Creating A Food Web
Creating A Food Web
Creating A Food Web
As a group choose an actual ecosystem in the world. Identify Key producers, Key primary Consumers, secondary
consumers, key Decomposers and Detritivovers, and at least one apex predator to create a basic food web for the
1. Create a group of three and choose an ecosystem. (Be careful not to choose a biome or community.) example ecosystems:
Everglades, Sanorjan desert, rocky mountain alpine tundra, caribbean reefs, the list goes on choose a place you have some
interest in.
2. Research and determine key Apex predators and primary producers. What do they eat, what eats them?
3. You need to have at least 3 tiers of consumers: Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary
4. There should be at least one key detritivore and one key decomposer for your ecosystem
5. Find one unique symbiotic relationship within your ecosystem and include it in your web.
6. Create unique images of your species
7. Use the first page of a Google Slides to coordinate and create your food web, including names, niches, role (produces,
herbivore, carnivore, omnivore, scavenger, detritivore, decomposer), and energy pathways for all species.
Creating a Awsome Good Good enough Not Good Mass
Food Web Enough Extinction
Rubric (25pts) 5 4 3 1 2
Producers There are creative and clear There are original There are names There is are There is a
original images, names, and images, names, and and images for primary producers primary producer
niche of at least 3 correct niche of at least 3 correct primary
primary producers for your correct primary Producers in your
ecosystem producers for your environment
Primary, There are creative and clear There are original There are three There are three The three tires of
Secondary original images, names, roles images, names, roles, tiers of consumers tiers of Consumers consumers are
and Tertiary and niches correctly organized and niches correctly including an apex incomplete
for at least 4 primary, 4 organized for at least 4 predator, including
secondary consumers, and 1 primary, 4 secondary names and roles
Apex Predator for your consumers, and 1 Apex
ecosystem Predator for your
Detritus There are clear and accurate There are accurate There is a Detritus There is a detritus Detritus pathway
pathways Detritus pathways for your Detritus pathways for pathway for your pathway is incomplete
chosen ecosystem that your chosen ecosystem chosen
includes at least one that includes at least one environment
scavenger, one decomposer, scavenger, one
and one detritivore. decomposer, and one
Symbiotic There is at least one clear and detritivore.
relationships accurate symbiotic There is a symbiotic
relationship included relationship included
The Web There is a clear and specific There is a specific There is an The food web Food Web
ecosystem chosen. The food ecosystem chosen. The environment shows pathways pathways are
web shows accurate and food web shows chosen. The food between species. incomplete
complete energy pathways accurate and complete web shows
between all species including energy pathways pathways between
their role in the ecosystem. between all species species.
Keystone species are included including their role in the
Sources All species have a clear All species have an All species have an There are sources Sources are
endnote to a APA cited source endnote to a endnote for your species incomplete
consistently cited cited (Academic
source Integrity