Data Import Users and Groups
Data Import Users and Groups
Data Import Users and Groups
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Every person accessing an SAP Ariba solution is identi ed by a unique user name and must have a valid password. As a member
of the Customer User Admin or Customer Administrator group, you are responsible for actions such as monitoring user
activities, resetting passwords, approving user pro le changes, and ensuring user information is synced between your ERP
system and your SAP Ariba solution. You may have to delegate user tasks in an emergency situation to another user or prevent
a user who has been terminated from accessing your SAP Ariba solution by deactivating the user.
Creating users in SAP Ariba Procurement solutions involves a series of de nition tasks, which include:
Importing or manually creating enterprise user information, which includes the user’s email address, default currency
and locale
Importing or manually creating ERP-speci c user information, which includes the user’s default accounting information
Assigning users to groups which controls which features a user is permitted to use
In SAP Ariba Buying and Invoicing and SAP Ariba Buying, you can optionally de ne purchasing card assignments for users.
If your SAP Ariba solution is con gured for multi-ERP (a parent site with child sites con gured for integration with multiple
external ERP systems), see User and Group Data Rationalization for information about rationalizing and importing user
data. It is important to know how user data is replicated before you import it into the system.
To uniquely identify the users and authorize them to perform certain tasks.
To facilitate the automatic generation of approval ows based on approval limits, group memberships, and supervisor
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To include contact information such as shipping and billing addresses on purchase orders sent to suppliers.
To default accounting information in approvable documents so that purchases can be tracked and reported correctly.
To populate choosers that allow users to search for and easily nd other users, for example when adding a watcher or
additional approver to an approvable document.
The audit log records activities related to user creation, activation, and deactivation. In addition, if there is any change to a
user's personal data (contact data such as name, phone number, or email address), the change is recorded in the audit log.
Users can download information about their user record with the Download preferences option.
Related Information
User Authentication Methods
User Maintenance Tasks in Ariba Administrator
User Pro le Changes
Data Import Tasks for User Information
Groups for Granting Access to Functionality
Related Information
User Management in SAP Ariba Procurement Solutions
User Maintenance Tasks in Ariba Administrator
User Pro le Changes
Data Import Tasks for User Information
Groups for Granting Access to Functionality
You generate temporary passwords for new users by using the Users task in the User Manager workspace in Ariba
Administrator. When it generates temporary passwords, Ariba Administrator sends new users an email message with
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instructions for signing in. New users are immediately taken through the password reset process when they sign in for the rst
Related Information
Multifactor Authentication
Single Sign-On with Corporate Authentication
SAP Ariba Solutions Integration with SAP Cloud Identity Access Governance
User Authentication and Single Sign-On Using the SAP Cloud Identity Services – Identity Authentication Service
Generating or Resetting User Passwords
Multifactor Authentication
Multifactor authentication is a two-step veri cation process where users are required to authenticate themselves a second
time using a time-based veri cation code.
Multifactor authentication provides an additional level of security to logins by providing users the ability to authenticate
themselves using an authentication factor in addition to their user name and password. This provides more secure user access
to SAP Ariba solutions, by verifying the user's identity during login.
You can enable multifactor authentication for both individual users and user groups. When you enable multifactor
authentication for a group, all users in that group can start using multifactor authentication. Multifactor authentication can be
enabled only for accounts that do not use corporate authentication with single sign-on. In addition to enabling and disabling
multifactor authentication, you can manage multifactor authentication by performing actions such as unlocking user accounts
that are locked due to invalid sign on attempts, as well as sending reminder emails to users who have not set up multifactor
authentication, among others. In addition to enabling multifactor authentication from the user interface, you can enable
multifactor authentication for new users by importing the users using the Import Enterprise Users data import task, which has
been enhanced to support multifactor authentication. This is useful for enabling multifactor authentication for multiple users
simultaneously, without the need for additional administrative action. Similarly, you can enable multifactor authentication for
new groups by importing the group using the Import User Group Mapping data import task. All administrative actions related to
multifactor authentication are logged. The log entries can be viewed in the Audit Log page of the Site Manager workspace.
After you enable multifactor authentication for user accounts, the users need to set it up the rst time they sign on. Once initial
setup is completed, users can sign in securely to their SAP Ariba solutions by providing the veri cation code from their mobile
devices during the login process after entering their user name and password credentials. Users have the option of choosing to
be remembered on a speci c device by checking Remember Me on the multifactor authentication page. This will be valid for a
limited time period, which you can set.
To prevent an account from being compromised, the user account is locked after ve unsuccessful login attempts, using invalid
credentials and/or veri cation codes. Note that ve is the default number of unsuccessful login attempts that will automatically
lock an account temporarily, and you can con gure this value if a different number of attempts is desired. You can also con gure
the duration for which the account remains locked. The rst time a lockout occurs, users can request you to unlock their account
within the set lockout period. After the set lockout period has lapsed, the account will be unlocked. If the user makes another
ve unsuccessful login attempts, then the user is forced to wait for twice the duration of the initial lockout period for their
account to be unlocked again. If, after being locked out two times, the user makes ve unsuccesful login attempts for a third
time, the account will be locked inde nitely until you reset the multifactor authentication and unlock the user account.
Related Information
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In-App User Authentication
Single Sign-On with Corporate Authentication
SAP Ariba Solutions Integration with SAP Cloud Identity Access Governance
User Authentication and Single Sign-On Using the SAP Cloud Identity Services – Identity Authentication Service
Managing Multifactor Authentication for Users
Enabling Multifactor Authentication by Importing Users
Managing Multifactor Authentication for Groups
SSO systems store user credentials for multiple applications and automatically submit those credentials on behalf of users
when needed. Users sign in once, rather than signing in again with a separate set of credentials for each application they
access. SSO with corporate authentication can also provide centralized control and enforcement of corporate authentication
To use SSO with corporate authentication, your network administrator must enable communication between your user
authentication system and your SAP Ariba solution.
For information about integrating corporate authentication with a single sign-on solution, see Remote Authentication for Ariba
On Demand , and the Ariba Remote Authentication Deployment Guide . You can also search on Knowledge@Ariba for
information about SAML (Security Assertion Markup Language).
Related Information
In-App User Authentication
Multifactor Authentication
SAP Ariba Solutions Integration with SAP Cloud Identity Access Governance
User Authentication and Single Sign-On Using the SAP Cloud Identity Services – Identity Authentication Service
SAP Cloud Identity Access Governance, a solution that manages access request creation and approval work ows, sends
approved requests to applications in order to provision or change user access to those applications.
When SAP Ariba cloud solutions are integrated with SAP Cloud Identity Access Governance:
SAP Cloud Identity Access Governance subscribers can include access to SAP Ariba cloud solutions for buyers in their
global identity and access management framework.
Buyers using SAP Ariba cloud solutions can adopt the identity and access management capabilities of SAP Cloud Identity
Access Governance to manage user access to SAP Ariba cloud solutions.
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SAP Cloud Identity Access Governance offers:
Simpli ed governance of data access, with real-time, dashboard-driven analysis, insights, and audit reporting, for more
productivity, visibility, and decision support
Con gurable, prede ned access policies and rules for governance enforcement
Seamless user experience across all your solutions, whether from SAP Ariba or other companies
Access control to enterprise applications and users anywhere and on any device, for comprehensive governance
A cloud solution for identity and access governance with automated, maintenance-free updates
You must have a subscription to SAP Cloud Identity Access Governance.
Your site must be con gured to support SAP S/4HANA Cloud and SAP Ariba master data native integration for procurement.
SAP Ariba Customer Support con gures this for you.
This feature doesn't cover access to SAP Business Network.
Related Information
In-App User Authentication
Multifactor Authentication
Single Sign-On with Corporate Authentication
User Authentication and Single Sign-On Using the SAP Cloud Identity Services – Identity Authentication Service
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Identity Authentication, a constituent product of SAP Cloud Identity Services, can be used for authentication, single sign-on, and
user management. SAP Ariba cloud solutions can be con gured to use Identity Authentication as an identity provider or as a
proxy to integrate with the customer's existing single sign-on solution. Customers of SAP Ariba cloud solutions, who also use
SAP services like SAP Task Center will be able to take advantage of user identity and access management that is maintained
centrally in Identity Authentication.
For more information on user management in Identity Authentication, see Identity Authentication.
