PSA Lecture Notes1
PSA Lecture Notes1
PSA Lecture Notes1
2019 – 2020
III B. Tech II Semester (JNTUA-R15)
(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi & Affiliated to JNTUA, Anantapuramu)
UNIT -I POWER SYSTEM NETWORK MATRICES Representation of Power System Elements, Graph
Theory: Definitions, Bus Incidence Matrix, Ybus Formation by Direct and Singular Transformation
Methods, Numerical Problems. Formation of ZBus: Partial Network, Algorithm for the Modification of
ZBus Matrix for Addition Element for the Following Cases: Addition of Element from a New Bus to
Reference, Addition of Element from a New Bus to an Old Bus, Addition of Element Between an Old Bus
to Reference and Addition of Element Between Two Old Busses (Derivations and Numerical Problems).-
Modification of ZBus for the Changes in Network ( Problems )
UNIT – III POWER FLOW STUDIES-I Necessity of Power Flow Studies – Data for Power Flow Studies –
Derivation of Static Load Flow Equations – Load Flow Solutions using Gauss Seidel Method: Acceleration
Factor, Load Flow Solution with and without P-V Buses, Algorithm and Flowchart. Numerical Load flow
Solution for Simple Power Systems (Max. 3-Buses): Determination of Bus Voltages, Injected Active and
Reactive Powers (Sample One Iteration only) and Finding Line Flows/Losses for the given Bus Voltages.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student should be able to: Form the Zbus
and Ybus of a given power system network Compare different methods used for obtaining
load flow solution Conduct load flow studies on a given system Make fault
calculations for various types of faults Determine the transient stability by equal area
criterion Determine steady state stability power limit Distinguish between different
types of buses used in load flow solution
TEXT BOOKS: 1. Power Systems Analysis, Grainger and Stevenson, Tata Mc Graw-hill,
2005. 2. Modern Power system Analysis 2nd edition, I.J.Nagrath & D.P.Kothari: Tata
McGrawHill Publishing Company, 2003.
``````````````````````CHAPTER- 1-A
The solution of a given linear network problem requires the formation of a set of
equations describing the response of the network. The mathematical model so
derived, must describe the characteristics of the individual network components, as
well as the relationship which governs the interconnection of the individual
components. In the bus frame of reference the variables are the node voltages and
node currents.
The independent variables in any reference frame can be either currents or voltages.
Correspondingly, the coefficient matrix relating the dependent variables and the
independent variables will be either an impedance or admittance matrix. The
formulation of the appropriate relationships between the independent and dependent
variables is an integral part of a digital computer program for the solution of power
system problems. The formulation of the network equations in different frames of
reference requires the knowledge of graph theory. Elementary graph theory concepts
are presented here, followed by development of network equations in the bus frame
of reference.
sG is itself a graph
Every node of sG is also a node of G
Every branch of sG is a branch of G
For eg., sG(1,2,3), sG(1,4,6), sG(2), sG(4,5,6), sG(3,4),.. are all valid sub-graphs of
the oriented graph of Fig.1c.
Referring to Fig 1c, the set {3,5,6} constitutes a cutset since removal of them isolates
node 3 from rest of the network, thus dividing the graph into two unconnected sub-
graphs. However, the set(2,4,6) is not a valid cutset! The KCL (Kirchhoff’s Current
Law) for the cutset is stated as follows: In any lumped network, the algebraic sum of
all the branch currents traversing through the given cutset branches is zero.
Tree: It is a connected sub-graph containing all the nodes of the graph G, but
without any closed paths (loops). There is one and only one path between every pair
of nodes in a tree. The elements of the tree are called twigs or branches. In a graph
with n nodes,
The number of branches: b = n-1 (1)
For the graph of Fig 1c, some of the possible trees could be T(1,2,3), T(1,4,6),
T(2,4,5), T(2,5,6), etc.
Co-Tree : The set of branches of the original graph G, not included in the tree is
called the co-tree. The co-tree could be connected or non-connected, closed or open.
The branches of the co-tree are called links. By convention, the tree elements are
shown as solid lines while the co-tree elements are shown by dotted lines as shown
in Fig.1c for tree T(1,2,3). With e as the total number of elements,
The number of links: l = e – b = e – n + 1 (2)
For the graph of Fig 1c, the co-tree graphs corresponding to the various tree graphs
are as shown in the table below:
Tree T(1,2,3) T(1,4,6) T(2,4,5) T(2,5,6)
Co-Tree T(4,5,6) T(2,3,5) T(1,3,6) T(1,3,4)
Thus the dimension of A is e n, where e is the number of elements and n is the
number of nodes in the network. For example, consider again the sample system
with its oriented graph as in fig. 1c. the corresponding element-node incidence
matrix, is obtained as under:
0 1 2 3
1 1 -1
2 1 -1
A =
ˆ 3 1 -1
4 1 -1
5 1 -1
6 1 -1
It is to be noted that the first column and first row are not part of the actual matrix and
they only indicate the element number node number respectively as shown. Further, the
sum of every row is found to be equal to zero always. Hence, the rank of the
matrix is less than n. Thus in general, the matrix A satisfies the identity:
∑ aij = 0 i = 1,2,…..e. (3)
By selecting any one of the nodes of the connected graph as the reference node, the
corresponding column is deleted from A to obtain the bus incidence matrix, A. The
dimensions of A are e (n-1) and the rank is n-1. In the above example, selecting
node-0 as reference node, the matrix A is obtained by deleting the column
corresponding to node-0, as under:
1 2 3
1 -1
2 -1 b Branches
A= 3 -1 =
4 1 -1
5 1 -1 Al Links
6 1 -1
It may be observed that for a selected tree, say, T(1,2,3), the bus incidence matrix
can be so arranged that the branch elements occupy the top portion of the A-matrix
followed by the link elements. Then, the matrix-A can be partitioned into two sub
matrices Ab and Al as shown, where,
AT i =0 (4)
where A is the transpose of matrix A and i is the vector of branch currents. Similarly
for the branch voltages we can write,
v =A Ebus (5)
e \ n 0 1 2 3 4
1 1 1 0 0 0
2 1 0 1 0 0
ˆ 3 1 0 0 0 1
A = Elements 4 0 0 0 1 1
5 0 0 1 1 0
6 0 1 1 0 0
7 0 0 1 0 1
e \ b 1 2 3 4
1 1 0 0 0
2 0 1 0 0
A = Elements 3 0 0 0 1
4 0 0 1 1
5 0 1 1 0
6 1 1 0 0
7 0 1 0 1
Corresponding to the Tree, T(1,2,3,4), matrix-A can be partitioned into two sub-
matrices as under:
b \ b 1 2 3 4
1 1 0 0 0
Ab = branch es 2 0 1 0 0
3 0 0 0 1
4 0 0 1 1
l \ b 1 2 3 4
5 0 1 1 0
Al = link s
6 1 1 0 0
7 0 1 0 1
Example-3: For the sample-system shown in Fig. E3, obtain an oriented graph. By
selecting a tree, T(1,2,3,4), obtain the incidence matrices A and A Also show the
partitioned form of the matrix-A.
Consider the oriented graph of the given system as shown in figure E3b, below.
Corresponding to the oriented graph above and a Tree, T(1,2,3,4), the incidence
matrices Ậand A can be obtained as follows:
e\n 0 1 2 3 4 e\b 1 2 3 4
1 1 -1 1 -1
2 1 -1 2 -1
ˆ A= 3 -1
A = 3 1 -1
4 1 -1 4 -1
5 1 -1 5 1 -1
6 -1 1 6 -1 1
7 1 -1 7 1 -1
8 -1 1 8 -1 1
9 -1 1 9 -1 1
Corresponding to the Tree, T(1,2,3,4), matrix-A can be partitioned into two sub-
matrices as under:
e\b 1 2 3 4 e\b 1 2 3 4
1 -1 5 1 -1
Ab = 2 -1 Al = 6 -1 1
3 -1 7 1 -1
4 -1 8 -1 1
9 -1 1
So far, the matrices of the interconnected network have been defined. These
matrices contain complete information about the network connectivity, the
orientation of current, the loops and cutsets. However, these matrices contain no
information on the nature of the elements which form the interconnected network.
The complete behaviour of the network can be obtained from the knowledge of the
behaviour of the individual elements which make the network, along with the
incidence matrices. An element in an electrical network is completely characterized
by the relationship between the current through the element and the voltage across it.
Epp Ep p
(ipq+ jpq)
vpq = Ep - Eq pq
ipq ipq
Eq q Eq q
Performance equation: Each element p-q has two variables, vpq and ipq. The
performance of the given element p-q can be expressed by the performance
equations as under:
vpq + epq = zpqipq (in its impedance form)
ipq + jpq = ypqvpq (in its admittance form) (6)
Thus the parallel source current jpq in admittance form can be related to the series
source voltage, epq in impedance form as per the identity:
jpq = - ypq epq (7)
Example-4: Given that the self impedances of the elements of a network referred by
the bus incidence matrix given below are equal to: Z 1=Z2=0.2, Z3=0.25, Z4=Z5=0.1
and Z6=0.4 units, draw the corresponding oriented graph, and find the primitive
network matrices. Neglect mutual values between the elements.
-1 0 0
0 -1 0
A= 0 0 -1
1 -1 0
0 1 -1
1 0 -1
The element node incidence matrix, A can be obtained from the given A matrix, by
pre-augmenting to it an extra column corresponding to the reference node, as under.
1 -1 0 0
1 0 -1 0
A =
ˆ 1 0 0 -1
0 1 -1 0
0 0 1 -1
0 1 0 -1
Thus the primitive network matrices are square, symmetric and diagonal matrices of
order e=no. of elements = 6. They are obtained as follows.
0.2 0 0 0 0 0
0 0.2 0 0 0 0
[z] = 0 0 0.25 0 0 0
0 0 0 0.1 0 0
0 0 0 0 0.1 0
0 0 0 0 0 0.4
5.0 0 0 0 0 0
0 5.0 0 0 0 0
[y] = 0 0 4.0 0 0 0
0 0 0 10 0 0
0 0 0 0 10 0
0 0 0 0 0 2.5
Example-5: Consider three passive elements whose data is given in Table E5 below.
Form the primitive network impedance matrix.
Table E5
1 1-2 j 0.452
[z] = j 0.165 j 0.387 0
1-3 j 0.234 0 j 0.619
The size of [z] is e e, where e= number of elements,
The diagonal elements are the self impedances of the elements
The off-diagonal elements are mutual impedances between the corresponding
Matrices [z] and [y] are inter-invertible.
The bus admittance matrix, YBUS plays a very important role in computer aided power
system analysis. It can be formed in practice by either of the methods as under:
1. Rule of Inspection
2. Singular Transformation
3. Non-Singular Transformation
4. ZBUS Building Algorithms, etc.
Frames of Reference:
Bus Frame of Reference: There are b independent equations (b = no. of buses)
relating the bus vectors of currents and voltages through the bus impedance matrix
and bus admittance matrix:
Branch Frame of Reference: There are b independent equations (b = no. of branches
of a selected Tree sub-graph of the system Graph) relating the branch vectors of
currents and voltages through the branch impedance matrix and branch admittance
IBR = YBR EBR (10)
Loop Frame of Reference: There are b independent equations (b = no. of branches of a
selected Tree sub-graph of the system Graph) relating the branch vectors of currents and
voltages through the branch impedance matrix and branch admittance matrix:
Of the various network matrices refered above, the bus admittance matrix (Y BUS)
and the bus impedance matrix (ZBUS) are determined for a given power system by
the rule of inspection as explained next.
Rule of Inspection
Consider the 3-node admittance network as shown in figure5. Using the basic branch
relation: I = (YV), for all the elemental currents and applying Kirchhoff’s Current
Law principle at the nodal points, we get the relations as under:
At node 1: I1 =Y1V1 + Y3 (V1-V3) + Y6 (V1 – V2)
At node 2: I2 =Y2V2 + Y5 (V2-V3) + Y6 (V2 – V1)
At node 3: 0 = Y3 (V3-V1) + Y4V3 + Y5 (V3 – V2) (12)
These are the performance equations of the given network in admittance form and
they can be represented in matrix form as:
In other words, the relation of equation (9) can be represented in the form
Where, YBUS is the bus admittance matrix, IBUS & EBUS are the bus current and bus
voltage vectors respectively.
By observing the elements of the bus admittance matrix, Y BUS of equation (13), it is
observed that the matrix elements can as well be obtained by a simple inspection of
the given system diagram:
Diagonal elements: A diagonal element (Yii) of the bus admittance matrix,
YBUS, is equal to the sum total of the admittance values of all the elements
incident at the bus/node i,
Off Diagonal elements: An off-diagonal element (Y ij) of the bus admittance
matrix, YBUS, is equal to the negative of the admittance value of the
connecting element present between the buses I and j, if any.
This is the principle of the rule of inspection. Thus the algorithmic equations for the
rule of inspection are obtained as:
Yii = yij (j = 1,2,…….n)
Y= -y
ij ij (j = 1,2,…….n) (15)
Note: It is to be noted that the rule of inspection can be applied only to those power
systems that do not have any mutually coupled elements.
Example 6: Obtain the bus admittance matrix for the admittance network shown
aside by the rule of inspection
16 -8 -4 YBUS = j
-8 24 -8 -4 -8 16
Example 7: Obtain YBUS for the impedance network shown aside by the rule of
inspection. Also, determine YBUS for the reduced network after eliminating the
eligible unwanted node. Draw the resulting reduced system diagram.
-9. 8 54
YBUS= j 5 -16 10
4 10 -14
New -1
New -1
The primitive network matrices are the most basic matrices and depend purely on
the impedance or admittance of the individual elements. However, they do not
contain any information about the behaviour of the interconnected network
variables. Hence, it is necessary to transform the primitive matrices into more
meaningful matrices which can relate variables of the interconnected network.
Example 8: For the network of Fig E8, form the primitive matrices [z] & [y] and
obtain the bus admittance matrix by singular transformation. Choose a Tree
T(1,2,3). The data is given in Table E8.
The bus incidence matrix is formed taking node 1 as the reference bus.
1 0 0
0 1 0
A = 0 1 1
1 0 0
1 0 1
The primitive incidence matrix is given by,
The formulation of the mathematical model is the first step in obtaining the solution
of any electrical network. The independent variables can be either currents or
voltages. Correspondingly, the elements of the coefficient matrix will be impedances
or admittances.
