Private Water Supplies Sampling Procedures Manual Version 2.0 February 2020

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Private Water Supplies Sampling Procedures Manual Version 2.

February 2020
Table of Contents
Legislative background........................................................................................ 1

UKAS Accreditation of certified sampling by ISO 17024 .................................. 2

Health and safety .................................................................................................. 5

Investigational sampling ...................................................................................... 5

Document control ................................................................................................. 5

Scope of Document .............................................................................................. 6

Changes and anomalies....................................................................................... 6

Personal protective equipment (PPE) ................................................................. 7

Section 1 – Training and competency .................................................................... 8

1.1 Competency................................................................................................. 8

1.2 Training ........................................................................................................... 8

1.1.1 Introduction ................................................................................................ 8

1.1.2 Induction..................................................................................................... 8

Section 2 – Maintaining sample integrity ............................................................... 9

Section 3 – Sample types ...................................................................................... 11

Section 4 – Bottle types ......................................................................................... 13

Section 5 - Preparation of chlorine solutions for tap disinfection ..................... 14

5.1 Introduction ................................................................................................... 14

Section 6 – Order of sampling .............................................................................. 15

Section 7 – Sampling methods ............................................................................. 17

7.1 Plumbing metals (lead, copper, nickel) ...................................................... 17

7.2 Tap preparation and initial checks .............................................................. 17

7.3 Chemistry ...................................................................................................... 18

7.31 Metals other than mercury and plumbing metals....................................... 18

7.32 Pesticide samples ..................................................................................... 19

7.33 Trihalomethanes (THMS) samples............................................................ 19

7.34 Polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) samples .............................................. 19

7.35 Mercury and alpha and beta samples ....................................................... 20

7.36 Sulphide samples ...................................................................................... 20

7.37 General chemistry samples ....................................................................... 20

7.38 Radon sampling ........................................................................................ 20

7.39 Taste and odour sampling ......................................................................... 21

7.40 Microbiological sampling ........................................................................... 21

Section 8 – Investigational sampling.................................................................... 23

Section 9 – Storage and transportation of samples ............................................ 23

Appendices ............................................................................................................. 25

Appendix A ............................................................................................................. 25

A1. On site testing .............................................................................................. 25

A2. Procedure for temperature readings .......................................................... 25

A3. Chlorine residual measurements................................................................ 26

A3.1 NN-Diethyl-p-phenylenediamine (DPD) reagents (DPD) .......................... 26

A4. Visual appearance ...................................................................................... 26

A5. Procedure for field odour test...................................................................... 27

A6. Procedure for taste test (optional)............................................................... 27

A7. Test equipment checks ............................................................................... 27

A8. Proformas ................................................................................................... 27

Appendix B ............................................................................................................. 44

B.1 Procedure for sampling from hydrants ...................................................... 45

B.2 Procedure for sampling raw water from an open water source ............... 46

B.3 Procedure for pathogens and viruses by direct dipping of raw water .... 47

B.4 Procedure for large volume sampling procedure for treated water (e.g.
regulatory sample points) .................................................................................. 47

B.5 Procedure for lead stagnation sampling .................................................... 48

Legislative background

This manual forms part of the ISO17024 scheme ISO/IEC 17024:2012 Certification
of Persons Scheme for sampling private water supplies in accordance with The
Private Supplies (England) Regulations 2016, The Private Water Supplies (England)
(Amendment) Regulations 2018 and The Private Water Supplies (Wales)
Regulations 2017, hereafter referred to as the Regulations . It sets out a common
standard of sampling practice for the purposes of monitoring private water supplies
in England and Wales by local authorities (or their contracted representatives).
The Regulations require that all local authorities in England and Wales must monitor
(sample and analyse) all private water supplies in accordance with this part when
carrying out its duties under Section 77 (1) of the Water industry Act 1991).
The Regulations require that local authorities must ensure that the appropriate
requirements and standards (as specified in the regulations) are satisfied when
samples are being collected. These requirements include those associated with the
handling, transportation and the storage of samples as well as the method of their
collection. This must demonstrate compliance with the ISO/IEC 17024 standard. A
local authority must secure that a person accredited by the United Kingdom
Accreditation Service (UKAS) checks from time to time the local authority’s
compliance with those requirements.
This is to ensure that:

 The sample is representative of the quality of the water at the time of

 The person taking the sample is doing so in accordance with a system of
quality control to an appropriate standard.
 The sample is not contaminated in the course of being taken
 The sample is kept at such a temperature and in such a condition as will
secure that there is no material alteration of the concentration or value for the
measurement or observation of which the sample is intended
 The sample is analysed whether at the time and place it is taken or as soon
as reasonably practicable after it is taken. – by or under supervision of a
person who is competent to perform that task

Following the procedures to the manner prescribed in this manual ensures that
regulatory monitoring requirements are met.

UKAS Accreditation of certified sampling by ISO 17024
A sampler shall only be deemed competent when certified to do by a designated
certification body. The body shall be appointed by the scheme owner, namely DWI.
The sampling manual shall form the basis of the scheme, and shall be agreed by a
committee of stakeholders.
The certification body shall be accredited by UKAS to demonstrate that it is
compliant with the ISO17024 standard. The model for this arrangement is shown in
Figure 1. The Certifying Body is currenly CATG, and the Scheme Owner is currently
The Drinking Water Inspectorate.

Figure 1 ISO 17024 model

Refer to ISO/IEC 17024:2012 Certification of Persons Scheme for sampling private water supplies in accordance
with the Private Water Supply Regulations

The procedures contained within this manual prescribe the standard sampling
arrangements and methods which local authorities and their contracted
representatives must follow for the purposes of regulatory monitoring of private water
It should be noted that whilst procedures for the application of field-site
testing equipment and investigational sampling are covered in this manual for
the purpose of guidance, demonstration of competency in these areas is not a
requirement of the ISO/IEC 17024 scheme. This additional information is
included in Appendices for guidance only.

The word “sampler” is used in this manual as a generic term, which applies to any
person employed by a local authority or their contractor, and trained under the 17024
scheme, to collect water samples for the purpose of fulfilling their duties under the
regulations. This includes, for example, the Environmental Health Officers, Technical
Officers and persons contracted exclusively for sampling.
To differentiate between local manual adaptions, the standard manual within the
scheme shall be known as the “scheme manual”.
The appendices of each local manual must each contain the following with any local
adaptations, where stated:

1. Sample bottles
It is recognised that bottle types may vary according to suppliers. Accordingly
each local authority shall include within their version of the manual a
comprehensive photographic list of all bottle types used by the authority,
which must be appended to the manual.