Con guring User Authentication and Single Sign-On for New Customers
For new customers of SAP Ariba solutions, users are provisioned using the SAP Cloud Identity Services – Identity Provisioning
service. After users are provisioned, authentication is automatically con gured in Identity Authentication. Users will be
seamlessly logged in to SAP Ariba using single sign-on, when Identity Authentication is con gured for integration with SAP Ariba
solutions, and they are already logged in to any other application integrated with the same Identity Authentication instance. In
the case of a multi-ERP con guration of a buying solution from SAP Ariba, users are provisioned for the parent site, and then
replicated in the child sites. In suite-integrated environments, users are provisioned for the buying solution, and then replicated
in the integrated strategic sourcing solution.
Con guring User Authentication and Single Sign-On for Existing Customers
For existing customers of SAP Ariba cloud solutions with locally managed user data, users are provisioned using Identity
Provisioning from the SAP Ariba solution's database to Identity Authentication. This must be done once, when the integration
with Identity Authentication is set up. Migration of user data for such customers is done automatically. Alternatively, customers
can add users from the customer's user management system such as an ERP system either by importing user data in CSV les
or using Identity Provisioning.
If an existing customer has their own identity provider (IdP), they can directly use Identity Authentication as a proxy for
authentication, without using Identity Provisioning to add the users. Customers can use the con gurable global user ID eld
available in SAP Cloud Identity Services - Identity Authentication to con gure the user ID that will be used to uniquely identify
users across their business systems. This user ID can be one they have already assigned to their users in another business
application like a human resources application. It is replicated to SAP Ariba cloud solutions when user data is imported using
CSV les or APIs, and is displayed in the Global User ID eld in the View User details page and the Edit User page that can be
accessed from the User Manager Users page in Ariba Administration.
Changes made to user attributes in the SAP Ariba cloud solutions will be overwritten by user information from Identity
Related Information
In-App User Authentication
Multifactor Authentication
Single Sign-On with Corporate Authentication
SAP Ariba Solutions Integration with SAP Cloud Identity Access Governance
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Related Information
User Management in SAP Ariba Procurement Solutions
User Authentication Methods
User Pro le Changes
Data Import Tasks for User Information
Groups for Granting Access to Functionality
Data Import Tasks for User Information
Members of the Customer Administrator or Customer User Admin group can perform this task. To view the spend limit
(monetary approval limit) for a user, you just also belong to the group View Approval Limits Across Hierarchy group.
Monetary approval limits for users are de ned using the Import User Approval Limits task.
1. To review user information, from the dashboard, click Manage Core Administration .
3. Click List All to display all users, or enter search criteria and then click Search. By default, only active users are displayed.
4. Click the table options icon ( ) to show or hide the columns available on the Users page.
Column Description
Locked The user has been locked. A padlock icon will appear .
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Column Description
User ID The user’s unique internal identi er. For security reasons, this eld cannot contain an apostrophe.
Type The user’s type, which speci es the type of authentication. Users of type:
Enterprise User are authenticated in an external system.
Third Party Enterprise User (Ariba) are authenticated SAP Ariba Procurement solutions.
Active Indicates whether the user is an active user in the system. Active users can participate in the SAP
Ariba solution activities. Possible values are Yes and No.
Has Password Indicates whether a password has been generated for the user.
Last Login The date and time the user last logged in.
Last Failed Login The date and time the user last experienced a failed login attempt.
Delegatee If the user’s authority has been delegated to another user, this is the name of the delegatee.
Last Browser Used The name and version of the browser with which the user last logged in to the SAP Ariba solution.
Browser Is Supported Indicates whether the last browser used is a browser supported by SAP Ariba. Possible values are Yes
and No.
5. To display a user’s detail, click a user id to display the View Details page.
The following table describes the type of information displayed on each tab on the View Details page.
Tab Description
General The user’s adapter source (De ned By eld), type, user ID, display name, preferred language,
preferred currency, spend limit (monetary approval limit) and other general user information.
Groups The groups to which the user belongs. For information on the groups in the default con guration,
see SAP Ariba Procurement Solutions Group Descriptions.
All Groups All the groups to which the user belongs, both directly and indirectly through child groups. When
you assign a user to a child group, the user is indirectly assigned to the group to which the child
group belongs.
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7. To view other user information, such as shipping addresses and accounting information, choose User Manager Other
User Info .
8. Click List All to display all users, or enter search criteria and then click Search or press the Enter key. Only active users
are displayed.
9. To display details, click a user name to display the View Details page.
The following table describes the type of information displayed on each tab on the View Details page.
Tab Description
General The user’s delivery address and purchasing unit (if any).
Accounting The user’s accounting data, such as cost center, business unit, and account. (The user's purchasing
unit is on the General tab.) The data displayed depends on the type of ERP system integrated with
SAP Ariba Procurement solutions.
For SAP and PeopleSoft variants, the Accounting tab contains a eld that isn't included in
import or export events. For SAP variants, that eld is Release Authority. For PeopleSoft
variants, it's Statistics Code. These are optional elds that users can update in their user
pro le.
Related Information
Monitoring User Activities
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Members of the Customer Administrator group can perform this task.
The audit log has lters for viewing user activities for speci c times, dates, events, or users. Your site comes with the most
commonly used lters already enabled: Date, Effective User, Event Type, and Node.
You can export up to 10,000 audit log entries to a Microsoft Excel le by clicking the Table Options icon and choosing Export
to Excel.
1. From the dashboard, click Manage Core Administration .
3. Click List All to display all user activity, or lter user activity by event type or date and click Search or press the Enter key.
In either case, the Audit Log page shows the actions performed by the selected users.
The following table describes the columns on the Audit Log page.
Column Description
Event Type The event type used for categorizing the logged event. The event types are described in the next table. This
information is for Ariba internal use.
Real User The name of the user who actually performed the action.
In most cases, the effective user and the real user are the same user. The effective user and the real user are
different users when the real user was acting on behalf of another user when performing the action.
Effective User The name of the user who performed the action.
Customer Site The name of your site. This information is for Ariba internal use.
Node The name of the logical node on which the action occurred. This information is for Ariba internal use.
Stack Trace If an exception occurs, this column shows the part of the code that generated the exception. This information
is for Ariba internal use.
The following table describes the types of events tracked on the Audit Log page.
Admin Ariba Customer Support administrative actions and events such as site-level administration and
service manager functions (for example, UserSession and Log Level category)
Admin (tasks/ les) Administrative tasks such as data import and export, le upload and download, and events related to
con guration les
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CDS Sync Veri er Validation of common data server (CDS) synchronization; provides information about all CDS related
General Events that do not belong in any other event type category listed in this table
SchemaRealmMapping The scheduled task DBSchemaRealmMappingVeri cationTask, which SAP Ariba Customer Service
uses to ensure data integrity
User Management Changes to user data, such as changes to group membership or contact information.
User Management (tasks/ les) User management changes made via import tasks.
Related Information
Managing SAP Ariba Audit Information
Members of the Customer Administrator or Customer User Admin group can perform this task.
1. From the dashboard, click Manage Core Administration .
3. Click Create User to add a user, or select the user you want to modify and choose Edit from the Actions dropdown menu.
Field Description
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Field Description
De ned By The adapter source, which can be one of the following values:
AribaManaged: The object is not maintained in an external system. Objects with this data
source are maintained in Ariba Administrator.
External: The object and all its data elds are maintained in an external system, such as
an ERP system or a set of CSV les. Objects with this adapter source can be overwritten
or deleted when data is imported from the external system.
ManuallyMaintained: The source of the object is an external system, but the object cannot
be overwritten or deleted when data is imported from the external system.
Type The user type, which speci es the type of authentication. Choose:
Enterprise User if your site uses external user authentication and the user is
authenticated in that external system.
Third Party Enterprise User (Ariba) if you want to maintain the user’s password in the
SAP Ariba solution.
User ID The unique internal identi er for the user. For security reasons, this eld cannot contain an
apostrophe. You cannot modify this eld in edit mode.
Organization Accept the default value, which is the name of your site.
Business Email Address The user’s business email address. Do not provide a personal email address.
User email addresses are checked for validity. For more information, see Import Enterprise Users.
If Ariba Customer Support con gured a set of valid email address domain names speci cally
for your site, any domain you use in the Business Email Address eld must match a domain in
that set, unless you select the Allow External Email Domain option (see the next item).
