Week 2 - Living in A Physical World IV - Vogel

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Living in a physical world

IV. Moving heat around

Department of Biology, Duke University, Durham, NC 27708-0338, USA
(Fax, 919-660-7293; Email, [email protected])

1. Introduction – why move heat? case, we can, at best, make educated guesses, recognizing
in the present case that some bacteria, for instance, tolerate
We care about temperature. All too often we feel either too truly infernal heat. Still, laissez faire might make either
hot or too cold. Our appliances come with thermostats, chemical or physical trouble, or, quite likely, both. Nearly
cooling fans, and thermal protection switches. The tem- all enzymatically-catalyzed reactions depend severely on
peratures of organisms yield lovely data via thermocou- temperature. Rates typically double or triple for every
ples, thermal imaging equipment, and all manner of other 10° rise in temperature, whether one looks at individual
thermometers. Temperature anomalies signal trouble, from reactions or the overall metabolic rates of animals that do
personal fevers to global climate change. But the diverse not regulate their temperatures. (To calculate proper tem-
and complex physical phenomena underlying temperature perature effects, the Arrhenius equation and Arrhenius
pose perilous pitfalls for explanations of such data. Fur- constants should be used instead of this so-called Q10) On
thermore, we are easily misled by our intuitive sense, that top of that, most enzymes, as proteins, denature with ever
of a large, terrestrial animal that maintains a steady body increasing rapidity as temperatures rise above around
temperature close to the maximum it encounters. We too 40°C. For instance, one protein that denatures a margin-
easily forget that net photosynthetic rates for plants ally tolerable 4⋅4% per day at 40°C, cooks (to use the
commonly peak at lower temperatures and that some of appropriate vernacular) at 46% per day at 46°C.
the most productive marine waters are quite cold. As bad, perhaps, temperature-dependence varies from
In this and the next essay, I want to look at the com- enzyme to enzyme, so sequences of reactions might de-
plexities of temperature and heat, asking what physical mand something beyond simple mass-action effects to
phenomena matter most, what options are open to organisms, coordinate their operation. That may underlie the notably
what devices organisms use, and what as yet undemons- limited temperature range tolerated by many organisms.
trated devices might yet be uncovered. Most non-regulating inhabitants of niches that do not
In few terrestrial habitats do organisms lack some vary much in temperature cannot withstand body tem-
thermal challenge. Where I live, in southeastern North peratures more than a few degrees above or below that
America, temperatures range from about – 19° to 37°C, normal range – even when well above freezing and well
on the old Fahrenheit scale a variation of no less than below the point of severe protein denaturation. The extreme
on of up to 1000 W m–2, in sensitivity must be creatures such as ourselves that
and air movement can range from imperceptible to over- regulate body temperature closely. Such constancy typi-
whelming. Breathing, a convective process, comes with cally brings a loss of ability to survive – even briefly and
the evaporation’s inevitable heat transfer. Our own heat dysfunctionally – without it.
production adds an additional complication – a resting Most physical variables change less with temperature.
human generates about 80 watts; were an adult human to That same 10°C rise in temperature (using 20° to 30° for
retain that energy, body temperature would rise by about the examples) decreases air density by about 3⋅4% and
a degree per hour. the surface tension of water (against air) about 2%. It
Why not just accept a body temperature determined by decreases the thermal capacity of water (on a mole basis)
the local interplay of such phenomena? As is so often the a mere 0⋅04% but increases the diffusion coefficients of

