Erosion and Sediment Control: A Guide For Individual Building Sites
Erosion and Sediment Control: A Guide For Individual Building Sites
Erosion and Sediment Control: A Guide For Individual Building Sites
Contractor/Builder Responsibilities
Common Pollutants at Construction Sites
• Sediment from grading operations, bare soils 1. Install needed erosion and sediment control practices prior
and sand to any land disturbance to prevent excessive sediment from
leaving the site. (Use worksheet on the inside back page to
• Concrete wash from tools and trucks help with the ESC plan for your site.)
• Sanitary waste and pathogens from portable
toilets 2. Contact an LCRA inspector to answer any questions regarding
site plan and to review a completed worksheet.
• Debris from discarded building materials
• Oil and grease from equipment and vehicles 3. Periodic inspection and maintenance are vital to the
• Paint, chemicals, solvents, and washing of performance of erosion and sediment controls. It is
associated equipment recommended that all temporary erosion controls be inspected
weekly and after every rainfall.
• Litter
4. Contact an LCRA inspector when construction is complete
and the site has been stabilized with permanent vegetation or
other approved methods.
Compliance Checklist
❏ Inlet Protection — Install ESCs for curb inlets along streets ❏ Maintenance — ESCs should be routinely inspected and
and area inlets. Curb inlets must be completely protected (no maintained until site is permanently vegetated. Sometimes
gaps) with an opening at top for overflow. Maintenance shall routine inspections may show a need for adjustments or the
include removal of sediment following each rain event and addition of new ESCs.
replacement of failing materials. Do not allow sediment to
enter inlet during maintenance. ESCs must remain in place.
❏ Dewatering — Dewatering of trenches, foundations or other
excavated areas should be done in such a manner that does
❏ Perimeter Controls — Install ESCs along the back of the not deposit sediment off site or cause erosion. Sediment-
curb and along the lot line of adjacent properties, which laden water must be treated before discharging off site.
are downhill and receive runoff from your lot. Following This may include the use of a sediment basin, silt fencing
sidewalk installation, ESCs should be removed to the back of or vegetated areas. Use a designated concrete washout area
the sidewalk to prevent sediment from reaching the sidewalk. to prevent wash water from concrete tools or trucks from
Maintain ESCs to ensure proper function, including repair entering drainage ways.
or replacement of torn, degraded or otherwise ineffective
materials. Remove sediment deposits as necessary to provide
adequate protection.
❏ Revegetate the Site — Prevent erosion on individual lots
with ground cover. Existing trees and vegetation should
be protected to help maintain a stable ground surface and
❏ Stockpiles — Install sediment controls around stockpiles prevent loss of valuable topsoil. Erosion control blankets,
to prevent sediment from reaching the street and adjacent matting and mulches can help stabilize the area until
properties. Locate stockpiles away from the street, property permanent vegetation is established. The site needs to have
lines and drainage ways. at least 70 percent coverage of permanent vegetation before
ESCs can be removed.
❏ Lot Access — Required for each individual lot. Maintain a
surface suitable for parking and unloading that prevents the ❏ Housekeeping — Provide adequate sanitary facilities and
tracking of mud and rock onto the street. A minimum 6-inch trash/refuse bins.
depth of 3- to 5-inch aggregate is suggested. All vehicles that
access the lot must use the construction entrance. Any soils
that are trucked onto the street must be removed by the end Train and educate construction crews to better understand the
of the day. effects of stormwater pollution from construction projects and
how to prevent and minimize pollution on the job.
❏ Intermediate Control — Long or steep drainage paths may
require intermediate or interior ESCs to help slow the flow
of runoff. Failure of perimeter controls due to the force of
runoff often determines the need for intermediate controls.
Erosion and Sediment Control 3
Property Line
x x x x x
x x x x
Stockpile x x
x x
Protection x x x x x
UÊ «iÀiÌiÀÊ x
UÊ >ÝâiÊ Direction of Runoff
>`ÊÌiÊvÊëi Fully Protected
Property Line
Property Line
x x x x x x x x
x x
House Footprint
Direction of Runoff
Divert Runoff
to Silt Fence
x x x
x x x
x x x
x x x
x x xx x x x x x xx
x x
x x xx x x x x x xx
ÕÀLÊiÌÊ Property Line
Protection Street
x x x x x x -i`iÌÊ
T /À>Ã
4 Erosion and Sediment Control
Poor installation of silt fencing, fair to good seeding. Silt fence must
be trenched in along bottom and include wire backing. Straw bales
are not approved as sediment barriers.
