Title: Food Webs: Starter: 4 Mins in Your Books
Title: Food Webs: Starter: 4 Mins in Your Books
Title: Food Webs: Starter: 4 Mins in Your Books
What is the
between the
two pyramids?
represents an
ecosystem more
Work through the worksheets
• Food webs represent the flow of energy through an
• Better representation than food chains.
Helpful hints:
• Foxes like to eat small rodents
• Grass-hopers and aphids are herbivores
• Frogs and voles like to eat an insect that hops
• Frogs have two predators; one slithers one flies
• Aphids are the prey of an arachnid
• Thrushes eat eight legs but have to look up to
avoid their predators
Evaluate your learning
• Full sentences: