Dispensa Elasticita Finita
Dispensa Elasticita Finita
Dispensa Elasticita Finita
Stefano Giordano
Department of Physics - University of Cagliari
Cittadella Universitaria - 09042 Monserrato (Ca), Italy
E-mail: [email protected]
1 Symbols 2
3 Strain 8
4 Stress 11
5 Continuity equation 14
1. Symbols
List of the most important tensor quantities used in the following sections
F̂ deformation gradient
Ĝ inverse deformation gradient
L̂ velocity gradient
J deformation Jacobian
B̂ and Ĉ left and right Cauchy tensors
Û and V̂ left and right stretching tensors
R̂ rotation tensor
η̂ Green-Lagrange tensor
ê Almansi-Eulero tensor
JˆL Lagrangian displacement gradient
JˆE Eulerian displacement gradient
D̂ rate of deformation tensor
Ŵ spin tensor
T̂ Cauchy stress tensor
T̂ first Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor
T̂ second Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor
Jˆ small-strain displacement gradient
ˆ small-strain tensor
Ω̂ local rotation tensor
Cˆ stiffness tensor
We call the set (X and t) Lagrangian coordinates, named after Joseph Louis Lagrange
[1736-1813], or material coordinates, or reference coordinates. The application of these
coordinates is called Lagrangian description or reference description. We can obtain
also the inverse function of Eq.(2.1) in the form
= F −1 (x)
x → X (2.3)
or, in components
X1 = X1 (x1 , x2 , x3 , t)
X2 = X2 (x1 , x2 , x3 , t) (2.4)
X3 = X3 (x1 , x2 , x3 , t)
The set (x and t) is called Eulerian coordinates, named after Leonhard Euler [1707-
1783], or space coordinates, and their application is said Eulerian description or spatial
description. The Lagrangian coordinates were introduced by Euler in 1762, while Jean
le Rond D’Alembert [1717-1783] was the first to use the Eulerian coordinates in 1752.
In general Continuum Mechanics Lagrangian coordinates and the reference description
are the most common. The same holds true in solid Mechanics. However, in Fluid
Mechanics, due to large displacements and complex deformations, it is usually necessary
and most practical to use Eulerian coordinates and spatial description.
One of the key quantities in deformation analysis is the deformation gradient of Ωt
relative to the reference configuration Ω0 , denoted F̂ , which gives the relationship of a
material line dX before deformation to the line dx (consisting of the same material as
after deformation. It is defined as
x = Ft X : F̂ X, t =∇ Ft X
⇒ dx = F̂ X, t dX (2.5)
Its components are given by
FiK = ∀(i, K) ∈ {1, 2, 3}2 (2.6)
∂Φ ∂φ ∂φ ∂x ∂φ ∂φ
= + · = + · v (2.16)
∂t ∂t ∂x ∂t ∂t ∂x
Instead of using different symbols for the quantities (i.e. φ and Φ) in the Lagrangian
and Eulerian descriptions, we can use the dot for the Lagrangian or material derivative
(φ̇) and the partial differentiation symbol ( ∂φ
) for the Eulerian or spatial derivative:
therefore, Eq.(2.16) assumes the simpler form
∂φ ∂φ
φ̇ = + · v (2.17)
∂t ∂x
φdx = φ̇ + φ∇x · v JdX =
φ̇ + φ∇x · v dx
dt Pt P0 Pt
Since φ̇ = ∂φ
+ · v we obtain
d ∂φ
φdx = + ∇x φ · v + φ∇
x · v dx (2.30)
dt Pt Pt ∂t
or, finally
d ∂φ
φdx = + ∇x · (φv ) dx (2.31)
dt Pt Pt ∂t
This property has been called Reynolds theorem or transport theorem. It is the most
important result used to obtain the balance equations for continuum materials. If φ = 1
we obtain
dx = ∇
x · v dx (2.32)
dt Pt Pt
which represent the rate of variation of the volume of the region Pt .