Network equations can be formulated for solution of the network using graph
theory, independent of the nature of elements. In the graph of a network, the tree-
branches and links are distinctly identified. The complete information about the
interconnection of the network, with the directions of the currents is contained in the
bus incidence matrix.
The information on the nature of the elements which form the interconnected
network is contained in the primitive impedance matrix. A primitive element can be
represented in impedance form or admittance form. In the bus frame of reference,
the performance of the interconnected system is described by (n-1) nodal equations,
where n is the number of nodes. The bus admittance matrix and the bus impedance
matrix relate the bus voltages and currents. These matrices can be obtained from the
primitive impedance and admittance matrices.
Nodes can be eliminated by the matrix manipulation of the standard node equations.
However, only those nodes at which current does not enter or leave the network can be
considered for such elimination. Such nodes can be eliminated either in one group or by
taking the eligible nodes one after the other for elimination, as discussed next.
I =Y E
Where IBUS and EBUS are n-vectors of injected bus current and bus voltages and
YBUS is the square, symmetric, coefficient bus admittance matrix of order n.
Now, of the n buses present in the system, let p buses be considered for node-
elimination so that the reduced system after elimination of p nodes would be retained
with m (= n-p) nodes only. Hence the corresponding performance equation would be
similar to (1) except that the coefficient matrix would be of order m now, i.e.,
I =Y E
Where YBUS is the bus admittance matrix of the reduced network and the vectors
IBUS and EBUS are of order m. It is assumed in (1) that IBUS and EBUS are obtained
with their elements arranged such that the elements associated with p nodes to be
eliminated are in the lower portion of the vectors. Then the elements of YBUS also
get located accordingly so that (1) after matrix partitioning yields,
m p
I m Y Y E
I p Y Y E
Where the self and mutual values of YA and YD are those identified only with the
nodes to be retained and removed respectively and YC=YBt is composed of only the
corresponding mutual admittance values, that are common to the nodes m and p.
Now, for the p nodes to be eliminated, it is necessary that, each element of the
vector IBUS-p should be zero. Thus we have from (3):
I =Y E +Y E
I =Y E +Y E =0
BUS-p C BUS-m D BUS-p (4)
Solving, EBUS-p = - YD YC EBUS-m (5)
Thus by comparing (2) and (6), we get an expression for the new bus admittance
matrix in terms of the sub-matrices of the original bus admittance matrix as:
new -1
BUS = {YA - YBYD YC} (7)
This expression enables us to construct the given network with only the necessary
nodes retained and all the unwanted nodes/buses eliminated. However, it can be
observed from (7) that the expression involves finding the inverse of the sub-matrix
YD (of order p). This would be computationally very tedious if p, the nodes to be
eliminated is very large, especially for real practical systems. In such cases, it is
more advantageous to eliminate the unwanted nodes from the given network by
considering one node only at a time for elimination, as discussed next.
Each element of the original matrix must therefore be modified as per (7). Further,
this procedure of eliminating the last numbered node from the given system of n
nodes is to be iteratively repeated p times, so as to eliminate all the unnecessary p
nodes from the original system.
The reduced matrix after elimination of node 3 from the given system is
determined as per the equation:
New -1
n/n 1 2
new 1 -j8.66 j7.86
2 j7.86 -j8.66
Yijnew = Yijold – Yi3 Y3j / Y33 i,j = 1,2.
Thus the reduced network can be obtained again by the rule of inspection as shown
be low.
Example-2: Obtain YBUS for the admittance network shown below by the rule of
inspection. Also, determine YBUS for the reduced network after eliminating the
eligible unwanted node. Draw the resulting reduced system diagram.
n/n 1 2 3 4
1 -j50 0 j20 j10
New -
n/n 1 2
new 1 -j32.12 j10.32
2 j10.32 -j51.36
Thus the reduced system of two nodes can be drawn by the rule of inspection as
ZBUS building
The bus impedance matrix is the inverse of the bus admittance matrix. An alternative
method is possible, based on an algorithm to form the bus impedance matrix directly
from system parameters and the coded bus numbers. The bus impedance matrix is
formed adding one element at a time to a partial network of the given system. The
performance equation of the network in bus frame of reference in impedance form using
the currents as independent variables is given in matrix form by
E bu s
bus bus (9)
When expanded so as to refer to a n bus system, (9) will be of the form
E1 11 1 12 2 ....... .Z1k I k ... Z1n I n
Ek Z k1 I1 Z k 2 I 2 ...... Z kk I k Z kn I n
n n1 1 n2 2 ......... Z nk I k Z nn I n (10)
Now assume that the bus impedance matrix Zbus is known for a partial network of m
buses and a known reference bus. Thus, Zbus of the partial network is of dimension
m m. If now a new element is added between buses p and q we have the following
two possibilities:
(i) p is an existing bus in the partial network and q is a new bus; in this case
p-q is a branch added to the p-network as shown in Fig 1a, and
(ii) both p and q are buses existing in the partial network; in this case p-q is a
link added to the p-network as shown in Fig 1b.
0 Ref.
0 Ref.
If the added element ia a link, p-q, then the new bus impedance matrix will remain
unaltered with regard to its order. However, all the elements of the original matrix
are updated to take account of the effect of the link added.
Consider now the performance equation of the network in impedance form with the
added branch p-q, given by
1 11
12 1p 1m
Z Z Z Z 2
22 2p 2m 2q
E p p1 Z Z Z p
p2 pp pm pq
E Z m1 Z Z Z Z I
m m2 mp mm
q1 Z Z I
q 2 Z qp Z qm
It is assumed that the added branch p-q is mutually coupled with some elements of the
partial network and since the network has bilateral passive elements only, wehave
Vector ypq-rs is not equal to zero and Zij= Zji i,j=1,2,…m,q (12)
To find Zqi:
The elements of last row-q and last column-q are determined by injecting a current of
1.0 pu at the bus-i and measuring the voltage of the bus-q with respect to the reference
bus-0, as shown in Fig.2. Since all other bus currents are zero, we have from (11) that
Ek = Zki Ii = Zki k = 1, 2,…i ....... p,….m, q (13)
Hence, Eq = Zqi ; Ep = Zpi ………
Also, Eq=Ep -vpq ; so that Zqi = Zpi - vpq i =1, 2,…i ....... p,….m, ≠q (14)
To find vpq:
In terms of the primitive admittances and voltages across the elements, the current
through the elements is given by
y pq,rs is the vector of mutual admittances between the added elements p-q and
elements r-s of the partial network.
vrs is vector of voltage across elements of partial network.
Since the current in the added branch p-q, is zero, i pq 0 . We thus have from (15),
i y v
pq pq , pq pq y pq ,rs v rs 0 (16)
To find zqq:
The element Zqq can be computed by injecting a current of 1pu at bus-q, Iq = 1.0 pu.
As before, we have the relations as under:
Ek = Zkq Iq = Zkq k = 1,2,…i.…...p,….m, q (19)
Hence, Eq = Zqq ; Ep = Zpq ; Also, Eq =Ep - vpq ; so that Zqq = Zpq - vpq (20)
Since now the current in the added element is ipq Iq 1.0 , we have from(15)
i y v
pq pq , pq pq y pq ,rsvrs 1
y pq,rs v rs
Solving, v pq 1
y pq, pq
pq,rs Er Es
v 1 y (21)
y pq, pq
Using (19) and (21) in (20), we get
Z 1 y Z rq Zsq
Z (22)
qq pq
y pq, pq
Special Cases
The following special cases of analysis concerning Z BUS building can be considered
with respect to the addition of branch to a p-network.
Case (a): If there is no mutual coupling then elements of y pq ,rs are zero. Further, if
p is the reference node, then Ep=0. thus,
Zpi = 0 i 1,2. .... m : i q
And Zpq = 0.
Hence, from (18) (22) Zqi = 0 i 1,2. ..... m; i q
Z z
And qq pq, pq \ (23)
qi Zpi , i 1,2. .. m; i q
Z z
qq Z pq pq , pq (24)
Consider now the performance equation of the network in impedance form with the
added link p-l, (p-l being a fictitious branch and l being a fictitious node) given by
E1 Z Z Z I
11 12 Z1 p Z1m
1q 1
21 Z Z 2
22 Z2 p Z2m 2q
p p1 Z
Z Z Z p (25)
p2 pp pm
Em Zm1 Z Z Z Z I
m2 mp mm mq
E Z Zli
Z Zlm
l l1
l2 ll
It is assumed that the added branch p-q is mutually coupled with some elements of the
partial network and since the network has bilateral passive elements only, we have
Vector ypq-rs is not equal to zero and Zij= Zji i,j=1,2,…m,l. (26)
To find Zli:
The elements of last row-l and last column-l are determined by injecting a current of
pu at the bus-i and measuring the voltage of the bus-q with respect to the
reference bus-0, as shown in Fig.3. Further, the current in the added element
is made
zero by connecting a voltage source, el in series with element p-q, as shown. Since
all other bus currents are zero, we have from (25) that
Ek = Zki Ii = Zki k = 1, 2,…i ....... p,….m, l (27)
Hence, el = El = Zli ; Ep = Zpi ; Ep = Zpi ………
Also, el = Ep - Eq - vpq ;
So that Zli = Zpi - Zqi - vpq i=1,2,…i.…p,...q,….m, ≠l (28)
i y y v
rs rs, pl rs,rs rs
Network p
q el
i l
Ii =1pu
0 Ref.
Fig.3 Calculation for Zli
where ipl is current through element p-q
i rs is vector of currents through elements of the partial network
is voltage across element p-q
pl , pl is self – admittance of the added element
y pl , rs is the vector of mutual admittances between the added elements p-q and
elements r-s of the partial network.
vrs is vector of voltage across elements of partial network.
yrs, pl is transpose of y pl , rs .
i y v 0
pl pl , pl pl ypl ,rs vrs (30)
Solving, v ypl , rs v rs or
pl y pl , pl
v y pl , rs Er Es (31)
y pl , pl
y pl , rs y pq, rs
y y
Unsidng (27), (31) and (32) in (28), we get
pl , pl p q, pq (32)
Z Z Z y Zri Zsi i 1,2......m;i l
pq, rs
li pi qi
y pq, pq
To find Zll:
The element Zll can be computed by injecting a current of 1pu at bus-l, Il = 1.0 pu.
As before, we have the relations as under:
Ek = Zkl Il = Zkl k = 1, 2,…i.…...p,…q,….m, l (34)
Hence, el = El = Zll ; Ep = Zpl ;
Also, el = Ep - Eq - vpl ;
So that Zll = Zpl - Zql - vpl i=1,2,…i.…p,...q,….m, ≠l (35)
Since now the current in the added element is ipl Il 1.0 , we have from (29)
i y v
pl pl , pl pl y pl , rs vrs 1
Solving, vpl 1 yply, rs vrs
pl ,pl
Er Es (36)
v 1 y
pl , rs
y pl , pl
y pl , rs y pq, rs
y y
And pl , pl pq , pq (37)
Using (34), (36) and (37) in (35), we get
Z 1 y
pq, rs
Z Z Zrl Z sl
ll pl ql
y pq, pq
Special Cases Contd….
The following special cases of analysis concerning Z BUS building can be considered
with respect to the addition of link to a p-network.
Case (c): If there is no mutual coupling, then elements of y pq,rs are zero. Further, if p
is the reference node, then Ep=0. thus,
li Zqi , i 1,2 ... m;i l
Z Z z
ll ql pq , pq (39)
From (39), it is thus observed that, when a link is added to a ref. bus, then the
situation is similar to adding a branch to a fictitious bus and hence the following
steps are followed:
1. The element is added similar to addition of a branch (case-b) to obtain the
new matrix of order m+1.
2. The extra fictitious node, l is eliminated using the node elimination algorithm.
Case (d): If there is no mutual coupling, then elements of y pq,rs are zero. Further, if p
is not the reference node, then
An element which is not coupled to any other element can be removed easily. The
Zbus is modified as explained in sections above, by adding in parallel with the
element (to be removed), a link whose impedance is equal to the negative of the
impedance of the element to be removed. Similarly, the impedance value of an
element which is not coupled to any other element can be changed easily. The Zbus
is modified again as explained in sections above, by adding in parallel with the
element (whose impedance is to be changed), a link element of impedance value
chosen such that the parallel equivalent impedance is equal to the desired value of
impedance. When mutually coupled elements are removed, the Zbus is modified by
introducing appropriate changes in the bus currents of the original network to reflect
the changes introduced due to the removal of the elements.
Subject code: 15A02603 Power System Analysis
Examples on ZBUS building
Example 1: For the positive sequence network data shown in table below, obtain
ZBUS by building procedure.
Pos. seq.
Sl. No. reactance
in pu
1 0-1 0.25
2 0-3 0.20
3 1-2 0.08
4 2-3 0.06
The given network is as shown below with the data marked on it. Assume the
elements to be added as per the given sequence: 0-1, 0-3, 1-2, and 2-3.
Consider building ZBUS as per the various stages of building through the
consideration of the corresponding partial networks as under:
Step-1: Add element–1 of impedance 0.25 pu from the external node-1 (q=1) to
internal ref. node-0 (p=0). (Case-a), as shown in the partial network;
ZBUS = 1 0.25
Step-2: Add element–2 of impedance 0.2 pu from the external node-3 (q=3) to
internal ref. node-0 (p=0). (Case-a), as shown in the partial network;
1 3
(2) 1 0.25 0
ZBUS = 3 0 0.2
Step-3: Add element–3 of impedance 0.08 pu from the external node-2 (q=2) to
internal node-1 (p=1). (Case-b), as shown in the partial network;
1 3 2
1 0.25 0 0.25
ZBUS =3 0 0.2 0
2 0.25 0 0.33
Step-4: Add element–4 of impedance 0.06 pu between the two internal nodes,
node-2 (p=2) to node-3 (q=3). (Case-d), as shown in the partial network;
1 3 2 l
1 0.25 0 0.25 0.25
(4) 3 0 0.2 0 -0.2
ZBUS = 2 0.25 0 0.33 0.33
l 0.25 -0.2 0.33 0.59
The fictitious node l is eliminated further to arrive at the final impedance matrix as
1 3 2
1 0.1441 0.0847 0.1100
ZBUS (final) = 3 0.0847 0.1322 0.1120
2 0.1100 0.1120 0.1454
Example 2: The ZBUS for a 6-node network with bus-6 as ref. is as given below.
