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Development of Biogas Compression System For Using in Household

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The First TSME International Conference on Mechanical Engineering

20-22 October, 2010, Ubon Ratchathani

Development of Biogas Compression System for Using in Household

Piyapong Singbua1 and Ratchaphon Suntivarakorn2*

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Khon Kaen University

Maung, Khon Kaen 40002 Thailand
E-mail: [email protected], Tel: 08-2745-6090
* Corresponding Author : 2E-mail: [email protected], Tel: 08-1989-1983

This research presents the study and development of a biogas compression system for use in a
household. A two horse power compression system was developed and the motor was used as a power source
generator, including a gas scrubbing machine system. The result showed that the system could compress biogas
into a 15 kg container, in the amount of 0.50 kg, operating time of 6.11 minutes, 1.35 kW of energy consumption
or 0.138 kWh. Furthermore, increasing biogas by reducing the temperature before compressing was
accomplished by three different methods; (1) air cooling system (2) water cooling system, and (3) ice cooling
system. From the experiment, it was found that the (3) method could reduce to minimum temperature of 9.87
°C before compressing the biogas and gave 0.56 kg of final biogas (12% increase) by comparable energy
consumption. From using biogas in a household as a substitute for LPG, it was found that use of a 15 kg-
container of LPG was equal to the energy of 67 containers of biogas. This offers saving of 275.05 baht per one
container of LPG. If a container of LPG could last for 7 days and the cost of compression system was 15,000
baht, the break even point would be 1.04 year.
Keywords: Biogas, Biogas compression system, LPG.

1 Introduction considered to be a high potential alternative energy.

At present, many countries, including It is produced in a large amount in Thailand and can
Thailand are facing energy problems which result be used as alternative in many sectors, such as,
from an increase in energy consumption demand. production from sewage water in industrial factories,
Fossil fuel is the main energy resource which is animal droppings in a cattle farm, and fresh garbage
non-renewable and also brings about global from households, etc. Nevertheless, its potential has
warming as a consequence. Therefore, countries not been fully utilized. For example, a small swine
worldwide are driven to seek a method to solve this farm generates more than enough biogas in a day,
problem. Alternative or substitute energy so the excess biogas is burned off in the
development is the option. environment, a consequence of waste which
Thus, a policy promoting use of alternative impacts the environment. From a preliminary
sources of energy has been launched in Thailand, survey, it was found that the emission of excessive
including biomass fuel, solar cell, wind energy, biogas from a small swine farm could be utilized
water energy, and especially, biogas. Biogas is more efficiently.
The First TSME International Conference on Mechanical Engineering
20-22 October, 2010, Ubon Ratchathani

There are 2 types of biogas utilization; (1) Where f c is frequency of compressor’s rotation,
compression into a container, which is easy for which is calculated by fc =
. In this case, the
using and for storage (2) use for electrical and heat
rotation was 1,500 rpm , thus
generation, directly. The concept of this research
aims to the compression of the excess biogas from f = = 25rpm .
c 60
a chicken farm into a container for use as an P2 is the pressure of biogas ( bar ).
alternative energy in a household. The compression R is constant value of gas ( kJ ⋅ kg −1 ⋅° K −1 ).
system is designed and developed for suitable use V2 is cylinder volume when piston pump to P2
in a household. The expected results are a suitable point ( cm3 ).
method for biogas utilization and an original model V3 is cylinder volume when piston pump is
of a biogas compression system for use as compressed to zero point ( cm3 ) (see
alternative energy. Moreover, the hope for a Figure 1)
decrease in the expense of biogas producer, a 2.3 Biogas temperature after compression
decrease in the amount of energy imported from The temperature of biogas after compression
foreign countries, and to support the policy of is increased and, the final temperature ( T2 ) could
alternative energy consumption which can be calculated from;
eventually lead to domestic energy security.
2 Theory n −1
⎛P ⎞ n

2.1 Calculation of compression power T2 = T1 ⎜ 2 ⎟ (3)

⎝ P1 ⎠
In this case, a biogas compressor was applied
from an air-compressor. The power of compression Where P1 is the biogas’s pressure before
( W ) can be calculated from the equation, compression ( bar ), and n is a constant value,
 p (T2 − T1 )
W = mC (1)
2.4 Calculation of compressor capacity
Where, Biogas compressor capacity ( η v ) is
m is mass flow rate ( kg ⋅ s −1 ) calculated by the following equation;
C p is specific heat capacity ( kJ ⋅ kg −1 ⋅° K −1 )
T2 is temperature of biogas at the discharge ⎡ 1

