Biology 20 Ecological Organization Lesson Plan

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Biology 20 Ecological Organization Lesson Plan

Subject / Course: Biology 20/Communications 20 Grade Level: 11 Topic: Ecological Organization Cooperating Teacher Name: Erin Jones TC Name: Sean Mitchell Date: September 17, 2012 Time of Class: 2 Hours Room # / Location: Oskayak

1. Broad Areas of Learning and Cross Curricular Competencies

a) Outcomes: 1. Understand the nature of the study of biology. 3. Describe life in past ecosystems. 4. Explain how populations are counted. 5. Analyze population changes. 6. Recognize ecological sequencing. b) Indicators: 1.1 Examine the types of questions which biologists investigate. 1.2 Exhibit a curiosity about life and the conditions which support life. 1.3 Appreciate the nature of scientific investigations and the findings of science. 1.4 Recognize the relationship between what is studied in biology and daily. 3.3 Investigate the role of humans in creating and sustaining conditions which alter the rate of ecological change. 4.2 Identify some populations of plants or animals in the local area. 5.1 Identify factors which influence reproduction rates and death rates. 5.2 Recognize factors which affect immigration and emigration. 5.3 Compare cyclic populations and stable populations. 6.1 Identify the sequencing present in the following terms: biosphere, biome, ecosystem, community, and population. c) Cross Curricular Competencies: (approx. 2+ other learning expectations not assessed, eg. learning that
happens as a result of the lesson, organization, group work, listening, co-operation, reading, writing skills etc.)

*Foundational objectives from Communications 20: 1. Recognize the importance of effective communication in various situations 2. Recognize that communication involves problem solving and decision making 3. Recognize that communication is a multifaceted process d) Professional Growth Portfolio Goal(s): 1.3 Uses constructivist principles to guide student learning. 1.4 Analyzes the classroom environment and makes adjustments to enhance social relationships and student motivation/ engagement. 3.3 Demonstrates, shares, and assists students in developing critical insights into current issues.

2. Assessment and Evaluation:

(What assessment and/or evaluation strategies do you need to have to ensure you are accountable for students learning and addressing curriculum outcomes? What formative and summative assessment should you include? e.g., sample questions, activities or attach tests, homework, rubrics, evaluation schemes, answer keys etc.) 1. Co-created group work rubric 2. Research activity sheet 3. Participation in class discussion 4. Problem statement

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3. Preassessment and Accommodations/Modifications

a) Students
(consider the students you will be teaching and anything that will affect their learning or your teaching strategies (e.g., include cognitive, social/emotional, physical and diversity needs,+ provide accommodations/modifications - how you will differentiate learning for each student and/or type of need N.B. use initials of students rather than full names) Preassessment: There are approximately 2-3 students who learn at a lower level then most of the other students. At the same time there are a few students who exel with PBL and communication skills. Accommodation/Modification: These students will be purposely be put in a PBL working group with stronger students to aid them and guide their learning. Students who shy away from communication skills will be put into a group with an outgoing student who pushes others to communicate and work together as a team.

b) Learning Environment:
(describe the learning environment such as the set up/location of desks, where audio-visual equipment will be, where the teacher stands, where the students are working etc. you may wish to include a map/layout of the classroom on a separate sheet and reference it with modifications if lesson changes)

The students will be working in groups at tables with an overview of the lesson on the board at the front of the class. The teacher will be circulating the classroom and sitting with the groups for short periods of time while facilitating the students learning. The students will also be utilizing laptop computers at their tables.

4. Required Resources
(list ALL resources required to conduct this lesson with detailed specifics such as textbook titles, chapters, page numbers, author/publishers, website URLs, resources like paper, pencils, protractors, chalk, rulers, paint, specimens, books, maps, videos, posters, lab materials, handouts include name of handout and number of copies, etc.)

Paper Pencils Cougars in the City article Disclosure 1 sheet Problem statement sheet Research template Laptop computers Cougars in the wild video (

5. Content and Teaching Strategies of Lesson

a) Overview/Agenda/Review
(consider a quick overview of the lesson and/or list key elements in lesson which may be written on white/blackboard as an agenda for students and you to follow, you may also choose to consider a review of previous days work) brief video clip of cougars in the wild(

- introduce PBL case - read case article as a class - introduce PBL case disclosure 1 - read and go over disclosure 1 as a class - introduce problem statement sheet - students complete problem statement - introduce research template for disclosure 1 - students complete research template - students share research as a group and discuss - student groups will explain two things they learnt in todays lesson to the class b) Introduction (motivational start, minds-on, hook, etc.)
(describe how you will motivate students, get their attention, relate the lesson to their lives, such as a minds-on activity, a hook or something that will pull learners into lesson)

