T6 Annual Program Report Eng 12-2018

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Program Name: Electrical & Electronics Engineering Technology

Qualification Level: Associate Degree

Department: Electrical & Electronics Engineering Technology
College: Community College
Institution: University of Hafr Al Batin
Academic Year: 2019-2020
Main Location: HBCC campus
Branches offering the • N/A……………………………………………..
Program: • ……………………………………………..
• ……………………………………………..
Table of Contents

A. Implementation of Previous Action Plan ................................................................... 3

B. Program Statistics......................................................................................................... 3
1. Students Statistics (in the year concerned) .............................................................................. 3
2 . Cohort Analysis of Current Graduate Batch .......................................................................... 3
3.Analysis of Program Statistics ................................................................................................. 4
C. Program Learning Outcomes Assessment ................................................................. 4
1. Program Learning Outcomes Assessment Results. ................................................................. 4
2. Analysis of Program Learning Outcomes Assessment ........................................................... 6
D. Summary of Course Reports ....................................................................................... 6
1. Teaching of Planned Courses / Units ...................................................................................... 6
2. Courses with Variations ......................................................................................................... 6
3. Result Analysis of Course Reports.......................................................................................... 7
E. Program Activities ........................................................................................................ 7
1. Student Counseling and Support ............................................................................................. 7
2. Professional Development Activities for Faculty and Other Staff .......................................... 8
3. Research and Innovation ......................................................................................................... 8
4. Community Partnership........................................................................................................... 9
5. Analysis of Program Activities ............................................................................................... 9
F. Program Evaluation ................................................................................................... 10
1. Evaluation of Courses ........................................................................................................... 10
2. Students Evaluation of Program Quality ............................................................................... 10
3. Other Evaluations .................................................................................................................. 11
4. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) ...................................................................................... 12
5. Analysis of Program Evaluation ........................................................................................... 14
G. Difficulties and Challenges Faced Program Management ..................................... 14
H. Program Improvement Plan ..................................................................................... 14
I. Report Approving Authority ...................................................................................... 14
J. Attachments : ............................................................................................................... 15

A. Implementation of Previous Action Plan
Considering the recommendations of previous year annual report, list the planned actions and
their status.
Level of
Planned If Not Completed
Responsibility Completion
Planned Actions Completion
of Action Not
Date Completed
Completed Reasons Proposed Actions

1. N/A

B. Program Statistics
1. Students Statistics (in the year concerned)
No. Item Results
1 Number of students who started the program 79
2 Number of students who graduated 9
Number of students who completed major tracks within the program (if applicable)
a. Instrumentation Engineering Technology 9
4 a. Number of students who completed the program in the minimal time 7
a. Percentage of students who completed the program in the minimal time 77.78%
(Completion rate)
Number of students who completed an intermediate award specified as an early
exit point (if any)
Percentage of students who completed an intermediate award specified as an early
exit point (if any)
Comment on any special or unusual factors that might have affected the completion rates:

2 . Cohort Analysis of Current Graduate Batch

Student Categories
Total cohort Retained till
Withdrawn Not passed Passed Passing rate
enrollment year end
Three Years F
Two Years F
Last Year F
M 79 4 78 6 69 92%
Current F
Total 79 4 78 6 69 92%

Comments on the results:
The passing rate is good.

* add more rows for further years ( if needed )

** attach separate cohort analysis report for each branch

3.Analysis of Program Statistics

(including strengths, areas for improvement, and priorities for improvement)
Strengths :

Areas for Improvement:

Priorities for Improvement:

C. Program Learning Outcomes Assessment

1. Program Learning Outcomes Assessment Results.

Assessment Methods Performance
# Program Learning Outcomes Results
(Direct and Indirect) Target
K1 an ability to apply the knowledge, EEET 210 2.4/4.0 3.43
techniques, skills, and modern tools of the EEET 211 2.49
discipline to narrowly defined EEET 212 2.4
engineering technology activities; EEET 214 3
EEET 231 3.5
EEET 232 2.76
EEET 234 3.03
EEET 237 3.07
EEET 239 2.82
EEET 241 2.94
EEET 299 3
S1 an ability to apply a knowledge of EEET 210 2.4/4.0 3.43
mathematics, science, engineering, and EEET 211 3.12
technology to engineering technology EEET 212 3.56
problems that require limited application EEET 214 3
of principles but extensive practical
EEET 231 3.5
EEET 232 3.69
EEET 234 3.42
EEET 239 3.22
EEET 241 3.22

