Cemba182 - Sem - Cal - 2020
Cemba182 - Sem - Cal - 2020
Cemba182 - Sem - Cal - 2020
Dear learners,
It is my sheer delight to welcome you to 182 semester of the Commonwealth
Executive Master of Business Administration (CEMBA) & Commonwealth Executive
Master of Public Administration (CEMPA) Programme. To make your journey
comfortable with the program, we are committed to ensure the best service to all the
students. Feel free to contact with the Dean & Coordinator of CEMBA/CEMPA
Program and Dr. Mohammad Zahir Raihan, Associate Professor & Joint-Coordinator
of CEMBA/CEMPA Program of School of Business, Bangladesh Open University.
Semester Calendar-
School of Business 171
Activity Deadline/Date
Payment of Re-exam Fee: As per BOU Rules. Don’t pay if you have registered the Within one month of result
course(s) exam fee in the current 181 Semester] publication
Submission of PQI Form (see page#10 of this Calendar) June 19, 2020
FIRST Day of Semester-end Final Examination: 182 Semester July 10, 2020
Registration into the Courses of 191 Semester (2nd & 4th Levels) April 10 - July 17, 2020
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Semester Calendar: Semester 182 (1 & 3 Levels)
Students can register for maximum 6 courses in a semester (maximum 4 courses in a level)
Important FAQs
1. What can I do if I want to improve my grade in one or more courses?
You can appear at the final examination 3 times on one course. So, if you obtain very low score in one or
more courses, you can re-register for appearing at the examination on that course in concerned
consecutive semester. Suppose, if you register your course(s) in 182 Semester, you will be able to sit for
examination in the current 182 Semester and in the subsequent 192 and 202 Semesters with the required
re-exam fees only.
2. Is it possible to improve the grade after completing all the courses of the Programme?
If you have already completed all the courses, you would no longer be able to improve your grades
anymore. You must have at least 1 course incomplete if you like improving your grades.
3. The maximum duration of the Programme (5 years) is over; but I am yet to complete one or more
course. What can I do?
If you have completed at least 10 courses during the stipulated 5 years, you would have the chance to
apply to the Dean, School of Business, BOU for extension of your registration period (De-NOVO
registration). You will be allowed to have 2 more years for completing the rest of courses.
4. How many times can I submit the assignments of a registered course?
You can submit the assignments of a registered course only once in the semester in which you have
registered it and if you fail to submit your assignments, you shall have to pass out of 70 or 80 (for old
students) in the consecutive 3 semesters including registration semester.
Assignment #2
Assignment #1
Assignment #1
Assignment #2
STARTS Next 191
182 Semester Starts
Tutorial sessions on the following courses of CE MBA/CE MPA Programme will be offered in the current 182 Semester. The students are requested
to collect the Class Schedule from the Coordinator of the concerned SC on the first day of the tutorial session.
1st CORE 1601: CORE 1603: CORE 1604: CORE 1602:
Level Management and Organisations Marketing Management Accounting and Finance Quantitative Techniques
3rd REQD 3622 ELEC 3615: ELEC 3614: SCOM 3610:
Level Research Methods International Marketing Project Management Strategic Management
Assignment Submission
During the semester, you have to go through your course materials and submit 2 (two) assignments [For old students, 3
(three) assignments] for every registered course on or before the due dates specified on the schedule of the tutorial
sessions above. Each assignment bears 10 marks. You must submit the Assignments on the specified dates in the
registration semester of the course. If you in case fail to submit the Assignment within the registration semester of the
course, you will lose the Assignment score permanently and you shall have to pass without assignment marks.
You must follow the instructions written on the Assignment question papers while submitting the Assignments. For
breaching any of the instructions, you may face complexities in getting your assignments evaluated. The School will not
bear any responsibility for those complexities. For better management of the Assignments, you must submit the
Assignments on time and comply with the instructions properly. Delayed submission of Assignments is strictly
prohibited. Score on any Assignment will be reduced if it is submitted after the deadline or copied from others.
