Peterson CV Runningapr17

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Curriculum Vitae, April 2017

Ashley Nichole Peterson

[email protected]
(206) 331-8505

2015 Present Doctoral student, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of
California, Irvine, CA
2013 B.S. Aquatic and Fishery Sciences, Minor in Marine Biology
University of Washington, Seattle, WA
2012 A.S. Biology, Shoreline Community College, Shoreline, WA

Select Courses
University of California Irvine, Irvine, California
2016 Animal Sensing and Motion (Biomechanics)
Academic writing course
Special Seminar in Physiology
2015 Special Seminar in:
Qualitative Methods (Statistics)
Friday Harbor Marine Laboratory, Friday Harbor, Washington
2015 Fish Swimming: Kinematics, Eco morphology, Behavior, and
Environmental Physiology (Graduate Level)
2013 Sensory Biology and Behavior of Fishes (Graduate Level)
2012 Functional Morphology and Ecology of Fishes (Graduate Level)
Marine Zoology
Ocean Acidification Research Apprenticeship
2011 Ichthyology
University of Washington, Seattle, Washington
2013 Biomechanics
Aquatic Physiology
Evolution and Systematics
Genetic and Molecular Ecology

Employment and Volunteer Experience

Laboratory Technician - James C. Liao, Whitney Lab for Marine Bioscience, University
of Florida, April 2014 May 2015

Curriculum Vitae, April 2017

Independent Contractor - Monterey Bay Sanctuary Foundation and National Marine

Fisheries Service, January 2013 - March 2013

Research Technician - University of Washington in collaboration with Department of

Natural Resources, June 2012 - February 2013

Interpretation Volunteer - Seattle Aquarium, 2010 2013

Teaching Experience
University of California, Irvine
2016 Human Anatomy, Teaching Assistant
Exercise Physiology, Teaching Assistant
2015 Physiology Lab, Teaching Assistant

2017 Peterson, A.N. 2017. The kinematics of predation by the red lionfish (Pterois
volitans). Poster presentation. Integrative and Comparative Biology 57
(suppl_1): e131

2016 Peterson, A.N. November 19th 2016. Predator-prey interactions of the red
lionfish (Pterois volitans). Poster presentation. For the 5th Southwestern
Organismal Biology (SWOB) SICB Southwest Regional Meeting.

Peterson, A.N., Akanyeti, O. and Liao, J.C. 2016. Steady swimming kinematics
of juvenile Florida Pompano. Poster presentation. Integrative and Comparative
Biology 56 (suppl_1): e349

Akanyeti, O., Thornycroft, P.J.M., Lauder, G.V., Yanagitsuru, Y., Peterson, A.N.
and Liao, J.C. 2016. Concerted optimization of propulsion, sensing, and
respiration during swimming. Integrative and Comparative Biology 56
(suppl_1): e3

Bolla, R., Peterson, A.N., Summers, A.P. and Paig-Tran, E.W.M. 2016. First
evidence of cyclonic filtration in Mobulid and Manta ray filter feeders. Integrative
and Comparative Biology 56 (suppl_1): e19

2015 Peterson, A.N., Akanyeti, O., and Liao, J.C. 2015. The development of a rapid
prototyping method for experimental studies of locomotion and flow sensing.
Poster presentation, Integrative and Comparative Biology 55 (suppl 1): e314.

Akanyeti, O., Thornycroft, P.J.M., Peterson, A.N., Lauder, G.V., and Liao, J.C.

Curriculum Vitae, April 2017

2015. Swimming performance of flexible 3-D printed fish. Integrative and

Comparative Biology 55 (suppl 1): e3.

2014 Peterson, A.N., Akanyeti, O., and Liao, J.C. 2014. Surfs up: swimming
kinematics of a juvenile carangid in unsteady flow. Annual Florida Ichthyology
Student Homily.

Peterson, A.N. Biology in 3D. Journal Club Seminar, Whitney Laboratory for
Marine Bioscience, University of Florida, June 2014.

Peterson, A.N., Paig-Tran, E.W.M., and Summers, A.P. 2014. Fluid flow in filter
feeding rays: size XL. Poster presentation, Student Competitor, Integrative and
Comparative Biology 54 (suppl 1): e330.

2013 Peterson, A.N., Summers, A.P., and Bizzarro, J.J. 2013. Substrate preference of
the Pacific sand lance, Ammodytes hexapterus. Poster presentation (Conference
Travel Awardee), the Annual University of Washington Undergraduate Research

Peterson, A.N., Summers, A.P., and Bizzarro, J.J. 2013. Substrate preference of
the Pacific sand lance, Ammodytes hexapterus. Poster presentation, Integrative
and Comparative Biology 53 (suppl 1): e531.

Akanyeti, O., Thornycroft, P.J.M., Lauder, G.V., Yanagitsuru, Y., Peterson, A.N.,
and Liao, J.C. 2016. Optimization of propulsion, sensing, and respiration during
swimming. Nature Communications 7:11044.

Bizzarro, J.J., Peterson, A.N., Blaine, J.M., Balaban, J.B., Greene, H.G., and
Summers, A.P. 2016. Burrowing behavior, habitat, and functional morphology of
the Pacific sand lance (Ammodytes personatus). Fishery Bulletin 114:445-460.

Summers, A.P., Paig-Tran, E.W., and Peterson, A.N. Cyclonic/cross-flow
hierarchical filter, US Patent 20150259219 A1

Outreach and University Involvement

Graduate Recruitment Committee 2018

Woman and Minorities in STEM Mentorship April 2017 - Present

Curriculum Vitae, April 2017

Amazing anatomy outreach with the Anteaters! April 29th, 2017.

No strain, no gain: filter feeding mantas, National Public Radio. Science Friday
Video Blog, October 2014. (

Awards and Honors

2015 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship

2014 Honorable Mention, Best Student Poster in the Division of Comparative

Biomechanics, SICB Annual Meeting

2013 Deans List, University of Washington, Spring and Summer quarter

Undergraduate Research Conference Travel Award, University of


Professional Organizations
2013 Present Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology


AAUS Scientific Diver Certified Scanning electron microscopy

Rapid prototyping Histology
3D modeling via Rhino and Sketchup Animal care
DPIV/dye visualization Experienced with large data set
High speed video Respirometry

Recommendations Available

Mathew McHenry Department of Biology

Associate Professor Whitney Lab for Marine Bioscience
Center for Comparative end University of Florida
Evolutionary Physiology St. Augustine, FL 32080
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary [email protected]
Biology 904-461-4011
University of California, Irvine
Irvine, CA 92697 Adam P. Summers
949-824-4676 Professor
Departments of Biology and Aquatic and
James C. Liao Fishery Science
Assistant Professor University of Washington

Curriculum Vitae, April 2017

Friday Harbor Marine Laboratory University of Copenhagen

Friday Harbor, WA 98250 Marine Biological section,
[email protected] Department of Biology
310-864-1491 Helsingr, Denmark
[email protected]
Misty Paig-Tran +45 353-21986
Assistant Professor
Department of Biology
California State University, Fullerton
Fullerton, CA 34080
[email protected]

Stephen M. Kajiura
Department of Biological Sciences
Elasmobranch Research Laboratory
Florida Atlantic University
Boca Raton, FL 33431
[email protected]

Megan N. Dethier
Research Professor
Friday Harbor Marine Laboratory
Friday Harbor, WA 98250
[email protected]

Paolo Domenici
Research Manager
National Research Council, Institute for
Coastal Marine Environment, Oristano
Oristano, Italy
[email protected]
+39 0783-229141

John F. Steffensen

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