2. Sampling methods
Each sampler shall amend/replace any methods for the taking of samples in
Section 8 of this manual, in accordance with its laboratory/supplier’s
instructions. All amendments and adaptations to a manual as per the above
requirements, and as defined in the scope of this document, shall be
incorporated into the manual.

3. Equipment
A list of all local sampling equipment, including all PPE and test equipment
shall be appended to the manual.

4. Authorisation to sample
A copy of, or a localised version of, the “Authorisation to carry out sampling”
proforma, which must provide the same information as that shown in the
scheme manual shall be appended to the manual.

5. Sample chain of custody form

A copy of, or a localised version, of the “Chain of Custody record” proforma
which must provide the same information as that shown in the scheme
manual shall be appended to the manual.

6. Sample storage
A copy of, or a localised version of, the “Sample storage temperature record
and cleaning” proforma which must provide the same information as that
shown in the scheme manual shall be appended to the manual.

All amendments and adaptations to a sampler’s manual as per the above

requirements, and as defined in the scope of this document shall be
incorporated into the manual prior to each prospective sampler’s
application for assessment and certification. This amended version of the
manual shall be presented to the certification body and assessed as part of
the applicant’s assessment. This shall be accompanied by a written
statement from the laboratory confirming that this complies with the
analytical method accredited under ISO 17025.

Health and safety

Only the minimum health and safety requirements that are specific to certain
procedures have been included in the scheme manual. Samplers may incorporate
any additional local health and safety requirements in accordance with local policies
and procedures, as they see fit.

Investigational sampling
Accredited methodology for the collection of investigational samples falls outside of
the scope of this scheme. However, by following the procedures in this manual a
sampler is following good sampling practice to a common standard.

Additional advice for large volume sampling and sampling from other points for the
purposes of undertaking investigations e.g. at hydrants, open water, and, can be
found in Appendix B.

Document control
These procedures draw on the guidance on sampling best practice from The
Standing Committee of Analyst (SCA) Blue Book “The Microbiology of Drinking
Water (2010) – Part 2 - Practices and procedures for sampling”, available at
9/MoDW-2-232.pdf. This document forms part of a series of publications detailing
methods for the Examination of Waters and Associated materials.
The administration of this document and the methods and procedures contained
therein are maintained using a quality managed system. This is to ensure that the
standard of sampling and on site testing of private water supplies complies with the
Drinking Water Test Specification (DWTS).
Each holder of the manual shall complete the Version control record (Table 1).

Table 1: Version control record (internal use only)

Manual holder’s Version Date version Date manual Date version

name number of issued implemented revoked by

Scheme Manual and Local Manual Definition

Scheme Manual – This refers to the latest version of this document

Local Manual – a version of the current Scheme Manual that has additional
appendices describing sample bottles, sample methods, equipment, and other
forms where these differ from those described in the Scheme Manual

Scope of Document
The scope of this Scheme Manual is for regulatory sampling under The Regulation.
Parts which fall under the Regulations regarding the taking and transporting of
samples for regulatory monitoring purposes are contained within the main part of this
In addition, this manual contains appendices which provide additional information on
best practice for other activities including for field testing and non-regulatory
sampling. The appendices do not form part of the scope for, or assessment of this
scheme, and are provided for guidance/best practice only.

Changes and anomalies

Users of this manual are encouraged to submit any suggested changes, or query
any aspect of the manual by the submission of a “Change request form” (See
Appendix A8), by email to the scheme owner for consideration of its inclusion, at
each annual review of the procedures.

Personal protective equipment (PPE)
Eye protection, suitably protective gloves, and appropriate work-wear i.e. coveralls,
work trousers and long sleeved top need to be worn at all times when mixing and
applying the chlorine disinfectant solution. At NO time is bare skin to be exposed to
the chlorine disinfectant solution/spray.
This PPE is in addition to any other PPE specified in local arrangements. All other
applicable local health and safety measures must be observed.

Section 1 – Training and competency

1.1 Competency
A sampler shall be deemed competent to take samples of private water supplies
when he/she has demonstrated compliance with the procedures laid down in this
manual to the satisfaction of the certification body named and designated in the
scheme. Those individuals deemed competent to sample by the certification body,
shall be awarded an authorised certificate. The certification body shall be accredited
by UKAS by demonstration of its compliance with ISO/IEC 17024. UKAS will assess
the certification body on an annual basis to determine ongoing compliance with the
ISO 17024 standard.
Ongoing local competency of samplers shall be demonstrated by the audit process
prescribed in the 17024 scheme at the frequency specified.
Where ongoing competency of a sampler is not evident, the certification body must
suspend that individual from sampling duties until their competency can be

1.2 Training

1.1.1 Introduction
The training of samplers to meet the competency requirements of the scheme may
be carried out by the certification body, as described in ISO 17024 scheme
requirements or by an independent training provider. If training is delivered by a
certification body, then they must demonstrate independence between training and

1.1.2 Induction
Line managers shall provide all certified samplers with the tools, equipment and
personal protective equipment (PPE) required for sampling in accordance with the
procedures in this manual. A list of this equipment, including the make, model and
serial numbers of all test equipment shall be appended to the local manual. This
equipment shall include a current and numbered copy of the sampling procedures
manual that has been amended in accordance with the instructions 1-6 within the
Scope of this manual. The line manager must complete an “Authorisation to carry out
sampling record” (See Appendix A8) once he/she is satisfied that the sampler has a
ISO 17024 certificate of competency.

Section 2 – Maintaining sample integrity

Cross contamination between samples must be avoided at all times during sample
collection, transportation and storage.
Ensure any liquid chlorine and other chemicals are kept isolated to prevent cross
contamination when being stored, carried in holders or in transit. Ensure that all
chemical containers are at all times labelled with the content name and
concentration (where relevant) and the expiry date.
Samples, sampling equipment and on site equipment shall be stored in a hygienic,
safe and tidy manner to avoid accidents and sample contamination. Each local
authority shall append to its local version of the scheme manual, a list of its sampling
equipment. This should all include the make and model of onsite testing and
calibration equipment.
Samplers must note conditions that pose a risk to the water quality integrity of a
sample by accidental contamination e.g. adverse weather or other unfavourable
external environmental influences (e.g. unhygienic food preparation areas). Potential
issues that could impact on sample integrity should be noted, and recorded in local
Good personal hygiene is essential, including hand washing prior to the sampling
visit, and washing / cleaning of hands during the visit as necessary. .
When sampling raw and treated water in a single site visit, always take the treated
water sample first to minimise the risk of cross contamination. Raw and treated water
samples shall be segregated in separate containers and holders during
transportation and when stored awaiting collection to the laboratory.
Whilst being transported, samples (before and after filling) shall be carried in a
suitably hygienic holder, to ensure the bottles are maintained in an upright position.
All sampling equipment and on-site test equipment should be securely stowed in
vehicles used.
Containers shall be cleaned after sampling rounds, and containers/holders for raw or
untreated samples must not be used for treated water samples. They should be
stored in separate boxes/ areas of a sampler’s vehicle.
Cool boxes and/or vehicle refrigerated units shall be maintained in a clean and
hygienic manner at all times. They should be cleaned before sampling, using an
appropriate disinfectant spray. Surfaces should be wiped dry with paper tissues

N.B. Some samples require refrigeration at all times, including when in
transit and storage. These include all microbiological samples and some
chemistry samples where it is a requirement to ensure the sample remains
representative whilst in transit and storage – as directed by the analytical
service provider. These shall be transported in an upright position in a
container within a temperature range of 2-8oC in either a cool box or
refrigerated unit on the vehicle. See Section 9 for further details. Samples
should be protected from direct sunlight at all times as much as possible.