Old Students: March 27, 2020 Assignments must be submitted to the Coordinator of the concerned
New Students: April 10, 2020 SC only on or before the due date. Every assignment must contain the
prescribed cover page (see Page#4 of this Calendar). You must take
Assignment # 2: signature of the Coordinator or the Assigned Person on Assignment
Old Students: May 8, 2020 Acknowledgement (AA) Form (see Page#5 of this calendar) while
New Students: June 19, 2020 submitting the assignments. You must not forget to submit the Dean’s
Copy of the AA Form while submitting the last assignment. If you fail
Assignment # 3:
to submit it, your claim of assignment submission will not be
Old Students: June 26, 2020 considered in case of missing.
Semester-end-Final Examination
You are required to sit for an examination at the end of the delivery of the courses in every semester. So, you must complete the formalities well-
ahead the exam starts. If you fail to complete the formalities, you must not be able to appear at the examination of a particular course and will need
to wait for almost 1 year when it will be offered again. So, you must not forget to complete the exam registration formalities on time. All students are,
therefore, required to submit the Exam Registration Form to appear at the semester-end final examination. Make a photocopy of the Exam
Registration Form from Page#9 and Admit Card from Page#8 of this Semester Calendar and submit the filled-up form to the Programme Officer at
the respective RC.
For all students : March 22, 2020 – May 3, 2020 Where to Submit the Exam Registration
Exam Form
If you registered your course (s) in the previous Exam registration form must be filled up and
semester(s), you must pay the re-examination fee of submitted to the Programme Officer of the
Tk.550 per course to appear at the examination. concerned RC and Admit Card can be
Collection of Admit Card: March 22, 2020 – May 3, 2020 collected only on or before the due date.
(Without Admit Card, no student will be allowed to sit for the Attach the Money Receipt while submitting the
exam) exam registration form.
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Semester Calendar: Semester 182 (1 & 3 Levels)
Tentative Exam Schedule (Semester:182)
(This schedule will remain unchanged if no unavoidable circumstances occur.)
Deadline: April 10 - July 17, 2020 How Many Courses You may Take at a Time
(You must deposit the fees into Janata Bank Online You have to take at least 2 (two) courses and
(Special Notice Deposit) Account # 0100008680943, BOU maximum 4 (four) courses in a semester;
Campus Branch, Gazipur or into the account to be announced however, if a student has only one course left to
complete the programme, he/she can take one
later. You are asked to fill up the Course course in that case. If you don’t take any course
in four consecutive semesters, your registration
Registration Form (see page#11 of this
Courses of Next 191 Semester
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Semester Calendar: Semester 182 (1 & 3 Levels)
School of Business
Bangladesh Open University
Assignment No.
Course Code:
ID ( In Numbers): - 7 1 - -
ID ( In Seven One
Study Centre (SC) where you are submitting Dhaka Regional Centre
your Assignments (Please put √ ): Chittagong Regional Centre
Signature of the Coordinator/
Tel: Authorised Person/Seal of the Late
Mobile: Submission
E-mail: Submission Date:_________
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Semester Calendar: Semester 182 (1 & 3 Levels)
Name: Name:
ID: 7 1 ID 7 1
Assignment #1 Assignment #2 Assignment #3 (For Old) : Assignment #1 Assignment #2 Assignment #3 (For Old)
Signature & Date Signature & Date Signature & Date Signature & Date Signature & Date Signature & Date
Reference No.: Reference No.: Reference No.: Reference No.: Reference No.: Reference No.:
Assignment #1 Assignment #2 Assignment #3 (For Old) Assignment #1 Assignment #2 Assignment #3 (For Old)
Course Code: Course Code: Course Code: Course Code: Course Code: Course Code:
Received on or before Received on or before Received on or before Received on or before Received on or before Received on or before
March/April___, 2020 May/June____, 2020 June 26, 2020 March/April___, 2020 May/June____, 2020 June 26, 2020
Signature & Date Signature & Date Signature & Date Signature & Date Signature & Date Signature & Date
Reference No.: Reference No.: Reference No.: Reference No.: Reference No.: Reference No.:
Assignment #1 Assignment #2 Assignment #3 (For Old) Assignment #1 Assignment #2 Assignment #3 (For Old)
Course Code: Course Code: Course Code: Course Code: Course Code: Course Code:
Received on or before Received on or before Received on or before Received on or before Received on or before Received on or before
March/April___, 2020 May/June____, 2020 June 26, 2020 March/April___, 2020 May/June____, 2020 June 26, 2020
Signature & Date Signature & Date Signature & Date Signature & Date Signature & Date Signature & Date
Reference No.: Reference No.: Reference No.: Reference No.: Reference No.: Reference No.:
Assignment #1 Assignment #2 Assignment #3 (For Old) Assignment #1 Assignment #2 Assignment #3 (For Old)
Course Code: Course Code: Course Code: Course Code: Course Code: Course Code:
Received on or before Received on or before Received on or before Received on or before Received on or before Received on or before
March/April___, 2020 May/June____, 2020 June 26, 2020 March/April___, 2020 May/June____, 2020 June 26, 2020
Signature & Date Signature & Date Signature & Date Signature & Date Signature & Date Signature & Date
Reference No.: Reference No.: Reference No.: Reference No.: Reference No.: Reference No.:
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Semester Calendar: Semester 182 (1 & 3 Levels)
Bangladesh Open University
Exam Registration Form
Semester: 182 (1st & 3rd Levels)
Regional Centre:DhakaChattgoram
Put √ Course Code and Course Title Put √ Course Code and Course Title
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Semester Calendar: Semester 182 (1 & 3 Levels)
Bangladesh Open University
(Submit it to the respective RC.