S2 an ability to conduct standard tests and EEET 210 2.4/4.0 3.43
measurements, and to conduct, analyze, EEET 211 2.5
and interpret experiments; EEET 212 3.28
EEET 214 3
EEET 231 3.5
EEET 232 3.23
EEET 234 3.27
EEET 237 3.1
EEET 239 3.88
EEET 291 3.2
S3 an ability to identify, analyze, and solve EEET 211 2.4/4.0 3.12
narrowly defined engineering technology EEET 212 3.28
problems; EEET 214 3
EEET 231 3.5
EEET 232 3.45
EEET 234 2.85
EEET 239 3.71
EEET 241 3.88
EEET 291 3.2
S4 an ability to function effectively as a EEET 210 2.4/4.0 3.36
member of a technical team; EEET 231 3.5
EEET 237 3.37
EEET 241 3.63
EEET 291 3.36
EEET 299 3
C1 EEET 212 2.4/4.0 2.4
EEET 231 3.5
an understanding of the need for and an
EEET 232 3.1
ability to engage in self-directed
continuing professional development; EEET 237 2.87
EEET 291 3.36
EEET 299 3
C2 EEET 211 2.4/4.0 3.12
an understanding of and a commitment to EEET 231 3.5
address professional and ethical
responsibilities, including a respect for
EEET 237 3.48
diversity; and EEET 291 3.36
EEET 299 3
C3 EEET 210 2.4/4.0 3.24
EEET 211 2.95
EEET 212 3.56
EEET 232 3.22
a commitment to quality, timeliness, and
continuous improvement.
EEET 234 3.13
EEET 237 3.48
EEET 239 3.63
EEET 291 3.2
EEET 299 3
C4 an ability to apply written, oral, and EEET 210 2.4/4.0 3.24
graphical communication in both EEET 232 3.73
technical and non-technical EEET 234 3.29
environments; and an ability to identify EEET 239 3.63
and use appropriate technical literature;
EEET 291 3.2
EEET 299 3

Comments on the Program Learning Outcome Assessment results.
All targets achieved.

* Include the results of measured learning outcomes during the year of the report according to the program plan for measuring
learning outcomes
** Attach a separate report on the program learning outcomes assessment results for male and female sections and for each branch
(if any)
2. Analysis of Program Learning Outcomes Assessment
(including strengths, Areas for Improvement:, and priorities for improvement)
Strengths :

Areas for Improvement:

Priorities for Improvement:

D. Summary of Course Reports

1. Teaching of Planned Courses / Units

List the courses / units that were planned and not taught during the academic year, indicating the reasons and
compensating actions.
Course Units/Topics Reasons Compensating Actions

2. Courses with Variations

List courses with marked variations in results that are stated in the course reports, including: (completion rate, grade
distribution, student results, etc.), and giving reasons for these variations and actions taken for improvement.
Course Name
variation Reasons for variation Actions taken

Course Name
variation Reasons for variation Actions taken

3. Result Analysis of Course Reports

(including strengths, Areas for Improvement:, and priorities for improvement)
Strengths :

Areas for Improvement:

Priorities for Improvement:

E. Program Activities

1. Student Counseling and Support

Activities Implemented Brief Description*
• Advise and help students during the registration,
• Assist students in establishing and revising their educational plans,
Advising during the
• Advise students in dropping and adding courses,
registration week (1st & 2nd
• Advise students in improving academic performance
weeks of semester-191 & 192)
• Ensure minimum course load of the advisee

• Follow-up the students' academic progress, especially those who are
not in good academic standing.
• Advise and help students during early registration of next semester
• Advise students in Selection of courses of next semester
Advising during the Advising
• Check courses requirement as per degree plan
week (7th week of semester-191
• GPA requirement check
& 192)
• Check pre-reqs and co-reqs requirements
• Check minimum course load for lower GPA
• assist the student in adhering to college registration policies

Comment on Student Counseling and Support **

Effective Advising was done which lead to student’s graduation in minimal time.

* including action time, number of participants, results and any other statistics.