Problem Based Learning cases such as this lesson enable students to direct their own learning while solving real life problems. This keeps them engaged and motivated while they collaborate and work in groups. A video clip of cougars in the wild will be shown at the start of the class to give the students an idea of their natural behaviour and true beauty(

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c) Subject Content and Teaching Strategies

(include the subject content - what you are teaching; detail the instructional strategies / teaching strategies for teaching the subject content - how you are teaching it; write some guiding questions - actual questions (variety of thinking levels) and suggested and anticipated answers; possibly include time approximations/timelines such as 10:00 10:30 a.m. or 25 minutes; and include application activities/components - how the content will be applied such as an activity, problems to solve, worksheets etc.).

This lesson will include ecological organization content through a Problem Based Learning case. We will begin with a brief video clip of cougars in the wild( (5 mins). The students will then be introduced to the PBL case Cougars in the City, through an article on cougar sightings in Saskatoon. The class will read and discuss the article together(10 mins). The students will then be introduced to disclosure 1 of the case problem and we will read it and discuss it as a class(10 mins). The students will then be placed into groups and introduced to a problem statement sheet. They will need to identify the problem and complete the problem statement sheet(20 mins). The student groups will then be introduced to a research template and asked to complete their research for disclosure 1(45 mins). The groups will then share their research with eachother and discuss(25 mins). The lesson will end with each student group explaining two things they learnt in todays lesson to the rest of the class(5 mins). d) Consolidation
(indicate how you will review concepts taught, wrap up lesson, confirm students know what next tasks are e.g., having class to give you feedback on what was taught, review key application of concepts this is important in terms of assessing the effectiveness of the lesson)

The lesson will finish with each group telling the class two things they learnt in the lesson. Then we will end with a brief introduction on what we will be doing the next day, a brief description on what was completed in todays lesson, and if there are any questions.

6. Reflections
a) Effectiveness of Lesson

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What was effective / ineffective in your lesson? include at least 3 lesson elements that were ineffective / effective? or What went well in your lesson? Or What did not go so well? Or What did the students enjoy? How did your planning or delivery turn out? Did your teaching / learning strategies work effectively or not for subject content and class? Consider the entire lesson and the reaction of students. How do you know? Provide evidence from student work, student questions asked and informal assessment. Think about examples of how the lesson progressed, engagement of students, flow of delivery, time management. Next steps? Indicate what steps you are going to take to continue to work on your three elements identified.

What was effective / ineffective in your lesson?

How do you know?

Next steps for improvement?

Students enjoyed personal research.

Great use of technology.

Tried to fit too much into one lesson. b) Effectiveness as a Teacher

They stayed on task, were quiet and hard at work, were engaged in their research, and finished on time. The students were given the opportunity to use laptops for their research. I also used the smart board to introduce certain aspects of the lesson. The students and I were rushed to finish the last aspect of the lesson.

Try to plan more student research time in the lessons.

Incorporate the use of technology as much as possible when appropriate.

When planning lessons take into consideration that sharing of ideas and group discussion takes longer than expected.

What was effective / ineffective about you as a teacher? include at least 3 teacher elements that you did that were effective or ineffective. Did you ask good questions? Did you motivate students? What did YOU do well? This would be a section describing your strengths and areas for improvement volume, eye contact, body language, questioning skills, responding to questions, comfort with material, confidence, delivery, use of technology, vocabulary. How do you know? What evidence do you have that you, as a teacher, were or were not effective? Think about examples of what you said, did, reacted to, felt as examples of your three elements. Next steps? Indicate what steps you are going to take to continue to work on your three elements identified.

What was effective / ineffective about you as a teacher?

How do you know?

Next steps for improvement?

Good use of the classroom and circulation between groups.

Did not have complete attention of students attention at all times during my instruction

While the groups were doing their work I made sure to visit with each and every group to make sure they fully understood the task. At some points in my instruction certain students were talking and not paying attention.

When visiting groups allow time for all students in the groups to give me some feedback on the lesson. Make sure I have the complete attention of the entire class before I begin and continue instruction. Only allow students to leave the classroom if it does not affect their progress or their groups progress with the lesson.

Allowed students to leave the classroom to use the washroom or get a drink too often.

Realized that two students were missing from class when their group was ready and waiting to share.

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