Steelwork Design Chapter 3 - Steel Beams HKCode

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Steel Beam Design

 Learning Objectives
z Appreciate the design theories: elastic and plastic theory.
z Determine the flexural strength: beams with restrained
and unrestrained compression flange.
z Understand the concept of lateral restraint, effective
length, lateral torsional buckling.
z Determine the shear strength of beam and its effect on
flexural strength.
z Calculate deflection.
z Checking of web buckling and web bearing resistance.

Chapter 3 1
HD in Civil Engineering

1. Steel Beam Design

1.1 Fully Restrained Beams (Clause 8.2)
Members in bending may be defined as either fully restrained or restrained at
intervals. The design of a fully restrained beam and a beam restrained at
intervals is quite different. The later one has to consider the Lateral Torsional
Buckling (LTB).

Full lateral restraint is considered to be provided by the Code if the lateral

restraining force between the floor and the compression flange can resist a
lateral force of 2.5% of the maximum factored force in the compression flange
of the member. For beams supporting either in situ or precast concrete slabs, it
can generally be assumed that this criterion is satisfied.

1.2 Lateral Torsional Buckling of Beams (Clause 8.3)

The design of beams restrained at intervals (LTB has to be taken into
consideration) is treated in cl. 8.3 and will be discussed later.

1.3 Shear (Clause 8.2.1)

For loads parallel to the webs, the shear capacity Vc given below should not be
less than the design shear force V.

py A v
Vc = ≥ V
The shear area (Av) is defined in Clause 8.2.1 for different shaped sections as

(a) rolled I, H and channel sections tD

(b) Welded I sections td
(c) rectangular hollow sections 2td
(d) rectangular T sections t (D – T)
(e) circular hollow sections 0.6A
(f) solid rectangular sections 0.9A
(g) any other case 0.9Ao

where t is the web thickness;

T is the flange thickness;
B is the overall breadth;

Chapter 3 2
HD in Civil Engineering

D is the overall depth;

d is the depth of the web;
A is the area of the section;
Ao is the area of the rectilinear element of the section which has the
largest dimension in the direction parallel to the load.

2. Beam in Bending (Compression

Flange Fully Restrained)
2.1 Moment Capacity with Low Shear Load (Clause
If the shear load (V) is less that 60% of the shear capacity (Vc), the effect of
shear on the bending capacity is small and may be ignored and it is classified as
low shear load.

For Class 1 plastic and Class 2 compact sections (i.e. where the full plastic
moment can be developed), the moment capacity (Mc) is given by

Mc = py S ≤ 1.2 py Z (Expression 1)

The restriction applied to moment capacity, i.e. Mc ≤ 1.2 py Z, is to ensure that

plasticity does not occur at working load.

For Class 3 semi-compact sections (i.e. elastic moment can be developed but
local buckling may prevent development of the full plastic moment), the
moment capacity (Mc) is given by

Mc = py Z or Mc = py Seff (Expression 2)

For Class 4 slender sections (i.e. local buckling may prevent development of the
full elastic moment),
Mc = py Zeff or Mc = pyr Z (Expression 3)

where S is the plastic modulus;

Z is the elastic modulus;
Seff is the effective plastic modulus;
Zeff is the effective elastic modulus;
Pyr is the design strength reduced for slender sections.

Class 1 and Class 2 sections with low shear load would be encountered in most
practical cases.

Chapter 3 3
HD in Civil Engineering

2.2 Moment Capacity with High Shear Load (Clause

If the shear load is greater than 60% of the shear capacity, the effect of shear
should be taken into account as given in Clause

For Class 1 plastic and Class 2 compact sections, the moment capacity (Mc) is
given by

Mc = py (S - ρSv) ≤ 1.2 py (Z - ρSv/1.5) (Expression 4)

For Class 3 semi-compact sections, the moment capacity (Mc) is given by

Mc = py (Z - ρSv/1.5) or Mc = py (Seff - ρSv/1.5) (Expression 5)

For Class 4 slender sections

Mc = py (Zeff - ρSv/1.5) (Expression 6)

where Sv is the plastic modulus of shear area Av;

⎛ 2V ⎞
ρ is given by ⎜⎜ − 1⎟⎟ .
⎝ Vc ⎠

3. Web Bearing and Web Buckling

3.1 Web Bearing (clause
HK Code allows dispersion of 1:2.5 to the root radius line but there is no
enhancement of py.

The bearing capacity Pbw of unstiffened web at the web-to-flange connection is

given by:

Pbw = (b1 + nk ) t pyw

in which
at the ends of a member:
n = 2 + 0.6 be /k ≤ 5
at other locations
For rolled I or H sections, k=T+r
For welded I or H sections, k=T

Chapter 3 4
HD in Civil Engineering

b1 is the stiff bearing length (cl.
be is the distance to the nearer end of the member from the end of the
stiff bearing.
t is the web thickness
T is the flange thickness
r is the root radius
pyw = design strength of web.

The stiff bearing length b1 is defined as the length which cannot deform
appreciably in bending. The dispersion of the load is taken as 45° through
solid materials.

Figure 1 – Extract of Figure 8.31

3.2 Web Buckling of Unstiffened Web (clause

When the flange, through which the load or reaction is applied, is effectively
restrained against both:
(a) Rotation relative to the web;
(b) Lateral movement relative to other flange.

The buckling resistance Px is:

Px = P for ae ≥ 0.7d
(b1 + nk )d bw
a + 0.7 d 25εt
and Px = e ⋅ P for ae < 0.7d
1.4d (b1 + nk )d bw

Chapter 3 5
HD in Civil Engineering

When the condition (a) or (b) is not met, the buckling resistance of the web is
reduced to Pxr

0.7 d
Pxr = ⋅ Px
where ae = distance from the load or reaction to the nearer end of the member.
LE = effective length of the web acting as a compression member.

Figure 2 – Restrained Flanges, Sway Between Flanges and Rotation of


4. Procedures for the Design of Restrained Beam

(a) Determine dead load and imposed load.

(b) Work out factored moment and shear force.
(c) Determine member size using Sx = Mx / py.
(d) Determine the section class.
(e) Check bending and shear capacities of beam.
(f) Check web buckling and web bearing if necessary.
(g) Check deflection.

Chapter 3 6
HD in Civil Engineering

5. Lateral Torsional Buckling of Beams (Compression Flange

NOT Fully Restrained, Restrained at Intervals)

In addition to the checks required for fully restrained beams, members restrained
at intervals should be checked for Lateral Torsional Buckling (LTB) between
restraints (refer to clause 8.3). Figure 3 and Figure 4 show the deformations of
beam with Lateral Torsional Buckling.

Figure 3 – Lateral Torsional Buckling

Chapter 3 7
HD in Civil Engineering

Figure 4 – Lateral Torsional Buckling3

Chapter 3 8
HD in Civil Engineering

5.1 Normal and Destablilizing Loads (clause 8.3.3)

A destabilizing loading condition should be assumed when considering effective
length of beams with dominant loads applied to the top flange and with both
the loads and the flange free to deflect and rotate relative to the shear center of
the cross-section.

5.2 Effective Length for Lateral Torsional Buckling (clause 8.3.4)

5.2.1 Simple beams without intermediate lateral restraints.
(a) For a beam under normal loading conditions with its compression flange
restrained against lateral movement at the end supports, but free to rotate
on plan with ends under nominal torsional restraint about the longitudinal
axis of the beam at end supports, the effective length is 1.0 of the span of
the beam, i.e.

(b) For a beams under normal loading conditions with the compression flange
fully restrained against rotation on plan at its end supports,
LE = 0.8LLT

(c) For a beam under normal loading conditions with compression flanges
unrestrained against lateral movement at end supports and with both
flanges free to rotate on plan,
LE = 1.2LLT + 2D

(d) For beams under destabilizing loads, the effective length should be
multiply by a factor of 1.2.

where LLT is the segment length between lateral restraints under consideration.

5.2.2 Beams with intermediate lateral restraints.

For simple beams with adequate intermediate lateral restraints, the effective
length LE is normally taken as 1.0LTL for a normal load or 1.2LLT for a
destabilizing load.