F̂ T nds = J
dαdβ = J NdS (2.35)
∂α ∂β
and finally we have obtained the relationship between NdS and nds
nds = J F̂ −T NdS
This property has been called Nanson theorem. Now, it is interesting to evaluate the
time derivative of the surface integral of a vector field a. It can be brought back to the
reference configuration as
d d
a · nds = a · J F̂ −T N
dt St dt S0
˙ −T −T ˙ −T
= a · J F̂ + a · J F̂ + a · J F̂
˙ N dS (2.37)
x · v and F̂˙ ˙T
Now J˙ = Jtr L̂ = J ∇ = −F̂ −T F̂ F̂ −T and therefore
d ˙ −T −T −T ˙ −T
a · nds = a · J F̂ + a · J ∇x · v F̂ − a · J F̂ F̂ F̂ NdS
dt St
= a˙ + a∇ x · v − L̂a · J F̂ −T NdS
where the relation F̂ = L̂F̂ has been used. Finally, coming back to the current
configuration we obtain
a · nds = a˙ + a∇
x · v − L̂a · nds (2.39)
dt St St
The Nanson relation nds = J F̂ −T NdS can be also applied in order to obtain the so-
called Piola identity. To this aim we use the standard divergence theorem
Ψni ds = dx (2.42)
Pt ∂xi
if Ψ = 1 identically, we obtain ∂Pt ni ds = 0 and, therefore
−T · J F̂ −1 dX
nds = J F̂ N dS = ∇ X
=0 (2.43)
∂Pt ∂P0 P0
which means
∂ ∂X
−1 j
· J F̂
X =0 ⇒ J =0 (2.44)
∂Xj ∂xi
This relation will be useful to obtain the balance equations of the continuum mechanics
in the Lagrangian description.
3. Strain
The measure of the deformation between the reference and the current configuration is
an important topic in continuum mechanics and it can be performed in several ways.
The starting quantity is the deformation gradient F̂ (X) (in the Lagrangian formalism)
or its inverse Ĝ(x) (in the Eulerian formalism). We consider two infinitesimal vectors
dX and dY in Ω0 and their deformed versions dx and dy in Ωt (see Fig. 2 for the
deformation of dX). The changes of lengths and angles are controlled by the scalar
product of the vectors and, therefore, we define the right and the left Cauchy tensors Ĉ
and B̂ in order to obtain dx · dy = dX · dY = dx · B̂ −1 dy (see Table 1). The
· ĈdY or dX
variations of the scalar product (moving from the reference to the current configuration)
are described by the Green-Lagrange tensor η̂ and by the Almansi-Eulero tensor ê as
summarized in Table 1.
Moreover, the gradients of the displacements field u(X) and u(x) are defined by
JˆL = ∂∂Xu and JˆE = ∂
in the Lagrangian and Eulerian vision, respectively. In Table 2
we can find: (i) the effective variation of length for the vector dX = N
d X
into dx = n
; (ii) the variation of the right angle between the unit vectors N and T
(N · T = 0 in Ω0 ) deformed into n and t (in Ωt ): θnt is the angle in Ωt and, therefore,
γN T = π2 − θnt is the angle variation (with opposite sign); (iii) the variation of the right
angle between the unit vectors n and t (n · t = 0 in Ωt ) originally placed at N
and T (in
Ω0 ): θN T is the angle in Ω0 and, therefore, γnt = θN T − 2 is the angle variation (with
tensor Almansi-Eulero
1 1 ˆ
η̂ = 2
Ĉ − Iˆ ê = 2
I − B̂ −1
· dY = 2dX
dx · dy − dX · η̂dY · dY = 2dx · êdy
