Penyisihan Warna Zat Organik Dan Kekeruh
Penyisihan Warna Zat Organik Dan Kekeruh
Penyisihan Warna Zat Organik Dan Kekeruh
Generally, peat water quality not suitable with water quality standards Permenkes No. 416 /
Menkes / Per / IX / 1990. Peat water treatment commonly used to produce treated water still
above the quality standard. One of the peat water treatment methods used in this study is
combination of coagulation-flocculation and ultrafiltration membrane. This study aims to
determine the effect of coagulants Poly Aluminum Chloride (PAC) to decrease colour,
organic matter and turbidity, determine the performance of membrane for flux and rejection
of colour, organic matter, and turbidity with and without pre-treatment of coagulation
flocculation, determine decrease of colour, organic matter, and turbidity in peat water
treatment using ultrafiltration membrane with pre-treatment of coagulation-flocculation.
Peat water treatment by flocculation and coagulation combination of ultrafiltration
membrane using Poly Aluminum Chloride (PAC) as coagulant with dose 150 mg / L, and
varying the ultrafiltration membrane feed pressure of 0.5; 1 and 1.5 bar. The result showed
that the peat water treatment by combination of coagulation-flocculation and ultrafiltration
membrane rejection coefficient values of color, organic matter and turbidity, the highest
obtained at the pressure of 0.5 bar, with rejection coefficient values for color, organic matter
and turbidity, respectively amounting to 98.72%, 92.54% and 100%. The best average flux
value with pre-treatment of coagulation flocculation obtained at pressure 1.5 bar that is
275.400 L / m2.jam.
Salah satu sumber air baku di Indonesia kesadahan rendah, mengandung zat organik
adalah air gambut yang berasal dari lahan yang cukup tinggi [Kusnaedi, 2006].
gambut yaitu dengan luas ±26 juta Ha. Secara kualitas air gambut belum
Potensi gambut di Sumatera diperkirakan memenuhi standar baku mutu air bersih
6,29 juta Ha, dan ±4,3 juta Ha diantaranya yang berlaku. Agar air gambut dapat
diperkirakan terdapat di provinsi Riau dijadikan sumber air bersih, maka
[Balitbang Riau dalam Pinem, 2010]. Air diperlukan pengolahan terhadap air gambut.
gambut adalah air permukaan dari tanah Teknologi konvensional yang umumnya
bergambut dengan ciri yang sangat digunakan dalam pengolahan air yang
mencolok karena warnanya merah mengandung zat organik alam yang tinggi
kecoklatan, rasa asam (pH 2-5), tingkat meliputi koagulasi, flokulasi, sedimentasi,
dan filtrasi. Metode ini dapat menghasilkan