5.2.3 Cantilever
For determining the effective lengths of cantilever beams, refer to Table 8.1 of
the Code.

Chapter 3 9
HD in Civil Engineering

Table 1 – Extract of Table 8.11

Chapter 3 10
HD in Civil Engineering

Figure 5 – Restraints to Beams2

5.3 Moment Resistance to Lateral Torsional Buckling (Buckling

Resistance Moment Mb)
5.3.1 Code’s Requirements
In each segment of a beam, the buckling resistance moment Mb should satisfy
the following.

mLT Mx ≤ Mb and Mx ≤ Mc

where mLT is the equivalent moment factor for lateral torsional buckling of
simple beams obtained from Table 8.4 of the Code. Conservatively it can be
taken as unity (1). For cantilevers, mLT is equal to 1.

Mx = Maximum bending moment along the beam.

For Class 1 plastic and Class 2 compact sections, Mb = pb Sx..

For Class 3 semi-compact sections, Mb = pb Zx or Mb = pb Seff.
p yr
For Class 4 slender sections, Mb = pb Zeff or M b = pb ⋅ ⋅Zx
pb is the buckling strength of the beam, determined from Table 8.3a for
hot-rolled sections using a suitable equivalent slenderness λLT in clause
and relevant design strength py.

Chapter 3 11
HD in Civil Engineering

5.3.2 Design Procedures for Unrestained Beam Segment / Beam

(a) Determine dead load and imposed load.

(b) Work out factored moment and shear force.

(c) Determine member size using Sx = Mx / py as a guide. Heavier section is

normally required.

(d) Determine the section classification.

(e) Check buckling resistance moment of beam.

z Classify the design load as normal load or destabilizing load.

Estimate the effective length LE of the unrestrained compression
flange using the rules from clause 8.3.4. Minor axis slenderness
λ = LE/ry, where ry = radius of gyration for the y-y axis.

z Calculate the equivalent slenderness λLT

λ LT = uvλ β w

u = buckling parameter allowing for torsional resistance. It can be
obtained from Appendix 8.2 of the Code or conservatively equal to 0.9
for hot-rolled sections or taking from the section table.
v = slenderness factor given by, v =
( )
1 + 0.05(λ / x )
2 0.25

x = is the torsional index from Appendix 8.2 of the Code or

conservatively equal to D/T or taking from the section table.
βw = 1.0 for Class 1 plastic section and Class 2 compact section.

z Read out the buckling strength pb from table 8.3a of the Code.

z Calculate the buckling resistance moment Mb = pb Sx.

z Determine the equivalent uniform moment factor mLT from Table 8.4a
or Table 8.4b of the Code.

z Calculate the design moment mLT Mx for checking LTB.

z Compare mLT Mx with Mb. Check if Mb > mLT Mx ⇒ O.K.

Chapter 3 12
HD in Civil Engineering

(f) Check the shear capacity of beam.

(g) Check web buckling and web bearing if necessary.

(h) Check deflection.

Chapter 3 13
HD in Civil Engineering

Table 2 – Extract of Table 8.3a1

Chapter 3 14
HD in Civil Engineering

Table 3 – Extract of Table 8.4a1

Chapter 3 15
HD in Civil Engineering

Table 4 – Extract of Table 8.4b1

Chapter 3 16
HD in Civil Engineering

Design Procedures of Structural Steel Beams in Bending

with Low Shear Load (Plastic / Compact Sections)

Steel Beam Design for Bending with Low Shear Load

( Plastic/Compact sections)

Compression Flange Fully

Compression Flange NOT
Restrained, e.g. with concrete
Fully Restrained or
slab on top
Restrained at Intervals.

Moment Capacity: Set βw =1 and determine LE

Mc = py*Sx
≤ 1.2py*Zx

1. Read from the section table, the values of ry, u, x, Sx

2. Find λ=Le/ry
If Mc ≥ Design Moment ⇒ 1
3. Find λ/x and make use of the formula, v =
Bending O.K.
(1 + 0.05(λ / x) )
2 0.25

to determine v.
4. Determine py based on the flange thickness.
5. Find λ LT = uvλ β w , and make use of Table 8.3a to find pb.
6. Calculate Mb = pb*Sx
Finished 7. Determine mLT from Table 8.4a or Table 8.4b.
8. Find the design moment M = mLT*Mx

If Mb > mLT*Mx ⇒ Bending O.K.


