1985 Dutchess County Natural Resources Inventory (NRI)

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Dutchess Caunty, New Yark


Prepared by
Dutchess County Department of Planning
and the
Dutchess County Environmental Management Council
Printed by
Dutchess County Cooperative Extension Association
Copies of this publication may be ordered from:
Dutchess County Department of Planning
47 Cannon Street
Poughkeepsie, New York 12601
(914) 431-2480

Dutchess County Environmental Management Council

Farm and Home Center
PO Box259
Millbrook, New York 12545
(914) 677-3488
To Readers of this Natural Resource Inventory

Dutchess County is growing. Each year its population increases by

more than 2,200 people and eighteen hundred acres of forests and
farmlands are converted to shopping centers, industrial parks and home
sites. Such growth has brought an unprecedented era of prosperity
to the county. Growth has not, however, been without costs. Some
of our important natural resources have been lost to development.
Significant wetlands have been filled, homes have been constructed in
areas that flood and ground water resources have been abused. Remedies
for such problems have been costly-far more costly than prevention.
Many of the environmental problems associated with growth in
Dutchess County have resulted from a lack of information about the
county's natural resources. We cannot act in an environmentally
responsible way without knowledge of natural systems and how they are
affected by land use activities. In response, we have placed the highest
priority on the development of this Natural Resource Inventory as a means
of reducing this information gap. The inventory is intended to provide
decisionmakers with the resources needed to make sound economic and
environmental decisions thereby protecting and enhancing the
county's environment.
We will continue to encourage growth in Dutchess County. We
believe a healthy environment is a necessary condition for continued
economic growth. We urge you to work with us in a way that will
secure our rich natural heritage for those generations to come.

Douglas A. Mc Hou I Lucille P. Pattison

Chairman, County Legislature County Executive

We gratefully acknowledge the following people, all of whom

participated in the preparation of this report.

Natural Resource Inventory Review Committee:

Eric Gillert, Chairperson

Lynn Bartlett Robert Denniston William Reiner

Norman Benson William Jacobs Charles Shaw

Dutchess County Environmental Management Council:

Norene Coller, Chairperson

Dr. Michael Rosenthal, Past Chairperson
Charles Shaw, Executive Director
Doris Mills, Secretary

Dutchess County Department of Planning:

Roger Akeley, Commissioner

Jeffrey Churchill, Deputy Commissioner

Dennis Arnone Helen Laube Charles Murphy

Donna Breault Tracy Lee Christine Squires
Eric Gillert Dorothy Leeds Holly Thomas
Donna Hart

Dutchess County CooperativeExtension Association:

William Hogan, Executive Director

Darra Finkle David Mills Joyce Sampson

Barbara Mallen Sue Robertson Betty Stowe

Special Acknowledgements:

Leila Baroody, Researcher Don "The Hawk" Foster

Erik Kiviat, Contributing Writer Frank Knight
Ellen Muller, Contributing Editor

Project Directors: Eric Gillert & Charles Shaw

Principal Writer & Editor: Holly Thomas
Graphic Designer: Dennis Arnone

Table of Contents

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Definitions and Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Environs........................................................ 1
County Profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Format and Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Concepts....................................................... 4
Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

1. Climate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Winds .......................................................... 12
Precipitation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Sun/Cloud Cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Severe Weather Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Air Resources................................................... 18
Noise Pollution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Resource Management Implications.............................. 21

2. Geology ....................................................... 21
Bedrock ........................................................ 27
Geologic Faults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Glacial and Recent Sediment Deposits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Resource Management Implications.............................. 38

3. Topography ....... , ........................................... 43

Relief ........................................................... 43
Slope ........................................................... 44
Resource Management Implications ............................. 47

4. Hydrology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Drainage Basins and Watercourses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Surface Water Quantity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Surface Water Quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Groundwater Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Floodplains. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Wetlands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Resource Management Implications.............................. 79

5. Soils .......................................................... 85
Surveys ......................................................... 87
Major Soil Areas ................................................. 88
Depth and Permeability. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Erosion and Sedimentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Prime and Important Agricultural Soils ............................ 97
Resource Management Implications.............................. 98

6. Vegetation .................................................... 101
History ......................................................... 101
Types of Vegetation ............................................. 103
Forests ......................................................... 107
Brushland ..................................................... 110
Plantations .................................................... 111
Wetlands ....................................................... 112
Agricultural and Developed Land ................................. 113
Uses of .Vegetation ........................................... 116
Changes in Vegetation ........................................... 117
Resource Management Implications ............................. 120

7. Wildlife ....................................................... 123

Habitat Types .................................................. 123
Habitat Changes ................................................ 124
Troubled Species ............................................... 125
Important Species ............................................. 125
Vertebrate Species ............................................ 126
Resource Management Implications ............................. 141

8. Significant Areas ............................................ 145

Significant Natural Areas ........................................ 145
Scenic Resources ............................................. 155
Scenic Roads ................................................... 160
Resource Management Implications ............................. 163

Appendix ..................................................... 167

Bibliography ................................................. 189


Maps Facing Pages

Environs ............................................................ 28
Bedrock ............................................................. 34
Geologic Faults ...................................................... 36
Glacial Deposits ..................................................... 44
Elevations ........................................................... 46
Slope ............................................................... 52
Drainage Basins ..................................................... 66
Groundwater Occurrences ........................................... 74
Floodplains ......................................................... 78
Wetlands ............................................................ 89
Soil Permeability ..................................................... 94
Soil Depth ........................................................... 94
Vegetation ......................................................... 104

1.1 Climatic Regions ................................................ 7
1.2 Average Annual Temperat,ures .................................... 8
1.3 Normal Temperatures ............................................ 8
1.4 Heating Degree Days ............................................. 9
1.5 Growing Degree Days ........................................... 10
1.6 Dates of First Frost ............................................. 11
1.7 Dates of Last Frost .............................................. 11
1.8 Windrose ....................................................... 13
1.9 Normal Precipitation ............................................ 14
1.10 Annual Precipitation ............................................ 14
1.11 Average Monthly Sunshine ...................................... 15
1.12 Climate and Building Site Suitability ............................. 23
2.1 Bedrock Patterns ............................................... 28
2.2 Types of Faults ................................................. 33
2.3 Surficial Deposits ............................................... 34
3.1 Slope Calculation ............................................... 44
3.2 Slope Categories .......... -. .................................... 45
3.3 Siting Considerations: Hollows .................................. 48
3.4 Siting Considerations: Hillsides ................................. 49
4.1 The Hydrologic Cycle ........................................... 51
4.2 Water Flow at the Watershed Boundary ........................... 52
4.3 Hudson and Housatonic Drainage Basins ........................ 53
4.4 Effects of Overcrowding on Groundwater Supplies ................ 69
4.5 Effect of Paving on Rainfall Absorption, Runoff, and Evaporation ... 71
4.6 Effects of Overcrowding on Groundwater Quality ................. 73
4.7 The 100-year Floodplain ......................................... 74
5.1 Composition of an Average Soil .................................. 85
5.2 Typical Soil Profile .............................................. 87
5.3 The Relationship Between Soil Texture and Water Runoff .......... 94
6.1 Vegetation Type as Percent of County Area ...................... 104
6.2 Site Types, Relative Elevations, and Environmental Gradients ..... 108
8.1 Significant Areas of Dutchess County ........................... 146


1.1 Freeze Data .................................................... 12

3.1 Steep Slope Acreage By Municipality ............................ 46
4.1 Major Drainage Basins in Dutchess County ....................... 53
4.2 Lakes and Ponds ................................................ 57
4.3 Runoff Coefficients for Uniform Level Surfaces ................... 60
4.4 Runoff Coefficients for Composite Land Uses .................... 61
4.5 Stream Classifications .......................................... 64
4.6 Reported Well Yields ............................................ 67
4.7 Recharge Rates and Recommended Maximum Densities .......... 70
4.8 100-year Floodplain Acreages .................................... 75
4.9 Freshwater Wetlands ........................................... 79
5.1 Interpretation of Generalized Soils Maps ......................... 89
5.2 Erosion in Dutchess County Watersheds, 1974.................... 95
5.3 Erosion Rates for Major Land Uses ............................... 96
6.1 Characteristic Plants of Major Site/Use Types ................... 105
6.2 Farmland in Dutchess County .................................. 114
7.1 Vertebrate Wildlife of Dutchess County ......................... 129
8.1 Significant Area Ownership .................................... 154
8.2 Hudson River Vantage Points ................................... 156
8.3 Scenic Vantage Points Along Major Roadways ................... 158
8.4 Open Space Resources ......................................... 158
8.5 Roads Nominated for Scenic Road Designation .................. 161

C limate, the characteristic long-term weather
pattern of an ar ea, affects al l components of the natural
environm en t and human activiti es. Temperature, winds,
humidity , preci p it ation, and other climatic factors con-
tinually shape lan d and water resour ce s and their uses .

Dutchess County is located i n the north temp erat e

climatic zone. Its climate is humid continental ( see
Figure 1. 1), characteri zed by stron g seasonal contrasts
and highly variable weath er. Major weather systems that
move up the Atlantic Coast or across the continental
United States contribute to th is variety . Ampl e year-
round p recipitation is supplemented in late summer by
tropical maritime air masses. Pol ar air masses from
Can ada move sou theast through the area to dominate the
wi nters.

Climatic Regions

D Undifferentiated Highlands
- Tropical Savanna l:;::=;::::J Humid Subtropical , Warm Summer
- Middle Latitude Steppe Dry Climates ~*::,3 Marine West Coast, Cool Summer
~ Middle Latitude Desert IIIIII Humid Continental, Warm Summer
1%:i Dry Summer Subtropical 0 Humid Continental, Cool Summer
Redrawn and adapted from Trewartha, Elements of Physical Geography, 1957.

Figure 1.1

Continental areas are the source of the pr edom inan t

air flow, but Dutc hess County and the entire Hudson
Valley al so enjoy the moderati ng effects of air masses
from t he Atlantic Ocean. This maritime influe nce results

in mi l der winter temperatures and longer free ze-free
seasons than those found at the same latitude farther
inland. The Catsk ii I Mountains to the west and northwest
also partly shield the county from cold polar air.
Average Annual Temperatures
Moderate temperatures and sufficient precipitation
Major Cities near Poughkeepsie
make Dutchess County an excel lent location for farming,

while seasonal variations help to attract tourists and
recreation al users. The county 1 s relatively warm summers
Syracuse( !) --~- Boston(2) and cold winters result in substantial heati ng and cool-
47.3 ._
47.7 51.3 \ ing costs for homes and businesses.
Hart lord 12)


Temperature is a measure of the intensity of heat.
54.5 The county's average annua l temperatures for the four
Philadelphia (2)
coldest months , December through March, and four warmest
54.G months, June through September, are 30 . 8 and 70 .6 degrees
Fahrenheit, respectively . The lowest and highest tempera-
Source: U.S. Dept ol Commerce, NOAA
(1) 1951 -1980 Data tures ever recorded at the Poughkeepsie weather station
(2) 1975, 1976, or 1977 Dat a were 21 degrees below zero in February 1897, and 107 de-
Figure 1.2 grees in July 1966. The average annual temperatures of
Poughkeepsie (49.1 degrees), and of six major cities
within 150 miles of Dutchess County can be compared in
Figure 1.2.

The temperature in Dutchess County usually exceeds

90 degrees between 25 and 30 days a year. Cool summers
may have fewer than 15 days of 90 degree temperatures,
while hot summers may have more than 40 such days . Brief
hot spells with uncomfortably high humidity occur during
Normal Temperatures most summers.
Dutchess County
(Degrees Fahrenheit)
Four to seven days of zero or below zero degree
weather usually occur between mid-December and ear ly
73 March. During unusually mild winters, temperatures may
--- - ----- - - ~-- --- 61-~
fall to zero only once. Temperatures colder than 15 below
59 zero are recorded approxima tely once in 20 years.
The average monthly temperatures in Dutchess County
38 """" are shown in Figure 1.3. These temperatures are averages
32" ,....
- --~
-- -~ -- - - ,-.
30 of data co l lected at the four official weather stations
in the county: Glenham, Mil lb rook, Poughkeepsie, and the
Dutchess County Airport (Poughk eeps ie FAA Flight Service
Station) . The act ual monthly temperatures at each of
these stations, along with the station coordinates and
JFMAMJJASOND elevations, are listed in the append ix.
Temperatures are averaged for four weather stations
in the County. Data from each station are listed In the County weather information has been gathered only at
the four locations listed above , and in Millerton. It is
Source U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA. difficult to assess accurately the local mi cro-cli'mates
Figure 1.3 of areas whose topographic features differ from ~hese
locations. It is apparent, however, that fruit orchards

and vineyards thrive in the relatively mild te,neratures
along both sides of the Hudson River. Cooler temperatures
prevail in the higher elevations and the northeastern
section of the county. The Harlem Va I ley is also usually
colder than western Dutchess County because of the
valley's distance from the moderating influence of the
Hudson River and from the leeward protection of the
Catskil I Mountains.

Heating Degree Days

Heating degree days are a measure of the number of

Healing Degree Days
days the average daily temperature is below 65 degrees. Poughkeepsie, New York
This measure is important to homeowners and the heating 65Base
industry because space heating is normally required at
temperatures below this level. A day with an average 1259

temperature of 65 degrees or more is said to have zero ~

heating degree days, while a day with an average tempera-
ture of 50 degrees has 15 heating degree days (65-50=15
degrees). As the number of heating degree days in-
creases, so does the use of eneryy to heat homes and ~
The number of heating deyree days in Dutchess County ~
ranges from 5,000 in the south to 7,000 in the north and
northeast. Poughkeepsie has an annual average of 6,366
heating degree days. As shown in Figure 1.4, the summer
months of June, July, and August require little or no
heat. Each of the months of December, January, and
n 28
0 0~

Source: U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA

February has more than 1,000 heating degree days. Based on 1951 1980 data.

Figure 1.4
Growing Degree Days

Growing degree days are a measure of the amount of

solar energy an area receives, based on temperature accu-
mulations above a selected threshold temperature. They
relate plant development and insect emergence to environ-
mental air temperature to indicate which plants may be
grown in a particular area. For example, most varieties
of peas need 1,200 to 1,800 growing degree days ( based on
a 40-degree threshold) to reach maturity, so they can usu-
a I ly be grown only in areas that accumulate that many
growing degree days or more.

The most common threshold temperatures for measuring
growing degree days are 40 degrees and 50 degrees. These
are generally accepted as temperatures required for grow-
ing economically important plants. Using a 40-degree
base, annual growing degree days total approximately 5,300
near the Hudson River and 4,750 in the eastern part of the
county. Using a SO-degree base, the total is about 3,100
near the Hudson River and 2,850 to the east. Average
weekly growing degree day totals are listed in the appen-
dix and surnrnarized in Figure 1.5.

Growing Degree Days. Poughkeepsie, New York

Mar. 1 May9
May 10-July 18
July 19 Sept. 26

Sept. 27 Dec. 5

Dec. 6 Feb. 29
50 Base IJI j 40 Base

Source: Dethierand Vittum, "Growing Degree Days In New York State," 1967.

Figure 1.5

Information about growing degree days is useful

to farmers, nurseries, research and extension specialists,
and home gardeners. It is especially helpful in crop se-
lection and in determining schedules for planting,
pesticide application, and harvesting.

Freeze Data

Freeze data include the dates of the latest spring

and earliest fall freezing temperatures (32 degrees Fl,
and the period between them, known as the freeze-free
season. This information is valuable in determining what
types of plants are most suitable for an area and when
freeze-sensitive crops can be planted.

The freeze-free season along Dutchess County's Hudson

River shoreline is between 163 and 183 days long, and
usually begins sometime between mid-April and early May.
Farther east of the river, the season is shorter.
Generalized maps of first frost and last frost for New
York State are shown in Figures 1.6 and 1.7. Table 1.1.
gives more specific freeze data for three locations in the

sept. 30 Sept. 30
Dates of First Frost
~Before Sept. 10 Z::3 Oct. 10-20
c::::Jsept.10-20 -oct.20-30
~Sept. 20-30
Nov. 10
(g<,q:,ept. 30- l~iiil%\1 After Nov. 10
0ct. 10
Sept 30

Sept. 30


Source N.Y .s. Co!lege of Agriculture & Ufe Sciences, Cornell University

Figure 1_6

Dates of Last Frost

~Before April 10 b1iiilll May 10-20

-Apr. 10-20 D May 20-30

~Apr.20-30 ~ After May 30

t-----jApr_ 30-May 10


May 10

Source: N.Y .S. College of Agriculture & Life Sciences, Cornell University

Figure 1_7

Table 1.1 Freeze Data
Dutchess County, New York

Mean Mean
Date of Date of
Last Mean First Mean
Station Frost Temp. Frost Teme.

Glenham April 13 27 Oct. 12 2s

Millbrook May 19 2a Sept. '25 30

Poughkeepsie May 9 32 Oct. 11 30

Source: u.s. IJepartment of Commerce, NOAA

Wind patterns are produced by the rotation and solar
heating of the earth and the buoyancy of warm air, West-
erly and northerly winds prevail in Dutchess County in
the winter and early spring, with average speeds ranging
from 9 to 11 miles per hour (mph). Summer winds come from ~
a more southerly direction with average velocities
between 5 and 6 mph.

During a five-year testing period that ended in

1954, 70 percent of wind measurements fell in the 1 to
11.5 mph range. Wind speeds greater than 11,5 mph were
recorded only 12 percent of the time, while 18 percent of
the time the air was calm.

Wind speeds are generally higher during the day,

and they begin to decrease as sundown approaches unless a
storm system is passing through. Severe winds are not a
common hazard in Dutchess County, but they occasionally
occur in association with thunderstorms and other storm
systems. The strongest winds blow predominantly from the
west with speeds ranging from 25 to 30 mph and gusts of
40 to 65 mph or more. Wind speeds exceed 24 mph less
than 0.5 percent of the time. Small tornadoes have struck
the county, but such occurrences are rare.

The windrose in Figure 1.8 shows the distribution of

surface wind directions in Poughkeepsie, as recorded at
Dutchess County Airport from 1950 through 1954. The
length of each black bar reflects how often wind came
from a particular direction during that five-year testing
period. For example, wind came from the north-northeast
( NNE) 10,2 percent of the time, and from the east (El
only 1 .9 percent of the time.

Wind rose: Surface Wind Direction Frequencies
Poughkeepsie, New York


Source: U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA


Figure 1.8

Figure 1.8 shows that the most common wind directions

are north-northeast, north-northwest, south-southeast, and
south-southwest. Winds come from the general direction of
the west more frequently than from the east, and from the
southwest quarter more than any other. Monthly wind
direction and velocity data are included in the appendix.

Precipitation is condensed water vapor that falls to
earth as rain, sleet, snow, or hail. Annual precipi-
tation in Dutchess County normally ranges from 36 to 44
inches. Extremes of 27 and 60 inches have been recorded.

Normal Precipitation
During the May to September growing season, total
in Dutchess County precipitation is usually between 15 and 25 inches, with
(Inches) extremes of 9 and 35 inches recorded. Precipitation
during these months is generally sufficient to support
crops, home gardens, lawns, flowers, and shrubs. One
2.:! -
3.5 3.-4 or more short periods of no rainfall occur during most
- ~,-
summers. Total monthly precipitation in the county, cal-
culated by averaging data from five locations, is shown
in Figure 1.9. The actual precipitation totals for
each of the five weather stations are listed in the

The graph in Figure 1 .10 traces the pattern of

annual precipitation in Poughkeepsie since 1931. Precip-
itation for this period is also listed in the appendix.
The graph clearly shows the extended drought that
affected the county from 1963 through 1966. This is the
Source: U.S. Dept of Commerce, NOAA only drought in the 50 years shown that persisted for
Precipitation Is averaged tor live weather
stations In the County.
several consecutive growing seasons and reached severe
levels before normal rainfall returned.
Figure 1.9

Annual Precipitation Poughkeepsie, New York


"1 ,J
. A . A
'V I J
1' \I
40 y

\ 'i\_ /v' V

' 1

1935 1940 1945 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980

Source: U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA

1931 to 1959 Data collected in Poughkeepsie, 1960to 1980 Data collected al the Dutchess County Airport.
1977 and 1978 Data collected in Millbrook.

Figure 1.10

Much of the precipitation in the Northeast comes
from the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean, and is
transported by major atmospheric storm systems. These
systems develop less frequently during the summer, but
local convective activity in the form of thunderstorms
produces significant amounts of summer rain. Local topo-
graphic variations also influence precipitation.

Most of Dutchess County receives moderately heavy

amounts of snow from late November through March, with 40
to 50 inches falling each year. The northeast section of
the county may receive 60 inches of snow annually. Few
winters have fewer than 30 inches or more than 60 inches
of snow. During most winters, at least one storm wil I
leave more than six inches. The ground is usually snow-
covered from mid-December to mid-March.

Evaporation rates must be considered in designing

reservoirs and other open water storage systems. Oceans
are the main supply of atmospheric moisture through evap-
oration, but lakes, rivers, moist soil, and vegetation
also make important contributions. Most of the lakes in
Dutchess County lose 28 to 30 inches of water a year due
to evaporation; this amount decreases slightly at higher

Relative humidity is the ratio of the amount of

moisture present in the atmosphere to the amount that the
air can hold at any given temperature. A combination of
high relative humidity and high temperatures is uncom-
fortable. Relative humidity at mid-afternoon during
summer months in Dutchess County usually ranges from 50
to 60 percent, with maximum humidity in the morning and
minimum humidity in the afternoon. Relative humidity is
generally lowest during the late winter and early spring Average Monthly Sunshine
and highest during the summer. Albany, New York

Percentage of Possible Sunshine

Sun/Cloud Cover 64
59 ~
Total possible sunshine is the amount of sunshine 51
55 -
~..!!.....:::::... ~ 53

that an area would receive annually or monthly if clouds ~

- ~

never interfered. Dutchess County and the Hudson Valley

enjoy among the highest percentages of total possible = 2!.

sunshine in New York State. The annual county average

is between 56 and 58 percent, increasing from 45 percent
during November and December to approximately 65 percent
in the summer and early fall.
Within the Hudson Valley the amount of sunshine is
greatest in the south. Albany annually receives 54 per- Source: U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA
Based on 37 year, or record through 1975, for the
cent of the total possible sunshine, while the average in Albany County Airport.

New York City is 59 percent. The monthly percentages for

Albany are given in Figure 1.11. Figure 1.11

The annual hours of sunshine in Dutchess County
range from 2,400 to 2,600. The county averages 90 clear
days, 120 partly cloudy days, and 150 cloudy days each
year. At least 15 cloudy days occur during each
December, January, and February.

Severe Weather Events

Thunderstorms, hurricanes, blizzards, tornadoes,
floods, and droughts are all severe weather events that
have struck or affected Dutchess County. They result
from the interactions of temperature, wind, and


Thunderstorms occur an average of 30 days a year,

most of them during the summer. They may be accompanied
by hail, strong winds, and heavy rains, which in turn can
cause flooding and soil erosion, crop and tree damage,
and local blackouts. Dense fog sometimes follows thun-
derstorms. Independent of thunderstorms, dense fog
occurs between 25 and 30 days a year, most often during
September and October.


Dutchess County is not in the normal path of hurri-

canes, but at least three major hurricanes have affected
the county in the past 50 years. Occasional hurricanes
passing Long Island cause local high winds and heavy
rains, but these storms rarely move inland through New
York State.

Blizzards and Freezing Rain

Blizzards of the type common to the Midwest are

rare in Dutchess County, but heavy snowstorms are not
unexpected. Storms with freezing rain usually occur at
Ieast once a year, and they may precede snowstorms.


Tornadoes do occur in the county. Although none have

been reported in the Poughkeepsie urban area, several
small tornadoes of limited duration have passed through
the county's rural sections.


Each major stream in Dutchess County has a signifi-

cant number of floodprone areas, shown on the Floodplains
Map discussed in Chapter Four. Certain areas are known
for annual flooding.

The probability of flooding is greatest from

December to April. Runoff from melting snow and ice
often causes minor spring floods. Ice flows and heavy
rainfall sometimes aggravate spring runoff conditions,
producing severe ~oods in low-lying areas.

Floods can also occur during the summer and early

fall, when severe rainstorms are most likely to strike.
Storms that shed more than one inch of rain in 24 hours
are expected between 6 and 12 days a year, and are most
common from May to October. Accurr,ulations exceeding two
inches per day have been responsible for several major
county floods.

Three of the largest floods ever recorded in

Dutchess County were triggered by coastal storms in
September 1938, August 1955, and October 1955. In 1955,
Hurricane Diane inundqted major portions of the Wappinger
Creek, the Tenmile RNer, and the Fishkill Creek basins
with a severe flood that caused mil lions of dollars in
damage. Some reports state that this was an 80-year
flood, wh ii e others indicate that it was a 100-year

Another significant flood developed when four to

seven inches of rain fel I on the county between June 28
and 30, 1973. On June 30, the Wappinger Creek between
Rochdale and Pleasant Valley rose at the rate of six
inches per hour, closing roads, washing out bridges, and
causing local property damage amounting to hundreds of
thousands of dollars. Flood damage was reported in 12
towns, and more than 1,000 acres of cropland were severely
damaged by top soil losses from gullying and erosion. The
county was subsequently declared a flood disaster area.

The most recent major flood occurred May 29 to 31,

.~ 1984. Up to eight inches of rain fell in a three-day
deluge that caused a 25- to 30-year flood in the Tenmile
River Valley. Significant flooding also occurred along
the Fishkill, Sprout, and Wappinger Creeks. The county
was declared a State Disaster Emergency area after

suffering an estimated five mil lion dollars worth of
damage to crops, private property, and public facilities.


The county's major drainage basins have sufficient

capacity to sustain some flow even during severe droughts,
such as those of the early 1960s. Serious droughts are
rare; brief dry spel Is are far more common. Dry periods
temporarily place crops under stress and often force
restrictions in the recreational uses of forested lands
because of fire hazards.

Air Resources
The quality of air resources is determined by human
activities and natural climatic factors. Air pollution
seriously affects human, plant, and animal health. It
\ also causes economic losses by accelerating the deteri-
oration of materials, structures, and machines.

Natural air pollution resulting from volcanic erup-

tions, fires, forest fires, and dust storms, is usually
dispersed before reaching the county, and rarely causes
significant problems by itself. The long-term effects of
combining natural pollution with emissions from industry,
automobiles, and electric power plants, and other human
activities are not completely understood.

Air Quality Monitoring

Dutchess County is included in the Hudson Valley

~if Quality Control Region for the measurement of na-
tional air quality levels. Four air monitoring stations
were operated in the county until 1978, in Poughkeepsie,
Rhinebeck, Fishkil I, and LaGrange. They collected data
on levels of sulfur dioxide and carbon monoxide, total
suspended particulates, and dustfall to determine whether
the County's air met federal Ambient Air Quality
Standards (AAQS). The Poughkeepsie station is stil I in

The results of the AAQS monitoring show that

Dutchess County's air quality is generally good. The
level of total suspended particulates (TSP) recorded in
Poughkeepsie has been wel I below the AAQS of 65 mil Ii-
grams per cubic meter since 1968. According to the
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
(DEC). which is responsible for administering the state's ~-
air quality program, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, and
dustfall levels also meet the federal standards. The
concentrations of these pollutants are wel I within the

federal standards, in part, because utilities, soil min-
ing, cement manufacturing, and quarrying are the only
heavy industries in the county's airsl1ed.

Elsewhere in the Hudson Valley, concentrations of

ozone and total suspended particulates stil I occasionally
exceed state and federal air quality standards. In most
cases they present much less of a problem than in years
past, but continued vigilance is necessary to ensure that
air quality continues to improve.

Ozone is of particular concern because it is a poi-

sonous form of pure oxygen. As the major component of
smog, ozone is created when hydrocarbons and nitrogen ox-
ides produced by fossil fuels combine in the presence of
sunlight. Ozone irritates eyes, air passages, and lungs,
makes breathing difficult, and causes headaches. It is
also toxic to plants and weakens materials such as rubber
and fabric.
Airborne Toxics

Few standards exist for airborne toxic pollutants.

Ambient concentrations of asbestos, beryllium, mercury,
vinyl chloride, and arsenic are regulated by the federal
Environmental Protection Agency. New York State DEC
guidelines for the control of hazardous ambient air con-
taminants cover 40 high toxicity substances, such as
benzene, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB's), and nickel,
and 150 compounds of moderate toxicity. ~e guidelines
are used in reviewing emission permit applications under
the state's air quality program; they do not, however,
serve as strict limits on toxic emissions. For many of
these contaminants, no recommended limits have been

The total number of compounds covered by the New

York State guideli nes--approximately 200--represents a
fraction of the number of toxic pollutants that enter the
air. Little is known about the ambient concentrations of
many of these substances, how they combine and interact,
or the long-term health and environmental problems their
presence may cause.

Acid Rain

Acid rain is a major air and water quality problem

that affects Hudson Valley residents. The term "acid
rain" applies to acidic rain, snow, sleet, and dry fall-
ing particles. The acids are formed when sulfur dioxide
and nitrogen oxide gases, both products of fossil fuel
combustion, are oxidized in the atmosphere and react with
water to form sulfuric and nitric acid. These acids can
travel great distances before falling to earth.

The average pH of rainfall in much of the north-
eastern United States is 4.3. Normal rain has a slightly
acidic pH of 5.6; distil led water is neutral, with a pH
of 7 .o. Each change of one unit on the pH scale repre-
sents a 10-fold change in acidity, so the difference
between 5.6 and 4.3 means northeastern rain is often
more than 10 times as acidic as it should be.

Rain as much as 50 times more acidic than normal

rain has been officially recorded in many locations in
New England and New York. At the Mohonk Preserve in
Ulster County, the average pH of rain has ranged from
4.0 to 4.2 in recent years. Rainfall measured by Scenic
Hudson, Inc. in Poughkeepsie in late 1983 averaged pH

There are many questions about the health and envi-

ronmental effects of acid rain. It is widely believed
that acid rain has been responsible for the disappearance
of all pl~nt and animal life from hundreds of lakes and
streams in Canada and the Adirondacks. It has also been
documented that acid rain and other air pollutants are
causing mil lions of dollars worth of corrosion damage to
buildings, monuments, and other structures in the north-
east. Acid rain is implicated in the declining health
of forests in New York, New England, the Appalachian
Mountains, and eastern Canada. It is also feared that
acid rain's tendency to leach nutrients, such as calcium
and magnesium, and toxic metals, such as aluminum, from
the soil poses a'("threat to drinking water quality and
soil fertility in sensitive areas.

Soils and bedrock that are rich in lime can help

buffer the effects of acid rain on surface waters and
soils. High lime concentrations are characteristic of
much of the Hudson Valley. How long lime can be
counted on to shield such areas from the effects of
acid rain is unknown. Some scientists believe that
the buffering capacity of many areas may be nearly

The Hudson Highlands, like the Adirondacks, have

no lime buffer to protect them. In addition, prelimi-
nary studies have indicated that 25 percent of the lakes
tested in Dutchess, Orange, Putnam, and Rockland counties
are highly sensitive to acid and have no natural
buffering capacity.

Noise Pollution
Pollution in the form of annoying noise levels can
result in physical and psychological damage. Low noise
levels constitute an annoyance; louder noise levels

affect home, work, and community activities, reduce
recreation and relaxation values, cause hearing damage,
and interfere with sleep. In Dutchess County, traffic,
vehicles, lawnmowers, and household appliances are the
most common sources of noise pollution.

Research has shown that prolonged exposure to

sound levels higher than 80 decibels causes hearing
damage. The noise produced by lawn mowers, snowmobiles,
and chainsaws ranges from 95 to 110 decibels at the
operators' ears; freeway traffic and vacuum cleaners
produce close to 80 decibels. Background noise levels in
a quiet residential area may equal 40 decibels, while in
offices and department stores levels of 60 decibels are

Noise can often be limited at the source by design-

ing and using quieter products and restricting the use of
noisier ones. Its impact can be reduced by using sound
insulating materials, buffer zones, acoustical barriers,
and other devices to limit noise tra~mission, and by
using appropriate protective gear when noise cannot be

Resource Management Implications

Climate affects all natural resources and land uses.
Precipitation, wind, temperature, sunshine, and weather
extremes determine water supply abundance, /\gricul tural
viability, energy costs for heating and cooling, and
patterns of development. Climate also shapes the land,
affecting topography, drainage, soils, and vegetation.
Despite its significance, however, climate is usually
overlooked in land use decisions. Often viewed only as
a large-scale phenomenon that affects all areas of a
community equally, climate actually can vary a great deal
within a small geographic region. Differences in tem-
perature, rainfall absorption, wind exposure, humidity,
and access to sunlight are among the climatic factors
that should be considered in the land use decision-
making process.


Agriculture is one land use that obviously depends

on local and regional climate conditions. At the region-
al level, Dutchess County's humid continental climate
usually provides ample rainfall, sunshine, and warmth for
a variety of farm uses. Short-term weather patterns,
however, are less predictable; drought years, exception-
ally wet seasons, and late spring frosts or winter storms
occasionally disrupt growing cycles.

The western part of the county is slightly warmer
and more moist than the eastern part because of the mod-
erating influence of the Hudson River and the shielding
effect of the Catskil I Mountains. The milder climate is
conducive to fruit farming, which is concentrated in the
towns of Red Hook and Rhinebeck. Dairy and field crop
farming is prevalent in the cooler portions of the
county, where commercial orchards are limited by climatic

Good farm! and is an irreplaceable resource. If

farming is to thrive in the county, land use policies
must recognize that climate restricts the amount and
location of orchard and fertile cropland available, and
that urban encroachment on that land permanently takes it
out of agricultural production. Zoning laws, open space
preservation programs, development rights transfers, and
taxation policies that discourage the development of good
orchard lands and prime agricultural soils should be
adopted th rough out the county.

Energy Conservation

Energy use is directly related to climate. Cool

winters and warm summers are typical of the entire
county, but local conditions vary considerably with such
factors as elevation, slope, and orientation.

Energy costs, conservation options, and access to

renewable energy resources should be major considerations
in selecting development sites, designing site plans, or-
ienting buildings, and choosing construction techniques
and materials. Site plan review procedures and zoning
regulations should encourage energy efficient design.
Prevailing winds, airsheds, and solar orientation should
be considered during the design phase of each project.

Climate and Building Site Suitability

Buildings on north~ facing slopes

receive less sunlight and face the
cold northerly winds that prevail
during the winter. This combination
can add substantially to heating bills.

Buildings on south - facing slopes

can benefit from the southerly winds
of summer while being shielded from
winter's cold north winds. They also
receive more sunlight, which can be
collected as solar energy and used
heating purposes.

Residential developments, for example, as shown in Figure

1.12, should take advantage of prevailing winds for sum-
mer cooling, while relying on slopes, vegetative buffers,
and insulation for protection from northwestern winter

The proper use of sunlight could greatly reduce

heating costs. In the summer, deciduous trees and over-
hangs can be used to shade buildings oriented to catch
the winter sun. Taking better advantage of the county's
2,400 to 2,600 annual hours of sunshine by maximizing
solar access in new development projects could measurably
reduce dependence on fossil fuels.

Air Quality

The county's relatively good air quality should not

be taken for granted. Almost 40 percent of the wind re-
corded in the county comes from the western half of the
compass. These winds can carry pollution eastward into
Dutchess from as far away as the midwest, as wel I as from
neighbors such as Ulster and Orange counties. Dutchess
County should, therefore, participate'! in regional plan-
ning efforts and review industrial or energy development

proposals to prevent activities outside the county from /~
causing air quality to deteriorate. At the same time,
Dutchess should cooperate with the air quality protec-
tion efforts of neighboring states to the east. The
establishment and enforcement of comprehensive state and
federal standards for the emission of toxic air pollu-
tants should be encouraged.

It is becoming increasingly clear that acid rain is

damaging critical components of the ecosystem over a vast
area. The effects of acid rain on Dutchess County are
not well documented, but it is known that rainfall pH in
the county, as in most of the northeast, is abnormally
low. Dutchess County's air cannot be considered clean
until the nationwide emission of the sulfur dioxide and
nitrogen oxide gases that form acid rain is drastically
reduced, and normal rainfall returns. The county should,
therefore, support national and state efforts to reduce
power plant emissions that produce acid rain, and should
monitor acidity levels and their impacts in the Hudson

- Air pollution concerns are equally relevant at a

site-specific level. Prevailing winds should be consid-
ered, for example, in siting industrial projects. Heavy
industries which may produce smoke, dust, odor, or noise
should be situated on the leeward side of residential

Water Resources and Flooding

The county is fortunate to receive an annual average

of 40 inches of precipitation, and to have enough ground-
water and surface water storage capacity to sustain most
land uses during moderate droughts. Such droughts are
not infrequent, and severe droughts have been known to

As discussed in more detail in Chapter Four, land

use and water management policies should be designed to
preserve the water retention capacity of the county's
drainage basins. Drainage systems, for example, should
permit stormwater to filter back into the groundwater
supply instead of discharging runoff into streams and
rivers. Measures such as these can enable the county to
cope with continued growth and existing land use patterns
without increasing the damage droughts cause, and without
jeopardizing the balance between water demand and supply.

Although severe floods are rare, floods significant

enough to cause considerable damage are not infrequent.
To minimize this damage, floodplains along the county's
streams and rivers should not be developed for residen-
tial purposes or for other uses that floods would harm.

The obstruction or extensive filling of floodplains should
also be prevented, to avoid increasing flood damage on
adjacent or downstream properties.

Upland Areas

The wooded uplands of eastern Dutchess County are

cooler and drier than other areas, making them attractive
sites for seasonal homes, camps, and recreational facil-
ities. These areas are often environmentally sensitive
because of steep slopes, erodible or shallow soils, and
aesthetic features discussed in subsequent chapters.
Their use for resort purposes can preclude other land
uses, such as timber production, year-round residential
settlements, or wildlife habitat, while overdeveloping
them can destroy the resources and community characteris-
tics that are responsible for their popularity. Local
decision makers shold be mindful of the economic and en-
vironmental trade-offs involved in the development of
these upland areas, and of the destructive consequences
of allowing them to be inappropriately used.

Recreation and Tourism

Developers of recreation,_Jreas should consider the

moderating influence of the Hudson River in evaluating
potential outdoor recreation sites. For example, the
northeastern part of the county receives more snow fa II
than the western part, making it a potentially more at-
tractive location for winter sports facilities. Sunlight
access, rainfall, and wind exposure are other locally-
variable climatic features that should play a part in
siting recreation areas, farms, seasonal homes, and other
weather-dependent uses.

Seasonal Variations

Seasonal changes contribute immeasurably to Dutchess

County's beauty and quality of life, and enhance its
tourism, recreational, and residential potential. Autumn
colors, for example, provide a stunning backdrop for the
historic sites along the Hudson River, and for the farm-
lands and forests of the rural towns. Summers are warm
and long enough to support many forms of outdoor recrea-
tion as wel I as agricultural activities. Spring rains
usually provide enough water to replenish needed
supplies. Winters are seldom severe enough to limit
transportation for long periods.

The seasons help keep Dutchess County's environment

interesting, productive, and enjoyable. Promotional ef-
forts, land use plans and resource management strategies
should reflect an awareness of these climatic assets.

Geology is the science of the composition of the
earth's crust, including the study of rock structure and
formation. The natural processes that shape the land--
uplifting, erosion, sedimentation, and cracking--are as
vigorous today as in the past. Because they affect
physiography, topography, quality and quantity of ground-
water, drainage patterns, mineral resources, soil content
and depth to bedrock, understanding these geologic pro-
cesses is essential to sound resource management.

The rock base of Dutchess County consists of younger

unconsolidated materials (glacial and recent deposits)
overlying older consolidated material (bedrock). A study
of the county's geological history reveals how these
materials were formed and what types of bedrock and gla-
c ia I deposits are present today.

The geologic structure of Dutchess County is complex.

Its history extends over one billion years as a continuous
process that has included several periods of major moun-
tain building, ocean invasion and retreat, and glaciation.
These events are part of the dynamic evolution of the
earth's crust. Externally, natural elements of weather
and water continually erode the surface; internally, heat
creates pressure to further change the shape of the land.