dx · dy − dX
Lagrange displacement gradient Eulero displacement gradient
JˆL = ∂∂Xu JˆE = ∂u
F̂ = Iˆ + JˆL F̂ −1 = Iˆ − JˆE
Ĉ = Iˆ+ JˆL + JˆLT + JˆLT JˆL B̂ −1 =Iˆ − JˆE − JˆET + JˆE
T ˆ
η̂ = 12 JˆL + JˆLT + JˆLT JˆL ê = 1 JˆE + JˆT − JˆT JˆE
2 E E
F̂ w ≥0 ∀ w (3.2)
If F̂ T F̂ is symmetric and positive definite then it can be diagonalized in the field of real
numbers. Therefore, we can write F̂ T F̂ = Q̂−1 ˆ Q̂ where Q̂ is non singular and ˆ is
diagonal. We define
Û = F̂ F̂ = Ĉ (3.3)
The square root of the tensor can be defined (and calculated) as follows
ˆ −1 ˆ Q̂
Û = F̂ F̂ = Q̂ Q̂ = Q̂
T −1 (3.4)
in fact
−1 ˆ −1 ˆ −1 ˆ −1 ˆ ˆ Q̂ = Q̂−1
ˆ Q̂ (3.5)
Q̂ Q̂ = Q̂ Q̂Q̂ Q̂ = Q̂
where ˆ = diag(λi ) (the symbol diag explicitely indicates the entries
ˆ = diag( λi ) if
of a diagonal matrix). Finally, we define R̂ = F̂ Û −1 and we verify its ortogonality
−1 −1 −1
R̂ R̂ = Û T
F̂ F̂ Û = Û Û 2 Û −1 = Û −1 Û Û Û −1 = Iˆ (3.6)
This concludes the proof of the first polar decomposition. We have to prove the unicity
of the right decomposition F̂ = R̂ Û . We can suppose the two different decompositions
F̂ = R̂ Û = R̂∗ Û ∗ exist. It follows that F̂ T F̂ = Û 2 = Û ∗2 from which Û = Û ∗ and,
therefore, R̂ = R̂∗ . It proves the unicity of the right decomposition.
Similarly we can
obtain the left decomposition by defining V̂ = F̂ F̂ = B̂: it is possible to prove
that it is symmetric and positive definite and we define R̂ = V̂ −1 F̂ , which is orthogonal.
To conclude we must verify that R̂ = R̂. Since R̂ R̂ = Iˆ we have F̂ = V̂ R̂ =
R̂ R̂ V̂ R̂ . The unicity of the right decomposition (F̂ = R̂ Û ) allows us to affirm
that R̂ = R̂ and that Û = R̂T V̂ R̂. This completes the proof of the polar decomposition
Cauchy theorem.
This decomposition implies that the deformation of a line element dX in the
undeformed configuration onto dx in the deformed configuration, i.e. dx = F̂ dX may
followed by
be obtained either by first stretching the element by Û i.e. dx = ÛdX,
a rotation R̂, i.e. dx = R̂dx or, equivalently, by applying a rigid rotation R̂ first, i.e.
dx = R̂dX
followed later by a stretching V̂ , i.e. dx = V̂ dx (seeFig. 3).
4. Stress
In continuum mechanics we must consider two systems of forces acting on a given region
of a material body:
• the body forces. They are dependent on the external fields acting on the elastic
body and they are described by the vector field b(x) representing their density on
the volume in the current configuration. The physical meaning of such a density of
forces can be summed up stating that the total force dFv applied to a small volume
dx centered on the point x is given by dFv = b(x)dx. A typical example is given by
the gravitational forces proportional to the mass of the region under consideration.
In this case we can write dFv = g dm where g is the gravitational acceleration and
dm is the mass of the volume dx. If we define ρ = dm d
as the density of the body,
we simply obtain b(x) = ρg .