Allow External Email Check this checkbox to allow an unapproved email address domain for this particular user.
Business Phone Number The user’s business phone number. Do not provide a personal phone number.
Business Fax Number The user’s business fax number. Do not provide a personal fax number.
You cannot create a new user or update an existing user with a default currency that is an
inactive currency code in the database (for example, TRL, NLG, IEP, DEM, and BEF).
Alternate Email Addresses Alternate email addresses for the user, used for validation and lookup purposes. For information
about alternate email addresses, see Import Enterprise User Alternate Email Addresses.
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Uncheck the checkbox (the default) if the user is authenticated in an external system, or if the user is
authenticated in the SAP Ariba Procurement solution and you want to manually generate a temporary password
before Ariba Administrator sends an invitation message to sign in.
For information on manually generating temporary passwords, see Generating or Resetting User Passwords.
Check the checkbox if the user is authenticated in the SAP Ariba Procurement solution and you want Ariba
Administrator to generate a temporary password and send the user an invitation message to sign in immediately
after you click Save.
6. On the Groups tab, click Add/Remove to display the available groups. Choose one or more groups to assign the new user
to and click Done.
For information on the groups in the default con guration, see the SAP Ariba Procurement Solutions Group
7. Click Save to save your changes, or Cancel to return to the previous page without saving your changes.
8. Choose User Manager Other User Info , nd the user you just created, and click Edit.
10. On the PCards tab, click Add/Remove to display the available purchasing cards and enter the user’s purchasing card
information (if any).
11. On the Ship To Addresses tab, click Add/Remove to display the available shipping addresses and enter the user’s ship-to
12. On the Billing Addresses tab, click Add/Remove to display the available billing addresses and enter the user’s billing
13. On the Accounting tab, enter or modify the user's accounting information.
14. Click Save to save your changes, or Cancel to return to the previous page without saving your changes.
You must be a member of the Customer Administrator group to act as another user. Members of the Customer User Admin
group can't access the Act As option.
When you act as another user, you can only perform a subset of actions that the user can perform. Certain actions, such as
creating a requisition or invoice, aren't available if you're acting as another user.
1. From the dashboard, click Manage Core Administration .
3. Search for and select the user you want to act as.
When you click Act As, the page changes to the Home dashboard tab for the user you're acting as. A message on the
masthead lets you know you're acting as the other user.
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5. To stop acting as the other user, click Stop.
Related Information
Enabling Non-Administrators to Act as Another User
Members of the Customer Administrator or Customer User Admin groups can perform this task.
Locked users are still visible to other users. Locked users can still be assigned to new approval ows. They just can't sign in and
perform approvals or other actions.
1. From the dashboard, click Manage Core Administration .
3. Search for and select the user you want to lock or unlock.
When a user is locked, a padlock icon appears next to the user ID.
Next Steps
To restore the user's access, follow this procedure, but choose Unlock from the Actions dropdown instead.
Related Information
Deactivating and Reactivating Users
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Members of the Customer Administrator or Customer User Admin group can perform this task.
Deactivating a user does not remove the user from the system, but it removes the user from all choosers or groups. Once you
deactivate a user, you can also no longer create delegations.
The deactivated user remains on all in-process approval ows. If a deactivated user is a serial approver, then the requester
might have to withdraw or edit the document and resubmit it with a different approver.
1. From the dashboard, click Manage Core Administration .
4. Open the Actions dropdown and choose either Deactivate or Reactivate, depending on what you want to do.
5. Click OK.
Related Information
Locking Users Out of the System
Members of the Customer Administrator or Customer User Admin group can perform this task.
For authenticated users in the SAP Ariba solution, password management involves an administrator generating and resetting
temporary passwords. Password behavior, such as how frequently users must change their passwords, is controlled by site
parameter settings. Some parameter settings can be modi ed for your site by SAP Ariba Support.
Password settings control password expiration, password expiration noti cation, how frequently a user can reuse a password,
password length, password security questions, and lockout periods.
The following table describes the default password parameter settings and indicates which settings can be modi ed for your
site by SAP Ariba Support.
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Password expiration period The number of days a regular password remains valid Passwords Yes
before it expires. never expire
Password expiration warning period The number of days before a password is about to 14 Yes
expire that users are sent a warning message.
Generated password expiration The number of hours a temporary password remains 720 Yes
period valid after being generated by an administrator.
Generated password reset expiration The number of hours a temporary password remains 720 Yes
period valid after it's reset by an administrator.
Forgotten password expiration period The number of hours a temporary password remains 24 No
valid after a user enters a valid user name on the Forget
Your Password? page.
Password reuse limit Restricts password reuse. For example, when the setting 4 Yes
is 4, users aren't allowed to reuse any of their last four
Password pattern matching feature When set to Yes, passwords must contain at least one Yes No
uppercase character, one lowercase character, and one
Minimum security answer length The minimum number of characters users must specify 5 No
when creating an answer to their password recovery
secret question.
Maximum security answer attempts The maximum number of incorrect answers users are 5 No
allowed to their password recovery secret question
before being locked out of the site.
1. From the dashboard, click Manage Core Administration .
3. Search for and select the user whose password you want to generate or reset. You can select multiple users.
5. Click the Display temporary passwords check box if you want to see the temporary password.
6. Click OK to send a login invitation message to the user, or Cancel to return to the previous page without sending a login
invitation message.
Users for whom a password is generated or reset are immediately taken through the password reset process when they sign in.
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Members of the Customer Administrator or Customer User Admin group can perform this task.
Typically, users delegate their own authority by clicking Delegate authority in the user preference menu. However, if needed
(such as for unplanned absences), customer administrators can create a delegation on someone else's behalf.
1. From the dashboard, click Manage Core Administration .
2. Click User Manager, and then click Delegations. You can see all active delegations (either set by users or the customer
administrator) on the Delegations page.
Click Create Delegation to create a new delegation. Choose a user (the delegatee) to whom you're delegating
the delegator’s authority and set the dates when the delegation of authority starts and ends. Provide an
explanation for the delegation and indicate whether the delegator is to receive email noti cation messages about
approval requests being handled by the delegatee during the delegation period.
A user can only have one active delegation, even if the timeframe is different.
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Select the user to end the delegation.
Related Information
Terminating Users in the System
Locking Users Out of the System
ID Application.Base.Delegation.MaximumNumberOfDays
The duration of a delegation period is determined by the delegation Start Date and End Date elds. The elds include a date
and time. If someone tries to set a delegation period longer than the maximum, an error message lets them know what the
maximum is.
Related Information
Topics about delegating approval authority
Intelligent Con guration Manager administration
Parameter Management in Intelligent Con guration Manager
Members of the Customer Administrator or Customer User Admin group can perform this task.
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1. Lock the user out of the system. Locking a user prevents the user from signing in to the SAP Ariba solution. For
instructions, see Locking Users Out of the System.
Delegate the user’s authority to another user. For instructions, see Starting or Ending Approval Delegation for a
The delegatee can act on all in-process approvable documents in the same way as the locked user (approve,
receive, reconcile, and so on), but cannot create new approvable documents.
For information on closing long-running approvable documents, see the user guide.
Reassign an approvable role to another user. For more information, see Approvable Roles Reassigned.
3. After all in-process approvable documents have been processed, end the delegation.
4. Deactivate the user. When you deactivate a user, the user is no longer active or visible in the SAP Ariba solution.
Related Information
Deactivating and Reactivating Users
The Act As group allows administrators to assign users to act as other users, without assigning all other administrator
privileges associated with the Customer Administrator group. The limited ability to act as other users is useful for users who
have to perform an action on behalf of another user in their absence, or for those who test a new functionality by acting as
different users.
Users assigned to the Act As group, who are also members of the Customer User Admin group, can search for users on the
User page in the User Manager workspace and act as them. They can continue to act as the selected user until they click Stop.
They can act as only one user in a particular login session. Users assigned to the Act As group can act as a member of the
Customer Administrator group only if they also belong to the Customer Administrator group.
The ability to act as another user is a powerful privilege and due care and caution must be exercised before assigning users to
the Act As group. Failure to do so could potentially lead to risks resulting from a user (the real user) acting as another user (the
effective user) getting elevated privileges associated with the latter. For example, the real user, when acting as an effective
user who is also a member of the Customer User Admin group, gets the latter's user management privileges, such as the ability
to add or edit users. The real user can then assign themselves to other groups, or modify the user settings of other unrelated
users. To mitigate the risks, some steps are incorporated, such as a warning message to the user choosing to act as another, an
email noti cation to the effective user when a user is acting as them, and an audit trail of a user acting as another. The sending
of email noti cation can be controlled across your site. If you don't want email noti cations to go out when users act as other
users, contact SAP Ariba Support to turn it off.