Dutchess County's geological development can be

discussed in terms of four eras: Proterozoic, Paleozoic,
Mesozoic, and Cenozoic. The activities and formations
that occurred in the county during each of these eras are
listed in the appendix,

The bedrock of the county is divided into five

Hudson and Housatonic Highlands gneisses and up-

rooted blocks of gneiss,

- Wappinger group,

- Poughquag quartzite,

- Austin Glen graywacke and shale, and

- Pelitic rocks,

Most of the bedrock types are metamorphic or sedimentary

rocks ranging in age from the Proterozoic Era (more than


- - - - - - 1'
1,100 mil lion years ago) to the Ordovician Period of the
Paleozoic Era (about 450 mil lion years ago).

Metamorphic rocks are those that have been changed

in texture and composition by heat, pressure, or chemi-
cally active solutions. Sedimentary rocks are stratified
rocks composed of rock particles and other cernenting rna-
terials deposited in water. The older Proterozoic rocks
consist primarily of metamorphic rocks formed from gran-
ite, including the coarsely banded gneisses. The younger
Paleozoic rocks are sedimentary and metamorphic and in-
clude quartzite, limestone, dolostone, marble, phyllite,
shale, slate, and schist. Older rocks are generally
found in southeastern Dutchess County, with a progres-
sion to younger rocks in the northwestern part of the
county. A simplified view of bedrock in Dutchess County
is shown in the Bedrock Map. The cross section diagram
in Figure 2.1 ii lust rates how complex these bedrock
patterns can actually be.

Bedrock Patterns:
Cross Section Across Northern Dutchess and Southern Columbia Counties

:;; O>
> <II
ii' a:
C 0
0 -=0
"I"'=> 0

- Wappinger Group - Austin Glen Graywacke

D Hudson Highlands Gneisses ... , , Faults

r.:_:/-:}:\) Pelitic Rock

Adapted from Woodward-Clyde Consultants, 1979

Figure 2.1

Hudson and Housatonic Highlands Gneisses and Uprooted Blocks of Gneiss

The oldest rocks in Dutchess County are in the

Hudson Highlands, an upland area composed primarily of
various gneisses. These rocks, which were formed during

the Proterozoic era, are most common along the southern
border of Dutchess County, between the Hudson River and
the western border of the town of Pawling. The second
Iargest occurrence of these rocks underlies a group of
prominent hil Is, the Housatonic Highlands, east of Dover
Plains. Isolated, uprooted blocks of gneiss crop out at
Todd Hil I in the town of LaGrange, Corbin Hil I north of
the village of Pawling, Stissing Mountain in the town of
Pine Plains, and in a series of small fault slivers be-
tween the city of Beacon and the town of Fishkil I. The
orientation of this bedrock is northeast to southwest.

Most of the gneiss consists of light and dark

colored minerals arranged in layers with a banded,
streaky, or speckled appearance. Gneisses containing
light colored minerals such as quartz, feldspar, and
white mica or muscovite predominate. Various types of
gneisses containing dark minerals such as hornblende,
garnet, and black mica or biotite also occur.

Extensive outcrops of gneiss are generally more

resistant to weathering than younger Paleozoic rocks.
Gneiss outcrop areas are usually part of more rugged ter-
rain and exist at higher elevations. Granite gneiss,
which occurs at North Beacon Mountain, is the most durable
of these types and is sometimes quarried for crushed stone
and building stone. The weaker gneisses form the lower
hil Is and tributary valleys to the Hudson River. They
follow crushed areas along faults or softer carbonate
belts. The yield of drilled wells tapping gneiss is
usually small, averaging about 11 gallons per minute of
soft water.

Poughquag Quartzite

A compact, hard quartzite with a quartz content

greater than 90 percent occurs in a few areas in Dutchess

County. Poughquag quartzite rests on Proterozoic gneisses
and form the flanks of the Hudson and Housatonic Highland
and Stissing Mountain. Wells tapping this formation pro-
duce only a small amount of water, averaging 10 gallons
per minute.

Wappinger Group

The Wappinger group, an elongated mass of carbonate

rocks, occurs along the Wappinger Creek for which it was
named. It also appears beneath the Fishkil I Creek valley
north of and adjacent to the Hudson Highlands, beneath the
Harlem Valley along the Tenmile River and its tributaries,
and in the north central parts of Dutchess County.

The carbonate rocks range from almost pure calcium

carbonate (calcite) to almost pure calcium magnesium car-
bonate (dolomite) and include:

- Copake limestone,

- Rochdale limestone,

- Halcyon Lake calc-dolostone,

- Briarcliff dolostone,

- Pine Plains dolostone,

- Sti ssing dolostone, and

- Stockbridge limestone.

The chemical content of the Wappinger group and

associated unconsolidated deposits is well suited to
agriculture. The lime component also has economic value
as crushed stone or agricultural limestone. One of the
largest quarries in New York State is located south of
Poughkeepsie at Clinton Point. The dolostone in this
quarry has an average magnesium carbonate content of 38.16
percent. Stones of all sizes are produced, ranging from
large rock fragments (riprap) and aggregate sizes used in
construction, to stone sand used for fil I and masonry
work. The Wappinger group is also mined in the towns of
Pleasant Valley, near the Wappinger Creek, and Dover, in
the Lake Ellis area. The Lake Ellis bedrock has a high
magnesium content that makes it valuable for agricultural
uses. These economically important limestones and dolo-
stones were mostly formed from direct precipitation of
calcium and magnesium carbonate in sea water. ~

The metamorphism of the Wappinger group generally

increases in intensity from the northwest to the southeast.

In the town of Milan and the valley of the Wappinger Creek,
the original bedding is readily visible because the area is
relatively undisturbed. Farther east, in the Harlem
Valley, the formation has been metamorphosed into marble
and the beds are severely folded. The marble in the south-
eastern part of the county has been deformed several times
by plastic flow so that it appears to be wrapped around
stronger rocks. South of Pawling, masses of schist have
been folded and vaulted into the carbonate, appearing as

It is difficult to determine the exact thickness of

the carbonate rocks because of the amount of deformation
and metamorphism that has occurred. These rocks are
believed to be approximately 1,000 feet thick in most
places in the county. A thickness of 2,800 feet has been
measured in the north-central part of the County, near
Stissing Mountain.

The Wappinger group is often overlain by a thin

layers of Balmville limestone and conglomerate, particu-
larly in the Harlem Valley and at Rochdale in the town of
Poughkeepsie. The Balmvil le layer is known for its

Rocks in the Wappinger group weather readily and

are commonly found deposited in valleys and lowland areas.
Internal erosion occurs within this formation as the
movement of groundwater dissolves the carbonate deposits.
Solution channels and voids are consequently formed,
providing storage cavities for groundwater supplies. This
stored water can easily be polluted by contamination
sources, such as septic tanks, where there are not enough
unconsolidated deposits on top of the carbonate bedrock
to filter the waste materials. Although cave-ins sometimes
occur in carbonate rocks, they are rare in Dutchess
County. Wells in the Wappinger group average 22 gallons
per minute and the water is hard.

Austin Glen Graywacke and Shale

The Austin Glen formation was deposited on an

ancient, unstable continental shelf. Few fossils can be
found in the formation because its original environment
was not hospitable to living things. It is a poorly
sorted rock type that displays many of the features of a
rapidly deposited sediment, including ripple marks and
cross bedding. Geologists theorize that the material was
originally deposited 60 miles to the east and carried
westward during a period of rapid uplifting known as the
Livingston Gravity Slide. The formation consists of
thin- to medium-bedded, coarse, dark gray sandstone, or
fine-grained conglomerate composed of firmly-cemented,
rounded fragments.

Austin Glen graywacke and shale are found in a wide
band along the Hudson River from Poughkeepsie to Columbia
County, in the towns of Wappinger, Fishkill, and LaGrange,
along the uplands between the Wappinger and Sprout Creeks,
and along an arm extending from Poughkeepsie into the
towns of Clinton and Milan. Wells in this formation pro-
duce approximately 16 gallons per minute of moderately
hard water.

Pelitic Rocks

The most extensive bedrock formations in Dutchess

County are included among the pelitic rocks. These
formations are listed below, from oldest to youngest:

- Everett schist, quartzite;

- Elizavil le argil lite, quartzite;

- Nassau shale, quartzite;

- Germantown shale, Ii mestone, congolomerate;

- Stuyvesant Falls shale, quartzite, chert;

- Indian River and Mount Merino shales and cherts;

- Snake Hil I shale with areas of Poughkeepsie

melange; and,

- Snake Hil I shale with Walloomsac slate.

All of the pelitic units have low porosity and low

permeability. They extend from the Hudson River to the
Connecticut state line, with metamorphism--from shales to
slates to phyllites to schists--increasing in intensity
from the northwest to the southeast. Phyl lite is chiefly
found between the headwaters of the Fishkil I Creek and the
Wappinger Creek valley. A garnet-bearing schist pre-
dominates between the Fishkil I Creek and the Harlem Valley
farther to the southeast. Gneissic schist is found east of
Pawling. Only a few relatively narrow limestone belts are
intermixed with these formations. Glacial deposits of til I
and outwash cover the surfaces of the various units.

The mineral composition and structure of these bedrock

units also change from the northwest to the southeast.
Quartz and mica are found chiefly in the northwest and cen-
tral parts of Dutchess County. Feldspar is an additional
component in the southeast. Bedding plane openings that
serve as channels for the storage and movement of ground-
water are apparent between the Fishkil I Creek and the
Wappinger Creek valley. Also between the ,two creeks, slaty

cleavage has resulted in numerous small, closely-spaced
parallel joints within the rock. Such cleavage is absent
and the rocks are more massive in the southeastern part of
the county. The shales and clays north of the city of
Beacon have been used in the past to make bricks. Few of
the other materials from the formations are used commer-
cially, except locally as fil I. Peli tic rocks produce an
average of 16 gallons per minute of soft water.

Geologic Faults
Faul ts are fractures in the earth's crust, often
accompanied by movement of one side of the fracture rela-
tive to the other. They form a tight network covering the
entire county and are often identifiable directly from
ground-level topography or high-level aerial photographs.
Types of Faults
As depicted in the Geologic Faults \Aap, fault lines
generally run in a northeast to southwest direction, Normal Fault
Earth Pulling Apart
roughly parallel to the grain of the bedrock structures
imposed on the region by the geologic deformation of the
Paleozoic Era. A weaker trend towards the northwest is
also evident, but fault lines favoring this direction tend
to be short. Significant concentrations are found along a
line running between Beacon and Pine Plains. A similar
line of faults exists between Pawling and the northeast
corner of Amenia.
_____.,. .,.,........____
Thrust Fault
Over 300 faults have been identified on NASA Skylab Earth Pushing Together
sate\ lite photographs of the county. They range in length
from a few hundred feet to many miles. Most are thrust
faults formed where the earth is compressed or pushing
together. Normal faults, where the earth's surface is
pul Ii ng apart, predominate in the southern part of the
county. Both types of faults are ii lust rated in Figure
2 .2.

The quantity of groundwater found along these fault Figure2.2

lines is difficult to determine due to a lack of field
information. In general, however, the fracturing and
crushing that occurs along fault lines forms channels that
can carry large volumes of groundwater.

Glacial and Recent Sediment Deposits

During the last Pleistocene Glaciation, which occurred

from 20 to 10 thousand years ago, Dutchess County was
covered by a thick blanket of ice that stretched southward
to the present site of New York City. Topographic vari-
ations resulted in local southeasterly and southwesterly
advances, but on the whole, the glaciers moved in a
southerly direction. During the course of their ad-
vances, the glaciers picked up soil and rock, smoothed

down weak bedrock, abraded and polished hard bedrock
and, at the same time, left widespread areas of thick
sediments. Pre-existing valleys such as the Hudson were
widened and deepened, while others were completely fit led
with these sediments.

Approximately 15 thousand years ago the melting of the

glaciers accelerated and the ice blanket began to break
up. In the process, layers of till consisting of clay,
sand, pebbles, and boulders were left covering much of the
bedrock. In some of the lowland areas south of the re-
ceding glaciers, clay deposits were formed in temporary
meltwater lakes. As the ice continued its retreat and the
weight of the great ice masses lessened, the land to the
north began to rise an average of 2. 25 feet per mile.
This uplifting helped to renew and reshape the drainage
pattern, and it brought about the further deposition of
sands and gravels in \ow-lying areas.

As indicated by the Glacial Deposits 'v1ap, uncon-

solidated material deposited by glaciers and glacial
meltwater stil I overlies much of the bedrock in Dutchess
County. These deposits are widespread and relatively
thick in lowland areas. They are divided into three

- till, consisting of a heterogeneous mixture of

poorly-sorted rock materials deposited directly by
the glaciers, often having a high clay content;

- lacustrine deposits, consisting of silt and clay

laid down in glacial lakes; and

Surficial Deposits
Cross Section of Sprout Creek Area, Town of East Fishkill

. :~--- " t:t:

"4'- . 0
w E
1 Mile Vertical Scale Exaggeraged

[=:]Bedrock ~Till

m Sand and Gravel [.:_ -,.::-:-_ :1 Saturated Aquifer Material

- Lacustrine Silt and Clay - - - - Water

Redrawn from U.S. Geological Suivey, Atlas of Eleven Selected Aquifers in New York, 1982.

Figure 2.3

sand and grave l , left in low l ands by glacia l
me l t water.

These three units are not distinct ent it ies in nature.

Rather, there i s usua l ly a gradua l h orizonta l and vertica l
transition from one un it to anoth er. Sand and gravel de-
posits are often under l ai n by l acust r ine silts and clays.
Figure 2.3 is a s implified cross sect i on of the many
layers of surficial depos its typica l ly found in the


Ti l I i s a he t erogeneous mi xture of rock fragments

ranging in size from microscopic clay parti cl es to bou l -
ders severa l feet in diameter. I t is the most widespread
of the glac ial depos its i n Du t chess County and i s predomi-
n ant in up l ands, where it was l aid dow n by glaciers thick
enough to pass over the county's highest peaks. T oday,
the cove r of g l acia l debris i n the highest ar eas is usu -
a lly thin or absent because of eros ion. In low l ands,
where the eroded materia l s are deposit ed, the l ayers of
t il I are re l atively thick. Thicknesses over bedrock range
from 0 to 20 feet on hi! I tops and from 20 to 40 feet on
-- the slopes. In a few areas g l aciers left ti l I in t h e form
of elliptica l hil ls k nown as drum lins, as high as 100 feet
or more. Osborne Hil I, just north of the vii lage of
F ish kill , i s a drum lin.

T he rock frag me n ts i n ti l I ar e pr i marily derived from

loca l bedrock, but some are from areas many miles away.
In places underlain by limestone, sl ate, and schist, the
ti l I con s i st s of cl ay mi xed with grains, pebb l es, and
cobb l es of t h e parent material. Most of t he til I i n the
County is clayey. 1n some locations it has been cemented
or compacted into a tough aggregate known as hardpan.
Gne i sses ar e general ly overlain by sandy ti l I containing
an abundance of l arge boulders. C l ean sand lenses are
usua lly thin and cover only sma l l areas .

Glacial til I is usually only slowly permeab le because

of its high clay content. The movement of water into and
through til I deposits, t o regenerate the groundwater
supply or to dissipate septic tank wastes, is extremely
slow. Most precipitation on areas underlain by til I runs
of f the surface i nto drainage channels or is absorbed by
p l ants. The average groundwater recharge capacity of til 1
deposits is estimated to be 0 . 17 gallons p er minute (gpm)
per acre .

Water in usable quantities can be obtained only from

large diameter we l ls that provide sufficien t area for
infi ltration and storage. During dry periods such we l ls,

which are necessarily shallow, often go dry or fail to
yield the required supplies. Recorded yields from wells
drilled into til I deposits in Dutchess County range from
1 to 180 gpm with a mean of 22 gpm.

Lacuslrine Deposits

Lacustrine deposits are stratified sediments that

consist primarily of silt and clay deposited in glacial
lakes. These glacial lakes were largely restricted to
areas adjacent to the Hudson River. Consequently, lacus-
trine deposits predominate in western Dutchess County,
especially north of Crum Elbow Creek, and are either ab-
sent or obscured in the eastern part of the county. Silt
and deposits once underlay numerous small areas between
Poughkeepsie and the Hudson Highlands in the southwest,
but the brick industry has exhausted many of these
locations. Lacustrine deposits are generally less than 50
feet thick, although depths of 125 feet border the
Hudson River south of Rhinebeck. In some instances sand
and gravel deltas overlie the silts and clays.

The permeability of clay and silt is extremely low.

Wei Is that tap lacustrine deposits usually do not yield
water in usable quantities. In areas where no other gla-
cial deposits are present, groundwater supplies must be
obtained from underlying bedrock. Such water supplies
are not certain to yield an adequate supply.

On terraces adjacent to the Hudson River in

northwestern Dutchess County, clay and silt layers retard
or prevent the infil !ration of groundwater into the bed-
rock. The clay and silt also retard the upward move-
ment of water from underlying sources, sometimes causing
natural underground water pressure to build up enough to
force water to the surface without pumping. The average
rate of groundwater recharge for lacustrine sediments in
Dutchess County is 0.12 gallons per minute per acre.
Estimates of wel I yields from these deposits are not

Sand and Gravel

Stratified sediments consisting principally of sand

and gravel underlie extensive areas in the valleys of the
county's major streams and tributaries. As shown in the
Glacial Deposits Map, the most extensive beds are in the
valleys drained by the Fishkill Creek, Sprout Creek,
Swamp River, Tenmile River, and Wappinger Creek. The
deposits range from layers of relatively clean sand to
layers of mixed sand and gravel, and are usually under-
lain by thinner layers of silt and clay.
/', Stratified sand and gravel occurs in four principal
forms in the county: kames, kame terraces, valley trains,
and deltas. Karnes are small conical hil Is found in
southern Dutchess along the base of the Hudson Highlands,
and in Wappinger and Fishkil I between the Hudson River
and Route 9. Kame terraces, relatively flat-topped de-
posits on the sides of valleys, are prominent in the
Swamp River valley in Pawling and along the Hudson River
in the town of Poughkeepsie, south of the city of
Poughkeepsie. Valley trains are long, narrow deposits
underlying stream valleys including those of the
Wappinger, Fishkill, Crum Elbow, and Webatuck Creeks, as
well as the Tenmile River. Delta deposits, laid down
where streams once entered glacial lakes, have been
mapped at New Hamburg near the mouth of Wappinger Creek,
and in the lowlands near the Swamp River. Large deltas
also exist at Rhinebeck and Red Hook.

Silt and clay deposits underlie sand and gravel almost

everywhere. Some wel Is have penetrated two or three dis-
tinct layers of sand and gravel interbedded with layers of
silt and clay. The sand and gravel layers are generally
less than 25 feet thick, although in some areas they are
as thick as 50 feet. This sand/gravel and silt/clay lay-
ering is characteristic of terraces along the major stream
valleys of the county. Such terraces can slip when the
underlying clay layers become saturated with water, and
slide away with their overburden of deltaic sand and

The sand and gravel mixture is by far the most

productive water-bearing deposit in Dutchess County, and
it is used extensively as a source of potable water.

Small-diameter driven wells with screened drive points
generally yield sufficient water for farm, home, and com-
mercial uses. Large diameter wells can usually furnish
moderate-to-large quantities of water for municipal and
industrial systems. The reported yields of wells tapping
sand and gravel range from 2 to 1400 gpm, with a median of
20 and an average of 136. Largely due to their poros-
ity, the average groundwater recharge capability of sand
and gravel deposits is 0.74 to 0.93 gallons per minute
per acre.

In addition to their water-bearing properties, sand

and gravel deposits provide materials vital to the build-
ing and road construction industries. Sand and gravel
mines, also called soil mines, are found in all areas of
the County, with concentrations in southeastern Dutchess,
the Harlem Valley, and along the Wappinger Creek. A 1982
map of sand and gravel operations is included in the

In 1976, almost 3,000 acres in Dutchess County were

used by active sand and gravel mines and hard rock
quarries. The towns with the largest mining acreages were
Poughkeepsie, where the county's largest rock quarry is
located, Dover, Beekman, Pleasant Valley, and Amenia.
Fishkil I, LaGrange, and Washington also support substan-
tial mining operations.

Numerous inactive and abandoned mines dot the county.

Many of these have been reclaimed and converted to muni-
cipal parks, lakes, or development sites. Many more,
however, have never been restored to useful or attractive

Soil mining can alter the recharge capability and

potential yield of groundwater supplies by gradually re-
ducing the size and thickness of sand and gravel deposits.
In addition, many mining operations dig down below the
water table, exposing the groundwater to surface runoff
and silt that sometimes cause changes in water quality.

Resource Management Implications

Dutchess County is endowed with a complex array of
bedroc~ types and glacial deposits, which are legacies of
more than a billion years of geologic change. Drainage
patterns, soil characteristics, microclimates, groundwater
and surface water supplies, scenic areas, and patterns of
vegetation all depend on the county's geologic features.
These features give the county its physical shape and
shape its land use as wel I. Consequently, the location,
values, and limitations of various geologic resources have
broad implications for land use planning and resource

Groundwater Resources

Bedrock formations that cannot be relied on for

large, steady supplies of groundwater underlie most of
Dutchess County. Developments that draw their water from
these formations can exhaust the available groundwater
supplies. The land use decision-making process should
ensure that the types and densities of developments using
bedrock wel Is do not exceed the carrying capacities of
these limited resources.

Limestone bedrock tends to form solution channels as

water flowing through the bedrock dissolves the rock
material. This characterlstic enables limestone to store
and transmit large quantities of water, making it the most
prolific bedrock water source in the county. However,
this characteristic also allows pollutants to move quickly
through these underground channels and contaminate the
stored water supplies. To prevent such contamination,
developments located atop limestone bedrock, par ti cul arly
where surface deposits are thin, should either be con-
nected to central sewer systems or built at densities low
enough to protect groundwater quality. Facilities that
handle or store hazardous or toxic substances should not
be located over such formations. Similar precautions
should be taken in fault zones, which are often capable of
supporting uses with heavy water demands. The fissures
and fractures in fault zones enable both groundwater and
pollutants to travel quickly, making it particularly im-
portant to avoid land use practices that could threaten
water quality.

Land use decisions should reflect the limiting

characteristics of surficial deposits. The large expanses
of lacustrine deposits along the Hudson River in the
northwestern part of the county should not be developed
for intensive uses without central water systems that tap
outside water sources, such as the Hudson itself. Because
lacustrine deposits have extremely slow permeability, cen-
tral sewage treatment should also be required for
intensive developments in these areas. Similar policies
should be employed in areas covered by glacial till. In
all areas, data about surficial geology should be con-
sidered in determining which land uses and utility
systems are appropriate.

The county's most critical groundwater resources are

its thick sand and gravel deposits. These areas can yield
large volumes of water and can support a variety of uses;
they are also vulnerable to contamination, if they are
improperly developed or overused. The importance of these
deposits should be recognized by local and county govern-
ments, and steps should be taken to ensure they are
managed wisely. At a minimum, detailed protection strat-
egies and appropriate aquifer protection regulations

should be developed by each municipality for those aquifers
being tapped or considered for use as municipal water


In many cases, different uses of geologic features may

conflict. For example, the demand for sand and gravel for
construction projects may ultimately conflict with the need
to protect the integrity of the county's most produc-
tive groundwater storage areas. A balance must be struck
between the use and preservation of these geologic re-
sources. To resolve conflicts, the following issues should
be addressed at local and county levels:

1, how much mining should be allowed, and where;

2. how mines should be reclaimed so that they become

community assets when they are no longer active;

3. how mines should be designed and shielded so as not

to detract from the visual quality of their

4. how mines should be located and controlled so that

their impacts on groundwater and surface water
supplies are minimized; and,

5. how state and local mining laws should be better

enforced so that violators are caught, while
conscientious mine operators are rewarded for their
environmental concern.

The answers to these questions are critical to the

safe, economical use of the county's bedrock and surficial

The economic value and land use impacts of limestone
bedrock quarries should be recognized. Hardrock quarries
provide jobs and materials that contribute to t he county's
economic wel I-being . Quarries can also, however , produce
large-scale changes in the landscape and can adversely
affect adjacent neighborhoods; this has been particularly
ev i dent in the town of Poughkeepsie . I ntensive develop-
ment, in turn, can block access to extractable resources,
requiring local users of bedrock products to depend more
heavily on expensive non-local sources . Such trade- offs
and conflicts raise signif i cant questions about how mine-
able land should be managed .


Numerous faults run through Dutchess County .

Al though major earthquakes are not expected in the fault
zones , smaller tremors and shifts in the earth's crust are
not unlikely . Accordingly , facilities that must maintain
their structural integrity at all times, or which require
absolutely stable foundations, should not be constructed
on top of faults . Such facilities include power plants ,
chem i cal storage areas, landfil Is, fuel tank field, dams,
reservoirs , and high-rise buildings .

Scenic Values and Community Identity

Bedrock and surficial deposits play an important role

in v isually defining , and even isolating, communities.
For example , many people i n the Harlem Valley feel sep-
arated from the rest of Dutchess County , at least partly
because of the high bedrock ridges that form the valley's
western watt. Bedrock characteristics are also respon-
s ible for the scenic landmark qualit i es of the Hudson
Highlands, Stissing Mountain , the eastern wall of the
Harlem Valley , and the Hudson River bluffs . Sti ssing
Mounta i n, in particular , i s unique because it is an

ancient rock "floating" on a younger formation. Its
natural beauty and geological significance merit careful

Many of Dutchess County's significant geologic

features are upland areas with shallow, highly erodible
soils and steep slopes. They support fragile ecological
communities that are easily scarred by erosion, clear-
cutting, excavation, earthmoving activities, and careless
or inappropriate development techniques. To preserve
these scenic resources, greater use of selective clearing,
erosion controls, careful grading, viewshed analysis, and
strict development density limits should be encouraged.

Development Constraints

Bedrock and surface geology affect the location,

development, maintenance, and cost of public services such
as sewers, water supply sytems, and roads. Geological
features should, therefore, be considered in all compre-
hensive plans and capital projects, particularly those
using public funds.

The presence of bedrock once limited construction

activities. Modern technology, however, in the form of
large, powerful earthmoving equipment, has made it pos-
sible to develop almost any piece of land. This ability
has important implications for the visual environment. It
makes it feasible to obliterate the natural variability of
of the terrain, at a social and environmental cost that is
often incalculable. In areas with sensitive or valuable
geological features, landscape changes should be limited
to what is absolutely necessary for particular development
projects, and should be undertaken in ways that minimize
environmental harm.

~. Topography
Topography, the physical contour of the land, is
shaped by the interaction of climate and geology through
processes such as glaciation and erosion. In '.:Jutchess
County, these forces have sculpted the land into small
hills, mountains, and valleys.

The shape, character, and location of landforms can

be assets or liabilities, depending on how they are used.
For example, many of the hilltops and steep hil Isides in
the county offer fine scenic vistas; yet, developers who
wish to build homes on these hills ides to take advantage
of their attractive views can face unusually high con-
struction costs for roads, foundations, water supplies,
sewer lines, drainage systems, and erosion controls.
Communities often face increased costs for maintaining
and servicing these hillside developments.

Relief and slope are two characteristics of the

landscape that significantly affect the use of land.
Relief refers to the pattern of elevations or irregular-
ities on the land surface. The slope of an area is its
gradient, or degree of steepness. Both of these attri-
butes are described below.

Dutchess County's land surface is irregular with an
almost continuous alternation of hil Is and valleys. The
relative elevation of the land divides the county into
two topographic regions, apparent in the Elevations Map
on the following page. The general area west of the
Taconic State Parkway and north of Interstate 84, and in-
cluding significant areas of Lagrange, Beekman, and East

Fishkill east of the parkway, is characterized by numer- ~
ous small hil Is whose heights range from 20 to 300 feet
above the intervening valleys. Elevations range from 40
feet above sea level at the Hudson River to 900 feet in
the interior of this region.

The second area, to the east of the park way and

south of Interstate 84, is characterized by rounded hil Is
and low mountains that are larger and generally higher
than those in western Dutchess. Many of the hil Is rise
500 to 1,000 feet above the adjacent valleys. The high-
est elevations occur in the Hudson Highlands to the south
and the Tacon ic Mountains to the east. South Beacon
Mountain in the Hudson Highlands rises to 1,602 feet, and
the elevation of Brace Mountain north of Millerton, in
the Taconic Range, is 2,311 feet. These high elevations
form natural separations between Dutchess County and its
neighbors to the south and east, Putnam County and
Connecticut. They also physically separate communities
within Dutchess.

Dutchess also has extensive lowlands. The valley of

the Fishk ii I Creek near the county's southern boundary,
the Harlem Valley that runs parallel to its eastern
boundary, the Clove Valley in Beekman and Unionvale, the
glacial lake plain on the western edge of Red Hook and
Rhinebeck, and the valley along the Wappinger Creek are
the largest lowland areas. They range from 400 to 600
feet above sea level.

Slope= 30F-trlH
100 loot dlshlnc
= 30%
Slope is expressed as a percentage of incline from
the horizontal. Land that rises five feet over a hori-
zontal distance of 100 feet is said to have a five
percent slope; if the land rises 50 feet over a 100-foot
Figure 3.1 distance, the slope is 50 percent. A 45-degree incline
has a 100-percent slope. This relationship is ii lus-
t rated in Figure 3.1.

r'. Slope limits the use of land and influences rates of
stormw.ater runoff and soil erosion. The slope classifi-
cations in Figure 3.2 are commonly used in gauging the
development suitability of land. Although there are lim-
itations to development on all gradients, level land is Slope Categories
usually most suitable and steep land least suitable for
residential, agricultural, or industrial purposes. On
level land the problem of building structures and roads 0-5% Slope
is comparatively straightforward. If soil and other land
characteristics are compatible with the proposed use,
roads and buildings can be placed and grouped almost any-

where. Grading, controlling drainage, installing util-

ities, constructing foundations, and providing services
are relatively easy. This is not the case on steeply 5-15% Slope
sloping land.

Development constraints increase as slope increases.

Slopes greater than 15 percent present severe development
constraints for three reasons. First, steep slopes shed
more surface water at higher velocities than level areas
do. These runoff characteristics accelerate erosion when
the land is disturbed or cleared, stripping the slopes of Development

valuable soil and adding to the sediment load of down-

stream waters. Second, steep slopes in Dutchess County
tend to be covered by shallow soils that cannot filter
septic wastes properly. The tendency of the effluent Figure 3.2
to flow downslope can combine with the poor filtering
capacity of the soil to produce serious health hazards.

A third factor limiting the use of steep slopes is

cost. Developing and maintaining such areas in ways that
limit erosion, provide adequate waste treatment, and pre-
serve natural features, is expensive. Roads, utilities,
and building construction in rough terrain can require
excessive cutting, fi1 Ii ng, and grading. Maintenance
costs also increase in steeply sloped areas. Road sur-
faces deteriorate, roadside ditches erode, and downstream
culverts fil I with sediment. These conditions can be
fixed only temporarily, and at public expense.

Dutchess County contains approximately 97,000

acres of land that have slopes greater than 15 percent.
This equals almost 20 percent of the county's total area.
Table 3. 1 lists steep slope acreages for each munici-
pality. All of the towns with more than 6,000 acres of
steep slopes are located in the northern half of the
county. They include Hyde Park, Clinton, Stanford, and
Northeast. Hyde Park and Clinton also have the highest
percentages of steep land, followed by Milan, Red Hook,
Northeast, Stanford, Poughkeepsie, Rhinebeck, and Pine
Plains. Aside from the vii !ages and the city of
Poughkeepsie, the towns of Unionvale, Pawling, Wappinger,
and Dover have the smallest percentages of steep land.

Table 3.1 Steep Slope Acreages by Municipality

Acres of St-eep Slopes

Slopes Over as Percenta;ie of
Municipality 1 5 Percenl Total Acrea\:je 1

Amenia 4,368 1 5. 7
Beacon City 628 19.6
Beekman 3, 21 7 16.4
Clinton 7,678 30. 9
Dover 5,036 14. 1
East Fis hk i I I 5,383 14.6
Fis hk i I I 2,580 1 5. 1
Fishki 11 v.
Hyde Park 8,335 35. 1
LaGrange 3,978 16. 0
Mi I an 6,608 28.4
Millbrook v. 52 4.4
Mi 1 lerton v.
Northeast 6, 1 58 22.4
Pawling 3,085 1 1. 2
Pawling v. 149 1 1. 6
Pine Plains 4,046 20. 5
PleasanT Va 1 I ey 4, 138 19. 5
Poughkeepsie 3,940 21. 1
Poughkeepsie c. 161 4. 8
Red Hook 5,578 25.4
Red Hook v. 43 6.4
Rhinebeck 4,533 20. 5
Rhinebeck v. 22 2.3
Stanford 6,769 21. 1
Ti VO Ii v. 86 8.8
Unionvale 2,463 10.3
Wappinger 2,031 1 1. 9
Wappingers Fa I ls 50 6.4
Washington 5,706 15. 6


Source: Physlograph-y and Land Use, Dutchess CounTy

Planning Board, 1965.

1 Total Acreage Excluding Hudson River

Both Table 3 .1 and the accompanying Slope Map

clearly show the distribution of steep slopes in Dutchess
County. A broad band dominated by the Hudson Highlands
extends along the county's boundary with Putnam County.
Steep slopes are also found on both sides of the Harlem
Valley, along the Clove Valley in Unionvale, and on

~. Stissing Mountain in Pine Plains. Smaller steep areas
are scattered throughout the county, with concentrations
in Pleasant Valley and LaGrange along the Taconic Parkway
and at the boundary between Milan and Pine Plains.

Steep slopes provide a scenic backdrop to the

county's valley floors and contribute to people's sense
of place. Because they tend to be less developed than
more level areas, steep hillsides support much of the
county's wildlife and natural vegetation, and recrea-
tional facilities such as the Appalachian Trail. Their
forests contribute immeasurably to the county's beauty,
recreational values, and tourism industry.

Erodible, shallow soils and other limiting factors

do not make steep slopes uniformly undevelopable. In
many areas, careful builders working with well-informed
local officials can use hillsides attractively without
significant environmental harm. Such development is
likely to be costly, but the damage caused by careless
development on such sensitive areas is at least equally
costly, and often irreparable.

Extensive areas of level land are located in the

valley lowlands of the Fishkill Creek, Tenmile River, and
Wappinger Creek in Pine Plains, and at the Astor Flats
along U.S. Route 9 in Rhinebeck. The southwestern part
of the county, particularly the towns of Wappinger,
Fishkil I, and East Fishkil I, contains the greatest amount
of level land. A comparison of the Elevations Map and
Slope Map reveals' how closely the level and low areas

Resource Management Implications

The varied slopes and elevations of Dutchess County

contribute greatly to the diversity of the county's land
uses and the beauty of its landscapes. They influence
the distribution and development of soils, vegetation,
water resources, and identifying features such as scenic
vistas and physical landmarks. Topographic features also
influence the county's growth; by placing physical limits
on the possible uses of different landforms, topography
determines where activities such as intensive development
or agriculture can occur.

On a community and county-wide basis, zonin_g and

land use policies based on an awareness of topographic
constraints can prevent costly development mistakes and
environmental damage. Such awareness can also help
decision-makers anticipate where competition for develop-
able land wil I be keenest, enabling communities to make
fundamental land use choices with long-term goals in

On a site-specific basis, there are disti net advan- -~,
tages to considering site topography. Landowners can
work with the contours and orientation of their land to
avoid hazardous building sites, keep construction costs
low, and take advantage of solar energy access and wind
protection. For example, dense, cold air and runoff
water collect in small basins surrounded by hil Is, as
shown in Figure 3.3. These low areas, or hollows, often
have limited access to sunlight. The combination of cold
temperatures, drainage problems, and limited sunlight
makes some hollows unsuitable for home sites and crops,
but adequate for activities such as livestock grazing.
An awareness of these topographic influences can make the
difference between a sensible use of the land and an
expensive mistake. Good development proposals always re-
flect a sensitivity to slope, orientation, and relief.

Hollows are usually colder than hillsides because cold air collecJs in them to form "frost
pockets." They also often receive less suo. Heatlng costs for buildings situated In such
pockets can be very high.

Adapted from: Hendler, Bruce, Bulldlng in the Wlldlands of Maine.

Figure 3.3


Upland soils are often shallow and steep. These

features make them highly erodible, poorly equipped to
filter septic wastes or store water, and unable to re-
cover quickly from development practices that scar the
land. Uplands can support only low density uses; the
steeper the slope, the more precautions are needed to
enable the land to accommodate those uses.

Local governments should not permit slopes between

10 and 25 percent to be developed, unless extreme care is
taken to protect these upland areas. Specific design
standards should be required of such developments, and
strictly enforced, to prevent soil erosion, septic
failures, slope subsidence, water pollution, and other
forms of environmental degradation. Slopes greater than
25 percent should not be disturbed.

A dwelling set below the crest of a hill is more private and has a more varied view than a
hilltop dwelling. The lower site also better preserves the natural appearance of the hill as
seen from below.

Adapted from: Hendler, Bruce, Bulldlng In the Wlldlends of Maine

Figure 3.4

Buildings should be built below ridge tops and hill

crests to preserve the scenic value of upland terrain.
As shown in Figure 3 .4, hil Iside sites can enjoy vistas
and privacy without interfering with scenic views from
below. Upland vegetative communities should be protected
through selective cutting and natural landscaping.
Clearcutting shoul? be discouraged.

The importance of Dutchess County's higher eleva-

tions to wildlife habitat, forest production, community
identity, surface waters, and scenic beauty, should be
recognized at county and local levels. Preventing de-
velopment of the steepest, most fragile slopes, and
carefully managing the use of buildable slopes and upland
plateaus wil I help preserve these areas and the natural
and economic benefits they provide.


Low-lying valleys and plains have historically been

the focus of development and agricultural activity. In
Dutchess County, they contain the most fertile farmlands,
the most productive groundwater reservoirs, the largest
surface water supplies, the most abundant sand and gravel
deposits, the most accessible, easily buildable land, and
the most people, buildings, and roads. This concentra-
tion of positive features can lead to land use conflicts
as residential needs, industry, and agriculture compete
for the best land.

Lowlands also contain features that require special

care and land use practices. Floodplains are found along
all major streams and most tributaries. Wetlands are
located in the stream valleys, and in hollows at all
elevations where suitable soil and drainage conditions
exist. Lowland sand and gravel deposits form the county's
best groundwater supplies and are vulnerable to pollution
and overuse.

The development constraints and natural values of

floodplains, wetlands, and groundwater resources are
described in Chapter Four. Here it is sufficient to say
that thoughtful land use policies are needed in low-lying
areas to ensure that development pressures do not result
in the inappropriate use of hazardous, fragile, or unique
natural resources.

Community Choices

Communities must learn to balance competing land

uses and growth in ways that maintain environmental
quality. Sound land use policies must address upland and
lowland features equally. Otherwise, policies designed
to protect slopes wil I encourage development of level
areas; such development, in turn, will reduce the amount
of fertile land available for agricultural use or may en-
croach on wetlands, floodplains, and groundwater recharge
areas. Similarly, one-sided regulations that discourage
development of prime soils and sensitive lowland areas
increase development pressures on the hillsides. Local
land use policies should, therefore, contain a combina-
tion of regulations that preserve the most naturally
valuable lowland and upland areas, and mandate environ-
mentally sound densities and construction practices
wherever the communities decide that development should

More specific land use strategies for each category

of natural resources are discussed in subsequent ,~


Hydrology is the study of the properties, distri-

bution, and circulation of water in the atmosphere, on
the earth's surface, and underground. This chapter
describes the surface water and groundwater resources of
Dutchess County. Atmospheric water is discussed in the
Climate chapter.

Water is a renewable resource that is continuously

recycled through a process referred to as the hydrologic
cycle, depicted in Figure 4.1. Within this cycle, water
enters the atmosphere by evaporating from large water
bodies, streams, and ponds, and by transpiring from
plants. This water vapor condenses into clouds and
eventually falls back to earth as precipitation in the
form of rain, snow, sleet, or hail. In this manner,
water that evaporates from the Great Lakes can be trans-
ported to New York State to fall as a warm spring rain.