• the surface forces. In continuum mechanics we are additionally concerned with the
interaction between neighbouring portions of the interiors of deformable bodies. In
reality such an interaction consists of complex interatomic forces, but we make the
simplifying assumption that the effect of all such forces across any given surface
may be adequately represented by a single vector field defined over the surface. It
is important to observe that the nature of the forces exerted between two bodies
in contact is identical to the nature of the actions applied between two portions of
n = (n1 , n2 , n3 )
dA2 dAn
B x2
dh from P. The faces of the tetrahedron have areas dA1 , dA2 , dA3 and dAn and the
outgoing normal unit vectors are −E 1 , −E
2 , −E
3 and n (where the vectors E
i belong
to the reference base). We define f1 , f2 , f3 and fn as the surface forces acting on each
face and b as the body force distributed over the volume. The motion equation is
fn dAn + f1 dA1 + f2 dA2 + f3 dA3 + b dv = ρadv (4.4)
where a is the acceleration of the tetrahedron
with mass ρdv. From Eq.(4.1) we
can identify fn = f (n, x, t) and fk = f −E
k , x, t , ∀ k = 1, 2, 3. Moreover,
dAi = ni dAn , ∀ i = 1, 2, 3 and dv = 13 dAn dh, so we can write Eq. (4.4) as follows
(sum over j)
1 1
f (n, x, t) + f −Ej , x, t nj + b dh = ρ a dh
3 3
In the limit of dh → 0 we obtain (sum over j)
f (n, x, t) = −f −E j , x, t nj (4.6)
Now we can use the previous result with n = E i (for any i = 1, 2, 3), by obtaining
f E i , x, t = −f −E
i , x, t (4.7)
This is a sort of third law of the dynamics written in term of surface forces. Now,
Eq.(4.6) can be simply rewritten as (sum over j)
f (n, x, t) = f E j , x, t nj (4.8)
This result shows that the surface force f on a given plane is determined by the three
surface forces on the three coordinate planes; in components
fi (n, x, t) = f (n, x, t) · E
i = f E j , x, t · E i nj = Tij nj (4.9)
where the Cauchy stress T̂ is represented by Tij = f E j , x, t · E
i . To better understand
the physical meaning of the stress tensor we consider the cubic element of volume shown
in Fig.5, corresponding to an infinitesimal portion dV = (dl)3 taken in an arbitrary solid
body. The six faces of the cube have been numbered as shown in Fig.5. We suppose
that a stress T̂ is applied to that region: the Tij component represents the pressure
applied on the j-th face along the i-th direction.
The Cauchy stress tensor is the most natural and physical measure of the state
of stress at a point in the deformed configuration and measured per unit area of the
deformed configuration. It is the quantity most commonly used in spatial or Eulerian
description of problems in continuum mechanics. Some other stress measures must
be introduced in order to describe continuum mechanics in the Lagrangian formalism.
From Cauchy formula, we have dFs = T̂ nds, where T̂ is the Cauchy stress tensor. In a
similar fashion, we introduce a stress tensor T̂ 1PK , called the first Piola-Kirchhoff stress
tensor, such that dFs = T̂ 1PK NdS. By using the Nanson formula nds = J F̂ −T N dS we
dFs = T̂ J F̂ −T N
dS = T̂ 1PK N
dS (4.10)
3 T13 T23
T31 T32
T11 T12 T22
x1 1 x2
and therefore
T̂ 1PK = J T̂ F̂ −T (4.11)
Sometimes it is useful to introduce another state of stress T̂ 2PK , called the second Piola-
Kirchhoff stress tensor, defined as F̂ −1 dFs = T̂ 2PK N
dS. We simply obtain
F̂ −1 dFs = F̂ −1 T̂ J F̂ −T N
dS = T̂ 2PK N
dS (4.12)
and therefore
T̂ 2PK = J F̂ −1 T̂ F̂ −T = F̂ −1 T̂ 1PK (4.13)
The stress tensors T̂ 1PK and T̂ 2PK will be very useful for the finite elasticity theory
described within the Lagrangian formalism.
5. Continuity equation
The first balance equation of the continuum mechanics concerns the mass distribution.
in the Lagrangian formalism and ρ (x, t)
We define the mass density: we will use ρ0 (X)
in the Eulerian description. The total mass of the region Pt is given by
m (Pt ) = ρ(x, t)dx (5.1)
It means that, when there is the density in the integrand, the time derivative must be
applied directly to the function Ψ.
The other two important balance equations can be derived by the principles of linear
and angular momentum. When dealing with a system of particles, we can deduce from
Newton’s laws of motion that the resultant of the external forces is equal to the rate of
change of the total linear momentum of the system. By taking moments about a fixed
point, we can also show that the resultant moment of the external forces is equal to the
rate of change of the total moment of momentum. Here we define the linear and angular
momentum density for a continuum and we introduce balance laws for these quantities.