We strongly recommend restricting membership of the Act As group to authorized persons only. Failure to do so could result
in the loss or destruction of data, or other unforeseen consequences, for which SAP Ariba is not responsible or liable in any
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It's important to consider the following points before using the Act As group:
Users assigned to the Act As group have access to live data on your production site. For example, they can view and
export transaction reports, modify approval rules, view the bids that are in transit, among others.
These users can act as any administrator, other than a Customer Administrator, and get elevated privileges to make
The ability to act as is unlike delegation, where powers can be delegated to one user. A user can act as any other user,
and continue to do so as long as they remain assigned to the Act As group.
Actions speci c to approvable documents such as approval, record both the user taking the action, as well as the
effective user, on the document's History tab.
Actions such as running data import and export tasks or modifying data are captured in your site's audit log,
which you access by going to Site Manager Audit Log .
1. Administrators belonging to the Customer Administrator group add the rst users to the Act As group.
2. Users belonging to both the Act As group and the Customer User Admin group can now add other users to the Act As
3. Users belonging to the Act As group go to User Manager User , and search for users to act as.
They can see the Act As option in the Actions menu, for each user.
4. They can choose the Act As option for any user to act as that user.
Next Steps
Users can view an audit trail of users acting as other users. When one of the following events takes place, an entry is added in
the Site Manager Audit Log :
Members of the Customer Administrator group, or members of both the Act As group and the Customer User Admin
group, assign users to, or remove users from, the Act As group.
Customer administrators belonging to the Multi Factor Authentication Administrator group can perform a number of functions
including enabling and disabling multifactor authentication for users, resetting multifactor authentication, and sending
reminder email noti cations to users for setting up multifactor authentication.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 21
Users belonging to the Multi Factor Authentication Reset group can reset multifactor authentication for users and unlock
locked accounts.
Customer administrators can enable multifactor authentication for their own accounts, but they can't reset or disable
multifactor authentication for their own accounts, nor are they permitted to unlock their accounts if the accounts become
1. In the Ariba Administrator, choose User Manager Multi Factor Authentication .
3. Search for and choose the user for which multifactor authentication is to be enabled.
Search results are shown in a table containing details of the user’s multifactor enablement and setup status as well as
login details. A lock icon is shown for users who have been locked out of the system after providing invalid veri cation
4. Perform one of the following administration tasks that is valid for the user's current status, and then click OK in the
corresponding con rmation window:
a. Click Enable for Login to enable multifactor authentication if it's not already enabled.
b. Click Disable for Login to disable multifactor authentication if it's already enabled.
e. Click Send Email Reminder to send reminders to users who haven't set up multifactor authentication on their
Depending on your organization’s ERP system, users may be able to modify organization, accounting, delivery, and shipping
In the default con guration, user pro le changes must be approved by the supervisor and the customer administrator to take
effect. Changes related to user contact data are recorded in the audit log.
User pro le changes initiated for deactivated users don't result in any changes even after the change request is approved.
When the default currency of an existing user is updated, the new currency code must be one that is active in the database.
You can't update existing user records with inactive currency codes (for example, TRL, NLG, IEP, DEM, and BEF).
Email Addresses
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 22
Users can select their own email address information on the Change Personal Pro le page in the User Pro le wizard.
Users can select their own supervisor on the Change Personal Pro le page in the User Pro le wizard.
Group Membership
Users can select their own groups on the Change Personal Pro le page in the User Pro le wizard.
Related Information
User Management in SAP Ariba Procurement Solutions
User Authentication Methods
User Maintenance Tasks in Ariba Administrator
Data Import Tasks for User Information
Groups for Granting Access to Functionality
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 23
Related Information
User Management in SAP Ariba Procurement Solutions
User Authentication Methods
User Maintenance Tasks in Ariba Administrator
User Pro le Changes
Groups for Granting Access to Functionality
The default values are used when the elds in the CSV le do not contain values. If you do not specify default values, and if the
CSV import le does not contain values for these elds, then no data is populated for these elds.
1. Sign in to your Ariba site using your administrator user name and password.
3. Click Integration Manager, and then click Master Data Default Values.
4. Search for the Import User Data (Consolidated File) data import task and click Edit.
5. Specify the desired default values for each master data eld.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 24
The following table lists the master data elds for which default values can be speci ed. The elds displayed depend on
the ERP system that the Ariba solution integrates with:
Purchasing X
Purchasing Group X
The following table lists the single CSV le that this task reads from, and indicates the other data import tasks and les from
which the data is consolidated:
Data Import Task Imports from This CSV File Contains Data Consolidated from These Data Import Tasks
and Files
Import Users
For security reasons, user IDs (the UniqueName eld) cannot contain apostrophes.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 25
If the users’ currency and locale values are not speci ed in the UserConsolidated.csv le, and the values are Null in the
database, then the currency and locale values are set to the default values for your site. You cannot create a new user or
update an existing user with a default currency that is an inactive currency code in the database (for example, TRL, NLG, IEP,
DEM, and BEF).
User email addresses are checked for validity. Valid email addresses must be entered, even in test environments. Invalid email
addresses trigger an error message and must be corrected. For data import operations, the validity check runs only when a new
user is loaded or when the email address of an existing user is changed. By default, an email address must include a valid,
existing domain. (SAP Ariba Customer Support can set a parameter to turn off the domain portion of the validity check, in which
case only syntax is checked. The name of the parameter is Application.Base.EnforceEmailDomainCheck.)
If SAP Ariba Customer Support con gured a set of valid email address domain names speci cally for your site, any domain
you use in the email address eld for a user must match a domain in that set.
For information about the AlternateEmailAddresses eld, see Import Enterprise User Alternate Email Addresses.
demo123,PasswordAdapter1,demo123,[email protected],USD,en_US,,12345,12345,US001,US001,kstable
If the SAP Ariba solution is integrated with the SAP Cloud Identity Services – Identity Authentication service customers can use
Identity Authentication for user authentication and single sign-on. In this case, the UserConsolidated.csv le contains an
additional column as the last column, with the header UserUUID, as in the following example:
aribauser1,PasswordAdapter1,Deliver to DefaultName1,[email protected],USD,en_US,,12345,12345,
If the SAP Ariba solution is integrated with the SAP Cloud Identity Services – Identity Authentication service customers can use
Identity Authentication for user authentication and single sign-on. In this case, the UserConsolidated.csv le contains an
additional column as the last column, with the header UserUUID, as in the following example:
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 26
test1,PasswordAdapter1,Alex Agassi,[email protected],USD,en_US,,12345,12345,SHARE:US001,kstab
If the SAP Ariba solution is integrated with the SAP Cloud Identity Services – Identity Authentication service customers can use
Identity Authentication for user authentication and single sign-on. In this case, the UserConsolidated.csv le contains an
additional column as the last column, with the header UserUUID, as in the following example:
This task imports data from a single CSV le and contains data consolidated from multiple CSV les used by multiple data
import tasks. You can import all user-group mapping related data using a single CSV le instead of several different les.
The following table lists the single CSV le that this task reads from, and indicates the other data import tasks and les from
which the data is consolidated:
Data Import Task Imports from This CSV File Contains Data Consolidated from These Data Import
Tasks and Files
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 27
We recommend that you exercise caution when using the Update Only data import operation. It replaces all the existing
users associated with a given group with the users speci ed in the CSV le.
You can con gure your site to delete the responsible purchasing unit entries when users are removed from groups using the
Import User to Group Mapping Data (Consolidated File) data import task. To con gure your site, your administrator must
enable the Delete responsible purchasing unit entries for users removed from groups
parameter. See Delete responsible purchasing unit entries for users removed from groups.
The Import Approval Authority Delegations task imports delegator-delegatee mappings to de ne user delegations.