The Hydrologic Cycle

Surface R

Figure 4.1

Some of this rain water may evaporate immediately. Plants
wil I take part of it into their roots. The rest wil I run
off into brooks, streams, and rivers or seep into under-
ground water storage areas, called aquifers, where it can
be tapped for human use. Some may find its way into deep
aquifers through cracks in the underlying bedrock. It may
be stored there for centuries before working its way to
the surface to evaporate, thus closing the cycle. In
effect, the hydrologic cycle is an enormous distillery,
powered by the sun and gravity, which renews our water

Human activity can have a profound impact on this

natural cycle. Our water resources are increasingly
threatened by pollution and misuses that can be related
to the way we use our land. For example, urban develop-
ment commonly results in paving over large areas of land.
This increases water runoff, decreases infiltration to
groundwater, and aggravates downstream flood problems.
One result is an annual toll in human lives and property
damage from flooding; diminishing groundwater supplies can
be another. Water quality is increasingly threatened by
pollution from pavement runoff, excessive use of
fertilizers and pesticides, failing or inadequate septic
systems and landfi I ls, erosion from poor farming and land
clearing practices, and improper disposal of hazardous
wastes. Understanding the county's water resources is
essential if they are to be protected from these threats.

Drainage Basins and Watercourses

Water drains from the land surface through drainage
features ranging from rivulets in shopping center parking
Waler Flow al the Watershed lots to large rivers like the Hudson. The entire area
. Boundary drained by a particular ril I, creek, stream, or river is
called a drainage basin or watershed. The ridge that
nearly encircles a drainage basin and separates one basin
from another is called the basin or watershed boundary.
Figure 4.2 ii lustrates how this boundary affects the
direction of water flow in adjacent basins.

A hierarchy of drainage basins covers any land area.

For example, each small tributary of the Little Wappinger
Creek has its own drainage basin, and is included in the
33.4 square-mile watershed of the Little Wappinger Creek.
This watershed is considered part of the 210 square-mile
Wappinger Creek basin. The Wappinger watershed, in turn,
Water Table is included in the lower Hudson subdivision of the Hudson
Redrawn from Mani;h, Environmental River watershed, shown in Figure 4.3.
Analysis lor Land Use and Site Planning
1978,page 65.
Al I of the water within a given watershed is part of
Figure 4.2 the same hydrologic system. Watersheds, therefore, are
the most appropriate geographic area for the study of

,,,.--...., water resources, the development of water resource
management strateJies, and the jevelopment of C<Flli)rehen-
sive waste treat,nent plans. Because all \3nrl llSes both
depend on and influence the quality and quantity of water
supplies, watersheds are also the most i.YJical physical
units for natural resource ,nanaJement anJ lari,J use

Table 4.1 Major Drainage Basins in Dutchess County

Size Percent of County

Basin {square mi 1 es) Area

Hudson River 140 17

Wappinger Creek 210 26
Fis hk i I I Creek 194 24
Tenmi le River 209 26
Croton River and 54 7
Roeliff Jansen Ki I I

Tot-al 807 100

Source: Ayer and Pauszek, Streams in Out-chess

Count-y, 1968.

Hudson and Housatonic

Drainage Basins

fAost of Dutchess County is within the Hudson River

drainage basin. As shown in Figure 11.3, a portion of
the Harlem Valley drains into the Housatonic River in
Connecticut. Within these two major basins, as indicated
on the Drainage Basin Map, there are four primary water-
sheds in the county: the Wappinger, the Fishkill, the
Hudson, and the Tenmile. Wappinger Creek, the Fishkill
Creek, and numerous smaller streams that feerl directly
into the Hurlson drain approximately 67 percent of the
county's 807 square miles. The Tenmile River basin, which
is part of the Housatonic basin, covers nearly 210 square
miles or 26 percent of the county, including all of Dover
and Amenia and most of Northeast and Pawling. The re-
maining 7 percent of the county is divided between two
other watersheds. A small area in the southeastern
corner drains into the Hudson River via the Croton River,
through Putnam and Westchester counties. Part of the
northeastern section of the county drains into the Hudson
River via the Roeliff Jansen Ki\ I and its tributaries.
The appendix contains a detailed list of the lengths, N.!w York
drainage areas, and elevations of most of the streams in
Dutchess County. Figure 4.3


Hudson River Basin

The Hudson River basin covers a relatively small area

and discharges a low volume of water compared to other
major river basins in North America. The river is tidal
from its mouth in New York City to the locks at Troy.
7 Fresh water meets salt water in a transition zone gener-
I : ally found below Chelsea, in the town of Wappinger.
'.'-- i I
u ~ ""'' ,L::-S-;",..,i
\ ------~ :::;:[ .. ~: j Surface water from the Hudson River shore towns of
i Poughkeepsie, Hyde Park, Rhinebeck, and Red Hook drains
~---. --- - ..:I
', directly into the Hudson River via streams that serve
~ - - - - - -
.. ,
' .... [Nl ..
I small secondary watersheds. These secondary basins with-
' ' ' ; n the Hudson basin include Stony Kill, Saw Kill, Lands-
C.:.'. ':;_
',', i
; man Kill, Crum Elbow, Fallkill, and Casper Creeks.
: VAi.LU : w.UNINGfON --~---1
)>--t-r ; The sizes of the secondary watersheds within the
.~ Lo.G11Nn\11N1DNY1..t:\ oovc11 \ Hudson River drainage basin range from one-half square
-~2,- -;, -~::~-:~:~ l .. ---- ~ mile to 30 square miles, averaging 20 square miles.
of these watersheds include areas in more than one town.
~ \( \ ,,;,..,.1..,Ne i
In times of heavy precipitation the relatively small size
i ~~l{}":'."::'..1- o__ j of these basins results in fairly uniform distributions
of stormwater runoff. Flooding in these small watersheds
is localized, therefore, and less severe than that which
l '
Hudson River Basin can occur along major waterways, such as the Tenmile
River. However, poorly planned development in the urban
and suburban portions of the basins could cause drainage
and flooding problems in the future.

As previously described, the Wappinger and Fishkil I

Creeks are within the Hudson River basin. However, be-
cause of their size and significance in the county's
hydrologic system, these two creeks are discussed separ-
ately below.

Wappinger Creek Basin

The Wappinger Creek and its tributaries drain

approximately 210 square miles, roughly one-fourth of
Dutchess County. The drainage area is 30 miles long, ex-
tending southwest from the town of Pine Plains toward New
Hamburg at the southern tip of the town of Poughkeepsie.
The width of the basin ranges from ten miles in the north
to four miles in the south. Three primary branches--the
Little Wappinger, the Main Branch, and the East Branch--
drain the northern area before converging near Salt Point
in the town of Pleasant Valley. The Wappinger drainage
basin includes large parts of the towns of Pleasant
Valley, Washington, Pine Plains, Milan, Stanford, and
Clinton, as well as portions of the towns of Wappinger,
Poughkeepsie, and LaGrange. In the lower basin the
creek receives runoff from the county's most intensely
developed areas.

The topography of the Wappinger Creek drai na9e
basin is varied, ran0ing from nearly flat meadows alon_J
the creek to the rocky slopes of Sti ssinJ c,1ount~i n, the , !,v-oL'I~-...,.,. 7
I : - '--- I .
highest point in the watershed at 1,403 feet above sea IHO ."00o<: ~. . i
level. Most of the principal tributaries are permanent '..} I . --,_~ ;
streams with elevations of 1+00 to 600 feet anrl average .L;:::.i :})
1 "OlllTHCAiT,
gradients of 10 to 15 feet per mile. The water rarely i
descends, however, at the average rate. Instead, it I
falls fastest along the steep upstrear:1 portion of the \ :
creek, especially where hard rock ridges in the strea1'.l
bed have resisted erosion and created waterfalls.
Much of the land along Wappinger Creek and its ' .
major tributaries is subject to floodinJ. Tl1e section
downstream of the confluence of the Lit tie 'Napp inger and
' '
the East Branch, at Salt Point, is esr,ecially floodprone. ,/,--<::::::.L~:::--i
The entire flow from the expansive upper basin, which is _ _R~ \ ; (_i '
}( - /(.OST lllll<~ILL, , ;
three times as large as the lower portion of the water-
shed, funnels through this section of the creek. ! --~;;..::,d__ - -- ::L - - -c
( .
The lower portion of the Wappinger basin is more Wappinger Creek Basin
urban than the upper basin, and contains lar<Je expanses
of land sealed by pavement or buildings. This urbaniza-
tion aggravates flood hazards by increasing the volume
and speed of storm runoff; this increase, in turn, often
overloads the storm drainage capacity of lowlands along
the creek. Several settlements in these floodplain low-
lands, including the hamlet of Pleasant Valley, the
Overlook section of the town of LaGrange, and the Sl1ady
Brook Trailer Park in the town of Poughkeepsie have
suffered severe flood damage in the past.

Fishkill Creek Basin

The Fishkil I Creek basin covers approximately 194

square miles. Like the Wappinger basin to its north, it
is long and narrow. Stream gradients are also similar.
Fishkil I Creek, the basin's primary stream, begins in the

center of the county in Unionvale. From there it flows
J,;o-.:-i- 7 southwest, entering the Hudson River at Beacon. It
i c-, I : drains a large part of Unionvale, Beekman, East Fishkill,
, 11c_"ooot~ 'o;---._ j I
t) ,' : . --...._. ; and Fishkil I. Sprout Creek, Fishkil I Creek's primary
... .-! Mil&" : ' ' " [ PL.t.l"S _j (_":,:
tributary, drains major sections of LaGrange and
i ;:
~ , I
Unionvale and small portions of Wappinger and East
' ' ~---. --- - ..; Fishkil I.
;/ ~ SUPlfOIIO
1 !
! UIPITOPI , ---~
\ ~-- - ., ..,.,,. I
.......... ' The creeks in the Fishkil I basin drain comparatively
Ml'C[~ , \

r" \"v\.:Lst;T: .:/,':;. flat farm land and wet lands. In the upper reaches of the
basin the stream drops slightly more than 200 feet in 10
-.--\-- I miles. In the lower portion, where Fishkil I Creek falls
' ' ! over slate and limestone ledges, the gradient is 200 feet
'-.. :::, tl
i in 5 miles. Most of the Fishkil I Creek is 1 to 2 feet
------j deep and less than 50 feet wide during periods of moder-
I z( i
(J i ate flow. Tributaries funnel runoff from the upstream
ll,,: __ j portion of the Fishkil I Creek basin into the main stem at
.)_-- '
Loma la, along the Fishk ii I-East Fishk ii I boundary. As in
the Wappinger Creek basin, this funneling effect in-
Fishkill Creek Basin
creases the burden on downstream lowland areas during
periods of heavy runoff, and can lead to flooding. The
problem of inappropriate land uses in floodprone areas is
not as evident in the Fishkil I basin as in the Wappinger.

Tenmile River Basin

The Tenmile Rfver drains 210 square miles in the

eastern section of Dutchess County, from the Columbia
County line south to the town of Pawling. The basin
ranges from 5 to 8 miles wide, is 33 miles long, and is
served by four principal watercourses: the main stream,
Swamp River, Webatuck Creek, and Wassaic Creek. The
T1,mmile River falls an average of 16 feet per mile as it
travels its narrow path southward from the town of
Northeast, through the Harlem Valley lowlands in Amenia
and Dover, to enter Connecticut near Dogtail Corners.
The Swamp River, which flows north from the heart of
Pawling, joins the Tenmile River south of Dover Plains.

The Tenmile River and its tributaries wind through

extensive floodplains and wetlands. During periods of
increased runoff these areas retain flood waters, helping
to minimize downstream flooding. Because the Tenmile
River basin is not as developed as other drainage basins
in the county, there are still many opportunities to
preserve the functional and wildlife values of these wet-
lands and floodplains while accommodating agricultural
activity and growth. Homesites have, however, been
developed within the Tenmile River floodplain along Lime
Kiln Road, south of Dover Plains. The results of such
development have been property damage to residents of
flood prone areas and increased public costs for flood
relief and flood management efforts.

Surface Water Quantity
Dutchess County is fortunate to have abundant
surface water resources. r1ore than 600 mil es of nar-1erJ
streams traverse the county, as listed in the appenrJix.
Unnamed streams and tributaries bring the total to 'llore
than 800 miles.

Table 4.2 Lakes and Ponds

Dutchess County, New York
(25 Acres or Larger)

Name Location Size in Acres

Abel's Lake Unionvale 39

Black Pond East Fishki 1 176
Bontecou Lake Washington 113
Lake Carvel Pine Plains 38
Cobalt Lake Poughkeepsie 29
Crane Pond Dover 38
Deflora Bros. Lake Hyde Park 43
Dieterich Pond Millbrook 32
Lake Dutchess Pawling 51
El I is Pond Dover 61
Green Mountain Lake Pawling 35
Ha I cyan Lake Pine Plains 26
Hillside Lake EasT Fishkil 26
Hunn s Lake STanford 68
Indian Lake Nor-th east 194
Little Whaley Lake Pawling 52
Long Pond ClinTon 66
Nuclear Lake Pawling 55
Quaker Lake Pawling 64
Round Pond Amenia 49
Round Pond Mi I an 40
Rudd Pond Northeast 76
Sepasco Lake Rhinebeck 26
Sharpe Reservation Pond Fis hk i I I 26
Shaw Pond Washington 26
Si Iver Lake Clinton 113
Spring Lake Mi I an 26
Stissing Lake Pine Plains 78
Swift Pond Amenia 61
Sylvan Lake Beekman 116
Thompson Pond Pine Plains 68
Twin Island Lake Pine Plains 62
Tyrrel Lake Pleasant Valley 45
Upton Lake Stanford 43
Lake Wa I ton East Fishki 11 42
Wappingers Lake Wappingers Fa 11 s 122
Lake Wei I Dover 34
Whaley Lake Pawling 28 7

Source: Dutchess County DepartmenT of Planning.

Unlike Putnam County to the south, Dutchess County
is not wel I-endowed with large lakes and reservoirs.
There are, however, 93 named lakes and ponds in Dutchess
and dozens that are unnamed. Many were artificially
created. Lakes larger than 25 acres are listed in Table
4.2. The largest lake in the county is Whaley Lake in
the town of Paw Ii ng.

The Hudson River is by far the county's largest

supplier of drinking water, providing more than 11.7
mil lion gallons per day (mgd) to the city and town of
Poughkeepsie and the vii Iage of Rhinebeck. With an
average outflow of nearly 19,700 cubic feet per second
[cfs), the Hudson remains the largest and last undevel-
oped surface freshwater source in southeastern New York.
It has the capacity to supply drinking water to all of
the county's urban and suburban areas.

The 1980 census indicates that 60 percent of the

county's total population of 245,055 is served by
community surface or groundwater systems; the remaining
40 percent relies on private domestic wel Is. Approxi-
mately 70,000 people in the county use Hudson River
water; another 24,000 draw at least part of their water
from surface supplies. In addition to the 11.7 mgd from
the Hudson, community surface and groundwater systems
provide 10.4 mgd to county residents.

New York City has established a Hudson River tap

and pumping station at Chelsea in the town of Wappinger
as a precaution against water shortages in its upstate
system. Al though the Chelsea tap has not been used for
many years, it could draw significant quantities of
freshwater from the river if the need arose.

The salt front of the Hudson River shifts regularly

and predictably along the southwestern border of the
county. It moves with the balance between the upstream
inflow of freshwater and the downstream forces of the
ocean tides. Increased use of the upper Hudson River for
water supplies and power plant cooling water could in-
crease the likelihood of the salt front advancing north
of Chelsea. Under such conditions the suitability of
Hudson River water as a source of drinking water for
Dutchess County and as an emergency source for New
York City could deteriorate.

If precipitation remains constant and water quality

improves, the three major streams in the county could
accommodate substantial increases in demands for drinking
water. However, precipitation is not constant; varia-
tions produce stream flow fluctuations which, in turn,
affect both the quantity and quality of water available.
Wide stream flow fluctuations have occurred in the past.

From 1928 to 1965, the flow of the i/appinger Creek near
the village of Wappingers Falls ranged from 0.9 to 18,600
cfs, with an average of 236. The floN of the Tenmile
River near '.:;aylordsvil le, Connecticut ran<Jed fro,1 7 to
17,400 cfs during the same period, with an average of 287
cfs. From 194'~ to 1965, the flow of the Fishkill Creek
at Beacon ranged from 0.4 to 8,800 cfs, with an average
of 279 cfs. Even unrler severe drought conditions the
three major streams sustained some flow.

The combined average flow of the Tenmile '.'<iver,

Fishkil I Creek, and Wappinger Creek today is s110 cfs,
or 543 million gallons per day. T'1e flow May be 1Jelow
average 70 percent of the time. Excessive stream flow
and flooding occur after severe stors1s, such as the
hurricanes that struck the county in 1938 and 1955,
and during spring runoff periorls.

Little information has been collected about recent

flow rates of the county's streams and rivers. At one
time, the U.S. Geological Survey monitored water flow
rates at 13 stream locations in the county, and once
participated in a study of flow rates at 24 stream sites.
Today, the USGS operates only two gaging stations: one
on the Tenmile River near the Connecticut line, and
another on the Wappinger Creek near Wappingers Falls.
The scarcity of up-to-date information about surface
water flow rates makes it difficult to assess the hydro-
logical impacts of recent land use changes on the
county's watersheds.

Many public wellfields tap aquifers adjacent to the

county's major interior waterways. At present no public
water supplies are drawn directly from these larger
streams and rivers. Several smaller streams or reser-
voirs, however, do provide water for community systems in
Beacon, Hyde Park, and the village of Pawling as well as
for large institutions in Dover, Beekman, and Red Hook.

Table 4.3 Runoff Coefficients for Uniform Level Surfaces

Approx. Fraction of Ra i nfa I I

Surface Type that Runs Off Surfacel

Asphalt or concrete paving, .90

roofing, other waterproof
Bituminous macadam .85
Compacted earth and gravel .70
without vegetation
Impervious soi I with .50
Gravel .30
Gardens and lawns .20
Farmland and meadows 15
Woodlands 10

Source: Kelly, H., Planning Guidelines for Dutchess

County Drainage, 1968, and

Lynch, K., Site Planning, 1971.

1 coefficients should be adjusted to reflect land use of

entire tributary area, site slopes, soi I characteristics,
and other variable factors.

Land use has a dramatic effect on the amount of water

that finds its way into the county's streams and rivers.
The conversion of forest and agricultural land to urban
and suburban uses increases the number of water users
while decreasing the amount of open land available to ab-
sorb, store, and filter surface and groundwater supplies.
The fraction of total rainfall that runs off a site in-
creases rapidly as the permeability of the site surface
decreases. This relationship is indicated by the runoff
coefficients listed in tables 4.3 and 4.4. Woodlands,
for example, usually absorb 90 percent of the rainfall
they receive; the percentage may be lower on steep wooded
hillsides, and considerably higher in nearly level, dense
woods with highly porous soils. When woodlands are
cleared and developed for commercial uses, the portion of
rainfall absorbed can drop to 1 to 10 percent, leaving 90
to 99 percent to run off the site.

A normal amount of runoff is necessary to sustain the

county's lakes, ponds, wetlands, and streams, and the

~ Table4.4 Runoff Coefficients for Composite Land Uses

Approx. Fraction of Rainfall

Land Use Type that Runs Off Surface 1

Residential lots

2 acres and targer 15

1/2 - 2 acres .25
15,000 ft. 2 , C.34 acre) .30
to 1/2 acre
7,000 ft. 2 , (.16 acre) 40
40 dwelling units per .50-.70
acre (1,089 tt. 2 , each)
Industrial uses .60
Commercial uses 75
Dense urban commerci a I use .70-.90

Source: Kelly H., Planning Guidelines for Dutchess

County Drainage, 1968, and

Lynch, K., Site Planning, 1971.

1 coefficients should be adjusted to reflect land use of

entire tributary area, site slopes, sol I characteristics,
and other variable factors.

uses and natural communities they support. The large

volumes of runoff shed by developed sites, however, can
adversely affect drainage systems, surface water volume
and quality, flood patterns, soil erosion rates, and
groundwater supplies. Careful land use practices play
an essential role in minimizing these ir'1pacts and en-
suring that adequate supplies of clean water wil I be
available in the future.

Surface Water Quality

130th natural processes and human activities affect

water quality. The types of rocks and soils that water
passes through, the length of time it remains in contact
with them, and the amount of soil that water carries in
suspension are all natural factors that influence water
quality. Erosion is one form of natural "pollution" that
can be greatly increased by poor land use management
practices. Other human activities may adversely affect
water quality by discharging physical, chemical, or
thermal pollutants into water bodies.

Natural Factors

The ty;ie anrl quantity of minerals in solution deter-

mine water hardness. For example, larCJe concentrations
of maCJnesiun1 and calcium make water hard. Hardness is
often recognized by its soap-consumin<J character and by
the tendency of the minerals to form solid deposits,
called precipitates, in the water. Many streams in
Dutchess County have hard water. Some of the minerals in
such water have l)eneficial effects. Fluoride concentra-
tions of one milligram per liter (mCJI), for example, are
known to reduce the incidence of dental cavities. Water
in Dutcl1ess County was found to have significant natural
fluoride content during a sampling period from 1970 to

Groundwater usually has a higher dissolved mineral

content than surface water because of its increased con-
tact with rocks and soil. Because most streams are fed
by ground sources, they often show some of the hard-water
characteristics of groundwater. This phenomenon is most
pronounced durin<J dry pe.riods; after a heavy rainfall, or
during snowmelts, the concentration of dissolved minerals
in these streams is diluted.

Human Influences

Water pollution caused by human actitivies may

appear in the form of dissolved and particulate solids,
biodegradable and non-biodegradable organic materials,
infectious agents, nutrients, toxic substances, or un-
natural changes in heat, taste, odor, and color in
ground and surface waters. Selected sources of these
pollutants, their effects on water, and ways to prevent
and abate such pollution are listed in the appendix.

Information about Dutchess County's surface water

quality is spotty and inconsistent. A 1981 report by the
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
(DEC) examined 19 county streams, lakes, and ponds con-
sidered to be under stress from various pollutants. The
major suspected pollution sources named in the report
were landfills, petrochemical-laden runoff from parking
lots and streets, and failing septic tanks. Industrial
waste discharges, sediment, agricultural chemicals, and
sewage treatment plant discharges have also been identi-
fied as sources of water pollution. The DEC report was
based on past tests or observations by government offi-
cials. No large-scale program for systematically
monitoring the quality of the county's surface waters
is currently in place.

The flow rate is a major factor in determining a

stream's ability to absorb wastes. With increased flow

this assimilation capacity increases if other factors af-
fecting purification, such as waste type and quantity and
water temperature, are held constant. Lov1 flow periods,
therefore, are critical times for rnaintainin<J water

Upstream erosion and pollution are ,Jradually chokin9

many of the county's lakes and ponds. ',laterials carried
downstream fil I the lakes with silt and accelerate the
natural eutrophication process through which lakes evolve
into dry land. Eutrophic lakes are of limited use for
recreation or water supply. Controlling erosion arvi pol-
lution discharges is an essential step in prolongin,J tl1e
useful life of these water resources.

Acid rain is gaining recognition as a serious

pollution problem. As a result of the combustion of
tremendous quantities of fossil fuels, such as coal and
oil, the United States annually discharges approximately
50 mil lion metric tons of sulfur and nitrogen oxides into
the atmosphere. Through a series of complex chemical
reactions some of these pollutants are converted into
acids, which return to earth in rai,;i or snow. As
discussed in more detail in the Climate chapter, investi-
gators have concluded that acid rain and the chemical
changes it seems to induce in soil and runoff water are
responsible for the destruction of plant and animal life
in hundreds of Adirondack lakes. Studies report that acid
rain has damaged buildings, significantly increased the
acidity of surface waters, and affected forests through-
out the midwestern and northeastern United States and
Canada, but the true magnitude of the problem is stil I
under debate. Studies of the impact of acid rain on the
Hudson Valley are underway.

Hudson River water is known to contain at least 26
toxic chemicals, including federal priority pollutants
such as PCl3s, DDT, arsenic, cadmium, mercury, and
cyanide. Recent studies indicate that 225 facilities in
four states, including 208 perrnited facilities in New
York, discharge toxic chemicals into the river. The most
commonly discharged pollutants are oil and grease, which
contain carcinogenic benzene and lead.

The Hudson is considerably cleaner than it was in the

1960s and early 1970s, before major water pollution
control laws were passed. The presence of toxic
chemicals in discharges and in river-bot tom sediments,
however, fuels a con ti nu ing debate about the river's
suitability as a drinking water source, and raises ques-
tions about the need for more extensive water and waste
treatment systems.

Water Quality Standards

The federal and New York State governments have

developed water quality and purity standards. The
Federal Water Pollution Control Act of 1972, as amended,
imposes strict standards on water quality and pollutant
levels, Part 701 of the 1974 New York Environmental
Conservation Laws outlines the water quality and priority
classifications and standards for New York State.

Under New York State law, fresh surface waters are

classified according to their present quality and the
"best" or most pollution-sensitive uses for water of that
quality. The New York State Department of Environmental
Conservation [DEC) applies standards that correspond to
these classifications when reviewing stream disturbance
or pollutant discharge permit applications. This is to
prevent the existing water quality from deteriorating.
The major classifications are listed in Table 4.5.

Table 4.5 Stream Classifications

Class Best Use

AA Drinking (after ch lorl nation)

A Drinking (after chlorination
and fi ltratlon)
B Bathing
C (t ) Fishing (trout)
C Fishing
D Secondary contact recreation

Source: NYS Department of Environmental Conservation.

- Most of the streams, rivers, lakes, and ponds within
Dutchess County are Class B, C, or 0. So,;1e of the more
significant AA and A streams and lakes are listed below:

Clove _ _s::_i:~~k_ - at Fishkil I water supply

Crum Elbow Creek and tributaries - upstream of Hyde

Park Fire and Water District intake

Ellis Pond

Fishkill Creek - at Beacon water supply

Gardiner Hollow '3rook - at Green Haven State Prison

water supply

Green !Aountain Lake

Hiller Brook and tributaries - at Pawling Vil I age

water supply.

lndialJ_!'.'.l_l! - at Staatsburg water supply

Paw Ii ng_ Reservoir

Silver Lake

Swanp__ ~i.Y~X - at Harlem Valley Hospital water


Tenmile Rive.!:, wells, stream, and tributaries - at

at Dover Plains auxiliary water supply

Tributaries of_Cargil I Reservoir

These classifications affect, but do not unduly

restrict, land uses along waterways. If wastes .are
treated to satisfy the appropriate standards, they can be
discharged under permit. The standards protect the
rights and property values of landowners along water
courses by protecting them from water pollution. Stream
classifications are periodically revised by the New York
State Department of Environmental Conservation. Public
hearings are an integral part of the reclassification

Groundwater Resources

Groundwater is the supply of water beneath the

earth's surface. After precipitation is absorbed by
soil, it travels beneath the surface and is stored in a

water-saturated underground layer of earth,. unconsoli-
dated deposits, or porous stone. Aquifers are natural
groundwater reservoirs that recharge surface streams,
support plant life, and provide water for drinking,
home, and industrial use.

The importance of the county's groundwater is often

underestimated because aquifers are out of sight and
difficult to measure. Yet, at least 60 percent of the
county's population relies on community or individual
wells. Wells serve as back-up or auxiliary supplies for
another 15 to 25 percent of county residents. Many of
these wells draw on groundwater supplies that lie outside
sand and gravel or limestone aquifers, and they often
give yields that are low compared to the volumes of water
that the major aquifers can provide.

The largest and most productive aquifers occur along

the county's major stream and river valleys, where thick
glacial deposits of sand and gravel overlie limestone.
As shown on the following Groundwater Occurrences Map,
these aquifers are found in the Harlem Valley along the
Tenmile and Swamp Rivers, along the Wappinger Creek, and
along the Fishkil I Creek. Extensive sand and gravel de-
posits also exist along the Sprout Creek in East Fishkil I
and LaGrange, the east branch of the Wappinger Creek in
Washington, and the Sawkill Creek in Red Hook. Rela-
tively lit tie is known about the boundaries and inter-
relationships of these aquifers, their capacity, their
quality, or their sensitivity to development pressures.

As explained in the Geology chapter, the water-

bearing characteristics of unconsolidated deposits vary
widely because of differences in porosity and permea-
bility. Permeability is a measure of the ability of a
material to transmit water. In unconsolidated deposits,
permeability depends on the size of the pores between
the particles of sand, gravel, silt, or clay. In bed-
rock, permeability depends on the degree of fracturing
and how wel I the rock fractures, crevices, and cavities
interconnect. The higher the permeability of a material,
the greater its potential yield as a water supply.

Porosity is a measure of how much pore space a given

volume of material contains; this amount determines how
much water the material can hold. The more pores there
are and the larger they are, the more water can be held
in storage.

Sand and gravel are especially valuable aquifer

materials because they are highly porous and permeable.
The pores in sand and gravel deposits are large enough to
hold considerable volumes of water, while allowing water
to flow easily toward wel Is, springs, and other discharge

points. Known yields fron sand and gravel aquifers in
Dutchess County range from 2 to 1,400 gallons p,!r :ninute
(gpm). Clay, on the other hanrl, is an extremely dense,
impermeable material whose 1~icroscopic r)ores anrl particles
inhibit groundwater flow. Glacial til I falls !Jet ween clay
and sand in porosity, permeability, anrl Wilt<!r yield. Till
contains an assortment of particle types and sizes. F,e-
ported yields frorn wells tappin,J qlacial til I ran9e fro,11
1 to 180 gpm. The water storage characteristics of the
county's unconsoli:Jated deposits are discussed in more de-
tail in Chapter Two. l<eported well yields are sumP1drized
Table 4.6.

The consolidated deposits of limesto:ie and dolostone,

called the Wappinger Group, are the most productive
bedrock formations in the county, with an averaue yield
of 22 gprn from drilled wells. This productivit'( is clue
to the fact that limestone dissolves easily, allowing
water to flow into the numerous channels, caverns, and
fissures that characteristically develop in the rock.
Water frorn these sources is hard, with a median mineral
content of 229 parts per mil lion (ppm), and relatively
high in dissolved solids, at 316 ppm.

Table 4.6 Reported Well Yields

Dutchess County
(gallons per minute)

Formation Range Median Mean

Unconsolidated Deposits
GI a c I a I Ti I I 1 to 18 0 I0 22
Clay and Si IT not not no~
avai I able avai I able available
Sand and grave I 2 to 1400 20 136

Pelitic Rock 0 to 135 9 to 15 16
Poughquag Quartzite 2 to 30 8 10
Wappinger Group to 220 13 22
Austin Glen
Graywacke 0 to 13 5 10 to 15 16
Hudson Highlands and
Housatonic Gneiss to 45 8 11

Source: Unconsolidated deposit yield figures and bedrock

median yields:
Gerber, Water Resources Study for Dutchess
County, 1982.

Bedrock range and mean yields:

Simmons, et al., Groundwater Resources of
Dutchess County, 1961.

As described in Chapter Two, much of Dutchess ~
County's bedrock is composed of pelites, primarily shales
and slates. All of the pelitic units in the county have
low porosity and low permeability. The bedding planes
and fissures in these rocks serve as channels for the
storage and movement of groundwater. Studies by the
United States Geological Survey show that yields from
drilled wells in pelitic rock units and in Austin Glen
Graywacke average 16 gpm, with hi! !top we! ls yielding 14
gpm and valley wells yielding 17 gpm. The water from
pelitic rock wells is relatively soft, with a median of
138 ppm, while the median content of dissolved solids is
comparatively high at 234 ppm. Hydrogen sulfide affects
some of the water drawn from this bedrock, resulting in a
"rotten egg" odor. Water in the Austin Glen formation is
moderately hard.

The more mountainous parts of Dutchess County are

underlain by crystalline types of bedrock such as Hudson
Highlands Gneiss and Poughquag Quartzite. Because these
are denser than pelitic bedrock, there are fewer openings
for water infiltration. Well yields are relatively low,
averaging 11 gpm for the gneiss and 10 gpm for the
quartzite. Like the pelitic rock, water from these for-
mations is relatively soft at 138 ppm, and the median
content of dissolved solids is 234 ppm.

Although Dutchess County has made considerable

progress in mapping and gathering information about its
aquifers, lit tie is known about the detailed character-
istics of these groundwater supplies. What is known is
that improper land use practices can deplete and pollute
aquifers, leaving them unfit or inaccessible for human
use. The processes through which such damage can occur
are described below.


Groundwater supplies are replenished by precipitation

that gradually percolates through the soil, into deposits
of sand, gravel, clay, till, or bedrock formations. This
process of replenishment is called groundwater recharge.
Groundwater travels through subsurface deposits and into
wells, streams, lakes, springs, and other discharge

Aquifers exist in a state of equilibrium when the

rate of recharge matches the rate of water withdrawal.
As water is drawn off into surface water supplies, it is
replaced through groundwater recharge so that the volume
of water in the aquifers remains stable. This equilib-
rium can persist as long as water use does not over-tax
the ability of the groundwater reservoir to replenish

- --- -----;
/-, Wherever development densities become cireat enoucih
to disrupt the groundwater rechar'.Je process, r:iroundwater
supplies diminish. Water tables subside and, eventually,
wells go dry. If such groundwater "minino" is allowed to
continue, water supplies can permanently disappear over
I arge areas.

Three interrelated land use practices contribute to

aquifer depletion. The first is overcrowdin9. If the
homes, businesses, industries, and institutions usin9
wel Is in any area demand more water than the area's
groundwater receives from rainfall and other sources, the
amount of groundwater avail able wil I decrease. Often it
takes many years before such steady depletion is noticed.
The effect of residential overcrowding on '.)roundwater
supplies is depicted in Figure 4.4.

Effects of Overcrowding
on Groundwater Supplies

1) Low Density: Plenty of water

2) Higher Density: Lower water table, but

stilt adequate water supplies.


3) Overcrowding: Water table dropping and

wells going dry.

Figure 4.4

A second cause of groundwater depletion is the

common practice of converting groundwater into surface
water. This happens in communities and industries that

depend on wells for their water supplies, and discharge
their waste water into surface streams or rivers. These
waterways carry the treated waste water downstream, away
from the source aquifers, and prevent it from recharging
the underground supplies. Individual septic systems are
designed to return wel I water to the ground, but commu-
nity sewers and industries usually discharge wastes into
surface waters.

The third contributor to aquifer depletion is

reduction of the aquifer recharge area. The recharge
area absorbs rainfall, floodwaters, and snowmelt and
allows them to filter down into the aquifer to replenish
groundwater supplies. Covering the recharge area with
buildings, parking lots, roads, and other impervious
materials reduces the soil acreage available for recharge;
rain that previously would have soaked into the soil runs
off into streams and rivers instead.

The ability of groundwater supplies to sustain

different land uses depends on the recharge r<'!te of the
subsurface materials as wel I as the land uses themselves.
Thick sand and gravel deposits have an estimated natural
recharge rate of 0.93 gallons per minute per acre, com-
pared to a rate of O. 12 gpm per acre for clay and silt.
These rates reflect differences in porosity and permea-
bility that enable sand and gravel to absorb and transmit
water more quickly than clay can. Recharge rates also
depend on the slope of the land, the surface vegetation,
and the intensity and amount of precipitation.

Table 4.7 Recharge Rates and Recommended Maximum Densities

(For Homes on Septic Systems)

Natural Maximum Minimum

Surficial Recharge Rate Dwellings Acres
Deposit (g pm/acre l per Acre 1 per Dwelllng 1

Thin sand
and gravel 0.74 1. 4 5 0.10
Thick sand
and gravel 0.93 1. 80 0.55
Thin sol I
over bedrock 0.35 0.10 1. 40
Thick s i !Ty
ti 11 0.17 0.30 3.30
Clay-silt o. 12 0.24 4.20

Source: Hauser, E., for Dutchess County Department of

Planning. Adapted from Gerber, R.G., ~
Resources Study For Dutchess County, 1982.

Th e r echarge r ate decre ase s be l ow th e "n at ural r-ate 11
shown in Tab le 4. 7 as the irn 1Jervious ar ea increases. If
th e total im pe rvi ous area over an aquife r becomes too
l ar ge in propo rti o n to th e aqui f er' s s iz e an d v0 lume, o r
i f the impe r vious ar ea i s l oca ted on top of the bes t
natu ra I r ec h arge ar-ea, the aqu ifor cannot sustain itself.
I n r es i de n tia l areas, r-edvirue rates decli ne sha r ply wh en
dens iti es exceed t wo dwe lli ng units iJer- acre. Densit i es
of two or r.iore ac res pe r dwe l Ii n<J uni t ;Js u al l'f -::au se no
app recia b l e r- ed uction in recha r- 0e r at1:s .

Fi g ure 4.5 illustrates t he r e lati onship i1etween the

pe r ce ntag e of land su r face that is ~laved and th e anount
of prec i p it a ti on t h at can fi l te r dow n into t he ~Jn)u n d -
wa ter. T hi s re l at ionship is al so shown i n Tah l es ti. 3 ,m d
4.4, discus sed in the p r ev ious sect i on. Th e variab ilit y
of natural r ec h arge rates underscores th e im porta nce of
assess ing t he ef fe c t s of impe r v ious su rfac 1~s 0;1 ~ round-
wa ter supp li es as land use dec i s ions are made.

Effect of Paving on Rainfall Absorption, Runoff and


40% 38% 35%

Natural 10-20% of
Ground Surface
Cover Area

Source: Tourbier and Westmacott, Water Resources Protec tion Technology, 1981.

Figure 4.5


Dutchess Cou nt y ' s aquifers are vu lnerable t o

con t aminati on as wel I as dep letion. Road deicing sa lts,
overcrowded sep ti c systems, landfil Is , and leaky pet ro-
l eum or chemical storag e tanks cont ribute t o th e ri sk of
aqu ife r contamination . The innumerab l e househo ld, co mner-
c ial, and agricu ltur a l che r:iica l s th at fin d th ei r way into

groundwater via septic fields, dumpsites, or direct ap-
plication to the land also pose significant threats to
groundwater quality.

The same characteristics that enable the county's

best aquifers to absorb, store, and yield large amounts
of groundwater al low them to absorb, store, and transmit
pollutants. The fissures, channels, and caverns that
develop in limestone bedrock, for example, make limestone
highly susceptible to contamination and enable contami-
nants to travel great distances through the bedrock
deposits. The crevices in shale and the pores in sand
and gravel also permit pollutants to migrate rapidly.

Many cases of groundwater pollution have appeared in

recent years. The most common pollutants fall into one
of six categories:

- road deicing salts, e.g., sodium chloride, from

roads and stockpiles;

- organic solvents, e.g., trichloroethylene, carbon

tetrachloride, from dump sites, industrial sites,
household products;

- fertilizers;


- petroleum products, e.g., gasoline and heating

fuel, from spil Is, leaking tanks, and pavement
runoff; and,

- septic wastes.

In residential areas the most common groundwater

contaminant is the nitrate-nitrogen discharged into
leach fields. The Federal Safe Drinking Water Limit for
nitrate-nitrogen in drinking water is 10 mil Ii grams per
liter. Concentrations in septic tanks usually range from
30 to 70 milligrams per liter. In soils capable of
treating septic wastes, one-half of this amount is elimi-
nated before the wastes reach the water table. The
remainder enters the groundwater supply without being
treated, and must be diluted to bring its concentration
down to safe levels. As illustrated in Figure 4.6, over-
crowding that prevents this dilution can cause serious
health problems by contaminating groundwater supplies.

Maximum tolerable residential densities have been

estimated for Dutchess County, based on groundwater
quality considerations and geological characteristics.
These densities are shown in Table 4.7. For areas that
depend on septic systems and wells, recommended maximum

densities range from 4.2 acres per dwelling over clays
and silts, to 0.55 acres per dwelling over thick sand and
gravel. These numbers are general guidelines, however,
and vary with annual rainfall, slope, existing land use,
surrounding topography, and other factors.

Effects of Overcrowding on Groundwater Quality

Low Density: Adequate room to filter

septic wastes without contaminating

Leachate Plume

Overcrowding: Septic wastes

contaminating nearby wells and
groundwater supply.
Leachate Plume

Figure 4.6


Floodplains are low-lying areas, normally adjacent to

streams, which are inundated in times of heavy rains or
severe snow melts. As shown in Figure 4.7, they act as
shock absorbers in a drainage system by providing space
for excess runoff. Left undisturbed, floodplains can
also serve as recharge areas for groundwater supplies.

The 100-year Floodplain

Stream Channel
Normal Flow

Flood Plain Stream Channel Flood Plain

100-Year Flood
Figure 4.7

Floodplains that have a one percent chance of being

completely inundated in a given year are called 100-year
floodplains. Such floodplains Ii ne the river, stream,
and major tributary va Ileys of Dutchess County. Most of
them appear on the following Floodplains Map; more de-
tailed maps of the 100-year floodplains in communities
outside the county's southwestern core area are being
developed. In reviewing floodplain maps, however, it
is important to note that the locations of floodplain
boundaries are not static. Floodplain filling, changes in
the amount of developed land area, and other activities -~
that alter the drainage characteristics of a watershed
can affect the shape and size of floodplains within that

Table4.8 100-Year Floodplain Acreages
Dutchess County Municipalit-ies

Approximate Percentage of
Municipality Floodplain Acreage Municipality

Beacon 463 14. 5
Poughkeepsie 147 4.4

Amenia 981 3. 5
Beekman 944 4.8
Clinton 1,227 4. 9
Dover 2,549 7. 1
East Fishkill 5,436 14.8
Fis hk i I I 1,862 1 0. 9
Hyde Park 1,440 6. 1
LaGrange 4,779 19. 2
Mi I an 345 1 5
North East 1, 1 02 4,0
Pawling 2', 08 6 7,6
Pine Plains 955 4.8
Pleasant Valley 3,930 1 8. 5
Poughkeepsie 2,260 12. 1
Red Hook 1,051 4.8
Rhinebeck 760 3.4
Stanford 977 3.0
Union Vale 492 2. 1
Wappinger 3,563 21. 0
Washington 393 1 1

FI shk i I I 96 18. 1
Mi 11 brook 121 1 0. 3
Mi I lerton 37 10.2
Pawling 224 17,4
Red Hook Not avllil lable Not 'ilvQ I I ab I e
Rhinebeck 70 7,3
Ti VO 11 44 4,5
Wappinger Fal Is 110 14. 1

COUNTY TOTAL 38,444 7.5

Source: Dutchess County Department of Planning,

January, 1985

Table 4.8 indicates that 7 .5 percent of Outchess

County is flood-prone, equalling approximately 38,444
acres. The floodplain acreages listed in the table,
which are based on the accompanying Floodplain Map,

show t11at the percentage of flood-prone land ranges from
zero in the vii I age of Red Hook to approximately 21.0 in
the town of Wappinger.

As previously discussed, a floodplain's ability to

carry floodflows safely depends both on the types of
development within the floodplain and on the land use
characteristics of the watershed that the floodplain is
within. The amount of runoff within a watershed in-
creases with the amount of developed area. Al I of the
runoff from a given watershed eventually funnels through
a series of channels to the major stream or river at the
watershed mouth. The floodplains along these channels
become inundated more frequently and with greater
volumes of water as urstream development intensifies.

Floodplain filling often increases stream velocity

and level, which, in turn, endangers downstream develop-
ment and erodes the stream channel. Structures such as
shopping centers, industrial sites, and residential com-
plexes that are located in floodplains often suffer water
damage and, in some cases, are destroyed. Severe floods
can also take lives. Proper floodplain zoning can mini-
mize the property damage and safety hazards that inappro-
priate floodplain development can cause.

As described in the Climate chapter, several

significant floods have occurred in Dutchess Cou_nty.
Flooding frequently occurs in the early spring when
melting snow cannot be absorbed by the stil I-frozen
ground. Serious floods are often the result of hurri-
canes or coastal storms that strike in the late summer
or fall, such as those that occurred in 1938 and 1955.

Floodplain soils in the county consist of sand and
silt mixtures with some gravel. The floodplains are
usually fertile and flat, and often deceptively attractive
development sites. The floodplains most susceptible to
serious flood damage during the August and September storm
season are along the lower Wappinger and Fishkil I Creeks
where development has already occurred. In the Harlem
Valley, extensive flooding has occurred along the Webatuck
Creek, the Swamp River, and the Tenmile River.

The Federal Emergency Management Administration

( FEMA) has prepared detailed maps of most of the 100-year
floodplains in Dutchess County. These maps are used to
determine low-cost federal flood insurance rates and to
develop local land use controls that comply with FEMA's


Wetlands are found where the water table is at or

near the surface of the land for most of the year and
plants suited to wet conditions have a competitive edge
over dry land species. Different kinds of wetlands can
exist depending upon location, topography, geology,
hydrology, vegetation, and type of water (salt, fresh,
or brackish). Wooded swamps, sphagnum bogs, lily ponds,
cattail _marshes, tidal estuaries, and wet meadows are
examples of wetland types.

Freshwater wet lands cover 6 .4 percent of Dutchess

County, or approximately 33,000 acres. As shown in the
following Wetlands Map, many of the wetlands in the
county are small and scattered about the county without
any discernible pattern. There are concentrations,
however, along many of the major waterways, including the
Swamp River in the towns of Pawling and Dover, the
Tenmile River in Amenia and Northeast, and the Fishkill
Creek in East Fishkill. The Great Swamp, which extends
along the Tenmile and Swamp Rivers from Dover well into
Putnam County, is one of the largest and most diverse
wetlands in the state. Several large tidal wetlands
border the Hudson River.

Historically, wetlands have been regarded as waste

lands, useful only if they could be filled or drained for
development or agricultural purposes. Because of this
attitude at least half of New York State's wetlands have
been destroyed since colonial times. Recently, however,
wetlands have begun to be recognized for the many bene-
~ fits they provide.

Wetlands are unique resources at the interface

between water and land. Hydrogeologic studies have shown

that wet lands are often important regulators and purifiers
of surface water and groundwater supplies. They trap sedi-
ments, filter certain pollutants, and reduce flood hazards
by acting as storage areas for extra runoff. Flooded wet-
Iands can, in turn, recharge groundwater supplies or
surface waters. Water stored in wetlands helps maintain
continuous stream flows during droughts.

In addition to these valuable water management

functions, wetlands provide food, cover, and breeding
grounds for water fowl and other wildlife. They support
.unusual plant life and diverse ecological communities, and
provide recreational, educational, and aesthetic benefits.

As development pressures . increase, corresponding

pressures to fil I, drain, or build in wetlands also in-
crease. At such times, it is particularly important to
keep the limiting characteristics of wetlands in mind.
Wetlands are not suitable locations for landfil Is, base-
ments, septic systems, or other structures and uses that
function poorly in wet soils or destroy natural wetland

Concern about the destruction of wet land resources

led to the passage of the New York State Freshwater
Wetlands Act in 1975. This act requires permits for all
non-agricultural activities that could change the quality
of wetlands 12 .4 acres or larger and smaller wetlands of
unusual local importance. It also requires the State
Department of Environmental Conservation to inventory and
evaluate the wetlands of the state. The act applies to
4 .4 percent of Dutchess County, and approximately 70
percent of the county's total wetland acreage. The
approximate numbers of regulated and total wetland acres
in each town are listed in Table 4.9. A list of large and
significant wetlands is given in the appendix.

Table 4.9 Freshwater Wetlands
Dutchess County

Sta-ta-Regulated Wetlands Tota I Wetlands

Percent Percent
Area Acres of Area Acres of Area

Amenia 1,350 4.9 1,547 5. 6

Beekman 458 2.3 7 56 3.8
Clinton 1,016 4. 1 1,516 6. 1
Dover 1,835 5. 1 2,363 6.6
East FI shk I I I 3,179 8.6 3,921 10.7
Flshki I I 508 2.9 603 3. 4
Hyde Park 844 3.6 2,063 8.7
LaGrange 1,684 6.8 2,242 9.0
M 1 I an 613 2.6 1,030 4.4
Northeast 1,460 5.2 1,665 6.0
Pawling 1,360 4.7 1, 550 5.4
Pine Plains 1,207 6. 1 1, 533 7. 8
Pleas. Va I I ey 750 3. 5 1,204 5.7
Poughkeepsie 315 1. 7 787 4.2
Red Hook 911 4.0 2, 118 9.4
Rhinebeck 672 2. 9 1,323 5.7
Stanford 1,264 3.9 1,798 5.6
Unionvale 925 3.9 1, 185 5.0
Wappinger 69 5 4. 1 1,387 8. 1
Washington 1,538 4. 1 2,303 6. 1
c. Beacon 0 o.o 26 0.8
c. Poughkeepsie 13 0.4 54 1. 6

COUNTY TOTAL 22,597 4.4 32,974 6.4

Source: Dutchess County Environmental Management

Councl 1

Note: VI I I age figures are included 1 n town wetland

tot a Is.

Resource Management Implications

Dutchess County's surface water and groundwater
supplies support a large human population and sustain a
diverse natural resource base. The abundance of water in
the county has made it easy to take these resources for
granted, and to treat land and water use as if they were
unrelated. In recent years, however, the interdependence
of land use, water quality, and water quantity has become
obvious as reports of water shortages, groundwater con-
tamination, and drainage problems have multiplied. It is

now clear that allowing water supplies to be damaged by
overuse and pollution can threaten the county's environ-
mental, social, and economic well-being. Well-integrated
Iand and water management pl ans are needed to restore
water supplies that are showing signs of misuse, and to
prevent further damage from occurring.

Drainage Basins

Drainage basins define the geographic limits of

natural water systems. Land use changes within a basin
affect water quality, flow, and use. Therefore, drainage
basins should be adopted as the basic units for planning
central utilities, managing groundwater resources, and
protecting surface water quality. Where this requires
intermunicipal and intercounty cooperation, mechanisms
that foster such cooperation should be established.

The amount of runoff leaving an area increases

dramatically as development intensifies. The cumulative
results of such land use changes are usually more serious
flooding of downstream land, greater demands on culverts,
storm sewers, and other drainage system components, and
more rapid erosion of stream channels and soils. To
prevent these problems, new developments should be de-
signed so that the amount of runoff from the developed
site is no greater than the amount that left the site
before it was developed.

Erosion and sedimentation are gradually robbing the

soil of valuable nutrients and choking many of the
county's surface waters. Sedimentation also clogs arti-
ficial drainage features, so that they require more
frequent maintenance or replacement. Erosion and sedi-
mentation should be minimized through strict runoff
control programs on construction sites, crop fields,
and other areas where soil is exposed or disturbed.

Hudson River
The importance of the Hudson River cannot be over-
emphasized as a source of drinking water, a drainage
channel, a tidal estuary, a transportation corridor, a
significant wildlife habitat, and a major element of the
county's visual and historical identity. Major changes in
how the Hudson River is used could significantly affect
the quantity and quality of river water avail ab.le to
county residents. For example, withdrawing large quan-
tities of freshwater could cause the Hudson River salt
front to move northward. If it were to move far enough,
the salt front could threaten Poughkeepsie's water

The potential for competition among those who use the
Hudson for power plant cooling, drinking water, sewage
and industrial waste disposal, transportation, recreation
and fish production must be acknowledged. To ensure that
the Hudson River resource is equitably shared and pro-
tected, Dutchess County communities should be actively
involved in discussions of all issues that affect the
river. Furthermore, the county should participate in
regional planning efforts that affect the Hudson basin.

Surface Water

In addition to the Hudson River. Dutchess County

contains 800 miles of streams and numerous lakes and
ponds. Al I of these resources have been mapped, but
relatively little is known about their quality, rates of
flow, and responses to land use change. Without such
information, it is difficult to assess the effects of de-
velopment activities and runoff control measures on the
amount of water flowing through the county's drainage
basins, or to evaluate how land use trends are affecting
surface waters. An effective surface water quality and
quantity monitoring system to collect this necessary
information should be developed as a first step in a
long-range effort to manage and protect the county's
surface water resources.

Significant amounts of pollutants are finding their

way into the county's surface waters through seepage and
runoff. Examples of such pollutants are agricultural
chemicals, oil and grease, and wastes from inadequate
septic systems. Finding the sources of such materials is
often difficult because they are not usually discharged

from a particular point or outfall pipe. Decision makers
should, therefore, support efforts to identify and
control non-point source pollution, and should encourage
more responsible use of potential pollutants by owners
and users of the land.

Community leaders should also support local efforts

to control pollution from specific discharge points, such
as industrial outfall pipes and sewage treatment plants.
Supporting ongoing monitoring programs and aggressive
enforcement of state pollution control laws is a logical
first step. Through such efforts, county residents can
work to restore all of the county's waters to levels of
cleanliness that can support healthy wildlife and veg-
etative communities and a broad range of recreational


More than 60 percent of Dutchess County residents

depend on groundwater, as do many of the county's major
.industries and commercial enterprises. Despite this
dependency, however, land use practices have reflected
little understanding of the groundwater resource and its
vulnerability to pollution and depletion. This "invisi-
ble" resource has usually been taken for granted. Only
recently have a growing number of groundwater contami-
nation problems and water shortages brought enough
attention to this resource to make the need for better
information and protection clear.

Overcrowding, loss of recharge area, and surface

disposal of water withdrawn from aquifers contribute to
the depletion of groundwater supplies. In many areas,
residential neighborhoods that have been overcrowded for
years are beginning to experience water shortages and
pollution problems. Wei Is have also been contaminated by
fuel spil Is, leaking gasoline tanks, wastes fron landfil I
sites, and industrial discharges. Protective measures
are needed to ensure that today's land use decisions wil I
not cause additional water problems in the future.

Groundwater protection programs shou ld include a
variety of approaches to managing the quantity and quality
of groundwater. Components of this program should
include :

1) densit y controls in areas dependent on groun dwater

and septic systems;

2) analysis of soil and groundwater characteristics

during the review of all new development proposals:

3) elimination of all subsurface discharges of untreated

or inadequate ly treated waste chemicals;

4) requirements that new deve l opme nts produce no

increases in runoff above natural leve ls;

5) strict enforcement of laws governing above-ground and

underground chemical storage and spil I control;

6) public education programs concerning the ef fects of

common household chemicals on groundwater quality;

7) better management of salt stockpiles and road salt

application t o prevent salt from contaminating
surface and groundwater supplies;

8) improved septic system maintenance;

9) use of al ternatives to lan d disposa l of municipal


10) development of central sewer systems in areas devel-

oped at great er densities th an wha t the soils and
groundwater can t o lerate;

11) ident ification and special protection of the county's

bes t aquifers and recharge areas; and,

12) comprehensive and effective collection of information

about the cou nty's grou nd water sup p li es.

Groundwater management efforts shou l d emphasize

in creasing everyone's awareness of the importance of the
county's water resources, and their interrelationship with
a ll resources and land use act iviti es.


Fl oodp l ai ns exist along most of the county's major

creeks, steams, and rivers. Inappropriate development
decreases t h e ab iii ty of floodplains to carry flood
waters and to absorb runoff fr om developed areas, and

increases floodwater velocity. These phenomena, in turn, "'
result in damage to downstream development, pl ace flood-
plain occupants at risk, and can impose significant costs
on affected communities. It is in the best interest of
those communities to preserve the natural functions of the
100-year floodplain, permitting in them only flood-
resistant accessory uses that do not interfere with
floodplain functions.

Floodplains are uniquely suitable for recreational

uses that do not require extensive filling because they
border attractive waterways and form greenbelts through
communities. They can serve as utility corridors or
wildlife habitat, and their fertile soil often makes
floodplains valuable cropland. Other appropriate uses
might include parking lots designed to permit stormwater
infiltration, bikeways, hiking trails, and required yards
or residential buffers. Floodplains are not appropriate
sites for extensive filling, residential buildings, mobile
homes, or large, impervious surfaces often associated
with commercial or industrial complexes.

Dutchess County and its municipalities must also

become aware of the relationships within watersheds
among land uses, runoff, and flood susceptibility. As
development pressures increase throughout the county's
watersheds, it becomes increasingly important to limit
runoff and erosion from development sites so that flood-
ing does not become more severe, and to leave floodplains
undisturbed so they can carry floodwaters safely.


Wetlands cover only 6 .4 percent of Dutchess County,

yet they play a crucial role in regulating the quality and
quantity of water supplies and in managing stormwater
runoff. They are also the county's most productive wild-
life habitat, and as open space they support diverse
recreational uses. Although their qualities vary, wet-
lands are usually not appropriate development sites
because of their hydrological characteristics and envi-
ronmental values. Their destruction imposes significant
economic costs on society. Therefore, except in cases
where their values are clearly shown to be negligible,
wetlands should be protected from development.

~ Soils
Soil is the mixture of rock and mineral particles,
organic matter, and water that covers the surface of the
earth. It makes the cultivation of food crops possible,
supports building foundations, filters groundwater re-
sources and waste materials, and sustains vegetation and
wildlife habitats. An understanding of soil properties
and limitations contributes to the intelligent use and
preservation of all natural resources. Composition of an
Average Soil
As depicted in Figure 5.1, an average soil consists
of 45 percent rock and mineral fragments, 25 percent air,
25 percent water, and 5 percent organic matter. Few real
soils actually match this description. The composition 25%
and proportions of soil components vary from pl ace to 45% Air
place and give rise to differences in color, depth, tex- Rock and
ture, and the types of vegetation that the soil can Particles
support, Factors contributing to these differences in- 25%
clude: Water

- parent material
- climate
- organic matter Organic Matter
- topography
- time Figure 5.1

Parent material is the mixture of rock and organic

matter from which soil is formed. Its structure, texture,
and chemical and mineral composition determine many of
the characteristics of soils derived from it.

Soil parent materials are often formed from the

underlying bedrock. Over time, daily and seasonal temp-
erature changes and water weather this rock into fragments
that form the basis of the soil. In many instances, how-
ever, the parent material is derived from bedrock found far
away. As described in the Geology chapter, many of the
surficial deposits in Dutchess County were left here by
glaciers, which deposited them hundreds of miles from their
places of origin. Wind and water are also capable of
carrying soil-building materials over long distances.

Dutchess County soils are derived primarily from

glacial till, glacial outwash, organic matter, and
lacustrine and alluvium sediments. These are briefly
defined below, and more fully discussed in the Geology

- Glacial til I consists of unstratified, mixed

deposits of clay, silt, sand, and rock fragments
deposited by glacial ice.

- Glacial outwash is material swept out, sorted, and
deposited beyond the ice front by streams of
glacial meltwaters. These deposits are usually
stratified and made up of sands and gravels.

- Organic matter such as decomposed plant and animal

residue forms the basis of muck soils. Many of
these soils are the direct result of glaciation,
which, by impeding drainage, caused wetlands to
form. Wetland vegetation flourished as the climate
became warmer, resulting in the accumulation of
vegetative materials that ultimately became or-
ganic or muck soils.

- Alluvium sediments consist of material moved and

redeposited by streams. They can appear in
terraces well above normal stream beds or in the
normally flooded bottoms of existing streams.

- Lacustrine sediments consist of very fine sands,

silts, and clays that have settled out of the
stil I water of lakes.

The nature of parent material has a profound effect

on soil characteristics. For example, the different mix-
tures of source materials left in Dutchess County by the
various glacial processes have produced soils with tex-
tures ranging from fine-grained clay to coarse sand.
These textures, in turn, are responsible for such charac-
teristics as water-holding capacity, fertility, and
strength in supporting foundations.

Many interrelationships are apparent among the

factors that shape soils. Climate, especially temperature
and precipitation, contributes to soil formation through
constant weathering and periodic glaciation. Plants and
animafs also affect the physical and chemical character-
istics of soils. Their activities mix, aerate, and
enrich the soil, while the organic matter they produce
combines with weathered parent material to build the
soil gradually. Topography is important because it can
modify climate, determine drainage patterns, affect rates
of erosion, and influence the location and type of vege-
tative cover. Time is another critical variable in the
process of soil formation. Soil depth, for example, can
be directly related to the amount of time bedrock is sub-
jected to the forces of weathering. It can take thousands
of years for a well-developed soil to form.

Soil forms layers, called horizons, over time. A

typical soil contains four horizons, ii lust rated in Figure ~
5 .2: organic layer, topsoil, subsoil, and parent material.
The thickness and composition of each horizon vary with
location, time, and disturbance.

Typical Soil Profile

Organic Matter






Redrawn from USDA Soil Conservation Service, Conserving Soll.

Soil surveys are inventories used to interpret the
best uses for the particular soil series that occur in a
given area. Each series consists of all soil types whose
~ layers or horizons have nearly the same characteristics,
thickness, and arrangement. Soil texture is usually the
only feature that can vary considerably within one

The Soil Survey of Dutchess County, prepared in
1955 and updated in 1972, lists, describes, and maps 134
different soil series, each with distinct characteristics
and qualities. No single soil series covers more than
three percent of the county.

Dutchess County soils vary greatly. Silt loam

textures dominate, although textures vary from gravelly,
sandy loam to fine, silty clay. Most of the soils that
have been cultivated are moderately eroded, except in
certain nearly level areas. More than 70 percent of
county soils are well-drained, but small areas of poorly-
and very poorly-drained soil can be found in complex
associations that limit the use of the well-drained

Major Soil Areas

The Generalized Soils Map presents an overview of

soil types in Dutchess County. The eight soil areas
shown are general groupings of the more numerous and
detailed soil series listed in the county soil survey.
Large areas of land are usually dominated by two to five
soil series that differ in drainage capacity but are de-
rived from the same type of parent material. Such groups
of soil series are called catenas.

On the Generalized Soils Map, a map unit that

contains one dominant catena, such as the Nellis area, is
named for the soil series that covers the largest portion
of that unit. If two catenas are major components, the
names of the most extensive series in each catena are
combined to produce the map unit name, as in Bernardston
and Nassau. In all cases, other minor soil groups are
also present in the map units.

Each soil area is associated with certain

characteristic landscapes. As a result, each map unit
indicates something about the drainage and landscape
character of a particular portion of the county. Table
5. 1 summarizes the differences among the map units by
indicating the percentages of each soil area that are
steep, wet, very stony, and shallow. Any of these
characteristics can severely limit the use of land.

Soils in the lowland and valley portions of the

county tend to have the most favorable topography and
the highest potential for intensive uses. These areas
are also usually the best for agricultural purposes. The
highland areas contain poorer soils and, consequently,
are more conducive to sparse development and less. inten-
sive agricultural uses. Descriptions of each soil area
are given below. More detailed information about the
series within each map unit is available in the Dutchess

County Soil Survey, prepared in 1955, and the Manual of
Soil Survey Interpretations of Soils in New York State,
published in 1972.

Table 5.1 Interpretation of Generalized Soils Map

Dutchess County, N.Y.

Map Unit Steep Wet Very Shallow Restrictions

Nellis 0-25 5- 30 0-10 0-20

Hollis 35-85 1- 5 20-95 50-85 Slope and
depth limit
Nassau 10-45 2-15 0-15 35-80 Depth limits
Nassau 10-25 5-15 0-10 10-35
Hoosic 5-40 5-30 0-20 5-15
Hooslc 0- 5 0-35 0- 5 0- 5 Draughtiness
limits use
Hudson 15-50 20-40 0 0 Wetness and
slope limit
Rock Depth and
outcrop, 45-95 0-20 0-95 40-95 slope limit
steep use


Nellis areas occur in the eastern and southern parts

of the county, where they make up the ti! I-mantled, lower
portions of valley sides. Nellis and Amenia groupings,
which overlie limestone and are derived from glacial ti! I,
cover 40 to 55 percent of most of these areas. Elsewhere
within this unit in the eastern part of the county, Copake
or Stockbridge groups appear instead of the Ne! !is-Amenia
soils. The Copake group overlies stratified sand and
gravel and is derived from glacial outwash. The Stock-
bridge group overlies slate and is derived from glacial
ti I I.

More than 75 percent of the Nellis unit has deep,
gently sloping, moderately stony soils. These are usually
moist and have only moderately or slowly permeable sub-
soils, which restricts their value for uses requiring
rapid internal drainage. Dairy farming is prevalent on
many of the Nellis areas.


The Hollis unit occupies hilly or steep, mostly

wooded areas in eastern Dutchess County. Shallow Hollis
soils make up 50 to 85 percent of the unit. Deeper
Charlton and Paxton soils occupy 5 to 25 percent of each
Hollis area. Thirty to 85 percent of this unit is steep,
and 20 to 95 percent is stony. Rock outcrops are common
on the steep slopes. Soils in this unit are most suited to
recreational, wildlife, and forestry uses.


The Nassau unit contains large tracts of shallow

Nassau soils (50 to 80 percent) intermingled with smaller
areas of deeper soils, such as the Bernardston-Pittstown
group (20 to 40 percent). The unit can be found in the
northwestern and central regions of the county. The
Nassau soils have many rock outcrops. The deeper soils
usually occur in tracts of a few hundred to several thou-
sand acres in size and can support viable farm units.
Steep and shallow areas account for 25 to 40 percent of
the unit. Fragipans (hard, slowly permeable layers) in
some of the deeper soils make them poorly suited to septic
systems and. other uses that require the internal disposal
of water.

Bernardston Nassau

The Bernardston-Nassau unit covers large parts of

the Hudson Valley uplands. In Dutchess County it forms
a wide band extending from the town of Northeast to the
city of Beacon, and contains a mixture of two highly con-
trasting soil associations. Drumlins, which are cigar-
shaped hil Is formed by glaciers, often dominate the
Bernardston-Nassau landscape. They have deep soils that
are usually farmed, and are chiefly composed of
Bernardston soils (50 to 70 percent) with small areas of
Pittstown. Around the drumlins are idle lands, forests,
or pastures with surface irregularities that indicate the
presence of slate bedrock at shallow depths. Shallow
Nassau soils dominate these areas, accounting for 10 to
35 percent of the total acreage. Wet Stissing and
draughty Hoosic soils may make up another 5 to 15

The Bernardston-Pit ts town portions of th is unit are
particularly good for dairy farming. Parts of these
areas have moderately steep slopes that present tillage
and erosion control problems. The shallow Nassau por-
tions are untillable. Fragipans limit drainage in some
Bernardston areas, but drainage is less restricting here
than in areas where wetter soils dominate.

Bernardston Hoosic

The Bernardston-Hoosic unit, in the northwest corner

of the county, includes two contrasting soil associations.
The Bernardston and Pittstown soil association accounts
for 40 to 55 percent of the total acreage. Glacial out-
wash terraces, dominated by moderately droughty Hoosic
soils and interspersed among the Bernardston-Pittstown
areas, account for another 20 percent. In Dutchess
County, the Bernardston portion is an undulating glacial
till plain with low drumlins. The Hoosic areas are inter-
spersed, and appear in relatively flat outwash terraces.
Approximately 5 to 10 percent of the acreage in this unit
is steep.

Most of the areas in this unit are farmed or used for

housing, with orchards especially important on the Hoosic
soils. Only 10 to 40 percent of the acreage is affected
by steep, wet, very stony, or shallow soil conditions.
Bernardston areas have fragipans, which may cause problems
for uses requiring rapid internal drainage.


Hoosic areas are found east of Wappingers Falls and

in the northwestern corner of the town of Milan. This unit
is nearly level to undulating, and includes moderately
broad glacial outwash plains and narrower outwash terraces
in valleys. Soils derived from coarse glacial outwash
comprise 45 to 90 percent of the Hoosic unit, with Hoosic
as the dominant series. Hamlin, Tioga, and related alluvial
soils appear on floodplains and comprise 5 to 30 percent
of the unit. Bernardston and Nassau soils on til I,
and Rhinebeck or Hudson soils derived from lake sediments
occupy up to 10 percent of any Hoosic areas.

On 50 to 90 percent of the land in the Hoosic unit a

low water-holding capacity causes draughtiness. The dry
soil makes it difficult for many annual crops to thrive;
perenn ia I plants with deeper roots fare better. Al though
the rapid permeability is considered an asset for non-
farm uses, it has the potential for readily transmitting
groundwater pollution from areas used for waste disposal.
Only in small areas is hilly, wet, very stony, or very
shallow soil a problem.


Hudson soils are concentrated along the Hudson River

in the northwestern quarter of the county. They include
landscapes where glacial lakes deposited clayey sediments
on what are now valley walls. In some places streams have
cut channels into the underlying bedrock, and now flow
down through these channels to the Hudson River. Close to
the Hudson, narrow remnants of the original surface are
interspersed among these stream valleys. The original
gently-sloping surface, largely uncut by streams, is found
farther inland at the higher elevations.

An association of Hudson and Rhinebeck soils,

dominated by Hudson soils, covers 30 to 70 percent of the
unit. Rhinebeck soils occur primarily on the higher ele-
vations that have not been disturbed by streams. Large
tracts of the Rhinebeck soils are often used for crops
that can tolerate wetness. Varysburg and Arkport soils
that overlie sand or gravel glacial deltas account for 5
to 25 percent of most areas in the Hudson unit. Glacial
til I soils and rock outcrops cover another 5 to 20 per-
cent, particularly where erosion has removed the Hudson

Steep slopes restrict the use of 20 to 40 percent of

the unit. Wetness and slow permeability cause problems on
an additional 20 to 40 percent. The sand and gravel delta
areas have few limitations. Moderately steep and steep

Hudson soils are often pastured. These soils are subject
to lands Ii des, and for that reason alone are not suitable
for many uses.

Rock Outcrops

Rock outcrop areas are common at high elevations in

the southern and eastern portions of the county. Two
types of rock outcrops can be found. A Hollis rock out-
crop-Char Iton soil association occurs in the southern part
of the Hudson Valley. Exposed rock and shallow Hollis
soils cover 50 to 90 percent of this portion of the unit.
Deep charlton soils and others cover 5 to 40 percent of
it. The second type of outcrop is an association of Nassau
outcrop areas and Bernardston soils. Rock and shallow
Nassau soils cover 65 to 85 percent of this association,
and Bernardston accounts for 5 to 20 percent. Most rock
outcrop areas are forested and are uniquely suited to re-
creational uses and wildlife. Between 45 and 90 percent of
them are hilly or steep. Many of the deep soils around
rock outcrops contain stones or boulders.

Depth and Permeability


Permeability rates, which are usually given in

inches per hour, measure the ease with which water flows
downward through the soil layers. Septic fields, farm-
ing, and other uses requiring good internal soil drainage
may not function properly in slowly permeable areas.
This characteristic can also place severe restrictions on
development densities in areas not served by central
water and sewer systems.

The Soil Permeability Map indicates where soils with

relatively poor internal drainage occur in the county.
The permeability rates of these soils are generally less
than 0.63 inches per hour, which is the level considered
by the Dutchess County Soil Survey a severe limitation on
the soil's suitability for septic tanks. Such soils are
extensive, covering most of the western half of the
county. However, in many of these areas, septic systems
have been functioning adequately for years. Local varia-
tions in soil or slope features, the use of fit I in
creating septic fields, and the non-intensive use of the
waste disposal systems enable these septic systems to
operate properly.

Rapidly permeable soils can also limit the

suitability of land for development, because they allow
pollutants to move quickly into groundwater supplies.

This characteristic is of particular concern in siting
landfills and other facilities that general potentially
The Relationship Between harmful wastes.
Soil Texture and Water
Runoff Soil texture influences permeability. Soils with a
high concentration of sand or gravel particles and organ-
ic matter tend to drain more rapidly than soils with a
high clay content. Clay particles, defined as particles
smaller than 0.002 millimeters in diameter, cannot be seen
with the naked eye. They pack together so tightly that
. _Infiltration
there is little room for air or water to filter through
the microscopic pore spaces around them. Sand, on the
Clay other hand, ranges from .05 to 2 mil Ii meters in diameter,
up to 10,000 times the size of the clay. The pore spaces
around the sand, gravel, and stones found in permeable
soils al low water and air to pass through more freely.
The relationship between such variations in soil texture
Loam and the absorption of rainfall is ii lustrated in Figure

. ~
.. .. .. . .
. . . .
ff Depth
. . Infiltration . .
. . . . . .
Sand Depth to bedrock is another characteristic that can
affect the development suitability of soils. Shallow
Figure 5.3. soils limit the placement of wells, septic systems, foun-
dations, and agricultural uses. Because they are often
found on steep slopes, such soils can also be highly vul-
nerable to erosion. Pollutants can pass quickly through
shallow soils and contaminate groundwater supplies.

The Soil Depth Map shows where bedrock lies within

three feet of the surface, pl acing a severe constraint on
the suitability of the soil for streets, buildings, and
septic systems. The largest concentrations of such shal-
low soils are in upland areas in the county's higher

Erosion and Sedimentation

Erosion studies conducted in 1974 revealed that an

average of 1.34 tons per acre of soil were lost every year
from watersheds totally or partly within Dutchess County.
As summarized in Table 5.2, the rate of erosion was great-
est in the Roeliff Jansen Kil I watershed that extends into
Columbia County, and least within the Wappinger Creek
basin and the small portions of the Upper Housatonic River
watershed that reach into Dutchess County near the
Connecticut state line.

Since 1974, federal and county soil conservation

programs have made significant progress in reducing

erosion from croplands in Dutchess County, particularly
within the Tenmile River, Roeliff Jansen Kill, Crum Elbow-
Hudson River, and Hunns Lake watersheds where agricultural
uses are concentrated. How much cropland erosion rates
have been reduced has not yet been determined. Consider-
able erosion problems are known to persist, however, on
construction sites and croplands where no soil conserva-
tion measures are in place.

Table 5.2 Erosion in Dutchess County Watersheds, 1974

Watershed Erosion rate Watershed Total soil loss

Name (tons/acre/year) size (acres) tons/year

Croton river 96 232,699 223,172

Crum Elbow Creek-
Hudson River 1.01 109,314- 110,54-1
Fishkill Creek 1 . 30 129,671 168,705
Hunns Lake 1 . 61 5,681 9,173
Jansen Kill 2 5 4- 14-5,716 370,258
Tenmile River 1. 70 98,071 166,585
Wappinger Creek 0.84- 128,329 107,84-9
Upper Housatonlc
River 0 .51 1 , 199 616

Source: USDA Soil Conservation Service, Erosion and

Sediment Inventory, New York, 1974.

Soil loss remains a significant threat to the ,
quality of the county's land and water resources. By
stripping topsoil from the land, erosion robs the land of
valuable natural nutrients and washes soil, pesticides,
and fertilizers into waterways. It also undermines soils
and structures and chokes streams, lakes, rivers, and
drainage systems with sediment.

The rate of soil loss varies dramatically with land

use. In Nt?w York State, erosion rates from construction
sites are as many as 25 times those from crop Iand, and as
many as 75 times those from pastures and woodlands.
Proper conservation procedures can drastically reduce
these rates. The average erosion rates observed in New
York State for several different land uses are listed in
Table 5. 3. Erosion rates for eight major Dutchess County
watersheds are. listed by land use in the appendix.

Table5.3 Erosion Rates for Major Land Uses

Average Soil Loss

Land Use New York State County

Construction sites 31. 58 9. 61

Cropland without conservation 7.38 11 88
Orchards,_ vineyards, bush fruits 3.28 1. 21
Urban land 1. 69 0.59
Cropland with conservation 1.26 0.74
Pasture 0.99 0.79
Woodland 0.43 0.48
Streambanks (tons/bank-mile/yr.) 73 .10 6.54
Roadbanks " " 29.25 31. 80

Source: USDA Soll Conservation Service, Erosion and

Sediment Inventory, New York, 1974,_ and
USDA Soil Conservation Service, Dutchess
County Office.

The figures given in Table 5.3 are approximate.

Actual soil loss rates vary considerably from site to
site, depending on such characteristics as slope, soil
type, vegetation density, and rainfall. The scale of the
differences among the erosion rates is, however, an
accurate indication of the relationship between soil loss
and land use.

Prime and Important Agricultural Soils

The best, most potentially productive soils are

called prime soils. Classified by the U.S. Soil Conser-
vation Service (SCS), they are suited to a wide variety
of farm crops with relatively few limitations, and repre-
sent an irreplaceable agricultural resource. Prime soils
tend to be well-drained, nearly level, fertile, stable,
and deep. These characteristics make them both ideal for
farming and easy to develop.

Prime soils once covered 15 percent of Dutchess

County. Significant concentrations occurred along the
major stream valleys and throughout the towns of Red Hook
and Rhinebeck, as wel I as major portions of Clinton and
Pleasant Valley. High quality soils also used to be
abundant in the southwestern quarter of the county. In
the last 40 years, however, this area has become the
county's urban core as a result of sustained development
activity. How much prime agricultural land remains is
unknown, but it has been estimated that as much as 50
percent of the county's best soil acreage has been de-
veloped for residential, commercial, or industrial use.

Important" soils usually support good crop fields,
but unlike prime soils they have limitations that require
special conservation measures and are suited to a smaller
variety of crops. According to SCS inventories, they
once covered 32 percent of the county, and can stil I be
found near the remaining prime agricultural soils and
throughout Stanford, Washington, and Hyde Park. Smaller
tracts of important soils are found in much of the
county. Important and prime soils are noticeably absent
from the Hudson Highlands, the ridges along the Harlem
Valley, and other steeply sloping uplands where soils are
characteristically shallow.

Resource Management Implications

Soil is a fundamental resource that is often taken

for granted because of its abundance, low cash value,
utilitarian functions, and lack of aesthetic charm. Soil
makes it possible to use and live on the land. Without
ample supplies of good, arable soil, food production
would be vastly more difficult.

Soils have several characteristics, such as

permeability, depth, erodibility, and wetness, that limit
the land uses they can support. Al I of these limiting
characteristics should be considered during the land use
decision-making process. Development proposals and local
land use controls should be we! I-matched to soil features
to ensure that the type, density, location, intensity,
and design of all land uses are appropriate to the soils
and other natural resources that must sustain them.


Soil permeability is an important measure of the

development potential of land. Highly permeable soils
drain well and rapidly transmit rainwater into ground-
water supplies. Soils with permeability rates of O.63
inches per hour or less are considered to have poor in-
ternal drainage, and are usually not suitable for septic
systems or other uses that depend on water infiltration.
They also are less valuable for groundwater recharge than
more permeable soils are, because rainwater travels down
through them so slowly.

Development densities and waste management

practices should reflect the severely limited ability of
impermeable soils to absorb and filter wastes. Other-
wise, intensive development without central sewage
treatment facilities wil I saturate soils with wastes,
causing untreated wastes to spread into nearby surface
waters and groundwater supplies. In areas where such
contamination occurs, expensive construction of central
sewage and water treatment facilities and pipelines may
be the only remedy.

Highly permeable soils should also be used care-

fully, because of their ability to transmit hazardous
materials into groundwater supplies. Landfil Is, petro-
leum storage tank farms, chemical manufacturers, and
other facilities that handle such materials should not be
located on top of the most permeable soils.


Like permeability, depth-to-bedrock affects the

development suitability of soils and should be considered
when development proposals and land use policies are
reviewed. Shallow soils limit the placement of wells,
septic systems, foundations, agricultural uses, roads,
and utilities. Expensive blasting is often needed for
construction on shallow soils, and the likelihood of ero-
sion and septic failures is much greater than in areas
with deeper soil. At the same time, sh al low soils with
bedrock outcrops on steep slopes often offer spectacular
views, making them tempting sites for recreational devel-
opments and homes. They are ideal sites for natural
recreation areas such as hiking trails, forest preserves,
and open space.

To prevent costly mistakes, local governments should

use soil features such as permeability and depth to de-
termine al low able land uses and development densities,
and to prepare central utility plans. Intensive develop-
ment should not be encouraged on shallow soils without
central sewage systems and stringent erosion control

Erosion and Sedimentation

Al though federal and county soil conservation

programs have helped reduce cropland erosion significant-
ly since the mid-1970s, erosion continues to damage the
county's soil and water resources. Erosion rates are
especially severe on construction sites, roadbanks, and
croplands that are not using erosion control methods.

Erosion not only destroys an irreplaceable resource;

it also adds to the public costs of maintaining drainage
systems, roads, and waterways. Soil eroded from poorly
managed construction sites, for example, chokes drainage
culverts and sediment traps, which must be cleaned fre-
quently at public expense. Local governments should
develop and enforce effective erosion control standards
for construction sites, roads, and croplands and should
support county and federal programs that help landowners
reduce soil loss.

Prime and Important Soils

Much of Dutchess County's prime and important soil

acreage has been developed since World War II, and is no
longer avail able for agricultural or open space use. The
best remaining soils, located mainly outside the south-
western core area, form a critical resource on which
Dutchess County's current agricultural industry and its
future food producing capability depend.

Agriculture is a significant and highly valued
component of Dutchess County's economy and visual iden-
tity. Prime and important soils support active. farms
throughout the northern and eastern communities, as wel I
as a handful of farming operations within the urban area.
Many of these farms are under intense development pres-
sures which threaten their continued viability. It is
necessary, therefore, to devise ways to preserve the
county's best soils even where farming activity declines.

