6553 (Solved 2)
6553 (Solved 2)
6553 (Solved 2)
Assignment No. 2
(Units: 5 - 9)
Total Marks 100
Pass Marks: 40
What are qualities of good trainers at school level? How school trainings can be
made more beneficial for teacher? Give your suggestinos. (20)
Effective trainers continuously practice and develop qualities that improve their
understanding of learner and organizational needs. They understand that the more
they exercise these qualities, the better equipped they’ll be to deliver training with
accuracy and engagement, create an active learning atmosphere, incorporate
current learning trends — and the list goes on.
Let’s take a closer look at what it takes to be a good trainer:
What is needs analysis if not the process of carefully listening to the target
audience and unpacking what they need most? A talented trainer is able to listen
so closely to what their audience thinks they need, that they can clearly see what
they actually need.
For example, a group of sales associates might report that they need product
training so they can close more deals per month. A good trainer might determine
that sales staff actually have sufficient product knowledge already, but really need
negotiation training to win over customers more quickly.
One of the most important qualities of a good trainer is their ability to keep their
eye on the goal and handle limitations without compromising on training quality.
This is best achieved through partnering with various roles within the
organization, such as department managers, operations, and human resources.
You have the right skills, now you all need is the right tools
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3. Encourage engagement
Turning training into a two-way street (rather than a one-person show) is at the
core of what makes a good trainer. Yes, being entertaining is a fantastic quality in
any trainer. But getting learners to absorb and retain new skills goes way beyond
For skill development to really happen, learners need opportunities to share their
ideas, answer questions, and practice what they’ve learned. The traditional “top-
down” lecture style simply isn’t effective for achieving meaningful learning, even
if the lecturer is a blast.
The best trainers encourage learners to ask questions, get involved in activities,
and be active in their learning rather than passively consuming the material.
4. Be organized
Some trainers are gloriously inspiring one day, and lackluster the next. This is
usually due to a lack of effective organization. Want to be consistently great?
Take time to plan your training materials and delivery carefully.
Well-organized lessons and materials help you to remain focused on the topic at
hand, instead of jumping around. This prevents facilitated sessions from becoming
dragged out and losing the audience’s attention.
Truthfully, a lot of work goes into planning training programs that meet all the
organization’s training goals and create seamless learning experiences. But this
work can make all the difference to learners’ results and long-term behavioral
A top-notch trainer will have the savvy to design courses that suit the mode of
delivery (e.g. face-to-face, blended, or fully online), and create a wide variety of
materials that engage and motivate all learners.
For example, if you see that webinars are trending as a content format that boosts
collaboration over long distances, is it smart to incorporate a webinar in a one-
week face-to-face course? Incorporating trends just because they’re trendy is a
slippery slope, and easily undermines the effectiveness of training.
Also, good trainers don’t just improve themselves. They evaluate their training
materials regularly, too. Old or irrelevant materials are phased out in favor of
content that is more engaging and aligned with learner feedback about the course.
Lifelong learners are also inherently inspirational. Their passion and thirst for
learning is infectious and can make all the difference when the topic they need to
teach is dry or obscure.
Equip great trainers with the best equipment
Each of the qualities of a good trainer can make a huge difference in the success
of the program and the engagement of learners.
Trainers who invest their time in developing these qualities, and put them into
practice too, are bound to see their course evaluations and learner results improve.
The right software can take them even further, through innovative features that
open up a world of design, content and delivery options.
Have a look at 7 advantages of teacher training programs and how to use full
use of it:
5. Teachers are taught to encourage the students to actively take part in the
activities conducted for their benefit and to ask questions. This would help
in the overall development of the child and would also increase his
capability and finally his grades. Teacher training, Mumbai has divided its
curriculum into sub groups and provide the best training to the trainees.
6. The course makes sure that the teaching and learning the teachers receive
during the program should have a long lasting positive impact on their
mind. They should be able to inculcate the skills permanently and make
full use of the skills while teaching the students. Teachers should adopt the
same approach to teach their students as their teachers used to train them.
What are the main purposes of lesson planning? Also give some guidlines for
preparing lesson plan for biology textbooks. (20)
A lesson plan:
gives a clear idea of where you and the students are going;
keeps a record of what you have done;
is a helpful guide for anyone who has to take over the session;
gives you a base from which to review your session; and
provides the starting point for the next session.
The duties of school hours will recline in the lap of this set up. The lesson plan
guides the direction in which the teacher can invest her efforts and resources for
the day.