Silt fences should be installed on the contour below bare soil areas.
Use multiple fences on long slopes per Technical Manual. Remove
accumulated sediment when a depth of 6 inches is reached.
Rock sizing and placement look OK for a residential site, and very
little mud appears on the pavement. The pad is a little thin, however,
and it looks like some drivers are not using it—note track marks near
curb. Adjacent soil areas need seed and mulch.
Install blankets and mats vertically on long slopes. Unroll from top of
hill, and staple as you unroll it. Do not stretch blankets.
Soil protection blankets and matting material are used as an aid to control erosion in critical areas such
as slopes and channels and to assist in the establishment of protective vegetation. Material selection is
Soil Protection Blankets and Matting
based on site conditions (slope or channel condition and soil type). See the LCRA Water Quality
Management Technical Manual.
Soil protection blankets and matting material are used as an aid to control erosion in critical areas such
as slopes
Install and channels
blankets and to assist in recommendations.
per the manufacturer’s the establishment ofProper
protective vegetation.
installation Materialand
of blankets selection is is
based on site conditions (slope or channel condition and soil type). See the LCRA Water Quality
necessary for these materials to function as intended. Proper anchoring of the material and preparation
of the soil are Technical
two of the Manual.
most important aspects of installation.
Notes:blankets per the manufacturer’s recommendations. Proper installation of blankets and matting is
necessary for these materials to function as intended. Proper anchoring of the material and preparation
of the soil are two of the most important aspects of installation.
1. Remove clods and rocks more than 1.5 inches in diameter and any foreign material that will prevent
contact of the protective mat with the soil surface.
2. Fertilize and seed in accordance with seeding or other type of planting plan.
3. Dig anchor trenches 6 inches wide and 12 inches in depth.
1. Remove
4. Use enoughclodsmatandtorocks more
allow than 1.5 inches
a minimum of 2 inchin diameter
turnoverand any foreign
at bottom material
of trench forthat will prevent
stapling, while
contact of the protective mat with the soil surface.
maintaining the top edge flush with the soil surface.
2. Fertilize
5. Make and
sure seed inisaccordance
matting uniformly in with seeding
contact or other
with the soil. type of planting plan.
6. Dig anchor
Secure trenches
lap joints and6staple
and the
12 inches
ground). in depth.
7. Use enough
Inspect blankets matand
to allow a weekly
matting minimum and of after
2 incheachturnover at bottom
rain event (of 0.5 of trench
inch for stapling,
or more) to locatewhile
maintaining the top edge
repair any damage. Applyflush
new with the soil
material surface. to restore function.
if necessary
8. Make sure matting
Temporary irrigationis should
be in contact with
provided. the soil.rainfall (on-site rainfall of 0.5 inch or greater per
6. week)
Securemaylap joints and staple (flush with the ground).
allow watering to be postponed until the next scheduled irrigation.
7. Inspect blankets and matting weekly and after each rain event (of 0.5 inch or more) to locate and
repair any damage. Apply new material if necessary to restore function.
8. Temporary irrigation should be provided. Significant rainfall (on-site rainfall of 0.5 inch or greater per
week) may allow watering to be postponed until the next scheduled irrigation.
Initial Anchor Trench for Blankets and Mats Terminal Anchor Trench for Blankets and Mats
Initial Anchor Trench for Blankets and Mats Terminal Anchor Trench for Blankets and Mats
For more information, see the LCRA Water Quality Management Technical Manual
For questions or information, call LCRA at (800) 776-5272, ext. 2324 or visit
For more information, see the LCRA Water Quality Management Technical Manual
For questions or information, call LCRA at (800) 776-5272, ext. 2324 or visit
Lower Colorado River Authority
Watershed Management
Lower Colorado
Erosion River Authority
and Sedimentation Control
8 Watershed Management ErosionDetails
and Sediment Control
Erosion and Sedimentation Control Details
Temporary Construction Entrance/Exit
Soil Protection
The purpose Blankets
of a temporary and Matting
construction entrance is to provide a stable entrance/exit condition from the
construction site and keep mud and sediment off of roads.