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ordinary gases in air by about 6%. One notes as a bench- 2. Heat-moving modes
mark that something proportional to the absolute tem-
perature will increase by 3⋅4% for a 10° rise – as does the How might a creature move heat from one place to an-
reciprocal of air density. For instance, Weis-Fogh (1961) other, whether shifting heat from one inside location to
showed that the tensile stiffness (Young’s modulus) of another, absorbing heat from its surroundings, or dumping
the protein rubber of insect wing hinges, resilin, stiffens heat onto those surroundings? A rather large array of op-
by just that 3⋅4% per ten degree rise. tions turn out to be available:
But a few physical quantities vary more widely. The
(i) Radiation: All objects above absolute zero radiate
viscosity of water decreases by over 20% from 20° to
energy. A net radiative transfer of heat from warmer ob-
30°C. An animal accustomed to pumping blood at 35°, say
jects to colder ones occurs even if the objects are in a
a reptile basking in the sun, must expend twice as much
energy (or pump half as much blood) if it plunges into
(ii) Conduction: Heat moves from warmer to colder
water at 5° – unless, as in so-called multiviscosity motor
parts of a material (or a contacting material) by direct
oils, its blood has a peculiarly low dependence of viscos-
transfer of the kinetic energy of its molecules.
ity on temperature. And any increase in blood viscosity at
(iii) Convection: Heat moves from warmer to colder
low temperatures might well compound the problems of
places by direct transfer of the warmer material itself.
the temperature-dependent decreases in basal metabolic
Ordinarily its place is taken by either cooler material to
rate and maximum metabolic capability. (The maximum
close the cycle or yet more material from elsewhere.
matters more if the animal is active while in the water – a
(iv) Phase change: Vaporization takes energy, so it can
drop in basal rate will decrease the need to move blood.)
absorb heat and leave a body cooler than otherwise. Fu-
Compounding the problem, the diffusion coefficients
sion, likewise, takes energy, so melting a solid will cool
of solutes increase with temperature in parallel with the
either the rest of the solid or something else. Solid-to-gas
decrease in solution viscosity. So for a given solute at
change, sublimation, combines the two, absorbing even
different temperatures, the product of viscosity and diffu-
more energy.
sion coefficient will remain nearly constant. That recog-
(v) Ablation: The average temperature of an object of
nition came as one of Einstein’s great achievements during
non-uniform temperature can be reduced by discarding
that annus mirabilis, exactly a century ago, as he linked
some of its hotter-than-average portion, in effect export-
the viscosity (µ) in Stokes’ law for small-scale flows
ing heat.
with the diffusion coefficient (D) in the Sutherland-
(vi) Gas expansion cooling: A contained gas exerts
Einstein relation or Stokes-Einstein equation (Pais 1982):
some pressure on the walls of its container; if it pushes
RT 1 those walls outward, thus doing work, either its tempera-
D= , (1)
N 6πµr ture will drop or it will absorb heat.
(vii) Cooling by unstressing an elastomer: If an elastomer
where R is the gas-law constant, T the absolute tempera-
is stressed (stretching rubber, for instance), it warms.
ture, N Avogadro’s number, and r the radius of the solute
Elastic recoil as it is released cools the elastomer.
molecules. (William Sutherland obtained the same result
(viii) Changing the composition of a solution: Dissolv-
in the same year, hence Pais’s suggestion of a hyphenated
ing one substance in another – mixing two different liquids
name.) So both biological transport processes, diffusion
or dissolving a solute in a solvent – may either absorb or
and convection, will be seriously impeded in liquid sys-
release heat.
tems by a drop in temperature. At least if flow slows in
proportion to viscosity, then Péclet numbers (ratios of Even without invoking ordinary chemical reactions or
convective to diffusive mass transfer: see Vogel 2004) thermoelectric phenomena, we have at least eight modes
will not change, and system geometries ought still be ap- of heat transfer, some of which can be divided further.
propriate. Put less encouragingly, tinkering with system All are reversible, and the last five can be used to move
geometry cannot easily compensate for temperature change. heat from something cool to something warm without
Nor do viscosity and diffusion coefficients mark the doing violence to thermodynamics. Physics assuredly
extremes. Once again looking at a rise from 20° to 30°C, affords an abundance of possibilities that we should ex-
the maximum concentration of water vapour in air (100% amine for biological relevance.
relative humidity) goes up from 17⋅3 to 30⋅4 g m–3 – a
75⋅6% increase. Put another way, water vapour makes up 3. Radiative heat transfer
a mass fraction of 1⋅44% of saturated air at 20° and
2⋅61% at 30° – an increase of 81⋅6%. No wonder a lot of The temperature of an object determines the peak wave-
water condenses on a cool body in a hot, humid environ- length at which it either absorbs or emits radiation. How
ment. it behaves at (or near) that wavelength depends on its

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emissivity and absorptivity; since these do not differ, we about 5800 K, occurs at 500 nm, roughly in the middle of
use single measure, most often called the emissivity. our visual spectrum. A organism at 30°C or 303 K will
(Were the two unequal, an isolated system might sponta- emit with a peak a little under 10 µm, far out in the infra-
neously move from temperature uniformity to non- red.
uniformity, thermodynamically unlawful.) Not only peak The solar peak at 5800 K, perceived by us as yellow,
wavelength but radiant intensity depends on temperature, implies that both the photosynthetic machinery of plants
the latter quite strongly. The first operative relationship, and the visual systems of animals make good use of solar
making the necessary distinction between emissivities radiation. That may mislead slightly, an artifact of the
(the ε ′s) at incoming and outgoing wavelengths, is the way we ordinarily plot intensity against wavelength. The
Stefan-Boltzmann law: energy represented by radiation varies inversely with
wavelength, something we mention parenthetically when
q = σS (ε 2T24 − ε1T14), (2) cautioning against the hazards of the ultraviolet. So a
where q is the rate of energy transfer, T1 and T2 the Kel- better picture emerges from a graph with a scale on its
vin temperatures of the objects involved in the radiative abscissa inversely proportional to wavelength and thus
exchange, S the effective exposed area, and σ the Stefan- independent of energy content. Wavelength inverts to
Boltzmann constant, 5⋅67 × 10–8 W m–2 K–4. frequency (f), with the speed of light as conversion factor
The second is Wien’s law (sometimes the “Wien dis- (f = c/λ), so frequency would work. In practice, some-
placement law”), asserting an inverse relationship between thing called “wave number”, the unadjusted reciprocal,
surface temperature, T, and peak emission wavelength, 1/λ, replaces frequency. Then equal areas under a line
λmax: represent equal amounts of energy, wherever the areas
might be located – a curve tolerates simple integration for
0 ⋅ 0029
λ max = . (3) energy, what matters when considering the heating effect
T of radiation.
(The constant assumes temperatures in Kelvin and wave- Figure 1 gives such a spectrum for direct overhead
lengths in meters.) Thus peak emission of the sun, at solar illumination at sea level (from Gates 1965), along

Figure 1. Spectral distribution of solar illumination of the Earth’s surface on a plot in which energy is
uniformly proportional to area under the curve.

