A.1 Site Development Including Minor Excavation: Batching and Crushing Plant
A.1 Site Development Including Minor Excavation: Batching and Crushing Plant
A.1 Site Development Including Minor Excavation: Batching and Crushing Plant
B.Operation/Implementation Phase
B.1 Delivery and transfer of aggregates/concrete) to Project Site
Potential spillage of raw • Trucks are fully covered with 100% no
materials from trucks canvass or tarpaulin spillage of raw
Generation of dust • Trucks are fully covered with
canvass or tarpaulin
B.2 Operation of the crushing and batching (aggregates/concrete) plant
(ie. crushers, screens)
Degradation of air • Use of the following: 100% compliant
quality due to generation to RA 8749
x Cyclone dust collector
of particulates
Bag filters (e.g. nomex, aramid
fibers etc. )
• Provision of closed loop silo or silo
connected to dust collector with
fabric filters to avoid escape of
cement particles
• Proper perimeter fencing sufficient
enough to prevent dust dispersion
or dust liberation to nearby
Generation of noise from • Provision of enclosures or muffling 100% within
equipments (crushers, devices on engines and equipments noise standards
screens etc.) • Use of sound absorbing liners (e.g.
• Daytime operation only, or secure
permit/clearance from concerned
LGU if operating at nightime