If land uses that can function satisfactorily on

less valuable soils are allowed to continue to consume
the best soils in Dutchess County, the county's agri-
cultural community wil I weaken and its ability to respond
to future changes in the nation's food production system
wil I be severely impaired. The loss of agricultural
open land also threatens one of the most traditional and
aesthetically pleasing contributors to the county's high
quality of life.

Aggressive measures are needed to protect the soil

resource. Communities must find equitable, effective
ways to divert development to less valuable sites, to en-
courage open space preservation, to support agricultural
activities, and to institute effective erosion control

Vegetation is the total plant cover of an area,
including all individuals of every plant species present.
Patterns of vegetation are determined by the physical
features of the landscape, climate, hydrology, soil,
wildlife, and human influences, as well as by chance and
competition among plant species. Vegetation, in turn,
provides food, lumber, and fuel, moderates the di mate,
buffers the hydrological cycle, helps form and protect
the soils, and creates wildlife habitat. It also reduces
the velocity of flood waters, absorbs noise, detoxifies
certain pollutants, helps filter sanitary wastes, and The vegetation chapter was
enhances the visual environment. prepared by Erik Kiviat, an
Ecologist with Hudsonia
The interrelationships among vegetation and other Limited of Annandale, New
natural resources are reflected in plant communities, York.
which are recognizable patches of plant cover charac-
terized by one or a few predominant species that recur
wherever the influencing factors are similar. The field
corn community that occurs on many farms and the red
oak - chestnut oak community common on the county's hil Is
are examples of plant communities. Each acts on, and is
acted on by, all other natural resources and forms part
of Dutchess County's resource base.

There is no comprehensive list of the county's flora.

Many of the references included in the bibliography
include species lists for small areas of the county. The
scientific and common names of plants mentioned in this
chapter are provided in the append ix.

~ Vegetation began to take hold of and modify the
county's environment after the glacial ice melted about
10,000 years ago. Before Europeans arrived, oak -
dominated forests and white pine probably covered 50

to 75 percent of the county. Indian tribes located along
major streams and the Hudson River used fire to clear
land for crops and settlement sites.. This practice
restricted fire-sensitive trees, such as hemlock, to
ravines and wetlands.

The Dutch, German, and English settlers of the 17th

century altered the county's vegetation by damming
streams, clearing land for crops and pasture, logging
extensive areas, and introducing grazing livestock. The
older forests found today were probably cut once early in
this period and not again.

During the 19th century more than 90 percent of the

county was cleared and planted or grazed. Intensive
wheat cultivation eroded soils on the slopes and hil 1-
tops, in some places exposing bedrock that remains
exposed today,

Smal I-diameter wood was cut and burned to produce

charcoal needed by the iron smelters in the eastern and
southern portions of the county. The demand for wood to
heat homes and fuel steam engines put additional pressure
on the forests.

Agriculture began to decline in the late 19th cen-

tury. American chestnut probably took over many of the
drier pastures that were no longer grazed. The same
sequence of cultivation, grazing, and abandonment en-
couraged American elm to grow on moist lowlands. Small
wetlands formed in silted mil I ponds and where road
construction blocked drainage outlets.

The turn of the century was a time of vegetation

change. Agriculture began to give way to homes and
industries in the western part of the county but
persisted in the eastern lowlands, while forests re-
established themselves on the hillsides. Abandoned
farmlands that were not developed were taken over first
by brush, and then by forest. Many wetlands were
drained or filled for building sites and new types of

Early in the 20th century chestnut blight killed the

stems of the American chestnut trees; red oak and
chestnut oak apparently replaced them. Root sprouts of a
few chestnut trees can be seen today, especially in the
eastern part of the county. During the droughts of the
1930s and 1940s forest fires burned many areas Uttered
with dead chestnut trees.

Today, timber cutting takes place in all parts of the

county except for the densely-settled residential south-
west. Seven to ten mil lion board feet are cut annually,
selectively harvested on about 5,000 acres, or one per-

~ cent of the county's land. Red oak is the most important
commercial species, but white and chestnut oaks, white
ash, sugar maple, red maple, and black birch are also

Few stati sties are avail able on the amount of wood

cut annually for fuel in Dutchess County. This harvest is
known to be increasing, however, due to the increased
use of woodstoves for heat. The small-scale cutting of
timber and fuel wood continues to produce woodlots char-
acterized by many-stemmed trees grown from stump and root

Agriculture remains an important activity in the

county. More than 20 percent of the county's land is
producing food crops, fruit, pasturage, or fodder.
Wild animals such as deer and beaver, however, have
gradually replaced cattle as a major selective force in
vegetation development. Deer and beaver were extirpated
from Dutchess County in the 19th century, but since then
have returned in significant numbers. Beaver dams create
ponds and wetlands. Selective feeding by deer and beaver
discourages some plant species while encouraging others.

The present mixture of conifer and hardwood forests,

oldfields, and active farmland provides abundant habitat
for wildlife that favor forest edges and open lands.
Cavities in dead and large live trees are especially im-
portant to many birds and small mammals. The diversity
of vegetation also contributes to the county's scenic
qualities. Flowering dogwood and mountain laurel in the
spring, purple loosestrife, asters, and goldenrod in the
summer and early fall, and the multicolored leaves of
autumn immeasurably enhance the beauty of the county.

Types of Vegetation

Today more than 50 percent of Dutchess County is

covered by forest, brush, or inactive land. As shown in
Figure 6.1, roughly one-fourth of the county is devel-
oped, 18 percent is actively used for agriculture, and 6
percent is wetland. Vegetation in the county can be more
specifically grouped into six land use - vegetation
types. As shown on the Vegetation Map, these types are
forest, brushland, plantations, wooded wetlands, non-
wooded wetlands, and agricultural and developed land.

The distribution of vegetation types shown on the

Vegetation Map follows the predominant north-south and
northeast-southwest axes of the county's ridges and
valleys. Farmland, recently abandoned farmland, wet-
lands, and development concentrations are most common in
the valleys where soil is relatively deep. Forests are

more prevalent on the hills ides where soil is thin. Many
of the largest farms and wet lands are located on lime-
stone or sand and gravel deposits in the Harlem Valley
and the southern portion of the county (see Bedrock and
Surficial lJeposits Maps in Chapter 2). Forest tracts are
more extensive in the eastern and southernmost sections
of the county, where much of the land is steep and rocky
and the soil acidic, making it less amenable to farming
and residential development. The relationships among
geology, topography, soils, and vegetation can be seen by
comparing the Vegetation Map to the maps of bedrock,
surficial deposits, steep slope, soil types and ground-
water occurrences in the preceding chapters.

Vegetation Type as Percent of County Area


Agricultural Land

Developed Land


Forest, Brush, Plantation, and
Inactive Land "'


Figure 6.1

A quick look at the Vegetation Map conveys the

impression that half of Dutchess County is forested, but
the vegetation is considerably more complex. The most
common plant communities and their characteristic species
are listed in Table 6.1. The species are arranged by
"sites" or topographic positions as well as by land use.
Figure 6.2 illustrates the topographic positions of the
plant communities and suggests how environmental con-
ditions such as moisture and rockiness differ at each

Plant communities vary locally depending on geology,

human uses, history, and other factors, and comprise a
complicated mosaic. Historic patterns of land ownership
and land use have divided the county into thousands cif
"use lots" separated by stone walls and fences. These
fence lines sometimes cut across, and at other times
delineate, the natural community boundaries.

Table 6.1 Characteristic Plants of Major Site/Use Types

Type Canopy Lower Layers

Lower slopes Sugar maple Striped maple L
Hemlock Flowering dogwood
Red oak American hornbeam
Black oak Mapleleaf viburnum
Tuliptree Spicebush
Beech Witch-hazel
Black birch ~irginia creeper
Yellow birch L Grape
White ash
White pine
Shagbark hickory
Mid-slopes Red oak Hop hornbeam
Black oak Mountain-laurel
Chestnut oak Shadbush
White oak Witch-hazel
Sugar maple Mapleleaf viburnum
Hemlock L Bladdernut L
Black birch low blueberry
White ash Virginia creeper
Red maple Grape
Black cherry L Flowering dogwood
Paper birch L American chestnut
Gray birch L (sprouts)
Black locust L
Pignut hickory
Upper slopes Red oak Staghorn sumac
Chestnut oak Scrub oak
White oak Chokecherry
Red cedar Low blueberry
White ash Huckleberry
Pignut hickory Downy arrowwood L
Gray birch L American chestnut
Red maple (sprouts)
Sassafras L Gray dogwood
Quaking aspen L Witch-hazel
Pitch pine L Mountain-laurel L
Pin cherry L Chokeberry
Shadbush Sweetfern L
Little bluestem
Sedges '
Brush land Gray dogwood Little bluestem
(oldfields) Red cedar Goldenrods
Gray birch Asters
Staghorn sumac Smooth sumac
Black locust L Po_ison ivy
White pine L Dewberry
Quaking aspen L Blackberry
Black cherry Black raspberry
Red maple Multiflora rose
Arrowwood Bell's honeysuckle
American prickly- Sassafras L
ash L Sweetfern L
barberry L
Common juniper L
and many other

Table 6.1 Cont.

Type Canopy Lower Layers

Plantations Red pine

Scotch pine
White pine
Norway spruce
European larch
and self-sown
trees and Shrubs
(non-tidal) Red maple Willows
Swamps and Red ash Alders
Stream Slides Black ash L Spicebush
American elm Silky dogwood
Yellow birch L Red-osier dogwood L
Willows Buttonbush
Silver maple L High blueberry
Sycamore L Swamp azalea
Tamarack L Nannyberry
Swamp white oak Purple loosestrlfe
Pin oak L
Cinnamon fern
and other herbs
Marshes Purple loosestrife
Tussock sedge
Other sedges
Reed canary grass
Other grasses
and scattered woody
Ponds, etc. Pondweeds
White water lily
Yellow water lily
Water-shield !
Wetlands (tidal) Narrowleaf cattail
Hudson River Red maple Spatterdock
Red ash Pickerelweed
Black ash Reed L
(woody plants Broadleaf arrowhead
may be absent) Arrow arum
Dotted smartweed
River bulrush
Wild rice
Rice cutgrass
Purple loosestrlfe
Silky dogwood
and other herbs and

Table 6.1 Cont.

Type Canopy lower Layers

Waste ground Staghorn sumac Poison ivy

Red cedar Smooth sumac
Tree-of-heaven Bell's honeysuckle
Black locust Japanese
Quaking aspen L honeysuckle
Cottonwood Brambles
False indigo L
Many other trees, shrubs, herbs

Mowed fields Orchard grass

and pastures Timothy
Sweet vernal grass
Other grasses
Other herbs
Woody plants

*Note: Not all species listed for a type necessarily

occur together. L = local.

Forests, brushland, inactive lands, and plantations
cover approximately 53 percent of the county. Forests
can be defined as areas where trees over 30 feet tal I
cover at least half of the acreage. Environmental con-
ditions that influence forest growth vary with elevation
to produce lower slope, mid-slope, and upper slope site
types (see Figure 6.2). Elevation, however, is not the
only factor that determines forest type. For example, a
sheltered pocket or north-facing ravine at a high eleva-
tion may support trees normally found on lower slopes,
while a dry rocky knoll or outcrop with thin soil at a
low elevation may support upper slope (crest) vegetation.
Site Types, Relative Elevations, and
Environmental Gradients.

." Lower Slope


Soil Moisture Less More

Soil Depth Less More
Soil Fertility Lower Higher
Exposure to wind,
sun_.,_11tc. More Less
Rock at soil surface More Less

Fire Frequency Higher Lower

Figure 6.2

.Lower Slope Forests

Lower slope forests are frequently composed of mixed

hardwoods, sometimes with hemlock or white pine. Sugar
maple and red oak are frequently abundant, as are other
oaks, tulip, and beech. These forests tend to have the
largest trees and the greatest variety of tree species.
The canopy height, measured as the height that most of
the larger trees have reached, is often 50 to 60 feet.
Lower slope forests are found on moist, highly sheltered
sites, usually at low elevations.

Mid-Slope Forests

Mid-slope forests are typically dominated by oak,

most often red oak. Chestnut oak, sugar maple, black
birch, and other species occur, as do hemlock or white
pine in some locations. Tree size and species variety
tend to decrease as elevation increases from lower slope
to upper slope. These forests occur on upland sites that
are not unusually dry or moist.

Upper Slope Forests

Red oak or chestnut oak is usually the predominant

species in upper slope forests. White oak, pignut hick-
ory, red maple, and many other species may be locally

important. Before chestnut blight struck the county
early in the 20th century, American chestnut grew
abundantly in many upper slope and mid-slope forests.

The trees of upper slope forests are larger and

healthier in low spots and pockets of deeper soil, and
stunted on the more exposed or rockier locations. The
forest floor can be open or interspersed with shrub-
covered or grassy clearings. Areas of nearly-bare soil
or rock may occur. Such clearings are less common in
mid-slope and lower slope forests.

Upper slope forests occur on ridge crests and ex-

posed rock shoulders, as well as on rocky knolls at low
elevations. These knolls include rocky islands in the
county's lakes and on the Hudson River.

Upper slope forests sometimes resemble brushland or

old fields. Like mid- and lower slopes, most were
cleared and cultivated or pastured during the last cen-
tury. The upper slopes, however, are developing into
forest more slowly than the others. The small size and
low density of their trees reflect the influence of
shallow soil and exposure to winds, rapid temperature
changes, and fire. Vegetation on many of these sites
wil I remain stunted and open.

Other Forest Communities

Hemlock stands are examples of forest communities

that have particular aesthetic and wildlife habitat in-
terest. Hemlock is more common on glacial till or sandy
soils than on clay soils, and is usually found near water

or in cool, moist areas. Young hemlocks are quite sensi-
tive to fire and deer browsing, and grow slowly. Many
hemlock stands, as wel I as hardwood stands, are losing
seedlings to heavy deer browsing. These losses are most
apparent in large areas where deer hunting is prohibited.

Unusual soils can support patches of distinctive

forest vegetation. Black locust is often abundant on
disturbed sandy soils; old gravel pits frequently support
colonies of quaking aspen. Flowering dogwood is common
in clay areas along the Hudson River in nortl1ern Dutchess
County, where hemlock is scarce. Limestone till soils
and outcrops provide habitat for many uncommon species,
such as round leaf dogwood, hackberry, and American

Brush land
The term "brush" often connotes undesirable
vegetation, but brushland communities are valuable for
soil protection and wildlife habitat. Brush covers less
than 20 percent of the county. It includes vegetation
that ranges from weed and shrub-covered fields to areas
with scattered 30-foot trees, Brushland plant communi-
ties include the shrub patches, small trees, and coarse
herbs that represent the period of regeneration between
agricultural abandonment and closure of the forest
canopy. Most of these "oldfi elds" are between 3 and 50
years old. Brushland vegetation is usually patchy (hori-
zontally diverse), but not many-layered (vertically
complex); it is composed of numerous species that may
occur as scattered individuals, small patches, or large

Although some oldfield species start from seeds,

many develop from root systems that have persisted from
an earlier forested stage. These sprout hardwoods
develop from the root or stump sprouts that grow after
forests are cut or agriculture is abandoned. Sprout
hardwoods are common in Dutchess County and southern
New England.

Root-suckering plant species, which spread under or
along the soil surface to form colonies, are especially
important in oldfields. They include sumacs, aspens,
brambles, gray dogwood, and black locust, all of which
often persist despite cutting, animal damage, ;ind fire.
By browsing and digging, or by eating and scattering
seeds, animals such as meadow voles, cottontail rabbits,
woodchucks, deer, and birds play an important role in
determining which plant species appear and survive in
oldfield development.

Red cedar, gray birch, and gray dogwood are among

the most typical brushland species in Dutchess County.
Red cedar is commor, in many oldfields. It grows vigor-
ously 0'1 limestone soils, lending a distinctive, partly
evergreen character to the vegetation. White pine is not
as typical an oldfield species in the county as it is in
southern New England, but it does appear near where
parent trees stood, and it is occasionally abundant.
White pine and red cedar are unpalatable to cattle; this
enables their seedlings to survive the last stages of
grazing before pastures are abandoned.

Old orchards and hedgerows are distinctive types of

brushland. Hedgerows are linear plant communities, 5 to
20 feet wide, located along fence lines and stone walls.
They often contain large spreading trees scattered among
more typical brushland plants. Apple trees are found
among naturally occurring woody plants in many areas.


Plantations, which are stands of planted trees of any

size, cover seven percent of the county. They are num-
erous but usually small, and typically consist of pure
stands or alternating patches of conifers. Certain popu-
lar plantation species, such as Norway spruce and European

larch, are not native to this area. They do not commonly
reproduce from seed or "volunteer" here. Most plantations
are composed of trees of the same age planted in rows.
Stands of naturally-occurring white pine sometimes resem-
ble plantations. A variety of volunteer species may be
found in unmanaged plantations, including white pine and

Wetlands, both wooded and non-wooded, cover six per-
cent of the county and are significant for the recreation,
wildlife habitat, water management, and other beneri ts
they provide. They range from damp or seasonally-flooded
areas to lands that are permanently covered with a foot or
more of water. Wooded wetlands (swamps) cover approxi-
mately three percent of the county; non-wooded wetlands
[marshes) account for another three. The county's wetland
resources are more fully described in the Hydrology

Communities of submerged aquatic plants usually

contain patches of one or a few species. They grow in
lakes, ponds, and wetland pools where water continuously
covers the bottom and enough light penetrates for photo-
synthesis. Submerged plants are limp-stemmed, and may
have parts that float on the water surface. Rooted plants
with floating leaves, such as water lilies, or free-
floating plants, like duckweed, may also be present. Non-
vascular plants, such as mosses or attached algae, often
grow in wetlands. Drifting microscopic algae, called
plankton, are present in almost all waters.

Wooded Wetlands

Trees or shrubs dominate wooded wetlands. Red

maple is the most common wetland tree species in Dutchess
County. Red ash is also important, and American elm was
a common wetland tree before Dutch elm disease decimated
the elm population. Many swamps in Dutchess County con-
tain ditches that remain from past attempts to drain the
wet lands and transform them into drier land.

Most woody plants in wetlands grow on raised root-

crowns, called hummocks. Hummocks allow the plants
access to sufficient water and air, regardless of the
water level, and are best developed where water levels

Non-Wooded Wetlands

Grasslike plants, such as bulrushes, tussock sedge,

reed, and cattail, or non-woody broad-leaved plants, such
as purple loosestrife, are characteristic of marshes.


- ---- -,
~ Marsh vegetation is heavily influenced i)y the calcium
content of the soil. Limy soils, high in calcium, support
the larger stands of cattails as wel I as other character-
istic plant communities.

Wetlands that overlie peat soil, which is rich in

organic matter and often acidic, are called bogs.
Typical bog plants include sphagnum moss, cranberry,
leatherleaf, pitcher plant, sundew, cottongrass, and
conifers. Bogs are relatively rare in Dutchess County.
Some occur on limy I rather than acidic, soils. Patches
of swamp, marsh, and bog are often interspersed.

Tidal wetlands ;,nd shallows along the Hudson River

are affected twice a day by three- to four-foot tides.
Their water is either fresh or seasonally brackish.
Submerged and floating aquatic plants, such as wild
celery; Eurasian watermilfoil, and water-chestnut, occur
in subtidal shallows. Patches of spatterdock and pickerel-
weed appear in the lower portion of the area between high
tide and low tide, known as the lower intertidal zone.
Large expanses of grasslike plants, patches of mixed
broad-leaved plants, and sometimes shrubs or hardwood
swamps occur in the upper intertidal zone.

Agriculture and Developed Land

Agricultural, urban, suburban, and industrial areas

cover large portions of Dutchess County. Vegetation types
characteristic of these areas include crop and pasture
lands, managed grounds, and waste ground.


Farming is a vital industry in Dutchess County.

More than 600 farms produce more than $42 mil lion worth
of goods each year, on approximately 140,000 acres of
land. Milk and dairy products account for $21 million of
the total, crops for close to $10 mil lion, and livestock
or non-dairy live stock products for the remaining $11
mil lion.

According to the 1982 Census of Agriculture,

crops and non-wooded pasture land cover 93,000 acres,
equal to 18 percent of the county's land area. Hay and
feed corn account for 60 percent of this acreage. Apple
orchards take up 2,500 of the 3,000 acres devoted to
fruit. These acreage figures are summarized in Table 6.2.

Most of Dutchess County's commercial dairy farms are

,~ located in the central and northeastern towns. Apple
orchards and vineyards are concentrated in the towns of
Red Hook and La Grange, where the terrain and micro-
climates are suitable for fruit crops.

Few large tracts of farmland remain in the south-
western quarter of the county, The majority of farms
that were in this area have been developed for residen-
tial, commercial, or industrial purposes. Concern about
preserving what remains of the county's best farmland is
increasing as development pressures spread.

Table 6.2 Farmland in Dutchess County

Agricultural Use Total Acreage

Cropland 8u,OOO
corn 20,000
hay 34,000
cropland used for pasture 18,000
orchards 3,000
vegetables 2,000
rniscel-laneous crops 3,000
(nurseries, sod, oats, wheat, etc.)
Woodland (including wooded pasture land) 30,000
Other Pasture Land 13,000
Other Land (farm ponds, and roads, buildings, 15,000
idle land)

TOTAL 138,000

Source: U.S. Dept. of Commerce; 1982 Census of


Managed Grounds

In the developed portions of the county. intensive

management with planting, fertilizers, herbicides, irriga-
tion, and pruning creates the plant communities typical
of yards, estate grounds, campuses, and many urban
streets. These managed grounds are usually composed of
ornamental trees and lawns that form artificial savannas.
Stresses such as dry soil, salt and air pollution, and
selective management reduce the number of species that can
thrive. Ornamental trees are often large and spreading.
Non-native trees, shrubs, and herbs outnumber natives in
managed areas.

Formerly managed grounds that have been abandoned

include overgrown yards and estates and old garden sites
or house lots. Such areas are usually surrounded by
forest or brush Iand. Pl anted native and non-native trees,
shrubs, and herbs persist (often without reproducing),
and gradually become mixed with wild species. Patches of

day lily, periwinkle, European buck thorn, tree-of-heaven,
and other ornamentals planted in years past identify these
sites after other signs of management have been obscured.

Mowed fields are maintained on many proper ti es for

ornamental purposes. In these areas grasses and broad-
leaved plants partly conceal the woody plant shoots that
survive repeated cuttings

Corridors for roads, railroads, powerlines and other
utilities are called rights-of-way. Ranging from 50 to
300 feet wide, rights-of-way cover a significant number of
acres in the county. Right-of-way vegetation is usually
shorter than adjacent vegetation because it is mowed,
brush-hogged, hand cut, or sprayed with herbicides. The
plants are also oiten exposed to pollutants from vehicles.
Depending on soil characteristics and disturbance, right-
of-way communities vary from forest to brushland, low-
growing herbs, or bare soil. Where topsoil has been
removed, rights-of-way resemble waste ground.

Waste Grounds

Numerous sites in Dutchess County have been stripped

of topsoil. These waste grounds resemble oldfields, but
their vegetation is usually smaller, shorter, and sparser.
Bare soil or subsoil is common; woody plants usually are
not. Waste grounds include dumps, fills, roadcuts, park-
ing lots; dikes, vacant lots, surface mines, and areas
around construction and industrial sites. Climate, chem-
ical and mechanical stress, and deficiencies of moisture
and soil nutrients contribute to their simplified

Uses of Vegetation
Plants provide food, building materials, fuel, and
wildlife habitat; these uses are widely recognized and
appreciated. Vegetation also ;:irovides many benefits that
tend to be overlooked. One of the most valuable func-
tions of wild, landscaped, or agricultural vegetation is
ecological or land use buffering. Vegetation slows flood
flows, builds up the soil and holds it in place, replen-
ishes oxygen supplies, absorbs noise, gives privacy, and
moderates air temperatures and wind exposure near the
ground. As they grow, reproduce, die, and decompose,
plants regulate the movement and concentrations of dis-
solved nutrients and minerals in soil and water. Plants
help the soil filter and absorb human wastes and certain
pollutants, settle dust and sediment from air and water,
serve as visual transition zones between land uses, pro-
vide shelter and food for wildlife, and make the
landscape beautiful and diverse.

The multi-faceted buffering ability of vegetation is

especially useful between developed areas or agricultural
land and sensitive natural areas, such as lakes and
rivers. Ecological buffer zones--areas of undisturbed
vegetation--can help minimize the impact of human land
use activities on nearby sensitive resources by reducing
runoff and catching sediment, providing she I ter, food,
and trail corridors for wildlife, and reducing noise and
visual impacts. In addition to protecting the environ-
ment, vegetation buffers enhance the value of developed
or agricultural land. They do this by providing wind-
breaks, natural air conditioning, shade, privacy, erosion
control, and aesthetic charm. Vegetation buffers can
bring nature into an urban landscape, and tie together
the natural elements of that landscape so that visual
amenities and wildlife can survive.

- Changes in Vegetation
Vegetation is dynamic. Although ,nature forests and
tidal marshes, for example, may remain stable for many
years, all vegetation communities eventually change.
Such change may occur slowly or suddenly, in response to
environmental influences that may be subtle or traumatic.
Subtle environmental factors include climatic variations,
such as wet or dry years or unusually low or high temp-
eratures; fluctuating animal populations; changes in air
quality; gradual increases in wood harvesting; and other
conditions that affect the germination, growth, survival,
and competition of plant species.

Traumatic environmental stresses, such as fire,

floods, clear-cutting, plowing new farm fields, and. ur-
ban development kif I or inhibit certain species. Such
stresses cause sudden changes that are followed by a
period of recovery. The recovery period, in turn, may
produce a totally different vegetation landscape.

Small-scale stresses, such as confined brush fires,

increase landscape diversity by creating a mosaic pat tern
of vegetation in various stages of recovery. Stress
applied over a large area, such as large forest fires or
air pollution, simplifies the landscape by eliminating
sensitive species or entire plant communities.

Human Activities

Farming, clearing land for development, harvesting

wood for lumber or fuel, and introducing non-native,
highly competitive "weed" species are the major human
activities that directly alter vegetation. Different
wood harvesting practices, such as cutting particular
species or sizes, thinning crowded stands, removing
unmarketable trees, clear-cutting, and harvesting whole
trees, have significantly different effects on forest
composition and regrowth.

Clearing land for residential, commercial, and

industrial use permanently takes it out of forest or
brushland production, and in most cases replaces the
natural vegetation with artificially landscaped grounds
and impermeable surfaces. This, in turn, usually
increases the amount of fertilizers, herbicides, and
pesticides applied to the land, and decreases the amount
of rainfall that filters down into groundwater supplies.

Agriculture also maintains vegetation in an

unnatural state. Crop farming involves the large-scale
cultivation of a relatively few plant species that would
probably not survive on their own, and the suppression
of diverse, unwanted native species that have a natural

- ---------i
competitive advantage over the chosen crops. Crop fields ~
are artificially simple communities, highly susceptible
to diseases and pests. In most cases, fertilizers, pes-
ticides, and herbicides are used to maintain the growing
conditions that crops require. Pasture lands are also
unnatural to the extent that brush and trees would
quickly replace low-lying herbaceous plants if grazing
livestock were not present.

Although agriculture remains a significant component

of the Dutchess County economy, many farm fields have
been abandoned and allowed to revert to native vegeta-
tion since the late 19th century. Many of the woodlands
present in the county today occupy former pasture land.

Certain introduced plants proliferate in disturbed

areas and gradually rep I ace patches of native vegetation.
This phenomenon is insignificant in forests, but has had
a major impact on herbaceous and some brushland communi-
ties. Purple loosestrife has replaced cattail, sedges
and other wetland plants at many Dutchess County loca-
, lions. Water-chestnut and Eurasian watermilfoil are
abundant in Hudson River shallows, and are potential
invaders of ponds and lakes. Multiflora rose, planted
for erosion control and wildlife food,' is difficult to
eradicate and has become troublesome in oldfields, pas-
tures, and wet meadows. Bell's honeysuckle has spread
from ornamental plantings and is very abundant in old
fields, wet meadows, and open woods.

These "weeds" tend to replace native plants whose

growth forms differ from their own. The weeds increase
diversity when present in small numbers and scattered
among native species, but when they dominate entire plant
communities, the diversity of both the species and the
communities is reduced. Exotic species do support some
wildlife species, but native plants in extensive wild
communities are necessary to maintain natural and diverse
populations of native animals. All of the weeds men-
tioned above spread readily and wil I probably become much
more abundant in the near future. Additional vegetation
pests wil I undoubtedly appear occasionally as new species
are introduced for ornamental purposes or other uses.

Pollution of air, water, and soil is one by-product

of human activity that significantly affects vegetation.
Roadside conifers have been, injured at many locations in
the county,' apparently by road salts and vehicle exhaust.
Many ponds and lakes have become eutrophic because of
excess nutrients from sewage and agricultural runoff.
Several plant species have declined or disappeared from
the Hudson River since the 1940s; water pollution is
believed to be one of several contributing factors. The
effect of acid rain on vegetation in the Hudson Valley is
under study.

Natural Events

Natural events that shape vegetation development

include fire, disease, defoliation by insects, fluctua-
tions in wildlife populations (especially deer and
beaver), and climatic variations. Climate is described
in Chapter One; the rest of these natural influences are
discussed briefly below.

Large forest fires rarely strike Dutchess County.

Most of the vegetation fires that do occur do little
damage to the tree canopy, and burn leaf litter, above-
ground parts of herbs and shrubs, and small trees.
Vegetation usually regenerates quickly after such burns.
Oaks and hickories have thick corky bark that makes them
fire resistant. Red cedar, white pine, red maple, and
hemlock are vulnerable, especially when small.

Disease has almost eliminated chestnut and American

elm trees. Beech, white ash, and sugar maple have also
been attacked during the last two decades and their
numbers could be declining. With the exception of beech
bark disease, trees in the interior of forests have been
less affected than trees in more exposed locations. The
highest disease mortality rates occur where trees are
stressed by water or nutrient shortages; salt, or
mechanical damage along roadsides, in parks, or on
managed grounds.

Insect damage continuously affects vegetation.

However, certain pests, such as gypsy moths, go through
population cycles that peak at intervals of several
years. At their peak in 1980 and 1981, gypsy moth
caterpillars defoliated hardwood forests and ornamental
trees throughout Dutchess County. Damage was partic-
ularly severe where trees lacked sufficient water. Most
trees survived the defoliation, even though many were
stripped in both 1980 and 1981. Some species suffered
more than others. Further studies are needed of the
effects of insect outbreaks on forest morbidity and

Deer. beaver, and other wildlife greatly influence

pl ant growth. Deer are probably more common now in
Dutchess County than ever before. Wherever they con-
centrate,' browsing heavily on seed Ii ngs and twigs and
consuming acorns, their eating habits can restrict the
reproduction of all but the most unpalatable trees and
shrubs. The species composition of areas affected in
this way eventually shifts as young trees most sensitive
to deer damage, such as oak and hemlock, die.

Beaver populations in the county appear to be

increasing, particularly in the eastern towns. Beaver
enhance landscape diversity by constructing ponds and

felling trees, replacing patches of forests with aquatic
vegetation and herbs or shrubs. Wet lands usually de-
velop after beaver leave a site. The high values of
beaver ponds and wet lands for wildlife habitat, hydro-
logical buffering, and vegetation diversity offset the
timber damage they cause. Fur trapping and the removal
of "nuisance" animals keep the county's beaver popula-
tion below its potential level.

Resource Management Implications

Both natural and human activities place vegetation

under stress. Damage caused by fire, drought, disease,
insects, wildlife, and nuisance plant species is
aggra-vated by misguided resource management and land use
practices. Farming, timber harvesting, clearing land for
development, and modifying wetlands directly alter plant
communities. If such activities are undertaken carefully,
in appropriate locations, they can maintain environmental
diversity while meeting human needs. If they are under-
. taken carelessly, they can do irreparable environmental
harm by eroding soil, eliminating plant species and wild-
life habitat, and reducing the capacity of the environment
to assimilate wastes and absorb rainfall. Road salts,
agricultural and urban runoff, acid rain, and other air,
water, and land pollutants can further weaken pl ant life
and disrupt the natural balance that sustains a health-
fully diverse and productive ecosystem. Thoughtful
management is needed to maintain this balance as develop-
ment alters more and more of the county's landscape.

Forest Management

More than 90 percent of the land in Dutchess County

was cleared and planted or grazed sometime during the
1800s. Intensive wheat cultivation caused serious soil
erosion on slopes and hil I tops. Forest removal reduced
the available wildlife habitat so much that deer and
beaver were virtually eliminated. Since that time,
brushland and woods have reclaimed much of the land that
once was farmed. However, the county's forests remain
under pressure. Development, not agriculture, now
encroaches on the woodland resource base. Over-
development for urban and suburban uses could cause the
county to repeat the cycle of erosion, wildlife loss, and
related impacts experienced in the 1800s.

To prevent such damage and to maintain the health and

abundance of the county's forests landowners, woodland
users, and local and county governments should encourage
forest uses that are compatible with forest conservation

and enhancement. Wood harvesting should conform to sound
forest management practices. The quantities of lumber and
fuel wood cut--and of land cleared for development--should
be monitored so that appropriate steps can be taken if the
total wood supply begins to diminish. Uncommon or
especially sensitive forest resources, such as hemlock
groves, forests with large trees, beech woods, and woodland
buffers around water bodies or wetlands should be
protected. Brushland should not be indiscriminately cleared
because it supports numerous wildlife species and is
tomorrow's forest resource.


Agriculture, when balanced with natural vegetation,

greatly enchances the appearance, diversity, and pro-
ductivity of the county's land resources. The more
diverse the county's agricultural base is, the healthier
it is, both economically and environmentally.

Efforts to strengthen and diversify agricultural

activity in Dutchess County should be supported. These
efforts should focus on crops, livestock, and farming
practices that are compatible with the county's soils and
climate. The use of effective alternatives to chemical
fertilizers and pesticides and erosion-causing cul ti va-
t ion practices should be encouraged.

Buffer Vegetation

Buffer vegetation is an important part of the

developed and natural landscape. It controls runoff
rates and volumes, improves air and water quality,
moderates site temperatures and sun exposure, provides
wind breaks, limits erosion and sedimentation, attenuates
noise, screens unattractive landscape elements, and pro-
vides plant and wildlife habitat. Well-managed natural
buffers can also accommodate a variety of recreational
and educational uses while contributing to environmental
health and community property values.

Every effort should be made to incorporate buffer
vegetation in site development designs and land use plans.
Local decision makers and landowners should link buffer
zones of vegetation wherever possible. to create green-
belts and natural corridors through their communities.
Floodplains and waterways are ideal greenbelt corridor
sites. Buffers adjacent to sensitive resources. such as
wet lands. streams. and steep slopes. should not be

The importance of preserving unusual plant communitjes

is discussed in <;hapter 7.

L_ __ _
Knowledge of wildlife can increase people's
understanding of environmental relationships. Wild
animals are a source of enjoyment, recreation, and food, The wildlife chapter was
offering outlets for activities such as bird-watching, prepared by Erik Kiviat, an
hunting, fishing, trapping, photography, sketching, and Ecologist with Hudsonia
sculpting. They contribute to the diversity on which the Limited of Annandale, New
health and resilience of the natural environment depend. York.
Animal populations are also sensitive indicators of envi-
ronmental health, often responding to subtle changes in
pollution levels, land uses, and other stresses in observ-
able ways.

The interaction of natural resources and human

activities determines which wild animals thrive in an
area. Vertebrates (animals with a backbone), such as
mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fishes, and in-
vertebrates (animals without a backbone), such as insects,
snails, and worms, comprise this wildlife community. This
chapter reviews the wildlife habitats and vertebrate
species of Dutchess County.

Habitat Types
The place where a species lives is its habitat. The
type and amount of habitat determine the animal species
and the number of individuals of each species that can
successfully find food and shelter and reproduce in a
given area. Some types of habitats are common while
others are scarce. The quality of a given type may also
vary, due to the interaction of human influence and
environmental factors.

Common habitats in Dutchess County include farm
ponds, warm-water streams, weed fields, shrb land, young
woodlots, residential yards, and pastures. Scarce
habitats include caves, cliffs, talus slopes {rock slides),
dry rocky hilltops, large hayfields, large-tree forests,
extensive cattail marshes, tidal wetlands, tidal stream
mouths, cool-water streams, and natural lakes and bogs.
Stil I other habitats are moderately common but have special
significance to wildlife. For example, intermitent wood-
land pools are critical breeding areas for certain amphibian
species. Damage caused by dumping, filling, and spraying
is reducing the number of woodland pools available to
these species.

Habitat Changes

In the 1600s Dutchess County was extensively

forested. Clearings created by Indian fires and agri-
culture dotted the landscape. By the mid-1800s most of
the county had been converted into farmland. Today, over
a quarter of a mil lion people live in Dutchess County on
land that includes farmland, redeveloping forest, and
large residential, commercial, and industrial areas.

Wildlife species have reacted in various ways to the

changing patterns of vegetation and land use. A few,
such as the timber wolf and passenger pigeon, have ~
disappeared completely. Beaver and pileated woodpecker
disappeared at one time but have now returned. Some
species, such as the bobcat, osprey, and Atlantic stur-
geon, are less common now than they were in the 1600s,
while other species, such as deer, raccoon, red fox,
robin, and painted turtle are more common today. The
wild turkey, which disappeared from Dutchess County
during the 1840s, was reintroduced in 1974 and is now a
naturally reproducing resident.

Several species are relative newcomers to the

county. Coyotes moved into Dutchess County about 20
years ago and are now permanent residents. The Canada
goose, now a moderately common breeder, was formerly only
a migrant in the county.

Not all wildlife has fared well; natural and human

factors threaten several species. Animals that need
large, continuous, or interconnected habitat units often
have trouble maintaining populations as their habitats
become increasingly fragmented by land use changes.
Important specific factors that are adversely affecting
wildlife species include the following:

- Change in the water, soil, and vegetation that

make up species' habitats.

- Pollution of water by sewage, PCBs (polychor-
inated biphenyls), pesticides, and other toxic

Disturbance by noise, capture and release, and

household pets.

Competition from or predation by tolerant species

whose populations have increased.

Cold-water fish like brook trout and sculpin have

had some of their habitats ruined by the removal of bank
vegetation and the silting and warming of streams. The
habitats of cattail-nesting birds, such as the marsh wren,
are reduced as purple loosestrife replaces cattail in dis-
turbed marshes. Certain species of the tidal waters and
wet lands of the Hudson River are scarce or absent due to
environmental contaminants and adjacent land use.
Introduced starlings have displaced eastern bluebirds from
natural nesting cavities. Rattlesnakes have declined in
range and number as a result of commercial collection and
wanton killing.

Troubled Species

In 1983, the New York State Department of

Environmental Conservation developed a new, expanded en-
dangered species list with three categories (in order of
decreasing concern): endangered, threatened, and special
concern. Species classified as endangered or threatened
are protected under the Environmental Conservation Law.
The species ori the new state list are noted in the list
of vertebrate species in Dutchess County provided in
Table 7. 1.

Very few fishes and invertebrates have been included

on the New York State endangered species list. Some biol-
ogists believe there are many additional species, both
invertebrates and vertebrates, that are in serious trouble
in New York and merit listing as endangered, threatened,
or of special concern. A few of the unlisted Dutchess
County vertebrates whose numbers are declining or whose
habitat is seriously threatened, and that appear to be in
trouble, are the marsh wren, ribbon snake, and marbled
salamander. Detailed study would reveal that many add i-
tional species are similarly vulnerable.

Important Species
Many wilalife species thriving in Dutchess County are
major influences on the landscape or have significant
economic value. Deer are abundant and affect vegetation
by selective feeding. Heavy browsing of seedlings and
sap Ii ngs and consumption of acorns can prevent all but the


least palatable trees and shrub species from reproducing.
Affected areas may eventually show a shift in tree
species composition.

Beaver, which are fairly common in eastern Dutchess

County, affect forests and wetlands. They cut and girdle
many trees and shrubs to feed on the bark. Beaver dams
raise water levels temporarily, triggering the develop-
ment of vegetation from forest to pond to marsh or swamp,
and sometimes back to forest. The ponds and wetlands
that beaver create are habitat for waterfowl, turtles,
fish, and other animals. Beaver-created habitats enhance
landscape diversity.