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with some fractional divisions (the latter from Monteith cryptic) from its infrared reflectivity, and the basis of the
and Unsworth 1990.) Most of the energy we receive does latter, the use of pigments other than the melanin typical
not come in the visible at all. Fortunately, the ultraviolet, of vertebrates. The shells and opercula of desert snails
makes up only a small component; infrared radiant en- may also reflect most of the sun’s direct infrared load
ergy actually exceeds visible radiant energy. (The various (Yom-Tov 1971). And the spacing of the laminae in the
bands absorbed by water give the curve its jagged ap- cuticle of some iridescent red algae (from micrographs of
pearance in the infrared.) That infrared radiation can Gerwick and Lang 1977) hints at infrared reflection;
make trouble for terrestrial organisms. these organisms (Iridaea and others) can be exposed to
Consider a leaf exposed to full sunlight. It must absorb both air and full sunlight at low tide. Still, one suspects
solar energy to split water and fix carbon. Yet the pho- investigative inattention rather than biological rarity.
tons of solar radiation at wavelengths beyond 700 nm are Some practical technology might come from knowing a bit
insufficiently energetic for that purpose. If absorbed, more – adding a truly white roof could reduce the inter-
though, they will convert to heat. We rarely worry that nal temperature of a sun-lit house in a hot place, and a
leaves might get intolerably hot, but the possibility truly white-crowned hat might provide shade with less
should not be dismissed. The 1000 W m–2 of an overhead concomitant heat.
sun imposes no small thermal load – enough to heat a The common lack of coincidence between visible col-
thin leaf by over 2° s–1. By converting solar energy to a our and overall solar radiant energy absorption needs
non-thermal form, photosynthesis might help, but its emphasis. Leaves and egg shells absorb little; fur of al-
5 W m–2 capture takes less than a per cent of the load. most any colour absorbs a lot. That may deprive us of an
Leaves make a major dent in the problem by rejecting easy visual assessment, but it permits organisms to decouple
most of the infrared component of sunlight, reflecting or colour as seen by prey, predators, and conspecifics from
transmitting rather than absorbing about half the overall effective radiant colour.
input. Photograph a tree with infrared-sensitive mono- In addition to receiving solar radiation, organisms ex-
chromatic film and a red filter to stop most of the visible change infrared radiation with their more immediate sur-
light – the leaves will appear white (on a positive) against roundings, with intensities and wavelengths set by the
a starkly black sky. Stefan-Boltzmann (eq. 2) and Wien (eq. 3) relationships.
That white ‘colour’ should be regarded as something Ultimately, what matters is net transfer, something easy
special. Ordinary pigments, fabrics, animal skin and fur – to forget when incoming greatly exceeds outgoing. One
all absorb infrared and thus look black. Among biological feels warmed on the side of the body that faces an surface
objects, are leaves unique in this respect? Unfortunately, above skin temperature, such as a stove, even when sur-
radiative processes have drawn little attention from rounded by air at a uniform temperature. Normally the
physiologists other than those concerned with terrestrial temperatures and emissivities of organisms and their im-
vascular plants. Bird eggs reflect most – sometimes over mediate surroundings are similar, so no great net heat
90% – of the near-infrared. Bakken et al (1978) showed transfer usually occurs. An exception is an open sky – a
the independence of an egg’s visible colour (commonly very large ‘object’ at a low effective temperature. Accor-
ding to Nobel (1999), with clean air, the effective tem-
perature of a clear night sky may be as low as 220 K
(– 53°C); with cloud cover that may rise to 280 K
Table 1. Thermal conductivities of a variety of materials. (+ 7°C). Thus something with a surface temperature of
Imagine heat transfer (W K–1) through a rectangular slab of
material oriented normal to heat flow. The linear dimension, 30°C can radiate 3⋅6 times as much energy to a clear sky
m–1, represents slab thickness (m1) over slab area (m2). as it receives in return.
That asymmetry can be noticeable and significant.
Conductivity Ever since I became bald, I can feel whether a night sky
Material (W m–1 K–1)
is clear or cloudy without looking up, at least with no
Copper 385⋅0 wind blowing. If I stand still for a few seconds beneath a
Steel 46⋅1 clear sky, I get a particular tingle in my scalp. Of more
Glass 1⋅05 consequence is radiation from foliage. On clear, windless
Water 0⋅59
nights, condensation often forms frost on low plants even
Skin 0⋅50
Muscle (meat) 0⋅46 when the atmosphere well above the ground remains
Adipose tissue (human fat) 0⋅21 above the freezing point – the foliage radiates sufficient
Wood (typical, dry) 0⋅20 energy to the sky to drop its temperature and, by conduc-
Soil (inverse with air fraction) 0⋅25 to 2⋅0 tion and convection, that of the air in its immediately
Fur 0⋅024 to 0⋅063
vicinity, below freezing. The phenomenon can damage
Air 0⋅024
freeze-sensitive crops; prevention schemes include cover-

