Symmetries in Non-Relativistic Quantum Mechanincs
Symmetries in Non-Relativistic Quantum Mechanincs
Symmetries in Non-Relativistic Quantum Mechanincs
Generators of Translation, Time Evolution, and
Ghulam Murtaza Baig Ph.D-06S24
April 24, 2024
1 Introduction 3
1.1 Preliminaries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.1.1 Non-relativistic Symmetries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.1.2 Quantum States and Operators ([6]): . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.1.3 Symmetry Transformations ([7]): . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
1.1.4 Generators of Symmetries ([8]): . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
2 Translation Symmetry 5
2.1 Mathematical Formulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2.2 Generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
4 Rotation Symmetry 7
4.1 Mathematical Formulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
4.2 Generator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
5 Conclusion 10
1 Introduction
Until the 20th century, symmetry played a minor role in physics. Einstein’s
breakthrough in 1905 prioritized symmetry as a fundamental aspect of nature,
shaping dynamical laws. This shift marked the beginning of symmetry’s pivotal
role in modern physics, guiding exploration and unification efforts [1].
Susskind and Friedman’s [2], exploration of symmetry’s historical journey
alongside mathematics, particularly group theory, highlights the intrinsic link
between physics and mathematics, revealing the versatile application of sym-
metry principles across various physics sub fields.
Feynman in [3] give the central significance of symmetry in physics lies in
its capacity to unify seemingly unrelated phenomena, offering a coherent frame-
work that links disparate concepts. Moreover, the pivotal role of symmetry
considerations in shaping research methodologies cannot be overstated; physi-
cists leverage symmetries to elucidate potential theoretical models and derive
profound insights from empirical observations.
This text underscores the profound significance of symmetry, not just as
a beautiful arrangement, but as a powerful tool that has revolutionized our
understanding of the physical world. Its impact extends across both theoretical
frameworks and practical applications, solidifying its place as a guiding principle
in physics.
1.1 Preliminaries
Before delving into the specifics of symmetries in non-relativistic quantum me-
chanics, it is essential to establish some preliminary concepts.
a space with well-defined observable corresponding to coordinates, satisfying the
equation of motion for free elementary systems .
DT µ
= κN µ
dN µ
= −κT µ + τ Dµ
dB µ
= −τ N µ + σDµ
= −σB µ
Û † ÂÛ = Â (2)
where Û denotes the Hermitian conjugate of Û .
Û = e−iĜ (3)
where i is the imaginary unit.
2 Translation Symmetry
Translation symmetry in quantum mechanics corresponds to the in-variance of
physical properties under spatial displacements. The generator of translations,
denoted by P̂ , represents the momentum operator in quantum mechanics.
2.2 Generator
What is the significance of stating that momentum p induces translations?
Similarly, angular momentum triggers rotations, while the Hamiltonian drives
temporal translations.
In this context, momentum serves as the catalyst for an infinitesimal trans-
lation. Consider a system with a single degree of freedom, where the wave
function or potential is denoted by f (x). Remembering that momentum is ex-
pressed as p̂ = −iℏ ∂x , when undergoing a translation x 7→ x + δa, the function
at the translated point is given by
f (x + δa) = f (x) + δaf ′ (x) + (δa)2 f ′′ (x) + · · ·
1 ∂
= f (x) − δa (−iℏ )f (x) + · · · (6)
iℏ ∂x
= (I + + · · · )f (x)
Extending this notion to finite translations, we arrive at f (x + a) = eiap̂/ℏ f (x),
which will be elucidated further. From a physical perspective, f represents ei-
ther a wave function or a potential. The condition pf = 0 denotes translational
invariance of f , implying that f (x + δx) = f (x). For instance, a constant po-
tential V (x) = V0 remains invariant under translation. Similarly, a potential
V (x, y) exhibits translational invariance along the x-axis and is annihilated by
px as px V (x, y) = 0.
In three-dimensional space, when subjected to an infinitesimal translation
r → r + δa, a function undergoes a transformation to f (r + δa). Employing the
Taylor series expansion,
f (r + δa) = f (r) + δa · ∇f (r) + δai δaj ∂i ∂j f (r) + · · · (7)
Expressing this in momentum terms,
f (r + δa) ≈ (1 + δa · p̂)f (r) (8)
For a finite translation by a = nδa (where n is an integer), we iteratively apply
the infinitesimal translation n times, while keeping δa constant, and then let
n → ∞.
f (r + a) = lim (I + a · p̂)n f (r) = ep̂·a/ℏ f (x) (9)
n→∞ ℏn
It’s acknowledged that p acts as the infinitesimal generator of translations.
Upon expanding the exponential function, we can retrieve the Taylor expansion.
