Handwritten Character Recognition Using Multiscale Neural Network Training Technique
Handwritten Character Recognition Using Multiscale Neural Network Training Technique
Handwritten Character Recognition Using Multiscale Neural Network Training Technique
images. Secondly selective thresholding using minimum distance with modifications in the input training vectors.
technique is proposed to be used to increase the level of accuracy of The recognition accuracy of the handwritten characters
character recognition. A simulator program (a GUI) is designed in depends a lot on the exemplars that are used for recognition.
such a way that the characters can be located on any spot on the
In general, the overall recognition process can be divided into
blank paper in which the characters are written. The results show that
such methods with moderate level of training epochs can produce 3 main sections, namely segmentation, preprocessing, and
accuracies of at least 85% and more for handwritten upper case classification [6]. Segmentation requires isolating the
English characters and numerals. characters individually before they are fed to the
preprocessing unit where the important features of characters
Keywords—Character recognition, multiscale, backpropagation, (feature extraction) are identified. Finally, classification
neural network, minimum distance technique. process is done by determining the category or the group of
each character used during the recognition process.
International Scholarly and Scientific Research & Innovation 2(3) 2008 638
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Computer and Information Engineering
Vol:2, No:3, 2008
RH = (3)
Fig. 1 Sample of character A
Relative-height ratio is defined as object’s bounding box
Note that the scanned or captured images are in RGB scale. height, h, over maximum bounding box height among all
These images have to be converted into grayscale format objects, hmax.
before further processing can be done. Using appropriate For example, if the RW of one object exceeds RWmin,
grayscale thresholding, binary images are to be created. (where RWmin is the threshold value for comparison), that
object will be captured. Similar analogy goes for RH and
Digital Open Science Index, Computer and Information Engineering Vol:2, No:3, 2008 waset.org/Publication/2037
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World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Computer and Information Engineering
Vol:2, No:3, 2008
in the hidden layer (layer 2) is taken arbitrarily by trial and neural network simulation.
error to be 1500 [7].
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World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Computer and Information Engineering
Vol:2, No:3, 2008
reconsidering the vector P of all G these characters. The The calculated dfr1,2 will be compared against the threshold
character with the next smallest P will be the second th1,2 where the subscripts 1 and 2 refer to the output values
character (first row, second column) and so on until all of the used (1 means highest output, 2 means second highest output).
characters in the first row have been considered. Once this is Note that th1,2 is not fixed (different pair of characters has
different th1,2) and is determined based on certain algorithm
done, the vector magnitude, P of the remaining characters (T,
(selective thresholding). If th1,2 ≥ dfr1,2, then minimum
H, E, R, and E) will be computed to determine the first
character of the second row. Again, the one with the smallest distance would be applicable. Minimum distance, MD, simply
G means the sum of the squared differences of the corresponding
will be the first character of second row. Similar procedure pixel intensity values between a pair of image set (template
is repeated to determine the remaining characters in the image and the input sample image).
second row.
m n
Prior to network simulation, the captured character images Equation 7: Given template image and input image samples with m
will need to be converted into input vectors and this step is number of rows and n number of columns, the MD is computed as
shown, where ai,j and bi,j are pixel intensity values for template
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International Journal of Computer and Information Engineering
Vol:2, No:3, 2008
It is shown that MST training allows faster convergence.
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World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology
International Journal of Computer and Information Engineering
Vol:2, No:3, 2008
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Digital Open Science Index, Computer and Information Engineering Vol:2, No:3, 2008 waset.org/Publication/2037
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