Assuming the values as pu reactances, find the topology of the network and the
parameter values of the elements involved. Assume that there is no mutual coupling
of any pair of elements.
1 2 3 4 5
1 2 0 0 0 2
2 0 2 0 2 0
ZBUS = 0 0 2 0 0
4 0 2 0 3 0
5 2 0 0 0 3
The specified matrix is so structured that by its inspection, we can obtain the
network by backward analysis through the various stages of ZBUS building and p-
networks as under:
Thus the final network is with 6 nodes and 5 elements connected as follows with
the impedance values of elements as indicated.
Solution: The specified system is considered with the reference node denoted by
node-0. By its inspection, we can obtain the bus impedance matrix by building
procedure by following the steps through the p-networks as under:
Now the extra node-l has to be eliminated to obtain the new matrix of step-4,
using the algorithmic relation:
Further, the bus admittance matrix can be obtained by inverting the bus
impedance matrix as under:
As a check, it can be observed that the bus admittance matrix, Y BUS can also be
obtained by the rule of inspection to arrive at the same answer.
Add the elements in the sequence, 0-1, 1-2, 2-3, 0-3, 3-4, 2-4, as per the various
steps of building the matrix as under:
Step1: Add element 1, which is a branch between node-1 and reference node.
Eliminating node l,
Example 5: Form the bus impedance matrix for the network data given below.
Let bus-1 be the reference. Add the elements in the sequence 1-2(1), 1-2(2). Here,
in the step-2, there is mutual coupling between the pair of elements involved.
Step1: Add element 1 from bus 1 to 2, element 1-2(1). ( p=1, q=2, p is the
reference node)
Thus the primitive admittance matrix is obtained by taking the inverse of [z] as
So that we have,
Thus, the network matrix corresponding to the 2-node, 1-bus network given, is obtained
after eliminating the extra node-l as a single element matrix, as under:
The numerical analysis involving the solution of algebraic simultaneous equations forms
the basis for solution of the performance equations in computer aided electrical power
system analyses, such as during linear graph analysis, load flow analysis
(nonlinear equations), transient stability studies (differential equations), etc. Hence, it
is necessary to review the general forms of the various solution methods with respect
to all forms of equations, as under:
Solution Linear equations:
Direct methods:
Cramer’s (Determinant) Method,
Gauss Elimination Method (only for smaller systems),
LU Factorization (more preferred method), etc.
Iterative methods:
Gauss Method
Gauss-Siedel Method (for diagonally dominant systems)
• Solution of Nonlinear equations:
Iterative methods only:
Gauss-Siedel Method (for smaller systems)
Newton-Raphson Method (if corrections for variables are small)
• Solution of differential equations:
Iterative methods only:
• Euler and Modified Euler method,
• RK IV-order method,
• Milne’s predictor-corrector method, etc.
Introduction: Load flow studies are important in planning and designing future
expansion of power systems. The study gives steady state solutions of the voltages at
all the buses, for a particular load condition. Different steady state solutions can be
obtained, for different operating conditions, to help in planning, design and
operation of the power system.
Generally, load flow studies are limited to the transmission system, which involves
bulk power transmission. The load at the buses is assumed to be known. Load flow
Thus the load flow problem consists of finding the power flows (real and reactive) and
voltages of a network for given bus conditions. At each bus, there are four quantities of
interest to be known for further analysis: the real and reactive power, the voltage
magnitude and its phase angle. Because of the nonlinearity of the algebraic equations,
describing the given power system, their solutions are obviously, based on the iterative
methods only. The constraints placed on the load flow solutions could be:
The Kirchhoff’s relations holding good,
Capability limits of reactive power sources,
Tap-setting range of tap-changing transformers,
Specified power interchange between interconnected systems,
Selection of initial values, acceleration factor, convergence limit, etc.
Classification of buses for LFA: Different types of buses are present based on the
specified and unspecified variables at a given bus as presented in the table below:
where Si = net complex power injected into bus i, SGi = complex power injected by the
generator at bus i, and SDi = complex power drawn by the load at bus i. According to
conservation of complex power, at any bus i, the complex power injected into the
bus must be equal to the sum of complex power flows out of the bus via the
transmission lines. Hence
VBUS = . is the vector of complex bus voltages.
Equation (5) can be considered as
Ii = YijV j
i = 1, 2, .............. n (6)
j 1
n * * (7)
= Vi
j 1
ij j
Let i i i i cos i j sin i
ij i j
Si =
i j cos ij j sin ij Gij j Bij (8)
Pi =
i j Gij cosij B ij sin ij (9)
An alternate form of Pi and Qi can be obtained by representing Yik also in polar form
as Yij= ij ij (11)
Again, we get from (7),
j j
Si = i i Y ij ij (12)
j 1
Pi Vi cosij i j
ij Vj
j 1
= Vi Y ij V j cos (ij i j ) or
i Vi Vj Yij cos(ij i j ) i = 1, 2,………..n, (13)
j 1
Qi Vi
ij V j sin (ij i j ) or
Qi Vi V j Y ij
sin (ij i j ) i = 1, 2,………..n (14)
Equations (9)-(10) and (13)-(14) are the ‘power flow equations’ or the ‘load flow
equations’ in two alternative forms, corresponding to the n-bus system, where each
bus-i is characterized by four variables, Pi, Qi, Vi, and i. Thus a total of 4n
variables are involved in these equations. The load flow equations can be solved for
Irrespective of the method used for the solution, the data required is common for any
load flow. All data is normally in pu. The bus admittance matrix is formulated from
these data. The various data required are as under:
System data: It includes: number of buses-n, number of PV buses, number
of loads, number of transmission lines, number of transformers, number of shunt
elements, the slack bus number, voltage magnitude of slack bus (angle is generally
taken as 0o), tolerance limit, base MVA, and maximum permissible number of
Generator bus data: For every PV bus i, the data required includes the bus
number, active power generation PGi, the specified voltage magnitude ,sp , inimum
reactive power limit Qi,min, and maximum reactive power limit Qi,max.
Load data: For all loads the data required includes the the bus number,
active power demand PDi, and the reactive power demand QDi.
Transmission line data: For every transmission line connected between
buses i and k the data includes the starting bus number i, ending bus number
k,.resistance of the line, reactance of the line and the half line charging admittance.
Transformer data:
For every transformer connected between buses i and k the data to be given includes:
the starting bus number i, ending bus number k, resistance of the transformer,
reactance of the transformer, and the off nominal turns-ratio a.
Shunt element data: The data needed for the shunt element includes the bus
number where element is connected, and the shunt admittance (G sh + j Bsh).
The GS method is an iterative algorithm for solving non linear algebraic equations. An
initial solution vector is assumed, chosen from past experiences, statistical data or from
practical considerations. At every subsequent iteration, the solution is updated
j 1
j 1
Since Si* = Pi – jQi, we get,
P jQ n
V * ij
= YV
i i
i j1
So that, n
Pi jQi = Y ii
V i
ij j
* V j 1
i ji
4. Update the voltages. In any k 1st iteration, from (17) the voltages are
given by
1 P jQ Yii j1V (k 1) n
i Y
V (k)
Vi ( k 1) = ( k) * j ij j i=2,3,…n (18)
(Vi ) ii
j 1 j i 1
Here note that when computation is carried out for bus-i, updated values
are already available for buses 2,3….(i-1) in the current (k+1)st iteration.
Hence these values are used. For buses (i+1)…..n, values from previous,
kth iteration are used.
5. Continue iterations till
j 1
• Compute all line flows.
• The complex power loss in the line is given by Sik + Ski. The total loss in
the system is calculated by summing the loss over all the lines.
j 1
Where Im stands for the imaginary part. At any (k+1)st iteration, at the PV bus-i,
i 1 n
Qi ( k 1) = – Im (Vi ( k ) )* Y ij V j( k 1) (Vi ) Yij
(k ) *
( k ) (21)
j 1 j i
The steps for ith PV bus are as follows:
Case (c): Systems with PV buses with reactive power generation limits specified:
In the previous algorithm if the Q limit at the voltage controlled bus is violated during
any iteration, i.e Q ( k 1) computed using (21) is either less than Qi, min or greater than
Qi,max, it means that the voltage cannot be maintained at the specified value due to
lack of reactive power support. This bus is then treated as a PQ bus in the (k+1)st
iteration and the voltage is calculated with the value of Qi set as follows:
If Qi < Qi,min If Qi > Qi,max
Then Qi = Qi,min. Then Qi = Qi,max.
If in the subsequent iteration, if Qi falls within the limits, then the bus can be
switched back to PV status.
Acceleration of convergence
It is found that in GS method of load flow, the number of iterations increase with
increase in the size of the system. The number of iterations required can be reduced if
Example-1: Obtain the voltage at bus 2 for the simple system shown in Fig 2, using
the Gauss–Seidel method, if V1 = 1 00 pu.
Since V1 is specified it is a constant through all the iterations. Let the initial voltage
at bus 2, V20 = 1 + j 0.0 = 1 00 pu.
V21 1 0.5
0 j2 100
j2 10
= 1.0 – j0.25 = 1.030776 – 14.0360
V 2 1 0.5 j2 100
2 0
j2 1.03077614.036
= 0.94118 – j 0.23529 = 0.970145 –14.0360
V 3 1 0.5 j2 10 0
2 0
j2 0.97014514.036
= 0.9375 – j 0.249999 = 0.970261 –14.9310
V 4 1 0.5 j2 100
2 0
= 0.933612 – j 0.248963 = 0.966237 –14.9310
V 5 1 0.5 j2 100
2 0
= 0.933335 – j 0.25 = 0.966237 –14.995
Since the difference in the voltage magnitudes is less than 10 -6 pu, the iterations can
be stopped. To compute line flow
VV 100 0.966237 14.9950
I 12 Z 2
12 j 0.5
= 0.517472 −14.9310
V1 1I 2 *= 1 0 0 × 0.517472 14.931 0
= 0.5 + j 0.133329 pu
V V 0.966237 14.9950 100
I 21 2 Z 1
12 j 0.5
= 0.517472 −194.93
V2 I21 * = – 0.5 + j 0.0 pu
For the power system shown in fig. below, with the data as given in tables below,
obtain the bus voltages at the end of first iteration, by applying GS method.
The voltages at all PQ buses are assumed to be equal to 1+j0.0 pu. The slack bus
voltage is taken to be V10 = 1.02+j0.0 in all iterations.
1 P jQ
V 1 2 2
Y21 V o Y V 0 Y V 0 Y V 0
2 o * 1 23 3 24 4 25 5
Y 22 V2
1 0.6 j0.3
= 0.58823 j2.35294 1.020o
22 1.0 j0.0
1.17647 j4.70588 1.040o 0.58823 j2.35294 1.000
= 0.98140 −3.0665o = 0.97999 – j0.0525
Bus 3 is a PV bus. Hence, we must first calculate Q3. This can be done as under:
Q3 = V3 V1 G31 sin 31 B31 cos31 V3 V2 G32 sin 32 B32 cos32
V 2 G sin B cos VV G sin B cos
3 33 33 33 33 3 4 34 34 34 34
Obtain the load flow solution at the end of first iteration of the system with data as
given below. The solution is to be obtained for the following cases
7. All buses except bus 1 are PQ Buses
8. Bus 2 is a PV bus whose voltage magnitude is specified as 1.04 pu
9. Bus 2 is PV bus, with voltage magnitude specified as 1.04 and 0.25≤Q2≤1.0
Solution: Note that the data is directly in terms of injected powers at the buses. The
bus admittance matrix is formed by inspection as under:
22 V2
1 o*
Y33 V3
1 1.0 j0.5 1.0 j3.0 (1.040.0o )
33 1.0 j0.0
0.666 j2.0 (1.020142.605o ) 2.0 j6.0 1.0 00
- 1.03108 – 4.831o
1 1 P jQ o 1 1
V4 Y41 V1 Y 42 V2 Y43 V3
Y44 o* 4
V4 1.0 j3.0
1 0.3 j0.1
44 1.0 j0.0
2.0 j6.0 (1.03108 4.831o )
- 1.02467 −0.51o
V 1 = 1.04 00 pu V 1 = 1.02014 2.6050 pu
1 2
V3 = 1.03108 –4.831 pu
V4 = 1.02467 –0.510 pu
V3 G23 sin 23 B23 cos23 V4 G24 sin 24 B24 cos24
= 1.04 [1.04 {–6.0} + 1.04 {11.0}+1.0{– 2.0} + 1.0 {–3.0}= 0.208 pu.
V2 1 = 0 2.0 j6.0 1.040o
1 0.5 j0.208
22 1.04 0
0.666 j2.0 1.00o 1.0 j3.0 1.000
15. 1.051288 + j0.033883
The voltage magnitude is adjusted to 1.04. Hence V21 = 1.04 1.8460
0.666 j2.0 (1.041.846o ) 2.0 j6.0 1.0 00
= 1.035587 – 4.951o pu.
V41 = 1.0 j3.0 1.041.846o
1 0.3 j0.1
44 1.0 j0.0
2.0 j6.0 (1.035587 4.951o )
= 0.9985 – 0.178o
Hence at end of 1st iteration we have:
0 0
V 1 = 1.04 0 pu V 1 = 1.04 1.846 pu
1 2
0 1
V3 = 1.035587 –4.951 pu
V4 = 0.9985 –0.1780 pu
Case (iii):Bus 2 is PV bus, with voltage magnitude specified as 1.04 & 0.25≤Q2≤1 pu.
If 0.25 ≤ Q2 ≤ 1.0 pu then the computed value of Q2 = 0.208 is less than the lower
limit. Hence, Q2 is set equal to 0.25 pu. Iterations are carried out with this value of Q 2.
The voltage magnitude at bus 2 can no longer be maintained at 1.04. Hence, there is
no necessity to adjust for the voltage magnitude. Proceeding as before we obtain at
the end of first iteration,
V 1 = 1.04 00 pu 0
V 1 = 1.05645 1.849 pu
1 2
1 0 1
V3 = 1.038546 –4.933 pu V4 = 1.081446 4.8960 pu
f (x 0 x0 , x 0 x 0 .........x 0 x 0
) 0 i 1,2......n (26)
i 1 1 2 2 n n
1 2
2 1 n
+ Higher order terms = 0 i 1,2......n (27)
f 0 f 0 f 0
, x
, x
are the partial derivatives of fi withrespect
1 2 n
to x , x ........ x respectively, evaluated at ( x0 , x 0 ........... x n ). If the higher order terms
1 2 n 1 2 0
n 0 1 0
1 0
f f 0 f
2 2 2 ... 2 x2
. x1 x2 x n .
