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Md-Ii Lab Report: Submitted To

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Submitted by:

Department of Mechanical Engineering

University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore.
Creo Parametric (PTC) Lab Report
 From dialog box select sektch and open It.The sketch module is given as

Figure 1 - opening the sketch module

Introduction to Sketch Module

 In this module, we can design, edit or create a 2-dimensional drawing. In sketching we
have the following tabs
 File
 Sketch
 Analysis
 Tools
 View

Figure 2 -sketch

How to save a file?
 Select working directory
 Select organize
 Create new folder
 Save the file
 The file has extension like .sec

Sketch Tab
In sketch tab, we have nine ribbons. Details of the ribbons will be given below. Following are the
nine ribbons.
1. Grid and line settings 6. Editing ribbon
2. Import ribbon 7. Constrains ribbon
3. Selection and related operations 8. Dimension Ribbon
4. Datum ribbon 9. Inspect ribbon
5. Sketching ribbon
Following is the detailed information of each ribbon with screenshots.

1. Grid and Line Setting

 In the grid and line setting following data will open

Figure 3 – Changing line color and Style

Figure 4 – Grid setting display

2. Import ribbon
 This is the option for importing some external files in the currently opened file.
 For example, if we have already designed a sketch which is a subset of the currently
opened sketch then we can use thee import option to get that file on the current sketch or
simply can say that we can import a file to edit that.

3. Datum ribbon
 In this ribbon, we find all the reference entities which are not as such part of the
sketch but they play an important role in the construction of a geometry.
 These entities are used to make references for other sketch entities like line,
circle and polygons etc.
 They are usually expressed by dotted or dashed lines. We can delete them after
completion of the geometry.

4. Selection and related operations

The main command in this ribbon is selection command. There are four given methods
given in this software, i.e. One-by-one chain selection, chain selection, all geometry and
‘All’ selection.

5. Sketching Ribbon
 Sketching ribbon is given as
A. Construction Mode
In construction mode, we can make any type of reference geometry by drawing entities and
applying constraints to them.
Uses of construction mode
I. Construction mode can be used to draw lines for many other editing commands
like mirror, deleting a part of the lines, arcs etc. and dividing an entity in to
II. Entities in construction mode can also be used to bring some lines and other
entities in constraints etc.

B. Line Command/Tool
There are two types of line commands in this software
i. Line chain
ii. Line tangent

Line chain
 Line chain is given as
Line Tangent
 This tool helps us to draw a line which will be tangent to circles, arcs or spline.
 This command only acts when we have to draw a line which will be tangent to two
circles or arcs.
 Line tangent is given as

C. Rectangle Command
i. Corner Rectangle
 This type of rectangle consists of one pair of horizontal and one pair of vertical
 Horizontal and vertical lines are equal in length.
 This command can be started by pressing R.
 Corner rectangles have four constrains i.e. two horizontal constrains and two
vertical constrains.

Figure 5 - Corner Rectangle

ii. Slanted Rectangle

 In this rectangle, the base line is inclined at some angle to the horizontal. This
rectangle has five constrains
 it consists of two pairs of parallel constrains and a perpendicular constrains
Center Rectangle
 This rectangle has two construction line which meet the opposite corners of the

Figure 6 - Center Rectangle

iii. Parallelogram
 To draw a parallelogram, first of all specify start point then specify the second
point the inclined line. Then specify the height and angle of the parallelogram by
clicking the third point.

Figure 7 - A parallelogram

D. Circles Command
i. Center and Point
 First, specify the center and then specify the radius. There are no constrains in this
ii. Three Point Circle
 To draw circle using this command, just specify three points on which boundary
of the circle is lying.

iii. 3 Tangent Circle

 We use this command when we have to draw a circle which is tangent to three
given lines at a time.

