
month of Ramaæån, in which the—was sent down [shahru Ramaæåna’lladhº unzila fº-hi’l-
Qur›ånu],” 81–83. Why it is preferable to recite the—in a clearly audible voice in the
course of the taråwº¥ prayers, 130–35. See Friday; Remembrance; S«ra; Taråwº¥
Rajab. On the excellent qualities of the month of—, 5–53. Etymological derivation
of the word Rajab, 8–10. Other names given to the month of—, 11–23. Traditional
reports concerning sacred month of—, 23–26. Merit of fasting on the first day of—,
and of keeping vigil throughout the first night of that month, 27–29. Prayers of
supplication on the first night of—, 32–33. Blessings bestowed on those who perform
the ritual prayer [ƒalåt] during the month of—, 34–36. Merit of fasting on the first
Thursday in—, and of performing ritual prayer [ƒalåt] during the first Friday night of that
month, 37–39. Merit of fasting during the twenty-seventh day of—, 40–41. The
month of—is a time when prayers of supplication are sure to be answered, 48–53
Ramaæån. Excellent qualities of the month of—, 70–165. Significance of the term
“Ramaæån,” as it is used by Allåh (Exalted is He) in the Qur›ån, 78–80. Excellent
qualities peculiar to the month of—, 84–87. Significance of each of the five letters in
the word “Ramaæån” [as that word is spelled in the Arabic script], 96–97. See Garden
of Paradise; Qur݌n
Readiness to serve. See Consecration.
Religion. Significance of the words of Allåh (Exalted is He): “Today I have perfected
your religion for you [al-yawma akmaltu la-kum dºna-kum],” 208–10
Remembrance. Concerning the—[dhikr] of Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He),
233–40. Things which Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He) has called “a—[dhikr]” in
the Qur›ån, 267–69. See Tashrºq
Repentance. Concerning the necessity of—[tawba], 327–29
Riæwån. See Good pleasure
Ritual prayer. See ‹Arafa; Festival; Friday; Rajab; Sacrifice; Sha‹bån; Taråwº¥; Ten
Riyå›. See Hypocritical display
Sacrifice. Special qualities of the Day of—[Yawm al-Aæ¥å], 228–31. Concerning the
words of Allåh (Almighty and Glorious is He): “So pray to your Lord and—[fa ƒalli
li-Rabbi-ka wa’n¥ar],” 232. Ritual prayer [ƒalåt] of the Night of—[Lailat al-Aæ¥å], 257.
See Animal
»alåt. See Ritual prayer
Sha‹bån. Special merit of the month of—, and the forgiveness and divine good pleasure
[riæwån] sent down on the middle night of that month, 54–69. Prayer of Benefits
[»alåtu’l-Khair] traditionally performed on the night of mid-—, 69. Meanings of the five
Arabic letters of the word Sha‹bån, 58–59


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372 Volume Three

Shu‹aib. Set of ten peculiar to the Prophet—[‹ashr Shu‹aib an-Nabº] (peace be upon
him), 180–81
Sincere devotion. Significance of—[ikhlåƒ], 330–36
Standing. See Place of —
Summons. The—[da‹wa] issued by Allåh to His servants, 199. The—[da‹wa] issued
by the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace), 199–201. The—issued by
Abraham, the Bosom Friend [Ibråhºm al-Khalºl] (peace be upon him), 203. See Muezzin
Supplication. Concerning the practice of—[du‹å›], 241–46. See Rajab
Supreme Greatness. Appropriate frequency of takbºr [proclaiming the—of Allåh]
during the days of Tashrºq, 272–74. Practice of takbºr on the Festival of Breaking Fast
[‹Ïd al-Fi£r], 276–77
S«ra. When and why recitation of the—of the Clot of Blood [S«rat al-‹Alaq] is
recommended, 130–35. Concerning the words of Allåh (Exalted is He) in the—of the
Dawn [S«rat al-Fajr]: “Your Lord is surely ever on the watch [inna Rabba-ka la-bi’l-
mirƒåd].” 186–87
Takbºr. See Supreme Geatness
Taråwº¥. Concerning the ritual prayer called ƒålåt at-taråwº¥: how it was practiced in
the time of the Prophet (Allåh bless him and give him peace), and how it came to be
more strictly observed during the Caliphate of ‹Umar ibn al-Kha££åb (may Allåh be
well pleased with him), 126–29. Why it is considered preferable to perform the—
prayers in congregation, and to recite the Qur݌n in a clearly audible voice in the course
of their performance, 130–35
Tarwiyya. See Day of —.
Tashrºq. Remembrance [dhikr] of Allåh during the Days of—, 262-66. Why these days
are called the Days of—, 270–71
Tawba. See Repentance
Ten. Sets of—[al-‹ashr] peculiar to each of five Prophets [Anbiyå›] (peace be upon them
all), 179–82.
Ten Days. Special qualities of the—[Ayyåm al-‹Ashr], 166–203. Ritual prayer [ƒalåt]
traditionally recommended during the—, 177–78. Ten gifts of grace bestowed by Allåh
(Exalted is He) upon those who honor these—, 183–85. See Charismatic exploits
‹Umar ibn al-Kha££åb. See Taråwº¥.
Vain conceit. See Hypcritical display
Vigil. Merit of fasting on the first day of Rajab, and of keeping—throughout the first
night of that month, 27–29. Fourteen nights of the year when keeping—is particularly
commendable, 30–31
White days. Special qualities of the “—” [al-ayyåm al-bºæ], 357–60. See Fasting
Worshipful service. Seventeen days on which it is particularly commendable to
devote oneself assiduously to—[‹ibåda], 30–31
Zakåt. See Alms-due


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374 Volume Three


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45 Discourses by Shaikh ‹Abd al-Qådir al-Jºlånº
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Books scheduled for publication

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1. Concerning the Affirmation of Divine Oneness

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Allåh. Also in the book is a commentary by Shaikh Zakariyyå› al-Anƒårº called
“Kitåb Fat¥ ar-Ra¥mån.” Also in the book is a commentary on the commentary
by Shaikh ‹Alº ibn ‹A£iyya ‹Alawån al-ªamawº (d. A.H. 936) called “Shar¥ Fat¥
ar-Ra¥mån.” This is a very important book. Translated by Muhtar Holland.

2. The Proper Conduct of Marriage in Islåm (Ádåb an-Nikå¥)

by Imåm al-Ghazålº
This is Book 12 of I¥yå ‹Ul«m ad-Dºn. Translated by Muhtar Holland.

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376 Volume Three

3. Fifteen Letters
(Khamsata ‹Ashara Makt«ban otherwise known as Makt«båt)
Fifteen letters by Shaikh ‹Abd al-Qådir al-Jºlånº to one of his disciples.
Originally written in Persian, they were translated into Arabic by ‹Alº
ªusåmu’d-dºn al-Muttaqº (the Devout). Translated by Muhtar Holland.

4. Necklaces of Gems (Qalå›id al-Jawåhir)

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him), on the Marvelous Exploits of the Crown of the Saints, the Treasure-trove
of the Pure, the Sul£ån of the Awliyå›, the Sublime Qu£b, Shaikh Mu¥yi’d-dºn
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