. . ... . . =0 (28)
. .
. ... .
. . ... .
0 f . x n 0
f n
. . .
1 x2 xn
In vector form (28) can be written as
F 0 J 0 X 0 0
Or F 0 J 0 X 0
Vi , the voltage magnitude of bus i, at all the PQ buses. This gives us n2 unknown
variables to be determined.
Therefore, the total number of unknown variables to be computed is: n1 2n2 , for
which we need n1 2n2 consistent equations to be solved. The equations are given
P P 0
Pi i ,sp i ,cal
Qi i ,sp i ,cal 0 (32)
Where i ,sp Specified active power at bus i
i ,sp Specified reactive power at bus i
i ,cal Calculated value of active power using voltage estimates.
3 4 V
Where J1 , J 2 , J 3 , J 4 are the negated partial derivatives of P and Q with respect
to corresponding V. The negated partial derivative of P , is same as the
partial derivative of Pcal, since Psp is a constant. The various computations involved
G V n
ii i
2 i k Gik cos ik Bik sin ik (34)
k 1
k i
The powers are computed at any r 1st iteration by using the voltages available
from previous iteration. The elements of the Jacobian are found using the above
equations as:
Elements of J1
Vi Vk Gik sin ik Bik cos ik
i k1
k i
Qi Bii Vi 2
Elements of J2
Pi V i 2 Vi 2 Gii Vi Vk Gik cos ik Bik sin ik Pi Vi 2 Gii
Vi k 1
G k i
Pi V V V
cos B sin
k k i k ik ik ik ik
Elements of J4
Pi V i 2 Vi 2 B ii V i Vk Giksin ik Bik cos ik Qi Vi 2 Bii
V i k 1
Gk i
Qi V V V sin B cos
Vk k i k ik ik ik ik
Thus, the linearized form of the equation could be considered again as:
The elements are summarized below:
(i) H Pi Q B V 2
ii i i ii i
H Pi
(ii) ik af
k i bVi Vk Gik sin ik coBs ik
k k ei ik
(iii) N Pi V P G V 2
ii V
i i i ii i
(v) M Qi P G V 2
ii i i ii i
(vii) L Qi V Q B V 2
ii V i i ii i
(viii) L Qi V a f b e H
ik Vk k k i k i ik
ek jf k Vk (cos k j sin k )
If Yik 0.0 j0.0 (if there is no line between buses i and k ) then the corresponding
off-diagonal elements in the Jacobian matrix will also be zero. Hence, the Jacobian
is also a sparse matrix.
Size of the sub-matrices of the Jacobian: The dimensions of the various sub-
matrices are as per the table below:
Matrix size
H (n1+n2) (n1+n2)
N (n1+n2) (n2)
M (n2) (n1+n2)
L (n2) (n2)
J (n1+2n2) (n1+2n2)
∆P (n1+n2) 1
∆Q n2 1
∆δ (n1+n2) 1
V/ n2 1
PQ buses, using voltages from previous iteration, V (r ) . The formulae to be used are
7. Update the variables as follows:
8. Go to step 3 and iterate till the power mismatches are within acceptable tolerance.
In the NR method, the inverse of the Jacobian has to be computed at every iteration.
When solving large interconnected power systems, alternative solution methods are
possible, taking into account certain observations made of practical systems. These
implies that Qi is much larger than Pi . Hence, in the Jacobian, the elements
Vj Vj
of the sub-matrix N , which contains terms that are partial derivatives of real
Change in voltage phase angle at a bus, primarily affects the real power flow P
over the lines and the flow of Q is relatively unchanged. This observation implies
Pi Qi
that is much larger than . Hence, in the Jacobian the elements of the sub-
j j
matrix M , which contains terms that are partial derivatives of reactive power
P H 0
V (37)
0 L
From (37) it is obvious that the voltage angle corrections are obtained using real
power residues P and the voltage magnitude corrections V are obtained from
reactive power residues Q . This equation can be solved through two alternate
strategies as under:
(i) Calculate P , Q r and J r
V r P
V r
Update and .
Go to step (i) and iterate till convergence is reached.
In the first strategy, the variables are solved simultaneously. In the second strategy
the iteration is conducted by first solving for and using updated values of to
calculate V . Hence, the second strategy results in faster convergence, compared to
the first strategy.
The voltage angle difference i j between two buses in the system is
Qi Vi 2
Where B and B are negative of the susceptances of respective elements of the bus admittance matrix.
In (38) if we divide LHS and RHS by Vi and assume we get, j 1,
Q Bij (39)
Equations (39) constitute the Fast Decoupled load flow equations. Further
simplification is possible by:
Omitting effect of phase shifting transformers
Setting off-nominal turns ratio of transformers to 1.0
In forming B , omitting the effect of shunt reactors and capacitors which
matrices B and B are constants and need to be inverted only once at the
beginning of the iterations.
By equating the bus currents in both the mutually equivalent circuits as above, it can
be shown that the π-equivalent circuit parameters are given by the expressions as
(i) Fixed tap setting transformers (on no load)
A = Ypq/ a
B = 1/a (1/a -1) Ypq
C = (1-1/a) Ypq (i) Tap changing under load (TCUL) transformers (on load)
A = Ypq
B = (1/a -1) (1/a + 1 – Eq/Ep) Ypq
C = (1-1/a) (Ep/Eq) Ypq
Thus, here, in the case of TCUL transformers, the shunt admittance values are
observed to be a function of the bus voltages.
The comparison of the methods should take into account the computing time
required for preparation of data in proper format and data processing, programming
ease, storage requirements, computation time per iteration, number of iterations,
ease and time required for modifying network data when operating conditions
change, etc. Since all the methods presented are in the bus frame of reference in
admittance form, the data preparation is same for all the methods and the bus
admittance matrix can be formed using a simple algorithm, by the rule of inspection.
In this chapter, the load flow problem, also called as the power flow problem, has been
considered in detail. The load flow solution gives the complex voltages at all the buses
and the complex power flows in the lines. Though, algorithms are available using the
impedance form of the equations, the sparsity of the bus admittance matrix and the ease
of building the bus admittance matrix, have made algorithms using the admittance form
of equations more popular.
The most popular methods are the Gauss-Seidel method, the Newton-Raphson
method and the Fast Decoupled Load Flow method. These methods have been
discussed in detail with illustrative examples. In smaller systems, the ease of
programming and the memory requirements, make GS method attractive. However, the
computation time increases with increase in the size of the system. Hence, in large
systems NR and FDLF methods are more popular. There is a trade off between various
requirements like speed, storage, reliability, computation time, convergence
characteristics etc. No single method has all the desirable features. However, NR
method is most popular because of its versatility, reliability and accuracy
In practice, electric power systems are very complex and their size is unwieldy. It is
very difficult to represent all the components of the system on a single frame. The
complexities could be in terms of various types of protective devices, machines
(transformers, generators, motors, etc.), their connections (star, delta, etc.), etc. Hence,
for the purpose of power system analysis, a simple single phase equivalent circuit is
developed called, the one line diagram (OLD) or the single line diagram (SLD). An
SLD is thus, the concise form of representing a given power system. It is to be noted
that a given SLD will contain only such data that are relevant to the system
analysis/study under consideration. For example, the details of protective devices need
not be shown for load flow analysis nor it is necessary to show the details of shunt
values for stability studies.
Example system
Consider for illustration purpose, a sample example power system and data as under:
Generator 1: 30 MVA, 10.5 KV, X”= 1.6 ohms, Generator 2: 15 MVA, 6.6 KV, X”=
ohms, Generator 3: 25 MVA, 6.6 KV, X”= 0.56 ohms, Transformer 1 (3-phase):
15 MVA, 33/11 KV, X=15.2 ohms/phase on HT side, Transformer 2 (3-phase): 15
MVA, 33/6.2 KV, X=16.0 ohms/phase on HT side, Transmission Line: 20.5 ohms per
phase, Load A: 15 MW, 11 KV, 0.9 PF (lag); and Load B: 40 MW, 6.6 KV, 0.85 PF
(lag). The corresponding SLD incorporating the standard symbols can be shown as in
figure 2.
It is observed here, that the generators are specified in 3-phase MVA, L-L voltage and
per phase Y-equivalent impedance, transformers are specified in 3-phase MVA, L-L
voltage transformation ratio and per phase Y-equivalent impedance on any one side and
the loads are specified in 3-phase MW, L-L voltage and power factor.
Impedance Diagram
The impedance diagram on single-phase basis for use under balanced conditions can be
easily drawn from the SLD. The following assumptions are made in obtaining the
impedance diagrams.
The single phase transformer equivalents are shown as ideals with impedances on
appropriate side (LV/HV),
The magnetizing reactances of transformers are negligible,
The generators are represented as constant voltage sources with series resistance or
The transmission lines are approximated by their equivalent -Models,
The loads are assumed to be passive and are represented by a series branch of
resistance or reactance and
Since the balanced conditions are assumed, the neutral grounding impedances do
not appear in the impedance diagram.
Example system
As per the list of assumptions as above and with reference to the system of figure 2, the
impedance diagram can be obtained as shown in figure 3.
Reactance Diagram
With some more additional and simplifying assumptions, the impedance diagram can
be simplified further to obtain the corresponding reactance diagram. The following are
the assumptions made.
Additional assumptions:
The resistance is often omitted during the fault analysis. This causes a very
negligible error since, resistances are negligible
Loads are Omitted
Transmission line capacitances are ineffective &
Magnetizing currents of transformers are neglected.
Example system
as per the assumptions given above and with reference to the system of figure 2 and
figure 3, the reactance diagram can be obtained as shown in figure 4.
Note: These impedance & reactance diagrams are also refered as the Positive
Sequence Diagrams/ Networks.
In 3-phase systems, KVb is the line-to-line value & MVAb is the 3-phase MVA. [1-
phase MVA = (1/3) 3-phase MVA].
Frames of Reference:
Bus Frame of Reference: There are b independent equations (b = no. of buses) relating
the bus vectors of currents and voltages through the bus impedance matrix and bus
admittance matrix:
Branch Frame of Reference: There are b independent equations (b = no. of branches of
a selected Tree sub-graph of the system Graph) relating the branch vectors of currents
and voltages through the branch impedance matrix and branch admittance matrix:
IBR = YBR EBR (1.6)
Rule of Inspection
Consider the 3-node admittance network as shown in figure5. Using the basic branch
relation: I = (YV), for all the elemental currents and applying Kirchhoff’s Current Law
principle at the nodal points, we get the relations as under:
At node 1: I1 =Y1V1 + Y3 (V1-V3) + Y6 (V1 – V2)
At node 2: I2 =Y2V2 + Y5 (V2-V3) + Y6 (V2 – V1)
At node 3: 0 = Y3 (V3-V1) + Y4V3 + Y5 (V3 – V2) (1.8)
These are the performance equations of the given network in admittance form and they
can be represented in matrix form as:
Problem #1: Obtain the bus admittance matrix for the admittance network shown aside
by the rule of inspection
16 -8 -4
YBUS = -8 24 -8
-4 -8 16
Problem #2: Obtain YBUS and ZBUS matrices for the impedance network shown aside by the rule of
inspection. Also, determine YBUS
for the reduced network after eliminating the eligible unwanted node. Draw the
resulting reduced system diagram. EMUIT
-9. 8 54
YBUS = 5 -16 10
4 10 -14
New -1
Problem #1:
Two generators rated 10 MVA, 13.2 KV and 15 MVA, 13.2 KV are connected in
parallel to a bus bar. They feed supply to 2 motors of inputs 8 MVA and 12 MVA
respectively. The operating voltage of motors is 12.5 KV. Assuming the base quantities
as 50 MVA, 13.8 KV, draw the per unit reactance diagram. The percentage reactance
for generators is 15% and that for motors is 20%.
The one line diagram with the data is obtained as shown in figure P1(a).
Problem #2:
Draw the per unit reactance diagram for the system shown in figure below. Choose a
base of 11 KV, 100 MVA in the generator circuit.
Calculation of pu values:
XG = j 0.1 pu, Xm = j 0.2 (100/90) (6.6/6.31)2 = j 0.243 pu.
Xt1 =Xt2 = j 0.1 (100/50) (11.5/11)2 = j 0.2185 pu.
Xt3 =Xt4 = j 0.1 (100/50) (6.6/6.31)2 = j 0.219 pu.
Xlines = j 20 (100/1102) = j 0.1652 pu.
Eg = 1.000 pu, Em = (6.6/6.31) = 1.04500 pu
Thus the pu reactance diagram can be drawn as shown in figure P2(b).
Problem #3:
A 30 MVA, 13.8 KV, 3-phase generator has a sub transient reactance of 15%. The
generator supplies 2 motors through a step-up transformer - transmission line – step-
down transformer arrangement. The motors have rated inputs of 20 MVA and 10 MVA
at 12.8 KV with 20% sub transient reactance each. The 3-phase transformers are rated
at 35 MVA, 13.2 KV- /115 KV-Y with 10 % leakage reactance. The line reactance is
80 ohms. Draw the equivalent per unit reactance diagram by selecting the generator
ratings as base values in the generator circuit.
Calculation of pu values:
XG = j 0.15 pu.
Xm1 = j 0.2 (30/20) (12.8/13.8)2 = j 0.516 pu.
Xm2 = j 0.2 (30/10) (12.8/13.8)2 = j 0.2581 pu.
Xt1 =Xt2 = j 0.1 (30/35) (13.2/13.8)2= j 0.0784 pu.
Xline = j 80 (30/120.232) = j 0.17 pu.
