Ktitus Short CV Summer2023

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Keifer L.

Titus, PhD
Current location: Houston, Texas
[email protected]
+1 540 505 4905
keifertitus.weebly.com Education
Metrics Aug 2018 – PhD Wildlife and Fisheries Biology, Clemson University
May 2023 Title: An integrative approach to modelling human-wildlife
coexistence landscapes in the Northern Great Plains
Citations Advisor: Dr. David Jachowski
Aug 2016 – MS Biology, GIScience minor, Ball State University
Publications May 2018 Title: Understanding the ecological impacts of timber harvest
8 techniques on the bat community in a Midwestern hardwood forest
Presentations Advisor: Dr. Tim Carter
h-index 11
4 Aug 2014 – BS Biology, Geospatial Science minor, Radford University
May 2016 Magna cum laude honors
Software Primary expertise
Program R Spatial ecology, carnivore ecology and conservation, endangered species
Qualtrics Surveys conservation, bat ecology, socio-ecological systems and human dimensions.
ArcGIS Employment
MaxENT Jun 2023- Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Forestry and
Microsoft Office Present Environmental Conservation, Clemson University
digiKam Aug 2018 – Graduate Research Assistant, Department of Forestry and
May 2023 Environmental Conservation, Clemson University
Statistical May 2021 – Bat Biologist, SWCA Environmental Consultants
Spatial Statistics May 2023
Occupancy May 2018 – Swift Fox Technician, Department of Forestry and Environmental
Resource Selection Aug 2018 Conservation, Clemson University
Regressions May 2016 – Graduate Teaching Assistant, Department of Biology, Ball State
SEM May 2018 University
Aug 2015 – Bat Technician, Department of Fish and Wildlife Conservation,
Practical May 2015 Virginia Tech
Study design
Data management
In review
Project management
 Titus K.L. and Jachowski D.S. 2023. Mapping human-carnivore coexistence:
Radio telemetry Approaches to integrating anthropogenic influences on carnivore distribution
Animal handling and connectivity modeling. Animal Conservation, in review
4x4 driving Published
Camera trapping 9. Allen B.L.,…Titus K.L. 2023. Why humans kill animals and why we cannot
Science comm. avoid it. Science of the Total Environment, in press.
8.Marneweck C,…Titus K.L., et al. 2023. Poleward expansion of turkey vultures
(Cathartes aura) under future conditions. Wilson Journal of Ornithology.
Profiles 7. Marneweck C,…Titus K.L., et al. 2022. Middle out ecology: small carnivores as
sentinels of global change. Mammal Review.
6. Jachowski D.S,…Titus K.L., et al. 2022. Using multidisciplinary, conflict-based
experiential learning to train students how to address controversy at the public-
private land interface. North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Journal.
5. Titus, K.L. and Jachowski D.S. 2021. Persistent negative stakeholder perspectives
limit recovery of a critically endangered carnivore. Conservation Science and
4. Marneweck C,…Titus K.L., et al. 2021. Shining the spotlight on non-apex
carnivores: global status and threats. Biological Conservation.
Service 3. Jensen, A.,…Titus K.L., et al. 2021. Attracting diverse students to field
Leadership experiences requires adequate pay, flexibility and inclusion. Bioscience.
2018-2020 Graduate Advisor, Clemson 2. Powers K.E.,…Titus K.L., et al. 2020. Assessment of small Indian mongoose
University Chapter of The Wildlife
Society diet on St. John, USVI, using stable isotope analyses. Caribbean Naturalist.
1. Titus K.L. 2017. “Corynorhinus rafinesquii” species account (on-line), Animal
2018-2019 Member, Undergraduate
Diversity Web, https://animaldiversity.org/accounts/Corynorhinus_rafinesquii/
Outreach Committee, Clemson University
2018 Chair, Natural Resource Graduate Conferences
Student Assoc. Spring Mixer Committee, 2022 Biennial Conference on University Education in Natural Resources,
Clemson University Oral Presentation
2021 Montana State Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Oral Presentation
Educational Outreach 2020 The Wildlife Society National Conference, Oral Presentation
2018 Invited Speaker, Clemson University 2018 Southeast Bat Working Group, Oral Presentation
Student Chapter of The Wildlife Society 2018 Indiana Stat Chapter of the Wildlife Society, Oral Presentation
2018 Invited Workshop Instructor, Ball 2017 Southeast Bat Working Group, Oral Presentation
State University Student Chapter of The 2017 Midwest Bat Working Group, Oral Presentation
Wildlife Society 2017 Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, Poster Presentation
2017 Central Hardwood Ecology and Wildlife Management, Oral
2017 Invited Speaker, Radford University Presentation (invited)
Student Chapter of The Wildlife Society 2016 New York State Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Oral Presentation
2016-2018 Invited Speaker, 12 Delaware (invited)
County, IN Elementary Schools 2016 Virginia State Chapter of The Wildlife Society, Oral Presentation
Manuscript reviewer 2016 Northeast Bat Working Group, Poster Presentation
Southeastern Naturalist
People and Nature
Grants and Awards
2022 Alexander Family Scholarship Award, College of Agriculture and
Life Sciences, Clemson University, $1763
Memberships 2022 Interdisciplinary Research Fellowship, College of Agriculture and
The Wildlife Society Life Sciences, Clemson University, $6,600
Clemson University Natural Resource 2021 Outstanding Graduate Student in Teaching Award, College of
Graduate Student Association Agriculture and Life Sciences, Clemson University. $500 honorarium
Coastal Conservation Association 2018-2022 Segars Graduate Fellowship, Clemson University, $18,000 annually
Montana Black-footed Ferret Working 2017 Best Graduate Poster Award, GIS Day, Ball State University, $250
Back Country Hunters and Anglers Teaching
2022 Analysis of Fish and Wildlife Populations, course instructor, 25
References students. Clemson University
Dr. David Jachowski 2018-2022 Montana Prairie Ecology, teaching assistant, 31 students total.
PhD Advisor, Clemson University Clemson University
[email protected], 864-656-2138 2022 Human Dimensions of Wildlife, grading assistant, 36 students
Dr. Tim Carter total. Conservation Biology, grading assistant, 101 students total.
MS Advisor, Ball State University Forest Ecology, grading assistant, 76 students total. Clemson
[email protected], 765-285-8842 University
2021 Wildlife Biology, grading assistant, 120 students total, 2 sections.
Dr. Tim Divoll
Clemson University
Mentor, Brown University
[email protected], 2020 Wildlife Management Techniques, teaching assistant, 50 students
508-662-2274 total, 2 sections. Clemson University
2018 Mammology, teaching assistant, 25 students. Ball State University
2018 Wildlife Biology, teaching assistant, 25 students. Ball State
2016-2017 Principles of Biology, lab instructor, 50 students. Ball State

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