We consider a portion Pt in a material body and we define P as its linear momentum,
F as the resultant of the applied forces, L as the total angular momentum and, finally,
M as the resultant moment of the applied forces. The standard principles for a system
of particles can be written as follows
dP dL
= F =M (6.1)
dt dt
We start with the first principle, applied to the portion of body contained to the region
Pt , limited by the closed surface ∂Pt
d bdx
ρv dx = T̂ nds + (6.2)
dt Pt ∂Pt Pt
where we have utilized the decomposition of the forces (body forces and surface forces)
as described in the previous section. The previous equation can be simplified by means
of Eq.(5.8) and the divergence theorem, by obtaining
ρv dx = ∇x · T̂ dx +
bdx (6.3)
Pt Pt Pt
Since the volume Pt is arbitrary, we easily obtain the first balance equation for the
elasticty theory (Eulerian description)
x · T̂ + b = ρv˙
∇ (6.4)
This is the basic linear momentum equation of continuum mechanics. We remark that
the divergence of a tensor is applied on the second index; in fact, in components, we
simply obtain
+ bj = ρv˙j (6.5)
Further, we observe that
∂v ∂v ∂v 1
v˙ = + · v = + ∇x (v · v ) + ∇ x ∧ v ∧ v (6.6)
∂t ∂x ∂t 2
and, therefore Eq.(6.4) is equivalent to
∂v ∂v
∇x · T̂ + b = ρ
+ · v (6.7)
∂t ∂x
∂v 1
∇x · T̂ + b = ρ
+ ∇x (v · v ) + ∇x ∧ v ∧ v
∂t 2
Now, we consider the principle of the angular momentum. For the region Pt such
a balance equation can be written in the following form
x ∧ ρv dx = x ∧ T̂ n ds + x ∧ b dx (6.9)
dt Pt ∂Pt Pt
As before, the surface integral can be simplified with the application of the divergence
theorem, by obtaining, after some straightforward calculations
x × T̂ n ds = Tkh + xh ηhkj ej dx (6.10)
∂Pt Pt ∂xp
So, the second balance equation assumes the form
xh ρv̇k − − bk − Tkh ηhkj ej dx = 0 (6.11)
Pt ∂xp
The term in bracket is zero because of the first balance equation. Therefore, we obtain
T η e dx = 0 or, equivalently, Tkh ηhkj = 0. Finally, the second principle leads to
Pt kh hkj j
We can also make a Piola transformation on a given index of a tensor. For example,
if Tji the Cauchy stress tensor, we may use the above tranformation on the last index.
We apply this procedure to transform the motion equation from the Eulerian to the
Lagrangian coordinates
∂Tji 1 ∂ ∂Xi
+ bj = ρv˙j ⇒ J Tjs + bj = ρv˙j (7.5)
∂xi J ∂Xi ∂xs
or, identifying the deformation gradient
∂ −1
J(F̂ )is Tjs + Jbj = ρJ v˙j (7.6)
By using the relation ρ0 = Jρ we obtain
JTjs (F̂ −T )si + bj = ρ0 v˙j (7.7)
∂Xi ρ
Since we have defined the first Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor as T̂ 1PK = J T̂ F̂ −T we obtain
· T̂ 1PK + ρ0 b = ρ0v˙
∇ (7.8)
1 1PK T
Now, we consider the principle of the angular momentum: since T̂ = J
T̂ F̂ and
T̂ = T̂ T we obtain
T̂ 1PK F̂ T = F̂ T̂ 1PKT (7.9)
These two important results can be also expressed in terms of the second Piola-Kirchhoff
stress tensor T̂ 2PK = F̂ −1 T̂ 1PK . We simply obtain the linear momentum balance
2PK 0
∇X · F̂ T̂
+ b = ρ0v˙ (7.10)
and the angular momentum balance
T̂ 2PK = T̂ 2PKT (7.11)
Of course, Eqs.(7.10) and (7.11) must be completed by the constitutive equations and
by the boundary conditions.