Problem #4:
A 33 MVA, 13.8 KV, 3-phase generator has a sub transient reactance of 0.5%. The
generator supplies a motor through a step-up transformer - transmission line – step-
down transformer arrangement. The motor has rated input of 25 MVA at 6.6 KV with
25% sub transient reactance. Draw the equivalent per unit impedance diagram by
selecting 25 MVA (3), 6.6 KV (LL) as base values in the motor circuit, given the
transformer and transmission line data as under:
Step up transformer bank: three single phase units, connected –Y, each rated 10
MVA, 13.2/6.6 KV with 7.7 % leakage reactance and 0.5 % leakage resistance;
Transmission line: 75 KM long with a positive sequence reactance of 0.8 ohm/ KM and
a resistance of 0.2 ohm/ KM; and
Step down transformer bank: three single phase units, connected –Y, each rated 8.33
MVA, 110/3.98 KV with 8% leakage reactance and 0.8 % leakage resistance;
The one line diagram with the data is obtained as shown in figure P4(a).
T1: 3(10) = 30 MVA, 13.2/ 66.43 KV = 13.2/ 115 KV, X = 0.077, R = 0.005 pu. T 2:
3(8.33) = 25 MVA, 110/ 3.983 KV = 110/ 6.8936 KV, X = 0.08, R = 0.008 pu.
Calculation of pu values:
Xm = j 0.25 pu; Em = 1.000 pu.
XG = j 0.005 (25/33) (13.8/12.09)2 = j 0.005 pu; Eg = 13.8/12.09 = 1.41400 pu.
Zt1 = 0.005 + j 0.077 (25/30) (13.2/12.09) = 0.005 + j 0.0765 pu. (ref. to LV side)
Zt2 = 0.008 + j 0.08 (25/25) (110/105.316) = 0.0087 + j 0.0873 pu. (ref. to HV side)
Zline = 75 (0.2+j 0.8) (25/ 105.3162) = 0.0338 + j 0.1351 pu.
1. Determine the reactances of the three generators rated as follows on a common base
of 200 MVA, 35 KV: Generator 1: 100 MVA, 33 KV, sub transient reactance of 10%;
Generator 2: 150 MVA, 32 KV, sub transient reactance of 8% and Generator 3: 110
MVA, 30 KV, sub transient reactance of 12%.
[Answers: XG1 = j 0.1778, Xg2 = j 0.089, Xg3 = j 0.16 all in per unit]
2. A 100 MVA, 33 KV, 3-phase generator has a sub transient reactance of 15%. The
generator supplies 3 motors through a step-up transformer - transmission line – step-
down transformer arrangement. The motors have rated inputs of 30 MVA, 20 MVA and
50 MVA, at 30 KV with 20% sub transient reactance each. The 3-phase transformers
are rated at 100 MVA, 32 KV- /110 KV-Y with 8 % leakage reactance. The line has a
reactance of 50 ohms. By selecting the generator ratings as base values in the generator
circuit, determine the base values in all the other parts of the system. Hence evaluate the
corresponding pu values and draw the equivalent per unit reactance diagram.
[Answers: XG = j 0.15, Xm1 = j 0.551, Xm2 = j 0.826, Xm3 = j 0.331, Eg1=1.0 00, Em1 = Em2
Em3 = 0.9100, Xt1 = Xt2 = j 0.0775 and Xline = j 0.39 all in per unit]
6. A 80 MVA, 10 KV, 3-phase generator has a sub transient reactance of 10%. The
generator supplies a motor through a step-up transformer - transmission line – step-down
transformer arrangement. The motor has rated input of 95 MVA, 6.3 KV with 15% sub
transient reactance. The step-up 3-phase transformer is rated at 90 MVA, 11 KV-Y /110
KV-Y with 10% leakage reactance. The 3-phase step-down transformer consists of three
single phase Y- connected transformers, each rated at 33.33 MVA, 68/6.6 KV with
10% leakage reactance. The line has a reactance of 20 ohms. By selecting the 11 KV,
100 MVA as base values in the generator circuit, determine the base values in all the
other parts of the system. Hence evaluate the corresponding pu values and draw the
equivalent per unit reactance diagram.
[Answers: XG = j 1.103, Xm = j 0.165, Eg1=0.9100, Em= 1.02200, Xt1 = j 0.11, Xt2 = j
0.114 and Xline = j 0.17 all in per unit]
4. For the three-phase system shown below, draw an impedance diagram expressing all
impedances in per unit on a common base of 20 MVA, 2600 V on the HV side of the
transformer. Using this impedance diagram, find the HV and LV currents.
(iv) Under no load conditions the current in a transmission line is due to.
Corona effects
Capacitance of the line
Back flow from earth
None of the above
(v) In the short transmission line which of the following is used?
- Model
T – Model
Both (a) and (b)
None of the above
(vi) In the short transmission line which of the following is neglected?
I2 R loss
Shunt admittance
Series impedance
All of the above
(vii) Which of the following loss in a transformer is zero even at full load?
Eddy current
Core loss
Friction loss
(viii) The transmission line conductors are transposed to
Balance the current
Obtain different losses
Obtain same line drops
Balance the voltage
In order to protect the equipment during faults, fast acting circuit breakers are put in the
lines. To design the rating of these circuit breakers or an auxiliary device, the fault
current has to be predicted. By considering the equivalent per unit reactance diagrams,
the various faults can be analyzed to determine the fault parameters. This helps in the
protection and maintenance of the equipment.
Thus the line can be modeled by a lumped R-L series circuit. Let the short circuit take
place at t=0. The parameter, controls the instant of short circuit on the voltage wave.
From basic circuit theory, it is observed that the current after short circuit is composed
of the two parts as under: i =is +it, Where, is is the steady state current and it is the
transient current. These component currents are determined as follows.
Consider, v = Vm sin (t+)
= iR + L (di/dt) (2.1)
and i = Im sin (t+-) (22.)
2 2 -1
Where Vm = 2V; Im = 2I; Zmag = [R +(L) ]= tan (L/R) (2.3)
Thus is = [Vm/Z] sin (t+-) (2.4)
Consider the performance equation of the circuit of figure 1 under circuit as:
iR + L (di/dt) = 0
i.e., (R/L + d/dt)i = 0 (2.5)
In order to solve the equation (5), consider the complementary function part of the
solution as:CF = C1 e(-t/) (2.6)
Where (= L/R) is the time constant and C1 is a constant given by the value of steady
state current at t = 0. Thus we have,
C1 = -is(0)
= - [Vm/Z] sin (-)
= [Vm/Z] sin (-) (2.7)
Similarly the expression for the transient part is given by:
it = -is(0) e(-t/)
= [Vm/Z] sin (-) e(-R/L)t (2.8)
Thus the total current under short circuit is given by the solution of equation (1) as
[combining equations (4) and (8)],
The maximum momentary current, imm thus corresponds to the first peak. Hence, if the
decay in the transient current during this short interval of time is neglected, then we
have (sum of the two peak values);
imm = [2V/Z] sin (-) + [2V/Z] (2.10)
now, since the resistance of the transmission line is very small, the impedance angle ,
can be taken to be approximately equal to 900. Hence, we have
imm = [2V/Z] cos + [2V/Z] (2.11)
Immediately after the short circuit, the symmetrical short circuit current is limited only
by the leakage reactance of the machine. However, to encounter the demagnetization of
the armature short circuit current, current appears in field and damper windings,
assisting the rotor field winding to sustain the air-gap flux. Thus during the initial part
of the short circuit, there is mutual coupling between stator, rotor and damper windings
and hence the corresponding equivalent circuit would be as shown in figure 4. Thus the
equivalent reactance is given by:
Xd” = Xl +[1/Xa + 1/Xf + 1/Xdw]-1 (2.14)
Where Xd” is called as the sub-transient reactance of the synchronous machine. Here,
the equivalent resistance of the damper winding is more than that of the rotor field
winding. Hence, the time constant of the damper field winding is smaller. Thus the
damper field effects and the eddy currents disappear after a few cycles.
In other words, Xdw gets open circuited from the model of Figure 5 to yield the model
as shown in figure 4. Thus the equivalent reactance is given by:
Xd’ = Xl +[1/Xa + 1/Xf ]-1 (2.15)
Where Xd’ is called as the transient reactance of the synchronous machine.
Subsequently, X f also gets open circuited depending on the field winding time constant
and yields back the steady state model of figure 3.
Thus the machine offers a time varying reactance during short circuit and this value of
reactance varies from initial stage to final one such that: Xd Xd’ Xd’
The currents and reactances during the three zones of period are related as under in
terms of the intercepts on the oscillogram (oa, ob and oc are the y-intercepts as
indicated in figure 6):
RMS value of the steady state current = I = [oa/2] = [Eg/Xd]
RMS value of the transient current = I’ = [ob/2] = [Eg/Xd’]
RMS value of the sub transient current = I = [oc/2] = [Eg/Xd”] (2.16)
The synchronous motors will also have the terminal emf values and reactances.
However, then the current direction is reversed. During short circuit studies, they can be
replaced by circuit models similar to those shown in figure 7 above, except that the
voltages are given by the relations as under:
The circuit models shown above for the synchronous machines are also very useful
while dealing with the short circuit of an interconnected system.
Figure P1.
Consider the expression for voltage applied to the transmission system given by
v = Vm sin(t+) = 100 sin (100t+150)
Thus we get: Vm = 100 volts; f = 50 Hz and = 150.
Consider the impedance of the circuit given by:
Z = R + jL = 5 + j (100) (0.1) = 5 + j 31.416 ohms.
Thus we have: Zmag=31.8113 Ohms; =80.9570 and =L/R=0.1/5=0.02
seconds. The short circuit current is given by:
i(t) = [Vm/Z] sin (t+-) + [Vm/Z] sin (-) e-(R/L)t
[100/31.8113] [sin (100t+150-80.9570) + sin(80.9570-150) e-(t/0.02)]
3.1435 sin(314.16 t – 65.96) +2.871 e–50t
Thus we have:
i) imm = 3.1435 + 2.871 e–50t
where t is the time instant of maximum of symmetrical short circuit current. This instant
occurs at (314.16 tc – 65.960) = 900 ; Solving we get, t = 0.00867 seconds so that imm =
5 Amps.
ii) imm = 2Vm/Z = 6.287 A; for =0, and =900 (Also, imm = 2 (3.1435) = 6.287 A)
iii) DC offset current = [Vm/Z] sin (-) e-(R/L)t
= zero, if (-) = zero, i.e., = , or = 80.9570
0 0
= maximum if (-) = 90 , i.e., = - 90 , or = - 9.0430.
Figure P2(a)
Selection of bases:
Sb = 25 MVA (common); Vb = 11 KV (Gen. circuit)- chosen so that then Vb = 66 KV
(line circuit) and Vb = 6.6 KV (Motor circuit).
Pu values:
Xg=j0.2 pu, Xt1=Xt2=j0.1 pu; Xm1=Xm2=Xm3=j0.25(25/5)=j1.25 pu; Xline=j0.15 pu.
Since the system is operating at no load, all the voltages before fault are 1 pu.
Considering the pu reactance diagram with the faults at P, we have:
Figure P2(b)
Consider the SLD with the data given in the problem statement. The base values are
selected as under:
Figure P3.
Sb = 1 MVA; Vb = 0.44 KV (common)- chosen so that Xm(each)=j0.1 pu, Em =
1.000, Xline=j0.05 (1/0.442) = j 0.258 pu and Xlarge-system -= (1/8) = j 0.125 pu.
Thus the prefault voltage at the motor bus; Vt = 0.4/0.44 = 0.90900,
Short circuit current fed to the fault at motor bus (If = YV);
If = [0.125 + 0.258]-1 + 2.0 }0.909 = [20.55 pu] [1000/(3(0.4))]
= 20.55 (1.312) KA = 26.966 KA.
1. The one line diagram for a radial system network consists of two generators, rated 10
MVA, 15% and 10 MVA, 12.5 % respectively and connected in parallel to a bus bar A
at 11 KV. Supply from bus A is fed to bus B (at 33 KV) through a transformer T1
(rated: 10 MVA, 10%) and OH line (30 KM long). A transformer T2 (rated: 5 MVA,
8%) is used in between bus B (at 33 KV) and bus C (at 6.6 KV). The length of cable
running from the bus C up to the point of fault, F is 3 KM. Determine the current and
line voltage at 11 kV bus A under fault conditions, when a fault occurs at the point F,
given that Zcable = 0.135 + j 0.08 ohm/ kM and ZOH-line = 0.27 + j 0.36 ohm/kM.
[Answer: 9.62 kV at the 11 kV bus]
2. A generator (rated: 25MVA, 12. KV, 10%) supplies power to a motor (rated: 20
MVA, 3.8 KV, 10%) through a step-up transformer (rated:25 MVA, 11/33 KV, 8%),
transmission line (of reactance 20 ohms) and a step-down transformer (rated:20 MVA,
33/3.3 KV, 10%). Write the pu reactance diagram. The system is loaded such that the
motor is drawing 15 MW at 0.9 leading power factor, the motor terminal voltage being
3.1 KV. Find the sub-transient current in the generator and motor for a fault at the
generator bus. [Answer: Ig” = 9.337 KA; Im” = 6.9 KA]
3. A synchronous generator feeds bus 1 and a power network feed bus 2 of a system.
Buses 1 and 2 are connected through a transformer and a line. Per unit reactances of the
components are: Generator(bus-1):0.25; Transformer:0.12 and Line:0.28. The power
network is represented by a generator with an unknown reactance in series. With the
generator on no-load and with 1.0 pu voltage at each bus, a three phase fault occurring
on bus-1 causes a current of 5 pu to flow into the fault. Determine the equivalent
reactance of the power network. [Answer: X = 0.6 pu]
4. A synchronous generateor, rated 500 KVA, 440 Volts, 0.1 pu sub-transient reactance
is supplying a passive load of 400 KW, at 0.8 power factor (lag). Calculate the initial
symmetrical RMS current for a three-phase fault at the generator terminals.
[Answer: Sb=0.5 MVA; Vb=0.44 KV; load=0.8–36.90; Ib=0.656 KA; If=6.97 KA]
[CONTENTS: Introduction, The a operator, Power in terms of symmetrical components, Phase shift in Y-
transformer banks, Unsymmetrical series impedances, Sequence impedances, Sequence
networks, Sequence networks of an unloaded generator, Sequence networks of elements,
Sequence networks of power system]
Power systems are large and complex three-phase systems. In the normal operating
conditions, these systems are in balanced condition and hence can be represented as an
equivalent single phase system. However, a fault can cause the system to become
unbalanced. Specifically, the unsymmetrical faults: open circuit, LG, LL, and LLG
faults cause the system to become unsymmetrical. The single-phase equivalent system
method of analysis (using SLD and the reactance diagram) cannot be applied to such
unsymmetrical systems. Now the question is how to analyze power systems under
unsymmetrical conditions? There are two methods available for such an analysis:
Kirchhoff’s laws method and Symmetrical components method.