The following table lists the elds in the ApprovalAuthorityDelegations.csv le used by this task:
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 28
In the default con guration,
you can specify a past date
as the start date of
delegation. If required, you
can have your site con gured
to prevent users from
specifying a past date as the
start date of delegation. For
help with this setting, please
contact SAP Ariba Customer
For example:
cnoll,PasswordAdapter1,ALL,adavis,PasswordAdapter1,02/26/2018 00:00:00 IST,12/31/2018 00:00:00 IST,
cnoll,PasswordAdapter1,ALL,mditka,PasswordAdapter1,02/26/2018 00:00:00 IST,12/31/2032 00:00:00 IST,
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 29
This task has a corresponding export task named Export Approval Authority Delegations.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 30
You can manually maintain GroupSharedUserMap.csv, or retrieve the data from an SAP system. Some user assignments
to groups can be made automatically, and other user assignments to groups can be manually maintained. Both are
The following diagrams illustrate the relationships between the various user CSV les.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 31
For security reasons, user IDs (the UniqueName eld in SAP and Generic variants and the EMPLID eld in PeopleSoft variants)
cannot contain apostrophes.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 32
If the users’ currency and locale values are not speci ed in the SharedUser.csv le, and the values are Null in the database,
then the currency and locale values are set to the default values for your site. You cannot create a new user or update an
existing user with a default currency that is an inactive currency code in the database (for example, TRL, NLG, IEP, DEM, and
User email addresses are checked for validity. Valid email addresses must be entered, even in test environments. Invalid email
addresses trigger an error message and must be corrected. For data import operations, the validity check runs only when a new
user is loaded and when the email address of an existing user is changed. By default, an email address must include a valid,
existing domain. (SAP Ariba Customer Support can set a parameter to turn off the domain portion of the validity check, in which
case only syntax is checked. The name of the parameter is Application.Base.EnforceEmailDomainCheck.)
If SAP Ariba Customer Support con gured a set of valid email address domain names speci cally for your site, any domain
you use in the email address eld for a user must match a domain in that set.
[email protected],,Alex Agassi,PasswordAdapter1,,PST,USD,en_US,[Buyer],aagassi
[email protected],,Arnold Davis,PasswordAdapter1,PST,USD,en_US,[Buyer],adavis
[email protected],,Arnold Karras,PasswordAdapter1,PST,USD,en_US,[Buyer],akarras
[email protected],Alex Agassi,PasswordAdapter1,PST,USD,en_US,aagassi
[email protected],Arnold Davis,PasswordAdapter1,USD,PST,en_US,adavis
[email protected],Arnold Karras,PasswordAdapter1,PST,USD,en_US,akarras
Import Addresses
For PeopleSoft and Generic, your con guration must include a standard set of shipping and billing addresses. The Import
Addresses data import task de nes shipping and billing addresses. It reads data from the CSV le named Address.csv.
For SAP, Import Addresses can be used to import generic addresses from SAP back-end systems that can be used as shipping
and billing addresses. You can also import nonstandard addresses created by your users in the SAP back-end systems to avoid
creating the same nonstandard addresses in SAP Ariba Procurement solutions. The imported nonstandard addresses will be
available only to the users who created them. Each address imported by this task will be associated with a speci c company
code. After you import the addresses, and they are available in your SAP Ariba Procurement solutions, you must run the Import
Plant to Purchase Organization Mapping task to map the addresses to the corresponding purchasing organizations. This
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 33
ensures the imported addresses can be used when creating approvable documents. Alternatively, you can contact SAP Ariba
Customer Support to enable a parameter that will ensure the imported addresses can be used without running the Import
Plant to Purchase Organization Mapping task.
You associate users with default shipping addresses in the le SharedUserShipToAddressMap.csv. For more information,
see Import User/Ship To Address Relationships.
For sites enabled to support India goods and services tax (GST) on approvables, you can use this task to de ne the state
code for an address.
For descriptions of these elds, see the Data Dictionary. Instructions for downloading the Data Dictionary are found in the Data
Dictionary: Details About Import and Export Tasks guide.
For general information about nonstandard addresses, see User Pro le Concepts.
Keep the following points in mind when working with nonstandard addresses in the Address.csv le:
For PeopleSoft and Generic, you cannot create nonstandard addresses by importing them. If the Address.csv le
contains a nonstandard address, importing the le updates existing data. If the nonstandard address does not exist,
however, it is not created in the system.
When you import Address.csv, the values in Creator.UniqueName and Creator.PasswordAdapter are ignored.
You cannot change the values in these elds.
As a best practice, export addresses from your SAP Ariba Procurement solutions before importing new address data.
Users might have modi ed or created nonstandard addresses, and exporting updated data will help prevent overwriting
user-entered nonstandard addresses.
As a best practice, don't include nonstandard addresses in the import le when importing addresses. Doing so changes
the adapter source of the addresses, which can lead to errors during invoice reconciliation. To manage nonstandard
addresses, see Changing or Deactivating a Nonstandard Shipping Address (SAP Ariba Procurement solutions).
CRM02:31801,CRM02,31801,Main,,7100 Irvine Ave,Irvine,CA,92602,US,444-1515,,,,,
CRM01:US120,CRM01,US120,CRM APPLIANCE MAIN OFFICE,,100 Owens Drive,Pleasanton,CA,94588,US,,,,,,
CRM01:US200,CRM01,US200,CRM APPLIANCE TRUCK CENTER,,4433 Hacienda,Pleasanton,CA,94588,US,,,,,,
Line2 and Line3 are for multi-line street addresses. To have multiline street addresses, include embedded carriage returns
directly in the data source. The character length for this eld can be customized.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 34
Following is an example of Address.csv for Generic:
US001,Austin,3450 Industrial Park Road,Austin,TX,78701,US,214-401-5555,214-401-5575,,true,false,US0
US002,Sacramento Mfg.,1000 Global Parkway,Sacramento,CA,95801,US,916-465-7810,916-465-7819,,true,fa
US003,Sacramento,1400 Global Parkway,Sacramento,CA,95801,US,916-465-7890,916-465-7699,,,,,,,,
The State column can contain state, province, or region data. (In the user interface, the eld label is State/Province/Region.)
Line2 and Line3 are for multi-line street addresses. To have multiline street addresses, include embedded carriage returns
directly in the data source. The character length for this eld can be customized.
US001,Austin,3450 Industrial Park Road,Austin,TX,78701,US,214-401-5555,214-401-5575,,true,false,US0
US002,Sacramento Mfg.,1000 Global Parkway,Sacramento,CA,95801,US,916-465-7810,916-465-7819,,true,fa
US003,Sacramento,1400 Global Parkway,Sacramento,CA,95801,US,916-465-7890,916-465-7699,,,,,,,,
The State column can contain state, province, or region data. (In the user interface, the eld label is State/Province/Region.)
Line2 and Line3 are for multi-line street addresses. To have multiline street addresses, include embedded carriage returns
directly in the data source. The character length for this eld can be customized.
Creator.UniqueName column can contain the unique identi er of the user who created the nonstandard address.
This task is a header-detail task that reads data from the CSV les named SharedUser.csv and
SharedUserAlternateEmail.csv. This task updates data for existing users only. It does not create new users.
You can also import this data using the simpli ed Import User Data (Consolidated File) data import task that reads from the
UserConsolidated.csv le.
No communications are sent to alternate email addresses. They are used only for lookup and validation purposes in the
following cases:
If a non-PO invoice contains an email address that is not one of the primary addresses speci ed in SharedUser.csv,
your SAP Ariba site can locate the user based on the user’s alternate email address instead. Noti cation of the invoice is
then sent to the user’s primary email address.
If email approvals are enabled, and a user sends an email approval from a non-primary email address, your SAP Ariba
site can use the alternate email address to verify that the email is coming from a valid email address for that user. (For
alternate email addresses to be used in this way, the EmailApprovalAutoReject parameter must be set to Yes.)
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 35
In verifying an email address, your SAP Ariba site rst looks at the primary email addresses (the addresses from
SharedUser.csv). If the email address is not found there, your SAP Ariba site looks at the alternate email addresses (the
addresses from SharedUserAlternateEmail.csv).
There is no restriction on the number of alternate email addresses assigned to a user. You can remove an alternate email
address from a user’s account by going to the User Manager workspace of Ariba Administrator.
aagassi,PasswordAdapter1,[email protected]
akarras,PasswordAdapter1,[email protected]
akarras,PasswordAdapter1,[email protected]
In the Data Dictionary, the worksheet for Import Enterprise User/Supervisor Relationships lists the le name as
SharedUser.csv. When you run this data import task, you can specify either SharedUserSupervisor.csv or
SharedUser.csv as the le to import, but regardless of the le name, make sure the columns in the CSV le match the
columns listed in the Data Dictionary for this task. When you import this data as part of a batch import operation, the le
name must be named SharedUserSupervisor.csv.
