1985 Dutchess County Natural Resources Inventory (NRI)
1985 Dutchess County Natural Resources Inventory (NRI)
1985 Dutchess County Natural Resources Inventory (NRI)
Prepared by
Dutchess County Department of Planning
and the
Dutchess County Environmental Management Council
Printed by
Dutchess County Cooperative Extension Association
Copies of this publication may be ordered from:
Dutchess County Department of Planning
47 Cannon Street
Poughkeepsie, New York 12601
(914) 431-2480
Special Acknowledgements:
Table of Contents
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1. Climate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Temperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Winds .......................................................... 12
Precipitation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Sun/Cloud Cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Severe Weather Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Air Resources................................................... 18
Noise Pollution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Resource Management Implications.............................. 21
2. Geology ....................................................... 21
Bedrock ........................................................ 27
Geologic Faults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Glacial and Recent Sediment Deposits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Resource Management Implications.............................. 38
Relief ........................................................... 43
Slope ........................................................... 44
Resource Management Implications ............................. 47
4. Hydrology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Drainage Basins and Watercourses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52
Surface Water Quantity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
Surface Water Quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
Groundwater Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
Floodplains. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Wetlands . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
Resource Management Implications.............................. 79
5. Soils .......................................................... 85
Surveys ......................................................... 87
Major Soil Areas ................................................. 88
Depth and Permeability. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93
Erosion and Sedimentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Prime and Important Agricultural Soils ............................ 97
Resource Management Implications.............................. 98
6. Vegetation .................................................... 101
History ......................................................... 101
Types of Vegetation ............................................. 103
Forests ......................................................... 107
Brushland ..................................................... 110
Plantations .................................................... 111
Wetlands ....................................................... 112
Agricultural and Developed Land ................................. 113
Uses of .Vegetation ........................................... 116
Changes in Vegetation ........................................... 117
Resource Management Implications ............................. 120
1.1 Climatic Regions ................................................ 7
1.2 Average Annual Temperat,ures .................................... 8
1.3 Normal Temperatures ............................................ 8
1.4 Heating Degree Days ............................................. 9
1.5 Growing Degree Days ........................................... 10
1.6 Dates of First Frost ............................................. 11
1.7 Dates of Last Frost .............................................. 11
1.8 Windrose ....................................................... 13
1.9 Normal Precipitation ............................................ 14
1.10 Annual Precipitation ............................................ 14
1.11 Average Monthly Sunshine ...................................... 15
1.12 Climate and Building Site Suitability ............................. 23
2.1 Bedrock Patterns ............................................... 28
2.2 Types of Faults ................................................. 33
2.3 Surficial Deposits ............................................... 34
3.1 Slope Calculation ............................................... 44
3.2 Slope Categories .......... -. .................................... 45
3.3 Siting Considerations: Hollows .................................. 48
3.4 Siting Considerations: Hillsides ................................. 49
4.1 The Hydrologic Cycle ........................................... 51
4.2 Water Flow at the Watershed Boundary ........................... 52
4.3 Hudson and Housatonic Drainage Basins ........................ 53
4.4 Effects of Overcrowding on Groundwater Supplies ................ 69
4.5 Effect of Paving on Rainfall Absorption, Runoff, and Evaporation ... 71
4.6 Effects of Overcrowding on Groundwater Quality ................. 73
4.7 The 100-year Floodplain ......................................... 74
5.1 Composition of an Average Soil .................................. 85
5.2 Typical Soil Profile .............................................. 87
5.3 The Relationship Between Soil Texture and Water Runoff .......... 94
6.1 Vegetation Type as Percent of County Area ...................... 104
6.2 Site Types, Relative Elevations, and Environmental Gradients ..... 108
8.1 Significant Areas of Dutchess County ........................... 146
C limate, the characteristic long-term weather
pattern of an ar ea, affects al l components of the natural
environm en t and human activiti es. Temperature, winds,
humidity , preci p it ation, and other climatic factors con-
tinually shape lan d and water resour ce s and their uses .
Climatic Regions
D Undifferentiated Highlands
- Tropical Savanna l:;::=;::::J Humid Subtropical , Warm Summer
- Middle Latitude Steppe Dry Climates ~*::,3 Marine West Coast, Cool Summer
~ Middle Latitude Desert IIIIII Humid Continental, Warm Summer
1%:i Dry Summer Subtropical 0 Humid Continental, Cool Summer
Redrawn and adapted from Trewartha, Elements of Physical Geography, 1957.
Figure 1.1
in mi l der winter temperatures and longer free ze-free
seasons than those found at the same latitude farther
inland. The Catsk ii I Mountains to the west and northwest
also partly shield the county from cold polar air.
Average Annual Temperatures
Moderate temperatures and sufficient precipitation
Major Cities near Poughkeepsie
make Dutchess County an excel lent location for farming,
while seasonal variations help to attract tourists and
recreation al users. The county 1 s relatively warm summers
Syracuse( !) --~- Boston(2) and cold winters result in substantial heati ng and cool-
47.3 ._
47.7 51.3 \ ing costs for homes and businesses.
Hart lord 12)
Temperature is a measure of the intensity of heat.
54.5 The county's average annua l temperatures for the four
Philadelphia (2)
coldest months , December through March, and four warmest
54.G months, June through September, are 30 . 8 and 70 .6 degrees
Fahrenheit, respectively . The lowest and highest tempera-
Source: U.S. Dept ol Commerce, NOAA
(1) 1951 -1980 Data tures ever recorded at the Poughkeepsie weather station
(2) 1975, 1976, or 1977 Dat a were 21 degrees below zero in February 1897, and 107 de-
Figure 1.2 grees in July 1966. The average annual temperatures of
Poughkeepsie (49.1 degrees), and of six major cities
within 150 miles of Dutchess County can be compared in
Figure 1.2.
and vineyards thrive in the relatively mild te,neratures
along both sides of the Hudson River. Cooler temperatures
prevail in the higher elevations and the northeastern
section of the county. The Harlem Va I ley is also usually
colder than western Dutchess County because of the
valley's distance from the moderating influence of the
Hudson River and from the leeward protection of the
Catskil I Mountains.
Figure 1.4
Growing Degree Days
The most common threshold temperatures for measuring
growing degree days are 40 degrees and 50 degrees. These
are generally accepted as temperatures required for grow-
ing economically important plants. Using a 40-degree
base, annual growing degree days total approximately 5,300
near the Hudson River and 4,750 in the eastern part of the
county. Using a SO-degree base, the total is about 3,100
near the Hudson River and 2,850 to the east. Average
weekly growing degree day totals are listed in the appen-
dix and surnrnarized in Figure 1.5.
Mar. 1 May9
May 10-July 18
July 19 Sept. 26
Sept. 27 Dec. 5
Dec. 6 Feb. 29
50 Base IJI j 40 Base
Source: Dethierand Vittum, "Growing Degree Days In New York State," 1967.
Figure 1.5
Freeze Data
sept. 30 Sept. 30
Dates of First Frost
~Before Sept. 10 Z::3 Oct. 10-20
c::::Jsept.10-20 -oct.20-30
~Sept. 20-30
Nov. 10
(g<,q:,ept. 30- l~iiil%\1 After Nov. 10
0ct. 10
Sept 30
Sept. 30
Source N.Y .s. Co!lege of Agriculture & Ufe Sciences, Cornell University
Figure 1_6
Dates of Last Frost
t-----jApr_ 30-May 10
May 10
Source: N.Y .S. College of Agriculture & Life Sciences, Cornell University
Figure 1_7
Table 1.1 Freeze Data
Dutchess County, New York
Mean Mean
Date of Date of
Last Mean First Mean
Station Frost Temp. Frost Teme.
Wind patterns are produced by the rotation and solar
heating of the earth and the buoyancy of warm air, West-
erly and northerly winds prevail in Dutchess County in
the winter and early spring, with average speeds ranging
from 9 to 11 miles per hour (mph). Summer winds come from ~
a more southerly direction with average velocities
between 5 and 6 mph.
Wind rose: Surface Wind Direction Frequencies
Poughkeepsie, New York
Figure 1.8
Precipitation is condensed water vapor that falls to
earth as rain, sleet, snow, or hail. Annual precipi-
tation in Dutchess County normally ranges from 36 to 44
inches. Extremes of 27 and 60 inches have been recorded.
Normal Precipitation
During the May to September growing season, total
in Dutchess County precipitation is usually between 15 and 25 inches, with
(Inches) extremes of 9 and 35 inches recorded. Precipitation
during these months is generally sufficient to support
crops, home gardens, lawns, flowers, and shrubs. One
2.:! -
3.5 3.-4 or more short periods of no rainfall occur during most
- ~,-
summers. Total monthly precipitation in the county, cal-
culated by averaging data from five locations, is shown
in Figure 1.9. The actual precipitation totals for
each of the five weather stations are listed in the
"1 ,J
. A . A
'V I J
1' \I
40 y
\ 'i\_ /v' V
' 1
1935 1940 1945 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980
Figure 1.10
Much of the precipitation in the Northeast comes
from the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean, and is
transported by major atmospheric storm systems. These
systems develop less frequently during the summer, but
local convective activity in the form of thunderstorms
produces significant amounts of summer rain. Local topo-
graphic variations also influence precipitation.
Sun/Cloud Cover 64
59 ~
Total possible sunshine is the amount of sunshine 51
55 -
~..!!.....:::::... ~ 53
The annual hours of sunshine in Dutchess County
range from 2,400 to 2,600. The county averages 90 clear
days, 120 partly cloudy days, and 150 cloudy days each
year. At least 15 cloudy days occur during each
December, January, and February.
suffering an estimated five mil lion dollars worth of
damage to crops, private property, and public facilities.
Air Resources
The quality of air resources is determined by human
activities and natural climatic factors. Air pollution
seriously affects human, plant, and animal health. It
\ also causes economic losses by accelerating the deteri-
oration of materials, structures, and machines.
federal standards, in part, because utilities, soil min-
ing, cement manufacturing, and quarrying are the only
heavy industries in the county's airsl1ed.
Acid Rain
The average pH of rainfall in much of the north-
eastern United States is 4.3. Normal rain has a slightly
acidic pH of 5.6; distil led water is neutral, with a pH
of 7 .o. Each change of one unit on the pH scale repre-
sents a 10-fold change in acidity, so the difference
between 5.6 and 4.3 means northeastern rain is often
more than 10 times as acidic as it should be.
Noise Pollution
Pollution in the form of annoying noise levels can
result in physical and psychological damage. Low noise
levels constitute an annoyance; louder noise levels
affect home, work, and community activities, reduce
recreation and relaxation values, cause hearing damage,
and interfere with sleep. In Dutchess County, traffic,
vehicles, lawnmowers, and household appliances are the
most common sources of noise pollution.
