Blue Plains Plant Brochure PDF
Blue Plains Plant Brochure PDF
Blue Plains Plant Brochure PDF
A resource recovery facility. Transforming wastewater into clean water and energy.
Advanced Wastewater Treatment Facts at a Glance: Blue Plains Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant
DC Water’s Blue Plains Advanced Wastewater Treatment Plant is the largest plant of its kind
in the world, averaging 384 million treated gallons per day and over one billion gallons per
facilities managed by, and service areas served by, dc water day at peak flow.
While larger plants employ primary and secondary treatment, and stop there,
Blue Plains provides advanced treatment – nitrification and denitrification, multimedia
filtration and chlorination/dechlorination.
The plant opened as a primary treatment facility in 1937 and added processes, technology
and capacity in subsequent years. The facility continues to expand with new environmental
and sustainable energy projects, using all of its 153 acre footprint.
• Treats used water for the entire District of Columbia. In addition, provides treatment for
more than 1.6 million people in Montgomery and Prince George’s counties in Maryland
and Loudoun and Fairfax counties in Virginia.
• Peak wet weather capacity to treat more than one billion gallons per day.
welcome inside :
• DC Water uses both contracted and on-site laboratories to analyze samples to ensure it
is meeting federal, state and local regulatory requirements. The in-house lab conducts
1 FACTS AT A GLANCE more than 100,000 tests a year.
2 EVOLUTION OF WASTEWATER TREATMENT • In 2015, DC Water started anaerobic digestion, converting over half the organic matter
from the water treatment process to methane to generate electricity to help power
3 THE COST OF ENVIRONMENTAL STEWARDSHIP operations at Blue Plains. The remaining half of the solids are processed into
Class A biosolids. DC Water’s Class A biosolids can be applied to gardens and farms
as a soil amendment.
Evolution of Wastewater Treatment The Cost of Environmental Stewardship
DIFFERENTIAL COST PER POUND The cost of innovation and stewardship is significant. For example,
OF TOTAL NITROGEN REMOVED the Blue Plains discharge permit issued by the United States
Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) has three times required
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The Wastewater Treatment Process
Screening and grit removal It is a delicate environment that Multimedia filtration Biosolids end use
Wastewater comes to Blue Plains requires diligent monitoring to and disinfection The biosolids at DC Water
through 1,800 miles of sewers ensure the health of the microbial The treated plant flow is filtered generate combined heat and power.
from around the District and from colonies. Once they have done through sand and anthracite in the The digesters capture methane and
the Potomac Interceptor, a large their duty, the bugs are settled out world’s largest wastewater filtration burn it in a turbine, providing net
sewer that begins at Dulles Airport, from the wastewater in secondary facility. The flow is disinfected 10 Megawatts (MW) of electricity
bringing with it wastewater from the sedimentation tanks. A portion of with sodium hypochlorite-based and steam to heat the process.
Maryland and Virginia suburbs along the settled microbes are then chlorination at the filter influent, and
the way. re-introduced to secondary reactors the residual chlorine is removed The Class A biosolids product is
to sustain the process, with the before discharge with sodium loaded onto trucks and hauled to
The sewage is pumped up from remainder recycled with the biosolids. bisulfite. The final plant effluent farmlands, forests and reclamation
below ground for treatment at the after processing looks the same as projects as well as to local soil
plant. A series of screens removes Many wastewater treatment plants drinking water. blenders. The biosolids are land-
objects and large particles. The grit stop treatment here. But Blue applied, recycling the carbon
chamber removes rocks and other Plains discharges to the Potomac, and nutrients—nitrogen and
Solids thickening, dewatering
non-degradable particles. These a tributary to the Chesapeake phosphorus—back to the soil.
In the treatment processes, solids
are loaded into trucks and taken to Bay, and nitrogen must be further Because the biosolids meet Class A
are removed from process tanks. In
a landfill. The wastewater then flows removed to protect the watershed. standards, they can be used in both
the primary clarifiers, these solids are
to the next stage of treatment. rural and urban settings.
sent to screening and grit removal,
and then sent to gravity thickeners
Primary clarifiers Nitrification, denitrification, filtration for thickening. Secondary or final
Primary treatment is a physical and disinfection establish Blue Plains effluent is used for dilution water for
process that takes place in a cone- as an advanced wastewater the gravity thickening process.
shaped tank. Solid particles settle treatment facility.
out and fall to the bottom, while the Solids that come from the secondary
wastewater flows outward, over a set Nitrification and nitrification processes are sent
of weirs. An arm skims the fats, oils The first step of advanced treatment to dissolved air flotation tanks where
and grease (FOG) off the top while is oxidizing the nitrogen from a process using supersaturated air is
the solids settle to the bottom. This ammonia to nitrate. This is achieved able to float the solids to the surface.
