Fort Drum Draft PEA FNSI Final Master 06252020

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June 2020

Prepared By:

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Baltimore District

June 2020
Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities



Prepared for:

Darrell A. Doremus Date Erin C. Miller Date

Commanding Commanding

Reviewed by:

James M. Miller Date James T. King Date

Chief, Environmental Division Attorney-Advisor
Directorate of Public Works Office of Staff Judge Advocate

Approved by:

Jeffery P. Lucas Date

Colonel, U.S. Army
Garrison Commander
Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities


Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities


The National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) of 1969 (42 United States Code §4321 et seq.) requires
federal agencies to consider the potential environmental impacts prior to undertaking a course of action.
Within the Department of the Army, NEPA is implemented through regulations promulgated by the Council
on Environmental Quality (40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) §§1500-1508) with supplemental
requirements provided under Army Regulations 32 CFR §651, (Environmental Analysis of Army Actions).
In adherence with NEPA, 40 CFR §§1500-1508, and 32 CFR §651, the United States Army (Army)
prepared a Programmatic Environmental Assessment (PEA) to evaluate the potential impacts of increasing
mission and training activities at Fort Drum Army Installation, Fort Drum, New York, and within the Local
Flying Area (LFA) of Fort Drum.
The PEA describes the application of criteria provided by Fort Drum to select specific sites for the proposed
training events. Future NEPA reviews will be tiered from the PEA and will be consistent with this
document, incorporating by reference where appropriate. A tiered environmental analysis is an analysis that
focuses on project-specific issues and summarizes or references (rather than repeats) the broader issues
discussed in the PEA.
Proposed Action
The Proposed Action supports an increase in the air and land-based training activities conducted by the
10th Combat Aviation Brigade (CAB) and the 10th Sustainment Brigade (SBDE), including in the LFA
training areas located in the following nine counties: Essex, Hamilton, Herkimer, Jefferson, Lewis,
Oneida, Onondaga, Oswego, and St. Lawrence. It is important to note that the potential nine-county area
of effect excludes all Sovereign Nation Indian lands.
Purpose of and Need for the Proposed Action
The purpose of the Proposed Action is to ensure that the Army aviators of the 10th CAB and support units
of the 10th SBDE at Fort Drum are provided with the practical and realistic flight proficiency and support
services training.
The Proposed Action is needed to meet mission requirements and maintain combat readiness and to provide
additional and enhanced realistic training to 10th CAB and 10th SBDE. Additionally, the Proposed Action
is needed to enhance the commanders’ effectiveness and improve the Soldier’s survivability on the modern-
day battlefield. The units at Fort Drum need to train in realistic, large-scale, collective training events that
mimic the manner in which they would fight in a real-life scenario. These training events include ground
and air resources of assigned and visiting units (mechanized, infantry, support, and combat aviation assets).
Training activities would be designed to further develop and sustain proficiency in mission essential tasks,
air and ground integration training, and collective training at Fort Drum and within the LFA as defined in
Fort Drum Regulation 95-1.
The increased training would enhance the 10th CAB and 10th SBDE capability to be ready to fight across
multiple domains and contested areas, to gain advantage over their enemies, and achieve national security
objectives. The areas in and around Fort Drum are excellent locations for such training. LFA training
exercises provide an increased proficiency in low and slow flying techniques that would provide the
aviation forces with a tactical advantage in the event they are called to action against an advanced adversary.
Flying low at decreased speeds and using the terrain to its advantage allows the Army to fly undetected
through enemy air defenses and territory. During the war on terror over the last two decades, helicopters
have typically flown at high altitudes to avoid small arms fire. Today, emerging threats and potential
enemies may possess the same advanced air defense systems as the U.S. military. Honing their abilities at
home provides more success abroad, where seconds translate to the lives of Soldiers. The increase in
training would also allow 10th SBDE to be ready to rapidly deploy to conduct full spectrum combat service
support and combat support under a variety of environmental conditions.

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

In accordance with CEQ regulations (40 CFR 1502.14) and U.S. Army NEPA regulations (32 CFR Part
651), the PEA identifies and describes all reasonable Alternatives to the Proposed Action, including the No
Action Alternative. The PEA analyzed two Action Alternatives and the No Action Alternative.
Alternative 1
Alternative 1 is to provide full mission support by increasing low level flight modes and movement
techniques in the existing nine-county LFA outside the Fort Drum Army Installation Restricted Airspace
area. The 10th CAB and 10th SBDE would conduct up to six high-intensity, multi-day training events per
year to replicate multi-domain battle. Each training exercise could last up to 14 days, plus a seven-day
period to return the property to its condition prior to the exercise. All multi-domain training events would
include integrating the ground and air resources of assigned and visiting units (mechanized, infantry,
support, and combat aviation assets) in simulated battle scenarios. The number of personnel participating
in a training event and the types and numbers of aircraft systems (AH-64, UH-60, HH-60, CH-47) would
be dependent on the training event mission.
Events would serve to integrate air and/or ground operations, and sustainment activities by simulating real-
world distances and threats, challenging logistical supply lines and mission command systems over
distances beyond the geographic boundaries of Fort Drum, as well as expanding logistical routes via air and
ground to simulate a large-scale battlefield.
Temporary off-post locations would be used in support of training scenarios, training aids (i.e., training
emitters during division exercises for aviation detection), and temporary sustainment sites (e.g., providing
food, water, sleep area, shower, fuel, communications). Sustainment sites would include tent structures for
sleeping, meetings, meals, and maintenance of equipment. Other areas within the sustainment sites would
include generators, fuel containers, fuel dispensing trucks, food kitchen, storage containers, and parking
areas for supply trucks. All equipment containing petroleum, oils, and lubricants (POL) or hazardous
materials would have secondary containment systems to prevent soil contamination.
The process for determining temporary off-post locations is criteria-based and Table FNSI-1 is a list of
criteria, acceptable attributes of each criterion, and any rationale for the attributes. This PEA identifies the
general areas that meet these criteria and would be feasible to use for Alternative 1. Once the specific
feasible areas are identified, Fort Drum would coordinate with the appropriate owners for its use for
Alternative 1 and conduct compliance documentation as appropriate, such as an Environmental Condition
of Property Report to document the physical and environmental condition of the property resulting from
the past storage, use, release, and disposal of hazardous substances and petroleum products; Record of
Environmental Consideration for environmental review and compliance with NEPA requirements;
Temporary Revocable Permits (TRPs) for the use of state lands and conservation easement lands; and
Maneuver License, among others. Fort Drum’s intent is to prioritize the use of public lands. The selection
of the sites would be based on consultation or coordination with the appropriate regulatory agencies such
as the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), New York State Department of Environmental
Conservation (NYSDEC), New York State Historic Preservation Office (NY SHPO), and through permit
conditions, to avoid or minimize impacts to natural, cultural, and physical resources and humans.
Daily operations would include aircraft flights to and from the training event location and may include
destinations in the Training Area, Cantonment Area, and/or Wheeler-Sack Army Airfield on Fort Drum.
The number of aircraft, number of sorties, and time of day would be determined by the training event
mission. Aircraft flight altitudes, routes, and speeds would be dependent on the training mission, but all
flights would comply with Army Regulation (AR 95-1 and AR 95-2). The size of the sustainment site would
be dependent on the training mission, number of personnel, and length of the exercise. Training events
would be similar to exercises performed in previous years.

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Alternative 1 would not include the use of live-fire ammunition, explosives or demolitions, or un-manned
air operations (except as allowed by the Federal Aviation Administration [FAA]).

Table FNSI-1. Criteria for Selecting Possible Exercise Locations

Criterion Attributes for Consideration Rationale
General Location Within nine-county LFA; 60 to 75 miles 10th CAB aircraft approved for LFA;
from Fort Drum aircraft can be hangared at Fort Drum if less
than 60 to 75 miles
Rural Areas Outside Avoid populated areas, churches, schools, Reduce safety hazards, reduce noise
City Boundaries malls, highways, interstates annoyance, simulate real world conditions,
avoid public disturbance
Location Size Large event: 10 acres or greater; small Sufficient for sustainment operations,
event: 5 acres or less vehicle parking, aircraft ground operations
Vegetation Cover Preferably grass, fields with few to no Reduce aircraft hazards; improved Line of
trees or shrubs Sight (LOS); reduced wildlife hazards
Surface Grade Relatively level, <5 percent slope Ease of sustainment set up; reduced
erosion/ground disturbance
Soil Type Well-drained and dry (no wetlands or Ease of sustainment set up; avoid impacts to
floodplains); loam or clay soils without a wetlands/floodplains; prime farmland is
lot of rocks; avoid prime farmland protected under the Farmland Protection
Policy Act (7 CFR 658)
Land Ownership Public lands with signed Memorandum of Must establish a use agreement with the
Agreement or private land with a lease landowner as to what actions can or cannot
agreement; avoid protected lands, parks be performed by the Army on the property
and recreation areas, if possible owners of allowable actions
Flight Hazards Avoid tall structures: towers, buildings, Reduce flight safety risks; avoid populated
wind turbines, electrical poles/towers areas
Airspace Avoid restricted areas; accessible by Approved FAA flight routes
helicopter using MTRs, MOAs or LFA
Accessibility Existing road or trail access Less ground disturbance for surface
Cultural Resources Avoid properties and sites listed on the Avoid impacts to cultural resources
National Register of Historic Properties;
avoid Tribal land.
Wetlands Avoid siting in National Wetland Avoid impacts to wetlands
Inventory (NWI and State Jurisdictional
Threatened or Avoid known occurrence locations/sites Avoid Threatened or Endangered species
Endangered species through consultation and coordination impacts
with the USFWS and NYSDEC,
Alternative 2
Alternative 2 is the same as Alternative 1 except training exercises would be limited to two high-intensity,
up to 14-day training events per year to replicate multi-domain battle, plus a 7-day period to return the
property to its condition prior to the exercise. The same criteria proposed in Alternative 1 would be used to
identify possible training sites for Alternative 2.
Alternative 2 would not include the use of live-fire ammunition, explosive or demolitions, un-manned air
operations (except as allowed by the FAA).
Alternative 3 (No Action Alternative)
Under the No Action Alternative, there would be no changes to the amount of current training exercises at
Fort Drum. The 10th CAB’s routine flight training and mission activities within the defined LFA and the

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

10th SBDE training activities would stay the same. Training rates (number and frequency of sorties within
a given time period) would remain essentially unchanged. Current, limited off-post training exercises using
temporary off-post locations to support training scenarios, training aids, and temporary sustainment sites
during large-scale training exercises would continue. This Alternative does not fully satisfy the purpose and
need for the Proposed Action.
Discussion of Anticipated Environmental Impacts
In the PEA, which is attached and incorporated by reference into this finding of no significant impact
(FNSI), the potential impacts of the Proposed Action under Alternative 1, up to six high-intensity, multi-
day training events per year and Alternative 2, up to two events per year as well as Alternative 3 (No Action
Alternative) were analyzed for the following resources: land use, noise, airspace, geology and soils,
biological resources (vegetation, invasive species, wildlife, and threatened and endangered species), water
resources, cultural resources, socioeconomics and environmental justice, transportation and traffic, and
public health and safety.
Potential impacts on resources that could be affected by the Proposed Action and Alternatives are
summarized in Table FNSI-2. These impacts were analyzed at a programmatic level to identify the
anticipated levels that would be typical from the Proposed Action and Alternatives. The application of
criteria listed in Table FNSI-1 identified areas that would be feasible for the Proposed Action, avoiding or
minimizing the potential impacts. Once specific locations are identified, Fort Drum would select the sites
based on consultation and coordination with the appropriate regulatory agencies and would further avoid
or minimize or if appropriate, mitigate impacts to natural, cultural, and physical resources and humans.

Table FNSI-2: Summary of Environmental Impacts

Resource Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 3 (No Action
Land Use Because training is temporary, Because training is temporary, There would be no changes
any impacts to land use would any impacts to land use would to existing training duration
be short-term in nature. Schools, be short-term in nature. Schools, and amounts. Impacts would
churches, and populated areas churches, and populated areas be adverse, short-term, and
would be avoided. It is would be avoided. It is minor.
recommended if parks and recommended if parks and
recreation areas are used, they recreation areas are used, they
are avoided during peak times are avoided during peak times
(hunting, fishing, and boating (hunting, fishing, and boating
seasons). Coordination with seasons). Coordination with
owner would occur prior to the owner would occur prior to the
start of training exercises. start of training exercises.
Impacts to land use would be Impacts to land use would be
adverse, short-term and minor as adverse, short-term and minor as
no permanent changes to no permanent changes to
designated land uses would be designated land uses would be
made. Tiered NEPA analysis made. Tiered NEPA analysis
would determine the impact would determine the impact
once sites have been selected. once sites have been selected.
Noise Training exercises are short- Training exercises are short- Aircraft would continue to
term. Helicopter overflights term. Helicopter overflights operate as in the past.
associated with the training associated with the training Therefore, noise from
exercises would be infrequent exercises would be infrequent aircraft operations would be
and of a short duration. Aviators (two thirds less than Alternative adverse, short-term, and
are instructed to avoid flyovers 1) and of a short duration. range from negligible to
of residential areas, known Aviators are instructed to avoid minor.
wildlife refuges, and livestock. flyovers of residential areas,
For areas where aviators takeoff, known wildlife refuges, and
land, and hover, and during livestock. Therefore, noise
engine run-ups, receivers of impacts on human annoyance

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Resource Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 3 (No Action

noise may experience additional and domestic animals would be
disturbances. The number and adverse, short-term, and range
amount of disturbances will also from negligible to minor. Noise
be dependent on the number of impacts on wildlife would be
aircraft involved in the training adverse, short-term, and range
exercises. Therefore, noise from negligible to moderate.
impacts on human annoyance
and domestic animals would be
adverse, short-term, and range
from negligible to minor. Noise
impacts on wildlife would be
adverse, short-term, and range
from negligible to moderate.
Airspace 10th CAB helicopters would 10th CAB helicopters would Aircraft would continue to
continue to use the airspace as continue to use the airspace as operate in the existing
they currently do; no changes they currently do; no changes airspace as in the past.
are proposed to the current are proposed to the current Aircraft operations would
airspace; therefore, there would airspace; therefore, there would have no impact to airspace
be no impacts to airspace in the be no impacts to airspace in the in the Action Area.
Action Area. Action Area.
Geology and Soils There would be no direct effects There would be no direct effects Under the No Action
to geology and soils because to geology and soils because Alternative, there would be
training locations would be training locations would be no new adverse impacts to
chosen based on criteria chosen based on criteria geology and soils compared
designed to minimize impact. designed to minimize impact. to existing conditions. Minor
Minor short-term impacts to Minor short-term impacts to short-term impacts to
surface topography would occur surface topography could occur surface topography could
due to aircraft and heavy due to aircraft and heavy occur, and appropriate
vehicles onsite. If prime vehicles onsite. If prime measures would continue to
farmland areas are used, farmland areas are used, be taken to minimize
coordination with owner would coordination with owner would impacts and restore the site
occur prior to the start of occur prior to the start of to its original condition
training exercises. Impacts training exercises. Impacts following the exercise.
would be adverse, short-term, would be adverse, short-term,
and minor. Tiered NEPA and minor. Tiered NEPA
analysis would determine the analysis would determine the
impact once sites have been impact once sites have been
selected. Appropriate measures selected. Appropriate measures
would be taken to minimize would be taken to minimize
impacts and restore the site to its impacts and restore the site to its
original condition following the original condition following the
exercise. exercise.
Biological Resources Training activities would result Potential adverse impacts to Under the No Action
in adverse, short- and long-term, biological resources would be Alternative, there would be
negligible to moderate impacts the same in nature as those no new adverse impacts to
to biological resources. Impacts described under Alternative 1 biological resources
could include removal of but reduced in frequency compared to existing
vegetation from clearing, because off-base training conditions. Impacts would
crushing, or trampling; exercises would occur less be adverse, short- and long-
spreading of invasive species frequently. Implementing term, and negligible to
from soil disturbances; and appropriate conservation moderate.
disturbances to wildlife, measures, terms and conditions
including threatened or and following permit conditions
endangered species, and habitats would ensure that adverse
from noise and visual impacts are avoided, minimized,
disturbances during training or mitigated as necessary.
exercises. There could also be Impacts would be adverse,
long-term impacts from habitat short- and long-term, and
alteration, mortality of negligible to moderate. Final
individual animals, or conservation measures would be

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Resource Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 3 (No Action

destruction of nests and eggs of developed in consultation with
ground-nesting birds. USFWS and NYSDEC at the
Implementing appropriate time of site selection
conservation measures and
terms and conditions and
following permit conditions
would ensure that adverse
impacts are avoided, minimized,
or mitigated as necessary. Final
conservation measures would be
developed in consultation with
USFWS and NYSDEC at the
time of site selection.
Water Resources There would be no direct There would be no direct There would be no changes
impacts to surface waters, impacts to surface waters, to existing training duration
floodplains, wetlands, and water floodplains, wetlands, and water and amounts. Impacts would
supplies because training would supplies because training would be adverse, short-term, and
not occur in areas near these not occur in areas near these minor.
resources. Activities would not resources. Activities would not
increase the demand for increase the demand for
groundwater and would not groundwater and would not
directly impact any surface directly impact any surface
waters. Adverse, minor, short- waters. Adverse, minor, short-
term impacts to surface waters term impacts to surface waters
and water resources would and water resources would
occur. Appropriate stormwater occur. Appropriate stormwater
management design and Best management design and BMP
Management Practice (BMP) implementation on site would
implementation on site would minimize impacts.
minimize impacts.
Cultural Resources Known historic resources would Alternative 2 would have a Under the No Action
be avoided. However, training minor impact on known and Alternative, impacts to
exercises have the potential to potentially unknown cultural cultural resources would
impact unknown archaeological resources on Fort Drum and remain unchanged from the
resources. BMPs would be nine-county Action Area. The current conditions. Impacts
followed to ensure impacts to BMPs would be followed to to cultural resources would
cultural resources remain minor. ensure impacts to cultural be adverse, short- or long-
Impacts to cultural resources resources remain minor. Impacts term and minor to moderate.
would be adverse, short- or to cultural resources would be
long-term and minor to adverse, short or long-term and
moderate. minor to moderate.
Socioeconomic, Any temporary construction Impacts would be similar to but Under the No Action
Environmental needed to accommodate these less than Alternative 1. Overall, Alternative, the social and
Justice training exercises would be impacts would be beneficial, economic conditions of the
performed by the Soldiers as short-term, and negligible. area would remain
part of the training. If the sites unchanged from the current
selected for the training area is conditions. Impacts would
private, the owner would be be beneficial, short-term,
compensated for the lease. and negligible.
Therefore, there could be
negligible beneficial economic
impacts. Overall, impacts would
be beneficial, short-term, and
Transportation and Adverse, short-term, and minor Impacts would be similar to but There would be no change in
Traffic to moderate impacts would less than Alternative 1. Fort the potential for adverse
occur to traffic operations and Drum would employ potential impacts compared to
bicycle safety. Fort Drum would mitigation measures to avoid or existing conditions. Adverse,
employ potential mitigation reduce transportation impacts short-term, and minor to

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Resource Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 3 (No Action

measures to avoid or reduce moderate impacts would
transportation impacts. occur to traffic operations
and bicycle safety.
Public Health and Fort Drum would follow its Fort Drum would follow same There would be no change
Safety safety protocols and plans to safety protocols and plans and compared to existing
minimize the potential for coordination as with Alternative conditions. Impacts would
accidents and coordinate with 1. Impacts would be similar to be adverse, short- or long-
the appropriate emergency but less than Alternative 1. term, and negligible to
services contacts within the minor.
affected county or counties.
Noise impacts on human
annoyance would be adverse,
short-term and negligible to
minor and there would be no
impacts to Airspace. Fort Drum
would employ mitigation
measures to avoid impacts to
traffic and transportation.

Cumulative Impacts
Due to the programmatic nature, the PEA cumulative impacts analysis considered the two training exercises
that occur within the proposed Action Area and determined that none of the alternatives would result in
cumulative impacts that are significant for any of the resource areas. Once specific sites are selected, the
tiered NEPA analysis will evaluate those sites for cumulative impacts.
Agency and Government to Government Coordination/Consultations
The PEA and Draft FNSI were made available for review and comments for 30 days at For those who did not have ready access to a
computer or the internet, the materials posted to the website were available upon request by contacting Ms.
Cait Schadock, NEPA Coordinator, Directorate of Public Works, Fort Drum, by phone at (315) 772-6899,
by mail at 4896 Jones St, Fort Drum, NY 13602-5097, or by email at usarmy.drum.imcom.mbx.dpw-
[email protected].
In response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in the United States and the Center for Disease
Control’s recommendations for social distancing and avoiding large public gatherings, Fort Drum did not
hold a public information session for this action.
Based on the analysis performed in this PEA, the Proposed Action under any of the action alternatives
would have no significant direct, indirect, or cumulative impacts on the quality of the natural or human
environment. This is due to the criteria-based selection, intended to avoid or minimize impacts, that Fort
Drum will employ in choosing the training locations. Additionally, once the specific locations are identified,
Fort Drum will conduct consultation and coordination with the appropriate regulatory agencies and identify
further avoidance or minimization and mitigation measures, as appropriate. Therefore, preparation of an
environmental impact statement for the Proposed Action is not required and issuance of a FNSI is
Point of Contact:

For further information, please direct requests to: Ms. Cait Schadock, NEPA Coordinator, Directorate of
Public Works Fort Drum, New York 13602, by phone at (315) 772-6899.

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Approved by:

Jeffery P. Lucas Date

Colonel, U.S. Army
Garrison Commander

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

This Programmatic Environmental Assessment (PEA) was prepared for the United States Army (Army) to
evaluate the potential effects of increasing mission and training activities at Fort Drum Army Installation,
Fort Drum, New York, and within the Local Flying Area (LFA) of Fort Drum.
This PEA describes the application of criteria provided by Fort Drum to select specific sites for the proposed
training events. Fort Drum would ensure the appropriate National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
review is conducted for specific sites when proposed for training events. This PEA was prepared in
accordance with NEPA, the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) regulations (40 Code of Federal
Regulations (CFR) Parts 1500 – 1508), and 32 CFR Part 651. Future NEPA reviews will be tiered from the
PEA and will be consistent with this document, incorporating by reference where appropriate. A tiered
environmental analysis is an analysis that focuses on project-specific issues and summarizes or references
(rather than repeats) the broader issues discussed in the PEA.
This PEA presents an analysis of potential impacts that would result from implementation of the Proposed
Action and Alternatives. Potential effects on the natural and human environment are evaluated to determine
the significance of impacts on the affected environment.
Proposed Action
The Proposed Action supports an increase in the air and land-based training activities conducted by the 10th
Combat Aviation Brigade (CAB) and the 10th Sustainment Brigade (SBDE), including in the LFA training
areas located in the following nine counties: Essex, Hamilton, Herkimer, Jefferson, Lewis, Oneida,
Onondaga, Oswego, and St. Lawrence (Figure ES-1). It is important to note that the potential nine-county
area of effect excludes all Sovereign Nation Indian lands.
Purpose of and Need for the Proposed Action
The purpose of the Proposed Action is to ensure that the Army aviators of the 10th CAB and support units
of the 10th SBDE at Fort Drum are provided with the practical and realistic flight proficiency and support
services training.
The Proposed Action is needed to meet mission requirements and maintain combat readiness and to provide
additional and enhanced realistic training to 10th CAB and 10th SBDE. Additionally, the Proposed Action
is needed to enhance the commanders’ effectiveness and improve the Soldier’s survivability on the
modern-day battlefield. The units at Fort Drum need to train in realistic, large-scale, collective training
events that mimic the manner in which they would fight in a real-life scenario. These training events include
ground and air resources of assigned and visiting units (mechanized, infantry, support, and combat aviation
assets). Training activities would be designed to further develop and sustain proficiency in mission essential
tasks, air and ground integration training, and collective training at Fort Drum and within the LFA as
defined in Fort Drum Regulation 95-1.

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Figure ES-1: Nine-County Action Area

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

The increased training would enhance the 10th CAB and 10th SBDE capability to be ready to fight across
multiple domains and contested areas, to gain advantage over their enemies and achieve national security
objectives. The areas in and around Fort Drum are excellent locations for such training. LFA training
exercises provide an increased proficiency in low and slow flying techniques that would provide the
aviation forces with a tactical advantage in the event they are called to action against an advanced adversary.
Flying low at decreased speeds and using the terrain to its advantage allows the Army to fly undetected
through enemy air defenses and territory. During the war on terror over the last two decades, helicopters
have typically flown at high altitudes to avoid small arms fire. Today, emerging threats and potential
enemies may possess the same advanced air defense systems as the U.S. military. Honing their abilities at
home provides more success abroad, where seconds translate to the lives of Soldiers. The increase in
training would also allow the 10th SBDE to be ready to rapidly deploy to conduct full spectrum combat
service support and combat support under a variety of environmental conditions.
In accordance with CEQ regulations (40 CFR 1502.14) and U.S. Army NEPA regulations (32 CFR Part
651), this PEA identifies and describes all reasonable Alternatives to the Proposed Action, including the
No Action Alternative. This PEA analyzes two Action Alternatives and the No Action Alternative.
Alternative 1
Alternative 1 is to provide full mission support by increasing low level flight modes and movement
techniques in the existing nine-county LFA outside the Fort Drum Army Installation Restricted Airspace
area. The 10th CAB and 10th SBDE would conduct up to six high-intensity, multi-day training events per
year to replicate multi-domain battle. Each training exercise could last up to 14 days, plus a seven-day
period to return the property to its condition prior to the exercise. All multi-domain training events would
include integrating the ground and air resources of assigned and visiting units (mechanized, infantry,
support, and combat aviation assets) in simulated battle scenarios. The number of personnel participating
in a training event and the types and numbers of aircraft systems (AH-64, UH-60, HH-60, CH-47) would
be dependent on the training event mission.
Events would serve to integrate air and/or ground operations, and sustainment activities by simulating real-
world distances and threats, challenging logistical supply lines and mission command systems over
distances beyond the geographic boundaries of Fort Drum, as well as expanding logistical routes via air and
ground to simulate a large-scale battlefield.
Temporary off-post locations would be used in support of training scenarios, training aids (i.e., training
emitters during division exercises for aviation detection), and temporary sustainment sites (e.g., providing
food, water, sleep area, shower, fuel, communications). Sustainment sites would include tent structures for
sleeping, meetings, meals, and maintenance of equipment. Other areas within the sustainment sites would
include generators, fuel containers, fuel dispensing trucks, food kitchen, storage containers (CONEX), and
parking areas for supply trucks. All equipment containing petroleum, oils, and lubricants (POL) or
hazardous materials would have secondary containment systems to prevent soil contamination.
The process for determining temporary off-post locations is criteria-based and those are: General Location,
Rural Areas Outside City Boundaries, Location Size, Vegetation Cover, Surface Grade, Soil Type, Land
Ownership, Flight Hazards, Airspace, Accessibility, Cultural Resources, Wetlands, and Threatened or
Endangered species (TES). Table ES-1 of the PEA is a list of criteria, acceptable attributes of each criterion,
and any rationale for the attributes. This PEA identifies the general areas that meet these criteria and would
likely be feasible for use for Alternative 1.
Once the specific feasible areas are identified, Fort Drum would coordinate with the appropriate owners for
its use for Alternative 1 and conduct compliance documentation as appropriate, such as an Environmental
Condition of Property Report to document the physical and environmental condition of the property
resulting from the past storage, use, release, and disposal of hazardous substances and petroleum products;

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Record of Environmental Consideration (REC) for environmental review and compliance with NEPA
requirements; Temporary Revocable Permits (TRPs) for the use of state lands and conservation easement
lands; and Maneuver License, among others. Fort Drum’s intent is to prioritize the use of public lands. The
selection of the sites would be based on consultation or coordination with the appropriate regulatory
agencies such as the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), New York State Department of
Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC), New York State Historic Preservation Office (NY SHPO), and
through permit conditions, to avoid or minimize impacts to natural, cultural, and physical resources and
Table ES-1. Criteria for Selecting Possible Exercise Locations
Criterion Attributes for Consideration Rationale
General Location Within nine-county LFA; 60 to 75 miles from 10th CAB aircraft approved for
Fort Drum LFA; aircraft can be hangered at
Fort Drum if less than 60 to 75
Rural Areas Avoid populated areas, churches, schools, Reduce safety hazards, reduce
Outside City malls, highways, interstates noise annoyance, simulate real
Boundaries world conditions, avoid public
Location Size Large event: 10 acres or greater; small event: Sufficient for sustainment
five acres or less operations, vehicle parking,
aircraft ground operations
Vegetation Cover Preferably grass, fields with few to no trees or Reduce aircraft hazards;
shrubs improved Line of Sight (LOS);
reduced wildlife hazards
Surface Grade Relatively level, <5 percent slope Ease of sustainment set up;
reduced erosion/ground
Soil Type Well-drained and dry (no wetlands or Ease of sustainment set up;
floodplains); loam or clay soils without a lot of avoid impacts to
rocks; avoid prime farmland wetlands/floodplains; prime
farmland is protected under the
Farmland Protection Policy Act
(7 CFR 658)
Land Ownership Public lands with signed Memorandum of Must establish a use agreement
Agreement or private land with a lease with the landowner as to what
agreement; avoid protected lands, parks and actions can or cannot be
recreation areas, if possible performed by the Army on the
property owners of allowable
Flight Hazards Avoid tall structures: towers, buildings, wind Reduce flight safety risks; avoid
turbines, electrical poles/towers populated areas
Airspace Avoid restricted areas; accessible by helicopter Approved Federal Aviation
using MTRs, MOAs or LFA Administration (FAA) flight
Accessibility Existing road or trail access Less ground disturbance for
surface vehicles
Cultural Avoid properties and sites listed on the Avoid impacts to cultural
Resources National Register of Historic Properties; avoid resources
Tribal land

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Criterion Attributes for Consideration Rationale

Wetlands Avoid siting in National Wetland Inventory Avoid impacts to wetlands
(NWI and State Jurisdictional Wetlands)
Threatened or Avoid known occurrence locations/sites Avoid Threatened or
Endangered through consultation and coordination with the Endangered species impacts
species USFWS and NYSDEC, respectively

Daily operations would include aircraft flights to and from the training event location and may include
destinations in the Training Area, Cantonment Area, and/or Wheeler-Sack Army Airfield on Fort Drum.
The number of aircraft, number of sorties, and time of day would be determined by the training event
mission. Aircraft flight altitudes, routes, and speeds would be dependent on the training mission, but all
flights would comply with Army Regulation (AR 95-1 and AR 95-2). The size of the sustainment site would
be dependent on the training mission, number of personnel and length of the exercise. Training events
would be similar to exercises performed in previous years.
Alternative 1 would not include the use of live-fire ammunition, explosives or demolitions, un-manned air
operations (except as allowed by the FAA).
Alternative 2
Alternative 2 is the same as Alternative 1 except training exercises would be limited to two high-intensity,
up to 14-day training events per year to replicate multi-domain battle, followed by seven-day periods to
return the property to its condition prior to the exercise. The same criteria proposed in Alternative 1 would
be used to identify possible training sites for Alternative 2 (Table 2-1). Alternative 2 would not include the
use of live-fire ammunition, explosive or demolitions, un-manned air operations (except as allowed by the
Alternative 3 (No Action Alternative)
Under the No Action Alternative, there would be no changes to the amount of current training exercises at
Fort Drum. The 10th CAB’s routine flight training and mission activities within the defined LFA and the
10th SBDE training activities would stay the same. Training rates (number and frequency of sorties within
a given time period) would remain essentially unchanged. Current, limited off-post training exercises using
temporary off-post locations to support training scenarios, training aids, and temporary sustainment sites
during large-scale training exercises would continue. This Alternative does not fully satisfy the purpose and
need for the Proposed Action.
Agency and Government to Government Coordination/Consultations and Public Comment
The PEA and Draft FNSI were made available for review and comments for 30 days at For those who did not have ready access to a
computer or the internet, the materials posted to the website were available upon request by contacting Ms.
Cait Schadock, NEPA Coordinator, Directorate of Public Works, Fort Drum, by phone at (315) 772-6899,
by mail at 4896 Jones St, Fort Drum, NY 13602-5097 or by email at usarmy.drum.imcom.mbx.dpw-
[email protected].
In response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in the United States and the Center for Disease
Control’s recommendations for social distancing and avoiding large public gatherings, Fort Drum did not
hold a public information session for this action.
Fort Drum provided copies of the PEA and Draft FNSI and consultation letters to the agencies and
Federally Recognized Tribal Governments prior to the public review. Fort Drum will consider and
incorporate in its final decision, as appropriate, agencies’ responses and public comments received during
the public review period. Fort Drum will make the final documents available to the public at the same

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

website as the public review PEA. Fort Drum will make copies of the document available upon request.
Environmental Consequences
The resources that are potentially impacted and discussed in detail in this PEA include: land use, noise,
airspace, geology and soils, biological resources (vegetation, invasive species, wildlife, and threatened and
endangered species), water resources, cultural resources, socioeconomics and environmental justice,
transportation and traffic, and public health and safety.
Potential impacts on resources that could be affected by the Proposed Action and Alternatives are
summarized in Table ES-2.

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Table ES-2. Summary of Environmental Impacts

Resource Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 3 (No Action Alternative)
Land Use Because training is temporary, any Because training is temporary, any There would be no changes to existing
impacts to land use would be short-term impacts to land use would be short-term training duration and amounts. Impacts
in nature. Schools, churches, and in nature. Schools, churches, and would be adverse, short-term, and minor.
populated areas would be avoided. It is populated areas would be avoided. It is
recommended if parks and recreation recommended if parks and recreation
areas are used, they are avoided during areas are used, they are avoided during
peak times (hunting, fishing, and boating peak times (hunting, fishing, and boating
seasons). Coordination with owner would seasons). Coordination with owner would
occur prior to the start of training occur prior to the start of training
exercises. Impacts to land use would be exercises. Impacts to land use would be
adverse, short-term and minor as no adverse, short-term and minor as no
permanent changes to designated land permanent changes to designated land
uses would be made. Tiered NEPA uses would be made. Tiered NEPA
analysis would determine the impact analysis would determine the impact
once sites have been selected. once sites have been selected.
Noise Training exercises are short-term. Training exercises are short-term. Aircraft would continue to operate as in
Helicopter overflights associated with the Helicopter overflights associated with the the past. Therefore, noise from aircraft
training exercises would be infrequent training exercises would be infrequent operations would be adverse, short-term,
and of a short duration. Aviators are (two thirds less than Alternative 1) and of and range from negligible to minor.
instructed to avoid flyovers of residential a short duration. Aviators are instructed
areas, known wildlife refuges, and to avoid flyovers of residential areas,
livestock. For areas where aviators known wildlife refuges, and livestock.
takeoff, land, and hover, and during Therefore, noise impacts on human
engine run-ups, receivers of noise may annoyance and domestic animals would
experience additional disturbances. The be adverse, short-term, and range from
number and amount of disturbances will negligible to minor. Noise impacts on
also be dependent on the number of wildlife would be adverse, short-term,
aircraft involved in the training exercises. and range from negligible to moderate.
Therefore, noise impacts on human
annoyance and domestic animals would
be adverse, short-term, and range from
negligible to minor. Noise impacts on
wildlife would be adverse, short-term,
and range from negligible to moderate.

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Resource Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 3 (No Action Alternative)

th th
Airspace 10 CAB helicopters would continue to 10 CAB helicopters would continue to Aircraft would continue to operate in the
use the airspace as they currently do; no use the airspace as they currently do; no existing airspace as in the past. Aircraft
changes are proposed to the current changes are proposed to the current operations would have no impact to
airspace; therefore, there would be no airspace; therefore, there would be no airspace in the Action Area.
impacts to airspace in the Action Area. impacts to airspace in the Action Area.
Geology and Soils There would be no direct effects to There would be no direct effects to Under the No Action Alternative, there
geology and soils because training geology and soils because training would be no new adverse impacts to
locations would be chosen based on locations would be chosen based on geology and soils compared to existing
criteria designed to minimize impact. criteria designed to minimize impact. conditions. Minor short-term impacts to
Minor short-term impacts to surface Minor short-term impacts to surface surface topography could occur, and
topography would occur due to aircraft topography could occur due to aircraft appropriate measures would continue to
and heavy vehicles onsite. If prime and heavy vehicles onsite. If prime be taken to minimize impacts and restore
farmland areas are used, coordination farmland areas are used, coordination the site to its original condition following
with owner would occur prior to the start with owner would occur prior to the start the exercise.
of training exercises. Impacts would be of training exercises. Impacts would be
adverse, short-term, and minor. Tiered adverse, short-term, and minor. Tiered
NEPA analysis would determine the NEPA analysis would determine the
impact once sites have been selected. impact once sites have been selected.
Appropriate measures would be taken to Appropriate measures would be taken to
minimize impacts and restore the site to minimize impacts and restore the site to
its original condition following the its original condition following the
exercise. exercise.
Biological Resources Training activities would result in Potential adverse impacts to biological Under the No Action Alternative, there
adverse, short- and long-term, negligible resources would be the same in nature as would be no new adverse impacts to
to moderate impacts to biological those described under Alternative 1 but biological resources compared to existing
resources. Impacts could include removal reduced in frequency because off-base conditions. Impacts would be adverse,
of vegetation from clearing, crushing, or training exercises would occur less short- and long-term, and negligible to
trampling; spreading of invasive species frequently. Implementing appropriate moderate.
from soil disturbances; and disturbances conservation measures, terms and
to wildlife, including threatened or conditions and following permit
endangered species, and habitats from conditions would ensure that adverse
noise and visual disturbances during impacts are avoided, minimized, or
training exercises. There could also be mitigated as necessary. Impacts would be
long-term impacts from habitat alteration, adverse, short- and long-term, and
mortality of individual animals, or negligible to moderate. Final
destruction of nests and eggs of ground- conservation measures would be
nesting birds. Implementing appropriate developed in consultation with USFWS
conservation measures and terms and and NYSDEC at the time of site selection

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Resource Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 3 (No Action Alternative)

conditions and following permit
conditions would ensure that adverse
impacts are avoided, minimized, or
mitigated as necessary. Final
conservation measures would be
developed in consultation with USFWS
and NYSDEC at the time of site
Water Resources There would be no direct impacts to There would be no direct impacts to There would be no changes to existing
surface waters, floodplains, wetlands, and surface waters, floodplains, wetlands, and training duration and amounts. Impacts
water supplies because training would water supplies because training would would be adverse, short-term, and minor.
not occur in areas near these resources. not occur in areas near these resources.
Activities would not increase the demand Activities would not increase the demand
for groundwater and would not directly for groundwater and would not directly
impact any surface waters. Adverse, impact any surface waters. Adverse,
minor, short-term impacts to surface minor, short-term impacts to surface
waters and water resources would occur. waters and water resources would occur.
Appropriate stormwater management Appropriate stormwater management
design and Best Management Practice design and BMP implementation on site
(BMP) implementation on site would would minimize impacts.
minimize impacts.
Cultural Resources Known historic resources would be Alternative 2 would have a minor impact Under the No Action Alternative, impacts
avoided. However, training exercises on known and potentially unknown to cultural resources would remain
have the potential to impact unknown cultural resources on Fort Drum and unchanged from the current conditions.
archaeological resources. BMPs would nine-county Action Area. The BMPs Impacts to cultural resources would be
be followed to ensure impacts to cultural would be followed to ensure impacts to adverse, short- or long-term and minor to
resources remain minor. Impacts to cultural resources remain minor. Impacts moderate.
cultural resources would be adverse, to cultural resources would be adverse,
short- or long-term and minor to short or long-term and minor to
moderate. moderate.
Socioeconomic, Any temporary construction needed to Impacts would be similar to but less than Under the No Action Alternative, the
Environmental accommodate these training exercises Alternative 1. Overall, impacts would be social and economic conditions of the
Justice would be performed by the Soldiers as beneficial, short-term, and negligible. area would remain unchanged from the
part of the training. If the sites selected current conditions. Impacts would be
for the training area is private, the owner beneficial, short-term, and negligible.
would be compensated for the lease.
Therefore, there could be negligible
beneficial economic impacts. Overall,

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Resource Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 3 (No Action Alternative)

impacts would be beneficial, short-term,
and negligible.

Transportation and Adverse, short-term, and minor to Impacts would be similar to but less than There would be no change in the
Traffic moderate impacts would occur to traffic Alternative 1. Fort Drum would employ potential for adverse impacts compared to
operations and bicycle safety. Fort Drum potential mitigation measures to avoid or existing conditions. Adverse, short-term,
would employ potential mitigation reduce transportation impacts and minor to moderate impacts would
measures to avoid or reduce occur to traffic operations and bicycle
transportation impacts. safety.
Public Health and Fort Drum would follow its safety Fort Drum would follow same safety There would be no change compared to
Safety protocols and plans to minimize the protocols and plans and coordination as existing conditions. Impacts would be
potential for accidents and coordinate with Alternative 1. Impacts would be adverse, short- or long-term, and
with the appropriate emergency services similar to but less than Alternative 1. negligible to minor.
contacts within the affected county or
counties. Noise impacts on human
annoyance would be adverse, short-term
and negligible to minor and there would
be no impacts to Airspace. Fort Drum
would employ mitigation measures to
avoid impacts to traffic and

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities


AADT Annual Average Daily Traffic
ACUB Army Compatible Use Buffer
ADNL A-weighted day-night average level
ANG Air National Guard
Army United States Army
Army Aviation U.S. Army Aviation Branch
ACS American Community Survey
AGL Above Ground Level
ATC Air Traffic Control
BMP Best Management Practices
CAB Combat Aviation Brigade
CEQ Council on Environmental Quality
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
CONEX Storage Container (Container Express)
COVID-19 Corona Virus Disease 2019
CWA Clean Water Act
dB Decibel
dBA A-Weighted Decibels
DNL Day-Night Average Sound Level+
EIS Environmental Impact Statement
FAA Federal Aviation Administration
FARP Forward Arming and Refueling Point
FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency
FHWA Federal Highway Administration
FNSI Finding of No Significant Impact
Hz Hertz
ICRMP Integrated Cultural Resource Management Plan
IFR International Flight Rules
JLUS Joint Land Use Study
Leq Equivalent Sound Level
LFA Local Flying Area
LI Light Infantry
LOS Line of Site

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

MOA Military Operations Area

MSL Mean Sea Level
MTR Military Training Routes
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization
NEPA National Environmental Policy Act
NHPA National Historic Preservation Act
NHS National Highway System
NOE Nap of the Earth
NOI Notice of Intent
NRHP National Register of Historic Places
NWI National Wetlands Inventory
NY New York
NYS New York State
NYSDEC New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
NYSDH New York State Department of Health
NYSDHSES New York State Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services
NYSDOT New York State Department of Transportation
OHSSC Oil and Hazardous Substance Spill Contingency
PEA Programmatic Environmental Assessment
POL Petroleum, Oils and Lubricants
REC Record of Environmental Consideration
SBDE Sustainment Brigade
SEL Sound Exposure Level
SHPO State Historic Preservation Office
SLELO-PRISM St. Lawrence-Eastern Lake Ontario Partnership for Regional Invasive Species
SPCC Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure
STRAHNET the Strategic Highway Network
SUA Special Use Airspace
SVFR Special Visual Flight Rule
SWPP Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan
TA Training Area
TES Threatened and Endangered Species
TNT Trinitrotoluene
TOC Tactical Operations Center

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

TRP Temporary Revocable Permits

USAF U.S. Air Force
USEPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
USFWS United States Fish and Wildlife Service
V/C Volume to Capacity
VEC Valued Environmental Components
VFR Visual Flight Rule
WSAAF Wheeler-Sack Army Airfield

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities


Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ............................................................................................................. i
1.0 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................ 1
1.1 FORT DRUM BACKGROUND ..................................................................................... 1
1.2 PURPOSE AND NEED ................................................................................................... 3
1.3 BACKGROUND FOR THE PROPOSED ACTION....................................................... 5
1.4 TRAINING EXERCISES ................................................................................................ 6
1.5 AIRSPACE BACKGROUND ......................................................................................... 7
CONSULTATIONS ....................................................................................................... 11
2.1 PROPOSED ACTION ................................................................................................... 13
2.2 ALTERNATIVE 1 ......................................................................................................... 13
2.3 ALTERNATIVE 2 ......................................................................................................... 15
2.4 ALTERNATIVE 3 (NO ACTION ALTERNATIVE) ................................................... 15
2.5 SUMMARY OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSEQUENCES ......................................... 15
3.1 LAND USE .................................................................................................................... 21
3.2 NOISE ............................................................................................................................ 28
3.3 AIRSPACE..................................................................................................................... 37
3.4 GEOLOGY AND SOILS ............................................................................................... 40
3.5 BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES ....................................................................................... 44
3.6 WATER RESOURCES.................................................................................................. 53
3.7 CULTURAL RESOURCES .......................................................................................... 60
3.8 SOCIOECONOMIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE......................................... 65
3.9 TRANSPORTATION AND TRAFFIC ......................................................................... 71
3.10 PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY ............................................................................... 81
3.11 SUMMARY OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSEQUENCES ......................................... 85
4.0 CUMULATIVE IMPACTS ........................................................................................... 91
4.1 LAND USE .................................................................................................................... 91
4.2 NOISE ............................................................................................................................ 91
4.3 AIRSPACE..................................................................................................................... 91
4.4 GEOLOGY AND SOILS ............................................................................................... 91
4.5 BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES ....................................................................................... 92

TOC- i
Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

4.6 WATER RESOURCES.................................................................................................. 92

4.7 CULTURAL RESOURCES .......................................................................................... 92
4.8 SOCIOECONOMICS AND ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE ...................................... 92
4.9 TRANSPORTATION AND TRAFFIC ......................................................................... 93
4.10 PUBLIC HEALTH AND SAFETY ............................................................................... 93
5.0 REFERENCES ............................................................................................................... 95
6.0 GLOSSARY OF TERMS ............................................................................................ 101

Table ES-1. Criteria for Selecting Possible Exercise Locations .............................................. ES-iv
Table ES-2. Summary of Environmental Impacts .................................................................. ES-vii
Table 2-1. Criteria for Selecting Possible Exercise Locations ..................................................... 14
Table 2-2. Summary of Environmental Impacts ........................................................................... 16
Table 3-1. Maximum A-Weighted Sound Levels for Rotary-Wing Aircraft ............................... 32
Table 3-2. Percentage of Population Highly Annoyed from Aircraft Noise ................................ 32
Table 3-3. Maximum Noise Levels of Helicopters ...................................................................... 33
Table 3-4. Overflight Annoyance Potential1 ................................................................................ 33
Table 3-5. Tactical Vehicle Noise Levels (dBA) from Specified Distances ................................ 34
Table 3-6. Comparison of Maximum Passby Noise Estimates at a distance of 50 feet1 .............. 34
Table 3-7. Dominant Vegetation associated with Major Community Types in the Action Area . 44
Table 3-8. Federally Listed Species in the Action Area ............................................................... 47
Table 3-9. Potential Impacts to Federally Listed Species and Species-specific Conservation
Measures ....................................................................................................................................... 51
Table 3-10. Population and Growth .............................................................................................. 65
Table 3-11. Housing Demographics ............................................................................................. 66
Table 3-12. Total Annual Labor and Unemployment - 2017 ....................................................... 67
Table 3-13. Total Minority population -2017 ............................................................................... 69
Table 3-14. Total populations below poverty level within 12 months - 2017 .............................. 69
Table 3-15. Summary Environmental Impacts ............................................................................. 86

TOC- ii
Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Figure ES-1: Nine-County Action Area ................................................................................... ES-ii
Figure 1-1: Fort Drum Location Map ............................................................................................. 2
Figure 1-2: Nine-County Action Area ............................................................................................ 4
Figure 1-3: Special Use Airspace ................................................................................................... 8
Figure 1-4: Military Training Routes............................................................................................ 10
Figure 3-1: Cantonment Area Fort Drum ..................................................................................... 22
Figure 3-2: Land Cover ................................................................................................................. 27
Figure 3-3: Variation in Sound Level over Time and Maximum Sound Level. ........................... 30
Figure 3-4: Sound Exposure Level of a Noise Event. .................................................................. 30
Figure 3-5: Avoidance Areas in the Action Area ......................................................................... 36
Figure 3-6: Airspace Designations and Noise Sensitive Areas .................................................... 38
Figure 3-7: Soil Drainage.............................................................................................................. 41
Figure 3-8: Slope Gradient Less than or Greater than Five Percent ............................................. 42
Figure 3-9: Prime Farmland .......................................................................................................... 43
Figure 3-10: General Overview of Suitable Habitat for Threatened and Endangered Species in
the Action Area ............................................................................................................................. 47
Figure 3-11: Soil Flooding Frequency .......................................................................................... 55
Figure 3-12: FEMA Flood Hazard Areas ..................................................................................... 56
Figure 3-13: National Wetlands Inventory Map ........................................................................... 58
Figure 3-14: Historic and Cultural Areas...................................................................................... 62
Figure 3-15: Ten-year Unemployment Rate (2008-2017) ............................................................ 67
Figure 3-16: Roadway Inventory .................................................................................................. 72
Figure 3-17: Annual Average Daily Traffic ................................................................................. 73
Figure 3-18: Interstate Bridge Axle to Weight Distribution ......................................................... 76
Figure 3-19: Railroads .................................................................................................................. 78

Appendix A Agency Coordination and Public Involvement
Appendix B State Listed Species

TOC- iii
Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities


TOC- iv
Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

This Programmatic Environmental Assessment (PEA) was prepared for the United States Army (Army) to
evaluate the potential effects of increasing mission and training activities at Fort Drum Army Installation,
Fort Drum, New York, and within the Local Flying Area (LFA) of Fort Drum. The Proposed Action
includes conducting up to six high-intensity, multi-domain (air and ground) division-level training events
per year and establishing temporary off-post locations that can support training scenarios, trainings aids,
and temporary sustainment sites to be used during Brigade-level training exercises.
This PEA describes the application of criteria provided by Fort Drum to select specific sites for the proposed
training events. Fort Drum would ensure the appropriate National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA)
review is conducted for specific sites when proposed for training events. This PEA was prepared in
accordance with NEPA, the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) regulations (40 Code of Federal
Regulations (CFR) Parts 1500 – 1508), and 32 CFR Part 651. Future NEPA reviews will be tiered from the
PEA and will be consistent with this document, incorporating by reference where appropriate. A tiered
environmental analysis is an analysis that focuses on project-specific issues and summarizes or references
(rather than repeats) the broader issues discussed in the PEA.
This PEA presents an analysis of potential impacts that would result from implementation of the Proposed
Action and Alternatives. Potential effects on the natural and human environment are evaluated to determine
the significance of impacts on the affected environment.
Fort Drum is a 108,733-acre Army Installation in northern New York (Figure 1-1). Fort Drum is
approximately 24 miles in length and eight miles wide, measured northeast to southwest (Army Public
Health Center, 2016). It is located in Jefferson and Lewis Counties, New York, approximately 10 miles
northeast of the City of Watertown within the Great Lakes drainage basin. It is the largest military
installation in the northeast United States. Fort Drum, formerly known as Pine Camp, has been used as a
military training site since 1908. Pine Camp was the site of tactical field exercises used to test the
mobilization ability of the Army. In 1941, Pine Camp was expanded when an additional 75,000 acres were
purchased, and an entire city was built at Pine Camp to house the divisions scheduled to train there. In 1951,
Pine Camp became Fort Drum named after Lieutenant General Hugh A. Drum, who commanded the First
Army during World War II (U.S. Army, 2018). Fort Drum was considered a temporary training facility for
the Army until 1974 when a permanent Garrison was assigned.
On February 13, 1985, the Army’s 10th Mountain Division (Light Infantry [LI]) was officially reactivated
at Fort Drum Army Installation. It was the first division of any kind formed by the Army since 1975 and
the first based in the northeast since World War II. The 10th Mountain Division was established to meet a
wide range of worldwide infantry-intensive contingency missions. It has played important roles in U.S.
military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan and is currently the most deployed division in the Army. The
mission of the 10th Mountain Division is to provide trained and combat-ready forces for rapid global
deployment in order to prevent, shape, or win in ground combat (U.S. Army Garrison Fort Drum, 2019a).
Fort Drum’s current population includes 15,000 Soldiers and 2,500 civilians, and it also supports
approximately 20,000 reservists and 9,000 active duty from all military services for training purposes. The
Installation provides operations support for multi-forces training, mobilization, and deployment and
provides installation services for military and civilians. Fort Drum provides land and air space for firing
range practice, combat skills practice, and cold weather training. Two of the units stationed at Fort Drum
include the 10th Combat Aviation Brigade (CAB) and the 10th Sustainment Brigade (SBDE).

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Figure 1-1: Fort Drum Location Map

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

The 10th CAB is a multi-functional Brigade-sized unit in the Army that fields military helicopters, offering
a combination of attack/reconnaissance helicopters (AH-64 Apache), medium-lift helicopters (UH-60
Black Hawk), heavy-lift helicopters (CH-47 Chinook), and medical evacuation (MEDEVAC) capability.
The 10th CAB’s numerous operations and overseas contingencies include combating the war on terrorism.
The mission of the 10th CAB is to “maintain an aviation Brigade, trained and ready to deploy anywhere in
the world to conduct combat, combat support and combat service support.” Some examples of the missions
and operations include Hurricane Andrew Relief in south Florida, Operations Restore Hope and Continue
Hope in Somalia, Operation Uphold Democracy in Haiti, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)-led
Stabilization Force and Kosovo Force missions in Bosnia and Kosovo, and most recently, Operation Iraqi
Freedom in Iraq and Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan (U.S. Army Garrison Fort Drum, 2019b).
The 10th SBDE is a sustainment brigade of the Army and provides logistical support to the 10th Mountain
Division. The 10th SBDE mission is to be ready to rapidly deploy to conduct full spectrum combat service
support and combat support within a joint area of operations to enable supported commanders to fight and
win (U.S. Army Garrison Fort Drum, 2019c). The 10th SBDE provides support in supply, maintenance,
medical and transportation operations to combat units while being able to also step away from “support” to
fight and win alongside their division.
The purpose of the Proposed Action is to ensure that the Army aviators of the 10th CAB and support units
of the 10th SBDE at Fort Drum are provided with practical and realistic flight proficiency and support
services training.
The Proposed Action is needed to meet mission requirements and maintain combat readiness and to provide
additional and enhanced realistic training to 10th CAB and 10th SBDE. Additionally, the Proposed Action
is needed to enhance the commanders’ effectiveness and improve the Soldier’s survivability on the modern-
day battlefield. The units at Fort Drum need to train in realistic, large-scale, collective training events that
mimic the manner in which they would fight in a real-life scenario. These training events include ground
and air resources of assigned and visiting units (mechanized, infantry, support, and combat aviation assets).
Training activities need to be designed to further develop and sustain proficiency in mission essential tasks,
air and ground integration training, and collective (group) training at Fort Drum and within the LFA as
defined in Fort Drum Regulation 95-1. Collective training is the training of a group of Soldiers (crews,
teams, squads, and platoons) to do tasks required of a group as a whole (U.S. Army, 1998) .Areas used for
LFA training are located in the following nine counties: Essex, Hamilton, Herkimer, Jefferson, Lewis,
Oneida, Onondaga, Oswego, and St. Lawrence (Figure 1-2). It is important to note that the potential nine-
county area of effect excludes all Sovereign Nation Indian lands.
The increased training would enhance the 10th CAB and 10th SBDE capability to be ready to fight across
multiple domains and contested areas, to gain advantage over their enemies and achieve national security
objectives. The areas in and around Fort Drum are excellent locations for such training. LFA training
exercises provide an increased proficiency in low and slow flying techniques that would provide the
aviation forces with a tactical advantage in the event they are called to action against an advanced adversary.
Flying low at decreased speeds and using the terrain to its advantage allows the Army to fly undetected
through enemy air defenses and territory. During the war on terror over the last two decades, helicopters
have typically flown at high altitudes to avoid small arms fire. Today, emerging threats and potential
enemies may possess the same advanced air defense systems as the U.S. military. Honing their abilities at
home provides more success abroad, where seconds translate to the lives of Soldiers. The increase in
training would also allow the 10th SBDE to be ready to rapidly deploy to conduct full spectrum combat
service support and combat support under a variety of environmental conditions.

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Figure 1-2: Nine-County Action Area

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

It is imperative that the Army invest the time, planning, and resources required now to ensure that expanding
training requirements of the multi-domain battlefield are available to the warfighter of the future. Planning
only for current requirements means they are already too late. Replicating realistic environments that mimic
potential threats is essential to preserving the lives of Soldiers; the successful completion of any mission is
the highest priority.
Fort Drum has been a major training center for the Army for over 100 years. Fort Drum uses its diverse
terrain to develop three areas: maneuver areas, range and impact areas (for physical skills, weapons, and
aircraft training), and built-up areas (Cantonment Area). Approximately 74,716 acres are used for training
and maneuver, while the range and impact areas account for approximately 22,699 acres (Army Public
Health Center, 2016). The remaining approximately 11,318 acres consist of the main Cantonment Area and
Wheeler-Sack Army Airfield (WSAAF).
Maneuver areas consist of approximately 62,798 acres and are divided into 18 training areas that are further
divided into 70 sub-training areas. Of the 18 maneuver training areas, four are classified for heavy
maneuvers and the remaining 14 are classified for light maneuvers. Maneuver training exercises are
conducted at all unit levels to ensure a combat-ready fighting force from individual troop qualifications to
large-scale training exercises at the Brigade level. Brigade-level exercises occur usually twice a year
involving up to 5,800 personnel throughout the entire training area.
There are 40 ranges designed for weapons training: 15 artillery firing points (two hardened), 15 observation
firing points, 40 small caliber weapons firing ranges, over 70 training areas, and one impact area. In addition
to the ranges listed above, the following are also available: a First U.S Army Convoy Live Fire, two Live
Fire Shoot Houses, several Military Operations Urban Terrain, Combined Arms Collective Training
Facility, and a Home Station Trainer. Individual troop qualifications as well as larger scale training
exercises (Brigade Battle Simulation Exercises, Company/Team/Platoon Situational Training Exercises,
and National Guard Bureau Annual Training) are scheduled year-round (Army Public Health Center, 2016).
Fort Drum is also the largest training facility in the region for the Army Reserve, Army National Guard,
Air National Guard (ANG), U.S. Air Force Reserve, and U.S. Marine Corps Reserve to fulfill their
individual and annual training needs and mobilization (U.S. Army Garrison Fort Drum, 2018).
The aviation units on Fort Drum train at all echelons from individual through battalion/squadron to ensure
a combat-ready fighting force. The training tasks accomplished in the training areas include all tactical
maneuvers, performed in accordance with each aircraft's aircrew training manual and the unit's standard
operating procedures (AR 95-1 and AR 95-2). These maneuvers include nap-of-the-earth (NOE) (flying
very close to the ground while following the contours of land features), equipment and personnel drops,
and low-level flight. Fixed-wing aircraft of the U.S. Air Force (USAF) and ANG also conduct training
missions in Fort Drum airspace and use Range 48 (air-to-ground range) on the Installation for weapon
gunnery/delivery practice.
WSAAF is a 1,930-acre area at the southeastern end of the Installation. WSAAF has three fixed-wing
runways: Runway 3/21, Runway 8/26, and Runway 15/33. In addition, there are two launch and recovery
airfields located in Training Area (TA) 5A for use by Unmanned Aerial Systems. There are 14 aviation
training areas, two drop zones (Chute and Panther), Range 48, and Belvedere Tactical Landing Strip. The
drop zones are used for personnel and equipment.
The primary mission of the 10th CAB is to support the mission commander’s aviation needs in the
operational theater, and, when at base, train on critical tasks to enhance readiness. Training for 10th CAB
consists of the following:
• Individual/Crew Qualification Ranges
• Aerial Gunnery and Integrated Aviation/Ground Maneuver Qualification Ranges

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

• Live-fire Training
• Maneuver and Flight Operations Training
• Collective Training and Air-Ground Integration Training
• Flight Modes
• Low-level flight, Contour flight, NOE flight
• Movement Techniques
• Traveling, Traveling Overwatch, Bounding Overwatch
• Specialized Terrain Flight
• Equipment/Aircraft Maintenance flights and Additional Training Techniques
Ground support services at Fort Drum are provided by both the 10th CAB and 10th SBDE. These units
provide mission support capabilities for maneuver Brigades, support Brigades, and other units operating in
its assigned area of support. Training with ground units to integrate air and ground operations is also a key
component of both 10th CAB and 10th SBDE readiness. In training with ground units on complex maneuver
and live-fire tasks, aviators and leaders enhance their effectiveness in understanding the requirements and
expectations for ground unit support. Training together, units can enhance each other’s readiness and reach
optimal effectiveness as a combined arms team.
At Fort Drum, medium- and large-arms training is conducted on a daily basis with a multitude of weapons
including artillery, mortars, aerial gunnery, rockets, grenade launchers, and explosive charges. Utilization
of simulators (pyrotechnic and non-pyrotechnic) provides Soldiers with the most realistic training
experience possible while prioritizing Soldier safety. Training activities include but are not limited to:
establishing campsites (bivouac), support areas, and command points [Tactical Operations Center (TOC)];
digging individual (foxhole), crew-serve (two-man), and vehicle fighting positions; digging bunkers;
digging trenches and constructing berms; hand-digging small grey water soakage pits (for food service
washing); establishing shower facilities (containment required); firing weapons; throwing grenades;
breaking trails; and water purification. Mechanized infantry use tread and wheeled vehicles on and off the
road. Additional training activities include but are not limited to: armored gunnery, artillery, air assault,
mortar fire, air pyrotechnics, grenade launching, handling of claymore, anti-personnel, and anti-tank mines,
use of trinitrotoluene (TNT), and dynamite. Support construction in the ranges may include, but are not
limited to, road and bridge building, multipurpose buildings, sheds, small buildings, storage facilities,
bleachers, tent pads, and covered mess areas (U.S. Army Garrison Fort Drum, 2010).
During a typical year, the 10th CAB flies an average of 250 flights from WSAAF each week. This number
fluctuates monthly based on weather, cross-country missions, and real-world deployments. Seventy percent
of flights from the 10th CAB remain within the restricted and Cantonment Area for basic progression and
proficiency flights. Ten percent of flights fly directly between airports. The remaining 20 percent focus on
map navigation, route planning, and terrain flight throughout the LFA of upstate New York. Less than one
percent of all flights land at locations other than airports for the purpose of supporting local events (such as
the support to the Trooper Davis Memorial) or tactical training (high altitude training at Whiteface
Mountain). Flights that go directly between airports remain above 2,000 feet under instrument flight rules,
and above 1,000 feet outside of the clouds. Of the flights concentrating on map navigation, aircraft generally
remain at or above 500 feet above areas above ground level (AGL). For terrain flight, aircraft fly at or below
200 feet. These terrain flight missions require detailed route analysis by the crews to avoid obstacles and
are generally restricted to the range. The only exception would be any CAB-developed terrain flight

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Large-scale exercises that the 10th CAB and 10th SBDE perform annually occur both on and off the
Installation. Exercise duration can be up to 14 days and typically occurs one to two times a year (depending
on deployment). The number of personnel varies depending on the mission and number of locations planned
per mission. Recent exercises involved two off-post TOC and sustainment positions in the Adirondacks.
Sustainment sites can involve tents (sleeping, meeting, maintenance, feeding), generators, stoves, fuel cans,
fuel dispensing trucks, food kitchen, storage containers (CONEX), and supply trucks (water, food, supplies,
fuel). During major exercises, approximately 90 percent of all flying out of Fort Drum is devoted to the
exercise in lieu of other flight training.
Aviation-centered “Decisive Action” based exercises that simulate a potential near-peer threat within
difficult terrain focus on empowering leaders to react to a simulated force with capabilities similar to the
Army's, such as air defense artillery, radars, and ground capabilities and will strain logistics and support
operations by using an extended multi-domain battlefield. The 10th CAB self-deploys throughout the areas
surrounding Fort Drum. Once notified, units deploy from Fort Drum and occupy locations in Fort Drum's
training areas. Tactical assembly areas rely on themselves for self-sustainment in a denied environment.
Aviators develop their ability to fly aircraft at reduced speeds and below 500 feet AGL in order to evade
radar detection and air defense threats. Night operations occur using night-vision goggles and on-board
systems to train in the cover of darkness to ensure minimal visibility. Leaders employ rapid decision making
to adapt by constantly moving their aircraft, equipment and vehicles in a fluid environment. Equipment is
moved by conducting long-range convoy operations to find suitable locations to establish tactical assembly
areas. Past exercises have included six AH-64 Apache helicopters, 15 UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters, 750
Soldiers, 160-vehicle convoy spanning a 200-mile area, three (3) Air Defense Artillery replicators (MAST
emitters, Sentinel radar, and SA-8 replicators), shoulder-mounted rocket replicators with fireworks to
denote firing, Global Positioning System and Communications jamming (on Fort Drum only; low power,
no effects outside of ranges), a simulated chemical attack that called for use of advanced protective
equipment (masks, suits, etc.), and a Forward Arming and Refueling Point (FARP: a tactical area where
aircraft can land, refuel, arm, and/or moor as the battlefield moves forward).
The airspace around Fort Drum has been used for training due to its rural nature and the variety of the
topography over which aircrews can perform training exercises. The Federal Aviation Administration
(FAA) has designated much of the area as Special Use Airspace (SUA) so that private, commercial, and
military pilots are alerted to the fact that military flight activity may be in the area. There are two types of
SUA in the Fort Drum area: Military Operations Areas 1 (MOAs) and Restricted Areas 2 (see 14 CFR Part
1). The SUAs around Fort Drum are depicted in Figure 1-3.

Military Operations Area: Airspace established outside of Class A airspace to separate or segregate certain
nonhazardous military activities from Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) traffic and to identify for Visual Flight Rules
(VFR) traffic where these activities are conducted. (
Restricted Area: A restricted area is airspace designated under 14 CFR Part 73 within which the flight of aircraft,
while not wholly prohibited, is subject to restriction. (

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Figure 1-3: Special Use Airspace

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

These areas are three (3)-dimensional, having ceilings and floors within which the military flights may
occur. There are also designated corridors that military aircrew use to enter and exit these special use areas.
In combat, aircrew must fly over combat zones at either very high altitudes to avoid ground artillery fire or
they must fly at very low altitudes to avoid being seen on radar. Low altitude flying allows for the element
of surprise on enemy forces. However, low altitude flying is extremely dangerous for pilots. They must
avoid tall structures (buildings, wind turbines, and towers), mountains, electrical wires, and birds, bats and
even insects to name a few of those hazards. Military Training Routes (MTRs) are designated areas in
which military aircraft (typically fixed-wing aircraft) can train how to fly at low altitudes, avoiding some
of these hazards. MTRs are also three (3)-dimensional, and pilots are restricted from flying below certain
altitudes AGL. Fort Drum restricts flying below 1,000 AGL over cities and villages and typically 300-500
feet AGL in rural areas. Figure 1-4 depicts MTRs in the Fort Drum area, although 10th CAB does not
normally use MTRs.
This PEA identifies programmatic level environmental and socioeconomic impacts from increasing mission
and training activities at Fort Drum and within the LFA of Fort Drum. Based on the Proposed Action and
related training activities, the PEA analyzes the following Valued Environmental Components (VECs) that
have a potential to be affected:
• Land Use
• Noise
• Airspace
• Water Resources
• Geology and Soils
• Biological Resources‒Vegetation, Invasive Species, Wildlife, and Threatened and Endangered
• Cultural Resources
• Socioeconomics and Environmental Justice
• Transportation and Traffic
• Public Health and Safety

The decision to be made is whether or not to increase the mission and training activities. The decision
options are:
1. Selecting the No Action Alternative, where 10th CAB’s routine flight training and mission
activities within the defined LFA and 10th SBDE training activities would stay the same;
2. Selecting one of the two Action Alternatives [Alternative 1 or 2] and preparing a Finding of No
Significant Impacts (FNSI) if no significant impacts are expected; or
3. Preparing Notice of Intent (NOI) to prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) if the
Action Alternatives would result in significant environmental impacts.

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Figure 1-4: Military Training Routes

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities


1.7.1 Agency Coordination/Consultations
Fort Drum distributed consultation letters and copies of the PEA and Draft FNSI to the Federal, state, and
local agencies with jurisdiction that could be affected by the Proposed Action prior to the public review
period. Appendix A of this PEA includes the list of agencies and copies of the letters. Fort Drum will
consider and incorporate in its final decision, as appropriate, the responses received from agencies. Fort
Drum will make the documents available for public review at: Fort Drum will make copies of the document
available upon request.
1.7.2 Government to Government Consultations
Executive Order 13175, Consultation and Coordination with Indian Tribal Governments (6 November
2000), directs federal agencies to coordinate and consult with Native American tribal governments whose
interests might be directly and substantially affected by activities on federally administered lands.
Therefore, Fort Drum will conduct government-to-government consultation regarding this PEA with the
Federally Recognized Tribal Governments. To that end, prior to the public review period, Fort Drum
distributed consultation letters and copies of the PEA and Draft FNSI to the Federally Recognized Tribal
Governments. Appendix A of this PEA includes the list of the tribal governments and copies of the letters.
Fort Drum will consider and incorporate in its final decision, as appropriate, the responses received from
Federally Recognized Tribal Governments. Fort Drum will make the final documents available to the public
at the same website as the public review PEA and will also make copies of the document available upon
1.7.3 Public Review Process
Public participation is essential to a successful NEPA analysis and consideration of the views, and
informing all interested persons promotes open communication and enables better decision-making. Fort
Drum is required to notify the interested public when the PEA is available and ensure that the public has
access to the findings of the environmental analysis. The PEA and Draft FNSI will be made available for a
30-day public review and comment period.
In response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in the United States and the Center for Disease
Control’s recommendations for social distancing and avoiding large public gatherings, Fort Drum will not
hold a public information session for this action. PEA materials will be provided at
For those who do not have ready access to a computer or the internet, the materials posted to the website
will be made available upon request by contacting Ms. Cait Schadock, NEPA Coordinator, Directorate of
Public Works, Fort Drum, by phone at (315) 772-6899, or by mail at 4896 Jones Street, Fort Drum, NY
13602-5097. Written comments can be mailed to the address above and/or emailed to:
[email protected]. Public notices announcing the availability of the
documents will be published prior to the 30-day public comment period.
Fort Drum will consider and incorporate in its final decision, as appropriate, public comments received
during the public review period. Fort Drum will make the final documents available to the public at the
same website as the public review PEA and will also make copies of the document available upon request.
1.7.4 Cooperating Agency Status
At this time, Fort Drum has not requested any agency to serve in the capacity of an official Cooperating

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities


Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities


In accordance with CEQ regulations (40 CFR 1502.14) and U.S. Army NEPA regulations (32 CFR Part
651), this PEA identifies and describes the Proposed Action and all reasonable alternatives, including the
No Action Alternative. This PEA analyzes two Action Alternatives and the No Action Alternative.
The Proposed Action is to support an increase in the air and land-based training activities conducted by the
10th CAB and the 10th SBDE, including in the LFA training areas located in the following nine counties:
Essex, Hamilton, Herkimer, Jefferson, Lewis, Oneida, Onondaga, Oswego, and St. Lawrence (Figure 1-2).
It is important to note that the potential nine-county area of effect excludes all Sovereign Nation Indian
lands. The Alternatives analyzed are described in the following sections.
Alternative 1 would provide full mission support by increasing low level flight modes and movement
techniques in the existing nine-county LFA outside the Fort Drum Army Installation Restricted Airspace
area. The 10th CAB and 10th SBDE would conduct up to six high-intensity, multi-day training events per
year to replicate multi-domain battle. Each training event could occur up to a 14-day period, plus a seven-
day period to return the property to its condition prior to the exercise. All multi-domain training events
would include integrating the ground and air resources of assigned and visiting units (mechanized, infantry,
support, and combat aviation assets) in simulated battle scenarios. The number of personnel participating
in a training event and the types and numbers of aircraft systems (AH-64, UH-60, HH-60, CH-47) would
depend on the training event mission.
Events would serve to integrate air and/or ground operations and sustainment activities by:
• simulating real-world distances and threats, challenging logistical supply lines and mission
command systems over distances beyond the geographic boundaries of Fort Drum and
• expanding logistical routes via air and ground to simulate a large-scale battlefield.
Temporary off-post locations in support of training scenarios, training aids (i.e., training emitters during
division exercises for aviation detection), and temporary sustainment sites (e.g., providing food, water,
sleep area, shower, fuel, communications) would be used during these training events. Sustainment sites
would include tent structures for sleeping, meetings, meals, and maintenance of equipment. Other areas
within the sustainment sites would include generators, fuel containers, fuel dispensing trucks, food kitchen,
storage containers, and parking areas for supply trucks. All equipment containing petroleum, oils, and
lubricants (POL) or hazardous materials would have secondary containment systems to prevent soil
The process for determining temporary off-post locations is criteria-based. Table 2-1 is a list of criteria,
acceptable attributes of each criterion, and any rationale for the attributes. This PEA identifies the general
areas that meet these criteria and would likely be feasible for use for Alternative 1. Once the specific feasible
areas are identified, Fort Drum would coordinate with the appropriate owners for its use for Alternative 1
and conduct compliance documentation as appropriate, such as an Environmental Condition of Property
Report to document the physical and environmental condition of the property resulting from the past
storage, use, release, and disposal of hazardous substances and petroleum products; Record of
Environmental Consideration (REC) for environmental review and compliance with NEPA requirements;
Temporary Revocable Permits (TRPs) for the use of state lands and conservation easement lands; and
Maneuver License, among others. Fort Drum’s intent is to prioritize the use of public lands. The selection
of the sites would be based on consultation or coordination with the appropriate regulatory agencies such
as the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), New York State Department of Environmental

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Conservation (NYSDEC), New York State Historic Preservation Office (NY SHPO), and through permit
conditions, to avoid or minimize impacts to natural, cultural, and physical resources and humans.
Table 2-1. Criteria for Selecting Possible Exercise Locations
Criterion Attributes for Consideration Rationale
General Location Within nine-county LFA; 60 to 75 10th CAB aircraft approved for
miles from Fort Drum LFA; aircraft can be hangered at
Fort Drum if less than 60 to 75
Rural Areas Outside City Avoid populated areas, churches, Reduce safety hazards, reduce noise
Boundaries schools, malls, highways, interstates annoyance, simulate real world
conditions, avoid public disturbance

Location Size Large event: 10 acres or greater; Sufficient for sustainment

small event: 5 acres or less operations, vehicle parking, aircraft
ground operations
Vegetation Cover Preferably grass, fields with few to Reduce aircraft hazards; improved
no trees or shrubs Line of Sight (LOS); reduced
wildlife hazards
Surface Grade Relatively level, <5 percent slope Ease of sustainment set up; reduced
erosion/ground disturbance
Soil Type Well-drained and dry (no wetlands Ease of sustainment set up; avoid
or floodplains); loam or clay soils impacts to wetlands/floodplains;
without a lot of rocks; avoid prime prime farmland is protected under
farmland the Farmland Protection Policy Act
(7 CFR 658)
Land Ownership Public lands with signed Must establish a use agreement
Memorandum of Agreement or with the landowner as to what
private land with a lease agreement; actions can or cannot be performed
avoid protected lands, parks and by the Army on the property
recreation areas, if possible. owners of allowable actions.
Flight Hazards Avoid tall structures: towers, Reduce flight safety risks; avoid
buildings, wind turbines, electrical populated areas
Airspace Avoid restricted areas; accessible by Approved FAA flight routes
helicopter using MTRs, MOAs or
Accessibility Existing road or trail access Less ground disturbance for surface
Cultural Resources Avoid properties and sites listed on Avoid impacts to cultural resources
the National Register of Historic
Properties; avoid Tribal land.
Wetlands Avoid siting in National Wetland Avoid impacts to wetlands
Inventory (NWI and State
Jurisdictional Wetlands)
Threatened or Endangered Avoid known occurrence Avoid Threatened or Endangered
species locations/sites through consultation species impacts
and coordination with the USFWS
and NYSDEC, respectively

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Daily operations would include aircraft flights to and from the training event location and may include
destinations to Fort Drum, the range, or WSAAF. The number of aircraft, number of sorties, and time of
day would be determined by the training event mission. Aircraft flight altitudes, routes, and speeds would
be dependent on the training mission, but all flights would comply with Army Regulations AR 95-1 and
AR 95-2 and appropriate environmental requirements to avoid/minimize adverse biological resource
impacts. The size of the sustainment site would be dependent on the training mission, number of personnel,
and length of the exercise. Training events would be similar to exercises performed in previous years.
Alternative 1would not include the use of live-fire ammunition, explosives or demolitions, or un-manned
air operations (except as allowed by the FAA).
Alternative 2 is the same as Alternative 1 except training exercises would be limited to two (2) high-
intensity, up to 14-day training event per year to replicate multi-domain battle. The same criteria proposed
in Alternative 1 would be used to identify possible training sites for Alternative 2 (Table 2-1).
Alternative 2 would not include the use of live-fire ammunition, explosives or demolitions, or un-manned
air operations (except as allowed by the FAA).
Under Alternative 3, there would be no changes to the amount of current training exercises at Fort Drum.
The 10th CAB’s routine flight training and mission activities within the defined LFA and the 10th SBDE
training activities would stay the same. Training rates (number and frequency of sorties within a given time
period) would remain essentially unchanged. Current, limited off-post training exercises using temporary
off-post locations to support training scenarios, training aids, and temporary sustainment sites during large-
scale training exercises would continue. This Alternative does not fully satisfy the purpose and need for the
Proposed Action.
Table 2-2 presents the summary of the environmental consequences of the Proposed Action and
Alternatives. Section 3 contains a more detailed discussion of the affected environment and environmental
consequences and discusses appropriate measures to avoid, minimize, or mitigate impacts that would result
from the implementation of the Proposed Action.