The western part of the county is slightly warmer
and more moist than the eastern part because of the mod-
erating influence of the Hudson River and the shielding
effect of the Catskil I Mountains. The milder climate is
conducive to fruit farming, which is concentrated in the
towns of Red Hook and Rhinebeck. Dairy and field crop
farming is prevalent in the cooler portions of the
county, where commercial orchards are limited by climatic
Energy Conservation
Climate and Building Site Suitability
Air Quality
proposals to prevent activities outside the county from /~
causing air quality to deteriorate. At the same time,
Dutchess should cooperate with the air quality protec-
tion efforts of neighboring states to the east. The
establishment and enforcement of comprehensive state and
federal standards for the emission of toxic air pollu-
tants should be encouraged.
The obstruction or extensive filling of floodplains should
also be prevented, to avoid increasing flood damage on
adjacent or downstream properties.
Upland Areas
Seasonal Variations
Geology is the science of the composition of the
earth's crust, including the study of rock structure and
formation. The natural processes that shape the land--
uplifting, erosion, sedimentation, and cracking--are as
vigorous today as in the past. Because they affect
physiography, topography, quality and quantity of ground-
water, drainage patterns, mineral resources, soil content
and depth to bedrock, understanding these geologic pro-
cesses is essential to sound resource management.
The bedrock of the county is divided into five
- Wappinger group,
- Poughquag quartzite,
- Pelitic rocks,
- - - - - - 1'
1,100 mil lion years ago) to the Ordovician Period of the
Paleozoic Era (about 450 mil lion years ago).
Bedrock Patterns:
Cross Section Across Northern Dutchess and Southern Columbia Counties
:;; O>
> <II
ii' a:
C 0
0 -=0
"I"'=> 0
Figure 2.1
the Proterozoic era, are most common along the southern
border of Dutchess County, between the Hudson River and
the western border of the town of Pawling. The second
Iargest occurrence of these rocks underlies a group of
prominent hil Is, the Housatonic Highlands, east of Dover
Plains. Isolated, uprooted blocks of gneiss crop out at
Todd Hil I in the town of LaGrange, Corbin Hil I north of
the village of Pawling, Stissing Mountain in the town of
Pine Plains, and in a series of small fault slivers be-
tween the city of Beacon and the town of Fishkil I. The
orientation of this bedrock is northeast to southwest.
Poughquag Quartzite
County. Poughquag quartzite rests on Proterozoic gneisses
and form the flanks of the Hudson and Housatonic Highland
and Stissing Mountain. Wells tapping this formation pro-
duce only a small amount of water, averaging 10 gallons
per minute.
Wappinger Group
- Copake limestone,
- Rochdale limestone,
- Briarcliff dolostone,
- Stockbridge limestone.
In the town of Milan and the valley of the Wappinger Creek,
the original bedding is readily visible because the area is
relatively undisturbed. Farther east, in the Harlem
Valley, the formation has been metamorphosed into marble
and the beds are severely folded. The marble in the south-
eastern part of the county has been deformed several times
by plastic flow so that it appears to be wrapped around
stronger rocks. South of Pawling, masses of schist have
been folded and vaulted into the carbonate, appearing as
Austin Glen graywacke and shale are found in a wide
band along the Hudson River from Poughkeepsie to Columbia
County, in the towns of Wappinger, Fishkill, and LaGrange,
along the uplands between the Wappinger and Sprout Creeks,
and along an arm extending from Poughkeepsie into the
towns of Clinton and Milan. Wells in this formation pro-
duce approximately 16 gallons per minute of moderately
hard water.
Pelitic Rocks
cleavage has resulted in numerous small, closely-spaced
parallel joints within the rock. Such cleavage is absent
and the rocks are more massive in the southeastern part of
the county. The shales and clays north of the city of
Beacon have been used in the past to make bricks. Few of
the other materials from the formations are used commer-
cially, except locally as fil I. Peli tic rocks produce an
average of 16 gallons per minute of soft water.
Geologic Faults
Faul ts are fractures in the earth's crust, often
accompanied by movement of one side of the fracture rela-
tive to the other. They form a tight network covering the
entire county and are often identifiable directly from
ground-level topography or high-level aerial photographs.
Types of Faults
As depicted in the Geologic Faults \Aap, fault lines
generally run in a northeast to southwest direction, Normal Fault
Earth Pulling Apart
roughly parallel to the grain of the bedrock structures
imposed on the region by the geologic deformation of the
Paleozoic Era. A weaker trend towards the northwest is
also evident, but fault lines favoring this direction tend
to be short. Significant concentrations are found along a
line running between Beacon and Pine Plains. A similar
line of faults exists between Pawling and the northeast
corner of Amenia.
_____.,. .,.,........____
Thrust Fault
Over 300 faults have been identified on NASA Skylab Earth Pushing Together
sate\ lite photographs of the county. They range in length
from a few hundred feet to many miles. Most are thrust
faults formed where the earth is compressed or pushing
together. Normal faults, where the earth's surface is
pul Ii ng apart, predominate in the southern part of the
county. Both types of faults are ii lust rated in Figure
2 .2.
down weak bedrock, abraded and polished hard bedrock
and, at the same time, left widespread areas of thick
sediments. Pre-existing valleys such as the Hudson were
widened and deepened, while others were completely fit led
with these sediments.
Surficial Deposits
Cross Section of Sprout Creek Area, Town of East Fishkill
[=:]Bedrock ~Till
Redrawn from U.S. Geological Suivey, Atlas of Eleven Selected Aquifers in New York, 1982.
Figure 2.3
sand and grave l , left in low l ands by glacia l
me l t water.
which are necessarily shallow, often go dry or fail to
yield the required supplies. Recorded yields from wells
drilled into til I deposits in Dutchess County range from
1 to 180 gpm with a mean of 22 gpm.
Lacuslrine Deposits
Small-diameter driven wells with screened drive points
generally yield sufficient water for farm, home, and com-
mercial uses. Large diameter wells can usually furnish
moderate-to-large quantities of water for municipal and
industrial systems. The reported yields of wells tapping
sand and gravel range from 2 to 1400 gpm, with a median of
20 and an average of 136. Largely due to their poros-
ity, the average groundwater recharge capability of sand
and gravel deposits is 0.74 to 0.93 gallons per minute
per acre.
Groundwater Resources
should be developed by each municipality for those aquifers
being tapped or considered for use as municipal water
The economic value and land use impacts of limestone
bedrock quarries should be recognized. Hardrock quarries
provide jobs and materials that contribute to t he county's
economic wel I-being . Quarries can also, however , produce
large-scale changes in the landscape and can adversely
affect adjacent neighborhoods; this has been particularly
ev i dent in the town of Poughkeepsie . I ntensive develop-
ment, in turn, can block access to extractable resources,
requiring local users of bedrock products to depend more
heavily on expensive non-local sources . Such trade- offs
and conflicts raise signif i cant questions about how mine-
able land should be managed .
ancient rock "floating" on a younger formation. Its
natural beauty and geological significance merit careful
Development Constraints
~. Topography
Topography, the physical contour of the land, is
shaped by the interaction of climate and geology through
processes such as glaciation and erosion. In '.:Jutchess
County, these forces have sculpted the land into small
hills, mountains, and valleys.
Dutchess County's land surface is irregular with an
almost continuous alternation of hil Is and valleys. The
relative elevation of the land divides the county into
two topographic regions, apparent in the Elevations Map
on the following page. The general area west of the
Taconic State Parkway and north of Interstate 84, and in-
cluding significant areas of Lagrange, Beekman, and East
Fishkill east of the parkway, is characterized by numer- ~
ous small hil Is whose heights range from 20 to 300 feet
above the intervening valleys. Elevations range from 40
feet above sea level at the Hudson River to 900 feet in
the interior of this region.
Slope= 30F-trlH
100 loot dlshlnc
= 30%
Slope is expressed as a percentage of incline from
the horizontal. Land that rises five feet over a hori-
zontal distance of 100 feet is said to have a five
percent slope; if the land rises 50 feet over a 100-foot
Figure 3.1 distance, the slope is 50 percent. A 45-degree incline
has a 100-percent slope. This relationship is ii lus-
t rated in Figure 3.1.
r'. Slope limits the use of land and influences rates of
stormw.ater runoff and soil erosion. The slope classifi-
cations in Figure 3.2 are commonly used in gauging the
development suitability of land. Although there are lim-
itations to development on all gradients, level land is Slope Categories
usually most suitable and steep land least suitable for
residential, agricultural, or industrial purposes. On
level land the problem of building structures and roads 0-5% Slope
is comparatively straightforward. If soil and other land
characteristics are compatible with the proposed use,
roads and buildings can be placed and grouped almost any-
Table 3.1 Steep Slope Acreages by Municipality
Amenia 4,368 1 5. 7
Beacon City 628 19.6
Beekman 3, 21 7 16.4
Clinton 7,678 30. 9
Dover 5,036 14. 1
East Fis hk i I I 5,383 14.6
Fis hk i I I 2,580 1 5. 1
Fishki 11 v.
Hyde Park 8,335 35. 1
LaGrange 3,978 16. 0
Mi I an 6,608 28.4
Millbrook v. 52 4.4
Mi 1 lerton v.
Northeast 6, 1 58 22.4
Pawling 3,085 1 1. 2
Pawling v. 149 1 1. 6
Pine Plains 4,046 20. 5
PleasanT Va 1 I ey 4, 138 19. 5
Poughkeepsie 3,940 21. 1
Poughkeepsie c. 161 4. 8
Red Hook 5,578 25.4
Red Hook v. 43 6.4
Rhinebeck 4,533 20. 5
Rhinebeck v. 22 2.3
Stanford 6,769 21. 1
Ti VO Ii v. 86 8.8
Unionvale 2,463 10.3
Wappinger 2,031 1 1. 9
Wappingers Fa I ls 50 6.4
Washington 5,706 15. 6
~. Stissing Mountain in Pine Plains. Smaller steep areas
are scattered throughout the county, with concentrations
in Pleasant Valley and LaGrange along the Taconic Parkway
and at the boundary between Milan and Pine Plains.
On a site-specific basis, there are disti net advan- -~,
tages to considering site topography. Landowners can
work with the contours and orientation of their land to
avoid hazardous building sites, keep construction costs
low, and take advantage of solar energy access and wind
protection. For example, dense, cold air and runoff
water collect in small basins surrounded by hil Is, as
shown in Figure 3.3. These low areas, or hollows, often
have limited access to sunlight. The combination of cold
temperatures, drainage problems, and limited sunlight
makes some hollows unsuitable for home sites and crops,
but adequate for activities such as livestock grazing.
An awareness of these topographic influences can make the
difference between a sensible use of the land and an
expensive mistake. Good development proposals always re-
flect a sensitivity to slope, orientation, and relief.
Hollows are usually colder than hillsides because cold air collecJs in them to form "frost
pockets." They also often receive less suo. Heatlng costs for buildings situated In such
pockets can be very high.
Figure 3.3
A dwelling set below the crest of a hill is more private and has a more varied view than a
hilltop dwelling. The lower site also better preserves the natural appearance of the hill as
seen from below.