On attaining the equilibrium, you can help drive student’s efforts on the right path
for the desired learning outcome.
A lesson plan details the content and sequence of the lesson, so when developing
learning tasks you will need to consider the following.
How is this topic relevant for the students?
'[Avoid] trying to provide too much content for the working memory. 7 or
perhaps even just 5 things is as much you can do in an hour's session … I have
always hated the idea of text books that just go on and on and on.'
What is their prior knowledge, experience and/or skills? Some examples
of methods to find out could be a quiz, a survey, or asking your students.
‘I’ve always tried not to make any assumptions about what the learners might
know. I have always tried to teach … so that ‘anyone can get in the door’. My
belief is that if you do that and do that well, then it is a revision for those who
have already got it, as long as you don’t take too long over it and then they know
that they know ... [it is like confirmation] … that they have understood what was
in the lecture …’
What must the students know, what should they know, and what could
they know? Of all the content that is available, identifying the must
know, should know, could know helps determine the priority of the
learning task and the allocation of time within the lesson.
A lesson plan is the instructor’s road map of what students need to learn and how
it will be done effectively during the class time. Then, you can design appropriate
learning activities and develop strategies to obtain feedback on student learning.
Having a carefully constructed lesson plan for each 3-hour lesson allows you to
enter the classroom with more confidence and maximizes your chance of having a
meaningful learning experience with your students.
A successful lesson plan addresses and integrates three key components:
Learning Objectives
Learning activities
Assessment to check for student understanding
A lesson plan provides you with a general outline of your teaching goals, learning
objectives, and means to accomplish them, and is by no means exhaustive. A
productive lesson is not one in which everything goes exactly as planned, but one
in which both students and instructor learn from each other.
Characteristic Description
Clearly stated tasks Free from jargon and complex vocabulary; describe specific
and achievable tasks (such as ‘describe’, ‘analyse’ or
‘evaluate’) NOT vague tasks (like ‘appreciate’,
‘understand’ or ‘explore’).
Important learning goals Describe the essential (rather than trivial) learning in the
course which a student must achieve.
Fair and equitable All students, including those with disabilities or constraints,
have a fair chance of achieving them.
Linked to course and Consider the broader goals - i.e. course, program and
program objectives institutional goals.
Problem solving and Critical thinking Case Study Detailed story (true or
fictional) that students
analyse in detail to identify
Presenting students with a problem,
the underlying principles,
scenario, case, challenge or design issue,
practices, or lessons it
which they are then asked to address or
deal with provides students with
opportunities to think about or use
knowledge and information in new and Concept Graphical representation of
different ways Mapping related information in
which common or shared
concepts are linked
It is important that each learning activity in the lesson must be (1) aligned to the
lesson’s learning objectives, (2) meaningfully engage students in active,
constructive, authentic, and collaborative ways, and (3) useful where the student is
able to take what they have learnt from engaging with the activity and use it in
another context, or for another purpose.
3. Plan to assess student understanding
Assessments (e.g., tests, papers, problem sets, performances) provide
opportunities for students to demonstrate and practice the knowledge and skills
articulated in the learning objectives, and for instructors to offer targeted feedback
that can guide further learning.
Planning for assessment allows you to find out whether your students are learning.
It involves making decisions about:
the number and type of assessment tasks that will best enable students to
demonstrate learning objectives for the lesson
o Examples of different assessments
o Formative and/or summative
the criteria and standards that will be used to make assessment judgements
o Rubrics
student roles in the assessment process
o Self-assessment
o Peer assessment
the weighting of individual assessment tasks and the method by which
individual task judgements will be combined into a final grade for the
o information about how various tasks are to be weighted and combined into
an overall grade must be provided to students
the provision of feedback
o giving feedback to students on how to improve their learning, as well as
giving feedback to instructors how to refine their teaching
4. Plan to sequence the lesson in an engaging and meaningful manner
Robert Gagne proposed a nine-step process called the events of instruction, which
is useful for planning the sequence of your lesson. Using Gagne’s 9 events in
conjunction with Bloom’s aids in designing engaging and meaningful instruction.