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ings, sufficient wetting to overwhelm the temperature drop Reradiation to the sky may underlie the peculiarly
from the radiant emission, or (at least formerly) burning large and well-vascularized ears of many desert animals –
smoky fires, not to heat the crop but to obscure the sky. jack rabbits (Lepus spp) in particular. As Schmidt-
One small tree may take action to avoid exposure to Nielsen (1964) points out, these animals are too small to
that cold night sky. Albizzia julibrissin, sometimes called cool by evaporating water, and most lack burrows as
the silk tree, is native to China but well established as an mid-day retreats. With air temperatures at or even above
ornamental in the US southeast. Its doubly compound body temperature, their large ears look paradoxical. But
leaves with a few hundred leaflets give it a vaguely fern- by feeding in open shade, with hot ears exposed to a
like appearance. The leaves seem to have three distinct much colder sky (at an effective temperature of perhaps
postures. In the shade, both leaves and leaflets extend 13°C), an animal could off-load a large amount of heat.
horizontally; a light shining down on a leaf is almost
fully intercepted. In the sun, the rachis of the leaf remains
horizontal, but leaflets shift to near-vertical so the leaf 4. Conductive heat transfer
casts only a minimal shadow (Campbell and Garber 1980
describe the motor responsible). At night, the entire leaf The formal rules for conduction of heat parallel those for
bends down to near-vertical, with the individual leaflets diffusion. Fourier’s law (eq. 5) renames the variables in
folded against the rachis – the leaf then looks like the tail Fick’s law (eq. 4), using energy transferred per unit time
of a horse. I suspect that the orientation in direct sunlight (q) instead of mass transfer rate (m/t), temperature differ-
reduces exposure to a point source of radiation while the ence (T1 – T2) in place of concentration difference (C1 –
complete folding at night reduces exposure to a distribu- C2), and thermal conductivity (k) rather than diffusion
ted radiation sink. coefficient (D):
Postural control of solar irradiation has been docu-
m  C − C2 
mented for many terrestrial animals, mainly insects and = DS  1 , (4)
lizards. Many of these either assume postures that mini- t  x 
mize solar input, as in a leaf that takes up a vertical
orientation during the heat of the day, or postures that T −T 
q = kS  1 2  . (5)
maximize solar input – or both. Many insects absorb  x 
sunlight in preflight warm-ups that raise body tempera-
tures well above ambient, taking advantage of their small Here S is the area over which transfer takes place and x
size and consequently high surface-to-volume ratios. the distance mass or heat has to move. In each process, a
Wings often assist as shields against simultaneous con- gradient – concentration or temperature – provide the
vective cooling. (Heinrich 1996 gives an engaging ac- impetus.
count of the thermal devices of insects.) Lizards, larger, The only additional variable of concern is specific
capitalize on their sit-and-wait predation mode to engage heat, usually given as cp, which establishes a proportion-
in more leisurely thermal basking. ality for a given material between energy input relative to
Some mammals as well control solar radiation. A ground mass and change in temperature. Water has a fairly high
squirrel (Xerus inauris) that inhabits hot, dry areas of specific heat, 4⋅18 kJ kg–1 K–1 at ordinary temperatures;
southern Africa, for instance, turns its back to the sun for air cp is 1⋅01 kJ kg–1 K–1, for soils cp is typically (but
when conditions get especially challenging. That puts it not inevitably!) about 1⋅0 to 1⋅5 kJ kg–1 K–1. Organisms,
in position to use its tail as a parasol to provide local mostly water, rarely deviate much from its temperature-
shade. Bennett et al (1984), who describe the behaviour, stabilizing high value.
calculate that the squirrel can thereby increase daytime For conduction through a slab of material, heat transfer
foraging episodes from about 3 to 7 h. varies inversely with thickness – as in eq. 5; for gain or
Organisms may adjust emission as well as absorption. loss from a solid body, rates (for most geometries) run
At the long wavelengths corresponding to their surface inverse with the square of linear dimensions. And just as
temperatures, desert plants have slightly higher emissivi- some diffusive step underlies every case of transfer of
ties than do plants from temperate regions, which are mass by bulk flow (as noted in Vogel 2004), conduction
slightly higher than those from rain forest (Arp and Phin- plays some role in all convective processes. (Advantage
ney 1980). All values, though, are high, most above 0⋅95. can sometimes be taken of that practical equivalence of
In general, at long wavelengths foliage, with emissivities of diffusion and conduction. One can serve as proxy for the
0⋅96 to 0⋅98, emits more effectively than non-vegetated other, usually conductive heat transfer for diffusion, capi-
surfaces, typically about 0⋅91 (Kant and Badarinath talizing on the greater ease of measuring temperature
2002). What remains uncertain is whether the difference than chemical concentration – as, for instance, done by
can confer a biologically significant additional heat loss. Hunter and Vogel 1986.)