Import User/BillingAddress Relationships reads data from the CSV le named SharedUserBillingAddressMap.csv.
You can also import this data by running the simpli ed Import User Data (Consolidated File) data import task that reads
from the UserConsolidated.csv le.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 36
For PeopleSoft, a user’s default billing address is the billing address associated with the business unit to which they are
assigned. Users are assigned to business units in the le User.csv. For users who are not assigned to business units, the
default billing address is the default billing address con gured for your site. SAP Ariba Customer Support con gures the default
billing address for your site by setting a system parameter. This parameter speci es the unique internal identi er of an address
de ned in Address.csv.
For SAP, the default billing address for all users is con gured by a system parameter, which is set by SAP Ariba Customer
Support. This parameter speci es the unique internal identi er of a billing address de ned in the le Plant.csv.
For Generic, the default billing address for all users is con gured by a system parameter, which is set by SAP Ariba Customer
Support. This parameter speci es the unique internal identi er of a billing address de ned in Address.csv. In the sample
data, the default billing address has the unique name DEFAULT_BILLING_ADDRESS.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 37
The Import User/Ship To Address Relationships data import task associates shipping addresses with users. It reads data from
the CSV le named SharedUserShipToAddressMap.csv.
You can also import this data by running the simpli ed Import User Data (Consolidated File) data import task that reads
from the UserConsolidated.csv le.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 38
While de ning the address format for a country/region, you can con gure the following:
The format in which the address elds for the Ship To, Bill To, and other addresses are organized in the print layout of
documents. This also includes the expanded view of the Ship From, Ship To, and Remit To addresses that appear on
The unique order in which the address elds are displayed on the review page when users click an address link on a
document to review the details of the address.
Some addresses (for example, the supplier address) are displayed on documents as a link. When users click an
address link, the SAP Ariba solution displays the details of the address elds for review on a new page.
The Import Enhanced Address Format Template task de nes the format in which country/region-speci c addresses
are displayed in the print layout view of documents and the order in which such elds are displayed when users choose to review
the details of addresses on documents. This task uses the AddressTemplate.csv le to de ne the format of the addresses
displayed on approvable documents. The following is the list of elds in the AddressTemplate.csv le:
UniqueName Speci es the unique identi er for a country/region (for example, JP for Japan).
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 39
Template De nes the addressing sequence and the structure based on which addresses speci c to a country/region must be displa
describe the components of an address.
The following are the prede ned address elds used as placeholders to de ne the structure of an address:
PostalAddress.City: The city applicable for the address. You can use either or both the City or the PostalA
PostalAddress.State: You can use either or both the State or the PostalAddress.State tag to specify t
PostalAddress.PostalCode: The postal code for a location. You can use either or both the PostalCode or t
Country: The unique internal identi er of the country/region applicable for the address.
PostalAddress.Country: The unique internal identi er of the country/region applicable for the address. You c
This template also determines the format in which the Ship From, Ship To, and Remit To addresses are displayed on invo
FieldsOrder Speci es the order in which the elds (including custom elds) describing an address for a country/region must appear in
While de ning the order of elds, we recommend that you use the PostalAddress.Country tag instead of the Coun
The following is an example of de ning the order of the address elds for a country/region:
Description (Optional) A brief description to include any additional information about the address format for a country/region.
The following is an example of the AddressTemplate.csv le that includes customized address formats:
"US","Address in the US:
City: @@City@@ - @@PostalCode@@
State: @@State@@ , @@Name@@ ,
@@PostalAddress.Line2@@, @@PostalAddress.Line3@@,
Phone: @@Phone@@
@@PostalAddress.Lines@@ US address, @@PostalCode@@","Contact:Phone:Fax:City:State:PostalAddress.Cit
"JP","Address in Japan:
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 40
@@Country@@ - @@PostalCode@@
@@State@@, @@City@@
Phone: @@Phone@@
@@PostalCode@@ , @@City@@
@@Country@@ , @@State@@ , @@Phone@@, @@PostalAddress.Line2@@, @@PostalAddress.Line3@@,
Street: @@PostalAddress.Lines@@, @@PostalCode@@","Contact:Phone:Fax:City:State:PostalAddress.City:P
In this example, the following code snippet determines the template based on which addresses in the US are displayed in
the print layout view of documents.
Similarly, the following code snippet refers to the address template for Japan:
"JP","Address in Japan:
@@Country@@ - @@PostalCode@@
@@State@@, @@City@@
Phone: @@Phone@@
Based on the address templates de ned for each country/region in the example, the following image indicates the
format in which the Supplier, Ship To, and Bill To addresses appear on the print view of a requisition:
In the example, the following is the code snippet that determines the order in which the elds constituting an address in
Japan are displayed for review:
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 41
The following image displays a sample view of the Review Details for Ship To window when users choose to review the
details of a Ship To address in Japan:
If you do not de ne the address format for a country/region, the SAP Ariba solution applies the address format
de ned in the default con guration.
The Import Enhanced Address Format Template task does not include a corresponding data export task.
Therefore, we recommend that you maintain a backup of the AddressTemplate.csv le for future requirements.
Import Users
The Import Users data import task de nes ERP-speci c user information and purchasing card assignments.
The Import Users data import task reads data from the following CSV les:
User.csv Contains default accounting information, including the user’s delivery address, cost center,
business unit, account, subaccount, product, project, and purchasing unit. It also includes the
user’s approval limits.
UserPCardMap.csv Contains user-to-purchasing card mappings. If you do not want to assign purchasing cards to
users, create this le with column headings, but without data. If your UserPCardMap.csv le
contains data, you must run the Import PCards data import task before running Import Users.
This le is not used by the SAP Ariba Invoice Management solution package (SAP Ariba Invoice
Management), but it is still required by the Import Users data import task. When you create
this le, include the column headings only.
You can also import this data by running the simpli ed Import User Data (Consolidated File) data import task that reads
from the UserConsolidated.csv le.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 42
Default Accounting Information in the User.csv File
User.csv and UserPCardMap.csv PeopleSoft Examples
User.csv and UserPCardMap.csv SAP Examples
User.csv and UserPCardMap.csv Generic Examples
Related Information
PCards Import
The following diagrams illustrate the relationships between the columns in User.csv and the columns in accounting CSV les.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 43
aagassi,PasswordAdapter1,Alex Agassi,US001,US001,SHARE:US001,SHARE:50000,SHARE:ALLPRD,SHARE:100001,
adavis,PasswordAdapter1,Arnold Davis,US004,US004,SHARE:US001,SHARE:50000,SHARE:ALLPRD,SHARE:100001,
akarras,PasswordAdapter1,Arnold Karras,US003,US003,SHARE:US001,SHARE:13000,SHARE:ALLPRD,SHARE:10000
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 44
In SAP Ariba Invoice Management, include the column headings only. For example:
aagassi,PasswordAdapter1,6,Alex Agassi,3000,0000003100,3000,3000,100,3000,0000445000,0000001000,
aalcott,PasswordAdapter1,7,Ann Alcott,3000,0000004110,3000,3000,100,3000,0000445000,,
acabrera,PasswordAdapter1,7,Andre Cabrera,3000,0000004110,3000,3000,100,3000,0000445000,,
adavis,PasswordAdapter1,6,Arnold Davis,3000,0000002300,3000,3000,100,3000,0000445000,,
In SAP Ariba Invoice Management, include the column headings only. For example:
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 45
arother,PasswordAdapter1,6,Algar Rother,05,6300,DEU01,,5040,,,DEU01,5000,5000,
clavillette,PasswordAdapter1,7,Catherine Lavillette,05,6300,DEU01,,5040,,,DEU01,1000,1000,
krautenberg,PasswordAdapter1,6,Karl Rautenberg,05,6300,DEU01,,5040,,,DEU01,5000,5000,
ktanner,PasswordAdapter1,8,Kirsten Tanner,05,6300,DEU01,,5040,,,DEU01,,,
If you do not include approval limits in the ApprovalLimit and ExpenseApprovalLimit columns in User.csv, the user’s
supervisor is not added to the approval ow by the approval rule ManagerWithSupervisor. However, keep in mind that your site
might use other default or custom approval rules that add the user's supervisor to the approval ow for certain approvable
In SAP Ariba Invoice Management, include the column headings only. For example:
The maximum number you can enter for the approval limit is 2,147,483,647.
