Development of Biogas Compression System For Using in Household
Development of Biogas Compression System For Using in Household
Development of Biogas Compression System For Using in Household
This research presents the study and development of a biogas compression system for use in a
household. A two horse power compression system was developed and the motor was used as a power source
generator, including a gas scrubbing machine system. The result showed that the system could compress biogas
into a 15 kg container, in the amount of 0.50 kg, operating time of 6.11 minutes, 1.35 kW of energy consumption
or 0.138 kWh. Furthermore, increasing biogas by reducing the temperature before compressing was
accomplished by three different methods; (1) air cooling system (2) water cooling system, and (3) ice cooling
system. From the experiment, it was found that the (3) method could reduce to minimum temperature of 9.87
°C before compressing the biogas and gave 0.56 kg of final biogas (12% increase) by comparable energy
consumption. From using biogas in a household as a substitute for LPG, it was found that use of a 15 kg-
container of LPG was equal to the energy of 67 containers of biogas. This offers saving of 275.05 baht per one
container of LPG. If a container of LPG could last for 7 days and the cost of compression system was 15,000
baht, the break even point would be 1.04 year.
Keywords: Biogas, Biogas compression system, LPG.
There are 2 types of biogas utilization; (1) Where f c is frequency of compressor’s rotation,
compression into a container, which is easy for which is calculated by fc =
. In this case, the
using and for storage (2) use for electrical and heat
rotation was 1,500 rpm , thus
generation, directly. The concept of this research
aims to the compression of the excess biogas from f = = 25rpm .
c 60
a chicken farm into a container for use as an P2 is the pressure of biogas ( bar ).
alternative energy in a household. The compression R is constant value of gas ( kJ ⋅ kg −1 ⋅° K −1 ).
system is designed and developed for suitable use V2 is cylinder volume when piston pump to P2
in a household. The expected results are a suitable point ( cm3 ).
method for biogas utilization and an original model V3 is cylinder volume when piston pump is
of a biogas compression system for use as compressed to zero point ( cm3 ) (see
alternative energy. Moreover, the hope for a Figure 1)
decrease in the expense of biogas producer, a 2.3 Biogas temperature after compression
decrease in the amount of energy imported from The temperature of biogas after compression
foreign countries, and to support the policy of is increased and, the final temperature ( T2 ) could
alternative energy consumption which can be calculated from;
eventually lead to domestic energy security.
2 Theory n −1
⎛P ⎞ n
m = f c (V2 − V3 ) (2)
The First TSME International Conference on Mechanical Engineering
20-22 October, 2010, Ubon Ratchathani
could reduce the amount of hydrogen sulfide 0.56 0.54
15.63%, from 352 ppm to 297 ppm, which met the 0.52 0.50
standard acceptable value for household use (less 0.50
than 1,500 ppm) [5]. 0.46
5.4 Biogas compression in each cooling system 1.Ice cooling 2.Water cooling 3.Air cooling 4. Without cooling
The result showed that decreasing the system system system system
temperature by a cooling system could increase the Cooling system
amount of compressed biogas in the container. The Figure 7 Comparison of biogas when using
use of an ice cooling system could compress the different cooling system
maximum quantity of biogas at 0.56 kg. (See Figure
7 and Table 1). From consideration of the energy
consumption, the result revealed that the maximum Electric Energy (kW-hr)
energy consumption was 0.146 kWh when using the 0.148 0.146
ice cooling system. This was due to the temperature 0.146
Electric energy (kW -hr)
being the lowest after passing through the cooling 0.142
0.140 0.138 0.138
system. (See Figure 8 and Table 1) 0.138 0.136
5.5 Using Biogas in Household as Substitute to 0.134
LPG 0.130
The compression system could compress 1.Ice cooling system 2.Water cooling system 3.Air cooling system 4. Without cooling
biogas into a 15 kg container and be used as a Cooling system
substitute to LPG in the household. The result
showed that a 15 kg container had biogas 0.54 kg, Figure 8 Comparison of electric energy consumption
giving energy about 10.38 MJ per 1 container,
The First TSME International Conference on Mechanical Engineering
20-22 October, 2010, Ubon Ratchathani