Plugin-11745 Egedy Paper
Plugin-11745 Egedy Paper
Plugin-11745 Egedy Paper
Educational Purposes
A. Egedy
, T. Varga
, T. Chovn
Department of Process Engineering, University of Pannonia
*Egyetem Str. 10. Veszprm Hungary H-8200, [email protected]
Abstract: Engineering problem solving such
as process design, process optimization, safety
analysis, etc.; relies widely on mathematical
models of the process. By detailed
hydrodynamic modeling of a system the
critical parameters and operation limits can be
determined. Beside the detailed examination of
the processes we can attain better yields and
higher quality products.
To understanding the macromixing
phenomenon, and hydrodynamics in a stirred
tank different reactor constructions and
impeller configurations were modeled. All of
the results were presented in an open access
website in the form of animations, and
pictures. For the implementation of the models
COMSOL Multiphysics 4.1 was used. The
website is intended to support high school
education and fluid dynamic studies in
universities too.
Keywords: Computational Fluid Dynamics,
stirred vessel, reactor engineering education,
1. Introduction
The stirred vessel is one of the most widely
used devices in the industry. There are several
way to sort chemical reactors, for example by
operation (batch, fed-batch, continuous), or by
the used impeller type (turbine, jet, blade,
etc.)[1]. The mixing system of the vessel is
always an important aspect of design, because
the involved processes (chemical reaction, heat
or component transport) need adequate mixing,
and phase homogeneity. For the suitable
homogeneity the design and size of the moving
parts is also an important problem. In certain
situations attachment of static parts to a stirred
tank (such as baffles) may have a significant
effect too [2].
With the detailed modeling of fluid
dynamics, operating regimes can be
determined, and the system can be operated
with the expected efficiency. With the analysis
of the involved processes there is a possibility
to optimize the products of a technology, with
defining the adequate model parameters.
Industrial reactors are almost always
important parts of a working technology,
therefore in some cases it is difficult to obtain
experimental information, and it takes a long
time to collect enough data to build a model.
One of the solutions can be the pilot plant
experiments, or using Computational Fluid
Dynamics (CFD) models. The main advantage
of a CFD model is the capability of examining
the real system in three dimensions [3]. A
validated CFD model can support design,
research and development, optimization, scale
up or other complex engineering tasks, such as
polymerization and crystallization operations
[4, 5, 6, 7].
In our research several different reactor
constructions and impeller configurations were
modeled to achieve deeper understanding on
mixing, and hydrodynamics in a stirred tank.
The reactor constructions were flat bottom,
spherical and ellipsoid bottom tank with
different type of impellers: two types of
turbine impellers, two types of blade and
anchor impellers. For every geometry a
dynamic model was implemented to examine
the reactor startup, and the operation of the
vessel. Every reactor configuration was
simulated at three different revolution speeds
20, 50 and 100 1/min.
The achieved results are shown in three
dimensional animations, and streamline
diagrams, and are published via YouTube and
an open access website. The website also
contains an introduction about mixing,
Computational Fluid Dynamics, and
COMSOL Multiphysics.
The primary goal of developed website is
to introduce mixing, demonstrate the
governing equations which are needed to
describe mixed systems, and present CFD
simulation examples.
2. Governing Equations
To calculate the developed flow field in the
laminar regimes of the investigated reactors
Navier-Stokes equation was applied.
The first governing equation in the laminar
models is the Navier-Stokes equations (2.1),
containing the local changes term, the
convective term, the stress terms, and the body
forces term (F).
Excerpt from the Proceedings of the 2011 COMSOL Conference in Stuttgart
( ) F I u u u pI
u u
V V + V + V =
= V +
) (
) (
) (
The next equation is the continuity
equation (2.2), describing the conservation of
0 ) ( = V +
The last governing equation of the laminar
models describes the rotation of the system
(2.3). The (2.3) equation was implemented in
turbulent cases too.