Soil protection blankets and matting material are used as an aid to control erosion in critical areas such
as slopes and channels and to assist in the establishment of protective vegetation. Material selection is
based on site conditions (slope or channel condition and soil type). See the LCRA Water Quality
1. Use 3 to 5Technical
inch washed Manual.
stone and place with a minimum thickness of 6 inches.
2. Use geotextile fabric with an approximate weight of 4 oz/yd2 as needed to improve stability.
3. Theblankets
minimum perwidth
the manufacturer’s recommendations.
of the entrance/exit should be 12 feet Proper
or theinstallation of exit
full width of blankets and whichever
roadway, matting is
necessary for these materials to function as intended. Proper anchoring of the material and preparation
is greater.
of the
4. Thesoilconstruction
are two of the most important
entrance should beaspects
at least of
feet long.
5. Divert all surface runoff and drainage from the stone pad to a sediment trap or basin if necessary.
6. Inspect entrance/exit and after each rain event (of 0.5 inch or more). Repair any damage by adding
stone and/or cleaning any measures used to trap sediment.
1. Promptly
Remove clodsremove andallrocks
than 1.5dropped,
inches washed or tracked
in diameter and any onto publicmaterial
foreign rights-of-way.
that will Dispose
of sediment
contact of thein protective
a manner mat that with
will not
thecause additional siltation.
soil surface.
8. Fertilize
2. When construction
and seed in is complete,with
accordance properly
seeding dispose of type
or other any ofsediment buildup and restore the prior
planting plan.
3. location
Dig anchor of the entrance/exit.
trenches 6 inches wide and 12 inches in depth.
4. Use enough mat to allow a minimum of 2 inch turnover at bottom of trench for stapling, while
maintaining the top edge flush with the soil surface.
5. Make sure matting is uniformly in contact with the soil.
6. Secure lap joints and staple (flush with the ground).
7. Inspect blankets and matting weekly and after each rain event (of 0.5 inch or more) to locate and
repair any damage. Apply new material if necessary to restore function.
8. Temporary irrigation should be provided. Significant rainfall (on-site rainfall of 0.5 inch or greater per
week) may allow watering to be postponed until the next scheduled irrigation.
Initial Anchor Trench for Blankets and Mats Terminal Anchor Trench for Blankets and Mats
Initial Anchor Trench for Blankets and Mats Terminal Anchor Trench for Blankets and Mats
For more information, see the LCRA Water Quality Management Technical Manual
For questions or information, call LCRA at (800) 776-5272, ext. 2324 or visit
For more information, see the LCRA Water Quality Management Technical Manual
For questions or information, call LCRA at (800) 776-5272, ext. 2324 or visit
Lower Colorado River Authority
10 Watershed Management Erosion and Sediment Control
Erosion and Sedimentation Control Details
Recommended Silt Fence Spacing on Sloping Sites
1. Remove clods and rocks more than 1.5 inches in diameter and any foreign material that will prevent
contact of the protective mat with the soil surface.
2. Fertilize and seed in accordance with seeding or other type of planting plan.
3. Dig anchor trenches 6 inches wide and 12 inches in depth.
4. Use enough mat to allow a minimum of 2 inch turnover at bottom of trench for stapling, while
maintaining the top edge flush with the soil surface.
5. Make sure matting is uniformly in contact with the soil.
6. Secure lap joints and staple (flush with the ground).
7. Inspect blankets and matting weekly and after each rain event (of 0.5 inch or more) to locate and
repair any damage. Apply new material if necessary to restore function.
8. Temporary irrigation should be provided. Significant rainfall (on-site rainfall of 0.5 inch or greater per
week) may allow watering to be postponed until the next scheduled irrigation.
Initial Anchor Trench for Blankets and Mats Terminal Anchor Trench for Blankets and Mats
For more information, see the LCRA Water Quality Management Technical Manual
For more information, see the LCRA Water Quality Management Technical Manual
For questions or information, call LCRA at (800) 776-5272, ext. 2324 or visit
For questions or information, call LCRA at (800) 776-5272, ext. 2324 or visit
Lower Colorado River Authority
Watershed Management
Lower Colorado
Erosion River Authority
and Sedimentation Control Details
Erosion and Sediment Control Watershed Management 11
Erosion and Sedimentation Control Details
Drop Inlet Protection
In developments
Soil ProtectionforBlankets
which drainage is to be conveyed by underground storm sewers (i.e., streets with
and Matting
curbs and gutters), all inlets that may receive storm runoff from disturbed areas should be protected. Care
should be taken when choosing a specific type of inlet protection, so that excessive ponding in an area of
Soil protection blankets and matting material are used as an aid to control erosion in critical areas such
high construction
as slopes activity
and channels does
and not become
to assist so inconvenient
in the establishment that it is
of protective removed or
vegetation. bypassed.