Samplers shall always wear appropriate PPE to meet the relevant health and safety
risks at the time of sampling. Each sampling activity shall be subject to the
application of all health and safety requirements laid down by the local authority.
Never eat, smoke or drink whilst sampling. Hands should always be washed
between taking each set of samples.

Section 3 – Sample types

Samples from private water supplies are taken for one of two reasons shown below:
(a) Samples taken for regulatory purposes – These samples are taken to
comply with the monitoring requirements, as set out in the Regulations and
must be taken at a tap that is representative of the supply, typically at the
point of consumption. The sample parameters, collection frequencies and
points of collection are prescribed by the Regulations.
(b) Samples taken for investigational purposes – Investigational samples may
be taken to help establish the cause where it is suspected that a supply is
unwholesome or there is a risk to human health. They are also taken to verify
that any remedial action has been effective. For the purposes of this
scheme, investigational samples are not in scope. However, sample
procedures described in the scheme and Appendix B should still be
followed as an example of good practice.
In addition to their purpose, sample types are designated according to the order in
which they are collected (pre-flush, post flush etc.). This sequence, the order of
sampling, is an essential element of sampling procedures. Figure 2 shows the order
of sampling.

Figure 2: The Order of Sampling

Section 4 – Bottle types

The analytical test requirements for any given sample will determine the bottle type/s
to be collected in. Sample vessels (usually termed generically as bottles) vary in
shape, size, volume and the material from which they are made from. This includes:
the level of their transparency, how they are pre-prepared (in some cases
additives/preservatives are added), whether or not they are reusable, and in their
cap type and colour. The vessel used must be of the appropriate type for the
intended tests. The bottle type required for a particular test or set of tests influences
the method and sampling technique to be applied.

N.B. Bottles used for the sampling and analysis of private water supplies
must, under the ISO/IEC 17024 scheme, must only be those supplied by the
laboratory service provider. Analysis of samples must be carried out in
accordance with the Drinking Water Testing Specification and accredited to
BS17025 by UKAS.

A photographic list and its description of all bottle types used by a local authority for
the sampling of private water supplies must be appended to the local manual and
referenced where relevant in relation to its use.
Where relevant, each bottle shall be labelled with an expiry date (use-by) and if
necessary with appropriate hazard labels, (N.B. this is added by the bottle
provider before it is issued for use). A designated Officer must assign specific
individuals to the responsibility of the management of sampling equipment, sample
bottles and their hygienic and secure storage. They should ensure any relevant
health and safety measures are applied. Bottles must be stored in a clean dry
environment and locally stored stocks must be managed such that out of date bottles
are not used accidentally. Any out of date sample bottles must be returned to the
appropriate bottle provider.
Where vessels have tamper-proof seals on the lids, these must be checked prior to
use to ensure they are undamaged. If they are damaged they should be discarded
and returned to the provider.

Section 5 - Preparation of chlorine solutions for tap
5.1 Introduction
Hypochlorite or chlorine (sodium or calcium) solutions are commonly used as an
effective method of disinfecting sample taps, as well as for equipment, clothing,
water mains/pipes and fittings. Appropriate health and safety procedures need to be
employed when using hypochlorite (or chlorine) solutions. It is recommended that
samplers undertake a risk assessment for using these chemicals and reference the
manufacturer’s hazard and data sheets or COSSH sheets as part of the risk
assessment. Even at low concentrations chlorinated water can kill fish and cause
environmental pollution, if discharged to watercourses. It is therefore essential to
plan how best to dispose of chlorinated solutions to the environment. See below.
(E.g. diluted and discharged to the foul sewer via a sink or toilet).
a) Commercial hypochlorite (sodium) solution is a caustic solution containing
between 10% and 15% available chlorine when new.
b) “Rapid release” chlorine tablets are rapidly dissolving and when used in a known
volume of water, provide a simple and effective means of preparing chlorine
solutions of known strength, for disinfection purposes approved for use with
wholesome water. They are best used for making up small quantities of solution.

When using ‘rapid release’ chlorine tablets it is necessary to consider

the different types/sizes of tablet available on the market, and the
strength of solution that will be produced. Refer to the manufacturer’s
instructions/guidance notes.

The chlorine solution must be prepared to the concentration of 10,000 mg/L at the
start of the sampling day. All solutions made from tablets need to be used on the day
of preparation. The date, description and concentration of the solution must be
clearly displayed on the container together with any hazard labels. [Instruction for
preparation of this solution must be included in the sampling procedures, including
the make/type/size/concentration of product used]

Disposal of small amounts of excess hypochlorite solution must be to a public foul


N.B. This method of disposal is not suitable for use with septic tanks or cess
pits. In this situation, septic tank manufacturer’s instructions should be

These solutions cannot be allowed to enter watercourses or surface water drains to

comply with control of pollution environmental legislation . All local and
manufacturers’ health and safety precautions must be applied during the preparation
of the solution.

Section 6 – Order of sampling

Sampling in the correct order is an essential and integral part of sampling

methodology and ensures that samples are representative of their source. The first
bottle to be filled within this sequence shall be determined by the analytical
requirements of the sample (which can comprise a collection of different sample
bottle types for a range of analysis) and shall be collected in accordance with the
methods shown in Section 7. In most cases the procedure would commence at point
3 in the sequence. The correct order of sampling is shown in Figure 2.
All sample vessels shall be labelled in advance of the following steps to avoid
inadvertent mislabelling and sample mix ups prior to analysis. Only those bottles for
one sample event should be labelled at any time to avoid filling the bottle for the
wrong site.

1. Plumbing metals, or other pre-flush samples or stagnation samples, including

swabs for investigational purposes as required
2. Plumbing metals (regulatory)
3. Preparation of the tap, including flushing
4. [On site tests*]
5. After flush chemistry samples
6. Disinfection of the tap
7. Microbiological samples

*On-site testing should be applied at this point in the sequence of sampling. Chlorine
residual readings should be taken at this point, only where the water is chlorinated.
On site tests include temperature, taste, odour and appearance. It should be noted
however that it is not a requirement for samplers to demonstrate competency
in on-site testing as part of the ISO/IEC 17024 scheme. .