Chapter 3 17
HD in Civil Engineering

Example 1 (Beam with Full Lateral Restraint)

A steel beam is carrying the characteristic loads as shown below and full lateral
restraint is provided to the compression flange of the steel beam. Select an
appropriate steel section of grade S355. Check the moment capacity, the shear
capacity, deflection limit, web buckling resistance and web bearing resistance at
the supports. Assume the width of stiff bearing at the supports is 160 mm and
the flange is effectively restrained against both rotation relative to the web and
lateral movement relative to other flange. Take ae = 80 mm and be = 0 mm.

20 kN (dead)
60 kN (imposed)
7 kN/m (dead)
35 kN/m (imposed)

3.5m 3.5m

Shear (kN)

B.M. (kNm)


Chapter 3 18
HD in Civil Engineering


Factored Loads: P.L. (20*1.4) + (60*1.6) = 124 kN

UDL (7*1.4) + (35*1.6) = 65.8 kN/m

124 * 7 65.8 * 7 2
Applied Moment M x = + = 217 + 403 = 620 kNm
4 8

Assume the flange thickness T is less than 16 mm, py = 355 N/mm2

The plastic section modulus required,

M 620 x10 6
Sx = x = = 1746000 mm 3 = 1746 cm 3
py 355

Try 533 x 210 x 82 kg/m UB (Grade S355),

Design strength py = 355 N/mm2 as flange thickness T = 13.2 mm <16 mm

From section table

D = 528.3 mm, t = 9.6 mm, T = 13.2 mm, r = 12.7 mm,
d = 476.5mm, b/T = 7.91, d/t = 49.6, Ix = 47540 cm4,
Zx = 1800 cm3, Sx = 2059 cm3

Check section classification:

275 275
ε= = = 0.88
py 355

b d
= 7.91 ≤ 9ε = 9 * 0.88 = 7.92, = 49.6 ≤ 100ε = 100 * 0.88 = 88
T t
and ≤ 70ε = 70 * 0.88 = 61.6
Checking for shear web buckling is NOT required and the beam section is a
compact section.


Factored shear force V (at supports) = 292.3 kN

Shear area Av = tD = 9.6*528.3 = 5071 mm2

Chapter 3 19
HD in Civil Engineering

p y ⋅ Av355 * 5071
Shear capacity Vc = = = 1039.3kN
3 3
> V =292.3 kN
⇒ shear capacity O.K.

Max. moment = 620 kNm and the co-existent shear = 62 kN
Since V = 62 kN < 0.6 Vc = 0.6*1039.3 = 623.6 kN
⇒ No reduction in moment capacity

Moment capacity M c = p y * S x = 355 * 2059 *10 −3 = 730.9 kNm

≤ 1.2 p y * Z x = 1.2 * 355 *1800 *10 −3 = 766.8 kNm

Therefore moment capacity Mc = 730.9 kNm

> design moment = 620 kNm
⇒ O.K.

Web Bearing (width of stiff bearing = 160 mm)

k = T + r = 13.2 + 12.7 = 25.9 mm
n = 2 + 0.6be/k = 2 + 0.6*0/25.9 = 2
Bearing Resistance Pbw = (b1 + nk)*t*pyw = (160 + 2*25.9)*9.6*355
= 721.8 kN > 292.3 kN ⇒ O.K.

Web Buckling (width of stiff bearing = 160 mm)

Assume ae = 80 mm,
a + 0.7 d 25εt
The buckling resistance Px = e ⋅ P
1.4d (b1 + nk )d bw
80 + 0.7 * 476.5 25 * 0.88 * 9.6
= ⋅ * 721.8
1.4 * 476.5 (160 + 2 * 25.9) * 476.5
= 297.5 kN > 292.3 kN ⇒ O.K.

Chapter 3 20
HD in Civil Engineering

Deflection δ Serviceability loads (unfactored imposed loads)

P = 60 kN concentrated load at the mid-span
UDL = 35 kN/m along the whole span

PL3 5 wL4 (60 *103 ) * 70003 5 35 * 70004

δ= + ⋅ = + ⋅
48EI 384 EI 48 * 205000 * 47540 *104 384 205000 * 47540 *104

= 4.4 + 11.2 = 15.6 mm

Assuming brittle finishes,

Allowable δ =L/360 = 7000/360 = 19.4 mm > 15.6 mm, ⇒ O.K.

* Alternatively one can use CONSTRADO Steelwork Design Guide Volume 1

for the design. It is time saving by using CONSTRADO design guide to carry
out preliminary design. However its use is NOT covered in this course.