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454 Steven Vogel

In conduction lies the greatest divergence between heat rel deals with this heat load by tolerating brief bouts of
transfer in nature and in human technology. Humans have hyperthermia (sometimes exceeding 43°C) and returning
access to metals, materials of high conductivity; non- to its burrow as often as every 10 min. In the burrow, it
human nature uses no metallic materials, either within loses heat rapidly by pressing itselfs against the walls,
organisms or in their surroundings. Metallic and non- which are about 10°C cooler than its body (Chappell and
metallic materials differ by orders of magnitude; table 1 Bartholomew 1981).
gives a sampling of values. Between the low values of
conductivity and its severe distance discount, conduction
can play no great role in moving significant amounts of 5. Convective heat transfer
heat over appreciable distances in living systems. Again,
consider a leaf in sunlight and nearly still air. The center Conduction poses few analytic problems, with reliable
of the leaf gets hotter than its margins because the latter equations and only the peculiarities of biological geome-
make better thermal contact with the convective updraft tries to complicate things. Radiative exchange may be less
induced by the hot leaf itself. Were the leaf made of familiar, but, likewise, we can rely on straightforward
metal, peak temperature would be lower – lateral conduc- rules. But whether looking at thermal phenomena within
tance would move heat down the temperature gradient or around our creatures, we can rarely ignore convective
from center to edges. But a leaf is mainly air, water, and transfer. And no such tidiness characterizes convection.
cellulose; and it cannot move enough heat to affect that While the textbooks for engineering courses (I particu-
temperature gradient, unlike the metallic heat sinks with larly value Bejan 1993) provide reliable explanations, the
which we protect heat-intolerant semiconductors (Vogel equations they cite must be viewed warily. Most provide
1984). no more than rules of thumb, many presume conditions
Thus one should not (as have several studies) use radi- quite different from what organisms encounter, and even
antly-heated metallic models to study the thermal behav- the first figure of their three-significant-figure constants
iour of leaves. Those models will have lower center and may diverge from our reality. To list a few of the compli-
average temperatures; perhaps more importantly, as a cating aspects of convection:
result of their lateral heat transfer they will approach the
(i) Internal versus external convection. We move lots of
condition referred to in books on heat transfer as “con-
heat by pumping blood and other fluids through our vari-
stant temperature” rather than “constant heat flux”. Un-
ous pipes and internal channels; flows of air and water
fortunately, those books reflect our metallic culture, so
around us transfer heat between ourselves and the envi-
most of their formulas assume that unbiological near-
ronment. The basic phenomenon may be the same, but
constancy of temperature. Metal models are handy, but
the practicalities depend strongly on whether the solid
they must be heated in the middle rather than everywhere
object surrounds the fluid or vice versa.
with a thickness of metal chosen to give the center-to-
(ii) Flows may be laminar or turbulent, with major dif-
edge temperature gradient of real leaves.
ferences for heat transfer. In most laminar flows (such as
In a sense pure conduction represents a gold standard
in our capillaries) convection carries heat only with the
for minimal heat transfer. Thus fur works by reducing
overall flow – conduction drives transfer normal to the
convective air movement enough for overall transfer to
direction of flow. By contrast, the internal mixing of tur-
approach the value for conduction in air. And heat ex-
bulent flow provides a major avenue for cross-flow trans-
changers (about which more in the next essay) drive the
fer, and the thermal conductivity of the fluid loses most
heat transfer due to blood circulation down toward the
of its importance. For internal flows through circular
value for conduction in isolated tissue.
pipes, the shift from laminar to turbulent occurs at a rea-
Nonetheless, a few organisms do employ conductive
sonably sharp value (2000 ± 1000) of a single variable,
heat transfer as more than a short-distance link between a
the so-called Reynolds number, Re:
flowing fluid and an adjacent surface. Our elderly house
cat rests on dry straw in the garden on cool days; on hot ρlv
Re = , (6)
days he shifts to bare soil or pavement that never gets µ
direct sunlight. The pattern is common among medium
and large-size domestic animals with soft enough flesh where ρ and µ are the fluid’s density and viscosity, l the
and fur for effective contact with the substratum. More diameter of the pipe or width of the channel, and v its
specific use of heat earthing has been documented in a average flow speed. External flows may have a similarly
desert rodent, the antelope ground squirrel (Ammosper- sharp transition, but the location of the transition depends
mophilus leucurus). For a diurnal desert animal it is es- a lot on texture and geometry – between Re’s of about 20
pecially small, which means that it heats up rapidly when and 200,000, with l now taken as a variously defined
foraging in the summer sun – 0⋅2 to 0⋅8°C min–1. A squir- characteristic length of the object in the flow.

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(iii) Convection can be driven by density differences than direct measurements. Some years ago, a local engi-
within the fluid – “free convection” – or it may be driven neering graduate student, Alexander Lim (1969), com-
by some external current – “forced convection.” Unlike pared published formulas for mixed free and forced
the previous distinctions, regimes can be mixed. Another convection with measurements under conditions a leaf
dimensionless number, the Grashof, Gr, provides an in- might encounter. He found even greater deviations than
dex of the intensity of free convection: we expected, with discrepancies typically around 50% –
in both directions. And he controlled variables that in
ρgβ (∆T )l 3 nature would confound things even further. For instance,
Gr = . (7)
µ2 free convection carries air vertically, while forced con-
vection need not be horizontal, since it includes not just
The only new variable is β, the volumetric thermal ex- ordinary wind but the upward free convection of adjacent
pansion coefficient; its value for liquid water is about leaves.
0⋅3 × 10–3 K–1. All gases have about the same value of β. The main generalization one might make is that free
Since their volumes vary directly with the absolute tem- convection will be insignificant for very small systems
perature, β = 1/T; at 20°C, β = 3⋅4 × 10–3 K–1. Free con- and a major consideration only for quite large ones. As
vection mainly matters for external flows. It can be Monteith and Unsworth (1990) point out, a cow might
laminar or turbulent with a transition from former to lat- lose heat by free convection when the wind drops below
ter at a Grashof number of about 109. about 1 m s–1. Similarly, a camel, need not wait for a gen-
In substantial winds, for very large objects, for objects tle breeze to dump heat convectively at night that it had
well above or below ambient temperature, forced convec- acquired during the previous day. Judging from photo-
tion will dominate the picture. But what of a small organ- graphs of thermal updrafts around standing humans (us-
ism exposed, say, to sunlight in nearly still air? Another ing a technique which visualizes differences in air
dimensionless index provides a rough-and-ready crite- density), our large size permits some self-induced free
rion, the ratio of the Grashof number to the square of the convection. Still, even barely perceptible air movements
Reynolds number. In effect, this looks at the ratio of help us avoid overheating when we work hard under hot
buoyant force to inertial force; viscous force, affecting and humid conditions. On yet larger scales free convec-
both components, cancels out. Thus tion becomes yet more important; together with spatially
irregular heating of the ground it produces the ascending
Gr gβ∆(T )l
= . (8) thermal tori in which birds such as hawks and vultures
Re 2
ρv 2 soar.
Some sources give the following rules of thumb. For
ratios below about 0⋅1, forced convection predominates 6. Conduction versus convection
and free convection can be ignored. For ratios above
about 16, free convection predominates and the effects of For biological systems, made of low conductivity materi-
whatever wind might be present can be ignored. Higher als, pure conduction with zero convection represents a
thermal expansion coefficients, larger differences in tem- kind of gold standard for minimal internal heat transfer.
perature between organism and surroundings, and larger A warm human increases convective transfer by vasodila-
size raise the value and favour free convection; denser tion of capillaries in the skin and the associated larger
fluids and more rapid flows favour free convection, all blood vessels – body temperature becomes less spatially
intuitively reasonable. variable. When cold, one reduces blood flow to the ex-
By this criterion, mixed regimes cannot be ignored. tremities, setting up internal temperature gradients closer
Consider, yet again, a sun-lit broad leaf on a tree. A leaf to those of conducting systems. But we humans remain
10 cm across will encounter a mixed regime at wind convection-dominated, reflecting both our high aerobic
speeds between about 0⋅04 and 0⋅5 m s–1. The lower fig- capacity and warm-climate ancestry.
ure is less than ambient wind ever gets for more than a How might one determine the relative importance of
few seconds in full sun. If nothing else, differential heat- conduction and convection in an intact, living animal?
ing of ground and other foliage will generate that much Measuring blood flow will not give reliable results since
convection. The higher figure, about our perceptual thres- heat exchangers (about which more in the next essay) can
hold for air movement, will nearly cool a leaf to air tem- decouple heat flow from mass flow. A simple scaling
perature – stronger winds make little further difference, argument suggests at least one possible approach – it adopts
and overheating ceases to be hazardous. the rationale for circulatory systems of the Nobel laureate
For that leaf, then, the only significant regime is a physiologist August Krogh (1941), merely substituting
mixed one, the regime least amenable to anything other heat for oxygen.