) , , ( t r dx dx
e = (2.3)
For turbulence modeling two variable k-
models and Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes
equations are used. The k- models uses a
modified Navier-Stokes equation (2.4)
calculating the velocity field by using
turbulence viscosity (2.7). In the Reynolds
averaged Navier-Stokes equation the stresses
are calculated as average stresses to lower the
need of computation. Equation (2.8) expresses
the stress tensor (P
( )
F kI I u
u u
pI u u
V +
V + V + +
+ V = V +
) )( (
) ( ) (
) (
The term k refers to turbulent kinetic
energy, and describe the movement of large
eddies (2.5).
+ V = V +
k k u
) (
The term refers to turbulent energy
dissipation, and describe the energy dissipation
of the small eddies (2.6). Turbulence viscosity
is expressed using the turbulent kinetic energy
and the turbulent energy dissipation (2.7).
2 1
) (
c c
+ V = V +
= (2.7)
( )
u k
u u u u P
T k
V V + V V =
) (
) ( :
3. Modeling and method
3.1 Model generation using COMSOL
Two models were used based on the
laminar or turbulent model for modeling a
stirred tank. Single phase fluids were
examined; laminar and turbulent rotating
machinery models were implemented from
COMSOL Multiphysics. Three model
parameters were used to describe revolution
speed and fluid properties. The density is the
density of the water, and the dynamic viscosity
is equal to the value of the viscosity from the
model library built-in example.
Table 1 shows the model parameters.
Table 1 Model Parameters
rpm Revolution speed 20,50,100 1/min
eta Viscosity 1 Pas
rho Density 1000 kg/m
For every impeller a 3D geometry was
drawn and exported to the different tank
geometries. Figure 1 shows the different
impeller geometries.
Figure 1 The used impellers
In the next section an example is show
from model building obtain results. The
investigated reactor is an ellipsoid bottom tank
with a three bladed turbine impeller. The full
geometry was created in COMSOL
Multiphysics user interface, using geometry
drawing and Boolean operations. The reactor
vessel was created from cylindrical and
ellipsoid shapes. At the end of geometry
implementation the full geometry (reactor
vessel, and impeller) are assembled by using
identity pairs. Identity pairs were used to
model the joint surface of the rotating, and
fixed parts. COMSOL Multiphysics rotating
machinery models use the moving mesh
model. The outer subdomain is fixed, and the
inner subdomain rotates. The identity pair
describes the connection between the two
subdomains. Table 2 contains the vessel and
impeller parameters, and Figure 2 shows the
finalized geometry.
Table 2 Geometry parameters
Inner subdomain diameter 1 m
Outer subdomain diameter 1.2 m
Reactor height 1.2 m
Impeller diameter 0.33 m
Shaft diameter 0.1 m
Impeller bottom distance 0.2 m
Figure 2 The finalized geometry
The material was user defined based on the
model parameters discussed before. Wall
boundary was defined all of the outer
boundaries except for the upper two
boundaries, those were symmetry boundaries.
The rotating domain is the inner subdomain,
and rotating wall boundary was defined all of
the impeller and shaft boundaries. The
revolution speed was one of the previously
defined three values and the rotational
direction was a positive angular velocity in
every case (counterclockwise). Flow
continuity was defined for the identity pair
between the outer and inner subdomain. One
of the points of the upper edge of the reactor
was fixed as a pressure point constraint. The
initial values of the velocity in every direction
were zero, because the reactor startup was
examined too.
In every case a user defined mesh was used
with tetrahedral elements, in this particular
case the mesh contain 103801 elements. Figure
3 shows the meshed geometry.
Figure 3 The meshed geometry
The number of degrees of freedom was
738549 in this simulation. The computation
time is strongly depends on the revolution
speed. At low revolution speeds (20 and 50
1/min) an FGMRES iterative solver was used
with Incomplete LU preconditioner. For 100
1/min revolution speed a direct solver
(PARDISO) was used. Each study was time
dependent from 0 to 10 s with 0.1 s step size.
The results are shown as slice diagrams
showing the velocity field in the vessel
geometry, and streamline diagrams. From the
slice diagrams animations were created to
examine the reactor startup and the dynamical
behavior of the system.
3.2 Contents of the website
The first section of the website contains
useful information about mixing,
dimensionless numbers related to mixing, and
different models can use to model mixing. The
second part of this section is an introduction to
Computational Fluid Dynamics, and
COMSOL Multiphysics.