Chapter 3 21
HD in Civil Engineering

Example 2 - Floor beam with compression flange laterally restrained

The steel beams for part of the floor of a library with book storage are shown in
the figure below. The floor is a reinforced concrete slab on steel deck
supported on universal beams. The top flanges of all beams are fully restrained
laterally by the concrete slab. The design loading has been estimated as:

Dead load = 6 kN/m2 including self-weight if steel beams and

concrete slab.
Imposed load = 4 kN/m2

Design beam B3 by using Grade S355 steel.

B2 B2








B2 B2





B2 B2

5m 5m

Floor Framing Plan

Chapter 3 22
HD in Civil Engineering


The UDL floor loads span one-way perpendicular to beam B1. Beam B1 (and
B3) directly supports the floor UDL and B2 supports B1. Beam B3 supports B2.
Before designing beam B3, we have to determine the loading on B3 and hence to
determine the design bending moment and shear force.

Consider Beam B1 (unfactored loads), span = 3m

DL=7.5 kN/m
LL=5 kN/m

B2 B1 B2

DL=11.25 kN DL=11.25 kN
LL=7.5 kN LL=7.5 kN

D.L. = 6*1.25 = 7.5 kN/m

L.L. = 4*1.25 = 5 kN/m

Unfactored support reactions of B1 = 7.5*3/2 = 11.25 kN (dead)

= 5*3/2 = 7.5 kN (imposed)

Consider Beam B2 (unfactored loads), span = 5m

2B1 2B1 2B1

DL=22.5 kN
LL=15 kN

B3 B2 B3
DL=33.75 kN DL=33.75 kN
LL=22.5 kN LL=22.5 kN
1.25m 1.25m 1.25m 1.25m

D.L. (each point load) = 2*reaction of B1 = 11.25*2 = 22.5 kN

L.L. (each point load) = 2*reaction of B1 = 7.5*2 = 15 kN

Chapter 3 23
HD in Civil Engineering

Unfactored support reactions of B2 = 22.5*3/2 = 33.75 kN (dead)

= 15*3/2 = 22.5 kN (imposed)

Consider Beam B3 (unfactored loads), span = 6m

2B2 DL=67.5 kN
LL=45 kN DL=7.5 kN/m
LL=5 kN/m

col B3 col

DL=56.25 kN DL=56.25 kN
LL=37.5 kN LL=37.5 kN
3m 3m

D.L. (point load) = 2*reaction of B2 = 33.75*2 = 67.5 kN

(UDL – slab) = 6*1.25 = 7.5 kN/m

L.L. (point load) = 2*reaction of B2 = 22.5*2 = 45 kN

(UDL – slab) = 4*1.25 = 5 kN/m

Unfactored support reactions of B3 = 7.5*6/2 + 67.5/2 = 56.25 kN (dead)

= 5*6/2 + 45/2 = 37.5 kN (imposed)

Factored point load P = 1.4*67.5 + 1.6*45 = 166.5 kN

Factored UDL = 1.4*7.5 + 1.6*5 = 18.5 kN/m
Factored reaction = 1.4*56.25 + 1.6*37.5 = 138.8 kN

Pl wl 2 166.5 * 6 18.5 * 6 2
Design Moment M = + = + = 333 kNm
4 8 4 8
Design shear force = 138.8 kN

Assume the flange thickness T is less than 16 mm, py = 355 N/mm2

The plastic section modulus required,

M 333x10 6
Sx = x = = 938000 mm 3 = 938 cm 3
py 355

Try 457 x 152 x 52 kg/m UB (Grade S355),

Chapter 3 24
HD in Civil Engineering

Design strength py = 355 N/mm2 as flange thickness T = 10.9 mm < 16 mm

From section table

D = 449.8 mm, t = 7.6 mm, T = 10.9 mm, r = 10.2 mm,
d = 407.6mm, b/T = 6.99, d/t = 53.6, Ix = 21370 cm4,
Zx = 950 cm3, Sx = 1096 cm3

Check section classification:

275 275
ε= = = 0.88
py 355

b d
= 6.99 ≤ 8ε = 8 * 0.88 = 7.04, = 53.6 ≤ 80ε = 80 * 0.88 = 70.4
T t
and ≤ 70ε = 70 * 0.88 = 61.6
Checking for shear web buckling is NOT required and the beam section is a
plastic section.