We remark that they do not form an orthogonal base. First of all, we simply obtain the
norm of F̂ E
F̂ E
= i · F̂ E
F̂ E i = Fki Fki = F̂ T F̂ = Cii (7.13)
where Ĉ is the right Cauchy tensor. We define the unit vectors n1 , n2 and n3
perpendicular to the planes (e2 , e3 ), (e1 , e3 ) and (e1 , e2 ). It means that we can write
F̂ Ei ∧ F̂ Ej
1 ei ∧ ej 1
nk = ηkij = ηkij (7.14)
ei ∧ ej
F̂ Ei ∧ F̂ Ej
i ∧ F̂ E
Now, we start with the calculation of
F̂ E j
F̂ E
i ∧ F̂ E j
= ηkst Fsi Ftj ηkab Fai Fbj
= (δsa δtb − δsb δta ) Fsi Ftj Fai Fbj
= Cii Cjj − Cij2 (7.15)
We can also write
= Cii Cjj − Cij2 (7.16)
where the indices i and j are complementary to k and dSk and dsk are the surface
the reference and current configuration having unit normal vector nk . Since
j = ηqst Fsi Ftj E
F̂ Ei ∧ F̂ E q , we therefore obtain
1 q
ηqst Fsi Ftj E
nk = ηkij (7.17)
2 C C − C2
ii jj ij
Since ηqst Fsi Ftj Fqa = Jηaij we can simply write ηqst Fsi Ftj = Jηaij (F̂ −1 )aq ; this result
can be used in Eq.(7.17) to yield
1 Jηaij (F̂ −1 )aq E
nk = ηkij (7.18)
2 C C − C2
ii jj ij
When k is fixed the indices i and j can assume two couples of values [if k =1 we have
(i, j)=(2,3) or (3,2), if k =2 we have (i, j)=(1,3) or (3,2) and if k =3 we have (i, j)=(2,1)
or (1,2)] and the index a must assume the value k. At the end we evetually obtain
J(F̂ −1 )kq E
q dSk
nk = = J(F̂ −1 )kq E
q (7.19)
Cii Cjj − Cij 2 ds k
where the indices i and j are complementary to k (there is not the sum on k). We may
consider the forces acting on the three deformed coordinate planes (e2 , e3 ), (e1 , e3 ) and
(e1 , e2 ) (having normal unit vectors n1 , n2 and n3 , respectively) through the expressions
J(F̂ −1 )kq T E
q dSk
T nk = = J(F̂ −1 )kq T E
q (7.20)
Cii Cjj − Cij 2 ds k
T nk = σsk
es (7.22)
where, since E 2 and E
1, E 3 is an orthonormal base, we have
σsk s = dSk J(F̂ −1 )kq T E
= T nk · E s = dSk J(F̂ −1 )kq Tsq
q · E (7.23)
dsk dsk
E e
Moreover, we have the following relation between σsk and σsk
j · E
σsk = T nk · E s = σ e F̂
s = σ e ej · E E 1
= Fsj σjk
jk jk
Cjj Cjj
E e
The representations σsk and σsk have been introduced by Novozhilov in his pioneering
book on nonlinear elasticity. The Lagrangian equation of motion can be written as (see
J(F̂ −1 )kq Tsq + Jbs = ρJ v˙s (7.25)
and then it can be expressed in terms of σsk
∂ dsk E
σ + Jbs = ρJ v˙s (7.26)
∂Xk dSk sk
or in terms of σsk
∂ dsk 1
Fsj σjk e
+ Jbs = ρJ v˙s (7.27)
∂Xk dSk Cjj
Finally, since it is evident that Cjj = dlj /dLj , we can state the Lagrangian equations
of motion in the Novozhilov form
∂ dSk e
Fsj σjk + Jbs = ρJ v˙s (7.28)
∂Xk dlj
The constitutive equations represent the relation between the stress and the strain and,
therefore, they depend on the material under consideration. Here we prove that there
is a strong conceptual connection between the constitutive equations and the energy
balance for a continuum body. We start from the motion equation in the Eulerian
formalism and we multiply both sides to the velocity component vj
vj + vj bj = ρvj v˙j (8.1)
This expression can also be written as
∂ (vj Tji ) ∂vj
− Tji + vj bj = ρvj v˙j (8.2)
∂xi ∂xi
The Eulerian velocity gradient Lji = ∂xji can be decomposed in the symmetric and
skew-symmetric parts
∂vj 1 ∂vj ∂vi 1 ∂vj ∂vi
Lji = = + + − = Dji + Wji (8.3)
∂xi 2 ∂xi ∂xj 2 ∂xi ∂xj
symmetric skew−symmetric
where D̂ is the rate of deformation tensor and Ŵ is the spin tensor. Therefore, the
energy balance equation assumes the local form form
∂ (vj Tji )
− Tji Dji + vj bj = ρvj v˙j (8.4)
By using the property in Eq. (5.8) we also obtain the global version on the region Pt
d 1
ρvj vj dx + TjiDji dx = Tjini vj dx + vj bj dx (8.5)
dt Pt 2 Pt ∂Pt Pt
The second side of this balance represents the power input (product between force and
velocity) consisting of the rate of work done by external surface tractions Tji ni per unit
area and body forces bj per unit volume of the region Pt bounded by ∂Pt . Since the
time-rate of change of the total energy is equal to the the rate of work done by the
We define the energy density U per unit volume in the reference configuration and
therefore ρρ0 U is the energy density per unit volume in the current configuration. We
U= Udx (8.7)
Pt ρ0
In the infinitesimal elasticity theory the extent of the deformations is assumed small.
While this notion is rather intuitive, it can be formalized by imposing that for small
deformations F̂ is very similar to Iˆ or, equivalently, that Ĝ is very very similar to I.
It means that both JˆL and JˆE are very small. Therefore, we adopt as an operative
definition of small deformation the relations
Tr(JˆL JˆLT ) 1 and Tr(JˆE JˆET ) 1 (9.1)
i.e., a deformation will be hereafter regarded to as small provided that the trace of the
product JˆL JˆLT or JˆE JˆET is negligible. It means that we can assume JˆL = JˆE = Jˆ and
that we can interchange the Eulerian and the Lagrangian variables without problems.
Here, we write all the equations with the Eulerian variables x. We observe that Jˆ can
be written as the sum of a symmetric and a skew-symmetric (antisymmetric) part as
1 ∂ui ∂uj 1 ∂ui ∂uj
Jij = + + − = ij + Ωij (9.2)
2 ∂xj ∂xi 2 ∂xj ∂xi
symmetric skew−symmetric
The meaning of the displacement gradient can be found in Fig. 6 for a two-dimensional
configuration. Accordingly, we define the (symmetric) infinitesimal strain tensor (or
small strain tensor ) as
1 ∂ui ∂uj
ij = + (9.3)
2 ∂xj ∂xi
and the (antisymmetric) local rotation tensor as
1 ∂ui ∂uj
Ωij = − (9.4)
2 ∂xj ∂xi
Such a decomposition is useful to obtain three very important properties of the small
strain tensor, which is the key quantity to determine the state of deformation of an
elastic body:
• for a pure local rotation (a volume element is rotated, but not changed in shape
and size) we have Jˆ = Ω̂ and therefore ˆ = 0. This means that the small strain
tensor does not take into account any local rotation, but only the changes of shape
and size (dilatations or compression) of that element of volume.
Let us clarify this fundamental result. We consider a point x inside a volume
element which is transformed to x + u(x) in the current configuration. Under a
pure local rotation we have: x + u(x) = R̂x, where R̂ is a given orthogonal rotation
ˆ We simply obtain u(x) = (R̂ − I)
matrix (satisfying R̂R̂T = I). ˆ x or, equivalently,
Jˆ = R̂ − I.ˆ Since the applied deformation (i.e., the local rotation) is small by
hypothesis, we observe that the difference R̂ − Iˆ is very small too. The product
JˆJˆT will be therefore negligible, leading to the following expression
0 = J J = R̂ − I R̂ − I = R̂R̂T − R̂ − R̂T + Iˆ
ˆ ˆT ˆ T ˆ
under which the solution of this inverse problem is actually found. These conditions are
written in the very compact form
∂ 2 ij
ηqki ηphj =0 (9.8)
∂xk ∂xh
where η’s are the Levi-Civita permutation symbols. Eqs.(9.8) are known as infinitesimal
strain compatibility equations or Beltrami Saint-Venant equations. The balance
equations assume the standard form
∂Tji ∂ 2 uj
+ bj = ρ 2 (9.9)
∂xi ∂t
Tij = Tji (9.10)
The principles of linear and angular momentum, the definition of strain and its
compatibility conditions need to be supplemented by a further set of equations, known
as constitutive equations, which characterize the constitution of the elastic solid body.
