BPFI Session 26.pps
BPFI Session 26.pps
BPFI Session 26.pps
Problem Statement:
The service manager, John, receives another telephone call
from Orlando Gee, owner of A Bike Store. He informs John
that he wants to cancel the activation of savings account for
the new workers. Now, John needs to cancel the service
activity that he scheduled for Rex.
Prerequisite: To perform this activity, you need to login as
John by entering the following details:
User name: John
Password: password@1234
Cancel the service activity using the service calendar.
A group of resources:
Helps the service manager to easily find a resource, who is
available to perform the specific service.
Problem Statement:
The service manager, John, wants to group three customer
service representatives(Rex Ruth, Jim Taylor, and Jack
George) of the BlueGear bank into a resource group to help
scheduling of resources with a specific skill set (loan
processing and loan issues).
Prerequisite: To perform this activity, you need to login as John
by entering the following details:
User name: John
Password: password@1234
Add multiple resources to a resource group.
Problem Statement:
The scheduling manager, John, wants to assign specific work
schedules to the customer service representative (Jim Taylor)
added in the resource group for loan processing and resolving
loan issues. This work schedule should include the start time
as 8.00 AM and the end time as 2.00 PM, including six billable
hours in a working day.
Prerequisite: To perform this activity, you need to login as John
by entering the following details:
User name: John
Password: password@1234
Schedule the working schedule for a user.