Packer CV June 2020
Packer CV June 2020
Packer CV June 2020
Curriculum Vitae
Peer Reviewed Articles (+undergraduate research)
(8) Packer, M. and M.R Walsh. 2020. Predator elimination effects on plasticity and life-history adaptation
in Alaskan Daphnia populations (in prep)
(7) Packer, M. and M.R Walsh. 2020. Evolutionary insights from endemic predation: Linking Daphnia
evolution to stickleback phenotypes in Alaskan lake ecosystems (in prep)
(6) Packer, M. and M.R. Walsh. 2020. Connecting phenotypic plasticity and the rate of adaptation:
Daphnia-fish experimental evolution (in prep)
(5) Packer, M. and M.R. Walsh. 2020. The influence of long-term lake productivity on life history
evolution in Daphnia: Comparing natural vs. experimental systems. (in prep)
(4) Walsh, M.R. and M. Packer. 2019. Testing the relationship between within-generation and
transgenerational phenotypic plasticity in Daphnia across species, traits, and systems. (in revision)
(3) Walsh, M.R., M. Packer, S. Beston, C. Funkhouser, M. Gillis, J. Holmes and J. Goos. 2018. Daphnia as
a model for eco-evolutionary dynamics. In G. A. Wellborn & M. Thiel (Eds.), Natural History of the
Crustacea, Vol. 5: Life Histories. Oxford University Press.
(2) Packer, M. and M.R.Walsh. 2017. Predator-induced plasticity does not alter the pathway from
evolution to ecology among locally adapted populations of Daphnia. Evolutionary Ecology
31(4): 477-487.
(1) +Walsh, M.R., T. Castoe, J. Holmes, M. Packer, K. Biles, M. Walsh, S.B. Munch, and D.M. Post.
2016. Local adaptation in transgenerational responses to predators. Proceedings of the Royal Society
B. 283: 20152271.
Contributed Talks (+poster presentation)
Travel Grant; Beta Phi Chapter of the Phi Sigma Biological Honor Society $500
2019 Lewis and Clark Fund for Exploration, Field Research Grant; American Philosophical Society $4900
IEngage Mentor Scholarship; Office of Graduate Studies, University of Texas at Arlington $2000
Research Grant, Beta Phi Chapter of the Phi Sigma Biological Honor Society $500
2018 IEngage Mentor Scholarship; Office of Graduate Studies, University of Texas at Arlington $2000
Society Memberships: American Association of University Women (AAUW), The American Society of
Naturalists (ASN), Society for the Study of Evolution (SSE), Beta Phi chapter of the Phi Sigma Biological
Society, Graduate Student Senate (GSS) at the University of Texas at Arlington