Electric Network Analysis Theory
Electric Network Analysis Theory
Electric Network Analysis Theory
Course Description
This course is a continuation of EE-111, Electric Circuit Analysis (ECA). The course discusses DC and AC transient
analysis, sinusoidal steady state analysis of RC, RL and RLC circuits, polyphase circuits, and magnetically coupled
circuits. The course also introduces the students to the s-domain analysis techniques, discusses the frequency
response analysis for the circuits based on the s-domain analysis. The course then introduces the concept of multiport
networks to the students from a circuits perspective and ends with the discussion on the use of Fourier series and
transformation for circuit analysis purposes.
• an ability to formulate, solve and interpret the differential equations describing time behavior of resistor
inductor (RL), resistor-capacitor (RC) and resistor-inductor-capacitor (RLC) circuits;
• an ability to use complex numbers (phasors) for sinusoidal steady-state analysis;
• an understanding of polyphase circuits;
• an understanding of mutual inductance and its use in transformers;
• an ability to calculate and interpret frequency response curves and design circuits with given frequency
• an ability to employ multi-port parameter, Fourier series and Fourier transform techniques for network-
based circuit analysis.
Specific course Learning Outcomes (CLOs)
Course Learning Outcomes
After the completion of the course the student should be able to
CLO Description Learning-domain
CLO 1 Develop a mathematical and intuitive understanding of the first order
(RL and RC) and second order (RLC) circuits with the help of initial
conditions, forced and natural response of current and voltage, Cog - 4
applying network-based circuit analysis techniques e.g., nodal
analysis, mesh analysis, etc.
CLO 2 Develop a mathematical and intuitive understanding of the impedance,
admittance, and steady state response of an RLC circuit. Transform
complex AC circuits into equivalent circuits using circuit solving Cog – 4
techniques such as superposition, source transformation, and
Thevenin’s theorem.
CLO 3 Develop an understanding of complex phasor techniques to analyze
steady state RLC circuit behavior and complex power in single phase
networks and poly phase networks. Develop a mathematical and Cog – 3
intuitive understanding for inductance and mutual inductance, and its
role in linear transformers from a network-based circuit perspective.
CLO 4 Develop a mathematical and intuitive understanding of the role of the
Laplace transformation technique in circuit analysis with particular
emphasis towards employing this technique for frequency response Cog – 3
generation, its analysis, and classification in case of RLC circuits.
CLO 5 Develop an understanding for the network-based circuit analysis
techniques employing network parameters such as Admittance (Y),
Impedance (Z), Hybrid (H), and Transmission (T) parameters, along Cog - 3
with the use of Fourier series and Fourier transform techniques for
network-based circuit analysis.
Marks Distribution
Assignment and Quizzes – 30 % (10% + 20%)
o No. of Assignments – 5
o No. of Quizzes - 5
Midterm Exam – 30 %
o No. of Midterm Exam - 1
Final Exam – 40 %
Grading Scale
Attendance Policy
Habib University requires that all freshmen and sophomores must maintain at least 85% attendance and all juniors
and seniors must maintain at least 75% attendance for each class in which they are registered. Non-compliance with
minimum attendance requirements will result in automatic failure of the course and may require the student to repeat
the course when next offered. This policy is at a minimum. Departments, schools, and individual faculty members
may alter this policy to include stronger attendance requirements and/or implement them for all levels of students.
It is the responsibility of the student to keep track of their own attendance and speak with their faculty member or
the Office of the Registrar for any clarification.
In this course, a student can miss up to7 classes.
Inclusivity Statement
We understand that our members represent a rich variety of backgrounds and perspectives. Habib University is
committed to providing an atmosphere for learning that respects diversity. While working together to build this
community we ask all members to:
Office Hours
Office hours have been scheduled, circulated, and posted. During these hours the course instructor will be available
to answer questions or provide additional help. Every student enrolled in this course must meet individually with
the course instructor during course office hours at least once during the semester. The first meeting should happen
within the first five weeks of the semester but must occur before midterms. Any student who does not meet with the
instructor may face a grade reduction or other penalties at the discretion of the instructor and will have an academic
hold placed by the Registrars Office.
Academic Integrity
Each student in this course is expected to abide by the Habib University Student Honor Code of Academic Integrity.
In this course, students are encouraged to work in groups; however, any work submitted by a student for academic
credit should be the student’s own work. Each student must themselves write what they submit. There is zero
tolerance for plagiarism.
Scholastic dishonesty shall be considered a serious violation of these rules and regulations and is subject to strict
disciplinary action as prescribed by Habib University regulations and policies. Scholastic dishonesty includes, but
is not limited to, cheating on exams, plagiarism on assignments, and collusion.
Plagiarism is the act of taking the work created by another person or entity and presenting it as ones own for the
purpose of personal gain or of obtaining academic credit. As per University policy, plagiarism includes the
submission of or incorporation of the work of others without acknowledging its provenance or giving due credit
according to established academic practices. This includes the submission of material that has been appropriated,
bought, received as a gift, downloaded, or obtained by any other means. Students must not, unless they have been
granted permission from all faculty members concerned, submit the same assignment or project for academic credit
for different courses.
The term cheating shall refer to the use of or obtaining of unauthorized information in order to obtain personal
benefit or academic credit.
Collusion is the act of providing unauthorized assistance to one or more person or of not taking the appropriate
precautions against doing so. All violations of academic integrity will also be immediately reported to the Student
Conduct Office.
You are encouraged to study together and to discuss information and concepts covered in lecture and the sections
with other students. You can give “consulting” help to or receive “consulting” help from such students. However,
this permissible cooperation should never involve one student having possession of a copy of all or part of work
done by someone else, in the form of an e-mail, an e-mail attachment file, any other digital form, or a hard copy.
Should copying occur, the student who copied work from another student and the student who gave material to be
copied will both be in violation of the Student Code of Conduct.
During examinations, you must do your own work. Talking or discussion is not permitted during the examinations,
nor may you compare papers, copy from others, or collaborate in any way. Any collaborative behavior during the
examinations will result in failure of the exam, and may lead to failure of the course and University disciplinary
Penalty for violation of this Code can also be extended to include failure of the course and University disciplinary
Any student violating academic integrity a second time in this course will receive a failing grade for the course, and
additional disciplinary sanctions may be administered through the Conduct Office.