B 2d Task Analysis
B 2d Task Analysis
B 2d Task Analysis
Caption 2d:
Lesson 6 in the unit involves learning the steps in executing Mouth to Mouth
Resuscitation. Students should be able to carry out or instruct someone in the application of this
“Life Saving” technique. This task involves practical application of knowledge gained
throughout the lesson. Students should understand how, when and why steps are carried out in
this technique to assist someone in Cardio-Pulmonary distress. Students are able to see how
knowledge gained during this course can have practical, lifesaving use in their lives as students
are often faced with this dilemma of answering the question “ What does this information mean
to me and my life?”
The following table identifies the steps involved in carrying out CPR on a person 12yrs
and older
b) that the high concentration of CO2 in the air breathed into the victim stimulates them
to start breathing
c) chest compressions aid to move ventilate the lungs as well as move blood around the
This task can be taught using Forward chaining or Total chaining and would require
special equipment such as a CPR dummy to allow for demonstration without using a
member of the class. From this task the students should develop a deeper understanding