⎢ ⎛ P2 ⎞ n ⎥
( °K ) ηv = 1 − CL ⎜ ⎟ − 1
⎢⎝ P1 ⎠ ⎥
T1 is temperature of biogas at the suction ⎢⎣ ⎦⎥
( °K )
2.2 Mass flow rate Where CL is the ratio of the reserved volume to
Mass flow rate is calculated before calculation the total volume of the cylinder.
of compression power. The equation is

m = f c (V2 − V3 ) (2)
The First TSME International Conference on Mechanical Engineering
20-22 October, 2010, Ubon Ratchathani

durability and standard size for 15 bar of

VC V3 = VC
compression. The disadvantage was longer time-
consumption when compared to other compressor.
V2 V4
3.2 Biogas upgrading equipments
Since the biogas was fermented from
animal droppings, the composition was methane
V1 = VS + VC
(60-80%), carbon dioxide (20-40%) and hydrogen
Figure 1 Operation of the piston sulfide (1%) by volume dependent on the source of
biogas. When hydrogen sulfide combines with
3 Biogas compression system developments humidity in the air, sulfuric acid is produced which is
dangerous to living organisms and acts as a
The biogas compression system is
corrosive agent which could erode house-wares [2].
developed based on the principle of an air
Accordingly, hydrogen sulfide should be removed
compressor design. The composition and properties
[3]. The removal protocol was scrubbing by sodium
of biogas are different than air, thus auxiliary
hydroxide solution (caustic soda) which rapidly
equipment is added for a suitable system. The
reacts with the acid gas. The reaction is two phase
components could be separated into 3 parts, as
as below
H2S + 2NaOH Na2S + H2O
H2S + Na2S 2NaHS

Moreover, iron fiber was used as an oxidizing agent

which produced ferrous/ferric sulfide precipitates in
proper humidity conditions and with temperature
more than 12 °C during which iron sulfide could be
Figure 2 Biogas compressor and motor oxidized by air to be reusable iron oxide [4].
A biogas upgrading system was developed
3.1 Biogas compressor which ran the biogas through sodium hydroxide
Calculation of power, defined T1 = 303 °K solution 2 times, then a run through iron fiber and
and then calculated T2 by equation (3). Using then sent to decrease moisture by entrapment, and
equation (2) to find m , and give to equation (1), finally sent into the biogas compressor. Figure 3
resulting in compression power being 0.958 horse shows the system using, 4 inch diameter and 80
power. The safety factor was fixed as 2, so the centimeters long PVC tube and ¾ inch diameter
power from the calculation was 1.916 horse-power. copper tube which conducted the biogas into the
According to the result, a two horse power piston sodium hydroxide solution.
compressor which modified from 2 horse power
PUMA air compressor was selected for use in this 3.3 Biogas cooling system
research. The power source was a two horse power The initial temperature of the biogas before
motor, 1 phase MITSUBISHI (Figure 2). The compressing was 30 °C , and the final temperature
advantages of this piston compressor were would be increased to 172.84 °C after compression
The First TSME International Conference on Mechanical Engineering
20-22 October, 2010, Ubon Ratchathani

because of higher pressure. A cooling system was 4 Materials and Method

necessary for decreasing its temperature before 4.1 Experimental tools
compressing the biogas into a container. Figure 4 The experimental tools were comprised of
shows the cooling system next to a 150 watt electric clamp – on multimeter, digital weighing machine,
fan, which blows air up to the biogas in the copper stopwatch, 35 bar gas container, thermometer, and
tube. biogas compression system.
4.2 Heating value calculation method
The basic components of biogas were
analyzed by GC-2014 which operated by technique
of carrier gas to separate the simple components in
suitable condition and analyzed by specific
properties of substance, including calculation for
type and quantity compared with a standard sample.
The result showed that biogas consisted of methane
( CH 4 ), carbon dioxide ( CO2 ), nitrogen ( N 2 ) and
Figure 3 Biogas Scrubbing System hydrogen sulfide ( H 2 S ).
. 4.3 Analysis of biogas compression system capacity
Copper pipes
with cooling fins. The specified maximum pressure was 15
bat. The three conditions of the cooling system were
(1) ice cooling system (2) water cooling system and
Fan (3) air cooling system. The target data were the
amount of biogas, the compression time and the
power of the electric machine. The process was to
attach the container to the compressor; open the
compression system, record the time, record the
power of the motor, measure the pre and post
Figure 4 Biogas cooling System temperature, respectively. The measurement was
done at every 1 bar increase, from initial to 15 bar
of internal container. Finally, close the container and
measure the final weight.

