Title: Food Webs: Starter: 4 Mins in Your Books

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Welcome Year 8

Sit in your allocated seat, get out your equipment and

write the title and date, and
begin the starter.

Title: Food Webs

Starter: 4 MINS
In your books:
Put the organisms to the below into a chain of what eats what.
I will learn:
Recall the different trophic
How energy flows through
levels in a food chain.
an ecosystem.

I will apply my Organise organisms into a

learning by: pyramid of numbers.

Use new key words:

Food chain, food web, Construct food webs for a
trophic levels. given ecosystem.

I will evaluate my learning by: Comparing and contrasting.

Food Chains
• Shows the flow of energy in an ecosystem
In your books:
Trophic Levels Draw the food chain and add
the following labels.

Think… Quaternary consumer

Primary consumer
Why are we unlikely to have Primary producer
a food chain longer than 5 Tertiary consumer
species? Secondary consumer
Pyramid of numbers
• Shows the total number of individual organisms at
each trophic level.
On the mini-white boards:
Draw the following
pyramids of numbers:

Oak tree (1)

Aphid (50)
Lady bird (25)
Sparrow (5)
What do you notice about the
shapes of the two pyramids?
Pyramids of biomass

What is the
between the
two pyramids?

represents an
ecosystem more
Work through the worksheets
• Food webs represent the flow of energy through an
• Better representation than food chains.
Helpful hints:
• Foxes like to eat small rodents
• Grass-hopers and aphids are herbivores
• Frogs and voles like to eat an insect that hops
• Frogs have two predators; one slithers one flies
• Aphids are the prey of an arachnid
• Thrushes eat eight legs but have to look up to
avoid their predators
Evaluate your learning
• Full sentences:

• What is the difference between food chains and

food webs?

• Compare and contrast pyramids of numbers and

pyramids of biomass.

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