Material In such
selection is
situations, a structure with an adequate overflow mechanism should be utilized.
based on site conditions (slope or channel condition and soil type). See the LCRA Water Quality
Management Technical Manual.
It should also be noted that inlet protection devices are designed to be installed on construction
Installand caution
blankets per should be used when
the manufacturer’s installed on streets
recommendations. Properand roads open
installation to the public.
of blankets When
and matting is
used on public streets these devices will cause ponding of runoff, which can cause flooding
necessary for these materials to function as intended. Proper anchoring of the material and preparation and
can present
of the soil areatwo
traffic hazard.
of the most important aspects of installation.
1. Use a nonwoven filter fence with a minimum weight of 4.0 oz/yd2.
1. Remove
2. Use 2” x clods and rocks
4” pressure morewood
treated than stakes
1.5 inches in diametersteel,
or galvanized and any foreign
tubular material that or
in cross-section willstandard
contact of the
fence “T” posts. protective mat with the soil surface.
3. Fertilize
Wire mesh andshould
seed inbeaccordance with seeding
standard hardware clothororother type of planting
comparable wire mesh plan.
with an opening size not to
3. exceed
Dig anchor trenches
1/2 inch. 6 inches wide and 12 inches in depth.
4. Use
If theenough
drop inlet matis to allowthea finished
above minimumgrade, of 2 the
may atbe bottom
completelyof trench
stapling, while
filter fabric.
maintaining the top edge flush with the soil surface.
The fabric should be securely attached to the entire perimeter of the inlet using 1”x 2” wood strips and
5. Make sure matting
appropriate is uniformly in contact with the soil.
5. Secure
Inspect lap joints and
frequently andstaple (flushthe
replace withfilter
the ground).
cloth and other materials when clogged with sediment.
7. Dispose
Inspect blankets and matting weekly
of sediment in a manner that will not and after each
cause rain event
additional (of 0.5 inch or more) to locate and
repair any damage. Apply new material if necessary to restore function.
6. When construction is complete, properly dispose of any sediment buildup. The filter fabric materials
8. should
Temporary irrigationofshould
be disposed be provided.
in an approved Significant
landfill. rainfall
Serviceable (on-site rainfall
components may ofbe0.5 inch orfor
salvaged greater
week) may allow watering to be postponed until the next scheduled irrigation.
Initial Anchor Trench for Blankets and Mats Terminal Anchor Trench for Blankets and Mats
For more information, see the LCRA Water Quality Management Technical Manual
For questions or information, call LCRA at (800) 776-5272, ext. 2324 or visit
For more information, see the LCRA Water Quality Management Technical Manual
For questions or information, call LCRA at (800) 776-5272, ext. 2324 or visit
Lower Colorado River Authority
Watershed Management
Lower Colorado
Erosion River Authority
and Sedimentation Control
12 Watershed Management ErosionDetails
and Sediment Control
Erosion and Sedimentation Control Details
Curb Inlet Protection
In developments
Soil ProtectionforBlankets
which drainage is to be conveyed by underground storm sewers (i.e., streets with
and Matting
curbs and gutters), all inlets that may receive storm runoff from disturbed areas should be protected. Care
should be taken when choosing a specific type of inlet protection, so that excessive ponding in an area of
high protection blankets
construction anddoes
activity matting
not material
becomeare so used as an aidthat
inconvenient to control erosion inorcritical
it is removed areas such
bypassed. In such
as slopes and
situations, channels
a structure and
with antoadequate
assist in the establishment
overflow mechanismof protective
should be vegetation.
utilized. Material selection is
based on site conditions (slope or channel condition and soil type). See the LCRA Water Quality
It should alsoTechnical
be noted Manual.
that inlet protection devices are designed to be installed on construction
sites and caution should be used when installed on streets and roads open to the public. When
used on blankets
publicper the manufacturer’s
streets these devicesrecommendations.
will cause ponding Proper installation
of runoff, whichofcanblankets
causeand matting
flooding andis
necessary for these materials
can present a traffic hazard. to function as intended. Proper anchoring of the material and preparation
of the soil are two of the most important aspects of installation.