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456 Steven Vogel

If heat content depends on volume (∝ l3) and heat loss laboratory beakers, of nominal capacities from 50 to
depends on surface area (∝ l2), then the rate of heat loss 1000 ml, with each beaker filled to a depth equal to its
relative to volume will vary inversely with a typical lin- internal diameter. A thermometer supported by a piece of
ear dimension (∝ l–1). That should happen where heat corrugated paperboard extended down to the center of
moves much more readily within the organism than to or each beaker, as in figure 2. One set contained pure water
from the organism. If, conversely, heat loss depends on while the other was filled with water plus 1% agar – the
the distance between core and periphery (∝ l1), then the small amount of agar suffices to immobilize the water,
rate of heat loss relative to volume will vary inversely preventing the free convection of self-stirring without
with the square of linear dimensions (∝ l–2). That will significant effect on its specific heat. The twelve beakers
happen when heat transfer to and from the organism pre- were equilibrated overnight in an incubator at 49°C,
sents less of a barrier than transfer within the organism. moved at time zero to a room at 25°C, and their tempera-
Muscle, fat, and other biological materials have low tures recorded every 5 min. Free convection stirred the
thermal conductivities (table 1 again), while circulating water-filled beakers enough to make deliberate stirring
liquids make fine heat movers. So the first situation unnecessary, and room air movement sufficed to mini-
(loss ∝ l–1) will characterize convection-dominated cases, mize external resistance. Figure 3 shows the results, with
the second (loss ∝ l–2) conduction-dominated cases. log-log slopes satisfyingly close to the predicted values.
One needs only scaling data, at least at this crude level An analogous exercise in which the beakers warmed after
of judgment. Measurements of core body temperatures as equilibration at 7°C gave much the same result – immo-
equilibrated animals are heated or cooled will suffice, at bilizing the water gave greater reductions in the rate of
least for ectothermic animals – temperature tracks heat temperature change in larger systems.
loss per unit volume if heat capacity remains constant. So this simplest of scaling rules can place systems on a
Can such an easy model apply, or do confounding factors spectrum from pure conduction to predominant convec-
overwhelm it? tion. As an example, we might look at some old data for
As a quick test, I created two sets of heat-transferring cooling lizards. For a variety of cooling varanids, Bar-
systems, one predominantly convective and the other ex- tholomew and Tucker (1964) found a scaling exponent
clusively conductive. Each set consisted of six ordinary of – 1⋅156 (tripling their mass-based number), just a bit

Figure 2. The arrangement of beakers and thermometers used to obtain the scaling data of figure 3.