Consider a set of three-phase unbalanced voltages designated as Va, Vb, and Vc.
According to Fortescue theorem, these phase voltages can be resolved into following
three sets of components.
The relation between the symmetrical components reveals that the phase displacement
among them is either 1200 or 00. Using this relationship, only three independent
components is sufficient to determine all the nine components. For this purpose an
operator which rotates a given phasor by 1200 in the positive direction (counterclockwise)
is very useful. The letter ‘a’ is used to designate such a complex operator of unit
magnitude with an angle of 1200. It is defined by
In matrix form,
a 1
12 1 va 0
1 a a v (3.4)
v b a1
v 1 a a2 v
c a 2
v v 1 11
a 0
Vp vb a ; A 1 a
Let ; Vs v a1 a (3.5)
v v 1 a a2
c a2
The inverse of A matrix is
1 1 1
1 1 2
A 3 1 a a (3.6)
1 a 2 a
With these definitions, the above relations can be written as
Since the sum of three balanced voltages is zero, the zero-sequence component voltage
in a balanced three-phase system is always zero. Further, the sum of line voltages of
even an unbalanced three-phase system is zero and hence the corresponding zero-
sequence component of line voltages.
Va = Va0 + Va1 + Va2 = 223.6 <-26.60 V
Vb = Va0 + a2Va1 + a Va2 = 213 < -99.90 V
Vc = Va0 + a Va1 + a2 Va2 = 338.6 < 66.20 V
Example 3: The two seq. components and the corresponding phase voltage of a 3-ph
system are Va0 =1<-600 V; Va1=2<00 V ; & Va = 3 <00 V. Determine the other phase
Va = Va0 + Va1 + Va2
Va2 = Va – Va0 – Va1 = 1 <600 V
Vb = Va0 + a2Va1 + a Va2 = 3 < -1200 V
Vc = Va0 + a Va1 + a2 Va2 = 0 V
Example 5: Determine the sequence components if Va = 100 <300 V; Vb = 100 <1500 V &
Vc = 100 <-900 V.
Va0 = 1/3(Va + Vb + Vc) =0V
Va1 = 1/3(Va + a Vb + a2Vc) = 0 V
Va2 = 1/3(Va + a2 Vb + a Vc) = 100<300 V
Observation: If the phasors are balanced, two sequence components will be
Subject code: 15A02603 Power System Analysis
Example 6: The line b of a 3-ph line feeding a balanced Y-load with neutral grounded
is open resulting in line currents: Ia = 10<00 A & Ic = 10<1200 A. Determine the
sequence current components.
Ib = 0 A.
Ia0 = 1/3(Ia + Ib + Ic) = 3.33<600 A
Ia1 = 1/3(Ia + a Ib + a2Ic) = 6.66<0 A
Ia2 = 1/3(Ia + a2 Ib + a Ic) = 3.33<-60 A
S = P + j Q = Va Ia* + Vb Ib * + Vc Ic * (3.9)
where Va , Vb and Vc are voltages to neutral at the terminals and Ia , Ib, and Ic are the
currents flowing into the system in the three lines. In matrix form
I a Va V b * ba
* T
S va vb vc I I
c c
S = [A V]T [AI]*
S = VT AT A* I*
I a2
or, since A A* is equal to 3U where U is 3x3 unit matrix
v v
S 3 va 0 a1 a2
I a1
Thus the complex three-phase power is given by
Here, 3Va0Ia0, 3Va1Ia1 and 3Va2Ia2 correspond to the three-phase power delivered to
the zero-sequence system, positive-sequence system, and negative-sequence system,
respectively. Thus, the total three-phase power in the unbalanced system is equal to the
sum of the power delivered to the three sequence systems representing the three-phase
The dot convention is used to designate the terminals of transformers. The dots are
placed at one end of each of the winding on the same iron core of a transformer to
indicate that the currents flowing from the dotted terminal to the unmarked terminal of
each winding produces an mmf acting in the same direction in the magnetic circuit. In
that case, the voltage drops from dotted terminal to unmarked terminal in each side of
the windings are in phase.
The HT terminals of three-phase transformers are marked as H1, H2 and H3 and the
corresponding LT side terminals are marked X1, X2 and X3. In Y-Y or - transformers,
the markings are such that voltages to neutral from terminals H1, H2, and H3 are in
phase with the voltages to neutral from terminals X1, X2, and X3, respectively. But,
there will be a phase shift (of 300) between the corresponding quantities of the primary
and secondary sides of a star-delta (or delta-star) transformer. The standard for
connection and designation of transformer banks is as follows:
1. The HT side terminals are marked as H1, H2 and H3 and the corresponding LT side
terminals are marked X1, X2 and X3.
2. The phases in the HT side are marked in uppercase letters as A, B, and C. Thus for
the sequence abc, A is connected to H1, B to H2 and C to H3. Similarly, the phases
in the LT side are marked in lowercase letters as a, b and c.
3. The standard for designating the terminals H1 and X1 on transformer banks requires
that the positive-sequence voltage drop from H1 to neutral lead the positive sequence
voltage drop from X1 to neutral by 300 regardless of the type of connection in the HT
Consider a Y- transformer as shown in Figure a. The HT side terminals H1, H2, and
H3 are connected to phases A, B, and C, respectively and the phase sequence is ABC. The
windings that are drawn in parallel directions are those linked magnetically (by being
wound on the same core). In Figure a winding AN is the phase on the Y-side which is
linked magnetically with the phase winding bc on the side. For the location of thedots
on the windings VAN is in phase with Vbc. Following the standards for the phase shift, the
phasor diagrams for the sequence components of voltages are shown in Figure b. The
sequence component of VAN1 is represented as VA1 (leaving subscript ‘N’ for convenience
and all other voltages to neutral are similarly represented. The phasor diagram reveals
that VA1 leads Vb1 by 300. This will enable to designate the terminal to which b is
connected as X1. Inspection of the positive-sequence and negative-sequence phasor
diagrams revels that Va1 leads VA1 by 900 and Va2 lags VA2 by 900.
From the dot convention and the current directions assumed in Figure a, the phasor diagram
for the sequence components of currents can be drawn as shown in Figure c. Since the
direction specified for IA in Figure a is away from the dot in the winding and the
direction of Ibc is also away from the dot in its winding, IA and Ibc are 1800 out of phase.
Hence the phase relation between the Y and currents is as shown in Figure c. From this
diagram, it can be seen that Ia1 leads IA1 by 900 and Ia2 lags IA2 by 900. Summarizing
these relations between the symmetrical components on the two sides of the transformer
Assuming an angle of 1800 for Vca, find the angles of other voltages
Vab = 0.8<82.80 pu
Vbc = 1.2<-41.40 pu
Vca = 1.0<1800 pu
The symmetrical components of line voltages are
The directions are +ve for currents from supply toward the delta primary and away
from the Y-side toward the load. The HT side line to neutral voltages are
Consider the network shown in Figure. Assuming that there is no mutual impedance
between the impedances Za, Zb, and Zc, the voltage drops Vaa’, vbb’, and Vcc’ can be
expressed in matrix form as
Example 9: A Y-connected source with phase voltages Vag = 277<00, Vbg = 260<-
1200 and Vcg = 295<1150 is applied to a balanced load of 30<400 Ω/phase through a
line of impedance 1<850 Ω. The neutral of the source is solidly grounded. Draw the
sequence networks of the system and find source currents.
Va0 = 15.91<62.110 V
Va1 = 277.1<-1.70 V
Va2 = 9.22<216.70 V
Y eq. of load = 10<400 Ω/phase
Zline = 1<850 Ω.
Zneutral = 0
Ia0 = 0<00 A
Ia1 = 25.82<-45.60 A
Ia2 = 0.86<172.80 A
Ia = 25.15<-46.80 A
Ib = 25.71<196.40 A
Ic = 26.62<73.80 A
The single-phase equivalent circuit consisting of the impedances to currents of any one
sequence only is called the sequence network of that particular sequence. Thus, the
sequence network corresponding to positive-sequence current is called the positive-
sequence network. Similarly, the sequence network corresponding to negative-sequence
current is called negative-sequence network, and that corresponding to zero-sequence
current is called zero-sequence network. The sequence networks are interconnected in a
particular way to represent various unsymmetrical fault conditions. Therefore, to
calculate the effect of a fault by the method of symmetrical components, it is required
to determine the sequence networks.
The current flowing in the impedance Zn between neutral and ground is 3Ia0 as shown
in Fig. 3.6. Thus the zero-sequence voltage drop from point a to the ground, is given by:
(-Ia0Zg0 – 3Ia0Zn), where Zg0 is the zero-sequence impedance of the generator. Thus
the zero-sequence network, which is single-phase equivalent circuit assumed to carry
only one phase, must have an zero-sequence impedance of Zo = (Zg0 +3Zn).
From the sequence networks, the voltage drops from point a to reference bus (or
ground) are given by
Va1 = Ea - Ia1Z1
Va2 = - Ia2Z2
Va0 = - Ia0 Z0 (3.15)
Eq. 3.15 applicable to any unloaded generator are valid for loaded generator under steady
state conditions. These relations are also applicable for transient or subtransient
conditions of a loaded generator if Eg’ or Eg” is substituted for Ea.
For obtaining the sequence networks, the component voltages/ currents and the component
impedances of all the elements of the network are to be determined. The usual elements of a
power system are: passive loads, rotating machines (generators/ motors), transmission lines
and transformers. The positive- and negative-sequence impedances of linear, symmetrical,
static circuits are identical (because the impedance of such circuits is independent of phase
order provided the applied voltages are balanced).
The sequence impedances of rotating machines will generally differ from one another.
This is due to the different conditions that exists when the sequence currents flows. The
flux due to negative-sequence currents rotates at double the speed of rotor while that the
positive-sequence currents is stationary with respect to the rotor. The resultant flux due
to zero-sequence currents is ideally zero as these flux components adds up to zero, and
hence the zero-sequence reactance is only due to the leakage flux. Thus, the zero-
sequence impedance of these machines is smaller than positive- and negative-sequence
Since all the neutral points of a symmetrical three-phase system are at the same potential
when balanced currents are flowing, the neutral of a symmetrical three-phase system is the
logical reference point. It is therefore taken as the reference bus for the positive- and
negative-sequence networks. Impedances connected between the neutral of the machine and
ground is not a part of either the positive- or negative- sequence networks because neither
positive- nor negative-sequence currents can flow in such impedances.
A -connected circuit can provide no return path; its impedance to zero-sequence line
currents is therefore infinite. Thus, the zero-sequence network is open at the -connected
circuit, as shown in Fig.3.9 However zero-sequence currents can circulate inside the -
connected circuit.
1. Case 1: Y-Y Bank with one neutral grounded: If either one of the neutrals of a Y-Y
bank is ungrounded, zero-sequence current cannot flow in either winding ( as the
absence of a path through one winding prevents current in the other). An open
circuit exists for zero-sequence current between two parts of the system connected
by the transformer bank.
2. Case 2: Y-Y Bank with both neutral grounded: In this case, a path through
transformer exists for the zero-sequence current. Hence zero-sequence current can
flow in both sides of the transformer provided there is complete outside closed path
for it to flow. Hence the points on the two sides of the transformer are connected by
the zer0-sequence impedance of the transformer.
3. Case 3: Y- Bank with grounded Y: In this case, there is path for zero-sequence
current to ground through the Y as the corresponding induced current can circulate in
the . The equivalent circuit must provide for a path from lines on the Y side through
zero-sequence impedance of the transformer to the reference bus. However, an open
circuit must exist between line and the reference bus on the side. If there is an
impedance Zn between neutral and ground, then the zero-sequence impedance must
include 3Zn along with zero-sequence impedance of the transformer.
5. Case 5: - Bank: In this case, there is no return path for zero-sequence current. The
zero-sequence current cannot flow in lines although it can circulate in the windings.
6. The zero-sequence equivalent circuits determined for the individual parts separately
are connected according to the SLD to form the complete zero-sequence network.
1. For the given condition (steady state, transient, or subtransient), draw the reactance
diagram (selecting proper base values and converting all the per unit values to the
selected base, if necessary). This will correspond to the positive-sequence network.
2. Determine the per unit negative-sequence impedances of all elements (if the values
of negative sequence is not given to any element, it can approximately be taken as
equal to the positive-sequence impedance). Draw the negative-sequence network by
replacing all emf sources by short circuit and all impedances by corresponding
negative-sequence impedances in the positive-sequence network.
3. Determine the per unit zero-sequence impedances of all the elements and draw the
zero-sequence network corresponding to the grounding conditions of different
Example 10: For the power system shown in the SLD, draw the sequence networks.
EXERCISE PROBLEM: For the power system shown in the SLD, draw the sequence
[CONTENTS: Preamble, L-G, L-L, L-L-G and 3-phase faults on an unloaded alternator without and with
fault impedance, faults on a power system without and with fault impedance, open
conductor faults in power systems, examples]
The unsymmetrical faults will have faulty parameters at random. They can be analyzed
by using the symmetrical components. The standard types of unsymmetrical faults
considered for analysis include the following (in the order of their severity):
Further the neutrals of various equipment may be grounded or isolated, the faults can
occur at any general point F of the given system, the faults can be through a fault
impedance, etc. Of the various types of faults as above, the 3- fault involving the
ground is the most severe one. Here the analysis is considered in two stages as under:
(i) Fault at the terminals of a Conventional (Unloaded) Generator and (ii) Faults at any
point F, of a given Electric Power System (EPS).
Consider now the symmetrical component relational equations derived from the three
sequence networks corresponding to a given unsymmetrical system as a function of
sequence impedances and the positive sequence voltage source in the form as under:
Va0 = - Ia0Z0
Va1 = Ea - Ia1Z1
Va2 = - Ia2Z2 (4.1)
These equations are refered as the sequence equations. In matrix Form the sequence
equations can be considered as:
Va0 0 Z0 0 0 Ia0
Va1 = Ea – 0 Z1 0 Ia1
Va2 0 0 Z
0 2 Ia2 (4.2)
This equation is used along with the equations i.e., conditions under fault (c.u.f.),
derived to describe the fault under consideration, to determine the sequence current Ia1
and hence the fault current If, in terms of Ea and the sequence impedances, Z1, Z2 and
Z0. Thus during unsymmetrical fault analysis of any given type of fault, two sets of
equations as follows are considered for solving them simultaneously to get the required
fault parameters:
Equations for the conditions under fault (c.u.f.)