1. Attach
Remove clods and rocks
a continuous piecemore
of wirethan 1.5(30-inch
mesh inches in diameterwidth
minimum and xany foreign
inlet throat material that4will
length plus feet)prevent
to the
contact of the protective mat with the soil surface.
2-inch x 4-inch wooden weir (with a total length of throat length plus 2 feet). Wood should be
2. “construction
Fertilize and seed grade”in lumber.
accordance with seeding or other type of planting plan.
3. Place
2. Dig anchor
a piece trenches 6 inchesfilter
of nonwoven wide and 12
fence withinches in depth.
a minimum weight of 4.0 oz/yd2 of the same dimensions
4. as
wire mesh matover
to allow a minimum
the wire mesh andof 2 inch attach
securely turnover at 2-inch
to the bottomx 4-inch
of trench
weir.for stapling, while
3. maintaining
Securely nail thethe
edge flush with weir
x 4-inch the soil surface.
to the 9-inch long vertical spacers which are to be located
5. Make
between surethematting
weir andis uniformly
inlet face in
a maximum with the soil.spacing.
4. Secure
Place the lapassembly
joints andagainst
staple the
(flush with
inlet the ground).
throat and nail 2-foot (minimum) lengths of 2-inch x 4-inch board
7. to
the top blankets
of the and
weir matting
at spacer weekly and after
locations. These each
2-inchrainx event
4-inch(of 0.5 inch
anchors or more)
should to locate
extend across andthe
repair any damage. Apply new material if necessary
inlet tops and be held in place by sandbags or alternate weight. to restore function.
5. Temporary
The assembly irrigation
shouldshould be provided.
be placed so that the Significant
end spacersrainfall
are(on-site rainfall
a minimum of 0.5
1 foot inch orboth
beyond greater
week) mayopening.
the throat allow watering to be postponed until the next scheduled irrigation.
6. Form the wire mesh and filter cloth to the concrete gutter and against the face of curb on both sides
of the inlet. Place coarse aggregate or sandbags over the wire mesh and filter fabric in such a
manner as to prevent water from entering the inlet under or around the filter cloth.
7. The sand bag material should be polypropylene, polyethylene, polyamide or cotton burlap woven
fabric, minimum unit weight 4 oz/yd2, length of 24 to 30 inches, width of 16 to 18 inches and
thickness of 6 to 8 inches. Sandbags should be filled with coarse grade sand, free from deleterious
material. The filled bag should have an approximate weight of 40 pounds and stapled or tied with
nylon or poly cord.
8. Assure that storm flow does not bypass inlet by installing temporary earth or asphalt dikes directing
flow into inlet.
9. Inspect frequently and replace the filter cloth and other materials when clogged with sediment.
Dispose of sediment in a manner that will not cause additional siltation. Replace any torn fabric and
repair any sections crushed or collapsed in the course of construction activity.
10. When construction is complete, properly dispose of any sediment buildup. The filter fabric materials
should be disposed of in an approved landfill. Serviceable components may be salvaged for reuse.
Initial Anchor Trench for Blankets and Mats Terminal Anchor Trench for Blankets and Mats
For more information, see the LCRA Water Quality Management Technical Manual
For questions or information, call LCRA at (800) 776-5272, ext. 2324 or visit
For more information, see the LCRA Water Quality Management Technical Manual
For questions or information, call LCRA at (800) 776-5272, ext. 2324 or visit
Lower Colorado River Authority
Erosion and Sediment Control Watershed Management 13
Erosion and Sedimentation Control Details
Soil protection blankets and matting material are used as an aid to control erosion in critical areas such
as slopes and channels and to assist in the establishment of protective vegetation. Material selection is
based on site conditions (slope or channel condition and soil type). See the LCRA Water Quality
Management Technical Manual.
Install blankets per the manufacturer’s recommendations. Proper installation of blankets and matting is
necessary for these materials to function as intended. Proper anchoring of the material and preparation
of the soil are two of the most important aspects of installation.
1. Remove clods and rocks more than 1.5 inches in diameter and any foreign material that will prevent
contact of the protective mat with the soil surface.
2. Fertilize and seed in accordance with seeding or other type of planting plan.
3. Dig anchor trenches 6 inches wide and 12 inches in depth.
4. Use enough mat to allow a minimum of 2 inch turnover at bottom of trench for stapling, while
maintaining the top edge flush with the soil surface.
