Newsletter Spring 2019
Newsletter Spring 2019
Newsletter Spring 2019
Spring 2019
Lunch Bunch Charles in Charge
Don’t forget about Lunch
Bunch, usually the third
Thursday of the month,
11:30 am at Ocotillo (formerly
the Grille at Redlands Mesa).
It’s a casual get-together for a non-business,
social time. The next Lunch Bunch will be April
18. Watch for emails, especially during the
summer, for later dates. So that Cathy Zippert
can give the restaurant a heads-up, let her
know four days in advance if you’ll be joining us
(245-9215 or [email protected]).
Member Note
Long-time member Beth Littleton has moved to
Westminster, Colorado, where her daughter
can better manage her care. Beth would love to
hear from old friends. Send a card or note to
her at Sunrise of Westminster, 10280 Sheridan
Blvd #201, Westminster CO 80020.
Charles displayed the art of levitation during
Tchaikovsky’s “Mozartiana.”
There's not a word yet, for old friends who've
just met.
Maestro Charles Latshaw’s performance as a
Jim Henson, "I'm Going to Go Back There New Dimensions instructor in the fall called for
Someday" an encore. He held “Orchestra Conductors and
What They Do: Demystifying the Maestro” on
Feb. 25. Chances are he’ll be holding more New
Dimensions classes as he has renewed his
contract with the GJ Symphony Orchestra for
When you have something another three years, through June 2022.
you’d like to share—happy news or sad, an
upcoming event, a local “find,” a photo
memory, whatever--please drop a line to the
newsletter editor, Carolyn White at
[email protected] or call her at
Spring 2019
Linda Jenks (fifth from left) and other “Cat’s Meow III” performers posed before the Kibble Break
dessert table.
she now looks forward to having the time to
give back to the community in which she lives.
New Member Profiles
Carla loves quilting and crafts. She and Tom are
We’re always fortunate to have new members avid RVers who love the outdoors--hiking,
with their enthusiasm and fresh ideas. Secretary fishing and exploring new places--making Grand
Sandy Peterson has sent out an update to the Junction the perfect location for their new
directory with contact information for four adventures. Both are also avid readers. They
Guild members since October. Here is a bit of have a deep appreciation of music of all types,
information about our two newest members. and say they look forward to supporting the
Both joined us in February. amazing talent here in the Grand Valley.
Carla Sherrick moved to They are infinitely proud of their three grown
Grand Junction in late 2018, daughters and three beautiful grandchildren,
after living 17 years in and treasure time with family and friends.
Highlands Ranch. Both natives
of Cincinnati, Ohio, Carla and
her husband Tom have Pam Bakios has lived half her life in the Aspen
recently retired and are and Snowmass area. She was employed as an
grateful to begin the next chapter of their lives office manager for 20 years at a top real
in this beautiful area. Carla worked the past 18 estate/property management company in
years for a Nashville-based healthcare IT Aspen. She quit her job to move to Grand
company as the Senior Director of Product Junction to be a caretaker to her mother after
Training, managing a team of software she had suffered a stroke. Pam enjoys tennis,
application trainers, e-learning instructional exercising, snowshoeing and walking, and has
designer/developers and technical writers. Her added pickleball to her list. If wine and food can
frequent work-related travel prevented her be considered a sport, she says to add those to
from participating regularly in local activities, so the list as well.
Page 3 GJ Symphony Guild Notes Spring 2019
Pencil in on your calendar these Dues are cover our fiscal year
upcoming Guild and Symphony- July 1 through June 30, and will
related events other than the be collected starting in April.
season concerts. For those new members who
join after January 1, their dues
Springfest Luncheon and Fashion Show,
are deferred until the next fiscal year, i.e., she
April 13 (wait list only now)
pays upon joining but does not have to pay
Western Colorado Jazz Orchestra at
again for the 2019-2020 year.
Warehouse 2565, May 9
GJ Symphony Golf Tournament at Please note “Dues” on your $50 check. If you’ve
Redlands Mesa, May 31 changed your address, phone or email, please
Come Together: The Beatles and the let Lynne O’Connell or Dee Humfeld know so
GJSO at Las Colonias, June 8 that the new directory has your correct contact
Tea and Trumpets, June 9 information.
2018 – 2019 GJ Symphony Guild Officers If you’d like a Symphony Guild name badge that
affixes to your clothing by a magnet, let Dee
President – Sheryl Fitzgerald, Humfeld know (263-8989). They’re just $10 and
243-6006, [email protected] are great to wear at Symphony concerts as well
Vice-President – vacant as our meetings.
Secretary—Sandy Peterson,
(303) 653-1941, [email protected]
Treasurer – Lynne O’Connell,
(510) 798-2527, Answers to “Beer or Composer”
[email protected]
Events Coordinator – Janet Shaffer, Germany, founded in 1895.
549-4189, 12. Beer. From the Kulmbacher Brewery in northern
[email protected] composer born in 1608.
Membership Coordinator – Dee 11. Composer. Andreas Hakenberger was a German
founded in 1608.
Humfeld, 263-8989, 10. Beer. From the only brewery in Wűrzburg, Germany,
[email protected] Austrian composer and violinist.
President Advisor – Barbara Burgeson, 9. Composer. Carl Ditters von Dittersdorf was an
270-9975, [email protected] century German composer and organist.
8. Composer. Andreas Hammerschmidt was a 17th
Board meetings are generally once a month. Baroque composer.
If you have something you’d like discussed 7. Composer. Philipp Heinrich was another German
6. Beer. From the world’s largest wheat beer brewery.
at a general meeting, contact Sheryl German Baroque composer and harpsichordist.
Fitzgerald so it can be put on the agenda. 5. Composer. Christoph Graupner was a little known
composer, librettist, writer and theologian.
4. Composer. Gottfried Heinrich Stőlzel was a prolific
3. Beer. The Dutch brewery was founded in 1615.
Baroque composer and organist.
2. Composer. Johann Jakob Froberger was a German
in Bavaria in 1040.
1. Beer. From the oldest brewery in the world, opened
Page 4 GJ Symphony Guild Notes Spring 2019