Network Analysis Syllabus
Network Analysis Syllabus
Network Analysis Syllabus
B. Tech I-II Sem. (ECE) 3 1 0 3
To help students develop an understanding on analyzing electrical circuits using various techniques. To
make the student familiarize with the fundamental concepts of coupled circuits, resonance, filters and to
analyze the transient response in electric circuits.
Circuit Analysis Techniques: Voltage and Current Laws, Basic Nodal and Mesh Analysis, ,Network
Theorems- Linearity and Superposition, Reciprocity, Thevenin’s, Norton’s, Maximum Power Transfer,
Milliman's theorems. Source Transformation.
DC Transient Circuits : The Source free RL, RC & RLC Circuits. Natural & Forced Response of RL,RC
& RLC Circuits. RC & RL Circuit responses to Pulse and Exponential signals.
Unit III
Resonance: Introduction, Definition of ‘quality factor Q’ of inductor and capacitor, Series resonance,
Bandwidth of the series resonant circuits, Parallel resonance (or anti-resonance), Conditions for
maximum impedance, Currents in parallel resonance, , Bandwidth of parallel resonant circuits,
General case of parallel resonance circuit. Magnetically Coupled Circuits: Mutual
Inductance, Energy Considerations, The Linear Transformer, The Ideal Transformer
Unit V
Two Port Networks & Filters: Relationship of two port variables, Short circuit Admittance
parameters, Open circuit Impedance parameters, Transmission Parameters, Hybrid
Parameters, Relationship between parameter sets, Parallel connection of two port networks.
Filters: Introduction, the neper & decibel, Characteristic Impedance of symmetrical networks,
Currents & voltage ratios as exponentials; the propagation constant, Hyperbolic trigonometry,
Properties of symmetrical networks, Filter fundamentals; pass and stop bands,
Behavior of characteristic impedance, The constant – k low pass filter, the constant – k high
pass filter, band Pass Filters ,band reject filters - illustrated problems.
Text Books:
1. W H Hayt, J E Kemmerly and S M Durbin, “Engineering Circuit Analysis”, Tata
McGraw-Hill, 7th edition, 2010.
2. John D. Ryder, “Networks, Lines, and Fields,” PHI publications, Second Edition, 2012.
Reference Books: