Newsletter Fall 2017

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Fall 2017
Editor’s Note Lunch Bunch Returns

Our mission statement is clear: “The Grand We’re bringing back the Lunch Bunch, a non-
Junction Symphony Guild is a nonprofit business time to just relax with other members.
organization devoted exclusively to the support Guild and Symphony affairs may come up, but
and promotion of the Grand Junction Symphony this is meant to be a time for other
Orchestra through financial, educational and conversation and interests, to get to know each
other activities.” But that doesn’t touch on our other better. We will meet at the Clubhouse
sisterhood and camaraderie. We may work 2325 at the Redlands Mesa Golf Course on
hard, but in addition to the financial reward and Thursday, Oct. 12, at 11:30 am. Most items on
satisfaction of doing good, we just plain have the menu are $10 -$13. Cathy Zippert is making
fun. a head-count, so please let her know by Oct. 9 if
you’ll be joining in (245-9215 or
This short newsletter is intended to
[email protected]).
communicate the more personal aspects of
Guild membership. Too often, at our meetings
the agenda is so full that even with the social
Just for Fun
half-hour beforehand we don’t have enough
time with each other. I’d like to include news Why not get together for some other casual
such as a milestone anniversary, new events—coffee, movies, lunch, etc.—just for
grandchild, award received or special travels. fun? Cecilia Spangler has agreed to be the point
Even the sadder news, though the first rule will person for organizing these. Any Guild member
be to respect one’s privacy if she’d rather not can propose or initiate a get-together, and
share at the time. So, please drop me a line— email invitations will be sent out. If you’d like to
[email protected]—or give me a call— be notified of these casual events, let Cecilia
549-0439—when you have something to know (243-7733 or [email protected]).

Carolyn White
Member News

Pianist Linda Jenks will perform a Little Noon

Music concert on Nov. 8 at the First United
Methodist Church, 522 White Ave. Linda joined
You don’t need to miss a Guild
the Guild shortly after she moved here in 2015
event or concert for lack of
and is also a member of the Symphony
transportation. Susan Hanson
keeps a list of members who
are willing to give rides. Contact her— The free Little Noon Music concerts are held the
(630) 253-5360 or [email protected]) —when second Wednesday of the month, September
you’ll need a ride or to let her know you’d be through May. A special concert for us Guild
willing to drive someone to and from an event. members will be March 14, when Kelly
Anderson and Elise Anderson will perform
Page 2 GJ Symphony Guild Notes Fall 2017

Jan and Jim Burch married on Nov. 23, just

before Thanksgiving, in 1957 so they could have
a three-day honeymoon. This year, to celebrate
their 60th anniversary they’re taking more time.
They will be off on a three-week trip to
Antarctica in December. As an avid bird-
watcher, Jan plans on enjoying all the penguins.
Bon voyage!

Sarah Catlin is well on her way to a full

recovery. She admits that she’s “getting a little
antsy but am enjoying this time as I know if I am
a good girl now I will be able to do all the things Daughters of the American Revolution planted
I enjoy later.” She appreciates all the wonderful trees this summer at Las Colonias Arboretum.
cards she received and her door is open to Sheryl Fitzgerald is second from left.
company—just give her a call ahead of time. Eight Symphony Guild members are also Art
We note with sadness the passing of Pam Center Guild members. Come see their baked
Lochrie in August. Pam loved the life she was goods and handcrafts at the Center’s annual Art
given, the friends she had here and elsewhere, and Crafts Fair Nov. 17-19. It’s an easy way to
nature, fine arts, good food, gardening. She was do holiday shopping while chatting over a sales
a lovely, gracious lady who faced her last days table with a friend.
with quiet dignity. We will miss her greatly.

The Symphony is a major interest for Guild Fabulous Finds

members, but we keep busy with other
activities as well. Here are two recent photos Sometimes you come across a product or
from the Sentinel’s “You Saw It” page. service that’s too good to keep to yourself. An
example—Enstrom’s sells broken pieces of its
milk chocolate pecan toffee that you can use to
sprinkle on ice cream, add to icing or otherwise
enhance a dessert. Let others know of your
fabulous finds by sending an email to
[email protected] so it can be included
in the next Guild Notes.

Pam Turell says these two Mexican shops are

worth stopping into. La Milpa Tortilla Factory,
514 30 Rd, has tamales as well as tortillas and
chips (both corn and flour) made fresh daily.
Close by is the San Jose Bakery, 570 30 Rd, with
sweet and savory Mexican breads, pastries and
Dotti Miller (far left) with friends of the Desert flan. You can easily pull together a festive meal
Vista Garden Club spent time deadheading from these two shops.
roses in Lincoln Park.
Page 3 GJ Symphony Guild Notes Fall 2017

Business Cards

You never know when you come across

someone who might be interested in the
Guild—whether newly arrived or long-
established in the Grand Valley. Keep a few of
our business cards with you as a handy way to
tell others of our organization. Pick up some at
the next meeting.

Current Membership – 70

GJ Symphony Guild Officers 2017-2018

Co-President – Sheryl Fitzgerald, 243-6006, Sheryl Fitzgerald presented a check for $20,000
[email protected] to Kelly Anderson as our 2017 donation to the
Co-President – Sarah Catlin, 640-9309, Symphony at the Sept. 22 meeting.
[email protected]

Vice-President for Events – Janet Shaffer,

549-4189, [email protected]

Vice-President for Membership – Dee Humfeld,

263-8989, [email protected] In addition to concerts, here
are some upcoming events you may want to
Secretary—Sandy Peterson, (303) 653-1941, pencil in on your calendar.
[email protected]
General meeting, Oct. 27
Treasurer – Lynne O’Connell, (510) 798-2527,
[email protected] Symphony Gala, Nov. 11; tickets $150
from the office
Board meetings are generally the first Monday Cup of Cheer, Dec. 3; tickets $25 from
of each month. If you have something you’d like the office
discussed at a general meeting, contact Sheryl Candlelight Dinner, Dec. 7; tickets $75
Fitzgerald so it can be put on the agenda. from Torie Holloran

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