Importance of Effective Teacher

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Importance of Effective Teacher 


Every four years, candidates for the presidency tout their plans on how they are going
to fix the problems of education. One of the many educational problems that some
states face is teacher shortages, particularly in the areas of science and math. One
way that some areas have dealt with these shortages is by providing a fast track
towards teacher certification for individuals who are coming from different fields. For
example, an engineer might decide to become a teacher and is given a different path
towards certification than a student just finishing up their undergraduate degree. The
question then becomes, is this a successful model for creating new teachers?

The following items look at why it is so important for all teachers to have
effective teacher training programs. The sad truth is that not all programs are created
equal. To provide new teachers with the greatest chance of success, they need to
have completed a teacher preparation program that provides them with knowledge,
experience, and guidance. When this does not happen, we not only risk teachers
leaving the profession quickly, but more importantly we risk the education of entire
classes of students.
1. Helps Prevent Failure
New teachers have many challenges that they face each day. Effective teacher
training helps prepare new teachers for these challenges. While teacher training and
student teaching won't completely prepare new teachers for every issue they will
face, it can help them feel more confident about many common problems that arise
for teachers each day. Without this background, teachers might feel like failures and
eventually give up.

2. Helps Avoid Teacher Burnout

Effective teacher training programs will address teacher burnout. First, it helps new
teachers to understand what can lead to teacher burnout. In some cases, this is just
the stress of daily teaching. However, it can also be caused by not varying the
information and methods of teaching enough. Teacher training programs that focus
on particular subject areas like social studies. or mathematics can help students learn
about different ways in which a subject can be presented.
3. Provides an Understanding of the Benchmarks for Achievement
Many inexperienced teachers focus on getting students to memorize and regurgitate
success. However, does this show true student achievement? Without a background
to what does and does not constitute authentic student learning, new teachers
sometimes create lessons that don't lead to the results they were expecting.
However, teacher preparation programs can help students understand how to find
and apply effective benchmarks for student achievement.

4. Provides Supported Practice in a Controlled Environment

When it comes to teaching, reading a book is not enough. Even hearing teachers talk
about teaching methods is not enough. New teachers need practice teaching
combined with effective mentoring in order to help them understand what is
required from them in their new position. This happens through student teaching in
the classroom setting. However, it is imperative that student teachers are placed in
appropriate classes that meet their interests. Further, the supervising teacher must be
involved and provide feedback each day to help student teachers learn.

5. Stops Costly Experimenting on Students

While all teachers experiment with new lessons and techniques from time to time,
teachers without proper training will often try things that education might have
taught them would not work. This experimenting comes at a cost in terms of student
learning. As most teachers know, it is very easy to lose your students at the beginning
of a term. If you do exhibit competence, fairness, and consistency from the
beginning, you risk losing respect and interest. The ultimate cost of this failure is in
what the student will not achieve in the classroom.

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