Gray Box 1994
Gray Box 1994
Gray Box 1994
Artificial neural networks (ANNs) are often used for short term dis-
crete time series predictions. Continuous-time models are, however, re-
quired for qualitatively correct approximations to long-term dynamics
(attractom) of nonlinear dynamical systems and their t r d t i o n s (bifur-
cations) M system parameters are varied. In previous work we developed
a black-box methodology for the characterisation of experimental time
series M continuous-time models (sets of ordinary Merentid equations)
baaed on a neural network platform. Thm methodology naturally lends
itself to the identification of partially known first principlu dynamic mod-
els, and here we present its extension to gray-box identification.
1 Introduction
Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) have proven to be a valuable tool in nonlinear
signal processing applications. Exploiting i d e a common to nonlinear dynamics
(attractor reconstruction) and system identification (ARMA models), method-
ologies for the extraction of nonlinear models from experimental time series
have been developed (e.g. [l, 21) and applied to experimental data. In previous
work, we have discussed some inherent limitations of these techniques (based
on dbcrete-time schemes) in characterising the instabilities and bifurcations of
nonlinear systems depending on operating parameters.
An alternative approach, resulting in continuow-time models (sets of Ordi-
nary Differential Equations (ODES)), also based on a neural network platform,
was devised and implemented [3,4,5]. The approximations constructed in that
*Thiswork was partially iupported by AFlPA/ONR, the Exxon Education Foundstionand
an NSF PYI award. RRM acknowledgesthe support of CONACyT through a fellowship.
2 Black-box approach
Consider the autonomous ODE
x' = F(x';$
x' e R", p' e RP, F:R"XRPHR"
where x' is the vector of state variables, p'ia the vector of operating parameters
and 2 is the vector of derivatives of the state variables with respect to time.
In previous work we showed a way of constructing such a set of ODES from
discretetime experimental measurements of the state variables only ([3, 4, 51,
set also [SI). We embedded the training of a neural network that approximates
the function F(Z;g in a numerical integrator scheme. Both explicit and im-
plicit integrators can be (and have been) used. In addition, we illustrated how
the approach can be used when time series of only a single state variable are
Consider the simple implicit integrator (traperoidal rule) formula for Eq. 1:
ImpUdt Inkgrotor Scheme
X" P P
Figure 1: (a) Schematic of the evaluation of a neural network embedded in the
implicit integrator (trapezoidal rule) of Eq. (2). The implicit dependence of the
prediction of the state on itself results in a backward (recurrent) connection.
(b) Schematic of the evaluation of a neural network for the gray-box approach.
The known part of the model (G(X;p)) is evaluated along with the unknown
part (F(X;p)), approximated by a neural network. In order to calculate errors
(for training) the contribution of the known and unknown parte are combined
using the integrator to give the state of the system at the next sampling time.
vector. Further details can be found in references [4, 51. The use of explicit
integrators is discussed in [3]. Thw identification procedure has been tested for
experimental systems exhibiting complicated dynamics (see e.g. [3, 41).
3 Gray-box approach
The approach discussed above can be combined with first principles modeling
for casea where the full state vector is known while the understanding of the
modeling of the system is only partial. Such an example is encountered in
modeling reacting systems, when the kinetics of the reaction are not known a
priori while inflow and outflow or heat transfer are well understood and easily
As in the case of black-box approximations, we embed the training of the
neural network in a numerical integrator ncheme. For gray-boxes, the known
part of the right-hand-side ot the ODES is explicitly calculated (Uhardwired")
and the neural network is trained to approximate only the unknown parts.
Let us aulume for the purposes of the illustration presented here that the
first principles model of a given system takes the simple form:
where G(if;grepresents the known part of the model and F(X';p3is the un-
known part. Note that the methodology is not restricted to models of the
additive form of Eq. (3).
Figure l(b) schematically depicts the training procedure for an implicit in-
tegrator. A "global" network is used to predict the state at the next time step.