Figure 3.4
Community Choices
Surface R
Figure 4.1
Some of this rain water may evaporate immediately. Plants
wil I take part of it into their roots. The rest wil I run
off into brooks, streams, and rivers or seep into under-
ground water storage areas, called aquifers, where it can
be tapped for human use. Some may find its way into deep
aquifers through cracks in the underlying bedrock. It may
be stored there for centuries before working its way to
the surface to evaporate, thus closing the cycle. In
effect, the hydrologic cycle is an enormous distillery,
powered by the sun and gravity, which renews our water
,,,.--...., water resources, the development of water resource
management strateJies, and the jevelopment of C<Flli)rehen-
sive waste treat,nent plans. Because all \3nrl llSes both
depend on and influence the quality and quantity of water
supplies, watersheds are also the most i.YJical physical
units for natural resource ,nanaJement anJ lari,J use
Hudson River Basin
The topography of the Wappinger Creek drai na9e
basin is varied, ran0ing from nearly flat meadows alon_J
the creek to the rocky slopes of Sti ssinJ c,1ount~i n, the , !,v-oL'I~-...,.,. 7
I : - '--- I .
highest point in the watershed at 1,403 feet above sea IHO ."00o<: ~. . i
level. Most of the principal tributaries are permanent '..} I . --,_~ ;
streams with elevations of 1+00 to 600 feet anrl average .L;:::.i :})
1 "OlllTHCAiT,
gradients of 10 to 15 feet per mile. The water rarely i
descends, however, at the average rate. Instead, it I
falls fastest along the steep upstrear:1 portion of the \ :
creek, especially where hard rock ridges in the strea1'.l
bed have resisted erosion and created waterfalls.
Much of the land along Wappinger Creek and its ' .
major tributaries is subject to floodinJ. Tl1e section
downstream of the confluence of the Lit tie 'Napp inger and
' '
the East Branch, at Salt Point, is esr,ecially floodprone. ,/,--<::::::.L~:::--i
The entire flow from the expansive upper basin, which is _ _R~ \ ; (_i '
}( - /(.OST lllll<~ILL, , ;
three times as large as the lower portion of the water-
shed, funnels through this section of the creek. ! --~;;..::,d__ - -- ::L - - -c
( .
The lower portion of the Wappinger basin is more Wappinger Creek Basin
urban than the upper basin, and contains lar<Je expanses
of land sealed by pavement or buildings. This urbaniza-
tion aggravates flood hazards by increasing the volume
and speed of storm runoff; this increase, in turn, often
overloads the storm drainage capacity of lowlands along
the creek. Several settlements in these floodplain low-
lands, including the hamlet of Pleasant Valley, the
Overlook section of the town of LaGrange, and the Sl1ady
Brook Trailer Park in the town of Poughkeepsie have
suffered severe flood damage in the past.
center of the county in Unionvale. From there it flows
J,;o-.:-i- 7 southwest, entering the Hudson River at Beacon. It
i c-, I : drains a large part of Unionvale, Beekman, East Fishkill,
, 11c_"ooot~ 'o;---._ j I
t) ,' : . --...._. ; and Fishkil I. Sprout Creek, Fishkil I Creek's primary
... .-! Mil&" : ' ' " [ PL.t.l"S _j (_":,:
tributary, drains major sections of LaGrange and
i ;:
~ , I
Unionvale and small portions of Wappinger and East
' ' ~---. --- - ..; Fishkil I.
;/ ~ SUPlfOIIO
1 !
! UIPITOPI , ---~
\ ~-- - ., ..,.,,. I
.......... ' The creeks in the Fishkil I basin drain comparatively
Ml'C[~ , \
r" \"v\.:Lst;T: .:/,':;. flat farm land and wet lands. In the upper reaches of the
basin the stream drops slightly more than 200 feet in 10
-.--\-- I miles. In the lower portion, where Fishkil I Creek falls
' ' ! over slate and limestone ledges, the gradient is 200 feet
'-.. :::, tl
i in 5 miles. Most of the Fishkil I Creek is 1 to 2 feet
------j deep and less than 50 feet wide during periods of moder-
I z( i
(J i ate flow. Tributaries funnel runoff from the upstream
ll,,: __ j portion of the Fishkil I Creek basin into the main stem at
.)_-- '
Loma la, along the Fishk ii I-East Fishk ii I boundary. As in
the Wappinger Creek basin, this funneling effect in-
Fishkill Creek Basin
creases the burden on downstream lowland areas during
periods of heavy runoff, and can lead to flooding. The
problem of inappropriate land uses in floodprone areas is
not as evident in the Fishkil I basin as in the Wappinger.
Surface Water Quantity
Dutchess County is fortunate to have abundant
surface water resources. r1ore than 600 mil es of nar-1erJ
streams traverse the county, as listed in the appenrJix.
Unnamed streams and tributaries bring the total to 'llore
than 800 miles.
Name Location Size in Acres
Unlike Putnam County to the south, Dutchess County
is not wel I-endowed with large lakes and reservoirs.
There are, however, 93 named lakes and ponds in Dutchess
and dozens that are unnamed. Many were artificially
created. Lakes larger than 25 acres are listed in Table
4.2. The largest lake in the county is Whaley Lake in
the town of Paw Ii ng.
From 1928 to 1965, the flow of the i/appinger Creek near
the village of Wappingers Falls ranged from 0.9 to 18,600
cfs, with an average of 236. The floN of the Tenmile
River near '.:;aylordsvil le, Connecticut ran<Jed fro,1 7 to
17,400 cfs during the same period, with an average of 287
cfs. From 194'~ to 1965, the flow of the Fishkill Creek
at Beacon ranged from 0.4 to 8,800 cfs, with an average
of 279 cfs. Even unrler severe drought conditions the
three major streams sustained some flow.
Table 4.3 Runoff Coefficients for Uniform Level Surfaces
~ Table4.4 Runoff Coefficients for Composite Land Uses
Residential lots
Natural Factors
Human Influences
this assimilation capacity increases if other factors af-
fecting purification, such as waste type and quantity and
water temperature, are held constant. Lov1 flow periods,
therefore, are critical times for rnaintainin<J water
Hudson River water is known to contain at least 26
toxic chemicals, including federal priority pollutants
such as PCl3s, DDT, arsenic, cadmium, mercury, and
cyanide. Recent studies indicate that 225 facilities in
four states, including 208 perrnited facilities in New
York, discharge toxic chemicals into the river. The most
commonly discharged pollutants are oil and grease, which
contain carcinogenic benzene and lead.
- Most of the streams, rivers, lakes, and ponds within
Dutchess County are Class B, C, or 0. So,;1e of the more
significant AA and A streams and lakes are listed below:
Ellis Pond
Silver Lake
Groundwater Resources
water-saturated underground layer of earth,. unconsoli-
dated deposits, or porous stone. Aquifers are natural
groundwater reservoirs that recharge surface streams,
support plant life, and provide water for drinking,
home, and industrial use.
points. Known yields fron sand and gravel aquifers in
Dutchess County range from 2 to 1,400 gallons p,!r :ninute
(gpm). Clay, on the other hanrl, is an extremely dense,
impermeable material whose 1~icroscopic r)ores anrl particles
inhibit groundwater flow. Glacial til I falls !Jet ween clay
and sand in porosity, permeability, anrl Wilt<!r yield. Till
contains an assortment of particle types and sizes. F,e-
ported yields frorn wells tappin,J qlacial til I ran9e fro,11
1 to 180 gpm. The water storage characteristics of the
county's unconsoli:Jated deposits are discussed in more de-
tail in Chapter Two. l<eported well yields are sumP1drized
Table 4.6.
Unconsolidated Deposits
GI a c I a I Ti I I 1 to 18 0 I0 22
Clay and Si IT not not no~
avai I able avai I able available
Sand and grave I 2 to 1400 20 136
Pelitic Rock 0 to 135 9 to 15 16
Poughquag Quartzite 2 to 30 8 10
Wappinger Group to 220 13 22
Austin Glen
Graywacke 0 to 13 5 10 to 15 16
Hudson Highlands and
Housatonic Gneiss to 45 8 11
As described in Chapter Two, much of Dutchess ~
County's bedrock is composed of pelites, primarily shales
and slates. All of the pelitic units in the county have
low porosity and low permeability. The bedding planes
and fissures in these rocks serve as channels for the
storage and movement of groundwater. Studies by the
United States Geological Survey show that yields from
drilled wells in pelitic rock units and in Austin Glen
Graywacke average 16 gpm, with hi! !top we! ls yielding 14
gpm and valley wells yielding 17 gpm. The water from
pelitic rock wells is relatively soft, with a median of
138 ppm, while the median content of dissolved solids is
comparatively high at 234 ppm. Hydrogen sulfide affects
some of the water drawn from this bedrock, resulting in a
"rotten egg" odor. Water in the Austin Glen formation is
moderately hard.
- --- -----;
/-, Wherever development densities become cireat enoucih
to disrupt the groundwater rechar'.Je process, r:iroundwater
supplies diminish. Water tables subside and, eventually,
wells go dry. If such groundwater "minino" is allowed to
continue, water supplies can permanently disappear over
I arge areas.
Effects of Overcrowding
on Groundwater Supplies
Figure 4.4
depend on wells for their water supplies, and discharge
their waste water into surface streams or rivers. These
waterways carry the treated waste water downstream, away
from the source aquifers, and prevent it from recharging
the underground supplies. Individual septic systems are
designed to return wel I water to the ground, but commu-
nity sewers and industries usually discharge wastes into
surface waters.
Thin sand
and gravel 0.74 1. 4 5 0.10
Thick sand
and gravel 0.93 1. 80 0.55
Thin sol I
over bedrock 0.35 0.10 1. 40
Thick s i !Ty
ti 11 0.17 0.30 3.30
Clay-silt o. 12 0.24 4.20
Th e r echarge r ate decre ase s be l ow th e "n at ural r-ate 11
shown in Tab le 4. 7 as the irn 1Jervious ar ea increases. If
th e total im pe rvi ous area over an aquife r becomes too
l ar ge in propo rti o n to th e aqui f er' s s iz e an d v0 lume, o r
i f the impe r vious ar ea i s l oca ted on top of the bes t
natu ra I r ec h arge ar-ea, the aqu ifor cannot sustain itself.
I n r es i de n tia l areas, r-edvirue rates decli ne sha r ply wh en
dens iti es exceed t wo dwe lli ng units iJer- acre. Densit i es
of two or r.iore ac res pe r dwe l Ii n<J uni t ;Js u al l'f -::au se no
app recia b l e r- ed uction in recha r- 0e r at1:s .
Source: Tourbier and Westmacott, Water Resources Protec tion Technology, 1981.
Figure 4.5
groundwater via septic fields, dumpsites, or direct ap-
plication to the land also pose significant threats to
groundwater quality.
- fertilizers;
- septic wastes.
densities range from 4.2 acres per dwelling over clays
and silts, to 0.55 acres per dwelling over thick sand and
gravel. These numbers are general guidelines, however,
and vary with annual rainfall, slope, existing land use,
surrounding topography, and other factors.