Factored shear force V (at supports) = 138.8 kN

Shear area Av = tD = 7.6*449.8 = 3418 mm2

p y ⋅ Av355 * 3418
Shear capacity Vc = = = 700.6kN
3 3
> V =138.8 kN
⇒ shear capacity O.K.

Max. moment = 333 kNm and the co-existent shear = 83.25 kN

Since V = 83.25 kN < 0.6 Vc = 0.6*700.6 = 420.4 kN
⇒ No reduction in moment capacity

Moment capacity M c = p y * S x = 355 *1096 *10 −3 = 389 kNm

≤ 1.2 p y * Z x = 1.2 * 355 * 950 *10 −3 = 404.7 kNm

Therefore moment capacity Mc = 389 kNm > design moment = 333 kNm
⇒ O.K.

Chapter 3 25
HD in Civil Engineering

Deflection δ Serviceability loads (unfactored imposed loads)

P = 45 kN concentrated load at the mid-span

UDL = 5 kN/m along the whole span

PL3 5 wL4 (45 *103 ) * 60003 5 5 * 6000 4

δ= + ⋅ = + ⋅
48 EI 384 EI 48 * 205000 * 21370 *10 4 384 205000 * 21370 *10 4

= 4.6 + 1.9 = 6.5 mm

Assuming brittle finishes,

Allowable δ =L/360 = 6000/360 = 16.7 mm > 6.5 mm, ⇒ O.K.

Chapter 3 26
HD in Civil Engineering

Example 3
(Beam with lateral restraint at the ends and at the points of load application)

Design the steel beam for shear and bending (Take the effective length of beam
segments as the length of segments).

DL = 40 kN DL = 20 kN
LL = 60 kN LL = 30 kN

S/W=3 kN/m


3m 3m 3m


Shear (kN)
19 32
108 120

BM (kNm)


- lateral restraint

Chapter 3 27
HD in Civil Engineering


Load Factors γf Dead Load = 1.4

Imposed Load = 1.6

Factored Loads P.L. W1 = (40 x 1.4) + (60 x 1.6) = 152 kN

W2 = (20 x 1.4) + (30 x 1.6) = 76 kN
U.D.L due to self wt. 3 x 1.4 = 4.2 kN/m

The design shear forces and bending moments are shown in above:
Assume 457 x 191 x 74 UB (Grade 50),
D = 457 mm, t = 9.0 mm, T = 14.5 mm, b/T = 6.57, d/t = 45.3
ry = 4.20 cm, Zx = 1458 cm3, Sx = 1653 cm3, u = 0.877, x=33.9

As T = 14.5mm < 16 mm, py = 355 N/mm2

275 275
And ε = = = 0.88
py 355

Shear buckling
Since d/t = 45.3 < 70ε = 70*0.88 = 61.6,
Checking for shear web buckling is NOT required.

Check shear
Shear area Av = t D = 9.0 x 457 = 4113 mm2

p y ⋅ Av 355 * 4113
Shear capacity Vc = = = 843kN ,
3 3
> Design shear force V at A= 146 kN ⇒ O.K.

Check section for combined moment and shear

Shear force at B = 133 kN
Since V = 133 < 0.6 Vc = 0.6 x 843 = 505.8 kN, no reduction in moment capacity.

b/T = 6.57 < 8ε = 8*0.88 = 7.04, d/t = 45.3 < 80ε = 80*0.88 = 70.4
⇒ Plastic section

Mc = py Sx ≤ 1.2 py Zx
= 355 x 1653 x 10-3
= 586 kNm ≤ 1.2 x 355 x 1458 x 10-3 = 621 kNm

Chapter 3 28
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Design moment at B = 419 kNm < Mc = 586 kNm ⇒ Section O.K.

Similarly, moment and shear at C is checked O.K.

Since the beam is subjected to possible lateral torsional buckling, the buckling
resistance moment Mb should be considered. From the bending moment diagram
above, BC is the critical unrestrained length. Consider that self-weight is
insignificant and assume that the bending moment diagram for segment of BC as
a straight line.