1. Gain attention: Obtain students’ attention so that they will watch and
listen while the instructor presents the learning content.
o Present a story or a problem to be solved
o Utilize ice breaker activities, current news and events, case studies,
YouTube videos, and so on. The objective is to quickly grab student
attention and interest in the topic
o Utilize technologies such as clickers, and surveys to ask leading questions
prior to lecture, survey opinion, or gain a response to a controversial
2. Inform learner of objectives: Allow students to organize their thoughts
regarding what they are about to see, hear, and/or do.
o Include learning objectives in lecture slides, the syllabus, and in
instructions for activities, projects and papers
o Describe required performance
o Describe criteria for standard performance
3. Stimulate recall of prior knowledge:
o Help students make sense of new information by relating it to something
they already know or something they have already experienced.
o Recall events from previous lecture, integrate results of activities into the
current topic, and/or relate previous information to the current topic
o Ask students about their understanding of previous concepts
4. Present new content: Utilise a variety of methods including lecture,
readings, activities, projects, multimedia, and others.
o Sequence and chunk the information to avoid cognitive overload
o Blend the information to aid in information recall
o Bloom's Revised Taxonomy can be used to help sequence the lesson by
helping you chunk them into levels of difficulty.
5. Provide guidance: Advise students of strategies to aid them in learning
content and of resources available. With learning guidance, the rate of
learning increases because students are less likely to lose time or become
frustrated by basing performance on incorrect facts or poorly understood
o Provide instructional support as needed – as scaffolds (cues, hints,
prompts) which can be removed after the student learns the task or content
o Model varied learning strategies – mnemonics, concept mapping, role
playing, visualizing
o Use examples and non-examples
To find out more about scaffolding student learning, click here
6. Practice: Allow students to apply knowledge and skills learned.
o Allow students to apply knowledge in group or individual activities
o Ask deep-learning questions, make reference to what students already
know or have students collaborate with their peers
o Ask students to recite, revisit, or reiterate information they have learned
o Facilitate student elaborations – ask students to elaborate or explain details
and provide more complexity to their responses
7. Provide feedback: Provide immediate feedback of students’ performance
to assess and facilitate learning.
o Consider using group / class level feedback (highlighting common errors,
give examples or models of target performance, show students what you
do not want)
o Consider implementing peer feedback
o Require students to specify how they used feedback in subsequent works
8. Assess performance: To evaluate the effectiveness of the instructional
events, test to see if the expected learning outcomes have been achieved.
Performance should be based on previously stated objectives.
o Utilise a variety of assessment methods including exams/quizzes, written
assignments, projects, and so on.
9. Enhance retention and transfer: Allow students to apply information to
personal contexts. This increases retention by personalising information.
o Provide opportunities for students to relate course work to their personal
o Provide additional practice
5. Create a realistic timeline
A list of ten learning objectives is not realistic, so narrow down your list to the
two or three key concepts, ideas, or skills you want students to learn in the lesson.
Your list of prioritized learning objectives will help you make decisions on the
spot and adjust your lesson plan as needed. Here are some strategies for creating a
realistic timeline:
Estimate how much time each of the activities will take, then plan some
extra time for each
When you prepare your lesson plan, next to each activity indicate how
much time you expect it will take
Plan a few minutes at the end of class to answer any remaining questions
and to sum up key points
Plan an extra activity or discussion question in case you have time left
Be flexible – be ready to adjust your lesson plan to students’ needs and
focus on what seems to be more productive rather than sticking to your
original plan
6. Plan for a lesson closure
Lesson closure provides an opportunity to solidify student learning. Lesson
closure is useful for both instructors and students.
You can use closure to:
Check for student understanding and inform subsequent instruction (adjust
your teaching accordingly)
Emphasise key information
Tie up loose ends
Correct students’ misunderstandings
Preview upcoming topics
Your students will find your closure helpful for:
Summarizing, reviewing, and demonstrating their understanding of major
Consolidating and internalising key information
Linking lesson ideas to a conceptual framework and/or previously-learned
Transferring ideas to new situations
There are several ways in which you can put a closure to the lesson:
state the main points yourself (“Today we talked about…”)
ask a student to help you summarize them
ask all students to write down on a piece of paper what they think were the
main points of the lesson
Discuss the computer aids for writing text. Also highlight its components for
writing task. (20)
Prewriting, doing the first draft, and the subsequent draft phases of writing include
numerous activities and require long periods of time to complete, sometimes
months or even years. Current theories of the writing process find it useful to
categorize these various activities as examples of collecting information (reading,
listening, and searching bibliographic sources), planning text (creating ideas,
organizing ideas, and setting goals), translating plans into text (creating acceptable
sentences- ac tuallanguage production), and reviewing text (reading, evaluating,
editing errors). A central and well-documented fact is that collecting, planning,
translating, and reviewing generally do not occur in a simple linear sequence.