FOG is sent to landfills, while the through another biological process
solids are treated for reuse. using microbes in the nitrification This secondary solids are skimmed
reactors with a large amount of air. off the surface and combined
with the gravity thickened solids
Secondary reactors and in a blend tank. Blended solids
sedimentation Denitrification are screened, dewatered to 18
Secondary treatment is a biological The second step to nitrogen removal percent solids, and sent through a
process that uses microbes to requires converting the nitrate to thermal hydrolysis process. Thermal
treat organic material (fats, sugars, nitrogen gas, which releases the hydrolysis uses high heat and
short-chain carbon molecules). At nitrogen safely into the atmosphere. pressure to (1) eliminate pathogens
Blue Plains, activated sludge is the This step does not add oxygen, and (2) prepare the “food” for
process used to achieve secondary which causes the microbes to hungry archaea and bacteria
treatment. consume the oxygen in nitrates. microbes in the digesters.
The process is achieved in the same
For the process to be most effective, type of tanks as nitrification, but The digesters produce methane and
the microbes need both oxygen and the nitrification section is aerated Class A biosolids. The biosolids are
food. Blue Plains supplies the oxygen (aerobic), while the denitrification then further dewatered through a
by pumping air into the tanks with section is not aerated (anoxic). The belt filter press.
bubble diffusers. The wastewater microbes require a carbon source
contains the food (organic matter, as food. Methanol is added in this
or carbon). The microbes consume process as the carbon source.
this food and grow more microbes.
The added oxygen causes the
wastewater in secondary reactors to
have a bubbling, active appearance
and the microbes cause a reddish-
brown color.
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The Wastewater Treatment Process
landfill removal
reclamation community gardens digestion
gas chp
turbines dechlorination
urban restoration
soil blending class a
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Next Generation Projects
Enhanced Nutrient Removal Thermal Hydrolysis and Anaerobic Digestion As in many older
The enhanced nutrient removal project reduced the DC Water was the first utility in North America to use cities, about one-
level of nitrogen from the cleansed wastewater that thermal hydrolysis for wastewater treatment. It is the third of the District
DC Water discharges to the Potomac River. Nitrogen largest thermal hydrolysis plant in the world. Though has a combined
can act as a fertilizer in the Potomac River and thermal hydrolysis has been employed in Europe, the sewer system,
Chesapeake Bay, creating unruly grasses that deplete water sector in North America has been slow to adopt meaning one CSO 049:
Rock Creek Manage volume
oxygen needed by marine life to live and thrive. this technology. Industry leaders across the continent pipe carries both equal to 1.2” of rain
eagerly await the results for the potential of using this wastewater and falling on 365 impervious
With the $950 million project complete, Blue Plains technology. storm runoff. A Piney Branch
will produce effluent with some of the lowest levels combined-sewer overflow (CSO) occurs during Stream
of nitrogen in the country. At 4 mg/L, it is extremely The process pressure-cooks the solids left over after heavy rain when the mixture of sewage and
low, and is considered near the limit of conventional wastewater treatment to produce combined heat stormwater cannot fit in the sewer pipes and Potomac
treatment technology. The facilities include more than and power—generating a net 10 MW of electricity. overflows to the nearest water body. CSOs
40 million gallons of additional anoxic reactor capacity DC Water is the largest single source consumer direct about two billion gallons of combined 027, 028, 029:
for nitrogen removal, new post-aeration facilities, an of electricity in the District, and the digesters cut sewage into the Anacostia and Potomac rivers Manage volume equal
to 1.2” of rain falling on
890 mgd lift station, new channels and conveyance consumption up to a third. The process also creates and Rock Creek in an average year. CSOs 133 impervious acres Anacostia
structures, and new facilities to store and feed a Class A biosolids that has many more reuse options contain bacteria and trash that can be harmful CSOs 025, 026:
Separate sewers
methanol and alternative carbon sources. as a soil amendment than the former Class B product. to the environment.
CSOs 020–024:
The solids product is a smaller volume, and even when Control using
Potomac tunnel
land-applied, will reduce hauling and emissions, further DC Water has already reduced CSOs to
reducing the plant’s carbon footprint. the Anacostia River by 40 percent with
improvements to the existing sewer system.
To achieve a 98 percent reduction, the Clean
How much energy is 10 MW? Rivers Project will create massive underground
That’s enough to power 8,000 homes. tunnels to store the combined sewage during Blue Plains Advanced
rain events, releasing it to Blue Plains after the Wastewater Treatment Plant
storms subside.
The first and largest tunnel system will Rock Creek and Potomac River Tunnel
(30 million gallons via gravity)
serve the Anacostia River. This tunnel will be Potomac drainage areas
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