Muskrats influence wetland vegetation by selectively

eating certain plants, notably cattails. Muskrats make
small clearings in the marsh vegetation, which may either
return to the predominant plant community after a few
years or be invaded by a different community, such as
shrubs or purple loosest rife. Like beaver, muskrats
increase the diversity of plant communities.

Deer, eastern cottontail, and gray squirrel are

important game animals in Dutchess County. Muskrat,
beaver, red fox, and gray fox are valuable furbearers.
Game birds include ruffed grouse, ring-necked pheasant,
wild turkey, and a number of waterfowl species. Some of
the important game and food fish of non-tidal waters are ~
brown trout, largemouth bass, pumpkinseed, bluegill, and
brown bul Ihead. Hudson River fishery species include
American shad, alewife, blueback herring, white perch,
American eel, and striped bass. Eel and striped bass are
stil I off-limits for commercial fishing because of their
high PCB content.

Vertebrate Species

Al I vertebrate wildlife species recorded in Dutchess

County are listed in Table 7 .1. Relatively little is
known about where many of these species are concentrated
within the county.

Key to Annotations

The symbols listed below are used in Table 7 .1 to

indicate the abundance and protection status of wildlife
species reported in Dutchess County. Whether or not a
species is known to breed in the county is also noted.

C Common: A common species is found wherever there

is suitable habitat, probably in all towns; by an
observer familiar with its behavior and sign. A
common species often occupies more than one habitat

U Uncommon: The abundance of an uncommon species is
intermediate between common and rare. Such a
species may be unevenly distributed. It is likely
to be found in several towns, and perhaps in all
towns, but in smaller numbers than a common species
of similar size.

R Rare: A rare species is usually very uneven or

local in occurrence, and may be found in only one or
a few towns. It may be restricted to a
single--often scarce--habitat type. Overall numbers
are low.

H Hudson River: Such species are confined, or very

nearly -confined, to Hudson River tidal habitats.

b B reed5'!:: Such species are known or believed to

reproduce (rear young) in the county, and may also
be present outside of the breeding season.

n Nonbreeder: Nonbreeding species are present part of

the year or occasionally, but probably do not
reproduce in the county. (Breeding and nonbreeding
populations of the same species may be noted
separately in Table 7. 1 if the status of the two
populations differs greatly.)

unv Unverified: Unverified species have been

reported in the county, but their presence has not
been proven. The reports are probably correct. In
addition, a few species that have been found very
close to Dutchess County but have not yet been found
in the county are listed as unverified.

per PeripheraJ: Such a species is at the edge of

its geographic range. It is likely to be rare, and
its numbers are likely to fluctuate. Marine or
coastal species that barely penetrate as far inland
as IJutchess County are also listed as peripheral.

ace Accidental: Accidental species are well outside

their normal range and have been recorded in
Dutchess County only once or a few times.

int Introduced: Such species are not native to

Dutchess County, but in most cases are established
and reproducing here. Aquatic species that arrived
through canals are considered introduced. Escaped
species that are not est ab Ii shed in the county, such
as the red-eared turtle, are not included in Table
7. 1

ext Extirpated: Such species were formerly present in

the county but are now extinct here. They may stil I
exist outside the county.

EE Endangered: Such species appear on the federal
and New York State endangered species lists. They
are automatically protected under state and
federal law, but their habitats are not.

E Endangered, New York: Such species appear on

the New York State Ii st of endangered species, but
not on the federal list. They are in danger of
being completely eliminated or have already been
extirpated from the state. They are automatically
protected under state law, but their habitats are

T Threatened, New York: Such species appear on the

New York State list of threatened species, and are
likely to become endangered in the foreseeable
future. Threatened species are automatically pro-
tected under state law, but their habitats are

s Special Concern, New York: These species appear

on the New York State list of species that have
not been recognized as endangered or threatened
but are of special concern because available
evidence raises questions about their continued
welfare in New York State. Special concern
species are not automatically protected as en-
dangered and threatened species are. Some,
however, have other legal protection under state

!or# Completely or Partially Protected: These species

have some protection in Dutchess County under
federal or New York State law. The degree of
protection for these species may vary from year to
year in Dutchess County, or from region to region
in New York State. Completely protected species
found in the wild may not be pursued, killed,
hunted, fished, trapped, or otherwise harrassed at
any time, for any purpose, except by special
permit. Partially protected wildlife may be
harvested in the wild during open seasons,
established by order of the New York State
Department of Environmental Conservation or by
legislative action. (See Bergstrom, 1979, and the
1983 New York State Endangered Species List.)

* Blue List for 1982: These bird species have

undergone apparent population declines over large
portions of their ranges, and are included on "The
Blue List for 1982" (Tate and Tate, 1982).

Table 7.1 Vertebrate Wildlife of Dutchess County

Species Notes


American brook lamprey, Lampetra appendix RH

Sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus RH b
Shortnose sturgeon, Acipenser brevirostrun R H n EE
Atlantic sturgeon, Acipenser oxyrhynchus R? H #
American eel, Anguilla rostrata Cn
Blueback herring, Alosa aestlvalls CHb
Alewife, Alosa pseudoharengus CH b
American shad, Alosa sapldlsslma CH b #
Atlantic menhaden, Brevoortla tyrannus RH n per
Gizzard shad, Dorosoma cepedlanun RH per int?
Bay anchovy, Anchoa mitchilll UHb
Cisco (lake herring), Coregonus artedil unv per int ext?
Rainbow trout, Salmo qalrdnerl U? n int#
Brown trout, ~ trutta U b int#
Brook trout, Salvellnus fontinalis R? b #
Lake trout, Salvellnus namaycush unv int#
Rainbow smelt, Osmerus mordax R? b (int inland)
Central ffkJdmlnnow, Umbra 11ml Rb per
Redfin pickerel, Esox amerlcanus Cb#
Northern pike, ~ ~ H n unv per #
Chain pickerel, ~ niger C? b #
Goldfish, Carassius auratus Cb int
Carp, Cyprinus carpio Cb int
Cutlips minnow, Exoqlossl.111 maxillingua U? b
Eastern silvery minnow, Hyboqnathus regius U? H b per?
Golden shiner, Notemigonus crysoleucas Cb
Comely shiner, Notropis amoenus H n ace? int?
Satinfin shiner, Notropis analostanus H n ace int?
Emerald shiner, Notropis atherinoides R? H b per int
Bridle shiner, Notropis bifrenatus ext?
CoDIDOn shiner, Notropis cornutus C b
Spottall shiner, Notropls hudsonlus Cb
Spotfln shiner, Notropls spllopterus RH per
Bluntnose minnow, Pimephales notatus unv
Fathead minnow, Pimephales promelas Rb int ?
Blacknose dace, Rhinichthys atratulus Cb
longnose dace, Rhinlchthys cataractae ub
Creek chub, Semotllus atromaculatus C? b
Fallfish, Semotllus coporalis C? b
White sucker, Catostonus commersonl Cb
Creek chubsucker, Erimyzon oblonqus unv
Northern hogsucker, Hypenteliun nlqricans R b? per?
White catfish, Ictalurus ~ U? H b per
Black bullhead, Ictalurus melas unv per int?
Yellow Bullhead, Ictalurus natalis R per (int inland?)

Table 7 .1 Cont.

Species Notes

Brown bullhead, lctalurus nebulosus C b

Trout-perch, Percopsis omiscomaycus unv
Atlantic tomcod, Hicrogadus tomcod U? H b
Atlantic needlefish, Stronqylura marina RH n per
Banded killifish, Fundulus diaphanus Cb (R inland?)
Munmlchog (saltwater killifish), Fundulus
heteroclltus CHb
Fourspine stickleback, Apelte~ guadracus U? H b
White perch, Morone americana CHb
White bass, Morone chrysops H unv int
Striped bass, Morone saxatllis CHb #
Rock bass, Ambloplites rupestris Cb int
Redbreast sunfish, Lepomls auritus C b
Green sunfish, Lepomis cyanellus Rb int
Pumpkinseed, lepomis qibbosus Cb
Warmouth, Lepomis qulosus Rb int
Bluegill, Lepomls macrochirus Cb int
Smallmouth bass, Micropterus dolomieui Ub int #
Largemouth bass, Micropterus salmoides Cb int #
White crappie, Pomoxls annularis RH b? int
Black crappie, Pomoxis niqromaculatus U b int
Tessellated darter (eastern johnny darter),
Etheostoma olmstedi C b
Yellow perch, Perea flavescens Cb int#
Walleye (pikeperch), Stizostedion H ace (int ext
vitreun inland)#
Bluefish, Pomatorus saltatrix U? H n per fl?
Crevalle Jack, Caranx hippos RH n per
S~lver perch, Balrdlella chrysoura H unv per
Weakfish, Cynosclon regalls H unv per
White mullet, ~ curema RH n per
Slimy sculpln, Cottus cognatus R b per?
Hogchoker, Trinectes maculatus U? H n


Mudpuppy, Necturus maculosus H unv int ext?

Marbled salamander, Ambystoma opa~ R? b per
Jefferson salamander, Ambystoma
jeffersonlanun R? b per? S
Silvery salamander, Ambystoma platlneun Rb
Blue-spotted salamander, Ambys~ laterale RbperS.
Tremblay's salamander, Ambystoma tremblayi Rb
Spotted salamander, Ambystoma maculatun Cb S
Eastern newt (red-spotted newt, red eft),
Notophthalnus virldescens C b
Dusky salamander, Desmognathus fuscus R? b
Table 7.1 Cont.

Species Notes

Redback salamander (leadback salamander),

Plethodo1!,_ cinerel!_~ C b
Si imy salamander, Pletho<!_C?._i:!._ .9.!.uti'!_~~ R? b per
Four-toed salamander, HemidactylilJI!. scutatun Rb
Red salamander, Pseudotriton ruber unv per
Two-lined salamander, Euryc~ blslineata C? b
American toad, MC?.. americanus C b
Fowler's toad, Bufo woodhousil Rb per
Spdng peeper, Hyla crucifer C b
Gray tceefrog, Hyla versicolor ub
Bullfrog, Rani catesbeiana U b II
Green frog, Rana clamitans C b II
Wood frog, Rana syl V<!..1:_.!..<?_<!. C b II
Northern leopard frog (northern meadow frog),
Rana piplen,! R per II
Pickerel frog, Raf!_<! palustris C b II


Snapping turtle, Cht!.1-.Y_dr~ serpentina C b

Stinkpot (rrusk turtle), Sternotherus odoratus u b
Mud turtle, Kinoster419-'!. subrubrun unv T
Spotted turtle 1 Clemmy.~ quttata ub s
Bog turtle (Muhlenbecg' s turtle), _Clemmys
muhlenbeL~qa Rb E
Wood turtle, Cle~~ insculpta ub s !
Eastern box turtle, Terrapene carolina R b per?
Diamondback terrapin, Malaclemys_ illt~-l'l H unv per S
Map turtle, Graptemy_~ ~<?Jl!.~1!.l.<?..'!. R b H per? int?
Painted turtle, Ch~~~~ !.~ta C b
Blanding's turtle, Emydoidea blt'!_'!.'1.ingii Rb T
Spiny softshell turtle, Tr!_~_ spinlferus unv int
East~rn fence lizard, Sceloporus undul'!.t.l!~ Rb per
Five-lined sklnk, Eumeces fasciatus unv per
Northern water snake, Nerodia sipedon C? b
Brown snake, Storeria dek<!t_t U? b
Redbelly snake, Storeria occipitomaculata Rb?
Eastern ribbon snake, Thamnophis sauritus Rb
Common garter snake, Thamnophis slrtalis Cb
Eastern hognose snake, Heterodon Jtl:!Ui;.'l,inos R b per s
Ringneck snake, Diadophis punctatus R? b
Worm snake, Carphophis amoenus unv per S
Black racer, Coluber constrictor U? b
Smooth green snake, .Qp_heodrys_ vernalis R? b
Black rat snake (pilot blacksnake), Elaphe obsoleta U? b per?
Milk snake, Lampropeltis triangulun ub
Copperhead, Agkistrodon cont~t~rix U b per?
Timber rattlesnake, Crotalus horridus Rb T !

Table 7. i Cont.

Species Notes


Red-throated loon, Gav-le!. stellata n ace J

Commonloon, Gavia immer R n S !
Pied-billed grebe, Podilymbus .e2.dic~ Rb, Un
Horned grebe, Podiceps auritus R n !
Red-necked grebe, Podiceps grisege~a n ace !
Ear:-ed grebe, Podlceps niqricollis n ace !
Northern gannet, ~ bassanus H n ace
Great cormorant, Phalacrocorax carbo H n ace
Double-crested cormorant, Phalacrocorax aur~ R Hn
American bittern, Botaurus lentiqinosus Rb * !
Least bittern, Ixobrychu~ exllis R b S *
Great blue heron, Ardea herodias Rb, Un !
Great egret (American or common egret), Casrnerodius
albus R n !
Snowy egret, Egre"l:.1:_! thula R n !
Little blue heron, Egrelli caerulea n ace
Cattle egret, Bubulcus ibis n ace
Green-backed heron (green heron), Butorides strlatu~ U? b !
Black-crowned night-heron, Nyctlcorax nycticorax ext b, Rn
Yellow-crowned night-heron, Nyctl.cora'5_ viola~El,I!~ n acq T
Glossy ibis, Plegad!_'l_ falclnellus n ace
Fulvous whistling-duck (fulvOus tree duck),
Dendrocygna blcolor n ace
Tundra swan (whistling swan), Cygnus
columbianus n ace
Mute swan, Cyqnus 2.12.t Rb int
Greater white-fronted goose, Anser albifrons n ace#
Snow goose, ~ caerulescens R n #
Ross' goose, Chen rossii n ace !
Brant, Branta bernicla U n #
Canada goose, _Branta canadensls U? b int? C n native #
Wood duck, Al~ sponsa U b, C n II
Green-winged teal, ~ ~~ca Rb per, C n #
American black duck, Anas rubripes Rb, C n II
Mallard, Anas platyrhynchos U b int?, C n II
Northern pintail, ~ ~ R n II
Blue-winged teal, Anas discors Rb, C n II
Northern shoveler, Anas clypeata R n #
Gadwall, ~ strepera n ace#
Eurasian wigeon, Anas penelope n ace#
American wigeon, ~as americana R n #
Canvasback, Aythya valisineria Un D"
Redhead, Aythya americana R n #
Ring-necked duck, Ayt~ collaris U n /J
Greater scaup, Aythya marila U? n #

Table 7.1 Cont.

Species Notes

Lesser scaup, ~ affinis U? n #

Common eider, Somaterla molllssima n ace #
Oldsquaw, Clangula hyemalis n ace !?
Black se-0ter, Melanitta niqra Rn !?
Surf seater, Melanitta perspicillata n ace? !?
White-winged seater, Melanitta fusca Rn !?
Common goldeneye, Bucephala clanqula U n #
Barrow's goldeneye, Bucephala islandica n unv ace II
Bufflehead, Bucephala albeola Un #
Hooded merganser, Lophodytes cucullatus unv b, Rn#
Common merganser, Mergus merganser U n #
Red-breasted merganser, Mergus serrator R n #
Ruddy duck, Oxyura jamaicensls n ace#
Black vulture, Coraqyps atratus n ace !
Turkey vulture, Cathartes aura unv b, U n
Osprey, Pandion hallaetus ace b, R n T
Black-shouldered kite (white-tailed kite),
Elanus caeruleus n ace !
Bald eagle, Haliaeetus leucocephalus ext b, Rn EE !
Northern harrier (marsh hawk), Circus cyaneus ext b, Rn T *
Sharp-shinned hawk, Accipiter strlatus Rb per?, U? n *
Cooper's hawk, Acclpiter cooperii Rb, Rn S
Northern goshawk, Accipiter qentllis Rb, Rn !
Red-shouldered hawk, Buteo llneatus R b, R n T *
Broad-winged hawk,~ platypterus R? b, C n !
Red-tailed hawk, Buteo jamaicensis Cb, C n
Rough-legged hawk, Buteo lagopus R n !
Golden eagle, Aquila chrysaetos Rn E !
American kestrel (sparrow hawk), Falco sparverius C b, C n
Merlin, Falco columbarius n ace !
Peregrine falcon, Falco pereqrinus ace ext b, Rn EE
Gyrfalcon, Falco rusticolus n ace!
Gray partridge {Hungarian partridge), Perdix
perdix int ext
Ring-necked pheasant, Phasianus colchicus U b int II
Ruffed grouse, Bonasa umbellus C b #
Wild turkey, Meleaqris gallopavo Rb #
Northern bobwhite, Colinus virqinianus T b per #
King rail, Rallus eleqans Rb? per?* :/I
Virginia rail, Rallus limicola Rb #
Sora, Porzana carolina Rb per?, Un#
Common moorhen {common gallinule), Gallinula
chloropus Rb #
American coot, Fulica americana U n #
Sandhill crane, Grus canadensis n ace
Black-bellied plover, Pluvialis sguatarola R n !
Lesser golden-plover, Pluvialis dominica n ace

Table 7 .1 Cont.

Species Notes

Semipalmated plover, Charadrius semipalmat~~ R n

Killdeer, Charadrius vociferus Cb
Greater yellowlegs, Tri~ melanoleuca U n
Lesseryellowlegs, Tringa flavlpes Un
Solitary sandpiper, Tringa solitaria R n
Willet, Catoptrophorus semlpalmatus n ace
Spotted sandpiper, Actltis macularla Rb, C n
Upland sandpiper, Bartramla longlcau1<! R n S 4

Marbled godwit,L_lmosa fedo<! n ace t

Ruddy turnstone, Arenaria interpres n ace
Red knot, Calidris canutus n ace !
Sanderling, Calldris alba n ace
Semipalmated sandpiper, Calidris pusilla R n !
Western sandpiper, Calidris mauri n ace
Least sandpiper, Calidris minutilla C? n !
Whlte-runped sandpiper, Calidris fusclcollis n ace
Baird's sandpiper, Calidris bairdii n ace
Pectoral sandpiper, Calidris melanotos R n !
Dunlin, Calidris alpina R n !
Stilt sandpiper, Calidris hlmantopus n ace
Buff-breasted sandpiper, Trynqites subruficollis n ace
(Short-billed?) dowitcher, Limnodro1J1Js ?qriseu~ n ace
Common snipe, Gallinag~ qallinago Rb per, Un D
American woodcock, Scolopa~ minor: ub #
Wilson's phalarope, Phalaropus tricolor n ace
Red-necked phalarope (northern phalarope),
Phalaropus lobatus n ace
Long-tailed jaeger, Stercorarlus longlcaudus n ace
Laughing gull, Larus atricllla R n per
Bonaparte 1 s gull, Laru~ phlladelphla R H n
Ring-billed gull, Lar~ delawarensls C n !
Herring gull, Larus arqentatus C n
Iceland gul 1, Laru~ qlaucoides H n ace
Glaucous gull, Larus hyperboreus H n ace
Great black-backed gull, Larus marinus U H n !
Black-legged klttiwake, Rissa trldactyla H n ace
Caspian tern, Sterna caspia H n ace
Conwnon tern, Sterna hirundo H n ace T
Sooty tern, Sterna fuscata n ace !
Black tern, Chlidonias niqe_i;_ R n S *
Dovekie, Alle alle n ace I
Thick-billed murre, Urie lomvia H n ace
Atlantic puffin, (common puffin), Fratercula
arctlca n ace !
Rock dove (pigeon), Colunba livia U b int
Mourning dove, Zenaida macr'?_.l!t~ Cb !
Passenger pigeon, Ectoplstes miqratorius ext
Monk parakeet, Mylopsitta monachus n ace int ext?

Table 7.1 Cont.

Species Notes

Black-billed cuckoo, Coccyzus erythropthalnus R? b !

Yellow-bellied cuckoo, Coccyzu~ americanus R? b !
Common barn-owl, Tyto alba Rb S !
Eastern screech-owl, Otus asio U? b !
Great horned owl, Bubo virginianus ub
Snowy owl, ~ctea scandiaca R n
Barred owl, Strix varia Rb
Long-eared owl, Asio ~ Rb
Short-eared owl, Asio flammeus Rn S *
Boreal owl, Aeqolius funereus n ace !
Northern saw-whet owl, Aegolius acadicus Rn? per
Common nighthawk, Chordeiles minor ext b, Un S
Whip-poor-will, Caprimulgus vociferus Rb !
Chimney swift, Chaetura pelagica ub !
Ruby-throated hLlllmlngbird, Archilochus colubris R? b, Un* !
Belted kingfisher, Ceryle alcyo'l ub !
Red-headed woodpecker, Melanerpes erythrocephalus ext? per? b, Rn
Red-bellied woodpecker, Melanerpes carollnus R b per?
Yellow-bellied sapsucker, Sphyrapicus varlus U n !
Downy woodpecker, Picoldes pubescens Cb !
Hairy woodpecker, Plcoldes vlllosus U? b *
Black-backed woodpecker (black-backed three-toed
woodpecker), Plcoldes arctlcus n ace
Northern flicker (yellow-shafted flicker),
Colaptes auratus Cb
Pileated woodpecker, Dryocopus pileatus Rb
Olive-sided flycatcher, Contopus borealis R n
Eastern wood-pewee, Contopus virens Cb
Yellow-bellied flycatcher, Empidonax flaviventris R n
Acadlan flycatcher, Empidonax virescens Rb per
Willow flycatcher (Traill's flycatcher in part),
Empidonax traillii Rb per?*
Least flycatcher, Empidonax minimus U? b !
Eastern phoebe, Sayornis phoebe Cb !
Great crested flycatcher, Myiarchus crlnitus ub !
Western kingbird, Tyrannus verticalis n ace
Eastern kingbird, Tyrannus tyrannus ub
Horned lark, Eremophlla alpestris Rb
Purple martin, Proqne subis Rb
Tree swallow, Tachyclneta bicolor C b
Northern rough-winged swallow, Stelgidopteryx
serripennis Rb
Bank swallow, Riparia riparia ub
Cliff swallow, Hirundo pyrrhonota ext? b, R n
Barn swallow, Hirundo rustica ub !
Gray jay, Perlsoreus canadensis n ace
Blue jay, Cyanocltta crlstata C b
American crow (common crow), Corvus brachyrhynchos Cb#

Table 7.1 Cont.

Species Notes

Fish crow, Corvus ossifragus Rb per

Common raven, ~ ~ n ace S
Black-capped chickadee, Parus atricapillus Cb !
Boreal chickadee, Parus hudsonicus n ace!
Tufted titmouse, Parus blcolor U b per?
Red-breasted nuthatch, Sitta canadensis b unv, Rn !
White-breasted nuthatch, Sitta carolinensls ub !
Brown creeper, Certhla americana R? b, Un
Carolina wren, Thryothorus ludovicianus R b per !
Bewick's wren, Thryomanes bewickll n unv *
House wren, Troglodytes aedon Cb
Winter wren, Troglodyte~ troglodytes Rb per, Un !
Sedge wren (short-billed marsh wren), Cistothorus
platensis ext? b, R n S !
Marsh wren (long-billed marsh wren), Cistothorus
palustris Rb !
Golden-crowned kinglet, Regulus satrapa Un, Rb !
Ruby-crowned kinglet, Regulus calendula C? n !
Blue-gray gnatcatcher, Polloptila caerulea R? b, Un
Northern wheatear, Oenanthe oenanthe n ace
Eastern bluebird, Sialia sialia Rb S *
Mountain bluebird, Sialia currucoides n ace
Townsend 1 s solitaire, Myadestes townsendi n ace
Veery, Catharus fuscescens ub
Gray-cheeked thrush, Catharus minimus R n
Swainson's thrush, Catharus ustulatus U n
Hermit thrush, Catharus quttatus Rb, Un
Wood thrush, Hylocichla mustelina Cb
American robin, Turdus miqratorius C b
Gray catbird, Dumetella carolinensis C b
Northern mockingbird, Mimus polyglottos U b per?
Brown thrasher, Toxostoma rufun ub
Water pipit, Anthus spinoletta R n
Bohemian waxwing, Bombycilla qarrulus n ace
Cedar waxwing, Bombycllla cedrorun U? b !
Northern shrike,~ excubitor R n
Loggerhead shrike, Lanius ludovlcianus Rn E *
European starling, Sturnus vulgaris Cb int
White-eyed vireo, ~ fil~ Rb per
Solitary vireo, Vireo solltarius Rb per
Yellow-throated vireo, Vireo flavifrons ub
Warbling vireo, Vireo qllvus U? b !
Philadelphia vireo, Vireo philadelphicus R n !
Red-eyed vireo, Vireo olivaceus Cb !
Blue-winged warbler, Vermivora plnus U? b per?
Golden-winged warbler, Vermivora chrysoptera Rb
Tennessee warbler, Vermivora pereqrlna R n !
Orange-crowned warbler, Vermivora celata n ace

Table 7.1 Cont.

Species Notes

Nashville warbler, Vermivora ruficapllla Rb per

Northern parula (parula warbler), Parula amerlcana R n
Yellow warbler, Dendroica petechia C b * !
Chestnut-sided warbler, Dendrolca pensylvanica U? b
Magnolia warbler, Dendroica magnolia U nb !
Cape Ma:y warbler, Dendroica tlgrlna U nb !
Black-throated blue warbler, Dendrolca caerulescens Rb per, Un
Yellow-runped warbler (myrtle warbler), Oendrolca
coronata Rb per, C n
Townsend's warbler, Dendrolca townsendl n ace !
Black-throated green warbler, Dendroica vlrens Rb, Un
Blackburnian warbler, Dendroica fusca Rb unv, Rn !
Yellow-throated warbler, Dendrolca domlnlca n ace !
Pine warbler, Dendroica plnus b ext?, Rn !
Prairie warbler, Oendroica discolor ub !
Palm warbler, Dendroica palmarun U? n !
Bay-breasted warbler, Dendroica castanea Rn
Blackpoll warbler, Dendrolca striata U n !
Cerulean warbler, Dendrolca cerulea R b !
Black-and-white warbler, Mnlotilta varia R? b, C n
American redstart, Setophaga ruticllla Cb !
Prothonotary warbler, Protonotaria cltrea n ace!
Worm-eating warbler, Helmitheros vermlvorus R b per
Ovenbird, Selurus aurocapillus ub
Northern waterthrush, Seiurus noveboracensls R b per
Louisiana waterthrush, Seiurus motacilla u b per
Kentucky warbler, Oporornis fOrmosus n ace
Connecticut warbler, Oporornis agllis Rn
Mourning warbler, Oporornis philadelphla Rn
Common yellowthroat (Maryland yellowthroat),
Geothlypis trichas C b
Hooded warbler, Wilsonia cltrlna R b unv
Wilson's warbler, Wilsonia pusilla Rn !
Canada warbler, Wilsonia canadensis Rb
Yellow-breasted chat, Icterla virens R b per
Summer tanager, Piranga rubra n ace
Scarlet tanager, Piranga olivacea ub
Northern cardinal, Cardinalis cardinalis Cb !
Rose-breasted grosbeak, Pheucticus ludovicianus ub !
Black-headed grosbeak, Pheucticus melanocephalus n ace
Indigo bunting, Passserina cyanea ub !
Dickcissel, ~ americana n ace*
Rufous-slded towhee Pipilo erythrophthallllJS Cb !
American tree sparrow, Spizella arborea Cn !
Chipping sparrow, Spizella passerina Cb !
Clay-colored sparrow, Spizella pallida n? ace
field sparrow, Spizella pusilla C b
Vesper sparrow,, Pooecetes gramlneus R b S I

Table 7.1 Cont.

Species Notes

Lark sparrow, Chondestes grammacus n ace

lark bunting, Calamospizamelanocorys n ace
Savannah sparrow, Passerculus sandwichensis Rb !
Grasshopper sparrow, Ammodramus savannarun Rb S *
Henslow's sparrow, Ammodramus henslowii b ext, R n S
Sharp-tailed sparrow, Ammodramus caudacutus H n ace
Fox sparrow, Passerella iliaca Rn
Song sparrow, Melospiza melodla C b
Lincoln's sparrow, Melospiza lincolnli R n
Swamp sparrow, Melosplza georqlana ub
White-throated sparrow, Zonotrlchia albicollis C n
White-crowned sparrow, Zonotrichla leucophrys R n
Harris' sparrow, Zonotrlchia guerula n ace
Dark-eye'd junco (slate-colored junco}, ~ hyemalls Rb per, C n
Lapland longspur, Calcarius lapponlcus R n
Snow bunting, Plectrophenax nlvalis R n
Bobolink, Dolichonyx oryzlvorus Rb
Red-winged blackbird, Agelaius phoeniceus C b
Eastern meadowlark, Sturnella magna ub *
Western meadowlark, Sturnella neglecta b? ace !
Yellow-headed blackbird, Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus n ace
Rusty blackbird, Euphagus carolinus Un !
Common grackle (purple grackle, bronzed grackle),
Quiscalus quiscula C b
Brown-headed cowbird, Molothrus ater Cb
Orchard oriole, Icterus spurius Rb, Rn per
Northern oriole, (Baltimore oriole), Icterus qalbula Cb !
Brambling, Frlngilla montifrinqilla n ace!?
Pine grosbeak, Pinicola enucleator R n !
Purple finch, Carpodacus purpureus Rb per, Un
House finch, Carpodacus mexicanus U b int
Red crossbill, Loxia curvirostra Rn
White-winged crossblll, Loxia leucoptera n ace
Conanon redpoll, Carduelis flammea R n !
Hoary redpoll, Carduelis hornemanni n ace
Pine siskin, Carduells pinus R n J
American goldfinch, Carduells tristis C b !
Evening grosbeak, Coccothraustes vespertinus Rb?, Un
House sparrow, Passer domestlcus U b int !


Virginia opossun, Didelphls vlrginiana Cb

Masked shrew, ~ clnereus R? b
Water shrew,~ palustris unv per
Smoky shrew, Sorex funeus Rb
Short-tailed shrew, Blarlna brevicauda Cb

Table 7 .1 Cont.

Species Notes

Hairy-tailed mole, Parascalops brewer! R b

Eastern mole, Scalopus aquaticus Rb per
Star-nosed mole, Condylura cristata ub
Little brown bat (little brown myotis}, Myotis
lucifugus Cb
Keen's bat (Keen's myotls), Myotls keenll Rb?
Indiana bat (Indiana or social myotis), Myotis sodalis unv per EE
Eastern pipistrelle, Pipistrellus subflavus Rb?
Big brown bat, Eptesicus fuscus ub
Red bat, Laslurus borealis U n
Hoary bat, Laslurus cinereus unv
Eastern cottontail, Sylvllagus floridanus C b II
New England cottontail, Sylvllagus transltlonalis unv S II
Snowshoe hare, Lepus americanus R b? per II
European hare, Lepus capensis Rb int#
Eastern chlJX11unk, Tamias striatus Cb
Woodchuck, Marmota monax Cb
Gray squirrel, Sciurus carollnensis Cb#
Red squirrel, Tamiasclurus hudsonlcus ub
Southern flying squirrel, Glaucomys volans ub
Beaver, Castor canadensls u b/1
Deer mouse, Peromyscus maniculatus R b per?
White-footed mouse, Peromyscus leucopus C b
Eastern woodrat, Neotoma florldana ext? per T
Southern red-backed vole, Clethrlonomys gapperl R b
Meadow vole, Microtus pennsylvanlcus Cb
Woodland vole (pine vole), Microtus plnetorun ub
Muskrat, Ondatra zlbethlcus u b II
Southern bog lemming, Synaptomys cooper! Rb?
Norway rat, ~ -norveglcus Cb int
House mouse, Mus musculus U b int
Meadow jllllping mouse, Zapus hudsonlus C? b
Woodland jumping mouse, Napaeozapus insiqnls Rb? per?
Porcupine, Erethizon dorsatun R b per?
Common dolphin, Delphinus delphis H ace
Coyote, Canis latrans U? b? II
Gray wolf (timber wolf), Canis lupus ext EE !
feral dog, Canis famlllaris R? b? int (1)
Red fox, Vulpes vulpes U b int? II
Gray fox, Urocyon clnereoargenteus C b #
Black bear, Ursus amerlcanus ace!
Raccoon, Procyon lotor Cb #
Fisher,~ pennant! R or ace
Ermine (short-tailed weasel), Mustela erminea U? b
Long-tailed weasel, Mustela frenata U? b
Mink, Mustela vlson U? b #
Striped skunk, Mephitis mephitis Cb
River otter, Lutra canadensls Rb #

Table 7.1 Cont.

Species Notes

Harbor seal, Phoca vitulina H ace? per?

Mountain lion (cougar), Fells concolor ext? E
Bobcat, fells rufus Rb #
Feral cat, F e l l s ~ C? b Int (1)
Elk, Cervus elaphus ext
White-tailed deer, Odocoileus virqinlanus C b II
Human, ~ sapiens C b !

Source: The Ralph T. Waterman Bird Club, New York State

Department of Environmental Conservation, Cary
Arboretun, Rockefeller University Center for Field
Research, Bard College Field Station, Hudsonla Limited,
published literature and personal comnunlcations from
individual observers. Scientific and common names are
currently-recommended usage (with a few older names in
parentheses) from: Jones et al. (1979), mammals;
Eisenmann et al. (1982), birds; Collins, et al. (1982),
reptiles and amphibians; and Robins et al. (1980),
fishes. For seasons of occurrence of birds, see Ralph
T. Waterman Bird Club (1977).

1) The status of feral (ownerless, self-sufficient) dogs

and cats is uncertain; in particular, feral dogs,
eastern coyotes, and their hybrids are difficult to
tell apart.

Resource Management Implications
,-. Wildlife species play an essential role in natural
processes, and contribute to the wel I-being of the envi-
ronment and of all human communities. Many common
wildlife species can tolerate some alteration of environ-
mental conditions. Other species, however, are extremely
sensitive to changes in their habitats. Such species
require careful habitat protection in order to

Wildlife Diversity

Actions that reduce wildlife and vegetation

diversity, such as the large-scale intensive development
of land and the loss of particular habitat types, reduce
environmental stability and resilience. They also reduce
the quality of life by depriving people of the opportunity
to interact with, learn about, enjoy, and understand their
role in maintaining the natural world.

In the past, resource management efforts have focused

on game animals and the wildlife of rural areas; little
attention was paid to wildlife in urban and suburban
settings. Today, as more and more land is developed and
the Dutchess County landscape changes, more thought should
be given to the contribution wildlife can make to urban
and suburban as well as rural communities. A greater
awareness is needed throughout the county of the harmful
impacts that careless--and often unnecessary--land use
practices have on wildlife resources.

Habitat Conservation

Many of the adverse effects that human land uses

have on wildlife can be ameliorated by incorporating a
commitment to wildlife habitat protection into the land
use planning and development process. For example,
systematically reserving sizable open space corridors
along steams, floodplains, and ridgelines in developing
areas preserves habitat for many wild species while
permitting orderly growth. Identifying and steering
development away from the habitats of endangered,
threatened, or otherwise sensitive species can improve
such species' chances of survival.

Creatively using vegetation buffers in developed

areas can minimize runoff, noise, dust, visual intrusions,
and other traces of human activity that can disturb
wildlife. Such buffers provide shelter for the wildlife
and enhance the appearance of developed land. Wildlife
can also be protected through such simple measures as
making sure that road maintenance crews refrain from
felling or trimming trees during the spring nesting and
rearing season.

Relatively little is known about what many uncommon,

sensitive, or threatened species need to maintain viable
populations. Local and county governments should support
efforts to study such species, and to develop management
approaches that wil I increase their chances of survival.
Important habitat areas should be mapped, and techniques
developed to ensure that they are adequately protected.

In some cases, preserving a small habitat area may be
sufficient protection for a rare species. More often,
however, it is necessary to set aside a mosaic of inter -
connected habitat areas to support wildlife species. For
example, bog turtles, which are endangered, need systems
of wet meadows and beaver ponds connected by streams in
order to thrive. Preserving only the scattered wet
meadows or beaver ponds where bog turtles happen to be
seen wil I not adequately protect them.

Sufficiently diverse and abundant habitat "mosaics"

can be preserved through well-thought-out, effectively
implemented zoning, site planning, and open space
policies. Some significant habitats can be used with
proper planning and management; others are so sensitive
that they should not be used to any degree for human

Wildlife suffer from habitat pollution as well as

habitat encroachment. Inadequately treated septic wastes,
leachate from dump sites, air pollution, stream sediment,
and salts, oils, and chemicals in surface runoff degrade
the environment and can make it intolerable to sensitive
species. Pollutants affect the health of wildlife and, in
the case of sport and commercial fish, can render them
unsafe for human consumption. To be effective, wildlife
protection efforts must be supported by aggressive
pollution control programs at all levels of government.

Wildlife habitat management programs do not have to

be labor-intensive. Beaver activity, natural fires,
floods, vegetation development, and livestock grazing are
examples of phenomena that diversify the environment,
"managing" it so that it can support healthy and

complex biological communities. Land use practices that
allow such phenomena to continue without interference go
far toward maintaining diverse wildlife populations.

It is important to recognize that land use policies

that are sensitive to the needs of wildlife species
accomplish several objectives. Open space tracts and
vegetation buffers reserved for wildlife habitat also
enhance the visual environment, recharge groundwater
supplies, reduce erosion, filter air, soften noise, in-
crease nearby property values, help protect surface and
groundwater quality, offer privacy, and in many instances
meet agricultural or recreational needs. Protecting
wildlife habitat, therefore, is one of the many goals of
responsible environmental management efforts that can
benefit all community members.

Significant Areas

Dutchess County is endowed with many significant

natural areas and scenic resources. Significant natural
areas are valued for heir environmental importance and
beauty, "nrl include unusual geological formations such as
scenic mountain ridges, steep ravines, and caves,
hydrological features such as certain rivers, lakes,
springs, and wetlands, and areas that support threatened
or endangered species or unusually diverse plant and
animal communities.

Scenic resources are panoramic vantage points, road

corridors, and open space areas that offer particularly
good opportunities to see and enjoy the natural features
that contribute to the county's visual identity. Both
significant natural areas and scenic resources enhance
environmental health and the quality of life in Dutchess

Significant Natural Areas

Wildlife habitat, water supply protection,

recreational space, and opportunities for outdoor research
are among the environmental benefits that significant
natural areas provide. The beauty of such areas offers a
welcome contrast to the appearance and mood of urban and
suburban life.

The Dutchess County Environmental Management
Council (EMC) has adopted a list of 311 areas that
significantly contribute to the health, diversity. and
enjoyment of the county's resource base. The purpose of
designating these sites as "Significant Areas" is to
encourage the recognition and protection of their unique
qualities. The list and a map showing the locations of
the designated areas appear in Figure 8. 1. Each of the
areas is breifly described in the following pages. Table
8. 1, which appears at the end of the description
section, indicates whether the areas are publicly or
privately owned.

Dutchess County's significant natural areas are not

limited to. those described by the EMC and listed below.
Many more areas possess unusual natural characteristics
and values. The list of 311 could be considerably
expanded in the future.

Significant Areas
of Dutchess County

2. Bontecou Lake
_1',v-.,'i:I, ..._
3. Brace Mountain
4. Breakneck Ridge, Scofield Ridge, Hell's
Hollowand North and South Mount Beacon
5. Brockway Road Woods
' 26
fa~- t
6. Gary Arboretum Institute of Ecosystem ,1 l !'- -
1 1s I,
7. East and West Mountain Areas
8. Ferncliff Forest, Snyder Swamp, and the
-- . . ._. --,I :_... I
.. - - - 11
: ,.. !

J I .. .. J \ .,,
Mudderkill Creek
9. The Great Swamp I
~' tI
t- ....... --- -'""W2'2

, - --r -- 14
'1NOflTHIA 1- ,I
10. Greenfly Wetland ~flHtiii1tC1C,l"a3 ~ \ ;
~- .............. ~
11. Hosner Mountain 21
12. Little Whaley Lake ' 30 ,.. ~ ITANfl'OflD
--;- I ' I
13. Millbrook Meadow
{ -13
14. Millerton Wetland
15. The Panhandle Wetlands
1 1,. ...... .--21 I
l._, _____ _!I II AMENIA
28 '
16. T:he Pawling Nature Reserve
HYDI I .. ., 6 1
17. Pond Gut, Rockefeller University Field
Research Center ilnd lnnlsfree PAPIK ,1
.: -.
r, ' 1
18. Reedy Bog 29 1I VALLEY ...__,_. I
19. Roosevelt Cove and Wetland

L,., ..

