Operation and Maintenance: General Considerations
Operation and Maintenance: General Considerations
Operation and Maintenance: General Considerations
General Considerations
The nature and scope of the operation and maintenance required will
vary with the design and elements of water-supply systems. Depending upon
the particular situation, the field work may include :
(1) well, spring, or drainage basin inspection and maintenance;
(2) dam and reservoir maintenance;
(3) pump and engine operation and maintenance;
(4) treatment operation;
(5) distribution system maintenance;
(6) service connexions to system;
(7) meter repairs and maintenance;
(8) operation in emergencies;
(9) detection and elimination of cross-connexions.
Some information has already been given under the relevant sections
regarding the principal features of operation and maintenance of various
elements of water systems. This will not be repeated here; but some addi-
tional points of interest to waterworks field personnel are described in
Annex 9 (see page 313).
There are two principal factors which contribute to most failures in
water systems : (a) equipment and materials used under conditions for
which they were not designed; and (b) operators who, because of either
ignorance or disinterest, do not recognize the signs which precede or por-
tend breakdowns and failures. By careful review of plans, design, and spe-
cifications, the water-supply-control administration can succeed in prevent-
ing or eliminating most difficultiesof a mechanical character. The reduction
of troubles caused by the human element is perhaps harder to achieve;
but much can be done, as previously indicated, through training of field
personnel, assistance from outside qualified staff (a form of in-service train-
ing) and close supervision.
Distribution System
can take the form of separate large-scale drawings, each for one valve,
entered in a loose-leaf binder for handy reference. A system should be
devised to ensure that these records and the maps are kept up to date. This
is facilitated if pertinent information is reported and recorded after
each rep@ or maintenance job is performed. These records are espe-
cially useful when valve boxes and cones are hidden or " lost ", having been
covered in the course of street repairs or construction.
The following specific suggestions may apply :
(1) Valves: Their function and installation are described in a pre-
vious section (see page 205). Valves and hydrants (if any) should be in-
spected every two months. This should be a primary duty of field operators
and should be carried out on a regular inspection schedule using a simple
check list to ensure that no valve is missed. The effort spent will repay
itself many times in cases of emergency and fire when valves must
be located and operated quickly. Packing and leakage can also be checked
at inspection time.
(2) Piping : The maintenance of distribution pipes consists in checking
for leaks, corrosion, and scale. Each time a line is opened, the interior of
the piping can be observed. The life of more than one system has been
greatly extended by workmen who have reported pipe damage when making
a house connexion.
(3) Tanks : Concrete tanks require very little attention, while steel tanks
must be painted often to prevent damage from corrosion. Instructions of
manufacturers regarding type of paints and methods for painting must be
closely followed.
(4) Meters : Meters usually require much attention. An organized
maintenance system must be set up, or else the whole metering process
will soon fail. A small repair shop is required for the cleaning and testing
of meters and for the replacement of worn-out parts. It can be a room
about 4 x 5 m (13 x 17 ft), equipped with benches, small tools, water con-
nexions, gauges, etc. It need not be complex and may be run by from one
to four trained persons. A well-equipped repair shop manned by four
experienced workmen can handle up to 5000 ordinary service meters a year.
In small community water-systems, many opportunities exist for direct
cross-connexions between public water-supplies and private cisterns and
wells. Also, there is the always-present danger of back-siphonage of con-
taminated water from lavatory washbasins, water-closets, etc., into public
distribution pipes when the domestic plumbing systems are not properly
built. Furthermore, it does happen sometimes that the positive pressure
existing in a main pipe drops suddenly to nil, or even becomes negative,
Operation in Emergencies
portable filter units, tools, spare parts, and chemicals (especially those for
water disinfection purposes).
At times of emergencies, a minimum of 1 litre (1 qt) of water should be
provided daily for drinking only and another 3 litres (3 qt) for other pur-
poses, in such places as temporary shelters. In camps with tents, a rnini-
mum of 20 litres (5 US gal.) should be provided, and this amount should be
doubled for the supply of temporary hospitals and first-aid stations. It
goes without saying that every step should be taken to conserve water, and
that every possible sanitary safeguard should be employed to protect
existing supplies-especially surface supplies such as lakes, ponds, open
reservoirs, and springs-from contamination. While ground-water supplies
from properly constructed wells, infiltration galleries, and spring structures
may sometimes be considered safe, all surface water should be considered of
doubtful quality and should be disinfected by boiling, chlorination, or di-
sinfection by iodine compounds. The notes previously given under " House-
hold purification of water" (see page 185) also apply here, except that
heavier chlorination is recommended. The free chlorine residual in reason-
ably clear water at times of emergencies should be not less than 5 p.p.m.
after 30 minutes of contact 38 when the water has not had the benefit of
prior filtration. The raw water should be taken from an approved source;
and, if it has strong taste, odour, or colour, it should be avoided as far
as possible.