J. Biosci. 30(4), September 2005

Living in a physical world IV. Moving heat around 457

greater than what we would expect for convection-domi- heat loss exponents of – 1⋅8 for infertile eggs cooling in
nated systems. By contrast, Bartholomew and Lasiewski water, nearly the – 2⋅0 of our model, but only – 1⋅2 when
(1965) reported an exponent of – 1⋅881 for Galapagos cooling in still air.
marine iguanas suddenly immersed in cold water, just
short of what we anticipate for conduction-dominated 7. Heat transfer by evaporation and condensation
systems. During dives, heart rates slow, but no more so
than for the varanids. Somehow they must reroute their Vaporization of a liquid (or sublimation of a solid) pro-
blood so it carries little heat peripherally. (Whether in air vides a particularly effective heat transfer mechanism,
or water, the iguanas reheat much more rapidly.) especially if the liquid has a high heat of vaporization, as
Cooling slowly makes adaptive sense for reptiles that does water. Indeed, the value most often found in non-
bask on warm, sunny, shoreline rocks and then plunge biological sources, 2⋅26 MJ kg–1, presumes boiling at 100°C
into fairly cold water to feed. Charles Darwin gives a fine and understates the case; at a more biologically reason-
descriptions of iguana and its behaviour in The Voyage of able 25°C, water’s heat of vaporization is 2⋅44 MJ kg–1,
HMS Beagle (1845) (“a hideous looking creature”) as about 8% higher.
well as in his diaries (unoriginally, “imps of darkness”). Several conditions, though, limit its use by organisms.
Not that these iguanas do anything unprecedented. Im- The atmosphere into which water vaporizes must not be
mersed reptiles quite commonly heat faster than they cool, water-saturated, at least at the temperature of the evapo-
with the ratio increasing with body size, as noted by rating surface (which, as our skin commonly is, may be
Turner (1987) and consistent with our scaling exponents. above ambient temperature). Evaporation itself will re-
One caveat. For systems surrounded by minimally moving duce the temperature of the evaporating surface (again, as
air – insulated systems, the external resistance to heat with our skin). And a copious supply of water must be
transfer can approach the internal resistance. Thus reduc- available. A succulent plant, some lore to the contrary,
ing internal resistance by preventing convection within cannot store enough water for significant evaporative
the system may not decrease the exponent for loss rela- cooling in a warm, dry habitat. Hard-working humans,
tive to size as much as expected. A somewhat unnatural cooling evaporatively as we do, must consume water at a
comparison illustrates the effect. Turner (1988) gives great rate. At a metabolic rate of 400 W (a minimal esti-

Figure 3. Log cooling rate versus log beaker diameter for water-filled (slope = – 1⋅16) and water-plus-
agar filled beakers (slope = – 2⋅06). The slopes represent the exponent a in the expression (cooling rate ∝

J. Biosci. 30(4), September 2005

458 Steven Vogel

mate for a labourer working at 100 W output), dissipating illumination of 1000 W m–2 (again, an overhead unobs-
metabolic heat by evaporation, our main mechanism, tructed sun), an air temperature of 30°C, a relative hu-
would take 0⋅6 l h–1, or almost 5 liters for an 8 h working midity of 50%, and a leaf width of 5 cm. If reradiation
day. were the only way the leaf dissipated that load, it would
Few small animals can rely on evaporative cooling as a equilibrate (recall eq. 2) at a temperature of about 90°C.
principal mode during sustained activity – it demands too Allowing convection as well drops that to a still stressful
great a volume of water for the surface area exposed to a 55°C. A typical level of evaporation cools the leaf to
hot environment or for their metabolic rates (which scale – hot but not impossibly so for a worst-case
nearly with surface area). Fortunately their higher sur- scenario. Evaporation cools leaves; it could not do oth-
face-to-volume ratios improve the efficacy of convection. erwise. Typically broad leaves dissipate about as much
Not unexpectedly, they seem more often concerned with energy evaporatively as they do convectively.
water conservation, with devices that reduce respiratory Less clear than its thermal consequences is the thermal
water loss and so forth. role of this transpirative water loss. Plant physiologists
Among animals that cool evaporatively, two routes (see, for instance, Nobel 1999) generally regard the loss
play major roles; each has its points. Evaporation from as an inevitable byproduct of the acquisition of CO2 – a
skin (predominant in humans, cattle, large antelopes, and leaf with openings (stomata) that admit inward diffusion
camels) takes advantage of the skin’s large surface area. of CO2 will permit outward diffusion of water. CO2
The concomitant vasodilation improves convective loss makes only about 0⋅03% of the atmosphere, and the dif-
as well. On the debit side, cutaneous evaporation inevita- fusion coefficient of CO2 is well below that of H2O. So a
bly causes a loss of salt, which then becomes a particu- lot of water must vaporize for even a modest input of the
larly valuable commodity for herbivores active in hot crucial carbon upon which plants depend. A representa-
climates. In addition, its requirement for exposed external tive value for water-use efficiency (Nobel 1999) is about
surface conflicts with the presence of fur or plumage that 6 g CO2 per kg H2O. Functioning leaves have to lose wa-
might reduce heat loss under other circumstances. ter, whatever the thermal consequences. Indeed, transpi-
Respiratory evaporation entails no salt loss, but it re- ration sometimes depresses leaf temperatures 10°C or
quires pumping air across internal surfaces, which costs more below ambient. The situation resembles evaporative
energy and produces yet more heat. And the CO2 loss in heat loss from our breathing, something of minor use
excess breathing drives up the pH of the blood. Animals (since we do not pant) for an excessively warm human
such as dogs, goats, rabbits, and birds that use respiratory but a distinct liability for one stressed by cold.
evaporation beyond that associated with normal gas ex- But that view cannot be wholeheartedly embraced.
change reduce both problems by panting – shallow breaths Water-use efficiencies vary widely. The extreme values
repeated at rates matching the natural elastic time con- come from measurements on those species (6 or 7% of all
stants of their musculoskeletal systems (Crawford 1962; vascular plants) that only open their stomata at night,
Crawford and Kampe 1971). when temperatures are lower and relative humidities
Some mammals (rats and many marsupials) cool higher. They fix CO2 as organic acids; decarboxylation
evaporatively by licking their fur and allowing the saliva the next day provides the input for photosynthesis. The
to evaporate; the mode, though, is not used during sus- trick can push water-use efficiency up an order of magni-
tained activity. Some large birds (vultures, storks, and tude. So the adaptive significance of evaporative water
others) squirt liquid excrement on their legs when their loss from leaves remains uncertain. The question has drawn
surroundings get hot (Hatch 1970), augmenting evapora- little attention – plant physiologists have worried less than
tive cooling. A few insects with ample access to water have animal physiologists about primary – adaptive –
(nectar and sap feeders) derive clear benefit from evapo- versus secondary functions of multifunctional processes.
rative cooling for dumping the heat produced by flight If evaporation cools, then condensation heats. Under at
muscles despite their low surface-to-volume ratios – some least one condition organisms may use condensation as a
cicadas, sphingid moths, and bees in particular (Hadley significant heat source. On cold, clear, calm nights, radia-
1994; Heinrich 1996). tive cooling, as noted earlier, often drops leaf tempera-
What about leaves? Again, many do get well above tures below both the local air temperature and the local
ambient temperature, pushing what look like lethal limits. dew point – the term “dew point” comes from the result-
Plants with broad leaves, the ones likely to run into ther- ing condensation. It provides a major water source for
mal trouble, evaporate water (‘transpire’) at remarkable some low desert plants. Sometimes water vapour con-
rates. Leaf temperatures calculated (from admittedly crude denses as frost; where that happens the heat of sublima-
formulas) by Gates (1980) point up the thermal conse- tion, greater by 13% at 0°C than the heat of vaporization,
quences of that evaporation. He assumes a wind of 0⋅1 m s–1 becomes the relevant factor. Condensation as dew or
(as noted earlier, about as still as daytime air gets), solar frost should offset some of that radiative cooling; again,