Leachate Plume
Figure 4.6
The 100-year Floodplain
Stream Channel
Normal Flow
Table4.8 100-Year Floodplain Acreages
Dutchess County Municipalit-ies
Approximate Percentage of
Municipality Floodplain Acreage Municipality
Beacon 463 14. 5
Poughkeepsie 147 4.4
Amenia 981 3. 5
Beekman 944 4.8
Clinton 1,227 4. 9
Dover 2,549 7. 1
East Fishkill 5,436 14.8
Fis hk i I I 1,862 1 0. 9
Hyde Park 1,440 6. 1
LaGrange 4,779 19. 2
Mi I an 345 1 5
North East 1, 1 02 4,0
Pawling 2', 08 6 7,6
Pine Plains 955 4.8
Pleasant Valley 3,930 1 8. 5
Poughkeepsie 2,260 12. 1
Red Hook 1,051 4.8
Rhinebeck 760 3.4
Stanford 977 3.0
Union Vale 492 2. 1
Wappinger 3,563 21. 0
Washington 393 1 1
FI shk i I I 96 18. 1
Mi 11 brook 121 1 0. 3
Mi I lerton 37 10.2
Pawling 224 17,4
Red Hook Not avllil lable Not 'ilvQ I I ab I e
Rhinebeck 70 7,3
Ti VO 11 44 4,5
Wappinger Fal Is 110 14. 1
show t11at the percentage of flood-prone land ranges from
zero in the vii I age of Red Hook to approximately 21.0 in
the town of Wappinger.
Floodplain soils in the county consist of sand and
silt mixtures with some gravel. The floodplains are
usually fertile and flat, and often deceptively attractive
development sites. The floodplains most susceptible to
serious flood damage during the August and September storm
season are along the lower Wappinger and Fishkil I Creeks
where development has already occurred. In the Harlem
Valley, extensive flooding has occurred along the Webatuck
Creek, the Swamp River, and the Tenmile River.
that wet lands are often important regulators and purifiers
of surface water and groundwater supplies. They trap sedi-
ments, filter certain pollutants, and reduce flood hazards
by acting as storage areas for extra runoff. Flooded wet-
Iands can, in turn, recharge groundwater supplies or
surface waters. Water stored in wetlands helps maintain
continuous stream flows during droughts.
Table 4.9 Freshwater Wetlands
Dutchess County
now clear that allowing water supplies to be damaged by
overuse and pollution can threaten the county's environ-
mental, social, and economic well-being. Well-integrated
Iand and water management pl ans are needed to restore
water supplies that are showing signs of misuse, and to
prevent further damage from occurring.
Drainage Basins
Hudson River
The importance of the Hudson River cannot be over-
emphasized as a source of drinking water, a drainage
channel, a tidal estuary, a transportation corridor, a
significant wildlife habitat, and a major element of the
county's visual and historical identity. Major changes in
how the Hudson River is used could significantly affect
the quantity and quality of river water avail ab.le to
county residents. For example, withdrawing large quan-
tities of freshwater could cause the Hudson River salt
front to move northward. If it were to move far enough,
the salt front could threaten Poughkeepsie's water
The potential for competition among those who use the
Hudson for power plant cooling, drinking water, sewage
and industrial waste disposal, transportation, recreation
and fish production must be acknowledged. To ensure that
the Hudson River resource is equitably shared and pro-
tected, Dutchess County communities should be actively
involved in discussions of all issues that affect the
river. Furthermore, the county should participate in
regional planning efforts that affect the Hudson basin.
Surface Water
from a particular point or outfall pipe. Decision makers
should, therefore, support efforts to identify and
control non-point source pollution, and should encourage
more responsible use of potential pollutants by owners
and users of the land.
Groundwater protection programs shou ld include a
variety of approaches to managing the quantity and quality
of groundwater. Components of this program should
include :
increases floodwater velocity. These phenomena, in turn, "'
result in damage to downstream development, pl ace flood-
plain occupants at risk, and can impose significant costs
on affected communities. It is in the best interest of
those communities to preserve the natural functions of the
100-year floodplain, permitting in them only flood-
resistant accessory uses that do not interfere with
floodplain functions.
~ Soils
Soil is the mixture of rock and mineral particles,
organic matter, and water that covers the surface of the
earth. It makes the cultivation of food crops possible,
supports building foundations, filters groundwater re-
sources and waste materials, and sustains vegetation and
wildlife habitats. An understanding of soil properties
and limitations contributes to the intelligent use and
preservation of all natural resources. Composition of an
Average Soil
As depicted in Figure 5.1, an average soil consists
of 45 percent rock and mineral fragments, 25 percent air,
25 percent water, and 5 percent organic matter. Few real
soils actually match this description. The composition 25%
and proportions of soil components vary from pl ace to 45% Air
place and give rise to differences in color, depth, tex- Rock and
ture, and the types of vegetation that the soil can Particles
support, Factors contributing to these differences in- 25%
clude: Water
- parent material
- climate
- organic matter Organic Matter
- topography
- time Figure 5.1
- Glacial outwash is material swept out, sorted, and
deposited beyond the ice front by streams of
glacial meltwaters. These deposits are usually
stratified and made up of sands and gravels.
Typical Soil Profile
Organic Matter
Soil surveys are inventories used to interpret the
best uses for the particular soil series that occur in a
given area. Each series consists of all soil types whose
~ layers or horizons have nearly the same characteristics,
thickness, and arrangement. Soil texture is usually the
only feature that can vary considerably within one
The Soil Survey of Dutchess County, prepared in
1955 and updated in 1972, lists, describes, and maps 134
different soil series, each with distinct characteristics
and qualities. No single soil series covers more than
three percent of the county.
County Soil Survey, prepared in 1955, and the Manual of
Soil Survey Interpretations of Soils in New York State,
published in 1972.
Map Unit Steep Wet Very Shallow Restrictions
More than 75 percent of the Nellis unit has deep,
gently sloping, moderately stony soils. These are usually
moist and have only moderately or slowly permeable sub-
soils, which restricts their value for uses requiring
rapid internal drainage. Dairy farming is prevalent on
many of the Nellis areas.
Bernardston Nassau
The Bernardston-Pit ts town portions of th is unit are
particularly good for dairy farming. Parts of these
areas have moderately steep slopes that present tillage
and erosion control problems. The shallow Nassau por-
tions are untillable. Fragipans limit drainage in some
Bernardston areas, but drainage is less restricting here
than in areas where wetter soils dominate.
Bernardston Hoosic
Hudson soils are often pastured. These soils are subject
to lands Ii des, and for that reason alone are not suitable
for many uses.
Rock Outcrops
This characteristic is of particular concern in siting
landfills and other facilities that general potentially
The Relationship Between harmful wastes.
Soil Texture and Water
Runoff Soil texture influences permeability. Soils with a
high concentration of sand or gravel particles and organ-
ic matter tend to drain more rapidly than soils with a
high clay content. Clay particles, defined as particles
smaller than 0.002 millimeters in diameter, cannot be seen
with the naked eye. They pack together so tightly that
. _Infiltration
there is little room for air or water to filter through
the microscopic pore spaces around them. Sand, on the
Clay other hand, ranges from .05 to 2 mil Ii meters in diameter,
up to 10,000 times the size of the clay. The pore spaces
around the sand, gravel, and stones found in permeable
soils al low water and air to pass through more freely.
The relationship between such variations in soil texture
Loam and the absorption of rainfall is ii lustrated in Figure
. ~
.. .. .. . .
. . . .
ff Depth
. . Infiltration . .
. . . . . .
Sand Depth to bedrock is another characteristic that can
affect the development suitability of soils. Shallow
Figure 5.3. soils limit the placement of wells, septic systems, foun-
dations, and agricultural uses. Because they are often
found on steep slopes, such soils can also be highly vul-
nerable to erosion. Pollutants can pass quickly through
shallow soils and contaminate groundwater supplies.
erosion from croplands in Dutchess County, particularly
within the Tenmile River, Roeliff Jansen Kill, Crum Elbow-
Hudson River, and Hunns Lake watersheds where agricultural
uses are concentrated. How much cropland erosion rates
have been reduced has not yet been determined. Consider-
able erosion problems are known to persist, however, on
construction sites and croplands where no soil conserva-
tion measures are in place.
Soil loss remains a significant threat to the ,
quality of the county's land and water resources. By
stripping topsoil from the land, erosion robs the land of
valuable natural nutrients and washes soil, pesticides,
and fertilizers into waterways. It also undermines soils
and structures and chokes streams, lakes, rivers, and
drainage systems with sediment.
Prime and Important Agricultural Soils
Important" soils usually support good crop fields,
but unlike prime soils they have limitations that require
special conservation measures and are suited to a smaller
variety of crops. According to SCS inventories, they
once covered 32 percent of the county, and can stil I be
found near the remaining prime agricultural soils and
throughout Stanford, Washington, and Hyde Park. Smaller
tracts of important soils are found in much of the
county. Important and prime soils are noticeably absent
from the Hudson Highlands, the ridges along the Harlem
Valley, and other steeply sloping uplands where soils are
characteristically shallow.
Resource Management Implications
Agriculture is a significant and highly valued
component of Dutchess County's economy and visual iden-
tity. Prime and important soils support active. farms
throughout the northern and eastern communities, as wel I
as a handful of farming operations within the urban area.
Many of these farms are under intense development pres-
sures which threaten their continued viability. It is
necessary, therefore, to devise ways to preserve the
county's best soils even where farming activity declines.
Vegetation is the total plant cover of an area,
including all individuals of every plant species present.
Patterns of vegetation are determined by the physical
features of the landscape, climate, hydrology, soil,
wildlife, and human influences, as well as by chance and
competition among plant species. Vegetation, in turn,
provides food, lumber, and fuel, moderates the di mate,
buffers the hydrological cycle, helps form and protect
the soils, and creates wildlife habitat. It also reduces
the velocity of flood waters, absorbs noise, detoxifies
certain pollutants, helps filter sanitary wastes, and The vegetation chapter was
enhances the visual environment. prepared by Erik Kiviat, an
Ecologist with Hudsonia
The interrelationships among vegetation and other Limited of Annandale, New
natural resources are reflected in plant communities, York.
which are recognizable patches of plant cover charac-
terized by one or a few predominant species that recur
wherever the influencing factors are similar. The field
corn community that occurs on many farms and the red
oak - chestnut oak community common on the county's hil Is
are examples of plant communities. Each acts on, and is
acted on by, all other natural resources and forms part
of Dutchess County's resource base.
~ Vegetation began to take hold of and modify the
county's environment after the glacial ice melted about
10,000 years ago. Before Europeans arrived, oak -
dominated forests and white pine probably covered 50
to 75 percent of the county. Indian tribes located along
major streams and the Hudson River used fire to clear
land for crops and settlement sites.. This practice
restricted fire-sensitive trees, such as hemlock, to
ravines and wetlands.
~ cent of the county's land. Red oak is the most important
commercial species, but white and chestnut oaks, white
ash, sugar maple, red maple, and black birch are also
Types of Vegetation
more prevalent on the hills ides where soil is thin. Many
of the largest farms and wet lands are located on lime-
stone or sand and gravel deposits in the Harlem Valley
and the southern portion of the county (see Bedrock and
Surficial lJeposits Maps in Chapter 2). Forest tracts are
more extensive in the eastern and southernmost sections
of the county, where much of the land is steep and rocky
and the soil acidic, making it less amenable to farming
and residential development. The relationships among
geology, topography, soils, and vegetation can be seen by
comparing the Vegetation Map to the maps of bedrock,
surficial deposits, steep slope, soil types and ground-
water occurrences in the preceding chapters.