ℏ2 d2
Ĥ = − + V (x) (11)
2m dx2
where m denotes the mass of the particle, and V (x) represents the potential
3.2 Generator
To find the generator of time translations, we observe that the Schrödinger
iℏψ̇ = Hψ (12)
may be solved for short times to write,
ψ(t + δt) ≈ ψ(t) − ψ(t)
⇒ ψ(t + δt) = [1 − ]ψ(t)
In this context, the Hamiltonian facilitates infinitesimal time translations
of the wave function. As elucidated earlier, a finite time translation can be
achieved by sequentially combining infinitesimal time evolutions, represented as
(· · · e−iHt/ℏ )(e−iHt/ℏ )(e−iHt/ℏ ) = e−iHt/ℏ . This operator,
4 Rotation Symmetry
Rotation symmetry corresponds to the invariance of physical properties under
rotations in space. The generator of rotations, denoted by L̂, represents the
angular momentum operator in quantum mechanics.
d d
L̂ = −i(x −y ) (17)
dx dy
4.2 Generator
The small change in ⃗r upon making a rotation by small angle δϕ counter clock-
⃗ is δ⃗r = δ ϕ
wise about the axis δ ϕ ⃗ × ⃗r.
⃗ × ⃗r) ≈ f (⃗r) + (δ ϕ
f (⃗r + δ ϕ ⃗ × ⃗r) · ∇f
⃗ (⃗r)
⃗ × ⃗r) ≈ f (⃗r) + (δ ϕ
f (⃗r + δ ϕ ⃗ × ⃗r) · ∇f
⃗ (⃗r)
1 ⃗ ⃗ × ⃗r)∇2 f (⃗r) + · · ·
+ (δ ϕ × ⃗r) · (δ ϕ
i ⃗
≈ f (⃗r) + ⃗δϕ · (r × p)f (⃗r)
1 i ⃗ × ⃗r) · (δ ϕ
⃗ × ⃗r)∇2 f (⃗r) + · · ·
+ ( )2 (δ ϕ
2! ℏ
i ⃗ ⃗
≈ (I + ⃗δϕ · L)f (⃗r)
⃗ = ℏ⃗r × p⃗ is the angular momentum operator.
where L
So angular momentum generates rotations. For a finite rotation counter
clockwise about axis ϕ⃗ by angle |ϕ|,
⃗ we have
i ⃗ ⃗
f (⃗r) 7→ e ℏ ϕ·L f (⃗r) (18)
Here, L·ϕ = Lx ϕx +Ly ϕy +Lz ϕz . It’s recognized that Lx generates rotations
about the z-axis, Ly generates rotations about the y-axis, and Lz generates
counterclockwise rotations about the z-axis.
Now, if V (r) represents a spherically symmetric (central) potential, we un-
derstand that it remains unaffected by rotations. Consequently, we have LV (r) =
0. This implies Li V (r) = 0 for each i, signifying that the angular momentum
operators annihilate the potential. Moreover, it follows that L2 = i L2i also
annihilates a spherically symmetric potential.
Verify that this implies [Li , V (r)] = 0 for each i, and consequently, [L2 , V (r)] =
0. This outcome becomes crucial when examining motion in a central potential,
where it’s demonstrated that I 2 and, say, Lz commute with the Hamiltonian
(e.g., of the hydrogen atom), and that L2 Lx and H serve as simultaneous ob-
Note: Angular momentum holds a pivotal position in quantum mechanics,
diverging from its classical representation as a vector quantity. In quantum me-
chanics, angular momentum is delineated by a collection of Hermitian operators
denoted as L̂. These operators adhere to specific commutation relations:
ℏ2 j(j + 1) (26)
Here, j represents a non-negative integer or half-integer, defining the total angu-
lar momentum of the system. In summary, angular momentum in quantum me-
chanics stands as a cornerstone concept, delineated by a suite of Hermitian op-
erators that adhere to precise commutation relations. These relations engender
inherent uncertainties in the determination of angular momentum components,
owing to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. Nonetheless, the magnitude of
the total angular momentum can be concurrently determined with any single
5 Conclusion
Symmetry transformations and their associated generators play a central role
in non-relativistic quantum mechanics, providing insights into the underlying
structure and dynamics of physical systems. Understanding these symmetries
is essential for analyzing and predicting the behavior of quantum systems.
[1] Gross, D. J. (1996). *The role of symmetry in fundamental physics. *Pro-
ceedings of the National Academy of Sciences*, 93(25), 14256-14259.
[2] Susskind, L., & Friedman, A. (2013). Symmetry and Modern Physics.
Perseus Books Group.
[3] Feynman, R. P. (1965). The Feynman Lectures on Physics, Volume III:
Quantum Mechanics.
[4] Griffiths, D. J. (2018). Introduction to Quantum Mechanics. Cambridge
University Press.