M C 342
β= = = 0.82 and mLT = 0.93 [Table 8.4a]
M B 419
Maximum moment on length BC = Moment at B = 419 kNm.
Therefore design moment mLT Mx = 0.93 x 419 = 389.7 kNm

Buckling resistance moment Mb

Mb = pb Sx
To find pb one must first determine the equivalent slenderness λLT.
λ LT = uvλ β w
Conservatively, n = 1.0, u = 0.9 and v =1.0 may be used. However, accurate
values may be obtained as shown below :
λ = LE / ry = 3000 x 10-1/4.20 = 71.4
From section book, x = 33.9 ⇒ λ / x = 71.4 / 33.9 = 2.11
1 1
v= = = 0.951
( )
1 + 0.05(λ / x ) (
2 0.25
1 + 0.05(2.11)
2 0.25

u = 0.877 [Section Table]

λ LT = uvλ β w = 0.877 * 0.951* 71.4 * 1 = 59.5

For py = 355 N/mm2, Table 8.3a gives pb =259 N/mm2

Hence Mb = pb Sx = 259 x 1653 x 10-3 = 428 kNm.

Since design moment mLT Mx = 389.7 < Mb = 428 kNm

⇒ section O.K. for lateral torsional buckling

Chapter 3 29
HD in Civil Engineering

Check for bearing and buckling of the web

Students should try to check these using the same approach as in the previous

Deflection under serviceability loads

For normal structural purposes only the deflection due to the unfactored imposed
loads need be considered and, deflection is not usually a critical factor unless the
span/depth ratio is high. Student should try to check the deflection by

Therefore section 457 x 191 x 74 UB Grade 50 steel is adequate

Chapter 3 30
HD in Civil Engineering

Example 4 - Beam with Unrestrained Compression Flange

Design the simply supported beam for the loading shown in the figure. The
loads P are normal loads. The beam ends are restrained against torsion with
the compression flange free to rotate in plan. The compression flange is
unrestrained between supports. Use Grade S355 steel.

Characteristic loads:
Point loads: P = 22 kN (DL)
= 12 kN (LL)
UDL w = 2 kN/m (DL)

P (DL=22 kN P P
LL = 12 kN) w=2 kN/m

1m 1.5m 1.5m 1m


Factored UDL = 1.4*2 = 2.8 kN/m

Factored PL(each) = 1.4*22 + 1.6*12 = 50 kN

Support Reaction = 2.8*5/2 + 3*50/2 = 82 kN

Max. moment occurs at mid-span,

M = 82*2.5 – 2.8*2.52/2 – 50*1.5 = 121.3 kNm

Try 452 x 152 x 52 UB (Grade S355), from section table

D = 449.8 mm, t = 7.6 mm, T = 10.9 mm, b/T = 6.99, d/t = 53.6
ry = 3.11 cm, Zx = 950 cm3, Sx = 1096 cm3, u = 0.859, x=43.9

As T = 10.9mm < 16 mm, py = 355 N/mm2

275 275
And ε = = = 0.88
py 355

Chapter 3 31
HD in Civil Engineering

Shear buckling
Since d/t = 53.6 < 70ε = 70*0.88 = 61.6,
Checking for shear buckling is NOT required.

Check shear
Shear area Av = t D = 7.6 x 449.8 = 3418 mm2

p y ⋅ Av
355 * 3418
Shear capacity Vc = = = 700.6kN
3 3
Design shear force V at support = 82 kN ⇒ O.K.

Lateral Torsional Buckling Check

Since the beam is subject to possible lateral torsional buckling, the buckling
resistance moment Mb should be considered.

From the bending moment diagram,

50 kN 50 kN 50 kN

M1 w = 2.8 kN/m M5

M2 M4

87.8 87.8
1.25m 1.25m 1.25m 1.25m

From Table 8.4b,

0.15M 2 + 0.5M 3 + 0.15M 4 0.15 * 87.8 + 0.5 *121.3 + 0.15 * 87.8
m LT = 0.2 + = 0.2 +
M max 121.3
= 0.917 > 0.44

The equivalent uniform moment mLT Mx should be calculated and must not exceed

mLT Mx = 0.917*121.3 = 111.2 kNm

Chapter 3 32
HD in Civil Engineering

Buckling resistance moment Mb

Mb = pb Sx
To find pb one must first determine the equivalent slenderness λLT.
λ LT = uvλ β w
Accurate values may be obtained as shown below :
λ = LE / ry = 5000 /31.1 = 160.8
From section book, x = 43.9 ⇒ λ / x = 160.8 / 43.9 = 3.66
1 1
v= = = 0.880
( )
1 + 0.05(λ / x )
2 0 .
1 + 0.05(3.66 )
2 0.25

u = 0.859 [Section Table]

λ LT = uvλ β w = 0.859 * 0.880 *160.8 * 1 = 121.6

For py = 355 N/mm2 Table 8.3a gives pb =101.8 N/mm2

Hence Mb = pb Sx = 101.8 x 1096 x 10-3 = 111.6 kNm.