20. Sharpe Reservation

------\ ----------,r;32.:
21. Silver Lake, Mud Pond, and Long Pond
22. Stlssing Mountain, Thompson Pond,
' ..., ,>-~17 I 71
StockbrlarWetlands, and Buttercup t , , :
, r
23. Stony KIii Farm and Environmental Education
24 , 1 oov111

Center :'. _ ' .............
). jI I
24. Stringham Wetland Complex l'OUIHKEEPIIE ..... ..,. __ , - t !
25. Swift Pond and Cleaver Swamp /
., ~
._ .......... .. 1
26. Tivoli Bays, Cruger Island, and Montgomery 1
. 31 , ' / 16
Place Woods . t \ (PAWLINI. i
27. Townsend Swamp ' ' Zl . , .. ..,
28. Turkey Hollow AJltllNGEfl , e 1a\ , .12r ;
, - ...... \ ' I - I
29. Val-Kill ,-f; --~~ ,'IAIT FISHKILL, : .... 9 :
30. Vandenburgh Cove and ridges, Jones Island,
and Suckley Cove
l@.~ !
f e11 ;L- - - - J 1
31. Wappinger Creek and Lake, Putnam Audubon
Sanctuary, and Reese and Bowdoin Parks
32. West Mountain
,lFIIHKIJt:!Q. - - - ..

33. Zipfel berg Bog

34. Clove Valley and Clove Mountain source: Dutcheu Counly Envlronmental
Management Councll

Figure 8.1:

1. Astor Cove, a 25-acre tidal marsh south of the
~ Rhinecliff Bridge, is an area of wildlife habitat that
supports Hudson River fish and bird life. This
largely undisturbed cove has a unique stand of wild
rice and is a valuable feeding area for ducks. It
lies within the Mid-Hudson Historic Shorelands Scenic
District designated by the New York State Department
of Environmental Conservation.

2. Bontecou Lake (Tamarack Lake) in the towns of Stanford

and Washington is one of the largest lakes in Dutchess
County. Measuring approximately 113 acres, it is a
privately-owned, man-made lake that supports a wide
variety of wildlife. This lake is wel I-known for
sheltering large numbers of geese and ducks.

3. Brace Mountain, rising more than 2,300 feet above sea

level in the town of Northeast, is the highest point
in Dutchess County. The summit, which can be reached
by trails beginning in New York, Connecticut, and
Massachusetts, offers outstanding views of three
states, with the western view to the Catskil I
Mountains being particularly spectacular. The
interconnecting trail system along Brace Mountain and
the Taconic Ridges provides excellent hiking through
several special habitats.

4. Breakneck Ridge, Scofield Ridge, Hell's Hollow, and

North and South Mount Beacon rriake up a large ridge
area bordering the Hudson River near the southern edge
of Dutchess County. Well-known for spectacular views
of the Hudson River and Hudson Highlands, this
mountainous area supports a large variety of plant and
animal life, particularly nesting birds. The area
also affords unique research opportunities on rare
plant and animal communities. It has been nominated
for recognition as a National Natural Landmark by the
United States Department of the Interior.

5. Brock way Road Woods in the town of Fi shk ii I is a

privately-owned, well-developed hardwood forest along
a stream which supports a variety of uncommon plants.
This area has been cited by the Nature Conservancy in
its Unique Natural Areas Survey as worthy of

6. The Cary 'Arboretum Institute of Ecosystem Studies in

the town of Washington is a 2,000-acre research and
ed.ucational f,acility owned by the New York Botanical
Gi!!rden. County residents have the opportunity to
aqenc:i prqgrams and courses offered by the arboretum
and to use the 'property in a variety of ways. Hikers
;ind .bird watchers enjoy a great diversity of plants
and animals in 'th.is area.

7. East and West Mountain Areas in Dover are considered
significant because of their scenic beauty and
abundant wildlife. Designated as a New York State
Significant Habitat, East Mountain provides habitat
for species that are rare in the county and offers
excellent views of the Harlem Valley. The West
Mountain area contains distinctive and beautiful
geological formations that provide habitat for
fragile vegetation.

8. Ferncliff Forest, S~yder Swam_pJ _and_ the Mudderkill

Creek in the towns of Rhinebeck and Red Hook form a
complex of open space areas. Ferncliff Forest, 192
acres owned by the Rotary Club of Rhinebeck that
contain trails and a picnic shelter, is open to the
public for recreational purposes. Adjoining
Ferncliff is Snyder Swamp, a privately-owned
111-acre wetland containing hardwood trees and
diverse wildlife. Snyder Swamp is the headwater for
the Mudderkill Creek, which runs north through
private property to enter the Hudson River in Red
Hook. The mouth of the Mudderkill Creek contains
unusual plant and animal species.

9. The Great Swami? in the town of Pawling (and

extending into Putnam County) is over 400 acres in
size. Located in the Harlem Valley, the swamp is an
excellent example of a glacial valley floodplain.
The Great Swamp is especially significant because of
its extensive and well-developed floodplain forest
and associated wildlife. The U.S. Department of
Interior has nominated the swamp for designation as
a National Natural Landmark.

10. Greenfl)'.'. __ ~_<e_!_!~nd is a 185-acre area in the towns of

Wappinger and Fishkill which provides flood control,
groundwater protection, and wildlife habitat in a
heavily populated area. Greenfly consists of marsh
as well as bog areas, and provides habitat for
diverse wildlife. Hikers, birdwatchers, and
ice-skaters particularly enjoy this area.

11 Hosner Mountain is a rocky ridge area in East
Fishkill that is partly owned by the U.S. Department
of the Interior for use as the new route of the
Appalachian Trail. This mountainous area provides
open space, scenic beauty, and wildlife habitat on
the periphery of a densely-settled area. Uncommon
wildlife have been observed on Hosner Mountain.

12. Little Whaley Lake in the town of Pawling is the

focal point of a 1,300-acre property owned by the Boy
Scouts of America New York Metropolitan Council.
Surrounded by hardwood and hemlock forest, it is a
lake of pristine quality in an area undergoing
considerable development, and is a potential source
of drinking water.

13. Mil lb rook Meadow is an eight-acre wetland owned by

the Millbrook School, which contains rare,
threatened, or endangered plants and animals. This
area has been recommended for preservation by The
Nature Conservancy.

14. Millerton Wetland, a privately-owned wetland in the

town of N~rtheast, is being considered for nomination
as a National Natural Landmark by the U.S. Department
of Interior. It has been cited as the best example
of a limestone wet meadow in the northeastern United
States. Consisting of herbaceous and shrub swamp
communities, this unique habitat supports rare,
threatened, or endangered species.

15. The Panhandle Wetlands group is a 650-acre complex of

privately-owned wetlands in the town of Northeast.
The area contains a series of tamarack swamps and
open cattail marshes joined by a stream. Beaver
ponds and limestone wet meadows provide conditions
for unusual plant communities and a rich wildlife
population. The Nature Conservancy has recommended
this area for preservation.

16. The Pawling Nature Reserve, a 1, 114-acre natural area

owned and managed by The Nature Conservancy. has been
nominated as a National Natural Landmark by the U.S.
Department of Interior. The Appalachian Trail passes
through the property. The reserve contains an
unusually diverse group of ecological associations
and includes an excellent cross section of natural
habitats characteristic of eastern New York. It
supports rare, threatened, or endangered species, and
is of special interest due to the large number of
songbird species present.

17. Pond_Gut, Rockefeller Universi!.Y_ Field Research
Center, and lnnisfree cover 2,221 acres owned both
privately and by the state through the
Taconic-Hereford Multiple Use Area. This open space
complex supports a variety of wildlife, particularly
nesting ducks and geese, and is designated as a New
York State Significant Habitat. Well-known for its
natural beauty, this area also supports substantial
scientific research.

18. Reedy Bog_, a six-acre wetland in the town of East

Fishkil I, is a limestone wet meadow that supports a
variety of unusual plants and animals. Rare,
threatened, or endangered species are present. This
area has been recommended for preservation by The
Nature Conservancy and has been designated a New
York State Significant Habitat.

19. Roosevelt Cove and Wetland is a 25-acre tidal marsh,

partly within -the F. D. Roosevelt National Historic
Site and partly privately-owned. This wetland
supports a large cattail marsh and shelters a great
number of waterfowl.

20. Sharpe Reservation, located in the town of Fishkill,

is a 3,000-acre summer camp and environmental
education facility owned by the Fresh Air Fund.
Located in a heavily-populated sector of the county,
the reservation includes large tracts of unspoiled
forests and wetlands and three lakes. Numerous
trails through the forested ridges offer dramatic
vistas. Charcoal pits on the property date from
before the Revolutionary War.

21. Silver Lake, Mud Pond, and Lo..!:!9_'.9nd form a chain of

bodies of water in the town of Clinton that
represents a unique resource. Based on an unusual
limestone rock formation cal led the Milan Window,
these small lakes hydrologically influence the
nearby Little Wappinger Creek and support a wide
variety of wildlife. Rare species inhabit the area.

~ 22. Stissing Mountain and Thompson Pond possess many
unusual features. The mountain is geologically
unique in that it is a block of one billion year-old
gneiss "floating" on a younger rock layer. It rises
1,400 feet above an outwash plain and is depicted in
a permanent display in the Museum of Natural History
in New York City. At the base of the mountain is a
glacial kettle area that has developed into Thompson
Pond. The pond is owned by The Nature Conservancy
and has been designated a National Natural Landmark.
With associated wetland areas to the south, this area
provides a varied habitat supporting diverse plant
and animal communities.

23. Stony Kil I Farm and Environmental Education Center is

a 756-acre property in the town of Fishkil I owned by
the New York State Department of Environmental
Conservation. Located in a rapidly developing area,
Stony Kill offers opportunities for education and
recreation to county residents. A rich variety of
plants and animals live in this expanse of mixed

24. Stringham Wetland Complex is a 20-acre pond and

wetland area in the town of LaGrange that shelters a
variety of plant life and unusual animals. It
supports rare or threatened species, and The Nature
Conservancy has recommended its preservation.

25. Swift Pond and Cleaver Swamp, in Amenia, are

privately-owned wetlands that provide excellent
habitat for a rich variety of plants and animals,
including some which are not commonly found in the

Numerous bird species have been recorded at Swift
Pond, especially during migration periods. Cleaver
Swamp is a stable cattail wetland recognized as
unique by The Nature Conservancy. It is adjacent to
a suspected hazardous waste site Ii sted by the New
York State Department of Environmental Conservation.

26. Tivoli Bays, Cruger Island, and Montgomery Place

Woods cover a 1,000 acre area in the town of Red
Hook and have been widely recognized for their
unique qualities and beauty. This area is within
the Mid-Hudson Historic Shorelands Scenic District
designated by New York State. Owned, in part, by the
New York State Department of Environmental
Conservation. the Tivoli Bays have been designated
by the National Estuarine Sancutary program and
nominated for inclusion on the Department of the
Interior National Natural Landmarks list. The bays
fitter pollutants from the Hudson River and offer a
rich habitat for wildlife. Rare and threatened
species inhabit the area. The Montgomery Place
Woods, the oldest forest in the region, is a
100-acre woodland that contains important habitat
for "old-growth" plant and animal species.

27. Townsend Swamp. a 177-acre wetland in the town of

East Fishkil I, has been recommended for preservation
by The Nature Conservancy and is a New York State
Significant Habitat. It contains rare, threatened,
or endangered species.

28. Turkey Hollow is a steep rock ravine in the town of

Amenia. The ravine and stream running through it
form an unusually scenic area extending over several
miles. Its cool, moist environment creates an ideal
habitat for unusual plant and animal communities.

29. Val-Kil I, the former property of Eleanor Roosevelt.

is a 169-acre area in Hyde Park owned by the
National Park Service. It has a beautiful natural
setting, including the Fallkil I Creek, a pond, and a
wetland. The many woodland trails are open to the

30. Vandenburgh Cove, the surrounding ridges, Jones

Island. Suckley Cove, and the nearby shallows of the
Hudson River form an important tidal cove area in
the town of Rhinebeck. Vandenburgh Cove, which
covers approximately 125 acres, is particularly
valuable as a spawning ground for fish and a feeding
area for waterfowl and is in the Mid-Hudson Historic
Shorelands Scenic District.

31. Wapp in..9.!c! Creek_ and_Lake,_ Putnam_ Audubon _Sanctuaric,
and Reese and Bowdoin Parks make up a group of
important resources in a densely-populated portion of
the county. The creek, tidal almost to the Wappinger
Falls, was the site of early Indian settlements and
is a breeding and feeding area for numerous species
of fish and birds. The lake and parks are
heavily-used, publicly owned open spaces which
enhance the beauty of the area.

32. West Mountain (see number 7.)

33. Z ipfelberg_ Bog is a unique 20-acre bog and wetland

owned by The N~ture Conservancy. This protected bog
is a remnant of glacial activity and contains unusual
species of plants and animals.

34. Clove Vallet and Clove Mountain are large, scenic

open spaces in the town of Unionvale. The top of
Clove Mountain, which is the highest point in the
town, offers a 360-degree view of the county. New
England upland flora and fauna are common on the
mountain slopes. Clove Valley, along the east side
of Clove Mountain, is a limestone area with several
flourishing springs. The valley has been used for
outdoor recreation for decades. It contains the
headwaters of the Fishk ii I Creek, which flows through
several significant wetlands and a gorge in Tymor
forest on its way south.

Table 8.1 Significant Area Ownership

Area Name and Number Ownership

1 Astor Cove Private

2 Bontecou Lake Private
3 Brace Mountain Private and New York State
4 Breakneck, Scofield, Private and New York State
Hells Hollow, Mt. Beacon
5 Brockway Road Woods Private
6 Cary Arboretun Private, but open to public
7 East and West Mountains Private
8 Ferncliff, Snyder, Private, but Ferncliff is open to
Mudderkill Creek the public
9 The Great Swamp Private
10 Greenfly Swamp Private and Dutchess County
11 1-bsner Mountain Private ~nd U.S. Dept. of Interior
12 Little Whaley Lake Private (Boy Scouts of America)
13 Millbrook Meadow Private
14 Millerton Wetland Private
15 The Panhandle Wetlands Private
16 Pawling Nature Reserve Private, preserved (The Nature

17 Pond-Gut, Rockefeller Private and New York State

18 Reedy Bog Private
19 Roosevelt Cove Private and U.S. Department of
20 Sharpe Reservation Private (Fresh Air Fund)
21 Silver Lake, etc. Private
22 Stissing Mountain, Tho~son Private, partly preserved (The Nature
Pond Conservancy and National Audubon
Society) and New York State
23 Stony Kill Farm New York State
24 Stringham Wetland Private
25 Swift Pond, Cleaver Swamp Private
26 Tivoli Bays Private and New York State
27 Townsend Swamp Private
28 Turkey Hollow Private
29 Val-Kill U.S. Dept. of Interior
30 Vandenburgh Cove Private
31 Wappinger Creek and Lake, Private (partly Putnam Audubon),
and Putnam Audubon Sanctuary, Dutchess County, and Town of
Reese and Bowdoin Parks Wappinger
32 West Mountain Private
33 Zipfelberg Bog Private, preserved (The Nature
34 Clove Mountain and Clove Valley Private

Source: Dutchess County Environmental Management Council

Scenic Resources

Dutchess County has a varied landscape whose scenic

mountains and valleys can be viewed from many locations.
The opportunity to enjoy these views greatly enhances the
daily experiences of those who live and work in or visit
the county.

The Hudson River is the major landscape feature that

visually unites Dutchess County with the rest of the
Hudson Valley. The valley is the county's chief visual
reference point, and includes several noted areas, such as
the estates within the Mid-Hudson Historic Shorelands
Scenic Di strict that extends from Hyde Park into Columbia
County. The Catsk ii I Mountains to the west provide a
beautiful backdrop to the river valley.

Mountains of the Hudson Highlands and the Taconic

Range visually define the county's borders to the south
and east. With these major features in the background,
alternating patterns of uplands, lowlands, lakes, open
land, farms, forests, and settlements provide beauty and
visual diversity throughout the county.

The following tables list places and roads from which

the county's scenic resources can be seen and appreciated.
The lists include Hudson River vantage points, panoramic
views along county roadways, open space areas, and scenic
roads. Several of the open space areas are also included
in Table 8.1 because of their significant natural values.

Table 8.2 Hudson River Vantage Pol"''
(From South to North)

Place Name Municipality

State Rte. 90 (South of Beacon) Fishkill

Mount Beacon Fishkill
Beacon Ferry Site - Riverfront PaFk C. Beacon
Newburgh-Beacon Bridge C. Beacon
Castle Point Veterans Hospital Fishkill
Old Castle Point Road Fishklll,Wappinger
Chelsea Wappinger
Chelsea River Road Wappinger
Wheeler Hill Wappinger
New Hamburg Poughkeepsie
Bowdoin Park Poughkeepsie
Pirate Canoe Club Poughkeepsie
Locust Grove Poughkeepsie
Poughkeepsie Rural Cemetary Poughkeepsie
Kaal Rock Park c. Poughkeepsie
Mid-Hudson Bridge C. Poughkeepsie
Waryas Park C. Poughkeepsie
Marist College Poughkeepsie
Regatta Row Poughkeepsie
Mauritius Inlet - Riverpoint Rpad Hyde Park
Culinary Institute of Amer.lea Hyde Park
F.D. Roosevelt National Historic Site Hyde Park
Hyde Park Railroad Station Hyde Park
River Road Hyde Park
Vanderbilt Mansion National Historic Sfte Hyde Park
Poughkeepsie Yacht Club Hyde Park
Margaret Lewis Norrie State Park Hyde Park
Ogden Mills - Ruth Livingston Mills State ~a~k Hyde Park
Vandenburgh Cove & Fishing Grounds Road Rhinebeck
Wildersteen Rhinebeck
Rhinecliff Dock Rhinebeck
Kingston-Rhinecliff Bridge Red Hook
Barrytown Red Hook
Bard College Red Hook
Tivoli Bays (North and South) Red Hook
Tivoli Railroad Station V. Tivoli
Clermont State Park Red Hook, Clermont

Note: This list includes the mQst pop4l~r or l~ely known vantage points.
It is not comprehensive.


L-- -
Table 8.3 Scenic Vantage Points Along Major Roadways

Roadway Municipality

U.S. and State Highways

I-84 at Beacon-Newburgh Bridge Beacon

I-84 at Scenic Turnout near Rte. 52 E. Fishkill
I-84 at Hosner Mountain Rd. E. Fishkill
1-84 at Cary Rd. Fishkill
U.S. Rte. 44/State Rte. 55 at Mid-Hudson Bridge Poughkeepsie
laconic St. Pkwy. at Miller Hill Rd. E. Fishkill
laconic St. Pkwy. at James Baird St. Park LaGrange
laconic St. Pkwy. at Germond Rd. Clinton
laconic St. Pkwy. Scenic turnout at Pumpkin Ln. Clinton
laconic St. Pkwy. Scenic turnout at North Rd. Milan
State Rte. 9 at Troopers Barracks Rhinebeck
State Rte. 44 at Delavergne Hill Amenia
State Rte. 52 at Stormvllle Mountain E. Fishkill
State Rte. 55 at Pawling Mountain Pawling
State Rte. 82 north of Verbank Washington
State Rte. 82 at Conklin Hill Rd. Stanford
State Rte. 199 near Stark-Tator Sky Park Red Hook
State Rte. 199 at Kingston-Rhinecliff Bridge Red Hook

County Highways

County Rte. 5, (Smithfield Rd.) near Perotti Rd. Northeast

County Rte. 10, (Sylvan Lake Rd.) at Sylvan Lake Beelanan
County Rte. 21, (Wingdale Rd.) at Blueberry Hill Dover
County Rte. 60, (Winchell Mt. Rd.) near Ancramdale Rd. Northeast
County Rte. 64, (McGhee Hill Rd.) near Charlie Hill Rd, Northeast
County Rte. 66, (Quaker Hill Rd.) south of Hizzentop Pawling
County Rte. 85, (Fishing Grounds Rd.) Rhinebeck
County Rte. 89, (Waterbury Hill Rd.) south of Hoxie Corner Unionvale
County Rte. 98, (N. Mabbettsville Rd.) north of Shunpike Washington
County Rte. 103, (Annandale Rd.) Rhinebeck,
Red Hook
Town Roads

High Ridge Rd. E. Fishkill

All Angels Hill Wappinger
Bishop Dr. LaGrange
Johnny Cake Hollow Rd. Pine Plains
Prospect Hill Rd. Pine Plains
Schultz Hill Rd. Pine Plains
Charlie Hill Rd. Northeast
Deer Run-Quarry Dr. Northeast
Perrotti Rd. Northeast

Note: This list contains a selection of roadside scenic vantage points. It

is not comprehensive.

Table 8.4 Open Space Resources

Area Municipality


Appalachian Trail corridor East Fishkill, Beekman

Pawling, Dover
Eleanor Roosevelt National Historic Site Hyde Park
at Val-Kill
Franklin D. Roosevelt National Historic Site Hyde Park
Vanderbilt Mansion National Historic Site Hyde Park
Nuclear lake Ptoperty Pawling, Beekman


Wassaic State Forest/Multiple Use Area Amenia

Depot ~ill State Forest/Multiple Use Area Beekman
Hudson Highlands State Park Fishkill
,Stony Kill Farm and Environmental Education Fishkill
Ogden Mills and Ruth Livingston Mills Hyde Park
Memorial State Park & Dinsmore Golf Course
James Baird State Park LaGrange
Lafayetteville State Forest/Multiple Use Area Milan
Roeliff Jansen Kill State Forest/Multiple Use Area Milan
laconic State Park Northeast
Stissing Mt. State Forest/Multiple Use Area Pine Plains, Stanford
laconic - Hereford State Forest/Multiple Use Area Pleasant Valley
Tivoli Bays (North and South) Red Hook
ClermqntState Park Red Hook, Clermont


Fallkill Park Hyde Park, Poughkeepsie

Wilcox Park Milan
Bowdoin Park Poughkeepsie

Other-Mostly Private

Bog Hollow Amenia

Rattlesnake Mountain Amenia
Turkey Hollow Amenia
Swift Pond Amenia
Depot Hill Beekman
Sylvan Lake Beekman
Mud Pond Clinton
Silver Lake Clinton
West MoUntain Dover
East Mountain Dover, Unionvale
Hosner Mountain E. Fishkill
Shenandoah Mountain E. Fishkill

Table 8.4 Open Space Resources Cont'd.

Area Municipality

Mostly Private, cont'd.

Black Pond E. Fishkill

Bald Hill Fishkill
Honness Mountain Fishkill
Mount Beacon Fishkill
Sharpe Reservation Fishkill
Sugarloaf Mountain Fishkill
Doty Hill and Briggs Mountain Milan
Old Round Top Milan
Silver Mountain Northeast
Taconic Highlands (Brace Mountain, Ht. Riga) Northeast
Panhandle Swamp Northeast
Millerton Wetland Northeast
Indian Lake Northeast
Great Swamp Pawling
Whaley Lake Pawling
Hammersly Ridge Pawling
Pawling Nature Reserve Pawling
Pawling Mountain Pawling
Hicks Hill Pine Plains
Thompson Pond Pine Plains
Stlssing Mountain Pine Plains
Great Spring Swamp Pleasant Valley
Vassar College Farm Poughkeepsie
Turkey Hill Red Hook
Snyder Swamp Rhinebeck
Vandenburgh Cove Rhinebeck
Clove Mountain Unlonvale
Greenfly Swamp Wappinger, Fishkill
Wappinger Lake Wappingers Falls
Cannoo Hills Washington
Cary Arboretun Washington
Plymouth Hill Washington
Bontecou Lake Washington, Stanford

Note: The federal, state, and county properties listed are considered
permanent open spaces. Those listed as "other resources" are, for
the most part, owned by private citizens or organizations. Only a
few of them are permanently preserved. See Significant Areas 11st,
Table 8.1, and Table 4.2 for additional open space resources. Many
lakes and ponds, agricultural lands, stream corridors, wetland
complexes, parks, institutional facilities, and other private and
public land holdings throughout Dutchess County provide significant
open space benefits.

Scenic Roads

The Heritage Task Force for the Hudson River Valley

has reco,mmended that a list of roads in western Dutchess
County, and others throughout the Hudson Valley, be
designated scenic roads by the State Department of
Environmental Conservation (DEC) under the state Scenic
Roads Law of 1981. Such designation would support local
and regional efforts to preserve the visual, historic,
and natural .values of these scenic corridors, and to
promote public recognition of the benefits these scenic
resources provide.

The Hst of Dutchess County roads recommended for

state designation appears in Table 8.5. It is the
product of a study conducted for. DEC by the Heritage Task
Force, in conjunction with the Dutchess County Department
of Planning an.d Scenic Hudson, Inc. Similar studies have
been conducted in several o,ther Hudson Valley counties.

The roads recommended for scenic road designation

fall into three classes: A, B, and C. Roads nominated
for class A designation are those with the highest scenic
quality rating . Class B road corridors possess distinct
scenic qualities and historic, cultural, and recreational
amenities, but are not as significant as class A
corridors. The quantities of positive and negative visual
elements within a class B corridor may equal one another.
Class C scer:iic roads primarily function as transitions or
links between class A and B roads, and are of less scenic
significance than either A or B. Class C corridors may,
however, contain important historic, cultural, and
recreational amenities.

Suggested policies and maintenance guidelines for

preserving and enhancing the scenic qualities of class A,
B, and C .scenic roads are given in Volumes I and 11 of
the Heritage Task Force report, entitled
The Hudson Valley Scenic Roads Program, published in

Table 8.5 Roads Nominated for Scenic Road Designation
Dutchess County, New York

Roadway Section Municipality

Class A Road Corridors

Bear Mountain-Beacon Highway, NY Route 9D Flshkill

Roads within the "Mid-Hudson Historic Shorelands
Scenic District"
NY Rte. 9 - Co. Rte. 41 to South Mill Rd. Hyde Park, Rhinebeck
Old Post Rd. Hyde Park
South Mill Rd. - NY Rte. 9 to Morton Rd. Rhinebeck
Morton Rd. - South Mill Rd. to Rhlnecliff Rd. Rhlnebeck
Rhinecliff Rd. - Morton Rd. to River Rd. Rhinebeck
River Rd/Annandale Rd.- Horton Rd. to NY Rte. 9G Rhinebeck, Red Hook
NY Rte. 9 - South Mill Rd to Old Post Rd. Rhinebeck
Astor Dr. - River Rd. to Old Post Rd. Rhlnebeck
Mt. Rutsen Rd. - River Rd. to Old Post Rd. Rhinebeck
Hook Rd. - River Rd. to Old Post Rd. Rhinebeck
NY Rte. 9G - Old Post Rd. to Columbia Co. Line Rhinebeck, Red Hook
Kidd Lane - NY Rte. 9G to Tivoli Landing Rd. Red Hook
Woods Rd. - Tivoli Landing Rd. to Columbia Co. llne Red Hook
Santage Rd. - Woods Rd. to Stony Brook St. Red Hook
Stony Brook St. - Santage Rd. to NY Rte. 9G Red Hook
Tivoli Landing Rd. - Kidd Ln. to Woods Rd. Red Hook
NY Rte. 199 NY Rte. - 9G to Ulster Co. Line Red Hook
Barrytown & Stat.ion Roads - River Rd. to Hamlet of Red Hook
Barrytown Rd.
Co. Rte. 78 - NY Rte. 9G to Tivoli Landing Red Hook
Kelly Rd. - Whalesback Rd. to River Rd. Red Hook
Newburgh-Beacon Bridge C. Beacon
Mid-Hudson Bridge C. Poughkeepsie
Kingston-Rh.inecliff Bridge Rhinebeck

Class B Road Corridors

NY Rte. 90 - City of Beacon Line to NY Rte. 9 Fishkill, Wappinger,

Wappingers Falls
NY Rte. 9 - Hyde Park/Poughkeepsie Town line Hyde Park
to Co. Rte. 41
Pitcher Lane Red Hook
Rockefeller Lane Red Hook
Whalesback Lane Red Hook
Co. Rte. 78 Red Hook
Co. Rte. 79 Red Hook
Co. Rte. 80 Red Hook

Class C Road Corridors

NY Rte. 9D C. Beacon
NY Rte. 9 - southern C. Poughkeepsie line to C. Poughkeepsie,
Hyde Park line T. Poughkeepsie

Source: The Heritage Task Force for the Hudson River Valley, The Hudson
Valley Scenic Roads Program, 1983

As shown in Table 8.5, many of the Dutchess County
roads recommended for scenic roads designation are within
the Mid-Hudson Historic Shorelands Scenic District. This
district is a 25-mile long area on the east shore of the
Hudson River. It extends from just south of West Market
and Dock Streets in Hyde Park, to just north of the
Germantown Landing Road on Route 9G in Columbia County.
The eastern boundary runs parallel to Route 9G from this
crossroad south to Weys Corners; from there it follows
Route 9 south to West Market Street in Hyde Park. The
centerline of the Hudson River forms the western boundary
of the district.

The Mid-Hudson Historic Shorelands Scenic District is

the first scenic district designated under Article 49 of
the Environmental Conservation Law. It encompasses close
to 40 riverfront estates, extensive public parklands,
farms, hundreds of structures of historic significance,
and numerous streams, ravines, bluffs, wetlands, and
other important natural features. A variety of
techniques and recommendations for preserving the unique
benefits that these cultural and natural features provide
are set forth in the Mid-Hudson Historic Shorelands
Scenic District Management Pian, which was prepared for
DEC by the Hudson River Shorelands Task Force in 1983.
Suggested protection measures include revisions to local
zoning regulations and roadway management practices,
local promotional efforts designed to enhance public
awareness of what the district can offer both residents
and tourists, methods for encouraging increased
implementation of local waterfront revitalization
programs and access to the Hudson River, and other
techniques for enchancing community identity, design, and

Resource Management Implications

Dutchess County's population has doubled in the past

35 years, and is still growing. It is expected to reach
320,000 by the year 2000. To accomodate this growth, open
land is being converted to roads, homesites, industrial
centers, government facilities, and commercial uses at the
rate of 1,800 acres per year. This rate of development is
exerting increasing pressure on many of the county's
scenic resources and significant natural areas, pressures
that could destroy or degrade their environmental quality.
To protect the county's natural heritage, the benefits
that these resources provide must be recognized and

Significant Natural Areas

The significant natural areas inventoried by the

Dutchess County Environmental Management Council deserve
special consideration by state and local governments and
landowners. Many of these areas are unique and
irreplaceable elements of the county's landscape.

In some cases, significant areas can tolerate the

increased public use that could result from promotional
efforts. Several significant areas, however, particularly
those which support endangered or threatened species,
could be severely damaged by increased use. Greater use
inevitably brings changes and disturbances that can drive
sensitive species away or destroy their habitat. It may,
therefore, be counterproductive to draw attention to the
most unusual and sensitive features of significant areas.
Concerned citizens and landowners should instead be
en-couraged to explore more subtle means of ensuring that
the natural values of these areas are appropriately
recognized and preserved.

Most of the significant natural areas listed in Table

8. 1 are privately owned. Access to them is, in most
cases, restricted. Nevertheless, everyone benefits from
the role these areas play in maintaining environ-mental
diversity and from the scenic qualities they offer, even
from a distance. Increased public access to privately-
owned significant areas should be encouraged only when the
landowner is clearly wil Ii ng to assume the responsibility
that such public use entails, and when public access will
not threaten the significant natural features of the site.

Many publicly-owned significant natural areas also

contain fragile natural communities that can be damaged
by overuse. A balance must be achieved between promoting
public recognition and enjoyment of these areas and
protecting their environmental quality.


_____ ---j
Scenic Resources

Dutchess County's scenic resources contribute

greatly to the quality of the visual environment, as well
as to the tourism industry that plays a growing role in
the county economy. Views of rural valleys, the Hudson
River, and the mountains to the south. east, and west
enhance the beauty and diversity of the landscape. The
variety of these vistas adds to the enjoyment of
residents and visitors, and defines the physical self-
image of communities throughout the county. Smaller-scale
scenic resources, such as tree-lined roads, waterfalls,
streams, wetlands, lakes, farm lands, historic hamlets
and structures, wel I-landscaped grounds, and parks also
contribute to community identity and enjoyment.

The visual impacts of development have immediate and

profound effects on the quality of life. Despite these
effects, however, decision makers are often reluctant to
make judgements on aesthetic issues. As a result,
unnecessary damage to scenic resources is frequently
permitted or overlooked, causing the entire visual
character of a community or area to deteriorate over

To reverse this tendency, strong community support

is needed for preserving scenic resources and enhancing
the visual environment through careful and comprehensive
land use management. Every effort should be made to
increase public awareness of the environmental and
cultural significance of scenic resources, and of the
means that can be used to protect them.

Open Space Preservation

Dutchess County's open space resources support

diverse vegetation and wildlife communities, agricultural
activities, outdoor recreation, and forest uses, and help
store and replenish critical surface and groundwater
supplies. They give much of Dutchess County its beauty
and rural character. In urban and suburban communities,
open spaces such as stream corridors and parks also help
define community and neighborhood boundaries, serve as
common meeting pl aces and buffers between land uses, and
offer relief from congestion and noise.

The supply of open space is diminishing as the

county population grows and more and more land is
developed. Numerous open spaces with valuable scenic,
natural, or agricultural qualities have been converted to
residential, commercial, or industrial uses. In many
cases these uses would have been more appropriately
located on less sensitive sites, or could have been
better designed to protect more natural features of the

Several mechanisms for preserving open space should
be examined by local and county governments, concerned
citizens, and interest groups. Among them are the

- conservation easements which, through deed restrictions,

remove or limit the development potential of portions
of property that have the greatest scenic or
agricultural values or environmental sensitivity;

- transfer of development r!.g_hts, whereby an owner of

land in a designated open space. district can transfer
the right to develop that land to a parcel in another
district where permitted by local law;

~ agriculture _preservation methods, such as agricultural

zoning agricultural districting, and farmland

land trusts, involving organizations that acquire and

hold land for permanent preservation or release it with
easements to ensure that it wil I be developed within
site-specific management guidelines;

- floodplain, wetland, and aquifer protection _r':!a_ulations

that prohibit the inappropriate use of critical natural

- cluster development technig~.~~- which concentrate

building on specific portions of a property so that the
remaining land is left undisturbed or used as
recreation space;

imaginative site designs that recognize how developments

will benefit from the protection of natural amenities.

Al I of these techniques and others should be reviewed

carefully for their potential contributions to conserving
the best open space in Dutchess County.


Scenic Roads

Considerable effort has gone into evaluating the

scenic qualities of roads within the Mid-Hudson Historic
Shorelands Scenic District. Roads farther south in the
county that offer views of the Hudson River, or which
serve as important links between scenic areas, have also
been evaluated. The Heritage Task Force for the Hudson
River Valley has recommended that these roads be
designated scenic roads by the NYS Department of
Environmental Conservation, and has developed extensive
recommendations concerning how the scenic qualities of
these roads corridors can be maintained by local
governments and landowners. The use of land use control
techniques, road maintenance quidelines, and public
education programs that help implement the Task Force
recommendations should be encouraged.

Al I of the roads evaluated by the Heritage Task

Force are visually tied to the Hudson River. Elsewhere
in Dutchess County are many road corridors equally
deserving of recognition, which visually relate to the
Harlem Valley, the Catskills, the Hudson Highlands, the
rolling terrain of the county's agricultural lands, or
other landscape features. Local efforts to inventory and
preserve these scenic amenities can help maintain a
balanced appreciation of the beauty the entire county has
to offer.

0 Appendix

A.1 Mean Temperature and Total Precipitation ...................... 168

A.2 Weather Station Locations ..................................... 169
A.3 Growing Degree Days ......................................... 170
A.4 Average Wind Speeds ........................................ 171
A.5 Wind Direction Frequencies .................................... 172
A.6 Annual Precipitation 1931 1980................................ 173
A.7 Climatological Summary....................................... 174
A.8 Major Conventional Air Pollutants ............................... 175
A.9 Geological Activity and Formations ............................ 176
A.10 Mined Lands in Dutchess County, 1976.......................... 179
A.11 Soil Mining and Quarrying, 1982................................ 180
A.12 Named Streams in Dutchess County ............................ 181
A.13 Water Pollutant Sources and Effects ........................... 184
A.14 Significant Wetlands of Dutchess County ...................... 185
A.15 Erosion Rates for Dutchess County Watersheds ................. 186
A.16 Selected List of Plants in Dutchess County ..................... 187

A.1: Mean Temperature and Total Precipitation
Dutchess County, New York

Station Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July A~. Sept. Q::t. Nov. Dec. Annua I

Mean Te~erature (Degrees Fahrenhelt):1

Glenham 26.2 28.1 37.6 49.6 60.2 69.3 74. 1 72.4 65.0 53. 7 42.9 30.9 50.8

Ml I I brook 23.2 25.5 34.5 46.5 56.8 65.2 69.7 68.2 60.9 50. 7 39.9 27.9 47.4

Poughkeepsie 26.2 28. 7 37.4 50.5 60.6 69.8 74. 7 72.5 65.3 54.8 43.4 30. 7 51.2

Poughkeepsie FAA AP 24.4 26.8 36.2 48.0 58.3 67.5 72.4 70.6 62. 7 51.5 40.9 29.3 49.1

Total Precipitation (Inches): 1

Glenham 3.24 2.87 3.58 3. 70 3.49 3. 77 3.84 4.12 3.93 3.40 3.69 3. 78 43.41

Ml I I brook 2.79 2.40 3.23 3.50 3.38 3.69 3.65 3.95 3. 71 3.36 3.43 3.51 40.60

Poughkeepsie 2.55 2.65 2.94 3.59 3.00 2.95 3.31 3.81 3.46 3.00 3.47 3.29 38.02

Poughkeepsie FAA AP 2. 75 2.42 3.28 3.66 3.62 3.43 3.50 3. 77 3.66 3.30 3.57 3.20 40.16

Ml I lerton 2 2.88 2.83 3. 74 4.63 2.81 2.98 3. 71 4.62 4.32 3.95 3.34 3.01 42.82

Source: u.s. Department of Commerce, NOAA

Notes: 1. Mean temperature and total precipitation for every station except Pougkeepsle are based
on the period 1951-1980. Data for the Poughkeepsie station are from the 1951-1970
period. MIiibrook figures are partially estimated.

2. MIiierton Station equipped with recording rain gages only, 1951-1960, and figures are
partially estimated.

A.2: Weather Station Locations
Dutchess County, New York

Station Latitude Longitude Above sea level

Glenham 41 31' 73 56' 275

Millbrook 41 51' 73 37' 815

Millerton (2 stations) 41 57' 73 31' 690,720

Poughkeepsie 41 41' 73 56' 103

Poughkeepsie FAA AP 41 38' 73 53' 154

Notes: The U.S. Department of Commerce, Weather Bureau, maintains or has maintained
meteorological stations at Glenham (near Beacon), Millbrook, Poughkeepsie, and
the Dutchess County Airport (Poughkeepsie FAA AP). Millerton has had a station
equipped with rain gages only. These stations are indexed above.

A.3: Growing Degree Days
Poughkeepsie, New York 0
Week 40 Base 50 Base
Number Mean S.D.* Mean S.D.*

Har. 1-7 1 5 7 0 0
2 7 10 1 2
3 15 24 2 8
4 31 29 6 11
5 38 30 9 15
6 47 27 10 13
7 59 40 18 25
8 89 42 34 30
9 103 33 41 28
Max 10-16 11 132 28 63 27

12 153 29 83 28
13 163 32 93 31
14 186 29 116 29
15 194 24 124 24
16 206 31 136 31
17 222 27 152 27
18 233 23 163 23
19 237 24 167 24
Julx 19-25 21 243 22 173 22

22 249 18 179 18
24 0
25 223 22 153 22
26 209 .29 139 29
27 212 31 142 31
28 191 30 121 30
25 173 28 103 28
Seet- 27-0ct. 3 31 127 26 59 24

32 123 31 57 28
33 108 35 46 30
34 91 33 32 23
35 67 33 19 20
36 59 33 16 17
37 36 25 7 9
38 36 31 7 11
39 17 21 3 6
Dec. 6-12 41 7 11 0 1

42 2 3 0 0
43 4 9 0 2
44 3 6 0 1
45 4 9 1 2
46 2 7 0 1
47 1 3 0 0
48 2 4 0 1
49 1 2 0 0
50 1 1 0 0
51 3 6 0 1
Feb. 21-27 52 5 12 1 3
SoJrce: U>mell lhlverslty Agrla.tl.b.ral Experiment Station.
--S.D. : is the rarge of de.,latlon fran mean.

( A.4: Average Wind Speeds (Knots(1))

Direction Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Avgs.
N 5.9 6.1 6.7 7 .1 5.1 5.7 4.2 4.7 6.1 5.0 4.7 7.0 5.8
NNE 7.6 6.3 7.8 8.1 6.8 5.9 5.6 5.5 6.1 7.3 6.9 7.3 6.9

NE 4.0 4.2 5.8 4.8 4.6 4.3 3.6 4.1 3.8 5.5 5.1 5.8 4.7
ENE 3.1 4.4 5.3 4.1 3.7 3.7 3.6 3.4 3.0 4.4 4.9 3.5 4.0
E 2.5 3.0 3.4 3.8 3.8 3.2 3.0 3.0 2.3 3.4 6.1 4.2 3.5

ESE 3.4 3.7 6.8 5.8 4.8 3.9 3.6 3.8 3.1 3.7 6.1 6.0 4.6
SE 3.7 3.5 6.9 5.1 4.8 3.9 4.4 3.6 4.0 3.9 4.3 3.8 4.4
SSE 6.0 6.1 7.9 7.8 6.0 5.9 5.2 5.6 6.2 5.7 6.3 6.6 6.3

s 4.5 6.1 6.9 7.0 6.3 6.6 5.2 5.3 6.2 5.1 6.0 5.4 5.9

.SSW 6.3 6.9 7.2 8.1 7.0 7.3 6.6 6.5 6.3 6.9 8.3 7.3 7 .1

SW 5.5 6.2 7 .1 7.3 6.7 7.3 6.2 6.2 6.3 7.3 7.3 7.5 6.8

WSW 8.8 8.5 9.8 10.4 8.8 8.0 7.4 7 .1 7.3 7.8 9.8 10.0 8.9

w 8.3 7.8 9.5 9.2 6.1 6.6 4.7 5.7 7.2 7.0 6.5 9.2 7.6
WNW 10.7 11.8 12.0 10.6 9.0 9.1 7.6 7.0 8.0 8.0 10.4 11.3 10.3

NW 6.2 8.1 9.7 8.8 6.9 6.8 5.9 3.8 7 .1 5.3 6.1 7.2 7 .1
NNW 7.4 10.4 9.4 9.2 8.6 7 .1 6.7 5.4 6.0 8.2 8.1 7 .1 8.0
AV~. 5.9 6.5 7.4 7 .1 5.3 5.3 4.4 3.9 4.4 4.7 5.3 6.4 5.5

Source: U.S. Department of Commerce, NOAA. Based on 8 observations per day, 1950-1954,
at Station #14757, Poughkeepsie, N.Y.
Note: 1. 1 knot= 1.15078 miles per hour.

A.5: Wind Direction Frequencies
Percent of Total Observations C

Direction Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Avgs.
N 7.4 6.3 5.7 4.0 4. 1 3.4 3.3 3.7 4.6 4.5 3.2 5.8 4.7

NNE 14.6 10.4 11.7 13.0 10.8 8.6 6.2 9.2 8.5 11.2 8.7 9.2 10.2

NE 1.8 2.9 2.6 4.0 3.9 2.6 1.8 2.6 2.5 3.4 2.7 2.7 2.8
ENE 2.4 3.0 3.6 2.3 3.6 3.2 2.9 3.3 2.3 2.4 2.4 1.6 2.8

E 2.4 2.4 1.5 1. 5 2.8 1.3 1. 7 1. 7 1.7 2.2 2.4 1. 1 1. 9

ESE 3.4 2.9 4.2 4.9 6.9 5.2 4.6 4.5 4.8 5.3 4.5 3. 1 4.5

SE 2.0 1.6 2.7 3.0 3.0 2.9 3.4 3.7 2.8 2.4 2.7 1. 9 2.7

SSE 7.7 6.0 7.7 10.6 9.5 10.0 10.6 7.5 9.8 8.5 7.0 6.9 8.5

s 3.5 4.2 3.3 5.7 4.0 6.2 6.3 8.1 5.8 3.3 3.2 4.1 4.8

SSW 9.1 6.3 6.4 9.5 7.3 11.7 11.3 9.1 10.0 7.8 9.6 9.7 9.0 0
SW 4.6 5.3 4.2 5.0 3.6 5.4 5. 9 4.1 4.3 4.7 5.3 8.5 5.1

WSW 7.4 7 .1 6.3 8.6 5.6 5.4 6.9 4.0 4.8 6.0 7.9 12.1 6.9

w 3 .1 3.8 3.6 2 .1 1.9 1. 4 1. 7 1.6 2.3 1.5 3.3 3.2 2.5

WNW 6.5 11. 1 11.5 5.4 4.0 5.4 4.1 2.6 3.1 3.4 3.5 6.2 5.6

NW 3.2 5.5 3.8 2.1 3.5 1. 9 2.4 1. 6 2.1 1. 9 2.8 3.2 2.8

NNW 9.8 9.2 9.9 8.8 8.0 8.1 4.7 5.0 5.4 6.7 5.2 5.4 7.2

CALMS 11.0 12.1 11.3 9.6 17.7 17 .1 22.0 27.5 25.2 24.8 25.6 15.5 18.3

Source: U.S. Department of Commerce, NOAA. Based on 8 observations per day, 1950-1954,
at Station #14757, Poughkeepsie, N.Y.


( A.6: Annual Precipitation 1931 1980
Poughkeepsie, New York


1931 39.9 48 39.9 1965 27.7

32 45.9 49 33.9 66 31.0
33 43.9 1950 35.7 67 43.0
34 47 .1 51 42.4 68 36.7
1935 32.0 52 46.0 69 41. 5
36 45.1 53 45.3 1970 34.4
37 44.1 54 38.3 71 46.1
38 47.9 1955 44.7 72 54.8
39 30.5 56 36.3 73 44.4
1940 39.7 57 28.7 74 44.0
41 27.2 58 42.1 1975 55.2
42 40.7 59 39.9 76 42.3
43 40.1 1960 37.9 77 49.4
44 35.0 61 36.7 78 35.4
1945 60.3 62 31.6 79 45.4
46 31.3 63 31.2 1980 31.8
47 42.6 64 24.5

Source: U.S. Department of Commerce, NOAA.

1931 to 1959 Data collected in Poughkeepsie.
1960 to 19_80 Data collected at Dutchess County Airport.
1977 and 1978 Data collected in Millbrook.

A.7: Climatological Summary
Means and Extremes for Period 1951 -1970 0
Poughkeepsie, New York






MONTH :E ...,>
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JAN 35,5 16,8 26,2 66 67 24 -1' 61 22 0 11 Z9 2 2,H 5,25 '3 1,n 62 6 10,0 J9,I 61 J6,0 61 22 6 2 D
FEB 38,6

18,7 28,7 70 53 22 -15 61
2 0 7 26 2 2,6'
4,66 62 1,9) JI I 11,2 29,0 62 16,0 61 4
2 I
MAR 27,2 37,4 80 62 3 67 19 0 1 H 0 7,11 53 1,53 ,1 31 8,5 31,5 67 11,0 63 l 7 2 I
APR 62,2 31,1 50,5 94 6t 28 17 6' I 0 0 7 0 3,'9 7,'7 52 2,49 ,z 5 ,8 6,0 '7 4,0 56 9 7 J l
MAY 73,1 48,0 60,6 1oz 62 19 25 70 7 l 0 0 0 J,00 6,64 68 2,70 61 29 ,0 7 2 0
JUN 12,2 57,4 69,1 102+ 64 JO 40 64 3 7 0 0 0 2,9' 6, 72 68 2, 12 JJ 27 ,0
a l
JULY 86,8 62,6 H,7 107 66 3 42 63 9 12 0 0 n J,31 8,68 69 2,75 69 27 .o
2 l


IOI '4 1 44 65 31

2h 63 24

0 0 3,81
6,85 60
" 5,50
3,51 66 21
19 ,0

J l
103 5l 3 3 0 0
9,99 ,1
' 2 l
''" 41,2 '4,8 91 '9 5 2h 66 31
0 0 3 0 3,00
" 4,74
" 16 2,0 58
' 2 l

. 51,0
33, 7
22, l
7'+ 64 l3
70 70
2 -10 69 25
30 0
3,29 , ...
6,22 54

2,17 54
2,04 52 12

1,4 7,0 68

31,0 69
6,0 68 lZ
26,0 69 27

YEAR 62,21 40,21 51,21 107 j66 31-1'1611 21 311 26j Ulj 51 n,021 11,501 "I 5 50
42,41 39,11611 36,0j 611 221 741 27J 9


Source: U.S. Department of Co11111erce, NOAA

( A.8: Major Conventional Air Pollutants

Pollutant Sources Health Effects Other Effects

OZONE and other Secondary reaction products Irritates eyes, lungs. nose Toxic to plants, primarily
photochemical oxidants orlg-lnatlng largely from motor and throat: causes difficulty affects leaves. Can weaken
vehicle use, the chemical indus- breathing. materials such as rubber and
try, fossil fuel combustion by- fabrics.
TOTAL SUSPENDED Industrial processes. Incinerators Disrupts the lungs normal Causes haze which reduces
PARTICULATES fossil fuel burning plar.ts, cleansing mechanism. Addition- visibility and the amount of
especially coal burners: auto- ally the particles can contain solar energy reaching the
mobile exhaust road and or carry materials that exhibit earth. Particles also cause seal-
building construction. direct toxic effects on living ing of materials, are corrosive.
organisms. and can damage buildings.
CARBON MONOXIDE Internal combustion engines. Combines with hemoglobin to
fossil fuel combustion, and reduce the oxygen carrying
cigarette smoking. capacity of the blood which
may cause heart and brain
damage. At low levels. carbon
monoxide causes dizziness.
fatigue. headaches and slowed
physical reactions.
SULFUR DIOXIDE Installations burning fossil fuel Impairment of breathing and Corrosion and deterioration
such as electric power plants. of iron. steel, copper, nickel,
irritation of eyes. throat and
home heating, industrial lungs. aluminum and building
processes. materials, brittleness In paper,
loss of strength of leather.

0 deterioration of natural and

synthetic fibers; corrosion of
limestone and concrete struc-
NITROGEN DIOXIDE Emitted in approximately equal lncrea_sed respiratory infections Corrosion of metal surfaces.
quantities from motor vehicles in children (particularly deterioration of rubber. fabrics
and from fossil fuel burning bronchitis); inhibition of cilia and dyes; serious Injury to
operations. most notably power action and damage to the lung vegetation including bleaching
plants, also from chemical tissue. and death of plant tissue. loss
plants and refineries. of leaves and reduced growth;
highly toxic to animals; in-
strumental in smog formation.
LEAD Gasoline (leaded) vehicles Neurological impairment, brain
emissions, fuel oil combustion. damage, loss of appetite, loss
Manufacturing of batteries, of alimentory and other systemic
paint. insecticides. etc. functions

Source: NYS Department of Environmental Conservation. 1981

A Challenge for the 80s. p. 28.

A.9: Geological Activity and Formations
Dutchess County, New York 0


Biological Events

PRECMeRIAN In ancient Precambrian times, almost 1300 million years Iso Iated uprooted b Iocks
600 or more ml I I Ion ago (mya), sediments were eroded from older rocks to of gnel ss
yeers ago the north In the Canadian Shield Area. These sedi- Hudson Highlands gneisses
Primitive life ments were subsequently transported and deposited by
begins an ancient drainage system.

During the Grenville Orogeny (1100-980 mya), these

sediments were subjected to great heat and pressure
and underwent deformation, metamorphism, and re-
crystalllzatlon. This event was also accon,:,anled
by rock fo~dlng and the Intrusion of extensive masses
of granite. The sediments were metamorphosed to
gneiss and the Hudson Highlands came Into being.

Following the granitic Intrusion, a long period of

erosion occurred which reduced the area to a low
p !al n.
The rifting of a single crystal or tectonic plate
during the end of this era and the beginning of the
next era brought about the open! ng of the Proto-
At lantlc Ocean.

PALEOZOIC The ocean advanced over the county once again during Poughquag Quartzite
225-600 ml I I Ion the f I rst pe_r I od of the era (Cambr Ian) resu It Ing I n Wappinger Group:
years ago sediment deposition on the eastern edge of a broad Stlsslng Dolostone
Age of Inverte- continental shelf. When the sea returned, the first Pine Plains Dolostone
brate dominance, deposits were usually lime muds which today exist as Briarcliff Dolostone
rise of fishes, a thin bed called the Balmvllle limestone. Other Ha Icyon Lake-Ca Ic-
land plants, land lnltlal deposits were clean quartz sand (Poughquag Do Iostone
vertebrates, Quartzite) and younger carbonates (Wappinger Group). Rochdale Limestone
large non- Equivalent deposits on the continental slope of the Copake Llmstone
f lowerlng plants, basin were the Germantown (Early Cambrian through The formations listed
reptl les. Early Ordovician periods), and In the oceanic basin below occurred at about
Appearance of the upper Nassau (Cambrian) and Stuyvesant Fal Is the same time as the
Coniferous trees (Early Ordovician). Poughquag Quartzite and
Wapp Inger Group:
Fracturing by faults, uplift accon,:,anled by some folding, Everett schist, quart-
and subaerlal erosion represented the change from an ex- zite (east of Beacon-
panding to a contracting ocean at the close of the Stlsslng Mt. fault)
Canadian Epoch. El lzavl I le argl I lite, ('
quartzite west of "-..)
Beacon-Stlsslng Mt.

A.9 (cont'd)
Blologlcal Events

PALEOZOIC (cont.) These dramatic changes resulted In the widespread un- Nassau shale, quartzite
conformity above rocks of the Canadian age, and was Germantown shale, I Ime-
one of the most significant changes, faunally, sedl- stone, conglomerate
mentologlcally, and structurally, on the face of the Stuyvesant Fal Is shale,
earth. quartzite, chert
Mount Merino and lndlan
Additional co~resslonal stresses, which brought about the River shale and
closure of the ocean, produced welts and troughs to the cherts (lies on top of
east. The resultant differences In relief caused a Stuyvesant Falls)
westward movement of previously-formed slope and basin Austin Gl~n graywacke and
rocks by underwater gravity sliding towards what Is now shale
the Hudson Va I ley. Part of the Snake HI 11 shales found Snake HI 11 shale wIth
today fs a melange of blocks torn from the ripped-up Included areas of
sole rocks during one of those gravity slides~ These Poughkeepsie melange
processes were part of the mountain-making episode known Snake HI II Shale and
as the Taconlc Orogeny. Two principal gravity slldes Walloomsac Slate (east
occurred In Dutchess: Livingston SI Ide (Austin Glen and of Stlsslng Mountain
Mount Merino Shade) and Van Buren SI Ide (Austin Glen, Fault)
Mount Merino, lndlan River, Stuyvesant Falls, Germantown,
and Nassau formations).

Intensified folding and thrust faulting took place with

the emplacement of Gallatin (Ellzavll le argll llte) and
Clove (Everett Schist) thrust sllces, with carbonate
sllvers along the thrust. Regional metamorphism and
cleavage formation acco~anled the faulting, and the
Taconlc Orogeny came to an end during the late
Ordovician and early SI lurlan Periods.

The area was subjected to another long period of erosion

following the Taconlc Orogeny.

During the Devonian Period, stresses again set In and

the rocks underwent tight folding, thrusting, high angle
reverse faulting and metamorphism. The Acadlan Orogeny
ended at the beginning of the late Devonian time, and
the merging of the tectonic plates and the closure of
the Proto-Atlantic Ocean were finished.

At the close of the Paleozoic Era, the rocks were again

folded and raised In the course of the Appalachian
Revolution. Consolidated rocks were displaced and
fractured along Joints and thrust faults due to a series
of large-scale crustal movements. Faults are fairly
abundant In the southern part of the county and, In many
places, control the extent of bedrock formations.

A.9 (cont'd)
Duration 0
Blologlcal Events

MESOZOIC Erosion of mountains to lowlands.

70-225 ml I I Ion
years ago About 200 ml II Ion years ago, the major opening of the
First dinosaurs Atlantlc Ocean began.
and primitive
mammals, birds,
flowering plants,
deciduous trees
and grasses.
Extinction of
dinosaurs and
climax of
reptl les on
land, air, and

CENOZOIC The land was re-elevated and eroded again. Deposits of unconsoll-
Last 70 ml I I Ion dated materlal: boulders,
years During Plelstocene times, at the end of the Era, con- gravels, sands, slits,
First placental tlnental glaclers repeatedly advanced across the and clays
mammals, apes, county In a southerly direction with locallzed, topo-
primitive horses
and other ungu-
graphlcally-lnduced variations to the southwest and
southeast. The highest peaks of the Taconlc and
lates, abundance Hudson High lands were probably covered with Ice. The
of flowerlng glaclers lald down unconsolldated deposits consisting
plants, grains, chlefly of clay materlals and boulders (glaclal tlll).
grasses, and After the meltlng and wlthdrawal of the Ice, gravel,
cereals, advent sand and slit were deposited In the stream valleys.
of human beings These latter deposits sometimes blocked preglaclal
channels, causing the formation of lakes and wetlands
In which slit, clay, peat, and other fln8i;jralned
materlals were lald down.

Relleved of Its heavy Ice burden, the land was par-

tlally reelevated an average of 2-1/4 feet per mlle
northward. Subsequently, rejuvenated streams became
the erosion agents of glaclal debrfs and exposed

Some deposition Is presently occurring In lakes and

swamps and on floodplalns of larger watercourses.
Lake deposftlon Is more or less continuous whl le
swamp and floodplaln deposition prlmarl ly takes place
during flood periods. This ongoing process of erosion
and sediment deposition largely Involves thin layers
of clay, slit, sand, and gravel.

Sources: Simmons et.al. Groundwater Resources of Dutchess County, New York.

Johnsen, J.H ed. 1976. Fleld Gulde Book: NYS Geologfcal Association, 48th Annual Meeting.
Rutsteln, M.S. 1977. The Llthologles and Geologlc Evolutfon of the Mid-Hudson Valley.
A.10: Mined Lands in Dutchess County, 1976
Acres of
Sector Extractive
Municipality Industry

Beacon City 0
East Fishkill 73
Fishkill Town 140
Fishkill Village 0
Hyde Park 13
LaGrange 54
Pleasant Valley 28
Poughkeepsie City 0
Poughkeepsie Town 1,013
Wappinger 22
Wappingers fdlls Village 0

Beekman 250
Clinton 33
Millbrook Village 0
Stanford 77
Unionvale 15
Washington . ~ . 151

Milan 27
Red Hook Town 96
Red Hook Village 0
Rhinebeck Town 46
Rhinebeck Village 0
Tivoli Village 0

Amenia 195
Millerton Village 0
Northeast . .............. .. 0
Pine Plains 12

Dover 353
Pawling Town 85
Pawling Village 0


Source: Dutchess County Department of Planning

A.11: Soil Mining and Quarrying 1982

, -;-


Source: Dutchess County Department of Planning

A.12: Named Streams in Dutchess County

Stream name Drainage Basin Location of mouth

Tr I butary to County

Amenia Brook a/ Tenml le River Wassalc Creek Dutchess

Bard Rock Creek Hudson RI ver Hudson River do.

Bean River do. Shekomeko Creek do.
Beaver Brook Tenml le River MIi i River do.
Black Pond Brook Crc.ton River West Branch Croton Putnam
Bog Ho I Iow Brook Housatonlc River b/
Brady Brook Croton RI ver East Branch Croton Dutchess
Burton Brook Tenml le River Swamp River do.
Butts Hollow Brook do. Tenml le River do.

Casper Creek Hudson River Hudson River do.

Clove Brook Fl shk I 11 Creek Flshkl 11 Creek do.
Clove Creek do. do. do.
Cold Spring Creek Wappinger Creek Wapp Inger Creek do.
Cold Spring Creek Tributary c/ do. Cold Spring Creek do.
Coopertown Brook Tenml le River Ml 11 River do.
Crum Elbow Creek Hu sdon RI ver Hudson River do.

Deuel Hollow Brook Tenml le River Tenml le River do.

Doctors Brook do. Ml 11 River do.
Drake Brook c/ Wappinger Creek Wapp Inger Creek do.
Drake Brook Tributary cl do. Drake Brook do.
Dry Brook Fl shkl 11 Creek Flshklll Creek do.

East Branch Croton River Croton River Croton RI ver Westchester

East Branch Wappinger Creek Wappinger Creek Wapp Inger Creek Dutchess

Fall KIii Hudson River Roellff Jansen KIii do.

do. do. Hudson River do.
Fa I Isburg Creek do. do. do.
Flshkl 11 Creek do. do. do.
FI at Rock Brook Flshkl 11 Creek Frog Hollow Brook do.
Frog Hollow Brook do. Fl shkl 11 Creek do.

Gardner Hollow Brook do. Whaley Lake Stream do.

Gordons Brook Hudson River Hudson River do.
Great Spring Creek Wappinger Creek Wapp Inger Creek do.
Green Mountain Lake Out Iet c/ Tenml le River Swamp River do.

Ham Brook Hudson River Roellff Jansen Kl II Columbla

HI Iler Brook Tenml le River Swamp River Dutchess
Horse Pond Brook Croton RI ver West Branch Croton Putnam
C Hudson River
Hunns Lake Creek
Hudson River
Wapp Inger Creek
Atlantlc Ocean
Wapp Inger Creek Dutchess

A.12 (cont'd)
Stream name Drainage Basin Location of mouth
Tr I butary to County

IBM Stream c/ Fl shk 111 Creek Fl shk 111 Creek do.

Indian KIii- Hudson River Hudson River do.
indian Lake Creek Tenml le River Webatuck Creek do.

Jackson Creek Flshkl 11 Creek Sprout Creek do.

Ke I sey Brook Tenml le River Webatuck Creek do.

KI dney Creek ~ Hudson River Hudson River do.

Landsman Kl 11 do. do. do.

Lakes Kl 11 do. Saw Kl 11 do.
Leetown Brook Croton RI ver West Branch Croton River Putnam
Little Wappinger Creek Wapp Inger Creek Wapp Inger Creek Dutchess

Marltje Kl 11 Hudson River Hudson River do.

Middle Branch Croton River Croton RI ver West Branch Croton River Putnam
Ml 11 Brook Tenml le River Webatuck Creek do.
do. Wapp Inger Creek East Branch Wappinger do.
MI I I Brook Schoo I Creek c/ Tenml le River Wassalc Creek do.
Ml I 1 River do. Swamp River do.
Mountain Brook Wappinger Creek Cold Spring Creek do.
Mudder Kl 11 Hudson River Hudson River do.

North Staatsburg Creek do. do. Dutchess

Noster Kl 11 do. Bashblsh Brook Coh.mbla

Punch Brook Hudson River Roellff Jansen Kl II Coh.mbla

Quaker Brook do. Havl land Ho I low Brook Putnam

Rhinebeck Kl 11 do.
Landsman Kl 11 Dutchess
Roellff Jansen KIii do. Hudson RI ver Co lumbla

Saw Kl II do. do. Dutchess

Sawm I 11 Brook Tenml le River Webatuck Creek do.
do. Housatonlc River Candlewood Lake b/
Seeley Creek Fl shk 11 I Creek Clove Brook Dutchess
Shaw Brook Wapp Inger Creek Ml 11 Brook do.
Shekomeko Creek Hudson River Roe 11 ff Jansen Kl 11 Columbia
Shenandoah Brook c/ Flshklll Creek Flshklll Creek Dutchess
Sprout Creek do. do. do.
Squirrel Hollow Brook Hudson River Gordons Brook do.
Stone Church Brook Tenml le River Wei Is Brook do.
Stony Brook do. MIii River do.
Stony Creek Hudson ~Iver Hudson River do.

A.12 (cont'd)
Stream name Ora f nage Bas f n Location of mouth
Tr f butary to County

Stump Pond Stream Croton River Mfddle Branch Croton Putnam

Swamp River Tenml le River Tenml le River Dutchess
Sweezy Creek Ffshkf 11 Creek Flshkl 11 Creek do.

Tenmfle River Housaton I c RI ver Housatonfc River b/

Thayer Brook do. do. b/
Wades Brook Hudson River Hudson Rf ver Dutchess
Wappinger Creek do. do. do.
Wassaf c Creek Tenmf le River Tenmf le River do.
Webatuck Creek do. do. do.
Weir Brook c/ do. Swamp River do.
Wei ts Brook do. Temnf le River do.
Whaley Lake Stream Ffshkf 11 Creek Ffshkf 11 Creek do.
Whaley Lake Stream Tributary cl do. Whaley Lake Stream do.
Whort I ek f 11 Creek do. Ff shkf 11 Creek do.
Wfccopee Creek do. do. do.
WI I low Brook do. Sprout Creek do.
do. Wappinger Creek Wappinger Creek do.

Source: Ayer and Pauszek. 1968. Streams in Dutchess County, New York. P 100

Notes: a/ From N.v.s. Department of Health Report (Housatonlc River>.

b/ In Conn.
c/ Loca I name.
d/ From N.v.s. Department of Health Report No. a.
do: Same as above (ditto)


A:13: Water Pollutant Sources and Effects


SOLIDS Municipal wastewater and effluents Degrades aesthetic appearance- Primary wastewater treatment; ad-
from certain industries such as pulp utilizes oxygen resources; inter- vance wastewater treatment by
Particulate and paper, food and tannery. feres with bottom life; prevents chemical coagulation and settling;
adequate disinfection and allows filtration; industrial process
disease-causing organisms to live modifications.
longer in natural waters.

Silt in runoff from construction May cover and des troy valuable Land use control; improved soil
sites and agricultural land. fish and wildlife habitat; makes conservation practices.
assimilation of oxygen-demanding
wastes more difficult; adds to wa-
ter treatment costs; degrades
aesthetic appearance.

Dissolved Municipal and industrial waste- Interferes with agricultural and Process changes and in-plant con-
water, particularly the mining and industrial water use; increases trols in industry; advance waste-
chemical industry, road salting. hardness of water used for domes- water treatment processes, such as
tic purposes; excessive dissolved reverse osmosis and ion exchange;
salts can also cause a laxative controlled and effective use of road
action when present in potable salting chemicals, or use of substi-
water; adds taste to water. tutes such as sand.

ORGANIC Municipal wastewater and the Utilizes the oxygen resources of a Secondary wastewater treatment;
wastewater from many industries stream & thus interferes with nor- in-plant industrial controls; con-
MATERIAL such as milk, food, pulp and paper. mal biological life; can cause taste, tainment, control and treatment
Biodegradable Runoff from areas with high con- odors and colors. of animal land runoff.
centration of animals such as zoos,
feedlots or barnyards ..
Non-biodegradable Can cause taste, odors and color in Cc;,ntrol use of non-biodegradable
water; fish-tainting; foam; can be products; advance waste treatment
come biodegradable. process such as ozone or activated
carbon absorption.

INFECTIOUS Domestic wastewater; waste from Presents a health hazard to direct Secondary wastewater treatment,
Bacteria & Viruses
hospitals, research laboratories and
some industries such as milk pro-
cessing and meat packing.
and indirect reuse and to water
contact recreation.
plus disinfection.
NUTRIENTS Municipal wastewater; some indus- Fertilizes the water and thereby Advance waste treatment; land use
trial wastewater; runoff from ag- stimulates the excessive growth of controls; soil conservation practices;
such as Nitrogen ricultural and urban land. weeds and algae causing cultural control use of products containing
& Phosphorus eutrophication. phosphorus and nitrogen.

TOXIC AGENTS Industrial wastewater. Harms surface water ecology; Industrial process changes and con-
interferes with downstream water trols; industrial waste treatment.
Metals, acids & reuse; potential health hazard;
alkalides corrodes piers, boats.

Pesticides & Other Agriculture, forestry, residential Harms surface water ecology; in- Controlled agricultural, forestry,
and commercial pest control, cer- terferes with downstream reuse; residential and commercial pesti-
exotic organics tain organic chemical industries. represents potential health hazard. cide use; prohibition of manufacture
of certain particularly harmful or-
ganic chemical; industrial, waste-
water treatment.

Radioactive waste Nuclear power plants, radioactive Potential health hazard; potentially Nuclear power plant and industrial
material, reprocessing, industry, harmful to aquatic life. process changes and wastewater
medical and laboratory radioacti- treatment.
vity material uses.

HEAT Electric generating plants. steel Interferes with normal surface Reuse of waste heat; cooling towers;
mills, certain industries, large air water life by favoring species tol- cooling ponds; more efficient elec-
conditioning systems. erant to high temperatures; reduces trical generation systems; reduce
the oxygen saturation concentra demand for power.
tion of water and increases rate of
biological activitV thus affecting
weed and algae growth.
TASTE, ODOR & Industrial wastewater. Interfere with downstream recrea- Industrial process changes and
COLOR tion and reuse. wastewater treatment.

Oil Oil spills during transport or stor- Aesthetic damage; taints fish; kills Design and construction of failsafe
age, railroad and truck yards, some or injures fish and wildlife; inter- oil transportation and storage fa-
industry, bilge water and ballast feres with recreational use. cilities; containment and treatment
water from boats, urban runoff, of bilge and ballast water and run-
waste oil from automobiles. off from areas with high potential
for oil pollution; development of a
market for waste oils reuse.

Source: NYS Department of Environmental Conservation. 1973.

Environmental Plan For New York State: Prelimin~ry Edition. p. 43
A:14: Some Large and Significant Wetlands of Dutchess County

D.E.C. Common Town(s) Drainage Basin Size D.E.C. Comments
Code Name Class
AM-1 Amenia, Wassaic Creek 230 II
North East
AM-25 Swift Pond Amenia Webatuck Creek 101 II EMC Significant Area
AM-26 Bog Hollow Amenia Tenmile River 124 II N.Y. Significant Habitat
RC-39 Mud Pond Clinton Little Wappinger 113 I EMC Significant Area
RC-44 Zipfelberg Clinton Crum Elbow 20 II EMC Significant-Area
RC-52 Long Pond Clinton Little Wappinger 87 II EMC Significant Area
DP-17 Tamarack Dover Tenmile River 36 Ill EMC Significant Area
DP-22 Great Dover, Swamp River 2000+ II Largest D.C. Wetland,
Swamp Pawling EMC Significant Area
HJ-42 E. Fishkill Fishkill Creek 420 II
HJ-49, E. Fishkill Fishkill Creek 410 II
HJ-54 Townsend E. Fishkill Fishkill Creek 85 N.Y. Significant Habitat
WF-13, Stoney Kill Wappingers, Wappinger Creek, 38 Ill EMC Significant Area
WF-17, Environ. Fishkill Hudson River 11,19 Ill
WF-18 Center Ill
Roosevelt Hyde Park Hudson River 25 EMC Significant Area
PV-30 James Baird LaGrange Sprout Creek 31
State Park
. RC-32 Silver Lake Milan Little Wappinger 38 II EMC Significant Area
CP-1, Panhandle North East Webatuck Creek 650 Ill EMC Significant Area
CP-2, Wetlands II
CP-3 Ill
MT-17 North East Webatuck Creek 13 I
MT-22 Downy North East Webatuck Creek 160 I EMC Significant Area
MT-23 North East Webatuck Creek 42
PP-8,PP-~ Thompson Pine Plains, Wappinger Creek 1000+ I, II, EMC Significant Area
PP-34 Pond Stanford II
PV-2 Pleasant Valley, Wappinger Creek 240 II
SG-3 Tivoli North BayRed Hook Hudson River 400 EMC Significant Area
Tivoli South BayRed Hook Hudson River :m EMC Significant Area
KE-4 Synder Swamp Rhinebeck MudderKill 110 II EMC Significant Area
Ferncliff ForestRhinebeck Hudson River 15 II EMC Significant Area
Vandenburgh Rhinebeck Hudson River 125 EMC Significant Area
SucklyCove Rhinebeck Hudson River :I) EMC Significant Area
Astor Cove Rhinebeck Hudson River 25 EMC Significant Area
AM-31 Stanford, Washington Wassaic Creek 8 I
Bontecou Lake Stanford, Washington Wappinger Creek 320 II EMC Significant Area
VB-17 Union Vale Fishkill Creek 26 I
VB-26 Union Vale Fishkill Creek 240 II
Green Fly Wappinger, Fishkill Creek, 1EK> II ~MC Significant Area
Swamo Fishkill Wappinger Creek
MB-37 cary Arboretum Washington Wappinger Creek 37 Ill EMC Significant Area

*D.E.C. Tentative classification under the Freshwater Wetlands Act.

Source: Dutchess County Environmental Management Council. 1984. Freshwater

Wetlands of Dutchess Count~: Part 1. p. 37
A:15: Erosion Rates for Dutchess County Watersheds, By Land Use Type

Sites 9.50 14.40 19.00 234.00 0.47 3.80
Cropland without
Conservation 22.42 12. 77 12.63 11.58 17.36 11.69 7.39
----- ----- ----
Vineyards &
Brush Fruits 1.13 2.05 0.64 7.12 0.33 2.23
----- - --- ---
Urban land 1.05 0.79 0.13 0.31 0.85 1.10 0.73 1.15
-- ------ - --------
Cropland with
Conservation 0.33 0.74 0.93 0.74 0.91 0.48 0.89 0.24
-------- - - - ----
Pasture 2.29 0.63 0.97 1.00 0.69 0.82 0.76 0.92
----- --
Woodland 0.55 0.42 0.78 0.29 0.46 0.37 0.43 0.33

mile/yr.) 0.93 16.95 7 .80 113.38 10.60 4.50 .

-- ----- --- - -- ___ J

Roadbanks I

yr.) 1.14 16.16 38.39 5.76 2~.70 15.50 60 .0( \
__ ,i

Source: USDA Soi 1 Conservation Service, Dutchess County Qffic~.

Data extracted from USDA Soil Conservation Servi:e,
-- and Sediment Invento~yJ!!ew York, 1974'.

( A:16: Selected List of Plants in Dutchess County

Alders ~ rugosa 1 ~ serrulata Hornbeam, American Carplnus carolinlana

Apple Pyrus!!!!.!!!.! Hornbeam, hop Ostrya v lrginlana
Arrowwood Viburnum dentatl.111 Huckleberry Caylussacia ~
Arrowwood, downy Y.:_ rafinesguianum Juniper, conrnon Junlperus con11Unls
Aruw, arrow Peltandra virglnica larch, European larlx decidua
Ash, black Fraxlnus nigra leather leaf Chffle~calyculata
Ash; red f.. pennsylvanica locust, black Robinia pseudoacacla
Ash, white F. americana loosestrife, purple Lythrum sallcaria
Aspen, quaking Populus trenuloldes Haple, red Acer rubrum
Aspens Populus spp. Haple, silver r:-s"a~num
Asters ~ spp. Maple, striped ~ pensylvanicum
Azalea, swamp Rhododendron viscosum Haple, sugar A. saccharum
Barberry, Japanese Berberls thunbergli Mountain-laurel Kalmia latlfolia
Beech ~ grandifolla Naiads Najas spp.
Birch, black Betula lenta Nannyberry Viburnum lentago
Birch, gray 'ii":'poi)uTiToT1 a Oak, black Quercus velutlna
Birch, paper !!: papyr if era Oak, chestnut 9..- prinus
Birch, yellow 8. lutea Oak, red .9.:_ borealls
Bittersweet Cel~s scandens Oak, scrub .9.:_ i llci foll a
Blackberry ~ allegheniensls Oak, swamp white Q. blcolor
Bladdernut Staphylea trlfolia Oak, white .9.:_ alba
Bladderworts Utricularia spp. Oaks Quercus spp.
Blueberry, high Vaccinium corymbosum or near Periwinkle Vinca minor
Blueberry, low Y.:_ vacillans 1 possibly Y.:_ Plckerelweed Porrtederlacordata
angustl foll um Pine, red Pinus r e s i n ~
Bluestem, little Andropogon scoparius Pine, pitch P. rlgida
Brambles Rubus spp. Pine, scotch ~ sylvestrls
Buck thorn ~ u s cathartica Pine, white P. strobus
Bulrush, river Scirpus fluvlatills Plant, pitcher Sarr::ice'nia pu rpurea
Bulrushes Scirpus spp. Polson-ivy Rhus radlcans
Bush-honeysuckle Diervilla lonicera Pondweeds ~amoqeton spp.
Buttonbush Cephalanthus occldentale Prickly-ash, American Zanthoxylun americanin
Cattail, narrowleaf ~ angustifolla Ragweed Ambrosia artemlslifolla
Cattails ~spp. Red-cedar Junlperus v irglnlana
Charophytes Chara,-~ Reed, giant Phragmites comnunls
Cherry, black ~ serotina Rose, multiflora Rosa 111ultlflora
Chestnut, Aalerlcan Castanea dentata Rus.h, soft :;;;;;-;us effusus
Chokeberry Aronia spp. Rushes Juncus~
Chokecherry Prunus pensyl vanipa Sassafras Sassafras aibidun
Corn, field Zeamays Sedge, tussock Carex stricta
Cottonwood Populus deltoides Sedges ~~
Cranberry, small Vaccinlum oxycoccos Shadbush Amelanchier arborea
Creeper, Virginia Parthenocissus guinquefolia Skunk-cabbage Symplocarpus fpetidus
Cutgrass, rice leersia oryzoldes Smartweed, dotted Polygonum punctatum
Day-illy Hemerocallis fulva Spatterdock Nuphar ~
Dewberry Rubus fiagell~ Spicebush llndera benzoln
Dogwood, flowering ~~ Sundew, roundleaf ~~folia
Dogwood, gray C. racemosa Sumac, poison Rhus vernlx
Dogwood, silky C. amonum Sumac, smooth R. glabra
Dogwood, red osier C: ""stoio'n1 f era Sumac, staghorn !h typhlna
Elm, American Ulaus americana Sweet fern Hyr lea asplenlfolla
False-indigo Aniorpha frutlcosa Sycamore Platanus occidentalls
Fern, cinnamon Osmunda cinnamonea Tamarack larlx larlcina
Coldenclub ~ aguatlcum Timothy Phleum pratense
Colden rods Solldago spp. Tree-of-heaven a
Ailanthus 1t lsslma
Crape Vitls spp. Tullptree liriodendron tullpifera
Crass, orchard ii'ac'ty1is glomerata Viburnum, mapleleaf Vlrburnum acerlfolium
Crass, reed canary Phalaris arundinacea Water-chestnut Trapa ~
Crass, sweet vernal Anthoxanthun odoratum Water-lily, white Nymphaea odorata
Grasses Cramineae spp. Water-lily, yellow Huphar variegatuw
Hemlock .!!!!!l!. canadensis Watermllfoil, European Hyriophyllum spicatum
Hickory, plgnut Carya glabra Waten,eed Anacharis canadensls
Hickory, shagbark c. ovata Wild-celery Vallisneria amerlcana
Hickories Carya spp. Wild-rice fu!!!!,! aquatlca
Honeysuckle, Bell's lonicera x bella (hybrid swarm Willows Salix spp.
of l. morrowi & l. tatarlca) Witch-hazel ~ e l l s virginiana
Honeysuckle, Japanese !:. Japan~ Yew, Canada Taxus canadensls

Note: Scientific names follow Gleason & Cronquist's Manual of Vascular

Plants of Northeastern United States and Adjacent Canada (1963).



General Reference
Burchell, R. w. and D. Llstokln. 1975. The Envfronmental Impact Handbook. Center for Urban Polley Research.
RuTgers, the StaTe Unfversfty. New Brunswfck, New. Jersey.

Dutchess County Department of Planning. 1983. Development Permit Gulde, Dutchess County, New York.
Poughkeepsie, New York.

Dutchess County Department of Planning. January 1985. Dutchess County Data Book 1985. Vol. 1. Poughkeepsie,
New York.

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Significant Areas
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The Heritage Task Force For The Hudson River Valley, Inc.

The Nature Conservancy, Lower Hudson Chapter. November 1981. Unfque Natural Areas Survey. Mt. Kisco, New


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