Figure 5 Biogas Compression Systems Figure 6 GC-2014

The First TSME International Conference on Mechanical Engineering
20-22 October, 2010, Ubon Ratchathani

5 Results which could be used for 75 minutes for cooking.

5.1 Heating value of Biogas The cost of the compression method was calculated
The heating value was 19.22 MJ/kg. The heating from unit of electricity comply to cost per unit (2.699
value was received from calculation and analysis of baht/unit), resulting in 0.369 baht. Compared to
the gas components by using CG-2014 analytic LPG, where a 15 kg container gives about 696 MJ
machine. The components of biogas were methane of energy per 1 container, an costs 300 baht.
( CH 4 ) 46.28%, carbon dioxide ( CO2 ) 31.13%, According to the mentioned fact, using LPG 15 kg
nitrogen ( N 2 ) 22.59%, and hydrogen sulfide ( H 2 S ) container (300 baht) was equal to 67 containers of
0.0297%. biogas (15 kg container) which in total cost 24.72
5.2 Biogas compression into container baht and reduced the cost of LPG about 275.28
The quantity of biogas which was baht. If a container of LPG could be used for 7 days
compressed with 15 bar without using a cooling and the cost of the compression system was 15,000
system was 0.50 kilogram. The researcher aimed to baht, the break even point was 1.04 year.
increase the quantity by decreasing the gas
temperature before compressing into the container. Comparison of biogas when using different
5.3 Biogas Upgrading cooling system

The use of biogas upgrading equipment 0.58 0.56

Amount of Biogas (kg)

could reduce the amount of hydrogen sulfide 0.56 0.54
15.63%, from 352 ppm to 297 ppm, which met the 0.52 0.50
standard acceptable value for household use (less 0.50
than 1,500 ppm) [5]. 0.46
5.4 Biogas compression in each cooling system 1.Ice cooling 2.Water cooling 3.Air cooling 4. Without cooling
The result showed that decreasing the system system system system
temperature by a cooling system could increase the Cooling system

amount of compressed biogas in the container. The Figure 7 Comparison of biogas when using
use of an ice cooling system could compress the different cooling system
maximum quantity of biogas at 0.56 kg. (See Figure
7 and Table 1). From consideration of the energy
consumption, the result revealed that the maximum Electric Energy (kW-hr)

energy consumption was 0.146 kWh when using the 0.148 0.146
ice cooling system. This was due to the temperature 0.146
Electric energy (kW -hr)

being the lowest after passing through the cooling 0.142
0.140 0.138 0.138
system. (See Figure 8 and Table 1) 0.138 0.136
5.5 Using Biogas in Household as Substitute to 0.134
LPG 0.130

The compression system could compress 1.Ice cooling system 2.Water cooling system 3.Air cooling system 4. Without cooling
biogas into a 15 kg container and be used as a Cooling system
substitute to LPG in the household. The result
showed that a 15 kg container had biogas 0.54 kg, Figure 8 Comparison of electric energy consumption
giving energy about 10.38 MJ per 1 container,
The First TSME International Conference on Mechanical Engineering
20-22 October, 2010, Ubon Ratchathani

Table 1 Summary of biogas compression into 15 kg container

Temperature ( °C ) Time of Electric

Amount of compressing Power
Cooling system biogas (kg) T1 T2 T3 T4 (min) (kW)
1.Ice cooling system 0.56 31.07 73.27 9.87 -4.27 6.03 1.45
2.Water cooling system 0.55 31.77 69.63 32.07 27.77 6.04 1.37
3.Air cooling system 0.54 31.43 64.03 30.07 28.77 6.16 1.33
4. Without cooling system 0.50 31.67 67.10 32.57 31.63 6.11 1.35
Annotation: T Is temperature of biogas before compressing, T Is temperature of biogas after compressing,
1 2 T3 Is temperature of
biogas after passing through cooling system, T Is temperature of cooling system.

6 Conclusions experimental laboratory and Sriviroj Farm for biogas

This research was aimed at the study and compression system testing site.
development of the biogas compression system for
use in a household. The biogas was compressed by References
a 2 horse-power motor, which adding with added 1. K. von Mtzalaff. (1988). Engine for biogas.
cooling system and upgrading equipment. From the Operation Theory, Modification, Econum,
experiment it was found that the developed system Operation. Federal Republic of Germany.
could compress biogas into a 15 kg container with Germany: Verlagsgesellschaft mbH.
15 bar of pressure, resulting in 0.50 kg of biogas. 2. James and Gisela Lorenz. (1985). Production
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volume by decreasing the temperature before GTZ. Germany: Bioresources Research Centre.
compressing, the result showed that the three 3. U. Werner, U. Stoehr and N. Hees. (1989).
cooling system methods could lower the Biogas Plants in Animal Husbandry. A
temperature at 9.87, 32.07 and 30.07 °C , Practical Guid in Deutsche Gesellschaft fure
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15 bar, the quantitative outcomes of each cooling Animal Science Group.
system were 0.56, 0.55, and 0.54 kg, respectively. 4. S.S. Kapdi, V.K Vijay, S.K. Rajesh and P.
The most effective method was the cooling system Rajendra. (2004). Biogas scrubbing,
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Acknowledgement 5. J.L. Walls, C.C. Ross, M.S. Smith and S.R.
The authors wish to express their gratitude Harper. (1989). Utilization of biogas. Alabama:
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of Engineering, Khon Kaen University for Research Institute Atlanta Georgia.

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