Figure 2: Flow diagram showing order of sampling

Section 7 – Sampling methods

The sampling methods in this section are described in the order sample types
are required to be taken.
Failure to adhere to these methods could result in sample results being inaccurate,
requiring further sampling and investigation at unnecessary expense to the

N.B. where timed actions are required, time should be measured using a
suitable digital instrument e.g. a stopwatch. Time durations must not be

All procedures must be carried out by trained and certified personnel only

7.1 Plumbing metals (lead, copper, nickel)

The method of collection of a sample for plumbing metals shall be determined in the
first instance by its purpose (i.e. whether for regulatory monitoring or investigational
purposes). This in turn will determine where in the order of sampling it is taken.
If a timed investigational stagnation sample for plumbing metals is required, it must
be taken prior to any other sample type with the exception of an unflushed metals
sample. This shall be collected in the manner shown in Appendix B.5.
Regulatory samples shall be collected first and as follows. The sample bottle must
be plastic and sufficient in volume to contain the first 1litre of water taken from the

• Fill the bottle before any cleaning or flushing of the tap.

• Do not rinse the bottle first.
• Collect the first litre of water from the tap.

7.2 Tap preparation and initial checks

• Ensure that correct property is being sampled, as well as correct location
within the property.
• Ensure that the tap type and condition is likely to provide a sample that is
representative of the supply. Record any observations where
representativeness might be compromised, e.g. unhygienic surroundings, tap
hoses and attachments/anti-splash devices in use.
• Check for, and make a note of any in-line filters, point of use devices or
softeners before sampling
• Remove anti-splash devices or rubber hoses etc. where practicable.
• Clean the outside of the tap with 70% isopropyl alcohol wipe to remove any
debris, grease or other potential sample contaminants. Note: this does not

constitute disinfection of the tap. See Section 7.4 for instructions on tap

• Turn the tap on and if any unflushed sample required, adjust the flow to a
steady stream, ensuring that the water flows directly into the bottle, without it
over-spilling the rim of the vessel. Run for a minimum of two minutes.
• Run further if necessary until the temperature stabilizes.

• Where the supply is chlorinated, take an on-site test measurement at the start
and at the end of sampling to verify that the concentration has not changed
(See Appendix A3).

7.3 Chemistry

Note that this section may need to be amended by a sampler in conjunction

with the accredited laboratory performing the analysis to ensure that sample
collection and transport is consistent with the accredited analytical method.
Chemistry sampling methods can vary according to the purpose of the test,
and while the methods described in this section are the most common, the
sampler should check with the laboratory and amend in accordance with the
accredited method.

The method for taking a sample for a particular chemistry parameter or group of
parameters selected for that supply will largely be determined by the sample bottle
type used (see Section 4). Container cap colours and types will also vary according
to the laboratory supplier. The scope of vessels used by a sampler for taking private
water supply samples must be appended locally to its version of this manual.

N.B. The following procedures prescribe the methods for using a stated
sample bottle type for a particular parameter or set of parameters. Where an
alternative bottle type and/or method are used locally by a sampler the
procedure shall be amended and the bottle type list appended accordingly.

7.31 Metals other than mercury and plumbing metals 1

• Rinse out the bottle and the cap twice and fill the bottle of the container to the
level specified by the test laboratory.

• Replace the lid

• Place the sample in the bottle carrier and transport to vehicle.

1 These will comprise lead, copper and nickel

7.32 Pesticide samples
If using a 1 L amber glass PTFE lined screw cap bottle fill the bottle to the bottom of
the thread and replace the cap. Do not rinse first.
If using a 2 L glass bottle, rinse the bottle and cap twice with water from the tap, then
fill the bottle to the bottom of the thread and replace the cap.
If using a 1 L plastic bottle with additive, fill the bottle to the bottom of the thread and
replace the cap WITHOUT RINSING the bottle first.
Place the sample in the bottle carrier and transport to vehicle.
7.33 Trihalomethanes (THMS) samples

• Set the tap to a gentle flow

• Using bottle type X (which contains thiosulphate), run the water from the tap
down the inside of it, avoiding any entrapment of air bubbles.

• Fill the bottle completely so that there is no air gap when the bottle stopper is
replaced, also avoiding any overflow that could lead to loss of preservative.
Top the bottle up if necessary.

• Replace the stopper.

• Place the sample in the bottle carrier and transport to vehicle

Transport the bottle in a refrigerated unit to ensure the sample is kept chilled and not
exposed to sunlight. Note: THM samples only need be taken for chlorinated supplies.

7.34 Polyaromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) samples

If using a 500 ml amber glass container DO NOT RINSE THE BOTTLE PRIOR TO
USE [N.B. it may contain isopropanol or another preservative]

• Fill the bottle until it is about a third full and replace the cap

• Invert the bottle gently twice to mix in the additive.

• Loosen the cap and leave the bottle to stand until bubbles of gas stop rising.

• Completely fill the bottle and leave it to stand until bubbles of gas stop rising.

• Ensure there is no air space (top up the bottle if necessary) at the top of the
sample, replace the cap.

• Place the sample in the bottle carrier and transport to vehicle.

7.35 Mercury and alpha and beta samples
If using a 1 L clear plastic bottle DO NOT RINSE THE BOTTLE PRIOR TO USE

• Fill the bottle to the bottom of the thread and replace the cap.

• Place the sample in the bottle carrier and transport to vehicle.

7.36 Sulphide samples
If using a 25 ml clear glass bottle DO NOT RINSE THE BOTTLE PRIOR TO USE

• Using bottle, fill from the tap to the brim of the bottle.

• Replace the cap.

• Shake the bottle to mix

• Place the sample in the bottle carrier and transport to vehicle.

7.37 General chemistry samples
These samples include those for pH, colour, conductivity, and turbidity

• If using a 1L clear plastic bottle type, fill the bottle in accordance with
laboratory instructions.

• Replace the cap

• Place the sample in the bottle carrier and transport it to the vehicle.

N.B. For Laboratory taste and odour (see Section 7.39), total organic carbon
(TOC), cyanide, phenol and hydrocarbons the bottle should be filled

7.38 Radon sampling

Radon occurs in water as a dissolved gas and any agitation of the sample may
cause losses to atmosphere. It is therefore important that samples are taken directly
into the aluminium bottle supplied.

• Open the tap to obtain a slow, continuous flow. Allow the tap to run for a
minute before taking the sample but avoid turbulence at the outlet of the tap
and on the bottle walls.