Agricultural Land
Developed Land
Forest, Brush, Plantation, and
Inactive Land "'
Figure 6.1
Table 6.1 Characteristic Plants of Major Site/Use Types
Lower slopes Sugar maple Striped maple L
Hemlock Flowering dogwood
Red oak American hornbeam
Black oak Mapleleaf viburnum
Tuliptree Spicebush
Beech Witch-hazel
Black birch ~irginia creeper
Yellow birch L Grape
White ash
White pine
Shagbark hickory
Mid-slopes Red oak Hop hornbeam
Black oak Mountain-laurel
Chestnut oak Shadbush
White oak Witch-hazel
Sugar maple Mapleleaf viburnum
Hemlock L Bladdernut L
Black birch low blueberry
White ash Virginia creeper
Red maple Grape
Black cherry L Flowering dogwood
Paper birch L American chestnut
Gray birch L (sprouts)
Black locust L
Pignut hickory
Upper slopes Red oak Staghorn sumac
Chestnut oak Scrub oak
White oak Chokecherry
Red cedar Low blueberry
White ash Huckleberry
Pignut hickory Downy arrowwood L
Gray birch L American chestnut
Red maple (sprouts)
Sassafras L Gray dogwood
Quaking aspen L Witch-hazel
Pitch pine L Mountain-laurel L
Pin cherry L Chokeberry
Shadbush Sweetfern L
Little bluestem
Sedges '
Brush land Gray dogwood Little bluestem
(oldfields) Red cedar Goldenrods
Gray birch Asters
Staghorn sumac Smooth sumac
Black locust L Po_ison ivy
White pine L Dewberry
Quaking aspen L Blackberry
Black cherry Black raspberry
Red maple Multiflora rose
Arrowwood Bell's honeysuckle
American prickly- Sassafras L
ash L Sweetfern L
barberry L
Common juniper L
and many other
Table 6.1 Cont.
Table 6.1 Cont.
Forests, brushland, inactive lands, and plantations
cover approximately 53 percent of the county. Forests
can be defined as areas where trees over 30 feet tal I
cover at least half of the acreage. Environmental con-
ditions that influence forest growth vary with elevation
to produce lower slope, mid-slope, and upper slope site
types (see Figure 6.2). Elevation, however, is not the
only factor that determines forest type. For example, a
sheltered pocket or north-facing ravine at a high eleva-
tion may support trees normally found on lower slopes,
while a dry rocky knoll or outcrop with thin soil at a
low elevation may support upper slope (crest) vegetation.
Site Types, Relative Elevations, and
Environmental Gradients.
Figure 6.2
Mid-Slope Forests
important. Before chestnut blight struck the county
early in the 20th century, American chestnut grew
abundantly in many upper slope and mid-slope forests.
or in cool, moist areas. Young hemlocks are quite sensi-
tive to fire and deer browsing, and grow slowly. Many
hemlock stands, as wel I as hardwood stands, are losing
seedlings to heavy deer browsing. These losses are most
apparent in large areas where deer hunting is prohibited.
Brush land
The term "brush" often connotes undesirable
vegetation, but brushland communities are valuable for
soil protection and wildlife habitat. Brush covers less
than 20 percent of the county. It includes vegetation
that ranges from weed and shrub-covered fields to areas
with scattered 30-foot trees, Brushland plant communi-
ties include the shrub patches, small trees, and coarse
herbs that represent the period of regeneration between
agricultural abandonment and closure of the forest
canopy. Most of these "oldfi elds" are between 3 and 50
years old. Brushland vegetation is usually patchy (hori-
zontally diverse), but not many-layered (vertically
complex); it is composed of numerous species that may
occur as scattered individuals, small patches, or large
Root-suckering plant species, which spread under or
along the soil surface to form colonies, are especially
important in oldfields. They include sumacs, aspens,
brambles, gray dogwood, and black locust, all of which
often persist despite cutting, animal damage, ;ind fire.
By browsing and digging, or by eating and scattering
seeds, animals such as meadow voles, cottontail rabbits,
woodchucks, deer, and birds play an important role in
determining which plant species appear and survive in
oldfield development.
larch, are not native to this area. They do not commonly
reproduce from seed or "volunteer" here. Most plantations
are composed of trees of the same age planted in rows.
Stands of naturally-occurring white pine sometimes resem-
ble plantations. A variety of volunteer species may be
found in unmanaged plantations, including white pine and
Wetlands, both wooded and non-wooded, cover six per-
cent of the county and are significant for the recreation,
wildlife habitat, water management, and other beneri ts
they provide. They range from damp or seasonally-flooded
areas to lands that are permanently covered with a foot or
more of water. Wooded wetlands (swamps) cover approxi-
mately three percent of the county; non-wooded wetlands
[marshes) account for another three. The county's wetland
resources are more fully described in the Hydrology
Wooded Wetlands
Non-Wooded Wetlands
- ---- -,
~ Marsh vegetation is heavily influenced i)y the calcium
content of the soil. Limy soils, high in calcium, support
the larger stands of cattails as wel I as other character-
istic plant communities.
Few large tracts of farmland remain in the south-
western quarter of the county, The majority of farms
that were in this area have been developed for residen-
tial, commercial, or industrial purposes. Concern about
preserving what remains of the county's best farmland is
increasing as development pressures spread.
Cropland 8u,OOO
corn 20,000
hay 34,000
cropland used for pasture 18,000
orchards 3,000
vegetables 2,000
rniscel-laneous crops 3,000
(nurseries, sod, oats, wheat, etc.)
Woodland (including wooded pasture land) 30,000
Other Pasture Land 13,000
Other Land (farm ponds, and roads, buildings, 15,000
idle land)
TOTAL 138,000
Managed Grounds
day lily, periwinkle, European buck thorn, tree-of-heaven,
and other ornamentals planted in years past identify these
sites after other signs of management have been obscured.
Waste Grounds
Uses of Vegetation
Plants provide food, building materials, fuel, and
wildlife habitat; these uses are widely recognized and
appreciated. Vegetation also ;:irovides many benefits that
tend to be overlooked. One of the most valuable func-
tions of wild, landscaped, or agricultural vegetation is
ecological or land use buffering. Vegetation slows flood
flows, builds up the soil and holds it in place, replen-
ishes oxygen supplies, absorbs noise, gives privacy, and
moderates air temperatures and wind exposure near the
ground. As they grow, reproduce, die, and decompose,
plants regulate the movement and concentrations of dis-
solved nutrients and minerals in soil and water. Plants
help the soil filter and absorb human wastes and certain
pollutants, settle dust and sediment from air and water,
serve as visual transition zones between land uses, pro-
vide shelter and food for wildlife, and make the
landscape beautiful and diverse.
- Changes in Vegetation
Vegetation is dynamic. Although ,nature forests and
tidal marshes, for example, may remain stable for many
years, all vegetation communities eventually change.
Such change may occur slowly or suddenly, in response to
environmental influences that may be subtle or traumatic.
Subtle environmental factors include climatic variations,
such as wet or dry years or unusually low or high temp-
eratures; fluctuating animal populations; changes in air
quality; gradual increases in wood harvesting; and other
conditions that affect the germination, growth, survival,
and competition of plant species.
Human Activities
- ---------i
competitive advantage over the chosen crops. Crop fields ~
are artificially simple communities, highly susceptible
to diseases and pests. In most cases, fertilizers, pes-
ticides, and herbicides are used to maintain the growing
conditions that crops require. Pasture lands are also
unnatural to the extent that brush and trees would
quickly replace low-lying herbaceous plants if grazing
livestock were not present.
Natural Events
felling trees, replacing patches of forests with aquatic
vegetation and herbs or shrubs. Wet lands usually de-
velop after beaver leave a site. The high values of
beaver ponds and wet lands for wildlife habitat, hydro-
logical buffering, and vegetation diversity offset the
timber damage they cause. Fur trapping and the removal
of "nuisance" animals keep the county's beaver popula-
tion below its potential level.
Forest Management
and enhancement. Wood harvesting should conform to sound
forest management practices. The quantities of lumber and
fuel wood cut--and of land cleared for development--should
be monitored so that appropriate steps can be taken if the
total wood supply begins to diminish. Uncommon or
especially sensitive forest resources, such as hemlock
groves, forests with large trees, beech woods, and woodland
buffers around water bodies or wetlands should be
protected. Brushland should not be indiscriminately cleared
because it supports numerous wildlife species and is
tomorrow's forest resource.
Buffer Vegetation
Every effort should be made to incorporate buffer
vegetation in site development designs and land use plans.
Local decision makers and landowners should link buffer
zones of vegetation wherever possible. to create green-
belts and natural corridors through their communities.
Floodplains and waterways are ideal greenbelt corridor
sites. Buffers adjacent to sensitive resources. such as
wet lands. streams. and steep slopes. should not be
L_ __ _
Knowledge of wildlife can increase people's
understanding of environmental relationships. Wild
animals are a source of enjoyment, recreation, and food, The wildlife chapter was
offering outlets for activities such as bird-watching, prepared by Erik Kiviat, an
hunting, fishing, trapping, photography, sketching, and Ecologist with Hudsonia
sculpting. They contribute to the diversity on which the Limited of Annandale, New
health and resilience of the natural environment depend. York.
Animal populations are also sensitive indicators of envi-
ronmental health, often responding to subtle changes in
pollution levels, land uses, and other stresses in observ-
able ways.
Habitat Types
The place where a species lives is its habitat. The
type and amount of habitat determine the animal species
and the number of individuals of each species that can
successfully find food and shelter and reproduce in a
given area. Some types of habitats are common while
others are scarce. The quality of a given type may also
vary, due to the interaction of human influence and
environmental factors.
Common habitats in Dutchess County include farm
ponds, warm-water streams, weed fields, shrb land, young
woodlots, residential yards, and pastures. Scarce
habitats include caves, cliffs, talus slopes {rock slides),
dry rocky hilltops, large hayfields, large-tree forests,
extensive cattail marshes, tidal wetlands, tidal stream
mouths, cool-water streams, and natural lakes and bogs.
Stil I other habitats are moderately common but have special
significance to wildlife. For example, intermitent wood-
land pools are critical breeding areas for certain amphibian
species. Damage caused by dumping, filling, and spraying
is reducing the number of woodland pools available to
these species.
Habitat Changes
- Pollution of water by sewage, PCBs (polychor-
inated biphenyls), pesticides, and other toxic
Troubled Species
Important Species
Many wilalife species thriving in Dutchess County are
major influences on the landscape or have significant
economic value. Deer are abundant and affect vegetation
by selective feeding. Heavy browsing of seedlings and
sap Ii ngs and consumption of acorns can prevent all but the
least palatable trees and shrub species from reproducing.
Affected areas may eventually show a shift in tree
species composition.