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Table 2-2. Summary of Environmental Impacts

Resource Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 3 (No Action Alternative)
Land Use Because training is temporary, any Because training is temporary, any There would be no changes to existing
impacts to land use would be short-term impacts to land use would be short-term training duration and amounts. Impacts
in nature. Schools, churches, and in nature. Schools, churches, and would be adverse, short-term, and minor.
populated areas would be avoided. It is populated areas would be avoided. It is
recommended if parks and recreation recommended if parks and recreation
areas are used, they are avoided during areas are used, they are avoided during
peak times (hunting, fishing, and boating peak times (hunting, fishing, and boating
seasons). Coordination with owners seasons). Coordination with owner would
would occur prior to the start of training occur prior to the start of training
exercises. Impacts to land use would be exercises. Impacts to land use would be
adverse, short-term and minor as no adverse, short-term and minor as no
permanent changes to designated land permanent changes to designated land
uses would be made. Tiered NEPA uses would be made. Tiered NEPA
analysis would determine the impact analysis would determine the impact
once sites have been selected. once sites have been selected.
Noise Training exercises are short-term. Training exercises are short-term. Aircraft would continue to operate as in
Helicopter overflights associated with the Helicopter overflights associated with the the past. Therefore, noise from aircraft
training exercises would be infrequent training exercises would be infrequent operations would be adverse, short-term,
and of a short duration. Aviators are (two thirds less than Alternative 1) and of and range from negligible to minor.
instructed to avoid flyovers of residential a short duration. Aviators are instructed
areas, known wildlife refuges, and to avoid flyovers of residential areas,
livestock. For areas where aviators known wildlife refuges, and livestock.
takeoff, land, and hover, and during Therefore, noise impacts on human
engine run-ups, receivers of noise may annoyance and domestic animals would
experience additional disturbances. The be adverse, short-term, and range from
number and amount of disturbances will negligible to minor. Noise impacts on
also be dependent on the number of wildlife would be adverse, short-term,
aircraft involved in the training exercises. and range from negligible to moderate.
Therefore, noise impacts on human
annoyance and domestic animals would
be adverse, short-term, and range from
negligible to minor. Noise impacts on
wildlife would be adverse, short-term,
and range from negligible to moderate.

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Resource Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 3 (No Action Alternative)

th th
Airspace 10 CAB helicopters would continue to 10 CAB helicopters would continue to Aircraft would continue to operate in the
use the airspace as they currently do; no use the airspace as they currently do; no existing airspace as in the past. Aircraft
changes are proposed to the current changes are proposed to the current operations would have no impact to
airspace; therefore, there would be no airspace; therefore, there would be no airspace in the Action Area.
impacts to airspace in the Action Area. impacts to airspace in the Action Area.
Geology and Soils There would be no direct effects to There would be no direct effects to Under the No Action Alternative, there
geology and soils because training geology and soils because training would be no new adverse impacts to
locations would be chosen based on locations would be chosen based on geology and soils compared to existing
criteria designed to minimize impact. criteria designed to minimize impact. conditions. Minor short-term impacts to
Minor short-term impacts to surface Minor short-term impacts to surface surface topography could occur, and
topography would occur due to aircraft topography could occur due to aircraft appropriate measures would continue to
and heavy vehicles onsite. If prime and heavy vehicles onsite. If prime be taken to minimize impacts and restore
farmland areas are used, coordination farmland areas are used, coordination the site to its original condition following
with owner would occur prior to the start with owner would occur prior to the start the exercise.
of training exercises. Impacts would be of training exercises. Impacts would be
adverse, short-term, and minor. Tiered adverse, short-term, and minor. Tiered
NEPA analysis would determine the NEPA analysis would determine the
impact once sites have been selected. impact once sites have been selected.
Appropriate measures would be taken to Appropriate measures would be taken to
minimize impacts and restore the site to minimize impacts and restore the site to
its original condition following the its original condition following the
exercise. exercise.
Biological Resources Training activities would result in Potential adverse impacts to biological Under the No Action Alternative, there
adverse, short- and long-term, negligible resources would be the same in nature as would be no new adverse impacts to
to moderate impacts to biological those described under Alternative 1 but biological resources compared to existing
resources. Impacts could include removal reduced in frequency because off-base conditions. Impacts would be adverse,
of vegetation from clearing, crushing, or training exercises would occur less short- and long-term, and negligible to
trampling; spreading of invasive species frequently. Implementing appropriate moderate.
from soil disturbances; and disturbances conservation measures, terms and
to wildlife, including threatened or conditions and following permit
endangered species, and habitats from conditions would ensure that adverse
noise and visual disturbances during impacts are avoided, minimized, or
training exercises. There could also be mitigated as necessary. Impacts would be
long-term impacts from habitat alteration, adverse, short- and long-term, and
mortality of individual animals, or negligible to moderate. Final
destruction of nests and eggs of ground- conservation measures would be
nesting birds. Implementing appropriate developed in consultation with USFWS
conservation measures and terms and and NYSDEC at the time of site selection

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Resource Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 3 (No Action Alternative)

conditions and following permit
conditions would ensure that adverse
impacts are avoided, minimized, or
mitigated as necessary. Final
conservation measures would be
developed in consultation with USFWS
and NYSDEC at the time of site
Water Resources There would be no direct impacts to There would be no direct impacts to There would be no changes to existing
surface waters, floodplains, wetlands, and surface waters, floodplains, wetlands, and training duration and amounts. Impacts
water supplies because training would water supplies because training would would be adverse, short-term, and minor.
not occur in areas near these resources. not occur in areas near these resources.
Activities would not increase the demand Activities would not increase the demand
for groundwater and would not directly for groundwater and would not directly
impact any surface waters. Adverse, impact any surface waters. Adverse,
minor, short-term impacts to surface minor, short-term impacts to surface
waters and water resources would occur. waters and water resources would occur.
Appropriate stormwater management Appropriate stormwater management
design and Best Management Practice design and BMP implementation on site
(BMP) implementation on site would would minimize impacts.
minimize impacts.
Cultural Resources Known historic resources would be Alternative 2 would have a minor impact Under the No Action Alternative, impacts
avoided. However, training exercises on known and potentially unknown to cultural resources would remain
have the potential to impact unknown cultural resources on Fort Drum and unchanged from the current conditions.
archaeological resources. BMPs would nine-county Action Area. The BMPs Impacts to cultural resources would be
be followed to ensure impacts to cultural would be followed to ensure impacts to adverse, short- or long-term and minor to
resources remain minor. Impacts to cultural resources remain minor. Impacts moderate.
cultural resources would be adverse, to cultural resources would be adverse,
short- or long-term and minor to short or long-term and minor to
moderate. moderate.
Socioeconomic, Any temporary construction needed to Impacts would be similar to but less than Under the No Action Alternative, the
Environmental accommodate these training exercises Alternative 1. Overall, impacts would be social and economic conditions of the
Justice would be performed by the Soldiers as beneficial, short-term, and negligible. area would remain unchanged from the
part of the training. If the sites selected current conditions. Impacts would be
for the training area is private, the owner beneficial, short-term, and negligible.
would be compensated for the lease.
Therefore, there could be negligible
beneficial economic impacts. Overall,

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Resource Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 3 (No Action Alternative)

impacts would be beneficial, short-term,
and negligible.

Transportation and Adverse, short-term, and minor to Impacts would be similar to but less than There would be no change in the
Traffic moderate impacts would occur to traffic Alternative 1. Fort Drum would employ potential for adverse impacts compared to
operations and bicycle safety. Fort Drum potential mitigation measures to avoid or existing conditions. Adverse, short-term,
would employ potential mitigation reduce transportation impacts and minor to moderate impacts would
measures to avoid or reduce occur to traffic operations and bicycle
transportation impacts. safety.
Public Health and Fort Drum would follow its safety Fort Drum would follow same safety There would be no change compared to
Safety protocols and plans to minimize the protocols and plans and coordination as existing conditions. Impacts would be
potential for accidents and coordinate with Alternative 1. Impacts would be adverse, short- or long-term, and
with the appropriate emergency services similar to but less than Alternative 1. negligible to minor.
contacts within the affected county or
counties. Noise impacts on human
annoyance would be adverse, short-term
and negligible to minor and there would
be no impacts to Airspace. Fort Drum
would employ mitigation measures to
avoid impacts to traffic and

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities


Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities


This section of the PEA describes the natural and human environments that exist within the Fort Drum and
in the potential Action Area and at a programmatic level, the potential impacts of the Action Alternatives
on those environments. In accordance with NEPA and the CEQ regulations implementing NEPA, the
analysis of environmental conditions only addresses those areas and environmental resources with the
potential to be affected by any of the Alternatives.
Potential impacts are described in terms of type (beneficial or adverse); duration (short- or long-term); and
intensity (negligible, minor, moderate, or major). Explanations of these terms are as follows:
• Type: The impact type refers to whether it is adverse (negative) or beneficial (positive). Adverse
impacts would potentially harm resources, while beneficial impacts would improve resource
conditions. Within the analysis, impacts are assumed to be adverse unless identified as beneficial.
• Duration: Impacts resulting from construction are considered short-term and would occur during
construction or site improvements. Long-term impacts would persist during the operation of
properties and facilities.
• Intensity: The intensity of an impact describes the magnitude of change that the impact generates.
The intensity thresholds are as follows:
• Negligible: There would be no impact, or the impact would not result in a noticeable change in
the resource.
• Minor (not significant): The impact would be slight, but detectable, resulting in a small but
measurable change in the resource.
• Moderate (not significant): The impact would be readily apparent and/or easily detectable but
would not substantially alter the resource or exceed regulatory thresholds.
• Major (significant): The impact would be widespread and would substantially alter the resource
or exceed regulatory thresholds. A major, adverse impact would be considered significant
under NEPA.
In addition to the factors detailed above, impacts may be characterized as direct, indirect, or cumulative. A
direct impact is caused by an action and occurs at the same time and place. An indirect impact is caused by
an action, but occurs later in time, or farther removed in distance. A cumulative impact occurs when the
Proposed Action is considered together with other past, ongoing, or planned actions.
The VECs that would potentially be affected by any of the Alternatives are discussed in the following
subsections. Similarly, the following resources would not be impacted by the Proposed Action and are not
addressed in this PEA:
• Air Quality – The nine counties are in attainment for all National Ambient Air Quality Standards,
Additionally, the training activities would be short-term and therefore, air quality is not anticipated
to be impacted.
• Utilities – The training activities would be self-sustaining and therefore, no utilities would be
Land use can be defined as the human use of land resources for various purposes including economic
production, natural resources protection, or institutional uses. Land uses are frequently regulated by
management plans, policies, ordinances, and regulations that determine the types of uses that are allowable

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

or protect specially designated or environmentally sensitive uses. Potential issues typically stem from
encroachment of one land use or activity on another, or an incompatibility between adjacent land uses that
leads to encroachment. This section presents information on the current land use conditions at Fort Drum
and the surrounding nine counties that would be used for Training Exercises.
3.1.1 Affected Environment

Fort Drum is located primarily in northeast Jefferson County, with a small portion in northwest Lewis
County. The 108,733 acres that comprise Fort Drum are divided into three main areas of use: the
Cantonment Area, WSAAF, and the training area. As shown in Figure 3-1 below, from the Continental
United States Interceptor Site Draft EIS, most of Fort Drum is reserved for training (Missile Defense
Agency, 2016).

Figure 3-1: Cantonment Area Fort Drum

Cantonment Area
Except for WSAAF, most of the development on Fort Drum is contained in the Cantonment Area, which is
located in the southwestern portion of the base. This area contains the housing and lodging units and support
facilities, including the Garrison headquarters, administrative buildings, vehicle maintenance facilities,
barracks, classrooms and educational amenities, and recreational facilities.
Wheeler-Sack Army Airfield
WSAAF contains 1,930 acres of land immediately northeast of the Cantonment Area. The airfield, aviation
ranges, and surrounding airspace are used by the Army, Air Force, Air National Guard, Marine Corps, and
Navy for various training missions. This airfield currently has three fixed-wing runways, several locations
for rotary-wing aircraft, and a 1,200-Soldier passenger terminal. There is also a launch and recovery runway
used by Tactical Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Training Area
The training area is comprised of 78,077 acres northeast of the Cantonment Area and WSAAF. The training
area is dedicated to three primary functions: ranges for weapons training; maneuver areas to train on varying
terrain and landscapes; and built-up areas to train in an urban environment. In addition, there is a First U.S.
Army Convoy Live Fire, Live Fire Shoothouse, several Military Operations Urban Terrain, Combined
Arms Collective Training Facility, and a Home Station Trainer (Matrix Design Group, 2018).
Fort Drum Army Compatible Use Buffer
The Army Compatible Use Buffer (ACUB) Program permits Army Installations to work with other
organization partners (e.g., land trusts) to acquire land or development rights to establish buffer zones that
can help protect habitats, sensitive areas, and military training areas without acquiring any new land for
Army ownership. As of January 2019, there have been 26 properties ranging in size from 46 – 1265 ac (19
– 512 ha) for a total of 7,739 acres (3,132 ha) protected by the Fort Drum ACUB Program since its inception
in 2008 (Rainbolt, 2020).
The majority of parcels enrolled in the ACUB program are on the western boundary of the installation
where noise from training and aircraft overflights (as part of the administrative route for rotary-winged
aircraft) occur. Protecting WSAAF airfield’s accident potential zones and clear zones is the highest priority
for Fort Drum's ACUB Program. The second highest priority for Fort Drum's ACUB Program is protecting
the land closest to the Installation's western border to minimize and limit incompatible residential
development and protect training operations.
Joint Land Use Study
Fort Drum prepared a Joint Land Use Study (JLUS) which is a cooperative land use planning effort
conducted as a joint venture between Fort Drum, surrounding cities and counties, state and federal agencies,
and other affected stakeholders. The Fort Drum JLUS was completed in early 2018. The Fort Drum JLUS
advocates a proactive approach to encourage increased communication about decisions relating to land use
regulation, conservation and natural resource management issues affecting both the community and the

Land uses outside Fort Drum range from forested open space and agriculture, to residential and urban
population centers, such as the City of Watertown and villages of Antwerp, Carthage, Evans Mills, and
Philadelphia (Matrix Design Group, 2018). Although there are few federal lands near Fort Drum, state lands
are numerous including state forests, forest preserves, wildlife management areas, and state parks. The
majority of protected land is large forested tracts located in Adirondack Park which is only five miles from
Training Area 19 in the northeastern part of Fort Drum. State forest lands also border some areas of Fort
Drum. The nearest state wildlife area is Perch River Wildlife Management Area approximately five miles
to the northwest of the Cantonment Area of Fort Drum. This area is known for many recreational uses
including sport fishing, boating, and winter recreation, which has made tourism a substantial part of the
regional economy. This includes the Thousand Islands region along the St. Lawrence River approximately
20 mi to the north of Fort Drum, Lake Ontario approximately 16 miles to the west, the Black River which
runs past Fort Drum, and Adirondack Park to the east.
Each section below describes Land Use in each of the nine-county Action Area.

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Jefferson County
Jefferson County is located at the Junction of Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence River and is bordered by
Canada and St. Lawrence County to the North. The majority of Fort Drum is located in Jefferson County.
The County also includes nearby islands in the St. Lawrence River, including Carleton, Grindstone, and
Wellesley Islands. Jefferson County contains acres of state and county forests and several acres of wildlife
management areas and parks. Land Use in Jefferson County is mainly a mix of agricultural, residential,
and forest/conservation/public parks with a growing tourism industry supported by the outdoor recreational
amenities located within the county (Jefferson County Department of Planning, 2018). Watertown, located
southwest of Fort Drum, is the closest community to Fort Drum and serves as the commercial and financial
center of most of the county. Jefferson County also has several airports and heliports.
Lewis County
A portion of Fort Drum is located in the western side of Lewis County. The eastern part of the county is in
the Adirondack Park. Lewis County has many dairy farms in the area, along with being a big producer of
maple syrup. The western and eastern sides of the county are made up of conservation land and parks.
Over 50 percent of the land in Lewis County is designated as Wild/Forest (Bergman Associates, 2008) .
Agricultural is the second largest land use throughout the county, utilizing nearly 20 percent of the land and
is mainly located in the middle of the county (Bergman Associates, 2008). The Maple Ridge Wind Farm is
also located within Lewis County, about 15 miles from Fort Drum’s border. This industrial wind energy
development contains 195 turbines and each turbine stands roughly 350 feet tall.
Oswego County
South of Jefferson County is Oswego County. Most of Oswego County is located on the eastern shore of
Lake Ontario and is known for recreational fishing. Oswego County is home to two nuclear power plants,
Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station and Fitzpatrick Nuclear Generating Station. There are two harbors in the
county, Oswego Harbor at the mouth of the Oswego River and Port Ontario on the Salmon River.
The 23-mile Oswego River Canal is part of the New York State (NYS) Canal System and the historic Erie
Canalway National Heritage Corridor. Oswego County is mainly residential (approximately 40 percent)
with about 20 percent conservation land (City of Oswego, 2014). Ten percent is used for agricultural and
there are several vacant areas in the county, including forested areas in the northern and southern parts of
the county.
Onondaga County
While Onondaga County is one of the smallest of the nine counties, it has the largest population, being
home to the City of Syracuse and several universities and colleges. There are several lakes and canals in
Onondaga County. The federally recognized Onondaga Nation has a 9.3 square miles reservation within
the county, on which they self-govern. Land use in Syracuse is mainly residential, commercial, industrial
and special use. To the west and south of Syracuse are natural resource areas, including farms, forests, and
countryside (Syracuse Onondaga County Planning Agency, 2020). There are several protected open spaces
in the county.
Oneida County
Oneida County is bordered by Oneida Lake on the northwestern corner and Adirondack Park on the
northeast. Oneida County is home to many manufacturing plants. The Turning Stone Casino Resort is an
enterprise of the Oneida Indian Nation of New York, and the largest private employer in Oneida County.
Agriculture remains a driver of the county’s economy with approximately 27 percent of land use for
agriculture. As of 2016, several areas of the county are farmed parcels, especially in the southern portion
of the county. There are several state lands in the northern part of the county. Rome and Utica are the two

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

most populated cities in Oneida County. Land use in Rome and Utica is mainly residential, commercial,
and industrial (Oneida County, 2019).
Herkimer County
The upper half of Herkimer County is Adirondack Park. The Mohawk River flows across the south part of
the county. To the north of the Town of Herkimer are the Herkimer mines, known for their famous Herkimer
diamond. Most of Herkimer County is forest preserve, wilderness areas, campgrounds and conservation
easements (New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, 2020).
St. Lawrence County
St. Lawrence County is the largest county in NYS and is a rural mix of farms, forests and small towns. The
St. Lawrence River borders the northwest side of the county. The County is comprised of 45 towns and
villages and is home to several colleges (St. Lawrence County, 2020). The largest employment sectors are
education, health, and social services. The southeastern third of the county is within the Adirondack region,
which is a mix of private and public lands, with several hamlets, paper and wood product industries, farms
(mainly dairy) and vacation homes. The County has thousands of acres of state land, including wilderness
and park areas that are open to public recreational use.
St. Lawrence County contains approximately 623,500 acres of the six-million-acre Adirondack Park located
in the southeast section. There are also Easement Lands and County Reforestation Land owned by the
County. Easement Lands are negotiated with the underlying landowner and may or may not provide for
public access on a year-round basis. Additionally, easements may include development rights. Reforestation
Land is managed for timber production. Supporting the tourism and outdoor recreational economy is the
abundance of lakes and state parks (St. Lawrence County Planning Office, 2010).
Hamilton County
Hamilton County lies entirely within the Adirondack Park and is the least populated county in New York.
Because Hamilton County is located in the Adirondack Park, any development in the county is limited by
the NYS Constitution, which protects the park land. Most of the park land is publicly owned. Hamilton
County offers forested mountains, 77 major lakes, and countless plunging streams. The county has nine
towns and one incorporated village. Tourism is the most important industry and the whole area is a favorite
spot for vacationers and recreationalists.
Essex County
Essex County is in the northeastern part of NYS. The eastern boundary of Essex County is Lake Champlain.
Lake Placid, nestled in the Adirondacks, is part of Essex County. The County offers many seasonal and
year-round recreational and cultural activities. The County contains just one agricultural district, which
spans 65,911 acres and contains 196 farms. The entirety of Essex County is within the bounds of the
Adirondack Park. Essex County is home to several high-tech, bio-medical, and light industrial companies.
Essex County is approximately 75 percent trees/wetlands and non-agricultural fields. Twenty-five percent
of the county is used for agriculture (mainly alfalfa) and about five percent is developed for residential and
commercial use (Essex County, 2019).
Regional Land Use Summary
The land use adjacent to the boundary of Fort Drum is generally agricultural with small subsets of rural and
residential areas. Commercial and industrial areas lie mainly within town boundaries. Agricultural land use
is prominent in the regional area. The percentage of land classified as agricultural has steadily decreased in
the past 40 years as commercial and residential areas have expanded. A natural resources-based regional
economy has been the predominant source of industry in the area, with specific industries such as dairy
farming, field crops, food processing, and papermaking.

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Around Fort Drum, forested land dominates to the east; to the north and west agricultural lands dominate;
and in the south agricultural lands extend in two strips, one along Lake Ontario and the other along the
Black River valley (see Figure 3-2 below). There are numerous state lands that surround Fort Drum,
including state forests, forest preserves, and wildlife management areas. Adirondack Park located
approximately five miles east of the Fort Drum boundary contains six million acres of federally protected
forests on public and private lands. The nearest state wildlife management area is Perch River Wildlife
Management Area, approximately five miles northwest of the Cantonment Area of Fort Drum. Land use
policies in the surrounding counties are under the jurisdiction of those counties and dictate how land would
be used in the counties.
3.1.2 Environmental Consequences
Potential impacts of the Alternatives on land use are evaluated below at a programmatic level. Following
final site selection and identification of specific training exercise logistics, site-specific analyses would be
necessary to determine impacts on specific resources.
Based on the description of the Alternatives in Section 2, the following analysis incorporates the following
assumptions: (1) avoid cities and villages, churches, schools, malls, highways, interstates, use rural areas
outside city boundaries; (2) a distance of ½ mile from avoided areas is recommended; (3) training would
occur on public lands with a signed Memorandum of Agreement or private land with a lease agreement;
(4) areas used for training would preferably be grass fields with few to no trees and shrubs; (5) avoid parks
as much as possible and/or protected lands; (6) avoid areas with tall structures, towers, buildings, wind
turbines and electrical poles/towers; and (7) site must be accessible to roads and/or trails.

Under this Alternative, multi-day training exercises would occur up to six times a year at Fort Drum and
areas of the nine counties that meet the above criteria. Training on Fort Drum would continue on land
designated for military training and WSAAF. Temporary off-post sites would be located in areas that would
not change their designated land use. Since training is temporary; any impacts to land use would also be
short-term in nature. Cities and villages, school, churches, and populated areas would be avoided.
All testing and training events would be evaluated and scheduled through appropriate channels prior to the
start of training or testing exercise to reduce/eliminate conflicts with land use. Proposed testing and training
would not alter or conflict with designated land use categories. Access may be temporarily restricted in the
vicinity but upon completion, those areas would be returned to their previous state and uses. Sites on NYS
land would be used in agreement by a signed TRP. Sites located off federal property and owned by private
individuals would require obtaining appropriate real estate agreements or right of entry permits on behalf
of the Army. No training would occur on non-federal property until the required real estate agreement or
right of entry permit is obtained.
Examples of potential measures to mitigate impacts related to land use include:
• work with affected business and/or landowners to appropriately redress operation-related damage
to landowner’s property (including access restrictions);
• phase a project to be consistent with planned development in the area;
• relocate training activities away from non-compatible land uses (e.g., landfills, wildlife refuges,
wetland mitigation); and
• return site back to original use. As these projects do not change the existing land use classifications,
the impacts are anticipated to be less than significant.

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Figure 3-2: Land Cover

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Additionally, Fort Drum would continue to implement the measures outlined in the 2018 JLUS
Implementation Plan for all on-going on-base activities. For sites off-base, Fort Drum would establish an
agreement with the landowner as to what actions can or cannot be performed by the Army on the property.
Once training plans are prepared, additional analysis of future land use changes would be required prior to
implementation. Impacts to land use would be adverse, short-term/temporary, and minor to moderate as no
permanent changes to designated land uses would be made. Once sites are selected, the tiered NEPA
analysis will evaluate and determine the land use impacts and restrictions that might be required. It is
recommended if parks and recreation areas are used, they avoid being used during peak times (hunting,
fishing, and boating seasons). Consultation with landowners and appropriate agencies will also be
conducted to determine level of impact during the tiered NEPA analysis.

Under this Alternative, training exercises would include up to two high-level training exercises up to two
times a year on- and off-post. On Fort Drum, training would be limited to the designated training areas.
Off-post locations would be coordinated with the landowners as specified under Alternative 1. The same
criteria proposed in Alternative 1 would be used to identify possible training sites for Alternative 2. Because
training is temporary, any impacts to land use would also be short-term in nature. Impacts to land use would
be adverse, short-term and minor as no permanent changes to designated land uses would be made. Once
sites are selected, the tiered NEPA analysis will evaluate and determine the land use impacts and restrictions
that might be required. It is recommended if parks and recreation areas are used, they avoid being used
during peak times (hunting, fishing, boating seasons). Consultation with landowners and appropriate
agencies would also be conducted to determine level of impact during the tiered NEPA analysis.

Under the No Action Alternative, Fort Drum would continue to operate as they have been and no changes
to the amount and duration of training exercises would occur. There would be no change to the existing or
future land use categories and there would be no affects to land use. Impacts would be adverse, short-term,
and minor.
3.2.1 Affected Environment
Sound is a physical phenomenon consisting of minute vibrations that travel through a medium such as air
or water. Audible sounds are those vibrations sensed by the human ear. At the ear, sound vibrates the
eardrum, which transmits the vibration via a network of bones to the cochlea. The cochlea then converts
the vibration into a neurological impulse that the brain interprets as sound. Our experience of sound depends
on both the pattern of vibrations from the sound source and the way our complex hearing mechanism
interprets these vibrations.
An airborne sound source (e.g., an aircraft) induces vibrations in the air that spread outward from the sound
source as alternating bands of dense (compression) and sparse (expansion) air particles. This results in a
variation of pressure above and below the base atmospheric pressure. The distance between successive
compressions or successive expansions is the wavelength of the sound, and the number of compressions or
expansions passing a fixed location per unit of time is the frequency of the sound. High-frequency sound is
shorter in wavelength and lower-frequency sound is longer in wavelength. “Sound pressure” is the average
amplitude of the variations of the pressure above and below atmospheric pressure.
Noise is commonly described as unwanted sound, which can be based either on objective effects (e.g.,
hearing loss, sleep disturbance, damage to structures) or subjective judgments (e.g., community
annoyance). Sound is usually represented on a logarithmic scale with a unit called the decibel (dB). Sound
on the decibel scale is referred to as sound level. The threshold of human hearing is approximately zero (0)

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

dB, and the threshold of discomfort begins at approximately 120 dB while the threshold for pain beginning
at about 130 dB.
Because noise is measured logarithmically, two identical noise sources at the same point do not double the
noise level emitted from that point. As an example, a helicopter flying over a point may emit a noise level
of 80 weighted decibels (dBA), but a second helicopter flying alongside the first would only add about three
(3) dBA to the overall resulting noise level.
People with good hearing in a controlled environment can often detect single-decibel changes in sound
level. However, when comparing sounds in our everyday experience, we are less sensitive to differences in
sound intensities. From a practical standpoint, a three (3)-dB difference is the smallest change generally
noticeable to the average listener. The average person perceives a 10 dB sound level difference as a doubling
(or halving) of a sound’s loudness. This relationship holds true for both loud and quieter sounds across the
speech frequencies.
Sound frequency is the rate of vibrations for a sound and is measured in Hertz (Hz), whereby one Hz is one
vibration per second. The normal ear of a young person can detect sounds ranging in frequency from about
20 Hz to about 20,000 Hz, but this decreases with age. However, the human ear cannot hear all sounds
equally in this wide range of frequencies. It is most sensitive to frequencies in the range of 1,000 Hz to
5,000 Hz. People and animals have different hearing sensitivities to sound frequencies. For instance, a dog
whistle produces a tone at a frequency above the range of human hearing, but within the range of the dog’s
hearing. Structures respond to much lower frequencies (e.g., 1 to 30 Hz) than do people. Therefore, low-
frequency sounds that people cannot hear can still induce vibrations in buildings.
The perception of loudness is not consistent across frequencies. As stated earlier, people, in general, are
most sensitive to sounds in the 1,000 Hz to 5,000 Hz range. People are less sensitive to lower and higher
frequencies outside this range. These lessened sensitivities are most pronounced at lower sound pressure
Unlike humans or other animals, quality sound level meters are equally sensitive to sounds across the full
range of hearing. To approximate the human perception of common environmental sounds, the acoustical
community designed a range of frequency-based adjustments (i.e. weighting) to be applied to measured
sound levels. Today, two of these weighting systems remain in common usage, the A-weighting and
C-weighting. A-weighting is generally used to describe intermittent sounds associated with moving sound
sources such as aircraft or vehicles. A-weighted decibels are identified in the abbreviation dBA.
C-weighting is commonly used to describe impulsive sounds. These are sounds that have a very short
duration, low frequency, and high intensity. Impulsive sounds are typically associated with large caliber
weapons, explosions, and sonic booms and identified in decibels as dBC. Helicopters have both an
intermittent and an impulsive component to the sounds they generate. Other weightings have been created
for use in assessing the impacts of sound on various animals, but for various reasons many scientists use
A-weighting in their analyses.
People rarely base their judgments about the suitability of an acoustic environment on a single sound.
Rather, multiple sources of sound accumulate to produce the overall experience of a “quiet” or “noisy”
environment. The receiver imparts a value judgment onto an otherwise neutral physical phenomenon (i.e.,
sound). In 1974, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) put forth a procedure to assess the
cumulative, 24-hour exposure to noise for citizens of the United States. This procedure resides in the
USEPA document, “Information on Levels of Environmental Noise Requisite to Protect Public Health and
Welfare with an Adequate Margin of Safety,” commonly referred to as “the levels document” (U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, 1974).
In order to assist in describing, comparing and evaluating sources of noise and the noise environment of the
Action Area, a few noise metrics will be briefly explained here. The discussion begins with metrics that
characterize single events, such as an aircraft or helicopter overflight. It then progresses through inclusion

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

of not only the sound pressure level, but the duration of the event (how long it is present). The discussion
will then proceed to metrics that apply to multiple events and to all events that occur during an average day
(24 hours) or year.
Figure 3-3 depicts the time history for an intermittent noise event, such as an aircraft flyover or car passing
by. The sound level increases as a car or aircraft approaches, then falls and blends into the background as
the aircraft or car recedes into the distance. Using this example, the height of the curve would be described
as the Maximum Sound Level or Lmax. It is often convenient to describe a particular noise event by its
maximum A-weighted sound pressure level (LAmax). The sound level rises as the noise source nears the
receiver and decreases as the noise source moves away.

Figure 3-3: Variation in Sound Level over Time and Maximum Sound Level.

Human annoyance of noise increases with both the level and the duration of the noise event. Thus, a long-
duration, low-level event can be as annoying as a high-level, shorter event. The sound exposure level (SEL)
captures both variables in a single number. The SEL (as illustrated in Figure 3-4) is the total acoustic energy
in an acoustical event from beginning to end (typically computed from 10 to 20 dB from the event peak)
normalized to one second (Harris, Miller, Miller, and Hanson (HMMH) Inc., 2017)).

Figure 3-4: Sound Exposure Level of a Noise Event.

Annoyance also increases with the number of times an observer experiences an intrusive sound during a
given period. However, (Rylander, R. S. and M. Bjorkman, 1988)stated that there is a saturation point upon

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

which additional noise events do not influence increased human annoyance. The Equivalent Sound Level
(Leq) captures the number of intrusions by measuring the average acoustic energy over a period of time.
The period can be any length, but it usually is a meaningful block of time, such as an eight-hour Leq for the
office or a one-hour Leq for a classroom lecture. The Leq is defined as the level of continuous sound over a
given period that would deliver the same amount of energy as the actual time-varying sound exposure.
Noise occurring at night generally produce a greater annoyance than do the same levels occurring during
the day due to task interference and sleep disturbance. It is generally agreed that people perceive A-
weighted intrusive noise at night as being 10 dBA louder than the same level of intrusive noise during the
day. This perception is largely because background environmental sound levels at night in most areas are
also approximately 10 dBA lower than those during the day.
The US EPA recommends a special kind of 24-hour Leq known as the Day-Night Average Sound Level
(DNL or sometimes referred to as Ldn). Traditionally, DNLs are presented as A-weighted metrics. As is
implied in its name, the DNL represents the noise energy present in a daily period. The DNL calculation
consists of two parts: a 15-hour daytime Leq (7:00 am to 10:00 pm) and a 9-hour nighttime Leq (10:00 pm
to 7:00 am). When calculating the 24-hour DNL, one treats the nighttime Leq as if it were 10 dBA higher to
account for the additional intrusiveness of noise at night. However, acoustical professionals normally
calculate the DNL through use of average daily operations data from a longer period, such as a year, to
smooth out fluctuations in day-to-day operations. A DNL of 65 dBA is the level most commonly used for
noise planning purposes and represents a compromise between community impact and the need for
activities like construction.
Acceptable DNL noise levels have been established by the Army for aviation noise in noise zones near
military airports (U.S. Army, 2007a). For noise impacts on land use, DNL noise levels are as follows:

• Noise Zone I – Less than 65 dBA is considered acceptable for normal uses, including
residential, schools, hospitals.

• Noise Zone II – 65 dB to 75 dBA. This zone is considered unacceptable for most uses;
however, annoyance from aircraft noise would be more severe for residential areas, schools,
and hospitals, and barriers or special construction would be needed for reasonably acceptable
indoor use.

• Noise Zone III – Greater than 75 dBA. This zone would be considered unacceptable for most
uses, and barriers or special construction costs would be prohibitively expensive and would not
totally eliminate the noise annoyance indoors.

As a general rule, noise generated by a stationary noise source, or “point source,” will decrease by
approximately 6 dBA over hard surfaces and 9 dBA over soft surfaces for each doubling of the distance.
For example, if a noise source produces a noise level of 85 dBA at a reference distance of 50 feet over a
hard surface, then the noise level would be 79 dBA at a distance of 100 feet from the noise source, 73 dBA
at a distance of 200 feet, and so on. To estimate the attenuation of the noise over a given distance, the
following relationship is utilized:
Equation 1: dBA2 = dBA1 – 20 log (d2/d1)


dBA2 = dBA at distance 2 from source (predicted)

dBA1 = dBA at distance 1 from source (measured)
d2 = Distance to location 2 from the source
d1 = Distance to location 1 from the source
(Source: (California Department of Transportation, 1998)

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

For helicopter noise, the effects are highly variable depending on the speed of the helicopter, the altitude
above the ground, climatic conditions, and the weight of the helicopter. Impacts on civilians are usually
measured by the percentage of the population that is annoyed by a single flyover (U.S. Army, 2007b). A
flyover consists of the passing of an aircraft overhead or to the side of a point on the ground measured in
distance of the aircraft from that point.
3.2.2 Environmental Consequences
This section will address the noise effects from helicopters and military ground vehicles and their impacts
on civilian populations, wildlife, and domestic animals.

All aviation activities occurring on Fort Drum and the local flying area are conducted in a manner that
minimizes the noise impacts on neighbors. Cities and villages are avoided as much as possible. When pilots
have to fly overpopulated areas, they maintain at least 500 feet AGL (U.S. Army Garrison Fort Drum,
2019d). In addition, FD 95-1 instructs aircrews to avoid flying lower than 1,000 feet AGL, if possible, over
noise sensitive areas (see also, Figure 3-6 in Section 3.3 Airspace).
Scandinavian studies (Rylander, 1974) found that a good predictor of annoyance at airfields with 50 to 200
operations per day is the maximum level of the three (3) loudest events. While annoyance levels may be
lower along less-frequented flight routes and corridors, the Rylander study serves as an indicator for
annoyance potential from intermittent overflights.
Maximum noise levels for the rotary-wing aircraft are listed in Table 3.1. The maximum levels from Table
3-1 are compared with the levels listed in Table 3-2 to determine the percent of the population that would
consider itself highly annoyed from overflight. These levels assume a ground track distance of zero (source
directly overhead of the receiver).