• Take and note the temperature of the flowing water.

• Take the sample carefully, allowing the stream of water to flow gently down
the wall of sample bottle.

• Fill the bottle completely (leaving no air gap) in order to avoid the presence of
air in the sample but do not allow the container to overflow with turbulence.

• Close the container ensuring the bottle cap is fixed tightly.

• Transfer the samples to a cool box or fridge and ensure the temperature
during transit and storage is below the water temperature at the time of
sampling until analysed. This is because the solubility of radon varies greatly
with temperature.

• Ensure that the sample container is sealed to prevent it being opened during
transport and dispatch to the testing laboratory immediately. Analysis must
commence within 48 hours of sampling.
7.39 Taste and odour sampling
Collect the sample in a taste and odour bottle as provided by the laboratory for this
use (usually a 1 L bottle). Fill the bottle completely so as to avoid headspace or
exclude air and avoid exposure to sunlight during transportation to the laboratory.

7.40 Microbiological sampling

Following tap preparation and all relevant chemistry samples, turn off the tap and
carry out the following procedures:
(a) Disinfection of tap
N.B. For purposes of best practice this method employs a double disinfection

• Following flush and completion of any chemical sampling turn tap off.

• Inject or spray a pre-prepared chlorine solution (see Section 5) over and into
the tap nozzle using a suitable container product (e.g. a laboratory-style wash
bottle). Leave the solution for a contact time of two minutes. (N.B. the make
and model of the vessel or container used must be listed in the
appended equipment list).

• Turn on the tap and adjust the flow to a steady stream.

• Run for one minute, then turn off the tap.

• Re-apply the disinfectant and leave for a minimum of two minutes.

• Turn on the tap and adjust flow to steady stream.

• Run the tap for a minimum of two minutes.

(b) Bacteriological sampling procedure

(Usually a pre-prepared 500 ml sterilised clear plastic bottle with added sodium

• Clean hands with antibacterial hand gel / hand wipes. Consider wearing
disposable single use hygienic gloves.

• Using the bacterial bottle type shown in the appendix of this manual, hold it
near its base and unscrew cap.

• Do not put the cap down. Hold it open end downwards.

• Do NOT rinse the bottle.

• Fill the bottle by holding it under the water stream a slight angle.

• Avoid splashing and fill to the line where the cap meets the bottle so as to
leave an air space to allow for expansion during transportation.

• Replace the cap taking care not to touch the inside of the cap or it to come
into contact with anything.

• Tighten the cap and invert.

• Transfer to and transport in a refrigerated unit or cool box.

Section 8 – Investigational sampling

This section includes the methods for the collection of samples to comply with the

Accredited methodology for the collection of investigational samples falls

outside of the scope of this scheme. However, by following the procedures in
this manual a sampler is following good sampling practice to a common

Additional advice for large volume sampling and sampling from other points for the
purposes of undertaking investigations e.g. at hydrants, open water, and, can be
found in Appendix B.

Section 9 – Storage and transportation of samples

Samples for microbiological analysis (bacti) and some chemistry samples must be
transferred to a fridge or cool box, which must be maintained at 2-8 ̊C after being
taken, until delivery to the laboratory. The analytical laboratory can advise on any
other bottles requiring refrigeration. Where cool boxes are used, a sufficient number
of frozen ice packs must be placed within the cool box during the transportation of
samples to ensure the temperature remains within the required temperature range.
Complete the “Chain of custody record” using the sampler’s local proforma, a copy of
which should be appended to the samples, for each crate of sample bottles to be
transferred to the laboratory and place it into the crate.
Crates should then be sealed, to prevent any tampering of samples during transit.
The samples must be transferred to the laboratory as soon as practicable on the day
of collection, for analysis to commence promptly on arrival, whilst taking into account
parameter stability times – ideally within 24 hours. In exceptional circumstances, if
there is a delay, store the samples in a fridge at 2-8 ºC for analysis within eight hours
the next day. Samples that do not meet these requirements may not be processed.
Samples must remain upright at all times whilst in transit. Raw (untreated) waters
and samples from the tap taken for regulatory purposes should be segregated to
prevent contamination.
All other unrefrigerated samples should be transferred to the laboratory as soon as
practicable on the day of collection, for analysis to commence promptly or
appropriate preservation. If samples are unable to be received by the laboratory on
the day of sampling, they must be stored securely and transported to the laboratory
the following morning.
Fridges and cool boxes used for transporting samples must have the temperature
checked with a suitable thermometer that is appropriately calibrated (See Appendix
A2). The thermometer should be placed into the cool box/fridge and the temperature
recorded once a stabilised reading is displayed. Where available, a data logger is
preferred and data should be downloaded on a daily basis and checked to ensure
the temperature has been maintained between 2 ºC and 8 ºC. Cool boxes should be
cleaned using a suitable commercial disinfectant product prior to the sampling visit,
either on the day or evening before.
Short-lived variations below 2 ºC and above 8 ºC are to be expected as the
fridge/cool box is opened. Occasions lasting over one hour should be noted. These
variations can be minimised by buffering the thermometer/probe in a small container
of liquid to avoid spurious readings such as when the coolbox or fridge is opened to
add samples.
The temperature must be recorded using a thermometer that records the maximum
and minimum temperatures for the period that the samples are stored and
transported by the sampler. The temperature must be noted on the sampler’s record
sheet. Any recordings outside of the range 2-8 ºC should be notified to the laboratory
quality control manager, so that corrective action can be taken.
Where the samples are transported to the laboratory by a courier, the temperature of
the courier fridge and depot fridge must be recorded on a record sheet. An example
of a record sheet can be found in Appendix A8. Arrangements must be made for the
courier to deliver the samples to the laboratory, as soon as is practicable.
Further details can be found in Section 2 – Maintaining sample integrity.


These appendices are intended to provide guidance on current best

practice and to assist with investigations or other types of sampling

Appendix A
A1. On site testing
It is not a requirement under ISO 17024 scheme to demonstrate competency in the
following procedures. These are provided for guidance only. Note, it is
recommended that all instrumentation used for on- site testing is regularly calibrated
(see Appendices A2 and A7).

A2. Procedure for temperature readings

Water temperature readings should be taken using a suitable thermometer,
according to the manufacturer’s instructions. These may vary according to the make
and model. The thermometer should have a range between 0 °C and 100 °C and be
capable of reading to within 0.1 °C over the range of use.
All digital thermometers should be calibrated as per manufacturer’s instructions
before they are used. Thereafter they shall be calibrated according to manufacturer’s
instructions every 12 months. Calibration shall consist of measuring temperature in
an ice bath, and in boiling water. Thermometers that do not read 0 °C and 100°C
respectively shall be replaced with a new thermometer.

