MI0038 - Enterprises Resource Planning - ERP
MI0038 - Enterprises Resource Planning - ERP
MI0038 - Enterprises Resource Planning - ERP
List out the different modules under ERP Inventory management. ANSWER-Web ERP: Web ERP has become a necessity for businessmen to be aware of their stock and inventory from anywhere, at anytime. Web ERP is an absolute web-based ERP system that requires only a web browser and PDF reader. It has now become an open source application and is offered as a free download. Web ERP systems are gaining popularity than ever. It allows businessmen to updatetheirs y s t e m s i n l a r g e o r g a n i s a t i o n s w i t h o u t t h e n e e d u p d a t e s a t a n y r e m o t e locations, almost immediately. It provides real time information about finance, inventory , employee management, etc by providing advanced levels o f s e r v i c e t o c o n s u m e r s a n d suppliers Benefits of Web ERP: Web ERP Inventory system has many benefits. Some of them include: It processes data on the server side. Therefore, no installation is required on the client machines. It provides Multilanguage support; users can view the interface in their preferred language. It provides Multi-theme support; users can view the interface in their preferred graphical theme. It runs on any web server and suitable for both high s p e e d a n d l o w s p e e d i n t e r n e t connections. It can be installed on any device that has internet access. Sub Modules of ERP Inventory Management ERP Inventory management module takes care of transactional workflow in an organization in sequential order. ERP Inventory module is subdivided into different modules such as: Inventory requisition: The function of inventory requisi t i o n i s t o t a k e t h e i n v e n t o r y constraints from various departments of an organization. T h e department fills up the quantity/quality of the inventory required, considering the minimum inventory required, maximum inventory required, and the current inventory available.
Inventory order assessment: Once the comparison is done, the final requirement for various departments is fixed and a list of suppliers for the inventory is then formulated. Inventory placing: Once the supplier is chosen, an order is placed by filling the order form. The order form has the following information:? Order date? Quality wanted? Transportation mode? Mode of payment? Supplier ID? Department ID? Price per item on filling up this information, an order is placed to the supplier. Supplier Performa: B y filling up the proposal form in which the s u p p l i e r n e e d s t o f i l l - u p t h e following information such as:? Quantity and quality of goods they can provide? Time required to supply the order? Price they charge for each item? Modes of payment.
Q2.Briefly explain the functionalities of CRM sub modules. List out the benefits of CRM Systems. ANSWER. SUB MODULES IN CRM The functionality of a CRM system can be studied under three sub modules. They are Marketing, Service and Sales. All these modules are Operational, Collaborative and Analytical. Marketing module The functionalities of marketing module of CRM comprises short term execution of marketing related activities and long term planning within a company. It also helps in activities like campaign management, lead management, and planning. Marketing module enables your company to run marketing campaigns using different communication channels. Service Module The service module of CRM focuses on managing planned and unplanned customer service. This module helps in activities such as Service Order Management, Service Contract Management, Sales Module The sales module of CRM focuses on managing and executing the presales process of the company by making it more organized. The sales teams in
most companies are responsible for capturing opportunities and customer interaction. Benefits of CRM A properly implemented CRM system can bring significant benefits to your organizations. System means, the complete consortium of 3 P's, People (employees, culture), Procedures (way of doing business), and Programs (supporting applications and not just an application running on a computer). The advantages that a CRM can bring are: Shared or distributed data: Customer relationships are happening at many levels and not just through customer service or a web presence. Better customer service: All data concerning interactions with customers is centralized. The customer service department can greatly benefit from this because they have all the information they need. Increased customer satisfaction: The customer feels that he is more "part of the team" instead of just a subject for sales and marketing. Better customer retention: If a CRM system can help to fascinate customers, it increases customer loyalty. Customers keep coming back to buy again and again. Hence, higher customer retention is assured More business: If you are delivering the ultimate customer experience, this seeds the word-of-mouth buzz, which brings in more new business. More profit: More business at lower cost equals more profit. The CRM systems help in collecting data that help in enhanced customer satisfaction. The types of data CRM systems can collect are: Responses to campaigns Shipping and fulfillment dates Sales and purchase data Web registration data Demographic data Web sales data
Q3. Illustrate the role of ERP systems in Human Resources. List out the benefits of Human Resource management systems. ANSWER. Role of ERP in Human Resources: Human Resource maintains huge volumes of information of employees and becomes complicated and difficult for management. Therefore, Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) that maintains a centralized database is a powerful tool that can be deployed to maintain an efficient processing. ERP maintains a database which includes employee details such as contact information, salary details, attendance, promotion details, and performance details of all employees. Deploying ERP in Human Resources department reduces processing time and cost issues. ERP system also helps in decision making and controlling reports. ERP systems also maintain policies and standards, suggestion box, opinion surveys, business calendar, recruitment letters, news, forum and other related features of the organization. Benefits of Human Resource management systems:
1. Automates the processes which require minimum customization. 2. Allows the users to access computing support for different 3. 4. 5. 6.
department of an organization. Provides security of information as database is made centralized Facilitates users to authorize accommodating processes between various departments of an organizations and external agents. Allows instant updates of information in database Provides access to every employees to browse information such as personnel development, and personal costs.
Q4. Describe how you would go about the different phases of the ERP implementation lifecycle, if it were being done in your company.