Instead, the processes occur recursively during prewriting and on drafts. Any
process can call any other process during any phase of writing. Detailed
theoretical accounts ofthese processes and evidence on their recursive nature are
available from several sources
Another central fact is that collecting, planning, translating, and reviewing
seriously strain the limitations of cognitive effort and working memory. These
processing limitations are seen most easily in children who have not yet
developed ways of coping with these demands (Daiute, 1984). Yet, even relatively
experienced writers find writing effortful. This is so in spite of the skills that such
writers have for reducing writing demands, such as performing subprocesses
automatically, concentrating on only a single process at a time, and using external
representations to ease the load on working memory. Case studies of individuals
suffering from "writer's block" (Boice, 1982), as well as interviews with novelists
(Cowley, 1957) and surveys of academic writers (Green & Wason, 1982), suggest
that writing is effortful. I recently tried to measure in the laboratory this
investment of cognitive effort in planning, translating, and reviewing. Collecting
was not examined because the subjects were required to write from memory only.
In a single setting, college students wrote a persuasive essay concerning the
United Nations. Directed introspection was used to track the occurrence of each
process, and secondary task reaction times were collected to measure the degree
of cognitive effort given to each process. On a variableinterval schedule, the
subjects heard an auditory signal while writing.
The technical editor’s first priority is the reader; and in this course, you will learn
the basics of how to be the reader’s advocate. To properly serve your readers, a
technical editor must make an effort to see technical documentation from the
reader’s perspective. You will work to understand a document’s purpose—why do
readers need the document, and how are they going to use it—to help you with
your craft. This skill also involves writing author queries and creating style sheets
to communicate with authors and other editors during the editing process. In this
Basics of Technical Editing course you will gain a perspective on the field of
Technical Communication, and use tools and techniques of technical editing on
both the written and visual aspects of documents. You will practice identifying
indisputable errors in technical documentation, including using standard editing
marks to edit a hard copy manuscript, and using Microsoft Word and Adobe
Acrobat to edit an electronic manuscript. You will apply basic copyediting to a
document by correcting errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, and syntax. In
addition, you also will learn how to comprehensively edit a document, identifying
contextual errors, reorganizing content, and editing tables and illustrations. Course
assignments will help you understand how to apply technical editing skills and
tools in a variety of ways. Whether new or seasoned, after completing this
introductory course, you will be equipped to implement technical editing skills
and tools in a myriad of work situations.
Explain some activities that may be carried out for the future needs of textbooks
and electronic tutoring in Pakistan. (20)
The tools are out there. Teachers are using them. We need them integrated
into a textbook that doesn’t look a thing like what we have today.
Here’s how the publishers should do it (in case they ever ask me):
In 2009, the New York Times published an article titled: In a Digital Future,
Textbooks are History. Since then, many have queried whether textbooks are
needed in a digital world, given that extensive and often free on-line resources are
now available.
Digital learning materials are indispensable in the modern era. But it’s just as
important that they be supported by next-generation physical textbooks that guide
and amplify their impact.
Here are 5 ways in which policy-makers can deliver textbooks that work with
digital learning to boost student performance in developing countries.
1. Make textbooks more “real-time” to help navigate the curriculum.
Textbooks are still crucial to the education process, and provide a roadmap for
grade and subject-specific learning attainments. A 2016 study by the Harvard
Education Policy Research Center found high achievement gains for students
using top-quality textbooks.
The real power of digital resources lies in transforming how students are taught to
make learning more suited to millennials in being interactive, personalized, and
In Bhutan and Sri Lanka ADB helped to pilot the ‘Math Cloud’ program, an
adaptive learning tool which tailors the learning pathways to the specific level of
each student. Teachers use the tool to help students at different stages of learning
to master concepts through independent study.
The developing world faces many paradoxes – it is not uncommon to find a well-
resourced school with smart classrooms and digital resources in an urban setting
and traveling two hours away, see a rural school without proper classrooms,
electricity and teachers. Budget allocations from government need to cater to the
different realities.
Continued need for high-quality textbooks and digital learning tools and systems
call for more rather than less investment by governments.
Better connectivity is a must. It opens the way for e-libraries and e-learning
platforms to be established to supplement textbooks and update schools on latest
educational trends and innovative teaching methods.
The role of textbooks is even more relevant in the digital world. They can
provide an underlying blueprint to help navigate the vast jungle of open resources
and online materials to attain specific learning goals.
But we must innovate and re-position textbook policy and practice for the global
digital era. Only then can digital resources and technology tools be integrated
with textbook content to improve student learning.