• Take any pre-flush temperature readings for any investigational sampling

• Flush the tap for a minimum of three minutes.
• Place a beaker under the tap and run water into it until it overflows
• Turn on the thermometer and immerse the probe into the water in the beaker.
Do not immerse above the probe.
• Allow the temperature to stabilise then record the thermometer reading as
shown on the unit.
• If the temperature recorded appears abnormally high or low, then repeat the
check and record the temperature once it has stabilised.
• Where the temperature remains abnormally high, an investigation should be
carried out to determine the cause and extent. Following this the local
authority will need to ensure that the relevant persons (as defined in Section
80 of The Water Industry Act 1991) carries out the necessary remedial action
to prevent a recurrence and subsequently verifies completion in a timely

A3. Chlorine residual measurements
The measurement of chlorine residual is only applicable where the supply is known
or suspected to be disinfected or pre-treated with a chlorine disinfectant, such as
sodium hypochlorite.
Methods will vary according the instructions of the device and manufacturer’s model.
The manufacturer’s instructions must be followed in all cases. The sampler should
insert the procedures for the instrument used in accordance with the manufacturer’s
instructions into this document.

A3.1 NN-Diethyl-p-phenylenediamine (DPD) reagents (DPD)

DPD measures chlorine that is not bound chemically to other compounds (“free”
chlorine). The addition of DPD to chlorinated water forms a pink/red colour, which is
To measure “total” chlorine (i.e. free chlorine and chlorine which has become
chemically bound to other components, known as “combined” chlorine), the DPD is
used with iodide, which reacts with DPD to give a measurable pink/red colour,
proportional to the total chlorine concentration.

N.B. If stored in a clean dry environment liquid DPD has a shelf life of twelve
months whilst unopened and one month when opened. The reagent
container should be refrigerated once opened. The expiry date of one month
from the date of opening must be written on every bottle where it is used,
once it has been opened. Discard any liquid DPD bottles which are outside
this date. Check that the DPD reagents in use have a legible batch number
and expiry date by the manufacturer. Discard any bottles where the batch
number or expiry date is illegible.

After flushing the tap for three minutes, carry out the following procedures as

A4. Visual appearance

N.B. vessel types for this test may vary and the method should be checked
by the laboratory supplier. The procedure should be amended locally as

• Take an untreated 1 L taste and odour bottle and rinse the bottle and stopper
under the tap twice.
• By holding under a running tap half fill the taste and odour bottle and replace
the stopper
• Invert the bottle and shake vigorously
• Hold the bottle up to the light and inspect the contents for any particulates,
turbidity/cloudiness or colour.
• Note the appearance of the water.
• Record the results of your observations.

A5. Procedure for field odour test

• After completing the visual test remove the stopper and immediately smell the

• Note and record any abnormal odour or absence of odour.

• Discard the sample unless carrying out a taste test

N.B. If an unusual odour is detected; caution should be applied when

proceeding to tasting the water.

A6. Procedure for taste test (optional)

• Pour a small portion of the original odour sample into a beaker and rinse.

• Discard the water in the beaker

• Pour approximately 125 ml of the original odour sample into the beaker. Taste
the sample.

• Note and record any abnormal taste, or absence of taste.

A7. Test equipment checks

Test equipment must be checked and calibrated in accordance with manufacturer’s
instructions in order to ensure equipment remains fit for purpose at all times.

A8. Proformas
The following proformas must be appended to the local authority version of the
scheme manual. Those marked * may be adapted locally but must contain the same
information as those in the example proformas embed below.

• Manual change request form

• Chain of custody form

• Authorisation to carry out sampling*

• Daily check for vehicle and refrigerated storage

• Sample storage fridge temperature and cleaning record*

• Sample bottle image list and their descriptions (sampler to add their own list)

• Sampler’s local equipment list (sampler to add their own list)

Private Water supplies Sampling Procedures Manual version number:

Issue date:

Private Water Supplies - Sampling Procedures Manual

Change request form

Sampler contact name:

Sampler contact email and phone number:

Section of manual that the change refers to (including page number):

Reason for the requested change:

Further details of the requested change to be described below:

Private Water supplies Sampling Procedures Manual SECTION
page of
version number: 1

Issue date:

Sample Chain of Custody record

Each crate must be accompanied by only one of these sheets. It must be completed at 2 stages to form a
record of the sample handling process from the time at which the crate is sealed at the courier point to
when it is unsealed and the samples received at the laboratory.

Crate identity number:


Courier point location………………………………………………………………………….

Name of person loading crate…………………………………………………………………

Local authority/organisation name……………………………………………………………

Contact phone number of above……………………………………………………………..

Signature of person loading the crate…………………………………………………………

Time crate sealed………………………………………………………………………………

Date crate sealed…………………………………………………………………....................

No of microbiology samples in crate

No. Chemistry bottle in crate…………….

No. of other bottles in crate………………

TOTAL No. BOTTLES…………………..

On the reverse of this sheet write the identification numbers of the samples placed
in the crate accompanied by this sheet (or stick on labels with the identification


Date samples arrived at sample reception………………………………………………..

Time samples arrived at sample reception…………………………………………………

Name of laboratory……………………………………………………………………………

Samples registered by (insert name)…………………………………………………………..

I confirm that [ ] bottles (insert total no.) have been received, and that the sample identification numbers
correspond to those on the reverse of this sheet.

No. bottles broken or missing……………………

Signature of the above named ………………………………………………………
Private Water supplies Sampling Procedures Manual SECTION: Appendix 1

version number: 1 page 1 of 1

Issue date:


Name of sampler


Date of Appointment

Present location and date

Date of training

Date of assessment by Certification


Sample procedures manual

number and issue date

Technical Manager Declaration

I confirm this person has undergone a full training/ review/ audit (delete as appropriate) and I authorise this
person to carry out the statutory and or operational/commercial sampling on behalf of the local authority. I
also confirm that I have provided the tools, equipment and PPE required for sampling in accordance with
the procedures in this manual

Technical Manager signature and date

Private Water supplies Sampling Procedures Manual SECTION

version number: 1 page of

Issue date:

Daily check for vehicle and refrigerated storage

Vehicle type/registration

Serial/Equipment No.

Thermometer serial no./type

This is only to be filled in on days when coolbox is being used. On days when
not being used record “n/a” against date. A min/max thermometer should be
Note used and min/max temperatures reset at the start of the day and recorded at
the end of the sample round.

Month: Year: Required range: 2-8 °C

Fridge/ Min temperature Max temperature Initial Comments

Date coolbox Initial
































Private Water supplies Sampling Procedures Manual SECTION

version number: 1 page of

Issue date:

Sample storage fridge temperature and cleaning record


Month Year

Thermometer Type/No. Fridge type/ no.