Since design moment mLT Mx = 111.2 kNm < Mb = 111.6 kNm

⇒ section O.K. for lateral torsional buckling

Chapter 3 33
HD in Civil Engineering

Read reference 2 on P.24 -54.

Main Reference
1. Code of practice for Structural Use of Steel 2005, Buildings Department, the
Government of HKSAR
2. Structural Steelwork, Design to Limit State Theory, 3rd edition (2004),
Dennis Lam, Thien-Cheong Ang, Sing-Ping Chiew, Elsevier.
3. Limit States Design of Structural Steelwork, 3rd edition (2001), D.A.
Nethercot, Spon Press.
4. The Behaviour and Design of Steel Structures to BS5950, 3rd edition (2001),
N.S. Trahair, M.A. Bardford, D.A. Nethercot, Spon Press.
5. Steel Designers’ Manual, 6th edition (2003), Oxford: Blackwell Science,
Steel Construction Institute.
6. Structural Steelwork, Design to Limit State Theory, 2nd edition, T.J.
MacGinley and T.C. Ang, Butterworths.

Chapter 3 34
HD in Civil Engineering


Q1. The cross sections of steel beams are classified into classes 1, 2, 3 & 4 as plastic, compact, semi-compact,
and slender cross sections respectively in accordance with their behavior in bending,. Briefly describe
their behavior in bending

Q2. Figure Q2 shows a part plan of a braced steel structure. The concrete slab is a solid slab of 130 mm
thick. The compression flanges of steel beams are fully restrained by the concrete slab. All the steel
beams are grade S355 and simply supported. It is given that the concrete slab is subjected to the
following characteristic loads:-

(a) Characteristic Dead Load:

Self-weight of slab
Floor finishes = 1 kN/m2
Partition load = 1 kN/m2
Services = 0.5 kN/m2

(b) Characteristic Imposed Load = 5 kN/m2

Check the adequacy of the steel beams with respect to bending, shear and deflection (the beams
has to support brittle finishes). Also check the web bearing and web buckling resistance of
beam B3 if the stiff bearing widths at the supports are 150 mm and the flange is effectively
restrained against both rotation relative to the web and lateral movement relative to other flange.
Take ae = 75 mm and be = 0.
The sizes of the steel beams are as follows:
B1: 406 x 140 x 46 kg/m UB
B2: 457 x 191 x 67 kg/m UB
B3: 457 x 191 x 67 kg/m UB

Q3. Refer to question Q2. If full lateral restraint is NOT provided by the concrete slab, check the adequacy
of the beam sections of B2 and B3 in regard to Lateral Torsional Buckling. In checking B3, lateral
restraint is assumed to be provided by beam B2. The effective lengths of members are assumed to be the
actual segment lengths and the loads are normal loads.

Q4. A simply supported steel beam of 533 x 210 x 82 kg/m UB (grade S355) is subjected to a design end
moment M of 350 kNm and a design point load P of 180 kN as shown in Figure Q4. Lateral restraints
are provided at the supports and at the point load position. Check the adequacy of the beam section
against lateral torsional buckling assuming the actual segment lengths are the effective lengths and the
loads are normal loads.

Chapter 3 35
HD in Civil Engineering


Q5. It is required to design a beam with an overhanging end. The dimension and loading are shown in Figure
Q5. The beam has torsional restraints at the supports but no intermediate lateral support. Select a
suitable UB using Grade S355 steel.






Figure Q2

M = 350 kNm P = 180 kN

6m 4.5m

- lateral restraint

Figure Q4

Chapter 3 36
HD in Civil Engineering


2m 3m 5m

7m 3m

For P, DL = 60 kN and LL = 35 kN
For w, DL = 10 kN/m and LL = 5 kN/m

Figure Q5

Chapter 3 37
HD in Civil Engineering

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