Alice W-H COMP6209 Assignment1 Research and Report
Alice W-H COMP6209 Assignment1 Research and Report
Alice W-H COMP6209 Assignment1 Research and Report
ID: 30044543
Paper: COMP6209
Assignment One
1. Current Car Parking System.............................................................................................3
2. Automated Car Parking System(s)...................................................................................3
3. Object-Oriented vs Traditional Software Development.................................................4
I. Traditional Software Development..........................................................................4
II. Object-Oriented Development................................................................................4
III. Preferred approach: Object-Oriented Software Development...........................5
4. Object-Oriented Software Development Methodologies...............................................5
I. Available Object-Oriented Methodologies..............................................................5
i. Methodology 1 - Agile..........................................................................................5
ii. Methodology 2 - Scrum........................................................................................5
iii. Methodology 3 - SDLC..........................................................................................5
iv. Methodology 4 - RAD...........................................................................................6
II. Tools and Techniques for each Methodology..........................................................6
i. Methodology 1 – Agile.........................................................................................6
ii. Methodology 2 – Scrum.......................................................................................6
iii. Methodology 3 – SDLC.........................................................................................6
iv. Methodology 4 – RAD..........................................................................................6
III. Recommended Methodology...............................................................................7
5. Problem Statement Matrix..............................................................................................8
6. Solution Candidate Matrix...............................................................................................9
i. Current Car Parking System
The current carparking system uses a manual system where the owner has to employ
a worker/people to give out parking tickets, collect payment and have to close and
open by certain times. The owner also has to pay the employee/s.
With employees you have to consider, sick days, holidays, days off and person day.
So therefore, you have to consider how you’re going to pay them, who will cover
them when they are away and/or call in sick or even get injured on the job.
It also takes up a lot of space as you need room for a booth for worker and a
lunch/breakroom as well a toilet for the employees.
iii. Object-Oriented vs Traditional Software Development
iv. Traditional Software Development
Traditional software Development is where software developers use more time-
consuming methods to do, finish and collaborate on projects. It uses methods
such as the Waterfall model where you have to go through it step by step and
doesn’t allow re use from other projects that have been done. It also takes while
to complete a project.
v. Object-Oriented Development
Object-Oriented Development is a semi new system that encourages the re-use
of software components, it also employs/uses of the UML (Unified Modeling
Language) to help organize the project.
Using this type of a system can be developed on a component basis, which
enables the effective re-use of existing components, it facilitates the sharing of its
other system components.
It also incorporates the Encapsulation principle (important information is
contained inside an object, that only when selected important information will
be exposed). It provides greater security of data when hidden and helps avoid
data corruption.
vi. Preferred approach: Object-Oriented Software Development
The Traditional method uses approaches like waterfall method that lacks the use of
flexibility that is needed for a projects and teams.
Object oriented Software Development method allows for flexibility such as merging/re-
using items from other projects, manage, and assemble those objects into useful computer
applications. It also uses/incorporates Encapsulation which mean you can put certain parts of the
project into containers that are only accessible by codes and/or username and password, more
security for a project.
i. Methodology 1 - Agile
Agile Software Development method is a set of practices that improves the
effectiveness of teams and encourages them to interact with other teams on
different parts of the project.
iv. Methodology 4 - RAD
Rapid Application Development (RAD) methodology offers speedier processes that
produces savings as well as higher quality and products.
iii. Recommended Methodology
The methodology to use for the automation of a car parking system is Software
Development life cycle (SDLC) as it incorporates slowly phasing out the old system
step by step as the new automated system gets installed into the car park. That way
the owner, employees and users and can ease into using the new system. The old
system can be slowly phased out.
iv. Problem Statement Matrix
The amount of time for 2 months High $500,000 High Replacing part of
labour and cost that goes into system.
hand writing a ticket to
pointing out empty spaces to
collecting money and moving
The amount of lost, stolen, or 6 months Medium $200,000 Medium Modify existing
damaged tools has exceeded system.
$150,000 per year.
Takes a long time to manual 4 months High $100,000 High Modify existing
process a car and for them to system and
find a Park, so it can create replacing part of
long ques. current system.
Characteristics Candidate 1 Candidate 2 Candidate 3
Collection of data from Enable count of Records the cars Enable data analysis
specialised sensor system. traffic entering at time of entry to determine
Building. and exit. efficiency and
revenue for the day
or even hour.
Output information for users. Customised tickets Display’s the Analyse data
for customers can number spaces remotely by the
take left for customers owners/management
before they team from
enter. anywhere.