Vertebrate Species
Key to Annotations
U Uncommon: The abundance of an uncommon species is
intermediate between common and rare. Such a
species may be unevenly distributed. It is likely
to be found in several towns, and perhaps in all
towns, but in smaller numbers than a common species
of similar size.
EE Endangered: Such species appear on the federal
and New York State endangered species lists. They
are automatically protected under state and
federal law, but their habitats are not.
Table 7.1 Vertebrate Wildlife of Dutchess County
Species Notes
Table 7 .1 Cont.
Species Notes
Species Notes
Table 7. i Cont.
Species Notes
Table 7.1 Cont.
Species Notes
Table 7 .1 Cont.
Species Notes
Table 7.1 Cont.
Species Notes
Table 7.1 Cont.
Species Notes
Table 7.1 Cont.
Species Notes
Table 7.1 Cont.
Species Notes
Table 7 .1 Cont.
Species Notes
Table 7.1 Cont.
Species Notes
Resource Management Implications
,-. Wildlife species play an essential role in natural
processes, and contribute to the wel I-being of the envi-
ronment and of all human communities. Many common
wildlife species can tolerate some alteration of environ-
mental conditions. Other species, however, are extremely
sensitive to changes in their habitats. Such species
require careful habitat protection in order to
Wildlife Diversity
Habitat Conservation
In some cases, preserving a small habitat area may be
sufficient protection for a rare species. More often,
however, it is necessary to set aside a mosaic of inter -
connected habitat areas to support wildlife species. For
example, bog turtles, which are endangered, need systems
of wet meadows and beaver ponds connected by streams in
order to thrive. Preserving only the scattered wet
meadows or beaver ponds where bog turtles happen to be
seen wil I not adequately protect them.
complex biological communities. Land use practices that
allow such phenomena to continue without interference go
far toward maintaining diverse wildlife populations.
Significant Areas
The Dutchess County Environmental Management
Council (EMC) has adopted a list of 311 areas that
significantly contribute to the health, diversity. and
enjoyment of the county's resource base. The purpose of
designating these sites as "Significant Areas" is to
encourage the recognition and protection of their unique
qualities. The list and a map showing the locations of
the designated areas appear in Figure 8. 1. Each of the
areas is breifly described in the following pages. Table
8. 1, which appears at the end of the description
section, indicates whether the areas are publicly or
privately owned.
Significant Areas
of Dutchess County
2. Bontecou Lake
_1',v-.,'i:I, ..._
3. Brace Mountain
4. Breakneck Ridge, Scofield Ridge, Hell's
Hollowand North and South Mount Beacon
5. Brockway Road Woods
' 26
fa~- t
6. Gary Arboretum Institute of Ecosystem ,1 l !'- -
1 1s I,
7. East and West Mountain Areas
8. Ferncliff Forest, Snyder Swamp, and the
-- . . ._. --,I :_... I
.. - - - 11
: ,.. !
J I .. .. J \ .,,
Mudderkill Creek
9. The Great Swamp I
~' tI
t- ....... --- -'""W2'2
, - --r -- 14
'1NOflTHIA 1- ,I
10. Greenfly Wetland ~flHtiii1tC1C,l"a3 ~ \ ;
~- .............. ~
11. Hosner Mountain 21
12. Little Whaley Lake ' 30 ,.. ~ ITANfl'OflD
--;- I ' I
13. Millbrook Meadow
{ -13
14. Millerton Wetland
15. The Panhandle Wetlands
1 1,. ...... .--21 I
l._, _____ _!I II AMENIA
28 '
16. T:he Pawling Nature Reserve
HYDI I .. ., 6 1
17. Pond Gut, Rockefeller University Field
Research Center ilnd lnnlsfree PAPIK ,1
.: -.
r, ' 1
18. Reedy Bog 29 1I VALLEY ...__,_. I
19. Roosevelt Cove and Wetland
L,., ..
Figure 8.1:
1. Astor Cove, a 25-acre tidal marsh south of the
~ Rhinecliff Bridge, is an area of wildlife habitat that
supports Hudson River fish and bird life. This
largely undisturbed cove has a unique stand of wild
rice and is a valuable feeding area for ducks. It
lies within the Mid-Hudson Historic Shorelands Scenic
District designated by the New York State Department
of Environmental Conservation.
7. East and West Mountain Areas in Dover are considered
significant because of their scenic beauty and
abundant wildlife. Designated as a New York State
Significant Habitat, East Mountain provides habitat
for species that are rare in the county and offers
excellent views of the Harlem Valley. The West
Mountain area contains distinctive and beautiful
geological formations that provide habitat for
fragile vegetation.
11 Hosner Mountain is a rocky ridge area in East
Fishkill that is partly owned by the U.S. Department
of the Interior for use as the new route of the
Appalachian Trail. This mountainous area provides
open space, scenic beauty, and wildlife habitat on
the periphery of a densely-settled area. Uncommon
wildlife have been observed on Hosner Mountain.
17. Pond_Gut, Rockefeller Universi!.Y_ Field Research
Center, and lnnisfree cover 2,221 acres owned both
privately and by the state through the
Taconic-Hereford Multiple Use Area. This open space
complex supports a variety of wildlife, particularly
nesting ducks and geese, and is designated as a New
York State Significant Habitat. Well-known for its
natural beauty, this area also supports substantial
scientific research.
~ 22. Stissing Mountain and Thompson Pond possess many
unusual features. The mountain is geologically
unique in that it is a block of one billion year-old
gneiss "floating" on a younger rock layer. It rises
1,400 feet above an outwash plain and is depicted in
a permanent display in the Museum of Natural History
in New York City. At the base of the mountain is a
glacial kettle area that has developed into Thompson
Pond. The pond is owned by The Nature Conservancy
and has been designated a National Natural Landmark.
With associated wetland areas to the south, this area
provides a varied habitat supporting diverse plant
and animal communities.
Numerous bird species have been recorded at Swift
Pond, especially during migration periods. Cleaver
Swamp is a stable cattail wetland recognized as
unique by The Nature Conservancy. It is adjacent to
a suspected hazardous waste site Ii sted by the New
York State Department of Environmental Conservation.
31. Wapp in..9.!c! Creek_ and_Lake,_ Putnam_ Audubon _Sanctuaric,
and Reese and Bowdoin Parks make up a group of
important resources in a densely-populated portion of
the county. The creek, tidal almost to the Wappinger
Falls, was the site of early Indian settlements and
is a breeding and feeding area for numerous species
of fish and birds. The lake and parks are
heavily-used, publicly owned open spaces which
enhance the beauty of the area.
Table 8.1 Significant Area Ownership
Scenic Resources
Table 8.2 Hudson River Vantage Pol"''
(From South to North)
Note: This list includes the mQst pop4l~r or l~ely known vantage points.
It is not comprehensive.
L-- -
Table 8.3 Scenic Vantage Points Along Major Roadways
Roadway Municipality
County Highways
Table 8.4 Open Space Resources
Area Municipality
Other-Mostly Private
Table 8.4 Open Space Resources Cont'd.
Area Municipality
Note: The federal, state, and county properties listed are considered
permanent open spaces. Those listed as "other resources" are, for
the most part, owned by private citizens or organizations. Only a
few of them are permanently preserved. See Significant Areas 11st,
Table 8.1, and Table 4.2 for additional open space resources. Many
lakes and ponds, agricultural lands, stream corridors, wetland
complexes, parks, institutional facilities, and other private and
public land holdings throughout Dutchess County provide significant
open space benefits.
Scenic Roads
Table 8.5 Roads Nominated for Scenic Road Designation
Dutchess County, New York
NY Rte. 9D C. Beacon
NY Rte. 9 - southern C. Poughkeepsie line to C. Poughkeepsie,
Hyde Park line T. Poughkeepsie
Source: The Heritage Task Force for the Hudson River Valley, The Hudson
Valley Scenic Roads Program, 1983
As shown in Table 8.5, many of the Dutchess County
roads recommended for scenic roads designation are within
the Mid-Hudson Historic Shorelands Scenic District. This
district is a 25-mile long area on the east shore of the
Hudson River. It extends from just south of West Market
and Dock Streets in Hyde Park, to just north of the
Germantown Landing Road on Route 9G in Columbia County.
The eastern boundary runs parallel to Route 9G from this
crossroad south to Weys Corners; from there it follows
Route 9 south to West Market Street in Hyde Park. The
centerline of the Hudson River forms the western boundary
of the district.
Resource Management Implications
_____ ---j
Scenic Resources
Several mechanisms for preserving open space should
be examined by local and county governments, concerned
citizens, and interest groups. Among them are the
Scenic Roads
0 Appendix
A.1: Mean Temperature and Total Precipitation
Dutchess County, New York
Station Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July A~. Sept. Q::t. Nov. Dec. Annua I
Glenham 26.2 28.1 37.6 49.6 60.2 69.3 74. 1 72.4 65.0 53. 7 42.9 30.9 50.8
Ml I I brook 23.2 25.5 34.5 46.5 56.8 65.2 69.7 68.2 60.9 50. 7 39.9 27.9 47.4
Poughkeepsie 26.2 28. 7 37.4 50.5 60.6 69.8 74. 7 72.5 65.3 54.8 43.4 30. 7 51.2
Poughkeepsie FAA AP 24.4 26.8 36.2 48.0 58.3 67.5 72.4 70.6 62. 7 51.5 40.9 29.3 49.1
Glenham 3.24 2.87 3.58 3. 70 3.49 3. 77 3.84 4.12 3.93 3.40 3.69 3. 78 43.41
Ml I I brook 2.79 2.40 3.23 3.50 3.38 3.69 3.65 3.95 3. 71 3.36 3.43 3.51 40.60
Poughkeepsie 2.55 2.65 2.94 3.59 3.00 2.95 3.31 3.81 3.46 3.00 3.47 3.29 38.02
Poughkeepsie FAA AP 2. 75 2.42 3.28 3.66 3.62 3.43 3.50 3. 77 3.66 3.30 3.57 3.20 40.16
Ml I lerton 2 2.88 2.83 3. 74 4.63 2.81 2.98 3. 71 4.62 4.32 3.95 3.34 3.01 42.82
Notes: 1. Mean temperature and total precipitation for every station except Pougkeepsle are based
on the period 1951-1980. Data for the Poughkeepsie station are from the 1951-1970
period. MIiibrook figures are partially estimated.
2. MIiierton Station equipped with recording rain gages only, 1951-1960, and figures are
partially estimated.
A.2: Weather Station Locations
Dutchess County, New York
Station Latitude Longitude Above sea level
Notes: The U.S. Department of Commerce, Weather Bureau, maintains or has maintained
meteorological stations at Glenham (near Beacon), Millbrook, Poughkeepsie, and
the Dutchess County Airport (Poughkeepsie FAA AP). Millerton has had a station
equipped with rain gages only. These stations are indexed above.
