Action Planning For ToRs of CMT - XLSX Complete

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Action Input Output Lead Person Supporting Person Accountable to Normal Timeframe for SMT

1.01.0 Assumption of Duty roles
Formal acknowledgement of instruments of appointment Consultant Facilitated Session Constituted and Operational SMT Ag. MD Ag. FM Board of Directors 23-Mar-20 24-Mar-20
Obtaining Appointment Letters and Acceptance thereof. Appointment and Acceptance Letters Constituted and Operational SMT Ag. MD Ag. FM Board of Directors 23-Mar-20 24-Mar-20

Obtaining Job Descriptions each SMT member Engagement with Members of the SMT Defined KPI for each Members of the SMT Ag. MD Ag.Hospital Board HR Commitee 30th March 2020 1-Jun-20
2.0Communication Strategy to improve image and visibility of the hospital
2.1 Scheduling programed meetings
Progress Reports and Minutes Hospital Admnistrator C/P Staff Committee 28-May-20 29-May-20
Scheduling staff meetings Performance Review
Progress Reports and Minutes Departmental Heads Ag. FM 28-May-20 29-May-20
Departmental Progress & Status Reports ,
scheduling departmental meetings Departmental Weekly Work Plans
Departmental Progress & Status Reports , Hospital Admnistrator Hospital Admnistrator Hospital Secretary 28-May-20 29-May-20
scheduling management meetings. Departmental Weekly Work Plans

Discharge Certificates signed Hospital Administrator Ag. FM 13-May-20 15-May-20

Organising exit sessions for middle and auxiliary staff. Conduct Exit interviews

notifying key stakeholders on the changes in position holders at management

2.3 level
Letter of notice Hospital Admin Hospital Admin 3-Jun-20 5-Jun-20
2.3.1 Issue a managemnt advisory notice to the Board of Trustees Letter of Notice
Letter of notice Ag. MD Hospital Admin 3-Jun-20 5-Jun-20
2.3.2 Issue a managemnt advisory notice to MoH and DHO's Office Letter of Notice
2.3.3 Issue a managemnt advisory notice to Staff Letter of Notice Letter of notice Ag. MD Hospital Admin 3-Jun-20 5-Jun-20
Letter of notice Ag. MD Hospital Admin 3-Jun-20 5-Jun-20
Issue a managemnt advisory notice to the Clergy and the religious Letter of Notice
Letter of notice Ag. MD Hospital Admin 3-Jun-20 5-Jun-20
2.3.5 Issue a managemnt advisory notice to UCMB & UPMB Letter of Notice
2.3.6 Issue a managemnt advisory notice to the External Auditor Letter of Notice Letter of notice Ag. MD Hospital Admin 3-Jun-20 5-Jun-20
Issue a managemnt advisory notice to the Major Suppliers of goods, services and Letter of notice Ag. MD Hospital Admin 3-Jun-20 5-Jun-20
Letter of Notice
2.3.7 works
Issue a managemnt advisory notice tothe Major Suppliers of goods, services and Letter of notice Ag. MD Hospital Admin 3-Jun-20 5-Jun-20
Letter of Notice
2.3.8 works
Issue a managemnt advisory notice to the Key national and International Letter of notice Ag. MD Hospital Admin 3-Jun-20 5-Jun-20
Letter of Notice
2.3.9 Development Partners
Generate the databse of clients and telphone contacts follwed by managemnt Letter of notice Ag. MD Hospital Admin 8-Jun-20 10-Jun-20
advisory notice Letter of Notice
Generate the databse of lower level Health facilities and telphone contacts Letter of notice Ag. MD Hospital Admin 8-Jun-20 10-Jun-20
follwed by managemnt advisory notice Letter of Notice
Issue a managemnt advisory notice to

3.0 Supervision Strategy to enhance staff performance

Streamlining role assignment along the revised and re-aligned organisation Ag.MD Hospital Admin 12-Jun-20 15-Jun-20
Engagement with Departmental Heads Defined KPI for Departmental heads
3.1 structure
Circulating the current Macro Organistaional Structure Presence of the Institutional Organogram Ag.MD Ag.FM 12-Jun-20 15-Jun-20
at key service points

Completing the micro depertmental Structures HoDs to engage their staff Developed Departmental micro-structures Departmental Heads Ag.MD 18-Jun-20 22-Jun-20

Setting of perfomamnce goals for each Department MD to engage Departmental Heads Defined KPI for each Department Ag.MD Ag.FM 18-Jun-20 22-Jun-20
Setting of perfomamnce targets for each Departmental Staff HoDs to engage their staff Defined KPI for each staff Departmental Heads Ag.FM 18-Jun-20 22-Jun-20

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