Table 3-1. Maximum A-Weighted Sound Levels for Rotary-Wing Aircraft

Maximum Sound Level by Aircraft
Slant Distance Type (dBA)
(Feet) AH-64 CH-47 UH-60
200 92 92 88
500 83 84 80
1,000 77 78 73
1,500 73 74 69
2,000 70 71 66

Table 3-2. Percentage of Population Highly Annoyed from Aircraft Noise

Maximum, dBA Highly Annoyed

90 35%
85 28%
80 20%
75 13%
70 5%

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Taking the Rylander correlation one step further, the SelCalc Program (U. S. Air Force, 2005)was used to
calculate the distance in ground track from zero (aircraft directly overhead) to where the maximum A-
weighted noise level would decay to 70 dBA or below (threshold for annoyance). This takes into account
not only those directly under a flight path, but those to the side of a passing aircraft, where noise
levels may remain high enough to cause annoyance up to one-half mile away (Table 3-3). Based on these
data and assuming Rylander’s hypothesis is accurate, the percent of highly annoyed individuals in an area
where overflights is infrequent is listed in Table 3.4 according to aircraft altitude and aircraft type.
Table 3-3. Maximum Noise Levels of Helicopters

Aircraft Maximum noise level at Maximum noise level at

500 feet AGL (dBA) 2,000 feet AGL (dBA)
UH-60/HH-60 80 66
AH-64 83 70
CH-47 84 71

Table 3-4. Overflight Annoyance Potential1

Source (altitude in feet Percent Highly
Ground Track Distance2 Lmax (dBA)3
AGL) Annoyed4
AH-64 (500’ AGL) 0’ 83 25%
1320’ (1/4 mile) 72 8%
1760’ (1/3 mile) 69 4%
2640’ (1/2 mile) 65 <1%
AH-64 (1000’ AGL) 0’ 77 16%
1320’ (1/4 mile) 71 7%
1760’ (1/3 mile) 69 4%
2640’ (1/2 mile) 65 <1%
CH-47 (500’ AGL) 0’ 84 26%
1320’ (1/4 mile) 73 10%
1760’ (1/3 mile) 71 7%
2640’ (1/2 mile) 66 <1%
CH-47 (1000’ AGL) 0’ 77 16%
1320’ (1/4 mile) 72 8%
1760’ (1/3 mile) 70 5%
2640’ (1/2 mile) 66 <1%
UH-60 (500’ AGL) 0’ 80 20%
1320’ (1/4 mile) 69 4%
1760’ (1/3 mile) 66 <1%
UH-60 (1000’ AGL) 0’ 73 10%
1320’ (1/4 mile) 68 2%
1760’ (1/3 mile) 65 <1%
Percent annoyance shown based upon 50 to 200 overflights per day (Rylander, 1974)
Distance between receiver and the point on Earth at which the aircraft is directly overhead
Obtained from SELCalc Program (U.S. Air Force, 2005)
Calculated percentage based on regression using the known values in Table 3.2

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

The 10th Mountain Division has a wide array of wheeled military vehicles used in operations and support
functions. During training exercises, convoys of these vehicles are deployed to exercise locations for
realistic training within the Action Area. Convoys may deploy 15 to 20 vehicles, many pulling trailers of
various sizes and weights. These convoys would travel on public highways and roads at assigned speed
limits or slower. Table 3-5 lists a few military vehicle noise levels at specified distances (USAPHC, 2020).
Noise generated from these convoys are estimated to be approximately 10 dB higher than comparable
commercial trucks. Table 3-6 shows a comparison of noise levels from private autos compared to multi-
axle military trucks. A convoy traveling at 45 miles per hour may take 1-2 minutes to pass any stationary
point along the route depending on the number of vehicles. Convoy noise would propagate from the road
the same as all traffic noise. Roadsides that are heavily treed would attenuate the traffic noise depending
on the type, thickness, and density of the vegetation.
Table 3-5. Tactical Vehicle Noise Levels (dBA) from Specified Distances
Military Vehicle Type Maximum Sound Level Maximum Sound
(dBA) from 50 feet Level (dBA) from 100
M113 Personnel Carrier 86.8 81.9
M88 Recovery Vehicle 96.8 91.5
M548 Ammo Carrier 85.0 79.0
ABLV Bridge Launcher 95.9 90.5

Table 3-6. Comparison of Maximum Pass-by Noise Estimates at a distance of 50 feet1

Vehicle Speed Autos, 2-axle 3-axle 4-axle 5-axle
pickups, and military Military military Military
SUVs vehicles truck (MTV) Truck Truck (HET,
35 65.0 74.7 82.9 83.3 84.1
45 69.3 77.5 84.6 84.8 86.1
55 72.6 79.7 86 86 87.8
1 All noise levels are Maximum Sound Levels in dBA

This section assesses the effects of noise on humans, wildlife, and domestic animals as a result of helicopters
and military wheeled vehicles convoying from Fort Drum to training exercise sites. The training exercises
proposed and considered here would be up to 14 days in duration, six times each year.
Noise Effects on Humans
Helicopter operations at WSAAF would not increase due to Alternative 1 since training exercises are
already being performed at Fort Drum and the surrounding nine counties. Therefore, the current Fort Drum
Installation Compatible Use Zone Study (U.S. Army, Operational Noise Program, Public Health Center,
2016) would not change. All of the noise zones established in the study remain valid.
Helicopters operating outside the Fort Drum boundaries within the LFA at a minimum altitude of 500 feet
AGL would impact the human environments on the ground with noise up to 84 dBA Lmax (when flying
directly overhead).

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Figure 3-5 is a map of the Action Area. Pilots are requested to avoid flying over populated areas by at least
500 feet AGL, as depicted in the figure. These flights would be on an intermittent basis. While the noise
would be clearly audible and maybe annoying at that level, the interruption of the normal sound
environment would be temporary (i.e., approximately 10 to 20 seconds, and definitely less than one minute),
and the normal quiet background noise environment would quickly return after the aircraft has passed.
Based on Table 3-4, approximately 20 to 26 percent of the impacted population would be highly annoyed
by those noise levels; however, 10th CAB flights would try to avoid populated areas per the “fly neighborly”
requirements, and persons living within the LFA would not normally be overflown by helicopters. Fort
Drum 95-1 (U.S. Army Garrison Fort Drum, 2019d) instructs aviators to “fly neighborly” within the LFA,
which means avoiding overflying of livestock, residences, and other man-made structures in order to
minimize potential noise impacts on the civilian community. Importantly, no substantial change would
occur to training activities that have been conducted for the last 20 years. Most of the LFA would not have
any changes to the noise environment experienced since that time.
At an altitude of 1,000 feet AGL over noise-sensitive areas, a noise level of approximately 73 to 77 dBA,
depending on the type of helicopter, would be only a minor, short-term effect, and 10 to 16 percent of the
affected population would be annoyed by those sound levels.
Since the helicopter activity is dispersed over a vast region, the low number of aircraft operations utilizing
the airspace would not generate A-weighted day-night average level (ADNL) noise contours of 65 dBA or
greater. In order to reach a 65 dBA DNL 208 separate AH-64 helicopters would have to fly over the same
location on separate occasions during the same day. For these reasons, noise impacts as a result of
implementing Alternative 1 would be adverse, minor, and short-term.
Based on the levels of noise generated from helicopters operating during the training exercises, no human
health effects or hearing impairment are expected. Therefore, no examination of these types of effects are
Vehicle noise propagating from 10th CAB and 10th SBDE convoys using public roadways may be as high
as 10 to 20 dBA higher than commercial trucks. People living near the roadway may experience an increase
in vehicular traffic noise when a 15 to 20 vehicle convoy passes by, but the additional noise would only last
one to two minutes. Due to the infrequent occurrence and the temporary exposure, impacts from Alternative
1 would be adverse, short-term, and minor.
Noise Effects on Wildlife
There are a significant number of studies and observations of helicopter noise and visual effects on wildlife
over the last 40 years. Larkin et al. (1996), Bowles (1995), Bowles et al. (1990), and Gladwin et al. (1988)
provide excellent reviews of these studies and the numerous species, environments, and noise exposures
observed. In general, similar to exposures to humans by helicopters being used in the proposed training
exercises, overflights would be infrequent. Individuals representing any of the wildlife species in the Action
Area maybe overflown by a helicopter flying 200 to 1,000 feet AGL and associated Maximum Sound
Levels of 79 to 94 Lmax dBA for 10 to 20 seconds, depending on the speed of the aircraft. These levels could
produce startle effects for individual animals, especially at the higher sound levels. There is no way of
predicting if an animal has experienced a helicopter flying overhead. Naïve animals are more likely to
respond to sudden, unfamiliar noises by fleeing. Since the duration of exposures would be short, most
animals would return to normal behavior within a short time period. Larkin et al. (1996) and Bowles et al.
(1990) address the observations in most animal studies where animals exposed to a small number of noise
events habituate to the noise and do not continue responding if exposed to multiple flyover events.
Based on the infrequent exposures to helicopter overflights, the noise levels produced, and the speed of the
aircraft, the impacts of aircraft noise on wildlife would be adverse, short term, and minor. For areas selected
as the training sites, aviators may takeoff, land, and hover, and perform engine run-ups. Local wildlife may
experience additional noise, visual stimuli, and wind disturbances. The number and amount of disturbances

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Figure 3-5: Avoidance Areas in the Action Area

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

will also be dependent on the number of aircraft involved in the training exercises. For these local areas,
impacts due to aircraft noise would be adverse, short term, and range from minor to moderate.
Noise Effects on Domestic Animals
Bowles et al. (1990) synthesized the literature on aircraft noise effects on domestic animals due to a plethora
of studies existing at that time. Bowles et al. concluded that many of the “controlled” studies were flawed
or anecdotal. They did manage to build a dose-response model to predict effects as a result of aircraft noise
on domestic animals. These studies also showed that habituation played a significant role in whether
individual animals would respond to an aircraft overflight event. FD 95-1 instructs aircrews to avoid flying
over livestock and residences, if at all possible. Due to the infrequent occurrence and the temporary
exposure, impacts from Alternative 1 would be less than significant

Implementation of Alternative 2 would produce less aircraft and roadway noise than Alternative 1. For this
Alternative, only two training exercises per year would be performed in the Action Area. Disturbance from
helicopters and Army convoys would be 60 percent less than Alternative 1. As in Alternative 1, aviators try
to avoid overflying residences and farms, which decreases the chances of noise effects on humans and
domestic animals. Due to the fact that impacts from Alternative 1 would be adverse, short term, and range
from minor to moderate, impacts from Alternative 2 would range from less than significant to moderate on
wildlife, and minor for human annoyance and domestic animals.

Under the No Action Alternative, no large Brigade-size training exercises would be performed away from
Fort Drum Range and WSAAF and in the Action Area. However, 10th CAB and SBDE training would still
be performed. Aircraft would continue to use the Fort Drum Range, the various local MOAs and MTRs,
and the LFA. There would be no additional impacts to human annoyance, wildlife, or domestic animals.
Therefore, since aircraft would continue to operate in the Action Area, impacts would be adverse, short
term, and range from negligible to minor.
3.3.1 Affected Environment

All airspace in the United States has defined designations assigned by the FAA and adopted from
international norms to govern flights of all aircraft, especially around airports. In and around the Fort Drum
LFA, these airspace designations are as follows (Figure 3-6) (Federal Aviation Administration, 1991):
Class A: Generally, that airspace from 18,000 feet to 60,000 feet mean sea level (MSL). All operations
must be conducted under IFR. Class A airspace covers the entire Action Area.
Class B: Generally, that airspace from the surface up to 10,000 feet MSL surrounding the busiest airports
with heavy traffic operations. This airspace is individually tailored to the specific airport in several layers.
Air Traffic Control (ATC) clearance is required for all aircraft. Operations may be conducted under IFR,
Special Visual Flight Rule (SVFR), or VFR clear of clouds.
Class C: Generally, that airspace from the surface to 4,000 feet above the airport elevation surrounding
those airports that have an operational control tower and radar control. Class C airspace is individually
tailored in layers, but usually extends out to 10 nautical miles from 1,200 feet to 4,000 feet above the airport
elevation. Entering Class C airspace requires radio contact with the controlling ATC authority, and an ATC
clearance is ultimately required for landing. Operations may be conducted under IFR, SVFR, or VFR.

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Figure 3-6: Airspace Designations and Noise Sensitive Areas

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Class D: Generally, that airspace from the surface to 2,500 feet above the airport elevation surrounding
those airports that have an operational control tower. Aircraft entering the airspace must establish and
maintain radio contact with the airport ATC. Operations may be conducted under IFR, SVFR, or VFR, but
aircraft separation services are only provided between IFR and SVFR operations.
Class E: Generally, this is controlled airspace that is not Class A, B, C, or D. Subdivisions within Class E
are for transitional purposes, extensions to the other controlled airspace classes, or other uses. Operations
may be conducted under IFR, SVFR, or VFR. Flights under VFR are not subject to ATC clearance. Class
E airspace covers the entire Action Area.
Class G: This is airspace that has not been designated as Class A, B, C, D, or E, and operations may be
conducted under IFR or VFR. It is designated from surface to where it meets another airspace
designation, usually Class E. ATC aircraft separation service is not provided, although traffic information
may be given as far as is practical with respect to other flights

Wire and Obstruction Hazards

The 10th CAB tasks aviation units to perform wire and obstruction hazard surveys semi-annually. Results
are posted to the Fort Drum Special Wire Hazard Map maintained in the Airfield Operations Flight Planning
Area. Aircrews are instructed to report unmarked wire hazards or obstructions to 10th CAB and Airfield
Operations, who, in turn, would initiate a Notice to Airmen action (U.S. Army Garrison Fort Drum, 2019d).
Bird/Wildlife Aircraft Strike Hazards
Birds and other wildlife pose hazards to aircraft. WSAAF has a Wildlife Hazard Management Plan (U.S.
Army Garrison Fort Drum, 2019e) to address bird, bat and other wildlife hazards on the airfield. The
Management Plan informs airfield management staff on various wildlife hazards on the installation and
how to use various techniques to reduce the hazards for aviators. In addition, within the surrounding LFA,
there are wildlife areas, large bodies of water, and other known areas frequented by migrating birds that are
especially hazardous to aircrews. There are several tools and notices available for aviators to inform them
of any known significant hazards in the areas they plan to fly over. Bird strikes occur in higher numbers in
the spring and fall during migration. The number of birds migrating is highest from dusk to dawn, posing
increased risks for aircrews flying at night.
3.3.2 Environmental Consequences

Implementation of Alternative 1 would not include any request to the FAA for additions and modifications
to existing airspace designations. The restricted airspace already available can easily accommodate the
number of additional takeoffs, landings, and flight training hours that would result from 10th CAB training
exercises. Thus, the increase in maneuver training associated with the CAB would not create obstructions
to air navigation, affect flight operations at Fort Drum or any other airfield, require the FAA to modify
existing controlled SUAs, or create new SUAs. The existing restricted airspace and MOAs would allow
flight operations to occur safely throughout the maneuver training areas without potential interference from
nonparticipating or incompatible aircraft. Therefore, no impacts to airspace are expected by implementing
Alternative 1.

Implementation of Alternative 2 would be similar to Alternative 1 regarding the accommodation of aircraft

of additional takeoffs, landings, and flight training hours resulting from 10th CAB training exercises. For
the same reasons, no impacts to airspace are expected by implementing Alternative 2.

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Under the No Action Alternative, Fort Drum would retain their aviation force structure at its current levels,
configurations, and locations. There would be no change to airspace at Fort Drum or the surrounding nine-
county area, as CAB training exercises would not be implemented under the No Action Alternative.
Therefore, implementing the No Action Alternative would have no impact on airspace in the Action Area.
3.4.1 Affected Environment
Based on the information shown in Table 2-1, the chosen sites would be relatively level (<5 percent slope),
well-draining and dry, and loam or clay soils with minor rocks. The criteria were chosen to limit
susceptibility to potential flooding, landslides, and erosion.
Geology and soil types differ greatly within the nine-county Action Area. Geological and soil characteristics
would influence the suitability of a site for the Proposed Action. U.S. Geological Survey soil surveys of the
United States describe soil characteristics such as drainage ability and are shown in Figure 3-7. Locations
with less than five percent slope are shown in Figure 3-8. There are areas of prime farmland within the
Action Area (Figure 3-9). These areas are protected under the Farmland Protection Policy Act (7 CFR 658).
3.4.2 Environmental Consequences
Potential impacts on geology and soils are evaluated at a programmatic level. Following final site selection
and identification of specific training exercise actions, site-specific analyses would be necessary to
determine impacts on a specific chosen site.
Past training exercises have shown a potential for minor short-term impacts to topography from aircraft and
heavy vehicles. Some degree of soil compaction can be expected from aircraft and vehicles landing and
traveling at chosen sites. This soil compaction can lead to changes in runoff, erosion, and potentially affect
forest regeneration if topography is not restored to original site conditions after completion of the exercise.
If prime farmland areas are used, coordination with the owner would occur prior to the start of training

Alternative 1 would have little to no impact on the geology and soils of a site that has been chosen within
the developed criteria. A relatively level site would have potential for adverse, short-term, and minor
impacts to surface topography due to aircraft and heavy vehicles onsite. Tiered NEPA analysis would
determine the impact once sites have been selected. Appropriate precautionary measures, such as erosion
control matting, would be taken to minimize impacts. The site would be restored to original conditions
following completion of the exercise.

Under Alternative 2, adverse impacts to geology and soils would be the same in nature as those described
under Alternative 1 with a reduced frequency as off-base training exercises would occur less frequently.
Tiered NEPA analysis would determine the impact once sites have been selected. The site would be restored
to original conditions following completion of the exercise.

Under the Alternative 3 (No Action Alternative), there would be no new adverse impacts to geology and
soils compared to existing conditions. Ongoing potential adverse impacts would be the same in nature as
those as described under Alternative 1. Adverse, short-term, and minor impacts to surface topography could
occur due to aircraft and heavy vehicles onsite, and appropriate measures would continue to be taken to
minimize impacts on site and restore the site to its original condition following the exercise.

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Figure 3-7: Soil Drainage

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Figure 3-8: Slope Gradient Less than or Greater than Five Percent

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Figure 3-9: Prime Farmland

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities


3.5.1 Affected Environment

The nine-county Action Area spans from the eastern shore of Lake Ontario to the western shore of Lake
Champlain, encompassing a broad diversity of habitat types and vegetation communities. The Action Area
comprises five distinct ecozones: Great Lakes Plains, St. Lawrence Valley, Lake Champlain, Tug Hill
Plateau, and Adirondacks. Each ecozone contains various subzones characterized by distinct ecological
communities (Edinger, 2014). Dominant natural vegetation communities in lowland portions of the action
area (Great Lakes Plains, St. Lawrence Valley, and Lake Champlain ecozones) include grasslands, shrub
thickets, deciduous forest, and mixed deciduous and evergreen forest (U.S. Army Garrison Fort Drum,
2018) (Edinger, 2014). Much of the land across these ecozones has been cleared for crops and pasture
(Bryce, 2010). Dominant vegetation communities in highland portions of the Action Area (Tug Hill Plateau
and Adirondacks ecozones) include spruce-northern hardwood and northeastern spruce-fir forest (Bryce,
2010) (Edinger, 2014).
More than 1,000 plant species have been identified on Fort Drum, many of which the New York Natural
Heritage Program designates as rare (U.S. Army Garrison Fort Drum, 2018). Many more plant species,
including rare species, are present outside the boundaries of Fort Drum but within the Action Area (Edinger,
2014). Table 3-7 shows the dominant species associated with each major community type in the Action
Table 3-7. Dominant Vegetation associated with Major Community Types in the Action Area
Community Type Dominant Vegetation Species
Grasslands little bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium), common hairgrass
(Deschampsia flexulosa), timothy (Phleum pratense), orchard
grass (Dactylis glomerata), Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis),
Blue Ridge sedge (Carex lucorum), parachute sedge (C.
rugosperma), stiff-leaf aster (Aster linariifolius), goldenrods
(Solidago spp.), and vetch (Vicia cracca)
Shrub thicket dogwoods (Cornus spp.), cherry (Prunus spp.), and meadowsweet
(Spiraea alba)
Deciduous forest red maple (Acer rubrum), sugar maple (Acer saccharum), striped
maple (A. pennsylvanicum), yellow birch (Betula allegheniensis),
gray birch (B. populifolia), American beech (Fagus grandifolia),
northern white cedar (Thuja occidentalis), and eastern hemlock
(Tsuga canadensis)
Mixed deciduous and evergreen forest eastern white pine (Pinus strobus), eastern hemlock, quaking
aspen (Populus tremuloides), big-tooth aspen (P. grandifolia), red
maple, sugar maple, American beech, black cherry (Prunus
serotina), and gray birch
Spruce-northern hardwood forest red spruce (Picea rubens), sugar maple, red maple, striped maple,
mountain maple (A. spicatum), American beech, yellow birch, and
balsam fir (Abies balsamea)
Northeastern spruce-fir forest red spruce, balsam fir, mountain paper birch (Betula cordifolia),
yellow birch, mountain ash (Sorbus americana, S. decora),
mountain maple, striped maple, and pin cherry (Prunus
Sources: (Bryce, 2010) (Edinger, 2014) (U.S. Army Garrison Fort Drum, 2018)

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

The Action Area also contains an abundance of rare and significant plant communities including, but not
limited to, alvar grasslands, successional northern sandplain grasslands, successional northern hardwoods,
beech-maple mesic forest, maple-basswood rich mesic forest, calcareous talus slope woodlands, boreal
heath barrens, shale cliff and talus communities, and Great Lakes dunes (New York State Department of
Environmental Conservation, 2019a). The Adirondack mountains, which make up most or all of Herkimer,
Hamilton, and Essex counties, contain rare, unique, and largely undisturbed habitats including alpine and
summit communities (Edinger, 2014). Although the Action Area also contains wetland complexes and
aquatic and riparian habitats that include rare and significant communities, these communities are not
described in detail because exercises would be sited to avoid these areas. Based on the criteria for selecting
possible exercise locations in the Action Area (Table 2-1), grasslands and open fields, such as those found
in the Great Lakes Plains, St. Lawrence Valley, and Lake Champlain ecozones, would provide the most
suitable locations for exercises.

Invasive species can harm natural communities and systems by outcompeting native species; reducing
biological diversity; altering community structure; and, in some cases, changing ecosystems. Certain
species can also create challenges to military training, including, but not limited to, creating walls of dense
vegetation impeding mounted and dismounted maneuvers, increasing the potential for erosion, and even
causing skin irritation and other physical reactions for individuals (U.S. Army Garrison Fort Drum, 2018).
Because training activities would be limited to upland areas, only terrestrial species are discussed. However,
numerous wetland and aquatic invasive plant species also occur in parts of the Action Area.
Twelve invasive plant species have been documented on Fort Drum, and many more occur in other parts
of the Action Area. The most common and widespread invasive species on Fort Drum include spotted
knapweed (Centaurea ssp.), leafy spurge (Euphorbia esula), common buckthorn (Rhamnus cathartica and
R. frangula), and wild parsnip (Pastinaca sativa). Black and pale swallow-wort (Cynanchum louiseae and
C. rossicum), Oriental bittersweet (Celastrus orbiculatus), and Japanese knotweed (Reynoutria japonica)
are plants that currently exist on Fort Drum that have the greatest potential to impact training lands. Other
invasive species that occur on Fort Drum include garlic mustard (Alliaria petiolate), purple or Himalayan
balsam (Impatiens glandulifera), honeysuckles (Lonicera spp.), black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia), and
false spirea (Sorbaria sorbifolia) (U.S. Army Garrison Fort Drum, 2018).
Fort Drum’s Invasive Species Management Plan describes the distribution of invasive species on Fort Drum
and identifies management options and treatment locations. Fort Drum is also a cooperating member of the
St. Lawrence-Eastern Lake Ontario Partnership for Regional Invasive Species Management (SLELO-
PRISM), which works to address the threat of invasive species throughout Jefferson, St. Lawrence, Lewis,
Oswego, and Oneida counties (St. Lawrence-Eastern Lake Ontario Partnership for Regional Invasive
Species Management, 2019).
Many of the invasive species that occur at Fort Drum also occur elsewhere in the Action Area. Other
invasive species in the Action Area include giant hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum), Japanese
stiltgrass (Microstegium vimineum), mugwort (Artemesia vulgaris), multiflora rose (Rosa multiflora), and
Norway maple (Acer platanoides) (New York Invasive Species Information, 2019).

To date, 49 mammals, 252 birds, 45 fish, 12 reptiles, and 18 amphibian species have been documented on
Fort Drum. Invertebrate species likely number in the thousands, although a full inventory has not been
completed (U.S. Army Garrison Fort Drum, 2018). Many more species occur elsewhere in the Action Area
because of its large geographic spread and diversity of habitat and community type. Because training
activities would be limited to upland, only terrestrial wildlife species are discussed here.
Common mammals in the Action Area include raccoon (Procyon lotor), black bear (Ursus americanus),
moose (Alces alces), white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus), red fox (Vulpes vulpes), gray fox (Urocyon

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

cinereoargenteus), coyote (Canis latrans), porcupine (Erethizon dorsatum), striped skunk (Mephitis
mephitis), eastern cottontail rabbit (Sylvilagus floridanus), gray squirrel (Sciurus carolinensis), eastern
chipmunk (Tamias striatus), and various species of mice and shrews (U.S. Army Garrison Fort Drum,
Common reptiles and amphibians in upland habitats within the Action Area include eastern rat snake
(Pantherophis alleghaniensis), milksnake (Lampropeltis triangulum), and common gartersnake
(Thamnophis sirtalis) (U.S. Army Garrison Fort Drum, 2018). Common amphibians include American toad
(Bufo americanus), gray treefrog (Hyla versicolor), and spring peeper (Pseudacris crucifer) (U.S. Army
Garrison Fort Drum, 2018).
Except for insects, birds exhibit the greatest species diversity among wildlife in the Action Area. The Action
Area’s diverse landscapes and communities provide nesting, foraging, and stopover habitat for resident and
migratory species. The Action Area is located within the Atlantic Flyway, a major corridor for migratory
species that travel annually between their nesting and wintering habitats (Audubon New York, 2019). Birds
in the Action Area include ducks, geese, and waterfowl; grouse and turkeys; herons and cranes; gulls and
terns; plovers and sandpipers; pigeons and doves; cuckoos; raptors; owls; woodpeckers; hummingbirds;
and passerines (U.S. Army Garrison Fort Drum, 2018).

The Action Area contains six species that are federally listed under the Endangered Species Act as
endangered or threatened (Table 3-8). Two of these species, northern long-eared bat and Indiana bat, have
been documented on Fort Drum (U.S. Army Garrison Fort Drum, 2018). Many of the federally listed
species in the Action Area occur only in very specific habitats within a small geographic range.
In addition to the six species shown in Table 3-8, the Action Area contains 320 species (59 animals and
261 plants) listed as endangered, threatened, or species of special concern at the state level in New York
(New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, 2019b). Appendix B contains a complete list
of state-listed species in the Action Area. Although it is not possible to identify the locations of all federally
and state-listed species across the entire Action Area, Figure 3-10 provides an overview of locations where
the highest numbers of listed species are likely to occur based on compiled modeling data developed by the
New York Natural Heritage Program.
Bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) and golden eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) are not listed under the
Endangered Species Act but receive federal protection under the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act.
Both species also receive protection at the state level, as noted in Appendix B. Similarly, many species of
birds that occur in the Action Area receive federal protection under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act.

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Figure 3-10: 3 General Overview of Suitable Habitat for Threatened and Endangered Species in the Action Area

Figure 3-10 provides an overview of locations where the highest numbers of listed species are likely to occur based on compiled modeling data developed by the New York Natural Heritage Program.
Specific locations of listed species and habitats would be identified in consultation with USFWS and NYSDEC when sites have been selected.

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Table 3-8. Federally Listed Species in the Action Area

Species Status Occurrence in the Action Area
Northern long-eared bat Threatened Documented on Fort Drum, roosting and foraging
(Myotis septentrionalis) habitat is found throughout the Installation (U.S.
Army Garrison Fort Drum, 2018). No known
hibernacula are on the Installation but likely are
present elsewhere in the Action Area. Species occur
throughout the Eastern Ontario plains and Lake
Champlain Valley and in portions of the St.
Lawrence Valley. Small populations may exist in the
eastern Adirondacks.
Indiana bat Endangered Documented on Fort Drum, roosting and foraging
(Myotis sodalis) habitat is in and around the Cantonment Area, and
males use southern portion of training areas (U.S.
Army Garrison Fort Drum, 2018). No known
hibernacula are located on the Installation but likely
present elsewhere in the Action Area. Species occurs
in the western portion of the Action Area, mainly
within in the Eastern Ontario plains and in the
extreme eastern portion of the Action Area in the
Champlain Valley.
Piping plover Endangered Flocks within the Great Lakes breeding population
(Charadrius melodus) nest along the eastern shore of Lake Ontario
beginning in mid-May, where they remain for three
to four months. Distribution is limited to shoreline
and island sandy beaches with sparse vegetation and
the presence of small stones. Critical habitat has been
designated along 17 miles of shoreline in Jefferson
and Oswego counties in the Action Area (66 FR
22938). This species does not occur anywhere else in
the Action Area.
Bog turtle Threatened Small populations occur in wetland habitats in
(Clemmys muhlenbergii) Oswego County. This species is rare and does not
occur anywhere else in the Action Area. Bog turtles
are active from April to October and hibernate during
the winter (62 FR 59605).
Eastern Massasauga rattlesnake Threatened This species occurs in grassland, shrub thicket, and
(Sistrurus catenatus) wetland habitats. Distribution in the Action Area is
limited to Onondaga County. Individuals hibernate
during the winter and are active during spring,
summer, and fall (80 FR 58688).
American Hart's-tongue fern Threatened Distribution in the Action Area is limited to four
(Asplenium scolopendrium var. locations Onondaga County. This rare species is
americanum) associated with calcareous soils and has been
extirpated from much of its historical range (U.S.
Fish and Wildlife Service, 2012).

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

3.5.2 Environmental Consequences

Potential impacts of the Alternatives on biological resources are evaluated in the following section at a
programmatic level. Following final site selection and identification of specific training exercise logistics,
site-specific analyses would be necessary to determine impacts on specific resources. Based on the
description of the Alternatives above (Chapter 2), the following analysis incorporates several assumptions.
The analysis assumes that: (1) no tree clearing would be necessary for off-base training exercises; (2) no
herbicides or pesticides would be used, with the exception of personal insect repellent applied directly to
clothing and gear; (3) off-base ground training exercises would be sited to avoid wetlands and rare and
significant plant communities; and (4) Fort Drum would continue to implement its Guidelines to Minimize
Environmental Impacts from Management Actions, as outlined in its most recent Integrated Natural
Resources Management Plan (U.S. Army Garrison Fort Drum, 2018) for all ongoing on-base activities.

Increased frequency of off-base training exercises would result in adverse impacts to vegetation compared
to existing conditions. Specific species or communities that would be impacted would depend on the
specific location of training exercises. Impacts to vegetation would occur primarily from ground operations.
Impacts would include crushing or trampling of vegetation from off-road vehicles and equipment and
establishing and using temporary sustainment sites during training exercises. Some vegetation clearing may
also be required for establishment of temporary sustainment sites or other ground support activities.
Potential fuel spills or spills of other chemicals could also result in adverse impacts to vegetation. However,
secondary containment systems on all equipment containing POL or hazardous materials would minimize
the likelihood of spills.
Adverse impacts to vegetation would be similar those under existing conditions but would occur on a more
frequent basis. Most impacts would be localized and temporary and would not significantly alter vegetation
communities in the Action Area. However, vegetation clearing could result in long-term impacts because
it could take years for the area to return to its former successional state. Overall, Alternative 1 would result
in adverse, short- and long-term, minor to moderate impacts. Implementing appropriate conservation
measures would ensure that impacts are minimized or mitigated. Conservation measures could include:
• avoid siting ground exercises near wetlands or rare and significant plant communities and avoid
sites that contain federally or state protected plant species;
• siting ground exercises in previously disturbed areas wherever possible; and
• restoring disturbed soils with a native seed mix if necessary.
Invasive Species
Alternative 1 could result in adverse impacts to invasive species if ground exercises disturb soils, which
could allow invasive species to colonize new areas. There would be greater potential for soil disturbances
and potential spread of invasive species under Alternative 1 compared to existing conditions because
training exercises would be conducted more frequently. Restoring disturbed soils with a native seed mix
would minimize this impact by reducing the potential for invasive species to colonize new areas. However,
impacts could persist over the long term if invasive species successfully colonize new areas and are allowed
to spread over time. Overall, Alternative 1 is not expected to significantly increase the range or distribution
of invasive species in the Action Area. Therefore, impacts would be adverse, short- or long-term, and
negligible to minor.

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Training exercises would result in adverse impacts to wildlife in the Action Area. Specific species or
communities that would be impacted would depend on the specific location of training exercises. Noise and
visual disturbances from aircraft, vehicles, and simulated combat would displace birds, mammals, and other
wildlife in the vicinity of training exercises. Most individuals would likely relocate to other nearby habitats
for the duration of the training exercises and return later, provided habitat is left adequately intact. However,
these disturbances could disrupt feeding, mating, and nesting behaviors, and may cause nest abandonment.
For additional discussion of noise impacts on wildlife, see Section 3.2, Noise. Additionally, ground
operations, including the use of off-road vehicles and equipment, could result in mortality of individuals of
less mobile species such as reptiles, amphibians, and insects and destruction of nests and eggs of ground-
dwelling birds. Fort Drum currently monitors populations of various bird species both on and off base. Fort
Drum would continue to monitor select species and actively seek opportunities to avoid or minimize
impacts that could occur as a result of training exercises.
Potential impacts to vegetation, including invasive species, as described above could indirectly impact
wildlife by altering habitats. Fuel spills or spills of other chemicals could also result in adverse impacts to
wildlife and wildlife habitat. However, as noted above, secondary containment systems on all equipment
containing POL or hazardous materials would minimize the likelihood of spills.
Adverse impacts to wildlife would be similar to those under existing conditions because ongoing training
exercises are part of the existing conditions in the Action Area. However, under Alternative 1 impacts
would occur more frequently commensurate with increased frequency of training exercises. Most impacts
would be localized and temporary and would not significantly alter wildlife populations or ecological
dynamics in the Action Area. If habitats are destroyed or substantially altered by vegetation clearing, there
could be long-term adverse impacts because it could take years for the habitat to return to its former
successional state. Mortality of wildlife and loss of bird nests and eggs could also have long-term impacts
on individuals but would not likely result in noticeable impacts at the population level. Birds would likely
be the most heavily impacted taxa because of their sensitivity to noise and visual disturbances and because
the Action Area is located within the Atlantic Flyway. Overall, Alternative 1 would result in adverse, short-
and long-term, minor to moderate impacts on wildlife. Implementing appropriate conservation measures
would ensure that impacts are minimized or mitigated. In addition to the conservation measures listed above
for vegetation, conservation measures to minimize impacts on wildlife could include:
• avoid siting ground exercises near wetlands or rare and significant plant communities, and avoid
sites that contain federally or state protected wildlife species;
• avoid conducting training exercises during peak bird migration periods (typically April–May and
September–October); and
• if necessary, conduct large-scale vegetation management activities before April 15 or after August
1 to minimize take of migratory birds.
Threatened and Endangered Species
Under Alternative 1, all efforts would be made to avoid known occurrences of state and federally listed
species. If this could not be accomplished, or if there is limited site information about localized species
occurrences, adverse impacts may result. Species that could be impacted would depend on the specific
location of training exercises. Table 3-9 shows potential effects on federally listed species and conservation
measures that could be implemented to avoid or minimize adverse impacts. Final conservation measures
would be developed in consultation with USFWS and NYSDEC at the time of site selection. Similarly,
Appendix B, Table B-1, shows the counties in which state-listed species occur and could be impacted if
training sites are located within those counties.

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Many of the listed species in the Action Area occur in only in specific habitats or within a limited
geographic range (Table 3-8; Appendix B, Table B-1) and could likely be avoided. If training sites are
selected in areas where federally listed species may occur, Endangered Species Act section 7 consultation
must be initiated with USFWS prior to any training exercises. Similarly, if state-listed species are likely to
be present, coordination with NYSDEC would be necessary prior to any training exercises. Consultation
with the appropriate federal and state agencies prior to conducting off-base training exercises would ensure
that appropriate measures are taken to avoid or minimize adverse impacts to an insignificant or discountable
level, as defined under the Endangered Species Act. Discountable effects are adverse effects that are
plausible, but extremely unlikely to occur. Insignificant effects are plausible adverse effects that are that
are undetectable, not measurable, or so minor that they cannot be meaningfully evaluated. Therefore,
significant adverse impacts to threatened and endangered species are not expected under Alternative 1.
Table 3-9. Potential Impacts to Federally Listed Species and Species-specific Conservation
Species Potential Impacts Species-specific Conservation Measures 4
Northern long- Temporary disruption of • Avoid conducting training exercises within
eared bat feeding, mating, and roosting 0.25 mile of a known hibernacula or within
behaviors from noise and visual 150 feet of known, occupied maternity roost
disturbances during air and trees during the pup season (June 1 to July
ground training exercises 31)
• Avoid clearing suitable spring staging and
fall swarming habitat within a 5-mile radius
of known or assumed northern long-eared bat
hibernacula during the staging and swarming
seasons (April 1 to May 15 and August 15 to
November 14, respectively)
• Do not use military smoke and obscurants
within forested suitable northern long-eared
bat habitat during the pup season (June 1 to
July 31) and/or the active season (April 1 to
October 31)
Indiana bat Temporary disruption of • Species-specific conservation measures for
feeding, mating, and roosting northern long-eared bat also apply to Indiana
behaviors from noise and visual bat
disturbances during air and
ground training exercises
Piping plover Temporary disruption of • Avoid conducting training exercises within
feeding, mating, and nesting designated critical habitat
behaviors from noise and visual • Avoid conducting training exercises within
disturbances during air and the vicinity of the Lake Ontario shoreline in
ground training exercises Jefferson and Oswego counties during
nesting season (mid-May to mid-September)
Bog turtle Trampling or crushing during • Avoid siting ground exercises in proximity to
ground training exercises wetlands

Table 3-9 provides examples of species-specific conservation measures that could be implemented to avoid or
minimize adverse impacts to federally listed species. Actual measures would be determined through consultation
with USFWS.

