LC Oscillators: Theory, Design and Trend: ECE 1371 Term Paper
LC Oscillators: Theory, Design and Trend: ECE 1371 Term Paper
LC Oscillators: Theory, Design and Trend: ECE 1371 Term Paper
LC Oscillators:
Theory, Design and Trend
University of Toronto
Professor K. Phang
April 9, 2001
Aichin Chung
LC Oscillators: Theory, Design and Trend
Most electronic signal processing systems require frequency or time reference signals. To use
the full capacity of communication channels, transmitters modulate the baseband message signal
into different parts of the spectrum to exploit better propagation characteristics or to frequency
multiplex several messages, and receivers down convert received high frequency message
signals for demodulation. Oscillators are circuits that provide the accurate frequency reference
signals required by these applications. Specifically, oscillators are autonomous circuits that
produce a stable periodically time-varying waveform. They have at least two states and they
Oscillators can be broadly classified into three categories: ring oscillatiors, relaxation oscillators
and harmonic oscillators. Ring oscillators consist of an odd number of single-ended inverters or
oscillators alternately charge and discharge a capacitor with a constant current between two
threshold levels. Harmonic oscillators contain a passive resonator that serves as the frequency
settling element. Although, ring and relaxation oscillators are easy to integrate on monolithic
integrated circuits (ICs) and are very compact, they have poor stability and spectral purity in
comparison to their harmonic counterparts. Additionally, relaxation ring oscillators are typically
LC Oscillator Basics
The most common harmonic oscillators are those that use resonant circuits consisting of
inductances and capacitances. These harmonic oscillators that use LC resonant circuits are
from their large size. However, recent advances in monolithic IC design have allowed inductors
thereby eliminating the need to use external components. Currently, LC oscillators are
frequently used in many analog and radio frequency signal processing systems due to their ease
A typical LC oscillator is made up of three distinct blocks as shown in Figure 1. The amplifier
supplies energy to maintain oscillations in the circuit during the intervals between pulses of
excitation energy. The LC tank circuit alternately stores energy in the inductor and the
capacitor. A portion of the output of the LC network is fed back to the input of the amplifier
oscillation by overcoming the effect of damping caused by the LC tank’s internal and load
resistances. As such, a greater than unity gain needed to sustain oscillation is achieved.
L Determining C
LC Tank
Feedback Output
LC oscillators may be fixed-frequency oscillators that are mechanically tuned using variable
capacitors, or they may be controllable oscillators that output a range of frequencies. There
exsits two basic types of controlled oscillators: voltage controlled oscillators (VCO) with a
voltage control signal, and current controlled oscillators (ICO) with a current control signal. Of
the two, the VCO is more often used in IC design. The range of output frequencies that an
oscillator oscillates at over the full range of control signal is called the oscillator's tuning range.
Oscillator Topologies
There are several different topologies for LC oscillators. Classical LC oscillator designs were
are: Armstrong oscillator, Hartley oscillator, Colpitts oscillator and Clapp oscillator. Each of
the four are distinguished by their method of coupling the feedback signal from the LC tank.
The more recently introduced differential-pair oscillator has also been gaining popularity and
usage. Newer LC oscillator circuit designs currently being introduced are often based on the
Both the Armstrong and the Hartley oscillators are inductively coupled. The Armstrong
oscillator (Figure 2) uses a transformer to sample its feedback signal from the inductor of the
resonant circuit. In the Hartley oscillator (Figure 3), the feedback signal is directly tapped from
C L1 L2
coupled oscillators is that the frequency can easily be varied by the net value of the capacitance
in the LC tank circuit. The output amplitude remains relatively constant when tuned over the
Therefore, they are unsuitable when a pure sine wave output is required [1, 2].
The Colpitts and Clapp oscillators are capacitively coupled. Specifically, the Colpitts oscillator
(Figure 4) taps its feedback signal from between two capacitors in series within the LC tank.