Thermometer working
2-8 °C

Maximum in
Start Start End and range
Date (cleaned/not Initial Initial
Time Temp °C Time minimum 2 to 8
temp °C °C?
































On days where fridge/storage is not used start/end times should be recorded as “n/a”


The following proformas are provided as examples only. It is not a requirement of the
BS 17024 scheme that these are appended to the local authority version of the
scheme manual.

• Calibration record for hand held Chlorometer

• Daily check for hand held Chlorometer

• Calibration record for field thermometer

• Calibration record for reference thermometer

• Daily check for hand held instrumentation

• Calibration record for primary thermometer

Private Water supplies Sampling Procedures SECTION
page of
version number: 1

Issue date:

Calibration record for hand held Chlorometer

Instrument name (in full):

Meter Serial/Equipment No.

Date of Calibration:

Reason for Calibration

Calibration Standard type and

batch no.

1st standard value (low)

2nd standard value (medium) Recorded value on instrument

3rd standard value (high) Recorded value on instrument

Calibration successful? Y/N Recorded value on instrument

Checked against standard

Comments: Within acceptable range? Y/N

Date of Calibration:

Reason for Calibration

Calibration Standard type and

batch no.

1st standard value (low)

2nd standard value (medium)

3rd standard value (high) Recorded value on instrument

Calibration successful? Y/N Recorded value on instrument

Checked against standard Recorded value on instrument


Within acceptable range? Y/N

Date of Calibration:

Reason for Calibration

Calibration Standard type and

batch no.

1st standard value (low)

2nd standard value (medium) Recorded value on instrument

3rd standard value (high) Recorded value on instrument

Calibration successful? Y/N Recorded value on instrument

Checked against standard

Comments: Within acceptable range? Y/N

Note: Instruments should be calibrated according to manufacturer’s instructions

Private Water supplies Sampling Procedures SECTION
page of
version number: 1

Issue date:

Daily check for hand held Chlorometer

Instrument name (in full):

Meter Serial/Equipment No.

Standard used

Batch number

Target value, limits and units

Date of last calibration

Date of next calibration

Within Within
Instrument Acceptable Instrument Acceptable
Date Initial Comments Date Initial Comments
reading Range? reading Range?
(Yes/No) (Yes/No)

1st 17th

2nd 18th

3rd 19th

4th 20th

5th 21st

6th 22nd

7th 23rd

8th 24th

9th 25th

10th 26th

11th 27th

12th 28th

13th 29th

14th 30th

15th 31st


Note: This is only to be filled in on days when instrument is used. On days when not being used record
“n/a” against date. Manufacturer’s instructions for calibration must be followed.

Private Water supplies Sampling Procedures Manual SECTION

version number: 1 page of

Issue date:

Calibration record for field thermometer

Type and
serial No.

Type and
serial No.

0 °C calibration 100 °C calibration

recorded ok recorded
Date of Calibrated
Comments temperature temperature
calibration by
reference/ field reference/ field
thermometer thermometer

Note: Field thermometer is calibrated against reference thermometer every 12 months.

Calibration points are 0 °C and 100 °C. Both thermometers are immersed and any deviation
noted in the comments.

Private Water supplies Sampling Procedures SECTION
page of
version number: 1

Issue date:

Calibration record for reference thermometer



Type and serial No.

Frequency of calibration

Required tolerance

Comments (including whether the required

Date of calibration Calibrated by
tolerance was met)

Note: It is expected that the reference thermometer will be sent for external calibration by an accredited
calibration laboratory and used as a reference to calibrate thermometers used in the field.

Private Water supplies Sampling Procedures SECTION
page of
version number: 1

Issue date:

Daily check for hand held instrumentation

Instrument name (in full):

Meter Serial/Equipment No.

Standard used

Batch number

Standard measurement and unit

Date of last calibration

Date of next calibration

Within Within
Instrument acceptable Instrument acceptable
Date Initial Comments Date Initial Comments
reading range? reading range?
(Yes/No) (Yes/No)

1st 17th

2nd 18th

3rd 19th

4th 20th

5th 21st

6th 22nd

7th 23rd

8th 24th

9th 25th

10th 26th

11th 27th

12th 28th

13th 29th

14th 30th

15th 31st


Note: This is only to be filled in on days when instrument is used. On days when not being used record
“n/a” against date. Manufacturer’s instructions for calibration must be followed.

Private Water supplies Sampling Procedures Manual SECTION

version number: 1 page of

Issue date:

Calibration record for primary thermometer

Primary Thermometer

Type and serial No.

Frequency of calibration

Date of calibration Calibrated by Comments

Note: It is expected that the primary thermometer will be sent for external calibration annually and
used as a reference to calibrate thermometers used in the field.

Appendix B

The sampling information and procedures in this section are not part of the
ISO17024 accredited scheme. They are provided here for the purpose of assisting
samplers in the collection of samples for investigatory purposes. Regulation 16 in
England and regulation 18 in Wales, of the respective regulations, require that a
local authority must carry out an investigation to establish the cause if it suspects
that a private water supply is unwholesome or that an indicator parameter does not
comply with the concentrations or values prescribed in the relevant schedules. Such
investigations may include sampling at points on a supply other than the point of
consumption and/or for parameters that are additional to those that have breached a
regulatory standard.

Investigational sample types As shown in section A of this manual, regulatory

samples, with the exception of those for plumbing metals, must be taken following
the preparation of the tap, either prior to flushing (for plumbing metals) or after
flushing, and in the case of microbiological samples, after disinfecting the tap. For
the purposes of investigations however, the following other sample types can be
(a) Overnight stagnation samples – These samples give a measure of the
potential conditions for the dissolution of metals or microbiological growth
within plumbing systems, after an overnight period in which the water could
have remained static in pipework. Ideally these samples aretaken prior to any
consumer use, and before any preparative flushing, cleansing or disinfection
of the tap as part of an investigation. The sample bottle must not be rinsed out
before filling.
(b) Pre–flush samples – See Section 7.1 These sample types are taken prior to
any flushing, cleansing or disinfection of a tap at a random point in any 24
hour period. Microbiological samples of this type may also be accompanied by
a swab to determine biofilm/ growth within fittings. In these instances the
swab must be taken before cleaning/cleansing the tap and the taking of any
other samples.

N.B. swabs need to be moistened to effectively pick up material and to

maintain viability of organisms. Usually the tap has some residual
water from its last use, if not, it can be opened just enough to wet the
end of the tap.

Pre-flush chemistry samples may also be useful in certain circumstances,

notably for investigating or confirming the occurrence of plumbing metals on a
domestic distribution system, such as lead, copper, Nickel or indeed iron. The
results of these samples can be compared with post flush samples (either
regulatory or investigational) for the same parameters. Post flush samples for
chemical analysis must be taken prior to microbiological samples.

