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United States Patent (19) (11): 3,929,717

Lee (45) Dec. 30, 1975

54 ALCOHOL SENSITIVE REPAIRABLE 3,316,323 4f1967 Wille et al................... 2601830 TW
(75) Inventor: S. Yen Lee, Upper Marlboro, Md. Primary Examiner-Lewis T. Jacobs
Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Nathan Edelberg; Robert P.
73 Assignee: The United States of America as Gibson; Saul Elbaum
represented by the Secretary of the
Army, Washington, D.C.
22 Filed: June 28, 1974
An epoxy embedding composition which is useful for
(21) Appl. No.: 484,037 potting of electrical and electronic components and
which is easily removable therefrom for purposes of
52 U.S. C. 260/37 EP; 260/830 TW; 260/830 R repair of the components, which comprises the combi
(51) Int. Cl”.......................................... co8L 63/00 nation of a diglycidyl ether of a dihydroxy phenol, a
58 Field of Search...... 260/37 EP, 830 TW, 837 R diglycidyl ether of polyoxyalkylene glycol, a polyox
yalkylenediamine, a primary or secondary alkyl, alka
56 References Cited nol or aryl amine and, as a filler, polyvinyl pyrrol
3,299,169 111967 Smith........................... 260.1830 TW 5 Claims, No Drawings
3,929,717 ... 2
for embedding electrical or electronic components,
ALCOHOL SENSITIVE REPAIRABLE EPOXY wherein the composition can be easily removed from
EMBEDDING MATERIAL the electrical components without causing injury to
most types of components. ... . . . . .
RIGHTS OF THE GOVERNMENT It is another object of this invention to provide a
The invention described herein may be manufac potting composition which can be removed from cm
tured, used, and licensed by or for the United States bedded electrical and clectronic components using an
Government for governmental purposes without the alcohol solvent, which is essentially non-injurious to
payment to me of any royalty thereon. the embedded components, and wherein said removal
10 can be accomplished with the use of such a slight me
chanical force as to dissipate the risk of damage to the
l. Ficld of the invention embedded components.
This invention relates generally to epoxy cmbedding These and other objects of this invention, as will
or potting compounds, and more particularly to an hereinafter become more readily understood by refer
15 ence to the following description, have been accom
epoxy composition containing a filler, which can be
used for embedding or potting of clectrical or elec plished by the combination of (1) a diglycidyl ether of
tronic components, and which is easily removable from a dihydroxyphenol, (2) a diglycidyl ether of polyoxyal
said components by the use of an alcohol solvent. kylene glycol, (3) a polyoxyalkylene diamine, (4) a
2. Description of the Prior Art primary or secondary alkyl, alkanol or aryl amine, and
Epoxy resin compositions are widely used for embed 20 (5) polyvinylpyrrolidone, as a filler.
ding or potting of electronic and electrical components DESCRIPTION OF THE PREFERRED
for mechanical and environmental protection. The EMBODIMENT
resin is particularly popular because of its versatility in
Illustrative of the diglycidyl ethers of dihydroxy phe
molecular weight, viscosity, cures, as well as other. 25 nols
properties. However, one problem has been recognized cmployed are those prepared by reacting a bisphe
in that heretofore it has been quite difficult to remove nol, e.g., 4,4'-isopropylidencdiphenol (known com
the embedding material in the cvent that repair of the monly as bisphenol A) with a 4 to 10 molar excess of
embedded components becomes necessary. The pro epichlorohydrin, while adding an aqueous NaOH solu
cess of removing the potting or embedding material tion slowly thereto until a slight molar excess thereof,
usually involves repeated cycles of solvent soaking, or 30 based on the hydroxyls of the diphenol, has been
soaking in a material which is reactive to the embcd added. The diglycidyl ethers of dihydroxyphenols em
ding compound. Evcn then, tedious mechanical picking ployed in the invention may be considered to be pre
or digging has been required. The potential for damage dominantly those which have the following formula:
ch, - ch- cH, -o-O)- R-O) O- CH-CH - ch
to the embedded electrical components was quite high, 40 wherein R is the residue of the isoalkylidene group
either as a result of contact with the solvents or the having between l and 4 carbon atoms.
reactive. agents, or by mechanical injury occurring dur There will be prsent varying minor amounts of higher
ing the picking and digging operations. molecular weight polyethers of the nature of:

(, Yu - CH, O-O-R-O-o-cha-ch-CH, o-O-R-O-o-CH - ch \,
Recently, some epoxy resins which can fairly easily wherein n has an average value of from less than 1 to
be removed have become available, however, those about 4. It is to be understood that, although there are
known to this inventor achieve this ease of removability 55
usually two terminal oxirane groups present, as shown
only by sacrificing mechanical or other properties cs in the formulae above, a minor proportion of the ether
sential to its use as an embedding material. Representa formed may have only 1 or an occasional molecule may
tive of known epoxy compositions are U.S. Pat. Nos. have no terminal oxirane group. Also, it is known to be
3,567,677; 3229, 169; 3409,591; 3,376,257; common in commercial epoxy resins that a very small
3,213,58; and 2.5 2,996. 60 amount of some monoepoxy diluent can be added to
adjust the viscosity of the epoxy. Accordingly, the term
Accordingly, a need continues to exist for an embed
ding, or potting epoxy composition which is character diglycidyl ethers, as used hercin, includes glycidyl
ized by good mechanical and electrical properties, ethers which have somewhat less than an average 2
which can easily be removed without risk of injury to oxirane groups per molecule, e.g., from about 1.5 to 2,
usually an average of about 1.8 or 1.9, such groups per
any embedded electronic components. 65
molecule. -
SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION Diglycidyl ethers of dihydroxy phenols, useful in the
Accordingly, it is one object of this invention to pro practice of the invention are those having epoxide
vide an epoxy potting composition which can be used equivalent weight of between about 174 to about 200.