They will send it to the Dean’s Exam Registration Form
Office before the exam starts) Semester: 182 (1st & 3rd Levels)
E-mail ID:
Regional Director, BOU
Please put √ mark against the courses you have registered for examination and
strikethrough (in red ink) – i.e., CE MBA - the courses you have not registered for
Put √ Course Code and Course Title Put √ Course Code and Course Title
Note: You have to submit this Form to your RC on or before April 10, 2020.
Disclaimer: BOU Authority reserves the right to amend or modify any information given above.
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Semester Calendar: Semester 182 (1 & 3 Levels)
Bangladesh Open University
Programme: Commonwealth Executive MBA/MPA Signature & Seal
of the RC
Admit Card
Semester Final Examination
Semester: 182 (1st & 3rd Levels)
ID ( In Numbers): - 7 1 - -
ID ( In Seven One
Study Centre: Dhaka RC Chittagong RC Exam Centre: Dhaka RC Chittagong RC
Please put √ mark against the courses you have registered for examination and strikethrough
(in red ink) – i.e., CE MBA - the courses you have not registered for examination.
Course Code and Course Title Invigilator’s Course Code and Course Title Invigilator’s
Signature Signature
CORE 1601: Management and Organisations SCOM 3610: Strategic Management
CORE 1602: Quantitative Techniques SCOM 3612: Public Policy
CORE 1603: Marketing Management ELEC 3614: Project Management
CORE 1604: Accounting and Finance ELEC 3615: International Marketing
ELEC 3619: Disaster Management
ELEC3620:Policy Analysis & Implementation
REQD 3622: Research Methods
Total Number of Courses:____ Re-exam fee paid: TK. Deposit slip no.:
(In words:__________) Date: Branch:
(It is mandatory for all the students to show the Admit Card while entering the exam hall. Without the
Admit card, no student will be allowed to sit for the exam. So, please collect the Admit Card while
submitting the Exam Registration Form)
Students may bring the following items in the exam hall if required:
Graph Paper Calculator ( to be used if invigilator permits)
Statistical Tables Student ID Card
The following instructions must be maintained in the exam hall:
The invigilator will get the full right to manage the students in the exam hall. Any
negligence or incompliance to the instructions of the invigilator will highly penalize the
students. Any student found to do so shall be expelled from the course or the programme.
Mobile phones must be switched off and kept away from students during the exam. If
someone is found using the mobile phone during the exam, his/her script will be snatched or
s/he shall be penalised as per the university rules.
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Semester Calendar: Semester 182 (1 & 3 Levels)
Additional Comments
If you have any comments about the experience you have had this semester, please use the space below.
Your suggestions or criticisms will help improve the tutorial service and other aspects of the programme in
the future. (Use additional papers if the space below is not sufficient)
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Semester Calendar: Semester 182 (1 & 3 Levels)
Students are asked to fill up this form and submit the office copy to their respective RC after depositing
the required fee.
Name: ID No.:
_____________________ _________________
Signature of the Student Programme Officer
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Semester Calendar: Semester 182 (1 & 3 Levels)
List of Teachers of
School of Business & their Research Interests
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