A.3: Growing Degree Days
Poughkeepsie, New York 0
Week 40 Base 50 Base
Number Mean S.D.* Mean S.D.*
Har. 1-7 1 5 7 0 0
2 7 10 1 2
3 15 24 2 8
4 31 29 6 11
5 38 30 9 15
6 47 27 10 13
7 59 40 18 25
8 89 42 34 30
9 103 33 41 28
Max 10-16 11 132 28 63 27
12 153 29 83 28
13 163 32 93 31
14 186 29 116 29
15 194 24 124 24
16 206 31 136 31
17 222 27 152 27
18 233 23 163 23
19 237 24 167 24
Julx 19-25 21 243 22 173 22
22 249 18 179 18
24 0
25 223 22 153 22
26 209 .29 139 29
27 212 31 142 31
28 191 30 121 30
25 173 28 103 28
Seet- 27-0ct. 3 31 127 26 59 24
32 123 31 57 28
33 108 35 46 30
34 91 33 32 23
35 67 33 19 20
36 59 33 16 17
37 36 25 7 9
38 36 31 7 11
39 17 21 3 6
Dec. 6-12 41 7 11 0 1
42 2 3 0 0
43 4 9 0 2
44 3 6 0 1
45 4 9 1 2
46 2 7 0 1
47 1 3 0 0
48 2 4 0 1
49 1 2 0 0
50 1 1 0 0
51 3 6 0 1
Feb. 21-27 52 5 12 1 3
SoJrce: U>mell lhlverslty Agrla.tl.b.ral Experiment Station.
--S.D. : is the rarge of de.,latlon fran mean.
( A.4: Average Wind Speeds (Knots(1))
Direction Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Avgs.
N 5.9 6.1 6.7 7 .1 5.1 5.7 4.2 4.7 6.1 5.0 4.7 7.0 5.8
NNE 7.6 6.3 7.8 8.1 6.8 5.9 5.6 5.5 6.1 7.3 6.9 7.3 6.9
NE 4.0 4.2 5.8 4.8 4.6 4.3 3.6 4.1 3.8 5.5 5.1 5.8 4.7
ENE 3.1 4.4 5.3 4.1 3.7 3.7 3.6 3.4 3.0 4.4 4.9 3.5 4.0
E 2.5 3.0 3.4 3.8 3.8 3.2 3.0 3.0 2.3 3.4 6.1 4.2 3.5
ESE 3.4 3.7 6.8 5.8 4.8 3.9 3.6 3.8 3.1 3.7 6.1 6.0 4.6
SE 3.7 3.5 6.9 5.1 4.8 3.9 4.4 3.6 4.0 3.9 4.3 3.8 4.4
SSE 6.0 6.1 7.9 7.8 6.0 5.9 5.2 5.6 6.2 5.7 6.3 6.6 6.3
s 4.5 6.1 6.9 7.0 6.3 6.6 5.2 5.3 6.2 5.1 6.0 5.4 5.9
.SSW 6.3 6.9 7.2 8.1 7.0 7.3 6.6 6.5 6.3 6.9 8.3 7.3 7 .1
SW 5.5 6.2 7 .1 7.3 6.7 7.3 6.2 6.2 6.3 7.3 7.3 7.5 6.8
WSW 8.8 8.5 9.8 10.4 8.8 8.0 7.4 7 .1 7.3 7.8 9.8 10.0 8.9
w 8.3 7.8 9.5 9.2 6.1 6.6 4.7 5.7 7.2 7.0 6.5 9.2 7.6
WNW 10.7 11.8 12.0 10.6 9.0 9.1 7.6 7.0 8.0 8.0 10.4 11.3 10.3
NW 6.2 8.1 9.7 8.8 6.9 6.8 5.9 3.8 7 .1 5.3 6.1 7.2 7 .1
NNW 7.4 10.4 9.4 9.2 8.6 7 .1 6.7 5.4 6.0 8.2 8.1 7 .1 8.0
AV~. 5.9 6.5 7.4 7 .1 5.3 5.3 4.4 3.9 4.4 4.7 5.3 6.4 5.5
Source: U.S. Department of Commerce, NOAA. Based on 8 observations per day, 1950-1954,
at Station #14757, Poughkeepsie, N.Y.
Note: 1. 1 knot= 1.15078 miles per hour.
A.5: Wind Direction Frequencies
Percent of Total Observations C
Direction Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Avgs.
N 7.4 6.3 5.7 4.0 4. 1 3.4 3.3 3.7 4.6 4.5 3.2 5.8 4.7
NNE 14.6 10.4 11.7 13.0 10.8 8.6 6.2 9.2 8.5 11.2 8.7 9.2 10.2
NE 1.8 2.9 2.6 4.0 3.9 2.6 1.8 2.6 2.5 3.4 2.7 2.7 2.8
ENE 2.4 3.0 3.6 2.3 3.6 3.2 2.9 3.3 2.3 2.4 2.4 1.6 2.8
ESE 3.4 2.9 4.2 4.9 6.9 5.2 4.6 4.5 4.8 5.3 4.5 3. 1 4.5
SE 2.0 1.6 2.7 3.0 3.0 2.9 3.4 3.7 2.8 2.4 2.7 1. 9 2.7
SSE 7.7 6.0 7.7 10.6 9.5 10.0 10.6 7.5 9.8 8.5 7.0 6.9 8.5
s 3.5 4.2 3.3 5.7 4.0 6.2 6.3 8.1 5.8 3.3 3.2 4.1 4.8
SSW 9.1 6.3 6.4 9.5 7.3 11.7 11.3 9.1 10.0 7.8 9.6 9.7 9.0 0
SW 4.6 5.3 4.2 5.0 3.6 5.4 5. 9 4.1 4.3 4.7 5.3 8.5 5.1
WSW 7.4 7 .1 6.3 8.6 5.6 5.4 6.9 4.0 4.8 6.0 7.9 12.1 6.9
WNW 6.5 11. 1 11.5 5.4 4.0 5.4 4.1 2.6 3.1 3.4 3.5 6.2 5.6
NW 3.2 5.5 3.8 2.1 3.5 1. 9 2.4 1. 6 2.1 1. 9 2.8 3.2 2.8
NNW 9.8 9.2 9.9 8.8 8.0 8.1 4.7 5.0 5.4 6.7 5.2 5.4 7.2
CALMS 11.0 12.1 11.3 9.6 17.7 17 .1 22.0 27.5 25.2 24.8 25.6 15.5 18.3
Source: U.S. Department of Commerce, NOAA. Based on 8 observations per day, 1950-1954,
at Station #14757, Poughkeepsie, N.Y.
( A.6: Annual Precipitation 1931 1980
Poughkeepsie, New York
A.7: Climatological Summary
Means and Extremes for Period 1951 -1970 0
Poughkeepsie, New York
MONTH :E ...,>
.....Ii; .<
E :E> t; . "'i. I "'"'
~! -z
C c,-
""' . c., c,. c,.
z> ~g ~g c,i: z ... :i::
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~:i:: :E
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~i "'>
< .. <
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> <,:,Q
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> Q
~ !
JAN 35,5 16,8 26,2 66 67 24 -1' 61 22 0 11 Z9 2 2,H 5,25 '3 1,n 62 6 10,0 J9,I 61 J6,0 61 22 6 2 D
FEB 38,6
18,7 28,7 70 53 22 -15 61
2 0 7 26 2 2,6'
4,66 62 1,9) JI I 11,2 29,0 62 16,0 61 4
2 I
MAR 27,2 37,4 80 62 3 67 19 0 1 H 0 7,11 53 1,53 ,1 31 8,5 31,5 67 11,0 63 l 7 2 I
APR 62,2 31,1 50,5 94 6t 28 17 6' I 0 0 7 0 3,'9 7,'7 52 2,49 ,z 5 ,8 6,0 '7 4,0 56 9 7 J l
MAY 73,1 48,0 60,6 1oz 62 19 25 70 7 l 0 0 0 J,00 6,64 68 2,70 61 29 ,0 7 2 0
JUN 12,2 57,4 69,1 102+ 64 JO 40 64 3 7 0 0 0 2,9' 6, 72 68 2, 12 JJ 27 ,0
a l
JULY 86,8 62,6 H,7 107 66 3 42 63 9 12 0 0 n J,31 8,68 69 2,75 69 27 .o
2 l
IOI '4 1 44 65 31
2h 63 24
0 0 3,81
6,85 60
" 5,50
3,51 66 21
19 ,0
J l
103 5l 3 3 0 0
9,99 ,1
' 2 l
''" 41,2 '4,8 91 '9 5 2h 66 31
0 0 3 0 3,00
" 4,74
" 16 2,0 58
' 2 l
. 51,0
33, 7
22, l
7'+ 64 l3
70 70
2 -10 69 25
30 0
3,29 , ...
6,22 54
2,17 54
2,04 52 12
1,4 7,0 68
31,0 69
6,0 68 lZ
26,0 69 27
YEAR 62,21 40,21 51,21 107 j66 31-1'1611 21 311 26j Ulj 51 n,021 11,501 "I 5 50
42,41 39,11611 36,0j 611 221 741 27J 9
( A.8: Major Conventional Air Pollutants
A.9: Geological Activity and Formations
Dutchess County, New York 0
PRECMeRIAN In ancient Precambrian times, almost 1300 million years Iso Iated uprooted b Iocks
600 or more ml I I Ion ago (mya), sediments were eroded from older rocks to of gnel ss
yeers ago the north In the Canadian Shield Area. These sedi- Hudson Highlands gneisses
Primitive life ments were subsequently transported and deposited by
begins an ancient drainage system.
PALEOZOIC The ocean advanced over the county once again during Poughquag Quartzite
225-600 ml I I Ion the f I rst pe_r I od of the era (Cambr Ian) resu It Ing I n Wappinger Group:
years ago sediment deposition on the eastern edge of a broad Stlsslng Dolostone
Age of Inverte- continental shelf. When the sea returned, the first Pine Plains Dolostone
brate dominance, deposits were usually lime muds which today exist as Briarcliff Dolostone
rise of fishes, a thin bed called the Balmvllle limestone. Other Ha Icyon Lake-Ca Ic-
land plants, land lnltlal deposits were clean quartz sand (Poughquag Do Iostone
vertebrates, Quartzite) and younger carbonates (Wappinger Group). Rochdale Limestone
large non- Equivalent deposits on the continental slope of the Copake Llmstone
f lowerlng plants, basin were the Germantown (Early Cambrian through The formations listed
reptl les. Early Ordovician periods), and In the oceanic basin below occurred at about
Appearance of the upper Nassau (Cambrian) and Stuyvesant Fal Is the same time as the
Coniferous trees (Early Ordovician). Poughquag Quartzite and
Wapp Inger Group:
Fracturing by faults, uplift accon,:,anled by some folding, Everett schist, quart-
and subaerlal erosion represented the change from an ex- zite (east of Beacon-
panding to a contracting ocean at the close of the Stlsslng Mt. fault)
Canadian Epoch. El lzavl I le argl I lite, ('
quartzite west of "-..)
Beacon-Stlsslng Mt.
