Assignment 4

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Assignment #4

Read the text: Mentoring Novice Teachers: Motives, Process, and Outcomes from the
Mentor’s Point of View. Mentoring Novice Teachers.pdf
Select one of the following options and use 250 words or less to respond.  Submit as a Word
document by 11:59 pm, Monday, April 6. 
Option 1:
You are charged with convincing a school board or a superintendent of a district, which has
limited resources, that providing good mentors is worth the time, effort, and money in order
to provide a small stipend to the mentor.
Using complete sentences or bullet points, write the main points you will present to the
school board making the case for quality mentor teachers.
Option 2:
You have been charged with training veteran teachers to be mentors. Define how the mentors
will be selected (self -selection, selected and asked to participate as a mentor, required to
Using complete sentences or bullet points, list and provide brief highlights of the main points
you will want to include in the training session.

As a school district, having quality mentor teachers is crucial. This program will not only
allow your current teachers to step up and grow, but really help your first-year teachers as
well. While it may require more time, effort, and money to provide quality mentors, this will
benefit your school, your staff, and your students. Investing in this mentor program will
allow your whole school to grow and develop teachers more effectively. Teacher retention is
crucial, and we need to support our first-year teachers by giving them access to a good
mentor. If they have a good mentor, the first-year teacher can develop their skills and have a
greater chance in wanting to stay in the school district if they feel successful. However, we
can’t just give them any mentor. Mentors need the required trainings and compensation to
step up and aid their mentees. Just being a good teacher doesn’t make someone a good
mentor, they need training and time to learn how to work with adults instead of just
demonstrating good teaching skills. Overall, you need to invest in providing good training
and supports to your mentors so that they can be there in the best way possible for first year
teachers. Investing in this will not only benefit your first-year teachers, but your mentors and
the entire school community.

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