3 4
By the term, epoxide equivalent weight, is meant the of 10 to 100 parts by weight, preferably 10 to 80 parts
weight of resin necessary to produce one equivalent by weight.
weight oxirane group. If the average number of oxirane The exact amount of amine and diamine can be cal
groups were 2, the epoxide equivalent weight would culated according to the EEP, and amine equivalent
cqual cxactly half of the molecular weight. It also fol per active hydrogen atom. The particle size of PVP is
lows that the lower the epoxide equivalent weight of a not so critical. In order to obtain a partial solution or a
diglycidyl cther of a given diphenol, the fewer repeat stable and uniform dispersion of PVP, particle sizes in
ing ether units there are present. the range of 50 to 200 mesh would be advisable.
The preferred diglycidyl cther of dihydroxy phenol 10
One of the interesting aspects of this invention is that
used in the practice of this invention is Epon 8 15, the compound can be used to pot or embed electrical
which has an E.E.W. (epoxide equivalent weight) of components, and can bc thereafter easily removed
175-195. without injury to the components. This is easily accom
The diglycidyl ethers of a polyoxyalkyleneglycol use plished by the use of an alcohol, particularly the lower
ful in the practice of the invention may be prepared by alkanols, such as methanol, cthanol, propanol and bu
reacting such polyglycol, e.g., polyoxypropylene glycol 5 tanol, which will have little effect on the embedded
with epichlorohydrin in the presence of a suitable cata component. The sensitivity of the epoxy composition of
lyst, e.g., BF followed by dehydrohalogenation to pro this invention will be proportional to the amount of
duce an ether having the formula: PVP filler. Increasing the quantity of filler will result in
an increase in the ease of removal of the epoxy compo
/ N
1 N
sition from embedded components, with the alcohol.
CH-CH-CH-O--CH-CH-O--CH-CH-CH Although alcohols have been mentioned here as a
particularly good solvent for the removal of the compo
sition, other solvents may also be useful for this same
purpose. The alcohols have been mentioned primarily
wherein R is H or a lower alkyl group and n has an 25 electrical
because they are known to be essentially harmless to
and electronic components which are likely
average of from 1 to about 90. Minor amounts of chlo
rine sometimes remain after dehydrohalogenation, toOne be embedded or potted into this type of composition.
difficulty which does pertain with the use of a
thereby resulting in an occasional chloromethyl substit
uent e.g., when polyoxypropylene glycol is employed 30 filler such as PVP is that it is hygroscopic, and tends to
an occasional pick up water moisture from the atmosphere. When
PVP is used in large quantities, the degree of water
absorption can be fairly severe in some environments,
HCI "- 35
and if the humidity is high enough, undesirable effects
can be caused.
Accordingly, in some situations, it is advantageous to
may be present. coat the epoxy composition of this invention with a thin
Illustrative of the polyoxyalkylene diamines to em moisture barrier. Suitable moisture barriers which can
ploy in the practice of the invention are polyoxye be used for this purpose include petroleum waxes, poly
thylenediamine, polyoxypropylenediamine, polyox ethylene or mixtures of a conventional polyepoxide,
such as the diglycidyl ether of polyhydroxyphenol,
ybutylenediamine, polyoxyamylenediamine, and po 40
lyoxyhexylenediamine. The following formula repre discussed above, cured with an amine curing agent as
sents the polyoxyalkylenediamine used in preparing the discussed above, and in the quantities as discussed
cured thermosetting resin of the invention. above. Other suitable moisture barriers include cellu
lose acetate, polyvinyl chloride, or the like. In remov
45 ing the embedding composition which contains a mois
tic of c. of-ch n
ture barrier, it is only necessary to first strip off the thin
moisture barrier coating (usually 1 - 10pu), and then to
expose the underlying epoxy to the alcohol, for a time
sufficient to cause softening of the epoxy (usually 3
50 minutes to 1 hour). The alcohol can be moderately
wherein R is H or a lower alkyl group and n is from 0
o about 4. treated if desired, and the compound can be removed
A satisfactory way of making polyoxyalkylenedia with as little mechanical effort as the use of a fingernail.
mine for use herein is described in U.S. Pat. No. Having generally described the invention, a more
2,412,209. 55
complete understanding can be obtained by reference
Thc alkyl, alkanol, aralkyl and aryl amines, which to the following example, which is included for pur
may be optionally employed as an auxiliary curing poses of illustration only and is not intended to be
agent in the practice of the invention are any having limiting unless otherwise specified.
from 1 to about 8 carbon atoms per alkyl or alkanol EXAMPLE
60 70.0 parts by weight of Epon 815 was admixed with
The diglycidyl ether of dihydroxyphenol is used in an
amount of 10 to 90 parts by weight, preferably 50 to 70 30.0 parts by weight of the diglycidyl ether of polyox
parts by weight. The diglycidyl ether of polyoxyalkyl yalkyleneglycol (Epoxy DER 736, Dow Chemical).
2ne glycol is used in an amount of 90 to 10 parts by 26.5 Parts by weight polyoxyalkyleneamine (Jeffera
weight, preferably 50 to 30 parts by weight. The di 65
mine D230), 5.3 parts by weight amine catalyst (Jeffer
amine is used in an amount of 5 to 30 parts by weight, son accelerator 298) and 80.0 parts by weight poly(n-
preferably 25 to 30 parts by weight, the amine catalyst vinylpyrrolidone) (GAF K-30); was admixed and cured
s used in an amount of 1 to 5 parts by weight, and the at 70°C for 2 hours, after an electrical component was
polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) filler is used in an amount embedded therein. The tensile strength of the composi
S 6
tion was 3,700 psi at break, the elongation at break was the combination of diglycidyl ether of a dihydroxy
2% the Shore D hardness was 74, the water absorption phenol, a diglycidyl ether of a polyoxyalkylene
over 24 hours, 6 in. thickness was 17.38%. glycol, a polyoxyalkylenediamine, a primary or
The composition was coated with a mixture of 100 secondary alkyl, alkanol or aryl amine and, a filler,
parts by weight of Epon 815, 43 parts by weight of polyvinylpyrolidone wherein the polyvinylpyrroli
polysulfide (Thiohel LP-3), and 10 parts by weight of done filler is present in an amount of 10 to 100
diethylenetriamine which was cured at 70°C for 2 parts by weight per 10 to 90 parts by weight diglyci
hours. No change in electrical resistance could be mea dylcither of dihydroxyphenol, 90 to 10 parts by
sured for a component embedded in the combination 10 weight of diglycidyl ether of polyoxyalkylene glycol
after 12 days. and 1 to 5 parts by weight of said primary or sec
Having now fully described the invention, it will be ondary alkyl, alkanol or aryl amine.
apparent to one of ordinary skill in the art that many 2. The composition of claim 1, wherein said polyox
changes and modifications can be made thereto with yalkylenediamine is polyoxyethylenediamine, polyoxy
out departing from the spirit or scope of the invention 15 propylenediamine, polyoxybutylenediamine, polyox
as set forth herein.
I wish it to be understood that I do not desire to be
yamylenediamine or polyoxyphexylenediamine.
3. The composition of claim 1, wherein said diglyci
limited to the exact details of construction shown and dyl ether of polyoxyalkyleneglycol is the reaction prod
described, for obvious modifications can be made by a uct of epichlorohydrin and polyoxypropylene glycol.
person skilled in the art. 20 4. The composition of claim 1, wherein said diglyci
What is claimed as new and intended to be covered dyl ether of dihydroxyphenol has an epoxide equivalent
by letters patent is: of about 174 to about 200.
1. An epoxy cmbedding composition which is useful 5. The composition of claim 1, wherein said alkyl or
for potting of electrical and electronic components and alkanolamine contains from 1 to 8 carbon atoms per
which is easily removable therefrom for purposes of 25 alkyl or alkanol substituent.
repair of the components, which comprises: ck ck ck ck ck








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