J. Biosci. 30(4), September 2005

Living in a physical world IV. Moving heat around 459

the practical significance is uncertain. Frost per se causes logical materials might be used (as in pre-flight warm-up
little trouble – what damages plants is internal ice forma- in insects or in our shivering) as a small supplement to
tion signalled by its appearance. muscular heat generation. Similarly, transferring signifi-
A wide variety of arthropods have been shown capable cant amounts of heat by dissolving or extracting solutes
of condensing water from the atmosphere. In none does it is unlikely, even though organisms commonly manipulate
seem to be such a simple physical process – the required the composition of solutions.
temperature differences just do not occur, nor would they What ought not be casually dismissed are novel com-
be likely in animals as small as ticks, fleas, and mites. binations of the various heat transfer mechanisms. As an
Nor is a vapor-saturated atmosphere necessary – the mini- example of an unknown but biologically plausible scheme,
mum humidity can be as low as 50%. In none of these consider a so-called heat pipe (figure 4), a device that
animals does condensation appear to confer any specific combines phase change and convection. A liquid vapor-
thermal benefit – obtaining liquid water is the pay-off izes at the warm end, absorbing heat. Vaporization pro-
(Hadley 1994). duces a pressure difference that drives gas toward the
A recent report implies a thermal role for still another cool end. There it condenses, releasing heat. Liquid then
form of phase change, one whose novelty may only re- returns to the warm end by capillarity through some
flect oversight. According to Dunkin et al (2005), a large wicking material lining the pipe. A few uncommon bits
fraction of dolphin blubber consists of fatty acids with of human technology use heat pipes since they can
melting points just below body temperature. The apparent achieve effective conductivities orders of magnitude
thermal conductivity of the blubber of both young dol- greater than that of copper bars of the same dimensions,
phins and pregnant females is well below that of human but they have never become household items.
fat (as in table 1), and heat flux measurements suggest By contrast, heat pipes should be highly advantageous
heat absorption by phase change as the mechanism. in nature inasmuch as organisms are made of materials of
such low thermal conductivities. Having only water as a
8. Other modes – known and unknown working fluid, though, imposes a serious limitation. Ad-
So far, we have only looked at half the heat transfer mittedly, water has a nicely high heat capacity. And the
modes mentioned at the start – radiation, conduction, con- concentration of vapour at saturation is strongly tempera-
vection, and phase change. Some of the others can be either ture-dependent; recall the 81⋅6% increase in mass be-
dismissed outright or their insignificance easily argued. tween 20° and 30°C that was mentioned earlier. But
Early spacecraft used ablative cooling when reentering pressure-driven bulk flow from warm to cool end cannot
the atmosphere. Animals, as noted, do void saliva and drive vapour movement as it does in systems where noth-
excrement, but the subsequent evaporation of the liquid ing dilutes the substance that evaporates and condenses.
from deliberately wetted skin or fur does far more to get Rough calculations suggest that diffusion, the obvious
rid of body heat than does ablation itself. alternative, will not move enough water vapour over dis-
You can use gas expansion cooling to make exces- tances greater than about a millimeter. So such a system
sively hot food or drink palatable by pursing lips and needs some local stirring of the gas phase – cross-flow
exhaling air that has been compressed by your thoracic thermal gradients, continuous flexing of the pipe, or
muscles – air temperature can be dropped into the mid something else.
20’s according to a quick measurement on a cooperative Where in organisms might we find heat pipes? Air-
colleague. But the muscle-powered compression-expan- filled passages with hydrophilic inner surfaces are not
sion sequence heats you more than it cools the food. Use- rare. I wonder about the insides (the spongy mesophyll)
ful heat transfer by stressing and unstressing elastomers of small, succulent leaves. Several colleagues, Catherine
seems unlikely, even if the imperfect resilience of bio- Loudon and Thomas Daniel, suggest that insects might

Figure 4. The operation of a heat pipe, with heat flow from left to right.

J. Biosci. 30(4), September 2005

460 Steven Vogel

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ePublication: 25 August 2005

J. Biosci. 30(4), September 2005

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