** including performance evaluation on these activities

2. Professional Development Activities for Faculty and Other Staff

Activities Implemented Brief Description*
Hands-on technical seminar
a hands-on technical seminar and presentation on “Blackboard Essential’s for
and presentation on
faculty” on Mar. 10, 2020. Attended by the all university faculty on Hafr al
“Blackboard Essential’s for
batin campus.
a hands-on technical seminar and presentation on “Blackboard Essential’s for
Hands-on technical seminar faculty” and “Blackboard Collaborate Ultra”, mainly focusing on how to use
and presentation on course tools like Discussions, BB Collaborate, Groups, how to create online
“Blackboard Collaborate sessions & different aspects of conducting online lecture sessions, etc. this
Ultra”, session was held on Mar. 10, 2020. Attended by the all university faculty on
Hafr al batin campus.
“Blackboard Examination Training” was held Online on Microsoft Teams
Online courses on
platform on 24-Mar-2020 describing the procedures of creating tests in
Blackboard (MCQs) and evaluating the students, reviewing the results, etc.
Examination Training”
It was Attended by the all university faculty on Hafr al batin campus.

Comment on Professional Development Activities for Faculty and Other Staff **

The activities were very helpful in professional development of faculties and specially allowing
the faculty members &students to continue their academic activities in this situation.

* including action time, number of participants, results and any other statistics.
** including performance evaluation on these activities
3. Research and Innovation
Activities Implemented Brief Description*
The First International Conference was held in University of Hafr
International conference Al Batin on “Applied Sport Psychology (Reality and Ambition)”
on 13-14 Nov-2019.
Sheikh Sharif Iqbal, Forhad Hossain,”Capacitive Sensor for
Submitted for US patent
Monitoring RPW Infestation in Palm Trees”
Submitted for US patent Forhad Hossain, Sheikh Sharif Iqbal,”Microwave Monitoring of
RPW in Date Palm Trees”

Comment on Research and Innovation **

* including action time, number of participants, results and any other statistics.
** including performance evaluation on these activities

4. Community Partnership
Activities Implemented Brief Description*
An exhibition was arranged by University of Hafr Al Batin for the school
Exhibition students of Hafr Al Batin community on 11-Dec-2019 (for boys) and 12-Dec-
2019 ( for girls) where EEET dept also arranged their booth.

Comment on Community Partnership **

It was very encouraging for the school students.

* including action time, number of participants, results and any other statistics.
** including performance evaluation on these activities

5. Analysis of Program Activities

(including strengths, Areas for Improvement:, and priorities for improvement)
Strengths :

Areas for Improvement:

Priorities for Improvement:

F. Program Evaluation

1. Evaluation of Courses
Student Other
Course Developmental
Course Title Evaluation Evaluations
Code Recommendations
( Yes-No) (specify)
Electric Circuits
Digital Electronics
Industrial Electronics
EEET Instrumentation & Yes
231 Measurements I
EEET Instrumentation & Yes
232 Measurements II
EEET Industrial Yes
239 Instrumentation
EEET Instrumentation Yes
234 Engineering
EEET Programmable Logic Yes
237 Controller
Applied Project
Summer Training

2. Students Evaluation of Program Quality

Evaluation Date : different graduating times Number of Participants: 8
Students Feedback Program Response
Strengths: The comments provided by graduates
• summer training was good in highlight their level of satisfaction
• Capable teachers from the EEET program
• Labs are good

Areas for Improvement:: EEET dept conducted a meeting and
• Summer training should be 3 credit hours recommended that 2 credit hours are
• summer training is only two months adequate for the Summer Training.
Suggestions for improvement: EEET dept conducted a meeting and
• Increase the credit hours of EEET 239 & EEET recommended that 3 credit hours are
212 to 4 hours fair enough for EEET 239 & EEET
• 212 course.