ANSWER. Steps in ERP Implementation: The different phases of the ERP implementation are given below: 1.Pre-Evaluation Screening Once the company has decided to go in for the ERP system; the search for the perfect package starts. 2.Package Evaluation The evaluation/selection process is one of the most important phases of the ERP implementation. Since, the package that you select will decide the success or failure of the project. ERP systems involve huge investments, once a package is purchased, it is not an easy task to switch to another one 3. Project Planning Phase This is the phase that designs the process of ERP implementation. In this phase the particulars of how to go about the implementation process are decided. The time schedules, deadlines, and so on for the project are formulated. 4. Gap Analysis This is the most crucial phase for the success of the ERP implementation. This is the process through which organizations create a complete model of where they are now, and in which direction they want to head in the future. 5. Reengineering It is in this phase that the human factors are taken into account. In ERP implementation settings, reengineering has two different connotations. The first connotation is the controversial one, involving the use of ERP to aid in downsizing efforts. 6 Configuration This is the main functional area of the ERP implementation. There is a bit of mystique around the configuration process. 7. Implementation Team Training This is the phase where the company trains its workforce to implement and later, run the system. 8.Testing Once the system is configured, you must come up with extreme-case scenarios for example, system overloads, multiple users logging on at the same time with the same query. 9. Going Live The process of data conversion is done, databases are up and running. The prototypes functional side is fully configured and tested, and ready to go operational. The system is officially proclaimed
operational. 10. End-User Training This is the phase where the actual users of the system will be given training on how to use the system. This phase starts much before the system goes live. 11. Post-Implementation (Maintenance Mode) To reap the full benefits of the ERP system, it is very important that the system must get enterprisewide acceptance.
Q5. Discuss briefly about JD Edwards and PeopleSofts applications and their various modules. ANSWER. JD Edwards World Solutions Company: 1977 Denver, Colorado, three men left the accounting world to form a software company that would specialize in midrange computing solutions. Each of the three founders Jack Thompson, Dan Gregory and Ed Mc Vaney lent a small portion of his name for the company name. On March 17, JD Edward swas formed. In the early years, JD Edwards designed software for several small and medium-sized computers. Modules The different product modules available from JD Edwards are: Foundation Suite: Consists of Back Office, CASE Foundation, Environment/ Toolkit, Financial Analysis Spreadsheet Tool and Report Writer, World Vision GUI, Electronic Burst & Bind. Financial Suite: Consists of General Accounting, Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Fixed Assets, Financial Modeling and Budgeting, Multi-Currency Processing, Cash Basis Accounting, Time Logistics/Distribution Suite: Consists of Forecasting, Requirements Planning, Enterprise Facilities Planning, Sales Order Management, Advanced Pricing, Procurement, Work Order Management, Inventory Management, Bulk Stock Management, Quality Management, and Advanced Warehouse. Management: Consists of Equipment Management, Transportation Management, Job Cost and Service Billing Manufacturing Suite: Consists of Configuration Management, Cost Management, Product Data Management, Capacity Planning, Shop Floor Management.
People Soft: PeopleSoft Inc. was established in the year 1987 to provide innovative software solutions that meet the changing business demands of enterprises worldwide. It employs more than 7,000 people worldwide. The annual revenue for the year 1998 was $ 1.3 billion Multi-layer Transaction Processing: The ability to support large numbers of parallel users, while maintaining reliable, and superior performance, is critical to enterprise-wide data processing. PeopleSoft works in a variety of settings over Local Area Networks (LANs) and Wide Area Network (WANs), throughout organizations Online Analytical Processing (OLAP): Companies must be able to quickly extract and analyze the information they require for effective decision-making. OLAP, or online analytical processing, is a powerful method for interactively analyzing data online. PeopleSoft integrates popular OLAP tools including Cognos Power Play and Arbor Essbase that enable users to easily share multidimensional data stored in various locations. Workflow: An essential part of the solution, PeopleSoft workflow capabilities help communications companies achieve enterprise-wide integration of information, applications, and people. Workflow enables a company to automate many timeconsuming clerical tasks, while putting useful data into the hands of users. With workflow, the company's PeopleSoft applications do more of the work. Q6. What is BAPI? Why BIAP is considered as commanding tool in the SAP consultants toolkit? ANSWER. A company's business model is usually referred as revenue architecture that consists of major value creation principles. This business model describes revenue sources and the way the company organizes its activities to profitably exploit these sources. With the current business model, companies can achieve the better business results which includes lower the amount of waste, reduce errors, increase delivery speeds and so on. The change in current business model provides new ways to fulfill orders, create products and service customers. BAPI (Business Application Programming Interface) is a set of interfaces to object-oriented programming methods that enable a programmer to integrate third-party software into the proprietary R/3 product from SAP. For specific business tasks such as uploading transactional data, BAPIs are implemented
and stored in the R/3 system as remote function call (RFC) modules BAPI is the most dominant tool in the SAP consultants toolkit. It is one of a set of tools for interfacing with an SAP R/3 system. The priority of BAPI is calling data in and out of SAP. For the SAP consultant, BAPIs are the small, powerful ships that keep these barges of data moving. SAP's R/3 system is now open by releasing the specifications for some 170 business application programming interfaces (BAPIs). This helped third-party applications interact with R/3 directly. BAPIs can be called as sets of methods that allow external applications to collaborate with specific R/3 business objects such as customers, accounts, or employees. As R/3 data is addressable through callable methods, BAPIs gives flexibility to the third party application vendors to build supporting applications for the R/3 system. In similar way, Baan offers OrgWare which is based on integrated business-modeling tool, combined with business-specific templates that automate the configuration of the software to suit specific operational needs. Baan is in the process of advancing this tool with new setup wizards to accelerate software implementation on the Windows NT platform.