A conventional generator is one that produces only the balanced voltages. Let Ea, nd Ec
be the internally generated voltages and Zn be the neutral impedance. The fault is assumed
to be on the phase’a’ as shown in figure 4.1. Consider now the conditions under
fault as under:
Ib = 0; Ic = 0; and Va = 0. (4.3)
Now consider the symmetrical components of the current Ia with Ib=Ic=0, given by:
Ia0 1 1 1 Ia
Ia1 = (1/3) 1 a a 2 0
Ia2 1 a a 0 (4.4)
Solving (4.4) we get,
Ia1 = Ia2 = Ia0 = (Ia/3) (4.5)
Or in other words,
Ia1 = [Ea/(Z1 + Z2 + Z0)] (4.7)
Figure 4.2 Connection of sequence networks for LG Fault
on phase a of a Conventional Generator
The equation (4.7) derived as above implies that the three sequence networks are
connected in series to simulate a LG fault, as shown in figure 4.2. Further we have the
following relations satisfied under the fault conditions:
Consider a line to line fault between phase ‘b’ and phase ‘c’ as shown in figure 4.3, at
the terminals of a conventional generator, whose neutral is grounded through a
reactance. Consider now the conditions under fault as under:
Ia = 0; Ib = - Ic; and Vb = Vc (4.8)
Now consider the symmetrical components of the voltage Va with Vb=Vc, given by:
Va0 1 1 1 Va
Va1 = (1/3) 1 a a 2 Vb
Va2 1 a a Vb (4.9)
The equation (4.14) derived as above implies that the three sequence networks are
connected such that the zero sequence network is absent and only the positive and
negative sequence networks are connected in series-opposition to simulate the LL fault,
as shown in figure 4.4. Further we have the following relations satisfied under the fault
1. Ia1 = - Ia2 = [Ea/(Z1 + Z2)] and Ia0 = 0,
2. Fault current If = Ib = - Ic = [3Ea/(Z1 + Z2)] (since Ib = (a -a)Ia1 = 3Ia1)
3. Va1 = Ea - Ia1Z1 = EaZ2/(Z1+Z2)
4. Va2 = Va1 = EaZ2/(Z1+Z2)
5. Va0 = 0,
6. Fault phase voltages;Vb = Vc = aVa1+a2Va2+Va0 = (a+a2)Va1 = - Va1
7. S ound pha se voltage; Va = Va1+*Va2+Va0 =*2Va1;
8. Fa ult phase powers are V bIb and V I ,
9. Sound phase power: V aI a* = 0,
Using the identity: Va1= (Ea – Ia1Z1) in equation (4.19), pre-multiplying throughout by
[1 1 1] and finally adding, we get,
Ea/Z0 - Ia1(Z1/Z0) + (Ea/Z1)- Ia1 + Ea/Z2 - Ia1(Z1/Z2) = (Ea/Z1) – (Ia0+Ia1+Ia2)
= (Ea/Z1) - Ia = (Ea/Z1) (4.21)
Since Ia = 0, solving the equation (4.21), we get,
Ia1 = { Ea/ [Z1 + Z2Z0/(Z2+Z0)] } (4.22)
The equation (4.22) derived as above implies that, to simulate the LLG fault, the three
sequence networks are connected such that the positive network is connected in series
with the parallel combination of the negative and zero sequence networks, as shown in
figure 4.6. Further we have the following relations satisfied under the fault conditions:
1. Ia1 = {Ea/ [Z1+Z2Z0/(Z2+Z0)]}; Ia2= -Ia1Z0/(Z2 + Z0) and Ia0 = -Ia1Z2/(Z2 + Z0),
2. Fault current If: Ia0=(1/3)(Ia+Ib+Ic) = (1/3)(Ib+Ic) = If/3, Hence If = 3Ia0
3. Ia = 0, Vb=Vc=0 and hence Va1=Va2=Va0=Va/3
4. Fault phase voltages;Vb = Vc = 0
5. Sound phase voltage; Va = Va1+Va2+Va0 = 3Va1;
6. Fault phase powers are VbIb* = 0, and V cI c* = 0, since Vb=Vc=0
The equation (4.26) derived as above implies that, to simulate the 3-phase ground fault,
the three sequence networks are connected such that the negative and zero sequence
networks are absent and only the positive sequence network is present, as shown in
figure 4.8. Further the fault current, If in case of a 3-phase ground fault is given by
If = Ia1= Ia = (Ea/Z1) (4.28)
It is to be noted that the presence of a neutral connection without or with a neutral
impedance, Zn will not alter the simulated conditions in case of a three phase to ground
In all the analysis so far, only the fault at the terminals of an unloaded generator have
been considered. However, faults can also occur at any part of the system and hence the
power system fault at any general point is also quite important. The analysis of
unsymmetrical fault on power systems is done in a similar way as that followed thus far
for the case of a fault at the terminals of a generator. Here, instead of the sequence
impedances of the generator, each and every element is to be replaced by their
corresponding sequence impedances and the fault is analyzed by suitably connecting
them together to arrive at the Thevenin equivalent impedance if that given sequence.
Also, the internal voltage of the generators of the equivalent circuit for the positive
Thus, for all the cases of unsymmetrical fault analysis considered above, the sequence
equations are to be changed as under so as to account for these changes:
Va0 0 Z0 0 0 Ia0
Va1 = Vf – 0 Z1 0 Ia1
Va2 0 0 0 Z2 Ia2 (4.29)
(i) LG Fault at any point F of a given Power system
Let phase ‘a’ be on fault at F so that then, the c.u.f. would be:
Ib = 0; Ic = 0; and Va = 0.
Hence the derived conditions under fault would be:
Ia1 = Ia2 = Ia0 = (Ia/3)
Ia1 = [Vf / (Z1 + Z2 + Z0)] and
If = 3Ia1 (4.30)
(ii) LL Fault at any point F of a given Power system
Let phases ‘b’ and ‘c’ be on fault at F so that then, the c.u.f. would be:
Ia = 0; Ib = - Ic; and Vb = Vc
Hence the derived conditions under fault would be:
Va1 = Va2; Ia0 = 0; Ia2 = -Ia1
Ia1 = [Vf / (Z1 + Z2)] and
If = Ib = - Ic = [3 Vf / (Z1 + Z2)] (4.31)
Various types of power system faults occur in power systems such as the shunt type faults
(LG, LL, LLG, LLLG faults) and series type faults (open conductor and cross country
faults). While the symmetrical fault analysis is useful in determination of the rupturing
capacity of a given protective circuit breaker, the unsymmetrical fault analysis is useful in
the determination of relay setting, single phase switching and system stability studies.
When one or two of a three-phase circuit is open due to accidents, storms, etc., then
unbalance is created and the asymmetrical currents flow. Such types of faults that come
in series with the lines are refered as the open conductor faults. The open conductor
faults can be analyzed by using the sequence networks drawn for the system under
consideration as seen from the point of fault, F. These networks are then suitably
connected to simulate the given type of fault. The following are the cases required to be
analyzed (ref. fig.4.10).
(i) Single Conductor Open Fault: consider the phase ‘a’ conductor open so that then the
conditions under fault are:
Ia = 0; Vbb’ = Vcc’ = 0
The derived conditions are:
It is observed that a single conductor fault is similar to a LLG fault at the fault point F
of the system considered.
(ii) Two Conductor Open Fault: consider the phases ‘b’ and ‘c’ under open condition so
that then the conditions under fault are:
Ib = Ic = 0; Vaa’ = 0
The derived conditions are:
Ia1 = Ia2 = Ia0 = Ia/3 and
Vaa1’ = Vaa2’ = Vaa0’ = 0 (4.35)
These relations suggest a series combination of the three sequence networks as shown
in fig. 4.12. It is observed that a double conductor fault is similar to a LG fault at the
fault point F of the system considered.
All the faults considered so far have comprised of a direct short circuit from one or two
lines to ground. The effect of impedance in the fault is found out by deriving equations
similar to those for faults through zero valued neutral impedance. The connections of
the hypothetical stubs for consideration of faults through fault impedance Z f are as
shown in figure 4.13.
ure 4.13 Stubs Connections for faults through fault impedance Zf.
(iv) Three Phase Fault at any point F of a given Power system through Zf
Let all the 3 phases a, b and c be on fault at F, through Z f so that the c.u.f. would be: Va
= IaZf ; Hence the derived conditions under fault would be: Ia1 = [Vf /(Z1+Zf); The
connections of the sequence networks for all the above types of faults through Z f are as
shown in figure 4.14.
LG Fault LL Fault
Example-1: A three phase generator with constant terminal voltages gives the
following currents when under fault: 1400 A for a line-to-line fault and 2200 A for a
line-to-ground fault. If the positive sequence generated voltage to neutral is 2 ohms,
find the reactances of the negative and zero sequence currents.
Solution: Case a) Consider the conditions w.r.t. the LL fault:
Ia1 = [Ea1/(Z1 + Z2)]
If = Ib = - Ic = 3 Ia1
=3 Ea1 / (Z1 + Z2) or
(Z1 + Z2) = 3 Ea1 / If
i.e., 2 + Z2 = 3 [2000/1400]
Solving, we get, Z2 = 0.474 ohms.
Case b) Consider the conditions w.r.t. a LG fault:
Ia1 = [Ea1/(Z1 + Z2+Z0)]
If = 3 Ia1
= 3 Ea1 / (Z1 + Z2+Z0) or
(Z1 + Z2+Z0) = 3 Ea1 / If
i.e., 2 + 0.474 + Z0 = 3 [2000/2200]
Solving, we get, Z0 = 0.253 ohms.
Case b: Consider the fault current expression for LLG fault given
by: If = 3Ia0 = 3 { -Ia1X2/(X2 + X0+3Xn)}= 2.0,
where, Ia1 = {Ea/ [X1+X2(X0+3Xn)/(X2+X0+3Xn)]}
Substituting and solving for Xn we get,
Xn = 0.078 pu
= 0.47
Power system stability of modern large inter-connected systems is a major problem for
secure operation of the system. Recent major black-outs across the globe caused by system
instability, even in very sophisticated and secure systems, illustrate the problems facing
secure operation of power systems. Earlier, stability was defined as the ability of a system
to return to normal or stable operation after having been subjected to some form of
disturbance. This fundamentally refers to the ability of the system to remain in
synchronism. However, modern power systems operate under complex interconnections,
controls and extremely stressed conditions. Further, with increased automation and use of
electronic equipment, the quality of power has gained utmost importance, shifting focus
on to concepts of voltage stability, frequency stability, inter-area oscillations etc.
The IEEE/CIGRE Joint Task Force on stability terms and conditions have proposed the
following definition in 2004: “Power System stability is the ability of an electric power
system, for a given initial operating condition, to regain a state of operating equilibrium
after being subjected to a physical disturbance, with most system variables bounded, so
that practically the entire system remains intact”.
The Power System is an extremely non-linear and dynamic system, with operating
parameters continuously varying. Stability is hence, a function of the initial operating
condition and the nature of the disturbance. Power systems are continually subjected to
small disturbances in the form of load changes. The system must be in a position to be
able to adjust to the changing conditions and operate satisfactorily. The system must
also withstand large disturbances, which may even cause structural changes due to
isolation of some faulted elements.
A power system may be stable for a particular (large) disturbance and unstable for
another disturbance. It is impossible to design a system which is stable under all
The high complexity of stability problems has led to a meaningful classification of the
power system stability into various categories. The classification takes into account the
main system variable in which instability can be observed, the size of the disturbance
and the time span to be considered for assessing stability.
Small single (or small disturbance) rotor angle stability: It is the ability of the power
system to maintain synchronism under small disturbances. In this case, the system
equation can be linearized around the initial operating point and the stability depends
only on the operating point and not on the disturbance. Instability may result in
(i) A non oscillatory or a periodic increase of rotor angle
(ii) Increasing amplitude of rotor oscillations due to insufficient damping.
The first form of instability is largely eliminated by modern fast acting voltage
regulators and the second form of instability is more common. The time frame of small
signal stability is of the order of 10-20 seconds after a disturbance.
Large-signal rotor angle stability or transient stability: This refers to the ability of the
power system to maintain synchronism under large disturbances, such as short circuit, line
outages etc. The system response involves large excursions of the generator rotor angles.
Transient stability depends on both the initial operating point and the disturbance
parameters like location, type, magnitude etc. Instability is normally in the form of a
periodic angular separation. The time frame of interest is 3-5 seconds after disturbance.
The term dynamic stability was earlier used to denote the steady-state stability in the
presence of automatic controls (especially excitation controls) as opposed to manual
controls. Since all generators are equipped with automatic controllers today, dynamic
stability has lost relevance and the Task Force has recommended against its usage.
Voltage stability refers to the ability of a power system to maintain steady voltages at
all buses in the system after being subjected to a disturbance. It depends on the ability
of the system to maintain equilibrium between load demand and load supply. Instability
results in a progressive fall or rise of voltages of some buses, which could lead to loss
of load in an area or tripping of transmission lines, leading to cascading outages. This
may eventually lead to loss of synchronism of some generators.
Large disturbance voltage stability: It refers to the systems ability to maintain steady
voltages following large disturbances; It requires computation of the non-linear
response of the power system to include interaction between various devices like
motors, transformer tap changers and field current limiters. Short term voltage stability
involves dynamics of fast acting load components and period of interest is in the order
of several seconds. Long term voltage stability involves slower acting equipment like
tap-changing transformers and generator current limiters. Instability is due to loss of
long-term equilibrium.