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Species Potential Impacts Species-specific Conservation Measures 4

• If avoidance of wetlands is not possible,
avoid wetlands in Oswego County during the
bog turtle active season (April to October)
Eastern Trampling or crushing during • Avoid siting ground exercises in proximity to
Massasauga ground training exercises; wetlands
rattlesnake disruption of feeding or mating • Avoid siting ground exercises in grassland
behaviors from noise and visual and shrub thicket habitats in Onondaga
disturbances during ground County during the snake’s active season
training exercises (spring, summer, and fall)
American Hart's- Trampling or crushing during • Avoid siting ground exercises at specific
tongue fern ground training exercises locations in Onondaga County where
populations of this species are known to
Training exercises under Alternative 1 could also result in adverse impacts to bald eagles and golden eagles.
Noise, particularly from aircraft, could disturb nesting or foraging eagles. Additionally, there would be
potential for eagle mortality form collisions with aircraft. Collisions would be most likely to occur during
daylight hours when aircraft are flying at or below 1,000 feet (305 meters) of altitude (Washburn, Begier,
& Wright, 2015). However, Fort Drum would continue to work in collaboration with state and federal
agencies to ensure that aviators avoid known eagle nesting sites wherever possible. Avoiding nesting sites
would minimize the risk of adverse impacts on bald and golden eagles.
Overall, potential adverse impacts on threatened and endangered species would be similar to those under
existing conditions but could occur on a more frequent basis. Fort Drum would continue to make efforts to
avoid known occurrences of state and federally listed species. If this could not be accomplished, or if there
is limited site information about localized species occurrences, Alternative 1 would result in adverse, short-
and long-term, negligible to minor impacts to threatened and endangered species. In addition to the
conservation measures listed above for vegetation and wildlife, conservation measures to minimize impacts
on threatened and endangered species could include:
• conduct a site-specific desktop species inventory prior to final site selection to avoid locations
where listed species where possible; and
• if listed species may be present in training sites, consult with USFWS and/or NYSDEC for further
guidance on avoiding adverse impacts.

Under Alternative 2, adverse impacts to vegetation, invasive species, wildlife, or threatened and endangered
species would be the same as those described under Alternative 1 but reduced in frequency because off-
base training exercises would occur less frequently. Alternative 2 would not result in significant adverse
impacts if appropriate conservation measures are implemented, as described under Alternative 1. Impacts
to biological resources would be adverse, short- and long-term, and negligible to moderate.

Under the No Action Alternative, there would be no new adverse impacts to vegetation, invasive species,
wildlife, or threatened and endangered species compared to existing conditions. Ongoing potential adverse
impacts would be the same in nature as those as described under Alternative 1. The No Action Alternative
would not result in significant adverse impacts if appropriate conservation measures are implemented, as
described under Alternative 1. Impacts to biological resources would be adverse, short- and long-term, and
negligible to moderate.

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities


Water resources include groundwater, surface water, floodplains, water quality, wetlands, and coastal
3.6.1 Affected Environment
Fort Drum is located in the St. Lawrence River watershed, within the Indian Creek watershed. Surface water
from Fort Drum primarily discharges into the Indian River, which in turn eventually flows into the
Oswegatchie River and then on to the St. Lawrence River. A small portion of land at the southern end of
Fort Drum drains into the Black River basin. Waters in the Black River flow westward towards Lake
Ontario. A considerable portion of Fort Drum is relatively flat and poorly drained resulting in approximately
20 percent of Fort Drum characterized as “wet” with wetlands, streams, and other waterbodies (U.S. Army
Garrison Fort Drum, 2018). There are eleven primary lakes and ponds totaling more than 400 acres of
surface area on Fort Drum (U.S. Army, 2011). There are also two rivers and eight primary streams, as well
as minor streams and tributaries that are widespread throughout Fort Drum. In general, most rivers and
streams on Fort Drum are meandering, low gradient, and heavily influenced by beaver activity. No National
Wild and Scenic Rivers are located within or near Fort Drum.
Outside Fort Drum, the nine counties are known for having lakes, rivers, streams and ponds. These water
bodies are used for fishing, recreation and animal habitat.

Fort Drum’s major streams have been surveyed, and water quality is generally good. Water quality in the
nine-county area is dominated by atmospheric deposition of pollutants that originate largely outside the
basin. Major water quality concerns in the area are acid rain, which limits the fish community and aquatic
life; atmospheric deposition of mercury, which restricts fish consumption; agricultural activities and
associated runoff, which contribute nutrients and sediments to waters; and hazardous wastes and legacy
industrial impacts.

There are two primary aquifers at Fort Drum (an upper water table aquifer [Pleistocene Pine Plains Aquifer]
and a lower artesian aquifer [Potsdam Sandstone bedrock aquifer]). The aquifers overlay each other and are
located north of the Cantonment Area near Wheeler-Sack Army Airfield and around Training Area 4
(Missile Defense Agency, 2016). The first aquifer (upper aquifer) is the Pleistocene Pine Plains Aquifer
which has saturated thicknesses of up to 85 feet. The second aquifer (lower aquifer) is the Potsdam
Sandstone bedrock aquifer which is up to 210 feet thick with top depths ranging from 130 to 180 feet below
ground surface. A thick unit of silty clay may restrict groundwater flow between the Pine Plains aquifer
and the underlying Potsdam Sandstone bedrock aquifer in most areas. This layer is absent in the
southwestern part of Fort Drum, so shallow groundwater may move down in this area and recharge the
bedrock aquifer. Both aquifers are recharged by rain and snowmelt. The deep groundwater divide is located
below the Wheeler-Sack Army Airfield. Groundwater from the two aquifers supplies a well field consisting
of 11 wells generally located north of the Cantonment Area near Wheeler-Sack Army Airfield within
Training Area 4. Fort Drum obtains its drinking (potable) water from a combination of sources including
both surface water from the Black River and from groundwater wells at Fort Drum near the Cantonment
Area. The drinking water from both of these sources are provided in about equal quantities for use and
treated prior to use.

Most of Fort Drum is located in flood hazard Zone X, which includes those areas deemed to be outside of
the 0.2 percent annual chance floodplain (500-year floodplain). Parts of Fort Drum that are located within
the 100-year floodplain are areas that border the lakes, rivers, and streams (Federal Emergency

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Management Agency, 1992/2014). Though all water bodies on Fort Drum have floodplains, the only one
with a Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) defined 100-year floodplain is the Black River.
Off Fort Drum, the land is a mix of 100-year floodplain (near bodies of water), 500-year floodplain and
areas outside the 500-year floodplain (See Figures 3-11 and 3-12 below). Flooding is not a major concern
in these areas and typically happens on the banks of waterways. Ideally, development should be limited
within the floodplains to facilitate natural hydrological function.

The NYS Coastal Management Program has established statewide boundaries in accordance with the
requirements of the Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972, as amended, and its subsequently issued rules
and regulations. The waterward boundary extends three miles into open ocean, to shared state lines in Long
Island Sound and the New York Bight and to the International boundary in the Great Lakes, Niagara, and
St. Lawrence Rivers. Generally, the inland boundary is approximately 1,000 feet from the shoreline
following well-defined features such as roads, railroads, or shorelines. Where necessary this boundary
extends inland to include major state-owned lands and facilities and electric power generation facilities
which abut on the shoreline, major coastal recreational areas, significant agricultural lands, significant
coastal habitats, scenic viewsheds of state or national significance, major historic or coastal dependent
industrial areas, and the 100-year floodplain. In urbanized and other developed locations along the coast,
the landward boundary is approximately 500 feet from the shoreline or less than 500 feet at locations where
a major roadway or railway line runs parallel to the shoreline. The seaward boundary of NYS's coastal area
includes all coastal waters within its territorial jurisdiction.
Fort Drum is outside the New York defined Coastal Zone and therefore would not result in direct or indirect
impacts to coastal resources. The Inland boundary of the coastal zone is approximately 1000 feet from the
shoreline. The closest Coastal Zone that would is governed by NYS is Watertown which is approximately
14 miles from Fort Drum. Other areas of the coastal zone include land that borders the St. Lawrence River
and Lake Ontario (New York State Planning and Developement, 2020). For any work that would occur
within the Coastal Zone, a consistency determination approval would be required by the State of New York.

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Figure 3-11: Soil Flooding Frequency

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Figure 3-12: FEMA Flood Hazard Areas

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Approximately 20 percent of the surface area on Fort Drum are wetlands (U.S. Army Garrison Fort Drum,
2018). This includes NYSDEC classified wetlands and their 100-foot protected buffers which are protected
under the NYS Article 24 permit process. One of the largest wetland complexes on Fort Drum is Warren
Swamp in Training Area 7. Other large wetland complexes exist in Training Area 17 around Matoon Creek
and throughout Training Area 19. The most common type of wetland on Fort Drum is palustrine wetlands
(including marshes, swamps, bogs and fens) which are dominated by trees, shrubs, or persistent herbaceous
and woody emergent vegetation. Other types of wetlands on Fort Drum include riverine and lacustrine
wetlands. Many of the wetland areas on Fort Drum are beaver ponds which provide high quality habitats
for many species of wildlife. Due to changing hydrology brought on by natural successional and
snowmelt/surface drainage patterns and substantial beaver activity, wetland boundaries have been noted to
change frequently.
Fort Drum has also constructed a wetland mitigation bank which consists of over 70 acres of constructed
wetlands including protection and preservation of surrounding uplands and wetlands. The bank’s wetland
sites were constructed to provide mitigation in advance for impacts resulting from subsequent construction
projects. Executive Order 11990, along with the Clean Water Act (CWA), requires that there is no net loss
of wetlands on federal lands.
There are several areas of wetlands throughout the nine-county area. Figure 3-13 displays the locations of
the delineated wetlands on the nine-county area. Wetland types include forested wetlands, freshwater
marshes, riparian areas, scrub-shrub wetlands, and wet meadows. Most of the wetlands are Forested/Shrub
wetlands with some freshwater emergent wetlands. They are mainly located in the Adirondack Park to the
East and near the coastal areas. Wetland boundaries change frequently due to changing hydrology brought
on by natural succession and beaver activity (which increases wetlands).
The Clean Water Act (1977), Section 404, requires that a permit be obtained for any activity that may affect
“waters of the United States, including wetlands”. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has the primary
responsibility for administering the Section 404 permitting process. Permits are obtained based on
individual projects with consideration of wetland types and areas, and jurisdictional status.
3.6.2 Environmental Consequences

Surface Water and Groundwater Impacts

Impacts to surface water could include changing the drainage pattern of surface water at Fort Drum and in
the nine-county area. Land disturbance activities such as clearing, grading, and excavation would have an
impact on surface water runoff patterns and surface water velocity. Surface water migration and velocity
could alter the flow patterns and rates at which streams and lakes are recharged, leading to an increase in a
water body’s capacity. This impact could also potentially impact aquatic and terrestrial flora and fauna by
soil erosion and sedimentation. Disturbance of land areas during land clearing and grubbing, temporary
laydown areas, and construction of temporary facilities would impact surface water quality, aquatic flora
and fauna, and terrestrial flora and fauna due to soil erosion and sedimentation. High sediment loads can
also reduce water flow capacity and affect aquatic organisms.

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Figure 3-13: National Wetlands Inventory Map

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Potential impacts to surface water from groundwater/surface water interface could potentially impact
surface water quality, which in turn could impact aquatic flora and fauna and terrestrial fauna in terms of
food sources and/or habitat. However, this potential impact would be minor because any impact to
groundwater would be temporary. Project operations could result in the inadvertent release of minor
amounts of pollutants to surface water or groundwater from equipment coolant; diesel fuel from the power
backup generators; oil leaks from equipment and vehicles; chemical releases from cleaning agents, paints,
solvents, etc.; and other sources. To address potential releases of fuel, oil, or chemicals during operations,
a Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plan would be developed and implemented prior
to start of operations. The SPCC plan would address use of chemical and petroleum spill prevention, control
and cleanup facilities, equipment, and procedures would reduce the potential for chemical or petroleum
releases. Consequently, any adverse impacts to surface water or groundwater resources resulting from
pollutant releases would be temporary and minor.
With most of Fort Drum and the nine-county area zoned outside the 100- and 500-year floodplains, impacts
to floodplains would be minor. Since training is temporary and no permanent structures would be built,
there would be no changes to the flood zone and no changes to the natural hydrological function. However,
we recognize the importance of limiting development within all of Fort Drum’s floodplains to facilitate
natural hydrological function. There would be no impacts to the floodplain or beneficial values associated
with the floodplain.
Coastal Resources
Alternative 1 would not result in direct impacts to coastal resources. However, potential indirect impacts to
coastal resources could result from increased runoff to nearby receiving waters. By implementing BMPs,
Alternative 1 would have a minor indirect adverse impact on coastal resources and surface waters.
Alternative 1 would be consistent with federal, state, and local coastal zone policies, and would not
otherwise affect coastal resources. If training would occur within the coastal zone, the Army shall submit a
federal consistency application to the NY Department of State certifying that the project complies and is
consistent with the .
Additionally, to minimize the potential for stormwater-related impacts to coastal resources, Alternative 1
would adhere to a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP). The SWPPP would be prepared in
accordance with accepted engineering practices and be consistent with the State Pollutant Discharge
Elimination System and NYSDEC requirements. BMPs would be incorporated into Alternative 1 design to
minimize erosion and sedimentation. All erosion and sedimentation controls would be installed prior to
land disturbing activities, to ensure the reduction of sedimentation and pollutants in receiving waters.
One of the criteria for selecting a site for training is to avoid wetlands. Since the training exercises would
be avoiding wetlands, direct impacts to wetlands would be minor. Increases in training could potentially
lead to increased sedimentation and decreased surface and groundwater quality which could, in turn, impact
on the health of the wetlands in the training areas. As addressed earlier, the potential impact of soil erosion
would be mitigated by employing BMPs and a SWPPP. It is also recommended to be at least 200 feet away
from wetlands to ensure that the loss of wetlands is minor.
In accordance with the 10th Mountain Division and Fort Drum Regulation 350-4, training activities must be
minimized in and around wetlands, streams, and other water bodies. The fording of streams, ponds, lakes,
wetlands, etc. is prohibited, and sensitive wetlands and compensatory construction project areas are to be
marked with Seibert Stakes and must be avoided. Due to this wetland avoidance regulation, the wetland
impacts from maneuver training are anticipated to be minor.

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Impacts would be minor due to the implementation of a sediment and erosion control plan and BMPs under
a NYSDEC General Permit for the discharge of storm water. Dust-related turbidity impacts would be
localized, short-term, and minor due to (1) the implementation of standard dust suppression procedures,
and (2) the temporary nature of the training activities. Project construction could result in the inadvertent
release of minor amounts of pollutants via oil leaks from equipment and vehicles; chemical releases from
cleaning agents, paints, solvents, etc.; construction waste; and other sources. However, the implementation
of standard pollution control measures through the construction SPCC Plan (specifically, the use of
chemical and petroleum spill prevention; and control and cleanup facilities, equipment, and procedures)
would reduce the potential for chemical or petroleum releases. Any adverse impacts to surface water
quality, aquatic or terrestrial resources resulting from pollutant releases would be short-term and minor.
Due to the implementation of management practices and BMPs, the training impacts on water resources is
anticipated to be adverse, minor, and short-term.
Water Resource Impacts
Activities associated with Alternative 1 would not increase the demand for groundwater and would not
directly impact any surface waters. Minor, short-term impacts to surface water drainage could occur during
the training exercises. Appropriate stormwater management design and implementation on site would
minimize these impacts. Prior to scheduling training areas for unit exercises, Fort Drum range and
environmental personnel would continue to coordinate to avoid and minimize sensitive wetland area
impacts when planning for training events. If it appears that water resource impacts are unavoidable, the
appropriate level of permitting and mitigation would be obtained prior to the training event. There would
be no impacts to surface waters, floodplains, wetlands, and water supplies because training would not occur
in areas near these resources. Component projects that would include ground disturbance would be required
to include and maintain construction stormwater BMPs.

While Alternative 2 would see an increase in training, it would be a smaller increase than under Alternative
1. Wetlands, floodplains, and other water resources would be minor. BMPs would be implemented to ensure
impacts are minor. Short-term impacts to surface water drainage could occur during the training exercise.
As with Alternative 1, appropriate stormwater management design and implementation on site would
minimize these impacts. There would be no impacts to surface waters, floodplains, wetlands, and water
supplies because training would not occur in areas near these resources. In summary, impacts to surface
waters and water resources for Alternative 2 would be adverse, minor, and short-term.

The No Action Alternative would result in no additional impacts to water resources on Fort Drum or the
nine-county area. Wetlands would be avoided. The No Action Alternative would not noticeably affect the
baseline condition of water resources. Minor increase in sedimentation in local waterways could result from
temporary construction activities for training. Fort Drum would utilize standard BMPs to limit the impacts
to water resources. The No Action Alternative would not result in uncontrolled erosion/sedimentation and
would adhere to all federal, state and local regulatory conditions. No adverse impacts to water resources or
wetlands would be expected. Impacts would be adverse, short-term, and minor.
Cultural resources are defined as prehistoric or historic districts, sites, buildings, structures, or objects
considered important to a culture, subculture, or community for scientific, traditional, religious, or other
purposes. They include archaeological resources, historic architectural or engineering resources, and other
traditional resources. Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) requires federal
agencies identify whether any historic properties that are listed or eligible for listing in the National Register

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

of Historic Places (NRHP) could be affected by their action. The Section 106 consultation is required
between federal agencies and the NY SHPO.
3.7.1 Affected Environment

An inventory of both archaeological and historic resources at Fort Drum are summarized in the Integrated
Cultural Resource Management Plan (ICRMP). The ICRMP establishes compliance procedures to properly
manage cultural and historical resources, establishing existing conditions and identifying the potential
impacts of Fort Drum's mission on them. The ICRMP also establishes a coordination process between Fort
Drum and the NY SHPO, the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, the NPS, Native American tribes,
and the interested public. The most recent Fort Drum ICRMP was completed in 2010.
Fort Drum
Fort Drum has completed archaeological inventory of approximately 87 percent of its surveyable territory,
excluding the permanent impact areas and the previously developed portion of the Cantonment Area. The
archaeological survey identified a total of 891 sites that began with earliest human occupation of the region
approximately 13,500 years ago and continued through construction of World War II military training
features in the 1940s (U.S. Army, 2013). Fort Drum currently tracks a total of 940 archaeological sites, one
historic district with standing structures, and five archaeological districts; and supports management of 13
historic cemeteries (U.S. Army, 2013). Some of the 13 cemeteries are historically significant with burials
dating back to the War of 1812 era according to Fort Drum historical records.
There are five designated historic buildings on Fort Drum, and all are in the LeRay Mansion Historic
District which was placed in the NRHP in 1974. These buildings include the LeRay Mansion, the LeRay
Mansion Farm Manager’s House, the LeRay Mansion Servant’s Quarters, a possible chapel or icehouse,
and an office that currently serves as a garage. In addition to the LeRay Mansion Historic District and
buildings, Fort Drum still has hundreds of World War II wood structures. Many of these structures have
been rehabilitated and are used for a variety of offices, classrooms, workshops, and storage. Demolition of
these structures has been approved by a programmatic agreement between the Department of Defense and
the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (U.S. Army Garrison Fort Drum, 2010). Archaeological sites
range from transient paleo-Indian occupations to World War II firing points. Sites occur at a wide range of
depths and throughout all the physiographic landforms. Information regarding all known archaeological
sites and their attributes on Fort Drum are kept and maintained in a database that can be linked to an
associated spatial database in the Geographic Information System.
Fort Drum currently has official consultation partnerships with the Oneida Indian Nation, the St. Regis
Mohawk Tribe, and the Onondaga Nation. The tribes have indicated much of Fort Drum was part of their
ancestral hunting and fishing lands. There are currently two sites on Fort Drum that have been identified as
traditional cultural properties. They include a Haudenosaunee Village site and a feature of aligned stones
known as the Calendar site. No objects have been identified as needing to be repatriated at this time (U. S.
Army Garrison Fort Drum, 2010).
Nine-County Action Area
In the nine-county Action Area, there are several hundred historic buildings and resources. Most of the
registered historic places are located in cities and villages, including Watertown, Syracuse, and Oswego
(see Figure 3-14). Highland Park Historic District is a national historic district located at Saranac Lake,
town of St. Armand, in Essex County. The district contains 21 contributing buildings and one contributing
object. Next to Highland Park Historic District is Berkeley Square Historic District, a national historic
district located in Saranac Lake, Franklin County. It consists of 22 contributing buildings. There are a few
registered historic resources in Adirondack Park including fire observation stations and churches.

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Figure 3-14: Historic and Cultural Areas

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Native American Tribes in the Nine-County Action Area

Onondaga Reservation (Onondaga Indian Nation) is an Indian reservation in Onondaga County and lies
just south of the City of Syracuse. The Oneida Indian Nation is a federally recognized tribe and is
headquartered in Oneida County, where the tribe originated. The St. Regis Mohawk Tribe is located outside
of the nine counties in Franklin County. Material culture identified by archaeologists as "St. Lawrence
Iroquoian" has been recovered on Onondaga, Oneida, and Mohawk sites. Huron ceramics have also been
excavated from villages of these three tribes. The LFA routes currently do not fly over the three Native
American reservations so it would be rare for cultural activities to be interrupted by helicopter overflights.
Initial consultation with the 3 tribes mentioned above was conducted concurrent with the review of the draft
PEA. Once initial consultation is completed, results of that consultation would be included in Appendix A.
Consultation with all potentially affected Native American tribes would also be conducted by Fort Drum
prior to any training exercises. This would ensure that appropriate measures are taken to avoid or minimize
adverse impacts.
3.7.2 Environmental Consequences
For cultural resources, a significant effect is defined as an impact that diminishes or destroys the integrity
of an NRHP eligible property or site. This equates to an adverse effect under Section 106 of the NHPA.

Potential impacts to cultural resources include training activities, installation activities that support training,
and inadvertent or willful destruction. Fort Drum and the nine-county Action Area contain many culturally
and historically important sites. Alternative 1 would not involve any physical disturbance of historic sites
as they would be avoided during training exercises. Overflights by aircraft would avoid historic sites and
sovereign lands as well. Archaeological resources would not be directly impacted as training would take
place in areas where the ground has been disturbed and where no known cultural or archaeological resources
exist. Additionally, BMPs are outlined below to prevent adverse impacts to cultural resources and they
would be followed by the 10th CAB and 10th SBDE. The Fort Drum Cultural Resources Program will be
submitting a letter to the NY SHPO requesting concurrence of the Army’s determination of no historic
properties adversely effected by Alternative 1.
The types of training conducted by additional units would not change, though some training areas might be
used with more frequency or intensity compared with current baseline conditions. Fort Drum would
continue to follow the procedures it has in place in order to protect cultural resources. The ICRMP requires
site-specific surveys prior to disturbance and provides evaluation criteria, management guidelines, and
preservation and treatment strategies to facilitate beneficial impacts on both archaeological and
architectural resources. It would not be anticipated that historic buildings would need to be demolished or
reconfigured to accommodate more Soldiers as a result of the implementation of Alternative 1. During
Maneuver Training, known cultural resource sites would be avoided. However, maneuver training with
wheeled and tracked vehicles could have a minor adverse impact on unknown cultural resources in the
Training Area. Of the wide range of infantry training activities, digging foxholes, fighting positions, tank
trenches, bunkers, and latrines; as well as berm construction pose the greatest risk to archaeological sites
and buried cultural resources. Fortunately, during the history of military training at Fort Drum, the Soldiers
have preferred to reuse the same positions and as a result, some areas are highly disturbed while others are
relatively intact. Sometimes, training locations involve the concentration of vehicles and personnel at
specific sites, often for extended periods. This could disturb archaeological sites, especially where digging
occurs and vehicles are concentrated.
Minor to moderate impacts are anticipated as a result of the implementation of Alternative 1. Training
activities would have a very low potential for adverse effects to historic buildings and/or archaeological
resources. There would be no visual impacts to cultural resources within Fort Drum or the vicinity due to
the temporary nature of the training. All training activities would avoid known cultural resource sites and

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

historic structures. If the undertaking has the potential to adversely affect any historic properties,
consultation with the SHPO and the Native American Nations would occur. Fort Drum would continue to
follow the procedures it has in place in order to protect cultural resources. Review of training locations by
the Cultural Resource Manager and tiered NEPA analysis would ensure protection of known and potential
cultural resources. Therefore, the impacts to Fort Drum’s cultural resources are anticipated to be adverse,
short- or long-term, and minor to moderate depending on what is found during training exercises.
Implementing appropriate measures would ensure that impacts are minimized and less than significant.
The nine-county Action Area does include the Onondaga Reservation and Oneida Indian Nation. To date
no traditional cultural properties have been reported, and it is unlikely that resources considered significant
to Native Americans Nations or other traditional communities would be impacted. The LFA routes currently
do not fly over the three Native American Nations so it would be rare for cultural activities to be interrupted
by helicopter overflights. Fort Drum would continue to avoid these areas during low level flights.
Consultation with SHPO and all potentially affected Native American Nations would be conducted by Fort
Drum’s Cultural Resources Program prior to any training exercises. Once consultation is completed, results
of that consultation will be included in Appendix A. (This would ensure that appropriate measures are taken
to avoid or minimize adverse impacts).
In the event of an inadvertent discovery of artifacts, human remains, or funerary items during training
activities, all ground disturbing activities would stop, and the standard operating procedure (SOP) as
outlined in the ICRMP would be followed in coordination with the New York SHPO. If cultural resources
are uncovered during training, the Fort Drum Cultural Resources Manager would be notified, and a
qualified archaeologist would assess the significance of the cultural remains. If human remains are
encountered, the local coroner and law enforcement would be contacted. If the remains are of Native
American origin, compliance with the Native American Graves and Repatriation Act regulations would be
required, and implementation of Fort Drum's Inadvertent Discovery Agreement with the Oneida Indian
Nation would begin along with courtesy contact with the Onondaga Nation and the St. Regis Mohawk

Alternative 2 could have a minor impact on known and unknown cultural resources on Fort Drum and the
nine-county Action Area, but it would not violate any state or federal regulatory conditions. Although the
increase in training exercises proposed under Alternative 2 is less than under Alternative 1, there would
still be changes to the amount and duration of training exercises. Therefore, the impacts on cultural
resources would be the same as for Alternative 1, which is adverse, short- or long-term, and minor to
moderate. Implementing appropriate measures would ensure that impacts are minimized and less than
Best Management Practices and Compliance Measures for Alternatives 1 and 2:
The following BMPs and compliance measures are included in the Fort Drum ICRMP and would limit the
potential adverse impacts on the cultural resources on Fort Drum:
• avoid, wherever possible, known cultural resource sites;
• halt construction activities if an archaeological site is discovered during a construction activity,
• survey as appropriate and evaluate archaeological discoveries using the highest standards of scientific
excellence in order to make determinations of potential eligibility for sites deemed worthy of protection
and/or mitigation;
• conduct review per Section 106 of the NHPA in cooperation with the NYSHPO, the Advisory Council
and Native American consultation partners, as appropriate;

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

• consult with Native American consultation partners in accordance with Section 106 of the NHPA, the
American Indian Religious Freedom Act and the Native American Graves Protection and Repatriation
• after consultation and completion of any necessary agreements, mitigate adverse effects to significant
archaeological sites through protection methods and/or data recovery as required;
• curate artifacts and associated records in accordance with 36 CFR 79; and
• training plans that call for prescribed burning or mechanized clearing of shrub vegetation in order to
spread out vehicular traffic would help protect any possible cultural material as well as preventing
further erosion and soil disturbance.

Impacts to cultural resources under the No Action Alternative would be minor. Activities with the potential
to affect cultural resources are monitored and regulated when anticipated through a variety of preventative
and minimization measures. Existing LF 95-1 flying rules would remain in effect, and there would be no
impacts on Native American cultural resources.
The No Action Alternative would not noticeably affect any of the cultural resources known to exist on the
Installation, nor would it violate any state or federal regulations. All known cultural resource sites would
continue to be managed in accordance with BMPs outlined in the ICRMP. Newly discovered cultural
resource sites would also be managed by the SOPs from the ICRMP. Under the No Action Alternative,
impacts to cultural resources would remain unchanged from the current conditions. Impacts to cultural
resources would be adverse, short- or long-term, and minor to moderate.
This section describes the population and economic activity within the nine counties surrounding Fort
Drum: Essex, Hamilton, Herkimer, Jefferson, Lewis, Oneida, Onondaga, Oswego, and St. Lawrence. The
socioeconomic attributes of NYS are also provided for comparison. Socioeconomics addresses how the
project would affect the social and economic conditions of the area positively or negatively, and
environmental justice identifies potentially disproportionate impacts on minority and low-income
3.8.1 Affected Environment

As shown in Table 3-10, most of the nine counties in the Action Area have very low populations compared
to the state because of their rural nature. New York’s population is more than 29 million, and Hamilton
County has a population of less than 5,000. Although NYS has experienced more than four percent average
annual growth in population from the 2000 Census, the 2015-2017 ACS 5-year estimates that most of the
counties within the Action Area have seen minor growth or decline in their population. Jefferson County,
which houses Fort Drum, has an average growth rate that is similar to the state.
Table 3-10. Population and Growth
Average Annual
Geography 2000 Population 2017 Population*
Growth/Decline Rate
State of New York 18,976,457 19,798,228 4.3%
Essex County, New York 38,851 38,233 -1.6%
Hamilton County, New York 5,379 4,646 -13.6%
Herkimer County, New York 64,427 62,943 -2.3%

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Average Annual
Geography 2000 Population 2017 Population*
Growth/Decline Rate
Jefferson County, New York 111,738 116,567 4.3%
Lewis County, New York 26,944 26,845 -0.4%
Oneida County, New York 235,469 232,324 -1.3%
Onondaga County, New York 458,336 467,669 2.0%
Oswego County, New York 122,377 119,833 -2.1%
St. Lawrence County, New York 111,931 110,817 -1.0%
*Based on ACS 5-year estimate (U.S. Census Bureau, 2017a)

Based on a report from Fort Drum Regional Liaison Organization, Fort Drum supplies 23 percent of the
jobs in Jefferson, Lewis, and St. Lawrence counties creating $1.9 billion revenue for these three counties.
In addition to the 19,000 direct jobs from the military operations, there are additional 6,000 indirect jobs in
the region to serve this large military organization. According to this report, the state and local taxes
collected from these jobs exceeded $400 million (North Country Public Radio, 2020).
Housing characteristics for NYS and the nine counties are presented in Table 3-11. As shown, the
percentage of owner-occupied units is much higher than the state in most counties. The percent vacant units
in Hamilton County compared to other counties is very high, and the homeownership in this county is also
very high at higher than 85 percent owner-occupied units. Compared to the counties in the study area, the
state has a low vacancy percentage. The percentages of owner/renter occupied units in Jefferson County
are similar to those of the state.
Table 3-11. Housing Demographics
Total Housing % Vacant % Owner- % Renter-
Units units Occupied Occupied
State of New York 8,255,911 11.5 54 46
Essex County, New York 26,114 41.6 76 24
Hamilton County, New York 8,885 87.7 84.7 15.3
Herkimer County, New York 33,726 25.3 71.7 28.3
Jefferson County, New York 59,547 27.4 55.6 44.4
Lewis County, New York 15,519 34 78 22
Oneida County, New York 104,998 13.8 66.6 33.4
Onondaga County, New York 206,707 10.1 64.9 35.1
Oswego County, New York 54,304 15.5 72.6 27.4
St. Lawrence County, New York 52,908 21.3 72.5 27.5
Source: ACS 2013-2017 5-year Estimate (U.S. Census Bureau, 2017b)
As shown in Table 3-12, Onondaga and Oneida counties have the largest labor forces in the region, with
more than 200,000 and 100,000 individuals, respectively, in the labor force. New York has an annual
unemployment rate of 4.7 percent, which is the same as Onondaga County but lower than all other eight
counties within the study area. Table 3-12 shows the total labor force and annual unemployment in 2017
for all nine counties and New York.

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Table 3-12. Total Annual Labor and Unemployment - 2017

Geography Total Labor Force in 2017 Annual Unemployment rate 2017

State of New York 9,664,773 4.7

Essex County, New York 17,138 5.5
Hamilton County, New York 2,313 7.4
Herkimer County, New York 27,981 5.7
Jefferson County, New York 44,926 6.5
Lewis County, New York 11,583 6.6
Oneida County, New York 101,610 5.0
Onondaga County, New York 219,386 4.7
Oswego County, New York 52,631 6.5
St. Lawrence County, New York 43,249 6.7
Source: (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2020)

The unemployment rate has fluctuated significantly in the past ten years due to the national recession. As
shown in Figure 3-15, the unemployment rate has increased to more than ten percent for some counties,
and only recently has returned to the lower levels described in Table 3-12. Figure 3-15 shows the
unemployment fluctuation over the past ten years for all nine counties compared to NYS. All nine counties
follow similar trends in unemployment.

Figure 3-15: Ten-year Unemployment Rate (2008-2017)


10.00 Essex County, New York

Hamilton County, New York
Herkimer County, New York
8.00 Jefferson County, New York
Lewis County, New York
Oneida County, New York

6.00 Onondaga County, New York

Oswego County, New York
St. Lawrence County, New York

4.00 New York State

Annual Annual Annual Annual Annual Annual Annual Annual Annual Annual
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Source: (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2020)

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Executive Order 12898, Federal Actions to Address Environmental Justice in Minority Populations and
Low-Income Populations, directs that federal programs, policies, and activities not have disproportionately
high and adverse human health and environmental effects on minority and low-income populations. The
general purposes of this executive order are as follows:
• focus the attention of federal agencies on human health and environmental conditions in
minority communities and low-income communities with the goal of achieving environmental
• foster nondiscrimination in federal programs that substantially affect human health or the
environment; and
• improve data collection efforts on the impacts of decisions that affect minority communities
and low-income communities and encourage more public participation in federal decision
making by ensuring documents are easily accessible (e.g., readily available in multiple
To identify the environmental justice communities within the study area, demographic data from the U.S.
Census Bureau’s ACS 5-year estimates (2013-2017) were used to identify whether high minority and/or
low-income populations reside within the nine counties in the study area. Statistics from the counties were
compared to those from the state to determine if additional analysis for disproportionate impacts is required.
The minority populations in the analysis per CEQ’s guidance include:
• Black or African American (a person having origins in any of the black racial groups of Africa);
• Asian (a person having origins in any of the original peoples of the Far East, Southeast Asia,
the Indian subcontinent);
• American Indian and Alaskan Native (a person having origins in any of the original people of
North America, South America, including Central America, and who maintains cultural
identification through tribal affiliation or community recognition);
• Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (people having origins in any of the original peoples
of Hawaii, Guam, Samoa, or other Pacific Islands); and
• Hispanic or Latino (a person of Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, Central or South American, or
other Spanish culture or origin, regardless of race).
Hispanic or Latino is classified as an ethnicity rather than a race in the U.S. Census to avoid double
counting, because a person who self-identifies as Hispanic may be of any race. For the purposes of an
environmental justice analysis, the population of concern is any individual that does not identify as either
white alone or having Hispanic origin.
Table 3-13 shows the number and percentage of racial minority and Hispanic or Latino individuals within
each county and the state. As shown, all counties have a very low percentage of minority individuals
compared to NYS. A minority population exists where the percentage of minorities in an affected area
either exceeds 50 percent or is meaningfully greater than the general population. Based on the data
presented in the table, none of the counties meet this threshold and are therefore not identified as
environmental justice communities on the basis of minority population.
Per the CEQ’s Environmental Justice Guidance under NEPA, an environmental justice community is
identified on the basis of income based on the number of individuals whose income falls below the poverty
line. The Census Bureau’s annual poverty measure uses a set of income thresholds that vary by family size
and composition to determine the households that live in poverty. If a household’s total income falls below

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

the threshold, then that household and every individual in it is defined as being in poverty. In 2017, the
weighted average poverty threshold for a family of four was an annual income of $25,000.
Table 3-13. Total Minority population -2017
Hawaiian Percent
Black or Indian Percent Hispanic
and Hispanic
Geography African and Asian racial or
Other or
American Alaska minority Latino
Pacific Latino
State of New York 3,100,685 77,130 1,652,846 7,937 24.4 8,726,665 44
Essex County, New
1,220 79 173 9 3.9 3,146 8.2
Hamilton County,
36 1 1 1 0.8 208 4.5
New York
Herkimer County,
786 195 330 88 2.2 3,276 5.2
New York
Jefferson County, New
6,753 710 1,792 329 8.2 20,909 17.9
Lewis County, New
198 56 119 23 1.5 1,116 4.2
Oneida County, New
14,636 397 9,323 64 10.5 40,472 17.4
Onondaga County,
52,493 2,503 18,112 104 15.7 106,866 22.9
New York
Oswego County, New
1,199 186 833 10 1.9 6,832 5.7
St. Lawrence County,
2,637 762 1,215 63 4.2 8,767 7.9
New York
Source: ACS 2013-2017 5-year Estimate (U.S. Census Bureau, 2017c)

Table 3-14 shows the total population and the population below poverty level for all nine counties and NYS
for 2017 based on American Community Survey (ACS) 2013-2017 5-year estimate. Overall, most counties
within the study area have a low percentage of low-income populations. As shown Essex County has the
lowest percentage of individuals whose incomes fell below the poverty level at 8.9 percent. St. Lawrence
County has the highest percentage of low-income individuals at 19.4 percent.
Table 3-14. Total populations below poverty level within 12 months - 2017
Total population for
Below poverty Percent below
Geography whom poverty status is
level poverty level
State of New York 19,285,448 2,908,471 15.1
Essex County, New York 35,631 3,170 8.9
Hamilton County, New York 4,608 446 9.7
Herkimer County, New York 61,769 9,201 14.9
Jefferson County, New York 109,663 16,189 14.8

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Total population for

Below poverty Percent below
Geography whom poverty status is
level poverty level
Lewis County, New York 26,502 3,765 14.2
Oneida County, New York 219,770 36,487 16.6
Onondaga County, New York 448,918 67,057 14.9
Oswego County, New York 114,419 20,978 18.3
St. Lawrence County, New York 98,799 19,142 19.4
Source: ACS 2013-2017 5-year Estimate (U.S. Census Bureau, 2017d)

Low-income populations are defined as those counties where the percentage of the population considered
below poverty level to be greater than or equal to the percentage of the population with low incomes in
NYS. The study area as a whole has a lower percentage of low-income households than the state. However,
because poverty levels in three counties out of the nine counties is higher than the state, those counties are
considered environmental justice communities of concern for low-income populations.
Overall, all counties analyzed, except for Oswego (18.3 percent), St. Lawrence (19.4 percent), and Oneida
(16.6 percent), include relatively low percentage of low-income populations. All the counties include very
low percentage minority populations; therefore, the study area is not considered an environmental justice
3.8.2 Environmental Consequences
The impacts of a project within minority and low-income populations may be different from impacts on the
general population because of various social and cultural elements. However, because the study area as a
whole does not include low-income and minority population above the state threshold, there would be no
disproportionately high and adverse impacts to these populations resulting from this project.
For an impact to be considered an environmental justice impact, the affected minority and/or low-income
population must be disproportionately affected by the project’s negative impacts. The proposed project
would have indirect benefits to any low-income populations with economic growth effects and through
improved socioeconomic conditions such as potential employment or business opportunities.
However, because three of the nine counties within the study area show higher percentages of low-income
population than the threshold (state percentage), special attention must be paid to any operations within
those counties to prevent any potential disproportionately high and adverse impacts to the low-income
groups residing within those counties.
The following sections focus on impacts of the Proposed Action and its alternatives on socioeconomics

Under Alternative 1, six times a year Fort Drum would conduct up to a 14-day training event, where Soldiers
would travel using large numbers of vehicles convoys from Fort Drum to one of the many locations within
the nine-county study area. Any temporary construction needed to accommodate these training exercises
would be performed by the Soldiers as part of the training. If the sites selected for the training area are
private, the owner would be compensated for the lease. Therefore, economic impacts would be beneficial,
short-term, and negligible.