Note the similarity between the Hartley and the Colpitts oscillator. The Hartley oscillator taps
the inductor, while the Colpitts oscillator taps the capacitor. Since capacitors, C1 and C2, are in
base, emitter and collector) of the transistor, the intput and output capacitive effect of the
The Clapp oscillator (Figure 5) is just a variation of the Colpitts oscillator, in that the inductor in
the LC tank is replaced with an inductor in series with a capacitor. This allows frequency to be
tuned via L1 and C3. For a given inductor value, the Clapp configuration has a higher loaded Q
C1 load
C3 C2
often required. The differential-pair oscillator provides such complementary outputs, while
additionally maximizing the rejection of common mode disturbances. The key characteristic of
the differential-pair oscillator is a cross-coupled transistor pair that switches current between
two separate LC tanks. Figure 6 shows the schematic of a differential-pair oscillator first
introduced by Nguyen and Meyer in 1992 [4]. The oscillator contains two LC tank circuits with
different resonant frequencies. Loop feedback is applied to each tuned circuit in a classical
Colpitts configuration. The loop transmission applied to each resonator is varied by voltages
Vc+ and Vc-. As such, the oscillation frequency can be varied continuously from the resonant
C1 L1 L2 C2
VC+ Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 VC-
Q5 Q6
The basic schematic of a modified differential-pair LC oscillator that is much simpler and has
fewer components is shown in Figure 7. Transistors Q1 and Q2 take turns operating in the cut-
off and linear mode as the two differential output alternate between high and low. It must be
noted that the ideal differential amplitude of this particular circuit can be as large as the product
of the bias current and the equivalent parallel resistance of one LC tank. However, due to
source degeneration of the transistor in linear operating mode, the amplitude of oscillation will
presented by Hajimiri and Lee [6]. In this case, only one LC tank circuit is used, with two
Analysis Models
Analysis of the LC oscillator can be based on two fundamental models: the feedback model, or
the negative-resistance model. Depending on the oscillator configuration and characteristic, one
L1 L2
C1 C2
Q1 Q2
oscillator circuit into a forward network and a feedback network, both of which are typically
multi-port networks. If the circuit is unstable about its operating point (i.e. poles on the right
half of the S-plane), it can produce an expanding transient when subject to an initial excitation.
As the signal becomes large, the active devices in the circuit behave nonlinearly and limit the
growth of the signal. The linear behaviour of a feedback circuit can be studied using the loop
gain quantity. Supposing the forward transfer function is a(s) and feedback transfer function is
The expression: 1-T(s)=0 gives the characteristic equation of the oscillator circuit from which
the poles can be found. The feedback model can be used to analyze any oscillator circuit that
Forward Network
Feedback Network
Figure 9, separates an oscillator circuit into a one-port active circuit and a one-port frequency
determining circuit. The function of the active circuit is to produce a small-signal negative
resistance about the operating point of the oscillator, and to couple with the frequency-
usually a linear time-invariant circuit, and is signal independent. The active and frequency-
determining circuits can be characterized in terms of impedance quantities: Za(s) and Zf(s), as
shown in Figure 9, or in terms of admittance quantities: Ya(s) and Yf(s). The characteristic
equation of a negative-resistance oscillator can then be derived from either the expression
Za(s)+Zf(s)=0, or Ya(s)+Yf(s)=0. The negative-resistance model can be used for any oscillator
Za(s) Zf(s)
Frequency -determining
Active Circuit
Design Considerations
The important characteristics in oscillator design are: operating frequency, phase noise, power
consumption and cost of fabrication. Oscillators being designed today are often tunable,
operating in a range of frequencies. For tunable oscillators, linearity and tuning range are also
important characteristics to be taken into consideration during design. As with the design of any
circuit block, the design of LC oscillators also involves many trade-offs between desirable
features. Research and design continuously seeks to find the optimal compromise in design.
Some examples of the trade-offs and compromises involved in the design of LC oscillators will
The operating frequency of an LC oscillator is primarily determined by the LC tank used in the
circuit. In the microwave region, a phenomenon known as multi-oscillation often appears [7].