In the case of small deformation we can write
T̂ = T̂ 1PK = T̂ 2PK = (9.11)
where the strain energy function is expressed as U = U(ˆ ). Such a strain energy function
U may be developed in power series with respect to the components of ˆ. This leads to
the expression
1 1
U(η̂) = Cijkh ij kh + Cijkhnmij kh nm + ... (9.12)
2 6
Here the Cijkh and the Cijkhnm denote the second order elastic constant (SEOC) and
the third order elastic constant (TOEC), respectively, with reference to the small strain
tensor. We can determine the relations with the elastic constants defined in Eq.(8.28):
to this aim, we consider an homogeneous deformation with F̂ = Iˆ + ˆ (i.e. with Ω = 0
or Jˆ = ˆ) and we obtain η̂ = ˆ + 12 ˆ2 ; so, by imposing U(ˆ
) = U(η̂) we eventually obtain
Cijkh = Cijkh (9.13)
L 3 L 3 L
Cijkhnm = Cijkhnm + Cimkh δjn + Cijkm δhn (9.14)
2 2
The linear law for the relation between stress and strain is called the generalized Hooke’s
law. The general form of writing Hooke’s law is as follows
Tij = Cijkh kh (9.15)
where Cijkh are constants (for homogeneous materials). Eq.(9.15) is of general validity,
including all the possible crystalline symmetry or, in other words, any kind of anisotropy.
The tensor of the elastic constants satisfies the following symmetry rules: 1) symmetry
in the first pair of indices: since Tij = Tji we have Cijkh = Cjikh : 2) symmetry in the
last pair of indices: since kh = hk we may take Cijkh = Cijhk ; 3) symmetry between the
first pair and the last pair of indices: energetic considerations leads to Cijkh = Ckhij . At
the end Cijkh has at most 21 independent components rather than the 34 = 81 which,
as a general fourth-rank tensor, it might have had. In the case of a linear and isotropic
material we have
E νE
T̂ = ˆ + Iˆ Tr (ˆ
) (9.16)
1+ν (1 + ν)(1 − 2ν)
where E and ν are the Young modulus and the Poisson ratio, respectively. We can also
introduce the Lamé coefficients µ and λ as follows
E νE
µ= λ= (9.17)
2(1 + ν) (1 + ν)(1 − 2ν)
Therefore, Eq.(9.16) assumes the standard form
ˆ )
T̂ = 2µˆ + λITr(ˆ (9.18)
When we are dealing with a linear, isotropic and homogeneous material the governing
equations of the elasticity theory can be summed up as follows
(λ + µ) ∇ ∇ · u + µ∇ 2u + b = ρ ∂ u (9.19)
This is an equation of motion where the displacement field is the single unknown, which
have been called Lamé or Navier equation. Such a motion equation for a isotropic
bodycan be also written in a different form by utilizing the general property
∇× ∇
× u = ∇ ∇ · u − ∇ 2 u, which holds for the differential operators. The result
(λ + µ) ∇ × ∇ × u + (λ + 2µ)∇ 2u + b = ρ ∂ u (9.20)
Both Eq. (9.19) and Eq. (9.20) are linear partial differential equations of the second
order with a vector field u (r) as unknown. In order to find a solution of Eq. (9.19)
or Eq. (9.20) we must impose some boundary conditions depending on the physical
problem under consideration. If we consider a body with an external surface S, a first
type of boundary condition fixes the values of the displacement field on this surface at
any time. It means that u = u(x, t) for any x ∈ S and for any t in a given interval. When
the entire external surface is described by these conditions we say that we are solving
an elastic problem of the first kind (Dirichlet). A second kind of boundary conditions
fixes the stress applied on the external surface. It means that Tij nj = fi (x, t) for any
x ∈ S and for any t in a given interval. When the entire external surface is described
by these conditions we say that we are solving an elastic problem of the second kind
(Neumann). Finally, a third case can be defined by dividing the surface S in two parts
and by applying the Dirichlet conditions to the first part and the Neumann conditions
to the second part. In this case we say that we are solving an elastic problem of the
third kind, subjected to mixed boundary conditions.