Generalpaper On Power Shift of Hydraulic Excavator
Generalpaper On Power Shift of Hydraulic Excavator
Generalpaper On Power Shift of Hydraulic Excavator
transformation matrix from ω A to ω ’A. Potential the direction cosine vector; Ac, the cylinder cross
energy is obtained from the rotational deformation sectional area; Vc, hydraulic oil volume in the cylinder;
vector, taking its second order term into consideration, λ, a coefficient for indicating flow direction; and p,
and the geometric stiffness matrix kg is obtained by the cylinder internal pressure. In equation (5), the
deriving by the displacement two times. On the other integral of hydraulic fluid flow rate and the node
hand, the following incremental element stiffness displacement of the link system are coupled, making
equation is obtained, where k0 is the element stiffness coupling analysis possible. Although the above
matrix in the conventional linear theory. equation expresses the balance on the head side, the
(k0+kg)Δu’=Δf ’ …………………………………(2) balance on the rod side is expressed in a similar
The above equation is transformed to the total manner. Other factors, such as mass, proportional
coordination system to give the follows; damping, stroke end stoppers and friction resistance,
KTΔu=Δf ………………………………………(3) are also taken into consideration.
where, Other hydraulic elements are defined by basic
KT=T(k 0+kg) T …………………………………(4) equations and characteristics. The elements, such as
T is a coordinate transformation matrix from the element damping coefficient, are determined from
total coordination system to ω A, which enables strict relations in the incremental system as described
determination of large displacements when used above, and integrated into the dynamic equation of
with a rotation matrix. The equation (3) is transformed the total system by introducing the correction external
to the total displacement by introducing the correction force.
1.3.1 Piping element
Z’A Y’
Y”A In a three port element having three divisions, the
ωA XA tn+1 X”
B ω”
relation between the pressure p at each node point
ZA ω’ A Y” B
B Z ”A and the integral of flow rate u is given by the
YA0 XB Z’B tn+1
ωB B
ZB ∼
Y )
ω” B
Z ”B
equation (6), and the resulting element coefficient
ωA0 matrix gives the element stiffness matrix.
ZA0 t0 Y”B Y”A
ωB0 X”
P1 κ λ12 λ1λ2 λ1λ3 u1
tn+1 ∼
P2 = λ1λ2 λ22 λ2λ3 u2 ………………(6)
V0 2
A P3 λ1λ3 λ2λ3 λ31 u3
Fig. 1 Element coodinate systems of beam elemet where;κ, volume elastic modulus of hydraulic oil;λ,
Cylinder stroke (cm)
Boom cylinder Analysis
Arm Bucket Arm cylinder
spool spool
Arm cylinder
Swing Boom
spool spool 0 5 10 15 20 25
Boom Time (s)
Swing motor cylinder Experiment
Pump power (kW)
Tank Pump Engine
0 5 10 15 20 25
structure, along with the attachments, rotates by a Time (s)
hydraulic motor via a rotary bearing. Each portion of
attachments is modeled using a large displacement
Fuel flow (l/min)
beam element. The rotational degree of freedom at
each pin joint is defined in each coordinate system of
the member, which is treated independently from
others. The weight of each element is treated as Experiment
weight concentrated on its center of gravity.
Figure 3 shows the hydraulic system of the 0 5 10 15 20 25
Time (s)
excavator. The hydraulic system has a hydraulic oils
source with a pump driven by the engine. The flows Fig. 4 Comparison of experiment and analysis concerning
digging operation 図■ ■
to the cylinders and motors are controlled by levers
Fig. ■ ■
which adjust the openings of hydraulic control
valves. The pump has a variable capacity and controls
its discharge amount depending on the load. 90º swing operation.
A dynamic motion analysis was carried out on The results verifies the validity of the analysis
actuators, using the input values of operation levers according to the above described approach, showing
for the four actuators including the boom, arm, the simulated movements, pump power and fuel
bucket and swing. In excavation, there are acting consumption matching well with the actual
external forces such as reactive forces acted during measurement, with errors of 2% or less for the pump
excavation of soil and weight of the soil excavated in power and fuel consumption. Thus, it is confirmed
the bucket. The reactive forces acted during excavation that individual characteristics of devices, such as
are defined as viscosity resistances proportional to hydraulic pump, control valves and piping, reflect
the bucket tip speed, while the weight of the soil is the actual operation well.
calculated based on the amount of the soil in the
bucket depending on the bucket angle and bucket 3. Approach to energy saving
position against the ground.
The above analysis provides not only macroscopic
2.2 Analytical result performance such as the fuel consumption and pump
power, but also element forces (pressure losses) and
Figure 4 shows a comparison between the values, passing flow rate for all the modeled elements. From
actually measured for a digging and 90º swing those state variables, power loss for each element is
operation, and the analytical results, verifying the calculated to determine detailed loss contributions.
accuracy of analyzed values. The upper graph shows The following describes the energy saving technology
the comparisons for the boom cylinder and arm to which the analysis is applied.
cylinder displacements as actuator movement
examples, the graph in the middle shows the 3.1 The loss contribution analysis
comparison for the pump power and the bottom
graph shows the comparison for the fuel consumption. Figure 5 shows losses classified by elements, including
All the graphs include two cycles of the digging and the hydraulic system piping, valve opening and valve
Pump power (kW)
Return circuit
Valve opening
Valve inner pass
Loss power (kW)
0 5 10 15 20 25
Time (s)
Current system
Improved system
Fuel flow (l/min)
Time (s)
by the engine HILS system. ○:Kaizen Ⅱ
In addition, the above simulation system has an △:Kaizen Ⅲ
□:Kaizen Ⅴ(Proto spec.)
Fuel consumption
Machine controller
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
speed control
Engine torque