multi-mode oscillator uses an arbitrary number of tuned circuits to specify a well-defined set of
oscillation frequencies, and when subject to an injected instruction signal, the circuits oscillates
at only one of these well-defined frequencies [8]. Multi-oscillation, however, is caused by the
effect of parasitic elements in the oscillator circuit [7]. It is characterized by the existence of
two or more simultaneous oscillations, parasitic or unwanted oscillations together with a main
oscillation, during steady state. This causes the net steady-state signal to be severely distorted,
and can result in unwanted spurious effects. Minimizing the effect of parasitic series inductance
by using multiple parallel bond wires and board or substrate layout optimization, can eliminate
Much work has and continues to be done in the study of oscillator phase noise, and countless
papers have already been written on this topic. Due to the scope of the topic, only a general
overview in terms of design trade-offs will be covered in this paper. The phase noise of an LC
oscillator is inversely proportional to the square of the resonator Q, which is limited by the
inductor and capacitor Q’s employed in the LC tank circuit [9, 10]. Therefore, using higher-Q
Typical Q for a simple integrated spiral inductor is around 4-5 at 2GHz on high ohmic silicon
substrates [11]. The main losses and reduction in Q-factor are primarily due to parasitic
capacitance between the inductor and substrate, metal losses of the inductor windings at lower
frequencies, skin effect at high frequencies, eddy currents, and substrate losses due to a
relatively highly doped substrate [12]. To overcome these problems at high frequencies, smaller
inductor areas are favoured. Additionally, the inner turns of the coils can be omitted, and only
the top-level thick metal layer should be used for inductors [13]. Inductors with ploy fingers
under the winding also reduces substrate loss through capacitive coupling [14]. The alternative
also exists to reduce the total capacitance in the LC tank so as to improve phase noise by
decreasing loss. This, however, comes at the expense of making the oscillation frequency and
amplitude sensitive to parasitic capacitances that are in parallel with the LC tank.
To a first-order approximation, the phase noise can also be improved by using a higher
oscillation amplitude or a larger signal swing across the resonator [15]. This can be achieved by
increasing the bias current at the expense of greater power consumption. Note that the signal
swing cannot be arbitrarily increased in a practical VCO due to headroom limitations set by the
active device operating conditions, and by the supply voltage level used.
Reducing power consumption in an LC oscillator requires the current drain in the oscillator to be
reduced. The oscillator current drain can be lowered by using as large a load impedance as is
possible at the oscillation frequency [16]. Assuming the inductor dominates the quality factor,
Q, of the LC tuned circuit load, the load impedance is then largely determined by the inductor.
Using a larger inductance however, leads to an increase in self-capacitance which causes the
inductor to self-resonate below the target oscillation frequency. In this respect, it is most
desirable to use spiral structures with the lowest self-capacitance per unit inductance.
The scaling of transistors in the oscillator circuit should be done keeping in mind noise issues,
parasitic capacitances, and current gain and density. Device noise sources include thermal, shot,
and 1/f noise, which dominates at lower frequencies. The phase noise of an oscillator is partly
due to the 1/f noise that is upconverted into the operating frequency band. Lowering thermal
noise due to the base reistance in bipolar junction transistors (BJT) requires a larger transistor at
the expense of higher current consumption [13]. Large transistors may also suffer from the
degradation in noise performance at gigahertz frequencies because the transistor current gain
begins to decrease.
There is a continuing need for better purity and stability of oscillators particularly as the demand
for frequencies of operation continue to extend even higher. The has lead designers to look for
alternative solutions towards improving the current standards. In 1999, J. T. Hwang, Woo, M.
W. Hwang and Cho introduced the multiple-nested-feedback ring type LC osicllator that gave
significant improvements in speed, noise and supply voltage [17]. A variation of the nested-
feedback ring LC oscillator was used by Kim and Kim in their design that also saw
Also in the realms of circuit design, a compact detector circuit for stabilizing LC oscillators was
introduced by Filanovsky [19]. Behbahani and Abidi also introduced switched tuning methods
using voltage-dependent junction capacitors at the source or drain, and voltage-dependent MOS
capacitors (source and drain shorted MOSFETs) to obtain a wide tuning characteristic with
continuously tuned segments to accommodate large shifts in the frequency of fully integrated
Finally, the continual advances in IC technology have also lead to advances in offshoot areas
such as oscillator design. Fundamental improvements towards low power was achieved with an
such as SiGe heterojunction bipolar transistors (HBT) and InP/InGaAs HBTs. In such cases,
In principle, LC oscillators can be mode more and more stable by better control of the physical
elements that determine the frequency of oscillation. However, the presence of phase noise on
an oscillator is fundamentally inescapable. The price to be paid for better phase noise is higher
power, or at least higher stored energy in the oscillator system. However, both these factors are
[3] R. W. Rhea, Oscillator Design and Computer Simulation. 2nd Edition. New York:
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[4] N. M. Nguyen and R. G. Meyer, "A 1.8-GHz monolithic LC voltage-controlled oscillator,"
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