Best Management Practise
Best Management Practise
Best Management Practise
Install and maintain erosion and The best way to keep sediments out of the
sediment controls. water is to have a plan and materials in place
• Preserve as much of the existing vegetation as to prevent erosion before it can travel offsite.
• Clear the construction site during the dry
• Phase the clearing to minimize the time soils
are exposed.
• Cover exposed soils with straw or other meth-
ods to prevent erosion.
• Reduce sediment runoff by using check dams,
bio bags, straw wattles or other appropriate BMPs .
• Capture eroded sediment before it leaves the
site with sediment fences, filter berms, or sediment
Keep concrete and mortar out of
storm drains
• Use designated wash-out areas to keep wash-water from
entering the storm drain system.
• When building concrete aggregate driveways, wash fines
to the side and collect them for disposal in garbage. Never wash
them down the driveway.
• Never wash fresh concrete or mortar into a stream, storm
drain or public right of way - which includes the vegetated strip
between the curb and sidewalk.
March 2016