Best Management Practise

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Best Management Practices (BMPs)

for Construction Sites

Install and maintain erosion and The best way to keep sediments out of the
sediment controls. water is to have a plan and materials in place
• Preserve as much of the existing vegetation as to prevent erosion before it can travel offsite.
• Clear the construction site during the dry
• Phase the clearing to minimize the time soils
are exposed.
• Cover exposed soils with straw or other meth-
ods to prevent erosion.
• Reduce sediment runoff by using check dams,
bio bags, straw wattles or other appropriate BMPs .
• Capture eroded sediment before it leaves the
site with sediment fences, filter berms, or sediment

Develop a construction site

management plan (CSMP)
• Prepare a flexible erosion prevention plan to • Use berms, swales, and other structures to
ensure erosion control measures fit the weather and divert runoff from exposed soils.
site conditions. • Identify Best Management Practices to con-
• Prepare an accurate base map identifying trol and capture any sediment in runoff before it
existing site conditions and proposed grading. discharges offsite.
• Identify any and all constructed or natural
drainage systems in and/or near your construction Preserve vegetation and cover soils
site. • Keep soils stabilized with preserved vegeta-
• Identify measures to physically protect areas tion to prevent erosion.
where ground disturbance is prohibited (wetlands, • Provide temporary cover to exposed soils
waterways, etc.) with straw, mulch, mats, blankets or plastic sheet-
• Identify Best Management Practices (BMPs) to ing with anchors.
minimize erosive processes and sediment transport • Establish permanent vegetation/cover as
from exposed soils. soon as possible after earthwork activities are

Control runoff during construction

• Divert runoff from exposed soil using diver-
sion dikes and ditches, diversion swales lined
with grass, berms of soil or rock, or pipe drainage
• Reduce the speed of runoff by planting
exposed soils and ditches, roughening surfaces or
installing check dams such as rocks, bio bags, and/
or sandbags.

Keep concrete and mortar out of
storm drains
• Use designated wash-out areas to keep wash-water from
entering the storm drain system.
• When building concrete aggregate driveways, wash fines
to the side and collect them for disposal in garbage. Never wash
them down the driveway.
• Never wash fresh concrete or mortar into a stream, storm
drain or public right of way - which includes the vegetated strip
between the curb and sidewalk.

Keep work areas clean

• Clean up wastes and litter at the work site each day.
• Sweep surfaces that drain to the storm drain system and
dispose of sweepings properly.
Muddy truck tires can carry soil into the street next to your
site, where it will wash into local storm drains. Clearing
• When sand-blasting a building, cover the ground with a
your site during the dry months eliminates this messy
tarp to catch the chips and protect nearby inlets to prevent de-
bris from entering there too.
• Maintain construction equipment and vehicles regularly to
help prevent oil and fuel leaks.
• When transporting saturated soils and other materials
from the site, use water-tight trucks with covers or decant water
on-site before hauling.
• Cover potentially polluting materials including waste con-
tainers, chemicals, paints and solvents, stockpiles of lumber, build-
ing materials, metal products, and/or landscaping materials.

Prepare for and clean up spills For more information

• Prepare a spill response plan which includes contact Public Works, Erosion Prevention Program
names and phone numbers, clean-up instructions, and locations Offices: 99 West 10th Avenue in the Atrium Building
of spill containment and clean-up devices. Online materials:
• Immediately stop the source of any spill. Cover the spill Call our office between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.
with absorbent material such as vermiculite, cat litter or saw- Monday through Friday at 541-682-8498
dust. Absorbents used to clean a hazardous spill must be dis-
posed of as a hazardous waste.

March 2016

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