You can also import this data by running the simpli ed Import User Data (Consolidated File) data import task that reads
from the UserConsolidated.csv le.
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 46
You can import user-group mappings and related information using a single CSV le instead of multiple les. For more
information, see Import User to Group Mapping Data (Consolidated File).
Import User Group Mapping reads data from the following CSV les:
UserParentGroup.csv Speci es the groups you want to assign to users. This le must include all the groups you want
to assign to users, including default groups.
The default groups, and the tasks that users who belong to them can perform, are described in
SAP Ariba Procurement Solutions Group Descriptions.
If you run the Import User Group Mapping task using the Update Only import operation, all existing user mappings for the
groups in the UserParentGroup.csv le are replaced by the user mappings in the GroupSharedUserMap.csv le. If
there is nothing in the GroupSharedUserMap.csv le for a particular group in the UserParentGroup.csv le, all user
group mappings are removed for that group.
Auditor On Demand
Auditor Real Time
Catalog Approver
Commodity Code Manager
Contract Administrator
fgifford,Auditor On Demand,PasswordAdapter1
psimms,Auditor On Demand,PasswordAdapter1
ghalas,Auditor On Demand,PasswordAdapter1
kaoki,Auditor On Demand,PasswordAdapter1
shuff,Auditor On Demand,PasswordAdapter1
fgifford,Auditor Real Time,PasswordAdapter1
psimms,Auditor Real Time,PasswordAdapter1
This is custom documentation. For more information, please visit the SAP Help Portal 47
You can also perform these user maintenance tasks by using the corresponding simpli ed data import tasks and CSV les.
For more information on the simpli ed CSV les and the corresponding individual CSV les from which the data is
consolidated from, see Simpli ed Data Import Tasks for User Data .
In addition to using the data import and export tasks in the Site Manager workspace, you can also use the Data Import/Export
task in the User Manager workspace to run the following user-related data import tasks:
Task Description
Import Enterprise User Alternate Email Imports enterprise user information with additional valid email addresses that the
Addresses Ariba system uses for validation and lookup purposes.
You can use these user-related data import tasks to add, modify, and deactivate users.
You can use the data export tasks to export the following user-related datas:
Task Description
Export Users, Export Users Direct Export ERP-speci c user information to a CSV le. (See the following section for
information on the difference between these tasks.)
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Task Description
Export Users Direct is designed to run more efficiently by not using the in-memory queries that the Export Users task uses.
(Export Users can time out with large data sets, for example, more than 100,000 users.)
If your site is customized in such a way that the Export Users task relies on the in-memory query used by that task (for
example, if there is a customization that computes a derived eld in memory), use Export Users unless you are sure that
Export Users Direct is suitable for your needs.
The Export Users task exports data to CombinedUserExport.csv. The Export Users Direct task exports data to
CombinedUserExportDirect.csv. Following are the differences between these two les:
The columns in CombinedUserExportDirect.csv are not in the same order as the columns in
CombinedUserExportDirect.csv does not include custom ex master data elds that are derived elds. This is
because derived ex master data elds rely on in-memory queries.
The task Export User/Billing Address Relationships for Users with Addresses exports users’ billing address assignments, and
excludes users who are not mapped to a billing address. This task runs more efficiently and nishes faster than the Export
User/Billing Address Relationships task. The task exports data to a le named
1. Add data for the new users to the following CSV les.
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Only include information about the users you want to add. Leave out existing users.
2. Assign the new users to groups in the le GroupSharedUserMap.csv. Make sure this le contains only the users you
want to add.
3. Make sure the UserParentGroup.csv le contains only the groups you speci ed in the le
4. If you want to add new purchasing cards for the new users, add the new purchasing cards to the PCard.csv le. If you
don't want to add new purchasing cards, don't change the data in this le.
5. If you want to assign purchasing cards to the new users, add the new users to the UserPCardMap.csv le. If you don't
want to assign purchasing cards to the new users, don't change the data in this le.
The UserPCardMap.csv le isn't used by SAP Ariba Invoice Management, but it's still required by the Import Users
data import task. When you create this le, include the column headings only.
6. If you want to make the new users responsible for purchasing units, add the new users to the ResponsibleUser.csv
le. If you don't want to make the new users responsible for purchasing units, don't change the data in this le.
7. Using a ZIP program, such as WinZip, add the CSV les mentioned in the previous steps to the archive. Include all the
CSV les, even those you didn't modify, except for the PCard.csv le.
d. On the Import tab, search for Import Batch Data data import task and click Import.
e. Click Incremental Load, enter the location of your ZIP le, and then click OK to import your data.
9. If you're using the SAP Ariba data transfer tool, upload the data in incremental-load mode and specify Import Batch
Data in the -event option.
10. If your site uses regular user authentication, generate temporary passwords for the new users.
Related Information
Generating or Resetting User Passwords
1. Create a GroupSharedUserMap.csv le that contains the users and the groups you want to add the users to. Don't
include any other user/group mappings. For example:
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adavis,Purchasing Agent,PasswordAdapter1
cnoll,Purchasing Agent,PasswordAdapter1
2. Create a UserParentGroup.csv le that contains the groups you want to add the users to. Don't include any other
groups. For example:
Purchasing Agent
5. On the Import tab, search for the Import User Group Mapping data import task and click Import.
6. Click Update Details, enter the location of your CSV le, and then click Run to import your data.
The Update Details data import operation creates the user/group mappings speci ed in the
GroupSharedUserMap.csv le. No other user/group mappings are modi ed.
Don't use the Update Only data import operation. It replaces all the users associated with a given group with the
users speci ed in the GroupSharedUserMap.csv le. If you were to specify Update Only in the previous example,
only two users (adavis and cnoll) would be associated with the Purchasing Agent group.
1. Create a GroupSharedUserMap.csv le that contains the users and the groups you want to remove the users from.
Don't include any other user/group mappings. For example:
adavis,Purchasing Agent,PasswordAdapter1
cnoll,Procurement Manager,PasswordAdapter1
2. Create a UserParentGroup.csv le that contains the groups you want to remove the users from. Don't include any
other groups. For example:
Purchasing Agent
Procurement Manager
5. On the Import tab, nd the Import User Group Mapping data import task and click Import.
6. Click Remove Details, enter the location of your CSV le, and then click Run to import your data.
The Remove Details data import operation removes only the user/group mappings speci ed in the
GroupSharedUserMap.csv le. No other user/group mappings are modi ed.
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1. Create a SharedUserShipToAddressMap.csv le that contains only the user/ship-to address mappings you want to
replace. Don't include any other user/ship-to address mappings.
For example, suppose you want to replace the shipping addresses for users aagassi and adavis:
PeopleSoft Example
SAP Example
Generic Example
4. On the Import tab, nd the Import User/Ship To Address Relationships data import task and click Import.
5. Click Update Only, enter the location of your CSV le, and then click Run to import your data.
Don't choose Update Details. If you do, import fails.
The Update Only data import operation replaces the user/ship-to address mappings speci ed in the
SharedUserShipToAddressMap.csv le.
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1. Create a CSV le that contains only the user/ship-to address mappings you want to replace. Don't include any other
user/ship-to address mappings. Include only one shipping address per user. This le must have the same format as
For example, suppose you want to replace the shipping addresses for users aagassi and adavis:
PeopleSoft Example
SAP Example
Generic Example
Don't include SharedUserShipToAddressMap.csv in the ZIP le.
c. On the Import tab, search for Import Batch Data and click Import.
d. Click either data load operation, enter the location of your ZIP le, and then click OK to import your data.
5. If you're using the SAP Ariba data transfer tool, upload the data in either full-load or incremental-load mode and specify
Import Batch Data in the -event option.
Import Batch Data runs the Import User/Ship To Address Relationships, One Address Per User data import task, which replaces
the user/ship-to address mappings speci ed in the SharedUserSingleShipToAddressMap.csv le.
You can't run Import User/Ship To Address Relationships, One Address Per User from the Import tab in Ariba Administrator.
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Terminate the user before removing the user from CSV les. See Terminating Users in the System.
1. Remove the user you want to deactivate from the following CSV les:
Make sure all the users you want to remain active are included in these CSV les.
