ThingWorx Navigate Compatibility Matrix
ThingWorx Navigate Compatibility Matrix
ThingWorx Navigate Compatibility Matrix
The ThingWorx Navigate tasks are web-based and work across a variety of operating systems.
PTC has tested and certified the ThingWorx Navigate tasks for the listed platforms. Although these tasks may work on other platforms, PTC cannot offer support for the Thingworx Navigate tasks on non-certified platforms.
Notes *Pro/INTRALINK is not supported.
PTC supports the tested PingFederate versions and all subsequent builds within the same minor version (such as 8.4.x).
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ThingWorx Navigate Compatibility Matrix
ThingWorx ThingWorx Integration
Navigate Windchill ThingWorx Database Extensions Client Browser SSO
Platform Runtime
ThingWorx Utilities 8.2.0 Microsoft Edge 41.16299+
11.1 F000 or 11.1 F000 CPS Windchill Extension 1.9.4 IE 11+ (no Compatibility View support) PingFederate 8.4.1
PostgreSQL 9.4.5+
1.7.2 11.0 M030 or 11.0 M030 CPS ThingWorx 8.2.12
(9.5+ not supported)
Navigate Framework 1.6.2 Integration Runtime 8.0.2 Firefox 52+ ESR SAML 2.0
11.0 M020 CPS 02+ grid-advanced-3.0.5-extension Chrome 57+ OAuth 2.0
Microsoft SQL Server 2014+
PTC-Navigate-View-PLM-Apps-1.7.2 Safari 10.1+
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