* Attach report on the students evaluation of program quality

3. Other Evaluations
(e.g. Evaluations by independent reviewer, program advisory committee, and stakeholders (e.g., faculty members,
alumni, and employers)
Evaluation method : Alumni
Date: different times Number of Participants : 3
Summary of Evaluator Review Program Response
Strengths: The comments provided by graduates
• Eager to learn new things, highlight their level of satisfaction
• Able to work on a team & individually. from the EEET program
• Friendly, punctual
• Troubleshooting
• Project management
Points for Improvements::

Suggestions for improvement Agreed & noted. The program has
• Need to add extra classes on the workshops & initiated tracks which is more focused
labs on labs.
• Job oriented software engineering tools &
* Attach independent reviewer’s report and stakeholders’ survey reports ( if any)

Evaluation method :
Date: different times Number of Participants : 2
Employer survey
Summary of Evaluator Review Program Response
Strengths: The comments provided by employers
• Communication Skills highlight their level of satisfaction
• Project Management from the EEET graduates
• Analytical and Problem Solving Skills
• Good English language
• Understands very fast
Points for Improvements: Students should strictly follow the
• Need to take more trainings in Safety safety rules & precautions.
• Personal developments
Agreed & noted. The program has
Suggestions for improvement
initiated tracks which is more focused
• They need improvement in the Practical
on labs.
workshop classes

4. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
List the results of the program key performance indicators (including the key performance indicators required by the
National Center for Academic Accreditation and evaluation)
Target Actual Internal New Target
No KPI Analysis
Benchmark Value Benchmark Benchmark
1 an ability to apply the 2.4/4
knowledge, techniques,
skills, and modern tools
of the discipline to 2.95
narrowly defined
engineering technology
2 an ability to apply a 2.4/4
knowledge of
mathematics, science,
engineering, and
technology to
engineering technology 3.35
problems that require
limited application of
principles but
extensive practical
3 an ability to conduct 2.4/4
standard tests and
measurements, and to 3.24
conduct, analyze, and
interpret experiments;
4 an ability to identify, 2.4/4
analyze, and solve
narrowly defined 3.33
engineering technology
5 an ability to function 2.4/4
effectively as a
member of a technical
6 an understanding of the 2.4/4
need for and an ability
to engage in self-
directed continuing
an understanding of 2.4/4
and a commitment to
address professional
7 and ethical 3.29
including a respect for
diversity; and
a commitment to 2.4/4
quality, timeliness, and
an ability to apply 2.4/4
written, oral, and
9 graphical 3.35
communication in both
technical and non-

environments; and an
ability to identify and
use appropriate
technical literature;
Stakeholders' 2.4/4
awareness ratings of
the Mission Statement
and Objectives
Students’ overall 2.4/4
evaluation on the
quality of their learning
Proportion of courses 2.4/4
in which student
12 evaluations were 4
conducted during the
Proportion of programs 2.4/4
in which there was an
13 verification, within the 4
institution, of standards
of student achievement
during the year.
7. Ratio of students to < 15
teaching staff.
(Based on full time
8. Students overall 2.4/4
15 rating on the quality of 3.02
their courses.
9. Proportion of
teaching staff with
16 3.5
verified doctoral
Retention Rate; 60%
10. Percentage of
students entering
programs who
92 %
successfully complete
first year.
Graduation Rate for 60%
11. Proportion of
students entering 77.78
undergraduate %
programs who
complete those
programs in minimum
Comments on the Program KPIs and Benchmarks results :

All target benchmarks are reached successfully.

5. Analysis of Program Evaluation
(including strengths, Areas for Improvement:, and priorities for improvement)
Strengths :

Areas for Improvement:

Priorities for Improvement:

G. Difficulties and Challenges Faced Program Management

Difficulties and Challenges Implications on the Program Actions Taken
Delays in processing purchase Labs for some courses are
Purchase Process is
request for lab equipment impacted

*Internal and external difficulties and challenges

H. Program Improvement Plan

Priorities for Action
Date Achievement Target
No. Actions Responsibility
Improvement Start End Indicators Benchmark
All purchase
Upgrading of should be Purchase Sep- May-
1 processes are
Lab Facilities processed committee 2020 2021
I. Report Approving Authority
Council / Committee
Reference No.