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Under Alternative 2, two times a year Fort Drum would conduct up to a 14-day training event. The
socioeconomic impacts of Alternative 2 would be very similar to those of Alternative 1. The main difference
is that, because Alternative 2 includes events only twice a year instead of six, it would provide slightly less
benefits to the area compared to Alternative 1. Overall, impacts would be beneficial, short-term, and

Under Alternative 3, the social and economic conditions of the area would remain unchanged from the
current conditions. Impacts would be beneficial, short-term, and negligible.
3.9.1 Affected Environment

The nine-county action or study area spans from Interstate (I)-87 (The Northway) to the east, the New York
(NY) 37 corridor to the north along the St Lawrence River, the I-81 corridor to the west, and the I-90 (New
York Thruway) to the south. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has designed a functional
classification of roadways to define a role that a particular roadway segment plays in serving the flow of
traffic through the network (Federal Highway Administration, 2017a).
The study area contains the following seven FHWA-designated functional classified system of roads that
connect Fort Drum: Interstate, other freeways and expressways, principal arterial, minor arterial, major
collector, minor collector, and local roadways (see Figure 3-16). Interstates, freeways, and expressways
provide a high level of travel capacity and carry longer distance travel between regions and states by
offering the highest speed limits and limiting the opportunities to enter and exit the roadway (Federal
Highway Administration, 2017a). This class of roads also contains bridges designed to carry trucks and
passenger cars. FHWA has designed Interstates as part of the Strategic Highway Network (STRAHNET),
a primary designation to serve military transport needs (Federal Highway Administration, 2017b). Freeway
and expressway classification are one level below Interstates and serve a more local connection at the
similar level as Interstates. Interstates, freeways, and expressways are included as principal arterials. Other
principal arterial network represent that contains roadways that connect Interstates to city centers and
provide a secondary connection between cities not served by Interstates.
FHWA designates Interstates, freeways, expressways, and arterials as part of the National Highway System
(NHS). The NHS consists of roadways important to the nation’s economy, defense, and mobility (Federal
Highway Administration, 2017b). Together the NHS and STRAHNET represent the most appropriate
roadway network for a military convoy to use for most of the trip. The last few miles may require access to
lower functional classified roadways such as minor arterials, major collectors, minor collectors. These
roadways are intended to connect the principal arterial system to the destination or a local roadway serving
a final destination.
The following section describes the roadways designated by FHWA as part of the NHS, spanning the nine-
county study area containing the functional classification, Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) volume,
posted speed limit, number of travel lanes, volume to capacity (V/C) ratio, general directional orientation,
and city connections. The AADT is the daily traffic volume averaged by 365 days of data (see Figure 3-17).
The V/C ratio is a comparison between the actual road segment volume surveyed and the estimated road
segment capacity. If the ratio equals or exceed 1.0, the roadway operation is considered oversaturated or
failing. Roadway capacity is calculated based on the travel lane(s) width, right shoulder width, number of
through lanes, and percent trucks (Federal Highway Administration, 2017c). This assessment excludes
intersections operations and is focused only on roadway links between major intersections. The source for
the classification, NHS and STRAHNET designation, AADT, and speed limit is the 2019 NYS Roadway

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Figure 3-16: Roadway Inventory

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Figure 3-17: Annual Average Daily Traffic

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Inventory System Geodatabase on the NYS Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) website

(, downloaded on December 18, 2019.
Because one of the criteria for selecting possible exercise locations is rural areas outside city boundaries,
only routes designated as NHS that serve areas outside of Syracuse and Utica are listed in the following
I-81: Interstate classified roadway orientated north-south connecting Canadian border to the north at the St.
Lawrence River and Syracuse to the south. The speed posted is 65 miles per hour (mph) for a majority of
the segments, and the AADT varies from over 42,000 near Syracuse to under 7,000 near the Canadian
border. Near Fort Drum, the AADT is over 24,000 vehicles per day. The V/C ratio exceeds 1.0 within a 15-
mile radius of Syracuse. I-81 has two travel lanes north of Syracuse, three travel lanes through Syracuse,
and is designated as part of the NHS and STRAHNET.
I-87: Interstate classified roadway orientated north-south connecting Plattsburgh to the north and I-90 in
Albany to the south. The posted speed is 65 mph, and the AADT varies between 6,900 and 8,900 vehicles
per day. The V/C ratio is not exceeded within the study area. I-87 has two travel lanes in each direction and
is designated as part of the NHS and STRAHNET.
I-481/ NY 481: Interstate, expressway, and other principal arterial classified roadway orientated north-
south connecting NY 104 at Oswego to the north and I-81 at Syracuse to the south. The posted speed is
55 mph north of Fulton and 65 mph south of Fulton, and the AADT is 38,000 vehicle per day in the Syracuse
area and 12,000 vehicles per day in the Oswego area. The V/C ratio is exceeded along this route between
I-81 and I-90 northeast of Syracuse and between I-690 and I-81 southeast of Syracuse. I-481/NY 418 has
two travel lanes in each direction south of Fulton and one travel lanes in each direction north of Fulton. The
entire route is designated as part of the NHS, and the Interstate portion is designated as a part of the
I-781: Interstate classified roadway orientated east-west connecting I-81 to the west and the Fort Drum to
the east. The posted speed varies between 55 mph to 65 mph and the AADT is 8,925. The V/C ratio is not
exceeded along this route. I-781 has two travel lanes in each direction and is designated as part of the NHS
US-11: Other principal arterial classified roadway orientated southwest-northeast connecting downtown
Watertown to the southwest and Potsdam to the northeast. The route continues south of Watertown as a
major collector paralleling I-81 and thus would not be a viable route for the actions. The posted speed is
55 mph outside the town centers along the route, and the AADT varies between 5,000 and 9,000 vehicles
per day. The V/C ratio is not exceeded along this route segment. US 11 has one travel lane in each direction
for most of the route and is designated as part of the NHS.
US-20: Other principal arterial classified roadway oriented east-west connecting NY 28 near Springfield to
east and Auburn to the west. The posted speed is 55 mph outside the town centers along the route and the
AADT varies between 1,900 and 9,000 vehicles per day. The V/C ratio is not exceeded along this route
segment. US 20 has one travel lane in each direction for most of the route and is designated as part of the
NY-3: Other principal arterial classified roadway orientated east-west connecting Saranac Lake (near Lake
Placid) to the east and downtown Watertown to the west. The route continues south of Watertown parallel
to I-81 as a minor arterial, thus would not be a viable route for the actions. The posted speed is 55 mph
outside the town centers along the route and the AADT varies between 1,200 and 7,000 vehicles per day.
The V/C ratio is not exceeded along this route segment. NY 3 has one travel lane in each direction and is
designated as part of the NHS (except for a segment that travels through Carthage). For a five mile stretch
north of Carthage, the other principal arterial designed route follows NY 3A instead of NY 3 and is
designated as part of the NHS. NY 3 is designated as a minor arterial between Carthage and the intersection
of NY 3A and would not be a viable route for the actions.

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

NY-12 (excludes NY-12B, NY-12D, NY-12E, or NY-12F): Other principal arterial classified roadway
orientated northwest-southeast connecting downtown Watertown to the northwest and Utica to the
southeast. The approach to Utica is classified as an expressway/freeway. The route continues south of Utica
I-81 as an expressway and other principal arterial. The route also continues northwest of Watertown as a
minor arterial and loops back to I-81 near the Canadian border. This segment might be used to access the
Clayton area. The posted speed is 55 mph outside the town centers along the route, and the AADT varies
between 2,100 and 11,000 vehicles per day. The V/C ratio is not exceeded along this route segment. NY
12 has one travel lane in each direction and is designated as part of the NHS.
NY-26: Other principal arterial classified roadway orientated north-south connecting US 11 at Evan Mills
to the north and NY 12 at Lowville to the south and travels through Fort Drum. The posted speed is 55 mph
outside the town centers along the route and the AADT varies between 3,300 and 7,000 vehicles per day.
The V/C ratio is exceeded along this route segment in the vicinity of NY 3 at Great Bend. NY 26 has one
travel lane in each direction and is designated as part of the NHS.
NY-30: Other principal arterial classified roadway orientated north-south connecting NY 3 at Malone to
the north and Northville to the south. The posted speed varies between 40 and 55 mph and the AADT is
600 vehicles per day. The V/C ratio is not exceeded along this route segment. NY 30 has one travel lane in
each direction and is designated as part of the NHS.
NY-37: Other principal arterial classified roadway orientated southwest-northeast connecting NY 411/I-81
to the southwest and Massena to the northeast. The route continues south of NY 411 as a major collector,
thus would not be a viable route for the actions. The posted speed is 55 mph outside the town centers along
the route, and the AADT varies between 3,000 and 5,000 vehicles per day. The V/C ratio is not exceeded
along this route segment. NY 37 has one travel lane in each direction and is designated as part of the NHS.
NY-56: Other principal arterial classified roadway orientated north-south connecting NY 37 at Massena to
the north and US 11 at Potsdam to the south. The posted speed is 55 mph outside the town centers along
the route, and the AADT varies between 4,800 and 7,400 vehicles per day. The V/C ratio is not exceeded
along this route segment. NY 56 has one travel lane in each direction and is designated as part of the NHS.
NY-104: Other principal arterial classified roadway orientated east-west connecting I-81 at Maple View to
the east and NY 34 at Hannibal to the west. The posted speed is 55 mph outside the town centers along the
route, and the AADT varies between 3,900 and 5,900 vehicles per day. The volume to capacity ratio is not
exceeded along this route segment. NY 104 has one travel lane in each direction and is designated as part
of the NHS.
NY-812: Other principal arterial classified roadway orientated north-south connecting NY 37 at
Ogdensburg to the north and NY 12 at Lowville to the south. The posted speed is 55 mph outside the town
centers along the route, and the AADT varies between 1,100 and 3,300 vehicles per day. The V/C ratio is
not exceeded along this route segment. NY 812 has one travel lane in each direction and is designated as
part of the NHS.

Bridge structural conditions are an important component of the FHWA NHS-designated roadway system.
Bridges are designed to accommodate a gross weight up to 80,000 pounds, spread across five axles where
the distance between the first and fifth axle is 51 feet and the distance between the second and fifth axle is
35 feet (Federal Highway Administration, 2019). The first axle is at the front of the truck, the second axle
is under the front of the trailer, and the fifth axle is at the rear of the trailer. Figure 3-18 illustrates the
maximum bridge designed axle to weight distribution.

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Source: (Federal Highway Administration, 2019)

Figure 3-18: Interstate Bridge Axle to Weight Distribution

NYSDOT allows trucks up to 102,000-pound maximum weight with the appropriate number of axles to
drive over its bridges, but they must carry an approved NYSDOT overweight permit (New York State
Department of Transportation, n.d.). NYSDOT provides a snapshot in time of the bridges with posted
overweight restrictions. Based on the NYSDOT-maintained interactive posted bridges map, NYSDOT has
issued overweight restrictions for the following bridges within the study area (New York State Department
of Transportation, n.d.):
1. US 11 crossing the CSX St. Lawrence Sub between Mannsville and Laconia;
2. NY 3 crossing a Black River tributary east of the intersection with NY 3A
east of Deferiet, adjacent to Fort Drum;
3. NY 12E crossing the Chaumont River in Chaumont and crossing the French
Creek in Clayton;
4. NY 180 crossing the Chaumont River in Orleans; and
5. NY 58 crossing the Oswegatchie River northwest of Gouverneur and crossing
a creek south of Morristown.
The locations listed above are along minor arterials and major collectors and not part of the FHWA NHS-
designated network.

The nine-county study area contains six bicycle routes serving the greater Watertown, Syracuse, and Utica
area. The bicycle routes either parallel a linear water feature, roadway, or shoreline. The source for the trail
name, paved status, and mileage is from the 2018 NYS Bicycle Routes Geodatabase available on the NYS
website (, downloaded on December 18,
The Seaway Trail is a paved 149-mile scenic byway that parallels the shoreline of Lake Ontario. The trail
begins at Lakeview Wildlife Management Area near Ellisburg and follows NY 12 and NY 37 to Massena.
Bicyclists must traverse NY 37 along the northern stretch of the trail and NY 12 on the remaining sections.
The Olympic Trail is a paved 168-mile scenic byway that parallels the NY 3 corridor. The trail begins at
Sackets Harbor at the junction of the Seaway Trail and follows NY 3 through Watertown to the east to Lake
Placid, then continues north to Lake Champlain intersecting with the State Bike Route 11 Trail. Bicyclists
must traverse NY 3 along most of the trail between Watertown and Saranac Lake.

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

The State Bike Route 11 Trail is a paved 316-mile route that parallels the US 11 corridor. The trail begins
south of Syracuse near Binghamton and follows US 11 to the north through Watertown to Champlain near
the Canadian border, intersecting with the Olympic Trail. Bicyclists must traverse NY 11 along the trail
through the study area.
The Black River Trail is a paved 84-mile route that parallels the NY 12 and NY 812. The trail begins in
Boonville and follows NY 12 to NY 812 north through Lowville to Ogdensburg and crossing the St.
Lawrence River into Canada. Bicyclists must traverse NY 12 along the south piece of the trail and NY 812
along the remaining piece of the trail north of Lowville.
The State Bike Route 5 Trail is a paved 358-mile route that parallels NY 5. The trail begins in Niagara
Falls and follows several routes across the state passing through Syracuse and Utica to New Lebanon at the
Massachusetts border. Bicyclists must traverse several roadways between Syracuse and Utica.
The Erie Canal Trail is a paved 124-mile route that parallels NY 5. The trail begins in East Syracuse and
follows the Erie Canal through Utica to Amsterdam. A majority of the trail is on its own right-of-way, but
bicyclists must cross over other roadways and traverse a number of routes along segments not on their own

The nine-county Action Area contains railroads operated by CSX, short lines, and state operated lines (see
Figure 3-19). At-grade crossings could pose an issue for the Proposed Action. The source for the railroad
line name and operator is from the 2013 NYS Railroad Lines Geodatabase available on the NYS website
(, downloaded on December 18, 2019.
CSX Rail operates several lines that crisscross the study area. They operate the St. Lawrence sub that
travels from Syracuse to Massena. Two at-grade crossings exist, one in Canton where the CSX line crosses
US 11 and a second near Hewittville where the CSX line crosses NY 56. CSX operates the Carthage
Secondary and has one at-grade crossing over NY 3/3A in Carthage. Two private lines that are spurs off
CSX mainlines are operated by CSX and contain at-grade crossings. One is located along a private sub line
off the St. Lawrence sub CSX line serving the private manufacturing facility and crosses US 11 west of
Gouverneur. A second at-grade crossing exists off the CSX Fulton sub line north of Fulton where the tracks
cross NY 481.
The New York and Ogdensburg Railroad (NYOG) operates spur lines off the CSX line. The spur
between Norwood and Ogdensburg has an at-grade crossing in Ogdensburg that crosses NY 37. The same
operator also operates a spur line between Norwood and Waddington with an existing at-grade crossing in
Norfolk across NY 56.
The Adirondack Railroad operates from a junction with the Mohawk Adirondack and Northern railroad
north of Utica. One at-grade crossing exists in Tupper Lake and crosses NY 3.

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Figure 3-19: Railroads

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

3.9.2 Environmental Consequences

Under Alternative 1, six times a year Fort Drum would conduct up to a 14-day training event, during which
Soldiers would travel using vehicle convoy from Fort Drum to selected locations within the nine-county
study area. The 14-day training event would be followed by an up to seven-day period to return the property
to its condition prior to the exercise. It is assumed that the military convoys would travel from Fort Drum
and the training site via roadways designated as part of the NHS. The last mile or two might also include
non-NHS designated routes, but those routes would be kept to a minimum. The multiple military convoys
traveling throughout the nine-county area along the NHS-designated roadways would add vehicle trips to
the network and affect links that are currently experiencing volumes exceeding capacity (V/C ration equal
or greater than 1.0). They would also affect NHS-designated roadways experiencing volumes where 10
percent more volume could exceed the capacity. Given the programmatic nature of this evaluation, 90
percent of capacity or a 0.9 V/C ratio might be enough to increase the volume to be equal or greater than
the roadway designed capacity.
The following NHS-designated roadway segments would operate at or exceed capacity if the military
convoys were added to the network:
1. NY 26 near the intersection of NY 3 northeast of Watertown adjacent to Fort
2. I-81 between NY 49 and NY 32 near Mallory;
3. I-481 between I-81 and NY 298 northeast of Syracuse;
4. I-481 between I-690 and I-81 near Dewitt;
5. I-481 between NY 49 and Fourth Street in Fulton; and
6. I-81 through downtown Syracuse.
NHS-designated roadways operating near the 90 percent threshold might be affected by the increase in
vehicle trips. The following roadway segments could operate at capacity if the military convoys were added
to the network:
1. NY 12 between I-81 and Watertown Center;
2. I-81 between NY 32 and NY 69 near Parish;
3. I-81 between I-481 and Onondaga County Line near Tully; and
4. I-481 between US 11 and I-81 in Syracuse.
If a military convoy destined to a training site includes an overweight truck, the Army can apply for a
NYSDOT permit, assuming the weight does not exceed the maximum bridge limit. If the travel route
crosses any of the bridges with overweight restrictions along US 11, NY 3, NY 12E, NY 58, and NY 180,
then a new route would need to be assigned to avoid these restricted bridges. Because these restricted
bridges are not located along the NHS-designated network, the only reason to cross these bridges would be
to access a training site located along these specific routes.
All bicycle trails within the study area cross the NHS-designated roadways in numerous locations in the
study area. Some trails such as the Erie Canal Trail, travel on their own right-of-way and cross the NHS-
designated roadways at intersections, while other trails, such as the Olympic Trail, share the pavement with
the NHS-designated roadways.
At-grade railroad crossings along the NHS-designated roadways currently can cause vehicle delays. An
addition of vehicles from a military convoy would add to the length of the queue for vehicles waiting to

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

clear the railroad crossing after the train has passed. The following railroad mainlines have at-grade
crossings that would be affected by the increased vehicle volumes:
1. CSX at US 11 in Canton; and
2. CSX at NY 56 in Hewittville.
The following railroad subs (less trains than mainlines) have at-grade crossings that could be affected by
the increased vehicle volumes:
1. NYOG at NY 37 11 in Ogdensburg;
2. NYOG at NY 56 in Norfolk;
3. CSX at NY 3/3A;
4. CSX at US 11 at Gouverneur;
5. CSX at NY 481 at Fulton; and
6. Adirondack Railroad at NY 3 in Tupper Lake.
Adding vehicle trips to the study area roadway network would affect the roadway operations based on an
increase in vehicle volume and potential longer delays to clear at-grade railroad crossings after a train
passes. The additional vehicles would also increase bicycle conflicts with vehicles along bicycle trails that
cross the NHS-designated roadways. The shortest convoy travel route to a training site might not be feasible
if the route is proposed to cross a restricted overweight bridge and at least one vehicle in the convoy is
overweight based on the number of axles and their spacing. This could require a longer, more circuitous
route, thus adding more traffic to more of the study area roadway network. Therefore, under Alternative 1,
there would be adverse, short-term, and minor to moderate impacts to transportation reflecting the addition
of vehicles destined to the temporary training sites.
Potential mitigation measures to avoid or reduce transportation impacts would include the following:
• schedule the military convoys to travel between Fort Drum and the training sites during off-peak
daytime travel hours. This would reduce traffic along the NHS designated roadways and reduce the
potential delays for at-grade railroad crossings;
• develop travel routes that remain on the Interstate system as much as possible and avoid town/city
centers; and
• avoid using overweight trucks as part of the military convoy.

Under Alternative 2, two times a year Fort Drum would conduct up to a 14-day training event, where
Soldiers would travel using vehicle convoy from Fort Drum to selected locations within the nine-county
study area. The impacts to roadways, bicycles, and delays caused by at-grade railroad crossings would be
very similar to Alternative 1. In addition, detours due to overweight trucks included in the convoys would
also be similar to Alternative 1. The primary difference would be the number of times the impacts would
affect the study area would only be twice per year. Therefore, under Alternative 2, there would be adverse,
short-term, minor to moderate impacts to transportation reflecting the addition of vehicles destined to the
temporary training sites.
The proposed mitigation would be similar to Alternative 1.

Under Alternative 3, the roadway, bicycle, and railroad networks would continue to operate similar to the
existing condition. The roadway network would continue to experience the same vehicle volumes as present
and would continue to cause the same congestion issues at the same locations as present. The bicycle

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

network would continue to encounter the same vehicle-bicycle conflicts as present when crossing a
roadway. The at-grade railroad crossings would continue to delay a similar number of vehicles while the
train crosses the road as present. Therefore, under Alternative 3, there would be adverse, short-term,
negligible impacts to transportation.
This discussion of public health and safety includes consideration of any activities, occurrences, or
operations that have the potential to affect the safety, well-being, or health of members of the public. The
primary goal is to identify and prevent potential accidents or impacts on the general public.
A safe environment is one in which there is no, or optimally reduced, potential for death, serious bodily
injury or illness, or property damage. Various stressors in the environment can adversely affect public health
and safety. Identification and control or elimination of these stressors can reduce risks to health and safety
to acceptable levels or eliminate risk entirely.
Emergency services are organizations that ensure public safety and health by addressing different
emergencies. The three main emergency service functions include police, fire and rescue service, and
emergency medical service.
Environmental health and safety risks to children are defined as those that are attributable to products or
substances a child is likely to come into contact with or ingest, such as air, food, water, soil, and products
that children use or to which they are exposed.
Executive Order 13045, Protection of Children from Environmental Health Risks and Safety Risks, requires
federal agencies to “make it a high priority to identify and assess environmental health and safety risks that
may disproportionately affect children and shall ensure that its policies, programs, activities, and standards
address disproportionate risks to children that result from environmental health risks or safety risks.”
3.10.1 Affected Environment

Fort Drum
The Fort Drum Directorate of Emergency Services provides fire and emergency services on the Installation
(U.S. Army Garrison Fort Drum, 2020). There are three fire stations on the Installation, and hospitals are
located nearby in Jefferson County. The directorate has a mutual aid agreement with Jefferson County
Office of Fire and Emergency Management for Fire Protection and Hazardous Materials and Wastes
Incident Response (Matrix Design Group, 2018).
Nine Counties
The emergency services in the nine counties under consideration for the Proposed Action are presented
below. The number of fire departments in each of the counties is based on the information available on the
NYS Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services (NYSDHSES) website for fire department
identification (New York State Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services, 2020). Similarly,
the number of hospitals and their designation is based on the information available on the NYS Department
of Health (NYSDH) hospital by region/county and service website (New York State Department of Health,
2020a). NYS has a statewide trauma and health system in which participating hospitals are designated as
Level I (one), II (two), or III (three), depending on their resources and services availability (New York State
Department of Health, 2020b). The highest level is Level I, which denotes a comprehensive regional
resource that is a tertiary care facility. A Level II trauma center is able to initiate definitive care for all
injured patients. A Level III trauma center has demonstrated an ability to provide prompt assessment,
resuscitation, surgery, intensive care, and stabilization of injured patients and emergency operations
(American Trauma Society, 2020).

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Essex County Emergency Services coordinates the county’s emergency resources and responses (Essex
County, 2020). The county has 51 fire departments. There are three hospitals in Essex County: Adirondack
Medical Center-Lake Placid; the University of Vermont Health Network-Elizabethtown Community
Hospital in Elizabethtown, NY; and the Moses- Ludington Hospital in Ticonderoga, NY, which is a satellite
hospital of the University of Vermont Health Network-Elizabethtown Community Hospital.
Hamilton County Office of Emergency Services oversees first-responder services in the county and is the
initial lead agency for major emergencies (Adirondack Region 211, 2020). The county has 23 fire
departments. There are no hospitals in the county.
Herkimer County
Herkimer County Office of Emergency Services coordinates the county’s emergency resources and
responses (Herkimer County, 2020). The county has 53 fire departments and one hospital—Little Falls
Jefferson County Office of Fire and Emergency Management serves as the lead coordinating agency for
regional preparedness and emergency management efforts (Jefferson County, 2020). The county has 93 fire
departments and three hospitals—Carthage Area Hospital Inc.; River Hospital, Inc.; and Samaritan Medical
As mentioned above, there is a mutual aid agreement between Fort Drum and Jefferson County Office of
Fire and Emergency Management for Fire Protection and Hazardous Materials and Wastes Incident
Response (Matrix Design Group, 2018).
Lewis County Emergency and Fire Management Services is in charge of emergency planning,
preparedness, mitigation, response and recovery (Lewis County, 2020). The county has 42 fire departments
and one hospital—Lewis County General Hospital.
Oneida County Department of Emergency Services coordinates the county’s emergency resources and
responses (Oneida County, 2020) The county has 111 fire departments and four hospitals—Faxton-St
Luke’s Healthcare St Luke’s Division; Mohawk Valley Heart Institute, Inc.; Rome Memorial Hospital, Inc.;
and St Elizabeth Medical Center, which is a Level III Adult Trauma Center.
Onondaga County Department of Emergency Management is designated to coordinate all emergency
management activities: mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery (Onondaga County, 2020). The
county has 97 fire departments and five hospitals—Crouse Hospital; Crouse Hospital - Commonwealth
Division; St. Joseph's Hospital Health Center; Upstate University Hospital at Community General; and
University Hospital SUNY Health Science Center, which is a Level I Adult and Pediatric Trauma Center.
The Oswego County Emergency Management Office coordinates the county’s emergency resources and
responses (Oswego County, 2020). Oswego County has 73 fire departments and one hospital offering
emergency medical services—Oswego Hospital.
Oswego County also contains two nuclear power plants—Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station and James A.
FitzPatrick Nuclear Generating Station. The two power plants are located within the same site, which

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

encompasses an area of 1,500 acres on the south shore of Lake Ontario, in the Town of Scriba. The Oswego
County Emergency Management Office in collaboration with Exelon Generation, NYS, and FEMA, has
developed an emergency management plan for the power plant (Exelon Generation, 2020).
St. Lawrence
The St. Lawrence County Office of Emergency Services provides training, support services, and
coordination for emergency response throughout the county (St. Lawrence County, 2020). The county has
102 fire departments and five hospitals—Claxton-Hepburn Medical Center; Clifton-Fine Hospital;
Gouverneur Hospital; Massena Memorial Hospital; and Canton-Potsdam Hospital, which is a Level III
Adult Trauma Center.
Hazardous Waste and Hazardous Material
Hazardous waste is generated primarily from the use and maintenance of vehicles, aircraft, and other
vehicles and equipment used during training exercises. The most common types of hazardous waste are
POLS. Other types of hazardous wastes associated with maintaining equipment used during training
exercises include antifreeze, degreasers and solvents, chemical batteries, and paint-related materials (U.S.
Army Garrison Fort Drum, 2002). These hazardous materials are used and temporarily stored at locations
throughout the Fort Drum Cantonment Area and primarily in aircraft and vehicle maintenance complexes
(U.S. Army Garrison Fort Drum, 2007).
Fort Drum manages its hazardous wastes and materials through several plans and programs. The SPCC
Plan (U.S. Army Public Health Command, 2016) addresses the prevention of unintentional pollutant
discharges of petroleum products and other hazardous materials. The Oil and Hazardous Substance Spill
Contingency (OHSSC) Plan (U.S. Army Garrison Fort Drum, 2019f) identifies the organizational structure
and procedures for preparing for and responding to releases of hazardous substances, hazardous waste,
pollutants, and contaminants, as well as providing state, county, and local spill response and emergency
preparedness officials with awareness of the oil and hazardous substance storage locations at Fort Drum.
All hazardous materials on Fort Drum are distributed through the Hazardous Materials Control Center in
accordance with the Hazardous Waste Management Plan (U.S. Army Garrison Fort Drum, 2019g), which
establishes guidelines for proper handling of hazardous wastes.
The Environmental Division of Public Works at Fort Drum is responsible for environmental management
on the Installation and determines suitable environmental management procedures for each activity and
proposed project at Fort Drum. These procedures, which include all pertinent federal, state, and local
regulations, would be followed during project implementation.
Section 3.2, Noise, presents the background on noise levels associated with military training activities.
Section 3.3, Airspace, presents the background on airspace class designations and flight hazards in and
around the Fort Drum LFA.
Transportation and Traffic
Section 3.9, Transportation and Traffic, presents an overview of the transportation network around Fort
Drum and the nine counties.
3.10.2 Environmental Consequences
Potential impacts of the Alternatives on public health and safety are evaluated in the following section at a
programmatic level. Following final site selection and identification of specific training exercise logistics,
site-specific analyses would be necessary to identify specific impacts.

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Under Alternative 1, increased frequency of off-base training exercises would result in increased potential
for adverse impacts to public health and safety. Potential impacts could include accidents during training
exercises which could result in personal injury or accidental release of hazardous substances such as fuel
or chemical spills.
Following established safety protocols during training exercises would minimize the potential for accidents
that could result in injury. In the event of an accident or emergency, Fort Drum would coordinate with the
appropriate emergency services contacts within the affected county or counties. Fort Drum would follow
any applicable requirements or procedures outlined in emergency management plans established within
each county. If appropriate, prior to the training exercise, Fort Drum would conduct an Environmental
Condition of Property to document the physical and environmental condition of the property resulting from
the past storage, use, release, and disposal of hazardous substances and petroleum products.
Similarly, Fort Drum would follow all applicable protocols and guidelines to minimize the risk of accidental
discharge of hazardous waste during training exercises in accordance with its SPCC Plan and Hazardous
Waste Management Plan. Additionally, secondary containment systems on all equipment containing POL
or hazardous materials would minimize the likelihood of spills. In the event of a spill, Fort Drum would
follow the procedures outlined in its OHSSC Plan to respond to the spill and coordinate with state, county,
and local spill response and emergency preparedness officials as needed.
The potential for adverse impacts to public health and safety would increase compared to existing
conditions because off-base training exercises would occur more frequently. Most potential adverse impacts
would be temporary, lasting for the duration of training exercises. However, some impacts such as release
of hazardous substances could result in long-term adverse impacts depending on the nature of the substance
and magnitude of the spill. Implementing procedures and protocols outlined in the Installation SPCC Plan,
Hazardous Waste Management Plan, OHSSC Plan, and any relevant county Emergency Management Plans
would minimize the potential for adverse impacts and ensure that appropriate response measures are taken
in the event of an accident or emergency.
As discussed in Section 3.2, Noise, based on avoidance measures and due to the infrequent occurrence and
the temporary exposure, noise impacts from Alternative 1 to public health would be adverse, short-term
and negligible to minor.
As discussed in Section 3.3, Airspace, there would be no impacts to Airspace from Alternative 1.
As discussed in Section 3.9, Transportation and Traffic, adding vehicle trips to the study area roadway
network would affect the roadway operations based on an increase in vehicle volume and potential longer
delays to clear at-grade railroad crossings after a train passes. The additional vehicles would also increase
bicycle conflicts with vehicles along bicycle trails that cross the NHS-designated roadways. Impacts to
traffic operations and bicycle safety would be adverse, short-term, and minor to moderate. Measures to
avoid those impacts are also discussed in Section 3.9.
Therefore, under Alternative 1 overall, impacts to public health and safety would be adverse, short- or long-
term, and no impacts to moderate.

Under Alternative 2, potential adverse impacts to public health and safety from off-base training exercises
would be the same as those described under Alternative 1 but would occur less frequently. Alternative 2
would not be expected to result in significant adverse impacts because appropriate measures would be taken
to minimize the potential for adverse impacts and ensure that appropriate response measures are taken in
the event of an accident or emergency, as described under Alternative 1. Overall, impacts to public health
and safety would be adverse, short- or long-term, and no to moderate impacts.

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Under the No Action Alternative, there would be no change in the potential for adverse impacts to public
health and safety compared to existing conditions. The No Action Alternative would not be expected to
result in significant adverse impacts because appropriate measures would be taken to minimize the potential
for adverse impacts and ensure that appropriate response measures are taken in the event of an accident or
emergency, as described under Alternative 1. Overall, impacts to public health and safety would be adverse,
short- or long-term, and no to moderate impacts.
The resources that are potentially impacted and discussed in detail in this PEA include: land use, noise,
airspace, geology and soils, biological resources (vegetation, invasive species, wildlife, and threatened and
endangered species), water resources, cultural resources, socioeconomics and environmental justice,
transportation and traffic, and public health and safety. Table 3-15 contains a summary of potential impacts
on these resources.

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Table 3-15. Summary Environmental Impacts

Resource Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 3 (No Action Alternative)
Land Use Because training is temporary, any Because training is temporary, any There would be no changes to existing
impacts to land use would be short-term impacts to land use would be short-term training duration and amounts. Impacts
in nature. Schools, churches, and in nature. Schools, churches, and would be adverse, short-term, and minor.
populated areas would be avoided. It is populated areas would be avoided. It is
recommended if parks and recreation recommended if parks and recreation
areas are used, they are avoided during areas are used, they are avoided during
peak times (hunting, fishing, and boating peak times (hunting, fishing, and boating
seasons). Coordination with owner would seasons). Coordination with owner would
occur prior to the start of training occur prior to the start of training
exercises. Impacts to land use would be exercises. Impacts to land use would be
adverse, short-term and minor as no adverse, short-term and minor as no
permanent changes to designated land permanent changes to designated land
uses would be made. Tiered NEPA uses would be made. Tiered NEPA
analysis would determine the impact analysis would determine the impact
once sites have been selected. once sites have been selected.
Noise Training exercises are short-term. Training exercises are short-term. Aircraft would continue to operate as in
Helicopter overflights associated with the Helicopter overflights associated with the the past. Therefore, noise from aircraft
training exercises would be infrequent training exercises would be infrequent operations would be adverse, short-term,
and of a short duration. Aviators are (two thirds less than Alternative 1) and of and range from negligible to minor.
instructed to avoid flyovers of residential a short duration. Aviators are instructed
areas, known wildlife refuges, and to avoid flyovers of residential areas,
livestock. For areas where aviators known wildlife refuges, and livestock.
takeoff, land, and hover, and during Therefore, noise impacts on human
engine run-ups, receivers of noise may annoyance and domestic animals would
experience additional disturbances. The be adverse, short-term, and range from
number and amount of disturbances will negligible to minor. Noise impacts on
also be dependent on the number of wildlife would be adverse, short-term,
aircraft involved in the training exercises. and range from negligible to moderate.
Therefore, noise impacts on human
annoyance and domestic animals would
be adverse, short-term, and range from
negligible to minor. Noise impacts on
wildlife would be adverse, short-term,
and range from negligible to moderate.

