file:///C:/Users/Lilia Racila/Downloads/Anti-consumption-2009 - Discourses-And-Consumer-Resistant-Identities PDF
file:///C:/Users/Lilia Racila/Downloads/Anti-consumption-2009 - Discourses-And-Consumer-Resistant-Identities PDF
file:///C:/Users/Lilia Racila/Downloads/Anti-consumption-2009 - Discourses-And-Consumer-Resistant-Identities PDF
The Journal of Business Research special issue dedicated to anti-consumption brings
forward a diversity of researches on consumer rebellion (Dobscha, 1998), consumer resistance
(Fischer, 2001; Fournier, 1998; Penaloza and Price, 2003; Ritson et al., 1991; Zavestoski,
2002a,b), boycotting (Herrman, 1993; Kozinets and Handelman, 1998, 2004), counter-cultural
movements (Victoria, 2002; Zavestoski, 2002a,b), ethical consumption (Shaw and Newholm,
2002), non-consumption (Stammerjohan and Webster, 2002), or emancipated consumption
(Holt, 2002). Common to each of these anti-consumption manifestations is the expression of an
aim “to withstand the force or affect of” consumer culture (Penaloza and Price, 2003, p. 123) at
the level of the marketplace as a whole, the marketing activities, and/or the brand/product
(Fournier, 1998). Zavestoski affiliates anti-consumption with “a resistance to, distaste of, or even
resentment of consumption” in general (Zavestoski, 2002a,b, p. 121) and Penaloza and Price
refer to a “resistance against a culture of consumption and the marketing of massproduced
meanings” (Penaloza and Price, 2003, p. 123)
Online or virtual communities have been at the center of netnographic studies ever since
the inception of netnography as a research method
Brand communities
Netnography has also become a tool for marketing researchers seeking to understand
different brand-related phenomena from within these brand communities.
For example, in an ethnography of three brand communities – Ford Bronco, Macintosh
and Saab – Muñiz and O’Guinn (2001) discovered the importance of internet forums for brand
communities. Since then, much research has been conducted on brand communities online with
the help of netnography. Examples include co-creation (Cova et al., 2015), value creation (Schau
et al., 2009), social networks (Zaglia, 2013), brand meaning creation (Broderick et al., 2003) and
rivalries within and between brand communities (Ewing et al., 2013) and anti-brand communities
(Hollenbeck and Zinkhan, 2010).