Figure 8 - types of circle commands

iv. Concentric Circles

 When we need more than one concentric circle, we use this command
 While if the number of circles is even, the inner most circle will be hollow.
Figure 9 - Concentric circles
b) ARC command

(i) Three point / tangent end arc

 Three points arcs can be easily drawn by specifying three point on its curve.

Figure 10 - Three point/tangent end arc

(i) Center and End Arc
 To draw an arc using this command, first of all specify the center of the arc then specify
the radius and then specify the length of the arc.

Figure 11 - Center and end arc

(ii) Three tangent Arcs
 The arc will be tangent to three arcs of lines.
 Three arc constrains will be added.

(iii) concentric arcs

 First click on the circle or the arc which will share its center then specify the start point,
this points also specifies the radius and then specify the length of the arc by specifying
the last point of the arc.

Figure 12 - Three tangent and concentric arcs

c) Ellipse

(i) Axis End Ellipse

 Axis end ellipse can be drawn by specifying the axes.
 Two construction lines will be added along the axes. We can modify them to change the
ellipse parameters.
 The axis with greater value is major axis

Figure 13 - Axis end ellipse

(ii) Center and Axis Ellipse
 In this mode, we specify the center of one ais first, and rest of the operation is
Figure 14 - Center and Axis ellips

Figure 15 - Center and Axis ellips

(C ) Spline
 It’s a type of a curve with no specific radius and pattern.
 Its user specified and customized.

Figure 16 - Splines
We can also add text in a sketch by using text command. Text is used to add/imprint trademarks
and company names on a part.
 Aspect ratio – controls the height to width ration the
 Slant angle – controls the alignment or bending angle of
the text.
 Spacing – controls the spacing between the alphabets. Figure 18 – Text preview

d) Fillet
. To apply the fillet, just select the two lines or the arc of the corner
where fillet is to be applied.
Figure 17 - text dialog box
(i) Circular fillet
This fillet removes the corner by trimming and adds constructions line on the path of the
lines. The fillet is round with fixed radius.
(ii) Circular trim Fillet
 This fillet removes the corner by trimming but doesn’t add constructions line on
the path of the lines. The fillet is round with fixed radius.

e) Chamfer
 Chamfer also removes the sharp edges by placing an inclined line on the edge

Figure 19 - Chamfer

Figure 20 - Chamfer

 It removes the corner but doesn’t put construction line in

the trace of the original lines.
 We can also add angular chamfer by adding angular dimension with respect to the
remaining lines.

f) Offset
When we click on offset icon, a ‘type’ dialog box open. It has three options.

(i) Single Entity Offset

 It will offset only one entity at a time.

(ii) Chain offset

 It offset the chain by selecting first and last member of a chain

g) Palette
 In this command, we can import many objects like polygons, profiles.
6. Editing ribbon
Editing ribbon consists of the useful commands like modify, mirror, break etc. which are used to
edit the preexisting entities.

(i) Trim
 Using this command, we can remove extra part of the
entities like entities extended beyond a corner. The
necessary condition to this command is that, the entities
must meet each other at one only. The entity extended
beyond that point will be trimmed.

(ii) Mirror Figure 21 - trimming

 Mirror command make an inverted (side-wise) image
of the entities.
 To use mirror command, select the entities to be
mirrored, then select the mirror command, then select

(iii) Corner Figure 22 - Mirror command

 This command is used to remove the extra entity extended beyond a corner or to
extend lines to meet at a corner.

(iv) Divide/Break
 This command divides an entity into parts. Click on the entity where you want to break

(v) Rotate Resize

 This command resize, moves or rotates entities.

a) Vertical Constrain
 Once the constrain is applied, the line would stay in vertical position unless we remove
its constrain. Vertical constrain has this sign ( ).
b) Horizontal Constrains
 Once the constrain is applied, the line would stay in horizontal position unless we
remove its constrain. Horizontal constrain has this sign ( ).

c) Perpendicular Constrain
 To apply this constrain, two entities are required.

Figure 23 - horizontal,
vertical and perpendicular

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