Some of the weights and nodes in this network are fixed because of the "known"
part of the model; some are fixed because they pertain to the integration scheme
and its constants. A neural "sub"-network is also contained in the scheme, which
will upon training approximate the unknown parts of the right-hand-side of the
system ODES. We again use the implicit integrator of Eq. (2) as the basis for
training this network, which - due to the implicit nature of the integrator - has
recurrent connections and therefore requires multiple evaluations.
4 An illustrative example
In order to illustrate the capabilities of the gray-box approach we will make use
of simulated data from a model reacting system [SI. It consists of a well-stirred
reactor in which a single irreversible reaction A + B occurs on a catalytic
surface. The maas balances for species A on the catalytic surface and the gas
phase take the general (dimensionless) form:
where 6 is the fractional coverage of the catalytic surface, II is the partial pres-
sure of the reactant in the gas phase, 7 is the dimensionless temperature, T is
the dimensionless time and Ka, K R , Kd, a*,/3 and II* are constants. This has
been suggested as one of the simplest models that can give rise to oscillations in
isothermal catalytic reactions; its main characteristic is the coverage-dependent
desorption activation energy (the e-* term in Eq. (4)) caused by adsorbate-
adsorbate interactions.
To illustrate the dependence of the dynamics on an operating parameter,
we obtained time series from this system for several values of the dimensionless
temperature 7 (keeping the remaining parameters KO = 35, a* = 30, Kd = 350,
II* = 0.36, K R = 8.5 and fl = 0.2 constant). Depending on the value of 7,the
system may evolve towards a steady state, towards oscillatory behavior, or to
either of the two depending on the initial conditions. The variegation in long-
term dynamics makes this example a good test of the approximating capabilities
of the neural network.
Figure 2 shows the bifurcation diagram for this system: a branch of steady
states undergoes a subcritical Hopf bifurcation to oscillatory behavior for 7 =
Figure 2: Bifurcation diagram for the single species surface reaction system with
respect to the dimensionless temperature 7. Solid lines denote stable steady
states, dashed lines unstable steady states, open circles unstable limit cycles
and filled circler stable limit cycles. The maximum B of the periodic trajectory
at each value of 7 is marked.
2.941. There is a small range of values of 7 where a stable large amplitude oscil-
lation coexists with a stable steady state (starting at about 7 N 2.9076). As 7 is
increased the system exhibits, as itB wle long-term attractor, a large amplitude
limit cycle that disappears at 7 N 3.841 via another (now rupemitieol) Hopf
Figure 3 shows phase portraits of the system for several values of 7 in the
range of the bifurcation diagram of Fig. 2.
E .I f q .
I-' IA
. .I
.a .4 .* D b
. .-I
7'2.9 y-2.926
.I .a ,
0 - 0 - 0
.a .4 D .a .4 .a .4
e e
.a .- .I
./ % 1'3.86
.4 .4 , .4
I I 0
.I .I. .I
D .I .4 .e
0 .a .4 .D I
Figure 3: Long term attractors for 7 values in the range of the bifurcation
diagram of Fig. 2. Top row: phase portrait of the stable limit cycle at 7 = 3.0
along with segments of the two corresponding time aeries. For the stable steady
stat- (7 = 2.9 and 7 = 3.85) phase portraits of transients approaching the
steady state are shown. In the regiom of bistability (7 in the range (2.925,2.94))
the unstable (and thus experimentally unobservable) limit cycle in the interior
of the large amplitude stable limit cycle is also drawn.
..i ...
%. 0
.a0 0
..... 0
..... 0
.lo. ''.I
Figure 5: Predicted bifurcation diagram for the single species surface reaction
system with the gray-box neural network approximation of the desorption rate.
6 Summary
We have extended a previously developed black-box neural network methodol-
ogy for the characterigation of experimental systems as continuoustime models,
so as to allow the identification of unknown parts of first principles models. Such
modeling efforts incorporate the insight obtained from the first principles mod-
eling (algebraic forms of the ODES describing the dynamical evolution of the
system) in a neural network framework capable of approximating (after training)
4 4
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