J. Attachments :
• A separate cohort analysis report for male and female sections and for each branch
• A report on the program learning outcomes assessment results for male and female
sections and for each branch (if any)
• A report on the students evaluation of program quality
• Independent reviewer’s report and other survey reports (if any)

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Scanned with CamScanner

Please complete the following survey

Name: Sultan Khamis Alshammari
Graduation Year: 2015
Name of Organization: ABB Contracting
Size of Organization (Number of Employees): 1000
Department: Commissiong
Position: SAS Commissioning Engineer
Monthly Salary: 13700
AD BS Ph.D. Other
Government Non-Gov. Self-Employed

Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor Not Applicable
(1) an ability to apply knowledge, techniques, skills
and modern tools of mathematics, science,
engineering, and technology to solve well-defined
engineering problems appropriate to the discipline;

(2) an ability to design solutions for well-defined

technical problems and assist with the engineering
design of systems, components, or processes
appropriate to the discipline;

(3) an ability to apply written, oral, and graphical

communication in well-defined technical and non-
technical environments; and an ability to identify and
use appropriate technical literature;
(4) an ability to conduct standard tests,
measurements, and experiments and to analyze and
interpret the results; and

(5) an ability to function effectively as a member of a

technical team.
Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor Not Applicable
(1) Successful career in the field of EEET.
(2) Pursuing professional development through self-
learning or advanced degrees.
(3) Contributing members of society.

Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor Not Applicable
(1) Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics

(2) Data collection, analysis, and interpretation

(3) System, component, and/or process design to

meet desired need
(4) Analytical and problem solving

(5) Linking theory to practice

(6) Understanding the impact of engineering
technology solutions in a global and societal context
(7) Recognizing the need for self-directed learning
(8) The ability to engage in self-directed learning
(9) Effective use of computer knowledge and skills

Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor Not Applicable
(1) Oral communication
(2) Written communication
(3) Presentation capabilities

Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor Not Applicable
(1) Ability to work in teams
(2) Leadership
(3) Independent thinking
(4) Motivation
(5) Reliability
(6) Recognition of ethical values
(7) Ability to adapt to new technologies / environment

Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor Not Applicable
(1) Administrative capability
(2) Time management
(3) Discipline
(4) Safety awareness
(5) Understanding legal, ethical, and professional

(1) Based on your educational experience in EEET, please list the following:
(a) Strengths:
Project Managment

(b) Weaknesses:
Communication Skills

(2) Please provide your comments or suggestions, which you think would help strengthen the EEET program for
the preparation of future graduates with a high competence level.
Try to provide some software engineering tools that is used in our market fields

Please complete the following survey

Name of Organization: ABB Contracting
Type of Business: Industrial
Size of Organization (Number of Employees): 1000
Number of EEET Graduates in your
Organization: 2
Salary Range for EEET Graduates: 12000

Please rate the abilities of EEET graduates on the scale given below
Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor Not Applicable
(1) an ability to apply knowledge, techniques, skills
and modern tools of mathematics, science,
engineering, and technology to solve well-defined
engineering problems appropriate to the discipline;

(2) an ability to design solutions for well-defined

technical problems and assist with the engineering
design of systems, components, or processes
appropriate to the discipline;

(3) an ability to apply written, oral, and graphical

communication in well-defined technical and non-
technical environments; and an ability to identify and
use appropriate technical literature;
(4) an ability to conduct standard tests,
measurements, and experiments and to analyze and
interpret the results; and

(5) an ability to function effectively as a member of a

technical team.


Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor Not Applicable
(1) Successful career in the field of EEET.
(2) Pursuing professional development through self-
learning or advanced degrees.
(3) Contributing members of society.
Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor Not Applicable
(1) Oral communication
(2) Written communication
(3) Presentation capabilities

Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor Not Applicable
(1) Ability to work in teams
(2) Leadership
(3) Independent thinking
(4) Motivation
(5) Reliability
(6) Recognition of ethical values
(7) Ability to adapt to new technologies / environment

Excellent Very Good Good Fair Poor Not Applicable
(1) Administrative capability
(2) Time management
(3) Discipline
(4) Safety awareness
(5) Understanding legal, ethical, and professional

(1) Based on your experience with EEET graduates, please list the following:
(a) Strengths:
Communication Skills
Project Managment
Analtical and Problem Solving Skills
(b) Weaknesses:
(2) Please provide your valuable comments to improve the EEET program so that our graduates can meet your
Need to take more trainings in Safety

(3) Please identify any other job skill requirements specific to your organization.
Collobration and Trust
Safety and Integrity

(4) How do you compare the EEET program graduates with the graduates of other universities?
They need improvment in the Pratical workshop classes

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