Network Analysis and Synthesis PDF
Network Analysis and Synthesis PDF
Network Analysis and Synthesis PDF
Course Code:13EE1104 L T P C
4 1 0 3
Pre requisites:
Knowledge of Mathematics and Basic Network Analysis.
Course Educational Objectives:
This course trains the student to think deep into the subject for analyzing
the time – domain and frequency domain analysis of systems in general
and prepares the student for advanced learning and research.
Course Outcomes:
Students will be able to solve the Network problems using differential
equation approach and transform methods. They will also able to synthesize
LC, RC & RL networks.
UNIT-I (12 Lectures)
Linear Graphs in Electrical Networks, Basic Definitions, Incidence, Loop
and cut-set matrices, Fundamental Loop and Fundamental Cut-Set
Matrices, Graph Theoretic version of KCL and KVL, Loop Impedance
and Node Admittance Matrices, Duality in Electrical Networks.
UNIT-II (12 Lectures)
Network elements, Initial and final conditions (Constant flux linkage and
Charge theorems), Step and Impulse response of RC & RL Circuits
(Concept of time constant), Solution of RLC- Series & Parallel circuits
for the step and impulse excitations, Analysis of Transformer (Mutual