5. Make sure matting is uniformly in contact with the soil.
6. Secure lap joints and staple (flush with the ground).
7. Inspect blankets and matting weekly and after each rain event (of 0.5 inch or more) to locate and
repair any damage. Apply new material if necessary to restore function.
8. Temporary irrigation should be provided. Significant rainfall (on-site rainfall of 0.5 inch or greater per
week) may allow watering to be postponed until the next scheduled irrigation.
Initial Anchor Trench for Blankets and Mats Terminal Anchor Trench for Blankets and Mats
For more information, see the LCRA Water Quality Management Technical Manual
For questions or information, call LCRA at (800) 776-5272, ext. 2324 or visit
For more information, see the LCRA Water Quality Management Technical Manual
For questions or information, call LCRA at (800) 776-5272, ext. 2324 or visit
Lower Colorado River Authority
Watershed Management
Lower Colorado
Erosion River Authority
and Sedimentation Control
14 Watershed Management ErosionDetails
and Sediment Control
Erosion and Sedimentation Control Details
Concrete Washout Areas
The purpose of concrete washout areas is to prevent or reduce the discharge of pollutants to stormwater
from Protection wasteBlankets andwashout
by conducting Matting offsite, performing onsite washout in a designated area, and
training employees and subcontractors.
Soil protection blankets and matting material are used as an aid to control erosion in critical areas such
as slopes and channels and to assist in the establishment of protective vegetation. Material selection is
based on site conditions (slope or channel condition and soil type). See the LCRA Water Quality
1. Avoid mixing Technical
amounts of fresh concrete.
2. Perform washout of concrete trucks in designated areas only.
3. blankets
Construct per thearea
washout manufacturer’s
using 10 milrecommendations.
plastic lining and anchorProper
lining withofsandbags
blanketsorand matting is
4. Locate for these area
washout materials to function
at least 50 feetasfromintended. Proper
sensitive anchoring
features, storm of the material
drains, and preparation
open ditches, or water
of the soil areDo
bodies. twonotof the most
allow important
runoff fromaspects
this area of installation.
- construct a temporary pit or bermed area large
enough to contain both liquid and solid waste.
5. Wash out wastes into the temporary pit where the concrete can set, be broken up, and then disposed
properly, along with the lining.
1. Holes,
Remove depressions or other
clods and rocks moreground disturbance
than 1.5 inches incaused
diameter byand
the any
removal of material
foreign the temporary
that willconcrete
contact of facilities should be
the protective matbackfilled, repaired,
with the soil surface.and revegetated or otherwise stabilized.
2. Fertilize and seed in accordance with seeding or other type of planting plan.
3. Dig anchor trenches 6 inches wide and 12 inches in depth.
4. Use enough mat to allow a minimum of 2 inch turnover at bottom of trench for stapling, while
maintaining the top edge flush with the soil surface.
5. Make sure matting is uniformly in contact with the soil.
6. Secure lap joints and staple (flush with the ground).
7. Inspect blankets and matting weekly and after each rain event (of 0.5 inch or more) to locate and
repair any damage. Apply new material if necessary to restore function.
8. Temporary irrigation should be provided. Significant rainfall (on-site rainfall of 0.5 inch or greater per
week) may allow watering to be postponed until the next scheduled irrigation.
Initial Anchor Trench for Blankets and Mats Terminal Anchor Trench for Blankets and Mats
For more information, see the LCRA Water Quality Management Technical Manual
For questions or information, call LCRA at (800) 776-5272, ext. 2324 or visit
For more information, see the LCRA Water Quality Management Technical Manual
For questions or information, call LCRA at (800) 776-5272, ext. 2324 or visit
Site Map and Erosion and Sediment Control Plan
Project Location_______________________________________________________________________________________________
About LCRA
The Lower Colorado River Authority (LCRA) provides
public services that help protect people, property and
the environment in Texas. LCRA serves customers and
communities in the region by managing the lower Colorado
River, generating and selling electric power, ensuring a clean,
reliable water supply, operating parks, and supporting local
economic development initiatives. A nonprofit corporation
created by LCRA also provides transmission services to help
maintain electric reliability in Texas. LCRA, a nonprofit
agency created by the Texas Legislature, cannot levy taxes or
receive tax money.