The second section contains the results of
the simulation examples. The first step is to
select which cases we want to examine, by
using a query form. There are multiple
parameters which can be given to define the
desired configurations.
The vessel geometry
- flat bottom;
- round bottom;
- ellipsoid bottom.
Impeller geometry must choose one
- six-bladed turbine impeller;
- three-bladed turbine impeller
- blade impeller;
- anchor impeller;
Rotational speed
- 20 1/min;
- 50 1/min;
- 100 1/min.
After filling the form the next page
contains all the chosen possibilities, with
streamline results. By clicking the pictures an
animation will be started which shows the
result of dynamical simulationThe results of
the mechanical impellers are shown in the
form of dynamic simulation. For video sharing
a YouTube channel was used [8, 9]. The
turbulent and the 45 blade impeller examples
are acessible via the YouTube channel. Figure
4 shows the YouTube channel.
Figure 4 The YouTube channel
The website is available in an open access
way. Student can use the site to examine the
macro mixing phenomenon, and the reactor
startup. A YouTube channel (Macromixing) is
used to upload the animations.
4. Results and discussion
The first post processing type was the slice
plot. Five parallel xy slices are implemented
through the whole height of the reactor. Figure
5 shows the results of the dynamic simulation,
the velocity field in a slice plot in the case of
three-bladed turbine impeller. The revolution
speed is 20 1/min in the upper picture, 50
1/min in the lower picture.
Figure 5 The results of the slice plot in a ellipsoid
bottom reactor with a three-bladed turbine impeller
(20 1/min, 50 1/min)
The figure shows, that the velocity near the
impeller blades is higher, than near the wall,
and in the 50 1/min case the average velocity
is higher, than in the 20 1/min case. Figure 5
shows the streamline plot of the reactor.
Figure 6 The streamline plot of the reactor
Revolution speed [20 1/min]
The streamline plot shows, that the reactor
is well mixed. The three-bladed turbine
impeller is well enough to achieve adequate
mixing in this case. However the exact
velocity data cannot extracted from this plot.
5. Conclusions
Different stirred reactors were simulated
with different reactor configurations, and
impeller geometries. The results were shown
in the form of slice diagrams, and streamline
plots. From the slice diagrams animations were
The achieved results were uploaded to an
open access website, containing teaching
material about mixing, and Computational
Fluid Dynamics. The simulation results are
shown in animations. The site can support high
schools, and even university education.
6. References
1. Perry R.H., Perrys Chemical Engineers
Handbook (7th Edition), McGraw-Hill, (1997)
2. Paul, E.L., Handbook of Industrial Mixing
Science and Practice, John Wiley & Sons,
3. Marden Marshall, E., Computational Fluid
Mixing, Fluent Inc., (2003)
4. Rudniak L., Machniewski P. M., Milewska
A., Molga E., CFD modelling of stirred tank
chemical reactors: homogeneous and
heterogeneous reaction systems, Chemical
Engineering Science, 59, 5233 5239, (2004)
5. Wei, H, Computer-aided design and scale-
up of crystallization processes: Integrating
approaches and case studies, Chemical
Engineering Research and Design, 88, 1377-
1380, (2010)
6. Maggioris D., Goulas A., Alexopoulos A.H.,
Chatzi E.G., Kiparissides C., Use of CFD in
prediction of particle size distribution in
suspension polymer reactors, Computers and
Chemical Engineering, 22, 315-322, (1998)
7. Logashenko D., Fischer T., Motz S., Gilles
E. D., G. Wittum, Simulation of crystal growth
and attrition in a stirred tank, Computer Visual
Science, 9, 175183, (2006)
7. Acknowledgements
This work has been supported in part by the
TAMOP-4.2.2/B-10/1-2010-0025 project.
8. Appendix
Table 3: Notation
Variable Description Unit
density [kg/m
u velocity vector [m/s]
viscosity [Pas]
turbulent viscosity [Pas]
k turbulent kinetic energy [m2/s3]
energy dissipation rate [m
constant 1.3
constant 1.44
constant 1.92
constant 0.09
constant 1
radius [m]
I identity matrix
angular velocity [rad/s]
t time [s]
V nambla
F force vector N
stress tensor