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Resource Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 3 (No Action Alternative)

th th
Airspace 10 CAB helicopters would continue to 10 CAB helicopters would continue to Aircraft would continue to operate in the
use the airspace as they currently do; no use the airspace as they currently do; no existing airspace as in the past. Aircraft
changes are proposed to the current changes are proposed to the current operations would have no impact to
airspace; therefore, there would be no airspace; therefore, there would be no airspace in the Action Area.
impacts to airspace in the Action Area. impacts to airspace in the Action Area.
Geology and Soils There would be no direct effects to There would be no direct effects to Under the No Action Alternative, there
geology and soils because training geology and soils because training would be no new adverse impacts to
locations would be chosen based on locations would be chosen based on geology and soils compared to existing
criteria designed to minimize impact. criteria designed to minimize impact. conditions. Minor short-term impacts to
Minor short-term impacts to surface Minor short-term impacts to surface surface topography could occur, and
topography would occur due to aircraft topography could occur due to aircraft appropriate measures would continue to
and heavy vehicles onsite. If prime and heavy vehicles onsite. If prime be taken to minimize impacts and restore
farmland areas are used, coordination farmland areas are used, coordination the site to its original condition following
with owner would occur prior to the start with owner would occur prior to the start the exercise.
of training exercises. Impacts would be of training exercises. Impacts would be
adverse, short-term, and minor. Tiered adverse, short-term, and minor. Tiered
NEPA analysis would determine the NEPA analysis would determine the
impact once sites have been selected. impact once sites have been selected.
Appropriate measures would be taken to Appropriate measures would be taken to
minimize impacts and restore the site to minimize impacts and restore the site to
its original condition following the its original condition following the
exercise. exercise.
Biological Resources Training activities would result in Potential adverse impacts to biological Under the No Action Alternative, there
adverse, short- and long-term, negligible resources would be the same in nature as would be no new adverse impacts to
to moderate impacts to biological those described under Alternative 1 but biological resources compared to existing
resources. Impacts could include removal reduced in frequency because off-base conditions. Impacts would be adverse,
of vegetation from clearing, crushing, or training exercises would occur less short- and long-term, and negligible to
trampling; spreading of invasive species frequently. Implementing appropriate moderate.
from soil disturbances; and disturbances conservation measures, terms and
to wildlife, including threatened or conditions and following permit
endangered species, and habitats from conditions would ensure that adverse
noise and visual disturbances during impacts are avoided, minimized, or
training exercises. There could also be mitigated as necessary. Impacts would be
long-term impacts from habitat alteration, adverse, short- and long-term, and
mortality of individual animals, or negligible to moderate. Final
destruction of nests and eggs of ground- conservation measures would be
nesting birds. Implementing appropriate developed in consultation with USFWS
conservation measures and terms and and NYSDEC at the time of site selection

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Resource Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 3 (No Action Alternative)

conditions and following permit
conditions would ensure that adverse
impacts are avoided, minimized, or
mitigated as necessary. Final
conservation measures would be
developed in consultation with USFWS
and NYSDEC at the time of site
Water Resources There would be no direct impacts to There would be no direct impacts to There would be no changes to existing
surface waters, floodplains, wetlands, and surface waters, floodplains, wetlands, and training duration and amounts. Impacts
water supplies because training would water supplies because training would would be adverse, short-term, and minor.
not occur in areas near these resources. not occur in areas near these resources.
Activities would not increase the demand Activities would not increase the demand
for groundwater and would not directly for groundwater and would not directly
impact any surface waters. Adverse, impact any surface waters. Adverse,
minor, short-term impacts to surface minor, short-term impacts to surface
waters and water resources would occur. waters and water resources would occur.
Appropriate stormwater management Appropriate stormwater management
design and Best Management Practice design and BMP implementation on site
(BMP) implementation on site would would minimize impacts.
minimize impacts.
Cultural Resources Known historic resources would be Alternative 2 would have a minor impact Under the No Action Alternative, impacts
avoided. However, training exercises on known and potentially unknown to cultural resources would remain
have the potential to impact unknown cultural resources on Fort Drum and unchanged from the current conditions.
archaeological resources. BMPs would nine-county Action Area. The BMPs Impacts to cultural resources would be
be followed to ensure impacts to cultural would be followed to ensure impacts to adverse, short- or long-term and minor to
resources remain minor. Impacts to cultural resources remain minor. Impacts moderate.
cultural resources would be adverse, to cultural resources would be adverse,
short- or long-term and minor to short or long-term and minor to
moderate. moderate.

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Resource Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 3 (No Action Alternative)

Socioeconomic, Any temporary construction needed to Impacts would be similar to but less than Under the No Action Alternative, the
Environmental accommodate these training exercises Alternative 1. Overall, impacts would be social and economic conditions of the
Justice would be performed by the Soldiers as beneficial, short-term, and negligible. area would remain unchanged from the
part of the training. If the sites selected current conditions. Impacts would be
for the training area is private, the owner beneficial, short-term, and negligible.
would be compensated for the lease.
Therefore, there could be negligible
beneficial economic impacts. Overall,
impacts would be beneficial, short-term,
and negligible.
Transportation and Adverse, short-term, and minor to Impacts would be similar to but less than There would be no change in the
Traffic moderate impacts would occur to traffic Alternative 1. Fort Drum would employ potential for adverse impacts compared to
operations and bicycle safety. Fort Drum potential mitigation measures to avoid or existing conditions. Adverse, short-term,
would employ potential mitigation reduce transportation impacts and minor to moderate impacts would
measures to avoid or reduce occur to traffic operations and bicycle
transportation impacts. safety.
Public Health and Fort Drum would follow its safety Fort Drum would follow same safety There would be no change compared to
Safety protocols and plans to minimize the protocols and plans and coordination as existing conditions. Impacts would be
potential for accidents and coordinate with Alternative 1. Impacts would be adverse, short- or long-term, and
with the appropriate emergency services similar to but less than Alternative 1. negligible to minor.
contacts within the affected county or
counties. Noise impacts on human
annoyance would be adverse, short-term
and negligible to minor and there would
be no impacts to Airspace. Fort Drum
would employ mitigation measures to
avoid impacts to traffic and

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities


Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities


A cumulative impact is defined in the CEQ NEPA regulations as “the impact on the environment which
results from the incremental impact of the action when added to other past, present, or reasonably
foreseeable future action regardless of what agency (federal or non-federal) or person undertakes such other
actions” (see 40 CFR 1508.7). This section goes on to note that “such impacts can result from individually
minor but collectively significant actions taking place over a period of time.”
Due to the programmatic nature of the Proposed Action, cumulative impacts analysis in this PEA considers
the two training exercises that occur within the proposed Action Area.
These are: (1) Jaded Thunder – Per Fort Drum, Special Operations exercise that only occurs when the CAB
is deployed and includes fixed wing aircraft, and (2) National Guard Bureau – Camp Ethan Allen Exercise.
It is recommended if parks and recreation areas are used, they avoid being used during peak times (hunting,
fishing, and boating seasons). Air and ground training exercises would result in minor to moderate impacts
to land use in the Action Area. Similar impacts would occur from the Jaded Thunder and Ethan Allen
Exercises. For this reason, under both Action Alternatives, there could be minor to moderate cumulative
impacts to land use. Impacts under Alternative 3 (No Action Alternative), would have a similar contribution
to cumulative impacts. Once specific sites are selected, the tiered NEPA analysis will evaluate sites for
cumulative impacts to land use.
The helicopter overflights associated with Alternative 1 or Alternative 2 would contribute additional
overflight noise to the overall noise levels calculated as a yearly average with aircraft noise from Jaded
Thunder and Camp Ethan Allen Exercises. For this reason, under the Action Alternatives there could be
short-term, direct, cumulative, and adverse noise impacts. Because these training exercises are not
performed simultaneously, there would be no impact to daily average noise levels, nor would there be an
increase in noise levels in the LFA remotely close to a 65 dB ADNL. Impacts under Alternative 3 (No
Action Alternative), would have similar contribution to cumulative impacts.
The addition of convoy noise associated with Alternative 1 or Alternative 2 would contribute additional
roadway transportation noise to the cumulative noise levels calculated as a yearly average with ground
vehicles used in conjunction with Jaded Thunder and Camp Ethan Allen Exercises. For this reason, under
the Action Alternatives there could be short-term, direct, cumulative, and adverse noise impacts due to an
increase in military vehicle convoys. However, the exercises would most likely not be performed
simultaneously. Impacts under Alternative 3 (No Action Alternative), would have similar contribution to
cumulative impacts.
Once specific sites are selected, the tiered NEPA analysis will evaluate sites for cumulative impacts from
noise in the areas that would be affected.
Because 10th CAB helicopters would continue to use the airspace as they currently do; no changes are
proposed to the current airspace. Therefore, there would be no impacts to airspace and the Proposed Action
and Alternatives would not contribute to cumulative impacts.
Training exercises would result in no impacts to geology and soils and adverse, minor, and short-term
impacts to surface topography. The impacts would be minimal on a site chosen within specified parameters.
Alternative 1 would contribute the greatest impact because training exercises would occur more often.
Alternative 2 would contribute the same types of minor impacts, but less than Alternative 1 because training

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

exercises would occur less frequently. Similar impacts would occur from the Jaded Thunder and Camp
Ethan Allen Exercises. Therefore, the Action Alternatives would contribute an increment to the overall
minor cumulative impact. However, the exercises would most likely not be performed simultaneously or at
the same site. Impacts under Alternative 3 (No Action Alternative), would have similar contribution to
cumulative impacts. Once specific sites are selected, the tiered NEPA analysis will evaluate sites for
cumulative impacts to geology and soils.
Air and ground training exercises would result in short- and long-term, negligible to moderate impacts to
biological resources in the Action Area including habitat disturbance, temporary displacement of wildlife,
and potential wildlife mortality. Alternative 1 would contribute the greatest adverse impacts because
training exercises would occur more often. Alternative 2 would contribute the same types of adverse
impacts, but less than Alternative 1 because training exercises would occur less often than under Alternative
1. Similar impacts would occur from the Jaded Thunder and Camp Ethan Allen Exercises. Therefore, the
Action Alternatives would contribute an increment to the overall adverse cumulative impact. However, the
exercises would most likely not be performed simultaneously Impacts under Alternative 3 (No Action
Alternative), would have similar contribution to cumulative impacts. Once specific sites are selected, the
tiered NEPA analysis will evaluate sites for cumulative impacts to biological resources and consulted with
USFWS and NYSDEC, as appropriate.
Air and ground training exercises would result in adverse, minor impacts to water resources in the Action
Area including short-term impacts to surface water drainage. Alternative 1 would contribute the greatest
impact because training exercises would occur more often. Alternative 2 would contribute the same types
of minor impacts, but less than Alternative 1 because training exercises would occur less often. Similar
impacts would occur from the Jaded Thunder and Camp Ethan Allen Exercises. Therefore, the Action
Alternatives would contribute an increment to the overall minor cumulative impact. However, the exercises
would most likely not be performed simultaneously. Impacts under Alternative 3 (No Action Alternative),
would have a similar contribution to cumulative impacts. Once specific sites are selected, the tiered NEPA
analysis will evaluate sites for cumulative impacts to water resources.
Alternatives 1 and 2 would not involve any physical disturbance of known historic sites as they would be
avoided during land and air training exercises. Known archaeological resources would be avoided;
however, there is a chance vehicles and land-based training exercises could disrupt unknown archaeological
resources. Although it is unlikely for there to be any impacts to known cultural resources, both Alternatives
1 and 2 could have adverse, short- or long-term and minor to moderate impacts on unknown historic and
archaeological resources. Similar impacts would occur from the Jaded Thunder and Camp Ethan Allen
Exercises. For this reason, under both Action Alternatives there could be minor cumulative impacts to
Cultural Resources. Because these training exercises are not performed simultaneously, the likelihood is
low. Impacts under Alternative 3 (No Action Alternative) would have a similar contribution to cumulative
impacts. Once specific sites are selected, the tiered NEPA analysis will evaluate sites for cumulative
impacts to cultural resources.
Training exercises would result in beneficial economic impacts if the sites selected for the training area are
private because the owner would be compensated for the lease. Alternative 1 (Proposed Action) would
contribute the greatest benefit because training exercises would occur more often. Alternative 2 would
contribute similar benefits, but less than Alternative 1 because training exercises would occur less often
than under Alternative 1. If Jaded Thunder and Camp Ethan Allen Exercises were to select similar sites,
the impacts would be similar to those from the Action Alternatives and therefore, would contribute

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

incrementally to the overall beneficial cumulative impact. However, the exercises would most likely not be
performed simultaneously. Impacts under Alternative 3 (No Action Alternative), would have similar
contribution to cumulative impacts. Once specific sites are selected, the tiered NEPA analysis will evaluate
socioeconomic and environmental cumulative impacts in those areas.
Under Alternatives 1 and 2, there could be adverse, short-term, minor to moderate traffic and transportation
impacts reflecting the addition of vehicles destined to the temporary training sites. Jaded Thunder and Camp
Ethan Allen Exercises could also affect the study area roadway network by adding vehicle trips to the NHS-
designated roadways that are experiencing volumes nearing or exceeding capacity. The exercises could also
create vehicle trips that cross or drive adjacent to designate bicycle trails or add to vehicle delays at railroad
crossings after a train has passed. If overweight trucks are part of the convoy, a special overweight permit
would be required from NYSDOT. Therefore, the Action Alternatives would contribute an increment to the
overall adverse cumulative impact. However, the exercises would most likely not be performed
simultaneously. Impacts under Alternative 3 (No Action Alternative), would have similar contribution to
cumulative impacts. Once specific sites are selected, the tiered NEPA analysis will evaluate cumulative
impacts to transportation and traffic in those areas.
Overall, impacts to public health and safety would be adverse, short- or long-term, and no to moderate
impacts. Alternative 1 would contribute the greatest adverse impacts because training exercises would occur
more often. Alternative 2 would contribute the same types of adverse impacts, but less than Alternative 1
because training exercises would occur less often than under Alternative 1. Jaded Thunder and Camp Ethan
Allen Exercises would have similar impacts. Therefore, the Action Alternatives would contribute an
adverse increment to the overall adverse cumulative impact. Impacts under Alternative 3 (No Action
Alternative), would have similar contribution to cumulative impacts. Once specific sites are selected, the
tiered NEPA analysis will evaluate cumulative impacts to Public Health and Safety.

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities


Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

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Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities


Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities


Bounding overwatch. This helicopter movement technique is employed when enemy contact is
anticipated, and the greatest degree of concealment is required. It is the slowest movement technique, too
slow for high tempo operations and too vulnerable for nonlinear and/or urban operations. Units normally
employ contour and NOE flight with the bounding overwatch technique. Airspeed during each bound is
varied depending on availability of vegetation and terrain for concealment.
Contour flight. Contour flight is conducted at low altitudes conforming to the earth’s contours. It is
characterized by varying airspeeds and altitude and dictated by terrain and obstacles.
Local Flying Area (LFA). For Fort Drum, the LFA includes the states of New York, Vermont, New
Hampshire, Maine, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. FD Reg 95-
1 lists altitude flight restrictions over cities and villages in the LFA.
Low-level flight. Aviators perform low-level flight at constant altitude and airspeed dictated by threat
Nap-of-the-Earth (NOE) flight. NOE flight is conducted at varying airspeeds as close to the earth’s
surface as vegetation and obstacles permit.
Operational Theater. The total land, water, and air space in which military operations are performed in
order to succeed in a stated mission.
Traveling. Movement technique designed to exploit mobility of helicopters while employing fire and
maneuver concepts. This technique is employed to move rapidly over the battlefield when enemy contact
is unlikely, or the situation requires speed for evading the enemy.
Traveling overwatch. Movement technique designed to exploit mobility of helicopters while employing
fire and maneuver concepts. This technique is employed when speed is essential and enemy contact is
possible. This technique is normally associated with reconnaissance, security, and attack missions when
threat and/or environmental conditions preclude use of bounding overwatch.

Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities


Appendix A
Agency Coordination and Public Involvement
Fort Drum PEA Coordination and Consultation Mailing List

Federal Agencies
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

State Agencies
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Commissioner
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Region #6
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Region #5
New York State Department of Environmental Conservation Region #7
New York State Office of Parks, Recreation, & Historic Preservation

Federally Recognized Tribal Governments

Oneida Indian Nation
Onondaga Nation
Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe

County Offices
Essex County Monroe County
Hamilton County Oneida County
Herkimer County Onondaga County
Jefferson County Oswego County
Lewis County St. Lawrence County

City Offices
Little Falls Canandaigua
Watertown Geneva
Rome Fulton
Sherrill Oswego
Utica Ogdensburg

Town Offices
Town of Chesterfield Town of St. Armand
Town of Crown Point Town of Ticonderoga
Town of Elizabethtown Town of Westport
Town of Essex Town of Willsboro
Town of Jay Town of Wilmington
Town of Keene Town of Arietta
Town of Lewis Town of Benson
Town of Minerva Town of Hope
Town of Moriah Town of Indian Lake
Town of Newcomb Town of Inlet
Town of North Elba Town of Lake Pleasant
Town of North Hudson Town of Long Lake
Town of Schroon Town of Morehouse

Appendix A - 1
Town of Wells Town of Worth
Town of Columbia Town of Croghan
Town of Danube Town of Denmark
Town of Fairfield Town of Diana
Town of Frankfort Town of Greig
Town of German Flatts Town of Harrisburg
Town of Herkimer Town of Lewis
Town of Litchfield Town of Leyden
Town of Little Falls Town of Lowville
Town of Manheim Town of Lyonsdale
Town of Newport Town of Martinsburg
Town of Norway Town of Montague
Town of Ohio Town of New Bremen
Town of Russia Town of Osceola
Town of Salisbury Town of Pinckney
Town of Schuyler Town of Turin
Town of Stark Town of Watson
Town of Warren Town of West Turin
Town of Webb Town of Annsville
Town of Winfield Town of Augusta
Town of Adams Town of Ava
Town of Alexandria Town of Boonville
Town of Antwerp Town of Bridgewater
Town of Brownville Town of Camden
Town of Cape Vincent Town of Deerfield
Town of Champion Town of Florence
Town of Clayton Town of Floyd
Town of Ellisburg Town of Forestport
Town of Henderson Town of Kirkland
Town of Hounsfield Town of Lee
Town of Le Ray Town of Marcy
Town of Lorraine Town of Marshall
Town of Lyme Town of New Hartford
Town of Orleans Town of Paris
Town of Pamelia Town of Remsen
Town of Philadelphia Town of Sangerfield
Town of Rodman Town of Steuben
Town of Rutland Town of Trenton
Town of Theresa Town of Vernon
Town of Watertown Town of Verona
Town of Wilna Town of Vienna

Appendix A - 2
Town of Western Town of Schroeppel
Town of Westmoreland Town of Scriba
Town of Whitestown Town of Volney
Town of Camillus Town of West Monroe
Town of Cicero Town of Williamstown
Town of Clay Town of Brasher
Town of DeWitt Town of Canton
Town of Elbridge Town of Clare
Town of Fabius Town of Clifton
Town of Geddes Town of Colton
Town of LaFayette Town of De Kalb
Town of Lysander Town of De Peyster
Town of Manlius Town of Edwards
Town of Marcellus Town of Fine
Town of Onondaga Town of Fowler
Town of Otisco Town of Gouverneur
Town of Pompey Town of Hammond
Town of Salina Town of Hermon
Town of Skaneateles Town of Hopkinton
Town of Spafford Town of Lawrence
Town of Tully Town of Lisbon
Town of Van Buren Town of Louisville
Town of Albion Town of Macomb
Town of Amboy Town of Madrid
Town of Boylston Town of Massena
Town of Constantia Town of Morristown
Town of Granby Town of Norfolk
Town of Hannibal Town of Oswegatchie
Town of Hastings Town of Parishville
Town of Mexico Town of Piercefield
Town of Minetto Town of Pierrepont
Town of New Haven Town of Pitcairn
Town of Orwell Town of Potsdam
Town of Oswego Town of Rossie
Town of Palermo Town of Russell
Town of Parish Town of Stockholm
Town of Redfield Town of Waddington
Town of Richland
Town of Sandy Creek

Appendix A - 3

Appendix A - 4

Appendix A - 5

Appendix A - 6
FORT DRUM, NEW YORK 13602-5046

JUN 2 4 2020
Office of the. Garrison Commander

David Stilwell
US Fish and Wildlife Service
New York Field Office
3817 Luker Road
Cortland, New York 13045

Dear Mr. Stilwell:

Fort Drum is initiating agency coordination for a new proposed action within the
existing nine county Local Flying Area surrounding Fort Drum's Installation Restricted
Airspace area. The proposed action includes conducting up to six high-intensity, multi­
day training events per year at off-installation locations to replicate multi-domain battle.
These training events would serve to integrate air and/or ground operations, and
sustainment activities by simulating real-world distances and threats, challenging
logistical supply lines and mission command systems over distances beyond the
geographic boundaries of Fort Drum, as well as expanding logistical routes via air and
ground to simulate a large-scale battlefield.

Attached is the Programmatic Environmental Assessment (PEA) and Draft Finding of

No Significant Impact (FONSI) that analyzes and evaluates the potential environmental
impacts of increasing mission and training activities at Fort Drum Army Installation and
within the Local Flying Area (LFA) of Fort Drum. Environmental consequences were
analyzed for two action alternatives; conducting high-intensity, multi-day training events
to replicate multi-domain battle, either two or six times per year, as well as the No
Action Alternative.

This PEA describes the application of criteria provided by Fort Drum to select
specific sites for the proposed training events. Fort Drum would ensure the appropriate
National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) review is conducted for specific sites when
proposed for training events. This PEA was prepared in accordance with NEPA, the
Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) regulations (40 Code of Federal Regulations
(CFR) Parts 1500 - 1508), and 32 CFR Part 651. The site specific NEPA review will be
tiered from the PEA and will be consistent with this document, incorporating by
reference where appropriate.

Your assistance in providing information is greatly appreciated. Please provide written

comments by close of the public comment period to Ms. Cait Schadock, NEPA Coordinator,
Directorate of Public Works, 4896 Jones St, Fort Drum, NY 13602-5097, or send via e­
mail to [email protected]. If nothing is heard by this date, it
will be taken as agreement with this action. If you need further information, please
contact Ms. Schadock at (315) 771-6026. Public Comments will be received from July
6, 2020 to August 5, 2020.


' . . y
Garrison Commander

FORT DRUM, NEW YORK 13602-5046

JUN 2 4 2020
Office of the Garrison Commander

Basil Seggos, Commissioner

New York State Department
of Environmental Conservation
625 Broadway
Albany, NY 12233

Dear Mr. Seggos:

Fort Drum is initiating agency coordination for a new proposed action within the
existing nine county Local Flying Area surrounding Fort Drum's Installation Restricted
Airspace area. The proposed action includes conducting up to six high-intensity, multi­
day training events per year at off-installation locations to replicate multi-domain battle.
These training events would serve to integrate air and/or ground operations, and
sustainment activities by simulating real-world distances and threats, challenging
logistical supply lines and mission command systems over distances beyond the
geographic boundaries of Fort Drum, as well as expanding logistical routes via air and
ground to simulate a large-scale battlefield.

Attached is the Programmatic Environmental Assessment and Draft Finding of No

Significant Impact that analyzes and evaluates the potential environmental impacts of
increasing mission and training activities at Fort Drum Army Installation and within the
Local Flying Area Fort Drum. Environmental consequences were analyzed for two
action alternatives; conducting high-intensity, multi-day training events per year to .
replicate multi-domain battle either two or six times per year, as well as the No Action

This Programmatic Environmental Assessment describes the application of criteria

provided by Fort Drum to select specific sites for the proposed training events. Fort
Drum would ensure the appropriate National Environmental Policy Act review is
conducted for specific sites when proposed for training events. This Assessment was
prepared in accordance with National Environmental Policy Act, the Council on
Environmental Quality regulations (40 Code of Federal Regulations Parts 1500 - 1508),
and 32 Code of Federal Regulations Part 651. The site specific National Environmental
Policy Act review will be tiered from the Programmatic Environmental Assessment and
will be consistent with this document, incorporating by reference where appropriate.

Your assistance in providing information is greatly appreciated. Please provide

written comments by close of the public comment period to Ms. Cait Schadock, National
Environmental Policy Act Coordinator, Directorate of Public Works, 4896 Jones St, Fort
Drum, NY 13602-5097, or send via e-mail to usarmy.drum.imcom.mbx.dpw­
[email protected]. If nothing is heard by this date, it will be taken as agreement with this
action. If you need further information, please contact Ms. Schadock at (315) 771-6026.
Public comments will be received from July 6, 2020 to August 5, 2020.


ff ry P. Lucas
Colonel, U.S. Army
Garrison Commander

FORT DRUM, NEW YORK 13602-5046

JUN 2 4 2020
Office of the Garrison Commander

Robert Stegemann, Regional Director

New York State Department of
Environmental Conservation Region #5
1115 NYS Rt. 86, P.O. Box 296
Ray Brook, NY 12977-0296

Dear Mr. Stegemann:

Fort Drum is initiating agency coordination for a new proposed action within the
existing nine county Local Flying Area surrounding Fort Drum's Installation Restricted
Airspace area. The proposed action includes conducting up to six high-intensity, multi­
day training events per year at off-installation locations to replicate multi-domain battle.
These training events would serve to integrate air and/or ground operations, and
sustainment activities by simulating real-world distances and threats, challenging
logistical supply lines and mission command systems over distances beyond the
geographic boundaries of Fort Drum, as well as expanding logistical routes via air and
ground to simulate a large-scale battlefield.

Attached is the Programmatic Environmental Assessment and Draft Finding of No

Significant Impact that analyzes and evaluates the potential environmental impacts of
increasing mission and training activities at Fort Drum Army Installation and within the
Local Flying Area of Fort Drum. Environmental consequences were analyzed for two
action alternatives; conducting high-intensity, multi-day training events per year to
replicate multi-domain battle either two or six times per year, as well as the No Action

This Programmatic Environmental Assessment describes the application of criteria

provided by Fort Drum to select specific sites for the proposed training events. Fort
Drum would ensure the appropriate National Environmental Policy Act review is
conducted for specific sites when proposed for training events. This Programmatic
Environmental Assessment was prepared in accordance with National Environmental
Policy Act, the Council on Environmental Quality regulations (40 Code of Federal
Regulations Parts 1500 - 1508), and 32 Code of Federar Regulations Part 651. The
site specific National Environmental Policy Act review will be tiered from the
Programmatic Environmental Assessment and will be consistent with this document,
incorporating by reference where appropriate.

Your assistance in providing information is greatly appreciated. Please provide

written comments by close of the public comment period to Ms. Cait Schadock, National
Environmental Policy Act Coordinator, Directorate of Public Works, 4896 Jones St, Fort
Drum, NY 13602-5097, or send via e-mail to usarmy.drum.imcom.mbx.dpw­
[email protected]. If nothing is heard by this date, it will be taken as agreement with this
action. If you need further information, please contact Ms. Schadock at (315) 771-6026.
Public comments will be received from July 6, 2020 to August 5, 2020.


ery P. Lucas
Colonel, U.S. Army
Garrison Commander

FORT DRUM, NEW YORK 13602-5046

JUN 2 4 2020
Office of the Garrison Commander

Randall Young, Director

New York State Department of
Environmental Conservation Region #6
317 Washington St.
Watertown, NY 13601-3787

Dear Mr. Young:

Fort Drum is initiating agency coordination for a new proposed action within the
existing nine county Local Flying Area surrounding Fort Drum's Installation Restricted
Airspace area. The proposed action includes conducting up to six high-intensity, multi­
day training events per year at off-installation locations to replicate multi-domain battle.
These training events would serve to integrate air and/or ground operations, and
sustainment activities by simulating real-world distances and threats, challenging
logistical supply lines and mission command systems over distances beyond the
geographic boundaries of Fort Drum, as well as expanding logistical routes via air and
ground to simulate a large-scale battlefield.

Attached is the Programmatic Environmental Assessment and Draft Finding of No

Significant Impact that analyzes and evaluates the potential environmental impacts of
increasing mission and training activities at Fort Drum Army Installation and within the
Local Flying Area of Fort Drum. Environmental consequences were analyzed for two
action alternatives; conducting high-intensity, multi-day training events per year to
replicate multi-domain battle either two or six times per year, as well as the No Action

This Programmatic Environmental Assessment describes the application of criteria

provided by Fort Drum to select specific sites for the proposed training events. Fort
Drum would ensure the appropriate National Environmental Policy Act review is
conducted for specific sites when proposed for training events. This Programmatic
Environmental Assessment was prepared in accordance with National Environmental
Policy Act, the Council on Environmental Quality regulations (40 Code of Federal
Regulations Parts 1500 - 1508), and 32 Code of Federal Regulations Part 651. The
site specific National Environmental Policy Act review will be tiered from the
Programmatic Environmental Assessment and will be consistent with this document,
incorporating by reference where appropriate.

Your assistance in providing information is greatly appreciated. Please provide

written comments by close of the public comment period to Ms. Cait Schadock, National
Environmental Policy Act Coordinator, Directorate of Public Works, 4896 Jones St, Fort
Drum, NY 13602-5097, or send via e-mail to usarmy.drum.imcom.mbx.dpw­
[email protected]. If nothing is heard by this date, it will be taken as agreement with this
action. If you need further information, please contact Ms. Schadock at (315) 771-6026.
Public comments will be received from July 6, 2020 to August 5, 2020.


, .S. Army
Garrison Commander

FORT DRUM, NEW YORK 13602-5046

JUN 2 4 2020
Office of the Garrison Commander

Matthew Marko; Regional Director

New York State Department of
Environmental Conservation Region #7
615 Erie Blvd. West
Syracuse, NY 13204-2400

Dear Mr. Marko:

Fort Drum is initiating agency coordination for a new proposed action within the
existing nine county Local Flying Area surrounding Fort Drum's Installation Restricted
Airspace area. The proposed action includes conducting up to six high-intensity, multi­
day training events per year at off-installation locations to replicate multi-domain battle.
These training events would serve to integrate air and/or ground operations, and
sustainment activities by simulating real-world distances and threats, challenging
logistical supply lines and mission command systems over distances beyond the
geographic boundaries of Fort Drum, as well as expanding logisti(?al routes via air and
ground to simulate a large-scale battlefield.

Attached is the Programmatic Environmental Assessment and Draft Finding of No

Significant Impact that analyzes and evaluates the potential environmental impacts of
increasing mission and training activities at Fort Drum Army Installation and within the
Local Flying Area of Fort Drum. Environmental consequences were analyzed for two
action alternatives; conducting high-intensity, multi-day training events per year to
replicate multi-domain battle either two or six times per year, as well as the No Action

This Programmatic Environmental Assessment describes the application of criteria

provided by Fort Drum to select specific sites for the proposed training events. Fort
Drum would ensure the appropriate National Environmental Policy Act review is
conducted for specific sites when proposed for training events. This Programmatic
Environmental Assessment was prepared in accordance with National Environmental
Policy Act, the Council on Environmental Quality regulations (40 Code of Federal
Regulations Parts 1500 - 1508), and 32 Code of Federal Regulations Part 651. The
site specific National Environmental Policy Act review will be tiered from the
Programmatic Environmental Assessment and will be consistent with this document,
incorporating by reference where appropriate.

Your assistance in providing information is greatly appreciated. Please provide

written comments by close of the public comment period to Ms. Cait Schadock, National
Environmental Policy Act Coordinator, Directorate of Public Works, 4896 Jones St, Fort
Drum, NY 13602-5097, or send via e-mail to usarmy.drum.imcom.mbx.dpw­
[email protected]. If nothing is heard by this date, it will be taken as agreement with this
action. If you need further information, please contact Ms. Schadock at (315) 771-6026.
Public comments will be received from July 6, 2020 to August 5, 2020.


�G Colonel, U.S. Army

Garrison Commander

FORT DRUM, NEW YORK 13602-5046

JUN 2 4 2020
Office of the Garrison Commander

Dr. Nancy Herter

New York State Historic Preservation Office
Peebles Island Resource Center
P.O. Box 189
Waterford, NY 12188-0189

Dear Dr. Herter:

Fort Drum is initiating agency coordination for a new proposed action within the
existing nine county Local Flying Area surrounding Fort Drum's Installation Restricted
Airspace area. The proposed action includes conducting up to six high-intensity, multi­
day training events per year at off-installation locations to replicate multi-domain battle.
These training events would serve to integrate air and/or ground operations, and
sustainment activities by simulating real-world distances and threats, challenging
logistical supply lines and mission command systems over distances beyond the
geographic boundaries of Fort Drum, as well as expanding logistical routes via air and
ground to simulate a large-scale battlefield.

Attached is the Programmatic Environmental Assessment and Draft Finding of No

Significant Impact that analyzes and evaluates the potential environmental impacts of
increasing mission and training activities at Fort Drum Army Installation and within the
Local Flying Area of Fort Drum. Environmental consequences were analyzed for two
action alternatives; conducting high-intensity, multi-day training events per year to
replicate multi-domain battle either two or six times per year, as well as the No Action

This Programmatic Environmental Assessment describes the application of criteria

provided by Fort Drum to select specific sites for the proposed training events. Fort
Drum would ensure the appropriate National Environmental Policy Act review is
conducted for specific sites when proposed for training events. This Programmatic
Environmental Assessment was prepared in accordance with National Environmental
Policy Act, the Council on Environmental Quality regulations (40 Code of Federal
Regulations Parts 1500 - 1508), and 32 Code of Federal Regulations Part 651. The
site specific National Environmental Policy Act review will be tiered from the
Programmatic Environmental Assessment and will be consistent with this document,
incorporating by reference where appropriate.

Your assistance in providing information is greatly appreciated. Please provide

written comments by close of the public comment period to Ms. Cait Schadock, National
Environmental Policy Act Coordinator, Directorate of Public Works, 4896 Jones St, Fort
Drum, NY 13602-5097, or send via e-mail to usarmy.drum.imcom.mbx.dpw­
[email protected]. If nothing is heard by this date, it will be taken as agreement with this
action. If you need further information, please contact Ms. Schadock at (315) 771-6026.
Public comments will be received from July 6, 2020 to August 5, 2020.


ery P. Lucas
Colonel, U.S. Army
Garrison Commander

FORT DRUM, NEW YORK 13602-5046

JUN 2 4 2020
Office of the Garrison Commander

Mr. Jesse Bergevin

Historic Resources Specialist
The Oneida Indian Nation
2037 Dream Catcher Plaza
Oneida, NY 13421-0662

Dear Mr. Bergevin:

We hope that this letter finds you, your family, and the Nation doing well during these
challenging times.

Fort Drum has prepared a document that describes a new proposed action within the
existing nine county Local Flying Area surrounding Fort Drum's Installation Restricted
Airspace area. The nine counties are Jefferson, Lewis, St. Lawrence, Oneida, Oswego,
Hamilton, Onondaga, Franklin, and Herkimer. The proposed action includes conducting
up to six high-intensity, multi-day training events per year at off-installation locations to
replicate multi-domain battle. These training events would serve to integrate air and/or
ground operations, and sustainment activities by simulating real-world distances and
threats, challenging logistical supply lines and mission command systems over
distances beyond the geographic boundaries of Fort Drum, as well as expanding
logistical routes via air and ground to simulate a large-scale battlefield. We know that
the attached document is a long and imposing one. However, as a valued consultation
partner, Fort Drum would greatly appreciate your thoughts, opinions, and any possible
concerns related to increased aviation activity in these nine counties.

Attached is the Prqgrammatic Environmental Assessment and Draft Finding of No

Significant Impact that analyzes and evaluates the potential environmental impacts of
increasing mission and training activities at Fort Drum Army Installation and within the
Local Flying Area of Fort Drum. Environmental consequences were analyzed for two
action alternatives; conducting high-intensity, multi-day training events per year to
replicate multi-domain battle either two or six times per year, as well as the No Action
Alternative. The No Action Alternative would be the same amount of aviation training
that takes place on Fort Drum today.

This Programmatic Environmental Assessment describes the application of criteria

provided by Fort Drum to select specific sites for the proposed training events. Fort
Drum would ensure the appropriate National Environmental Policy Act review is
conducted for specific sites when proposed for training events. This Programmatic
Environmental Assessment was prepared in accordance with National Environmental
Policy Act, the Council on Environmental Quality regulations (40 Code of Federal
Regulations Parts 1500 - 1508), and 32 Code of Federal Regulations Part 651. The site
specific National Environmental Policy Act review will be tiered from the Programmatic
Environmental Assessment and will be consistent with this document, incorporating by
reference where appropriate.

Your time and effort in contributing to this process is greatly appreciated. If you have
any questions or concerns at all about this document please do not hesitate to contact
Dr. Laurie Rush, my delegated Native American Affairs Coordinator. She can be
reached at [email protected] and (315) 783-9894. She will be delighted to
hear from you. If you need further information, you could also contact Ms. Gait
Schadock at (315) 771-6026. Fort Drum will also be asking for comments from the
public and will hope to hear from them between July 6, 2020 and August 5, 2020.


ry P. [ucas
Colonel, U.S. Army
Garrison Commander

FORT DRUM, NEW YORK 13602-5046

JUN 2 4 2020
Office of the Garrison Commander

Mr. Tony Gonyea, Faithkeeper

The Onondaga Nation
Administration Building
4040 Route 11
Onondaga Nation
Nedrow, NY 13120

Dear Faithkeeper Gonyea:

We hope that this letter finds you, your family, and the Nation doing well during these
challenging times.

Fort Drum has prepared a document that describes a new proposed action within the
existing nine county Local Flying Area surrounding Fort Drum's Installation Restricted
Airspace area. The nine counties are Jefferson, Lewis, St. Lawrence, Oneida, Oswego,
Hamilton, Onondaga, Franklin, and Herkimer. The proposed action includes conducting
up to six high-intensity, multi-day training events per year at off-installation locations to
replicate multi-domain battle. These training events would serve to integrate air and/or
ground operations, and sustainment activities by simulating real-world distances and
threats, challenging logistical supply lines and mission command systems over
distances beyond the geographic boundaries of Fort Drum, as well as expanding
logistical routes via air and ground to simulate a large-scale battlefield. We know that
the attached document is a long and imposing one. However, as a valued consultation
partner, Fort Drum would greatly appreciate your thoughts, opinions, and any possible
concerns related to increased aviation activity in these nine counties.

Attached is the Programmatic Environmental Assessment and Draft Finding of No

Significant Impact that analyzes and evaluates the potential environmental impacts of
increasing mission and training activities at Fort Drum Army Installation and within the
Local Flying Area of Fort Drum. Environmental consequences were analyzed for two
action alternatives; conducting high-intensity, multi-day training events per year to
replicate multi-domain battle either two or six times per year, as well as the No Action
Alternative. The No Action Alternative would be the same amount of aviation training
that takes place on Fort Drum today.

