700.4P For Literacy Lesson Plan. Part 2.edited
700.4P For Literacy Lesson Plan. Part 2.edited
700.4P For Literacy Lesson Plan. Part 2.edited
INSTRUCTIONS: Complete all portions of the lesson plan. Within the Instructional Steps, note the following items as
indicated below to facilitate the identification of the required elements.
TEKS OR PRE-K GUIDELINES: Grade 5 Energy and Matter are two different things. The student can tell what the objects are and
how they are made. The student should
A) watch, write down and talk about how heating or cooling could change materials.
LEARNING OBJECTIVE(S): The Students will be able to look at things like shape and texture. They will also be able to explain
what happens to materials when they are heated and cooled.
FOCUS ACTIVITY The students will look at the objects and analyze what they are like and
What activity will students how heating and cooling might change them.
engage in to pique their
interest in the upcoming
lesson? Think of this as a
preview for an upcoming
movie – something that
ignites curiosity
CONNECTION TO PRIOR It is important to know the basic physical properties of things and how
LEARNING OR REAL WORLD heating and cooling affect those properties.
This is what you say to
students about what they
have already learned and
how it prepares them for
what they are about to
learn; review what they
have learned to prepare
them for the upcoming
OBJECTIVE STATEMENT Today, we're going to learn about matter and energy. The main thing that
(including a performance will be looked at is how the properties of different things change when they
behavior) are heated or cooled. You will do an experiment in exploration science in
This is what you say to which you will have to write down the changes you see when you add heat
students about what or cold.
students will learn today
and how they will show they
have learned the content
(that is the performance
PURPOSE OF LEARNING Everyday life is easier when you know how things work and what happens
Why do students need to when they are heated or cooled.
learn this today? This should
be written in what you will
say to students and should
include both why it is
important to the content
and why it is relevant in
their lives.
INSTRUCTIONAL STEPS 1. The speaker will talk about some of the physical properties found
by heating and cooling different things.
Include: 2. Focus Students will look at the properties of the things given and
Step by step write them down. They will also experiment with how heating and
instructions cooling might change those properties.
Key points 3. Students will participate in several learning stations to help them
Directions to give understand the topics taught in the whole-class setting. Before
Small group putting people into groups, I'll describe each station activity.
instructional plans
Differentiated During center activities, classes for small groups will be given. If it's needed,
Station Activities there will also be re-teaching here.
At Station 1, students will look at books about the qualities of things in the
student library.
At Station 2, students will work in groups to list things they've noticed
about the property.
Station 3 is an iPad-based science project.
Connect to future In future lessons, students will use what they learned in this lesson to learn
learning: How will what more about the matter.
students learned today help
them in upcoming lessons?
The Reflection
Answer each of the following questions in the text box provided. Your answer should be written in complete sentences and be
at least one and no more than three paragraphs per question.
1. Explain how the chosen instructional strategies help make the subject matter more accessible to students. For example,
how did the strategies you chose facilitate learning for your EL students or your students who are below grade level?
I usually use the "I do, we do, You do" method in my classroom to show my students exactly what I want and
to quickly clear up any confusion. This also makes it possible for students to work in groups in the "We Do"
section, which helps them learn academic vocabulary and figure out how to solve problems on their own by
asking each other questions. It also shows my students with a lower level of learning what to do and lets
them get help from their peers before their evaluation. Most of my exams are also online because it's easier
to make changes and adjustments, like adding content-clarifiers, text-to-speech, translation, fewer answer
options, and more time. I decided to answer the question and make an open-ended quiz asking students to
explain what they've learned. Even though sentence stems help children organize their thoughts, they still
need to be able to think on their own.
2. Explain the criteria used to group students (group size, specific characteristics, needs of group members, etc.).
I try to put students in groups as fair as possible based on their gender, how well they speak English as a
second language, their class grade, their personality, or whether they have a learning disability. I try to put
students in touch with people who aren't necessarily their best friends but who they can still have fun with
while doing the assignment. I try to put students who have trouble in a certain area with those who do well in
that area so I can help and encourage them. Children with behavior issues are put with other kids who are
patient. I make sure that each group has at least one person with neat handwriting and one who isn't afraid
to talk in front of the class. By making more than one group draft, you can make up for any unexpected
3. Explain how this lesson plan supports what we know about how learning occurs and how learners develop, construct
meaning, and acquire knowledge and skills?
As the "I do, we do, you do" model is implemented, students take on more responsibility for their learning.
We start with education led by the teacher, then move on to education led by the group, and end with
education led by the individual. This helps students gradually take on responsibility and become independent.
Most types of learning, like seeing, reading/writing, and hearing, are also doable. If needed, it could also be
made to be felt. Before evaluating each student individually, the group part of the course gives students the
chance to take charge of their learning while the teacher watches and answers questions.
4. How will you encourage a growth mindset and, thus, persistence throughout this lesson?
Kids are much more likely to keep working when praised for it. We criticize more than we praise most of
the time, which makes the classroom environment worse. Letting kids know what they've done well builds
a good attitude toward learning and self-confidence. The way I teach in this program gives students more
control over their learning over time, which helps them develop a growth mindset. They will be able to
understand and get past obstacles with help and confidence if you show them how to do so as a teacher
and then let them practice in groups before making them work on their own.