Newsletter Fall 2017
Newsletter Fall 2017
Newsletter Fall 2017
Fall 2017
Editor’s Note Lunch Bunch Returns
Our mission statement is clear: “The Grand We’re bringing back the Lunch Bunch, a non-
Junction Symphony Guild is a nonprofit business time to just relax with other members.
organization devoted exclusively to the support Guild and Symphony affairs may come up, but
and promotion of the Grand Junction Symphony this is meant to be a time for other
Orchestra through financial, educational and conversation and interests, to get to know each
other activities.” But that doesn’t touch on our other better. We will meet at the Clubhouse
sisterhood and camaraderie. We may work 2325 at the Redlands Mesa Golf Course on
hard, but in addition to the financial reward and Thursday, Oct. 12, at 11:30 am. Most items on
satisfaction of doing good, we just plain have the menu are $10 -$13. Cathy Zippert is making
fun. a head-count, so please let her know by Oct. 9 if
you’ll be joining in (245-9215 or
This short newsletter is intended to
[email protected]).
communicate the more personal aspects of
Guild membership. Too often, at our meetings
the agenda is so full that even with the social
Just for Fun
half-hour beforehand we don’t have enough
time with each other. I’d like to include news Why not get together for some other casual
such as a milestone anniversary, new events—coffee, movies, lunch, etc.—just for
grandchild, award received or special travels. fun? Cecilia Spangler has agreed to be the point
Even the sadder news, though the first rule will person for organizing these. Any Guild member
be to respect one’s privacy if she’d rather not can propose or initiate a get-together, and
share at the time. So, please drop me a line— email invitations will be sent out. If you’d like to
[email protected]—or give me a call— be notified of these casual events, let Cecilia
549-0439—when you have something to know (243-7733 or [email protected]).
Carolyn White
Member News
Business Cards
Current Membership – 70
Co-President – Sheryl Fitzgerald, 243-6006, Sheryl Fitzgerald presented a check for $20,000
[email protected] to Kelly Anderson as our 2017 donation to the
Co-President – Sarah Catlin, 640-9309, Symphony at the Sept. 22 meeting.
[email protected]