2. Make sure the UserParentGroup.csv le contains only the groups speci ed in the le GroupSharedUserMap.csv.
3. Using a ZIP program, such as WinZip, add the CSV les mentioned in the previous steps to the archive. Include all the
CSV les, even those you didn't modify.
The UserPCardMap.csv le isn't used by SAP Ariba Invoice Management, but it's still required by the Import Users
data import task. When you create this le, include the column headings only.
c. On the Import tab, search for Import Batch Data and click Import.
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d. Click Full Load, enter the location of your ZIP le, and then click OK to import your data.
5. If you're using the SAP Ariba data transfer tool, upload the data in full-load mode and specify Import Batch Data in
the -event option.
Users in the database that don't exist in the CSV les are deactivated in the database.
The Import Enterprise Users data import task has been enhanced to support multifactor authentication. The
SharedUser.csv le has the new column Enable Multi-Factor Authentication , with Yes and No as the accepted
1. Add the new users in the SharedUser.csv le with Yes in the column Enable Multi-Factor Authentication .
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When the import runs successfully, multifactor authentication is enabled for all users with Yes speci ed in the column Enable
Multi-Factor Authentication .
Related Information
User Management in SAP Ariba Procurement Solutions
User Authentication Methods
User Maintenance Tasks in Ariba Administrator
User Pro le Changes
Data Import Tasks for User Information
SAP Ariba solutions also use groups in the approval ow of approvable documents. For example, in the default con guration,
members of the Customer Administrator group are added to the approval ow for user pro le change requests. Using groups in
this way works well when the group has a small number of users and a small number of approvable documents that can be
processed quickly. If the number of approvable documents increases or the requests are complicated (for example, resolving
exceptions in invoice reconciliation), consider using approval queues to help manage the workload.
In addition, members of certain groups receive speci c email noti cation messages. Email noti cation messages are email
messages that SAP Ariba solutions send to users and administrators to inform them of status changes or problems that need
to be addressed. For information on email noti cation messages, see Noti cations Reference Guide.
System Groups
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SAP Ariba solutions includes a number of system groups. System groups, and the tasks that users who belong to them can
perform, are described in SAP Ariba Procurement Solutions Group Descriptions. You can also download a group descriptions le
using the Table Options Menu icon from the Groups page in the User Manager.
Custom Groups
You can create your own groups to which you can add the group membership of one or more system groups. This way, if you
know that a large number of users belong to multiple groups, you can create a custom group which inherits the permissions
from multiple system groups, and then just assign the user to your custom group. You de ne such inheritance by assigning your
custom group as a child group to one or more groups.
A group that is assigned to another group is called a child group. A child group inherits all the privileges of its “parent” group
The Legal Entity User group is a custom group with, generally loaded into your site during the site setup process as a
child group of the Purchasing User group.
Members of the Legal Entity User group can therefore create requisitions because the Legal Entity User group inherits
all the privileges of the Purchasing User group.
A child group can inherit permissions from multiple parent groups. For example, if you create a new group Buying Expert and
add it as a child to the Invoice Agent, Receiving Agent, Contract Agent, Payment Agent, and Purchasing Agent groups, it will
inherit the privileges from all these groups.
When you turn either a group into a queue or a queue into a group, usually all active approvables in Submitted status are
affected. In the former case, the approvables move out of the group user’s inbox and are queued until they are assigned to a
user. In the latter case, all approvables move into the inbox of the group users.
Try to minimize each user’s queue memberships. For example, avoid assigning a user to all queues.
Try to minimize the number of purchasing units associated with any one queue member.
By default, the maximum number of approvables affected by queue-related mass operations, such as assign and get, is
15. SAP Ariba Support can change this default, but increasing the limit can impact performance.
Try to minimize the number of purchasing units associated with an approver group in a queue (as de ned in
For more information about queue management, see Approval Queues, Approval Escalations, and Withdrawal Periods.
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You can view system groups, and add users and child groups to them, and create, deactivate, and reactivate custom groups in
the User Manager workspace of the administration area.
1. From the dashboard, click Manage Core Administration .
Option Description
Click Create Group to create a custom group a. On the General tab, enter a Unique Name for the group
(this value can't be modi ed later), a user-friendly
Group Name, and a Description.
Click List All to display all groups, or enter search criteria To view the group details, click the group name.
and then click Search or press the Enter key. Adapter Source shows how the group is maintained:
Select the group you want to edit and choose Edit from the
On the Users tab, click Add/Remove to display the
Actions dropdown menu
available users. Choose one or more users to assign to
the group, if any, and click Done.
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Option Description
Select the group you want to deactivate / reactivate and You can deactivate and reactivate only custom groups. If you
choose Deactivate or Reactivate from the Actions dropdown deactivate a group, the permissions associated with the group
menu are no longer available to the users, and the groups are no
longer added to approval ows.
The following table lists the data import tasks and CSV les that de ne custom groups and speci es whether the data is
required. Tasks appear in the recommended data import order.
Facilities Maintenance,FacilitiesMaint
Public Relations,PR
PR,Public Relations,English
PR,Relations publique,French
PR,Relaciones públicas,Spanish
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SAP Ariba recommends you do not assign a system group as a child group to a system group because you might inadvertently
remove the system group and child group relationships. If you need to assign a system group as a child to a system group,
contact SAP Ariba Customer Support.
Following are some restrictions to keep in mind when assigning child groups:
If Group B is a child group of Group A, you cannot assign Group A as a child group of Group B.
The Import Group to Child Group Mapping data import task reads data from the following CSV les:
GroupParentGroup.csv Speci es the parent groups (the groups you want to assign child groups to).
Purchasing User,CustGroup_B
In these examples, Custom Group B inherits permissions from CustGroup_A and the Purchasing User group.
Punchin groups are created by running the Import Punchin Groups task, which creates the groups with the punchin adapter
source. You cannot add users manually to PunchIn groups. Users get associated with (and removed from) groups through the
punchin request and the groups included in the request.
When a user punches in to an SAP Ariba Catalog site, a new user/PunchIn group association is created if the user is not already
associated with the group. If there is no corresponding PunchIn group in SAP Ariba Catalog , no user/group association is
created and the system logs a debug message. If a later punchin request no longer includes a group that was part of a previous
punchin request, the user is removed from that group.
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The following examples demonstrate how PunchIn groups work. Adapter sources for the groups shown in the examples appear
in parentheses. For more information on adapter source values, see Adapter Sources of Data Objects.
In SAP Ariba Catalog, jdoe belongs to groups Catalog Approver (SYSTEM) and Group1 (PunchIn)
1. jdoe access the SAP Ariba Catalog catalog from the external procurement system. The PunchIn request includes
Catalog Approver and Group5.
2. Assuming that Catalog Approver and Group5 have been imported previously as PunchIn groups, jdoe is added to Catalog
Approver (Punchin) and Group5 (Punchin) in the SAP Ariba Catalog site.
4. jdoe now belongs to Catalog Approver (SYSTEM), Catalog Approver (PunchIn), and Group5 (Punchin).
Users who belong to both the Customer Administrator and Multi Factor Authentication Administrator groups can perform this
Multifactor authentication is enabled or disabled for all users belonging to the chosen group. It's enabled automatically when a
new user is added to the group. Similarly, it's disabled for users when they're removed from the group.
1. In Ariba Administrator, choose User Manager Multi Factor Authentication .
3. Search for the group to enable multifactor authentication for and then choose the group.
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The search results are shown in a table with the multifactor enablement status along with an Action menu for each
4. Perform one of the following administration tasks that is valid for the user's current status, and then click OK in the
corresponding con rmation window:
a. Choose Actions Enable for login to enable multifactor authenti cation if it isn't already enabled for the
b. Choose Actions Disable for Login to disable multifactor authenti cation if it's already enabled for the group.
5. Click Send Email Reminder to send reminders to users in the group who haven't set up multifactor authentication.
The Import User Group Mapping data import task has been enhanced to support multifactor authentication. The
UserParentGroup.csv and GroupSharedUserMap.csv les have the new column Enable Multi-Factor
Authentication , with Yes and No as the accepted values.
1. Add the new group in the UserParentGroup.csv le with Yes in the column Enable Multi-Factor
Authentication .
When the import runs succesfully, multifactor authentication is enabled for all groups with Yes speci ed in the column Enable
Multi-Factor Authentication .
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