(c) Lead stagnation samples – samples of this type may be collected for
investigative purposes to measure the lead content in water after it has been
static in lead pipework for a defined period. (See Appendix B.5 for procedure).

B.1 Procedure for sampling from hydrants

For most private water supplies, sampling from hydrants will not be applicable. This
procedure may however be useful for investigations on regulation 8 supplies, or
large supplies to small communities where hydrants exist on a network distribution
system. Samples from hydrants are taken directly from a main using a standpipe
and are therefore not subject to failures caused by local domestic hygiene or water
fittings contraventions on internal pipework.

• Observing the requirements of relevant local health and safety arrangements,

lift the hydrant cover with a suitable levering tool.

• If the pit is flooded such that the outlet is immersed, then bail out the pit using
a suitable container e.g. a plastic jug or bucket until the water level is below
the outlet by 2.5 cm or more and all debris removed.

• Carefully, and very slowly to avoid hydrostatic shock open the hydrant valve
using a key and crow-bar and allow water to enter the pit, but not flood it.

• Shut the valve very slowly to avoid hydrostatic shock and bail out or pump out
the pit if necessary to ensure the water level is below the outlet.

• Attach a swan neck to the hydrant outlet and turn on the valve very slowly.

• Flush the water until in runs visually clear, then for a further two minutes,
avoiding the risk this might present to bystanders or property. A bucket or pipe
can be used to prevent flooding the pit.

• Check for clarity and odour using a clear plastic sample bottle.

• When the water is clear reduce the flow to facilitate sampling.

• Measure the residual free chlorine to determine the base line reading.

• Take any chemistry samples from the swan neck.

• Turn off valve and safely remove swan neck.

If microbiological samples are required, continue as follows:

• If the hydrant pit has become flooded, bail out or pump out the water to at
least 2.5 cm below the hydrant outlet.

• Pour approximately 250 ml of a 10,000 mg/L chorine solution into the hydrant
outlet and 250ml of the same solution into the standpipe by holding up in an

inverted position. Chlorine tablets may be used to achieve an equivalent

• Swiftly connect the standpipe to the hydrant outlet.

• Open the hydrant valve slightly to pressurise the standpipe, and then open the
tap on the standpipe to ensure the standpipe is fully charged with water. Turn
the tap off as soon as water starts to discharge from the tap. Do not flush.
Wipe the outside of the tap with an alcohol wipe. Allow the water to stand in
the standpipe for at least five minutes under positive pressure.

• Open the tap fully and run the water to waste for at least four minutes,
avoiding filling the pit with the discharged water. A four minute flush should be
sufficient in most cases, but it would be a sensible precaution to measure the
free chlorine before and after disinfection to ensure that it agrees within a
certain tolerance (e.g. within 0.1 mg/L).

• Take microbiological sample using procedure described in Section 7.40.

• Take any on site readings, such as temperature, and appearance.

• Remove the standpipe and replace the hydrant lid.

N.B. if the hydrant pit cannot be bailed out or pumped out for any reason, it
is therefore not possible to disinfect the outlet by pouring in a chlorine
solution. However, the same procedure can be used except that 500 ml of
the 10,000 mg/L chlorine solution should be poured into the inverted
standpipe prior to the collection of any required microbiological samples
using the procedure described in Section 7.40.

B.2 Procedure for sampling raw water from an open water source

This procedure is applicable for taking investigational samples from any open water
facility. This includes from rivers and streams, chambers, channels and storage
reservoirs (and tanks) where sampling can only be achieved by standing over open
water from a height. Samplers should be aware when undertaking microbiological
sampling this method poses contamination risks and health and safety hazards.
When sampling at height, all appropriate local health and safety procedures must be
adhered to. Single use Disposable gloves must be worn when taking microbiological
samples (e.g. large volume samples). Where there is a risk of falling into open water,
always wear a life jacket.

• When working from height, direct filling of sample bottles, other than samples
for pathogens and viruses is not advised. It requires the use of a dipping jug
on a chain.

• First find a suitably safe place to take the sample without causing risk of
injury. This may be a bridge, platform or jetty.

• Check that the jug is clean, dry and not contaminated.

• Lower the jug and allow it to sink well below the surface. Do not allow the jug
to hit the bottom of the tank, channel etc. to avoid disturbance of any
sediment or biofilm, etc.

• Draw the jug back. Rinse water around the inner surfaces of the jug and
discard the water away from or downstream from the sample point.

• Lower jug as before and draw jug back.

• Fill sample bottles without delay by pouring from the jug, observing any
specific requirements of the bottle type. (Any rinsing to be disposed away
from or downstream of the sample point).

B.3 Procedure for pathogens and viruses by direct dipping of raw water

Samples shall be collected in the appropriate bottle shown in the local appended
bottle list of the sampler’s manual. The volume required for pathogen and virus
samples will usually be 5 L or 10 L. Either way samples should be collected in in the
relevant container.

N.B. disposable gloves should be worn for the collection of these samples.

• Lower the container carefully into the water, observing all health and safety
precautions and procedures. If the water is flowing then ensure that the
opening of the container faces downstream.

• Allow the container to fill.

• Retrieve the container and replace the cap.

• Dry the container and avoid exposure to sunlight as much as possible.

• Dispose of gloves in a suitable receptacle in the vehicle or back at base and

wash hands.

• Transfer to and transport in a refrigerated unit or cool box ensuring the

samples are separated from all clean and treated water samples.

B.4 Procedure for large volume sampling procedure for treated water
(e.g. regulatory sample points)

Samples should be taken by directly filling the container from the tap. If this is not
feasible due to the size of the container, then water should be transferred from the
tap to the container using a disinfected jug, e.g. one that has been immersed in a
chlorine solution of 1000 mg/L chlorine and then rinsed, or other suitable procedure
to be documented in the sampling procedure from the laboratory.

B.5 Procedure for lead stagnation sampling

Lead stagnation samples represent the concentration of lead in the sample after the
water has been left in contact with pipes for a specified duration (e.g. 30 minutes).
This is to assist with determining the level of risk posed by plumbing and any lead
pipes and/or fittings.
These samples must be collected at point 2 in the order of sampling shown in
Section 6 using a plastic bottle that is at least 1 L in volume.

• Explain to consumer that they will be unable to use the tap for a specified
period due to stagnation method.

• The tap must be first flushed for a minimum of two minutes and the
temperature checked throughout flushing.

• When the temperature has stabilised turn off the tap.

• Do not turn on the tap for 30 minutes.

• Collect the first litre of water without first rinsing the bottle and then screw on
the cap.

• Transfer to and transport in a refrigerated unit or cool box.


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