A.9 (cont'd)
Blologlcal Events
PALEOZOIC (cont.) These dramatic changes resulted In the widespread un- Nassau shale, quartzite
conformity above rocks of the Canadian age, and was Germantown shale, I Ime-
one of the most significant changes, faunally, sedl- stone, conglomerate
mentologlcally, and structurally, on the face of the Stuyvesant Fal Is shale,
earth. quartzite, chert
Mount Merino and lndlan
Additional co~resslonal stresses, which brought about the River shale and
closure of the ocean, produced welts and troughs to the cherts (lies on top of
east. The resultant differences In relief caused a Stuyvesant Falls)
westward movement of previously-formed slope and basin Austin Gl~n graywacke and
rocks by underwater gravity sliding towards what Is now shale
the Hudson Va I ley. Part of the Snake HI 11 shales found Snake HI 11 shale wIth
today fs a melange of blocks torn from the ripped-up Included areas of
sole rocks during one of those gravity slides~ These Poughkeepsie melange
processes were part of the mountain-making episode known Snake HI II Shale and
as the Taconlc Orogeny. Two principal gravity slldes Walloomsac Slate (east
occurred In Dutchess: Livingston SI Ide (Austin Glen and of Stlsslng Mountain
Mount Merino Shade) and Van Buren SI Ide (Austin Glen, Fault)
Mount Merino, lndlan River, Stuyvesant Falls, Germantown,
and Nassau formations).
A.9 (cont'd)
Duration 0
Blologlcal Events
CENOZOIC The land was re-elevated and eroded again. Deposits of unconsoll-
Last 70 ml I I Ion dated materlal: boulders,
years During Plelstocene times, at the end of the Era, con- gravels, sands, slits,
First placental tlnental glaclers repeatedly advanced across the and clays
mammals, apes, county In a southerly direction with locallzed, topo-
primitive horses
and other ungu-
graphlcally-lnduced variations to the southwest and
southeast. The highest peaks of the Taconlc and
lates, abundance Hudson High lands were probably covered with Ice. The
of flowerlng glaclers lald down unconsolldated deposits consisting
plants, grains, chlefly of clay materlals and boulders (glaclal tlll).
grasses, and After the meltlng and wlthdrawal of the Ice, gravel,
cereals, advent sand and slit were deposited In the stream valleys.
of human beings These latter deposits sometimes blocked preglaclal
channels, causing the formation of lakes and wetlands
In which slit, clay, peat, and other fln8i;jralned
materlals were lald down.
Beacon City 0
East Fishkill 73
Fishkill Town 140
Fishkill Village 0
Hyde Park 13
LaGrange 54
Pleasant Valley 28
Poughkeepsie City 0
Poughkeepsie Town 1,013
Wappinger 22
Wappingers fdlls Village 0
Beekman 250
Clinton 33
Millbrook Village 0
Stanford 77
Unionvale 15
Washington . ~ . 151
Milan 27
Red Hook Town 96
Red Hook Village 0
Rhinebeck Town 46
Rhinebeck Village 0
Tivoli Village 0
Amenia 195
Millerton Village 0
Northeast . .............. .. 0
Pine Plains 12
Dover 353
Pawling Town 85
Pawling Village 0
A.11: Soil Mining and Quarrying 1982
, -;-
A.12: Named Streams in Dutchess County
A.12 (cont'd)
Stream name Drainage Basin Location of mouth
Tr I butary to County
Rhinebeck Kl 11 do.
Landsman Kl 11 Dutchess
Roellff Jansen KIii do. Hudson RI ver Co lumbla
A.12 (cont'd)
Stream name Ora f nage Bas f n Location of mouth
Tr f butary to County
Source: Ayer and Pauszek. 1968. Streams in Dutchess County, New York. P 100
A:13: Water Pollutant Sources and Effects
Silt in runoff from construction May cover and des troy valuable Land use control; improved soil
sites and agricultural land. fish and wildlife habitat; makes conservation practices.
assimilation of oxygen-demanding
wastes more difficult; adds to wa-
ter treatment costs; degrades
aesthetic appearance.
Dissolved Municipal and industrial waste- Interferes with agricultural and Process changes and in-plant con-
water, particularly the mining and industrial water use; increases trols in industry; advance waste-
chemical industry, road salting. hardness of water used for domes- water treatment processes, such as
tic purposes; excessive dissolved reverse osmosis and ion exchange;
salts can also cause a laxative controlled and effective use of road
action when present in potable salting chemicals, or use of substi-
water; adds taste to water. tutes such as sand.
ORGANIC Municipal wastewater and the Utilizes the oxygen resources of a Secondary wastewater treatment;
wastewater from many industries stream & thus interferes with nor- in-plant industrial controls; con-
MATERIAL such as milk, food, pulp and paper. mal biological life; can cause taste, tainment, control and treatment
Biodegradable Runoff from areas with high con- odors and colors. of animal land runoff.
centration of animals such as zoos,
feedlots or barnyards ..
Non-biodegradable Can cause taste, odors and color in Cc;,ntrol use of non-biodegradable
water; fish-tainting; foam; can be products; advance waste treatment
come biodegradable. process such as ozone or activated
carbon absorption.
INFECTIOUS Domestic wastewater; waste from Presents a health hazard to direct Secondary wastewater treatment,
Bacteria & Viruses
hospitals, research laboratories and
some industries such as milk pro-
cessing and meat packing.
and indirect reuse and to water
contact recreation.
plus disinfection.
NUTRIENTS Municipal wastewater; some indus- Fertilizes the water and thereby Advance waste treatment; land use
trial wastewater; runoff from ag- stimulates the excessive growth of controls; soil conservation practices;
such as Nitrogen ricultural and urban land. weeds and algae causing cultural control use of products containing
& Phosphorus eutrophication. phosphorus and nitrogen.
TOXIC AGENTS Industrial wastewater. Harms surface water ecology; Industrial process changes and con-
interferes with downstream water trols; industrial waste treatment.
Metals, acids & reuse; potential health hazard;
alkalides corrodes piers, boats.
Pesticides & Other Agriculture, forestry, residential Harms surface water ecology; in- Controlled agricultural, forestry,
and commercial pest control, cer- terferes with downstream reuse; residential and commercial pesti-
exotic organics tain organic chemical industries. represents potential health hazard. cide use; prohibition of manufacture
of certain particularly harmful or-
ganic chemical; industrial, waste-
water treatment.
Radioactive waste Nuclear power plants, radioactive Potential health hazard; potentially Nuclear power plant and industrial
material, reprocessing, industry, harmful to aquatic life. process changes and wastewater
medical and laboratory radioacti- treatment.
vity material uses.
HEAT Electric generating plants. steel Interferes with normal surface Reuse of waste heat; cooling towers;
mills, certain industries, large air water life by favoring species tol- cooling ponds; more efficient elec-
conditioning systems. erant to high temperatures; reduces trical generation systems; reduce
the oxygen saturation concentra demand for power.
tion of water and increases rate of
biological activitV thus affecting
weed and algae growth.
TASTE, ODOR & Industrial wastewater. Interfere with downstream recrea- Industrial process changes and
COLOR tion and reuse. wastewater treatment.
Oil Oil spills during transport or stor- Aesthetic damage; taints fish; kills Design and construction of failsafe
age, railroad and truck yards, some or injures fish and wildlife; inter- oil transportation and storage fa-
industry, bilge water and ballast feres with recreational use. cilities; containment and treatment
water from boats, urban runoff, of bilge and ballast water and run-
waste oil from automobiles. off from areas with high potential
for oil pollution; development of a
market for waste oils reuse.
Sites 9.50 14.40 19.00 234.00 0.47 3.80
Cropland without
Conservation 22.42 12. 77 12.63 11.58 17.36 11.69 7.39
----- ----- ----
Vineyards &
Brush Fruits 1.13 2.05 0.64 7.12 0.33 2.23
----- - --- ---
Urban land 1.05 0.79 0.13 0.31 0.85 1.10 0.73 1.15
-- ------ - --------
Cropland with
Conservation 0.33 0.74 0.93 0.74 0.91 0.48 0.89 0.24
-------- - - - ----
Pasture 2.29 0.63 0.97 1.00 0.69 0.82 0.76 0.92
----- --
Woodland 0.55 0.42 0.78 0.29 0.46 0.37 0.43 0.33
mile/yr.) 0.93 16.95 7 .80 113.38 10.60 4.50 .
yr.) 1.14 16.16 38.39 5.76 2~.70 15.50 60 .0( \
__ ,i
( A:16: Selected List of Plants in Dutchess County
General Reference
Burchell, R. w. and D. Llstokln. 1975. The Envfronmental Impact Handbook. Center for Urban Polley Research.
RuTgers, the StaTe Unfversfty. New Brunswfck, New. Jersey.
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Dutchess County Department of Planning. January 1985. Dutchess County Data Book 1985. Vol. 1. Poughkeepsie,
New York.
Dutchess County Department of Planning. Aprl I 1985. Dlrectloos: The Plan For Dutchess County Review Versloo.
Poughkeepsfe, New York.
Dutchess County Envlronmental Management Councl I. 1975. Dutchess County Environmental Plan. Ml llbrook, New
Hendler, B. 1977. Caring for the Land: Environmental Prlnclples For Site Design and Review, Planning
Advisory Service Report No. 328, American Society of Planning Offlclals. Chicago.
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Lynch, K. 1971. Site Planning. 2nd ed. The M.I.T. Press. Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Marsh, w. M. 1978. Environmental Analysis For La_nd Use and Site Plannlng. McGraw-HI II Book Co. New York.
McHarg, I. L. 1969. Design With Nature. The Natural History Press. Garden City, New York.
N.Y.s. Department of Environmental Conservation. 1981. A Challenge For The SOs. Albany, New York.
Thurow, c. T., w. Toner, and o. Erley. June 1975. Performance Controls for Sensitive Lands: A Practlcat
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American Society of Plannlng Offlclals, Chicago.
Dethler, B. E. and A. B, Pack. September 1964, Cllmatologlcal Summary: Rurban Climate Serles No.2
Poughkeepsie, New York. New York State College of Agriculture. Ithaca, New York.
Dethler, B. E. and M. T. Vittum, 1967, Growing Degree Days In New York State. Bui letln 1017, Cornel I
University Agrfcultural Experlment Station. Ithaca, New York.
Foster, R. s. 1978. Homeowner 1 s Gulde to Landscaping That Saves Energy Doi lars. David McKay Co. New York.
N.Y.s. Department of Envlroomental Conservation. 1981. A Challenge For The 80. Albany, New York.
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-- -
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Significant Areas
Dutchess County DeparTment of PI annl ng. 1974. Data Book 1974. Poughkeepsf e, New York.
Dutchess County Envlronmental Management Councf I. 1983. Slgnltlcant Areas of Dutchess County. Mt I I brook, New
Dutchess County Tourism Promotion Agency. 1985. Dutchess County Travel Gulde: I Love New York, Hudson
Valley Reglons. Hyde Park, New York.
The Herttage Task Force For The Hudson River Val lay, Inc., and N.Y.S. Department of Environmental
Conservation. June 1983. The Hudson vaI lay Scenic Roads Program. Vols. 1-5.
Hudson River Shorelands Task Force. 1983. Mid-Hudson Historic Shorelands Scenfc District Management Plan.
The Heritage Task Force For The Hudson River Valley, Inc.
The Nature Conservancy, Lower Hudson Chapter. November 1981. Unfque Natural Areas Survey. Mt. Kisco, New