Frequency stability refers to the ability of a power system to maintain steady frequency
following a severe disturbance, causing considerable imbalance between generation and
load. Instability occurs in the form of sustained frequency swings leading to tripping of
generating units or loads. During frequency swings, devices such as under frequency
load shedding, generator controls and protection equipment get activated in a few
seconds. However, devices such as prime mover energy supply systems and load
voltage regulators respond after a few minutes. Hence, frequency stability could be a
short-term or a long-term phenomenon.
d m d m
dt dt
The torque on a body due to a tangential force F at a distance r from axis of rotation is
given by T=rF (5.4)
The total torque is the summation of infinitesimal forces, given by
T = ∫ r dF (5.5)
The unit of torque is N-m. When torque is applied to a body, the body experiences
angular acceleration. Each particle experiences a tangential acceleration a r , where r
is the distance of the particle from axis of rotation. The tangential force required to
accelerate a particle of mass dm is
dF = a dm = r α dm (5.6)
and T=
Thus the unit of torque may also be Joule per radian. The power is defined as rate of
doing work. Using (5.11)
P = d W Tdm T m (5.12)
dt dt
The angular momentum M is defined as
M = I ωm (5.13)
And the kinetic energy is given by
KE = 1 I m 2 = 1 M ωm (5.14)
2 2
From (5.14) we can see that the unit of M has to be J-sec/rad.
The laws of rotation developed in section.3 are applicable to the synchronous machine.
I = T
I d 2m
or T (5.15)
Here T is the net torque of all torques acting on the machine, which includes the shaft
torque (due to prime mover of a generator or load on a motor), torque due to rotational
losses (friction, windage and core loss) and electromagnetic torque.
M d m P P
W (5.21)
dt 2 m a
where M is the angular momentum, also called inertia constant, P m is shaft power input
less rotational losses, Pe is electrical power output corrected for losses and Pa is the
acceleration power. M depends on the angular velocity m , and hence is strictly not a
constant, because m deviates from the synchronous speed during and after a
disturbance. However, under stable conditions m does not vary considerably and M can be
treated as a constant. (21) is called the “Swing equation”. The constant M depends on the
rating of the machine and varies widely with the size and type of the machine. Another
constant called H constant (also referred to as inertia constant) is defined as
stored kinetic energy in mega joules
H= at sychronous speed MJ / MVA (5.22)
Machine rating in MVA
H falls within a narrow range and typical values are given in Table 5.1. If the rating of
the machine is G MVA, from (5.22) the stored kinetic energy is GH Mega Joules. From
Subject code: 15A02603 Power System Analysis
GH = 1 M MJ (5.23)
M = 2 GH MJ-s/mech rad (5.24)
The swing equation (5.21) is written as
2H d 2 P m e
sm dt 2 G G
In (5.25) m is expressed in mechanical radians and s m in mechanical radians per
second (the subscript m indicates mechanical units). If and have consistent units
(both are mechanical or electrical units) (5.25) can be written as
2H d 2 P P P pu (5.26)
s dt 2 a me
when is in electrical degrees. Equations (5.27) and (5.28) also represent the swing
equation. It can be seen that the swing equation is a second order differential equation
which can be written as two first order differential equations:
2H d P P pu (5.29)
s dt me
In which , s and are in electrical units. In deriving the swing equation, damping
has been neglected.
In defining the inertia constant H, the MVA base used is the rating of the machine. In a
multi machine system, swing equation has to be solved for each machine, in which
case, a common MVA base for the system has to chosen. The constant H of each
machine must be consistent with the system base.
Let Gmach = Machine MVA rating (base)
Gsystem = System MVA base
In (5.25), H is computed on the machine rating G G
Multiplying (5.25) by on both sides we get
G 2H d 2 PPG
mach m m e
G dt 2 G G
system sm mach system
system d 2 m P P pu (on system base)
sm dt 2 m e
where H system = H (5.32)
The swing equations for two machines on a common system base are:
2H d 2
1 P P pu
s d t2 2 m1 e1
2H 2 d 2 P P pu (5.34)
m2 e2
s dt 2
Now 1 2 (since they swing together). Adding (5.33) and (5.34) we get
2H eq d 2 P P pu
s dt2 m e
Where H eq H1 H 2
Pm Pm1 Pm 2
Pe Pe1 Pe 2
The relation (5.35) represents the dynamics of the single equivalent machine.
For any two non – coherent machines also (5.33) and (5.34) are valid. Subtracting
(5.34) from (33) we get
2 d2 2 d 2 PP
m1 e1
1 2
2 2
s dt s 2
H1 H 2
Multiplying both sides by we get
1 H2
2 H1 H 2 d
1 2 P H P H 2 1
PH p H
2 1
m1 m2 e1 e2
s H1 H 2 dt H1 H 2 H1 H 2
2 H d 2 12 P P (5.37)
s 12 dt 2 m12 e12
12 1 2 , the relative angle of the two machines
where H H1 H 2
12 H1 H 2
p H p H
2 m2 1
Pm12 m1
H1 H 2
p H p H
2 e2 1
Pe12 e1
H1 H 2
From (5.37) it is obvious that the swing of a machine is associated with dynamics of
other machines in the system. To be stable, the angular differences between all the
machines must decrease after the disturbance. In many cases, when the system loses
stability, the machines split into two coherent groups, swinging against each other. Each
coherent group of machines can be replaced by a single equivalent machine and the
relative swing of the two equivalent machines solved using an equation similar to
(5.37), from which stability can be assessed.
The acceleration power is given by Pa = Pm – Pe. Hence, under the condition that Pm is
a constant, an accelerating machine should have a power characteristic, which would
increase Pe as δ increases.
This would reduce Pa and hence the acceleration and help in maintaining stability. If on
the other hand, Pe decreases when δ increases, Pa would further increase which is
detrimental to stability. Therefore, must be positive for a stable system. Thus the
power-angle relationship plays a crucial role in stability.
The power output of the generator is given by the real part of Eg Ia* .
Ia Eg Vt 0
Ra jxd (5.38)
Eg Vt 0
Neglecting Ra, Ia jxd
E 90 V 90 *
P = R
xd xd
= Eg Vt sin (5.39)
(Note- R stands for real part of). The graphical representation of (9.39) is called the
power angle curve and it is as shown in Fig 5.3.
Eg Vt
The maximum power that can be transferred for a particular excitation is given by
at δ = 90 .
I q Ed I a cos (5.41)
In Fig. 5.5, the infinite bus voltage is taken as reference and δ is the angle between Eg
and Eb. The generator is assumed to be connected to the infinite bus through a lossless
line of reactance xe. The power transferred (using classical model) is given by
P = Eg Eb sin (5.43)
xd xe
and using salient pole model,
Eg Eb Eb 2 xd xq
P = xd xe sin 2 x d xe x q xe sin 2 (5.44)
Transient stability is the ability of the system to remain stable under large disturbances
like short circuits, line outages, generation or load loss etc. The evaluation of the
transient stability is required offline for planning, design etc. and online for load
management, emergency control and security assessment. Transient stability analysis
deals with actual solution of the nonlinear differential equations describing the
dynamics of the machines and their controls and interfacing it with the algebraic
equations describing the interconnections through the transmission network.
Since the disturbance is large, linearized analysis of the swing equation (which
describes the rotor dynamics) is not possible. Further, the fault may cause structural
changes in the network, because of which the power angle curve prior to fault, during
the fault and post fault may be different (See example 9.8). Due to these reasons, a
general stability criteria for transient stability cannot be established, as was done in the
case of steady state stability (namely PS > 0). Stability can be established, for a given
fault, by actual solution of the swing equation. The time taken for the fault to be cleared
(by the circuit breakers) is called the clearing time. If the fault is cleared fast enough,
the probability of the system remaining stable after the clearance is more. If the fault
persists for a longer time, likelihood of instability is increased.
Critical clearing time is the maximum time available for clearing the fault, before the
system loses stability. Modern circuit breakers are equipped with auto reclosure facility,
wherein the breaker automatically recloses after two sequential openings. If the fault still
persists, the breakers open permanently. Since most faults are transient, the first reclosure
Some common assumptions made during transient stability studies are as follows:
1. Transmission line and synchronous machine resistances are neglected. Since
resistance introduces a damping term in the swing equation, this gives
pessimistic results.
2. Effect of damper windings is neglected which again gives pessimistic results.
3. Variations in rotor speed are neglected.
4. Mechanical input to the generator is assumed constant. The governor control
loop is neglected. This also leads to pessimistic results.
5. The generator is modeled as a constant voltage source behind a transient
reactance, neglecting the voltage regulator action.
6. Loads are modeled as constant admittances and absorbed into the bus
admittance matrix.
The above assumptions, vastly simplify the equations. A digital computer program for
transient stability analysis can easily include more detailed generator models and effect of
controls, the discussion of which is beyond the scope of present treatment. Studies on the
transient stability of an SMIB system, can shed light on some important aspects of
stability of larger systems. One of the important methods for studying the transient
stability of an SMIB system is the application of equal-area criterion.
Mathematically stated,
d t
some time after the fault is cleared in a stable system and > 0, for a long time after
the fault is cleared in an unstable system.
Consider the swing equation (21)
M 22
Pm P
Pa dt
d 2 P
dt 2
Multiplying both sides by 2 , we get
d d 2
d P
2 dt dt 2 2 dt M
This may be written as
d 2 d P
d 2 a
d t dt dt M
Integrating both sides we get
Pa d
d 2
M P d
Pa d 0 (5.46)
The integral gives the area under the P a – δ curve. The condition for stability can be, thus
stated as follows: A SMIB system is stable if the area under the P a – δ curve, becomes zero
at some value of δ. This means that the accelerating (positive) area under Pa – δ curve, must
equal the decelerating (negative) area under P a – δ curve. Application of
equal area criterion for several disturbances is discussed next.
Under steady state Pm = Pe. Let the machine be initially operating at a steady state angle
δo, at synchronous speed ωs, with a mechanical input Pmo, as shown in Fig.5.8 ( point a).
If there is a sudden step increase in input power to P m1 the accelerating power is positive
(since Pm1 > Pmo) and power angle δ increases. With increase in δ, the electrical power P e
increases, the accelerating power decreases, till at δ = δ1, the electrical power matches the
new input Pm1. The area A1, during acceleration is given by
A1 = 1 P P d
By equal area criterion A1 = A2. The rotor would then oscillate between δ 0 and δmax at its
natural frequency. However, damping forces will reduce subsequent swings and the
machine finally settles down to the new steady state value δ1 (at point b). Stability can be
maintained only if area A2 at least equal to A1, can be located above Pm1. The limiting
case is shown in Fig.5.9, where A2 is just equal to A1.
Here δmax is at the intersection of Pe and Pm1. If the machine does not reach
synchronous speed at d, then beyond d, Pe decreases with increase in δ, causing δ to
increase indefinitely. Applying equal area criterion to Fig.5.9 we get
A1 = A2.
From (5.47) and (5.48) we get
Pm1 (max 0 ) Pmax (cos0 cosmax )
Example 1: A 50Hz, 4 pole turbo alternator rated 150 MVA, 11 kV has an inertia
constant of 9 MJ / MVA. Find the (a) stored energy at synchronous speed (b) the rotor
acceleration if the input mechanical power is raised to 100 MW when the electrical load
is 75 MW, (c) the speed at the end of 10 cycles if acceleration is assumed constant at
the initial value.
dt2 0.15
= 166.6 × ºm/s2
2 1
= 166.6 × × rps /s
P 360
= 166.6 × 2 × 1 × 60 rpm/s
P 360
= 13.88 rpm/s
* Note ºe = electrical degree; ºm = mechanical degree; P=number of poles.
(c) 10 cycles = 0.2 s
120 50
NS = Synchronous speed = 1500
rpm 4
Rotor speed at end of 10 cycles = NS + α × 0.2 = 1500 + 13.88 × 0.2 = 1502.776 rpm.
Example 2: Two 50 Hz generating units operate in parallel within the same plant, with
the following ratings: Unit 1: 500 MVA, 0.8 pf, 13.2 kV, 3600 rpm: H = 4 MJ/MVA;
Unit 2: 1000 MVA, 0.9 pf, 13.8 kV, 1800 rpm: H = 5 MJ/MVA. Calculate the
equivalent H constant on a base of 100 MVA.
= 4 500 20 MJ/MVA
1system 1mach
Gsystem 100
H H 2 mach
= 5
2 system 2 mach G
system 100
Example 3: Obtain the power angle relationship and the generator internal emf for (i)
classical model (ii) salient pole model with following data: xd = 1.0 pu : xq = 0.6 pu : Vt
= 1.0 pu : Ia = 1.0 pu at upf
(i) Classical model: The phasor diagram is shown in Fig P3.
Example 4: Determine the steady state stability limit of the system shown in Fig 8, if Vt
= 1.0 pu and the reactances are in pu.
Fig. P4 Example 4
Vt 1.00 1.0 1.00
Current I = j1.0 j1.0
Eg Vt j1.0 (I )
Fig . P5 Example 6
(a) X = 0.4 + = 0.575 pu
Example 6: In example .6, if the damping is 0.14 and there is a minor disturbance of
= 0.15 rad from the initial operating point, determine: (a) n (b) (c) d (d) setting
time and (e) expression for .
PS 1.927
(a) n = = = 7.63 rad/sec = 1.21 Hz
M 0.0331
(i) From example 6, Pmax = 2.087, Pe = 2.087 sin .
(ii) If a short circuit occurs in the middle of the line, the network equivalent
can be draw as shown in Fig. 12a.
The network is reduced by converting the delta to star and again the resulting star to delta
as shown in Fig P7a, P7b and P7c.
Fig.P7b Fig.P7c
Pmax =
1.12 1.0 = 1.244
pu 0.9
Pmo = Peo = 1.0 = Pmax sin δo = 1.244 sin δ o
δo = sin-1 = 53.47o = 0.933 rad.
The above can be solved by N–R method since it is of the form f(δmax) = K. Applying N–
R method, at any iteration ‘r’, we get
K f ma (r)
max(r) =
df ma (r)
o cosma (r)
x x
Starting from an initial guess of δmax between to , the above equations are solved
iteratively till max(r) ≤ . Here K = cos δo = 0.595. The computations are shown in table
P8, starting from an initial guess max(1) = 1.745 rad.
Example 9: Transform a two machine system to an equivalent SMIB system and show
how equal area criterion is applicable to it.
d 2 1 m1 e1 Pm Pe
dt 2 M1 M1
d 22 m2 e2
Pe P m
dt 2 M 2 M2
Simplifying, we get
d 2 ( 1 2 ) M 1 M 2 (P P )
dt 2 M 1 M 2 me
or M d 2 P P
dt 2 m e
where Meq = M 1 M2
M 1 M2
δ = δ1 – δ2
E E 2
Pe x x x sin
d1 e d2
This relation is identical to that of an SMIB system in form and can be used
to determine the relative swing (δ1 – δ2) between the two machines to assess
the stability.