This Programmatic Environmental Assessment describes the application of criteria

provided by Fort Drum to select specific sites for the proposed training events. Fort
Drum would ensure the appropriate National Environmental Policy Act review is
conducted for specific sites when proposed for training events. This Programmatic
Environmental Assessment was prepared in accordance with National Environmental
Policy Act, the Council on Environmental Quality regulations (40 Code of Federal
Regulations Parts 1500 - 1508), and 32 Code of Federal Regulations Part 651. The
site specific National Environmental Policy Act review will be tiered from the
Programmatic Environmental Assessment and will be consistent with this document,
incorporating by reference where appropriate.

Your time and effort in contributing to this process is greatly appreciated. If you have
any questions or concerns at all about this document please do not hesitate to contact
Dr. Laurie Rush, my delegated Native American Affairs Coordinator. She can be
reached at [email protected] and (315) 783-9894. She will be delighted to
hear from you. If you need further information, you could also contact Ms. Cait
Schadock at (315) 771-6026. Fort Drum will also be asking for comments from the
public and will hope to hear from them between July 6, 2020 and August 5, 2020.


ry P. Lucas
Colonel, U.S. Army
Garrison Commander

FORT DRUM, NEW YORK 13602-5046

JUN 2 4 20?0
Office of the Garrison Commander

Mr. Darren Bonaparte

St. Regis Mohawk Tribe
Tribal Historic Preservation Office
71 Margaret Terrance Memorial Way
Akwesasne, NY 13655

Dear Mr. Bonaparte:

We hope that this letter finds you, your family, and the Nation doing well during these
challenging times.

Fort Drum has prepared a document that describes a new proposed action within the
existing nine county Local Flying Area surrounding Fort Drum's Installation Restricted
Airspace area. The nine counties are Jefferson, Lewis, St. Lawrence, Oneida, Oswego,
Hamilton, Onondaga, Franklin, and Herkimer. The proposed action includes conducting
up to six high-intensity, multi-day training events per year at off-installation locations to
replicate multi-domain battle. These training events would serve to integrate air and/or
ground operations, and sustainment activities by simulating real-world distances and
threats, challenging logistical supply lines and mission command systems over
distances beyond the geographic boundaries of Fort Drum, as well as expanding
logistical routes via air and ground to simulate a large-scale battlefield. We know that
the attached document is a long and imposing one. However, as a valued consultation
partner, Fort Drum would greatly appreciate your thoughts, opinions, and any possible
concerns related to increased aviation activity in these nine counties.

Attached is the Programmatic Environmental Assessment and Draft Finding of No

Significant Impact that analyzes and evaluates the potential environmental impacts of
increasing mission and training activities at Fort Drum Army Installation and within the
Local Flying Area of Fort Drum. Environmental consequences were analyzed for two
action alternatives; conducting high-intensity, multi-day training events per year to
replicate multi-domain battle either two or six times per year, as well as the No Action
Alternative. The No Action Alternative would be the same amount of aviation training
that takes place on Fort Drum today.
This Programmatic Environmental Assessment describes the application of criteria
provided by Fort Drum to select specific sites for the proposed training events. Fort
Drum would ensure the appropriate National Environmental Policy Act review is
conducted for specific sites when proposed for training events. This Programmatic
Environmental Assessment was prepared in accordance with National Environmental
Policy Act, the Council on Environmental Quality regulations (40 Code of Federal
Regulations Parts 1500 - 1508), and 32 Code of Federal Regulations Part 651. The
site specific National Environmental Policy review will be tiered from the Programmatic
Environmental Assessment and will be consistent with this document, incorporating by
reference where appropriate.

Your time and effort in contributing to this process is greatly appreciated. If you have
any questions or concerns at all about this document please do not hesitate to contact
Dr. Laurie Rush, my delegated Native American Affairs Coordinator. She can be
reached at [email protected] and (315) 783-9894. She will be delighted to
hear from you. If you need further information, you could also contact Ms. Cait
Schadock at (315) 771-6026. Fort Drum will also be asking for comments from the
public and will hope to hear from them between July 6, 2020 and August 5, 2020.


e �e -
Colonel, U.S. Army
Garrison Commander

FORT DRUM, NEW YORK 13602-5046

JUN 2 4 2020

Dear Interested Party,

Fort Drum announces the availability of a Programmatic Environmental Assessment

(PEA) and Draft Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) that analyzes and evaluates the
potential environmental impacts of increasing mission and training activities at Fort Drum
Army Installation and within the Local Flying Area (LFA) of Fort Drum. Environmental
consequences were analyzed for two action alternatives; conducting high-intensity, multi­
day training events per year to replicate multi-domain battle either two or six times per
year, as well as the No Action Alternative.

The PEA and Draft FONSI are available for review at For those who do not have
ready access to a computer or the internet, the materials posted to the website will be
made available upon request by contacting Ms. Cait Schadock, NEPA Coordinator,
Directorate of Public Works, Fort Drum, by phone at (315) 772-6899, by mail at 4896
Jones St, Fort Drum, NY 13602-5097, or by email at usarmy.drum.imcom.mbx.dpw­
[email protected]. In response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic in the United States
and the Center for Disease Control's recommendations for social distancing and avoiding
large public gatherings, Fort Drum will not hold a public information session for this action.

A public notice has been published in the Watertown Daily Times and the Post Standard
announcing the availability of this document for a 30-day public review period beginning
July 6, 2020 and ending August 5, 2020.

Fort Drum is calling for written comments from the public on this Programmatic
Environmental Assessment. Comments may be provided in writing at any time during the
public comment period and must be received/postmarked no later than August 5, 2020.
Please submit comments to Ms. Cail Schadock by mail or email at the addresses above.

We greatly appreciate your participation.


. Lucas
Colonel, U.S. Army
Garrison Commander
Appendix B
State Listed Species
Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

State Listed Species

Species that are designated as threatened or endangered under ESA are assigned the same status at the state
level in New York. Therefore, federally listed species shown in Table 3-8 are not included in Table B-1 but
are also state-listed species.
Table B-1. State Listed Species in the Action Area
Common Name Scientific Name State Status Occurrence in the
Action Area (by
American Bittern Botaurus lentiginosus Species of Special Essex, Hamilton,
Concern Herkimer, Jefferson,
Lewis, Oneida,
Onondaga, Oswego, St.
Bald Eagle Haliaeetus Threatened Essex, Hamilton,
leucocephalus Herkimer, Jefferson,
Lewis, Oneida,
Onondaga, Oswego, St.
Bicknell's Thrush Catharus bicknelli Species of Special Essex, Hamilton
Cerulean Warbler Setophaga cerulea Species of Special Herkimer, Jefferson,
Concern Lewis, Oneida,
Onondaga, Oswego, St.
Common Loon Gavia immer Species of Special Essex, Hamilton,
Concern Herkimer, Jefferson,
Lewis, Oneida,
Onondaga, Oswego, St.
Common Nighthawk Chordeiles minor Species of Special Essex, Hamilton,
Concern Herkimer, Jefferson,
Lewis, Oneida,
Onondaga, Oswego, St.
Common Tern Sterna hirundo Threatened Essex, Jefferson,
Oneida, Onondaga,
Oswego, St. Lawrence
Cooper's Hawk Accipiter cooperii Species of Special Essex, Hamilton,
Concern Herkimer, Jefferson,
Lewis, Oneida,
Onondaga, Oswego, St.
Golden Eagle Aquila chrysaetos Endangered Essex, Hamilton,
Herkimer, St. Lawrence
Golden-winged Vermivora chrysoptera Species of Special Essex, Jefferson,
Warbler Concern Lewis, Oneida,
Onondaga, Oswego, St.

Appendix B - 1
Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Common Name Scientific Name State Status Occurrence in the

Action Area (by
Grasshopper Sparrow Ammodramus Species of Special Herkimer, Jefferson,
savannarum Concern Lewis, Oneida,
Onondaga, Oswego, St.
Henslow's Sparrow Ammodramus henslowii Threatened Herkimer, Jefferson,
Lewis, Oneida,
Onondaga, Oswego, St.
Horned Lark Eremophila alpestris Species of Special Essex, Herkimer,
Concern Jefferson, Lewis,
Oneida, Onondaga,
Oswego, St. Lawrence
King Rail Rallus elegans Threatened Essex, Oswego
Least Bittern Ixobrychus exilis Threatened Essex, Hamilton,
Herkimer, Jefferson,
Lewis, Oneida,
Onondaga, Oswego, St.
Loggerhead Shrike Lanius ludovicianus Endangered Jefferson, Lewis,
Oneida, Oswego, St.
Northern Goshawk Accipiter gentilis Species of Special Essex, Hamilton,
Concern Herkimer, Jefferson,
Lewis, Oneida,
Onondaga, Oswego, St.
Northern Harrier Circus hudsonius Threatened Essex, Hamilton,
Herkimer, Jefferson,
Lewis, Oneida,
Onondaga, Oswego, St.
Osprey Pandion haliaetus Species of Special Essex, Hamilton,
Concern Herkimer, Jefferson,
Lewis, Oneida,
Onondaga, Oswego, St.
Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus Endangered Essex, Hamilton,
Herkimer, Jefferson,
Oneida, Onondaga,
Oswego, St. Lawrence
Pied-billed Grebe Podilymbus podiceps Threatened Essex, Hamilton,
Herkimer, Jefferson,
Lewis, Oneida,
Onondaga, Oswego, St.
Red-headed Melanerpes Species of Special Essex, Hamilton,
Woodpecker erythrocephalus Concern Herkimer, Jefferson,

Appendix B - 2
Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Common Name Scientific Name State Status Occurrence in the

Action Area (by
Lewis, Oneida,
Onondaga, Oswego, St.
Red-shouldered Hawk Buteo lineatus Species of Special Essex, Hamilton,
Concern Herkimer, Jefferson,
Lewis, Oneida,
Onondaga, Oswego, St.
Sedge Wren Cistothorus platensis Threatened Essex, Herkimer,
Jefferson, Lewis,
Oneida, Onondaga,
Oswego, St. Lawrence
Sharp-shinned Hawk Accipiter striatus Species of Special Essex, Hamilton,
Concern Herkimer, Jefferson,
Lewis, Oneida,
Onondaga, Oswego, St.
Short-eared Owl Asio flammeus Endangered Essex, Herkimer,
Jefferson, Lewis,
Oneida, Onondaga, St.
Spruce Grouse Falcipennis canadensis Endangered Essex, Hamilton, St.
Upland Sandpiper Bartramia longicauda Threatened Essex, Herkimer,
Jefferson, Lewis,
Oneida, Onondaga,
Oswego, St. Lawrence
Vesper Sparrow Pooecetes gramineus Species of Special Essex, Herkimer,
Concern Jefferson, Lewis,
Oneida, Onondaga,
Oswego, St. Lawrence
Whip-poor-will Antrostomus vociferus Species of Special Essex, Hamilton,
Concern Herkimer, Jefferson,
Lewis, Oneida,
Onondaga, Oswego, St.
Yellow-breasted Chat Icteria virens Species of Special Jefferson, Oneida,
Concern Onondaga, St.
Eastern Small-footed Myotis leibii Species of Special Essex, Hamilton,
Myotis Concern Jefferson, Onondaga,
St. Lawrence
Blanding's Turtle Emydoidea blandingii Threatened Hamilton, Jefferson,
Lewis, Oneida,

Appendix B - 3
Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Common Name Scientific Name State Status Occurrence in the

Action Area (by
Onondaga, Oswego, St.
Eastern Box Turtle Terrapene carolina Species of Special Oswego
Eastern Hog-nosed Heterodon platirhinos Species of Special Onondaga
Snake Concern
Spiny Softshell Apalone spinifera Species of Special Essex, Jefferson,
Concern Oneida, Oswego
Spotted Turtle Clemmys guttata Species of Special Jefferson, Lewis,
Concern Oneida, Onondaga,
Oswego, St. Lawrence
Timber Rattlesnake Crotalus horridus Threatened Essex
Wood Turtle Glyptemys insculpta Species of Special Essex, Hamilton,
Concern Herkimer, Jefferson,
Lewis, Oneida,
Onondaga, Oswego, St.
Blue-spotted Ambystoma laterale Species of Special Essex, Herkimer,
Salamander Concern Jefferson, Lewis,
Oneida, Onondaga,
Oswego, St. Lawrence
Jefferson Salamander Ambystoma Species of Special Essex, Herkimer,
jeffersonianum Concern Jefferson, Lewis,
Oneida, Onondaga, St.
Eastern Sand Darter Ammocrypta pellucida Threatened Essex, St. Lawrence
Lake Chubsucker Erimyzon sucetta Threatened Oneida, Onondaga,
Lake Sturgeon Acipenser fulvescens Threatened Essex, Jefferson,
Oneida, Onondaga,
Oswego, St. Lawrence
Mooneye Hiodon tergisus Threatened Essex, Jefferson,
Oswego, St. Lawrence
Northern Sunfish Lepomis peltastes Threatened Onondaga, Oswego
Pugnose Shiner Notropis anogenus Endangered Jefferson, St. Lawrence
Round Whitefish Prosopium Endangered Essex, Hamilton,
cylindraceum Herkimer, Lewis,
Oswego, St. Lawrence
Spoonhead Sculpin Cottus ricei Endangered Oswego
Bogbean Buckmoth Hemileuca sp. Endangered Oswego
Common Sanddragon Progomphus obscurus Species of Special Essex
Extra-striped Snaketail Ophiogomphus Species of Special Essex, Herkimer,
anomalus Concern Oneida, St. Lawrence

Appendix B - 4
Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Common Name Scientific Name State Status Occurrence in the

Action Area (by
Frosted Elfin Callophrys irus Threatened Oneida
Gray Petaltail Tachopteryx thoreyi Species of Special Lewis
Karner Blue Plebejus melissa Endangered Jefferson, Oneida
Olympia Marble Euchloe olympia Species of Special Jefferson
Tawny Crescent Phyciodes batesii Species of Special Onondaga
batesii Concern
Tomah Mayfly Siphlonisca aerodromia Endangered Jefferson, Lewis
Mossy Valvata Valvata sincera Species of Special Onondaga, Oswego
Alpine Azalea Kalmia procumbens Endangered Essex
Alpine Cliff Fern Woodsia alpina Endangered Essex
Alpine Goldenrod Solidago leiocarpa Threatened Essex
Alpine Sweetgrass Anthoxanthum Endangered Essex
monticola ssp.
Alpine Willow-herb Epilobium hornemannii Endangered Essex, Herkimer,
ssp. hornemannii Jefferson, St. Lawrence
Alternate-flowered Myriophyllum Threatened Essex, Jefferson, St.
Water Milfoil alterniflorum Lawrence
Ambiguous Sedge Carex amphibola Endangered Oneida
American Dragonhead Dracocephalum Endangered Jefferson, Lewis,
parviflorum Oneida, St. Lawrence
American Shore Grass Littorella americana Endangered Hamilton
American Waterwort Elatine americana Endangered Oneida
Angled Spike Rush Eleocharis Endangered Oneida, Onondaga,
quadrangulata Oswego
Annual Saltmarsh Aster Symphyotrichum Threatened Onondaga
subulatum var.
Arctic Rush Oreojuncus trifidus Threatened Essex
Auricled Twayblade Neottia auriculata Endangered Lewis
Autumnal Water- Callitriche Endangered Jefferson, Lewis, St.
starwort hermaphroditica Lawrence
Back's Sedge Carex backii Threatened Essex, Hamilton,
Jefferson, St. Lawrence
Bearberry Willow Salix uva-ursi Threatened Essex
Bear's Foot Smallanthus uvedalia Endangered Onondaga
Big Shellbark Hickory Carya laciniosa Threatened Oneida, Onondaga
Bigelow's Sedge Carex bigelowii ssp. Threatened Essex

Appendix B - 5
Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Common Name Scientific Name State Status Occurrence in the

Action Area (by
Bigleaf Yellow Avens Geum macrophyllum Endangered Essex
var. macrophyllum
Bird's Eye Primrose Primula mistassinica Threatened Jefferson, Lewis,
Oneida, Oswego
Black Sedge Carex nigra Endangered Oneida
Blue-eyed-Mary Collinsia verna Endangered Herkimer, Oneida
Blunt-lobe Grape Fern Botrychium oneidense Threatened Essex, Herkimer,
Lewis, Oneida,
Onondaga, St.
Boott's Rattlesnake Nabalus boottii Endangered Essex
Bristly Nodding Sedge Carex echinodes Endangered Jefferson, St. Lawrence
Broad-lipped Neottia convallarioides Endangered Essex, Hamilton,
Twayblade Herkimer, Jefferson,
Lewis, Oneida,
Brown Bog Sedge Carex buxbaumii Threatened Essex, Herkimer,
Lewis, Oneida,
Onondaga, St.
Button Sedge Carex bullata Endangered Oneida
Buttonbush Dodder Cuscuta cephalanthi Endangered Onondaga
Calypso Calypso bulbosa var. Endangered Herkimer, Jefferson,
americana Lewis, Oneida,
Onondaga, Oswego, St.
Canada Rice Grass Piptatheropsis Threatened Essex, St. Lawrence
Canadian Single-spike Carex scirpoidea ssp. Endangered Essex
Sedge scirpoidea
Carey's Sedge Carex careyana Endangered Jefferson, Onondaga,
St. Lawrence
Carey's Smartweed Persicaria careyi Endangered Herkimer, Onondaga,
Carolina Whitlow Tomostima reptans Threatened Jefferson
Catfoot Pseudognaphalium Endangered Oneida
Cat-tail Sedge Carex typhina Endangered Essex, Oneida
Climbing Fern Lygodium palmatum Endangered Oneida, Onondaga
Clinton's Club Sedge Trichophorum clintonii Endangered Hamilton, Lewis, St.
Cloud Sedge Carex haydenii Endangered Essex, Hamilton,
Herkimer, Jefferson,
Lewis, Onondaga, St.

Appendix B - 6
Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Common Name Scientific Name State Status Occurrence in the

Action Area (by
Clustered Sedge Carex cumulata Threatened Essex, Oneida
Common Moonwort Botrychium neolunaria Endangered Oneida, Onondaga
Cork Elm Ulmus thomasii Threatened Herkimer, Jefferson,
Lewis, Oneida,
Onondaga, St.
Cranefly Orchid Tipularia discolor Endangered Onondaga
Crawe's Sedge Carex crawei Threatened Herkimer, Jefferson,
Oneida, St. Lawrence
Creeping Juniper Juniperus horizontalis Endangered Oneida, Onondaga
Creeping Sedge Carex chordorrhiza Threatened Herkimer, Jefferson,
Lewis, Oneida,
Oswego, St. Lawrence
Culver's Root Veronicastrum Threatened Herkimer, Oswego
Cypress-knee Sedge Carex decomposita Endangered Oneida
Daisy Fleabane Erigeron hyssopifolius Endangered Essex, Hamilton
Davis' Sedge Carex davisii Threatened Oneida
Deer's Hair Sedge Trichophorum Threatened Essex
cespitosum ssp.
Diapensia Diapensia lapponica Threatened Essex
Douglas' Knotweed Polygonum douglasii Threatened Essex, Jefferson, St.
Downy Lettuce Lactuca hirsuta Endangered Essex, Oneida, St.
Downy Phlox Phlox pilosa ssp. pilosa Endangered St. Lawrence
Downy Wood Mint Blephilia ciliata Endangered Essex
Dragon's Mouth Orchid Arethusa bulbosa Threatened Essex, Hamilton,
Jefferson, Lewis,
Oneida, Onondaga,
Oswego, St. Lawrence
Drummond's Rock Boechera stricta Threatened Essex, Jefferson,
Cress Onondaga, St.
Dwarf Bilberry Vaccinium cespitosum Endangered Essex, Oneida
Dwarf Bulrush Cyperus subsquarrosus Endangered Essex, Oneida, Oswego
Dwarf Cherry Prunus pumila var. Threatened Essex, Hamilton,
depressa Jefferson, Lewis,
Dwarf White Birch Betula minor Endangered Essex, St. Lawrence
Dwarf Willow Salix herbacea Endangered Essex
Eastern Prairie Fringed Platanthera leucophaea Endangered Onondaga
Elk Sedge Carex garberi Endangered Jefferson
Emory's Sedge Carex emoryi Endangered St. Lawrence
Fairywand Chamaelirium luteum Endangered Onondaga

Appendix B - 7
Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Common Name Scientific Name State Status Occurrence in the

Action Area (by
False Hop Sedge Carex lupuliformis Threatened Essex, Jefferson,
Lewis, Oneida, Oswego
False Toadflax Geocaulon lividum Endangered Essex
Farwell's Water Milfoil Myriophyllum farwellii Threatened Essex, Hamilton,
Herkimer, Oneida,
Onondaga, St.
Featherfoil Hottonia inflata Threatened Jefferson
Fernald's Blue Grass Poa laxa ssp. Endangered Essex
Fernald's Sedge Carex merritt-fernaldii Threatened Essex, Jefferson, St.
Field Dodder Cuscuta campestris Endangered Onondaga
Fir Clubmoss Huperzia selago Endangered Essex, St. Lawrence
Forest Blue Grass Poa sylvestris Endangered Jefferson, Onondaga
Fragrant Cliff Fern Dryopteris fragrans Endangered Essex, Hamilton, St.
Frank's Sedge Carex frankii Endangered Oneida
Georgia Bulrush Scirpus georgianus Endangered Essex, Oswego
Glaucous Blue Grass Poa glauca ssp. glauca Endangered Essex
Glomerate Sedge Carex aggregata Endangered Jefferson, Oneida,
Golden Corydalis Corydalis aurea ssp. Threatened Essex, Jefferson, Lewis
Golden Puccoon Lithospermum croceum Endangered Onondaga
Goldenseal Hydrastis canadensis Threatened Herkimer, Oneida,
Goldie's Starwort Stellaria longipes ssp. Threatened Jefferson
Goosefoot Corn Salad Valerianella Endangered Oneida, Onondaga
Great Lakes Sand Prunus pumila var. Endangered Hamilton, Jefferson,
Cherry pumila Oswego
Great Plains Flatsedge Cyperus lupulinus ssp. Threatened Oneida, Onondaga,
lupulinus Oswego
Green Gentian Frasera caroliniensis Threatened Oneida
Green Rock Cress Borodinia Threatened Essex
Green Spleenwort Asplenium viride Endangered Lewis
Hair-like Sedge Carex capillaris Endangered Essex, Hamilton,
Handsome Sedge Carex formosa Threatened Essex, Oneida, St.
Heart Sorrel Rumex hastatulus Endangered Onondaga, St.
Hidden Spike Moss Selaginella eclipes Endangered St. Lawrence

Appendix B - 8
Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Common Name Scientific Name State Status Occurrence in the

Action Area (by
Hill's Pondweed Potamogeton hillii Threatened Essex, Jefferson,
Lewis, St. Lawrence
Hooker's Orchid Platanthera hookeri Endangered Essex, Oneida,
Onondaga, Oswego, St.
Houghton's Sedge Carex houghtoniana Threatened Essex, Hamilton,
Jefferson, Oneida,
Oswego, St. Lawrence
Interior Blue Grass Poa interior Endangered Essex
James' Sedge Carex jamesii Threatened Jefferson, Onondaga
Kentucky Coffee Tree Gymnocladus dioicus Endangered Jefferson, Oneida,
Knotted Spike Rush Eleocharis equisetoides Threatened Oneida, Onondaga
Lake Cress Rorippa aquatica Threatened Essex, Hamilton,
Herkimer, Jefferson,
Oneida, Onondaga,
Oswego, St. Lawrence
Lanceleaf Arnica Arnica lanceolata ssp. Endangered Essex
Lapland Rosebay Rhododendron Endangered Essex
Large Twayblade Liparis liliifolia Endangered Oneida, Onondaga,
Lesser Fringed Gentian Gentianopsis virgata Endangered St. Lawrence
ssp. virgata
Lindley's Aster Symphyotrichum Endangered Jefferson, Onondaga,
ciliolatum St. Lawrence
Little-leaf Tick Trefoil Desmodium ciliare Threatened Oneida, Onondaga,
Livid Sedge Carex livida Endangered Essex, Herkimer,
Jefferson, Oneida,
Oswego, St. Lawrence
Lowland Yellow Lysimachia hybrida Endangered Essex, Oneida
Many-headed Sedge Carex sychnocephala Endangered Herkimer, Jefferson,
Mare's Tail Hippuris vulgaris Endangered Essex, Lewis, St.
Marsh Arrow Grass Triglochin palustris Threatened Herkimer, Oneida,
Marsh Horsetail Equisetum palustre Threatened Herkimer, Jefferson,
Lewis, Oneida,
Oswego, St. Lawrence
Marsh Valerian Valeriana uliginosa Endangered Herkimer, Lewis,
Oneida, Onondaga
Meadow Horsetail Equisetum pratense Threatened Essex, Oneida, St.

Appendix B - 9
Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Common Name Scientific Name State Status Occurrence in the

Action Area (by
Mead's Sedge Carex meadii Endangered Herkimer
Melic Oats Graphephorum Endangered Essex, Hamilton
Michigan Lily Lilium michiganense Endangered Jefferson, Onondaga,
St. Lawrence
Midland Sedge Carex mesochorea Threatened Onondaga
Mingan Moonwort Botrychium Endangered Oneida, Onondaga
Minute Duckweed Lemna perpusilla Endangered Oswego
Mitchell's Sedge Carex mitchelliana Endangered Oneida
Moor Rush Juncus stygius var. Endangered Essex, Herkimer,
americanus Jefferson
Mountain Death Camas Anticlea elegans var. Threatened Jefferson, Onondaga,
glauca St. Lawrence
Navel Corn Salad Valerianella umbilicata Endangered Oneida
New England Northern Calamagrostis stricta Threatened Essex, Hamilton,
Reed Grass ssp. inexpansa Herkimer, St. Lawrence
Nodding Pogonia Triphora Threatened Oneida, Onondaga
trianthophoros ssp.
Northern Bentgrass Agrostis mertensii Threatened Essex
Northern Bog Aster Symphyotrichum Threatened Essex, Herkimer,
boreale Jefferson, Lewis,
Onondaga, Oswego, St.
Northern Bog Sedge Carex gynocrates Endangered Herkimer, Lewis,
Oswego, St. Lawrence
Northern Bog Violet Viola nephrophylla Endangered Essex, Hamilton,
Herkimer, Jefferson,
Oneida, Onondaga, St.
Northern Bristly Club Spinulum canadense Endangered Essex, St. Lawrence
Northern Clustered Carex arcta Endangered Essex, Herkimer, St.
Sedge Lawrence
Northern Lowbush Vaccinium boreale Threatened Essex, Hamilton
Northern Quillwort Isoetes septentrionalis Endangered Essex, St. Lawrence
Northern Running-pine Diphasiastrum Endangered Essex, Lewis, Oneida,
complanatum St. Lawrence
Northern Stickseed Hackelia deflexa ssp. Endangered Jefferson
Northern Tansy- Descurainia pinnata Endangered Essex
mustard ssp. brachycarpa
Northern Wild Andersonglossum Endangered Essex, Hamilton,
Comfrey boreale Jefferson, Lewis,
Oneida, Onondaga

Appendix B - 10
Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Common Name Scientific Name State Status Occurrence in the

Action Area (by
Northern Wild Licorice Galium kamtschaticum Endangered Essex, Hamilton
Nuttall's Tick Trefoil Desmodium nuttallii Endangered Herkimer, Onondaga
Ohio Goldenrod Solidago ohioensis Threatened Onondaga
Orange Fringed Orchid Platanthera ciliaris Endangered Oneida, Onondaga,
Ovate Spike Rush Eleocharis ovata Endangered Essex, Hamilton,
Herkimer, Oneida,
Oswego, St. Lawrence
Pale Indian-plantain Arnoglossum Endangered Oneida
Pawpaw Asimina triloba Threatened Oswego
Pinedrops Pterospora Endangered Essex, Lewis, Oneida,
andromedea Oswego
Pink Wintergreen Pyrola asarifolia ssp. Threatened Essex, Herkimer,
asarifolia Jefferson, Lewis,
Oneida, Onondaga, St.
Prairie Dropseed Sporobolus heterolepis Threatened Jefferson, Lewis
Prairie Dunewort Botrychium campestre Endangered Onondaga
Prairie Redroot Ceanothus herbaceus Endangered Jefferson
Prairie Smoke Geum triflorum var. Threatened Jefferson, Oswego
Prairie Wedge Grass Sphenopholis obtusata Endangered Jefferson
Prickly Rose Rosa acicularis ssp. Endangered Essex
Primrose-leaved Violet Viola primulifolia var. Threatened St. Lawrence
Purple Cress Cardamine douglassii Threatened Essex, Onondaga
Purple Crowberry Empetrum Endangered Essex
Purple Mountain Saxifraga oppositifolia Endangered Hamilton
Saxifrage ssp. oppositifolia
Purple Rock Cress Boechera grahamii Threatened Essex, Jefferson,
Oswego, St. Lawrence
Puttyroot Aplectrum hyemale Endangered Essex, Jefferson,
Lewis, Oneida,
Onondaga, Oswego
Ram's-head Lady's Cypripedium arietinum Threatened Essex, Herkimer,
Slipper Jefferson, Lewis,
Oneida, Onondaga,
Rand's Goldenrod Solidago randii Threatened Essex, Hamilton,
Rattlebox Crotalaria sagittalis Endangered Lewis
Red Pigweed Oxybasis rubra var. Threatened Oneida, Onondaga, St.
rubra Lawrence

Appendix B - 11
Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Common Name Scientific Name State Status Occurrence in the

Action Area (by
Red Pondweed Potamogeton alpinus Threatened Essex, Herkimer,
Jefferson, Lewis,
Oneida, Oswego, St.
Reflexed Sedge Carex retroflexa Threatened Hamilton, Onondaga
Rhodora Rhododendron Threatened Essex, Herkimer,
canadense Lewis, Oneida, St.
Riverbank Goldenrod Solidago racemosa Endangered Essex
Riverweed Podostemum Threatened Essex, Jefferson,
ceratophyllum Oneida, St. Lawrence
Rock Whitlow Grass Draba arabisans Threatened Essex, Hamilton,
Jefferson, Lewis,
Oneida, Onondaga, St.
Rough Avens Geum virginianum Threatened Jefferson, Oneida,
Onondaga, St.
Rough Pennyroyal Hedeoma hispida Threatened Essex, Herkimer,
Jefferson, St. Lawrence
Rugulose Grape Fern Botrychium rugulosum Endangered Essex, Hamilton,
Herkimer, Oneida,
Onondaga, St.
Salt-marsh Spike Rush Eleocharis uniglumis Threatened Jefferson, Oswego
Salt-meadow Grass Diplachne fusca ssp. Endangered Onondaga
Sand Dune Willow Salix cordata Threatened Jefferson, Oswego,
Oneida, Onondaga, St.
Scabrous Black Sedge Carex atratiformis Endangered Essex
Scarlet Indian- Castilleja coccinea Endangered Jefferson, Lewis,
paintbrush Onondaga, St.
Schweinitz's Sedge Carex schweinitzii Threatened Herkimer, Oneida,
Onondaga, Oswego
Seaside Agalinis Agalinis maritima var. Threatened Onondaga
Seaside Bulrush Bolboschoenus Threatened Onondaga
maritimus ssp.
Sharp-tipped Blue-eyed Sisyrinchium Endangered Herkimer, St. Lawrence
Grass mucronatum
Sheathed Sedge Carex vaginata Endangered Essex, Lewis
Sheep Fescue Festuca saximontana Endangered Essex
var. saximontana
Shining Bedstraw Galium concinnum Endangered Onondaga

Appendix B - 12
Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Common Name Scientific Name State Status Occurrence in the

Action Area (by
Short's Sedge Carex shortiana Endangered Onondaga
Shrubby St. John's Hypericum prolificum Threatened Oswego
Side-oats Grama Bouteloua curtipendula Endangered Jefferson
var. curtipendula
Sitka Clubmoss Diphasiastrum Endangered Essex, St. Lawrence
Sky-blue Aster Symphyotrichum Endangered Oneida, Oswego
Slender Bulrush Schoenoplectus Endangered Essex, Jefferson,
heterochaetus Oswego, St. Lawrence
Slender Marsh Blue Poa paludigena Endangered Lewis
Slender Pondweed Stuckenia filiformis Endangered Jefferson, Oneida,
Onondaga, Oswego, St.
Small Bur-reed Sparganium natans Threatened Essex, Hamilton,
Jefferson, Lewis,
Oswego, St. Lawrence
Small Floating Utricularia radiata Threatened Hamilton
Small Southern Yellow Cypripedium Endangered Lewis, Oneida,
Lady's Slipper parviflorum var. Onondaga, St.
parviflorum Lawrence
Small White Lady's Cypripedium candidum Endangered Onondaga
Small-headed Aster Symphyotrichum Endangered St. Lawrence
lanceolatum var.
Small's Knotweed Polygonum buxiforme Endangered Oneida, Onondaga, St.
Smooth Beggar-ticks Bidens laevis Threatened Jefferson, Oneida
Smooth Cliff Brake Pellaea glabella ssp. Threatened Essex, Jefferson,
glabella Lewis, St. Lawrence,
Essex, Hamilton,
Snowline Wintergreen Pyrola minor Endangered Essex
Soft Fox Sedge Carex conjuncta Endangered Herkimer, Oneida
Southern Bluets Houstonia purpurea Endangered Essex
var. calycosa
Southern Snailseed Potamogeton Endangered Essex, Hamilton,
Pondweed diversifolius Oneida
Southern Swamp Ranunculus Endangered St. Lawrence
Buttercup septentrionalis
Southern Twayblade Neottia bifolia Endangered Hamilton, Lewis,
Oneida, Onondaga,
Oswego, St. Lawrence

Appendix B - 13
Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Common Name Scientific Name State Status Occurrence in the

Action Area (by
Southern Wild Raisin Viburnum nudum var. Endangered Onondaga
Southern Yellow Flax Linum medium var. Threatened St. Lawrence
Sparse-flowered Sedge Carex tenuiflora Endangered Essex, Lewis, Oneida,
Oswego, St. Lawrence
Spiked Woodrush Luzula spicata ssp. Endangered Essex
Spotted Pondweed Potamogeton pulcher Threatened Oswego
Spreading Chervil Chaerophyllum Endangered Onondaga
procumbens var.
Spreading Rush Juncus subcaudatus Endangered Oneida
Spurred Gentian Halenia deflexa ssp. Endangered Essex, Hamilton,
deflexa Herkimer, Oneida
Squashberry Viburnum edule Threatened Essex, Herkimer
Stalked Bugleweed Lycopus rubellus Endangered Herkimer
Stargrass Aletris farinosa Threatened Onondaga
Sticky False Asphodel Triantha glutinosa Endangered Onondaga
Stiff Tick Trefoil Desmodium obtusum Endangered Onondaga, Oswego
Straight-leaved Potamogeton Endangered Essex, Jefferson,
Pondweed strictifolius Oneida, Onondaga,
Oswego, St. Lawrence
Straw Sedge Carex straminea Endangered Oswego
Striped Coralroot Corallorhiza striata Endangered Jefferson, Lewis
var. striata
Swamp Aster Eurybia radula Endangered St. Lawrence
Swamp Birch Betula pumila Threatened Essex, Lewis, St.
Swamp Lousewort Pedicularis lanceolata Threatened Onondaga
Swamp Oats Sphenopholis Endangered Herkimer
Swamp Smartweed Persicaria setacea Endangered Oneida, Onondaga,
Sweet Coltsfoot Petasites frigidus var. Endangered Essex, Onondaga, St.
palmatus Lawrence
Sweet-scented Indian Senecio suaveolens Endangered Onondaga
Tall Bellflower Campanula americana Endangered Onondaga
Tall Ironweed Vernonia gigantea Endangered Herkimer, Lewis,
Terrestrial Starwort Callitriche terrestris Threatened Essex, Herkimer,
Oneida, Onondaga
Tinged Sedge Carex tincta Endangered Herkimer
Toothed Rock Cress Borodinia dentata Threatened Oneida
Tundra Dwarf Birch Betula glandulosa Endangered Essex

Appendix B - 14
Programmatic Environmental Assessment 10th CAB and 10th SBDE Training Activities

Common Name Scientific Name State Status Occurrence in the

Action Area (by
Twinleaf Jeffersonia diphylla Threatened Jefferson, Lewis,
Veiny Meadow Rue Thalictrum venulosum Endangered Essex
Virginia False Lithospermum Endangered Oneida, Onondaga
Gromwell virginianum
Virginia Ground Physalis virginiana var. Endangered Oneida
Cherry virginiana
Virginia Three-seeded Acalypha virginica Endangered Onondaga
Water Awlwort Subularia aquatica ssp. Endangered Essex, Hamilton
Whip Nut Sedge Scleria triglomerata Endangered Oneida
White Basswood Tilia americana var. Endangered Onondaga
White Mountain Saxifraga paniculata Endangered Essex
Saxifrage ssp. paniculata
White-edge Sedge Carex debilis var. Threatened Hamilton, Oneida
Whorled Mountain Pycnanthemum Endangered Herkimer, Oneida, St.
Mint verticillatum var. Lawrence
Wiegand's Sedge Carex wiegandii Endangered Lewis
Wild Pink Silene caroliniana ssp. Threatened Onondaga
Wild Sweet William Phlox maculata ssp. Endangered Essex, Hamilton,
maculata Lewis, Oneida,
Woodland Agrimony Agrimonia rostellata Threatened Onondaga
Woodland Cudweed Omalotheca sylvatica Endangered Herkimer
Wright's Spike Rush Eleocharis diandra Endangered Oneida, Oswego
Yellow Giant-hyssop Agastache nepetoides Threatened Essex, Herkimer,
Jefferson, Oneida,
Onondaga, St.
Yellow Mountain Saxifraga aizoides Threatened Jefferson, Oneida,
Saxifrage Oswego
Yellow Wild Flax Linum sulcatum Threatened Oneida, Onondaga
Source: NYSDEC 2019

Appendix B - 15

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